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Belgrade Media Report 26 January 2021


Selakovic on Serbia’s foreign policy positions (Politika

Serbia’s foreign policy positions are understandably adjusting to the new international circumstances, but its foreign policy priorities have been unchanged for some time now, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told Politika. “The first and the most important interest is to preserve good neighborly relations, peace and stability in the region and the finding of a peaceful and just solution for the problems in Kosovo and Metohija,” Selakovic said. “Our lasting interests is also full EU membership because this a type of society to which we aspire. On the bilateral plane, we aim to strengthen ties with the traditional friends – the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China, as well as building of new partnership relations with the US. One of the most crucial foreign policy’s tasks was to improve the situation and protect the Serbs’ rights and identity in the region and support the diaspora. All that are very important and very often complementary goals,” said Selakovic. Asked what kind of relations he expected Serbia to have with the new US administration, Selakovic said it was too soon to speculate about that. “The new Washington administration is currently pre-occupied with domestic issues, which will be so for some time. Some people in President Joseph Biden’s team have dealt with our region, and the Balkans and Serbia will probably be in the focus of American foreign policy at some point,” Selakovic said. Asked about relations with Moscow, Brussels and Beijing, he says: “Russia is our traditional friend, and this friendship goes beyond mere political ties. At issue are deep spiritual, cultural and civilizational bonds and it is natural that we have mutual interest to improve these ties, even though they are at a very high level. With the People’s Republic of China, we have a relationship that is based on, apart from the sincere steel friendship of our peoples and high political representatives, deep trust and mutual support. Serbia is strategically determined for full EU membership and this is known to all our friends, but it doesn’t forget friendships but strengthens and improves them, and treats everyone sincerely, without hiding its intentions. In that sense, we are not asking any exclusive status for ourselves, but only the right to freely and sovereignly pass decisions on our future and on relations with all those who respect us,” said Selakovic.

Selakovic: Serbia needs OSCE’s support in rule of law (Beta

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Monday that the OSCE Mission’s support was very important to Serbia in the judiciary and rule of law, freedom of the media and expression, democratization and human and minority rights, including the finding of a lasting

solution for the return of refugees and internally displaced persons through institutional initiatives. Selakovic talked with the new Head of the OSCE Mission Jan Braathu, whom he told that Serbia highly appreciated and supported the Mission’s work and had partnership cooperation with the Mission based on mutual understanding, the Foreign Ministry said in a press release. “We are interested in cooperation and partnership with the OSCE Mission on Serbia's reform path, with which we share the same agenda,” Selakovic added.

Gratitude to Slovakia’s consistent and principled position regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija (RTV

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Monday with Slovak Ambassador to Serbia Fedor Rosocha, and they acknowledged during talks that relations between Serbia and Slovakia are traditionally good and friendly, without open issues. Selakovic voiced special gratitude to Slovakia’s consistent and principled position regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, underlining that Serbia was dedicated to normalization of relations with Pristina, and that this meant reaching a compromise solution that would be sustainable and acceptable for both sides, the Foreign Ministry stated. Selakovic announced the visit of his Slovak counterpart Igor Korcok for the first half of this year and reminded of “the open invitation” to the President of Slovakia Zuzana Caputova to visit Serbia.

Fajon: Dacic requested my exemption from inter-party dialogue (Nova S/Beta

Chair of the European Parliament Delegation to EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee Tanja Fajon has confirmed that official Belgrade has requested her exemption from the inter-party dialogue, saying it is unacceptable for Brussels as the EU has clear representation rules. Fajon told Nova S TV that more details about the resumption of the dialogue would be known on 28 January, after talks between Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic and EU representative David McAllister. “I did not hear this from President Vucic, but McAllister has told me about his meeting with Dacic, who requested my exemption from the dialogue. It is unacceptable for us as the EU and the European Parliament have internal rules on representation,” she said. Fajon recalled that the EU had not set any conditions in relation to who from Serbia should be sitting at the negotiating table. Asked why her participation was an issue for the Serbian authorities, Fajon replied that she was not aware of any concrete reason. “Possibly, because I am a Social Democrat, possibly because I have criticized, using arguments, some things in Serbia. Maybe, some think that I represent some part of the opposition. I am sorry that my statements have been understood in Serbia that way, but I am simply used to the fact that politicians use my name in different ways. That seems to be a part of political culture in Serbia, but not only there, here in Slovenia as well,” Fajon noted.

ICG: All parties to seek mutual recognition between Serbia, Kosovo (RFE/Beta

All parties involved in a dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo should seek an agreement leading to mutual recognition between the two countries, and EU members should signal support to any agreement consistent with the international law and human rights, the International Crisis Group (ICG) said in its new report, Relaunching the Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue, released on Monday. With a note that efforts to resolve the long-standing dispute have foundered, the ICG argues that EU-led talks might have resolved some technical issues, but essential political questions remained unaddressed, the Radio Free Europe reported. The think tank also said that Washington’s mediation effort also fell apart, as the then Kosovo president, Hashim Thaci, had been charged with war crimes three days ahead of a meeting at the White House. “Until the dispute is resolved, both parties will be barred from the EU, and Kosovo from the UN, and NATO as well,” the international non-governmental initiative for conflict resolution recalls.



Izetbegovic: I am no enemy of Serbs, but of policies against B&H and Bosniaks (Hayat)

President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic wrote on his official Facebook profile on Monday, following many reactions that were caused by his recent statement made about good and bad people, which was interpreted as him saying Serbs are bad people. He stated that he is not the enemy of Serb people, but of policies working against Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Bosniaks. Izetbegovic said that he is used to the fact that politicians and certain media from Serbia and Republika Srpska (RS) misinterpret and take his statements out of context. He added that this is being done in order to present him as the enemy of the Serb people. Izetbegovic invited Serb leaders, primarily President of SNSD Milorad Dodik, to recognize the genocide against Bosniaks, to apologize in the name of Serb people and stop glorifying war criminals. He also called him to apologize for naming the student center in Pale by first RS President and convicted war criminal Radovan Karadzic and for the awarding of other war criminals in the past. Izetbegovic highlighted that Dodik needs to stop insulting Bosniaks and everyone else who disagrees with him in a chauvinist way, including Serbs who do not support Dodik’s policy.

OSCE Mission to B&H: Zero tolerance towards negative rhetoric, hate speech in public, private area in B&H (Srna/ATV)

In a statement for Srna , the OSCE Mission to B&H called for zero tolerance towards negative rhetoric, political manipulation, hate speech and provocations in the public and in the private area in B&H. According to ATV, the statement refers to the recent statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic.

Russian Embassy to B&H reacts to statement of Izetbegovic on Serb people (ATV


The Russian Embassy to B&H commented on the latest statement of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic on the Serb people in B&H as a bad people. The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that fierce discussions, harsh condemnation and labeling negatively influence on ethnic reconciliation in B&H. The Embassy called on everyone to refrain from presenting opinion that may be ambiguously interpreted even during heated discussions.

B&H CEC receives 11 appeals against decisions on elections in Srebrenica and Doboj and decision on mandate of Head of Travnik Municipality (O kanal)

The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) confirmed on Monday that it received 11 appeals against the decisions on annulling the local elections in Srebrenica and Doboj, and the decision on impossibility of taking over the mandate of the Head of Travnik Municipality. The appeals against the decision on annulling the elections in Srebrenica were submitted by the Initiative ‘Moja Adresa: Srebrenica’ (‘My Address: Srebrenica’) and the Coalition ‘Zajedno za Srebrenicu’ (‘Together for Srebrenica’). Eight appeals were filed against the decision pertaining to the elections in Doboj, and the political entities that signed the appeals are SNSD, SP RS, SDS, DNS, Coalition ‘Doboj u Srcu’, PDP, People’s Movement ‘Banja Luka Zove’, DEMOS, and Prva SDS. Only HDZ B&H appealed against the decision regarding Travnik. According to the provisions of the Election Law of B&H, the CEC is obliged to take a stance on all of the appeals and submit the documentation on it to the Court of B&H, which is then required to pass a decision within a three-day deadline.

B&H CEC calls on Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to launch criminal procedure regarding offenses made to CEC member Bjelica-Prutina (O kanal)

The B&H CEC called on the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Monday to act in line with the Criminal Code of B&H and launch a criminal procedure in the case of offenses made to CEC member Vanja Bjelica-Prutina. Namely, Bjelica-Prutina has faced repeated offenses by Chairman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, after she voted for the CEC’s decisions on annulling the local elections in Doboj and Srebrenica. Dodik’s offenses caused numerous reactions of citizens, opposition politicians from Republika Srpska, as well as of international institutions.

DF suspends its further activities within ‘Coalition for Mostar’ (FTV)

Chairman of the DF Board in Mostar Ahmed Dzubur confirmed to FTV on Monday that DF has left ‘Coalition for Mostar’. Dzubur specified that DF decided to undertake this move, due to numerous media statements and attacks against the DF leadership, which – among others – come from “one of the five political parties from the Coalition”. Dzubur did not specify which party from the coalition has been attacking the DF leadership. “Election of the Mayor (of Mostar) is probably a delicate issue. We saw that this has crossed every boundary and we have decided to suspend these talks until further notice, given that we cannot sit together at the same table with representatives of those political options that are trying to react towards the leadership of my party. The upcoming election of the Mayor is probably the underlying reason for all that”, he said. Hayat reported that DF suspended the participation in the work of the ‘Coalition for Mostar’ because of inappropriate reactions of certain political subjects regarding President of DF Zeljko Komsic. Dzubur said that DF will continue to support the proposal of SDA’s Zlatko Guzin for the post of Mayor of Mostar. He stressed that DF will demand explanations from coalition partners whether they support inappropriate statements made about Komsic. Dzubur also explained that the decision whether DF will remain part of the coalition in Mostar will be made by higher party institutions.

AFET discusses 2019-2020 EC Reports on B&H (BHT1)

The European Parliament's (EP) Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) discussed on Monday the 2019-2020 European Commission (EC) Reports on B&H. EP’s Special Rapporteur for B&H Paulo Rangel presented a report in which B&H authorities are called for constitutional reforms, more decisive fight against corruption and the investigation in allegations on election irregularities. Rangel stated that the EU has responsibility to help B&H control the migrant crisis. “I must say I disagree with some of the EU’ reactions, because we need to offer more support to B&H authorities. There were certainly some mistakes and they have not done everything they could. It is very difficult to cope with that situation in the circumstances of the pandemic, which is why they need to be offered support both logistically and financially more than it was the case before,” Rangel stressed.

USA assist strengthening of allies in the region; Production of helicopters for B&H Armed Force starts in ‘Bell’ factory in USA (Dnevni avaz)

Chief of Joint Staff of B&H Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Senad Masovic confirmed to the daily that production of helicopters ‘Huey II’ for B&H Armed Forces, started in the US factory ‘Bell’. These aircraft are worth USD 38.5 million and part of the procurement is financed by the US, while B&H provided USD 4.36 million. Masovic stressed that financial structure is completed and delivery of the helicopters will depend of the producer. Further on, Masovic announced project which will result in delivery of 28 multipurpose, military vehicles ‘Humvee’, part of which will be armored. The daily noted that delivery of new helicopters is stipulated by the agreement, signed in December 2019 by Defense Minister Marina Pendes and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson. The approved funds will include payments for training of pilots and technicians, delivery of reserve parts and consumables for period of two years. The daily noted that new aircrafts should replace the old and outdated Russian ones and enable easier air transport. “The US State Department builds enduring security partnerships worldwide to advance US national security objectives and to empower Allies and partners to collectively deter aggression, reduce threats, sustain favorable regional strategic balances, and enhance burden sharing. The Department also promotes international US defense sales and encourages European partners and NATO Allies to modernize their militaries by building NATO interoperable forces and removing Russian and Soviet-legacy equipment from their force structure” reads the statement of State Department’s Bureau of Political- Military Affairs. Inset ‘Transition away from Russian and Soviet equipment’- reads that funds for procurement of helicopters were provided for other countries as well (Albania, Slovakia, Lithuania), while Croatia, Greece and North Macedonia received funds for procurement of combat vehicles. “The availability of these funds is contingent upon partner country investments, demonstrated political will to divest of Russian and Soviet-legacy equipment, and a commitment to cease future purchases of Russian military equipment,” reads the statement.


There will be someone to welcome Ana Brnabic (MINA)

There is someone to welcome the Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Montenegro, but the question is whether she will find time to come, the Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said and added that the Government will not give up trying to normalize relations with Serbia. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said earlier that Brnabic could not go to Montenegro, because, as he stated, there was no one to welcome her. Krivokapic told MINA that the issue was not who would welcome the Prime Minister of Serbia. "But will she find time to come and greet all those who would like to see her in Montenegro, because she is the Prime Minister of fraternal and neighboring Serbia," Krivokapic said. According to him, the citizens of Serbia and Montenegro want relations to normalize. "Our people should not be faced with problems in the form of technical issues of whether the prime minister will be welcomed by the charge d'affaires or the ambassador. And in that formal sense, there is someone to welcome her," Krivokapic said. He pointed out that the invitation is still open "for our closest neighbors, with whom we share love and care for our citizens, whether they live in Serbia or Montenegro."


Vasilevska: Census law was adopted without political consensus, it shouldn’t be a political but a statistical operation (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE MP Ivanka Vasilevska stressed Monday that the census was passes in Parliament without the necessary political consensus and contrary to all false declarations made by the ruling majority. Vasilevska says that the law has been forced, above all, leaving a strong suspicion in the society that the census is planned to be conducted as a political operation instead of a statistical one. “Although it was and still is clearly indicated by VMRO-DPMNE that Macedonia must conduct a census in order to be able to plan policies in the country based on real data, the government decided to conduct the whole process from creating a legal solution to closing census results alone, without opposition,” she said. She said that VMRO-DPMNE’s group in Parliament clearly stands behind the need for a census in Macedonia, but as a statistical, not a political operation.

Grubi: Census to show percentage of Albanians, there is no political agreement (Republika)

The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System Artan Grubi said that regarding the census there is absolutely no political agreement on any numbers between SDSM and DUI or between Ali Ahmeti and Zoran Zaev. According to Grubi, the dual signature is not a politicization of the census at all. “The percentage of Albanians will be shown by the census, which I hope will run in the best possible way, and all political parties represented in the Parliament, except one, are a guarantee for that. I am convinced that the citizens will respond to this challenge because we need the results to create developing policies,” said Grubi.

Medziti: There is no need for dilemmas, Albanians will be over 25 percent in the census (Republika)

DUI Vice President and coordinator of the party’s group in parliament Izet Medziti says that there are no dilemmas about the number of Albanians, they will be over 25 percent in the census. According to the number of students, according to birth rate and many factors, Albanians will be over 25 percent. All indicators say that Albanians are more than they were at the last census. There is no need for such dilemmas. The census is a statistical operation, so the number in our country should be determined and it is good for the next strategies and development to have an accurate number either for economic parameters or for another needs, says Medziti. Earlier, DUI’s Arbr Ademi said he would not recognize the census if Albanians were below 20 percent.


CEC signed agreement for preventing use of hate speech during 2021 election campaign (Radio Tirana)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) signed agreement for preventing the use of hate speech during the 2021 election campaign. The State Election Commissioner Ilirjan Celibashi and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination Robert Gajda have signed joint recommendations for preventing the use of hate speech during the 2021 election campaign. They recommend that political parties and candidates, as well as the people who work for them, in their programs and campaigns, reject, use or support a language that could be considered hate speech. Celibashi and Gajda signed the joint recommendations for preventing the use of hate speech during the 2021 election campaign. The CEC and the Commissioner for Protection against Discrimination recommend that political parties and candidates, as well as the people who work for them, in their programs and campaigns, reject, use or support a language that can be considered a a hate speech. Electoral subjects must refuse, use discriminatory language or propose discriminatory policies and laws. It is recommended that political parties and candidates, as well as the people who work for them, treat responsibly and fairly sensitive topics related to groups identified by common and protected personal characteristics, to avoid stigmatizing them. Political parties should also consider implementing practices and policies to achieve in their voter lists a representation that reflects the diversity of people in society, at all levels, even in cases where there is a lack of a legal obligation to do so. The CEC and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination seek the cooperation of media outlets to refuse the support of political parties or candidates who use discriminatory and hated speech.