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Belgrade Media Report 28 January 2021


Dacic: Serbia and the US have not “swept under the carpet” differences around Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/RTV/Tanjug

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic addressed the conference on the Serbian Citizens’ attitude towards the United States, stressing that relations between Serbia and the United States have experienced a great positive trend in recent years and though the two countries have not “swept under the carpet” some of their differences, especially around Kosovo and Metohija, they have moved on. Dacic said that Serbia expects the new US President Biden and the new US administration would use the mutual relations’ upward trend and, for their part, continue to enrich it with new types of cooperation. At the conference/presentation of the findings of the poll on the attitude of the Serbian citizens towards the United States, Dacic said that the two countries have moved on, holding on to what unites them, not what separates them. “Is there any better confirmation than the words of President Biden, then US Vice President, in Belgrade four years ago, that Serbia is a key political and economic cornerstone for the entire region and that Serbia’s leadership is extremely important for this part of Europe. Is there a better confirmation of our new relations than the visit of President Vucic to Washington, his talks with the then President Trump and a series of good agreements concluded during the visit,” Dacic said, adding that Serbia and America are on the right track to completely renew relations, partnerships and friendships, the way they were in the greatest period of their common history. “That history is 140 years long. We need to remind ourselves of that, especially today, when Serbia and the United States have stepped out of the period of mutual conflict and se one another as a true partner,” said Dacic. Dacic said that building mutual respect was not an easy job of which he has first-hand experience, because he participated in it as Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior and as head of diplomacy. “The governments of Serbia and the United States made great efforts to return their countries’ relations to the level they had for the most part of their common history. I participated in that process myself. I find it especially important to work together to nurture, and sometimes reclaim from oblivion, the events from our glorious common past when stood side by side in the fight for a free and democratic world in both world wars,” Dacic reminded the attending. He said that looking to the past is important, but we should first of all deal with the future, and the survey on the citizens’ attitude towards the US provides an excellent insight into the mood of citizens. “We have seen that a huge percentage, almost half of the surveyed citizens, expect the relations between Serbia and America to continue to improve in the next five to ten years and they expect them to be the best, friendly, at the level they were during the First and Second World War,” Dacic remarked. He added that it is especially important, and it speaks of the support of the policy Serbia has been pursuing for years, that America is expected to support our country in the field of economy - its development, increase of trade, technological progress.

“These are more than clear guidelines for the way we should pursue our relations in the coming years and they completely coincide with the policy pursued by both governments, both in Belgrade and in Washington,” said Dacic.

Mihajlovic: For strategic partnership and office with the United States (Tanjug/RTV

Serbian Minister for Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic attended today in the Serbian parliament a presentation of the research “Attitude of Serbian citizens towards the USA”, organized by the Serbian-American Friendship Congress. Mihajlovic, who is also co-chair of the Advisory Board of the Congress, pointed out on this occasion that this research is different from all previous ones, because we are all here because of citizens and everything the state does through bilateral political and economic relations can be seen in the opinion of citizens. She stated that a lot has changed in Serbia in the previous period and that today Serbia is a politically stable and economically much stronger country, open to investments and cooperation. She mentioned that we have signed several agreements with the US, in infrastructure and realization of investments, adding that it is extremely important that we should have a special document on strategic partnership with the US. We have such an agreement with the Russian Federation, China, Italy, France, Azerbaijan, the UAE, and there is no reason not to have it with the United States, because it is an umbrella document that will help us raise relations to a higher level. I agree with the views of the citizens that we need a special office for better relations with the United States, so that these relations will be even better and more successful in the next 140 years, she pointed out. US Deputy Ambassador to Serbia Gabriel Escobar stated that for them Serbia is an important country and partner. Our policy is to continue to deepen relations with Serbia at all levels, not just economic. Serbia is an important country and partner for us, we have always had good historical relations. It is important that we continue to improve them. I express my thanks to the Deputy Prime Minister and MP Marinkovic for the opportunity to participate in this event today, Escobar said. MP and one of the founders of the Congress of Serbian-American Friendship Vladimir Marinkovic stated that this is a large research conducted in December last year. The parliament, as well as the President of Serbia and the government of Serbia, want to further improve bilateral relations with the United States. Our ultimate goal is to create a strategic partnership. The signing of the Washington Agreement last year is crucial for our relations. It is encouraging that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken also stated that the new US administration will continue with the implementation of this agreement, Marinkovic underlined.

Drecun: Silly thesis from the West for Serbia to recognize Kosovo in order to prevent creation of Greater Albania (TV Happy/Tanjug/RTV

The Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun assesses the “offer” of the so-called International Crisis Group in regard to the resolution of the Kosovo issue as unrealistic, assessing that it is working to the benefit of the self-declared state of Kosovo. “What was offered is no solution. They made three variants of the agreement, which does not mean at all that it is realistic. The right solution means that both sides can accept it and realize it,” Drecun told TV Happy. He said that Serbia cannot accept what the Albanians and their sponsors in the international community would like, and that is for Serbia to recognize Kosovo and enable it to become a member of the United Nations. “Because once they gain international legal capacity by joining the UN, the path to unification with Albania would be easier for them. If they are truly an independent state, the two states can easily agree to organize a referendum and unite. What would be disputable here,” wondered Drecun. According to him, the thesis coming from the West that Serbia should actually recognize Kosovo in order to prevent the creation of a Greater Albania is unbelievable and silly. “Simly, you can’t believe it. Do they think we’re so politically uneducated or naive to fall for one such thesis?” added Drecun. He sees the biggest problem in the fact that the Albanian political establishment in Kosovo does not have the will for any compromise solution. “Pristina simply does not want it. It cannot create optimism that there will be substantial changes in their position,” concluded Drecun.

Lajcak: Land swap between Kosovo and Serbia would be hazardous (Le Monde/Beta

The exchange of territory between Serbia and Kosovo would be extremely dangerous, EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak told Le Monde on Wednesday. He added that the dialogue was delayed because of Kosovo, but that the EU was glad about the restored crucially important unity towards the Western Balkans between the bloc and the US. He added he saw that people in President Joseph Biden’s administration in charge of the Balkans feel historical responsibility in their country’s political and human engagement in the region. Asked what Serbia could expect after the normalization of relations with Pristina, Lajcak said that both Serbia and Kosovo know that normalization is a precondition, but the EU has promised integration if the criteria are met and the necessary reforms implemented. Lajcak added that the EU persisted on the enlargement, but one should not believe that it will come automatically. The countries in the Western Balkans must convince the Union members with reforms. He said the EU renewed the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue not by starting technical negotiations, but to reach a comprehensive and binding agreement. “No problem should be left aside, as has been the case in the past, such as financial claims or property disputes. Both sides know well what is being negotiated, but, nothing is resolved until everything is resolved,” Lajcak said. The EU special envoy added the dialogue was not possible due to the upcoming elections in Kosovo and said: “We hope we will continue negotiations as soon as a new government is formed.” Asked about the opposition to the exchange of territories between Serbia and Kosovo, Lajcak replied that the region’s countries were against it because they fear that it could cause events beyond any control. Besides, the EU, he added, had invested a lot in the policy of Europeanisation and inclusion of the Balkans in the European family, which meant building multiethnic democratic societies. “The redrawing borders is contrary to that idea and would mean that we have failed,” Lajcak warned. Asked about China’s growing influence in the Balkans, he said the EU is the largest trading partner, the largest investor in the Western Balkans, and provided the most aid. “The countries of that region are harmonizing their systems with European standards, and as long as the European perspective of that area is strong, clear and tangible, we should not get excited… It cannot offer more than us,” the EU special envoy said about China.

Opposition: It's not up to Dacic and Vucic to choose EU delegates for Serbia's government-opposition talks (Beta

In a message for Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic, Party of Freedom and Justice vice-president Borko Stefanovic said on Wednesday that it wouldn't be him, or President Aleksandar Vucic for that matter, to decide who would represent the EU in Serbia's dialogue on national election terms. It was Stefanovic's response to Dacic's words that a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Tanja Fajon, "is not objective," and "has sided with the opposition," which was the reason, as he put it, for a demand that she should be excluded from the government-opposition talks in Serbia. "We do condemn the intent of Ivica Dacic and his chief, Aleksandar Vucic, to prevent MEP Tanja Fajon from taking part in a dialogue between European and Serbian parliamentarians," Stefanovic said. The opposition party official added that Dacic's request was just a follow-up to the strategy of shutting down individuals and politicians saying loud and clear that the authorities in Serbia were no longer on the path to the EU.

Fajon: Situation with Serbia’s inter-party dialogue ‘frustrating’ (FoNet

Co-chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Stabilization and Association of Serbia and the EU Tanja Fajon said on Thursday she and MEP Vladimir Bilcik had a clear mandate and the support of the European Parliament (EP) to be mediators in the inter-party dialogue. At the online session of the Parliamentary Stabilization Committee, Fajon added the somewhat frustrating situation when it comes to inter-party dialogue is perhaps even unacceptable, because she and Bilcik were appointed as the EP’s mediators in both phases of the dialogue, with a clear mandate and support. “I believe the dialogue is useful for Serbia and its European aspirations, we are ready to mediate, and Serbian parliament speaker and members of the parliament have a central role in that process,” Fajon said, adding the time was crucial because elections were announced for spring of 2022.



Dodik: Someone is evidently attempting to disrupt relations between RS and Serbia (RTRS)


SNSD leader and Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik commented the statements that he had met with businessman Miodrag Davidovic in order to overthrow Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Dodik said that it is not true that he met with the Montenegrin businessman and that all these allegations are false. He said that it is evident that someone is attempting to disrupt relations between Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbia. Dodik said “I did not recently meet with businessman Miodrag Davidovic from Montenegro in the ‘Integra’ restaurant in Banja Luka. I have no intention of justifying myself and it is repulsive for me to comment any constructions of that type.” Dodik noted that someone is trying to alienate the RS and Serbian leadership. Dodik said that Vucic has his huge support, that this is his stance which has always been the same and will continue to be in the future. He reiterated that he is thankful to Serbia for all it has done for the RS. He said that Vucic bears merit for all that Serbia has accomplished as a politically and economically stable country which is a strong regional factor. Dodik said that Vucic’s policy has led to changes in Serbia and has strengthened it so that it is able to help the RS. “Serbia and the RS are exposed to many negative tendencies arriving from the West from passionate political elites and a lot of unity will be needed for defense,” Dodik said. Dodik reminded that he was previously tied to stories regarding (Montenegro President) Milo Djukanovic but he voted against the decision of Djukanovic arriving for an official visit to B&H at the time when Djukanovic radically attacked the Serbian Orthodox church and its assets. He said that Djukanovic has been interfering in the RS through intelligence services, especially in Herzegovina where unity with the RS is being disturbed. Dodik said that stories of ‘Russian influence’ are being passed, while Djuakovic is making this theory broader by speaking of ‘Serb influence’. Dodik said that it is absolutely clear that while Serbia and the RS exist, Serb influence will be present, but that Serbs cannot impose the Serb collective consciousness upon anyone. Dodik said that the RS did not have any official meetings with newly elected representatives in Montenegro, that the RS is ready to cooperate, but is not ready to sacrifice its own autonomy subordinating it to requirements of Montenegro.


B&H Court confirms local elections in Srebrenica and Doboj will be repeated, Travnik will have early elections (Nova BH)


The B&H Court confirmed on Wednesday that the local elections in Srebrenica and Doboj will be repeated and that Travnik will have early elections. The Court of B&H thus rejected all appeals filed to the decision of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) to repeat the elections in Srebrenica and Doboj due to election irregularities and to hold early elections in Travnik because of the death of SDA’s Mirsad Peco, who won the post of the Head of Travnik Municipality. B&H CEC President Zeljko Bakalar stated on Wednesday that the CEC now has to set the date of elections in Doboj, Srebrenica and Travnik, adding that early elections in Travnik will most likely be held in April, while the repeated elections in Doboj and Srebrenica will depend on a series of factors such as financing by B&H Council of Ministers

(CoM) and local communities.

Dodik: CEC’s decisions only suit Bosniaks and the RS opposition; Reactions of other RS politicians (FTV)


The decisions of the B&H CEC on annulling the local elections in Srebrenica and Doboj sparked harsh reactions among the RS officials from the ruling majority. Some of the reasons that led to such CEC’s decisions include issues with transfer of ballots, lack of transparency of the elections, and invalid documents used by the voters. Chairman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that such CEC’s decisions only suit Bosniaks and the RS opposition. “Bosniaks only care for their position and disputing the elections in Srebrenica, while the opposition in the RS only care for winning in Doboj. That a is part of their deal,” noted Dodik. He also said that the CEC had not been appointed in accordance with the law and its decisions were illegal. On the other hand, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic assessed that the CEC has finally started doing its job. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic deems that defending what is going on in Doboj is scandalous and unacceptable. Sarovic said that he has said that Dodik should be called to account for his statements as he is speaking of the will of the people, while he is the one who is violating it. He also deems that Dodik is perpetrating serious acts which should be investigated by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H.

B&H parliament Commission for Deciding on Conflict of Interest launches procedure against Covic (FTV)


The B&H Parliament Commission for Deciding on the Conflict of Interest launched a procedure against deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic. The procedure was launched upon the report that was submitted, because the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) led by Covic had reportedly been receiving the funds from the budget intended for rescue operations in cases of earthquakes, floods, and fires. According to the Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), HNS received a total of BAM 16,750 from the budget and used it for organizing the 25th anniversary of the Croat Defense Council (HVO). The procedures for deciding on the conflict of interest have also been launched against Nenad Nesic, Mufid Memija, and Sinisa Gataric. Commenting on these four cases of procedures for deciding on the conflict of interest, Chairwoman of the Commission for Deciding on the Conflict of Interest Mira Pekic (PDP) explained that these four cases were launched two years ago, by the previous convocation of this commission, but that the cases are still at the beginning. Pekic confirmed that the commission has started working on them and will adopt adequate decisions and possible sanctions according to the findings.

Stefanek: Europe wants to discuss possible solutions for migrant crisis with authorities in B&H (O kanal)


Within his visit to B&H, Council of Europe (CoE) Special Representative on Migration and Refugees Drahoslav Stefanek has paid a visit to Una-Sana Canton (USC) and met with representatives of different levels of authorities in B&H to discuss the issue of the migrants.

Stefanek told media in Sarajevo on Wednesday that Europe is observing B&H and wants to discuss possible solutions with the authorities. Stefanek noted that he went to USC to check the situation and he saw difficult living conditions of the migrants there. The CoE Special Representative noted: “I went there to gain a better image of what is happening, not just by looking at the photos at the Internet.” The CoE Special Representative announced that he will present his recommendation for drafting the strategy to manage the crisis after meeting with B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic and B&H Minister of Civil Affairs Ankica Gudeljevic. Stefanek said that he will not specify any details until he completes official meetings with representatives of state-level authorities in B&H, announcing that he will meet with B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Zoran Tegeltija and B&H Minister Cikotic in Sarajevo on Thursday. Stefanek visited the reception centers for migrants in the USC on Monday and held a meeting with representatives of local authorities in Bihac and the USC authorities. They discussed solutions to the current migrant situation through adoption of short-term and long-term measures. Stefanek also plans to visit the reception center for migrants in Usivak in Hadzici near Sarajevo. B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik stated earlier that if they really want to help, the EU officials should consider the option for the EU to accept several thousand migrants on its territory, stressing that no one in B&H invited migrants but the EU was the one who invited them.

RS officials reject Cikotic’s initiative for establishing new agency in charge of migrant crisis (Nezavisne)

B&H Minister of Security Selmo Cikotic launched the initiative to establish a new agency which would deal with the migrant crisis despite the fact that B&H already has the Border Police, Service for Foreigner’s Affairs and an entire Sector for Migration and Asylum within the Ministry of Security. RS MP Commission for Security Ilija Tamindzija stated that no new agencies at the state level are necessary and noted that results of even the existing ones are questionable. He noted that a new agency would only mean new expenses. Head of Serb Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Nenad Stevandic stated that that the Federation of B&H (FB&H) can form its own agency, but there is no reason to do that at the state level. He underlined that all state agencies are inefficient, they only cost money and serve to provide jobs for politically connected people. Former RS Minister of Interior and security expert Radislav Jovicic stated that state-level agencies lack the necessary coordination to successfully deal with the migrant crisis. According to him, B&H is not taking the problem seriously and no new agency will help with this. Jovicic stated that it is necessary to develop a strategic plan and act in cooperation with the EU and other countries. B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for Defense and Security members Marina Pendes, Dusnka Majkic and Barisa Colak also rejected Cikotic’s initiative.


Government issues statement for International Holocaust Remembrance Day (Hina)

The Croatian government this year again joins in the commemoration of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and the horrific genocide in which millions of people were killed is a reminder of the biggest evil that happened in the history of mankind, the Croatian government said in a statement on Wednesday. The liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi concentration camp marked the end of the darkest period in the European and world history, the government’s press office says in the statement. “The unimaginable suffering experienced by the Jewish people is a warning to us all, not only in Croatia but in Europe as well, to strengthen on a daily basis societies that strongly oppose any form of discrimination, exclusiveness and intolerance. Education of our youth must have a key role in that because only the knowledge and awareness of historical horrors, notably the Holocaust, teaches future generations about mutual understanding and respect for diversity, for others and those who are different,” Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said. “On this day, we also member with pride courageous individuals, like 120 Croatian Righteous Among the Nations, who, risking their own life, stood up against injustice and evil to save their fellow men. Those are bright and brave examples from which we must learn in order to prevent extremism and intolerance from prevailing again” the statement said. “Croatia, as a country that  cherishes universal and European values, has been doing its best to preserve the memory of innocent victims and the tragedy of the Jewish people, constantly promoting the freedom and equality of all, human dignity and ethnic equality, which are inviolable civilizational values every modern democratic society is based on.” “On the International Holocaust Remembrance Day we also remember the infamous Ustasha concentration camp of Jasenovac, where thousands of members of the Jewish and other peoples as well as Croatian antifascists and democrats were killed. By cherishing the culture of remembrance and lasting respect that we owe to the victims, the Croatian government is clear about its unambiguous condemnation of the crimes and works with commitment on promoting tolerance in society and mutual respect,” reads the government statement.

Antifascist League and NGOs call for ban on Ustasha insignia (Hina)

The Croatian Antifascist League and a score of civil society organizations urged lawmakers on Wednesday to as soon as possible start the process of adopting a law to ban and criminally prosecute the use of Ustasha insignia, denial of WWII concentration camps and glorification of pro-Nazi Ustasha war criminals. The initiative was launched on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which is observed on 27 January. The organizations demanded that the Ministry of Veterans’ Affairs stop financing the Society for Research of the Threefold Camp Jasenovac, which they claimed denied the war crimes committed by the Ustasha during World War II. It also called on the Zagreb City Assembly to put an inscription on a monument being built in central Zagreb saying “To the victims of the Nazi and Ustasha regime 1941-1945”, in the Latin and Cyrillic alphabets and the Roma and Hebrew languages. They also demanded better education about the Holocaust in schools and urged the government to finance school trips to the Jasenovac Memorial Centre. These and some other demands were read out by Antifascist League president Zoran Pusic at a gathering in Victims of Fascism Square just days after the Jewish Community of Zagreb initiated a discussion on a bill to outlaw Ustasha insignia and glorification of war criminals. The list of demands was signed by about 20 civil society organizations from throughout Croatia, including the Serb National Council, Documenta and Zagreb Pride.


Zaev abolishes history class, returns Serbian language class in Macedonia; Kovatchev expects Zaev to return Bulgarian language too (Republika/BGNES)

Extended his congratulations on the holiday St. Sava to the members of the Serbian community in Macedonia, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced the return of the Serbian language as an optional class in schools in Macedonia. We go one step further and return the curricula for learning the Serbian language and culture, for which the curricula from third to sixth grade have been approved, and the curricula for seventh, eighth and ninth grade are in the process of approval, unlike the time when in 2007, VMRO-DPMNE abolished the possibility for the Serbian language to be taken as an optional class, said Zaev. Zaev also announced the construction of the Serbian Cultural Center in Skopje and the Macedonian Cultural Center in Belgrade. And while the Serbian language is returning as a class, history class is being abolished… Bulgarian MEP Andrey Kovatchev made an ironic and mocking remark regarding the announcement by Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev that students in the country will have the option to learn Serbian language in school, BGNES reported. Will Prime Minister Zaev extend such congratulation to the Bulgarians in Macedonia on the occasion of the Bulgarian holiday? asks the MEP. He also wrote the message that he expects Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev to send to the Bulgarians on the occasion of the National Day of the Bulgarians in the Republic of Macedonia. We go a step further and return the curricula for the Bulgarian language and culture class for which the curricula from third to sixth grade have already been approved, while the curricula for seventh, eighth and ninth grade are in the approval phase – unlike the time when Tito’s Yugoslav Communist Party abolished them in 1944. We remove from the textbooks all the passages in which the Bulgarians and Bulgaria are presented as Tatars-Mongols, occupiers, fascists and enemies of the Macedonians, he wrote mockingly.


Xhacka participates in High Level Commitment Conference for the United Nations Peace building Fund (Radio Tirana)


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka participated in the High Level Commitment Conference for the United Nations Peace building Fund. At the virtual meeting, top diplomats from 60 countries, including the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Canada and others, expressed their commitment to support the fund and peace-building initiatives. Xhacka praised the report of the UN Secretary General on peacebuilding, while emphasizing that it relies on cooperation with the UN in providing guidance and strategic support to promote Albania's achievement in the Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. "Multilateral approach, based on rules, for conflict prevention and peace building is one of the main priorities of Albania as a candidate for a non-permanent seat in the UN Security Council for 2022-2023", stressed Minister Xhacka in her speech. She assured the UN High Representative that Albania strongly supports all efforts to prevent conflict and build peace and values ​​the fund as an essential instrument for peace and security.