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Belgrade Media Report 17 February 2021


Serbia will be exposed to pressure, again; I would always choose Angela Merkel (Bild/Tanjug/B92

In an interview with the German daily Bild, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that it is necessary to find a compromise solution to the Kosovo issue.He said that we are working hard on that issue, and that based on what he sees today, especially after the newly elected US President, Joseph Biden, took office, there will be pressure only on Serbia again. Vucic replied to the statement that Serbia can join the EU only together with the neighboring state of Kosovo, which it does not recognize, and the question of when that will change: “You say it’s a neighboring country, we don't. It's a matter of the EU's vision and condition. We see it differently. Yes, and we have to find a compromise with Pristina and work hard on it. For you, it's something that's been done since 2008. But for us it is not so, of course. For Madrid, Athens, Nicosia, Bratislava, it is also not so clear, they do not recognize Pristina.” Asked what that compromise might look like, Vucic said that he was worried, because, according to what he sees today, and especially after the inauguration of US President Joseph Biden, only Serbia will be pressured again. “I am just worried. If we want to maintain peace, if we want more investors to come from Germany, then we need sustainable solutions. I do not believe in frozen conflicts, unlike most people here, because there is always a danger that one day someone will come and unfreeze them,” the President of Serbia emphasized.

We need to talk to everyone 

When asked with whom it is easier for him to negotiate - with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Chinese President Xi Jinping, or French President Emmanuel Macron, or German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Vucic underlined that he must talk to everyone and that they also talk between themselves. “Why can you talk to Russia about the North Stream, why can you talk to China about their factories and companies? Why would you be the only ones who have that right?” Vucic asked.

Merkel has secured peace 

During the interview, he expressed his desire to say something about Chancellor Merkel, since she is leaving politics at the end of the week. “Honestly, I think all the best about her and I want to say that now. She saved us in 2015, ensured peace here. We do not share same opinions always, for example when it comes to Kosovo. But she always has time to listen to us, showing respect for our country,” he said. Asked who will lead Europe after Merkel, Vucic said that, when it comes to countries, Germany and France will do it, and when it comes to personal solutions, he does not know, he says, whether it will be Armin Laschet or Marcus Seder. “However, without any intention to offend Seder and Laschet - I would always choose Angela Merkel. She is rather complicated person, but I am really very fond of her,” Vucic said.

Vucic with Slutsky: Friendly relations proven in various challenges (RTV/Tanjug

The friendly relations between Serbia and Russia are proven in various challenges, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said during Wednesday’s meeting with Leonid Slutsky, Chair of the Russian State Duma’s Committee on International Affairs, reiterating great gratitude to Russia for shipments of Sputnik V vaccines and for Moscow’s support for Serbia’s territorial integrity.

Vucic noted that every meeting with a Russian official reaffirmed the high level of mutual understanding and trust that existed in the relations between Serbia and Russia, the presidential press office said in a statement. He thanked Russia for its firm and active support in the defense of Serbia’s territorial integrity, independence and state and national interests. Slutsky said Moscow was proud of the closest possible relations between the two countries, also reaffirmed by frequent high-level contacts. He said he was pleased with the progress in the economic cooperation between Serbia and Russia, and noted that he was glad that joint infrastructure projects, such as a Stara Pazova-Novi Sad rail line, as well as projects in the energy sector, such as a gas pipeline spanning from the Bulgarian to the Hungarian border, were contributing to Serbia’s economic progress.

Brnabic: Kurti’s statements unsurprising but regrettable (Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Tuesday statements by Kosovo politician Albin Kurti, the Self-Determination party’s candidate for prime minister of Kosovo, that dialogue with Belgrade is no priority for him were unsurprising but regrettable. “That is regrettable and points to the non-seriousness of the Pristina political elites. I believe dialogue is the only way to an agreement on normalization of relations between the two sides and to progress and stability,” Brnabic told a press conference in the Serbian government building. “Pristina has no particular prospects without that dialogue anyway, because more than half of countries in the world have not recognized the so-called independent Kosovo,” she said. Commenting on Kurti’s call for greater US involvement in the dialogue and a bolstered transatlantic perspective, Brnabic recalled that he had initially opposed the Washington agreement. “But that, too, speaks of the commitment or seriousness of Pristina politicians. Unlike them, we do not make conflicting statements every few days,” she said.

Lajcak: It is absolutely possible to find a solution for Kosovo (Danas

The EU Special Representative for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak stated that the EU is convinced that comprehensive normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is absolutely possible. “It is in their interest, in the interest of the whole region, and, of course, in the interest of the EU, too,” he told Danas today, when asked what they would do if there was no compromise on the issue. Lajcak stated that the EU and US have a long and productive history of close cooperation in the Western Balkans, and in the process of normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. “This cooperation has brought tangible positive results in recent years, and I am in frequent contact with my American colleagues, in order to prepare a joint strategy and joint activities, and we are looking forward to renewed closer transatlantic cooperation,” Lajcak said. Asked when the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina could continue, bearing in mind that previous governments in Kosovo were not formed quickly or easily, he said that he thought it is not wise to ‘fix’ the date. “The EU message is clear: We are ready to resume the dialogue where we left off in December as soon as the new government takes office. I am also ready to travel to this region and meet with my negotiators as soon as conditions allow. The EU is clear - there is no other way but dialogue on the European path of Serbia and Kosovo. Therefore, the continuation of this dialogue without unnecessary delays is in everyone's interest,” Lajcak concluded.



Mostar Mayor Kordic: Mostar was never a ‘case city’ but it was somewhat of a victim of experiments conducted by international community (O kanal)

Mario Kordic was elected on Monday a new Mayor of Mostar. O Kanal reports that Kordic is aware of the challenges ahead of him, but will insist on resolving the issues and one of the priorities will be ‘Uborak’ landfill, noting that whether it is realistic to talk about the prompt closing down of the landfill, I think it is not. “I personally view this as another opportunity to maybe do something for our local community, to improve the situation for the people, to live together. I am part of this city, my children are here and we are planning to stay here, so I think it would perhaps be irresponsible from me not to take the opportunity to do better,” said Kordic.

Asked whether it is time for Mostar to stop being a ‘case city’ and to be just a city, Kordic said that Mostar was never a ‘case city’ but it was somewhat of a victim of experiments conducted by the international community. He said that the politicians forgot that actual people live in the city and that certain rules on the election process were imposed. Kordic said that the whole Council will work on revising and assessing projects necessary for the city and they will be realized in accordance with the budget of the city. Asked whether certain cuts will be made in the City Administration where currently 518 people are employed, Kordic said that the current city administration is too big for a city like Mostar. He added that cuts will be made by requesting responsibility in conducting one’s job in the city administration.

Izetbegovic: Irma Baralija betrayed Mostar (Hayat)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, asked to comment on the process of election of new Mostar Mayor, said that for SDA, the process related to Mostar had been lasting for a decade. "For a very long time, we had been moving closer, together with HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), to a solution which would offer a chance to the pro-Bosnian forces to finally elect a mayor, and if it was not for our persistence, primarily of the people from Mostar headed by Salem Maric, if it was not for the international community, and if I had not put an additional element on the table that we would discuss the Election Law, which HDZ B&H is most interested in discussing, there would be no elections in Mostar. That was a huge effort which now, unfortunately, ended badly" Izetbegovic said. He noted that he did not want to react to the claims that Our Party's (NS) Irma Baralija brought the elections to Mostar. "Of course, that she did not. This persistence of SDA, until we came up with a model that would enable us to have 18 votes, we did not want to agree to it. Irma Baralija, unfortunately, betrayed Mostar. She betrayed the patriotic part of Mostar that suffered in the time of the aggression, destruction of Mostar, the part that was taken to concentration camps and so on", Izetbegovic underlined. He stressed that NS is not at all naive and that it perfectly well knows what HDZ B&H did both in the war and after the war and what it is doing now and what kind of blockades it is causing and how HDZ B&H is suffocating civic parties through the House of Peoples (HoP) and holding them back. "They very well knew, the two of them, Boska Cavar and Baralija, what will happen if they do not vote or if one of them does not vote, that HDZ B&H's rule in Mostar will continue", Izetbegovic stressed. Asked whether he believes NS and HDZ B&H had an agreement which ultimately led to HDZ B&H's Mario Kordic being elected the Mostar Mayor, Izetbegovic said that NS very well knows what it did, noting that he would not dare speculate as to whether there was an agreement between HDZ B&H and NS and whether BH Bloc was honest when it proposed the model of "rotating mayor" in Mostar to him. "NS leader Predrag Kojovic seemed honest to me, but I do not know whether perhaps he was unable to control his members in the Mostar City Council, Cavar and Baralija," Izetbegovic stated. Izetbegovic stressed that parties that were formed by former SDA members, such as People and Justice (NiP), and left-wing parties have created a group of parties that are against SDA. "When you look at what they did in Srebrenica, when you look at how NiP made it easy for HDZ B&H to elect a mayor in Novi Travnik and tried to help it in Jajce, how they helped Fikret Abdic to remain in power in Velika Kladusa, how they dragged HDZ B&H into power in Tuzla... You see that they actually decided to fight against SDA and not against those that are realistically the problem in this country - against HDZ B&H and SNSD," Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic stressed that he believes that people are finally being unmasked, calling on the citizens of B&H not to fall prey to spins.

International community congratulates formation of Mostar city leadership (O kanal)

The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement on Tuesday, congratulating newly elected Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic, President of the Mostar City Council Salem Maric and councilors of the City Council on the successful implementation of local elections in Mostar. “We hope that the new city leadership will work with the spirit of cooperation and in the interest of the citizens,” stated the US Embassy. The OSCE Mission to B&H congratulated Kordic for his election to the post of the Mostar Mayor, noting that “Mostar citizens have high expectations and deserve the new leadership that will foster constructive dialogue and address the most pressing issues, for the benefit of all”.  EU Special Representative to B&H Johann Sattler congratulated newly elected Mayor of Mostar Mario Kordic and the newly formed leadership of the Mostar City Council. He stressed that this is an opportunity to turn a page and work constructively with all 34 councilors to improve the functioning of the city and meet the expectations of its citizens. High Representative Valentin Inzko congratulated Mario Kordic for his election to the post of the Mostar Mayor.  “I implore the new Mayor and the new City Council not to waste a single day and start working on resolving various issues that burden each and every citizen of Mostar. In this regard, all parties in the City Council should strive towards cooperation as much as possible. You have a huge responsibility and a long list of priorities ahead of you to create a prosperous future for Mostar and to harness all of its potential to make it an economically dynamic city,” Inzko said.

Izetbegovic: Look at all the things that Serbia is doing so that Serbs who moved out of Srebrenica voted in Srebrenica (Hayat)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, asked to comment on the fact that pro-Bosnian parties announced that they will boycott the repeat elections in Srebrenica and whether SDP B&H can be held responsible for what we have now in Srebrenica as a result of certain manipulations, stated that SDP B&H bears responsibility for persistently rejecting the patriotic bloc, i.e. SDA and other patriotic parties, and not wanting to take part in the elections in Republika Srpska (RS), not only in Srebrenica, together with the patriotic bloc. "Then, there is the Law on Residence which degraded the position of returnees which was adopted by SNSD and SDP B&H. I hope that they will finally change their attitude after this high treason that they committed in Srebrenica, that they will change their attitude toward that entire issue. Problem is in the votes coming from abroad this time, but also earlier. Look at all the things that Serbia is doing so that Serbs who moved out of Srebrenica voted in Srebrenica on that day. Serbia, a neighboring country. B&H is doing almost nothing. I had faith in this Central Election Commission (CEC), with the change of composition, that it would be better. It is as if the state of B&H is not interested in delivering ballots to the Srebrenica citizens who were expelled, who escaped the massacre and who have the right to vote on time, to provide them with a long enough deadline for all of that to arrive. That needs to be organized better and of course seek justice before courts. That is why we have courts, the Constitutional Court (CC) and everything else that (representative of the Initiative 'My Address: Srebrenica' Hamdija) Fejzic is mentioning", Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic stressed that SDA will support everything that will be agreed by Bosniak political representatives in Srebrenica at Thursday's meeting in Srebrenica. "We will strongly support everything they agree together, everything in which they are united, even a boycott and leaving the Municipal Council," Izetbegovic underlined. Asked whether he expects certain steps forward when it comes to the formation of new Federation of B&H (FB&H) government in the coming period, Izetbegovic stated that it is very difficult to make compromises with HDZ B&H. "They are very tough negotiators and I expect more concrete help from the international community," Izetbegovic said.

Cvijanovic: Bosniak politicians have never truly taken care of Bosniak or Serb people in Srebrenica, announcement of boycott is only piece of puzzle in plan for problematization of Srebrenica (Srna)

In a statement to Srna on Tuesday, RS President and SNSD Vice-President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on the announcement of the Bosniak Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ that they plan to boycott the repeated local elections in Srebrenica, due to take place on Sunday. In this regard, Cvijanovic said that Bosniak politicians have never truly taken care of Bosniak, or Serb people in Srebrenica, but rather use Srebrenica to attract international attention and for political problematization. “I support (joint Serb candidate for Head of Srebrenica Municipality) Mladen Grujicic, because he proved with his work that he is interested in the development of Srebrenica, and that he takes care of both Serbs and Bosniaks, as well as all other citizens of Srebrenica”, Cvijanovic said. The RS President noted that candidate of ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ for Head of Srebrenica Municipality Alija Tabakovic, who announced the intention to call on his voters not to participate in the repeated elections, uses pure manipulation. She concluded that this is only “one piece of the puzzle in the plan for problematization of that municipality, just like it was the case with the annulling of the initial elections”, adding that all this “is done with the same goal”.

Viskovic visits Srebrenica: Decision of Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ to boycott elections represents hoax by Bosniaks (RTRS)

RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic (SNSD) met with Head of Srebrenica Municipality Mladen Grujicic (SNSD) and entrepreneurs in Srebrenica, in Srebrenica on Tuesday. Viskovic stressed that the RS Government will continue to support the further development of the Srebrenica Municipality. He said that repeating the local elections in Srebrenica and the failure to adopt the budget for 2021 harm the economy the most, adding that he expects that implementation of important projects in Srebrenica will continue after the elections and adoption of the budget. Viskovic stated that the decision of Initiative ‘My Address: Srebrenica’ to boycott the elections represents a hoax by Bosniaks, calling on all citizens of Srebrenica to vote in the elections on Sunday. Viskovic explained that it is possible that this ploy is used to make the Serb parties feel secure in their victory and then by tracking voter turnout the pro-B&H parties will invite their voters to vote and to cause a turn in election results. “Regardless whether they boycott or not, and I call on them not to do that, and instead, in accordance with the Election Law and rules that apply to every election cycle, (I call on them) to exercise their right to vote,” Viskovic said. Viskovic stated that the RS institutions have never discriminated anyone, calling on all citizens of Srebrenica to vote on Sunday. He said that he supports Grujciic as the candidate of ‘Together for Srebrenica’ coalition in the local elections.

DNS and PDP sign agreement on support to SDS' candidate for post of Doboj Mayor Cvijan Filipovic (BN TV)

Representatives of city boards of DNS and PDP in Doboj signed on Tuesday a coalition agreement on the support to SDS' candidate for the post of Doboj Mayor. Signing of the agreement in Doboj was attended by SDS leader Mirko Sarovic, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic and Deputy President of DNS Radislav Jovcic. Representatives of SDS, DNS and PDP stressed that one is electing a mayor of all citizens of Doboj and not only of suitable ones. "I believe that conditions are being created for what we have all wished for - for an honest candidate to win in Doboj, a candidate who cares about certain values, and I believe that this is our candidate and I believe that he has serious, big chance so that changes can happen in this town after so many years," Sarovic underlined. Borenovic stated that it will be shown on Sunday whether Doboj will go down the path of an enslaved city in which arrogance, corruption and betrayal rule or it will go down the path of freedom and honest human values. "That is why this will be a very important political match, battle, fight which is important not only for Doboj, but for the entire Republika Srpska (RS) and restoring of genuine human values in our lives," Borenovic said. SDS' candidate for the post of Doboj Mayor Cvijan Filipovic stated that if he is elected Doboj Mayor, he will be the mayor of all citizens of Doboj.

SNSD’s Jerinic certain about having stable majority in Doboj City Assembly, with more than 25 councilors (Nova BH)

The local authorities of Doboj and the opposition have been preparing for the local elections in the city which are taking place on Sunday. Mayor of Doboj (SNSD) Boris Jerinic said that they are certain about having a stable majority in the Doboj City Assembly, with more than 25 councilors. The opposition led by SDS sees the elections in Doboj as a new opportunity. They believe that after their success in Banja Luka and Bijeljina, they will be able to overthrow SNSD in Doboj as well. Parties of the opposition signed an agreement and supported one candidate for mayor. Jerinic also said that he will not allow the B&H CEC to elect the Mayor of Doboj and argued that nothing will change after the repeated elections. Jerinic noted that he received the information that some people will come to Doboj from other towns to “bring quarrel among citizens of Doboj,” and announced that the police presence will be strengthened on the day of elections in order to secure carrying out of the election process in line with laws.

Sattler: B&H must face its past and work on reconciliation, OHR needs to be gradually closed (Nezavisne novine)

The daily carried an interview with Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative to B&H Johann Sattler. Asked to comment the letter of High Representative Valentin Inzko to the RS parliament leadership, asking for annulment of awards for former RS officials who were convicted for war crimes, Sattler said that this matter is related to the issue of reconciliation which is one of the 14 priorities defined in the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s membership application. “We all need to confront the past. This is important for any country, and especially a country that aspires to become an EU member. We need to see more engagement of political leaders, barriers need to be torn down and not new ones set up. Glorification of war crimes and revisionism do not contribute to reconciliation”, Sattler stated.

Speaking about EU Delegation and Office of EUSR’s cooperation with OHR, Sattler said that he advocates building of coalitions, and underlined that he will cooperate with anyone who wants to contribute in a constructive manner. According to him, a current example of good cooperation between his office, OHR, US Embassy and other partners is the issue of Mostar. Sattler congratulated the new Mayor and members of the Mostar City Council, expressing hope that they will work together towards better administration of the city and meeting the needs of Mostar’s citizens. Speaking about OHR’s presence in B&H, Sattler said that it is incompatible with EU membership, which is why all stakeholders need to work towards its gradual closure. Asked if different approaches of different partners can lead to a loss of momentum in the process of B&H’s EU integration, Sattler said that the momentum needs to be strengthened, noting that there is a lot to be done in 2021. He reminded that the EC Opinion has been on the table for more than two years, and although the issue of election in Mostar and some other minor issues have been resolved, B&H still needs to adopt thousands of documents and laws. According to him, B&H is close to resolving the issue of public procurement, and that would be the momentum that the country needs. Asked if he is satisfied with the pace of progress in B&H, Sattler said that much more could have been done. Asked what other solutions B&H can expect in the next year, Sattler replied: “The ‘Mostar 2’ agreement is a good starting position. Then, rulings of the European Court for Human Rights. We have been stuck for too long. We have decisions of the Constitutional Court, such as in ‘Ljubic’ case. Then, integrity of elections. Recommendations of ODIHR keep piling up”. Sattler also reminded that it is necessary to focus on some EC recommendations related to functionality.

Izetbegovic, Palmer discuss reform of Election Law and implementation of ECHR rulings (Oslobodjenje)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic talked on Tuesday with Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of State - Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative of the State Department for the Western Balkans, Matthew Palmer. The officials agreed that it is necessary to make additional efforts to accelerate B&H’s EU and NATO path. SDA issued a statement which reads that Izetbegovic underlined that with the arrival of new US Administration the strengthened presence of the US is expected, as well as support to reform and integration processes. Palmer expects that SDA and HDZ B&H will soon continue the talks about implementation of political part of the ‘Mostar Agreement’, which regards the reform of the Election Law and implementation of the rulings of European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and rulings of Constitutional Court. “Izetbegovic underlined that SDA and HDZ have established the principles which represent balance between civic and ethnic, but will not be able to form the final solution on their own. Considering the complexity of the issue, the stronger involvement of representatives of all parliamentary parties is necessary, as well as of the EU and US, but also of non-governmental sector, foreign and domestic experts, in order to reach a solution in line with European standards,” reads the SDA statement. Izetbegovic noted that Palmer asked him to continue negotiations with HDZ B&H. "But, having SDA negotiate with HDZ B&H on its own is doomed almost in advance, such a format, because everyone else is just waiting for something to be proposed so that they could say that it is not good, that we betrayed, handed over, that it should not be done like that. I believe that everyone should be involved and strong presence of the international community, with its authority. Unfortunately, this time, representatives of the EU who got burned through the Fuele model and the US representatives who got burned through the April package, it is as if they do not want go into the cold water. They are avoiding it and they are persistently pushing me and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic to create some kind of model. I believe that this is not the solution, but I cannot reject friends of B6H," Izetbegovic underlined. Izetbegovic stressed that the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) is persistently annulling the will of the majority. "HDZ B&H, with four, five times fewer parliamentarians, is managing to stop, not rule the country, but stop the will of the majority. They are saying that I said that the Croat people are minority. That is not true. That is a constituent people. But, a minority of parliamentarians from HDZ B&H is managing to make democracy, the parliamentary system meaningless. If they are ready to change the asymmetries in the HoP, like in Republika Srpska (RS), to solve that issue, to have the same right of people in the Federation of B&H like in the RS, for the HoP to exclusively protect vital national interest, then we will solve that issue. If they are not willing to do that, then we will not change it," Izetbegovic said. Commenting the work of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), Izetbegovic said that there are small signs that things are improving. "The B&H Parliament, both Houses, and the B&H CoM are working somewhat more intensively, but it is all very weak. We will wait until the summer because it is not good to tear down one house if you have not made another one. We have to see with whom we will move forward after that, if we opt for a difficult, tough, risky variant to tear the HoP and this CoM down. We then have to have an exit strategy. We have to have better relations with civic parties whose hostility and hatred towards SDA is stronger than their love towards B&H," Izetbegovic stressed. Asked whether it is enough and timely what one has been seeing from High Representative Valentin Inzko in previous days, Izetbegovic said that many say "better late than never." Izetbegovic emphasized that certain things can be corrected. "Law that would ban decorating of war criminals, denial of genocide is the least that we expect. I believe that Mr. Inzko should continue what Miroslav Lajcak started, i.e. removing of blockades. Currently, you can receive a salary in the B&H Parliament, in the CoM, hamper the country, speak against the country, receive that salary and kill the country in which you were born and in which you are living," Izetbegovic stressed.

RS parliament adopts conclusion according to which HR is requested to create report on progress in implementation of peace agreement in B&H for period 2009-2020 and submit it with RS parliament within 90 days (RTRS)

The RS parliament discussed on Tuesday the information regarding the request for the HR Valentin Inzko to submit to the RS parliament a report on civil implementation of the peace agreement in B&H for the past 11 years, among other topics. This item was included in the agenda at the request of the SNSD Caucus in the RS parliament, following the HR’s letter sent to the RS parliament leadership requesting the annulment of charters presented to war crime convicts within three months. The RS parliament also proposed four conclusions, including the one that requests from the HR to create a report on progress in implementation of the peace agreement in B&H for the period 2009-2020 and submit it with the RS parliament within 90 days. SNSD MPs reminded that submitting the report with the RS parliament represents the HR’s obligation from the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), and that none of the HRs has ever submitted such a report. They said that this represents a brutal violation of Dayton the same as decisions that are not based on the DPA, assessing that such activities are completely unconstitutional, unlawful and illegitimated and they lead to violation of the constitutional and legal organization of B&H. They also stated that the RS is committed to strict compliance with the obligation to implement the DPA and asks the HR to respect the DPA and act in line with it, because he is the one who needs to ensure its implementation. PDP’s Igor Crnadak stated that this party finds the HR’s request for the RS parliaent to annul charters presented to war crime convicts unacceptable, especially the story about the need for the RSNA to take certain steps to remove collective responsibility imposed on the Serb People. Crnadak also stated that inclusion of this item in the agenda represents running away from difficult topics. "The authorities too often toyed with important things, which were so important that they should not have been the subject of a game. For example, in February last year, we had a decision, and we all supported it, that there will be no adoption of decisions at the B&H level until the issue of decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) on agricultural land of the RS is solved. That conclusion did not even last 24 hours, and already the day after that, the Presidency adopted a unanimous decision on some pardon. We had the story about the plaque with Radovan Karadzic's name, I will not even speak of the fact that you never changed the name of that student dormitory. You made a circus. What happened? It was removed quietly and humbly. The same is being prepared with the decorations. The same happened with the referendum on the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H," Crnadak stressed. Crnadak noted that the proponent argued that one of the reasons why information regarding the request for the High Representative to submit a work report was included in the agenda of the RS parliament is that DPA was often violated. "My question for the proponent is whether there is a single decision with which the OHR violated its powers, imposed something, which you did not accept and continued working in accordance with it," Crnadak said. Crnadak wondered what is controversial in Inzko's letter to the RSNA when, according to him, one knows that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik at one point admitted that genocide was committed in Srebrenica and said that Karadzic and people around him committed crimes and caused suffering of all peoples and that Karadzic should be held accountable before a court. "There is one more interesting question. Was any member of SNSD or the party itself ever sanctioned by the OHR? Was anyone removed from an election list? Was anyone removed from an elected office? One can pose the question of whether this has to do with some kind of a game," Crnadak stressed.


Croatian Foreign Ministry congratulates new Mostar mayor (Hina)

Croatia's Foreign Ministry on Tuesday congratulated Mario Kordic on his election as the new mayor of Bosnia's southern city of Mostar. The ministry said in a press release that it welcomes the successful completion of the first local elections in that city after 12 years and the establishment of the new city council. Kordic is from HDZ B&H, the main ethnic party of Bosnian Croats, and a sister party of HDZ, which is in power in Croatia. During the 1992-95 Bosnian War the city was the site of fierce inter-ethnic and inter-communal fighting between Muslim Bosniaks and Catholic Croats, and the city remains divided to this day. “After 12 years, the residents of Mostar had an opportunity to elect their representatives in the city authorities. The international community, together with Mostar residents, also eagerly waited for this moment and attached great importance to it” the ministry said. “The successful implementation of the local elections has also fulfilled a segment of the political agreement between Croat and Bosniak leaders Dragan Covic and Bakir Izetbegovic respectively,” they added. The local elections have not been held since 2008 because the two communities could not agree on election rules. The ministry called on local political stakeholders to implement the other part of the agreement, which involves reforming election legislation. “This will pave the way to the stabilization of political and social relations in B&H and improve its functionality as well as accelerate the country’s journey towards the European Union and NATO,” the Ministry said.

Mario Kordic, the candidate of the HDZ B&H party, was elected the mayor of Mostar on Monday by a majority vote in the City Council. Kordic had received the votes of 17 councilors in a third round, while 16 voted for Zlatko Guzin, the candidate of the SDA-led Bosniak Coalition for Mostar. Two councilors abstained.


Djukanovic: We’ll overcome crises (CdM)

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic is convinced that Montenegro will overcome the crises and return to the European value system, because our view is not provincial in relation to Europe, but we want a market economy, democracy, rule of law, which is why we strive to be part of the EU. Djukanovic was a guest at a working lunch with the ambassadors of the Visegrad Group (V4), hosted by Polish Ambassador to Montenegro Artur Dmochowski, the country currently chairing V4. Djukanovic reminded them of the valuable and traditional friendships that Montenegro had with the countries of the four, and reiterated his strong commitment to the strategic direction towards Europe and NATO. The conversation confirmed the high interest in current Montenegrin and regional issues, and support for Montenegro’s ambitions and its path to the EU, as well as the WB integration, which is also a priority of these countries’ foreign policy.

Krivokapic: Brussels is adamant – adopting the law on prosecution in this way would cross a “red line” (CdM)

All members of the government believe that amendments to the law on the prosecution are necessary, but when it comes to the adoption of systemic laws in the area of the rule of law, we first must consult our partners. It means that we must have a broader discussion, include the EC experts and take into account the opinion of the Venice Commission, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic stated. In an extraordinary address, the Prime Minister emphasized that the government’s commitment were the rule of law and respect for international agreements. “If Montenegro wants to become the next EU member state, we have to abide by the agreements we signed. Do we need these laws?! Are these amendments necessary?! The response of the government is very clear: Yes! The reasons behind such an answer lie in the fact that citizens of Montenegro, that is, the majority of Montenegro citizens believe that the prosecution is inefficient and should work better.” He continued: “However, our obligation is to consult our partners when adopting systemic laws that refer to the rule of law, based on the temporary measure no 3.” This time, he said, the parliament had proposed for the amendments and the government received the aforementioned laws, alongside the parliament’s opinion, on 5 February. “Therefore, we didn’t have enough time nor possibilities to inform our partners about the needs and ways of adopting the proposed laws,” the PM noted.


Mickoski: The new treaty with Bulgaria negotiated by Buckovski will be a disaster (Republika)

VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski warned that the new treaty that is reportedly negotiated with Bulgaria, will have disastrous consequences to Macedonian national identity. Zoran Zaev tapped former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski to negotiate with Bulgaria after the Bulgarian government blocked Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. “I have been informed that the plan for activities is nearly finished. The Macedonian public deserves to know what the plan is. We have said for a long time that Bulgaria obviously wants a new treaty or an expansion of the 2017 Zaev – Borisov treaty. I don’t know what Zaev will call it but it is on the table and we need to see what it includes in the area of the identity issues. To what extent will it affect the Macedonian tradition, customs, the Macedonian language, history and heroes,” Mickoski said. Bulgaria demands major concessions from Macedonia in the area of history and national identity before it will allow the opening of accession talks. The 2017 treaty provides concessions in the area of history, and the basis for Bulgarian demands that the Macedonian language is not mentioned in future EU accession talks. But it does not contain the demands for constitutional changes that the 2018 Prespa Treaty which Zaev signed with Greece has, and Bulgaria has felt it could get a better deal. “When Zaev and Buckovski negotiate on something it means we are in for a new national disaster. We need to actively observe the situation, because these two are eager to sell what little was left from our country,” Mickoski said.


Rama congratulates Albanians on Independence Day of Kosovo (ADN)

Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated all Albanians on the Independence Day of Kosovo, by sharing a photo of famous singer Dua Lipa, who is seen wearing the Kosovar flag and the Albanian flag. This message came as Kosovo celebrates this Wednesday its 13th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. February 17, 2021, marks the day when the state of Kosovo turns 13 years old since it was declared independent. On Sunday, February 17, 2008, at 15:39 in the Assembly of Kosovo was read the Declaration of Independence. Independent Kosovo immediately began to be recognized by friendly countries. This process became common in the first days after independence, while so far, Kosovo has been recognized by 117 countries. The last country to recognize Kosovo is Israel.