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Belgrade Media Report 01 March 2021


Vucic expects heavy pressures and joining of forces of Washington and Brussels concerning Kosovo (TV Prva/Tanjug/Beta

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Saturday that the unemployed in Serbia proper will get aid, which has also been promised to the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He also said that there is no non-paper with a request concerning Kosovo and Metohija, but that what exists and what he expects are “heavy pressures” and the joining of forces of Washington and Brussels as the “mutual recognition” has become a motto. He said that the state will give more one-off aid payments to citizens during the year, and new salary increases will follow before the end of the year, and pointed out that Serbia is a record holder in Europe in terms of growth and that in January it recorded a smaller drop than projected and had around -1.6 percent. In an interview for TV Prva, Vucic also announced that in less than a year, it will be possible to get to Novi Sad in around twenty minutes by train, and that the ticket will cost around 1,000 Dinars. Before the end of the year, as he pointed out, seven highways will be built, and maybe eight or nine, which will be a record in Europe, but there must be a lot of money and fiscal stability for that. The intention is to raise general consumption, along with investments and exports, said Vucic and added that the state is working on getting help for the unemployed and that all figures are now being measured. He also announced that a large German investment will be presented in Novi Sad on 7 March, and then around 7 or 9 April, an investment contract will be signed with a large Japanese company, again in the capital of Vojvodina, noting that these are fantastic things.

Vucic promises talks between government and opposition  

Vucic said that the authorities would sit at the negotiating table with both groups of opposition

parties - those that wanted the presence of EU officials during the talks, and those who didn't.

Commenting on a request by some opposition parties that presidential polls be separated from local elections, Vucic said that it was important that elections be held the following year, and that the initiative only served the purpose of ‘harassing Serbian citizens twice or three times’. Vucic was critical of the EU, following a report that entry into EU member states should be conditioned on the use of Western vaccines in the immunization process. He said that Serbia would continue the process at a quicker pace than the rest of Europe and that it would request Europeans to show their Covid-19 passports on the border with Serbia. “We will keep up the faster pace of immunization, and then introduce Covid-19 passports as an entry requirement for EU citizens...Rich states would rather vaccinate their dogs, cats and parrots three times

than share vaccines with the poor,” Vucic said.

Dacic: Serbia doesn’t agree to blackmail in regard with Kosovo and Metohija (TV Pink/Tanjug/RTV

On the occasion of the announced visit to Belgrade and Pristina of the EU mediator Miroslav Lajcak and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Matthew Palmer, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic told TV Pink on Saturday that it is realistic to expect the EU and the US to act together in the Western Balkans, because, as he says, their relation changed.

Dacic added that he expected heavy pressures regarding the resolution of the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, but pointed out that, however, the situation on the ground is different now and that Serbia is no longer in a situation to ‘just listen and see how the masters react’. “The pressure will increase, but everything depends on the political leadership that is in Belgrade, and we will not agree to blackmail. If someone is planning to bring a non-paper to Serbia, let them not waste time,” said Dacic. He pointed out the repeated position of President Aleksandar Vucic that Serbia wants a compromise and an agreement, but that it does not accept any blackmail that would imply recognition of Kosovo. “We think it’s unnecessary for us to repeat the same views for who knows how many times. We have always been in favor of the dialogue, we have never been in favor of signing agreements that we would not implement, like Pristina,” said Dacic.  Asked whether the ‘non-paper’ might be the result of the announced visits of Lajcak and Palmer, Dacic said that those visits could be explained by the fact that the elections in Kosovo took place, and to see what the situation will be like when it comes to continuing dialogue, but that more than that cannot be expected because, as he said, the government in Pristina has not been formed yet. “That government will be very extreme, they refused any dialogue, it is nothing optimistic now in the sense that the Albanian side is innocent, and that someone sees the culprit in us, that is no longer the case,” said Dacic. He said that the first activity in the inter-party dialogue would be realized on Monday, 1 March, a video conference at which, as the parliament speaker, he would talk to the delegation of the European Parliament (EP) led by David McAllister. After that, says Dacic, a dialogue with the parties will be scheduled and points out that, if non-parliamentary parties participate, not only the so-called boycott opposition but all parties that have significance on the political scene should be invited. Dacic stated that the outcome of the dialogue should be to see if and what needs to be improved in the election conditions, and stressed that he is ready to conduct a dialogue that should be concrete, not principled and “to adhere to political tirades”. As he said, part of the opposition expects that the EP will be on their side within the inter-party dialogue and blackmail the government to accept their requests, about which, he says, he was not informed, but has already heard in the media.

Dacic on non-paper: No need to waste time with such things (TV Prva/Beta/RTS

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said in response to announcements that Belgrade may receive an informal document penned by Washington and Brussels demanding Serbia recognize Kosovo as independent that there was no need for anyone to waste time with such things.

“They needn’t come to Aleksandar Vucic with that paper,” Dacic told TV Prva. He said international circumstances had changed, explaining that Pristina ‘can’t get into any international organization anywhere anymore’. “When Vucic and I had just tackled the issue, most states in the world had recognized Kosovo. Today, there are more nations in the UN General Assembly that don’t recognize Kosovo,” Dacic said.

Lajcak not coming to Belgrade with “ultimatum” (Tanjug

In an exclusive interview to Tanjug, EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak has said he was not coming to Belgrade with an “ultimatum” and that Serbia should not be concerned over renewed EU-US cooperation on tackling the Kosovo issue, as well as that he was confident there was space for Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement on mutual relations. Lajcak noted he wanted his visits to Pristina and Belgrade to provide an answer to the question of when the Brussels dialogue would be continued. “It is no secret the EU expects a continuation of the dialogue and that dialogue is unavoidable for both Belgrade and Pristina on the EU path. The EU is here, we are ready to get the two leaders to Brussels and now it is a question of when that will happen. I want to hear an answer to that during the visit,” Lajcak said in the interview, conducted in the Serbian language. Commenting on media reports that he was bringing a “non-paper” with some kind of ultimatum to the Serbian authorities, Lajcak said “speculations and great expectations” had also preceded each of his past visits. “The EU’s work is not based on ultimatums. We are here to help. The goal of the dialogue is to help both Belgrade and Pristina and bring closer a European future for the whole region,” he said. When asked about the EU's take on US insistence on “mutual recognition,” Lajcak responded the objective of the dialogue was normalization and that Belgrade and Pristina were the sides that needed to reach an agreement on “what normalization is and what is normal.”

Dacic after talks with McAllister: Invitation to parties to respond to inter-party dialogue (Tanjug/RTS


Today, under the auspices of the inter-party dialogue, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic had a video conference with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister and EP representatives. After the meeting, Dacic called on all the political parties wishing to participate in the inter-party dialogue to propose representatives and platforms for dialogue to the parliament, as well as to appoint two permanent representatives who will participate in the dialogue from beginning to end. After the video meeting with the representatives of the European Parliament, Dacic told reporters that this invitation also applies to the parties that do not want international mediation. He stated that the details about the format, topics and when the first meeting of the second phase of the dialogue would officially begin will be known in the next few weeks. Noting that the dialogue is conducted according to previously established rules, which define that the participants address the media only at the end, when agreements are reached, Dacic said that he would talk only about technical issues today. In addition to Dacic and McAllister, MEPs Tanja Fajon and Vladimir Bilcik, and former MEPs Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein, took part in today’s online meeting.

European Parliament says second phase of inter-party dialogue launched (N1

The European Parliament said on Monday that it officially launched the second phase of the inter-party dialogue with the Serbian parliament in a video conference with speaker Ivica Dacic.

A joint statement from MEPs David McAllister (chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs), Tanja Fajon and Vladimir Bilcik said that a “constructive meeting was held with speaker Ivica Dacic, co-facilitator of the process, where we agreed on the subsequent steps that will support consensus and trust building across the political spectrum in Serbia”. “We firmly believe that the European Parliament facilitated Inter-Party Dialogue process is in Serbia’s best interest and that it is an important element in the country’s efforts to further strengthen democracy and enhance citizens’ confidence in the institutions and in the electoral process. In this process, the role of the European Parliament is not to bring ready-made solutions but rather to facilitate a dialogue where political parties could come to an agreement over pertinent issues and topics of their mutual concern and interest,” the statement said. “The Facilitation Team will be conducting a series of consultations with all relevant stakeholders in Serbia on the agenda of the upcoming round of Inter-Party Dialogue. The team will propose possible participants and topics of common interest identified during these consultations to the parliament, it said adding that European Parliament Facilitation Team is made up of Bilcik (the Committee on Foreign Affairs Standing Rapporteur for Serbia), Fajon (Chair of the Delegation for relations with Serbia) MEPs Eduard Kukan and Knut Fleckenstein who were involved in the first phase of the dialogue.

Stefanovic: Improving cooperation with Montenegro in field of defense (Tanjug

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic pointed out on Friday in a conversation with Montenegrin Defense Minister Olivera Injac that cooperation with the countries of the region is one of the priorities of the government of Serbia. During the video link, Stefanovic emphasized the commitment of the Defense Ministry to qualitatively and quantitatively improve cooperation in the field of defense with Montenegro in mutual interest, both at the bilateral level and in regional formats of cooperation. Serbia’s foreign policy goal is EU membership, and thus the priority of the Defense Ministry and the Serbian Army is engagement within the Common Security and Defense Policy of the EU, said Stefanovic. The ministers concluded that it is necessary to intensify cooperation in the field of defense, especially having in mind the traditional ties between Serbia and Montenegro, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Survey: National TV stations presenting positive image of Vucic (Nova/Beta

From 1 December 2020 to 31 January 2021 news programs on TV stations with national broadcasting frequencies portrayed Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in a positive light 82.6 percent of the time, while reporting nothing negative, an analysis performed by the Bureau for Social Research (BIRODI) released on 28 February, shows. According to the website, the prime-time news programs of the Radio and Television of SerbiaPink TVPrva TVHappy TV and N1 TV reported positively on Vucic 82.6 percent of the time, neutrally 12.3 percent of the time, and negatively only 5.1 percent of the time. Pink TV was the most laudatory of Vucic (97.7 percent of its reports on Vucic), followed by the Radio and Television of Serbia (91.1 percent), Prva TV and B92 (91 percent), Happy TV (90 percent), whereas N1 TV reported positively on Vucic 7.8 percent of the time. None of the five national frequency TV stations virtually mentioned Vucic in a negative light. Conversely, N1 TV reported on him negatively 37.8 percent of the time. Commenting on the results of the survey, Bureau for Social Research executive director Zoran Gavrilovic said it was obvious that an ‘informal presidential campaign’ had kicked off.



Inzko: There is no room for glorification of war crimes and criminals (Glas Srpske


The daily carried an interview with High Representative Valentin Inzko who reacted to the negative comments following his letter to the Repblika Srpska (RS) parliament demanding an annulment of awards given to former RS officials and convicted war criminals Biljana Plavsic, Radovan Karadzic and Momcilo Krajisnik. According to Inzko, the RS public misunderstood his intentions. He underlined that there are no bad peoples or collective responsibility for war crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). However, he noted, manipulations with the awards impose an unnecessary burden on the people, and he wants that burden removed. “The Hague Tribunal dealt with the individual responsibility and convicted individuals, and some of them were awarded for the crimes committed during the armed conflict. That is the problem. That is the point of my letter. By giving awards to the convicted war criminals, the RS parliament turned against the entire civilized world. Do Serb leaders want the institution which represents the citizens to be viewed by the world as someone who supports war criminals? I wanted to encourage them to create a future free of that burden of the past”, said Inzko. According to him, the political elites in the RS have an opportunity to think about what kind of social framework they are leaving for the next generations. “I believe that Serbs are a brave and proud people, and that they will know how to find a way out of this situation into which they have been unnecessarily drawn,” Inzko underlined. Asked why he reacted five years after the awards were presented to Plavsic, Karadzic and Krajisnik, Inzko said that he reacted in 2016 too, and that statements on this matter from 2016 are available on the OHR website. He noted that the final verdict in case of Karadzic was rendered only in 2019 which is why he was unable to officially demand annulment of awards earlier. Asked why he has not reacted when former “Republika B&H” (RBiH) Army general Sakib Mahmuljin received a similar award, Inzko said that a final verdict in Mahmuljin’s case has not been rendered yet. Asked why he never reacted to the denial of crimes committed against Serbs or calls for establishing of Republic of B&H, Inzko said: “There is no room for glorification of war crimes or criminals. Period. All victims deserve the same respect. As for calls for establishing of the Republic of B&H, as you put it, my answer is also well-known. In fact, it is the same answer I give to those who speak about secession – B&H is integral, sovereign state consisting of two entities. Everything else is a phantasy”. Asked if he is going to impose the law banning genocide denial, Inzko said that it is absurd that a country in which genocide was committed does not have this law. According to him, adoption of such law would mean great progress and a guarantee that something similar will never happen again. It would also show maturity and represent a break with the tragic past. Inzko underlined that this law would not be aimed against any ethnic group. “B&H Parliament will have another opportunity to adopt this law. That would be the best and most durable solution,” Inzko said. Asked to explain why he refused to come to the RS parliament and present a report on his work, Inzko said that he never received an official invitation. Also, he underlined, his obligation is to report on his work to the UN Security Council, and these reports are publicly available. “It must be clear to everyone that progress of the country depends solely on work of local institutions, and not OHR. In this situation, asking the High Representative to submit reports on his work is not in line with the General Framework Agreement on Peace and it looks like an attempt to shift the blame for problems with implementation of the Peace Agreement which occur because of their own inactions. Briefly put, I report on the situation in the country, and not my work”, said Inzko. He dismissed claims about his anti-Serb stance, noting that all his activities are in line with his mandate which is clearly defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement. He underlined that the role of the High Representative is not to satisfy the interests of political elites, but to implement the clearly defined mandate. However, noted Inzko, this fact is often ignored by many people who blame the High Representative for everything negative that happens in B&H.

Bosniak Diaspora in US, acting on orders of Sarajevo circles, raise unreasonable voice against Germany’s Schmidt? (Dnevni list


The daily reads that the Bosniak Diaspora in the US has interfered into internal relations in B&H after several Bosniak associations based in the US wrote US Secretary of State and voiced their opposition against appointment of Christian Schmidt for new High Representative (HR). According to the daily, Schmidt’s “unforgivable sin” is that his arrival (to the post of HR) has been approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin and because he is close to Croatia and HDZ of Croatia, reminding that Schmidt got awarded in Croatia for lobbying for the country. In this context daily reminds that even (late Chairman of the Presidency of B&H and SDA leader) Alija Izetbegovic got decorated by Zagreb, yet the Bosniak Diaspora in the US is keeping quiet about it. Daily stresses the key question is who from Sarajevo gave the nod to the Bosniaks ‘over the pond’ to express hostility against Schmidt, a diplomat from friendly Germany. According to the author, it will remain a mystery for a while arguing that it is indicative that Sarajevo-based portals close to SDA and Director of OSA Osman Mehmedagic were saying a month or two ago that German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a secret meeting, without the US’ presence and agreed on Schmidt becoming the new HR. According to the daily, the information was ridiculed by Berlin, whilst Moscow warned on several occasions it is in favor of departure of the OHR and against appointment of a new HR. All this led the daily to say that the Bosniak Diaspora is used to carelessly draw Bosniaks and B&H into contaminating relations with the most powerful European country, friendly Germany.

Dzaferovic, Komsic, other officials congratulate B&H Independence (BHT1


According to BHT1, the latest preparations for marking of the B&H Independence Day on Monday are underway. On 1 March 1992, citizens voted at the referendum for the independent state of B&H. Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic congratulated the B&H Independence Day to citizens via a video message as this year there will be no traditional reception in the building of the B&H Presidency. Addressing citizens of B&H, Dzaferovic stated that thanks to the legacy of 1 March, today, B&H is an independent and internationally-recognized stated that aspires to join the EU and the NATO. Komsic stated: “Our goals can be achieved only if we achieve political consensus about the fact that this country must be a state of equal citizens at all parts of its territory.” SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said this is a chance to remember the bravest sons of B&H who gave their lives defending independence of B&H: “Hoping that B&H will become part of EU and NATO states, let us spend this holiday filled by patriotic love, celebrating independence of our only homeland”. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said that in last three decades, B&H has passed a long and difficult path.

RS officials: March 1 will never be holiday for Serbs (ATV


On Monday the Independence Day of B&H will be marked in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). The RS authorities and officials highlighted that Serbs will never consider this day as a holiday. Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) makes decisions in the interest of Sarajevo and Bosniaks. He said that 1 March was a day in which Serbs did not participate and it will not and cannot be a holiday in the RS. Dodik also added that he will not implement the verdict of the Constitutional Court of B&H on this holiday. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that 1 March is a day that represents the suffering of Serbs. She added that this day announced the tragedy and horrors that followed during the wartime, as well as continuous mistrust that continues in the years after the war. Speaker of the parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the RS cannot celebrate 1 March. He sent a message to Vice President of the RS Ramiz Salkic, who said that this day needs to be marked in every city. Cubrilovic said that Salkic is heightening tensions, despite receiving the salary from the RS, which is paid by RS citizens. He added that such behavior does not contribute to the stabilization which is necessary in the area. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic sent instructions to all heads of diplomatic and consular representations of B&H about the marking of the Independence Day. Delegate of SNSD in the B&H Parliament Dusanka Majkic said that 1 March will be a regular day for the Serbs and Croats in B&H. She added that Bosniaks will continue to celebrate the dream of a country on this day. Deputy Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Nikola Spiric (SNSD) as saying that “as long as some find it more important to celebrate war, and not peace, there will not be the Law on Holidays in Joint Institutions in B&H”. According to Spiric, to Serbs in B&H March 1 represents start of suffering in the last war and a reminder they are not wanted in the capital and the state. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that the call of Salkic to everyone to celebrate 1 March, i.e. the date when the Serb wedding guest was killed, demonstrates Salkic’s civilizational and democratic level. SP RS leader Petar Djokic said that the fact Bosniaks want to celebrate 1 March represents an expression of their will but the RS does not recognize this date as a holiday as this was the date when “destructions and divisions” started and ultimately resulted in a civil war in B&H. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that March 1 will never be accepted as a holiday in the RS.

RS marks 29 years since adoption of first Constitution (RTRS

RTRS reminded that 29 years ago the first RS Constitution was adopted as one of most important acts that created ground for legal power, security, legality and legitimacy of the RS. According to the RS, the first Constitution was created due to necessity for self-preservation of political identity, historic subjectivity and Serb national being and it was adopted under name ‘Constitution of Serb Republic of B&H’. Throughout the years, the content of the Constitution was changed in the RS parliament and forcefully by High Representatives. Reporter commented that the first Constitution of the RS was created due to necessity in the period when Muslim-Croat “apocalypse riders” started with full marginalization of Serbs in B&H. According to the RS, Croat-Muslim coalition had attempted to abolish the status of Serbs as a constituent people in B&H. Reporter noted that on October 14, 1992 Muslim and Croat MPs in “Republika B&H” (RBiH) parliament ignored the will of Serb MPs and decided that B&H will resume to function as an independent country. The decision to establish the Assembly of Serb People in B&H was adopted on October 24. It was followed by plebiscite of Serb people to stay in Yugoslavia. On this ground, Serb MPs from RBiH parliament adopted a declaration to declare Republic of Serb People in B&H. University professor and co-author of the Constitution of the RS Radomir Lukic said that they had believed this will warn all actors on political scene and make them hear cry of Serb people to be observed as equal people and to stop denying a constitutional role of Serb people. Lukic emphasized that the goal of Serbs was to prevent secession of B&H from Yugoslavia or too early international recognition of it until integrative internal organization of B&H is agreed upon. Reporter commented that instead of this Muslims and Croats resumed with activities that led to a civil war in B&H. In the meantime, Serbs resumed with statehood activities with adoption of the Constitution of the RS as its crown. Lukic emphasized that the first Constitution of the RS was written in tradition of liberal constitutionality. According to Lukic, this document is very fair in the area of human rights, power sharing etc. Reporter commented that the main document enabling self-preservation and self-protection of Serbs was adopted on February 28, 1992 by Assembly of Serb People of RBiH. This represented completion of new subject – Republic of Serb People in B&H that was later renamed as the RS – that had all elements of a state. Reporter noted that only one day later, an unconstitutional Muslim-Croat referendum on independence of B&H was held. A murder of Serb wedding member happened in Sarajevo on the very same day. According to RTRS, this was a trigger for the beginning of 3.5-year-long war. Historian Draga Mastilovic stated that a visionary approach of then Serb political and intellectual elite prevented annihilation of Serb people in B&H. “In this regard, the RS and its constitutional framework are still only guarantor of survival of Serb people living western from Drina River,” explained Mastilovic. Reporter noted that the Constitution of the RS had been changed by decisions of High Representatives. Academician Rajko Kuzmanovic underlined that it is high time for influence of international community and the Office of High Representative (OHR) to stop and that constituent peoples in B&H should be allowed to solve their internal issues. Also, Lukic said that the current Constitution meets needs of Serb people in the RS, adding that a new one should be adopted only if the RS becomes an independent country or joins other country.

Dodik announces launching of adoption of new RS Constitution (Nezavisne novine


Chair of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated on the occasion of 29th anniversary of adoption of the first RS Constitution that SNSD already has prepared a document under the title ‘New Solution for New Constitution’ and is looking into ways to adopt it so that it can be fully legitimate and strong. Dodik added that the idea is to present it to the RS parliament and have it adopted in form of a proposal for referendum question ‘Do you support this Constitution of the RS’. Dodik went on to say that this referendum would be mandatory in order to avoid some other procedures and, once the people supports this constitution, it would only be proclaimed by the RS parliament. Leader of the Socialist Party of the RS Goran Selak said that everyone who wants to belittle the RS should know that the RS demonstrated a clear intention 29 years ago to protect its safety and equality. RTRS, the second channel of Serbian public broadcaster RTS and 41 local television stations in Serbia broadcast on Sunday evening a solemn reception organized on the occasion of 29 years since adoption of the first Constitution of the RS. It was broadcast in form of television magazine. Dodik addressed this reception and said that adoption of the Constitution is most important political and legal act one state that is in process of formation should have. Dodik also stressed that adoption of the Constitution was reflection of stances of those who wanted the RS as independent country. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that for last several years the RS and Serbia have been jointly marking important dates. She added that it is important for the RS that Serbia is developing, because the RS has been relying on Serbia.

SDA, NiP criticize Grlic Radman’s statement about changes to B&H Election Law; HNS reacts to SDA statement (N1

The statement of Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman given for Vecernji list on Saturday sparked numerous reactions in B&H. Among other things, Grlic Radman stated that the Election Law of B&H is still a crucial, unsolved issue concerning Bosniak-Croat political relations. He also stressed that they cannot allow situation where some “artificial models detrimental for any people” are imposed in B&H. Grlic Radman added that in line with “spirit and word” of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), there is three-member B&H Presidency that reflects equality and equity of three peoples. He explained that it is not five-member but three-member Presidency in order to have representatives of three constituent peoples there. “That is why this reform of the Election Law is important to ensure equality of peoples at all levels of authorities and to avoid outvoting of peoples,” explained Minister Grlic Radman. Reporter noted that this statement is an answer to the question about whether solving the issue of electoral legislation in B&H could be expected soon. Reporter commented that reactions of two Bosniak parties, namely SDA and People and Justice (NiP) to Grlic Radman’s statements seem to be synchronized. SDA issued a statement reading that neither Grlic Radman, nor official Zagreb or any other regional center will be deciding about internal organization of B&H, but exclusively institutions of B&H. They added that any solution that would additionally deepen discrimination in constitutional order and electoral legislation of B&H will not be accepted. “This fact cannot be changed by any sugarcoated threats, including one conveyed by Grlic Radman,” concludes SDA’s statement. NiP emphasized in its statement that Croatia has been conveying threatening messages to its neighbor through statements of its Minister. They added that such messages do not contribute to good-neighborly relations and are understood as direct threat and attempt of Croatia to obstruct necessary changes concerning Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. Replying to SDA’s reaction, the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) of B&H said in a statement that Bosniak parties take exclusive right to be self-declared protectors of B&H, adding that Grlic Radman’s statements were criticized as they back the international peace agreement which was also co-signed by Croatia. “Assessments on possible opinions should be made by B&H institutions as a reflection of stances of all three constituent peoples, instead of having a stance of just one side that represents only a specific nation”, HNS concluded. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that every attempt of neighbors, to tailor B&H by their measure, ends like joint criminal enterprise (JCE) with high prison sentences.

Komsic: Democratic standards cannot be lowered in amending of Election Law; Further ethnic complexes like HDZ B&H and official Zagreb are trying to achieve cannot be cemented (FTV


Croat member of the B&H Presidency and DF leader Zeljko Komsic visited Stolac on Sunday, at the invitation of the Association of Prisoners of War (PoWs) of Stolac. Addressing media on this occasion, Komsic commented on the issue of adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H, saying that, in his opinion, it is impossible to amend the Election Law without changing the Constitution of B&H. According to Komsic, the democratic standards cannot be lowered in amending the Election Law and “not even the current constitutional solutions stemming from the so-called Dayton Constitution can be derogated”. Komsic stated that “further ethnic complexes cannot be cemented” through amendments to the Election Law, while he considers that this is precisely what HDZ B&H and official Zagreb are trying to achieve. “That cannot happen and will not happen as long as I, DF, and like-minded people have a say in it,” he concluded.

Novakovic Bursac: RS does not want changes to way of election of representatives of Serb people and RS for member of B&H Presidency and B&H HoP (Dnevni list


Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic Bursac who said that, as far as representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) are concerned, they accept changes to the Law on Elections of B&H if the changes are not related to the way of election of representatives of the Serb people and the RS for a member of the Presidency of B&H and the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). Novakovic Bursac noted that ‘we in the RS’ expect that partners in the Federation of B&H agree to a quality solution, which would remove the possibility of one people electing representatives of other people, especially for the Presidency of B&H and the B&H HoP. She concluded by saying that the situation in the RS in the matter is clear. Namely, the RS elects representative of the Serb people – “at this moment as a single constituency, as stipulated in the Constitution of B&H”. “I do not see any need or any possibility to change it,” said Novakovic Bursac.

Dodik confirms that Tegeltija becomes his adviser; Reactions (N1


Former President of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) Milan Tegetija will be the new advisor to the Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. This information was confirmed on Friday by Dodik himself, who said that a solution was written on Thursday night and that Tegeltija will deal with legal issues. On Thursday, Tegeltija announced on social media that he would stop working in the judiciary after 20 years. Tegeltija resigned as the president of the HJPC in December after the affair and was replaced by Halil Lagumdzija. “He will address issues related to the judiciary at the level of B&H. I think that man has knowledge and I am convinced that he was suddenly expelled from the HJPC for speculative reasons. As an advisor to the member of the Presidency from the RS he will have the opportunity to get involved in at least some way and inform me about these matters” Dodik told the reporters. Dodik stated that the HJPC no longer has a post for representatives of the Serb people and that a “completely abnormal convocation is being prepared in &H judiciary”. Tegeltija wrote on his official Twitter account that it would be “an honor, a pleasure as well as a professional and patriotic obligation for him, as of Monday, to put all his knowledge and experience, as an advisor, at the disposal of Dodik and the RS”. “This decision is new confirmation of political biasness and subordination to the interests of a political structure in holding a leading position in the B&H judiciary” said Adil Osmanovic, SDA Vice-President and Head of the SDA Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR). Osmanovic points out that SDA has been warning for years that Tegeltija put judicial institutions in the service of SNSD policy, which is supported by the lack of an epilogue for dozens of major scandals in which the main actors were SNSD members and people close to them, as well as the prosecution of SNSD’s political opponents. MP of SDS in the B&H Parliament Dragan Mektic issued a statement on Friday commenting on the decision of Dodik to appoint Tegeltija as his Advisor. Mektic said that this news surprised them on the 15th anniversary of SNSD coming into power. He said that this decision can be seen as an example of the policy of SNSD in the past period. Mektic reminded that Tegeltija ruined the B&H judiciary and he is known by numerous affairs.

US Administration engagement, HR in B&H and DPA discussed at panel discussion ‘RS Facing New Challenges’ held in Belgrade; Meyer: It is time for the RS to seriously consider organizing of referendum (ATV

A panel discussion ‘The RS Facing New Challenges’, organized by the RS Representative Office in Serbia, was held in Belgrade ahead of the anniversary of adoption the first RS Constitution, 28 February. Addressing the present, Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said the RS will continue to insists on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the RS Constitution and in that way resist potential new pressure from the new US Administration, the High Representative in B&H and Bosniak entities. “Our awareness that we have life and not political mandates here is the deciding factor for our behavior,” said Dodik. Head of the RS Representative Office in Serbia Mladjen Cicovic said: “I believe that the scientific approach in analyzing new challenges ahead of the RS on top of the old issues, accumulated after speeches, writings and actions aimed at collapsing or at least minimizing the importance of the RS, will to a great extent help the future responses of the RS to be good, fair, although not always effective”. ATV reports that issues discussed were related to the US Administration that has announced its engagement in the Western Balkans as one of its foreign policy priorities and the High Representative in B&H (Valentin Inzko) who, without the consent of the Russian Ambassador is increasing pressure on the RS leaders in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC). In addition to domestic experts, former CIA chief for the Balkans Stephen Meyer and Elena Guskova from Russia also spoke at the panel discussion. Dodik said the situation is far more complex than before, but that “the West cannot do anything radically without our will”. Constitutionally and legally, the RS is smaller in strength than before, but more ready to defend itself, Dodik said. He added that he first explained that to the candidate for the position of High Representative, Christian Schmidt, with whom he recently met. “Only what is provided for in Annex 10 of the Dayton Agreement can be the subject of talks and agreements, and everything beyond that cannot”, Dodik emphasized. He stated that the new US administration in combination with the new High Representative in Sarajevo are eagerly awaited, but that Western representatives mistakenly think that nothing has changed in B&H in 20 years. “Nothing here can be done by America, except through radical methods, nothing here can be done by anyone other than ourselves. Our awareness that we are the deciding factor and that we have our life mandates here, not political mandates, determines us”, Dodik points. Meyer says that the opinion of the US should not be ignored, but that people should not be guided by it because Dayton did not follow the needs of the Balkans, but the interests of America. He states that the West does not like Dodik, but that, as he says, they are afraid of him. According to him, Serbs in the Balkans should first declare their north of Kosovo and then set themselves up in B&H as well. “That would be an example for the RS as well. Another place where courageous leadership should be shown is in B&H. B&H has always been a fictitious state. It is time to accept reality. It is time for the RS to seriously consider organizing a referendum,” Meyer assessed. Serbs are the most independent factor in this part of Europe, analyst Aleksandar Pavic believes, but says that tectonic changes at the level of the fall of the Berlin Wall will follow. “Serbia and the RS have opened vectors towards Russia and China, and that is a lifeline for them” Pavic points. Waiting for the return of the American empire, Bosniaks are creating an atmosphere similar to that of the 1990s, claims political analyst Nenad Kecmanovic, but he states that the appeal to the empire will not be heard. “In Brussels, they realized that there is no solution for Kosovo, I hope that they will understand the same for the RS,” Kecmanovic stated.

Weber: German initiative, by pushing new dynamic HR in person of Christian Schmidt, has exposed in the worst way the crisis of international policy in B&H, which is deeply divided and does not know how to proceed (N1

There is a separate battle on the scene, one for the survival of the Office of the High Representative (OHR), and thus the mandate of the EUFOR and the NATO in B&H. On the other hand, the battle for the division of B&H through changes to the Election Law. An interview given to N1 by the eminent German analyst Bodo Weber covers these important topics. Things began to unravel with the nomination of German national Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative (HR) and the announcement of the active role of the OHR, which obviously bothered some, Weber believes. Statements against the existence of the OHR institution, which increasingly come from the EU Delegation to B&H, reflect everything that is bad, unproductive in the European policy in previous years towards B&H, said Weber. The German initiative, by pushing a new dynamic High Representative in the person of Christian Schmidt, has exposed in the worst way the crisis of international politics in B&H, which is deeply divided and does not know how to proceed - claims Weber. Russia is openly against extending the OHR's mandate, but it cannot influence it because it needs a simple majority in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), while it cannot veto this in the UN Security Council. But Weber adds that Russia is much more interested in the mandate of the EUFOR and the NATO, which are the High Representative's tools for creating a security environment for necessary reforms. Therefore, they remain a loyal partner to the RS authorities for maintaining the status quo in recent years, and to HDZ B&H in the narrative that changes to the Election Law are possible without changes to the Constitution.


Grlic Radman: Croatia will not allow that anyone imposes civic organization of B&H (Vecernji list


Vecernji list carries an interview with Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, who said that Croatia is a true advocator of the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H adding that there is consensus of the Croatian President, Croatian Prime Minister and the whole government when the relation towards B&H is in question. He also stated that there is good cooperation between Sarajevo and Zagreb, but it could be much better, adding that B&H could use Croatia more due to its knowledge and experience for the sake of achieving its strategic goal of the EU and NATO integration. Asked about the issue of the Election Law of B&H, the Minister stated that this should result in removing of discrimination made due to changes that High Representatives imposed after Dayton to the damage of Croats. He added that the reform of this law is important in order to secure equality of peoples at all authority levels and to prevent outvoting of people.  Asked if it is true that the new US administration is inclined to the civic organization of B&H and what Croatia will do if this is the case, the Minister replied: “…We have good partner relations with the USA. It should not be expected that someone will come now and impose some solutions. It should be seen what peoples in B&H want... We cannot accept that artificial models are imposed, which would be detrimental to any of the peoples. Croatia will be an active advocator and we shall not allow that basic human rights of the Croat people are violated.“ Asked if there will be some official meetings at any level with Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, the Minister said that Komsic exactly has usurped the post of the one who is elected by the Croats and this is an example how things should not be done.


Turkish FM meets Milanovic; Milanovic underlines need to secure equal representation of all three peoples in B&H (HRT


Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs Mevlut Cavusoglu met Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Zagreb on Friday. The officials discussed Turkish humanitarian assistance to Croatia following earthquakes and illegal migrations. Cavusoglu and Milanovic discussed the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Milanovic underlined the need to secure equal representation of all the three peoples in B&H. Cavusoglu also met Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman and the two officials discussed economic cooperation and investments.

Orthodox Dignitary: Serb identity has two wings, one in Jasenovac, other in Kosovo (Hina

By visiting the Jasenovac convent, Patriarch Porfirije is telling the Serb people where its identity is, the Serbian Orthodox bishop of Pakrac and Slavonia said on Sunday ahead of a visit by the new head of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC). "The Serb people's identity has two wings, one is the Kosovo and the other the Jasenovac wing. That's what defines our people and our Church and that's what Patriarch Porfirije recognizes" Bishop Jovan said outside the convent ahead of the arrival of Porfirije and the Serb member of the Bosnian Presidency, Milorad Dodik. Also present were about 100 believers from Croatia and the Bosnian Serb entity of Republika Srpska (RS). Jasenovac was a WWII Ustasha death camp. Bishop Jovan said he would do so on another occasion. “It’s very important to understand that we are not a parallel institution to the Memorial Site. We are not creating a parallel museum and a parallel memorial site,” he said, adding that the Memorial Site is complementary to our convent. It's very important that everyone does their job. The SPC and the authorities of RS and Serbia have renovated a church in nearby Mlaka, where children from the Kozara mountain were killed in WWII. The renovation of a former Ustasha headquarters has also been announced, with Bishop Jovan saying it would consist of a “whole complex dedicated to the Kozara children as well as a complex for works of art inspired by Jasenovac”. He reiterated what former SPC Patriarch German said, that one must forgive, but not forget. “That doesn’t leave out all the other victims... Jasenovac is a very broad subject that can't be defined and explained just like that,” said the bishop. Human evil showed its ugliness in few places as it did in Jasenovac, but this place should be the foundation from which messages of peace will be spread, Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije said at the Jasenovac convent on Sunday. Patriarch Porfirije arrived at the invitation of the bishop of Pakrac and Slavonia, Jovan. Among those who came to hear his sermon were the Roman Catholic Bishop of Pozega, Antun Skovrcevic, Serb National Council president Milorad Pupovac, Bosnian Presidency member Milorad Dodik, Banja Luka Mayor Drasko Stanivukovic, hundreds of believers from Croatia and the RS, and Serbian journalists. Porfirije quoted Serbian Orthodox theologian Justin Popovic's words that “people invented weapons to achieve peace” and that it was “superfluous to say how absurd that is”. “In this place people showed how much they can alienate themselves from what was woven into them,” he said. Jasenovac was a WWII Ustasha death camp. He also quoted St. Paul as saying that God has made of one blood all nations, adding that those who in Jasenovac committed the most monstrous evils wrote signed out of every nation and signed in among non-humans. Porfirije also spoke of the nice words, support and love he felt while serving in Zagreb, which was why “I see that city and this country as mine”. He arrived in Jasenovac after visiting the people of the Banija region, struck by a devastating earthquake in December. I felt the need to tell them that we are there for them, although I know that they won't be abandoned by the Croatian state, some of them by the Serbian state and RS, he said. Bishop Jovan told the press that RS would participate in the reconstruction of a Serb school in Jasenovac which would become a research center and a library. Although the patriarch visited Banija the previous day, Dodik said it was very important that Porfirije’s first visit was to Jasenovac due to the fact that Serb people were killed here and the truth was hidden for many decades. “Revealing that truth is the lasting everyday task of us all, as is the prayer for reconciliation, understanding and a peaceful coexistence of all here,” he said. Dodik said RS would give €50,000 for the Jasenovac convent, and thanked the Croatian authorities for supporting the reconstruction of buildings that are important to the Serb people. Asked by reporters if he would work on improving political relations between Croatia and Serbia, Porfirije said that he was not a politician and did not want to be one but that in spreading the gospel he was called upon to do his best to “help defuse any possible tension between people.” “My powers are certainly not big but I will do my best to help (defuse tension) among ordinary people, among office-holders and – I don’t want to sound pretentious – also between states.” “Only when we are together can we share the true joy and true peace,” he said.


Djukanovic’s cabinet responds to Abazovic’s allegations (CdM

Regarding the repeated Deputy PM Dritan Abazovic’s statement that the President’s cabinet didn’t publish a greeting card on the occasion of the National Day of Kosovo, the cabinet has told CdM that it never publishes letters of congratulations sent by Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic to presidents of other countries on their national holidays. As CdM learns from diplomatic sources, it is good diplomatic practice for the other party, i.e. the recipient, to decide whether and to what extent it will publish congratulations sent to it by statesmen. This is exactly the practice followed by the President’s cabinet when it publishes congratulations received by Djukanovic on the occasion of Statehood Day.

Montenegro imposed sanctions against five countries (Dan

Ever since its formation, the new government of Montenegro has imposed sanctions against five countries, following the foreign and security policy of the European Union, EU. According to data from the official website of the European Council, Montenegro agreed on five foreign policy declarations imposing restrictive measures, that is, sanctions, Therefore, Montenegro imposed sanctions against Russia, Belarus, Venezuela, Syria and Congo, Dan daily reported. The issue of harmonization of the foreign policy of the EU and Montenegro is defined by the obligations from Chapter 31 in the accession negotiations, while Montenegro has so far mainly accepted the foreign policy decisions of the EU.


Church wants census postponed, states its objection to the law on family violence and the planned education reforms (Republika

In a statement, the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) proposed a number of initiatives and protested to recent developments. The church calls on the Parliament to stop the planned April census, citing the threat of the coronavirus. The statement notes that a number of European countries postponed their censuses concerned about public health, and calls on the Macedonian authorities to do the same. MOC calls on the government to make sure that the ethnic of religions class is preserved in the curriculum after the on-going changes that are proposed by PM Zoran Zaev. The plan is to roll a number of classes into one, with the main target being history, which is being abolished as a stand-alone class to appease demands from Bulgaria and Greece. The church achieved the introduction of religious education into elementary schools in 2007, but afterwards the class was transformed into ethics of religions, and even that may now be cancelled. The Macedonian Orthodox Church also expresses its criticism of the planned new law for prevention of domestic violence, as it is based on the controversial Istanbul convention.

The Holy Synod of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – the Archbishopric of Ohrid joins the fight to respect and protect all human life, health and freedom, and we stand against discrimination of any kind. But we also insist that any attempt to systematically revise the values that emanate from Orthodox Christianity is also an act of discrimination. We have substantial objections to this law and to the new concept of elementary education, the church said.