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Belgrade Media Report 11 March


Albanians want to prevent actions in The Hague, they are covering up removal of Serb civilians’ organs (Novosti

The Katuci family is accusing the Council of Europe (CoE) rapporteur Dick Marty, former Hague tribunal prosecutor Carla del Ponte and former head of the UNMIK Office for Missing Persons and Forensics Jose Pablo Barajbar because, as they say, they came to their property illegally and lied to the public about the crimes in their house. Such a move, it is speculated, could be some kind of announcement that crimes committed in northern Albania will be in the indictments of the Special Court for War Crimes in Kosovo and Metohija, based in The Hague, perhaps as a separate or revised indictment against four commanders of the so-called KLA Hashim Thaci, Jakup Krasniqi, Kadri Veseli and Redzep Selimi. Lawyer from Kosovo and Metohija, Tom Gashi, said that he received a power of attorney from the Katuci family to initiate a lawsuit, and wrote on his Facebook profile that it was aimed at defending the national values of Albania, the KLA and against the Special Court. “Marty visited the property without permission, secretly, in a masked car, he deceived the CoE with his report on murders and organ trafficking and deceived the Kosovo institutions that voted for the establishment of the Special Court. The former Hague prosecutor used false information in her book, and the former UNMIK official was staying in the house illegally. The special court should be dissolved,” Gashi said, and added that the duty of Albania and so-called Kosovo is to “know the truth that everything was set up by Marty, and that the consequence of the lie is the Special Court which denigrated the entire Albanian nation”. “They asked me about blood stains, I told them that my children were born and that we cut meat,” said Mersin Katuci, and added that Barajbar (UNMIK official) came to his property because he was allegedly looking for a house to rent. A lawyer from Pristina asked the Katuci family why they hired him, and not some lawyer from Albania, and he was told that Albanian lawyers were ready for that, but that the Albanian state did not give them the right.

Marty’s report unequivocally states that there was a route that allegedly transported prisoners. As he notes, since the summer of 1999 and the withdrawal of Serbian forces, the border between so-called Kosovo and Albania practically ceased to exist. ‘The Yellow House in Ripe, near Burel, was just one of many in this episode. The behavior of some family members who now live there has raised questions, especially when they gave different explanations where the blood came from in the living room under the table, which was discovered with luminol. They said that animals were slaughtered there, and then that a woman from the family gave birth right here,” Marty stated in the report. Former war crimes prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic tells Novosti that Marti was never in the so-called yellow house: “Following traces of crime perpetrated by Ramush Haradinaj, Barajbar, Hague investigator Patrick Lopez and journalist Anthony Montgomery came here. They found evidence pointing to crimes, the host had a hollow story about slaughtered animals. It was determined that the blood was human. And we had knowledge then. Lopez gave us the complete photo documentation. We had the statements of numerous witnesses. It turned out that the drugs, the boxes of which were found, were given to patients to relax their muscles and are used for organ transplants. The prisoners knew when their end was near. Vukcevic says that he went to Tirana, said that we had information and asked for excavations at 12 locations, which they did not agree to. “The then prime minister Sali Berisha said later, when we had already left, that such things can only be invented by a pathological mind, and I replied that one excavation should have been five kilometers from his house. All the witnesses’ statements and evidence that we had were later on checked and confirmed by Marty, the then prosecutor Clint Williamson. Our work resulted in the arrest of Thaci and others. It is not known what else will be revealed during the trial and in which direction it will go. I think they will be convicted,” Vukcevic expects. When asked about the claims that the evidence from the yellow house was destroyed, as mentioned, Vukcevic states that the material evidence is destroyed when their deadline expires, but that they were photographed (which is also evidence) and this is available to prosecutors.

Mali: Continuation of good cooperation with CoE Development Bank (Tanjug

Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali talked with Governor of the Development Bank of the Council of Europe (CoE) Rolf Wenzel about cooperation and current projects, as well as about the economic situation in the world caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Mali pointed out that cooperation with this financial institution, with which projects in the field of education, health, social protection and energy efficiency are implemented, is extremely important for Serbia.

He expressed gratitude to Wenzel for that support, as well as for the fact that the Development Bank provides support to Serbia in the amount of €200 million for water supply and wastewater treatment plants in local self-government units. Mali especially pointed to the joint projects for student housing in Serbia, the financing of the university infrastructure projects, as well as the projects of dual education. The interlocutors also discussed the issuance of green bonds for the implementation of certain projects in the field of environmental protection, which would give a good signal to foreign investors for further investment in Serbia.



RS parliament’s parliamentary majority adopts Information on implementation of Annex 10 of DPA and conclusions regarding work of HR in B&H; Dodik calls for unity of Serb politicians, says B&H does not need HR, mentions referendum on RS status (BN TV)

The parliamentary majority at the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament, at its special session held on Wednesday, with 47 votes for, adopted Information on implementation of Annex 10 of the DPA and conclusions regarding the work of the High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to the conclusions proposed by SNSD, DEMOS, SP, NDP, NPS, United Srpska Caucuses at the RS parliament, the RS cannot accept imposing any person as the HR in B&H and will inform the signing parties of Annex 10 of the DPA, particularly with regard to the proposal of abolition of the HR and revision of decisions of High Representatives issued outside of their mandates. The RS parliament’s special session was held at the request of Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. There was only one item on the agenda of the special session of the RS parliament and it was 'Evaluation of the work of the High Representative and application of Annex 10 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace in B&H '. The RS parliament adopted 10 conclusions proposed by SNSD and several other political parties. Reporter commented that in short, the RS parliament concluded that High Representatives are unwanted and representatives of entities and constituent peoples should be talking about future of B&H. One of most important conclusions concerns the future of B&H and it reads that B&H, along with its two entities and three constituent peoples should claim responsibility for its further development. It also reads that if this does not happen within reasonable period, “talks on peaceful disassociation should be launched” in line with the UN charter which reads that every people has right to self-determination. The RS government was requested to form a legal team that should prepare lawsuits against HR for violation of international relations and violation of their mandate.   Addressing the RS parliament’s special session, Dodik, among other things, stated that the OHR should be closed, that B&H does not need a HR two and a half decades after the war and that in the light of the arrival of a new HR, it is important for the RS parliament to take a position on that matter. Dodik stressed that the HRs in B&H have been usurpers of legislative, executive and judicial authorities for years. Dodik stated that he believes that the HRs deepened the misunderstandings and intolerance between the constituent peoples as holders of B&H's sovereignty. According to Dodik, this is the reason enough for the closure of the OHR. "In my estimation, pressures on the RS will intensify and cracks between us will be sought. One will try with sanctions and everything else. As you can see from my address, I am not afraid of those sanctions," Dodik underlined. Dodik recalled that Annex 10 of the DPA determines how the HR is appointed and his powers. Dodik stressed that signatories of Annex 10 are the RS, the Federation of B&H (FB&H), the level of B&H, Serbia and Croatia, noting that this is not being complied with because, according to him, the appointment of the HR is not being carried out in accordance with procedures and the HR is being given executive powers outside the Constitution. "It is very important that the HR is not mentioned in the most important annex of the DPA - Annex 4 which is the Constitution of B&H. The HR is not mentioned with a single word. That is why the arrogant Paddy Ashdown never dared to strike at the B&H Constitution because it was not intended for him to deal with these matters. Later you see (Valentin) Inzko saying that he is the interpreter of the DPA. He is an ordinary liar who is only bluffing here," Dodik stated. Dodik emphasized that none of the decisions of the HR in the last 26 years opposed the wishes of political Bosniaks. "For 26 years, all decisions made by the HR were in the function of fulfilling the wishes of Bosniaks in B&H. There is no reason not to believe that future HRs will act precisely in that way," Dodik underlined. Dodik stressed that he believes that it is the right time for an agreement between peoples in B&H on whether they will respect the DPA or reinforce the border between the RS and the FB&H in peace. "I do not want anything bad to Bosniaks. We in the RS invite them to coexistence which is possible and necessary. But, for 26 years, they have been saying that we are a genocidal people, that the RS should not exist and then they say - you have to be here. We do not want to be here. A reasonable period is a year or two. If nothing comes of it, I will come here and propose an act on a referendum on the status of the RS. I do not care what anyone will say even if that is my final act in political acting," Dodik underlined. Dodik stressed that more and more often, he is meeting people from the political world, statesmen and people who have roles in regard to B&H. "Recently, one of those people told me the following, i.e. at a meeting in the Presidency. He asked for his statement not to be recorded, not to go into the minutes, and then he said - all structures of the EU believe that B&H is non-functional and that functionality cannot be established. I came on behalf of a significant group from the EU which sent me here to ask you whether you can separate peacefully here," Dodik said.

Cvijanovic, Viskovic address special session and stress that it is time for democratically elected officials to take responsibility for situation in B&H (RTRS)

Addressing Wednesday's special session of the RS parliament, the highest officials of the RS, including RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic and RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, stressed that it is time for democratically elected officials to take responsibility for the situation in B&H. Cvijanovic and Viskovic warned that all High Representatives went outside the legal frameworks and that they were against the RS which, as they said, they showed with attempts to dispossess it. “The High Representative remained here to finish his job and whether he will finish it depends on us. I believe that he will not finish it because I believe both in the people of the RS and institutions of the RS. His job is remodeling of internal situation or internal organization of B&H and it is no accident when we started attacking him and when it became clear to the entire world that what he is doing is hardly justified or defensible, then what he was doing he transferred to the Constitutional Court of B&H,” Cvijanovic underlined. “If we are silent and if we are rewarded for that with the OHR leaving, well then the OHR will leave and we will be left with nothing. Not cities, not municipalities, not rivers nor forests, you will have nothing. You will be a figure of a Republic where someone in Sarajevo will say where a post officer or a police officer will be deployed in the RS”. Viskovic said that "it is not late for the RS parliament and people representing the RS institutions to clearly and loudly say thank you, we no longer need you. B&H has much bigger problems with you than without you. “After 25 years of international tutorship, and especially having in mind the aspiration of B&H to enter EU, it is time for the democratically elected politicians to take full responsibility for leading the country”.

Ruling parties and opposition in RS parliament fail to reach unity on conclusions regarding work of High Representatives (ATV)

Reporting on Wednesday's special session of the RS parliament, ATV commented that the leaders of the opposition mostly criticized what the authorities are doing in the RS. The opposition leaders and their representatives have left the session and the only one who remained was SDS MP in RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic. Leader of DEMOS Nedeljko Cubrilovic said that the existence of foreign authorities and international influence are a direct condition for the dysfunctional state of B&H. Leader of NPS Darko Banjac said that insisting on prolonging OHR’s mandate in B&H and the appointment of the new High Representative who would take office in a way contradictory to the regulations means that the IC has given up on the idea of a democratic B&H and for B&H to be integrated into the EU.

Most of the parties supported Milorad Dodik’s move, added the reporter. Leader of SP Petar Djokic commented Dodik’s move as statesmanlike move of someone who has the responsibility to represent those who voted for such a mandate. Leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic said that this is an opportunity for them as the RS parliament to show a level of dignity and awareness, and that a return to personal quarrels does not contribute to anything. Leader of SPS Goran Selak said that he believes that RS parliament needs to present its position when it comes to the work of the High Representative as a clear political message regarding the future of the international protectorate in B&H. There was no political unity with the opposition as they saw politicking in this, added the reporter. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic commented on Dodik’s rhetoric on independence and said: “And so, in essence, the OHR held up due to such contradictory rhetoric”. Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that it is not important who will be the new High Representative in B&H, whether that is a German or Canadian. “The most important question is, what kind of policy and what kind of our behavior (would bring about so) that there is no longer a High Representative in B&H.” Leader of DNS Nenad Nesic stated that the place where they can solve the issue of the OHR is the UN Security Council. “We need friends there,” stated Nesic. Opposition has accused the RS authorities of the transfer of competencies.

OHR: Decision on OHR can be made by PIC and UN SC (O kanal)


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted to the conclusions of the RS parliament adopted at the special session held on Wednesday: “The RS parliament is free to hold sessions on any issues it considers as needed. However, regarding the closing of the OHR, the Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) is the one to decide on that. The Steering Board had defined preconditions for closing the OHR, which is that the authorities implement the program 5+2. Besides, a positive estimation of the situation in B&H is needed. In addition to that, the competencies of the High Representative do not come solely from the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) but also the resolution of the UN Security Council. According to that, the competencies of the High Representative come from international law and are not subject to examination of B&H bodies of authority, including the RS parliament”.

US Embassy to B&H calls for rejection of rhetoric of divisions (Dnevni avaz)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a press statement following the adoption of conclusions in the RS parliament and stated: “Considering the latest development of events during the RS parliament session, it seems as if we need to reiterate our well-known policy. The United States strongly support territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H as a single state with two entities. It is high time B&H leaders focused on reaching of consensus and rejected rhetoric of divisions and regression”.

Dzaferovic and Komsic criticize conclusions adopted by RS parliament (Hayat)

Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic reacted to the conclusions adopted by the RS parliament. Dzaferovic said that conclusions which, among others, advocate peaceful separations are extremely dangerous, noting it is “euphemism for new redrawing of borders and threatening the peace’’. Dzaferovic said that the RS parliament session held on Wednesday indicates there are still policies that, after the genocide and mass crimes, still want to question B&H and peace. He added that these threats remind of messages by war criminal Radovan Karadzic and should be considered as such. Komsic said that if Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik wants to see the disappearance of the RS he should try to put in action what he says. “Since I am sure he does not want that, it would be better for Dodik to turn to resolving the actual problems of the citizens and not that we have to discuss his outbursts,” Komsic was quoted as saying. Komsic said that Dodik’s calls are just a continuation of genocidal policy, arguing that this will not pass because all those who love B&H have the generational experience, whilst the genocidal policy has no means to implement it. “Moreover, in two days they would suffer a complete debacle,” added Komsic.

Other B&H politicians, political parties react to RS parliament’s special session and its conclusions (N1)

N1 carried reactions to Wednesday's special session of the RS parliament. Our Party (NS) representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Damir Arnaut stressed that "Dodik wants to divert attention from the fact that people are dying, that there are no vaccines, that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, which was supposed to procure vaccines, is headed by his man." "The very fact that he asked to speak for 90 minutes shows that this is a dictatorial manner," Arnaut underlined, noting that someone who has something important to say can say it in a few minutes. Delegate of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Mladen Bosic stressed that Dodik's address was a show that was seen in the RS parliament on numerous occasions and that such a show derogates the RS parliament because it is used to promote one policy and one man. "This was pure promotion of Milorad Dodik. The very fact that he had an hour and a half for his address... It is well known that dictators have the need for a long address, they probably listen to themselves and admire what they are saying," Bosic stressed. Delegate of the Croat Caucus in the B&H HoP Zlatko Miletic stressed that the RS parliament is not the one that decides on the fate of the OHR. "Mr. Dodik today (Wednesday) - and it is not the first time, I believe that this was the sixth or seventh time in the past two years - mentioned the possibility of self-determination, secession or annexation of the RS to the state of Serbia, which is in itself a criminal offense," Miletic stressed, noting that he expects the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to summon Dodik and prosecute him for what he is doing "because it is a direct violation of the Constitution of B&H, i.e. Annex 4." Delegate of the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H HoP Denis Becirovic believes that part of the international community is responsible for Dodik's behavior. "Gentlemen, either stop the undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement and Annex 10, or give us back the legal Constitution of the internationally recognized state of the Republic of B&H which was taken away though aggression and genocide. It is time to answer both the domestic and international public why you politically neutralized from the B&H political scene all those B&H politicians who demand the abolition of the B&H entity RS, and on the other hand, encourage separatists and extremists to publicly seek the destruction of the state of B&H," Becirovic stated in his letter addressed to High Representative Valentin Inzko and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler. HDZ B&H, on the other hand, is of the opinion that the OHR should be closed down if B&H wants to make steps towards the EU. However, unlike part of the policy in the RS, HDZ B&H noted that it would not ignore the High Representative's decisions. SDA stated in its press statement that Dodik’s policy reminds of policy carried out by war criminal Radovan Karadzic and added that such policy does not enjoy the support of the entire Serb people in the RS but still can jeopardize peace. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic said that, at the moment, there are more of those who do love B&H and added that he will not allow sovereignty of the state to be jeopardized in any way. Our Party assessed that referendum would be the last political move of Dodik and perhaps it would also mean abolition of the RS as well.

Palmer discusses changes to B&H Constitution with Dodik, Covic, Izetbegovic (FTV)

US Special Representative for the Western Balkans and US Deputy Assistant Secretary Matthew Palmer talked to President of SNSD Milorad Dodik and President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic in separate talks on Wednesday. They discussed constitutional reforms, the implementation of verdicts of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) and changes to the B&H Election Law. Palmer expressed support of the USA to limited changes to the B&H Constitution in order to implement verdicts of the ECHR in Strasbourg, as well as changes to the B&H Election Law which would solve the integrity of the B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC). Palmer underlined that B&H civil society and the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) must be included for a credible IAWG process. “As the institution responsible for election law implementation, the CEC inclusion is not negotiable and should not be used as an excuse to avoid delivering on necessary reforms,” the US Embassy in B&H tweeted. Palmer encouraged Covic to continue working on implementation of agreements signed in Mostar, namely that the process of changes to the Law on Elections is completed the same way as the Mostar process (enabling of local elections in Mostar). The daily also reads it has learned that the issue of Law on Elections could be a condition for getting the status of EU candidate. Palmer called Dodik over the phone to talk about the need for reforms, including limited constitutional reforms in order to find solution to the decisions of the ECHR, as well as reasonable measures with the goal of strengthening the B&H Election Law. Dodik confirmed that he talked with Palmer about the situation in B&H. Dodik told Palmer that RS is against the arrival of a new High Representative. “I also told him that B&H does not function and should be considering a peaceful break-up. I told him that this could be a serious alternative that needs to be considered,” claimed Dodik.

Palmer also talked to Speaker of B&H House of Peoples and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, also expressing support to gradual, significant change of electoral system.

New meeting on changes to B&H Election Law held between delegations of HDZ B&H and SDA held in Sarajevo (N1)

A new meeting between the delegations of HDZ B&H and SDA was held at the headquarters of SDA in Sarajevo on Wednesday evening. Representatives of HDZ B&H and SDA, divided into three groups, discussed amendments to the Election Law of B&H, functioning of the FB&H and fulfillment of 14 key priorities on the European path. Ahead of Wednesday's talks, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that he is not optimistic, stressing that positions of HDZ B&H and SDA are quite far apart and that they remain unchanged. SDA continues to insist on the implementation of all verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) which are directly tied to the B&H Election Law, including the verdicts in cases Sejdic-FinciAzra ZornicIlijaz PilavSamir Slaku and Svetozar Pudaric. "SDA is primarily insisting on the implementation of Sejdic-Finci verdict, Pilav and all others, verdicts of the ECHR, which are based on the civic principle and insist that every citizen in this country, from every inch of this territory, has the right to vote for whomever he wants and run for every position he wants. HDZ B&H does not support that. Model they are offering would kill the opportunity to solve Sejdic-Finci (verdict)," Izetbegovic stated earlier. On the other hand, HDZ B&H believes that one should first solve the verdicts of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, i.e. verdict in 'Bozo Ljubic' case. FB&H President and official of HDZ B&H Marinko Cavara stressed that he primarily believes that one should agree what can be implemented faster. "I believe that we can change the Election Law, with joint forces, with consent, mediation of international representatives who earlier took part in the Mostar agreement from June last year. In that way, we can create an ambiance for solving much harder issues," Cavara said ahead of the new round of negotiations between the delegations of HDZ B&H and SDA. SDA believes that one of the solutions for the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) would be to have a house similar to the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP) which exclusively protects vital, national interest. However, HDZ B&H continues to insist on parity, i.e. for 17 Croat delegates in the FB&H HoP to be elected in accordance with proportional representation of the population. Izetbegovic stated that SDA is very frustrated by the fact that one party, some 15 MPs, can stop whatever it wants. "That is not the case in the RS. The RS CoP there exclusively protects vital, national interest. If HDZ B&H is ready for the HoP in the FB&H to have that same role, to factually free the will of the majority in the House of Representatives, then there is a chance to make steps forward," Izetbegovic emphasized. Representatives of the international community who initiated the latest talks between SDA and HDZ B&H have stressed that it is necessary to change the Constitution, i.e. that certain surprises are possible. US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson stressed that the Parliament of B&H will have to act. "There is a process for that kind of reform and for changing the Constitution which is clearly necessary. Perhaps there will be surprises in terms of which options will be considered. But, that option will require and it will be carefully considered through dialogue and eventually, the final decision is in the hands of the Parliament," Ambassador Nelson underlined. Commenting the meeting, Izetbegovic said that nothing special happened and that they discussed formation of FB&H authorities, changes to Election Law and piled up issues. Izetbegovic said that he also talked to US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer who insists on establishing of interdepartmental working group, while SDA and HDZ would draft framework of the solutions. Izetbegovic said that they are currently trying to reconcile two principles that the state is based on- civic and ethnic, adding that the progress is made by the very fact that HDZ B&H came to understand that changes are not possible without changing of the Constitution. Commenting the meeting, Covic said that there were two teams- one dealing with Election Law, other with FB&H authorities. He noted that the first phase is completed and that certain progress has been made, adding that in the following phase, probably at the beginning of May, they will include other parliamentary parties into the talks. He added that both sides understand they have to find a joint solution: “It is very important to me that SDA is of the stance that one people will not be electing other people’s representatives, but naturally we have to harmonize this with rulings of the Constitutional Court and Court in Strasbourg. This is also why we said that if we find a solution which requires change of FB&H or state Constitution, we are willing”.

Dodik and Stefanovic talk about cooperation between RS and Serbia; First joint military exercise of B&H Armed Forces and Army of Serbia was announced (RTRS)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met with Serb member and Chairman of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Wednesday. It was stated after the meeting that Serbia will continue to strongly support the RS and invest in it, thus strengthening brotherly relations. Stefanovic emphasized that this type of cooperation is something that Serbia has the right to both according to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and special relations between Serbia and the RS. Stefanovic stressed that it is Serbia's desire, but also its interest, to continue investing in the RS. "Our goal is more intensive cooperation with companies with which we already do business, with which we have contracts worth about EUR 20 million," Stefanovic underlined. Dodik stated that the arms industry of the RS would not be able to function without orders and cooperation with Serbia. Dodik announced the organization of the first joint military exercise of the Serbian Army and the Armed Forces of B&H on Manjaca, noting that there is a framework decision for that in the Presidency of B&H. "I believe it is a good opportunity to show good cooperation between the Armed Forces of B&H and the Serbian Army. This is the first exercise, as far as I know, to take place after many years, and we believe that in this respect the ability and willingness to cooperate will be shown on both sides," Dodik underlined.

Accompanied by RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac, Stefanovic visited the Training Center of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) of the RS in Zaluzani near Banja Luka. Stefanovic and Lukac discussed training of people from the RS at the Military Academy in Serbia, where six cadets from the RS are currently studying. Lukac pointed out that the RS MoI formed a Helicopter Unit. "We have to additionally work on attracting investments and on infrastructure, because the money that is created in that way means a better quality of life for the people who live here. The RS is closest to us, we of course respect the territorial integrity of B&H, but no one can stop us from loving the RS and our people," Stefanovic underlined. Stefanovic also met with RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. Stefanovic and Viskovic stated that it is in the mutual interest of the RS and Serbia to preserve jobs in the arms industry.

Dodik criticizes Turkovic’s actions regarding her meetings in Berlin and talks about her reaction to donated vaccines from Serbia (ATV)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic has shown an ability to work outside of B&H Constitution and the stances of the B&H Presidency. Dodik pointed out that B&H Presidency is the only place where foreign policy is agreed upon. Dodik emphasized that Turkovic is ignoring that and destroys B&H and its institutions, which would not be the first time for Turkovic, according to Dodik. Dodik also commented on Turkovic’s reaction to donated vaccines against COVID-19 from Serbia and said that once B&H agreed to accept the donation and for Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic to hold a meeting with Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, Turkovic remained in Sarajevo and attacked the arrival of donated vaccines. Dodik also mentioned that there was no such reaction when Slovenia’s President Borut Pahor offered the same donation and that there is only a problem when it comes to Serbia and Vucic.

Prosecutor’s Office of B&H requests ban on work for Novalic and Milicevic (BHT1)

The B&H Prosecutor’s Office requested from the Court of B&H to ban the work of FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic and FB&H Finance Minister Jelka Milicevic until completion of the process in the ‘Novalic et al’ case, at the hearing in the so-called ‘Respirators’ affair in Sarajevo on Wednesday. The case is related to the disputable procurement of 100 respirators from China worth BAM 10.5 million for the FB&H health system. The indictment charges Novalic, suspended Director of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration Fahrudin Solak and ‘Srebrena Malina’ company owner Fikret Hodzic with abuse of office or official authority, receiving gifts, forgery of documents and other related criminal offenses. Milicevic is charged with the lack of commitment in office. According to competent prosecutor Mirza Hukeljic, the requested measure will prevent Novalic and Milicevic’s influence on prosecution witnesses who are supposed to testify in this process. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H also requested restrictive measures for Solak and Hodzic, i.e. to ban them from having contacts with witnesses and visiting the premises of the FB&H Civil Protection Administration and the ‘Srebrena Malina’ company. Defense teams said that there has been no evidence so far on influence on witnesses and that therefore there will be no pressures in the future. Defense attorneys said that suspension of Novalic and Milicevic could affect the work of the FB&H government. Milicevic’s attorney Senka Nozica said that the Trial Chamber has no evidence or testimonies as it cannot check such random allegations, adding that the ultimate goal was to indict the accused and remove them from posts.


Djukanovic: It didn’t take more than 100 days for exercise of power to degenerate into political caricature (CdM)

Niksic has always been a reliable shelter for Montenegrin freedom, as it is today the guarantor of the European values we are striving for, said the president of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic last night, while speaking at the forum of the European Team for Niksic. He said that the absolute priority of the future development of Niksic was the creation of new jobs. He added that on Sunday, in the local elections in Niksic, it would be decided whether to continue by further profiling Niksic as an urban European center, or if we would allow it to be overthrown for 100 times by retrograde policies that hover over our reality as ghosts of the past.

According to Djukanovic, it did not take more than 100 days for the exercise of power to degenerate into a political caricature, and to clearly show the astonishing incompetence, as well as political and national irresponsibility. “We are witnessing the vampirization of the politics of the 1990s with the undisguised ambitions of retrograde forces to achieve their goals from that time today by other means. Unfortunately, Montenegro is at the center of many state plans and projects, which is seen as an important part of the Serbian World, which is a new phrase for the Greater Serbia project. We know very well what was the role of Serbia and the Serbian Orthodox Church in the preparation and implementation of the latest offensive of that historically outdated concept during the parliamentary elections in August last year,” Djukanovic recalled. He stressed that in the campaign for the local elections in Niksic, that role was even more aggressive and open. “Niksic has never been and must not be a good address for the electoral success of the essence of that five-column and mercenary policy”, said Djukanovic, who ended his address with the words May Montenegro be eternal.

Davidovic: Vucic ordered assassination of me and Joanikije (CdM)

The People’s Movement leader and the candidate for the mayor of Niksic Miodrag Daka Davidovic accused the president of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic of having ordered the assassination of him and the administrator of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral and Bishop of Budimlje and Niksic Joanikije. According to Davidovic, on the same night when the assassination was attempted, he said that he wasn’t interested in perpetrators but in instructing parties. Davidovic was wounded on 10 December 2019 in Belgrade, while he was sitting in the Crown Plaza hotel with Joanikije.


Rama accused of putting on lists candidates linked with vote stealing and gangs (Tirana Times)

The opposition has accused today the Prime Minister Edi Rama of not respecting the decriminalization law, by putting on the lists of candidates of the Socialist Party for the next parliamentary elections candidates linked to vote-stealing and criminal groups. The leader of the opposition, Lulzim Basha said that the list of candidates in Durres County of the Socialist Party is composed of individuals already mentioned in files dedicated to the manipulation of votes during past elections, or even with individuals linked with different gangs across Albania. “The candidates of Rama are Çyrbja of the file 339, Ndraxhi of the gangs of Shijak, or Rraja of the gangs of Fuseë-Kruja. After 8 years, the only thing that Rama can offer is a facade. Beyond the facade, are the thieves of the money of the Albanians and the gangs,” said Basha. During the day in the media was leaked also a conversation between the former Minister of Foreign Affairs Ditmir Bushati and Prime Minister Rama, where Bushati asked Rama to not put on the lists "persons related to incinerators, financial bloodshed, concrete washing machine, crime and PPP". Although Bushati has been widely complimented by Rama for his role in foreign affairs, he was not part of the final list of the Socialist Party for the next elections, with the motivation that he did not contribute enough to the party's interests in the last years. Immediately after the Constitutional Court became functional again, it looked like the whole focus of the Albanian main partners, such as the European Union or the United States, shifted towards the need of having candidate lists with integrity for the next parliamentary elections. Even after the 11th meeting of the Stabilisation and Association Council between the EU and Albania, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission Borrell, reminded to Prime Minister Rama the need of having integrity lists.

The Ambassador of the EU, Luigi Soreca also said that considering that Albania is near the starting of the negotiations, the parliament must “undergo reforms in areas such as the fight against organized crime, corruption, and to so you must have high standards of integrity of the members of the parliament.”


US Ambassador warns of possible disqualification of candidates from the lists (Tirana Times)

Two days after the submission of the candidates' lists for the next elections of 25 April by all the political parties, the US Ambassador Yuri Kim declared that some candidates may be disqualified after the vetting process.  “There are three people that the US Secretary of State has designated. I will not carry their names in my mouth, but you can find the record for yourself. On the list, on the issue of the list, the view of the United States is very clear and maybe undiplomatic on my part. I think parties have taken that into consideration; not all of them, but most of them. It’s now with the Central Election Commission, and it’s their job, along with the prosecutors, to vet these candidates,” said Kim, adding that it shouldn’t come as a surprise if “some candidates are disqualified after that process.”  The Ambassador further declared that the US has repeatedly called for clean candidates and the full implementation of the decriminalization law. “This is not about whether the United States likes someone or doesn’t like someone. It’s about whether the Secretary of State has determined – after extensive research, information, and time – that someone is a threat to U.S security. And if someone is a threat to US security, I think it’s worthwhile for Albanian voters and Albanian authorities to consider whether this person could be a threat to your security. After the US Ambassador, the EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca also wrote to Twitter that “It is now up to the Central Election Commission, in consultation with the General Prosecution office, to vet the candidates. Decriminalization law must be fully applied and high integrity standards for all candidates must be met.”

Meta: Elections should bring out from ''intubation'' the economic freedom (Radio Tirana)

Albanian President Ilir Meta has called for the parliamentary elections of 25 April to be used to extract from "intubation" the economic freedom, along with all other freedoms, enjoyed by the citizens in a completely European country. Referring to a report by the World Heritage Foundation, Meta said on social media that economic freedom in Albania has declined by nine spots. According to him, this is a direct consequence of the brutal violation of property rights and the dysfunction of the judicial system. Albania, according to the report of the prestigious world foundation "Heritage", has fallen nine places lower in the ranking for economic freedom, compared to a year ago. This frightening slide into economic freedom is a direct consequence of the brutal violation of property rights and the dysfunction of the judicial system. This deeply negative report confirms the continuous public attitudes, which I have also expressed by decrees, in defense of free competition. Therefore, it is urgent that the oligarchs and the occult interests seize the state, the Assembly, the Government and the judiciary. "The 25 April referendum is a historic opportunity to extract from 'intubation' economic freedom, along with all the other freedoms enjoyed by citizens in a fully European country."