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Belgrade Media Report 19 March 2021


We are looking for a compromise with Kosovo Albanians, I am not sure they are ready for that (RTS

It was not easy and simple for me with any of them, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) about Pristina’s negotiators in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. “There is no non-paper. Palmer does not hide that they are seeking mutual recognition, in accordance with what Biden signed. The EU is asking for full normalization, we are asking for a compromise, I am not sure that the Albanians are ready for a compromise. We do not talk about anything that is a compromise, we only say that sometimes to the EU. For the Albanians, the compromise is for Pristina to recognize Belgrade, as if we long for that. You smile at that, turn around and leave. As for the Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija, we would like all things to be fulfilled from the Brussels and Washington agreements, first the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), and this must be fulfilled, that is the European obligation from April 2013. I don’t think they plan to fulfill anything, but they thus put themselves in an impossible position in some things. I am not one of those who are happy with a frozen conflict because someone can always unfreeze it. We have a more difficult position with Biden as the US President. I appreciate him, he is an exceptional politician, but it is harder for us. You had one phone call - when Angela Merkel calls, everyone knows how they have to behave. She asked me why I didn’t call her more often. She always told me everything in my face, just like I told her. I never had an unpleasant conversation with her. She is a woman who helped Serbia a lot, and I will never forget that. I know how much she helped Serbia in 2015.”

Inter-party dialogue on two tracks 

According to Vucic, the party he leads has appointed a delegation for dialogue. “There will be two types of talks. Those who do not want foreigners to lead the dialogue, and this is the larger part. Sasa Radulovic’s party is the strongest of the opposition parties today. And those who want foreigners to lead the dialogue,” Vucic points out. This means, he notes, that the dialogue will be conducted on two tracks. “It is easier for me that those who want to talk to foreigners have said a long time ago that they do not want to talk to me. I am ready to talk to those who want to talk without the mediation of foreigners, I am ready and it would be my obligation to participate in that,” he said.

I would like both Djukanovic and Krivokapic to visit Belgrade  

They didn’t say that Vucic won in Niksic. I am responding to them that Vucic didn’t participate in the elections in Niksic, Vucic said answering the question about the results of the local elections in Niksic. There is a policy of exclusivism in Montenegro, where they want to expel everything that is Serbian. There are proportionally more Serbs in Montenegro than Albanians in Northern Macedonia, but they have no rights. There has been no one in power since 2006. There were more Albanians and Bosniaks, and there was a huge percentage of Serbs, yet they had no rights. The minute they are not able to stifle Serbian movements and politicians who are not ashamed to say that they are Serbs by birth, it is my fault. I did not participate and I am not interested in participating in the elections. I am interested in the census results. We will always help the Serb people in Montenegro. We are helping Matica srpska, we are helping our Church. I don’t hear from Milo Djukanovic at all, I saw Zdravko Krivokapic. I would like both of them to pay an official visit to Belgrade. Just because we have differences and think differently doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk. I don’t think Djukanovic will wish to come, but he has an open invitation.

Vucic thanks Nigeria for its respect of international law by upholding Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today for a farewell visit with the non-resident Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Eniola Olaitan Ajayi and thanked her for her contribution to strengthening the ties between the two countries. Vucic said that Serbia aspires to strengthen the political dialogue and intensify economic cooperation with Nigeria, considering the traditional friendship between Belgrade and Abuja, which originates from the joint activities in the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries. In this regard, he expressed the expectation that the Nigerian embassy could be reopened in our capital so that we would have more frequent contacts. Vucic thanked Nigeria for its respect of the international law by upholding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, by not recognizing the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. Vucic and Ambassador Ajayi emphasized the importance of the educational program “Serbia and the World”, within which students from Nigeria, in addition to our scholarships, study in Serbia, with the possibility of increasing their number. He sent greetings to President Buhari, expressing hope that the world would win the COVID-19 pandemic with joint forces and mutual solidarity.

US Embassy concerned over attacks on civil society organizations (N1

The American Embassy in Belgrade expressed concern on Thursday over the attacks on the CRTA democracy watchdog organization by ruling party MPs. “The incorrect statements by MPs about CRTA and other civil society organizations cause concern,” the embassy said on its official Twitter account. It added that organizations like CRTA should not be threatened just because they demand responsibility from the elected representatives.



B&H Presidency members and Serbian FM Selakovic emphasize need to establish better coordination of B&H and Serbia when it comes to issue of migrants (Nova BH)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik and Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic met with Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic in Sarajevo on Thursday. On this occasion, collocutors discussed the issue of migrants, the cooperation between B&H and Serbia, the COVID-19 pandemic and infrastructural issues. When it comes to the issue of migrants, collocutors underlined the need to exchange information on the situation with the migrants and to establish better coordination in this regard. The four officials agreed that relations between B&H and Serbia have intensified when it comes to the infrastructural issues. They also concluded that B&H and Serbia serve as a good example of regional cooperation at the time of the pandemic. The B&H Presidency members thanked Selakovic on Serbia’s donation of vaccines against COVID-19. Among other things, the importance of resolving the open issue of the border between the two countries was emphasized, which will be resolved within the framework of contacts at the highest level, with the aim of signing an appropriate agreement between the two countries. Selakovic expressed gratitude to B&H for a principled view in terms of non-recognition of the self-declared Kosovo independence and support to Serbia in international organizations regarding membership of the self-declared Kosovo. The officials supported Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s initiative for holding of an economic forum in Belgrade.


SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD hold meeting to discuss B&H’s path to EU (O kanal)

The delegations of SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD held a meeting in Mostar to discuss B&H’s path to the EU. According to the working groups of these parties, they are ready to accelerate B&H’s path to EU in the terms of fulfilling 14 key priorities which are conditions of the EU for B&H’s candidate status. General consensus was reached on further steps for B&H's accession to the EU and receiving the candidate status. Representative of HDZ B&H delegation Vjekoslav Bevanda said that they have concluded that 6 out of 14 priorities were completed and that they were focused on three laws, namely the Law on Amendments to the Law on Public Procurement, Amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in B&H Institutions. Representative of SDA delegation Denis Zvizdic said they discussed realization of sub priorities for which they believe are showing credible progress of B&H for the next phase, which is receiving the candidate status. According to Zvizdic, B&H should get its candidate status by mid-2021. When it comes to the issues that these three political parties do not agree on, their negotiations will be more intense in the future, as it was stated on Thursday. Representative of SNSD delegation Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac pointed out: “Do not think that we agreed to adopt everything as it is listed in the priorities, but we will certainly work on that”. Novakovic-Bursac said she hopes that issues they do agree on will move forward very quickly to B&H parliamentary procedure. When it comes to the Law on the HJPC, it was already drafted and the Law on Public Procurement was already sent to the parliamentary procedure, concluded the reporter.

Sattler and Radoncic discuss constitutional/electoral reform (Dnevni avaz)

The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler met on Thursday with SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic. During the hour-long meeting, Sattler underlined importance of fulfilling of 14 key priorities from the EC Opinion as well as importance of constitutional/electoral reform in line with the EC Opinion. Sattler informed Radoncic about other important obligations which B&H will face in the following period. Radoncic thanked Ambassador Sattler for his significant and impartial engagement to assist domestic leaders in finding of necessary compromise. Officials concluded that with this, the most difficult constitutional-legal and political issues in B&H would be solved before the following, election year. Two officials also underlined importance of raising of standard of the electoral process in term of adoption of legislation which would prevent any kind of election frauds and manipulation.

Conference on transformation potential of Euro-Atlantic process of B&H takes place in Neum (BHT1)

The ‘Transformative Potential of the Euro-Atlantic Process in B&H’ conference, organized by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, the University of Mostar and the Chancellor's Assembly of the Republic of Croatia, was held in Neum. BHT1 reports that the aim of the conference was to initiate a process for finding solutions for internal political issues and foreign policy priorities of B&H and all speakers at the conference agreed that complex structure of B&H in the current Dayton form should be replaced by a new, more efficient format.  Deputy speaker at the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic said that organizational model must be found for B&H “that will take into account the highest European standards, and on the other hand, all key characteristics of B&H will be taken into account, i.e. multiculturalism, multi-ethnicity and finally, make a rational, efficient state that clearly we do not have today”. Covic underlined that legislative solutions in B&H should be passed by paying attention to equal representation of Croats in the B&H institutions. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said that the agreement between the three constituent peoples is important to overcome all the existing issues and “I believe in B&H on its EU path, its NATO path that will, according to the Croatian expertise and experience, have a true advocate”. “I believe in a modern B&H, a prosperous B&H, a state where all three constituent peoples are equal.” Grlic-Radman added that Croatian expertise and experience should help B&H on its path towards the EU and NATO. In a brief address at the conference via video link, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that Croats are a constituent people in B&H while Croatia is a friendly neighboring country to B&H. Plenkovic concluded that Croatia wants to help B&H in its steps towards Europe and in preserving stability. Plenkovic said that the EU path of B&H is actually transformation path of B&H. US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, Head of the Delegation of the EU in B&H Johann Sattler and EU Special Representative for Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak participated in the final panel at the conference.  The EU Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi stated that B&H has to be open country, i.e. everyone has to be equal. Commissioner Varhelyi also stated that as other the EU candidate countries before, B&H will need to amend its Constitution to comply with requirements of the EU membership. He added that this means equal representation to all in the country. “It also means ensuring functionality of state institutions so that they are able to effectively participate in the EU decision making,” explained Varhelyi. Also, Nelson shortly addressed the abovementioned conference. He stated that it is not sufficient to change electoral legislation in B&H and emphasized that limited amending of the Constitution of B&H is necessary. The US Ambassador stressed that civic society, other political parties and the Central Election Commission of B&H should be included in this process.

DF argues Croatian officials cannot be ones to decide on defining of Law on Elections of B&H (Oslobodjenje)

The international conference titled ‘Transformation Potential of Euro-Atlantic Processes in B&H’ took place on Thursday in Neum and it was organized by the University of Mostar, Croat Academy of Science and Arts and Association of Presidents of Universities of Croatia. DF called Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Bisera Turkovic to present her stance on “conference of joint criminal enterprise in Mostar” at which Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia Gordan Grlic-Radman and Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic presented messages of disrespect for the state of B&H. “It is completely unacceptable for the Minister and Prime Minister to hold lectures on how the Law on Elections of B&H should be defined, especially knowing that their visions are identical to racist visions on unequal value of votes of citizens coming from HDZ B&H. The Law on Elections of B&H is not the issue for officials of the Republic of Croatia to decide on, especially knowing that they strongly oppose implementation of rulings of the European Court of Human Rights,” DF noted. The daily reminded that Plenkovic and Grlic-Radman reiterated that Croats must be legitimately represented at all levels of authorities.

Russian Embassy to B&H: If B&H and NATO start becoming closer we will react to this hostile move (RTRS)

The Russian Embassy to B&H stated that meaning of existence of NATO – that was turned into geopolitical project of the West – is the fight against Russia. It was added that in case B&H and NATO start becoming closer they will react to this hostile move. In this way, the Embassy of Russia reacted to “numerous reports praising alleged advantages of the membership of B&H in NATO”. The statement also warned that no round of NATO enlargement improved relations of Russia with new supporters of NATO. The Russian Embassy stated that unlike the Western partners, Russia never imposes the selection of foreign policy priorities on other countries. However, Russia also calls on friends in B&H to think well and consider all “pros” and “cons” before making any decision on NATO membership. The Russian Embassy also reiterated that it is necessary to take into account the opinion of all B&H citizens, and underlined that B&H is far from consensus on the matter of NATO membership. Commenting the claims that NATO is the most powerful alliance in the world capable of establishing lasting peace and stability in a region where there are many disputes and high risk of conflicts, the Russian Embassy wonders if NATO is a psychiatric clinic that treats phobias and fears. “The logical question is: Who is B&H afraid of? From who should Alliance members protect it,” reads the statement issued by the Embassy. The Embassy concluded that the purpose of NATO is fight against Russia, and accession to the Alliance will force B&H to choose a side.

Session of PIC SB was postponed because there is no consensus on appointment of new High Representative (Glas Srpske)

The daily learned from unnamed sources that Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) was supposed to convene on 16 March. However, this session was postponed because of lack of consensus among international partners regarding the appointment of the new High Representative, but also because of the latest conclusions on implementation of the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement and work of OHR which was adopted by Republika Srpska (RS) parliament. Also, Russian Ambassador Igor Kalabukhov reiterated Russia’s firm stance that OHR should be closed. The daily argues that Canada and Germany have decided that the opinion of all relevant factors on their candidates for the post of High Representative – Joseph Ingram and Christian Schmidt – should be taken into account, and that all procedures for appointment should be respected. The source told the daily that no country will nominate a candidate who could be rejected, and all sides agree that it is necessary to find a solution that will be acceptable to all. The source claims that there is general wish to respect the stances of Russia, as well as the stances of the RS. B&H Presidency Chairman Milorad Dodik stated recently that the matter of appointment of new High Representative has not been mentioned since the RS parliament adopted its conclusions because the international community is examining what the conclusions mean. According to him, the RS parliament conclusions were meaningful and important. Political analyst Milan Sitarski stated that the RS parliament conclusions might be a factor in the decision to postpone the session of the PIC SB, which proves that the international community want to respect the consensus of local stakeholders, but also indicates that there is no consensus in the international community.

Komsic meets Kalabughov who reiterates that OHR needs to be closed (Glas Srpske)


B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic met on Thursday with new Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. Kalabukhov reiterated Russia’s stance that OHR needs to be closed. Kalabukhov told Komsic that as a principle, Russia remains with the stance that OHR needs to be closed regardless of possible personnel solutions. Komsic repeated stances about necessity of establishing of equality of all B&H citizens, as one of important European standards, which requires reform of the Constitution as well as reform of certain laws. The officials also discussed the procurement of Russian vaccines for B&H citizens.


Croatia will continue to support Bosnia and Herzegovina (Hina)

A conference titled "Transformation Potential of Euro-Atlantic Processes in B&H" was held in Neum, B&H, on Thursday. The conference was organized by the University of Mostar with the support of the Croatian Rectors' Council, and the president of the HDZ B&H. Participating in the online format, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said that Croatia would continue to support B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path, with the hope that the process will lead to lasting stability and a guarantee of equal rights for all of its constituent peoples. Plenkovic said that B&H was and remains a friend and neighbor of Croatia, and that the ties between the two countries are unbreakable: “Along with the fact that Croats are one of the three constituent peoples in B&H, there is a logical interest for of Croatia in the situation and relations in that country and a desire to help as much as possible in its progress and preservation of stability.” The Croatian Prime Minister went on to say that B&H's path to European integration is the best way to transform, adding that all decisions in this regard should be made within B&H and through the agreement of the people who live in it, and that Croats must be equally represented in this process. He reminded that Croatia has already provided assistance to B&H in applying for EU candidate status in 2016, stressing that the Republic of Croatia plans to continue providing this kind of assistance while simultaneously strongly encouraging the process of EU enlargement to include the entire Western Balkans. Plenkovic said that he hopes that with Croatia’s support B&H will catch up with other countries in the region that have made greater progress on their path to European integration. One of the speakers at the conference, HDZ B&H President Dragan Covic, reminded that this is the fourth gathering of its kind in a bid to find answers to numerous unresolved issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina: “The goal is to use the potential offered by the process of the country’s necessary transformation, while avoiding the mistakes others have made, based on their experience. In B&H’s case there is no alternative to EU and NATO membership.” The academic community also voiced its willingness to help B&H in its goal of achieving Euro-Atlantic integration. The rector of the University of Mostar, Zoran Tomic, said the conference was part of an effort to help solve existing problems in B&H, which he said is a deeply divided and dysfunctional society: “I am convinced that B&H is capable of finding solutions based on the European values that we are all striving to achieve, but until then we need to implement changes and build mutual trust.” The President of the Croatian Rectors' Assembly, Marin Milkovic, said that the academic community remains open to helping B&H in any way it can to resolve the deep internal divisions without meddling in the country's internal affairs: “We want to do so on the basis of generally accepted principles and the desire of everyone in B&H for a European perspective. As EU citizens we have an obligation to help our friends in B&H.”

The Neum Conference gathered some thirty participants from the region and Brussels, primarily from the academia and political institutions. Among them were Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and the EU Special Representative for Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, Miroslav Lajcak.

Population census delayed until autumn (Hina)

The population census planned for April and May will be delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic and is expected to take place in two phases from 13 September to 17 October, the government recommended on Thursday in amendments to the Census of the Population, Households, and Dwellings Act. In the first phase, citizens would fill in the census form online using the e-Citizens application, while the second would include personal interviews by census-takers, who would also verify the data collected in the first stage. Under the amendments, the first phase would take place on 13-26 September instead of on 1-10 April, and the second from 27 September to 17 October instead of from 16 April to 7 May. The reference date will be the situation as on 31 August instead of 31 March. In case it is not possible to conduct the census, the government will formulate new dates by special decision to be published in the Official Gazette.


Krivokapic: Issue of founding party in these circumstances logical, I share only same state with DPS (Dan)

In an interview for Dan, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic says he is satisfied with the results that the government achieved in the past 100 days and that there is no need for a new adventure in the form of a possible reconstruction. He also says that in these circumstances, the logical issue would be the set-up of a party. He also refers to the problem of the pandemic, calling on all citizens to be responsible and abide by the measures. Krivokapic expresses readiness for Montenegro to receive new credentials for Serbian Ambassador Vladimir Bozovic if it is their choice, but also reiterates that this government can’t annul the previous government’s decision on expulsion. Asked about possible cooperation with the Democratic Party of Socialists, ha says that it is impossible and that he shares only the same state with that party, and nothing else. While referring to the issue of prosecutorial laws, Krivokapic says that Venice Commission’s opinion is expected on 20 March. “This opinion in a way obliges the government to reconsider each position, find an adequate solution and incorporate it into the proposal of already existing or some other solutions. For now, we can’t know for sure what to expect. There is only one thing for sure – this government, in consultation with the Venice Commission and the European Commission, will do everything to make these laws a measure of justice. Regardless of how someone views this situation, I can responsibly claim that the Prosecutor’s Office isn’t doing its job in a professional manner,” Krivokapic points out.

Abazovic meets with Sinkevicius and Lajcak: Government will work hard on reforms (RTCG)

Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic had separate meetings with European Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevicius, and EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and other Western Balkan regional issues Miroslav Lajcak. Emphasising the importance of environmental protection, Abazovic confirmed in a conversation with Sinkevicius that the Government is clearly committed to working diligently on reforms related to the negotiation Chapter 27. Abazovic stressed the importance of working on the affirmation of cooperation when it comes to the field of environment, in the context of the presented Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, as well as defined activities within the economic and investment plan. Abazovic pointed out that the Government will put a greater focus on activities related to the protection and improvement of the environment, as well as on the fight against climate change. This will include the implementation of a set of international measures that will brand Montenegro as a true ecological state, in accordance with the Constitution. "We are determined to continue the development of our country by following the principles of a green economy, clean energy and environment protection. A clear demonstration of this was one of the first decisions of the Government - to permanently ban the further construction of small-scale hydropower plants in order to preserve Montenegrin watercourses as one of our greatest natural and development resources," said Abazovic. Abazovic and Sinkevicius also talked about preserving and improving the ecological values of protected areas and the potentials of Natura 2000 programe, such as Ulcinj Salina, Sinjajevina Mountain, Skadar Lake, Tara River and other river streams, as well as waste management and water quality. Abazovic also met with Miroslav Lajcak. Abazovic pointed out that regional cooperation and good neighborly relations remain one of the three key priorities of Montenegro's foreign policy (in addition to European integration and activities within NATO). Abazovic said that the government's foreign policy direction is Montenegro's EU membership and that the government is clearly striving for the necessary reforms in order to speed up the process of closing the negotiation chapters.

Abazovic meets with NATO Quint Ambassadors in Brussels (RTCG

During his three-day visit to Brussels, organized by the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to NATO, Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic met with the NATO Quint Ambassadors – the USA, Great Britain, France, Italy and Germany. Abazovic said that Montenegro's membership in NATO has become part of the collective security system and that NATO membership is complementary to the process of European integration through building a democratic society, rule of law, civilian control of the defence sector and security services. Abazovic stated that NATO is one of the pillars of our country's foreign policy and that Montenegro expresses its readiness to strengthen its contribution to NATO's activities in facing the Alliance's common security challenges. The Deputy Prime Minister told the Quint Ambassadors that the new parliamentary majority signed an agreement prior to the formation of the government, in which it committed itself to responsibly implement all international obligations, strengthen and improve cooperation with the Alliance and effectively implement all necessary reforms. Chargé d'Affaires of the Mission of Montenegro to NATO Radovan Bogojevic, Adviser to the Prime Minister Vanja Radevic, Advisers to the Deputy Prime Minister Filip Adzic and Miodrag Lakovic also attended the meeting.


Siljanovska: VMRO-DPMNE calls for an expert government with real experts that will bring knowledge (TV Alfa)

In an interview with TV Alfa, Professor and VMRO-DPMNE MP, Gordana Siljanovska Davkova, referred to the current situation, pointing out that the way out is only in an expert government. If we have a minimal difference between parties, big challenges, crisis, dysfunctional Parliament, then something should be done, but it is not a vote of confidence as (PM Zoran) Zaev did, said MP Siljanovska. According to her, Zaev in a strange way seeks trust and then says let’s have a broad coalition, which is not right. They say a broad coalition, without the leader of VMRO-DPMNE. The way Zaev presented the idea and then said that’s now what he was thinking, means a misunderstanding of democracy, Siljanovska said. In this situation, VMRO-DPMNE is calling for an expert government. An expert government in which ministers will become real experts that will bring knowledge, said Siljanovska. Siljanovska also referred to the upcoming party congress of SDSM, pointing out that Zaev is scared.

Albanian members of the Macedonian government are exclusively advancing Albanian national interests (Republika)

Several top ethnic Albanian members of the (PM Zoran) Zaev regime are currently on foreign trips which are clearly meant to advance Albanian national interests, not those of the country as a whole. Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani is in Spain where he cited that the main topic of discussion with the Spanish interlocutors will be the recognition of Kosovo. Spain refuses to recognize Kosovo fearing a precedent that could in the future apply to Catalonia. But Osmani told Albanian language news outlets that he will raise this as the main issue during his visit to Madrid. And First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi is in Kosovo where he urged Kosovan leaders to help get as many ethnic Albanians registered in the census that the Zaev regime is conducting. There are numerous dual citizenship holders between Macedonia and Kosovo and Albanian parties in Macedonia insist on having all of them counted and added to the census – afraid that otherwise the Albanian share of the population could drop below the 25 percent registered in 2020. Grubi raised this issue during his meetings with Kosovan political parties and with acting President Vjosa Osmani.

Ahmeti announces that a deal with Bulgaria is “not far” (Republika)

DUI party leader Ali Ahmeti announced that Macedonia is close to an agreement with Bulgaria in the dispute over national identity and history. Ahmeti met with the EU Ambassador to Macedonia David Geer in the DUI office in Tetovo, and said that “We are not far from agreement with Sofia in which both side will respect their obligations”. Bulgaria is blocking Macedonia from opening EU accession talks. It demands a major rewriting of Macedonian history along the Bulgarian historic narrative and watering down of distinction between the Macedonian and the Bulgarian nation and language.