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Belgrade Media Report 6 April 2021


Vucic: Statements from Pristina are not encouraging, on the contrary (TV Pink/Tanjug/RTV

The statements coming from Pristina are not encouraging, on the contrary, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Monday evening. In Pristina, Vjosa Osmani, as the candidate of Self-Determination, was elected president of the provisional institutions, and before that, the leader of that movement, Albin Kurti, was elected prime minister. “They formed all key institutions. Their statements are not encouraging, on the contrary,” Vucic told TV Pink. As he said, now, after all, he could ask many in Serbia who cheered for them - what they cheered for. “To pay war reparations for that? That Serbs must be held accountable for war crimes against Albanians, and only when that happens, should a solution be discussed, and the only possible solution is for Serbia to receive great recognition from Kosovo,” Vucic asked. Thank you very much for that offer, but we cannot accept such an offer, no matter how “generous and noble” it may be on your part, he said ironically. To the statement of the viewer from Gracanica, that she is grateful for everything that the Serbian President does for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, despite the difficult situation, Vucic said that the state is trying to help as much as it can. “We are fighting as much as we can, and we are facing a million problems. You cannot bring in investors, but now we are allocating 600 million Euros every year for Kosovo and Metohija, just to keep our people, to guard the hearths,” Vucic said, announcing that a hospital will be built in Gracanica.

Trilateral meetings with Greece, Cyprus to be held every six months (Tanjug/RTS/RTV

Serbia, Greece and Cyprus reached an agreement on Monday to hold trilateral meetings every six months and the Foreign Ministers of the three countries announced the next one would be held in Thessaloniki. Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told reporters the three ministers had discussed Serbia’s European future and that the biannual meetings would address topics from several fields of interest to Serbia, Greece and Cyprus. Selakovic said they had discussed economic cooperation, infrastructure, a strengthening of ties, the energy sector and natural gas supplies from various sources and via various routes, and added the three ministers had agreed greater cooperation was needed in tourism, agriculture, the IT sector, etc. He thanked Greece and Cyprus for their principled support regarding the preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and integrity as well as regarding its European integration. He said Serbia backed Greece regarding continuing the dialogue with Turkey as well as when it comes to an agreement with Albania on delineating borders between the two countries. Serbia reiterated its support to Cyprus’s sovereignty and also backed a continuation of a Cyprus-Turkey dialogue, Selakovic said. “Serbia’s main objective in regional politics is the preservation of peace and stability,” Selakovic told reporters. Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulidis thanked Selakovic for his hospitality and said the three countries maintained friendly ties and that the future trilateral cooperation created a positive agenda in the interest of all nations. He noted Serbian and Greek nationals would from 1 April be able to travel to Cyprus with negative PCR tests and said this was a first step to a return to normalcy. “Today we also reaffirmed strong support to Serbia and a readiness for all possible assistance in achieving the strategic goal of EU accession, as well as when it comes to non-recognition of Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias pointed out the good perspective of cooperation between Greece and Serbia in the field of energy, security and infrastructure, and at the same time pointed out that they ban migrant flows, assessing that Turkey must strengthen the control of its borders. The Eastern Mediterranean should be seen as an area of ​​co-operation, not as a sea of ​​military policy. There is no place for such thoughts in the 21st century, the head of Greek diplomacy noted. He reiterated Greece’s support for Serbia on the European path, and specified that the Greek Prime Minister gave an order to do everything to help our country on that path.

Cyprus’ sincere support for Serbia’s path to the EU (Tanjug

Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic talked on Monday with Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulidis about the process of Serbia’s EU accession, bilateral relations and the situation in the region. Joksimovic conveyed her gratitude to her Cypriot counterpart for the sincere support that his country provides to Serbia in the membership negotiations, while advocating a principled solution to the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, in accordance with the principles of international law. We expect that Cyprus, as before, will continue to advocate the policy of EU enlargement in a way that will enable that policy to be more credible, predictable and dynamic, as announced by the new methodology, she stated.

Christodoulidis pointed out the importance of good bilateral relations between the two countries, which are also reflected in his country's support for Serbia in joining the EU. The government of Cyprus sincerely advocates the policy of EU enlargement, while supporting the Western Balkans and Serbia to reach the necessary criteria, primarily in the rule of law, fight against corruption, organized crime, but also in the field of economic criteria, he stressed. The ministers agreed that Serbia’s effective action in resolving the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, such as successful immunization of the population, but also assistance to the economy and neighbors in the region, is the best indicator that our country bases its policy on European values ​​of solidarity, equality and respect for human dignity, which is especially important in times of global crisis.



Cavara: We need partners who will respect rule of law, Croats want legitimate representation and stable political relations (Nezavisne


The daily carried an interview with Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara (HDZ B&H). Asked to comment the fact that the new FB&H government has not been formed yet even more than two years after the general elections, Cavara said that complex political relations prevented the formation of the new FB&H Government. According to him, this only proves that there is no willingness to respect the law and Constitution. “We have been saying since the beginning that we must find a partner who will respect the rule of law. If somebody does not want to implement decisions of the Constitutional Court, what rule of law are we talking about? We are aware that the system of rule of law is being violated all the time, international agreement is being violated, Constitutions of FB&H and B&H are being violated” said Cavara. According to him, posts and offices cannot be the only goal and added that there is not a great variety of partners to choose from on B&H political scene. In this situation, he underlined, if the other side is not willing to implement rulings of the Constitutional Court, HDZ B&H is not willing to participate in distribution of posts (Cavara refers to the rulings of B&H Constitutional Court on Election Law). Asked who is to blame for such situation, Cavara said that all political stakeholders and the international community share the blame. According to him, Croats are the smallest constituent people and they must constantly seek partners for positive processes and B&H’s association with the EU and NATO. Speaking about negotiations on changes to B&H Election Law, Cavara said that it is positive that the talks have been opened with mediation of the international community. Speaking about the stances of the Croat side, Cavara said: “We insist on constituent implementation of the Constitution, i.e. the ruling of the Constitutional Court in order to secure legitimate representation of the Croat people through the three-member B&H Presidency, since this position is endangered by the election of illegitimate Zeljko Komsic who has been elected by Bosniaks for the third time. Other changes refer to legitimate representatives in the House of Peoples, because each time someone else declares as a Croat, say a Ibrahim, Muhamed…who have never been Croats and who are not Croats in any way but they declared as such in order to become delegates in the Croat Caucus, which is absurd”. Commenting the indications that Croatia is preparing a paper on B&H for the upcoming meeting of the EU Foreign Ministers, Cavara expressed hope that the EU will finally focus on problems in B&H and especially the issue of the Election Law. He underlined that B&H needs stable political relations. He also emphasized that Croatia is a great friend of B&H and it wants to help B&H on the path to the EU and NATO. Cavara noted that Croatia also has the obligation to protect the constituent position of Croats in B&H.


HNS condemns Komsic’s non-paper, calls him usurper of Croat people’s rights (Vecernji list


Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) issued a statement condemning the latest non-paper which B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic sent to the UN and EU last month. “We warn the international partners that the non-paper is another piece of evidence of the constant abuse of state institutions, which now represents the usual political behavior of some political actors” HNS stated and expressed regrets over the fact that that non-paper contains “inappropriate accusations” against some international partners such as the EU and USA. According to HNS, accusations regarding biasness, indecisiveness, political patronizing and neglect represent a diplomatic embarrassment of B&H at the international level, but also indicate the nervousness of the author who is known as usurper of the rights of the Croat people in B&H. HNS noted that the non-paper comes in a moment when talks are being intensified on changes to B&H Election Law which will not be favorable for usurper of Croat posts and which will not discriminate against any citizen of B&H. HNS emphasized that Komsic’s non-paper contains slander, untruths and Komsic’s personal opinions. “The attempt to present destructive policy as a progressive civic factor is failed, absurd and unfounded. This same policy is the destabilizing factor of B&H and political dialogue, and the officials in the EU and throughout the world have now been informed about this once again”, reads the HNS statement. HSN called for urgent and constructive dialogue with the goal to achieve necessary progress towards B&H’s Euro-Atlantic future based on mutual respect and equality.


Boskovic: EU and USA realized that domination in B&H is a problem (Vecernji list


The daily carried an interview with deputy speaker of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Representatives (HoR) Mladen Boskovic (HDZ B&H) who was first asked to comment on the daily’s remark that it would appear that talks between Croat and Bosniak representatives (on changes to the Law on Elections of B&H) show there is conflict between different concepts. Boskovic replied by saying, among other issues, that all imposed constitutional changes from the early 2000s went in direction of political assimilation of the Croat people and that the post of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H got usurped on three occasions. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that the Bosniak parties want to abolish the (FB&H) House of Peoples and where it would lead, Boskovic said the Bosniaks do not want to give up on “the political luxury” and possibility of establishing political domination in the FB&H. According to Boskovic, the Houses of Peoples exist to protect something sensitive in the society, namely the constituent peoples. Asked how he sees the US’ and the EU’s initiative and different messages they are sending to the B&H politicians, Boskovic said that the international representatives, foremost representatives of the EU and the US, have realized that “the nationalism of majority” and creation of pseudo-civic ambiance through suitable Croats or Serbs are not the image of multi-ethnicity. Instead, it is completely opposite – domination. “Agreements that have been signed must be implemented, especially after solving the issue of Mostar,” added Boskovic.


Djukanovic congratulates new president of Kosovo (CdM

On behalf of the citizens of Montenegro and on his own behalf, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has congratulated Vjosa Osmani on her election as President of Kosovo, the President’s cabinet has stated. He has pointed out that Montenegro will always be Kosovo’s good neighbor, a responsible partner and an interlocutor in all issues that lead to getting our citizens closer, cooperation between the states and the progress and stability of the region.


Montenegro Prime Minister moves to replace minister over Srebrenica genocide denial (CdM

In an extraordinary address to the public, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has said that he will initiate the dismissal procedure for Minister of Justice and Human and Minority Rights Vladimir Leposavic due to his controversial statement on Srebrenica. Leposavic previously refused to resign, which Krivokapic asked him to do. Two weeks ago, asked by the opposition in the Montenegrin parliament whether he agreed that a genocide had been committed in 1995 in Srebrenica, Leposavic said he did not know whether the “war criminals in Srebrenica had genocidal intent or not.” Leposavic said he would admit that Srebrenica constituted genocide only when this is determined “unambiguously,” and that all he could go on at the moment is what ICTY judges have determined about the event – but also adding that in his opinion the UN court had “lost its legitimacy.” His view was slammed by foreign embassies and in the Montenegrin public, as well as leaders in the region, calling on Prime Minister Krivokapic to sack him. President Milo Djukanovic’s DPS also announced that they would propose a bill to legally ban genocide denial. On Monday, Krivokapic said that Leposavic had previously refused to tender his resignation when asked to do so. He noted that he had not been under pressure by foreign embassies to replace the minister. Most embassies in Podgorica requested an explanation for Leposavic’s statement from the government, as did the European Commission, and the statement was also condemned by non-governmental organizations in the country and the rest of the region. The Mothers of Srebrenica association in Serbia invited Leposavic and Krivokapic to visit the Srebrenica Memorial Centre and see for themselves that a genocide had been committed in Srebrenica. A petition was also started on Monday in Montenegro, calling for Leposavic’s dismissal. In the first three hours it was signed by close to 5,000 people.


Zaev announced meeting with Alliance and Alternative during the week (Republika

Prime Minister Zoran Zaev announced that during the week he will hold meetings with the Alliance for Albanians and Alternative to overcome the problem with the blocked laws in the parliament in relation to the set of economic measures. He called on the two opposition parties to unblock the laws. They are aware of our inclusiveness in the process and our acceptance of suggestions. The arguments given at the table are acceptable, and they understood the arguments of the executive that were given to them as MPs. I urge them to withdraw the amendments in order to unblock all laws from the set of measures to fight against Covid, said Zaev.


Kosovo rejects Albania’s offer to vaccinate teachers with Chinese vaccine (Tirana Times

The Minister of Health of Kosovo Arben Vitia declared that Kosovo has rejected for the moment Albania’s offer to vaccinate the teachers of Kosovo, since there are no longer Pfizer or AstraZeneca vaccines available in Albania, but only Sinovac vaccines. “In Kosovo, even if we wanted to, the laws forbid us to import products that are not approved by the European Medicines Agency, therefore we did not find it reasonable for our teachers to be vaccinated with vaccines that we cannot guarantee in the end,” said Minister Vitia. According to Vitia, the Ministry of Health of Albania confirmed that once the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines will be available again in Albania, the teachers from Kosovo will be invited to be part of the vaccination process. Meanwhile Prime Minister Kurti, also present in the conference with the Minister of Health of Kosovo, said that providing vaccines for Kosovo remains a delicate topic. “We must keep in mind that the Republic of Kosovo, since it is not recognized by few countries in the world, among which the two great powers which are also members of the Security Council, does not have the convenience of receiving vaccines from everywhere,” declared Kurti.