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Belgrade Media Report 19 April 2021


Vucic expects no pressure in Brussels; Never saw alleged unofficial non-paper (Beta/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that he was not anticipating any pressure during an upcoming visit to Brussels, but rather constructive conversation. After a joint Serbian military-police exercise dubbed Response 2021, Vucic said he was slated to hold two trips to Brussels soon. He explained that the first visit would include a meeting with EU High Representative Josep Borrell, European Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, EU special representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak and most likely with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen. “It will be an important visit. We will discuss all topics. I don’t expect any pressure. I expect a constructive conversation and important and good talks for Serbia,” Vucic said, adding that his second trip to Brussels would be to resume the dialogue with Pristina and that he expected this in May or June, if it happens.

Vucic said that he never saw the alleged unofficial non-paper on redrawing borders in the Western Balkans and that Serbia has nothing to do with it. He stressed that he never saw such a map and that “the fact that some want to blame Serbia for it only speaks about them,” referring to “certain groups in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Zagreb.” “I cannot agree to the unification of Kosovo and Albania, I must respect the territorial integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Vucic said. He said he advocates for the existing borders of Serbia, with Kosovo and Metohija included and the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, with Republika Srpska included. “Peace and complete stability is the most important thing for us,” Vucic said.

Serbia, Russia committed to principles of international law, UN; Danger from giving up UNSCR 1244 (RTS/Tanjug/Politika

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic expressed gratitude to Russia in Moscow on Friday for its principled support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija through dialogue, which is what official Belgrade stands for.

At a joint conference with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, Selakovic said that this meeting was not only an opportunity to exchange opinions and views on issues important to us, but also a meeting that would contribute to the preparation and a possible visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia this year. He pointed out that he was honored to meet in Moscow, after four months from the meeting in Belgrade, with his Russian colleague, who is a friend of Serbia and the Serbian people. Selakovic said that this meeting at a high level, as well as other meetings of Serbian and Russian officials at the highest level, are a good indicator and testimony of sincere, open, friendly relations between the two countries, which have a long tradition. Selakovic thanked Lavrov for his selfless, continuous and principled support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, and for resolving the issue of Kosovo and Metohija through peaceful, diplomatic means, through dialogue, for which Belgrade is ready. I informed Minister Lavrov that today is exactly 2,921 days since the Brussels agreement was concluded, which defined three obligations for Belgrade and one for Pristina. Belgrade has done its job, Pristina is the only one, to form the community of Serb Municipalities, neither started nor implemented, Selakovic emphasized. We have confirmed our readiness to continue helping Serbian friends, to defend Belgrade’s legitimate right to Kosovo and Metohija. We will continue to maintain priority attention in the UN Security Council on this issue and respect for Resolution 1244 in full, and it envisages reaching an agreement on the status of Kosovo between Belgrade and Pristina, and that agreement should be approved by the Security Council, Lavrov said. Lavrov added that Russia will continue to provide assistance to Serbia on the issue of neutralizing Pristina’s illegal attempts for membership in international organizations, Interpol and UNESCO. The two ministers agreed to continue contacts at the level of the minister and their deputies, all in accordance with the plan signed in December last year in Belgrade, during Lavrov’s visit to Belgrade.

Lavrov dismissed idea of tailoring former Yugoslavia’s borders (Beta/Politika)  

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed on the possibility of changing the former Yugoslavia’s borders. At a joint press conference with his Serbian counterpart Nikola Selakovic, he described as “unacceptable, very harmful and provocative” the idea of a Greater Albania as a

solution to the Kosovo question, as well as Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa’s statement that the breakdown of Yugoslavia was not over. “This is a very dangerous game. No one has revoked Resolution 1244, and no credible politician, nor head of government in Europe should for that matter, feel entitled to promote ideas that undermine the concept laid down in the Resolution,” Lavrov said. Lavrov said that the Resolution honored the sovereignty of Serbia, and that Kosovo’s status should be determined in negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina. “As President Putin has said, we will support any solution that suits Serbia,” he said. When asked if Washington had put Serbia under pressure to join international sanctions against

Russia, Selakovic said that “pressure always exists”, but that Serbia’s position hadn’t changed and that his country “will never introduce sanctions against Russia”.

Selakovic: Iran supports Serbia in all international organizations (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Saturday night in Tehran with the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif, with whom he discussed various types of cooperation of mutual benefit for the economies and peoples of the two countries. At the end of the first day of his official visit to Iran, Selakovic said that he used the opportunity to thank the Islamic Republic of Iran for its principled and continuous support to the issue of supreme national and state importance for Serbia - preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty in Kosovo and Metohija. Selakovic pointed out that Iran supports Serbia in its efforts to stop Pristina when it tries to become a member of certain international organizations. Selakovic also pointed out that in the conversation with his Iranian counterpart, special attention was paid to the potentials and opportunities for the development of economic cooperation, especially when it comes to agricultural production, food industry, but also many other areas, such as modern technologies, wood processing, automotive industry, as well as the furniture industry and production of agricultural machinery. One of Iran’s fields of interest is the development of spa tourism in Serbia, and I will use the continuation of the talks I have during Iftar, to which Minister Zarif invited me, to discuss these and other topics of common interest for the two countries, Selakovic said. Also, when it comes to the development of tourism, the pandemic will eventually pass one day, and Serbia and Iran should be prepared for the moment when they will be able to cooperate in these fields as well, Selakovic said. Before the beginning of the meeting, the two delegations, Selakovic and his Iranian colleague Zarif signed an agreement on cooperation between the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries.

Selakovic also met with Deputy Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade and President of the Iranian Trade Promotion Organization Hamid Zadboum.

Selakovic: Iran’s support regarding Kosovo (Politika/Tanjug/RTS

Serbian Foreign Nikola Selakovic met on Sunday, as part of his official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran, with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, parliament speaker Mohammad-Bager Gallibaf and Agriculture Minister Kazem Khavazi. Selakovic said during the meetings with the high officials of Iran, first and foremost with President Rouhani, congratulations were extended to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbia itself on serious economic reforms, but especially for all the measures our country has taken in the fight against coronavirus, both in the field of protection of health of citizens, treatment measures, vaccination and the beginning of production of the vaccine, and in the field of the protection of the economy. Selakovic pointed out that Iran is a country that provides principled, permanent and clear support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia in international organizations and forums, and supports our country’s desire to seek a solution to the Kosovo and Metohija issue through peaceful and diplomatic means. Iran’s constant support means a lot to us, Selakovic said at the end of his official visit to that country, emphasizing that Serbia and Iran cultivate very serious political relations, which should be transferred to the field of economic cooperation. Selakovic pointed out that the Iranian side expressed great readiness to deepen and improve cooperation, especially in the field of agriculture, and explained that the greatest interest exists for the procurement of seeds and planting material, as well as for the transfer of technologies and experiences. research institutions and other institutions. The Iranian side extended an invitation to Serbian Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimovic to visit Iran as soon as possible with a Serbian delegation from the field of agricultural production, food and processing industry, who would be interested in placing products on the large Iranian market. It is a market of more than 82 million people, and Iran is a large importer of food and agricultural products, Selakovic emphasized. He added that the possibilities of selling our fruit, first of all apples, was also discussed, but also that Minister Nedimovic should talk about that with his Iranian colleague Kazem Khavazi. Selakovic reiterated that Iran and Serbia have very serious political relations which should be transferred to the level of economic cooperation and that our state and the economy should use that in the best possible way.

Dacic: Preparatory phase consultations for inter-party dialogue begin today (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said that preparatory phase consultations for the inter-party dialogue began today and pointed out that the dynamics of the talks depend on the representative of the European Parliament, not on him, he suggested starting it earlier. Dacic reminded the journalists that in a conversation with the with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs David McAllister and four EP representatives on 1 March, it was agreed to allow time for the so-called preparatory phase. He pointed out that he initially asked for the dialogue to start immediately, but the European mediators asked for a preparatory phase in April and May. As he said, he will invite even those parties that do not want to participate in the dialogue mediated by foreigners to come to the parliament. Dacic added that it is up to the parliament to be the patron of the inter-party dialogue, to conduct it in good faith and to reach a solution. He said he thinks that the whole matter being conducted online is a handicap, but that he cannot interfere with the procedures, adding that it is important that the participants in the inter-party dialogue show good will and make proposals that are sustainable, acceptable to all and not to look for an “alibi for some of their shortcomings” in terms of the number of votes, nor is there any expectation that the European Parliament will force someone to accept certain conditions. Dacic pointed out that he did not receive any platforms from parties such as the Party of Freedom and Justice or the People’s Party, but that he was open to all proposals.

Bosniaks call Inzko to impose law on ban on genocide denial (Politika


Bosniak political representatives are not giving up changes and amendments to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) which would prohibit and punish genocide denial. “After yet another of theirs attempts to ‘push through’ those changes recently failed before the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H, they again asked High Representative Valentin Inzko to ‘fulfill the promise he gave’ and ‘in line with his mandate, to impose a law on ban on genocide denial’”, Politika noted. The daily went on to say that Serb MPs, backed by most of Croat MPs, told their Bosniak colleagues that they will never support the adoption of the law on ban on genocide denial. Delegate in B&H HoP Dusanka Majkic (SNSD) said that one must keep in mind that Serbs, by accepting the law as proposed by Bosniaks, would “accept one-sided interpretation of recent historical events on which ‘no relevant judgment was provided’”. Majkic also reminded that the biggest war crimes committed against Serbs are still waiting for an epilogue before courts and that Bosniaks are in a hurry to change the Criminal Code because of this because “they want to secure the role of victims for themselves”. Majkic also claimed that Bosniaks want to clear themselves of responsibility and guilt and maintain already present perception on guilt of only one people – Serbs. Majkic argued that the proposal of the changes is completely aimed against Serbs and warned: “Anyone who would defend themselves or argue that they did not commit the genocide, war crime or crime against humanity would automatically get punished for denial or minimization of crimes they were charged with”. In his response to the request of Bosniaks, High Representative Inzko expressed his regret that the chance for adoption of changes to the Criminal Code of B&H was missed several days ago and he noted: “Adoption of provisions on ban on genocide denial through a domestic initiative would have been a sign of maturity of domestic institutions and of a high level of their readiness to harmonize the legislative framework of B&H with European standards”. Bakir Izetbegovic’s SDA replied by saying that Inzko should not be expressing his regret but “he should demonstrate determination and impose the law”.



Dodik: Peaceful separation in B&H is only option that will certainly be realized in upcoming period (ATV


Serb Member and Chairperson of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik stated on Saturday that peaceful separation of B&H is the only option. Dodik pointed out that he is not in favor of changing borders because the border between Republika Srpska (RS) and Federation of B&H (FB&H) has been established by an international agreement, it is definitive and will not be changed, according to Dodik. Dodik added that this discussion will continue in B&H because there are those in RS, who found it appropriate to attack RS and the Serb side as a whole as soon as this discussion started. Dodik claimed that this auto-chauvinism is expressed in every opportunity and every place by those who are eternal followers of some great minds or ideas coming from Sarajevo. “There is a discussion going on, as if someone had declared war. Essentially, what was talked about and is being talked about is the possibility of a peaceful separation in B&H, as it is the only option which will certainly be realized in some future period. Of course, (the Bosniak Member of B&H Presidency Bakir) Izetbegovic and his vocabulary goes in the direction of calling Serbs in RS and the whole of B&H the aggressor,” stated Dodik. Dodik added that Izetbegovic would like Serbs to remain in B&H so Izetbegovic could enforce certain concepts on Serbs which originally come from Izetbegovic’s father Alija Izetbegovic.

Vucic: Unless we can help, Serbia will not interfere in internal matters of B&H (RTRS


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that he did not have the opportunity to personally get acquainted with the content of the so-called 'non-paper'. Vucic stressed that, unless it can help in any way, Serbia does not interfere in the internal relations in B&H and that it supports the integrity of both B&H and the RS. "We are always ready to talk about all topics, without attacking people who think differently. We are ready to hear what the representatives of the Bosniak people and the Croat people think about everything, and especially what the RS thinks about everything," Vucic said. Commenting on the non-paper on B&H, Vucic said that he admires people who can criticize something that they did not even see adding that he is not one of them.

RS parliament to discuss SNSD’s initiative to launch discussions between FB&H, RS and representatives of constituent people on future of B&H (EuroBlic


The RS parliament will discuss possible solutions for future of B&H and peoples who live in it at a session that will take place next week. Namely, SNSD proposed an initiative which calls to dialogue between the RS, the FB&H and three constituent people of B&H on possible solutions for B&H.  Chair of the RS SNSD Caucus Igor Zunic told the daily that SNSD decided to launch this initiative before the RS parliament because it is the highest legislative body of the RS. “Political events in the area and certain political stances and messages in general coming from the EU, indicate that B&H – in the way it is right now – is not functional at all. Should it stay like this, with existing principles and possibilities of having boycotts anywhere, B&H will still not be functional and this represents a problem for all citizens who live in this country” Zunic explained and noted that it is important to launch a discussion to hear proposals and different possibilities for functioning of B&H. Zunic reminded that SNSD’s stance is clear and noted that SNSD advocates returning to the original Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and return of competencies to the RS which were taken away by force by the High Representatives. RS parliament deputy speaker Milan Petkovic (United Srpska) said that any discussion between representatives of the entities or constituent people of B&H is welcome and noted that, because of this, he finds this initiative to be useful. Petkovic noted that it is necessary to openly discuss many topics and noted: “We are witnessing the situation in which Bosniak political parties insist on centralization of B&H and depriving the entities of their competencies. On the other hand, Serbs want to have as wide autonomy as possible and perhaps even full independence of the RS, while Croats are currently deprived of their rights the most within the FB&H. Talks are necessary and must be carried out for benefit of all peoples who live in B&H regardless of a solution that will be found”. Petkovic assessed that it is necessary to launch talks in B&H as soon as possible, especially following the recent statement of Slovenian President Borut Pahor on “possible peaceful dissolution of B&H”. “We cannot say that Pahor is an insignificant political figure. He is still the President of a country which is a member of the EU. He certainly did not present that statement by coincidence. Those are surely small signals which we need to pay attention to”, Petkovic concluded.

Pahor: Slovenia is sincere friend of B&H, I reject any dangerous ideas about re-tailoring of borders (O kanal


The alleged Slovenian ‘non-paper’ mentioning the idea of division and disintegration of B&H remains in the focus of the public in the region. Media have been speculating that such ‘non-paper’ was submitted by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa to EU institutions in Brussels. Addressing media on Friday, Slovenian President Borut Pahor stated that Slovenia supports the EU enlargement on the Western Balkans, which he referred to as one of the top geopolitical priorities. Pahor underlined that Slovenia is a sincere friend of B&H, and he rejected “any dangerous ideas” about re-tailoring of the borders. Pahor urged the leaders in the region to speed up reforms and make steps towards the EU. Pahor said on Friday that he was not aware of any non-paper during his most recent visit to Sarajevo. Pahor commented on the news that, during his recent visit to Sarajevo, he asked the B&H Presidency members whether a peaceful disintegration of B&H is possible. In his comment, Pahor said that the question was only an expression of concern, and he denied that he knew anything about the alleged ‘non-paper’ at the time. “I support a thesis that it would be for the best if the EU decides to join together all Western Balkan countries in a reasonably short time and to adjust its enlargement strategy to this, otherwise a trend of growing nationalism in these countries and engaged influence of third countries could follow as a consequence. Faster process of countries’ integration into Euro-Atlantic organizations would strengthen the principle of their territorial integrity, as well as security and stability of Europe as a whole,” Pahor told the press.

Jansa informs Dzaferovic disputable ‘non-paper’ does not exist (Nova BH


Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa had a telephone conversation with Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and on the occasion said that the ‘non-paper’ with the disputable content does not exist. Jansa reiterated what Slovenian President Borut Pahor said on Friday, i.e. that Slovenia supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H and its Euro-Atlantic path. Jansa emphasized that Slovenia fully respects the Dayton Peace Agreement. He denied the existence of a ‘non-paper’, at least one that could be connected to the Slovenian government.

Dzaferovic sends letter to Michel expressing concern over alleged Slovenian ‘non-paper’ on B&H (O kanal


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic sent a letter to President of the European Council Charles Michel expressing concern over the alleged Slovenian ‘non-paper’ about division of B&H. Dzaferovic wrote that there is an impression in B&H public that certain circles within the EU are working on endangering of territorial integrity of B&H, and noted that attempt to re-tailor the borders threatens peace in B&H as well as in the region. Addressing media on Friday, Dzaferovic said that the essence of this letter lies in the idea that re-tailoring the borders is dangerous and that B&H needs help in order to become member of the EU as soon as possible. “We will not allow any threats to territorial integrity of B&H,” Dzaferovic concluded.

Dzaferovic said for the media: “I sent a letter to President of the European Council (Charles Michel) in which I informed him about these issues, and requested that these ideas are prevented by the European institutions promptly, those are dangerous ideas, and of course that B&H is helped to join the EU as soon as possible’’. Dzaferovic’s letter reads that perception was created in the public in B&H that some the EU circles have been working on jeopardizing territorial integrity of B&H. It further reads that these developments led to serious destabilization and disturbance in B&H, because secessionist political forces that have been threatening with secession of the RS for longer period interpret abovementioned claims as evidence on existence of support to them within the EU. Dzaferovic underlined that every attempt of retailoring of borders of B&H would jeopardize peace in B&H and the region.

Izetbegovic writes letter to Sassoli and Tusk, warns them about secessionist aspirations (Hayat


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic sent a letter on Friday to President of the European Parliament David Sassoli and President of the European People’s Party Donald Tusk. Izetbegovic expressed citizens’ concern because of aspirations to break up B&H; he also wrote that phrase ‘peaceful dissolution’ is nothing more than “a mimicry for secessionism”, which has long been advocated by leader of SNSD (Milorad Dodik), with the support of certain circles outside of B&H. “What is happening right now is not a problem only for us in B&H or the region, but also for the entire Europe, which is based on the principle of inviolability of state borders” Izetbegovic wrote. Izetbegovic wrote that secessionist, pro-fascist, and Islamophobic movement and parties connected to the ‘non-paper’ are attacking the EU foundations. “This is not problem of just us in B&H or the region, but rather the whole Europe that is based on the principle of inviolability of the state borders,” reads the SDA leader’s letter.

Covic: Reforms in B&H necessary to avoid story about disintegration (O kanal


Commenting on the alleged Slovenian ‘non-paper’ on division of B&H, HDZ B&H leader and deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic stated on Friday that reforms in B&H are necessary precisely to avoid a story about a disintegration of B&H. Covic stressed that the Constitution of B&H needs to be respected, while any possible changes to the Constitution require agreement. Covic noted that Croatia’s ‘non-paper’ received the support of several EU Member States. He said those countries believe “radical reforms are needed in B&H”. Covic said there will always be those that speculate and discuss various ideas within and outside of B&H. He underlined that the only important thing is how strong B&H is. The HDZ B&H leader said B&H needs to work on its functionality, but by doing that it must simplify some things and adopt some reasonable changes, which will eventually lead it towards the EU. Covic said for that the ‘non-paper’ does not exist, and added “it is clear that someone has written something somewhere, but if it is exactly as it is presented to the public, as you can see there are official denials, so why speculate about something that no one has seen”. Covic stated that non-paper is just an unofficial and unsigned document and it should not be commented on as such. Covic said that he believes that the story about conditions for the EU candidate status of B&H will be completed by the end of June, which will be the best response to allegations on dissolution and non-papers.

International officials comment non-paper (BHT1

Speculations about the alleged Slovenian non-paper on reshaping of borders in Western Balkans continues to spark reactions. According to BHT1, the stance of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is clear – there is no space for changes, i.e. border redrawing. The OHR says that time for border redrawing has passed; B&H is unified and a sovereign state. Spokesman of the European Council Simos Piperidis first refused to comment on the allegations for RTRS, but then he said in a statement that they have not received any similar non-paper. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov commented that games around borders in Europe and Slovenian non-paper are very dangerous, noting that talks on greater Albania represent provocations.

Commenting on the non-paper, the US Embassy to B&H stated that B&H has a future as an integrated state. German Minister of State for Europe at the German Federal Foreign Office Michael Roth said that redrawing of borders is a dangerous path for countries of the Western Balkans. “Countries on Western Balkans have a future only as multiethnic and multi-religious societies. Regional reconciliation and cooperation are keys for peace, democracy and prosperity. Drawing new frontiers is a dangerous path,” Roth wrote on his Twitter account. Turkish Ambassador to B&H Sadik Babur Girgin said that Turkey and the international community support independence and territorial integrity of B&H. According to Ambassador Girgin, as far as he knows, statements about changing borders are not new and they appear from time to time. The Ambassador went on to say that since nobody is standing behind the last document (alleged non-paper from Slovenia), there is no point to focus on it for a long time. He added by saying that authors of the document wanted to portray Turkey as a bugaboo, but they turned out to be ridiculous because Turkey supports efforts of all countries in the Western Balkans, including B&H, to join the EU and NATO.


Regional officials comment non-paper on dissolution of B&H (Nova BH


Comments that “storm does not subside” with regard to the ‘non paper’ that allegedly contains different map of the Western Balkans, and reactions in B&H, region and Europe continue. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said he had seen the document after it was published by one Slovenian portal, but none of the segments of the documents, according to information available to me were provided from our system for that paper, either formally or informally. Former Croatian foreign minister Vesna Pusic is of view that the idea behind the content of the Slovenian ‘non paper’ is dangerous and Pusic is certain Jansa has delivered the document to Brussels. Commenting on who may have written the document, Pusic said: “There are many different players I think, and many different reasons why it came to that, even perhaps with some factors that are experienced enough and know international relations well not to think something may come out of that.” The reporter comments that the topic is not interesting to the Serbian public and the tone was set by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who, in the statement issued on Thursday, showed he was in no way upset by the document. Commenting on this, Milan Igrutinovic from the Institute of European Studies in Belgrade said for Nova BH that the said topics have been “brought to the table, not in the center so that everyone can see them, but ‘under other papers’ and we will see if in the upcoming months, i.e. upcoming period, if someone will remind of the some of the ideas offered by the ‘non paper’”. The reporter comments that the predominant position of the European institutions, at least formally, is that the redrawing of borders will not be on the agenda, it will be difficult that someone will put on paper and sign those ideas in future, because they are aware that the greater Serbia, Croatia, or Albania will be difficult to achieve without war.

Ambassador Kalabukhov writes to Oslobodjenje: NATO is problem for B&H and decision about it is up to B&H (Oslobodjenje


Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov sent a letter to the daily and editor-in-chief Vildana Selimbegovic elaborating Russian stances regarding NATO and commenting several articles published by the daily. The Ambassador refers to the interview with Zeljko Komsic from 7 April and several opinion pieces written by Selimbegovic and Djuro Kozara. The Ambassador stressed that Russia has clearly explained their stances and statements concerning NATO and they stressed that their statement in no way violates sovereignty of BiH or its right to determine its foreign-policy priorities. Just the same, the Ambassador noted, Russia has right to react to actions which they labeled as steps that a friend would not make, as true friends need to respect and understand each other. “NATO is not a problem of Russia. We have come to understand what NATO is long time ago and adopted adequate conclusions. NATO is most of all NATO’s problem”, said Ambassador. Kalabukhov noted that in the period after the Cold War there were attempts for NATO to find its modus vivendi and attribute wide competencies to their mandate. He noted that there are attempts to present NATO almost as the United Nations, where only difference would be that UN personifying respecting of international law, while NATO tries to impose the respect toward the world based on the rules. However, the Ambassador noted that he personally sees NATO as an instrument of “collective West in improving of their selfish geopolitical agenda. As a mechanism in hands of military-industrial complex”. The Ambassador stressed that NATO is B&H’s problem, arguing that during the meetings with B&H officials he got the impression that NATO aspiration is instigated by existential fear due to the lack of internal solutions in the country. He noted that it seems to him that as soon as these issues are solved the issue of NATO for B&H would disappear on its own. “Once again, decision is up to B&H,” ends the Ambassador.


Croatia’s President blasts alleged non-paper on changing borders in Balkans (Hina

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Saturday blasted an alleged document on changing the borders in the Balkans, saying he hoped it did not come from Slovenia. In the past few days, the public in the region has been focusing on an alleged non-paper on changing the borders of the Balkan states and reorganizing them along ethnic lines. According to the media, the authors are Slovenia’s highest officials, which they have denied. “Regarding a peaceful break-up in B&H – that’s such a flippant and dangerous topic that it shouldn’t be put even in a non-paper, regardless of who did that,” Milanovic told the press. “Any peaceful break-up, Croatia all the way to the Drina river, Belgrade to the Una river – that’s out of the question,” Milanovic said. Milanovic said he hoped the unofficial diplomatic document did not come from Ljubljana because “objectively, I respect them a lot and don’t think they are that thick.” “Whether this is coming from (Jansa) or not, I don’t know, but I would tell the author of that to keep their fingers off B&H,” he added. Milanovic dismissed the possibility of B&H breaking up and asked for Croats there to given back the fundamental constitutional rights stemming from the Dayton Peace Agreement, rights which he said “have been denied to them, even stolen from them.” He said “it’s a fact that nothing will come of B&H’s break-up,” adding that B&H Presidency chairman Milorad Dodik would not like that but that he believed Dodik too was aware of that. Milanovic said he did not believe that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would back the idea of Kosovo and Albania uniting. The Slovenian web portal Necenzurirano has run the content of the non-paper, written in English and without header or signature, and it was carried by many other media in Slovenia, underlining that it was not confirmed either by the European Council or the European Commission. The unofficial diplomatic document, entitled “Western Balkans – A Way Forward”, concerns the division of B&H, the annexation of its Serb entity to Serbia and the unification of Kosovo and Albania, the web portal said.


Grlic Radman: Change of borders in B&H is out of question (Jutarnji list


Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman said that Croatia is not turning its head from open issues it has in relations with B&H and wants to solve these open issues, just as it wants to assist maintaining of stability of the country. Commenting the alleged non-paper which advocates division of B&H and change of borders in the Western Balkans, Grlic Radman said that he does not want to speculate about such alleged non-paper, but underlined that Croatia is a friend of B&H and any retailoring of borders is out of question. Grlic Radman further said that during his recent visit to Sarajevo, he explained the contents and essence of Croatia’s ‘non-paper’ about B&H, which Croatia submitted to the EU Foreign Affairs Council on behalf of six EU Member States and which should serve as basis for talks in May. The Minister explained that, with the document in question, Croatia expressed respect for B&H and has opened space for a deeper discussion about extremely important issues with the aim to increase the EU’s focus on B&H and B&H getting the status of EU candidate country. In this context, explained the Croatian Minister, the Law on Elections of B&H has to undergo a reform in order to remove the existing inequalities, thus improving the political climate and cooperation in B&H. He added by saying the Constitution of B&H defines B&H as a sovereign state with two entities and three constituent and equal peoples.


EU Delegation, US Embassy and OSCE reject Arnautovic’s claims about electoral reform leading to formation of third entity (Vecernji list

The B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) member Suad Arnautovic recently insinuated that HDZ B&H wants to use the process of electoral reform to establish the third entity of ‘Herzeg-Bosnia’ and merge it with Croatia. According to the daily, Arnautovic’s scandalous statement has the goal to undermine the talks on changes to B&H Election Law, which coincides with the goals of Bosniak parties which want to keep the status quo in the next year too. The daily reported that the EU Delegation to B&H, US Embassy and OSCE Mission to B&H rejected Arnautovic’s claims as unfounded. As the daily reported, the US Embassy’s Press Office rejected the insinuation that talks on electoral reform are leading to the establishing of the third entity. “The USA’s stance on this matter is well-known and it remains unchanged. We vehemently reject any further geographic division of B&H, including the possibility of formation of the third entity, and we strongly oppose any reorganization based on ethnic principles. USA remains dedicated to the principles of the Dayton Peace Accords – B&H as a democratic, multi-ethnic, sovereign and independent state with two entities, three constituent peoples and unquestionable territorial integrity,” the US Embassy stated. According to the Embassy, changes to electoral legislation must have a wide political support and they must lead B&H closer to EU standards. The US Embassy called on all stakeholders to refrain from premature conclusions based on incomplete information. The Embassy also emphasized that the reform process must be transparent and it must include stances of the civic society, B&H institutions and political parties. According to the Embassy, involvement of B&H CEC is very important for securing a credible electoral reform process in line with the ODIHR recommendations. The way to achieve this is to establish the Inter-Agency Working Group in a transparent and inclusive manner, with the goal to implement three pillars of reform: limited constitutional changes in order to implement rulings of the European Court for Human Rights, changes to B&H Election Law in order to implement rulings of B&H Constitutional Court and technical reform in order to improve the integrity of the election process. The OSCE Mission stated that B&H CEC must be an independent ad unbiased institution whose members must work in line with the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. OSCE reminded that in line with B&H legislation, B&H CEC members should be electoral professionals and while they perform their duties in B&H CEC, they should not work for any political party, association or foundation linked to a political party, or be otherwise engaged in any political activities. While B&H CEC members are entitled to express their personal opinions, there should be a limit to that freedom too, OSCE stated. OSCE also underlined that it support only B&H CEC as an institution, and not its individual members. According to the daily, the EU Delegation also indirectly dismissed Arnautovic’s claims. Namely, the EU Delegation stated that the EU’s stance is based on the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H’s membership application and the unambiguous support to B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity which is not negotiable. “B&H CEC must be unbiased and independent in performing the important task of guaranteeing the integrity and transparency of the election process. Therefore, along with the civil society, B&H CEC needs to play an important role within the reform process. Security independence of this institution, including the independence and non-biasness of its members, is of extreme importance”, the EU Delegation stated.


Government ready to sign agreement with SPC, Krivokapic says (CdM


The government is ready to sign an agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, SPC, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic posted on Facebook. “I talked to His Holiness Patriarch Porfirije and we’re soon to agree on the date of signing the agreement. This issue must not be the subject of politicization or subterfuge for making political gains,” Krivokapic wrote. If the SPC is satisfied, he adds, he doesn’t know why some people, presenting themselves as its defenders, are dissatisfied.


Rama confirms existence of map of redrawn borders in Western Balkans (Radio Tirana


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has confirmed the existence of the map of redrawn borders in the Western Balkans presented in the Slovenian ‘non-paper’. Rama said that he saw the map even before he showed it to his Slovenian colleague Janez Jansa. "We talked some time ago. I also saw this document when it came out. I have no comment," Rama was quoted as saying.

Elections in Albania, Vucic: Basha and Berisha want ethnic Albania (ADN


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic has reacted on Sunday over parliamentary elections in Albania. In an interview, he said that he is following the polls and what opinions are saying over elections, adding that parties are 2-3% away from each other according to the last polls. "I am following what is going on in Albania. Everyone know that behind Lulzim Basha is Sali Berisha, and you know that they are talking for Ethnic Albania and I am very happy that I am their biggest obstacle on this issue. They are speaking openly on this issue and no one is reacting," said Vucic.



Iranian President Stresses Need to Maintain Peace, Stability in Balkans (FNA, 18 April 2021) 

TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a meeting with Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic in Tehran on Sunday underscored Tehran’s stance on the necessity for maintaining peace, security and stability in the Balkans. The Islamic Republic of Iran believes in the need to maintain peace, stability, and security in the Balkans and the peaceful coexistence of all ethnicities and races, Rouhani said. “Fighting terrorism and establishing peace, stability, and security requires the full cooperation and efforts of all countries," he added. During the meeting, President Rouhani also said the two sides are ready and inclined to jointly combat Covid-19.

In addition to scientific cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus, he noted that Iran has always supported Serbia's national unity. The Iranian President also emphasized the need to strengthen international cooperation between Tehran and Belgrade.  Referring to the three-year illegal US sanctions against Iran, Rouhani said regarding the changes in the international arena and the expression of the new US administration's desire to return to the JCPOA, removal of the sanctions, a new atmosphere will be created for Iran's economic cooperation and interaction with the world. The Serbian foreign minister, for his part, stressed that his country has always been determined for friendly relations with Iran, and emphasized the development and deepening of relations between the two countries in areas of interest. "We have always supported and continue to support the peace process and the peaceful goals of the Iranian nuclear program," he said, "We hope that the related problems to this agreement will be resolved as soon as possible." Selakovic also added that the Serbian president is really eager to pay a visit to Tehran and will do so after the pandemic. Also on Saturday, Selakovic in a meeting with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand bilateral ties and hold consultations on regional and international issues. Iran and Serbia would expand cordial relations based on the principles of equality, sovereignty, territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, mutual respect and common interests, part of the MoU signed on Saturday reads.

It also stressed the importance of holding periodic meetings and consultations between the two countries on bilateral, regional and international issues. Tehran and Belgrade also agreed to make joint efforts to solve regional and global crises through political and diplomatic ways. The Serbian foreign minister arrived in Tehran earlier on Saturday and held a meeting with his Iranian counterpart. During the meeting, Zarif pointed to historical relations between the two countries and the importance of Balkan countries in Iran’s foreign policy and urged continuation of cooperation in various political, economic, trade and cultural fields by using innovative mechanisms. The Serbian foreign minister, for his part, said the signing of the MoU would play an effective role in the expansion of relations given the two countries’ high capacities, particularly in economic and industrial sectors. Zarif and Selakovic also stressed the importance of holding the 16th session of the two countries’ joint economic committee to bolster mutual relations, particularly in economic fields, issues related to the US’ unilateral and cruel sanctions, regional developments, cooperation in international circles and the fight against the deadly coronavirus pandemic.