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Belgrade Media Report 5 July


Brnabic: No alternative to dialogue, recognition not discussed (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday it was hard to tell what compromise with Pristina would mean, but that there was no alternative to dialogue. “As for compromise, it is hard to tell, but everyone knows what that means – meeting somewhere in the middle, with both sides equally dissatisfied with the solution reached,” Brnabic told reporters at the Prespa Forum in Ohrid. There must be room for compromise because we need to turn to the future, but whether compromise will be reached is up to both Belgrade and Pristina, she said. When asked if US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Reeker had mentioned a mutual recognition, Brnabic said he had not, and added that she believed Reeker knew what her response would have been. “We talked about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and the Brussels agreement. There was no mention of a mutual recognition, and I do not see the dialogue as one about a mutual recognition,” she said. Brnabic said she had drawn Reeker’s attention to worrying trends in Kosovo and Metohija and a growing number of attacks on Serbs there and on the Serbian Orthodox Church and its property. When asked by Pristina media if Serbia’s failure to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem would mean disrespect of the Washington agreement, Brnabic replied Serbia was a serious country that respected agreements, unlike Pristina representatives, who she said did not respect the Brussels agreement.


Continuation of EU integration along cooperation with countries of region (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Friday that the Western Balkans region should continue with European integration, but that it should also focus on regional cooperation that can improve the quality of life of citizens. Speaking at the Prespa Forum in Ohrid, Brnabic stated that today’s abolition of roaming tariffs among mobile operators is one of the concrete things that citizens benefit from, pointing out that difficult political issues should be kept in mind, such as the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but that there are so many other things that can be done for citizens. We owe that to future generations, she said, adding that the continuation of quarrels in the region does not bring good to anyone. At the panel, at which topic was the synergy of the EU and the US, she reiterated that Serbia is a country that is committed to European, but not Atlantic integration, adding that in that matter, it differs from other countries, except Bosnia and Herzegovina. We want to enter the EU, but not NATO. We are a military-neutral state that has great bilateral relations with the United States of America in all fields, Brnabic underlined. She commented on the statement of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama that he is no longer frustrated and depressed because of the dynamics of European integration by saying that no one is frustrated anymore and that this brings some new things in terms of regional cooperation. All countries must continue to do what is needed in terms of continuing the European path, but also to cooperate regionally, because they have an influence on that, she said. Whatever you do, it all comes down to the fact that each EU Member State individually decides whether progress has been made, and that is becoming an increasingly complex and complicated process day by day, she stated. According to her, it is no longer a question of European values, progress in key areas and bilateral issues, but of “linguistics and history”. In addition to Brnabic, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, Prime Minister of the provisional institutions in Pristina Albin Kurti and others also took part in the panel. On the fringes of the Prespa Forum, Brnabic met with US officials Matthew Palmer and Philip Reeker, North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, former Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, UN Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenca and Knut Fleckenstein, a German politician participating in the European Parliament-facilitated inter-party dialogue between Serbia’s ruling parties and the opposition.

Godfrey: Serbia today doesn’t have a better friend than the US (Beta)  

US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey said on Friday at an Independence Day Reception that he hosted at the embassy that today Serbia had no better friend than the United States. "With one billion euros in aid since 2001, we've been working with local partners to help Serbia achieve its goal to join the EU. We want Serbia it to take its rightful place in the European family," Godfrey said. The reception was attended by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, speaker Ivica Dacic, Serbia's ministers, Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Porfirije, Public Attorney Zagorka Dolovac, opposition party leaders, media and civil society representatives.

Vucic, Naryshkin discuss security situation (Tanjug/RTV/RTS

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Friday received the director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, Sergey Naryshkin, to discuss the regional and global security situation, as well as Serbian-Russian relations and cooperation in various areas. The parties noted the significance of cooperation between the Serbian Security Information Agency and the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service in the fight against international terrorism, as well as of their activities in the intelligence and security sector aimed at ensuring a successful response to various challenges, the presidential press service said in a statement. The meeting was also attended by Security Information Agency Director Bratislav Gasic.

Selakovic: Gratitude to African countries for continuous support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS/Tanjug

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Saturday that during his two-day stay in Lusaka he informed numerous officials of African countries about the situation in Serbia, economic progress and successful struggle of our country against coronavirus. Selakovic, who, as an envoy of the President of Serbia, attended the funeral of the first President of Zambia Kenneth Kaunda, had the opportunity to talk in Lusaka with the Presidents of South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, Ghana, the Congolese President’s envoy and foreign ministers of Namibia and Lesotho. He conveyed that all interlocutors expressed great respect for Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic, as well as readiness for cooperation with our country. Selakovic expressed his gratitude to his interlocutors for the continuous support of their countries to the preservation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Also, Selakovic said that everyone welcomed Serbia’s determination to mark the 60th anniversary of the First Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement on 11-12 October, and expressed readiness to come to Belgrade on that occasion.

Dacic says compromise in dialogue reflects facts on the ground (DW/Beta)  

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic has said that the compromise that Belgrade has been insisting on in the dialogue with Pristina would, in his opinion, just be a reflection of the facts on the ground. "The situation on the ground, as the Americans often like to say, is that even though 99 percent of Serbian citizens will say that Kosovo is part of Serbia, Serbia does not have full sovereignty over Pristina. But Pristina also doesn't have full sovereignty in northern Kosovo," Dacic told Deutsche Welle on 2 July while visiting Berlin. "Can that situation on the ground be changed other than by war? Can it be changed by compromise, for example? It can. Compromise is better. Therefore, for me, compromise is the real situation on the ground," Dacic said. Dacic said he did not have an opinion on the partitioning of Kosovo or a territory swap, and that it should all "be part of the deal." He also said that "a legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations" between Serbia and Kosovo did not entail mutual recognition.

New meeting between Vucic and Kurti depends from technical dialogue (Tanjug/RTV

The technical round of dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina will be held on 7 July in Brussels, and it should be a preparation for the high-level political dialogue expected in the penultimate week of July. Tanjug’s diplomatic sources in Brussels state that the holding of the second meeting between Aleksandar Vucic and Albin Kurti in Brussels will largely depend on what will be achieved during the talks at the technical level. “We will know when and whether a new meeting between Vucic and Kurti will be held after the expert talks next week,” Tanjug was told in Brussels. The Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak emphasized the importance of good preparation for the new high-level meeting. Brussels diplomatic circles estimate that the EU Representative Josep Borrell is the one who insists on holding another round of dialogue at the highest level before the beginning of summer vacations in EU institutions. At the same time, Lajcak advocates holding a high-level political dialogue only if there are grounds and indications that the talks can be moved from the deadlock, i.e. that they will not end as the first meeting between Vucic and Kurti - a complete lack of understanding on any issue. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic announced that the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija would be discussed at a technical round of Belgrade-Pristina talks in Brussles on 7 July, in light of recent attacks on Serbs, missing persons, energy and the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), which was agreed 3000 days ago by the Brussels agreement and has not been implemented yet. On all these issues, especially when it comes to the ZSO, Belgrade and Pristina have so far failed to bring their positions closer. Moreover, with the arrival of Albin Kurti at the helm of the provisional institutions in Pristina, the gap in positions with Belgrade, but also with Brussels, became even deeper. EU spokesperson Peter Stano, in a statement for Tanjug, reiterates that Kosovo signed an agreement on the establishment of the ZSO in 2013, and that it was later ratified by the Kosovo Assembly. “With this act, Kosovo has undertaken an international obligation to fulfill this agreement. It is up to Kosovo to propose a way to implement the agreement,” Stano said. In Brussels, they remind that the ZSO is an “important element” of the comprehensive normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, and that the member states expect both sides to implement everything agreed so far in the dialogue.

Angela Merkel sent a clear message (Tanjug/B92

I am convinced that the future of the Western Balkans is in a truly united Europe, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday. On the occasion of the upcoming virtual Berlin Process Summit, scheduled for Monday, hosted by Germany, in a video message on Saturday, Merkel said she was happy, although it would only be a virtual meeting, which would allow her to continue working with the heads of state and government of the Western Balkans, launched in 2014 as part of the Berlin process at Germany's initiative. She pointed out that a lot has been achieved since the establishment of the Berlin Process, which aims to make a concrete contribution to stability in the region and peaceful dialogue. "The Western Balkans are the EU's immediate neighbor. It is a part of Europe where the wounds of war have not yet healed, and Germany is home to a large number of citizens from that area. It is clear to me that EU countries must have an interest in peaceful development in the Western Balkans. We have responsibility to practically advocate for development in that part of Europe", Merkel emphasized. She said that the Berlin process has already achieved some success, and in that regard, she especially singled out the recently established Youth Forum. She emphasized that what has long been considered impossible is finally possible, and that is the exchange of students of various religions and ethnicities. "It is a practical contribution to peace," Merkel underlined, adding that mutual recognition of diplomas, cooperation in science, as well as progress in infrastructure projects also contributed to that, which was characterized by steps leading to strengthening cross-border exchanges between citizens and overcoming prejudices. "All this leads the countries of the Western Balkans forward towards the common goal of fulfilling the conditions for EU membership. I am convinced that, sooner or later, their future will really be in a united Europe," she emphasized. She pointed out that there are still many challenges in the Western Balkans, that mistrust and nationalisms have not disappeared, and bilateral disputes can flare up at any moment, which is why reconciliation is necessary. That, she says, means overcoming the past conflicts and doing everything possible for future generations to live in peace.

Dodik: For us, Schmidt is only a guest (Politika, by Mladen Kremenovic)

In an interview to the daily, Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik said that (new High Representative) Christian Schmidt will be treated as a guest who has something to say, but Republika Srpska (RS) will not formally recognize him as the new High Representative. Dodik reminded that Schmidt was appointed without a consensus in the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and his appointment was not confirmed by a resolution of the UN Security Council (UN SC). “Therefore, there is no formal appointment, legality or legitimacy which should stand behind Schmidt. Some, gathered around the West, deem their own will is sufficient for the appointment, they interpret international laws in their own way and they think that the practice they establish should compensate for international laws” Dodik said and noted that six countries, including Russia and China, deem that the international laws must be respected. Asked to explain the resistance of the RS towards the High Representative, Dodik reminded that the RS has a very bad experience with the High Representatives: “By default, they were here to degrade the RS. They were chasing some kind of a concept that was in their own plan. We have no reason to think it will be any different this time”. Dodik also argued that the development of events in the UN SC showed that the world is not compact and that the big powers are trying “to push through their own policies even by ignoring the international laws”. Dodik reminded that the High Representative should be appointed in such way that countries which signed the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) should agree on a joint proposal, which is then confirmed by a resolution of the UN SC. “This happened in all past cases, except in the case of (former High Representative) Christian Schwarz-Schilling, who did not stay long in B&H because of that,” Dodik argued. Asked to comment on resistance of the NATO and EU to include the term ‘constituent peoples’ in their declarations, Dodik claimed that this represents an ideological battle of the left and right in Europe “who are practicing on us”. Dodik reminded that, in order for this to change, it is necessary to change the Constitution first “and we need to give our consent to that, which will not happen. Just like Croats will not give their consent to it either”. Dodik went on to say that “it seems as if it is difficult for them to understand that there is a difficult history of the three peoples here and that the only concept that can preserve this country is equality of peoples”. Dodik suggested that the Constitution of B&H must be strictly respected because the fact the country is based on the three constituent peoples and two entities will not be changed. Dodik was asked to state what he expects from a report on Srebrenica prepared by the International Commission of Experts, Dodik said that the report clearly unveiled “the concept of demonization of Serbs” and he went on to say that tables in the report clearly showed that western media mentioned Serbs in a negative context as many as 700 times, while Bosniaks and Croats were mentioned in a negative context only once. “It is up to us not to allow stereotypes to be preserved,” Dodik added. Asked whether there was any response to the RS’ call on holding talks on future of B&H, Dodik said Croats supported the talks but Bosniaks refuse to do so “because they think they are the central committee of B&H and that they have the right to decide on all events in the country”. Dodik argued that it is historically important to remember that Serbs called to talks in order to solve problems and he added that the platform for the talks “are the Constitution and Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), but also a greater autonomy of the RS within B&H. Not only that we want to have a greater autonomy in comparison to the existing situation, in which we have been pushed by violence of the international factor, but also in comparison to the Constitution”. Dodik noted that Serbs sent out a clear message – we want talks, we have a platform, we advocate peace and negotiations and we will wait for you to be ready. Commenting on attacks of SDA and Sarajevo on economic cooperation of Serbia and RS, as well as (SDA leader Bakir) Izetbegovic’s claims that Serbia does not have the right to Kosovo, Dodik said that such stances are hypocritical and unworthy of a serious comment. “They want to organize Serbia, they want to divide it and they create inexistent conspiracies on benign matters. As in line with common sense and everything that we know, they cannot dispute the project of hydro-electric power plant on Drina, we are completely authentic in this matter. It is impossible to grant the competencies to the level of B&H (in this matter), the Federation of B&H (FB&H) alone granted more than 300 concessions of this kind. It never crossed our mind to dispute anything to them, yet they think they have the right to interpret everything”, Dodik argued and noted that the RS belongs to Serbs and other people who live in it: “I will never prevent any project in the FB&H, and the fact they are doing just that on the territory of the RS speaks about their true intentions”. Asked to comment on threats with war coming from Sarajevo, Dodik said that “they should bring in order their relations with Croats and Serbs. Why haven’t they organized those relations? There would have been no Serbs in Drvar had it not been for Serbia and RS”. Dodik also argued that there is no other country with so many illusions like in B&H: “This illusion is being maintained by foreigners, ambassadors who see their mandates in pleasing headquarters instead of presenting some kind of a realistic image to the world and, in this way, contribute to objectivity and reconciliation”. Dodik claimed that none of Serb representatives will be suitable in the eyes of West and wondered: “Why do you want to deprive us of our rights so much in order to create a strong Sarajevo? Is it because you want to arrest extreme Muslims in Europe in future and set up a reservation here? You want us to integrate migrants in B&H, let migrant children attend our elementary education. Perhaps you think we are not reading documents from the West, which read that elderly people should not be accepted because they do not integrate well in the society? What was the name for that kind of selection in the past? If I say it publicly, then I am not politically correct and I interfere in their matters but when they turn everything here upside down then they have the right to do so although we are not doing anything out of the order here” Dodik claimed. Dodik went on to say that the RS has a higher minimum wage than the FB&H and is doing well, because of which the RS will not allow migrants to spread throughout B&H “do crafts work and have the West, in five years, say that we must grant them certain rights”. Asked to comment on the ‘Mini-Schengen’ initiative, Dodik argued that Bosniaks are rejecting it because they think it is a ‘Greater Serbia’ project and they spread fear from Serbs. “Those who forced Serbs from Sarajevo and took property worth 80 billion away from them have a problem with it”, Dodik said and argued that the example of donation of vaccines from Serbia showed “how they interpret help of Serbia and what kind of a sentiment they nourish towards Serb people”. Commenting on “the hysteria” following the award he received in Serbia, Dodik said that “I do not know why they are interested in awards of Serbia at all. For me, Sarajevo is a foreign country, but when I go to Belgrade it feels as if I am going back home”. Dodik added that he is proud he received the award in Serbia and he argued that Serbia grew stronger and this is what makes Sarajevo nervous.

Balkans on Biden’s ‘short leash’ (Novosti, op-ed by former Steven Meyer)


Former deputy director of CIA for Balkans Steven Meyer reminded that US President Joseph Biden issued an executive decree related to imposing of sanctions against people who contribute to destabilization of the situation in the Western Balkans and noted that it is still unclear how important this decree will be in months and years to come. “If the Balkans countries take this seriously and hesitate to make changes in order to achieve their own interests, then it will be successful. If the Balkans countries ignore it, it will not be successful. Leaders in the region should view this as unjustified, unfair and illegal intrusion in sovereign matters of the Balkans countries”, Meyer argued and speculated that there are three possible reasons for this decree.

First, Meyer said, it seems as if the Slovenia’s ‘non-paper’ shook Biden’s administration and reminded that many in the region opposed the idea of change of borders. Meyer said that he, along with several other observers, has been recommending for years that the change of borders and establishment of ethnic states should be taken in consideration. Meyer reminded that outgoing High Representative Valentin Inzko said that B&H is in a serious risk and urged those who advocate change of borders to first visit military graveyards from France to Stalingrad “but he failed to mention the example of eastern and central Europe and Russia following the dissolution of USSR, when majority of borders was changed in a peaceful way”. Meyer claimed that the current arrangements in the Balkans are not functioning because the western forces, especially Washington, failed to understand the importance of ethnic issue. Secondly, Meyer said that Biden’s administration is motivated by the traditional commitment of the Democratic Party to the idea of ‘democratic peace’, but he warned that democracy cannot be implemented by force. “Sometimes, American intervention produced good results, but in most cases it did not and it often left the situation even worse than before the intervention of Washington”, Meyer claimed and mentioned Iraq and Afghanistan in 2003 and Balkans in 1992 as an example. As the third reason (for the decree), Meyer said that Biden’s administration does not have any true interest in the Balkans because it is “yesterday’s issue” and Washington has more important things to deal with, such as Russia, China, Iran and several other areas. “Therefore, the decree is supposed to warn and threaten governments in the Balkans not to undertake anything that would disturb the status quo, which would force the USA to return to the region”, Meyer said and argued that the Balkans leaders must realize that the atmosphere when it comes to talks on change of borders in the region has changed and they must also realize that this process must be carried out in a peaceful manner. Meyer concluded by saying that the Common Regional Market could serve as a model for discussions on political changes, while the Berlin process could serve as a guideline for discussions related to changes of borders and creation of ethnic states: “The process and ultimate result are worth of effort, because those should establish fairer and more prosperous countries”.

Emanuele Giaufret named new head of EU delegation to Serbia (Tanjug

EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell has named Italian diplomat Emanuele Giaufret as the new head of the EU Delegation to Serbia. Giaufret currently heads the EU Delegation to Israel. He has previously served as the head of the European External Action Service Division for Democracy and Electoral Observation. Giaufret will succeed fellow Italian Sem Fabrizi, who was appointed to the position in 2017 by then EU foreign policy and security chief Federica Mogherini.



Comments on Palmer's arrival in B&H (Hayat 


B&H Presidency Chairman and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was among the first to comment on the arrival of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs and US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Matthew Palmer to B&H. Dodik said that he expects the same story and convincing as to "how we should do something because of great ideas." Dodik believes that Palmer is representing the US and that he is primarily coming to B&H so that they could attempt to do something with the Bosniaks and Croats. Palmer’s meetings with the members of the B&H Presidency were planned for Monday, with individual meetings first after which a joint discussion was supposed to follow. SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic expects a lot from Palmer’s visit, especially because Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst is also supposed to arrive along with Palmer, commented the reporter. Izetbegovic believes it is time to change the B&H Constitution and Law on Elections of B&H, added the reporter. “We can see that the two blocking policies in B&H, one from SNSD and the other from HDZ B&H, are in a sense maturing,” stated Izetbegovic. Sarajevo expects a lot from German diplomat Christian Schmidt, commented the reporter. Izetbegovic believes that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) have lost their authority in recent years and that the new High Representative will not think much about, presumably using, the Bonn powers, noted the reporter. RS officials said that the RS is in favor of reforms to the benefit of the citizens, but not for the High Representative who will use threats. President of the RS Zeljka Cvijanovic said: “We do not want a tutor. We are a mature society and we can manage processes. We want to do the things for which we know we have gained the trust of the citizens and to be accountable to those citizens for what has been done, and not to some High Representative”.  


Palmer and Eichhorst discuss changes to B&H Election Law and B&H Constitution with B&H political leaders (FTV 


US Special Representative for Western Balkans Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey at the EEAS Angelina Eichhorst visited Sarajevo on Sunday and held the first round of meetings with B&H political leaders. Palmer and Eichhorst first held meetings with the leaders of the ruling parties and later with the leaders of the opposition parties while the main topic of discussion were possible changes of the Law on Elections of B&H, as well as possible changes of the Constitution of B&H. The reporter argued that judging by the statements made by the participants of these meetings, B&H political leaders are indeed on a good path but the solution is unlikely to be found soon. The reporter explained that Palmer and Eichhorst first held separate meetings with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic after which they held a meeting with Izetbegovic and Covic together while the meeting with the opposition leaders took place later during the day. According to the reporter, Izetbegovic was optimistic after the meetings and he expressed expectations that B&H political leaders will quickly make steps towards changes of the Law on Elections, while Covic did not want to get into details when speaking to the media. Izetbegovic said that previous talks, as well as the so-called April package of constitutional changes and the model proposed by former European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Police Stefan Fuele, have helped bring B&H political leaders close to a solution but it is now time to make decisions. However, the reporter stressed that the meetings did not yield specific conclusions and B&H political leaders again came out with opposing stances. Covic said that the solution to the issue of the Law on Elections will be similar to the solution regarding the elections in Mostar. Izetbegovic claims that the meeting between representatives of the international community and the opposition leaders will determine the direction regarding changes related to the election of members of the Presidency of B&H and delegates in the house of people at B&H and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level. Izetbegovic clarified that SDA will most certainly support whatever is acceptable for the opposition. The reporter stressed that the opposition leaders do not believe SDA and HDZ B&H can reach an agreement and these two parties would not be content in case the opposition takes the lead and offers different solutions. The reporter noted that the opposition leaders agreed that the meeting with representatives of the international community was mature and productive but the opposition leaders have different stances regarding the solutions discussed at the meeting. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that it is unfair from SDA and HDZ B&H to continuously cooperate and maintain partnership for over 20 years but to try to shift responsibility for changes of the Law on Elections to the opposition. NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic deems that Izetbegovic is trying to the same thing he did with Mostar, namely to shift responsibility for his agreements with Covic to someone else. SDP leader Nermin Niksic stated that SDP is willing to discuss both direct and indirect election of members of the Presidency of B&H but asymmetric solutions are completely unacceptable. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic claims that asymmetric solutions have the most chances of being successful. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that PDP is in favor of direct election of Serb member of the Presidency in the RS but PDP is not against indirect election of other two members of the Presidency in the FB&H. Radoncic stressed that SBB B&H will not vote in favor of anything not deemed as a true solution. Radoncic claims that the opposition leaders are thankful because representatives of the international community reassured them that the opposition has to be involved in any adopted solution. President of the Main Board of Our Party (NS) Sabina Cudic said that NS will not succumb to pressure and it will not accept the solutions that will additionally complicate the system and undermine the possibility of the agreement. Cudic underlined that neither Covic nor Izetbegovic will like the solutions proposed by NS. Borenovic claims that the main goal of HDZ B&H, SDA and SNSD is to gradually delay everything until early 2022 when talks will be suspended because 2022 is an election year. The reporter stressed that representatives of the international community cleared ruled out the possibility of imposed solutions but they expect from B&H political leaders to quickly reach an agreement. Eichhorst stated that the main goal remains elimination of discrimination from the Law on Elections, as well as prevention of corruption in the election process and electoral thefts. Palmer stressed that the international community does not have any solutions to offer but it has willingness to encourage further talks and to give a sense of urgency to resolve these issues. The reporter reminded that the model proposed by Fuele stipulates asymmetric solution where Serb member of the Presidency would be directly elected in the RS, while other two members would be indirectly elected in the FB&H, as well as the formation of a separate Caucus for ‘Others’ in the parliament of B&H. The reporter also reminded that the model proposed in the April package stipulates indirect election of all three members of the Presidency of B&H in the House of Representatives of B&H but the Presidency would then consist of one president and two vice presidents, while the system of rotation would remain in effect. Palmer and Eichhorst will meet will members of the Presidency of B&H and members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) on Monday. Palmer stated that a lot remains to be done but talks with B&H political leaders were positive and constructive. He pointed out that it will not be easy but B&H political leaders positively surprised everyone with their willingness to reach the agreement to the benefit of B&H. Eichhorst stated that many encouraging messages were conveyed during meetings with B&H political leaders and the main goal remains elimination of discrimination from the Law on Elections, as well as prevention of corruption in the election process and electoral thefts. The high delegation of the EU and the US emphasized that they are not holding talks on this topic in order to offer a solution, but they are doing this to support B&H leaders in finding their own solution. SNSD did not comment on SDA's calls to return to the ‘April package’ and on Saturday, the leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik clearly said that the RS was not interested in how Bosniak and Croat members of the B&H Presidency would be elected. Dodik stated on Saturday: “Palmer is a diplomat who is leaving and, as far as I know, he will go to some ambassadorial post. Of course, he represents the US and primarily comes to try to do something with Muslims and Croats”.   


Stanivukovic, Karic and Kordic meet Sattler, Palmer, Eichhorst (Dnevni avaz 


Mayors of Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Mostar, Benjamina Karic, Drasko Stanivukovic and Mario Kordic respectively met on Sunday in Sarajevo with Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler, Deputy Assistant Secretary at US Department of State - Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs Matthew Palmer and Managing Director at EEAS Angelina Eichhorst. “The EU carefully monitors political processes in the RS, but also what we have been doing for half of year already in Banja Luka. A joint meeting with Sarajevo and Mostar Mayors and discussion about important issues for our cities. Parliamentary elections, which will take place next year in the RS and entire B&H, were an unavoidable topic. It is very important for Banja Luka to hear what representatives of other countries in B&H think about things that we are doing,” said Stanivukovic.  


Eichhorst: Make the transition from Dayton to Brussels (Dnevni avaz 


In an interview to the daily, Managing Director at EEAS Angelina Eichhorst dedicated to changes to B&H Election Law. Asked what changes are necessary to make the upcoming general elections transparent, Eichhorst expressed satisfaction with the meetings held during the weekend with representatives of B&H parties. She noted that on Sunday a clear message was conveyed in a way as repeated by Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler and US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson, a message of unity. Eichhorst repeated that there are judgements of the European Court on Human Rights (ECHR) on one side and on the other side there is a chance of changes to the Constitution and series of recommendations from Venice Commission, OSCE, ODIHR/ GRECO and noted that citizens are mostly aware of the changes that need to be carried out. “This is also part of the package from the Opinion of the European Commission or shortly said, B&H’s path to the EU,” said Eichhorst. She noted that the clearest message from Sunday’s meetings is that there is a sense not only of importance, but also of urgency to use the opportunity during the non-election year. “The EU naturally wants the elections to take place next year and with that goal we are doing all this to improve election framework,” said Eichhorst. She added that they are aware that there is much to be done, but the main thing is to get engaged and start working. Eichhorst noted that the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) has been established, they met several times, adding that it is important to enable them to meet without the attention of media. She underlined that there are clear messages what needs to be done and now it is the issue of stances of political stakeholders and it is necessary to see if there is certain common ground and what could be a winning combination for everyone involved. Eichhorst noted that the EU truly wants a solution that will suit everyone involved and not only the lead parties, adding that they, in Brussels, will continue to be engaged in this matter and to provide support to Sattler and Nelson. Asked if it is possible to carry out the necessary changes before general elections, Eichhorst said that she believes that it is possible if the political will exists and if it is clear what needs to be done. She also said that she cannot speculate if officials will be successful in these changes, adding that there is a lot to be done. “Changes and amendments, changing of regulations, so this is truly a lot to do, but what is important is that you always have a moment in life when you draw the line and say- all right, we made certain progress, it is July now and the EU will also discuss the situation in B&H. You have a session of the Council in July, we have a huge summit in October and we will again discuss the situation in B&H. Naturally, elections the next year. However, there are usually those political moments where everyone gets to ask themselves – all right, what is happening here?” said Eichhorst. She answers that the best answer would be that all actors are working on the matter and they are ready to find solution. Eichhorst also underlined that there were a lot of attempts in the past, a lot of different packages, adding that she was just discussing this with Ambassador Sattler and noted that it is necessary not to pay attention to past names of models, arguing that it is not like they are starting from nothing, but this now is an attempt to once again, without stories how it used to be, to look ahead and reach a solution. Talking about the rule of law, Eichhorst underlined the importance of Law on Public Procurements, Law on HJPC and noted that this is not only about the legislation, but it is necessary to have an election framework, where citizens believe that elections are in line with principles of transparency, where malversations with election results are prevented. She underlined importance of Mostar Agreement, which was agreed and implemented and success in reform of public administration. Asked about necessary constitutional changes, Eichhorst reminded of the words of EU High Representative Josep Borrell, who said last year that the EU wants to see making the transition from Dayton to Brussels and this includes working on European standards, work on legal heritage, adding that one day when negotiations on accession are opened B&H will have to work on harmonization of entire acquis communautaire and B&H is still in phase where it is necessary to implement 14 key priorities of the EC. Asked about progress on the EU path, Eichhorst noted that generally everyone is aware what are the priorities that need to be met, but she also stressed that progress is too slow.   

Asked about accusations of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who accused the EU of being behind the non-paper about Kosovo status and the non-paper about B&H which emerged earlier, Eichhorst repeated that the EU is not making the non-papers nor deals with such issues, adding that this caused unnecessary concern in the public, especially if taking in consideration clear path and messages about what the EU wants. Asked about appointment of new High Representative Christian Schmidt, Eichhorst noted that they closely cooperate with the OHR and will continue to do so, underlining the OHR’s role in reaching of Mostar Agreement. Eichhorst noted that they will continue to support the work on ‘5+2 Agenda’, adding that they are focused on the Opinion and all EU member states agree on this. “I think that person is not important, this one person. Simply, it is institution as such is important.  We have good relations,” concluded Eichhorst.   


Bosniak Vice President of the RS Ramiz Salkic called for the abolition of the RS (ATV 


Bosniak Vice President of RS Ramiz Salkic called for the abolition of the RS and called Serbs criminals, pointed out the presenter. Salkic said in Trebinje on Friday that it is necessary to seek a new arrangement of the state of B&H tailored to its citizens. RS officials responded to Salkic by saying that he does not have an issue with the RS only when he receives his salary. The RS gives Salkic a monthly net salary of BAM 3,780, while he works on its abolition and calls the representatives of the people on whose account he earns, genocidal, added the reporter. Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Salkic's story is malicious and empty. Dodik stated: “I am convinced that one day we will be an independent state. The belief that (the RS) will disappear and that it should be abolished, as Salkic says, is completely unrealistic. The RS, by definition, which is internationally classified, is already a state. RS has a territory, borders, a people who want that state, democratic elections and a democratic government that supports those people”. According to President of the RS Zeljka Cvijanovic, Salkic regularly sends bad messages about the RS in which there is no room for reconciliation and coexistence. Cvijanovic said that such acts should keep them awake.   

SNSD Secretary General Luka Petrovic said that the RS will not allow Salkic to hinder its development, nor will it forget the insults and lies. Petrovic commented: “What is the character of a man who is the Vice President of the RS and who receives a salary from the RS, and has the courage to say 'abolish the RS'. That kind of character is unknown to us. It would be logical now for him to be removed and to be declared undesirable not only in the RS but also in B&H, as a destroyer of peace and stability in our region”.   


Schutz: Western Balkans has benefits from the Berlin Process (Dnevni list 


Dnevni list reads that a new summit of the so-called Berlin Process for the Western Balkans countries is taking place today (Monday) and that Director for the Western Balkans at the German Foreign Ministry Susanne Schutz spoke for Deutsche Welle about importance of the project in the last seven years. Schutz reminded that the German government, together with the countries in the region and other partners, started the Berlin Process back in 2014 in order to promote the regional cooperation, thus accelerating getting closer the Western Balkans and the EU. According to her, focus of the Berlin Process is on concrete improvements for the people in the region, citing as examples, the agreement on roaming, which is fully abolishing roaming fees in the Western Balkans, and the fact that transportation and energy infrastructure has been connected with the EU corridors. Talking about expectations from today’s summit, Schutz said it is further concrete progress in terms of the regional cooperation and that the summit is culmination of several preparatory meetings. She further noted that the summit will especially concentrate on next steps related to building a common regional market, which is a historic project agreed upon six Western Balkans countries during the last summit in November of 2020. “Return of the summit to Berlin after seven years is also an excellent opportunity to review and exchange ideas about the future of the Berlin Process,” said Schutz.  


Dodik: German world now sends HR who has not been legitimately appointed, RS will not accept him (RTRS/Nova BH 


Chairman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the appointment of German politician Christian Schmidt as the new High Representative (HR). Namely, Schmidt is set to assume office in August. Dodik used this opportunity to say that “the German world that already attacked Serbs in the past” is now sending a HR who has not been legitimately appointed. According to Dodik, RS will not accept Schmidt as the HR due to illegitimate appointment procedure. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic also addressed the media in Mrakovica and commented on Schmidt’s appointment. Cvijanovic noted that the RS will not allow for decisions to be imposed to it and it does not want a tutor. “We do not want a tutor, we are a mature society,” she concluded. SDS representatives also said that they are not thrilled with the appointment of Schmidt, but they do not see responsibility of the Peace Implementation Council countries’ ambassadors but they blame those who oppose the foreign tutorship the most. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has failed to prevent certain activities at the UN Security Council although he could.  


Tegeltija attends 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue International Conference; Tegeltija: Economic cooperation in region is crucial and ‘Mini-Schengen’ is good starting point (RTRS 


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija attended the 2021 Prespa Forum Dialogue International Conference ‘Western Balkans: The missing puzzle for completing Europe’ in Ohrid, Macedonia on Friday. Namely, conclusion of this two-day conference was that cooperation of the Western Balkans countries and strengthening trust between them are crucial for continuation of the EU integration process. This conference gathered representatives of countries in the region, as well as officials from the EU and the US, who spoke about models of assisting the integration process. On the last day of the conference, Tegeltija addressed the participants during official discussions, and also held bilateral meetings with Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN) for Europe, Central Asia and Americas Miroslav Jenca, Montenegrin Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic, as well as North Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev who hosted the conference. Tegeltija stated that economic cooperation in the region is crucial, and that ‘Mini-Schengen’ is a good starting point. Tegeltija considers that the initiative for ‘Mini-Schengen’ is good, because it provides countries of the Western Balkans with an opportunity to work together and cooperate, until the EU decides whether or not it will accept them as members. Tegeltija said he regrets to see that representative of “interim institutions in Pristina” (Kosovo Prime Minister) Albin Kurti opposes the idea of ‘Mini-Schengen’. “Unfortunately, Mr. Kurti has been continuously blocking harmonization of our joint declarations in Tirana and Vienna, insisting on some of his stances that, in principle and at least for now, no one has officially accepted. Insisting on personal stances hinders a compromise solution,” the CoM Chairman underscored. The CoM Chairman stressed that, during his meeting with Zaev, they agreed that B&H and North Macedonia do not have any open issues, but there is room for enhancing their economic cooperation. Zaev warned that the political turbulence in countries in the region represents chains that keep impeding the EU integration process. According to Zaev, the Western Balkans and the EU should work together towards making progress. Tegeltija said the EU integration is the key strategic goal, a common interest of the EU and the region. Tegeltija also said it is necessary for the countries in the region to understand that, if cooperating more, the situation in individual countries will improve, which joining the EU depends on. Tegeltija called on Europe to show that it cares about the Western Balkans and stressed the need to start an investment cycle in the region. One part of the attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the progress of the region towards the EU. Tegeltija said that the EU needs to value everything the region does for the EU accession more. He added that they should begin the process of negotiation with North Macedonia by the end of 2021 and confirm the EU candidate status for B&H. Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic addressed the conference, noting that Serbia is in a specific position, as it is committed to the EU but not the NATO integration. “Considering this, we differ from everyone else here, aside from B&H,” she added. Brnabic said the Western Balkans region should continue its European integration, but that its next focus should be regional cooperation as it could improve the citizens’ quality of life. Serbian Prime Minister said that Bulgarian veto on the beginning of negotiations of North Macedonia and Albania could open a Pandora's box in the Balkans. "I believe that bilateral issue of interpretation of origin of a language or history is not a bilateral issue that should concern the EU. That is why I believe this to be a bad precedent which has been made, and I hope that we will not see such precedents in the future, but I fear that there is a possibility that a Pandora's box has been opened," Brnabic underlined. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman warned that changing the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) could undermine peace in Europe. Austrian Minister for European and International Affairs Alexander Schallenberg assessed that Western Balkan countries should not give up on the EU membership, but rather continue with political efforts. Schallenberg underlined that “it is obvious that there is just one perspective”. Representatives of the US said that they will continue to invest efforts to resolve main problems in the Western Balkans. Philip Reeker, the US State Department Acting Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, stressed that the EU integration represents the future of the Western Balkans region. Addressing the Prespa Forum Dialogue, Reeker stated that everyone knows that credibility and influence of the EU in the region are at a very low level. "That is why I was inspired by observations of (Slovenian) President (Borut) Pahor. The EU and all 27 member states have to work to restore that credibility in the Western Balkans and that is the message that (US) Secretary (of State) (Antony) Blinken sent during his meetings in Berlin, Paris and Rome," Reeker underlined. Pahor said that enlargement of the EU to the countries of the Western Balkans is a geopolitical issue of the first degree. "Countries of the Western Balkans must accelerate reforms and implementation of measures to complete that. Fast enlargement is vital interest," Pahor stressed. Participants of the Prespa Forum Dialogue also stressed that the EU has to come up with a unanimous position when it comes to enlargement, as well as that it should consider the way decisions are made in the Union.  


Denis Zvizdic resigns from all posts in SDA and leaves SDA, comments (Nova BH 


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and (now former) SDA member Denis Zvizdic has officially left SDA. In his public statement, Zvizdic said: “I wanted to inform you all that I have tendered irrevocable resignation to the post of the SDA Vice President, the post of SDA Presidency member and withdrawn from SDA membership”. Nova BH reports that Zvizdic said his trust in the political party has diminished, which was contributed by a number of recent decisions made by the SDA leadership. “At the same time, SDA, instead of addressing the strategic issues, like vaccines and economic development, regaining trust of local and foreign capital, international activities, attracting foreign investments, has become burdened with its internal issues and scandals,” said Zvizdic. Commenting on his resignation SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said: “Mr. Zvizdic has the right to own view on the situation the political party, and his life decisions and I wish him good health”. Nova BH reminds of Izetbegovic’s earlier statements regarding SDA losing great members, when he said that SDA will remain the strongest political party in B&H. Zvizdic will remain in the post of representative in the B&H HoR until SDA provides its opinion on the matter. Zvizdic stated on Friday that the decision was final and he did not make it lightly. Zvizdic reminded that he pointed out the issues in the party following the 2020 local elections, but no changes were made in SDA which would result in any progress. He assessed that a negative atmosphere was created within the party which results in increasingly negative trends, especially in urban communities. SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic assessed Zvizdic’s decision as expected and he sees it as a fiasco in the making. He believes that the decision is a result of lack of internal dialogue within the party. Zvizdic announced that he will act as an independent MP in the B&H parliament for now. Zvizdic emphasized that his main goal remains the strengthening of the state of B&H. “I will remain in politics. I will remain active in politics. We all know there are several options after this kind of resignation and this type of move. One of them is, of course, initiation of a new political project. The second one is support to one of the existing political projects or coalitions. And the third is, of course, status of an independent representative – in which I will remain now. At this moment, my choice is the status of an independent representative, because I do not intend to further fragment the political scene in B&H, at this moment. On the contrary, I believe that the political scene in B&H should be consolidated” Zvizdic told the reporters. Zvizdic specified that he will remain member of the Collegium of the B&H HoR until a legal procedure for his removal from the post is initiated. Addressing media on the occasion of announcing his decision on leaving the party, Zvizdic stated: “There is a huge number of officials and members of SDA who are not satisfied with how things are going in SDA and with the changes that are of cosmetic and declarative nature. I am not calling on anyone to make some kind of move or to express rebellion. I do not know if anyone else will follow in my footsteps. That is a matter that SDA should deal with.” Zvizdic told a press conference in Sarajevo on Friday that after 30 years in SDA, he no longer sees hope that mistakes can be corrected and that problems within the party he has warned of for months have become the reasons behind his resignation, i.e. disagreements with SDA leadership and lack of serous reforms in cities and municipalities where SDA was faced with election defeat in the local elections in 2020. Zvizdic stressed that he does not believe that things can be changed and therefore he thinks it is pointless to further participate in the party’s work. “This is not a matter of some ambition or leading posts, but a matter of different views on the current political and socio-economic problems, as well as different perception of further progress and development of B&H or the work on defining models that can help up become strategic partners to powerful countries in order to ensure peace, stability, safety, integration process, economic development and say no to nationalist and aggressive rhetoric”, Zvizdic stated. He added that SDA is overburdened with internal problems and various affairs, and the party has lost the sense of general interests and program goals regarding the progress and development. According to Zvizdic, institutional inertness of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) in which SDA participates and the issue of procurement of COVID-19 vaccines that will doubtlessly become the biggest humiliation of citizens and the biggest stain in the current mandate represent examples proving his claims. He reminded that there were solutions to the procurement of vaccines he himself proposed eight months ago. FTV reminded that former SDA member Senad Sepic was the first one who was dissatisfied with how Izetbegovic runs SDA. Sepic formed the Independent Bloc in 2017 as the representative in B&H House of Representative at the time, in cooperation with former SDA MPs Sadik Ahmetovic and Salko Sokolovic. Mirsad Kukic also left SDA in 2018 and then he formed PDA in the Tuzla Canton. Elmedin Konakovic has also left SDA and formed NiP, and his party was recently joined by Federation of B&H (FB&H) Minister of Interior Aljosa Campara after he left SDA as well. Representative in the Sarajevo Canton (SC) Assembly Mirza Celik and Head of Sarajevo Novi Grad Municipality Semir Efendic have also left SDA.   


Decision of Zvizdic to leave SDA causes reactions in political circles (N1 


N1 reports that many political parties in B&H will be face political reshuffling in the next couple of months for sure, given the last week’s resignation of Predrag Kojovic as the NS leader, activation of SDP B&H’s story on unification of left-wing parties and the latest decision of high-ranking SDA official Denis Zvizdic to leave the party. Zvizdic’s decision to leave SDA still causes reactions in political circles. Former SDA member and current NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic told N1 that all political parties on the political stage in B&H want to see Zvizdic joining, and NiP as well. However, he said that there are no talks to concretize Zvizdic’s status in NiP, but that he held several meetings with Zvizdic on the current situation in B&H with whom he has similar stances on a number of issues. Konakovic noted that Federation of B&H (FB&H) Minister of Interior Aljosa Campara, who also left SDA and joined NiP recently, and Zvizdic are connected but they have denied myths on a clan of synchronized action when Campara left SDA without Zvizdic. According to SDP B&H Vice President Zukan Helez, SDP B&H’s doors are open for Zvizdic and his decision to join SDP B&H would certainly strengthen the party. SDP B&H Vice President Vojin Mijatovic shares Helez’s stance, but he said that he expects that Zvizdic and Campara return their mandates to SDA, stressing that political pattern in B&H needs to be changed. Commenting on Zvizdic’s decision, former SDP B&H leader Zlatko Lagumdzija told N1 that the news that he left SDA is not important as much as the current political stage in B&H, which has not been faced with such a big chaos ever since the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was signed. He concluded that the biggest tragedy of B&H is the fact that it is hard to find a serious and credible political factor on the political stage. Lagumdzija expressed hope that political chaos in B&H will culminate by autumn and that “silent majority of people will start awakening and realize that things must be changed”.     


Srebrenica Municipal Assembly adopts resolution on killing of Serb people in Srebrenica in 20th century (RTRS 


The Srebrenica Municipal Assembly adopted on Friday a resolution on the killing of Serb people in Srebrenica in the 20th century. In the resolution, which was proposed by Assembly Deputy Speaker Radomir Pavlovic, the Assembly condemned all crimes against Serbs and members of other peoples in former Yugoslavia during the given period. This resolution was adopted by Serb representatives in the Assembly, while Bosniak representatives left the session. Pavlovic said that this resolution aims to show the extent in which Serbs suffered in the 20th century, while it does not minimize the victims among other peoples.  


Serb National Council unveils memorial to victims of Ustasha WWII crime (Hina 


The Serb National Council (SNV) unveiled in Donja Suvaja on Saturday a monument to the victims of a crime committed by the Ustasha on 1 July 1941, with SNV president Milorad Pupovac saying "the crime in Donja Suvaja, Osredci and Bubanj was one big evil." "On 1 July 1941, the Ustasha, led by Maks Luburic, savagely tortured and killed women, children and older inhabitants in Donja Suvaja. We are erecting this monument on the 80th anniversary, in memory of their lives and horrific moment of death, but with faith in the idea of man's victory over hate," it says on the monument alongside the names of 290 victims. According to an SNV statement, the crime in Donja Suvaja was one of the first mass crimes against women and children committed by the Ustasha, followed by a campaign of cleansing the Lika region, which resulted in an uprising of the people of Lika. Pupovac said most of the 290 victims were women and children, while the rest were infirm and old. He said the crime took "only two hours" and that Luburic "decided to go a step further" by killing the victims "in the worst possible way, by slaughter and massacre." "From 29 June 1941 until the beginning of July, all the worst methods were applied here, all the worst procedures seen in war, persecutions and forced resettlement" he added. Pupovac said Lika also had been the site of the first Ustasha death camp, Jadovno, "which claimed dozens of thousands of lives in less than two months of operation." "This was not a death factory as with some other peoples in World War II. Donja Suvaja was a horrible hate crime, a crime of extermination." Pupovac reiterated that the Ustasha salute "For the homeland ready" was the "most shameful salute in Croatian history and the most shameful expression of the Croatian people's striving for its freedom," adding that it "was not, nor could it be, nor is anything else but a symbol of hate and crime."  He commended the state leadership's decision to "dedicate more attention to antifascism (this year), as never before, which we could see at Brezovica, where the first Partizan detachment came together." "Everyone must realize that the blood and meat of that movement, said to have been the largest in Europe, was right here. The souls of these women, children and older people, and of those who since that moment never gave up, from 27 July, until the area of freedom had spread across the whole country at that time, including Croatia, are our anti-fascism," said Pupovac. He called out "the high-ranking Croatian officials who, at recent commemorations, have been pardoning the crimes and criminals in this last war, just because they are our boys." He called on them not to downplay crimes because "that insults all of us who remember as citizens of this country." The memorial in Donja Suvaja was erected as part of the SNV's culture of remembrance program with funds from the government's office of human and national minority rights.  


Edtstadler: EU will not be complete until the Western Balkans has joined (Vecernji list 


Vecernji list carried an interview with Austrian Minister for the EU and Constitution Karoline Edtstadler, which is mostly dedicated to general situation in the EU and Austria. However, Minister Edtstadler was also asked to comment about the issue of the Western Balkans and her advocating the European perspective for the Western Balkans countries. Minister Edtstadler replied by saying that the Western Balkans countries have Austria’s full support on the road to the EU, as well as in the fight against the pandemic and illegal migration. The Minister argues that is something Austria profits from because stability in the Balkans automatically means more security in Austria and whole of the EU. Edtstadler went on to say that Austria has been warning that the EU will not be complete until all Western Balkans countries have joined. Furthermore, Minister Edtstadler said that during a recent meeting of the EU General Affairs Council, all the EU members but one (Bulgaria) made positive statement about faster dynamic for six Western Balkans countries getting closer to the EU. “Because it is an issue of credibility of the Union, which must be consistent and keep its promises given the countries in the region and continue with the enlargement in the area. Those six states expect political support in the process that has practically almost stopped,” said Edtstadler. Asked if she is concerned with big dissatisfaction and disappointment of the Western Balkans countries, whose heads of states stated at a recent summit held in Vienna that the EU is not keeping its promises, Edtstadler replied by saying she is concerned and that she understands the countries’ frustrations. Edtstadler noted the EU is not keeping its promises, that Portugal is trying to create conditions for North Macedonia and Albania get closer to the EU “because they really deserved it”. Edtstadler added by saying there is also a fear if postponement of accession talks with the said two countries could enable other forces interested in the Balkans to expand their influence if the EU does not integrate them.  


Molina: Avoid nationalism and dedicate yourself to negotiations (Pobjeda 


“I think the key problem in the region is that everyone insists on differences, and in fact they have so many similar things that unite them. Use these similarities to cooperate better, to get closer to each other, because that is what is required during the negotiation process – good neighborly cooperation. In the end, both Montenegro and Serbia will be part of the EU, and that is why it is completely unnecessary to insist on differences, to deepen quarrels because your future is a unique European family,” says Spanish Ambassador Raul Bartolome Molina in an interview for Pobjeda. He points out that Montenegro has the full support of Spain for faster entry into the EU. “The unity of the entire community is needed to achieve such an important goal. On the other hand, in every society there are differences, that is, different views, how to reach that goal, and that is normal for democracy. But these differences should not affect the image of the country, because Montenegro must demonstrate unity no matter how many differences there are. If these differences are transmitted to international partners, then it is impossible to have a unified position in the country towards such difficult negotiations that await Montenegro. And my only recommendation would be that Montenegro should have a single vision of what it wants to be, and the majority of the population wants you to be part of the EU and that is what you need to work on together. There were different views and opinions in Spain – but during the negotiations we put it all aside and we succeeded,” he says. “Religious issues should not affect the negotiation process. All members of the European Union are states without an official religion. We must be tolerant of religious issues. There is a part of the population in Montenegro who declares themselves as Serbs and that must be respected” Molina explains. “Spain supports Montenegro on its path to the EU, we support the entire region because a stable Balkans means a more stable Europe. Of course, the situation in the region is slowly changing for the better and you need to work on reform processes and especially on the rule of law,” he points out. “The genocide in Srebrenica is a fact and the international court has rendered the judgment. It is the recent past of these spaces and you simply have to accept it. We need to remember the lessons of the past to never happen again and that is what entry into the EU will bring. The Union was formed in the process of reconciliation between Germany and France, and the same process can reconcile the Balkans. The EU is based on reconciliation and economic prosperity, and that is the only way the region can go,” Molina concludes.  


Washington closely monitors Montenegro (CdM 


Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic has met with the US Acting Assistant Secretary of State Philip Reeker at the Prespa Forum in Ohrid. Reeker has confirmed that the new US administration considers Montenegro an ally, a close friend and a partner. The importance of unity and togetherness was also confirmed at the recent NATO Summit, Reeker has recalled, which shows that we are now closer and more ready for challenges. President Djukanovic has acquainted Reeker with the current situation in Montenegro and the region since their last meeting at the Munich Security Conference, the change of government in the parliamentary elections, which, especially after a long continuity of one government, is an opportunity for new pace of democratic political development. “This has been confirmed through the recognition of election results and the smooth transition of power,” Djukanovic has said, adding that the real achievements and results of the new majority can now be seen, as well as the impact of that policy on Montenegro’s future and stability in the region, bearing in mind the broader context.  

Welcoming the role of the State Department envoy in the Balkans, and joint action with the EU representative, he has pointed to the need for stronger EU incentives and the US presence in the region for further integration, full stability and suppression of third-party influence, which is reflected in reviving retrograde ideas from 1990s. “For us, NATO membership and the path to the EU is the only right choice, which has no alternative,” Djukanovic has stressed. Reeker has agreed with the statement that the United States follows the EU’s policy towards the region, but also stressed the need to further encourage EU enlargement.  


URA and Democrats at crossroads – Europe or Serbian World (Vikend novine 


Since the beginning of the work of the Government and the new ruling power, the only constant is instability and non-transparency in all fields, which results in this Government dealing more with mutual relations than improving the quality of life of citizens, says Social Democratic Party MP Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic in an interview for Vikend Novine. “Currently, those who raised their hands in support of this Government speak worse about it than we, who have criticized it in principle and concretely from the beginning,” says Vuksanovic Stankovic.  

Speaking about the current political crisis and the way to overcome it, she points out that elections are always a realistic option in such situations, but that those who have made the wrong concept and have achieved no results in a year can hardly find the elections suitable. “We are convinced that the European value majority exists in Parliament, since it was confirmed on the occasion of the recent parliamentary votes on some fundamental political principles concerning the issue of facing the recent past and our European and international obligations. That is the meaning of the call for a European consensus through political dialogue. It is up to the so-called civic parties in the government to decide whether they want to build a European approach or continue to function in the system of dictates and blackmail of the DF, Serbian Orthodox Church and official Belgrade. There is no more time for any maneuvering. Will URA and the Democrats support the European policy or the one that leads to various ‘Serbian Worlds’? There they are at a crossroads. The SDP is offering a hand to build a European consensus, we will see what they will opt for,” says Vuksanovic Stankovic.  


Djelosaj: No negotiations while Krivokapic is Prime Minister (Dan 


“We are not interested in any negotiations on the Government reshuffling the while Zdravko Krivokapic is at its head,” the mayor of Tuzi and the Albanian Alternative leader Nik Djeljosaj has told Dan. In anticipation of the negotiations aimed at overcoming the overall political crisis in Montenegro, both executive and the legislative, where a possible solution is the reshuffle of the Government with the PM Krivokapic at its head and politicians also included in it, Djelosaj states that there is no place for the Albanian list in that Government as long as Krivokapic is part of it. For this party, the best solution is a technical government that would prepare new elections.  


Fouere: EU must urgently change its behavior, enlargement policy does not work (Republika/24 Vesti 


Former EU ambassador to the country Erwan Fouere believes that the EU has its own values, but unfortunately does not respect them in some specific areas, and one of those areas that directly affects Macedonia and the region is the enlargement policy, which does not work at all. It is a failure of the European Union to fully understand the negative consequences of the recent deadlocks and the Bulgarian veto, not only on the chances of the EU accession process, but also on the citizens who saw the perspective in the European future, Fouere told 24 Vesti 

He believes that the bloc is currently facing very serious crossroads, so it should be careful, because it can negatively affect the feelings of the citizens of the region. Referring to the Bulgarian veto, Fouere stressed that Bulgaria’s attempts to bring history and identity into the EU enlargement process are an additional blow to the EU’s enlargement policy and undermine its position not only in the region but also in the world. Thus, the EU does not honor its promises, does not honor its commitments to the region. If it fails in its immediate neighborhood, then it no longer makes sense for the EU. So the European Union must change its behavior immediately. Brussels is not taking enough action against those of its members who undermine European values, Fouere said. According to him, Bulgaria’s veto on the country’s European integration process is a shameful act of the Bulgarian government, but it is also a shameful act for the EU because it failed to prevent one of its member states from “hijacking enlargement policy” and promoting its nationalist agenda in a way that is contrary to all EU values.  


Austria’s Foreign Minister: Bulgaria is isolated in the EU (Republika 


Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg, said in an interview with “360 Degrees” that in the last EU meetings there was “growing frustration with the fact that no progress can be made towards opening negotiations with Albania and Macedonia”. You are absolutely right that there was a time when there was a sense of enlargement fatigue, certain capitals hesitated, but I believe the tide is changing. My view is, and I have a feeling that more and more members are doing that, that there is no vacuum in politics and if we Europeans, as the EU, and there is a big difference, turn our backs, then others will rush in – whether it be China, Russia or Turkey. And this is a European region, it is not our interest and hence, in a geopolitical sense, it is a question of whether our way of life or the way of life of someone else will be imposed here. I believe that this is a thinking that is of growing interest in the EU and at the last EU meetings, in the Council, there was growing frustration with the fact that no progress can be made towards opening negotiations with Albania and Macedonia because, frankly, your country did everything it had to do and it deserves it. I would say that Bulgaria is isolated in these talks, Schallenberg said.  


Johannes Hahn: It is in Bulgaria’s interest for Macedonia to join the EU and I think Bulgaria knows that (Republika/24 Vesti 


Bulgaria knows there must be a compromise. A solution needs to be found that takes into account all the red lines, EU Commissioner for Budget and Administration and former EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn told 24 Vesti. He says that there is progress and it is only a matter of time before the blockade on Macedonia is lifted. He emphasizes that the current caretaker government in Bulgaria will not enter into a solution with Macedonia, the key will be in the new government, after the elections. The veto as an EU mechanism should exist, but not as a threat in the whole negotiation process.  


VMRO-DPMNE proposes to parliament resolution on Macedonian state and national positions (Republika 


Macedonia’s European future is stuck and stalled. The ignorance and irresponsibility of the government has created a new dispute and problem in the last 3 years. Day by day this dispute is deepening, and the Government trades daily with the identities, historical periods, Macedonian heroes, the Macedonian language, said Hristijan Mickoski at a press conference. The government was making calls in the negotiations with Greece all by itself, without involving the opposition or others from our society, and now it is doing the same with Bulgaria, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski. Mickoski presented a resolution that calls for building national unity over the red lines with Bulgaria, in order to avoid having Macedonian national interests completely overturned during the EU accession process. Bulgaria demands rewriting of Macedonian history and redefining the Macedonian national identity and language to fit its historic narrative, and the PM Zoran Zaev seems prepared to accept it all. This government should have learnt by now from its past mistakes, which are costing us dearly, it should have learnt that we need a national and state consensus on the key national issues. How did we even get to this dispute with Bulgaria? It came out of the retail market diplomacy that Zoran Zaev and Nikola Dimitrov engaged in. They do not understand the relationships of states in the Balkans and did not foresee the consequences of their actions. They are prepared to pay the highest price so long as the bill is collected by someone else, by our country, while they keep their private privileges, Mickoski said. Mickoski noted that the government did not clearly outline the red lines it will not cross in the future talks with Bulgaria, and said that it is top priority for Macedonia to do so now. Bulgaria outlined its demands in a declaration that its Parliament adopted unanimously in late 2019. Our resolution will be binding and would guide the government in what it can and what it cannot talk about. The resolution follows the publicly declared positions of the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University and the Macedonian Orthodox Church – this document is not authored by VMRO-DPMNE but is defined by the top scientific authorities in our state, Mickoski said.  

The resolution calls for the following:  

– That the negotiations are led on a basis of equality and on principles, with due respect for international law, without conditioning between the sides, and with full respect of the dignity of the Macedonian nation;  

– That the negotiations fully respect the findings of the Macedonian scientists regarding the autochthonous character of the Macedonian nation and its historic, linguistic, cultural and religious continuity; According to the resolution, there should be full respect for the findings, established facts, accepted theories and empirical studies by contemporary international Slavicists, linguists, historians and experts in international law, who indicate that:  

– The Macedonian language and its dialects have continuity in this space and in time;  

– The Macedonian identity derives its legitimacy fro centuries of traditions, customs, collective memory, mentality, language, articulated consciousness about its ethnic and cultural uniqueness, collective integrity, respect for traditional religious institutions, and the narrative of belonging to a certain geographic and historic space;  

– That the shared areas of memory between the Balkan and Mediterranean nations are approached inclusively, and not with exclusive claims of history and tradition, and that they continue to be approached with full intellectual liberty, and not from a position of historic stereotypes and illusions of cultural and historic hegemony;  

The resolution calls for continuing the EU accession process:  

– In the spirit of mutual respect and valuing the efforts our side has put in meeting the required criteria;  

– Relying on the positive and generally accepted international conventions and declarations of the United Nations that protect the right to self-determination and human rights and liberties;  

– With full respect for the freely expressed will of the Macedonian people, and of its ethnic and spiritual uniqueness.  

VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonio Milososki pointed out that the draft resolution defines the Macedonian state positions on European integration, but also the positions regarding any denial of the Macedonian linguistic, cultural or national identity, because it is contrary to European values. He said the legislature was the right place for political forces to unite and reach a joint resolution instead of polarizing. Resolutions on national issues are passed in Bulgaria, Germany, Slovenia, Romania, Italy. Here, why Macedonia would be an exception, and why the government would not be ready to open a debate in the Parliament and build a broad consensus on the draft resolution on the Macedonian red lines, which if adopted by the Macedonian Parliament will not only help Macedonian diplomacy and society but will also help our friends within the EU. Because this draft resolution is based on the United Nations Charter and the Council of Europe Convention on Human Rights in Strasbourg, he stressed. VMRO-DPMNE believes that such an approach would be serious and responsible, and the adoption of a joint political resolution on the Macedonian national positions on European integration based on the Macedonian identity as a European value is beneficial and the citizens would welcome it.