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Belgrade Media Report 14 July 2021


Vucic: We will inform Turkey, but I want people to know (TV Pink/B92

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the announcements from Pristina that they will form their army that will guard the borders of the so-called Kosovo. He stated on Tuesday that it is known that Pristina works contrary to Resolution 1244, i.e. international law, and that is why Serbia opposes it. "We will not hesitate telling our partners from Turkey about everything they procured to Kosovo Security Forces (KSF). But I want people to know this, and in the south of Serbia, there's a saying: 'it's a thin brandy,'" he told TV Pink. He then thanked NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, with whom he spoke and who, as Vucic points out, had respect for Serbia and a clear position on that issue. "The army of Kosovo and Serbian army, and we don't need to compare ourselves, because we want to keep the peace, does not fall in the same category. This is not the time of the 1990s, things are now completely different," Vucic pointed out, adding that he believes that the so-called Kosovo will not need an army. "It is important for us to establish good relations with KFOR," he concluded.

Dialogue resumption 

Vucic also stated that he believes that the dialogue with Pristina will be continued at the highest level in Brussels during the second half of July. He also said that it would be an opportunity to ask for protection for Dragica Gasic, the only Serb returnee to Djakovica, who is exposed to various forms of pressure and threats. "This case is not the only one, but it is a paradigm because it bothers them as a symbol of the return of Serbs to their homes. We have not had de facto power since 1999 on the territory of Kosovo, including the period since they declared independence in 2008, but we are fighting, paying salaries and pensions", said Vucic after visiting the municipality of Kladovo.

Selakovic: Serbia supports values, goals of Non-Aligned Movement (Tanjug/RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Tuesday that the spirit of non-alignment is based on equality, freedom and peaceful cooperation of all peoples, and those values are woven into the state-building foundations of Serbia. Addressing the participants in the Ministerial Conference of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, Selakovic pointed out that these values are both lasting peace and sovereign equality of states. He sent an invitation to the representatives of the members of that movement to gather in Belgrade, on 11-12 October, when the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961 in the capital of Serbia will be marked. Selakovic reminded that the former Yugoslavia and president Tito, as co-founders of the Movement, gave their contribution to the creation of a vision of a different world, and that Serbia, as one of the successors of Yugoslavia, is proud of that part of its history. He pointed out that the Non-Aligned Movement throughout its history has been a beacon of freedom to all those who sought the right to exist and prosperity in a world often ruled not by the force of law, but by the law of force. According to him, even today we are in times of serious global challenges in which the Movement has the opportunity to reaffirm its libertarian traditions and commitment to a world of equals. Serbia, as a military neutral and politically independent state, will give its most sincere contribution to such goals of the Movement. We hope that by strengthening mutual ties and cooperation, as a group of states and peoples that share the same values and interests, we will strengthen our common capacity to face the challenges of tomorrow. And the challenges are already ahead of us, he said. Selakovic emphasized that international law should be a pillar of the world’s political and security architecture, and added that Serbia respects the commitment of the members of the Movement for the goals and principles of the United Nations Charter.

Selakovic thanks Kenya for principled position on non-recognition of Kosovo (RTV/Tanjug

On Tuesday, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on the phone with his colleague from Kenya Rachel Omamo, with whom he confirmed the very good and friendly bilateral relations between the two countries, which, they pointed out, are characterized by mutual understanding and trust. The two ministers said that the improvement of cooperation is expected to continue and the political dialogue to be further intensified, it is stated in the Serbian Foreign Ministry’s press release. Selakovic also said that Serbia is proud of the long history of relations and cooperation that dates back to the period of the SFRY and joint activities in the Non-Aligned Movement. He voiced hope that the Kenyan delegation will be present in Belgrade in October, when the 60th anniversary of the first Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement will be marked. Selakovic especially thanked for the principled position of Kenya regarding the non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of so-called Kosovo, emphasizing that he expects the two sides to continue to help each other in international forums, in accordance with their national priorities.

Serbian, Egyptian Ministries of Defense pen Memorandum of Cooperation (Beta)  

The Defense Ministers of Serbia and Egypt, Nebojsa Stefanovic and Mohamed Ahmed Zaki, signed on 13 July a Memorandum of Cooperation which paves the way to improving and developing relations in the area of defense. A statement released by the Serbian Ministry of Defense says that Stefanovic, who is on a three-day visit to Egypt, said after signing the document that it will improve cooperation between the ministries of defense in the area of the military industry. “We will offer our partners from this great country the possibilities that the Serbian defense industry has to offer today.  We signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation which will enable a good and quality legal framework for advancing our joint work and this will consist of training assistance in all of the areas that the two countries believe are necessary, but also our more intense cooperation in the area of international missions,” Stefanovic said.

Falconi: Continuity in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue important (Tanjug/RTV)

French Ambassador to Serbia Jean-Louis Falconi points out for Tanjug that France does not support either Serbia or Kosovo, but a dialogue on the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina and the EU as the mediator in the negotiations. “France encourages dialogue, and when we see one side withdrawing from the negotiations, we react and put emphasis on dialogue, because we believe it is important for both sides,” Falconi said when asked by Tanjug about the assessments of Serbian analysts who see France as Serbia’s partner in the EU, but also a country that can be expected to support the search for a compromise solution in which the interests of Serbia would be respected in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. Falconi points out that France, in cooperation with Germany, was an additional “cymbal on the scale” in encouraging that, after 18 months of delay due to the imposed taxes, the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina continues as soon as possible. “It is important that dialogue is initiated. There were several talks at the top political level, and President Vucic also had meetings with Albin Kurti and his predecessor Avdulah Hoti,” Falconi says. As he says, another meeting of the top officials is coming up in Brussels, and we are here to encourage that, the goal is to have a dialogue and to normalize relations. Asked whether the previously announced summit on seeking a solution to the Belgrade-Pristina agreement could be expected in Paris, or that French President Emanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel would organize talks with a wider circle of those interested in the solution, which was speculated by the media, Falconi said that this is possible in principle, but that he does not believe that such an initiative is necessary given, as he says, the current dynamics of the talks.

Cadez: EAEU trade deal does not block access to EU (Tanjug

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia President Marko Cadez said on Tuesday Serbia’s free trade deal with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) was very similar to separate agreements Serbia already had with member states of the association and did not block the country's access to the EU. Cadez said the agreement could have a positive effect on Serbia’s economic access to the EAEU market. He said there were numerous contacts with the Russian Federation as the largest EAEU market and that Serbian rubber and tyre maker Tigar and clothing manufacturer Yumco had recently signed new contracts with Russian partners. Cadez also said the dairy company Mlekara Sabac had taken hold of a quarter of Russia’s white cheese market and that there were enough good reasons for stepped-up presence of Serbian companies in the EAEU market. “The agreement will not be in force once Serbia joins the EU, but it does not block Serbia’s access to the EU,” Cadez said.

Srebrenica new condition for EU (Novosti, by S. Rovcanin-Tomkovic) 

Following the statement of European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on the occasion of 26th anniversary of crimes in Srebrenica, in which they stated that Brussels does not accept denial of genocide in Srebrenica, many wondered whether the EU door will be shut for Serbia unless it punishes individuals and institutions which deny genocide in Srebrenica. Novosti reminded that “similar constructions” arguing that statements of politicians on sufferings of Bosniaks will be monitored were recently presented in a document of the State Department on the Western Balkans “so it is quite natural to expect that Srebrenica stick will be used to blackmail Belgrade in the process of European integration”. Former diplomat Zoran Milivojevic said that the stance on Srebrenica is turning into a political criteria which will be used in future to condition Serbia’s European integration. Milivojevic argued that statements of western officials showed that this issue is getting politicized and he added that Serbia should not succumb to pressures. “The topic of Srebrenica genocide is a platform used to justify activities of the West from 1990s, hence the pressure,” Milivojevic said. Head of the Center for Foreign Policy Suzana Grubjesic said that she hopes Srebrenica will not be used as a precondition because Serbian parliament adopted a resolution back in 2010 already in which it condemned events in Srebrenica and there is no need to adopt new resolutions because one has already been adopted. Political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic claimed that “the West is aware of the fact that the fabrication on alleged genocide in Srebrenica is unsustainable so it defends it by exerting stronger pressures on Serbia”. Andjelkovic also argued that France, Germany and other European countries are against admission of new countries in the EU so they are looking for an excuse. “This is a dirty game on many levels, from lies on Srebrenica to shutting of the door to the EU”, Andjelkovic said and wondered how Croatia entered the EU if there is no room for denial of genocide, knowing that Croatia denies “true genocide that took place during World War II and refuses to take the responsibility for what Ustasha did. This means that there is room for genocide, there is room for neo-Nazism knowing that they accepted Croatia in the EU”.



Tegeltija meets Borrell in Brussels, Borrell says there is no room in EU for deniers of genocide and verdicts of ICTY (Nova BH 


B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Chairman Zoran Tegeltija met with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, in Brussels on Tuesday. Borrell stated that there is no room in the EU for deniers of the genocide and verdicts of the ICTY, adding that the commemoration for the victims of the Srebrenica genocide was held in Potocari on Sunday and that this reminds of the need for reconciliation. Borrell said that the genocide in Srebrenica was recognized internationally and represents one of the darkest spots of the modern history of Europe, as well as a stain on collective awareness of those who participated in the genocide and those who failed to prevent it. According to Borrell, attempts to revise history, deny the genocide and war crimes and glorify war criminals have no room in Europe. He added that such attempts must be stopped and will not be tolerated.  


Dodik’s advisor Kovacevic: B&H does not have High Representative, so there is nobody to impose any law (Dnevni list 


Commenting on a proposal of High Representative Valentin Inzko, who wants that B&H adopts a law banning denial of genocide and glorifying of war criminals, Radovan Kovacevic, who is Foreign Policy Advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, stated that B&H does not have a High Representative (HR), so there is no one to impose any law. Kovacevic reminded that Inzko submitted a resignation, which was accepted in the UN, and that the new HR has not been appointed in accordance with Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). Kovacevic added: “This means that the High Representative in B&H does not exist any longer. In terms of this there is absolutely no one who could impose any law in a relevant way.” Kovacevic also noted that Republika Srpska (RS) cannot accept and tolerate violation of the DPA in any way. He concluded: “We deeply believe that the time of imposition of any laws and solutions in B&H is in the past and that the future is ahead of B&H, in which elected political representatives, accountable to citizens, will take over responsibility for the future of this country and that only solutions and laws reached based on agreements will be relevant in B&H.”  


Viskovic: Inzko’s home country itself committed genocide at the time, so he can take law banning genocide denial with him to his home country (Nova BH 


Commenting on the proposal that High Representative Valentin Inzko imposes the law banning genocide denial, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic (SNSD) commented that Inzko’s home country itself committed the genocide at the time, so he can take the law banning the genocide denial with him to his home country. According to SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic, it is clear that there is no political will at the B&H Parliament for adoption of the law banning the genocide denial in B&H, which is why the only way to adopt the law is through intervention of the Office of the High Representative (OHR). HDZ B&H’s Barisa Colak commented that the adoption of the law banning the genocide denial in B&H is possible in case that there is political will for that, noting that such issues should be discussed with higher level of trust and without public interference, until higher level of political consensus is reached.  


EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council holds fourth meeting in Brussels (RTRS 


The EU-B&H Stabilization and Association Council held its fourth meeting, in Brussels on Tuesday. Topics discussed or touched on at the meeting, among other things, included the reform process on the EU integration path, the migrant crisis and COVID-19 pandemic. The B&H delegation warned that B&H cannot serve as “a dormitory for migrants” and assessed that the migrant crisis is overburdening B&H. The B&H delegation thanked the EU for the assistance in the pandemic, as well as for the economic-investment plan for the Western Balkans that they consider to be the best offer this region has received. On this occasion, the EU sent a clear message to B&H that it cannot obtain the EU candidate status without fulfilling or starting to fulfill all of 14 priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on the B&H’s EU Membership Application. Namely, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegetlija came to the meeting with the hopes that the EU would recognize all the results that B&H has achieved so far and that it is possible to obtain the candidates status by the end of this year, without fulfilling all of the priorities. Tegeltija thanked the EU officials for the support to the Western Balkans, but pointed out that cooperation cannot replace the membership of Western Balkan countries, especially B&H, in the EU. According to the CoM Chairman, the progress that B&H has made on the EU path is significant, especially considering that some of the reforms from the EC’s Opinion were carried out under more difficult circumstances, during the pandemic. “We consider that we have completed a sufficient number of measures. We are certainly not the best student in the process of the EU accession, but it is certain that we have fulfilled enough measures for our process to be qualified as successful and to be granted the candidate status. That candidate status is important, it would send a good message to B&H and its citizens,” the CoM Chairman noted. He added that the electoral reform was not in the priorities, but it will be fulfilled just like the other requirements. Tegeltija underlined that some of the priorities that B&H is required to fulfill on the EU path are very difficult and complex. Speaking about fulfillment of priorities, Tegeltija noted that the B&H Parliament is working according to plan, reminding that there are two out of three legislative solutions that have been defined as key on the EU path. He confirmed that harmonization of the Law on Prevention of the Conflict of Interest is in its final phase. On the other hand, EU High Representative Josep Borrell noted that the EC is willing to deliver a candidate status to B&H under the condition of fulfilling or at least starting with fulfillment of each of the 14 priorities from the Opinion. “I expect from B&H to do as much as possible in the coming months, to show that it takes the European integration seriously,” he added. Borrell denied Tegeltija’s statement about complexity of the priorities on the EU path of B&H, saying: “B&H has completely the same conditions for obtaining the candidate status, like others. We do not ask B&H to do anything more than we had previously asked other countries aspiring to become candidates.” According to the EU HR, B&H has made limited progress in reforms. However, the EU HR commended B&H for holding the local elections in Mostar. Borrell called on the officials in the B&H authorities to implement the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rulings, as well as to respect the rulings passed by international courts for war crimes. Tegeltija added that the EU was too strict when it defined the conditions for B&H to fulfill in order to be granted the candidate status. According to him, most of the countries in the EU accession process had to carry out certain tasks from the field of the rule of law during the phase of opening of negotiation chapters, while B&H is required to fulfill just to obtain the status of the candidate. Borrell stated that he expects B&H in the upcoming months to make progress and show that it takes the EU integration seriously, which includes the rule of law, judicial reform and start of the public debate on the constitutional and electoral reforms. He added that this means full implementation of the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg (in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case) in order to ensure equality of all citizens in B&H. Borrell said: “We have analyzed the status of the implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA). We talked about how to continue with the reforms, good governance, how to make everything more effective, how to improve the rule of law and to finally truly unlock the economic potential of the country. We revised the progress of the 14 key priorities, including the sensitive, but necessary constitutional and electoral reform.” Tegeltija also said that no country met all the conditions set as priorities adding that obviously, this is where they disagree while Borrell said that B&H should meet conditions for the membership as any other country. “The status of the candidate is important as a good message that will be sent to B&H, towards citizens of B&H, that the EU is together with us and all countries of the western Europe and today, many try to show that the EU forgot not just B&H but the entire Western Balkans. Unfortunately, there are more and more the messages that we are faced with at the moment when it seems to everyone that the EU enlargement process is stopping. We understand our obligations in all the 14 priorities and we understand the deadlines in which we can do this but we also ask for patience and understanding and verification of what we did in the past period.”  


IAWG for Amendments to Election Law discusses need to shorten deadlines during election process (N1 


At a session in Sarajevo on Tuesday, the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for Amendments to the Election Law of B&H focused on the need to shorten the deadlines during the election process, but also discussed the issue of engagement of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) in this group’s work. The issue of participation of the CEC caused a heated debate and no agreement has been reached in this regard. HDZ B&H and SNSD oppose participation of the CEC in the IAWG’s work because these two political parties consider that the current CEC members were elected in an illegal manner and they thus refer to them as illegitimate. Deputy Chairperson of the IAWG Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) noted that HDZ B&H simply assessed that the CEC was not elected in line with the law. “That is our stance” he stressed. Still, Colak underscored that “deadlines should be shorter”. Chairperson of the IAWG Alma Colo (SDA) assessed that it would be better if CEC members were partaking in the IAWG’s work, since they are the body that conducts the elections. “They know what the recommendations of the international courts are and they have incorporated it into their proposal” Colo added. IAWG member Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac (SNSD) reacted to Colo’s statement denying it and saying that no proposal from the CEC has been included in the IAWG’s agenda. Novakovic-Bursac assessed that deadlines in the election process can be shortened by abolishing the voting via mail and by providing the B&H citizens living abroad with an opportunity to vote in their place of residence or at the relevant diplomatic-consular representation office. IAWG member Dzevad Mahmutovic (SDA) and IAWG member Damir Arnaut (Our Party – NS) engaged in an argument where Mahmutovic told Arnaut that he should go to a doctor to check him out and accused him of hindering the work of this group by insisting that the CEC should be asked to provide their opinion on shortening the deadlines during the election process. Arnaut replied by saying that he refuses to wage intellectual war with “unarmed persons”. Arnaut assessed that the election process in B&H lasts too long and it is necessary to shorten it. “The elections are called at the beginning of May, only for the voting to take place in early November”, he added. IAWG member Sasa Magazinovic (SDP B&H) stressed that he is uncertain if the citizens, who were forcibly expelled during the war, and those who moved away from B&H due to their own wish should be treated equally in the Election Law. He considers that there might be a need for two approaches here.  


Milanovic says concrete solution on election of B&H Presidency members must be achieved by B&H political officials (FTV/AJB 


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic visited Livno on the last day of his three-day visit to B&H, where he met with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. Milanovic said he has no hidden agenda and the only aim is the respect for the “Dayton Constitution’’. He reiterated it is not fair that Croats do not elect their member of the B&H Presidency, but the concrete solution must be reached by B&H political officials. Milanovic commented on the criticism that he had been the one to support in 2010 Zeljko Komsic as a candidate for the B&H Presidency and said that he realized in 2014 he had made a mistake. He stressed he does not want to interfere in internal affairs of B&H, but some things cannot be tolerated. Milanovic also compared electoral systems of B&H and Croatia. “Croatia has a very good, and I would say, generous minority protection system, representation of minorities,” said Milanovic and added that regardless how small group, it can be considered as minority. “It is something we have accepted and it is what it is. Some in Croatia disagree with that, I consider it to be good, but, only a member of an ethnic group can vote for the representative of that ethnic group,” said Milanovic. Milanovic did not meet with state political officials during his visit to B&H, nor he visited Sarajevo. Milanovic said that Croat political leadership will have full support of Croatia in all their activities, reminding that there are attempts to push them out of B&H House of Peoples, which is a body ensuring equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H. Milanovic said that the biggest problem is the outvoting of Croats and imposing Zeljko Komsic as the Croat member of the tripartite Presidency who was elected with Bosniak votes, as well as attempts to achieve the same thing in B&H House of Peoples in the country's parliament. “The seats designated for Croats in the House of Peoples are being taken by people who are not Croats or are lying that they are and they are elected by another ethnic group. That is the same template as in the Presidency. The same story. And that has to come to an end,” he underlined. Milanovic again stressed that consistent implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H with full respect of rights of Croats as one of the three constituent peoples in B&H is necessary.   

Dragan Covic said that he believes that legitimate representation will not be an obstacle to organization of the general elections in 2022 in a democratic manner, in order to open doors in B&H for Croatia’s support, primarily in the field of reforms that are necessary to create standards that are in effect in the EU and Croatia. Milanovic stated that it remains to be seen if new High Representative Christian Schmidt is really coming to B&H or not. Milanovic’s statements during his visit caused many reactions, and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic was especially harsh. Dzaferovic reacted and said Milanovic’s behavior was that of a rude guest in someone else’s house. Milanovic commented Dzaferovic’s reaction and said: “I am a Croatian from Croatia. When I say this, I say it as an act of good faith and not so someone from the bazaar would tell me I was a guest here”. Milanovic rejected criticism of B&H politicians about Milanovic causing instability in B&H with his statements. Milanovic claimed: “They are the cause of political instability, nervousness and unhappiness in B&H. They are doing what (the former Bosniak Member of the B&H Presidency) Haris Silajdzic warned about 15 years ago, an ‘Urbi et Orbi’ of Komsic, and what some more responsible representatives of the Bosniak political people are doing now, and it comes down to a sentence, I quote Silajdzic: 'If you continue like this, you will disgust Croats with the land which is their homeland'”. Federation of B&H (FB&H) President Marinko Cavara commented the statement of member Dzaferovic, who commented the visit and statements of Milanovic, saying that ‘Milanovic is acting as unwanted guest in someone else’s house”. Cavara assessed that this is hate speech and in a statement to the Croat Media Service (HMS), Cavara said that Milanovic arrived to B&H upon invitation of representatives of Croat people. Stressing that “B&H is not Dzaferovic’s house”.  


Izetbegovic on Milanovic’s visit: Arrogance and lack of respect for B&H, its institutions, its Capital City and Bosniaks (Hayat 


Commenting on the visit to B&H and statements of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated on Tuesday that this was odd and unnecessary arrogance but also the lack of respect for B&H, its institutions, its Capital City and Bosniaks, that can only bring damage. According to Izetbegovic, such long-lasting policy, that has no enough respect for B&H and Bosniaks, has caused the biggest damage to the Croat corps in B&H as it constantly degrades their position. Izetbegovic also commented the recent statements of SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic and People and Justice (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic, regarding the B&H Election Law and the legitimate representation of Croats. Izetbegovic said that the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic was obviously not a legitimate representative of the Croats for the Radoncic and Konakovic, and that Radoncic and Konakovic should specifically put on paper what they were saying because, as Izetbegovic said, when a concrete proposal should be made, they said it was a matter of SDA and HDZ B&H. Radoncic reacted to this, saying that in 2017, Izetbegovic also said that Croats should elect their member of the B&H Presidency. SBB B&H leader Radoncic to Izetbegovic concerning his recent statements reminding him of his own statements from 2017 and stressed that Izetbegovic, SDA leader and the only leader in Europe who failed to procure a single vaccine for his citizens, expressed surprise by his and Konakovic’s statements. Izetbegovic also commented the ideas about changes to Election Law, which were presented by now: “Is it truly realistic that Croat people can be represented only by those who are part of HDZ and who were HVO members and we know what HVO did in B&H. Komsic was on the right side during the war and I think that he was also on the right side in politics and he still is”.  


Cardinal Puljic: I do not understand international community’s weird moves, which persistently denies our survival and identity (Dnevni list 


The Bishops’ Conference of B&H started its 81st session in Banja Luka on Tuesday and that Cardinal Vinko Puljic greeted all participants of the session. Commenting on the period between the last session of the Conference held in spring (of 2021) and today, Puljic said he feels the urge to say that the local Church is swimming against the tide created by COVID-19 and international and local games regarding the policy of equality. The Cardinal noted he does not understand local politicians, who persistently avoid to have constructive agreement about equal rights. He further noted he does not understand why Croats and other Catholic, and not only them, are left on their own in most parts of B&H, adding that even people who claim to be their representatives are not advocating for them. Puljic also said he does not understand why the agreement between B&H and Vatican and the Law on Freedom and Religion and Legal Position of Churches and Religious Communities in B&H are not implemented. He added by saying he does not understand the attitude towards the (Church’s) confiscated property, which has not been returned, instead it is being sold and destroyed further. “I do not understand the international community’s weird moves, which persistently denies our survival and identity,” said Puljic, adding that in the name of alleged freedom, they want to limit the Christian teachings.  


Final conference of project ‘EU4Justice: Support to Fight against Organized Crime and Corruption in B&H’ held in Sarajevo (N1 


The final conference of the EU-funded project ‘EU4Justice: Support to the Fight against Organized Crime and Corruption in B&H took place in Sarajevo on Tuesday. On this occasion, participants of the conference pointed out that citizens of B&H need to regain trust in the B&H judiciary, with the work in line with the project deliverables – Guide on Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in Criminal Matters and Extradition, and Methodological Factsheets – Milestones and Strategies for Investigating Complex Financial Crime and Corruption Cases. According to the participants of the conference, by working in line with the MLA and the methodological factsheets, the B&H judiciary should achieve better results of work and justify restoring of the citizens’ trust. During the conference, it was emphasized that the results of this project include steps forward in improving the work of judicial institutions in B&H. However, a conclusion is that this is not enough and a lot of work still lies ahead of B&H in this regard. Some of the key contributions of this project in B&H are precisely the MLA and the methodological factsheets, which should strengthen the capacity of judiciary. Still, the rule of law as one of the 14 key priorities from the European Commission (EC)’s Opinion on B&H’s EU Membership Application needs to be ensured. Head of Operations Section for Justice and Home Affairs and Public Administration Reform of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Nicolas Bizel said that it is very important for the B&H authorities to be committed and, in that context, there is a need to work on amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H “to establish regular or steady mechanisms of verification of integrity of participants in the judicial community”. Bizel reminded that B&H also needs to work on the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest. French Ambassador to B&H Christine Toudic assessed: “This project has enabled progress, specifically through writing of the two operational guides and conclusions of the two working groups on the rights of victims and on preparing of indictments. This project is essential, but it is not enough.” Toudic was quoted as saying: “With the support and professional assistance in this project, France has shown its readiness to follow B&H on its path to the EU”.  

HJPC President Halil Lagumdzija reflected on the fact that one of the key priorities of this project was to improve cooperation of the prosecutor’s offices and the law enforcement agencies. Lagumdzija assessed that there has been certain progress, but the results in terms of an increase in the number of convicting verdicts for organized crime and corruption can be seen in the future. “The key thing about the project was to improve cooperation between the two segments, the prosecution and the Law Enforcement Agency. We will see concrete results in the future through the filing of indictments and, I hope, a much larger number of convictions”.   


Djukanovic: 13 July is our bulwark against rewriting history and signpost for European future (CdM 


“Many places in Montenegro could host this great jubilee, just as it belongs to Virpazar and Crmnica”, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic said at the central celebration on the occasion of 13 July – Montenegrin Statehood Day and 80 years since the uprising and the beginning of the fight against fascism in Virpazar. President Djukanovic pointed out that 13 July was our bulwark against rewriting history and a signpost for the European future. “Eight decades ago, on 13 July 1941, after the first rifles at Virpazar announced a mass uprising throughout Montenegro, our country returned to the world political map, from which it was wiped out in 1918 by a game of great power and fraternal bloodshed not just as a state, but also as a geographical term,” he said. “Today we mark 143 years since the independence and international recognition of the then Montenegro, confirmed by the great powers at the Berlin Congress. This is a year in which we are celebrating a decade of independence and international recognition of modern Montenegro” Djukanovic pointed out. “13 July and anti-fascist idea was one of the most important pillars of the political platform for the restoration of Montenegrin independence in 2006. It is the Montenegrin unity of diversity, which is based on a common idea, and not on religious or national homogenization,” he stressed. “The light of 13 July must shine a new time, a time of challenges, when in Europe and the world and in our country, unfortunately, clero-nationalism, xenophobia and fascism in a new form are rising. Under the guise of the story of reconciliation, lies are sown, heroes and criminals are equated, crimes committed ostensibly in the name of their nation or religion are denied, and the true idea of freedom and anti-fascism is tried to be suppressed. Those who equate the anti-Montenegrin collaborationist movements and the anti-fascist armed struggle of the partisans, those who try to draw the line of moral equality between fascism and anti-fascism – are the key propagandists of the idea of neo-fascism. Unfortunately, there are such people in the Government structures in Montenegro today,” Djukanovic said. He makes it clear – We must not allow that. “There is no reconciliation with these ideas. Montenegro knows how to appreciate its past and knows that its future is European. That is why we will always be resolutely against new forms of imperial projects and new fascism. It won’t happen by itself. We, our generations, have to do that, we will have to teach our children that, and they will have to teach theirs,” Djukanovic pointed out.  


Erakovic: Bedrocks of Montenegro haven’t been shaken despite all that effort, money and propaganda (CdM 


Vice President of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, Jevto Erakovic, says: the bedrocks of Montenegro haven’t been shaken despite the effort, money and propaganda invested. “It has always been important and will always be of the utmost importance that we do not forget how our country was established, and the price paid for its freedom. Both the one from the end of the 19th century and the one from the middle of the 20th century. I’m happy to see the outcomes of the Damar agency’s research, suggesting that nine out of ten of our citizens say that Montenegro should be a civil state, and seven out of ten think that it should be secular,” he told CdM. According to that research, he recalls, nearly ⅔ of citizens believe that antifascism should represent the foundation of a modern Montenegro. It’s why, Erakovic says, it’s important that each one of us, on this 13th of July, take ourselves through family albums and check out the values our mothers and fathers, our grandpas and grandmas were committed to.  


Zaev signals he will reject the VMRO-DPMNE resolution on Bulgaria, because it doesn’t include the name “North Macedonia” (Republika 


PM Zoran Zaev hinted that he will refuse the resolution proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, in which the conservative party asked that Macedonian parties adopt a joint position on the dispute with Bulgaria. Zaev claimed that he supports the points of the resolution, which demands that Macedonia stops making concessions with its national identity and language, but that he can’t support that it uses the name Republic of Macedonia, and not the imposed name “Republic of North Macedonia”. The resolution uses Republic of Macedonia in several places. According to the Constitution, it should say “Republic of North Macedonia”. Also, every resolution has a preamble, and in it, the constitutional name is not mentioned, Zaev said. The resolution demands that Macedonia rejects revisionism from Bulgaria, and affirms the continuity of the Macedonian nation and language in its territory. VMRO-DPMNE rejects the name change and uses the name Republic of Macedonia.  


ID cards with country’s new name to be issued in several languages, ethnicity will not be included so far (Republika 


The bill on ID cards proposed by the Ministry of Interior received the green light in the working bodies of the parliament. In addition to Macedonian, the bill envisages the use of Albanian and the language spoken by less than 20% of the citizens in the ID cards. The bill stipulates that in addition to Macedonian and English, the use of any other language in the ID cards is possible only at the request of the applicant. The ID cards with the old constitutional name, from the entry into force of the new Law on ID Cards, can be used until 12 February 2024. Within this legal package, the working bodies in parliament opened the way for approval of the Law on persons who are not registered in the registry books, who through employment are enabled to register in the registry books. This legal solution provides for the identification of the so-called “phantom” citizens in the registers of institutions. While the government is proposing the ID Card Law for the second time, the Besa Movement’s proposal to include ethnicity in the ID cards remains a promise on paper. The proposal submitted to the parliament was not considered due to the blockade by the Levica party. Besa says that in cooperation with the government they are working on finding a way for the law to be adopted. Recently, the leader of this party, Bilal Kasami, told Alsat that he would not withdraw from the request to include ethnicity graph on the ID cards.