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Belgrade Media Report 27 July 2021


Vucic: We cannot leave the RS without support (B92/Tanjug

Today, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “We are closely following the events in Sarajevo and Banja Luka. Making decisions from the outside could never bring good results. We will have a meeting with the representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) these days. We are not entering into the process of implementing measures and countermeasures. This is happening in another country... Still, we cannot leave the RS without support. We want peace. I am afraid that the atmosphere is the hottest since the Dayton Agreement,” Vucic said at a press conference. He announced that the 26th anniversary of the persecution of Serbs in the Croatian operation Storm, which he called the largest ethnic cleansing in Europe after the World War II, would be marked on 4 August in Busija near Batajnica. “We have to think about the economy and how to live together. We have to build fraternal relations with Bosniaks. Peoples have to make important decisions that politicians don’t have to like,” he added at a press conference at the Palace of Serbia after the reception of the young athletes from Kosovo and the region. Speaking about the statement of Bakir Izetbegovic, who said about the protest of the politicians from RS as going on a collective vacation, he said that he is always frightened when he is faced with the unbearable ease of irresponsibility. “I have no comment. The situation is very serious. And those who say that the RS lost should think harder, as the one who was helped by a foreigner has never won. It is time for Bosniaks and Serbs to regulate their relations on their own... What will we gain by conflict? I listen to empty heroic stories from all sides. I hope that when people think about conflicts, they think that it will only affect someone else... There is no going back from that,” Vucic said.

Mutual support with Azerbaijan for preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Monday in Baku that Serbia attaches special importance to the strategic partnership with Azerbaijan, expressing confidence that in the coming period there will be intensified dialogue at the highest level. Selakovic, who is on a visit to Azerbaijan, said at a joint press conference with Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov that the excellent friendly relations between the presidents of the two countries also make a significant contribution to strategic bilateral cooperation. Selakovic stated that the meeting with Bayram was very successful and that the mutual desire to intensify cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral level was confirmed, while inviting him to pay a return, official visit to Serbia. Selakovic said that he talked with his Azerbaijani colleague about holding bilateral political consultations between the ministries of the two countries, especially in the field of consular affairs. He especially emphasized that both countries are committed to respecting the principles of international law, as well as to providing mutual support for the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty. Selakovic expressed gratitude for the confirmed principled and clear position of Azerbaijan when it comes to non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, as well as on understanding and support in international organizations. According to him, it was stated at the meeting that economic cooperation is good and has a tendency to grow, but also that economic relations and trade exchange can be much better. Selakovic also pointed out that he talked with his Azerbaijani colleague about visa liberalization and the establishment of direct flights between Belgrade and Baku. He stated that the topic of the meeting was the joint celebration of the 60th anniversary of the First Conference of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries in Belgrade, and he expressed satisfaction that, before the opening of this gathering, President Ilham Aliyev’s visit to Serbia will take place.

Selakovic emphasized that this is a historic visit of great importance for our country, as well as for future cooperation with Azerbaijan.

Potentials for strengthening cooperation with Azerbaijan in numerous areas (RTS

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Monday in Baku with Azerbaijani Defense Industry Minister Madat Guliyev, with whom he discussed the possibilities of deepening cooperation in this area. Selakovic expressed satisfaction with the excellent bilateral relations, especially thanking Azerbaijan for its principled position when it comes to non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, and the support it provides to our country in preserving territorial integrity and sovereignty. He confirmed Serbia’s position on respecting international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan. He pointed out that, on the basis of strategic partnership and friendship between the two countries and excellent relations between our presidents, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation in all fields. Selakovic said that there is a clear commitment of the two sides to work on strengthening military-technical and military-economic cooperation, as well as to continue and further intensify the existing cooperation with relevant institutions and companies in this area. During his visit to Baku, he also met with the Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Mikail Yabarov and reiterated that bilateral relations are very good, characterized by meaningful political and friendly ties and mutual support for territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as significant space and potential for improvement of economic cooperation. Selakovic expressed his belief that in the coming period, the political dialogue at the highest and high level will be further intensified, and thus the strategic relations between the two countries will be made more dynamic and better. In that context, as he assessed, the upcoming visit of President Aliyev to Serbia in October will be historic for political cooperation, but also a flywheel for strengthening economic relations.

The officials discussed the improvement of economic cooperation and agreed that there are potentials for its strengthening in numerous areas, especially agriculture, construction, transport, energy and information technology.

Dacic ready to work on strengthening parliamentary cooperation with Iran (Beta

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic met on Monday with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Serbia Rashid Hassan Pour Baei, the Serbian parliament stated in a press release. Dacic expressed satisfaction with the good bilateral relations between Serbia and Iran and readiness to work on strengthening parliamentary cooperation between the two countries. He confirmed that, as the Serbian President’s envoy, he would attend the inauguration of the newly-elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi Sadati. The Iranian Ambassador agreed that the relations between the two countries are good, especially emphasizing the progress achieved in terms of strengthening economic cooperation.

Verbal offense from Racak to Srebrenica (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic)

Following the latest decision of High Representative Valentin Inzko to prohibit genocide denial, the guaranteed freedom of speech and opinion for Serbs in this part of Europe is possible only if it is presented within frame set in advance by Washington, London and Brussels. “Any kind of claims on Serb victims in 1990s wars are rejected as groundless, and the West treats as ‘the red line’ all those events which would raise the question of the NATO aggression, such as disputing of the crimes in Racak and genocide in Srebrenica,” Politika noted. The daily reminded of Inzko’s decision and also reminded that the Basic Court in Pristina sentenced former minister in Kosovo Ivan Todosijevic to two years in prison for saying that the crimes in Racak have been fabricated. “Apart from US Embassies in Sarajevo and Pristina, which welcomed those decisions, the EU too stated that there is no room for denial of crimes that were committed in Srebrenica and Racak and that such stances are not in line with the project of integration of the Western Balkans in the EU,” Politika reports. Director of the Center for Social Stability Ognjen Karanovic said that Inzko did not impose the decision self-initiatively and he surely had instructions of the West to do that. Karanovic also said that this decision was a logical continuation of events that occurred over the past several months, i.e. adoption of resolutions in the parliaments of Kosovo and Montenegro which was welcomed by the political elite in Sarajevo and Zagreb. “This is a coordinated policy aimed at strengthening pressure on Belgrade when it comes to various challenges ahead of the Western Balkans,” Karanovic claimed.

 Historian Aleksandar Rakovic said that the verbal offense was introduced because the West is sure that decisions they adopted on Racak and Srebrenica were not true. Rakovic argued that, if the West was sure about what they claimed, then they would feel no need to limit freedom of speech. “With Inzko’s latest decision, they continued to justify the aggression on Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia,” Rakovic said and added that they are using it as a justification and an argument that they were right when they “launched aggression and wars against Serb people”. Finally, Rakovic assessed that radical moves against Serb people, Serbia, Republika Srpska (RS) and Serbs in Montenegro can be expected from the new US Administration with Joseph Biden at the helm: “What they are currently doing in Bosnia and Herzegovina is an attempt to create a mental concentration camp in which Serbs will not be allowed to speak their minds.”



RS parties launch boycott of institutions over HR’s decision (RTRS 


Leaders and senior officials of all RS-based parliamentary parties held a meeting in Banja Luka on Monday to discuss the decision of outgoing High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to the Criminal Code of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). On this occasion, the political parties reached a joint stance to reject Inzko’s decision as illegitimate as well as to refuse to participate in work and decision-making in the joint institutions at B&H level, starting on Tuesday, as long as the imposed decision is in force. They also concluded that the RS parliament will hold a special session on Friday to discuss two law proposals related to the criminal legislation in relation to the response to Inzko’s decision. The first consultative meeting of RS Heads of Caucuses with legal experts is set to take place on Tuesday. Leaders and senior officials of these parties addressed a joint press conference after their meeting to elaborate on the joint stance and the conclusions pertaining to the decision in question. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that all participants of the meeting rejected Inzko’s decision as “null and void”, and agreed that political representatives of the RS and Serb people in the B&H Presidency, the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), and the B&H parliament will not participate in work of these institutions until a solution for confronting this situation is reached. “There is a need to ensure a mechanism where there can be no imposing,” Dodik added. According to Dodik, the RS-based parties will not accept any decision passed by Christian Schmidt either. The SNSD leader noted that Schmidt was not appointed in a legitimate way. “We do not want to live in a country where someone can publish a law on their website and in that way declare it valid. We said that the HR, who is coming, does not have legitimacy and we can neither accept any of his decisions nor him who is falsely presenting himself as the HR,” the SNSD said. SNSD Vice-President Zeljka Cvijanovic pointed out that these parties will submit two legislative solutions into procedure and noted that they are very important and a result of agreement. She expects that these solutions will be sent into parliamentary procedure in the upcoming days. DEMOS leader Nedeljko Cubrilovic explained that these conclusions are only the beginning of activities in this regard, adding that consultations on the relevant legislative solutions will start as early as on Tuesday. SP RS leader Petar Djokic welcomed the fact that the RS-based parties demonstrated “a high level of understanding” and “a clear, harmonized stance on defending democratic capacities in this state”. He added: “We are defending ourselves from the fact that, 26 years after the war, someone from the international community (IC) or anyone else is trying to humiliate us and impose laws, while we should be in charge.” United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic said he regrets over the fact that the meeting was not aired live, to show the greatest unity in the RS since the time when the decision to create the RS was being made. “As of this moment, the RS is much stronger, more stable, more capable. We will persevere,” Stevandic added. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic assessed that parliaments are the only place where legislative solutions should be adopted, while the RS-based parties will not accept any such decision coming from the HR. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stressed that no decisions will be made in the B&H institutions until further notice “which is until this issue is solved”. NDP leader Dragan Cavic said that it is necessary to insist that the laws should be adopted only in parliaments. SPS leader Goran Selak urged Inzko to revoke “the disputable decision” before he leaves, so that the institutions can start functioning again. NPS leader Darko Banjac noted that B&H cannot be functional, in line with the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), if the situation remains unchanged. The RS will seek “legal solutions” that will be a response to the imposed decisions of the HR, Dodik said. The media in the RS stated that amendments to two laws were being prepared, but they did not state which ones. Media announced that the law that will surely be changed is the RS Criminal Code. One of the planned changes is the one that envisages the introduction of a prison sentence for all those who call RS or the Serbian people genocidal, the daily carried.  


RS parties adopt conclusions and platform for joint reactions towards HR’s decision (Glas Srpske 


During the meeting of the RS officials in Banja Luka which, according to the daily, was marked by full unity of Serb representatives regardless of whether they are from the authorities or the opposition in the RS, it was agreed and concluded that the RS rejects the imposed decisions of the High Representative because it finds them to be unacceptable and null and void. Representatives of parliamentary parties from the RS also concluded that at the moment there are no conditions for work of Serb representatives in the B&H Presidency, the B&H CoM and the B&H parliament. They also sent a clear message that the RS has no intention of accepting imposed decisions of the HRs, nor Christian Schmidt, who will take over as HR at the beginning of August, due to the fact that procedures were not complied with during his appointment to that position. After the meeting, political representatives of the RS stressed that their teams will begin to work on two laws, in response to Inzko's move, and that a session of the RS parliament will take place on Friday, but that it will be closed to the public. Representatives of parliamentary parties from the RS also agreed that Inzko is the culprit for political chaos which additionally divided B&H and that this can be overcome only if there is political will on the other side because, according to them, the RS is always ready for dialogue, but it will not put up with impositions and mockery of democracy and freedom of speech.  


Two opposing petitions – one on rejection of Inzko’s decision and other calling for Dodik’s arrest – currently being signed in B&H (N1 


N1 analyzed the two opposing petitions that are currently being signed in B&H – a petition calling for rejecting the decision of outgoing Valentin Inzko on introduction of amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H on banning and imposing sanctions for the denial of genocide and the glorification of war criminals and a petition calling for arresting SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Dodik’s advisor Radovan Kovacevic stated that a high number of the RS citizens want to sign the petition and added that many people from Diaspora as well as citizens of Serbia also expressed interest to sign the petition, because of which an online petition will be launched as well. On the other hand, in a little more than 24 hours, nearly 50,000 B&H citizens signed the online petition for demanding arrest and prosecution of Dodik for denial of the Srebrenica genocide and due to his threats with the RS’ secession. The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H did not provide a comment on whether they are preparing to undertake activities once Inzko’s amendments officially enter force. SDA Vice-President Adil Osmanovic expressed expectation that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will carry out procedures as soon as the amendments come in force, a day after they are published in the B&H Official Gazette.   


OSCE calls for zero tolerance for inflammatory and divisive rhetoric (Fena 


The OSCE Mission B&H reacted to the statements of B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik who announced that he will ban work of B&H institutions in the RS, start with process of secession and block the work of B&H institutions. OSCE called for zero tolerance for negative rhetoric, political manipulation, hate speech and provocations in private and public sphere. “Inflammatory and divisive rhetoric, and irresponsible actions of high-ranking politicians undermine progress and endanger security and stability of the country. OSCE Mission to B&H will continue to provide support to the institutions and authorities which are working on positive changes in best interest of all citizens,” the OSCE Mission stated.  


No representative of RS shows up at session, but B&H HoR Commission for Finance and Budget adopts proposal of budget for 2021 (N1 


N1 reported that SNSD leader Milorad Dodik is known for his rhetoric that includes threats with blockade of the institutions of B&H. Dodik started using this threat back in 2007, and he has kept repeating it throughout the years. Some of the reasons that prompted Dodik’s threats were the announcements of sanctions related to refusing to abolish the entity police in 2007, and the ruling of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) on abolition of part of the Law on Agricultural Land in 2020. The latest example in which Dodik decided to initiate blockade of the institutions followed after Valentin Inzko passed a decision to impose amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H banning the denial of genocide and the glorification of war criminals. The has been reached ahead of Tuesday’s session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), which was expected to vote on the budget of the B&H institutions for this year. Coincidentally or not, N1 comments, none of the RS’ representatives in the B&H HoR Commission for Finance and Budget attended Monday’s session. This immediately sparked speculations on whether or not the absence of RS’ members of the commission was due to the decision on boycott of work of state institutions.  SDA’s representative in the B&H HoR Adil Osmanovic assessed that obstructing the B&H institutions is “frivolous, irresponsible, and risky”. SNSD’s member of the Commission for Finance and Budget Dragan Bogdanic told N1 that the boycott was not the reason why he did not attend the session. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic posed a question of whether it makes sense to attend Tuesday’s session of the HoR, with a remark: “He (the HR) can impose the budget. Why did he not eradicate corruption and crime?” Our Party (NS’) representative in the B&H HoR Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic explained that the Commission for Finance and Budget can adopt decisions based on simple majority, due to which its work was not obstructed. “However, it is indicative that these members did not show up. I really think that no one knows what will happen tomorrow,” she added. A-SDA’s representative in the B&H HoR Jasmin Emric inferred from absence of the RS’ members from the session of the Commission for Finance and Budget that some phase of blockade of work has started, yet he does not know when it might end.   


MPs in B&H HoR from FB&H expect a good part of their colleagues from the RS to come to B&H HoR's session on Tuesday and be constructive (Oslobodjenje 


The B&H HoR should discuss several legislative solutions on Tuesday, including proposed amendments to the Law on Excises in B&H, the Proposal of Law on the Budget of Institutions of B&H and International Obligations of B&H for 2021 and the Proposal of Law on Preventing Conflict of Interest in B&H Institutions. However, according to the daily, it is hard to predict whether the session of the B&H HoR will even take place given the fact that member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik earlier said that situation after the imposition of decision of Valentin Inzko on banning and sanctioning genocide denial can be resolved by rejecting that decision through the B&H institutions, noting that if there is no agreement, there will be a blockade of work of the B&H institutions. Representative of Our Party (NS) Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic stressed that it is difficult to give comments on this matter, but that so far the opposition from the RS was very active and hardworking when it comes to the B&H HoR. DF's Dzenan Djonlagic stated that one can expect a boycott of the session of the B&H HoR because no one from the RS attended Monday's session of the Commission for Finance and Budget. "This today (Monday) is already paralysis of the institutions. It is unacceptable that those who are receiving salaries and allowances from the B&H Parliament are boycotting adoption of the final text of the budget which they are financed from," Djonlagic underlined. According to SDA's Semsudin Mehmedovic, one can expect that part of the MPs will not come to Tuesday's session of the B&H HoR, which calls quorum into question, and in order to demonstrate disagreement with the HR's decision. However, Mehmedovic underlined that he expects a good part of MPs from the RS to come to the session "so that we can act through the B&H institutions and show that we have a civilized approach in regard to solving issues of B&H even when we disagree." SDP B&H's Sasa Magazinovic stressed that neither Inzko nor Inzko's decision are Dodik's problem, but the fact that he is aware that the end of his political career is approaching. "Actually, he sees these events as a straw of salvation. It is up to the opposition how they will use that and whether they will help him to politically survive," Magazinovic underlined.   


Izetbegovic: Collective annual leave of B&H institutions commences on 1 August and RS representatives just started with vacation seven days earlier; Serb World idea presents threat for entire region (Hayat 


Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic commented on current political developments in B&H. Asked about decision of the RS political parties not to participate in work of state institutions as of Tuesday, Izetbegovic said that collective annual leave of B&H institutions commences on 1 August, adding that representatives of the RS just started with vacation seven days earlier. He added that abovementioned decision of parties from the RS is probably part of tactic aimed to see whether they can achieve anything over next 40 days. Leader of SDA wondered whether Inzko’s decision violated any right of Serb representatives and whether it is their right to deny the genocide or to praise war criminals or to carry out sort of apartheid against non-Serbs in the RS. Izetbegovic claims that not only Serb political representatives will stop denying the genocide or glorify war criminals, they will also slowly give up on violation of rights of non-Serb residents of the RS. Izetbegovic underlined that the RS cannot achieve victory against the international community in regards to issues concerning denial of the genocide and glorification of war criminals like Radovan Karadzic. He stressed that the only question is what will be price the RS politicians will have to pay for their stubbornness. The reporter reminded that on the very same day when Inzko imposed above-mentioned decision, member of B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik threatened again with secession and independence of the RS. Leader of SDA stated that Dodik has been promising he will destroy B&H, adding that instead of that he has pulled down illegally built Orthodox Church in Konjevic Polje. Izetbegovic explained that this is evidence of discrepancy between what Dodik has been saying and what he has been doing. He went on to saying that Dodik will be stopped either by the international community or by B&H institutions if he decides to start implementing his threats that would strongly destabilize situation in entire Balkans. “If he really decides to start with some risky activities that may lead to conflicts, he will even lose support of Serbia and its President Aleksandar Vucic,” explained Izetbegovic. According to SDA leader even people in SNSD are fed up with policies causing conflicts and leading to destabilization, because they make future of new generations completely uncertain. Asked whether it is possible the international community will remove Dodik, Izetbegovic said that it is very possible scenario. He underlined that Dodik is very wealthy man living among very poor people, adding that SNSD leader has been managing to remain in power by insisting on nationalistic topics. He reiterated that leader of SNSD is entering conflict with the international community and he cannot win in this conflict. Asked about expectations from new HR Christian Schmidt, Izetbegovic stated that he does not believe Schmidt will pass decisions similar to one passed by Inzko. He went on to saying that Bonn Powers will remain part of authorizations of new High Representative and the OHR will not be closed, regardless to stances of Banja Luka. SDA leader believes Schmidt will use tactic aimed to exhaust retrograde powers in B&H. Izetbegovic emphasized that the western powers, those that participated in creation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) cannot allow failure of their project in B&H. The reporter reminded that Dodik threatened with usage of force if the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H decides to arrest him. Izetbegovic said that Dodik can use the RS police for this purpose, adding that such act would have only short-term effects. Leader of SDA believes that Dodik’s goal is not conflict but to remain in power. Asked about red line of pro-Bosnian forces and the international community Dodik cannot cross, Izetbegovic underlined that it is activities that lead to conflict in B&H. He added that for as long as there are boycotts and light forms of blockades at the scene, such situation can be tolerated. Izetbegovic reminded that despite to number of blockades by Dodik and his political bloc, there has been certain progress in B&H, even in regards to NATO path of B&H. Asked about harsh reaction of many Serbian politicians to recent Inzko’s decision, Izetbegovic stressed that Belgrade has been conveying controversial messages on purpose. He explained that while Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has been conveying messages of reconciliation, some Serbian officials have been conveying harsh and warmongering messages, adding that it is being done with Vucic’s consent.  He also reminded that while Serbian officials have been claiming that Serb World is only cultural community, Serbian Minister of Interior Aleksandar Vulin stated recently Serbia will use its military to protect Serbs in the region. Leader of SDA wondered whether this means they will cross borders with their tanks. Izetbegovic underlined that Vucic’s statements are of extreme importance, because Serb corps is following him. He added that if Vucic says that reconciliation with Bosniaks is necessary, it has bigger strength than negative messages of other Serbian officials. Asked whether Vucic’s rhetoric is in line with his acts, SDA leaders said that Vucic’s acting depends on global geopolitical situation, adding that recent Vucic’s statements show that he has chosen not to lead Serbia to new conflicts. Commenting Serb World project that has been recognized by many as plan to form Greater Serbia, Izetbegovic stated that this idea represents latent threat to peace and stability in the Balkans. He added that if Serbia decides to go in this direction, it may cause new conflicts. Izetbegovic underlined that they should remember how similar ideas from 1990s ended up before conducting concrete steps. Izetbegovic also said that despite to existing tensions, situation in entire region will calm down. He emphasized that there is room for everyone in the Western Balkans and there is no need for any people to dominate over other people. Commenting the fact Croatian officials commended Inzko’s decision to impose law banning denial of the genocide, while HDZ B&H official Borjana Kristo said that Inzko’s decision is not good, SDA leader stressed that Croatia has reached certain civilization standards, while HDZ B&H officials have been welcoming some sentenced war criminals. He added that they still rely on part of the Croat Council of Defense (HVO) that committed number of atrocities during last war. Izetbegovic stated that some forces interested in creation of ethnically clean third entity in B&H are still strong within HDZ B&H. He went on to saying that HDZ B&H has been coordinating its activities in regards to abovementioned and similar issues with SNSD. He asked whether it is hard to deal with such policies of HDZ B&H and SNSD, Izetbegovic stressed that they manage to do it, because certain step forwards have been constantly made. SDA leader explained that he refers to the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, the Constitutional Court of B&H, changes in the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, economy, combat against pandemic and migrant crisis etc. According to Izetbegovic, coalition SDA-DF-SBB with assistance of the IC is most responsible for this progress. He also emphasized that although HDZ B&H has its problems that refer to the past, they work together with pro-Bosnian parties efficiently and successfully in regards to many issues. Asked to comment threats of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic that unless the Election Law of B&H is changed in line with proposal of HDZ B&H, there will be no general elections 2022, leader of SDA underlined that he believes Covic will not go all the way. He reminded that years ago Croats in B&H attempted to form self-administration and entered conflict with the IC and the state and they lost. Talking about importance of the IC in form of the OHR in B&H, SDA leader said that it represents “safety fuse” for cases of risky situations. Izetbegovic stressed that he believes the OHR and the IC will not use aggressive methods in the future, adding that it is more probable they will use sort of soft pressure to direct B&H towards right direction. Leader of SDA also stated that he believes SDA is partially responsible for recent actions of the international community, as well as for most of good things that happened in B&H over last three decades. Asked whether SDA expected more support from its political opponents that support pro-Bosnian policies, Izetbegovic stated that rivalry between pro-Bosnian parties should not turn into hostility. Izetbegovic stressed that he hopes these parties will resume with project of joint participation in elections in the RS. He concluded that pro-Bosnian parties must jointly oppose anti-civilization and non-democratic policies. Asked whether state of B&H will resume to function despite to announced blockades from the RS, Izetbegovic stated that when situation and balance changes it always causes crisis. He explained that Inzko’s decision is of historic importance and it will definitely change paradigm of relations within B&H.   


Komsic, Izetbegovic, Kojovic: RS parties will calm down, Dodik is responsible for Inzko's decision (Oslobodjenje 


Commenting the meeting and the conclusions of the RS political representatives, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic stated that he understands the heavy emotions washing over the RS political bloc because some of their fundamental ideas have suffered a defeat. According to him, the RS parties will calm down eventually, and everything will be alright. SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic wondered what of the Serb representatives is being denied. “The right to deny genocide, the right to celebrate criminals? They will create crises for a while, and then they will give up, because they are not right,” said Izetbegovic. ‘Our Party’ leader Predrag Kojovic stated that the person most responsible for Inzko’s decision is SNSD leader Milorad Dodik who denied facts established by courts on a daily basis.   


Initiative launched in FB&H parliament to start implementing Inzko's decision to ban genocide denial at lower authority levels in FB&H (Nova BH 


An initiative has been launched in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) parliament to start implementing the decision of Valentin Inzko to ban genocide denial at lower authority levels in the FB&H. The Caucus of Independent MPs 'Pokret' in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) has submitted an initiative to parliamentary procedure asking the competent representatives of authorities at lower levels in the FB&H to initiate the procedure of implementing Inzko's decision and changing the names of streets, squares, schools and institutions named by convicted war criminals.  


UN’s Nderitu welcomes Inzko’s decision on Criminal Code (Oslobodenje 


Special Advisor on Prevention of Genocide to UN Secretary General Alice Nderitu issued a press release welcoming the decision of Valentin Inzko to enact amendments to B&H Criminal Code sanctioning denial of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. Reiterating her messages conveyed during her recent visiting to B&H, Nderitu said that there is no denial of genocide and crimes in the process of rebuilding trust and future. She underlined that sufferings of all victims must be recognized, and that there is no collective blame. Nderitu warned that “denial of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity as well as glorification of perpetrators” cause fear, distrust and hate, and also divide people, communities and states.  


HNV welcomes decision of Inzko to amend B&H Criminal Code (FTV 


The Croat People’s Council (HNV) welcomed decision of the HR Valentin Inzko by saying that they expect that the amendments to the B&H Criminal Code will sanction all those who deny final and binding verdicts to war criminals or who glorify them in any way. The HNV condemned manipulations that appeared in the public that this law is directed against some of the peoples, stressing that there is no collective culprit, but only individual responsibility. The HNV also reminded that the law sanctions „all those who glorify war crimes regardless of their ethnicity because a victim is a victim and those who glorify war crimes are no different from those who committed the war crimes.“ The HNV stated: “Finally, we call on the new HR Christian Schmidt – who is supposed to assume his duty soon – to be more prompt with his competences in the future in reactions to phenomenon that introduce instability and jeopardize security in B&H and in this way, protect ordinary man and his interests.”  


Croat Party of B&H commends Inzko’s decision to amend Criminal Code (Dnevni list 


The Croat Party of B&H (Hrvatska stranka B&H – HS) commented on the decision of Valentin Inzko.  HS said one should not be amazed with reactions of individuals and parties, who reject the decision and who said B&H should adopt laws by itself and that laws should not be imposed by the HR. “What were you waiting for, you had enough time to adopt this and similar laws, but you did not” said HS, adding that this law is taking away tool for manipulation and frightening of citizens. HS went on to say that presence of the international community is the only guarantee for peace and stability, which is why HS is calling on the international community and the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to secure conditions that new HR Christian Schmidt can use the Bonn powers and impose other laws that will secure B&H’s path to Euro-Atlantic integration. The party also stated, among other issues, that there should not be ‘untouchables’ for the HR, “who cowardly hide behind their positions”.  


RS political representatives, legal experts: Outgoing HR Inzko imposes decision that cannot be implemented and lacks legal grounds (RTRS 


RTRS analyzed the decision of outgoing Valentin Inzko. According to RTRS, Serb members of the B&H parliament and legal experts agree on the assessment that the outgoing HR has imposed a decision that cannot be implemented and lacks legal grounds as well as that he harshly undermined the parliamentary activity and democratic principles on representation of peoples and citizens. Deputy speaker of the B&H HoR Nebojsa Radmanovic told RTRS that Inzko’s decision represents non-European, non-civilizational, and totalitarian move that is directly aimed against Serb people. However, Radmanovic presented an opinion that this decision is also detrimental to other peoples in B&H, although they do not realize that at the moment. According to Radmanovic, this decision is similar to the manner in which decisions were made in the period of inquisition. In a phone statement to RTRS, SNSD’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Sredoje Novic presented an allegation that the amendments to the Criminal Code, imposed by Inzko, were not prepared in the OHR but rather “by the Bosniak elite, who then brought it to the OHR”. He added: “It is known who the people, who worked on that law, are. What kind of justice is that?” PDP leader Branislav Borenovic assessed for RTRS that Inzko’s imposed decision is detrimental to reconciliation in B&H. Borenovic wondered how anyone can “be so naïve to believe” that this decision is useful. According to Borenovic, such decision does not help the victims either. He considers that it could bring “catastrophic consequences” if is not abolished.   


RS officials, Kristo criticize Inzko’s latest decision (EuroBlic 


The daily noted that majority of High Representatives used the Bonn powers and imposed decision, changed laws, removed officials but the result of their work is disastrous because “democracy in this country came to a collapse”. The daily also reminded of several decisions that were imposed by the High Representatives in past and carried Milorad Dodik who said that the High Representative has no right, as in line with international law, to impose a law. Vice President of ‘United Srpska’ and attorney Milan Petkovic agreed with such statement and told the daily that B&H, following the latest decision of High Representative Valentin Inzko, is not moving down the road to progress and prosperity. “This move harshly violated European conventions on human rights and the UN Pact, because it prohibits freedom of speech and opinion. We are returning to the time of verbal offense, i.e. 50 to 70 years in past,” Petkovic said and noted that Inzko’s decision caused attorneys to debate on whether they will be able to defend war crimes indictees at all. Petkovic argued that this is yet another defeat of democracy and a proof that B&H is neither a democratic nor European country. “This country is an international protectorate and such imposing of laws has not been recorded in Europe after World War II. There is no rule of law here because a High Representative can come at any time and impose a law on anything in future” Petkovic said and concluded that “for change, the High Representative should try bringing foreign investors, secure jobs for people, assist B&H in this way and not impose a law that limits freedom of speech”. Representative in the RS parliament Davor Sesic (SDS) noted that the High Representatives brought B&H back to the beginning with their decisions and he argued: “Inzko only confirmed that there is neither political nor legal maturity here”. Sesic also noted that it is unclear who will be in charge of implementation of the imposed decision.  Head of the Caucus of Delegates of the Serb People in the B&H HoP Sredoje Novic stated on Monday that imposing of law of outgoing Inzko will not contribute to the democratization of relations in B&H, the rule of law, or reconciliation in B&H, and that it is impossible to implement it. Novic said that any reasonable person can conclude that Inzko's imposition of law cannot lead to any step forward in reconciliation. "This will lead to further divisions in this country and within the peoples in B&H," Novic underlined. Deputy President of HDZ B&H Borjana Kristo said that it is not good for B&H to have the High Representative impose any kind of decisions because such decisions are not good for B&H or for its safety and stability.  


SNV leader says ‘Ustasha will not be allowed to enter Srb’ (Hina 


"The Ustasha will not be allowed to enter Srb," Serb National Council (SNV) president Milorad Pupovac said on Monday in response to "the unprecedented rampage of Drazen Keleminec's pro-Ustasha A-HSP party" whose members, he said, have been harassing the residents of Srb for several days. Addressing a news conference, SNV officials said that a caravan, decorated with Ustasha symbols, had been parked for days in the center of Srb, while local Serbs were being openly provoked. Police have taken no action against the organizers of those provocations, but they have called in for questioning local residents, young men who have protested against Keleminec and his supporters, he said. He called for putting an end to the harassment of the residents of Srb and visitors who will attend a commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the Srb uprising on Tuesday. Pupovac said that Keleminec was intimidating and disturbing local residents, dishonoring the memory of the victims and the uprising itself, while displaying “symbols of hate and inciting hate and fear”.  


Keleminec should be banned from entering Srb  

Calling for police action and for barring Keleminec him from entering Srb, Pupovac said that Keleminec made unauthorized video-recordings of local residents and posted them on his Facebook wall, that he urinated in public and that his dogs were harassing local residents. He warned that Keleminec was camping in an area not designated for camping and that he should face penalties also for displaying Ustasha symbols and for inciting hate and negating crimes and genocide. “The Ustasha will not be allowed to enter Srb,” he said, adding, “We will find a way to prevent them from doing so.” Pupovac said the problem of Ustasha insignia was not new in Croatia, adding that the ruling coalition and other political stakeholders should “finally summon the courage to say what that is and define its status in society.”  


Antifascism that tolerates Ustasha insignia not antifascism  

“That is one of the reasons why we gather in Srb. Antifascism that tolerates Ustasha insignia is not antifascism in the full and real sense of that word,” he said. The uprising in Srb 80 years ago was not just an act of defense of the lives of local Serbs, it was the beginning of an armed brotherhood between the residents of Dalmatia and Lika, Croats and Serbs, who created a free territory, he said. Pupovac said that guidelines regarding the relevant law and values had been given and that everyone was aware of them, “including the Prime Minister.” “In Croatia there is a fear of the Ustasha and their symbols because some politicians tolerate them and a part of vital national institutions… do not consider it problematic. As long as that is so, Croatia will not be a free country. As long as that is so, I will be speaking about it,” he said. He noted that entry to Srb was banned except for local residents and people who have a justified reason for visiting the town. “I don’t know what that means, but just as I do not want Keleminec to be there, I do not want such a strong police presence there. We do not need it. We are peaceful people and want people in Srb to live in peace. We want to be able to commemorate those who were killed there and those who rose up to put an end to the killing and joined the resistance movement. We do not need police for that and we ask that conditions be created so they do not have to be there either,” he said. SNV officials Aneta Vladimirov and Aleksandar Milosevic said that Keleminec had been holding protest rallies in Srb for years, displaying Ustasha symbols and harassing local residents while courts were not responding to criminal reports filed against him, with the first hearing in a case launched against him back in 2015 having been held only recently.  


Djukanovic: Serbia trying to prove that Montenegro is Serbian state (Pobjeda/TA3) 

There is no doubt that Montenegro will remain independent and stable on its path to the European Union, says President Milo Djukanovic, adding that Serbia is trying to prove that Montenegro is a Serbian state. Speaking about the relationship between Montenegro and Serbia, Djukanovic says that his vision is that they should have a relationship like the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and adds that Montenegro is trying to preserve the chance for such a relationship in the future. Unfortunately, we have a problem in Belgrade that, he stresses, has lasted for centuries. “Serbia has been trying to prove that Montenegro is a Serbian state, that Montenegrins are actually Serbs, that there is no Montenegrin church, culture… It is a permanent centuries-long effort from Serbia, articulated through Greater Serbia nationalism in order to appropriate Montenegro and make it part of the Serbian state’s national and cultural identity, which is why they were against Montenegrin independence,” Djukanovic says in an interview for Slovakia’s TA3. “Today, Serbia, through its state policy, is questioning Montenegrin independence. It will not admit it, but what it is doing is calling into question Montenegrin independence. That is why it is very important to end the illusions that it is possible to change the borders in the Western Balkans. When Serbia renounces its aspirations towards Montenegro, I believe that we will be able to use the experience of cooperation between the Czech Republic and Slovakia,” says Djukanovic. He adds that Russia is very present in the Western Balkans and that it fills the empty space in the region. He sees the EU responsible for that. “My message is that the EU must return to the Western Balkans more offensively, open a clear membership perspective to the countries of the Western Balkans to help us overcome challenges through expert analysis. It must not create confusion with statements about whether and when the Balkans will be part of the EU. The EU also has a strong interest in the Western Balkans living European life. Russia’s presence in the Western Balkans is a serious geopolitical challenge, primarily for Europe,” Djukanovic points out. Speaking about the period of the pandemic, he says that until the pandemic, Montenegro was a fast-growing economy, and that the pandemic dramatically affected service economies, including Montenegro. Regarding the change of power in Montenegro, Djukanovic says that the democratic maturation of society is happening in our country and stresses that the new Government does not give the qualities that the citizens expected. “Prolonged rule corrupts people for a long time. Weaknesses became more and more visible from mandate to mandate. The new government does not provide the qualities that the citizens expected. And that is expected, because if someone has not participated in the government for 30 years, it is not easy to cope. It is good for every society when it can consider another political option so that it can judge. What is happening is a contribution to the democratic maturation of society,” Djukanovic explains. He points out that Montenegro feels the deepest respect and trust towards Slovakia because that country and its diplomacy were especially important in the process of restoring Montenegro’s independence.  


Dimitrov: Deepening cooperation for a more stable region (MIA)   


The Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia for European affairs Nikola Dimitrov said on Monday that connecting the region and deepening the close cooperation between North Macedonia and Serbia was helping to make the Western Balkans more stable and more resilient, and that the region's Europeanization was an important segment. According to a press release from North Macedonia's Secretariat for European Affairs, which Dimitrov heads, he said this in a meeting with new Serbian Ambassador to Skopje Nevena Jovanovic. The release adds that the meeting was held so that the interlocutors could "exchange opinions on bilateral cooperation in the European integration process in the context of the Economic Forum on Regional Cooperation, which will be held in Skopje this week and in which the two states' prime ministers will participate." The deputy prime minister stressed the importance of  

regional cooperation in preparations for joining the EU, but also for strengthening the stability and resilience of the region. "Connecting the region and deepening the close cooperation between our countries means contributing to a more stable and more resilient  

Western Balkan region, and it is also an important segment of the region's Europeanization process. Mutual support to meeting the strategic goals and priorities of each country and a united approach when it comes to matters pertaining to the region are in the interest of both national and collective interests," said Dimitrov.  


Radev in Austria: Bulgaria is strongest supporter of EU enlargement (Republika 


Bulgaria is the strongest supporter of EU enlargement, but it cannot allow violation of the rights of citizens of the Republic of Macedonia with Bulgarian self-awareness, said Bulgarian President Rumen Radev during a meeting with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen in Salzburg on Monday. At the meeting between Radev and Van der Bellen, it was emphasized that the European integration of the countries in the region is in the interest of stability and economic development of Europe.  Radev stressed that Bulgaria fundamentally and consistently supports the European perspective of the region, which should not be limited to the formal stages of the accession process and must not harm the interests of the Union member states and its values. Regarding the progress in the European integration of the Republic of Macedonia, the Bulgarian president said that they expect clear political will from the Macedonian side to implement the Agreement on Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation between the two countries, signed in 2017. Although Skopje claims that they meet the accession criteria, we are still witnessing systematic violation of the rights of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia of Bulgarian origin and their discrimination, and there is still hate speech against Bulgaria in textbooks and in public, said Radev. According to the Bulgarian President, the progress and resolution of these issues depend exclusively on the policies of the Republic of Macedonia, with which Bulgaria has repeatedly expressed readiness to conduct a constructive and open dialogue. According to Radev, this is the way to create a climate of trust and achieve concrete and irreversible results that will lead to the start of EU accession negotiations.