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Belgrade Media Report 5 August


Remembrance Day of killed and expelled Serbs in operation Storm marked(Tanjug/RTS/Politika)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, members of the Serbian government, the leadership of the Republika Srpska (RS) and Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Porfirije attended tonight the commemoration held in the Zemun neighborhood of Busije, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance of the killed and expelled Serbs in the Croatian military operation Storm in 1995. Vucic told those gathered that we are showing how much we love our people and that we will not forget everything that our people from Krajina had to go through. “When we remember the exodus and ethnic cleansing of 250,000 Serbs, we remind ourselves of who we are and where we are going,” Vucic said.

Vucic stated out that endless lines of Serbian refugees on tractors are forever built into our identity. We are talking about that same identity in which Jasenovac, Jadovno and Prebilovci are also forever integrated, said the President of Serbia. He assessed that someone’s clear intention was that there be no more Serbs in Croatia. We are observing the words of Dr. Puk, the Ustasha minister of Justice, who told the Serbs in July 1941: “Either remove yourself from our homeland by your own will, or we will evict you by force,” the words of Franjo Tudjman from July 1995: “Serbs need to be struck so hard that they practically disappear,” Vucic recalled. Vucic stated that the Republic of Croatia calls and celebrates this date as the Day of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving. Victory over whom? Over good and modest people, over the citizens of Knin, Otocac, Gracac, Korenica, Obrovac, Vojnic, Petrinja, Vrginmost, Dvor, Plaski and Slunj and over the honorable hosts and farmers in the villages of Lika, Dalmatia, Banija and Kordun. Certainly not the one that Nikola Tesla meant, to whom the Ustashas killed ninety-one family members, 14 of whom were killed by cutting their throats in Jasenovac, and his monument in Gospic was blown up with explosives in 1992, said Vucic. He explained that for us, these are not just terrible numbers of victims. We will never forget the endless columns of tractors driven by boys who barely escaped a bullet, bomb or dagger. The icons of our memory and the eternal foundations of our identity are mothers who are holding tight their babies, their Serbian babies to their breasts and look around in disbelief in fear that hordes of persecutors will resurface from somewhere and finish their long-planned bloody job. There are living pictures of poor furniture on tractor trailers and icons of family patron saints tucked in nylons and tarpaulins so as not to be damaged during the escape. Thus, as always throughout history, St. John and St. Nicholas, the Mother of God and the archangels, our heavenly protectors, traveled with us, said Vucic. Vucic recalled the shameful verdicts of The Hague Tribunal, which released Croatian generals Markac and Gotovina. In 2011, The Hague Tribunal found Croatian generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac guilty of participating in a joint criminal enterprise led by Franjo Tudjman. Gotovina was sentenced to 24 years in prison and Markac to 18 years for the crimes of persecution, deportation, robbery, destruction, murder, inhumane acts and cruel treatment. Just a year later, the Tribunal’s Appeals Chamber acquitted them of all charges. So much for international justice, Vucic said. He pointed out that the Serbian people will never receive recognition from the world for their victims. No one will ever whine and cry for Serbian children. No one will ever tell us that the Serbs suffered because the Serbs are sticking out and the Serbs are disobedient and unwavering. While I am the President of the Republic, I will not apologize to those who killed hundreds of Serbs! I want to keep the peace, but I will not trample on the killed Serbs! Truth is the only foundation on which the future can be built. Unfortunately, we are witnessing a departure from undeniable truths, Vucic said. He said that people who have their heads bowed, who are afraid of themselves and others live in oblivion. Only when they begin to remember can they stand up, open up and live with themselves and others without doubt or fear. They can forgive, and we can and must forgive, but we can only do that if we remember, because in oblivion there is no forgiveness for ourselves or others. May eternal glory be to the victims of the Storm. Serbia is a mother, not a stepmother. Serbia remembers, long live Serbia, said Vucic at the end of his address. Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik told the audience that they had gathered to remember the suffering of biblical proportions, another in a series that happened to Serbs from those lands. The suffering that can and should be considered the final solution of the Serbian issue in the area of Croatian states, in the well-known ideology of the Ustasha Independent State of Croatia, which promoted that one third should be killed, one displaced and one renamed, Dodik reminded. Dodik pointed out that today the spaces where Serbs lived are deserted and empty. They did not even allow the people to return there in order to exercise their property and other rights, stated Dodik. Patriarch Porfirije said that God does not count who has more victims and who fewer, and pointed out that before God all victims are the same, whether they are called Jovan, Jozo or Jusuf. We remember our victims, but we are not resentful. Revenge and hatred diminish those who are obsessed with them. By praying today for the victims, for our loved ones, we do not want to abuse the victims, to deepen the spiral of conflict or to wage wars with commemorative policies of remembrance, the Patriarch said.

Obradovic: We decided to respond to President’s invitation after learning that their opposition will be present at the meeting with RS political representatives (Tanjug

The leader of the Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic attended the meeting held by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the RS leadership, after a separate meeting, with representatives of the opposition from the RS and part of the opposition from Serbia, and he responded to Vucic’s invitation, as he says, guided by state interests. “After we received an official invitation and information that their opposition would be present at the meeting with the RS political representatives, we decided that Dveri would also respond,” Obradovic told Tanjug. He reminded that a few days ago, the Serbian movement Dveri called on the entire public to support the RS, and that it was normal for them to meet today with the political leadership in Belgrade and to personally support them. “As in the talks about the situation regarding Kosovo and Metohija in the parliament, we were guided by the most important national and state interests, and that is the defense and preservation of the RS, and not daily politics,” said Obradovic, who had announced earlier today he would not go because, as he said, they did not receive an official invitation, as well as the format and topic of the meeting. He says that he used the opportunity to propose that the parliaments of Serbia and the RS to pass a resolution on the genocide against the Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia (NDH), and that such a resolution be submitted to the UN General Assembly “as a form of prevention so that our suffering from the XX century never happens again”. “This year is exactly 80 years since the opening of the monstrous death camp Jadovno and Jasenovac, and today we remember the Storm as the largest ethnic cleansing in Europe after the World War II,” said Obradovic. He adds that he also reminded of the “All-Serbian Declaration” that requests that Serbia pass a similar law as the RS, according to which it would be forbidden to call Serbia, the RS or the Serb people genocidal. “Now, the leaders of Serbia and the RS are on the move to respond to these initiatives of ours, which are in the function of protecting Serbian national and state-building interests,” says Obradovic.

Opposition to merge with authorities? (Novosti, by S. Misljenovic) 

Political analysts assessed for Novosti that the idea and proposal of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik on formation of a concentration government of the RS, which would include all leaders of parliamentary parties in the RS, is not a good solution for the opposition bloc because entering the same bloc with SNSD would mean the end of their opposition activities. Political analyst Darko Kuzmanovic said that joining the concentration government would represent a political suicide of opposition parties ahead of 2022 elections as it would destroy the political credibility of opposition parties. Kuzmanovic added that the RS does not need a concentration government but it needs a change of all politicians, both from ruling and opposition parties. “The RS needs a healthy system and it needs economic and demographic destruction to be stopped. The authorities are the most responsible for the current situation,” Kuzmanovic said and noted that citizens of the RS have been voting for same politicians for the past two

decades while the RS has not been making any progress. Political analyst Tanja Topic said that it is a paradox to see that Dodik wants to form a government with same people he had been insulting until yesterday by saying that they are traitors, yet they suddenly turned into desirable partners for protection of national interests. “It is interesting to see that they want a concentration government at the same time when the authorities point out that the current government is very successful. The biggest loser of formation of a concentration government would be the opposition because it would sign its political death,” Topic concluded. The daily reminded that Dodik said that the concentration government would focus on current issues and status of the RS and it would handle all existing solutions in order to find out how the RS’ position could be strengthened. President of the Main Board of SDS Milan Milicevic said that the RS does not need any kind of a concentration government or government of salvation and he assessed that this would be yet another betrayal of election will of voters. “Governments of salvation are an alibi only for criminalized authorities, and not for the RS. By accepting something like this, the opposition would become an accomplice in crimes against the RS citizens and this would cave in democracy and create single-mindedness,” Milicevic concluded.

EU: Serbia must adjust its system to join Eurodac (N1

The Western Balkans states cannot access Eurodac (EU asylum fingerprint database) data or keep their information in the system before joining the EU, EU Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said on Wednesday. Answering an MEP’s question, he added that Serbia, as a candidate country, should harmonize its legal, operational and technical systems to join Eurodac eventually. “The harmonization of the legal framework with Dublin Regulations (an EU law determining which EU member state is responsible for the examination of an asylum application) and Eurodac, mentioned in the Interior Ministry’s strategy, does not include the Eurodac database,” Varhelyi wrote to Ozlem Demirel, a leftist MEP. He referred to a document titled ‘Interior Ministry Strategy 2018-2023,’ drafted last year. It stipulates that Serbia would embrace Dublin Regulations and Eurodac provisions two years before joining the EU, seeking a legal base for itself and other Balkan states to enter the system before becoming a full member. “Interoperation systems for migrants’ biometric registration are a part of an EU wider legacy about migrations and border management which the candidate countries must harmonies to be prepared for the EU membership,” Varhelyi said. Eurodac established the EU asylum fingerprint database enabling member states to compare the fingerprints of asylum applicants to see whether they have previously applied for asylum or entered the EU irregularly via another member state.



Schmidt addresses press conference: B&H will not become centralized state, but its functionality must be improved (BHT1 


New High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt stated at his press conference held in Sarajevo on Wednesday that B&H will not become a centralized country but that democratically elected politicians need to make key decisions. He stressed that he will help B&H become a functional country and a reliable partner in a community of states, as well as on the EU path. He announced that he will also upgrade entities in order to have a functional state, because the state is not an unimportant institution.  Schmidt stressed that he has the right to use Bonn Powers, but that this is the last option. “However, there is certain limit and a red line, especially when it comes to territorial integrity of B&H as defined in the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H. This would be a part where Bonn Powers could be used” Schmidt said. Schmidt said that politicians are focusing too much on the past and that this has to change. He stressed that he will advocate equal rights of all three constituent peoples in B&H. He added that 14 key priorities the EU defined for the country to achieve the candidate status still need to be met, but the focus needs to be on resolving key issues such as amending the Election Law of B&H, the law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H and the formation of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government. He reminded that next elections will be held in October 2022 and problems regarding the Election Law of B&H need to be addressed by then, adding that he learned that there is a need to put technical issues regarding the elections in focus so he will participate in this process within the scope of competences of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) as this is an important topic. Schmidt announced that he plans trips in Ankara, Washington and Moscow and talks with a number of world officials with an aim to help B&H. According to Schmidt, those who want to be part of the EU need to respect European directives and the law concerning memory of victims has been the EU standard for a long time and it will be a part of the EU accession talks.    


RS political leadership meets political leadership of Serbia (RTRS/FTV 

The RS leadership met Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade on Wednesday. They discussed the political situation in B&H and the relation to new High Representative Christian Schmidt. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the RS advocates peace and preservation of borders on the Drina River. He added that they are against Schmidt, the last decisions made by Valentin Inzko and foreign intervention in B&H. Dodik assessed that everything done by the foreign factor in B&H is targeted towards the destruction of the Serb identity in the RS, as well as the RS itself. Vucic said that Belgrade supports the integrity of B&H and the RS, as well as all obligations and rights from the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). He added that they do not support the imposing of decisions. Vucic said that they will not participate in the illegitimate removal of legitimate representatives of authorities and the legalization of illegitimate decisions. The leaders discussed infrastructural projects, as well as the construction of the hydro power plant ‘Buk Bijela’. Vucic said that he urged Dodik to talk to partners and to determine whether they want to construct the highway Sarajevo – Belgrade or not. The section of the highway leading through Semberija was agreed upon as well. Serbia is already constructing the bridge over the Sava River and will cover 80% of the costs of the section from Bijeljina to Raca. Dodik announced that they will have the operational model for the project in the next seven days. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said that they will construct 17 kilometers of the highway from Raca to Bijeljina and this will be done by a consortium of companies from Serbia and the RS. RTRS reminds that Serbia donated funds to four municipalities in B&H: Drvar, Kostajnica, Kozarska Dubica and Nevesinje. The law on protection of the Serbian language and the Cyrillic alphabet will be prepared by 15 August as well, which will mark the start of the uniting of the education systems in schools in Serbia and the RS. Dodik said he is open to talks, but still does not recognize Schmidt as the HR in B&H. At a press conference held after the meeting in Belgrade, Dodik said: “We can do it in Jahorina. All political officials from the RS will come to tell you we can talk with him as a former Federal MP, and Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, a man who undeniably has extensive experience, but as the HR, he does not have legitimacy for us”. The reporter comments that, in his statement, Dodik talked on behalf of all political officials from the RS, saying that all political officials will attend the meeting in Jahorina if it is held and he added that there was no opportunity for the journalists on Wednesday to hear about the view on the issue from the opposition in the RS. Following the meeting, Vucic said that we do not believe that anyone will go into further use of the Bonn powers. "Those are powers from 1997 which give the High Representative in B&H the right to reach decisions in a non-democratic way, to impose them and that they do not have to be in accordance with the interests of all three peoples. For the Republic of Serbia, only decisions that Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats agree upon are acceptable," Vucic underlined. Dodik stated at the meeting that coexistence of the three peoples in B&H is not possible. Dodik added that building joint life in B&H by destroying rights of the Serb people is impossible. “Interventions and all that the High Representatives were doing have led to far deeper and permanent divisions that are irreversibly directed to dissolution in B&H. I believe that it is better to do it peacefully and to make separate states that will build their international relations in peace,” Dodik assessed. Vucic said that he has good relations with Schmidt and that he believes that use of Bonn Powers for possible removal of politicians from the RS will not happen. Dodik said that the RS is committed to peace and added that we cannot believe in the intentions to degrade the rights guaranteed to us by the Dayton Agreement. This is why, according to Dodik, the RS will not accept the legitimacy of the man who presents himself as the HR. "The High Representative never had those powers, but they are persistently bringing that back and trying to model the overall constitutional order in B&H. We are of course concerned if it continues. We could come to work one morning and find a law imposed by a foreigner who will say that the RS police are being abolished or the flag or this or that law. That is something that is unacceptable," Dodik underlined. Vucic stressed that imposition of decisions is unacceptable, noting that one should not ask the RS to be obedient to those who seek its abolition. The Serbian President pointed out that it is important for Serbia that politicians in the RS are united when it comes to important issues. It was pointed out that with the policy of Serb unity, the Serb people is showing that it has learned tough lessons from the past. Vucic recalled that the DPA did not only bring peace, but also mechanisms on the basis of which both B&H and the RS exist. "Decisions have to be made in accordance with the interests and consent of the three peoples in B&H - Serb, Bosniak and Croat (people) - and that it is the essence and spirit of the DPA, and not imposition of solutions and imposition of decisions," Vucic emphasized. FTV reported that Vucic did not want to interfere much in decisions reached in the RS parliament following the law on denial of the genocide. Vucic said: “I did not comment on this because this is a result of imposed decisions of the former HR. There would be no such decisions in the RS parliament if it was not for imposing of some other decisions. Why should I comment on the consequence and not the cause?” Vucic underlined that not a single bad comment came from Serbia, in the past nine years, in regards to Sarajevo and the Bosniaks. He added that he understands that a campaign is constantly being led against Serbia – which many politicians use for gaining votes ahead of elections or building their popularity. He asked the leaders in Sarajevo to play fair and to only repeat the statements that were really made by Serbian politicians, without having the need to make up statements and stories that suit them and their goals. “As far as I am concerned, Serbia wants peace to be preserved. We want to initiate a dialogue with the Bosniaks, to talk about everything, but Serbia will always support both constitutional and legal, and Dayton, and any other obligations and rights of the RS” Vucic stressed. The Serbian President emphasized that it would be good to hear that nobody is trying to abolish the RS or endanger its rights. He said that it is not good to hear, in certain political platforms, that someone’s only goal is to abolish the RS. “Then do not ask the RS to be obedient to those that ask for abolishment of the RS,” Vucic concluded. Apart from saying that it would be the best if everyone went their separate ways, Dodik said that “the pathological story of Sarajevo that it wants to govern Banja Luka as well turns out to be detrimental to Bosniaks as well, while the intervention of the High Representatives resulted in having even bigger divisions in B&H”. Dodik also argued that the peaceful dissolution “will be safer for the Balkans than having Bakir Izetbegovic say that they are producing something, knowing that they have six factories of ammunition while we have none, and also to have him say that they want to carry out a revenge on us”.   


Leaders of all political parties in the RS and Serbia hold meeting in Belgrade; Comments (RTRS 


Following the meeting of the leaderships of Serbia and the RS, leaders of all political parties in the RS and Serbia met as well. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that the time has arrived to realize that national issues are above other issues and the joint concern for the RS needs to be maintained. The leaders of parties discussed political issues and it was determined that current issues can be solved through dialogue. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik said that it is time to sit down and talk with political representatives of Bosniaks and Croats without the intervention of foreigners. He said that they need to discuss together how the current situation can be overcome. President of SDS Mirko Sarovic said that it is necessary to stay united regarding the joint agreement and there is nothing that can affect the unity right now. President of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic said that in the case of any crisis or unpredictable situations they will remain united and focused on the joint stances. He added that they will continue to discuss the joint agreements with the Serbian leadership as well. President of SP Petar Djokic said that a high level of responsibility was shown towards the recent imposing of laws which affect the RS.   

Representatives of the opposition parties in the RS said that they informed Vucic that political unity in the RS shows resistance to imposed decisions. Leaders of SDS and DNS, Sarovic and Nenad Nesic, and PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak, agree that it cannot be foreseen how situation in B&H will develop, but they know the RS must show initiative and work on finding a solution for the current problems. After meeting Vucic, Sarovic said he emphasized the need for showing initiative and finding a solution for overcoming the current situation in B&H. The SDS leader said implementation of decision of Valentin Inzko, which imposed a law that bans genocide denial, is unacceptable and it would create new complications in B&H. Sarovic reminds that the RS parties are united and believe an internal dialogue must be continued to find a solution for this problem. “This is a serious situation and a situation in which it cannot be foreseen in which direction things might develop,” he added. Sarovic emphasized that opposition leaders will exert efforts to improve the situation and not make it worse than it already is. Nesic said Wednesday’s lunch with Vucic once again confirms the “Serb unity” and shows the RS political representatives will reject all imposed decisions. “The political international community must understand that the policy of imposition is not welcome. That B&H can only be built on respect and agreement and not by favoring the policy of one of the peoples – even if that means the most numerous peoples in B&H, Bosniaks,” Nesic stated. The DNS leader said B&H exists only if all people in this country feel good and comfortable in their homeland. Nesic concluded that the RS politicians extended a peaceful hand, offered dialogue as a model for seeking solutions and they are ready to work on overcoming the current issues. “However, someone needs to respond to our call for dialogue. For now, such response has not come,” he added. Crnadak said that RS parties showed unity in regards to Inzko’s imposed decision. However, he emphasizes that there are still many differences between parties that operate in the RS and says there are today in the RS “maybe more dangerous things for the RS than the decisions imposed by Inzko”. “For that reason, a big political fight is being led within the RS”, Crnadak said, adding that this fight is led between the opposition parties and the SNSD-led coalition, which will continue most certainly. “The only right way to test this is through elections,” the PDP Vice President concluded.  


Viskovic: We must all take our tasks seriously and preserve unity we have achieved through conclusions of RS parliament (ATV 


After the meeting between the leadership of the RS and the leadership of Serbia in Belgrade on Wednesday, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated that "we must all take our tasks seriously and preserve the unity we have achieved through the conclusions of the RS parliament." RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that discussion on a number of topics, including imposition of decisions by the outgoing HR and questionable way in which the new HR is taking office, at the second meeting which representatives of both ruling and opposition political parties from the RS and Serbia took part in was very constructive. "But we also spoke in general about what our political goals are and what are the things that should strengthen the position of the RS and Serbia and I believe that there is full consent there regardless of whether we are speaking about parties from the opposition or the ruling parties. I guess the time has come for us to realize that some national issues are above certain usual daily political topics," Cvijanovic underlined.    


Dodik: Only solution is for B&H to break up (RTRS 


SNSD leader and member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told RTRS that only a strong concentration government in the RS, which would consist of leaders of political parties, would be able to adopt operational decisions and measures in a quick manner. Dodik explained it was his idea that presidents of all political parties are members of the government, noting that the idea has not been rejected by anyone and that perhaps some people did not understand it fully. He further noted that some people say he got scared, which led Dodik to say he does not get scared in that sense. The SNSD President also stated the situation could result in the RS leaving the system of indirect taxes at the state level and adopting its own laws about indirect taxes and forming services that would collect taxes in the RS. He explained that “we would then, as stipulated by the Dayton Peace Accords, give some 10-15 million for financing of three ministries at level of B&H, whilst everything else would go to the RS”. Dodik added by saying the RS gave the consent (for indirect taxes at state level), which the RS can revoke. He further noted there is no fear of violence and that there will be no mobilization, and that discussions are ongoing how to protect people, who would be processed on basis of Valentin Inzko’s decision and how to provide them legal and physical protection if they get arrested. “This will lead to a situation when we will say that decisions of the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H are not applied in the area of the RS and we need a concentration government or strong unity for that,” stated Dodik. He predicted that when these decisions are passed, that the Bosniaks will invoke the vital national interest, which would lead to the RS adopting constitutional changes and abolition of the RS Council of Peoples, which is not part of the DPA, instead it was imposed by former HR Wolfgang Petritsch. Dodik concluded by saying if somebody declared independence of the RS ‘tonight’, the RS would, unlike the FB&H, “be able to live as a state and we have laws prepared for it”, stressing the only solution is that three peoples in B&H go separate ways, create three independent states and exist within framework of the international law.  


Komsic, Kalabukhov meet and express readiness to work on improving of bilateral relations (Dnevni avaz 


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic met with the Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov. During the meeting the officials discussed bilateral relations between two states, regionals issues as well as current political developments. They both expressed desire for improving of bilateral relations and underlined importance of multilateral approach in the region. The statement issued by B&H Presidency reads that Komsic informed the Ambassador about stances concerning the current developments in B&H and expectations during his chairmanship.  


NATO approves B&H’s status of operational partner of NATO Mission in Iraq (Oslobodjenje 


The Head of B&H Mission to NATO Mitar Kujundzic and B&H Ministry of Defense were informed that B&H received approval to be NATO’s operational partner in Iraq. “On behalf of Deputy Secretary General for Operations, I am glad to inform you that NATO approved the status of B&H as an operational partner of NATO Mission in Iraq,” reads the Memo signed by NATO Deputy Secretary General Morten Henriksen 


Vukovar: Common wreath laid and candles lit (HRT 


A common wreath was laid and candles were lit by numerous delegations at the Memorial Cemetery of the Victims of the Homeland War in Vukovar on Wednesday on the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day. The common wreath was laid by a delegation of Vukovar-Srijem County, the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, the Vukovar-Srijem Police Administration, representatives of cities and municipalities of Vukovar-Srijem County, County Assembly councilors and representatives of Homeland War Associations. On behalf of Vukovar-Srijem County, respects to the fallen were paid by the County Prefect Damir Dekanic. “Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day is a day when we should all be proud to have a Croatian state, which was created in a magnificent way, and we must remember all those who throughout history have woven their lives into the foundations of today’s Croatian state,” said Dekanic. On the occasion of Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans Day, which is celebrated on 5 August, tribute is paid throughout Croatia to the fallen and killed veterans and civilian victims of the Homeland War.  


The 26th anniversary of the operation Storm is being marked, and the entire state leadership is expected in Knin (Hina 


Croatia is celebrating Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, Croatian Veterans Day and the 26th anniversary of Operation Storm, which liberated areas in northern Dalmatia, Lika, Banovina and Kordun in 1995, and enabled liberation actions in neighboring B&H. The central ceremony will be held in Knin, and the program was conceived in cooperation with the Croatian Institute of Public Health, given the specific circumstances caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which is why the number of guests is limited and physical distance is determined. Part of the ceremony will take place at the stadium with a maximum of a thousand guests and citizens. In the morning, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic congratulated the citizens on social networks on this day. "I heartily congratulate everyone on Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day, Croatian Veterans Day and the 26th anniversary of the VRO Storm. The sacrifice of the defenders gave us freedom, pride and the state, and the protection of their position and the dignity of the Homeland War is our permanent obligation," he wrote.  


Krivokapic: I mourn the innocent victims and expelled Serbs in the operation Storm (MN. PM Twitter 


The Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic announced that he regrets the innocent Serbs who were killed and expelled in the Croatian operation Storm. "I sincerely regret the innocent victims and the Serbs expelled from their homes in the Storm." "All the victims of the tragic wars from the 1990s in the former SFRY must be a warning that such evil will never happen to anyone again," Krivokapic wrote on Twitter. He added that the memory of the victims of the Storm obliges us to build a future in which our descendants will be friends and collaborators in building a better world. "It should never happen again to anyone," Krivokapic wrote.  


Government recommended to declare 30-day nationwide state of crisis (TV21 


The managing committee at a session Wednesday evening decided to recommend the government declare nationwide state of crisis for 30 days after approving a proposal of the evaluation group, due to the state of fires. The managing committee decided to recommend declaring state of crisis for 30 days, and today a government session will be held and the decision will be adopted, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev told TV21 


EU activates Civil Protection Mechanism to help various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans to fight devastating fires (Republika 


The European Commission said Wednesday is swiftly mobilizing support to assist countries in limiting the spread of the fires and protect lives and livelihoods as forest fires continue affecting various regions in the Mediterranean and the Western Balkans. Two Canadair firefighting airplanes from France are being sent to affected areas in Italy to start firefighting operations today, it said in a press release. Two firefighting planes from Cyprus are supporting Greece, on top of a firefighting team to support operations on the ground and two helicopters to support operations in Albania will be equally dispatched from Czechia and the Netherlands. Slovenia is also sending a team of 45 firefighters to Macedonia. All help is mobilized through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, with co-funding by the Commission of at least 75 % of transport costs, said the press release. “We are working around the clock to send help as fires rage across Europe. I thank Cyprus, Czechia, France, Slovenia and the Netherlands for swiftly deploying firefighting airplanes, helicopters and a team of firefighters to support countries heavily affected by forest fires. At this time as several Mediterranean countries are facing fires, EU Civil Protection makes sure that our firefighting tools in place are used at maximum capacity. This is an excellent example of EU solidarity in times of need,” said Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarcic. These deployments come in addition to EU-coordinated firefighting operations that are currently ongoing in Turkey, as well as in Sardinia, Italy at the end of July. Satellite maps from the EU’s Copernicus Emergency Management satellite are providing further support to the emergency services to coordinate the operations. “The European Union’s 24/7 Emergency Response Coordination Centre is in constant contact with the civil protection authorities of countries affected by the fires to closely monitor the situation and channel EU assistance,” said the Commission.  


Meta and Basha expressed gratitude for EU support in combating fires (Radio Tirana 


The President of the Republic Ilir Meta expressed gratitude for the solidarity and assistance provided by the EU, to extinguish the fires in Albania. ''Gratitude for the solidarity and permanent assistance in these critical moments!” writes Meta on social networks. Meanwhile, the Leader of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha welcomed the assistance provided by the European Union for extinguishing fires in the country, after the news that the Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated and is very good news at this critical moment of dealing with fires. "Gratitude to the EU for the help, always a good friend in difficult times," writes Basha.  


Albanian arrested for arson in North Macedonia (ADN 


The Ministry of Internal Affairs in North Macedonia announced Wednesday that has been arrested a person with the initials Ll. A. (32 years old) from Albania, who has been there illegally, and there are suspicions that he has caused fire in the village of Pozharan in Gostivar. Another person is suspected of the fire in Staro Nagorican, thus the police and the public prosecutor are acting against him. As stated in the announcement, two people, who are suspected of causing fire in front of the village of Blace towards Katlanova, were arrested. "The Ministry appeals to strictly respect the ban on movement in forests, citizens to avoid lighting fires, waste and crop waste, not to throw unlit cigarettes and not to throw glass bottles and other tools which after exposure for a long time in the sun, can cause fire," it is said in the press release of the Ministry of Interior. Causing fires, intentionally or not, is a criminal offense which is punishable by up to 8 years in prison, the Ministry reminded.