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Belgrade Media Report 9 August 2021


Drecun: Difficult challenge for the US, unless it is an agreement (TV Tanjug

Rejection of the Washington agreement is a difficult political challenge that Pristina sent to the Washington administration, unless it is an agreement, said on Saturday the Chairman of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun. “How Washington will react to Kurti’s challenge in practical terms remains to be seen. If it is not an agreement that should have other goals in the long run, then Washington’s reaction would have to be concrete,” Drecun told TV Tanjug. He stated that it was obvious that the Prime Minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti expected that the new administration in the White House of President Joseph Biden would give up the Washington agreement signed during the time of the previous US president Donald Trump and make some discontinuity. “It turned out that this was not a realistic expectation and that this administration stood firmly behind the agreement and warned Pristina that the agreement should be respected,” Drecun said. He added that Kurti made several statements indicating that he did not intend to respect anything that previous administrations in Pristina had agreed or signed. “Kurti said that Hoti was wrong when he signed the agreement because, as he said, it enabled Aleksandar Vucic to open the door for him in the White House. He then gave a statement that the agreement was contrary to the so-called constitution of Kosovo and that he did not want to realize it, and now we have a situation that the agreement was practically rejected in the assembly and that it will not be applied,” said Drecun.

When it comes to the moratorium on the recognition and de-recognition of Kosovo’s self-declared independence under the Washington agreement, Drecun says that Pristina’s representatives have already given up on that moratorium and are working hard to get some new recognitions. Drecun said that Kurti would have nothing against the Washington agreement, if Kosovo was treated as a state in it. “A bigger problem than the moratorium is that he would have to accept the then Mini Schengen initiative, the current Open Balkans, which he would have to seriously dedicate to resolving the issue of missing persons, return of displaced persons, work on economic cooperation, highways, railway construction. networks ...,” said Drecun. He added that Kurti refuses all that because he refuses to join the Open Balkans, stating that Kurti wants to participate only in processes where Serbia is not present.

Djuric: Bunker mentality winning in Pristina (Tanjug

Pristina’s attitude towards the obligations from the Washington agreement only shows that the bunker mentality is winning with the authorities in Pristina, assessed Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric, emphasizing that Pristina encourages confrontation and conflicts, and not work on normalizing relations and overcoming differences between the parties. Commenting on the decision of the Kosovo Assembly not to respect the Washington agreement, Djuric told Tanjug that it refers not only to the agreements already reached, but also to the future ones, because one cannot trust the dialogue process if someone is not ready to implement the elementary obligations undertaken. Djuric says that the decision of the Kosovo Assembly shows even more clearly the contrast between the policy of the two sides, primarily the one pursued by Serbia, not only in relations with Pristina but in the entire region, which is oriented towards cooperation, improvement of relations and removal of barriers for a normal life. On the other hand, Pristina’s policy is a policy of self-isolation, confrontation and turning to the past, said Djuric, adding that such a policy of Pristina is encouraged by certain authorities in the region.

When asked how Serbia will react to Pristina’s decision, Djuric points out that Serbia continues to insist on the implementation of the reached agreements. “We will never give up the Community of Serb Municipalities or other obligations,” he said. Asked whether, as an Ambassador to the US, he will react towards the US administration regarding the decision of the Kosovo Assembly, Djuric reiterates that the US administration has repeatedly supported the obligations from Washington and called on Pristina for a constructive relationship. He also says that he will continue to talk to the representatives of the administration every day, pointing out and underlining with arguments and facts how who treats the future of the region, agreements, who behaves responsibly and who behaves irresponsibly.

Zaev: Our peoples have the same path (Politika

Open Balkans is complementary, not contrary to the EU. It strengthens our European agenda, with all three countries remaining committed to their agendas and commitments to join the EU, North Macedonia’s Prime Minister Zoran Zaev wrote in an article published in Politika. In the article, Zaev emphasizes that the three countries – North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania agree that their EU bid will not stop due to the confusing signals sent by Brussels regarding enlargement. And while the EU expands in the morning and closes in the evening, our path is open day and night, European, without dilemmas dedicated to cooperation, friendship, solidarity, more freedom and a better life for every citizen of our region, writes Zaev.

He says that Open Balkans is an expression of the strong political will of North Macedonia, Serbia and Albania and an initiative of the highest public interest and that this initiative is contrary to everything that is so far a synonym or stereotype for the Balkans. Our peoples, the Macedonian, the Albanian and the Serbian people and all others living in the countries of our Balkans, have the same path before them. We have the same vision and values – these are European values, not walls and policies of division. We are building bridges, not walls, says Zaev. According to him, what these three countries initiate is European because it contains the principles of the EU – freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services. Open Balkans is a demonstration of progress, our step towards which we are directed following the will of the majority of our peoples. No more waiting and no rejection. Everyone’s support is welcome on our common European path, and the support of the EU as our natural, expected and long-called partner is most welcome, underlines Zaev. He adds that the initiative of the three Balkan countries is open to all other countries in the Western Balkans. “Join us, for the sake of our peoples,” says Zaev. Regarding the economic benefits of this initiative, Zaev points out that the benefits are expected in the domestic budgets and in improving the quality of life for millions of citizens. The only way we can improve life in the region, according to Zaev, is to bring Europe home.

Vukanovic: Vucic restraining Dodik at Germany’s order (Danas

In an interview for the weekend issue of Danas, SDS official Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik is very much afraid of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic aware of Vucic’s power and ability to destroy Dodik overnight thanks to Vucic’s media and intelligence services due to Dodik’s affairs, corruption and dirty deals that Dodik takes part in. As an illustration for this claim Vukanovic mentions the case of a villa worth 700, 000 Euros that Dodik bought in Belgrade and Vucic does not want to officially answer before the B&H and Republika Srpska (RS) institutions to the question about the origin of money for this villa. Vukanovic further said that actually Dodik and Vucic are not in good terms but Dodik is afraid of Vucic and that is why he keeps running after Vucic. Vukanovic added that on the other side Vucic is obviously too close to German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Vukanovic is certain that at the order of Germany Vucic decided to restrain Dodik a little bit and force him to be cooperative. Vukanovic insists that Dodik suffers consequences of his behavior and he sees no reason why the RS opposition would help Dodik in this situation and why they should give him an alibi. Vukanovic believes that the biggest enemy of Serbs and the RS is Dodik himself. Vukanovic explained that Dodik is the one who has been provoking the international community, insulting Muslims, belittling victims and now the whole people should suffer because of him. Asked as to when the current boycott of state institutions might end, Vukanovic said that Dodik will probably attend some session in autumn and thus disrespect all decisions that he made. Vukanovic added that Dodik will do this because he is blackmailed and because big powers control him. Vukanovic concluded: “The biggest problem is that the international community supports such corrupted politicians in B&H because they suit them since they can make their moves over them.”



Izetbegovic says HR Schmidt should not meet with RS officials outside institutions (O Kanal 


Commenting on the possible meeting of SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik with High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic said for the media Schmidt should not meet with the RS political representatives outside institutions. “I would not recommend him to accept such relation since the very start, and positioning himself in such manner. The OHR (Office of High Representative) has its position, clearly defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement, and Mr. Schmidt should not allow its authority to be brought into question. It will take ‘strong nerves’ at the beginning, until it is all settled and put into place” said Izetbegovic. According to Izetbegovic, Dodik is wrong if he thinks his actions will lead to withdrawal of countries that guarantee implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), primarily the US, or to withdrawal of NATO from B&H. He concluded that the side that wants glorification of war criminals will not succeed.  


Dodik says meeting with Schmidt will not be held unless all political parties agree on it (O Kanal 


After the RS opposition political parties rejected the statement by Milorad Dodik in regard to the possible meeting with Christian Schmidt, Dodik responded by saying that the meeting with Schmidt will not be held unless an agreement among all political parties in the RS is achieved. Dodik stated on Friday that SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic should hold official meetings with Serbs and Croats in order to resolve the current “impossible situation” in B&H, instead of imagining things and stressing his self-importance. Dodik said this as a reaction to Izetbegovic’s statement according to which he does not want to hold informal meetings with Dodik as he “insulted Bosniaks”. Dodik added that no one even mentioned Izetbegovic and that he should stop imagining things and leave the RS alone. He also said that Izetbegovic who keeps talking about multiethnic B&H should answer how much the Federation of B&H (FB&H) is multiethnic, where are the Serbs in the FB&H and if they have their rights in this entity at all. Izetbegovic’s claims that he insulted Bosniak people by saying that they are “subservient people” Dodik said: “The fact he said I insulted Bosniaks by saying they are servants only proves how big servant he is and how much he is looking for mercy of foreigners. Let me remind him that he, Bakir Izetbegovic, was the one who called Serbs as ‘bad people’.”  


Sarovic says he wants to believe EU, PIC and Schmidt are willing to work on creation of better atmosphere (N1 


Speaking about latest disputes related to the announcement of Milorad Dodik on possible meeting with Christian Schmidt, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that citizens of B&H are tired of such issues and he called for attempts to reach solutions to come out of this crisis. Sarovic stressed that he wants to believe that members of the EU, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), and Schmidt himself are willing to work on creating a better overall atmosphere and reducing the tensions by respecting the arguments from different sides, including of the Serb side. President of the Main Board of SDS Milan Milicevic said that regardless of whether domestic politicians have a positive or negative opinion on Christian Schmidt and regardless of whether he was appointed in line with procedures or not, nobody can ignore the fact that Schmidt is already in B&H. “We will have to discuss problems in B&H with him. The true statesman behavior would be to implement decisions of the RS parliament instead of hiding behind people and unnecessary petitions done with the purpose to promote oneself and single political party,” Milicevic argued. Milicevic added that the RS should be carrying out a policy of dialogue based on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and added “there must be no imposing. The process of making of decisions must be returned to institutions”. He assessed that ignoring of the High Representative would be a political nonsense that would result in collapse of the interest and prosperity of the RS. “Only political adventurers and hazarders like Dodik can consider such option,” Milicevic said and reiterated that talks would be a better option than ignoring. Milicevic said that he is convinced Dodik will hold a meeting with Schmidt soon under the excuse of protecting interests of the RS “although we all know that his personal interest is his only motive”. Milicevic argued that Dodik’s goal was to trick opposition parties in the RS and he succeeded in that to an extent by inviting opposition parties to attend a meeting with Schmidt. “Formation of a concentration government with SNSD would have even worse effect,” Milicevic claimed. Milicevic concluded by saying that opposition parties must not lose their credibility by saving Dodik.  


Stevandic says unity of RS parties must not be threatened (N1 


Commenting on the announcement of Milorad Dodik on possible meeting with Christian Schmidt, United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic presented an allegation that, in the last couple of days, “the para-intelligence underground in the FB&H together with the international representatives have engaged with the intention to undermine the reached level of consent”. Stevandic pointed out that the unity of leaders of RS-based parties must not be threatened, and concluded that any issue should be solved through talks among the leaders. Stevandic also presented unofficial information on possible preparations of incidents, for which Serbs or the Repblika Srpska institutions would be blamed and he assessed that many things have been put to a test.  


Unity of ruling and opposition parties in RS is limited only to struggle against decision Inzko imposed and it does not include other political issues (Glas Srpske 


The daily reports that the unity of Serb political parties is limited only to the imposed decision of the former HR Valentin Inzko on amendments to the B&H Criminal Code that ban and sanction denial of the genocide and it does not refer to other political issues. According to Glas Srpske, the RS representatives of the ruling parties and the opposition welcomed the unity agreed at the meeting in the RS parliament on 26 July but they are careful and skeptical about the option that this could lead to their mutual meetings and talks. Deputy President of SDS Rado Savic said that SDS will support an agreement in which all parties participate. Savic added that they can and they should talk about interests of the RS because what is the point of everything if the RS is jeopardized, adding that they did not consider any other options. SNSD Vice President Nikola Spiric was unavailable for comments but he previously stated that there should be talks about the key issues, as dialogue of the ruling authorities and the opposition in the RS is necessary due to challenges that the RS is facing. Spiric underlined that there is no mature democracy without dialogue between the ruling authorities and the opposition. Deputy President of the United Srpska Sinisa Vidovic stated that it is the best if all parties in the RS continue communicating but in a wide-range way because the times that are coming are uncertain. Vidovic underlined: “We cannot prevent anyone to hold consultations and talks with others if responsibility for the RS or some other reasons brought them together.” SPS Vice President Maksim Skoko stated that unity of parties from the RS is necessary and welcomed, adding that the unity is achieved through concrete work and activities and not through works and formalities. Skoko said: “We need unity and harmony when it comes to the issue of the law that Inzko imposed, but we need the same unity to prevent crime and depoliticize institutions, for demography and economic reconstruction and for many other priorities about which people do not speak and much less work.”  DNS Vice President Radislav Jovicic stated that the parties clearly opted for the joint response regarding the imposed law, adding that there is no option for talks about other topics. In his opinion, each party will decide about potential talks about other topics. Jovicic: “There is an impression that the opposition parties have no intention to talk with the ruling (parties) about other topics, especially not about offers related to formation of a ‘concentration’ government.”   

PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak stated that the recent joint meeting was exclusively about the Inzko’s law and that there is no need to hold more meetings about this topic. Crnadak underlined: “We reached a joint stance and the ruling parties should offer a concrete solution as they did in the case of excise duties and the NATO path. In case of holding of the next meeting, it should discuss other topics that also jeopardize the RS. Then, we will know how honest some of us where.” SP Vice President Dalibor Stevic welcomed the unity that the RS political parties achieved regarding the decisions that Inzko imposed, adding that the parties showed responsibility about interests of the RS. Stevic added: “It is important that there are things of strategic importance and the red line that should not be crossed when it comes to interests of the RS. I personally would like that we cooperate on many other issues, but it is natural that we fail to agree about everything. If this was the case, then we would all be members of one party.”   


Radoncic says Dodik will not intimidate Bosniaks, notes it would have been better had Inzko imposed prohibition of genocide denial sooner (Dnevni avaz 


SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic reminded that SBB B&H supported the HR’s decision on prohibition of genocide denial. Commenting on reactions coming from the RS, Radoncic said that “Milorad Dodik is a politician that can be seen through easily” and explained that Dodik reacts brutally at first, and then he clashes with the reality: “Everything Dodik is doing right now will not scare Bosniaks”. Radoncic argued that Dodik’s current activities will only be to his own detriment because political circumstances in B&H will stabilize and the law will have to be implemented. “The policy of Mr. Dodik does not necessarily have to be directed by what Vucic wants,” Radoncic said and assessed that there is no difference between the RS ruling and opposition parties when it comes to interest of the RS: “They are all the same”. Radoncic assessed that it would have been better had Valentin Inzko imposed the law on prohibition of genocide denial sooner.  


RS opposition parties reject Dodik’s idea bout concentration government in RS (Oslobodjenje 


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik has been calling for days for formation of a concentration government in the RS which would include all parliamentary parties. However, the opposition leaders rejected Dodik’s idea. Dodik even said that he is willing to resign from post of B&H Presidency member. President of SDS Main Board Milan Milicevic said that he does not want to participate in this. “The opposition needs to focus its all of its energy knowledge on saving the RS, and not on saving Milorad Dodik from political failure. We in the opposition cannot be so naïve to agree to be part of Milorad Dodik and SNSD’s election campaign. The opposition concept of the future of the RS is completely opposite to what the existing regime is doing and we do not have the moral right to be part of that”, said Milicevic. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that the best solution for the RS would be a concentration government but without SNSD. He underlined that PDP will continue to act as an opposition party and that it is not even considering Dodik’s offer. DNS leader Nenad Nesic also expressed his disagreement with Dodik’s idea. “DNS will not participate in talks on concentration government. My wish was to achieve unity over protection of interests of the RS, and not to discuss unity in distribution of posts and functions,” said Nesic.  


Cubrilovic: Bosniak Caucus at RS CoP wants to minimize and put aside whatever RS has done (RTRS 


RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic reacted on Friday to the decision of the Bosniak Caucus in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) to invoke the mechanism for protection of vital national interest (VNI) pertaining to the last two legislative solutions that the RS parliament adopted. The Bosniak Caucus will first submit its acts pertaining to this mechanism to the Joint Commission of the RS CoP and the RSNA, and if it fails to reach consent on it, then they will file a motion to Constitutional Court (CC) of the RS. In his reaction, Cubrilovic said that such decision on invoking the VNI mechanism is a common practice of the Bosniak Caucus in the CoP “as they wish to minimize and marginalize everything that the RS does”. Cubrilovic does not believe that the Joint Commission will reach a common stance on this motion, which means the motion will probably be submitted to the RS CC. He is confident that the RS CC will only confirm the RS parliament’s solutions.  


Zvizdic assumes post of B&H HoR speaker, says HR’s decision was good ground for stopping hate speech (Oslobodjenje 


Denis Zvizdic on Friday assumed the post of the speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) within the regular rotation in the office. Zvizdic will remain the Speaker in the next eight months. Zvizdic said: “In the situation when we are faced with the challenge of the out-institutional blockades of work of the B&H parliament, I want to remind all MPs of their constitutional, legal and MP’s obligation and to call on them to have a responsible relation and acting in accordance with postulates of the rule of law.” He also said that the HR’s decision was a good ground for stopping the hate speech and for strengthening the process of building trust and reconciliation and that it should be understood like that. He concluded: “Only together we can continue building of a modern and democratic B&H society and work hard and persistently on improving the process of the European integration and meeting conditions for final getting the EU candidate status, economic development and rule of law, as well as further improving of good neighboring relations based on mutual respect of sovereignty and territorial integrity. These things and not tensions should be priority in our work.”  


Participation of B&H AF in NATO peace missions brought into question due to political crisis in B&H? (BHT1 


According to officials from B&H Ministry of Defense, participation of B&H Armed Forces (AF) in peace mission in Iraq was brought into question due to the current political crisis in B&H. Although B&H’s partnership was approved by NATO, its realization requires a decision B&H Presidency adopts through consensus. BHT investigated if participation of B&H AF in other peace missions was also brought on question. Deputy Minister of Defense of B&H Mirko Okolic stated that the Armed Forces of B&H will not participate in the peacekeeping mission in Iraq as it was previously announced. Okolic added that the NATO too is aware of the fact that consensus within the Presidency of B&H is required for such decision, while the stance of Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik on this matter is clear. B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Mijo Kresic commented that, based on past experience, none of the missions was supported at once. He added that he believes that the upcoming period will be used to analyze all the benefits of the NATO peace mission in Iraq for B&H AF members and B&H Ministry of Defense. Commenting on the issue, former military representative of B&H to NATO Alija Kozljak stated that it is still uncertain if participation of B&H AF in other peace missions worldwide will be brought in question, stressing that such announcements are premature. He reminded that a number of activities were implemented right before NATO’s letter approving B&H’s partnership, including the letter of intent B&H has submitted in order to participate in peace mission as a partner. According to military analyst Neven Kazazovic, political consensus on NATO peace missions could be influenced by Christian Schmidt and his first public statements put an accent on importance of decision-making in B&H institutions, including in B&H Presidency.  


Egrlic, Cengic, Cenic disagree on whether B&H should join Open Balkans initiative (Oslobodjenje 


The daily reminded that B&H has not joined the Open Balkans initiative, which was recently signed by Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. President of the Foreign Trade Chamber of B&H Ahmet Egrlic said that many are afraid that the biggest economy might profit the most out of this initiative and he noted that B&H should not be afraid of big economies “because if we will be afraid, then how will we join the EU?”. Egrlic argued that the Open Balkans represents only a part of what was agreed upon under the auspices of the EU in Sofia last year, but it still offers more than CEFTA does. Member of the Steering Board of the FB&H Employers’ Association Safudin Cengic said that he would like to get a chance to read this agreement because everyone has been saying that it would enable easier crossing of borders, yet nobody stated what the agreement says exactly. Cengic added that B&H is a country in the worst position when it comes to CEFTA because other countries, unlike B&H, managed to protect their space. The daily reminded that Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac argued that B&H did not join the ‘Open Balkan’ due to obstructions of a part of political structures from the FB&H. Economist Svetlana Cenic argued that it is difficult to realize such initiatives in the Balkans and warned that it is “detrimental and risky” to form institutions that are above state institutions. Cenic said that she feels horrified whenever Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and those he negotiated with speak about a single market “because a single market is not the same thing as a common market”. Cenic added that B&H needs regional cooperation as much as it needs bread but it also needs a common market. Finally, Cenic argued that Republika Srpska representatives signed the Sofia agreement to please Vucic “who has been pushing this idea and sees himself as the leader of the Western Balkans” and concluded by saying: “When he told Dodik ‘you will go to a meeting with Schmidt’ then Dodik will go to the meeting because this is what Vucic promised to Merkel.”  


Two initiatives for connecting regional market of Balkans currently in focus one being Open Balkans other being Berlin Process continuation (N1 


N1 analyzed the two initiatives for connecting the regional market of the Balkans that are currently in focus. Namely, the first initiative is titled Open Balkans and it was launched by Serbia, while the other initiative for connecting the regional market comes from the EU and it is a part of the Berlin Process. While B&H is being invited to join Serbia, North Macedonia, and Albania in Open Balkans, the EU is sending clear signals that it will primarily support the Berlin Process. Both initiatives are based on the same concept, which is free flow of goods and workforce in the region. When it comes to Open Balkans, Milorad Dodik, Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija, and B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac have already expressed their support to joining it. However, the B&H Presidency has not taken a stance on this initiative. Dodik assessed that it is in the RS’ interest to join Open Balkans as it “clearly has the largest trade with Serbia”. The stance of the politicians in the FB&H on this initiative is not united. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic said that by working in a joint manner, through a regional market, B&H will become a better candidate to become the EU member. “This should neither be rejected nor accepted so easily. We first need to study all of the details,” Radoncic noted. Former SDP B&H leader Zlatko Lagumdzija also supports the idea of Open Balkans. Chairman of the Steering Board of the FB&H Association of Employers Adnan Smailbegovic assessed that the idea, formerly known as Mini-Schengen, is good for economy. “I think it represents a great chance for the good companies and good entrepreneurs. It opens up major opportunities and larger market. The market-oriented companies would be able to benefit from it”, Smailbegovic noted. Meanwhile, a similar regional connecting can be expected through the Berlin Process, where establishing a joint regional market is expected to be completed by 2024. While German Chancellor Angela Merkel launched the Berlin Process back in 2014, with the aim to improve regional cooperation and European integration of the region, State Secretary of the Federal Foreign Office in Germany Miguel Berger recently met with the B&H Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic and presented the stance of Germany and the EU on Mini-Schengen. In a statement issued after the meeting, it was noted that Germany fully supports the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H and is committed to helping B&H and the region through the Berlin Process, while the initiative for regional cooperation known as Mini-Schengen is not a part of the Berlin Process. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic noted that there is no need for Mini-Schengen, because “this idea has lost its significance”. Turkovic specified that the joint regional market should be established through the Berlin Process. Radoncic noted that the idea was to eliminate waiting of trucks from B&H at borders with other countries in the region for up to 48 hours or waiting of B&H tourists at borders for four or five hours. “I am a man who always supports accepting economic ideas and faster integration. If we, as the region, stabilize relations then we will be better candidates for the admission to the EU than if we were in a conflict,” Radoncic said. Radoncic concluded by saying that this idea should not be easily rejected, as Croat and Bosniak members of the Presidency of B&H Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic respectfully did, nor it should be easily accepted until all details are examined.  


Prosecutor’s Office of B&H asks for launching of proceedings against Croatian war commanders (RTRS 


The Ministry of Justice and Administration of Croatia confirmed Saturday that it has received a request from the B&H Prosecutor’s Office regarding the proceedings against Croatian war commanders. Secretary of the Croatian Ministry of Justice and Administration Josip Salapic has confirmed that the Croatian Ministry of Justice and Administration has received the request and that it will forward the cases in the coming days to the State Attorney’s Office of the Republic of Croatia, which will further decide on the cases. The Croatian media reported that this is a request to initiate criminal proceedings against several demobilized Croatian war commanders from the Bljesak (Flash) operation, who are charged with war crimes.  


Croatia receives B&H’s request for transfer of proceedings against army officers (Hina 


The Croatian Justice Ministry has confirmed receipt of an international request from the prosecutorial authorities of B&H regarding proceedings against Croatian wartime commanders, and said the Office of the Chief State Prosecutor (DORH) is expected to decide on further steps. State Secretary at the Ministry Josip Salapic said that the request referred to the transfer of proceedings against several retired Croatian military commanders from the 1995 Croatian police and army Operation Flash, charged with war crimes. Salapic said the cases would be forwarded to DORH to decide. We believe DORH will inform the public in the coming days what the cases refer to, he said. "We are confident that in the next few days, the State Attorney's Office, in line with the law, will inform the public as to what exactly this is about," he added. "The historical facts about the Homeland War, all our liberation operations, all our soldiers, the army, are under special protection and a special national interest. As a responsible state and government, we can't allow the Homeland War to be criminalized nor bringing into question any legal, constitutional and internationally legal Croatian Armed Forces military operation in the liberation of Croatian territory," said Salapic.  


Milanovic calls Bosnian Prosecution’s letter of request sabotage (Hina 


President Zoran Milanovic said on Sunday that a conclusion on non-cooperation in proceedings against Croatian military commanders adopted six years ago was still in force and that a letter of request from the Bosnian Prosecutor's Office was sabotage and a poisoning of relations. The Croatian Justice Ministry has confirmed receiving the letter from the Bosnian Prosecutor's Office to take over the prosecution of 14 Croatian Army generals suspected by B&H of war crimes allegedly committed during the 1995 Operation Flash. Milanovic said the technical problem of "will we cooperate or not" was much smaller than the fact that such indictments were arriving and that such investigations were being conducted. He said he had known about the indictments for some time and that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic did too, but would not say why he had communicated that in public instead of the government. Milanovic said the no-cooperation conclusion he adopted as prime minister at a cabinet meeting in 2015 was valid until the incumbent government revoked or changed it. "Perhaps the prime minister, keeping that in mind, didn't think it necessary to comment on it, but I find it necessary, because it's a sort of sabotage." "It's a poisoning of relations between two states," he added.  


BIA approves the turncoats to return to ANB positions (Dnevne novine 


Thanks to the assessment of colleagues from the Serbian Security Intelligence Agency (BIA), most of the dismissed heads of sectors in the National Security Agency (ANB), who in the meantime “changed sides”, have returned to their previous position in the past two months, Dnevne novine has learned. Dnevne novine reports that these assessments were the reason why the ANB director Dejan Vuksic frequently stayed in the Belgrade neighborhood of Banjica for the previous two and a half months, where the BIA is based, from where he returned with data specifying which of the former heads can get back to the old position thanks to “change of side”.  

According to Dnevne novine, these personnel changes in the ANB went unnoticed, and they served to return previously dismissed heads and members of the existing operational staff of the ANB to mostly managerial positions. The fact that the connection between the ANB and the Serbian Orthodox Church is close, PzP leader Nebojsa Medojevic mentioned in his statement yesterday. Among other things, he said he “hopes that our monks and priests will soon stop doing business, conduct personnel policy in the Ministry of the Interior and the ANB, appoint ambassadors and that they will return to their basic goal as soon as possible”.  


Minister departs towards Voskopoja as new fire starts in Albania; Harsh punishment for arsonists (ADN 


Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi has departed with a helicopter towards Voskopoja as another fire started in Albania. learned that a massive fire has engulfed the pine forests in Voskopoja, in the area between Krushevo and Shipska, this Sunday. The fire has been active for several hours and is widespread, while the surface that is being burned is still unknown. Firefighters and service workers went to the area. Meanwhile, it is learned that Minister Peleshi and a helicopter to extinguish the flames have also left for this place.   

Peleshi has warned arsonists will be punished as soon as fires will be extinguished all over Albania. This warning was issued as Peleshi has given details about the situation from the fires in the country. Peleshi was in Voskopoja, near Shipska, where fires broke out. In a statement to the media, the minister said he was convinced that the fire was intentional, as there were five fires that exploded at the same time. "As soon as I arrived in Voskopoja, we had a fire explosion here. A hearth that was intentional. It is very dangerous as a hearth," he said. The Minister further spoke about the situation in the country, where he stressed that there are still some dangerous hotbeds, where work is being done to keep them under control. "We had a difficult situation in Llogara. We have managed the Dukat fire. The battle continues. We have 60 forces at the height of Karaburun mountain. I believe that this will be a safe night for Llogara park as well. We are worried about the hearth in Fier, in Kukes, above the Kalimash tunnel. There are also small hearths then. We have our tools but also the help of the EU. Throughout the south, we have not had a threat to tourism due to this very difficult situation. Almost every 2-3 hours we have a dangerous hearth. Most are intentional. I am convinced of this here as well. It cannot come from nature but from the hand of man. There were arrests. They are not enough. Police structures have told me they have evidence. I have also given ongoing messages to the community to help us identify arsonists. I have also provided information on how impossible it is to turn a forest area into a construction site. There is no chance. Here I have the mayor of Korca. All municipalities in the country have operation plans that show what is the green area and construction. And if on paper there is a green surface, you can do whatever you want with the territory, you cannot build, you criminal. We have felt the criminal hand all over the country. We will deal very strongly with after this difficult situation has passed," said Peleshi.