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Belgrade Media Report 12 August 2021


Zervakis: Cyprus stands to principled position of non-recognition of so-called Kosovo (Tanjug/Beta/RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic on Wednesday spoke with Cypriot National Guard Chief Lt-Gen Dimokritos Zervakis, who reaffirmed that Cyprus stood by its principled position of non-recognition of the so-called Kosovo. Stefanovic noted that Serbia and Cyprus maintained a tradition of friendly relations based on close historical ties and mutual respect and understanding. Zervakis stressed the significance of mutual support in the protection of sovereignty and of respect of the principles of international law, the Serbian Defense Ministry said in a statement. Stefanovic thanked Cyprus for its principled support for the preservation of Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, and noted that Serbia strongly supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Cyprus. Through engagement of Serbian Armed Forces troops in the UN multinational operation in Cyprus, Serbia is also striving to help to preserve peace and find an acceptable solution that will be sustainable over the long term, Stefanovic said. The parties expressed their commitment to further development of defense cooperation. Stefanovic invited the Cypriot defense minister to visit Serbia, adding that the Partner 2021 arms fair, scheduled for October, would be a good opportunity for that.

SPC: Montenegrin government made a large number of changes in the text of the Basic Agreement (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije responded to Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic to his proposal to sign the Basic Agreement between the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) and the state of Montenegro, it was confirmed to Tanjug in the Patriarchate. At issue is the text of the agreement, it was said, in which the government of Montenegro made a large number of changes in relation to the text that both sides jointly determined, harmonized and agreed to sign on 27 May in the Patriarchate in Belgrade. According to the Patriarchate, Patriarch Porfirije informed Krivokapic that he had sent the proposed changes to a certain expert commission that will consider them after the end of the holiday season, and the Synod, which has the last word on this issue in accordance with the SPC Constitution, will give an expert opinion.


Serbian Interior Ministry: Former RS Army commander is not in Serbia (Beta)

The Serbian Interior Ministry announced on Wednesday that the former commander of the Army of Republika Srpska (RS) Milomir Savcic was not located in Serbia. “After the inspection of records of entries into the country of the Border Police Department, it was established that Savcic had not entered Serbia. The Interior Ministry is urging the media in Bosnia and Herzegovina to refrain from launching unchecked and incorrect information, which serves as the basis for individuals to drag Serbia into their personal disputes and conflicts,” the statement reads. Retired general Milomir Savcic, for whom the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has issued an international arrest warrant, has left that country and, according to claims in the media there, there are indications that he was located in Serbia.

Violence by Valentin Inzko (Politika, op-ed by Milan Blagojevic) 


Professor of constitutional law from Banja Luka Milan Blagojevic reminded that Austro-Hungary, on 15 November 1915, issued an order on use of the Latin alphabet in all offices of authorities in B&H, education and textbooks and prohibited use and studying of Cyrillic alphabet: “This Order represented an open hunt on the alphabet of Serb people, thus hunt on Serbs as well, each one of them who dared to use the Cyrillic alphabet”. Blagojevic went on to say that, more than 100 years later, former High Representative Valentin Inzko “imposed his self-willingness called ‘Criminal Code on Prohibition of Genocide Denial’” on 23 July 2021 and argued that this was the act of self-willingness because “there is not a single legal source that would allow the High Representative to impose laws in B&H or stipulate criminal acts and punishments by those laws”. The author claimed that such right was not granted by the United Nations, Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), Constitution of B&H, international agreements or even “phantom” Peace Implementation Council (PIC). Blagojevic argued that both Inzko and all other High Representatives before him deceived public by claiming that their decisions were imposed based on the Item 9.2 of conclusions of the PIC from Bonn in 1997. “The Item 9.2 of those conclusions only read that this phantom Council welcomes the intention of the High Representative to use his ultimate power when it comes to the interpretation of the DPA. Interpretation does not mean the right to impose laws, but only the right to interpret them with the goal of finding true meaning of words in constitutions and laws adopted by competent parliaments in B&H, and not by the High Representative,” Blagojevic explained and noted that the conclusions from Bonn do not read that the High Representative has the right to impose laws, but he can only impose mandatory decisions and measures. “However, terms ‘decision’ and ‘measure’ do not have and cannot have the same meaning as a law anywhere in the civilized world,” Blagojevic said and added: “This is the essence of violence by the High Representative.” Blagojevic claimed that the goal of “Inzko’s violence” is to present Serb people and RS as genocidal and prohibit them from presenting opinions and evidence that would dispute it, “just like Inzko’s predecessors from 100 years ago prohibited the Cyrillic alphabet”. The author noted that it was the constitutional right of the RS parliament to react by adopting a law and protect integrity of the RS, but the RS parliament failed to do it properly. Namely, the author reminded that the RS parliament adopted a law on non-implementation of Inzko’s decision, which was wrong because the law should have stipulated that Inzko’s decision is null and void as well as that Inzko has no right to impose laws. Blagojevic concluded by saying that the RS parliament’s law should have also stipulated that, because Inzko’s decision is null and void, all other acts such as court orders and documents of police and prosecutorial bodies shall not be applied in the RS.



Current location of Savcic still unknown; Court of B&H issues arrest warrant (Nova BH


Nova BH reported that there is still no official information on the current location of President of the RS Veterans’ Organization (BORS) Milomir Savcic, who was not at his home address when the judicial police came on Tuesday to transfer him to the detention unit. Namely, the Court of B&H granted the motion of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H on Monday and ordered one-month custody for Savcic, who violated restrictive measures in the case in which he is charged with aiding in committing the genocide in Srebrenica. Following the hearing that was held upon the motion of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, Savcic was allowed to go home before the transfer to the detention unit, but he disappeared before the judicial police arrived. The Court of B&H issued a statement noting that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H did not mention in its custody motion that there is a risk of flight, but rather a risk of interfering with the criminal process, so he was not immediately put in the detention unit. Savcic’s attorney Miodrag Stojanovic filed an appeal against the court decision on ordering custody. Stojanovic said that he has no information about his client’s whereabouts. He added that Savcic agreed with him to file a complaint to the decision of the B&H Court and that he was visibly distraught after the decision about custody was made.

INTERPOL issues warrant for Savcic’s arrest (O kanal


At the request of the B&H judicial authorities, INTERPOL issued an international arrest warrant for President of BORS Milomir Savcic, who is accused of genocide in Srebrenica. Savcic, in addition to the citizenship of B&H, also has the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia and it is suspected that he fled to Serbia, which made him inaccessible to the law enforcement authorities. On Monday, members of the B&H Court Police received an order to take Savcic to the detention unit, but he was not found at his home address.

Dodik: I see B&H Court and prosecution as bodies of inquisition (RTRS

Member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Wednesday that the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H do not have constitutional ground, but have been imposed to conduct repression against the RS and Serbs. Commenting on order of the Court of B&H to issue international warrant against Milomir Savcic, Dodik stated that he sees the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H as bodies of inquisition. Dodik also said: “Decisions of the RS are clear, therefore General Milomir Savcic will not lie in detention.” Dodik assessed that order on detention was a political decision and “an attempt of intimidation” and reminded that former prosecutor in Savcic’s case was a Croat and that prosecutor was replaced by a Bosniak who immediately requested detention “which proves how they treat Serbs”. “There is evidence that Naser Oric personally killed people and he did not spend a single day in detention, yet detention is ordered for Savcic just because he said that he will not accept imposed “truths”. Generals like (Atif) Dudakovic walk freely, they come to the Court, and this one has to lie in detention. Of course, he will not lie in detention,” Dodik concluded.


Mayer criticizes Inzko for imposing law banning denial of genocide (ATV


US expert for the Balkans Steven Mayer assessed that decision of Valentin Inzko to impose amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H represents continuation of activities of big powers to preserve control over the Balkans. He added that such tradition will have negative influence if it is allowed to survive or is accepted seriously. Mayer underlined that this tradition had devastating influence on the Balkans and that it undermined self-sustainability, as well as economic and political development in the region. He concluded that most importantly, it had negative psychological effect that undermined capability of some leaders in the Balkans to take over care about interests and destinies of their countries.

Head of Legal Department in RS MoI Obradovic sends memo to all units to implement all article of B&H Criminal Code, including Inzko’s amendments (Hayat


The Head of Legal and Administration Department at the RS Ministry of Interior (RS MoI) Srdjan Obradovic sent a memo on 9 August to all organizational units of the RS MoI. In this memo, it was stated that they are obliged to respect all articles of the B&H Criminal Code, including the amendments imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko. This information was revealed by Journalist Slobodan Vaskovic. Vaskovic assessed that following the sending of this memo, it is clear that the false play about the defense of the RS and Serbs acted out by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is one of his brutal attacks against Serbs. Commenting this case, RS MP of SDS Nebojsa Vukanovic told Hayat that everything happening right now is the consequence of a wrong and auto destructive policy of Dodik. He said that Dodik should not hide behind the people and be able to carry the consequences of his own ridiculous policies. Vukanovic believes that something major is happening in the background since Dodik seems to be afraid all of the time. He stressed that he opposes the so-called Serb unity because one cannot be united with mafia and criminals who ravage the country. Vukanovic stressed that anything Dodik says is worth nothing and he is the biggest threat to the people.

Google and Twitter to remove content denying Srebrenica genocide (Dnevni avaz


Google and Twitter have announced that all content denying Srebrenica genocide would be removed from their platforms. The decision is based on a recent request of the Institute for Research of Genocide Canada (IGC) to the CEOs of Twitter and YouTube. Director of IGC Emir Ramic stated that IGC is monitoring online content.

Opposition leaders from RS argue political Sarajevo is trying to break apart Serb unity (Nezavisne


Sarajevo and Bosniak political circles are trying to break apart Serb unity that was formed after Valentin Inzko imposed prohibition of genocide denial. Namely, the daily argued that Sarajevo has launched fake information that Serbs are participating in the work of B&H institutions “in order to sabotage Serbs’ stance on the boycott of B&H institutions”. DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that it is obvious that the primary goal of Sarajevo politicians is to break apart Serb unity and he suggested that a commission should be formed to be constantly in session for as long as “Inzko’s law is in force” to give written recommendations on how Serb representatives should act in the Presidency of B&H, Council of Ministers of B&H, parliament of B&H and other institutions. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that they are witnessing “various imputations and speculations coming from Sarajevo” and he assessed that “this is some kind of a special war, from which we need to make a distance”. Sarovic added that SDS will maintain respecting of the joint stance regardless of internal disagreements with ruling political parties. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the time will tell who will be the ones who respected conclusions of the RS parliament, which are supposed to be mandatory for all political factors in the RS and noted: “Opposition will certainly not violate the agreement”. Sarajevo media cited the Cabinet of Chair of the Presidency of B&H Zeljko Komsic on Tuesday and published the information that Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik participated in a session of the Presidency of B&H. Dodik’s Cabinet immediately denied this piece of information and said that this is yet another spin coming from Sarajevo.

Izetbegovic: Blockades are response of nationalistic policies to many positive developments to the benefit of B&H (Dnevni avaz


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that B&H is making progress on its reform and integration path and Bosniaks have become a political and every other factor not only in B&H but also in the region. He added that during the last 150 years B&H has been exposed to constant, aggressive Greater-Serbia nationalism adding that it will not be easy to win the battle with the side, that believes that it is its right to expel those who are different, that believes that it is its right to dominate, glorify and deny war crimes etc. Izetbegovic added: “However, the things are moving in the good direction and this is the reason why we are entering a new crisis and blockade... The crisis and blockade are their response to many positive developments to the benefit of B&H and to their damage. The international community has decided to oppose the destructive policy of SNSD President Milorad Dodik. The battle of nerves, political and diplomatic one, of the RS politicians and the international community follows. This historic moment and plot could have been delayed but not avoided. B&H institutions are obliged to defend B&H’s borders, territorial integrity and constitutional-legal organization and courts must process those who do not respect laws.” Izetbegovic also mentioned the removal of HJPC President Milan Tegeltija and the Chief B&H Prosecutor Gordana Tadic.  The daily comments that Izetbegovic practically stated that SDA stands behind the removal of Tadic, which is in the daily’s opinion scandalous to put it mildly. The daily added that in case that some official in some other country, for instance leader of HDZ Croatia Andrej Plenkovic, gives such a statement the harsh reaction of the public would follow, as well as of the EC. According to the author, such statement of Izetbegovic is especially disputable in B&H since it confirms that SDA actually builds the country that suits Bosniaks, in which there is room for those that are eligible for political Sarajevo. The daily notes that it is of special concern that there is the attempt for the removal of Tadic at the moment when important processes were launched, whose goal is resolving the cases of the death of Dzenan Memic and David Dragicevic respectively. The daily added that there are also the cases of purchase of disputable respirators and the case of falsified diplomas of the OSA Director.

Nesic: Bakir Izetbegovic pushing B&H into isolation (Srna

DNS leader Nenad Nesic said after the US Embassy expressed support to the ‘Open Balkans’ program that everything that remains to SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic is hatred towards Serbs, which will affect Bosniaks the most. “Izetbegovic’s criticism of the ‘Open Balkans’ initiative, which he called a project of the Serb domination, is an insult for the neighboring states Albania and North Macedonia, which have joined it, but also a proof that SDA is ready to sacrifice development, freedom of movement, jobs, and higher salaries for its people to hate the Serb people,” said Nesic. He added that Izetbegovic is in this way pushing B&H into isolation.

Schmidt speaks to Cormack: USA and OHR committed to B&H (Dnevni avaz


High Representative Christian Schmidt has spoken with former US ambassador to B&H and current Acting Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs in the US Department of State Maureen Cormack. This information was confirmed by the US Embassy to B&H.  “The USA and the OHR are committed to a democratic, inclusive, and prosperous B&H. We look forward to working together with B&H leaders towards progress on the 5+2 Agenda,” stated the Embassy in a Twitter post.

Despite opposing its work, Russia still financing work of OHR (Nezavisne


Nezavisne novine reads that despite opposing its work, Russia is still financing the work of the OHR with some 1.2 percent of the total budget. The daily learns that Russia would like the members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to close the OHR but to have this body functioning for a while in a form of a forum, which would oversee the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The daily also reminds of its earlier reports about alleged agreement on the new High Representative that Berlin and Moscow reached before. Although the daily’s sources denied there was an agreement that the new High Representative will not impose any sanctions, but that he would try to solve the issues in dialogue, the author finds it interesting that Christian Schmidt is showing flexibility and understanding to each side, with the recent situation with the Central Bank as one of the examples. Analyst Tanja Topic said she did not expect Schmidt would use any sanctions, adding that this would only additionally heat up the situation. But she added that the fact that dialogue is a preference now does not mean it will be the same in some other situations. The daily also learns that Schmidt was aware of the intention of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose the law banning genocide denial and that he thought the High Representative had the right to do so but that “personally he was not happy about it.” According to the daily, Germany does not believe that this move will have a practical benefit but can only cause tensions. The sources that the daily did not name have confirmed that Russia will not make problems to the new High Representative, and that the proof is that this country will not impose a veto in the UN Security Council against the extension of EUFOR mandate. The author notes that Germany is willing to admit Russia the right to its interests in Europe, while the USA is decisively rejecting to do so. At a certain point, adds the author, there was also a proposal to recognize the status of military neutrality for Serbia in return for Russia leaving the region of the Western Balkans to the West but it all failed over the situation with Crimea. According to the daily, former US President Donald Trump was ready to include Crimea in talks as well but Germany dismissed the idea because it also included the territory swap between Belgrade and Pristina.


Tensions rising ahead of enthronement of metropolitan bishop in Cetinje (N1

The news that the enthronement ceremony of the new Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serb Orthodox Church, Joanikije, will be held in the Cetinje Monastery in early September has caused a revolt among Montenegrins. Montenegrins see the organization of such an event in Montenegro’s capital as a provocation and immediately after the news was published, patriotic organizations said they would not allow “a Serbian patriarch to desecrate the throne of St Peter of Cetinje”, a Montenegrin saint from the ruling Petrovic-Njegos family. “You can do whatever you want in your churches. In our spiritual center, the freedom of which was paid in the blood of our ancestors, you will not be able to enthrone someone who does not recognize the Montenegrin church, Montenegrin state, Montenegrin tradition, Montenegrin language, Montenegrin culture,” members of associations of Montenegrin patriots said in the press release.

Joanikije, Bishop of Budimlja-Niksic, was elected Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral at the Bishops’ Council in Belgrade in May, to succeed the late Metropolitan Amfilohije, who died of coronavirus infection late last year. The enthronement ceremony should take place in Cetinje on 4 September, the SPC said. Montenegrin opposition parties also oppose Joanikije’s enthronement in Cetinje, and they are telling the SPC to hold the ceremony anywhere but in the Montenegrin capital. On the other hand, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, who became Prime Minister at the suggestion of the SPC, said that the enthronement of the new Montenegrin metropolitan bishop would take place in Cetinje, adding that he will attend the ceremony without a bodyguard. Some may oppose it, but I cannot interfere with events that will take place, I tell you, Krivokapic said, stressing he will come to Cetinje without security.

The SPC has greatly contributed to the change of government in Montenegro and to the first defeat of Milo Djukanovic in the election in three decades. Many leading positions in the state have been filled by those close to the SPC


Census hardly to be this year, the contract with the Serbian Orthodox Church corrected (RTCG


The census in Montenegro cannot be organized until the end of the year, because there are no technical conditions for that, the Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said. Speaking about the announced protests due to the consecration of Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije on 4 September in Cetinje, Abazovic said that there are certain centers of power in Montenegro that want to use every situation to further polarize society. "The state must guarantee the security of all citizens and religious freedom. Montenegro has got a new metropolitan, and the process of consecration must happen," Abazovic said. He said that the state would do everything to ensure that the event passed peacefully, and called on the citizens to contribute to that. Asked if he saw the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, he answered affirmatively. According to him, everything that was not good in that document was corrected. "Montenegro's interests are absolutely protected. We are waiting to see the final, and if it is it then I think there will be no problems,” Abazovic said.


Osmani: Ohrid Framework Agreement most successful, it’s shown in everyday life (Republika

The Ohrid Framework Agreement is the most successful international mediated treaty in the former Yugoslavia, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told reporters at Wednesday’s press conference. “If we compare all the peace agreements in the region in the last 20, 30 years, the only agreement that has been fulfilled in its entirety, in its legislative part, ie in the normative part, in the part of the laws that arise from the agreement itself. This agreement is clearly the most successful and it is shown in everyday life. Through the transformation of this country from a state in which the framework was set to accept an ethnic community in this functional multiethnic democracy we live in now, which becomes an example first that multiethnic functional democracies are possible in the region and an example of how to resolve similar issues, no not only in the region, but also beyond,” stressed Osmani.


Germany supports Rama-Vucic-Zaev Open Balkans initiative (AND/Express/RFE


German Federal government of Chancellor Angela Merkel has stressed Wednesday that any regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is profitable as it stressed that co-operation should be comprehensive and open to all six Western Balkan countries. This confirmation of support has come while Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, his North Macedonia counterpart Zoran Zaev, and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, are pushing forward their initiative of Minishengen, already renamed Open Balkans, although the other three Western Balkan states: Kosovo, Montenegro and B&H, are not joining. Moreover, officials from Berlin recalled that the six leaders of the Western Balkans had given their commitments at the last Summit of the Berlin Process, held on 5 July on the issue of the Action Plan for the Common Regional Market, also mentioning the request of Chancellor Merkel to redouble her efforts to finalize the four agreements by 6 October, when the next European Union-Western Balkans Summit will be held.

"Any regional cooperation in the Western Balkans is beneficial. At the same time, it is important that co-operation remains comprehensive and open to all six countries in the region. That is why we strongly support the Regional Common Market Action Plan. The heads of government of the six Western Balkan countries reaffirmed their commitment to this historic project at the last Summit of the Berlin Process on 5 July. The urgent task now is to finalize the negotiations of four agreements on freedom of travel with identity cards, freedom of travel for third-country nationals and recognition of academic and professional qualifications. As German Chancellor Angela Merkel underlined during the press conference after the Berlin Process Summit on 5 July, efforts must be redoubled to reach this important step forward until the EU-Western Balkans summit on October 6,” a German government spokesman told the Express newspaper. When asked if the initiative is a signal for the European Union to change its enlargement policy, as the Western Balkan countries are looking for other ways of co-operating without joining the EU, Berlin says their stance on the "EU perspective" of the countries of the Western Balkans, based on the new enlargement methodology, remains unchanged. On its part, the United States also said it supports the Western Balkans' efforts to strengthen economic integration and calls on the Kosovo government to approach the regional economic integration efforts with an "open mind". "Ultimately, the government of Kosovo must decide which initiatives it will join and which ones best support its economic vision. However, we encourage the government to approach the regional economic integration efforts with an open mind and to embrace solutions that work for Kosovars, while improving relations with its neighbors,” a spokesman for the US Embassy in Pristina told Radio Free Europe on 9 August, in answer to the questions about Kosovo government's refusal to join the Open Balkans initiative.

Rama invites states to join Open Balkans after Germany’s confirmation (ADN


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has underlined Wednesday that “the door is open” to all states wanting to join the Open Balkans initiative between Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, but he also noted that “we do not include anyone by force”. On a social media statement, Rama said it is a “surprise” that Germany supports the initiative in question, contrary to what is said to the people in Pristina and Tirana, but also urges for the signing of the Common Regional Market agreements before the EU-Balkan Summit on 6 October. “The German government does support the Open Balkans, contrary to what is said to the people in Pristina and Tirana by those who do not care about America and not only that, but it demands the urgent signing of the Common Regional Market agreements before the EU-Balkan Summit on 6 October! Open Balkan, says the German government, must be comprehensive and yes, of course, it should be like this so that the door is open, but we do not include anyone by force, nor can we stay and wait until those who do not ' want to understand that this is the way of the future are convince,” tweeted Rama.

Haradinaj reacts over clashes with Rama (ADN


Former prime minister of Kosovo Ramush Haradinaj commented on Wednesday problems that he had with Albanian Premier Edi Rama. In an interview, he confessed that in Berlin he protected Kosovo’s territory not from Emanuel Macron or Angela Merkel but from his Albanian brother, Rama. "The Albanian Premier disappointment has not a real argument. On that time, he made a mistake saying that he was pro the opening of Kosovo's borders. This is very dangerous for the Balkans and it will bring new wars. I am forced to protect the land from my brother, Edi Rama," said Haradinaj. Haradinaj said that he will support the Open Balkans initiative only when Serbia will officially recognize Kosovo as a state. He unveiled that he required to Rama and other regional leaders to make pressure to Beograd not to Kosovo on this issue.