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Belgrade Media Report 20 August 2021


Vucic: Pristina is violating Washington agreement, that gives Serbia free hands (B92/Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that Pristina is asking some countries to recognize the independence of the so-called Kosovo, thus violating the Washington agreement, but noted that Serbia had thus been given free hands and shown which direction it must be heading in. “I saw the last requests of the Defense Minister in Pristina, who says that he asked Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and some others to recognize an independent Kosovo. It is good that they informed us about that issue, thanks for that,” Vucic told reporters in Brus. “So they have shown us the direction we need to be heading in, and we will do our job,” Vucic said, adding that he understood that Kosovo Albanians were nervous because things were not going as they were expecting. When asked by journalists how he sees the unique political performances of Albanian parties in Serb communities before the local elections in Kosovo and Metohija, he said that their job is to unite. “Let them unite, that is their job. We come out united, because those who are not united and are not behind the Serb List will hardly gain the trust of the people,” said Vucic, adding that trust was gained on the basis of unity not on demolition, confirming that in this way we preserve our identity and survival in Kosovo and Metohija. Asked to clarify which countries will put pressure on Serbia in the coming period, Vucic stated that these are those who recognized Kosovo and Metohija. He stated, the pressures come from those countries and centers that recognized the independence of the so-called Kosovo and who want to abolish the Republika Srpska under the guise of functionality. “Those countries have financial support, they give money to those who want to weaken Serbia, and that is logical. It is clear what is behind it. As the kids say, they are boosting those who want to diminish Serbia, while weakening those who want a strong Serbia,” Vucic said. Vucic said that he had nothing against refugees, if, he said, they were truly refugees, but added that Serbia will not be a parking lot for anyone coming in from outside. Asked about a possible wave of migrants from Afghanistan, Vucic said they would not be coming to Serbia. “No one is coming here. I don’t see it as a problem or how it could be a problem for us. But let's not fail to show humaneness. Where is all this xenophobia and hatred toward anyone coming from elsewhere coming from?” Vucic said. He added that he could not see the problem with the arrival of Afghan refugees in Pristina, which was ready to accept them. “What kind of problem could one hundred or two hundred people be? The image of people falling out of planes is an image of the defeat of the modern world, the most horrific kind. How do you tell the child of a man who was so desperate that he grabbed onto the wing of a plane and then fell off -- you are not missing anything, we don't want you?” Vucic said in Brus.

Selakovic thanks Kenya for principled support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Thursday in Nairobi with the State Secretary of the Foreign Ministry of Kenya Ababu Namwamba. Selakovic noted that Serbia was proud of its long history of relations and cooperation with Kenya that dated back to the era of the former Yugoslavia. Selakovic and Namwamba agreed bilateral relations were very good and expressed the expectations the cooperation would be continued and that political dialogue would be stepped up. Selakovic thanked Kenya for its principled position of non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo and said he expected Serbia and Kenya to continue to assist each other in international forums in line with their respective national priorities. Selakovic handed over to Namwamba an invitation for the participation of representatives of Kenya at the event marking the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, which will be held in Belgrade on 11-12 October.

Shava: Zimbabwe to continue to back Serbia on Kosovo issue (Tanjug)

Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Frederick Shava said on Friday his country supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia regarding Kosovo and Metohija and would continue to do so in the future. At a Harare press conference with Serbian counterpart Nikola Selakovic, Shava said Zimbabwe stood with Serbia on the issue because it stood with the facts and the truth. “Zimbabwe stood with Serbia when Serbia was being violated in terms of its integrity by the removal of Kosovo from its territory. We know that, historically and culturally, Kosovo is a part of Serbia, and when we supported Serbia in the UN, when we supported Serbia in all fora that brought us together, it was in recognition of that fact, that Serbia is a unitary state with Kosovo, and we will continue to do that,” Shava said. Shava also said that, during his meeting with Selakovic earlier in the day, interest had been expressed in Zimbabwe and Serbia mutually re-establishing embassies in their capitals. Selakovic and Shava signed on Friday in Harare an agreement on a Serbian donation of 30,000 COVID-19 vaccines to Zimbabwe.

Serbia will also provide aid of 65 t of food products to Zimbabwe. At a joint press conference with Shava, Selakovic said Serbia intended to continue the cooperation with Zimbabwe and other African countries based on principles and values such as respect of independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

Noting that Serbia and Zimbabwe maintained decades-long friendly relations, Selakovic conveyed to the people of Zimbabwe the regards of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the people of Serbia. Selakovic said Zimbabwe had supported Serbia in the most difficult times in the 1990s by voting, as a non-permanent UN Security Council member, against the sanctions imposed on Belgrade. Responding to questions from Zimbabwean reporters, Selakovic spoke about the way Serbia was handling the coronavirus pandemic and said he was confident the governments of Serbia and Zimbabwe would strengthen their cooperation in the fight against COVID-19. Shava said Zimbabwe greatly appreciated the Serbian assistance in the form of COVID-19 vaccine doses, and expressed the hope Serbia could perhaps help Zimbabwe start producing coronavirus vaccines on its own. Noting that Serbia was a great friend of Africa and Zimbabwe, Shava said the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, of which Serbia is the successor, had greatly assisted Zimbabwe in the process of gaining independence. He said the cooperation with the former Yugoslavia had been broad and that Yugoslav companies had helped build Zimbabwe. Shava added that many such companies, like Energoprojekt, had in fact been Serbian companies. Earlier in the day, Selakovic handed to Zimbabwean officials invitations to an 11-12 October conference in Belgrade that will mark the 60th anniversary of the first summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in the Serbian capital in September 1961. Welcoming the idea of holding the conference, Shava said Zimbabwe would be very pleased to attend.

Serbian Army Chief-of-Staff, KFOR Commander discuss security, coop (Beta)

Serbian Army Chief-of-Staff General Milan Mojsilovic met on Thursday with KFOR Commander Major General Franco Federeci to discuss the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and joint activities of the Serbian Army and international forces, according to a release from the Serbian Defense Ministry. The meeting discussed the current security situation in the region of Kosovo and Metohija, along the administrative line and in the Ground Safety Zone. They also talked about joint activities of the Serbian Army and KFOR carried out with the aim to improve peace and security. Mojsilovic stressed that the joint interest of the Serbian Army and KFOR is to preserve peace and security in the zones of responsibility on both sides of the administrative line. He added that KFOR, as an international factor, bears the greatest responsible for the safety of people in the entire region of Kosovo and Metohija, and particularly of non-Albanian population in the province’s north. The Defense Ministry did not state where the meeting was held. Earlier, Nis would often host meetings of the Serbian Army and KFOR chiefs.

Djilas: Single election list; No to Kosovo recognition, no to NATO (Beta)

The leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Dragan Djilas said on Thursday that people wanted a single opposition list for the forthcoming elections next year, particularly in Belgrade, adding talks about NATO membership were meaningless and that no politician would recognize Kosovo's independence and should instead work on reconciliation and cooperation.

In an interview with Research and Publishing Centre Demostat, Djilas said there was no reason why all opposition parties that not cooperate with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), and would not accept to deal with the mafia regime would not join forces for the elections.

Djilas said that as far as SSP is concerned, all elections can be on the same day, Vucic can head all the lists and his name can replace all 250 SNS candidates for the parliament seats, and he will still lose. Djilas suggested that prominent public figures not associated with any party but recognized by the public for their fight against this evil could be on a joint opposition list.

Regarding Kosovo, Djilas said he believed there was no politician in Serbia with substantial public support who would sign recognition of Kosovo and that instead, it should be worked on reconciliation of the peoples, on normal life, on economic, cultural and educational cooperation. He also said it was meaningless to speak about Serbia’s NATO membership since the Alliance destroyed the country, and that thousands of people were killed. However, Djilas added Serbia should cooperate with NATO as we have been doing to make all living in this part of Europe safe, but reiterated the membership is really not a topic. Commenting on the inter-party dialogue on election conditions mediated by the European Parliament (EP), he said there was a chance of an agreement. Still, he added, it depends more on Europe than anyone else. He added that if they (MEPs) insist their goal is to ‘improve democracy’, then there is nothing to it because we do not have democracy, so there is nothing to improve. “A crazy campaign shows the regime would not give in,” Djilas said, adding, it will have to if Europe is consistent in its demands for the respect of laws and the postulates of democracy. Speaking about the election control, Djilas said there were many more than twenty thousand brave people in Serbia who will be able to do the job when the conditions for the elections are met. And to prevent the insertion of several hundred thousand fake ballots, which has been the practice in all elections so far.



Politicians, analysts, NGOs comment meeting in Berlin (Oslobodjenje/Glas Srpske


Commenting the Wednesday’s meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel with current and former High Representatives Christian Schmidt and Valentin Inzko respectively, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) MP Sasa Magazinovic (SDP) said that he expects that Merkel’s messages from this meeting will be taken seriously. “This is not the first time we received a message that we have to carry out reforms, but I think it could be the first time that it is taken seriously. I would not trade places with Milorad Dodik for anything in the world now when he is receiving different kinds of messages from different circles of the international community, which actually say “either you will work, or you will step aside”. And this meeting was one of those,” said Magazinovic. He noted that he is interpreting messages through a political prism and argues that this meeting is a message to Dodik, saying that powerful Germany is standing behind Schmidt, adding that it is also a message to all those who question authority of the High Representative. He stressed that IC is conveying a message to Dodik and others that they will either respect Inzko’s latest decision or they will have to step aside in the same way they came to power. Political analyst Adnan Huskic deems there is nothing new in a message that reforms have to be carried out, arguing that everyone is aware that reforms are obligation of B&H officials, just as everyone is aware that this will not happen, being there is no basic consensus at the level of political elites in B&H. He added that it is important to underline that the High Representative is not representative of the EU, adding that we have an EU Special Representative “who decided to spend his mandate not dealing with political issues, but exclusively with something softer”. “As for the EU, I do not expect anything special, and according to the first reactions of the HR, it seems to me that he would also like for his mandate not to be marked by concrete activities, probably aware of the problem that Inzko has created. However, I think that it is difficult that his expectations will be met because in case the boycott of state institutions continues, I think Mr. Schmidt will be forced to act whether he wants it or not. I am afraid that his engagement in B&H will be rather different”, said Huskic. He deems that a solution is in harmonization of sanctions between USA and EU for all those who obstruct or are not working in the interest of the EU accession. Executive Director of Transparency International B&H, Ivana Korajlic also deems that reforms are responsibility of domestic officials, but underlines that they have been refusing for years to carry out the main reforms. She argues that this is the reason why the international community pressure increases, arguing that domestic officials are focused on their own interests only. Political analyst Zeljko Budimir believes that Germany is going to give Schmidt very strong support. “Germany continues with strong positioning on Western Balkans, and surely its diplomat will serve this purpose. What sticks out in the OHR statement is the section mentioning Euro-Atlantic integration. European integration is surely one of the most important issues in B&H and there is no disagreement about that, but we see that the statement mentions European and Atlantic integration in single package. This is not a new practice, but from our point of view, these two processes must be observed separately”, said Budimir. Asked if he expects Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss B&H at their meeting on Friday, Budimir said that he is not sure that Merkel will spend her last official meeting with Putin by discussing OHR. PDP Vice President and former B&H Foreign Minister Igor Crnadak stated that Schmidt’s meeting with Merkel shows that he enjoys full support of Germany. He believes that Germany wishes to show that this stance will remain unchanged regardless of the outcome of elections in Germany, but also that Germany expects Schmidt to provide concrete results. Commenting Merkel’s meeting with Putin, Crnadak said that even if they do discuss B&H, it will be a topic mentioned briefly on the sidelines of the meeting.

Doboj marks its Patron Saint’s Day; Patriarch Porfirije: RS is guarantor of peace and existence of Serb people in B&H; Dodik: Church is one of most important pillars of identity of Serb people and it will remain so (BN TV


Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Porfirije stated in Doboj on Thursday that the RS is a guarantor of peace and existence of Serb people in B&H, as well as a guarantor for coexistence, peace and mutual understanding among all peoples in B&H. On the occasion of the Transfiguration of the Jesus Christ and celebration of the Doboj Patron St.’ Day, Porfirije led a religious service as well as a walk throughout the city. Addressing attendees, Porfirije emphasized that he is very glad that his first visit to the RS and B&H was to Doboj that he comes from and he underlined that this will not be his only visit to B&H. Porfirije announced that he will be there with his own people, with the RS adding that he constantly prays for them. Patriarch Porfirije called for preservation of peace, the Serb identity and said that “we must respect and honor each other”. He reminded that there were many misunderstandings in these areas as well as blood, while many mothers cried and he knows that ordinary people have the need for a normal life, for understanding. Porfirije stated: “Let everyone be themselves. Let everyone pray to God in their way, but everyone should respect others. Maybe sometimes a mediator is necessary, but not the one who excludes, who puts us in his own contexts, semantic camps, inventing definitions for ones so that others are against them. Tomorrow, there will be definitions for others so that the first ones are against them, so that of course, we are not who we are and they are not who they are; so that we do not agree with each other as much as possible and this is convenient for many. We, brothers and sisters, will never accept that.” Numerous citizens and officials of the RS attended the religious ceremony held on the occasion of the Transfiguration of the Jesus Christ. The Patriarch pointed to the need for unity and calmness as opposed to disagreement in order for Serbs to preserve their name and identity. Porfirije said that Serb people should not sell what is theirs at any price, because when the Serb people know what is theirs, they will know how to appreciate what belongs to others. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Doboj welcomed an important guest and that the Church has always stood with the people. According to Dodik, the Church is one of the most important pillars of the identity of Serb people and it will remain so. Dodik stated: “Only strong faith and firm behavior of the Serb Orthodox Church could bring the people back and, of course, bring the people back to themselves. And that is why this people trusts the Church and that is why this people respects our faith. That is why this people writes Cyrillic letter and speaks Serbian and they will never stop doing that.” According to unofficial sources, the arranged unity between RS leaders has remained and that all of them had a chance to talk to Porfirije. Porfirije did not officially comment on the meeting, but he did comment on the current events during his sermon on Thursday. Porfirije pointed out that the existence of the RS is a guarantee of (presumably Serb people’s) survival. Porfirije also said that meddling with the peoples in B&H of anyone from the outside is not needed, that everyone in B&H knows each other well and that they would deal with the situation better alone amongst themselves. Porfirije sent his message to Serb Orthodox Christians, Croat Catholics and Bosniak Muslims and reminded that the people have been living together for centuries. He added that the people do not need self-proclaimed peacemakers from outside, mostly from the West. Porfirije assessed that these peacemakers do not understand the mutual relations and identity in the region. Porfirije met with German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb before he arrived in Doboj.

RS political leaders meet with Patriarch Porfirije: Political unity will be preserved, imposing any kind of laws is inacceptable for the RS (O Kanal


The RS officials and leaders of political parties from the RS met with Patriarch Porfirije in Doboj on Thursday evening. They discussed the law banning the genocide denial in B&H and the RS' stance regarding this issue. They asked for the Patriarch’s blessing as he is “the savior of the Serb people amid uncertain political situation”. The political leaders said that they will preserve political unity and that imposing any kind of laws is inacceptable for the RS. Participants at the meeting concluded that the most important thing is that the RS politicians never bring the existence of the RS in question. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic and leader of DNS Nenad Nesic stated that there is unity when it comes to survival of the RS, but the opposition disagrees with the way authorities are leading the RS. Borenovic said that only internal agreement of domestic structures can overcome this situation that in his opinion, Inzko left, went to his home not caring about the political chaos that he left in B&H and inflicted huge damage to internal relations. In his opinion, their colleagues from other peoples, i.e. Bosniaks must understand how serious the situation actually is and that this does not go in their favor. Nesic said that they confirmed unity about survival and preservation of the RS adding that opposition leaders also pointed out that they disagree with the way the authorities are leading the RS. According to Nesic, they stated that they do not like the current situation in the RS and the unity of Serb political parties from the RS refers only to the issue of the law that Inzko imposed. Nesic said: “We believe that the time when things were imposed belongs to the past and that each imposed solution is not good.” A source told the daily that there was a visible closeness between SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and SDS leader Mirko Sarovic during the meeting as they addressed each other by their first names. Leader of ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic told the daily that the Patriarch pointed out the importance of political unity in the RS, which they took as his blessing. Advisor to Serb member of B&H Presidency, Radovan Kovacevic said that there are negative comments that the Church and the Patriarch should not interfere with the politics. “But this is not about the politics. Imposing of the HR’s decision is not matter of politics, these are the issues which concern survival of the Serb people in the RS and in B&H, which is more than an issue of concern for SPC and all Serbs regardless where they live,” said Kovacevic.

Dodik: Until UN SC confirms him, Schmidt is foreigner who cannot adopt and impose laws in B&H (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the work of Christian Schmidt in B&H and stated that if the UN Security Council (UNSC) confirms him as the HR, this will be accepted. Dodik said that until this happens, Schmidt is a foreigner who cannot adopt and impose laws in B&H, regardless of the content. He stressed that an un-elected foreigner cannot impose laws, not even in accordance with the Bonn Powers. Dodik also said on Thursday evening in Mostar that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H asked the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H to interview him with regard “to denial of alleged genocide in Srebrenica”.

B&H's FM urges Serbia to hand over war crimes suspects with int warrants (N1/

B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic urged neighboring Serbia to extradite all those with an international arrest warrant who are hiding in the country, after the investigative journalism portal published a video of Dusko Kornjaca, a wanted war crime suspect, who seems to be living in Novi Sad. After the journalist found Kornjaca, who is suspected of crimes against humanity committed in Cajnice and is the subject of a Red Notice Interpol warrant, he took away the mobile phone of the reporter and smashed it. “For years, the Serbian authorities have been burdened with the mortgage of hiding those indicted for war crimes and fugitives. I call on them to arrest those who are the subject of warrants responsibly, legally and in a European way. It is a contribution to the EU and regional integration. I condemn the brutal and brazen attack on B&H journalist teams!” Turkovic posted on social media.

Dodik: Helicopters of AFBiH not in condition to be used for extinguishing of fires (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the helicopters of the Armed Forces B&H (AFBiH) are in bad condition since they are not maintained regularly. He added that everyone who would approve the use of these helicopters for the extinguishing of fires would risk the lives of the pilots. Dodik said that the helicopters are more than 40 years old and they are badly maintained. He added that the reason why he did not participate in the sessions of the B&H Presidency is known and it is still in power. Dodik stressed that he is the man with the highest number of reports against him, but Serbs are not subjects and they will not listen to foreigners who will make decisions about this. BHT1 carries that Dodik commented on why he did not want to give consent for the engagement of helicopters of the B&H AF in extinguishing the fires in Herzegovina. "The reason is very well known and that reason will remain in force. Whenever a fire or something else appears in the Federation of B&H, the RS Civil Protection and the Helicopter Service and our abilities will definitely be available," Dodik underlined. Dodik said in Mostar on Thursday, whilst commenting on the criminal report submitted against him by the Head of Municipality of Jablanica, that he has heard that the Head of Municipality is grateful for the help provided by the helicopters from the RS, adding that the Head of Municipality has the right to submit the reports.


Schmidt will strengthen his legitimacy solely by consistent and impartial action (Vecernji list


Vecernji list daily notes if there were some doubts who is standing behind new HR Christian Schmidt, then the meeting in Berlin between HR Schmidt and German Chancellor Angela Merkel dispelled all the doubts. The daily also reminds that the OHR has issued a statement, which read that Chancellor Merkel has secured full support of the German government for carrying out the important international position of the HR. According to daily, although Merkel is leaving her duty soon, it is clear that Schmidt will have the support from her successor, whoever it may be because Schmidt’s mission is seen in Germany as state and not as partisan policy. As for the boycott of the new HR coming from the RS is concerned, daily notes there would be ‘normalization’ of relations between the RS and the OHR in due course, which could be concluded from Belgrade’s reactions. Namely, the daily writes that although Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is formally supporting positions of the RS politicians, he has been making reconciliatory statements and is using opportunities to commend Schmidt as a serious politician who has Berlin behind him. In this context daily reads there are indication Schmidt could soon have an official meeting with Schmidt, which could influence behavior of political leaders and institutions from the RS. Article further reads that things will become clearer come the fall since it is expected that several influential delegations will be coming to B&H in September to additionally strengthen Schmidt’s position. Concluding the article, daily reads it is important that Schmidt proves with his actions that he has not come to B&H to fulfill Bosniak political wishes, which triggers the daily to say the best way to do that is a firm position about the need for electoral reform and safeguarding the Dayton agreement as foundation for functioning of B&H.

Croatian Interior Minister hopeful Europe won’t see another migrant wave (Hina

Speaking at a news conference in Zagreb on Thursday, Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic said he hoped there would be no new wave of migrants coming into Europe after the Taliban had returned to power in Afghanistan following a withdrawal of US and allied troops from the country. On Wednesday, European Union member countries discussed the migrant crisis along the Belarus border with Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland. Another meeting will be held next week, focusing on the developments in Afghanistan, Bozinovic said, adding the discussions will result in concrete conclusions. The EU will not cave in under the pressure Belarus is exerting by allowing irregular migrants to cross into the three EU member countries, he said. At the Wednesday’s meeting, the ministers agreed that the scenes Europe witnessed in 2015, when the countries were exposed to a big migrant tide prompted by the developments in Syria, should not happen again. The EU cannot take in migrants on a mass scale anymore, Bozinovic said on Thursday. He added that Europe must take an active approach in preventing a new migrant wave and cooperate more with the UNHCR and countries in Afghanistan’s neighborhood so that Afghans fleeing the Taliban regime could find a safe place as close as possible to their country. “I am hopeful that we will avoid the scenarios we witnessed a few years ago,” he said. Those who need protection should be reallocated in an organized way under resettlement programs and not be left to international smuggling rings, Bozinovic said, adding that Croatia will primarily be engaged via the UNHCR to help vulnerable groups, such as women and girls.


The CPC liturgy was served on Ivanova Korita (RTCG/Cetinjski list


The Bishop of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church (CPC) Boris and the clergy served the Holy Hierarch's Liturgy on Ivanova Korita at the Transfiguration. In a sermon held after the liturgy, he said that for the first time in so many years, a holy liturgy was served in the temple of the Holy Transfiguration on Ivanova Korita. According to the correspondent of Radio Montenegro from Cetinje, the priests of the CPC managed to enter the Church of the Holy Transfiguration after 20 years, and everything passed without incident. "May this be a shining example of how Montenegro is being transformed and how it will be transformed to be free and open to Montenegrins in every temple and in every church. May this bright holiday illuminate us all, give us a lot of patience, love and strength to we are resisting everything that has come our way " said Bishop Boris, Cetinjski list reports. Injustice has begun, he says, and we will overcome it with justice: "Hatred has begun, we will overcome it with love, and those who have forgotten God, and all invoke him, have set out, and we will overcome that with God's help. May the holy transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ, St. Peter of Cetinje and St. Vasilije keep all of you and all yours at home. May they give peace to Montenegro and prosperity. May Montenegro be eternal. " RTV Cetinje reports that the police did not allow Metropolitan of CPC Mihailo to go to Ivanova Korita. It should be reminded that in previous years, the police did not allow the clergy of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church to serve the liturgy in the church on Ivanova Korita at the Transfiguration.

Bogdanovic: No priest or anyone’s whim is more important than peace of people in Montenegro (CdM

Secretary General of the Democratic Party of Socialists Aleksandar Bogdanovic says in an open letter to the citizens that the ruling majority is consciously pushing Montenegro into conflicts. He also points out that for the vast majority of Montenegrin citizens, its dignity and peace are above the religious, political and all other antagonisms that divide Montenegrin society. Bogdanovic also states that he will not allow anyone, especially not the clero-nationalists, to humiliate people from the heart of this country, nor to declare them – in cooperation with various centers from the neighborhood – violent extremists.


Zaev is ready to take up to 1,800 refugees from Afghanistan (Sitel TV

In an interview with Sitel TV, PM Zoran Zaev announced that his Government is ready to accept as many as 1,800 refugees from Afghanistan. Zaev already committed to take 450 people, after consultations with the US authorities and NDI. These are mainly people who worked with the US forces in Afghanistan, and who are applying for asylum in the US, but need a safe haven while the applications are processed. “Our capacity is in the thousands, or rather, between 1,200 and 1,800. Albania will take between 2,000 and 3,000 people. We confirmed 450 so far, and we are discussing to take in 70 more of the peacemakers and humanitarians,” Zaev said. The asylum seekers will be accommodated in hotels emptied by the pandemic. It’s expected that the US will pay for their accommodation.


Rama condemns clams of throwing students off dorms to house Afghans (ADN


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has labelled Thursday as slander the news that students have been evicted from dormitories in the “Student City” to free up space for Afghans that would come to Albania. On a social media statement, he highlighted that this fabrication is by the same hand that has sealed the darkest events in 30 years. "The connection of the pre-shelter of Afghans who are like us 30 years ago, with the alleged expulsion of students from dormitories is a fabrication of the same hand that for 30 years has sealed the darkest events and produced the lowest slander in this country! That hand is the shame of Albania," writes Rama. Nevertheless, multiple students were evicted from several Student City dormitories with an immediate notice, without being given much time to act and then left to object. These buildings will be filled with Afghan nationals fleeing their country after the Taliban took power.