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Belgrade Media Report 23 August 2021



Vucic ready to talk to Kurti, but sees no reason (Beta/Tanjug/RTV/RTS)

During the touring of works on the reconstruction of the Golubac-Donji Milanovac road, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Saturday that he would accept any call to continue talks with Pristina, but that he could see no genuine reason to talk with Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Vucic said that Kurti only wanted to talk about the past, never the future, and that he had accused Serbia of committing three genocides against the Albanian people. “It appears that he has not learned this history of his very well either...The point is that Serbia must take part in the dialogue, because this is how we can make the Serbs in Kosovo safer, but also because it should reduce tensions. The Serbs and Albanians will continue to be the two largest peoples in the Western Balkans in the next 100 years, that's for sure. Whether we will succeed or not, we do not know,” Vucic said.

I do not want to take part in Izetbegovic’s campaign

Vucic stated that Serbia is willing to talk to everyone on any form of cooperation, as well as transport of people, goods, and services, but refuses to be a part of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic’s campaign. Vucic reminded that Izetbegovic once again used the opportunity to accuse Serbia od aggression and nationalism. “They attack Serbia whenever they need that. What else would they be doing? I have not noticed any nationalist or chauvinist messages that, God forbid, would come from Serbia. On the contrary, we demand that messages of peace are conveyed. Messages of an offered hand and of friendship towards Bosniaks, as well as other peoples – Serbs and Croats”, he underscored. Vucic noted: “Serbs are again being accused of being genocidal. They are calling us criminals and villains.” He concluded that all Bosniaks are welcome in Serbia. Vucic said that he does not think that persecuting Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik for his stances would resolve problems in B&H or the political situation in B&H. Commenting on the question of whether the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will dare to deal with Dodik, Vucic stated that he cannot interfere in the work of B&H institutions. Serbia will not extradite war crimes indictee Dusko Kornjaca to B&H. This was confirmed on Saturday by President Vucic. Vucic stated that Kornjaca is a Serbian national whose extradition, as he said, is requested by B&H and pro-Western opposition and that he is a respectable doctor. “I will not, and I also do not have the right. Except that I will not, I have no right under any law of the Republic of Serbia. They are doing that in order to curry favor with those who are imposing obedient and submissive behavior and to be able to say - here everyone else is different and better from the villain Vucic who protects Serb criminals. I will never protect any criminal, but I will protect the rule of law and principles,” Vucic underlined.

Selakovic in Cairo: Room for improving economic cooperation (Beta)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said at a meeting in Cairo, on Sunday, with his Egyptian counterpart Sameh Hassan Shoukry that relations between the two states were traditionally good but that there was plenty of room to advance bilateral cooperation in many areas, the ministry said in a press release. Speaking at a news conference after the meeting, Selakovic said that he and his collocutors had agreed that the traditionally good relations between Serbia and Egypt rested on solid historical foundations and had been excellent in the past, especially during the time of presidents Nasser and Tito, when then-Yugoslavia and Egypt worked together in the Non-Aligned Movement for the benefit of the entire independent and free world, the press release noted. Selakovic stressed that Serbia would again be a place where the founders and members of the Non-Aligned Movement would gather in October, adding that Belgrade would be honored to host a visit by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi.

Selakovic: Gratitude for Namibia’s support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Saturday with President of Namibia Hage Geingob and Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila about deepening bilateral cooperation between the two countries. During Selakovic’s meeting with President Geingob, it was stated that the two countries are bound by traditional friendship and mutual support, and that there is a common interest in improving economic cooperation. Selakovic also expressed gratitude for Namibia’s support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Selakovic pointed out that Serbia is interested in the comprehensive improvement of political dialogue through the exchange of high-level visits, saying that the two countries have a mutual interest in cooperating at the multilateral level. He stated that Serbian companies are ready to return to the African continent after a long time, and that the economic relations between Serbia and Namibia can be significantly improved in numerous areas, such as infrastructure, agriculture, mining and pharmaceutical industry. Selakovic informed his interlocutor about the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of the first conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade and voiced hope that the Foreign Minister of Namibia will also be Serbia’s guest on that occasion.

He and Foreign Minister of Namibia Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah signed an Agreement on the donation of Serbia to that African country, which consists of 30,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine against coronavirus. Nandi-Ndaitwah expressed the country’s great gratitude for the help in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, emphasizing that with this donation, Namibia will be a step closer to victory over the coronavirus, which can only be done with immunization of the population.

Selakovic: Gratitude to Angola for strong and consistent support to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stated on Saturday in Luanda that during the meetings with the highest officials of Angola, it was emphasized that the relations between our countries are friendly, open and sincere, and that steps should be taken to transfer the high level of political relations to the field of economic cooperation. After a meeting with Angolan President Joao Lourenco, Selakovic told reporters that there are numerous opportunities to improve economic relations between the two countries, and that a meeting of the two heads of state will be held soon, which will be a clear signal to the Serbian business community about investment opportunities in Angola. We have drafted several agreements, which should be signed at the highest level, and which will be of key importance for the improvement of economic cooperation, he said, adding that the great opportunities for economic cooperation are insufficiently used on the ground. According to him, it would be useful to hold a business forum along with the meeting of the presidents of the two countries, because it would be a great opportunity to find additional space for cooperation. Selakovic explained that one of the main reasons for his visit to Angola is the donation of Serbia in the form of 50,000 doses of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine, which once again confirmed that Serbia and Angola are friendly and fraternal countries. We are countries committed to the same values, we respect international law, we do not interfere in the affairs of other countries, and we support each other in international organizations, he stated. He said that during the meeting with the President of Angola, he expressed gratitude for the strong and consistent support of that country to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, that is, the support on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Selakovic stated that the meeting with President Lourenco was also an opportunity to make an invitation for a delegation of Angola to participate in the event marking the 60th anniversary of the Belgrade conference of the Non-Aligned Movement. In Angola, Selakovic also met with Foreign Minister Tete Antonio, as well as with Health Minister Silvia Lutucuta, with whom he signed an Agreement on the donation of Serbia of 50,000 doses of the Sputnik V vaccine.

Selakovic: African states attach significance to ties with Serbia (Tanjug/RTS)

Recapping the first day of his visit to southern Africa – on which he visited Zimbabwe and Zambia – Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Friday the way he had been received in Harare demonstrated the amount of significance African states attached to relations with Serbia. He said Zimbabwean Foreign Minister Frederick Shava’s statement about support to Serbia reflected Harare’s firm position on key Serbian national and state interests. Zimbabwe has stood by that position for over 30 years and will not change it, Selakovic said. He said his meetings in Zimbabwe and Zambia, as well as Thursday’s conversation with Kenyan Foreign Ministry official Ababu Namwamba in Nairobi, led to the conclusion that African states recognized the work of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Belgrade government and Serbia’s success at home and abroad. “Belgrade is again becoming a regional hub, not only in terms of political stability and economic activity, or because we have economic growth that will be the third highest in Europe, but also because our old, traditional friends recognize and value that and wish to return to Belgrade and open embassies there,” Selakovic said in Lusaka.

That is a new opportunity for development of political and economic cooperation, he said.

“It will also help us to strengthen multinational cooperation with those counties, boost support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, as well as provide a major opportunity to our businesses in the agriculture and pharmaceuticals sectors and the defense system,” he said.

Dacic: Afghan HPC organized meetings in Belgrade, Vucic gave green light (TV Prva/Beta/N1)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic said on Monday that the Afghanistan High Peace Council (HPC) organized three meetings within several months between the countries authorities and rebels in Belgrade and that President Aleksandar Vucic agreed it could happen. In a slightly different recollection, Dacic told TV Prva he assumde they (the rebels) were Taliban and added no one from Serbia’s authorities attended the talks. He said he asked Vucic about the then Afghanistan government’s request “to avoid a mistake” and that the President gave the green light. Dacic says it is good for Serbia to organize the meetings, adding Belgrade has diplomatic relations with Afghanistan and that they are not established with authorities but with a country.

Asked if Serbia would continue with diplomatic ties with Afghanistan, now ruled by Taliban under Sheria law, Dacic said many other states had the same law, such as Saudi Arabia, which Belgrade cooperated with.

Vulin: Serbia stopover for Afghan refugees (TV Prva/Beta)

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that not a single Afghan wanted to stay in Serbia, as to them Serbia is a stopover en route to Western Europe. Vulin said in an interview with TV Prva that Serbia was currently hosting around 5,000 people from Afghanistan, Syria and other countries. “The situation in Afghanistan will not drive hundreds or tens of thousands to Serbia. It’s a faraway country, reaching Serbia is not easy, it takes time, it’s not that simple,” he said.



Vucic’s statement that he will not extradite Kornjaca to B&H sparks reactions (O Kanal/N1)

Commenting on the statement of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who said on Saturday that he will not extradite to B&H wartime commander of Cajnice Municipality Dusko Kornjaca, who is indicted for war crimes in B&H and lives as a fugitive in Serbia, B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic stated on Sunday that no progress can be expected in this region until everyone is faced with truth and that it is necessary to stop protecting war criminals in order for that to happen. Dzaferovic commented on this issue by saying that the stance of Serbia is no surprise but the silence of the international community is surprising. Dzaferovic said: “We have been offered cooperation while at the same time, there is hiding and protection of war criminals, denial of the genocide, as well as the truth established by decisions of the International Court of Justice and by many verdicts of The Hague Tribunal. They want to build hydropower plants on the River Drina without the consent of the state, they demand exchange of territory. What is actually offered to us? Is it dialogue or maybe a call for slavery? Well, we did not accept slavery even at times when we were in a way more difficult and way worse situation and of course, we will not accept it now.” SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic also commented on Vucic’s statement and said that no one expects from Vucic to extradite Serbs, but only war criminals. Izetbegovic stated that Serbia should not be a shelter for such criminals and Vucic should not be their attorney, adding that he leads a controversial and wrong policy. “One day you will hear him giving scrupulous statements, trying to be conciliator and even to be the Balkan patron who helps and rescues everyone, but then he ruins everything with such a statement”, Izetbegovic emphasized. Commenting on this issue, leader of the NiP Elmedin Konakovic sent a message to Vucic by saying that they protected and brought murderers, rapists, war criminals into their house by their children. Konakovic ironically said: “You are building a great society and you have a bright, European future ahead of you.”

Prosecutor’s Office of B&H receives 29 reports for genocide denial so far (ATV)

The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H stated on Friday that so far it has received 29 criminal reports for violation of the amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H imposed by Valentin Inzko. "Following the decision of former High Representative (HR) in B&H Inzko on the amendment of the Criminal Code of B&H, which bans and sanctions based on the law banning denial of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has received 29 reports so far, including reports against Milorad Dodik," the Prosecutor's Office of B&H stated in a press release. The Prosecutor's Office ordered the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) of B&H to question Dodik against whom criminal reports were filed for allegedly denying genocide. Dodik confirmed in Mostar on Thursday evening that the Prosecutor's Office of B&H has summoned him for questioning. "The Prosecutor's Office of B&H asked the SIPA to question me in regards to the story about alleged denial of genocide. All the struggle here is that we do not want to have foreigners imposing laws, regardless of the content of those laws. But, it is obvious that we in B&H will never agree on that. We Serbs are not vassals and we do not want to have foreigners who will decide on this", Dodik underlined, adding that the media and the public in the FB&H have reduced everything to the story of genocide. “I do not intend to respond to the summon from them or anyone else, but I do intend to go to Sarajevo. I am eager to see how they will behave. This shows that the real goal of Inzko and others was to cause the additional divisions. We do not recognize this court or their activities. We will never recognize them and if they think they have the power to put us in prisons, let them do it immediately, there is no other way. Every citizen of the RS who is harassed because of this will be protected”, Dodik emphasized. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that it seems to him that "people in Sarajevo were ready to apply Inzko's imposed amendment after only half an hour, while many cases have been laying in drawers of the Prosecutor's Office of B&H for years." "We know the position in the RS. Certain institutions should not rush anything", Sarovic said. ATV unofficially learns that some of the eminent judges in the Court of B&H rebelled against Inzko's imposed amendment to the B&H Criminal Code. ATV stressed that those judges claim that if presentation of facts is forbidden, justice cannot be served.

Izetbegovic: It is yet to be seen whether Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will dare to go after Dodik (Hayat)

Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic commented on the insults towards Bosniaks coming from the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Izetbegovic said Bosniaks are brave and persistent people. Izetbegovic also commented on the work of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H: “We will see if they dare to go after Dodik. It all comes down to exercising their muscles on us”. Izetbegovic reminded of the numerous affairs in the RS that have not been processed. Izetbegovic visited Kljuc on Friday where a public forum was organized, dedicated to the future of B&H and Una-Sana Canton (USC). Izetbegovic also visited Sanski Most and emphasized the importance of connecting Krajina with other parts of B&H.

Joint Commission of RS parliament and RS CoP fails to harmonize stances regarding Law on Non-Implementation of Decision of High Representative and Amendments to RS Criminal Code (ATV)

A session of the Joint Commission of the RS parliament and the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) took place on Friday in an attempt to harmonize the stances regarding the Law on Non-Implementation of the Decision of the High Representative and Amendments to the RS Criminal Code. The Joint Commission failed to harmonize the stances regarding the Law on Non-Implementation of the Decision of the High Representative and Amendments to the RS Criminal Code and decisions of the early entry into force of those two laws. The abovementioned laws have been forwarded to the Constitutional Court (CC) of the RS, i.e. to the Council for Protection of Vital Interest for the purpose of making a final decision. RS CoP speaker Nada Tesanovic said that the Joint Commission failed to agree on any of the amendments. RS MP Senad Bratic stressed that there was no attempt to harmonize the stances, adding that neither of the two items on the agenda were discussed. "It was impossible to bring our stances closer together," Bratic underlined.

B&H signs joint statement of State Department calling for peace in Afghanistan (Avaz)

B&H has signed the joint statement of the State Department calling for peace in Afghanistan. The State Department stated: “Those who have power and authority in whole Afghanistan are responsible for protection of human lives and property and for urgent re-establishing of security and civil organization.” It was also stated that citizens of Afghanistan deserve to live in security and in a dignified manner.” The daily carries that the statement was signed by all countries in the region.

Sputnik learns RS was not informed that B&H has signed statement of US Department of State on Afghanistan (RTRS)

Sputnik learns that the RS was not informed that B&H has signed the statement of the US Department of State on Afghanistan and that B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic decided self-initiatively to sign this statement. According to Sputnik, the Cabinet of the Serb member of B&H Presidency has not received any information regarding this issue.

Dzaferovic: We in B&H will determine our attitude towards Afghanistan based on concrete actions (Hayat)

Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic gave an interview for Hayat. Asked to comment on the development of the situation in Afghanistan Dzaferovic said that the whole world was surprised by the situation in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of soldiers. Dzaferovic said: “I think that it would be best for Afghanistan as a state and an Afghan society to pursue an inclusive policy, which will include as wide a circle of participants as possible. The policy of exclusivity is not a good policy. We in B&H will determine our attitude towards Afghanistan on the basis of concrete actions and it will directly depend on how much human rights will be respected and above all the rights of women and children, the fight against drug use, the fight against terrorism, against corruption, etc.”. When asked whether there is fear regarding a possible new migrant wave due to the situation in Afghanistan, Dzaferovic said that whenever an issue of instability appears in the world, it is connected with the migrant crisis, and then B&H, which is part of that process. Dzaferovic pointed out: “We will protect the interests of B&H. We will protect the B&H border and deal with the migrant crisis in the way we have dealt with it so far. I would like there to be more organized state actions in the fight against illegal migration. B&H is already participating in this process in some way, thanks to activities from the state level, first of all Minister (of Security of B&H Selmo) Cikotic. This year, we have somewhat less pressure when it comes to the migrant crisis”.

Make the future safe (Fena)

In an interview for Fena, Commander of NATO HQ in Sarajevo, Brigadier General Eric Folkestad stated that B&H is and remains to be unique country with two entities and three constituent peoples. “Stories about secession not only that are not useful, but they divert attention from the real issues which need to be solved. The thing that is needed is cooperation in carrying out of necessary reforms at every level of B&H, which will make the future safer, more stable and more prosperous. NATO and member states, call on all sides to direct their efforts in this direction”, said Folkestad. Asked to comment on the fact that whilst forest fires are raging in B&H, the Presidency of B&H has not approved the use of helicopters of the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H and to comment on the claims that the AF’s helicopters are not safe to fly, Brig-Gen Folkestad said the AF has the capability. Namely, Brig-Gen Folkestad said he visited the 2nd Helicopter Squadron the other day and that as a military pilot with 25 years of experience, has can safely say that the helicopters are well maintained and that crews that fly them qualified and experienced.


Message from Cetinje protest: We have no other homeland but Montenegro and we will not allow its clericalization, fascism-orientation, assimilation and entering Serbian World (CdM)

According to unofficial data from the police, about 12,500 citizens gathered in Cetinje near the Lovcen Fairy monument, as a sign of protest against the announced enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije of the Serbian Orthodox Church, on 5 September in the Cetinje Monastery. At the protest, the Serbian Orthodox Church was told to give up the enthronement of Joanikije in Cetinje. It was also stated that “we do not have other homelands but Montenegro and we will not allow its clericalization, fascism-orientation, assimilation and entering the Serbian World.” Civic activist Predrag Vusurovic said that the gathering in front of the Lovcen Fairy in Cetinje started the fifteen Gandhi days of defending the Cetinje Monastery. The gathering passed peacefully, and after that a walk was organized. Nedjeljko Krivokapic from Cuce, who lives in Herceg Novi, also spoke at the protest. “The Prime Minister says he is a Montenegrin, but he bows to the occupying flags, kneels before the monuments to domestic traitors. We must show that we are ready to resist this puppet government with dignity and civilization. We expect the support of the international community and all countries in the region and members of NATO”, Krivokapic pointed out.

Joanikije on Cetinje protest: They renounce me, I won’t renounce them, they are my brothers (CdM)

The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije referred to the current events in Montenegro on the occasion of his scheduled enthronement in Cetinje. He said that despite the fact that the citizens who oppose his enthronement in the Cetinje Monastery renounce him, he does not renounce them. “I call on myself and all of you, Cetinje and the whole of Montenegro, to be transformed, to work for the good, so that we can welcome the good and see the good, and the good of God, which this nation has in abundance, will multiply in us. God willing”, said Joanikije. According to him, a person has the inner urge to create, but very often he/she has an inner urge to destroy, to ruin and make meaningless, to sink into meaninglessness. He emphasizes that he is ready to talk about his service.


Zaev’s government now pledges to take 650 Afghan refugees (Republika)

The Zoran Zaev government announced that the number of Afghan refugees it pledged to accept now stands at 650. The number has been growing daily, as more and more international institutions who had associates in Afghanistan are looking for countries that would receive them.

Up to this point, the government has undertaken obligations to take in about 650 citizens of Afghanistan, employees of humanitarian, democratic and peacemaking institutions, their wives and children, journalists, translators, students and citizen who supported the NATO led forces in Afghanistan – including the Macedonian army, the government said.

Jansa insists that the EU admits only a small number of Afghans who worked with the NATO mission (Republika)

Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa said that the EU must not open refugee corridors from Afghanistan or allow a repeat of the crisis of 2015/16. We won’t repeat the strategic mistake of 2015. We will only help individuals who supported the NATO mission, said Jansa, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency. It’s feared that the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban will spark a new mass movement of refugees toward the EU countries. Jansa also tweeted out a picture of armed Afghan women, arguing that the men who deserted their country and refused to fight against the Taliban do not deserve refuge in the EU.

In violation of the law, the Interior Ministry will begin issuing identity cards with the imposed name “North Macedonia” (Republika)

Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski said that the government has decided to begin printing identity cards under the imposed name “North Macedonia”, even though the law that regulates this was not adopted in the parliament. Estimated 30,000 citizens are waiting for their identity cards as issuing stopped at a critical time – ahead of the local elections in October. The government met and approved the proposal from the Interior Ministry. The printing of identity cards, under the new template, begins tomorrow, Spasovski said. As the new law imposing the name “North Macedonia” in the documents remains stuck in parliament, the government told Spasovski to adopt a by-law, which will be in violation of the current law. The violation of the law by the government opens a new cycle of uncertainty and will likely lead to a court challenge of the by-law. Zoran Zaev is under pressure from Greece to begin issuing the documents under the imposed name, but also from his Albanian coalition partners, who demand that the documents declare the ethnic identity of its carrier. Greece strongly opposes this, as the majority of the cards would be issued to ethnic Macedonians.

The Interior Ministry overruled the parliament (Republika)

The decision of the Zaev regime to order changes to the identity cards without regulating their template by law is suspending the parliament. For months the Interior Ministry stopped issuing new identity cards, presumably under pressure from Greece which wants Macedonia to use the imposed name “North Macedonia” in the documents. This left some 30,000 citizens without a crucial document needed to conduct any business. With the law stuck due to political infighting in the parliament, which Zaev was unable to overcome with his insufficient majority, the government today announced that it will begin issuing documents under the imposed name anyway. One aspect of the problem is the coming local election, and the growing fears that tens of thousands of citizens won’t be allowed to vote without documents. It is likely driving the shocking decision of the government to violate the law and order the Interior Ministry to adopt by-laws that would dictate the new template of the identity cards. But a government Ministry can’t adopt by-laws that are contrary to the law. It remains to be seen whether the new template will also be used to implement another nationalist demand – from Zaev’s Albanian coalition partners. The documents will likely begin to declare the ethnic identity of the carrier, as Albanian parties have long demanded. It’s unclear how Greece will react to this move, as, by definition, the document will also have to declare the Macedonian identity of most citizens – a move that Greece is likely to resist.


Blinken held a phone conversation with Rama (Radio Tirana)

The US Embassy in Tirana announced that the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken had a telephone conversation with the Prime Minister Edi Rama. The Albanian Secretary and Prime Minister have consulted on the offer of Albania, a NATO ally, to shelter Afghans in need. “Also, Secretary Blinken thanked Prime Minister Rama for continuing the proud tradition of Albania, in housing people in need. The Secretary and the Prime Minister reaffirmed the close partnership between the two countries,” informs the US Embassy in Tirana, based on the statement of the State Department spokesman Ned Price.

Xhaçka: Ready to receive thousands of Afghan refugees (Radio Tirana)

NATO Foreign Ministers held on Saturday a virtual meeting on the situation in Afghanistan, part of which was also our Minister of Foreign Affairs Olta Xhaçka. In a twitter post, Xhaçka writes that Albania is ready to host thousands of Afghans. "Although everyone today has in mind 1000 possible questions and discussions about what has happened and what will be the future of NATO, the main issue, in fact the only one, where we should focus today are women, children and Afghan men who risk their lives today because they worked for us. It is unacceptable that NATO member states have failed to provide shelter and a new life to the people who worked and fought for the future we promised. "If Albania did this, what country at this table could not do ?!", said Xhaçka during her speech. Xhaçka also made a reaction on Twitter where he writes that this has to do with the future of NATO. "Albania is ready to host thousands of Afghans. This is a challenge for NATO as a whole. If Albania can do that, why not the rest? We have an obligation to the people who worked and fought with us. We can and should "We are helping. This is about the future of NATO as much as it is about the humanitarian mission," Xhaçka wrote. At the end of the meeting, the Foreign Ministers of NATO countries approved a joint statement.