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Belgrade Media Report 31 August


Vucic speaks with Kofod (Tanjug/RTV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday spoke with Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod, who praised the impressive growth of the Serbian economy and noted that there were possibilities for deeper bilateral cooperation. Thanking Denmark for its continued support to Serbia in the process of EU accession talks, Vucic said he was glad that political dialogue between Serbia and Denmark was being stepped up and noted that Kofod’s visit to Belgrade was a testimony to that, the presidential press office said in a statement. He said Serbia could learn much from Denmark, especially in areas crucial for European integration, and added that rule of law reforms were being carried out in Serbia in a very serious manner. Vucic also said he hoped Serbia's good economic indicators would contribute to greater interest among Danish companies in investing in Serbia and added that their arrival would mean much for development of the entrepreneurial spirit and work ethics in Serbia. Kofod said there were major possibilities for deeper economic cooperation, as well as for stronger ties in other areas, such as culture and education. He reiterated that Denmark supported Serbia on the European path. Vucic and Kofod also discussed the situation in the Western Balkan region. Vucic noted the necessity of maintaining peace and stability, and Kofod welcomed the Open Balkans initiative as Scandinavian countries also maintain a tradition of regional cooperation. The parties also discussed current global challenges.

Denmark dedicated to European integration of Serbia (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic spoke today with his Danish counterpart Jeppe Kofod, to whom he expressed gratitude for that country’s support to the European integration of Serbia. Speaking at a joint press conference with the Danish Foreign Minister, Selakovic underlined that there is great room for the further improvement of the political and economic cooperation between the two countries. He said that a special attention was paid during the meeting to Serbia’s economic success and the reforms made and added that he informed his interlocutor about our progress in the field of the rule of law, the freedom of the media and everything that is important on our European agenda. Selakovic also briefed Kofod on the “Open Balkans” initiative, which gives the opportunity to the region to focus on the future, on what connects us – to work much more for the future of all citizens through the improvement of economic cooperation. The Minister pointed out that Denmark and Serbia are connected by over 100 years of diplomatic relations. The two ministers also discussed geopolitical issues and migration and agreed to institutionalize political consultation of the foreign ministries of Serbia and Denmark, as well as to sign a memorandum of understanding at the next meeting. Kofod said that Serbia had an excellent response to the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, and particularly commended economic results of our country. He stated that Denmark decided to provide one million doses of vaccines for the Western Balkans, especially to the countries that are less successful than Serbia. Serbia is a close partner to Denmark, I hope our partnership and relations will progress and become stronger, the Minister said and reiterated that there is great potential for the development of bilateral economic cooperation. According to Kofod, Denmark is dedicated to the European integration of Serbia and it notices a positive progress in the fields of the rule of law and the freedom of the media. A considerable advancement in the harmonization of regulations of Serbia with the EU acquis is also visible. Kofod stated that Denmark wants to continue dialogue with Serbia and voiced hope that it will soon be able to reciprocate the hospitality to his Serbian counterpart, whom he invited to visit Denmark.

Selakovic: Belgrade has chance to be center of world on 11-12 October (TV Pink)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Monday nearly all African Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) member states he had visited last week had accepted Belgrade’s invitation to attend a conference marking the 60th anniversary of the movement. Speaking to TV Pink, Selakovic said the major 11-12 October conference in Belgrade would be attended by over 35 heads of state and more than 120 Foreign Ministers. He said he was confident the conference would go ahead despite the epidemiological situation. “We have an opportunity for Belgrade to become the center of the world for the two days,” Selakovic said, adding that the anniversary conference had been Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s idea and that the organization of the event was well underway. The first NAM summit was held on 1 September 1961 in Belgrade.

Stefanovic: Defense cooperation with Russia at an all-time high (Tanjug)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic met on Monday with Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Tatyana Shevtsova, who is on her first official visit to our country.

Stefanovic expressed his gratitude to the Russian Federation for its continuous support on the issue of preserving Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and the principled non-recognition of the so-called Kosovo. Stefanovic pointed out that the cooperation in the field of defense with the Russian Federation is at its historical peak, which is shown by the “Guardian of Order” competition opened Sunday night in Kraljevo, whose organization was entrusted to Serbia for the first time this year within the “International Military Games 2021”. He assessed that the meetings at the highest level certainly contribute to maintaining a high level of our cooperation in the field of defense, whose strongest segments are military-economic and military-technical cooperation.  Shevtsova praised the cooperation in the field of defense and pointed out that it will continue to develop in the coming period, especially in the field of military technology and military education, according to a statement from the Defense Ministry.

Escobar is Biden’s new ‘special man’ for Balkans (Politika/Tanjug, by Biljana Bakovic)

US Deputy Ambassador to Serbia Gabriel Escobar told Tanjug on Monday that the appointment is official and confirmed that he will take over the duty on 7 September. Analyst Vladan Zivulovic said that attacks on social networks against Escobar are completely groundless and he noted: “Escobar is a man who has ‘a hefty’ experience with the region. He is a man who is the most deserving for the fact Dodik came to the authorities in the RS (he was working on that intensively and he told me that Dodik was practically the only solution at that moment as the only person who was not under the magnifying glass of The Hague)”. Zivulovic argued that propaganda against Escobar coming from the East was expected. Zivulovic also assessed that, although USA does not have much interest in Serbia and region, it is to be expected that its most important goal will be to neutralize influence of Russia and China in the region and he concluded by saying that this will be Escobar’s main task.



Erdogan: The condition is for Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats to unite (N1)

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday that Turkey is ready to be present as a mediator in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) if Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats want it. Asked what role Turkey will play in B&H, upon returning from visits to Montenegro and B&H, Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul that "Turkey will be present if Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats in Bosnia-Herzegovina unite and say they want to give Turkey such a task". As N1 reported, he said that the members of the B&H Presidency should decide on that. "I have already told them. If you make such a decision, we will also make our assessments. Make this decision as a troika, not waiting for instructions from somewhere. After that, I said: We will take this step," Turkish President said.

RS opposition leaders warn that any unpacking of Dayton Agreement would cause new crisis (N1/BNTV)

The leaders of the opposition parties in the RS held a meeting in Banja Luka on Monday, rejecting ideas on unpacking the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and new political negotiations in B&H. The leaders of the opposition parties in the RS strongly condemned the statement by Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik that "the DPA is dead." They pointed out that they will not agree to unpacking of the DPA and creation of 'Dayton 2', noting that this is actually Dodik's adventurism and that the RS is not ready to make such steps. The leaders of the opposition parties in the RS stressed that they gave their consent for Dodik to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the crisis that happened after the decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose a law banning the denial of genocide, but that this was not discussed. Addressing a press conference after the meeting, SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that the opposition in the RS advocates the position that the DPA is sufficient framework for the RS. "And that the DPA is not to be blamed for this situation, but individuals who are now in power and who are not implementing it (the DPA) or who are undermining it," Sarovic underlined. Sarovic stated: “Calling for the Dayton Two or unpacking this Dayton is completely unacceptable to SDS. This is where our paths diverge with the (RS) ruling parties. We will resolutely oppose such intentions and we think that this is an adventure that the RS is being led into. Dayton is sufficient for the RS. Maybe someone else needs to unpack Dayton, but the RS certainly does not need that.” DNS leader Nenad Nesic said that the opposition parties in the RS have an agreement with the ruling parties only in regard to the imposed law of Mr. Inzko. "Nothing else. And, now someone is imposing some new crisis. DNS will not take part in that new crisis," Nesic underlined. Nesic claims that the RS is afraid of Dodik's every performance to see what damage it will suffer. The initiative advocated by Dodik is dangerous for the RS, peace in BiH and stability in the region, said Nesic. Nesic stated: “This is playing with fire. We will not allow it. We do not have the intention to participate in this. We have a trio here, Covic, Dodik and Izetbegovic to whom tensions suit, the tensions that are always on the brink of a conflict, because by spreading fear, intolerance and mistrust, they rule the best in BiH. After all, our peoples want to live normally but they do not want politicians who represent those peoples”. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that "the key is how to exit the political chaos which Valentin Inzko left us." Borenovic said that Inzko did "a horribly bad thing." "He took B&H back 20 years, rewarded the ruling political structures. He gave them a big present which they are trying to preserve as long as possible," Borenovic pointed out. Borenovic pointed out that, in the shadow of the produced crises, it is planned that Serb representatives in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) will participate in the work of the B&H CoM against the conclusions of the RS parliament and approve funds for the purchase of a building for the Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA). Borenovic stated: “I urge them not to play with their heads, that this is not politically smart at all and that it is contrary to the views of the RS parliament in which we clearly said that there is no decision-making in joint B&H institutions, including the CoM, and that RS ministers must not vote for additional BAM 63 million to provide for various connections and for the ITA building”. N1 stressed that although Dodik and the opposition leaders exchanged harsh words and accusations, they confirmed that they will continue to respect the conclusions of the RS parliament related to not respecting the imposed law banning genocide denial and decisions of the High Representative, as well as that the RS representatives will continue to boycott work and decision-making in the B&H institutions.

Dodik: RS opposition leaders are making things up, no one mentioned 'Dayton 2' (RTRS)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik claims that he did not even mentioned the DPA at the press conference with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but only the position about which he spoke earlier that the DPA is "almost dead" due to the decisions of the international factor, the imposition of unconstitutional solutions and the formation of non-Dayton institutions. "I believe that it is smarter in the political sense to gather around an idea about a new offer. The RS was formed on 9 January 1992, in order to be an independent state and to be in some state form and union with Serbia. One did not think about remaining in B&H not even in 1994. But, the RS of that time agreed to include its idea about independence in the Dayton Agreement because it trusted the arrangement that was achieved. That arrangement is not the same. That arrangement was changed to the detriment of the RS and I can speak about that for days. What they read from this, I have no idea," Dodik underlined.

In a statement for RTRS, Dodik underlined that they will respect decisions of the RS parliament and will not participate in work of B&H Presidency, B&H CoM and the parliament of B&H.

Salkic: I did not expect anything new from RS opposition (Hayat)

RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic said he did not expect anything new from the RS opposition. Salkic was quoted as saying: “Their fear of unpacking Dayton is logical and rational. Everything the entity got in Dayton, with the goal of ending the war, would surely be questionable in new talks today. Today, we can see how much the entities are a brake on the development of the country and its accession, primarily to the EU and NATO.”

Izetbegovic: No new agreements on future of B&H to be reached in format Dodik demands (Nova BH)

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic reacted on Monday to Dodik’s statement, made after Friday’s meeting with Erdogan. In his reaction, Izetbegovic stated that no new agreements on the future of B&H will be reached in the format that Dodik demands. Izetbegovic noted that all agreements were made 26 years ago, in Dayton and it is necessary to respect the Dayton Agreement, the Constitution and the laws of B&H. "The future of B&H will not be negotiated, but there will be talks, but exclusively in the institutions of the state of B&H, i.e. in the Presidency and the parliament. The support of friends from the international community is welcome in these talks, but certainly not in the reduced format proposed by Milorad Dodik," Izetbegovic was quoted as saying.

Milanovic: Dodik’s initiative on involving officials of Turkey, Serbia, and Croatia in talks on B&H future well-intentioned but unrealistic (Nova BH)

Addressing media in Split on Monday, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Dodik’s statement that officials of Turkey, Serbia, and Croatia should involve in talks on the new agreement for the future of B&H. In this regard, Milanovic assessed that Dodik’s initiative is well-intention, but unrealistic. According to Milanovic, it is impossible to implement this initiative because the other two Presidency members Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic do not share Dodik’s views on the matter. The Croatian President noted that the Dayton Agreement, whose “guarantors” are Croatia and Serbia, has not failed but there is no compliance with it, either. In addition, the Croatian President said it is unacceptable that certain members of the Presidency accuse Croatia of a joint criminal enterprise (JCE). He claims that “two out of three Presidency members, namely representatives of Bosniaks and Croats, do that on a daily basis”.

Milanovic stressed that Dodik did not mean new Dayton but that in this way, Dodik is pointing to an unsustainable situation in B&H. "It (Dayton Peace Agreement) has not failed. It is not being respected. It is being violated. If it was respected, everything would be fine. How do I interpret his initiative? Well you will not believe it - as well-intentioned. I think the intentions are as follows, to stick to the Dayton (Peace Agreement) which is being violated. It is violated by certain people, certain political options. They are doing it persistently," Milanovic underlined.

Komsic: No one has ever called Croatia criminal state, no need for Milanovic to twist our words (Nova BH)

Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic reacted on Monday on the statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who told media in Split that “two out of three Presidency members, representatives of Bosniaks and Croats” accuse Croatia of a joint criminal enterprise (JCE) on a daily basis. Komsic stated that no one has ever called Croatia a criminal state. Komsic was quoted as saying: “There is no need for Milanovic to twist our words. The fact that there are rulings of international courts, which we refer to, is not a violation of the Dayton Agreement. If he really respects the Dayton Agreement, then he should stop currying favor with Dodik and the policy from Belgrade.” "We have shown our attitude towards the Republic of Croatia as a state with a clear position that B&H should not prosecute generals of the Croatian Army for legitimate liberation operations during the liberation of Croatia, which is insisted on by those whom Milanovic is sticking up for today and who come from an entity he himself called genocidal," Komsic was quoted as saying.

Cubrilovic: Conclusions of leaders of parties allow Serb representatives to vote in joint institutions of B&H if this puts in danger interests of RS (Srna/ATV)

Speaker of the RS parliament Nedeljko Cubrilovic stated for Srna on Monday that conclusions of leaders of political parties in the RS allow Serb representatives to vote in the joint institutions of B&H if this puts in danger interests of RS. Cubrilovic emphasized that conclusions that the RS parliament adopted clearly read that there are no conditions for reaching decisions of Serb representatives in the Presidency, the parliament and the CoM of B&H unless their participation is necessary in order to prevent reaching decisions against the interests of the RS. He explained that leaders of parties in the RS did not reach a conclusion that they will not attend sessions or that Serb representatives should not go to work, but a conclusion that Serb representatives in the Presidency, the parliament and the CoM of B&H will not reach decisions or vote unless this is necessary in order to prevent decisions that are contrary to the interests of the RS.


Krivokapic: I won’t go to Cetinje on 5 September, I promised EU ambassadors, ban on enthronement is the last resort (CdM)

Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic has said at a press conference on Monday that he will not attend the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije in Cetinje on 5 September. Krivokapic has added that he made that promise at a meeting with EU ambassadors when asked about it. He has emphasized that the ban on that event is the last resort if the risks pose a danger to the citizens. Krivokapic has stressed that the President and Prime Minister of the state have a relationship with all citizens.

Government's goal is crime-free Montenegro and full EU membership (

Through the activities we are continuously undertaking, especially in the field of the fight against organized crime and corruption, this government demonstrates a clear commitment to the rule of law being the foundation on which we will build our society, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said. He chaired the second session of the Rule of Law Council on Monday. The Prime Minister pointed out that the recent action of seizing drugs shows the determination of the state and the readiness of institutions, above all, the police and customs, to clean Montenegro of crime and prepare it for full membership in the EU. As he said, significant work has been done, but we must not stop there because we still have a lot of work to do on our European path. He pointed out that the working groups for Chapters 23 and 24, with the support of the Office for European Integration, are working on all obligations in the rule of law at two levels: - adoption of dynamic plans containing specific priority activities for the period until the end of 2021; - self-assessment of fulfillment of provisional benchmarks. The Council also discussed ongoing activities in the fight against organized crime. The session was attended by: Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, Minister of the Interior and Coordinator of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights Sergej Sekulovic, Chief Negotiator Zorka Kordic, Director of the Police Directorate Zoran Brdjanin, Director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption Jelena Perovic, Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic, Acting Supreme State Prosecutor Drazen Buric, Deputy President of the Judicial Council Dobrica Sljivancanin, Head of the Working Group 23 Bojan Bozovic, Head of the Working Group 24 Majda Mulic and Chairperson of the Committee on Political System, Judiciary and Administration Momo Koprivica.

Abazovic on the occasion of 30 August: Long live European, civil and ecological Montenegro (

It is exactly one year since Montenegro changed its government in a peaceful and democratic way for the first time in its history. That night, we promised that the mafia would no longer rule Montenegro, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said. He reminded that they promised that all interests of Montenegro will be protected. Today, I can proudly say that every mafia in Montenegro was attacked, Abazovic stated, recalling the action of seizing 1,400 kilograms of cocaine a few days ago. When it comes to national interests, everything we promised has been fulfilled. Montenegro has not changed its state symbols, has not changed its foreign policy course. On the contrary, it has preserved everything it has built over the years and created a good perspective for the further reform path to become even better and more dynamic, said Abazovic.

He pointed out that the government still faces numerous challenges, such as restoring trust in institutions and raising the living standards of citizens. This is a country of great opportunities that we must seize. Long live European, civil and ecological Montenegro, said Abazovic.


Zaev tells EU it has moral obligation to ensure Macedonia begins its accession talks (Republika)

In an event with European official Miroslav Lajcak, Zoran Zaev insisted that the EU has a moral obligation to allow (North) Macedonia to open its EU accession talks. I expect that the EU will find a way to unblock enlargement as a matter of strategic interest, Zaev said. Macedonia is currently blocked by Bulgaria, after the lengthy blockade from Greece and a brief French veto. With Bulgaria left without a government, the earliest Macedonia can hope to even resume talks with Bulgaria to overcome its veto is in October.

Mickoski: We will delegitimize the ruling coalition at the local elections, and will lead a new coalition in parliament (Sitel TV)

The ruling, SDSM led coalition, has serious difficulty in selecting its mayoral candidates and is evidently divided, said VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski during his Sitel TV interview. The initiative, Mickoski said, is with VMRO-DPMNE, which is now expanding its coalition with parties that represent ethnic Albanians. SDSM still can’t complete the list of its mayoral candidates, because of the division it is facing, the opposition leader said. SDSM removed a number of its current mayors and will not have them run for re-election, and several of them jumped rather than wait to be pushed, and initiated independent runs. At these elections, VMRO-DPMNE will delegitimize the ruling coalition, and we will initiate the creation of a new majority in parliament, that will begin resolving our critical problems, such as the crime, corruption and the lack of reforms, Mickoski said.


Rama interview for ANSA: We will be part of the EU at all costs (Radio Tirana)

The Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia is also blocking Albania in the process of opening negotiations with the EU. That is the statement issued by Prime Minister Edi Rama in an interview with the Italian news agency ANSA. The head of the Albanian government says that Albania should wait for Bulgaria to lift its veto on North Macedonia. Albania and North Macedonia have pursued painful reforms in recent years to move forward on the road to the EU. They both met all the criteria set by Brussels, but their path to admission is still frozen.   But despite these obstacles, the Prime Minister says that Albania will continue its efforts to join "at all costs" the EU. The head of the Albanian government also praised the support that Italy has given to Albania along the journey to the EU. "Italy has been our loyal supporter all along. First Renzi, then GentiloniConte and especially Di Maio could not engage more in reaffirming that Albania deserves the opening of negotiations. But the EU is far from a strategic move, and very often elections in one country or another are much more important than the goals for the future of the next generation of Europe," Rama stressed. However, there is no alternative to EU integration, Rama noted, assuring that the so-called "Open Balkans" initiative, pushed forward by Belgrade, Tirana and Skopje in July, does not replace the EU path. "There is not and cannot be a substitute alternative to EU integration," Rama told ANSA.