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Belgrade Media Report 17 September



Petkovic: Pristina's threats of conquering the north of Kosovo and Metohija are in vain, Belgrade will not allow that (RTS)

The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, says that it is vain for the politicians from Pristina to make any secret plans of conquering the north of Kosovo and Metohija, because such a scenario is doomed. He told Pristina that it is better to start the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, because that is the only plan that has a future when it comes to the Serbian communities in Kosovo and Metohija, it is stated in the announcement of the Office. 


"Just as no one will be able to shut down Serb communities south of the Ibar and assimilate Serbs living there. We will continue to be present wherever the Serbian people are, to invest, build and work in Serbian communities" reads the statement signed by Petar Petkovic. 


In response to, as he says, the announced provocations of Pristina that it will increase the military, security or police presence in the north of the province, Petkovic told Albanian politicians not to try to threaten, let alone implement such actions because Belgrade will not allow it. 


"Belgrade is ready to resolve all open issues with Pristina in dialogue and at the negotiating table, and instead of a constructive hand of cooperation, Albanian politicians are calling for armed conflicts and are threatening. In such an atmosphere, it is not possible to build coexistence and a basis for the normalization of relations" Petkovic concluded in his statement. 


Rakic ​​and Simic with Lajcak on the problems of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


The President and Vice President of the Serbian List, Goran Rakic and Igor Simic, conveyed dissatisfaction to Miroslav Lajcak when it comes to the implementation of the agreements reached in Brussels, especially emphasizing the agreements in the field of energy and justice, as well as the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities. "Failure to implement the Brussels agreement harms the people in Kosovo and Metohija the most, and that situation must change as soon as possible if we strive for mutual trust and reconciliation" Rakic ​​and Simic said. They expressed special dissatisfaction when it comes to the verdict against Ivan Todosijevic, which unjustifiably sentenced him to two years in prison, which violated the agreement on justice, but also the basic postulate of democracy and rule of law, which is freedom of speech, the foundation of European Union values. 

Vulin: No one minds seeing Albanian flags (Pink TV)

Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that he does not understand why no one in Montenegro or Croatia minds seeing Albanian flags and symbols during the Albanian Flag Day celebration, and how come this is a problem only when Serbs are in question. “There is holiday called the Day of the Flag celebrated by Albanians, but I didn’t hear anyone in Croatia objecting that, saying why do Albanians put their flags on display, wherever they live? I didn’t notice anyone in Montenegro minding that when it happens near Podgorica, in the town of Tuzi, but when Serbs do that, when they commemorate their flag and say: ‘We want to be united, because we are one nation’, then that seems to be a problem” Vulin told TV Pink. Commenting the commemoration of the Day of Serbian unity, freedom and national flag on Wednesday, Vulin said these attacks were aimed directly against Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic because he is the one who “unites the Serbian people” 


Vulin: Croatia’s and Montenegro’s presidents always blame Serbs (Beta)


Serbs in Croatia can be at peace; no one looks at them as the country's President Zoran Milanovic, Serbia's Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said on Thursday. “When Milanovic and (Montenegro’s President) Djukanovic meet, we know that Serbs will be guilty of something, and (Serbia’s President Aleksandar) Vucic will be under attack for anything” Vulin said in a written statement, commenting Thursday’s meeting between Milanovic and Djukanovic in Zagreb. Vulin added that „so many complexes have not been seen in one place for a long time, so they have nothing else to do but comment on the statements of Aleksandar Vucic, which he has never given. Milanovic was reported as saying he did not “invite Croats in Serbia to wave Croatian flags”, referring to the celebration of ‘Day of Serb Unity, Freedom and Flag,’ on Thursday. Vucic called on the Serbs everywhere where they lived to show unity by displaying Serbia’s flags. 


Opposition representative: Single opposition presidential candidate only realistic solution (Blic)


Together for Serbia party leader Nebojsa Zelenovic has said that due to program differences it is not realistic for the opposition in Serbia to have a single ticket for the upcoming legislative elections and elections in Belgrade but added that it was possible to agree on a joint presidential candidate. "It is achievable and necessary to reach an agreement on several things. Above all, we all have the same opponent, which is the bad government. We need to first agree not to attack each other in the opposition" Zelenovic said in an interview with the Blic newspaper. Zelenovic said that the opposition needed to agree on "a defense" of ballot boxes, assemble good voting commissions and arrange efficient logistics. "If there are no conditions for elections, we all need to rebel" Zelenovic stressed. He said that he would not run in the presidential election nor as a candidate in elections for the Belgrade Assembly, but that the Action civic platform which he initiated would support the Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own initiative in elections in the capital. 


Dveri: Passive boycott not an option (Beta)

Dveri president Bosko Obradovic has said that a passive boycott of elections is not an option, stressing that a repeat of the previous "undemocratic" elections that would "give the regime four more years of absolute power" needs to be stopped. "This means that the opposition has the choice of taking to the streets and getting freedom, justice and democracy through a struggle or participating in elections regardless of the conditions. Our chances are greater if we do one or the other together, but Dveri is ready to continue on its own" Obradovic told the Sept. 16 edition of daily Blic.


Asked by a journalist whether he pictured himself as a presidential candidate, Obradovic asked them if they could name a better opposition candidate. "I know that it is hard for our colleagues to admit this, but Dveri is a new face on the political scene, unhunted by its past and we deserve to be supported" he said. Obradovic also said that there were better presidential candidates than himself among nonpartisan figures, but asked who of them dared "face an undemocratic and criminal regime and assume the risk that the opposition has been carrying for years."


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Izetbegovic: Serbian politicians should be given time to blow off some steam; Croats have their own frustration (N1)


President of the Party of Democratic Action (SDA) Bakir Izetbegovic commented the celebration of the Day of Serbian Unity and the phrase "Serbian world". On that occasion, he said that "Serbian politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should be given time to blow off some steam after Valentin Inzko imposed a law banning genocide denial." He said that the opposition parties in Republika Srpska (RS) cannot oppose Dodik and the SNSD, which, as he says, dictates that pace. 


Not ruling out the possibility that the RS leadership, as he says, will try to "tear the state apart", Izetbegovic said that his, SDA's response to that will be "modern, European and multiethnic B&H" in which human and collective rights will be respected, as well as accession to the EU and NATO. 


"An all-Serbian project is underway, because everything that is happening in Montenegro is spilling over to B&H" says Izetbegovic and adds: "The prosecution is persecuting Bosniaks in the Federation of B&H, not dealing with Dodik. It should be forbidden to kill the country in which you were born by not working. If I was the OHR, the PIC, the Quinte countries, I would do such a thing (forbid the blockade), or retrograde policies would prevail and clash with us, the patriots, in a very ugly way." 


He pointed out that B&H will never fall apart, because, he says, those who love this country and have no alternative have a say in it. He also said that he wished for High Representative Christian Schmidt to impose the election law, but not only in the part that specifically concerns the election of Croatian representatives. Schmidt, he says, is afraid do that, because that would destroy his authority. 


Croats in B&H and official Zagreb insist on changing the Election Law in B&H so that it does not happen again that one nation has two members of the Presidency, as is the case now with Zeljko Komsic, who is officially from the ranks of the Croat people and was elected by Bosniaks . 


Croats have their frustration and they are demanding a change in the Constitution so that there is no longer a Croat member of the B&H Presidency but a Croat-member who would practically be elected by Croats – which is something the creator of the Constitution did not want. Right now, you have Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks who represent the whole country and they should depend on the will of the voters from all three peoples. They do not represent only one of these peoples, however, if Croats insist on that and there is too much frustration that will destabilize the relations in B&H, it can be met by resolving the Sejdic-Finci verdict so as to abolish the prefixes that there is a Bosniak or Croats or Serb member of the Presidency” Izetbegovic explained. 


He further states that all constituent people have the right to be represented and to protect their vital national interest, but not prevent the formation of the new government in Bosnia’s Federation entity, which was the case in the last three years. “I hope the international community would get more involved as we’ve now reached this level” Izetbegovic said, noting that his party is ready to let Bosnian Croats what they want through the solution to the Serdic-Finci verdict. 


Dodik: Money for salaries of all Serbs employed in joint institutions is prepared; If we agree with others in RS, we will go to session of B&H HoR on Monday; PIC should solve issue of Inzko’s law (RTRS)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the money is prepared for payment of salaries to all Serbs employed in the joint institutions of B&H by the end of the year. According to Dodik, the money is already prepared and there will be no problems. He also announced that next year, the money will be secured within the budget and according to estimations, BAM 21 million per month will be necessary for this purpose. Dodik stated that the dilemma is whether to immediately pay the money or through an arrangement. Dodik said that the money will be paid unless there are changes about some agreements. He stated: “The conditions are known and that is consensus of everyone in Republika Srpska (RS) about this, we will pay salaries to people who work in the joint institutions. This is probably destiny, to take over payment of our people, because they represent us there, they are not authentic persons who go there by their choice.” According to Dodik, they will just have to see how to solve this issue.  


RTRS noted that the RS should reach via consensus a decision on participation of SNSD MPs at a session of B&H House of Representatives scheduled to take place on Monday. Speaking about this issue, Dodik said: “If we agree with others from the RS, we will go. Or we will not go. If we go, we will be against everything, all items of the agenda.” The reporter reminded that in line with a conclusion of the RS National Assembly, Serb representatives in Sarajevo should not take part in decision-making processes until solving the issue of the law that the former High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko imposed. Dodik said that the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) could do this and reminded that the RS does not recognize the PIC as it does not exist in the Dayton.  


RTRS noted that Dodik sent a clear message to illegitimately elected HR Christian Schmidt by saying that he can talk to him only as a German diplomat but not as a HR bearing in mind that he was not appointed in the UNSC. Speaking about marking the day of the Serb unity, Dodik stated that the RS and Serbia sent clear messages and that is that the Serb unity does not jeopardize anyone. Dodik added that celebration of this holiday showed that Serbs have the right to defend their freedom. He stressed that the primary ethnic symbols of the Serb people will never be endangered. Dodik stressed that their freedom will always be defended and for the Serbs, freedom is the synonym for a strong state. He believes that these ideas are politically correct and thex do not endanger anyone.   


Dodik noted he would attend the next B&H Presidency session and vote against the proposed items on the agenda, that would later be referred to the RS National Assembly (RSNA) for deciding. “Under the Rules of Procedure, the Chairperson does not need to consult the remaining members, so (B&H Presidency Chairperson Zeljko) Komsic did not consult me when scheduling this one, but he needs to schedule it seven or ten days in advance, we will know that. And I will go there and will vote the same way I did the last time” said Dodik for the media.  


Dodik commented calls on Schmidt to impose a new Election Law. Dodik said that Schmidt cannot do that, and that he is not a legitimate High Representative. Dodik also underlined that the RS would never accept imposing of the Election Law. Dodik also noted that High Representative is not in charge of the EU integration process, and underlined that this process belongs to local political leaders. 


Rancic: Dodik has no legal grounds to pay salaries to Serbs employed in B&H institutions (Dnevni avaz)

Deputy Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Finance Minister Hazim Rancic told the daily that Milorad Dodik has no legal grounds to pay salaries to Serbs employed in state institutions. “Applying the provisions of the law the salary can be paid only by the employer, i.e. the company, institution, ministry, agency, institute or any other institution where the mentioned employee is working and the salary cannot be given by someone towards whom the employee has no labor-legal status” said Rancic. 


Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov says Schmidt does not have legitimacy as High Representative, Inzko’s decision on prohibition of genocide denial was wrong (Nezavisne)

Ambassador of Russia to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov reiterated the stance of Russia that Christian Schmidt does not have the necessary international legal legitimacy as the High Representative and he said that the OHR has turned into an obstacle on the path to sovereign development of B&H because of which it needs to be shut down. Speaking about the decision of former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose the prohibition of genocide denial, Kalabukhov assessed that this decision was wrong and noted that the Bonn powers represent an obsolete instrument which should not be used in a sovereign country.  


According to Kalabukhov, even the loosest and widest interpretation of the Bonn powers does not allow those to be used in order to impose measures concerning legislation. “This is a job for competent institutions of B&H and the other reason because of which it seems to me that the decision of Valentin Inzko was wrong is that it was not motivated by interests of a balanced approach but by some other interests, and I suspect some of those are some moral interests of Mr. Inzko himself” Kalabukhov argued, adding that the High Representative should reflect harmonized interests of constituent peoples and citizens of B&H. Kalabukhov claimed that the manner in which Inzko used the Bonn powers was groundless and resulted in a crisis, not only in B&H but in the entire Balkans region as well.  


Finally, Kalabukhov said that the main role of the High Representative is not to secure B&H’s journey towards European institutions, as this is the task of officials of EU delegations and competent bodies in B&H. “The main task of the High Representative is the realization of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)” Kalabukhov said and concluded that the High Representative should solve issues of establishing of trust, patience and peace in B&H, based on which citizens of B&H will define their foreign policy priorities.  


Radoncic: Schmidt is proving to be very sovereign personality, who is very well familiar with situation in B&H; I expect from him to act in this manner as well (Dnevni avaz)

Daily reported and carried excerpts of interview that SBB Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Fahrudin Radoncic gave to N1, where Radoncic addressed the current political developments in B&H. Speaking about the new High Representative Christian Schmidt, Radoncic addressed the issue that Schmidt was attacked by almost everyone upon his arrival to B&H, adding that Schmidt came here as a friend of everyone in B&H, but he was heavily attacked. He sarcastically noted that many, mainly referring to SDA and Chairman of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, hoped they will get a High Representative who will fulfill all their political wishes. “Mr. Schmidt is proving to be a very sovereign personality, who is very well familiar with situation in B&H, I expect from him to act in this manner as well” said Radoncic.  


The host mentioned Schmidt’s statement, which several media interpreted as a proof that Schmidt is taking the side of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. Radoncic stated: “If I remember it well, Mr. Schmidt stated that Mr. Komsic has not been elected by the votes of Croat people. That is a fact. Schmidt has not said anything new or unknown”.  


Asked to comment behavior of Serbia regarding the arrest of B&H citizens, Radoncic clearly said that this is unprincipled and unfair behavior and deems that someone is trying to change the character of the war in B&H. “Relations cannot be good if our citizens are literary being kidnapped. Further on, what is our intelligence service doing, not to say how many people they have, how is it possible that there is a list in Serbia with 2,500 of our patriots and our Osman Mehmedagic is more concerned about Radoncic and his own diplomas, than coming in possession of this list” said Radoncic. He stressed that everyone in the state have to do their job and in the case of Serbia Radoncic said that he is arguing the policy of reciprocity, wondering why should “we” not arrest some Serb for whom “we” know that he committed war crimes.  


Speaking about behavior of Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic, Radoncic said that Serbia is acting as a regional power, arguing that Serbia helped B&H and others in the region with the vaccines. Radoncic said that currently Serbia seems to have two parallel worlds, one where there are extremely radical Aleksandar Vulin and Milorad Dodik, who are making horrible statements against sovereignty of B&H and Bosniaks, and on the other side there is Vucic who is constantly saying that Serbia is advocating the policy of peace and friendly relations with Bosniaks. He underlined that these political games will soon end and someone’s masks will fall. 


RS is considering possibility of holding election for RSNA and RS President if 2022 General Election is not held (Nezavisne)

The upcoming 2022 General Election is increasingly getting uncertain, reports the daily, since it is now clear that the 2022 Budget or the changes to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law will probably not be adopted. According to the daily, there is a lot of unofficial talk in Republika Srpska (RS) about the possibility to hold elections only for the RS territory and elect members of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) and RS President.  


Member of the RS Election Commission Aleksandar Radeta told the daily that the RS Election Law allows this possibility. He explained that, in line with B&H Election Law, B&H Central Election Commission (B&H CEC) is responsible for elections for state level only. Radeta explained that competences and jurisdiction of the B&H CEC were expanded by decisions of High Representatives. Although the RS has the legal possibility to hold the election on its own, there are some technical issues such as the fact that the voter list would have to be provided by the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange (IDDEEA) which is a state institution.  


The daily reminds that the possibility of election not being held was mentioned also by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic who said that without changes to B&H Election Law securing legitimate representation of peoples and implementation of court rulings on electoral legislation it will not be possible to hold the election.  


Former High Representative Wolfgang Petritsch also recently stated that if the 2022 election fails because of boycott by Serbs and Croats, it will practically mean the end of B&H.  


Commenting Petritsch’s statement, B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik said that Petritsch too violated the Dayton Peace Agreement, and underlined that the RS will not accept possible imposing of new Election Law by OHR. Dodik also said that B&H failed as soon as the Dayton Agreement was signed, and it is now only the question of when this fact is going to be announced.  


On the other hand, Bosniak politicians believe that there is no reason not to hold the election next year. SDA’s Alma Colo believes that CEC should call the election as stipulated by law, 150 days before the election day. According to her, announcing a boycott already would represent an unacceptable ultimatum. Colo reminded that B&H is signatory to the European Convention on Human Rights and it has the obligation to hold elections in regular intervals. 


EU is aware of importance of electoral changes, next three months are crucial for political stability of B&H (Vecernji list)

The daily comments that the ongoing international diplomatic efforts in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) to bring legitimate representatives of constituent peoples to the negotiating table shows that there is a great awareness in the international community about the need to solve the problem of electoral legislation.  


The daily notes that Croats, as a constituent people, have been suffering sidelining by Bosniak political elites which use electoral engineering to elect Croat representatives in B&H Presidency and Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples. According to the daily, the international community is determined to end this practice, which can only be achieved by implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court rulings on constituent status and representation. The daily notes that the international community played a key role in the historical Mostar Agreement, and the negotiating positions for upcoming talks on Election Law should be based on this agreement.  


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic recently stated that the Mostar Agreement not only created the basis for election in Mostar, but also set the foundation for the joint responsibility for changes to B&H Election Law. The daily notes that the EU played an important role in the attempts to solve the Croat issue in the past too, especially in 2013 and 2014 during the tenure of former European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Stefan Fuele. The EC Opinion on B&H’s EU membership application also mentions the need to amend electoral legislation. “All these facts clearly show that the EU wants to solve the issue of inter-ethnic relations through changes to B&H Election Law”, the daily underlines and notes that the upcoming three months will be crucial for stabilization of the political situation, which will allow B&H to enter the electoral year without tensions and resolved electoral issues.  


The daily concludes that the Croat parties have been constructive and that they have a proposal for a solution which implements all court rulings and allows legitimate representation. 




Croatian President expresses support to modern, civic and open Montenegro (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday received his Montenegrin counterpart Milo Djukanovic, and after the meeting Milanovic told the press that he supported "the modern, civic and open Montenegro." 


Commenting on the rising political and ethnic tensions triggered off by the recent inauguration of a Serbian Orthodox Church bishop in the Montenegrin city of Cetinje, Milanovic said that the Montenegrin head of state  as expected to pay a reciprocal visit to Zagreb anyway, however “the latest developments in Montenegro have accelerated it to happen.” 


Djukanovic’s visit ensued the day after the opposition parties, led by Djukanovic’s Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) demanded that a transitional government should be set up which would be tasked with calling early parliamentary elections. Those Opposition parties brand the cabinet led by Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic marionettes who promote anti-Montenegro interests.  They also describe the recent enthronement of Serb orthodox bishop Joanikije as “a Great Serbian offensive”. 


Milanovic told the press conference in Zagreb that Djukanovic’s visit was an opportunity to extend support to “the modern, civic and open Montenegro”. He went on to say that Croatia’s relations with Montenegro are good and commented that the relations had oscillations, however all that has been settled. Milanovic went on to say that Montenegro, Albania and North Macedonia deserved a preferential treatment on their journey towards the European Union. My duty is to attract the attention of those in EU who cannot see that to this fact, he added. 


The Montenegrin president arrived in Zagreb on his first official visit abroad since the situation in his country has worsened with the 5 September enthronement of Joanikije in Cetinje. Montenegrins perceive the ceremony held in the Montenegrin historical capital city as yet another attempt of Great Serbia advocates to exert their influence in Montenegro and negate the Montenegrin identity. The current PM Krivokapic is believed to have risen to prominence during a series of protests in reaction to a law on religion in late 2019. Those protests were led by senior members of the Serbian Orthodox Church. 


The original law proposed by Djukanovic’s DPS passed in late December 2019 — dubbed the ‘Law on Religious Freedoms’ — pledged to return all property granted to the Serb Orthodox Church after 1918, unless they had proof of ownership prior to that year. However, in the last elections, Krivokapic, supported by the Serbian Orthodox Church, managed to defeat Djukanovic’s party that was in power for 30 years. 


Djukanovic: Our Govt. servile to Belgrade; Milanovic: I see Montenegro in the West, we have been fighting against Serbian nationalism for decades (HRT)


During the meeting in Zagreb, the presidents of Montenegro and Croatia, Milo Djukanovic and Zoran Milanovic, respectively, said that stability in the region is not possible without a European future. Djukanovic said at the press conference that the current Government of Montenegro is servile to Belgrade, and Milanovic pointed out that Croatia has been fighting against Serbian nationalism for decades. “The invitation to President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has followed those strange and awkward events in Cetinje in recent days” said Milanovic. He added that his wish, and he believes the wish of the entire Croatian government, is to support modern, civil and open Montenegro. “Montenegro restored its independence and some see it as a disaster, and that’s the problem” he stressed. 


When asked by journalists whether today’s meeting has sent a message to Belgrade and the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic, Milanovic said – “It certainly has”. According to him, all his political life he has been fighting against Serbian influence – “we have been eradicating anti-Serbism for 20 years now” Milanovic pointed out. “And now someone tells me that anti-Serbism is coming from Cetinje. Absolutely not. I do not call on Croats in Serbia to fly Croatian flags because it is unhealthy, it is not done. One of the roots of Serbo-Croatian misunderstandings is the hoisting of Belgrade flags. That’s where the problems started – provocative behavior in environments where Serbs are a minority. It was not the goal for the Serbs to reconcile, because that was not the goal of Belgrade. We all know what happened after that”, Milanovic said. 


Commenting on the current situation in Montenegro, President Djukanovic pointed out that not every change is for the better, and that “we have a government that is servile to Belgrade”. 


“Divisions in Montenegro exist, and they are not something we are proud of and we will have to work for a long time to eradicate them” Djukanovic stressed, noting that everyone must make sure that Montenegro gets a government that protects national interests because it does not have it right now. “We are affected by the deficit of attention from some of the most important European political institutions. There can be no vacuum in the Western Balkans and elsewhere”, he said, warning that “geopolitical interests of platforms that are opposed to the European platform in terms of values are emerging in such an area”. He particularly emphasized Russia. 


“Thanks to the continuity of European policy, Montenegro has support for its civic and secular identity. However, it is now attacked by the government’s servility towards the centers of great-power nationalism in Belgrade. This must become clear to the international public. It is crucial that the awareness matures, that we need a Government that protects EU interests”, said President Djukanovic, adding that instead of protecting the Old Royal Capital and its residents, the Government opted for another choice. According to him, it is up to him to warn of a dangerous coincidence with the events of the 1990s. “I hope that we will not end like this this time”, said Djukanovic, stressing that the Serbian Orthodox Church is the striker of Greater Serbian nationalism. He announced the forthcoming holding of an economic forum between the two countries and the continuation of cooperation in the fields of defense and health. 


Croatian President: I doubt Serbia sincerely wishes to join EU (Hina)


Addressing a news conference in Zagreb on Thursday after talks with visiting Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic, President Zoran Milanovic said he doubted Serbia was sincere about its wish to join the European Union. “I really have suspicions about the real goals of Belgrade’s policy when it comes to EU membership,” Milanovic said in a comment on the Serbian leadership’s attitude, calling the country’s EU membership bid “Belgrade’s mock, quasi-goal.” 


The Croatian president said that the journey to EU membership was “very difficult” because of “the new rules of the game” requiring “true democracy” in which there is no “cheating or private media outlets serving the authorities.” 


Commenting on outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s recent visit to Serbia, Milanovic said that “something must be wrong with you if you get visited too often.” “(Slobodan) Milosevic used to be visited, too, and he was a great partner. And then they stopped visiting him” Milanovic said, noting that one should not draw any conclusions about the West’s potential preference for Belgrade from Merkel’s visit. 




Djukanovic: Greater Serbia nationalism is attacking Montenegro, Serbia and SPC used the Govt (RTCG)


Speaking in a TV show on the public broadcaster TVCG, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djuaknovic, has said that the recent events in Cetinje represent the continuation of the Greater Serbia aspirations to Montenegro. Following the parliamentary election, the opposition along with civic activists, he says, defended the Montenegrin national interests, noting that he expects the change of the government soon. 

“It seems to me that we’re always on the wrong track whenever we define it as a church issue. I see this as a state-political problem. I see this as one in a series of episodes of the renewed offensive of Greater Serbia nationalism on Montenegro” Djukanovic points out. 


According to the President, this project has lasted since the middle of the 19th century. In some Western circles, clashes between church and state are always perceived as the violation of religious rights and freedoms. “This is not about it. The Serbian Orthodox Church, SPC, is the only remaining cross-border tool of Greater Serbia nationalism” President Djukanovic says. He accuses the government of succumbing to pressures of Serbia when it comes to the Cetinje conflict. 


On his collaboration with Slobodan Milosevic, he says it’s a mere manipulation of those who have been struggling to undermine the political achievements of the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS. “When it comes to my close cooperation with Slobodan Milosevic, I’d like to say we were not so close at all. We were contemporaries. So, he was Serbia’s president, then Yugoslavia’s, and I was Montenegro’s prime minister and that’s all about it. No political love.” 


The President also points out that the Montenegrin Church has lost legitimacy under very specific circumstances. “By the decision of an illegitimate, in that time, illegitimate Holy Synod of the CPC, at the session attended by only two members of a total of seven and it lost it with a political justification…” 


On the statement that not all citizens think he’s been the president of all citizens, Djukanovic underlines that the citizens have been manipulated by the leaders of the Serbian parties who try to find a job by defending what hasn’t been threatened, that is, they defend the non-violated rights of the Serbian people in Montenegro and take credits for it in Belgrade. 


Veljovic shouldn’t have been in front of the police cordon, he tried to calm tensions. “If you ask me if I think that Veselin Veljovic should have been someone who was trying to break the cordon, I would say no. For two reasons. First of all, until recently, he was boss to those same people, and now, he performs the tasks of the president’s security adviser. On the other hand, I understand a patriot who was in a specific circumstance, who comes and talks to his former employees, and according to his statement, which I have no reason not to believe having in mind our previous experience, and by looking at that picture, I don’t see a conflict there. And people who were standing in that cordon didn’t confirm it either.” 


Valuable church property is about to be confiscated 


On the government’s order sent to the Land Registration Authority for making a correction regarding the registration of the Cetinje monastery, that is, tranferring the property right from the Old Royal Capital to the state of Montenegro, the President notes: “It’s about an attempt of confiscating a valuable church property of Montenegro as a state and thus endangering and depersonalizing the Montenegrin national, cultural and religious identity. They’re trying to do it in a brutally unlawful manner”. It’s absolute lawlessness, he adds, “which absolutely takes those who did it to trial – bright as day”. I’m not in communication with Metropolitan Joanikije, and I haven’t even tried to establish it. The President commented on relations with the late Metropolitan Amfilohije and the current one, Joanikije. 


“As for the relations with Metropolitan Amfilohije – and I had them – they were relations of two people who differed on key issues, i.e. on the status of the state, on the strategic direction of the state’s development, on the Montenegrin identity, and the position of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro. But we were in communication and had successful and less successful phases. Of course, I don’t forget that Metropolitan Amfilohije had a constructive role despite his intimate feelings, when there was a vote on Montenegro’s independence, that he had a constructive authoritative role, when he immediately afterwards provided a certain degree of autonomy to SPC eparchies in Montenegro. Unfortunately, that lasted as long as it lasted, I warned him about it and said that all that must be institutionalized. As you could see, less than a month or two later, the title of Archbishop of Cetinje was abolished, the Episcopal Council of Montenegro was abolished, and the name of the Orthodox Church in Montenegro was abolished. I’m sorry, we can spend a lot of time talking about this. When it comes to Metropolitan Joanikije, I’m not in communication with him. I didn’t show the initiative to establish it” President Djukanovic points out. However, if Metropolitan Joanikije offers it, he’ll accept it. 


The request to register the Cetinje Monastery in the MCP was rejected (RTCG)

Request of the Metropolitanate (MCP) to wipe off Cetinje from the list of real estate as the holder of property rights over Cetinje Monastery was rejected. The decision of the Cetinje regional unit of the Cadastre and State Property Administration, which was inspected by the Mina agency, rejects as unfounded the request for "correction of the wrongly registered property right" over several real estates and orders that the Cetinje monastery be registered as the owner of those real estates or MCP, RTCG reports. The extensive explanation, as RTCG reports, states, among other things, that it has been determined that the submitted evidence, in a specific legal matter, does not represent a valid legal basis for correction of the registered property right, registration or change of registration on the real estate in question. 


On Monday, the Government of Montenegro ordered the Administration for Cadastre and State Property to, without delay, register the state as the owner in the list of real estate for the Cetinje Monastery, instead of Cetinje. 


"The Cadastre and State Property Administration is ordered to immediately and without delay correct the registered property right holder in a way that, instead of the Capital City of Cetinje, as the property right holder..., will return the registration to the State of Montenegro," the conclusion which the government adopted on Wednesday said. 


The conclusion was adopted without holding a session, based on the obtained consent of the majority of members. The Government also ordered the Administration for Cadastre and State Property to enter the note prohibiting alienation and encumbrance in the list of real estate without delay, until the end of the procedure for changing the registration. 


The government made that decision the day before the session of the Assembly of Cetinje, on whose agenda was the initiative of the citizens for the return of the Cetinje Monastery to the Montenegrin Orthodox Church. 


Krivokapic: I will consider all initiatives for improving work of Govt. backed by at least 41 MPs (CDM)


The government remains committed to the agreement signed by the three coalition leaders after 30 August, but also to the fight against organized crime and corruption, and the rule of law, which implies urgent and immediate changes in the judiciary and Prosecutor’s Office, PM Zdravko Krivokapic has tweeted. He states that he will very carefully consider all new initiatives and proposals for improving the work of the Government, which have come and will come from the parliamentary majority MPs, and behind which there are at least 41 MPs. 


North Macedonia 


Kosovo and North Macedonia sign 11 cooperation agreements (Libertas)

The governments of Northern Macedonia and Kosovo, on Thursday, in Skopje, within the joint session, signed 11 cooperation agreements. The agreements deal with various areas of cooperation. Both countries signed: Agreement on feasibility study for Prizren-Tetovo road, agreements on cooperation in the field of diaspora, border regulation of railway traffic, cooperation in the sectors of energy, tourism, control of strategic goods, innovation, technological development and entrepreneurship, and in local government. 


This is the first joint meeting between the governments of the two countries, which, as stated by the government in Skopje, "confirms the excellent friendly relations between Northern Macedonia and Kosovo in terms of deepening cooperation in the campaign of mutual interest between the two countries and exchange of experiences for more intensive cooperation in the region. 


The Kosovo government delegation led by Prime Minister Albin Kurti in Skopje was received with high state honors. 



Peleshi reveals details from the visit to be paid in the USA with PM Rama (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, spoke from the rostrum of the Assembly on the growing cooperation with the US regarding security in the country. Peleshi stated that the cooperation with the USA has had its impact on all sectors with cooperation projects, support, equipment, education, training, and even joint exercises, such as "Defender 21". According to him, the good news is that Albania is well on its way to being the host country in other exercises as well. 


"I'm proud and I say with all my heart that cooperation with American equipment is present in our armed forces, such as radio communications, drones. Continuing with the naval force, we aim to create the cybernetic center. We will hear the latter more and more in the field of security. We still have a lot of work to do. 


The Ministry of Defense has passed to another phase of cooperation with the US, where we are already talking about joint projects with our strategic partner. The case of buying black hawk helicopters is one such example. We want to extend the cooperation in the field of procurement, using special structures and agencies. I would also like to dwell on the excellent cooperation with the state of New Jersey. 


The cooperation will continue in the fire services, for the exchange of universities, assistance for the military medical service, the fight against trafficking, etc. Finally, during the August fires we had US support with a group of experts, which helped us to be more efficient. In December of this year we have a very important event, we have the US-Albania consultative meeting, where we will have the opportunity to strengthen cooperation. 


We have the ambition to turn the Academy of the Armed Forces into an institution that prepares leaders in society. That student community, which just started last year, is a model that we need to bring closer to the general public to serve as an example of discipline, education and work. 


Every student who studies at the Armed Forces Academy not only does not pay, but we provide fees to be dignified. The ambition for the restructuring of our academy is not simply remodeling according to a champion model, but also regionalization. We want the courses to be taught in English, in order to serve further than our country" said Peleshi. 


U.S. Ambassador: Berisha designation on corruption was the result of a very long and thorough process (Tirana Times


The U.S. State Department’s process for designating for significant corruption of important individuals like Albania’s former prime minister and president, Sali Berisha, is very long and thorough, U.S. Ambassador Yuri Kim said Thursday, adding that by the time a decision comes before the U.S. Secretary of State to sign, it has been through multiple layers of review. She added that those who say they are surprised by Berisha’s ban from the United States are probably not being very sincere. 


Ambassador Kim made the comments in a lengthy interview with the Voice of America’s Albanian Service. Below is the full text of the interview in English as provided by the U.S. Embassy’s website. 


VOA: Ambassador Kim, I’d like to thank you for this opportunity. In recent days, developments in the DP have been at the center of attention after Mr. Basha’s decision to leave former PM Sali Berisha out of the parliamentary group. It’s a decision you applauded. However, Mr. Basha has said that he was forced to undertake such a step, indicating a non-negotiable request by Americans. However, there was no shortage of voices that don’t view it as normal that a political party is forced to keep this or that representative. What would happen if Mr. Basha did not undertake such an act? 


Ambassador Kim: Look, I think this is a free country. It’s a NATO ally. And leaders have to take responsibility for their decisions. As far as the United States is concerned, our position has been very clear right from the start with regard to designees. And, I have nothing further to say on that issue. 


VOA: Mr. Berisha has always insisted on the fact that there is no evidence for him, that the decision was taken based on information from NGOs sponsored by Soros, and that, in his view, even Mr. Basha asked for evidence. Did you give Mr. Basha information, aside from the public statement by Secretary Blinken


Ambassador Kim: I would say that these conspiracy theories are inappropriate for a NATO ally and an EU aspirant. The days of conspiracies have to belong to the past. Now, it’s about facts. And I will tell you that the process for designating individuals, especially important individuals, is a very long and thorough process. And, by the time a decision comes before the Secretary of State, for the Secretary of State to sign, it’s been through many many layers of review. I think it is fair to say that in most cases, in all cases, I’m not talking about just Albania, I’m talking about around the world, by the time someone is designated by the Secretary of State for significant corruption, it’s usually quite obvious. And I think that those who say they are surprised are probably not being very sincere. 


VOA: Did Mr. Basha ask for information? 


Ambassador Kim: He has asked publicly. We have heard him. We have seen the statements by others as well. There’s a process for these designations when it comes to the U.S. Government. 


VOA: Why was the decision on Mr. Berisha taken now given that he has not been in power for 8 years? 


Ambassador Kim: It takes a long time for these processes to be completed. Again, I just want to clarify that this is not part of some crazy conspiracy aimed at domestic politics here. That’s not what Washington is concerned about. 


VOA: USG sanctions toward senior officials or past officials have been chosen as an instrument for fighting corruption in a given country. However, is the efficiency of such a measure undermined if domestic law authorities do not follow up or accompany it with investigations? 


Ambassador Kim: So whether it’s in Albania or around the world, as I said earlier, by the time these decisions are certified by the Secretary of State and announced by the Secretary of State, they’re quite obvious and it would be appropriate for national authorities to take a look at measures. 


VOA: Let’s look at the other camp. The composition of the new cabinet is now public. What do you expect from the new Albanian government although we have the same PM and only a few different names? 


Ambassador Kim: I think the fact that Prime Minister Rama has won an unprecedented third term puts a tremendous responsibility on him and his team to earn, to demonstrate that they have earned the confidence of the Albanian people. I think business as usual, performing at an average standard is not sufficient. I think there are historic opportunities that are in front of Mr. Rama and the rest of the cabinet, whether it’s justice reform and consolidating the institutions of democracy; whether it is increasing and deepening relations on the defense front with the United States; and whether it is cleaning up the courts and clarifying property rights so that investment can start to ramp up here in Albania in way that is much more normal. 


VOA: One of the three priorities of your mission in Albania is business, the creation of a favorable climate for American investment. As two major companies are getting ready to enter the energy market, the confidence of those doing business in Albania has been declining.  The latest survey of AmCham indicates a drop to the level of 2012. They talk about problems with taxes, monopolies, a presence of what is known as oligarchy. So, referring to the feeling of entrepreneurs of the American Chamber, the situation seems worse. What is your comment? 


Ambassador Kim: I think that you have to take a look at actual data on investment rates, but the sentiments that are being expressed by the American Chamber of Commerce and other investors is worth listening to. I think it’s a good thing that the Prime Minister has established a forum where the various chambers of commerce, not just American, but Italian, German, I think a number of others are coming together to share their ideas and, in fact, in some cases present their requests. This is a good thing to happen, but more broadly, I think what these reports are reflecting is the evidence that corruption kills investment. It kills hope. So, you have to fix corruption. It’s not a moral issue. It’s not just a moral issue. It’s a business issue. It’s a prosperity issue. It’s a security issue. So, courts have to be clean. Prosecutors and judges have to be vetted. Rules have to be clear and processes have to be timely and they have to be effective and, at the end of the day, I think the onus is on the government to demonstrate and to actually take steps that clear up corruption, that ensure that justice reform is being implemented quickly, that they make clear what the rules and procedures are, and again, as I said at the beginning, property rights goes to the core of this. So, that’s the big area where the new government, which is the old government, can make a huge historic difference. 


VOA: Ms. Kim, how do you respond to criticism that you’re closer to the government? 


Ambassador Kim: This is an accusation that is faced by American diplomats around the world and diplomats in general. I hope people understand that as diplomats, you know, I’m sent here by the American President to represent our interests to the Albanian Government. So, there’s a reason that when an ambassador comes, he or she goes to the head of state and presents these credentials. So, my first job, my first priority is to ensure that our governments have a good working relationship. But beyond that, diplomacy is about more than just government to government, it also involves people to people, and it involves businesses as well. And so that’s why you see me and other diplomats traveling around the country, because we have business here in Tirana with government officials, but we have much more business – and when I say business, I’m talking about relationships – with the rest of Albania. That’s why I meet so frequently with members of the opposition, whether it’s Mr. Basha or any number of people. And I intend to continue to travel around Albania because I want to meet real people. I want to know what they’re thinking about. I want to be able to explain the U.S. position to them in person. And if they don’t agree with something that I’m saying, I want to hear what their question is, and I want the opportunity to respond directly to that. So far, I’ve had some very insightful and enlightening conversations. You know, I was just in Dibra some weeks ago when I was climbing Mount Korabi and while I was there, I met with a lot of people in the main boulevard. I like to kind of walk around and have real conversations because I’m also very aware that when I’m here in Tirana, I have a very full schedule and everybody that I talk to is probably somebody that we have had conversations with, and they know how to do these conversations. They’re very I don’t want to say staged, but there’s a pattern to them. I love going outside Tirana because there are cases where somebody has never met an American diplomat before and they have thoughts, they have a life experience, so when I walk around Tirana, I know that this is not all of Albania, that there’s so much more that’s out there. I love going to the mountains. And I’ve said to people before, you know my family in Korea is from the deepest, coldest mountains in the Korean Peninsula and, I don’t know if it’s because of that, but I feel at home here, in the mountains. The same time, I grew up in a tropical island so when I go down south, in Himara or Saranda, I feel very comfortable there as well. But these conversations are truly inspiring and they’re highly informative because they’re not using talking points. And when I’m talking to them, I’m not using talking points either, so I really appreciate that opportunity and I hope to continue it. 


VOA: Justice reform has been the leading word of your activity in Albania. In the middle of next year, the mandate of the international monitoring operation will expire. It is a mechanism that has served to give confidence to the vetting process and has led to overturning a considerable number of IQC decisions. The mandate of that mission is a transitory provision in the Albanian Constitution. Would you be in favor of extending that mandate, considering that about half of judges and prosecutors have not yet been subjected to vetting? 


Ambassador Kim: Vetting remains the foundation for justice reform in Albania and earlier this week, after a few meetings in virtual format, I finally had the opportunity to visit with the IQC in person and we agreed that the work of the IQC is important, that they’ve improved their performance over time, that they were successful in setting some very ambitious goals for numbers in these last few months and they’ve met these targets. There are still a lot of judges and prosecutors that still need to be vetted and so we are taking a look at all the various options, including the one that you mentioned, but I don’t have anything to announce. 


VOA: Last week, you met with the SPAK chief and said that you had underscored the U.S. expectations that SPAK will prosecute corruption and organized crime – no matter how powerful or rich, no matter from which party. Are your expectations even higher now that the NBI is up and running alongside SPAK? 


Ambassador Kim: I don’t think it’s my expectations that count. U.S. investment counts, of course, and the fact that we continue to invest in SPAK and NBI is an indication of what we hope to get back. But the expectations that really matter are those of the Albanian people. If we think about where we were a year ago, people used to make fun of SPAK, you know, I saw all the jokes and cartoons about SKAP. Now, a year later, as SPAK has shown results, people’s perceptions have changed and everyone is now saying, if something is wrong, I’m going to report you to SPAK, which to me indicates that they believe that SPAK is effective. And in fact, the data shows that they are. I was astounded when I asked for some information and I learned, for example, that since SPAK was established in 2019, until the last day of August 2021, they have confiscated over 70 million euro in assets from people who have been convicted, and the courts have confirmed that, and those assets have been transferred over to the state, as they should be. 70 million euro in a year and a half. Compare that, guess, guess how much was confiscated for the period 2011 to 2019 – 20 million euro. I think that tells you a lot. I’ll also tell you that in the year that SPAK has been operational, they have looked at 7-800 cases and they’ve processed those cases; there have been about 250 individuals convicted, and when you look at the rate of conviction, it’s pretty impressive: 90% of the cases that SPAK pursues result in conviction, that’s pretty good. And my expectation is that with the NBI now having hired half of the 60 investigators that they were looking for, that SPAK’s capabilities will increase further. And, I always say about justice reform – it’s not easy, quick, or perfect, but we are definitely seeing results and I think normal people are seeing results. I think there is more to come. 


VOA: What concrete assistance is the NBI getting from the U.S.? 


Ambassador Kim: So far, we have contributed more than 4 million dollars in training and equipment. The biggest support of course is expertise and there are at least 2 or 3 former FBI agents, real experts who have practical experience and expertise, who are here and affiliated with the Embassy and are assisting the new NBI investigators, so that they can develop the same skills, so they can be aggressive, and that they are able to perform their function.