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Belgrade Media Report 21 September


Vucic: I rejected the document (Tanjug/B92)

The session of the National Security Council, which discussed the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija, ended. Addressing the public, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who chaired that session, said that he received a proposal for resolving the situation at the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings yesterday, but that he rejected that proposal, for which he received the consent of the National Security Council. At the beginning of his address to the public, he said that they analyzed at the session the situation in the Serbian Army, as well as in the Serbian Interior Ministry, armament of the army, as well as the police, which had also been discussed before.

Also, said Vucic, we discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija “especially after the criminal action of Pristina and the sixth incursion into the north of Kosovo and Metohija, with the use of armored vehicles, long pipes and harassment of citizens”. “We have reached conclusions, Serbia will continue to insist on preserving peace and full security for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Statements in which they equate us and say that both countries are to be blamed are inappropriate,” he said. “I must admit that I am satisfied with the state of combat readiness, as well as the morale and motivation of the people to improve our capacities, but also with everything that awaits us, which is the armament of our army and police, which was agreed upon earlier. We discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, especially after the regime’s criminal action from Pristina. I received a proposal yesterday and this morning as a compromise solution, but I rejected it. I am fed up with the policy of the finished act,” Vucic said. The session was attended by Ministers Nebojsa Stefanovic, Aleksandar Vulin, as well as the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army Milan Mojsilovic and the Director of the Security Intelligence Agency (BIA) Bratislav Gasic. At the session, as the President said yesterday, the current situation will be considered and the measures that Serbia would take, and which he said will be economic and political, but above all economic, will be agreed upon. He also called on the international community to reason with Pristina so that Serbia would not have to implement any measures. Vucic told the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija, especially those in the north of the southern province, not to fall prey to Pristina’s provocations.


Vucic: We will give EU a month to say whether Brussels deal exists

Vucic said that Serbia would give the EU a month to respond to the question of whether the Brussels agreement between Belgrade and Pristina existed or not. “We will request an urgent response from EU representatives as to whether the Brussels agreement exists and when a Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) will be formed, and we will be requesting an answer for a month. Their silence will be a sign that the Brussels agreement does not exist and that they do not want the ZSO to be formed,” Vucic told a press conference after a session of the National Security Council. Presenting the conclusions of the Council, Vucic said this was one of Serbia’s conditions for continuing the dialogue with Pristina. He said that forming the ZSO was, in fact, the essence of the Brussels deal. Vucic also said one of the conditions for continuing the dialogue would be a full withdrawal of Pristina’s troops from the north of Kosovo and Metohija.

“We want a return to the previous state of affairs, and then we will go to Brussels,” Vucic said.

He said Serbia was calling on the EU, the UK and the US to get Pristina to annul an illegal conviction of Kosovo Serb Ivan Todosijevic. “We see that (the conviction) as the next potential reason for a major crisis, perhaps the biggest to date,” Vucic said. He said the conviction was a direct breach of the Brussels agreement as the chamber of judges responsible for the ruling should have been comprised of two Serbs and one ethnic Albanian. But such a chamber has never been formed, he noted. “Pristina must annul that ruling, otherwise our understanding that it has support for forcing Serbs and Serb families to move away is correct, and we will react in a different manner accordingly,” he said. Vucic said Serbia was also demanding that two Serbian companies be licensed as electricity suppliers in northern Kosovo and Metohija, and noted that Serbia would find ways to help its people during the crisis there and provide them with access to basic food products needed for normal life.

Vucic: Situation in Kosovo and Metohija very serious, grave (Tanjug/RTS/B92)

In the wake of a decision by the provisional Pristina authorities to start seizing Serbian vehicle registration plates and deploy special police units at administrative crossings in northern Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday this was one of the toughest days for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and noted that the situation was very serious and grave.

“When you are dealing with people who are not responsible and whose only goal is to expand their power and authority, rather than do something good for the citizens, you can hardly get to rational solutions,” Vucic said at an urgent press conference. He said that, as early as Sunday evening, Belgrade had been aware of Pristina’s plans to deploy special police units in northern Kosovo and Metohija. He said the units had crossed into northern Kosovo and Metohija shortly after 6 am on Monday, and noted that this was the sixth such case. “It was the most brutal raid, with around 350 people, many long-barreled weapons, over 20 armored vehicles, snipers deployed in many locations to cover the homes of young Serbs who would resist the terror by the Pristina authorities,” Vucic said. He said Pristina had mounted the raid unilaterally, without any agreement with anyone, except maybe its mentors. Vucic said Serbian registration plates issued in Kosovo and Metohija and Pristina’s KS registration plates were no longer the only problem because Serbian plates issued in central Serbia had been seized as well. To give an example, Vucic said the registration plates of an ambulance from Vranje, south of central Serbia, had also been taken off the vehicle and seized. He added that the practice was not stipulated in any document. “And those are the license plates of a sovereign state,” the President said. “Pristina said at the last dialogue that it would not talk about anything but the missing persons, and when the issue came up, they said that they would not talk while Veljko Odalovic was the head of the Commission. They asked us for 22 locations, we investigated 22. And they did not investigate 9 out of 10 that we were looking for,” Vucic pointed out. Vucic also noted that Pristina had still not met its main obligation under the Brussels agreement – the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO). “We had two agreements, from 2011 and 2016. These are four agreements on freedom of movement. The essence is that these are so-called KS tables, which extended the validity from 2011 to 2016 and then until 2021. The basic obligation of Pristina was the formation of the ZSO,” he reminded. The President said that no one in the world is interested in the fact that the ZSO has not been formed. “They are not interested, but Serbs must be silent. I will not be silent to anyone anymore, every day I will tell the people what they are doing and how they are violating all regulations,” he said. When it comes to the political situation in Serbia, Vucic pointed out that the situation is such that it is not easy at all. “I hate people who are against the Serbian homeland and against the Serb people, and they will always find the culprit in Serbia for anything. I despise such people,” says Vucic.

“House for sale”

He also reminded of the case of Ivan Todosijevic from Zvecan, who was convicted because he told the truth about Racak, and did not have the majority of judges of Serbian nationality in the court panel, which was agreed. “They want to shut everyone’s mouth,” said Vucic. He emphasized that he really cares at any time in the world for a Serbian host and father, who can now only think about whether to put up a “house for sale” sign. He said Albanians do not respect cadaster and property agreements. “They are deleting tens of thousands of Serbs from the voter lists, because it suits them that way, no rule where Serbs are is as valid as in other parts.” He also pointed out the fact that the false state refused to register the property of the Decani monastery on that monastery. “You don’t even know, the Pristina ‘minister’ was here the other day, doing his job. And when Petar Petkovic has to go, then he can’t, they say he made bad statements, which His Majesty Kurti did not like.” Vucic pointed out that it was a shame that they were bringing armed forces against ordinary Serb people. “If the danger to the lives and property of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continues, we will call on KFOR and NATO to react, but we will not allow a repeat of the pogrom of Serbs that happened in 2004. We want a compromise and we always talk about every issue,” Vucic said. He said that he is sick and tired of appeals to both sides, claiming that Pristina was taking unilateral steps. “What have we done wrong now? What have we endangered them with? What is the thing we have done against them? What have we done unilaterally?,” he asked. The President said that the rate of hypocrisy towards Belgrade was unbearable, and asked the people not to fall prey to provocations. Answering the questions of the journalists, Vucic pointed out that Serbia does not know who gave instructions to Pristina to make today's move. “Lajcak certainly did not initiate that. I am almost certain that they are not happy about this move by Pristina. We are defenders of the truth, and if we need to say something to the Western world, we will tell them, but as friends. All those who recognized Kosovo don’t want Serbia in Kosovo.” Vucic said that he no longer sees the meaning of the dialogue. He explained that the Albanian side does not respect the agreements and interprets the agreements at its own discretion. “I do not see the meaning of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina at this moment. You know how much I call for the openness of all borders, administrative lines in the region, because I believe that the economies in the region should be connected,” he said. “We have raised the issue of license plates countless times. I am present all the time on the technical level meetings, I have been here since 2012, there is no one who has been present in the dialogue for nine years. We warn EU representatives about this. The essence is that all this was extracted from the Brussels agreement, they extracted what they like, and what is the essence and the core they do not implement, and that is the establishment of ZSO.” “Serbs are not cowards. I am proud of our people.” Vucic said that he would meet with the ambassadors of the Quint countries at their request before he convenes a meeting of the Council for National Security on Tuesday. Vucic said that the Council would discuss possible countermeasures that Serbia could take. “I hope we will not be forced to impose our own countermeasures, as it won’t be good,” he concluded.

Vucic urges Kosovo Serbs not to fall for provocations by Pristina

Vucic on Monday urged Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija not to fall for provocations by Pristina.

“Our people know where their sniper nests are, what types of weapons they have, whom they had got into the territory of the north 24 hours and 48 hours earlier. Our people know everything, just like we do – I am just asking our people not to fall for provocations,” Vucic said. He also called on Kosovo Serb protesters to protest peacefully and without incidents. Vucic said Belgrade would try to maintain peace but would also act with determination before the international community. He said potential measures by Belgrade would be discussed at Tuesday’s National Security Council session. “I hope we will not have to undertake economic and political measures because it would be no good for the entire region, especially for our relations with Pristina,” Vucic said. He urged representatives of the international community to reason with the unreasonable and get them to act in a civilized manner. “If they do not want that, we will be capable of protecting our country, there is no doubt about that,” Vucic said.

Vucic meets with Lajcak (Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Miroslav Lajcak on Monday to discuss the Kosovo and Metohija crisis. “With the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and other regional issues in the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, I discussed the grave crisis in Kosovo and Metohija,” said a post on Vucic’s official Instagram account buducnostsrbijeav.


Petkovic: The Brussels agreement cannot represent a buffet where Kurti will take what suits him (RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic showed on Monday to Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) a document by which the provisional institutions in Pristina ordered the cessation of the issuance of KS plates one year before the expiration of their validity.

“In the agreement from 2011, it is clearly stated that only for RKS plates, the Belgrade side has the right to issue trial plates, and that this issue has yet to be resolved for the Pristina side, and that agreement does not mention it specifically, as mentioned in point 14 for RKS boards. There is a lot that is disputable here,” says Petkovic. He added that “the Brussels agreement and other agreements cannot represent a buffet where Albin Kurti will take something that suits him, without applying what does not suit him”. “This savagery of Albin Kurti must stop,” Petkovic emphasized. “Either the Brussels agreement will be implemented and will be in force or there will be no Brussels agreement. This kind of behavior, where we have Pristina deciding what it wants to apply and what it does not want to apply, is inadmissible. The Brussels agreement, signed in 2013, and we have been waiting for eight years for the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, it is an agreement that has been ratified in the Pristina Assembly and for them, not for us, it has the meaning of an international legal agreement and you see, there are no Europeans or anyone outside who will react to such behavior and violation of all those agreements, but Europe is silent,” said Petkovic.

Stano calls Belgrade, Pristina to immediately reduce tensions in north Kosovo (N1)

European Commission spokesman Peter Stano on Monday called Belgrade and Pristina to immediately reduce tensions over the situation in northern Kosovo, saying that the right way to address the issue is through their dialogue. “We call on both parties to exercise restraint and refrain from unilateral actions and reduce tensions, immediately without any delay,” he told a daily news briefing and added that Belgrade and Pristina should use the EU-facilitated dialogue to resolve open issues. “Otherwise, you will always have confrontation and that is not what we are interested in seeing in our immediate neighborhood,” he said. Stano said that “we have seen mutual accusations from both sides… that is why we are saying that it is important to use the EU-facilitated dialogue as a platform”. He said that the EU is focusing on having both sides engage in the dialogue to avoid situations like the one in north Kosovo where the Kosovo police has been forcing drivers with Serbian license plates (issued by the Serbian police for towns in Kosovo) to replace them with temporary Kosovo plates. Drivers with Kosovo license plates were obliged to replace them with temporary Serbian plates when crossing into Serbia proper. “What we expect from both sides is to foster an environment which is conducive to reconciliation between them, conducive to regional stability and cooperation for the benefit of the people on both sides and the region. This is crucial for reaching the comprehensive, legally binding agreement which we are trying to facilitate because it will finally make it possible to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo,” Stano added.

Vucic – Brammertz meeting: Exchange of indictments for war crimes between Serbia and B&H would be a step towards reconciliation in the region (Novosti)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Chief Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Serge Brammertz assessed on Monday that one of the steps that would contribute to reconciliation in the Balkans would be transparent exchange of all war crimes indictments and information on investigations between Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Serbia. Vucic and Brammertz also discussed cooperation between the Mechanism and Serbia, regional judicial cooperation in war crimes proceedings and the implementation of a national strategy for punishing war crimes. Meanwhile, the High Court in Belgrade rejected the appeal of the defense requesting the release from custody of Edin Vranj, who was arrested in Serbia on 12 September on charges of war crimes. It should be reminded that Vranj was remanded in custody on September 14. As the High Court in Belgrade announced at the time, the pre-trial judge of the War Crimes Chamber, after questioning the suspect, issued a decision ordering Vranj into custody for up to 30 days. Detention was ordered, as stated at the time, “due to the existence of circumstances which indicate that there is a danger that the defendant, if he were released, could escape”. Attorney Boris Zorko said that this situation can be solved regardless to abovementioned decision of the court. Zorko underlined that he believes that decision of the Higher Court is not legal. He expressed hope that proper and just decision will be passed eventually. “Regardless of the decision of the Court, for which I am of view that it did not substantially include the arguments of the appeal and therefore is not correct, the investigation is ongoing within the Prosecutor’s Office, and the situation can still be resolved under condition of proper and full cooperation between two Prosecutor’s Offices, i.e. the B&H Prosecutor’s Office and the Serbian Prosecutor’s Office”.

Selakovic: Top-level meeting under preparation with India (RTS/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic, who is on a visit to India, on Monday met with the country’s Minister of State for External Affairs Meenakshi Lekhi, who will be Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s special envoy at a Belgrade conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement, scheduled for 11-12 October. In a statement after the meeting, Selakovic said they had discussed what needed to be done prior to Lekhi’s visit to Belgrade, as well as what bilateral agreements should be prepared for signing or implementation. Earlier in the day, Selakovic also met with Indian Vice President Venkaiah Naidu. Selakovic said Naidu was a great friend of Serbs and Serbia and that, together with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, he had helped to renew the friendly cooperation with India. At the end of the visit to India – and before heading to New York for a UN General Assembly session – Selakovic will meet with a senior executive of the Indian automotive giant Mahindra, which is interested in investing in Serbia. Selakovic said he was confident a bilateral committee on economic and trade cooperation would meet after the NAM conference and that the foreign ministries of Serbia and India would reintroduce the practice of holding consultations. “We are also preparing a meeting at the highest level that we firmly believe will take place next year,” Selakovic said. In New Delhi, Selakovic also spoke with Indian Foreign Minister Subramanyam Jaishankar, laid flowers at the Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Museum and gave a lecture on Serbia-India relations at the Indian Council of World Affairs.

Dodik could be arrested if he refuses to respond to summons for interview on genocide denial charges (Politika)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik confirmed that nine crime reports have been filed against him in the past two months for genocide denial. According to Dodik, the reports are part of campaign aimed against Serbs. Dodik also confirmed that the State Investigation and Protection Agency (SIPA) was ordered by the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to interview him about the genocide denial charges. The daily reminds that the RS authorities reject the amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial which were imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko. The Republika Srpska (RS) parliament declared that the amendments will not be valid in the territory of the RS, and RS authorities announced that they would protect RS citizens from prosecution based on the disputable amendments. On the other hand, B&H Presidency member Sefik Dzaferovic believes that prohibition of genocide denial will be positive for all peoples because it will reduce tensions. However, political analysts warn that Inzko created the biggest political crisis in B&H since the end of the war. His decision to impose the amendments resulted in the decision of RS representatives to block the work of state institutions until the matter is resolved. Some analysts speculate that Inzko decided to impose the amendments on his own, and German Ambassador to B&H allegedly tried to stop him. However, there are also analysts who say that this matter is too serious and that Inzko could not have made the decision without the approval of the EU and US.



Dodik: The situation in Kosovo and Metohija is a hoax of the international community (RTRS

Milorad Dodik, Serb member of the B&H Presidency, said at yesterday's press conference in Banja Luka that the situation that has been happening in Kosovo and Metohija since yesterday morning has been a hoax by the international community. "Seizure of license plates from the north of Kosovo, and the fact that vehicles with license plates from central Serbia have to take temporary license plates and pay insurance, is an agreement between the representatives of the international community. You have a Brussels agreement that is not respected," Dodik said. There is a situation where they are encouraging Albanians and take what suits them from that agreement. "They did nothing to form the Community of Serb Municipalities," Dodik said. Dodik drew a parallel with B&H: "We had a similar situation with the license plates in B&H. They tried to integrate B&H, but they did not succeed. The American and British embassies behave the same in Sarajevo, as well as in Pristina, where they ignore the Serbs," said Dodik.


B&H HoR holds session without RS representatives; Proposal of budget sent for further harmonization at Collegium; Reactions of RS representatives (BHT1


The B&H House of Representatives (HoR) held a session in Sarajevo on Monday, despite the absence of Serb representatives. Regardless of the general majority, the entity majority could not be established so the proposal of the budget of B&H institutions for 2021 was returned to the HoR Collegium for further harmonization. The session lasted for about an hour and it was held 10 days before the temporary decision on financing the B&H institutions is due to expire. It is uncertain whether the budget will be adopted by then, given that, even if the HoR adopts it, the decision cannot enter force until it is endorsed by the B&H House of Peoples (HoP), where a session can be held only if the majority from the Caucuses of all three constituent peoples attend the session. Serb representatives continued their boycott, which they started after former High Representative (HR) Valentin Inzko imposed amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H banning the genocide denial. On the day of the session of the HoR, Serb representatives came to the B&H Parliament building, but they were at their offices and they refused to take part in work of the parliamentary commissions, the HoR Collegium, or the HoR itself. The Serb representatives announced the intention to continue with the boycott until the issue of the imposed law is resolved, but they reiterated their stance that they do come to work even though they do not want to participate in the decision-making process. SNSD’s representative in the B&H HoR Snjezana Novakovic Bursac stated that the Serb representatives continue with compliance with the conclusions that the RS parliament  passed in response to the law imposed by Inzko. According to Novakovic Bursac, holding sessions in absence of the Serb representatives is only “an imitation of work”. Novakovic Bursac stressed that the Monday session was just imitation of B&H HoR session because everyone knows constellation of political relations in this House of B&H Parliament. SDS leader and representative in the B&H HoR Mirko Sarovic noted that the opposition in the RS cannot carry the burden of the crisis and he stressed that it is up to the ruling political party SNSD to cooperate with other political parties from the authorities at B&H level to reach a solution to overcome this situation. Sarovic underlined that as the opposition bloc they decided to respect conclusions of the RSNA and not participate in process of decision making in B&H institutions. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that there will be no adoption of any decisions in B&H institutions until the issue of the law imposed by the former High Representative is solved. While addressing media, leader of United Srpska Nenad Stevandic stated that no one has been denying any atrocities or courts’ decisions, adding that their condition to return to B&H institutions is to pass laws in competent parliaments. Speaker of the B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic said that the session was attended by him and deputy speaker Borjana Kristo and added that this was in accordance with the law. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that Serb MPs in the B&H parliament will participate in the work when the demands of the RS parliament are implemented. He welcomed the display of Serb unity that could be witnessed on Monday. “If they want a B&H HoR session to be held there without one constituent people, then that tells us everything. We are against such decisions and we will be against such decisions. They will not be able to get in the position to implement those decisions.”

Osmanovic: OHR should react and undertake further moves (BHT1


The B&H HoR held a session in Sarajevo on Monday although Serb representatives failed to attend it. MPs who attended the session of the HoR called on their colleagues from the RS to stop causing this political crisis and to enable work of the B&H parliament. Speaker of the B&H HoR Denis Zvizdic stated that the Serb representatives should come to work and he reminds that it is their duty and obligation to participate in work of the HoR. “The best way to seek solutions is through attending and participating in sessions of the parliament”, Zvizdic assessed. HDZ B&H’s representative in the HoR Nikola Lovrinovic warned that these sessions are unproductive in terms of possibility to adopt any serious solutions, given that the Serb representatives are not at the sessions. SDA’s representative in the B&H HoR Adil Osmanovic said that the OHR should react “and undertake further moves” given that the law was imposed by the former HR. “If they think there should be talks, the talks should be held with the OHR, with the international community (IC), but they should work in the institutions they were elected in”. SDP B&H’s representative in the B&H HoR Sasa Magazinovic expressed an opinion that it makes no sense for those who refuse to attend the sessions “contrary to all procedures” to present themselves as victims.

Softic: Behavior of RS politicians is in line with Greater Serbia policy (Hayat


MPs in the B&H HoR Safet Softic (SDA) talked about political crisis in B&H caused by blockade of work of B&H institutions by Serb representatives from the RS in institutions of B&H. Softic said that he is surprised with “race” between ruling and the opposition parties from the RS in regards to boycott work in B&H institutions. He underlined that this is probably topic suitable for their voters and everyone who would possibly give up on this policy would be pronounced traitor. He explained that this situation reminds him of situation prior to war in B&H, when Serb MPs also boycotted work of B&H parliament. Softic underlined that the international community should react and unblock work of B&H institutions. He stressed that positive outcome cannot be expected unless the OHR acts in line with its authorizations. Softic also stated that behavior of the RS politicians is part of Greater Serbia policy that includes rhetoric on peaceful dissolution of B&H. Softic emphasized that peaceful dissolution of B&H is impossible, adding that current policy of Serb politicians in B&H will experience debacle. He underlined that if anyone attempts to jeopardize the DPA, it will be obligation of the IC to react.

Former HR Petritsch: I am extremely concerned because of B&H, boycott of RS politicians has to be taken seriously (Dnevni avaz/Die Presse

The daily carried interview with former HR Wolfgang Petritsch, who was first asked about his recent statement that boycotting of 2022 general elections by Serbs and Croats would be the end of B&H. Petritsch said that withdrawing of the RS politicians form B&H institutions because of ‘Inzko’s law’ needs to be taken seriously, adding that elections have been scheduled for 2022 and talks on Election Law are entering the crucial stage. “Mediation of the EU and USA, with support of the new HR, has to succeed. Time is running out. I am extremely concerned that in this phase, both Serbs and Croats, or more accurately (Milorad) Dodik and (Dragan) Covic could have other plans, plans which could mean further weakening of B&H. Earlier experience showed us that even the internationally recognized states simply fade away. Their institutions may exist for some time, but are no longer relevant,” said Petritsch. He noted that this was the thing that he wanted to underline in his interview for Die Presse: “International community, which invested so much in reconstruction of B&H, must not run away. Bosnia is not Afghanistan. We all want and need sovereign Bosnia- whole and free- as a member of European family”. Asked if HR Schmidt should impose the Election Law in case the agreement is not reached, Petritsch said that in his opinion this is not a solution: “This would immediately launch another boycott and additionally weaken already weak situation. The OHR should work with the EU and use their excellent relations with Zagreb for finding of the solution”. As for the Election Law, Petritsch said that the new law should contribute to minimize the existing dysfunctionality of the political system. “I am afraid that this requires raising of new political generation, which accepts European civic principle. However, I do not see any change here soon,” said Petritsch. Asked why he criticized the decision of the former High Representative Valentin Inzko to impose the law banning genocide denial, as he already said that this was an unnecessary move, Petritsch first expressed his deep sympathy towards the victims and noted that he was the one who criticized the fact that the OHR has not continued to follow the activities on forming of memorial and graveyard in Potocari and he underlined that he was the first one who referred to Srebrenica as genocide, even before the international courts have reached judgements. “However, unfortunately, in the last 15 years, the OHR has not done enough to accelerate the path to reconciliation. Now, because of the law, Dodik who was already politically weakened, has re-established his negative power over destiny of Bosnia. That is the fact that I criticized,” said Petritsch. Asked about decay of B&H’s international position, Petritsch underlined that there is a potentially huge problem on the horizon, reminding that in November the UN Security Council has to decide about extension of mandate for EUFOR and NATO HQ and it remains to be seen what will Russia and China do and whether they will use the veto power. “Who will then guarantee security of B&H? NATO just lost the war in Afghanistan, will their members be ready to step into another military engagement. Allow me to say that I was never this pessimistic about future of Bosnia. This is the reason why I sound the alarm. B&H friends have to close ranks urgently,” said Petritsch. Petritsch said that his impression is that EU/US initiative for adopting of the new Election Law is making a progress and noted that EU Special Representative Johann Sattler has done a good job thus far. Noting that it is expected that the new US Ambassador and new US envoy for the Balkans will soon close ranks and find solutions. In this regard, Petritsch underlined the important role of Zagreb in completing of the Election Law, stressing that it has to be a compromise between rights of the group and rights of the citizens. “Bosnia is special and this means that political system necessarily has to be complex. However, not too complex” concluded Petritsch. Petritsch argued that former HR Inzko failed to make progress on the path of reconciliation in B&H and he should have put in more time and effort. However, he argues that Inzko had no support and experienced too many disappointments and has thus given up on Bosnia. He noted that together with late Paddy Ashdown and Christian Schwarz-Schilling, they launched a campaign urging Governments of Peace Implementation Council member states to defend Inzko from “Dodik’s ruthless attacks”.

B&H Presidency Chairman Komsic to address UN General Assembly (O Kanal


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic arrived in New York on Monday for the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly and he will address the United National General Assembly (UN GA) on Tuesday. Komsic is expected to meet with Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres on Monday and the main topics of Komsic’s meeting with Guterres and other officials in New York will be amendments to the B&H Election Law, political blockades and boycott of Serbs in the state institutions. Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that Komsic does not have the consent of the Presidency to attend the UN GA in New York. Dodik said that Komsic also left for New York without a harmonized statement of the Presidency, required for the UN GA. According to Dodik, Komsic’s departure to New York to attend the UN GA session is an act of self-will and he thus violated the Presidency’s Rules of Procedure. The Serb member of the Presidency reminded that he already sent a letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to inform him that Komsic lacks Presidency’s consent to attend the session. The Serb member announced that he will also inform all members of the UN Security Council (UN SC) about this situation. In addition, Dodik specified that there was no consensus for adoption of the decision on providing consent for Komsic’s attendance at the UN GA session, and noted that Komsic did not event try to initiate another discussion on this matter. “He knew that there would again be no consensus and that the decision would end up at the RS parliament, which is probably what would have happened” Dodik stressed. He concluded that this is a case of “systematic, constant violation of all regulations”. Dodik claims that if Komsic’s address is not stopped, that it will be confirmation that international institutions are also participating in the disintegration of B&H. Talking about announcements on meetings Komsic should have in New York, as well as Komsic’s possible address to the UN General Assembly, Dodik stated that this means the UN leadership, including the Secretary General of the UN got involved in destroying of B&H. He went on to saying that if announced meetings and address occur, it will mean the Secretary General of the UN ignores the Constitution of B&H. Komsic reacted to Dodik’s statements saying that “Dodik only needs to understand that he is not necessary for the country to function! This country will be with, but also without him, particularly (without him)!”

Komsic meets UN Secretary-General Guterres in New York (N1

Bosnian Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic met with the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres to speak about the situation in the country, on the eve of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly. During the talks Chairman Komsic explained the position of the state of B&H within the framework of Euro-Atlantic integration, citing the dynamics of reforms on the path of B&H towards NATO and the EU. The Presidency Chairman pointed out that the neighboring countries that were actively involved in the conflict during the war in B&H who “carried out aggression against the internationally recognized Republic of B&H, still, unfortunately, see B&H as war loot.” Komsic stated that there is political opposition to the Law on Prohibition of Genocide Denial in the RS entity and that the Serb member of B&H's tripartite Presidency uses opposition to the Law both as a means and as an excuse for political blockades. He stressed that some political elites in B&H seek to promote ethnic exclusivity, which is discriminatory and contrary to international and democratic standards of equality of citizens, and called for stronger UN support for the protection of fundamental human rights. During the conversation, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres pointed out that he was following political developments in B&H and the region with special attention and that he understands the seriousness and complexity of the current political situation, emphasizing that the United Nations would remain committed to supporting the country.

Dodik: OHR’s mandate ended with departure Inzko; Schmidt falsely presents himself (RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on HR to B&H Christian Schmidt’s legitimacy. Dodik repeated that the UN Security Council did not confirm Schmidt’s appointment as the High Representative. Dodik claims that because of this, the mandate of the OHR ended with the departure of the former High Representative to B&H Valentin Inzko and that Schmidt falsely presents himself. Dodik warned that Schmidt presents himself as an advocate of the EU integration, which speaks of the collapse of the EU in B&H. Dodik stated: “None of his decisions will be accepted in the RS. If any use of the Bonn powers by such an undefined foreigner is on the agenda, he will have to face the definitive decisions of the RS and I even call for him to behave that way”. The RS offered a dialogue as an attempt to end the crisis, but only to domestic political actors rather than the international community, added the reporter. The proposal was rejected by Bosniak political representatives. Dodik stated that if the ignorant policy continues, the RS institutions will give an answer. Dodik said that they will go to the RS parliament and adopt decisions “which they certainly do not want”. Dodik also said: “If he thinks he knows what he is doing, let him do it. I know what I am doing and there is no need for anyone to doubt the commitment of the current authorities in the RS on this issue. B&H does not have a HR”. Part of the problem that the proposed dialogue was supposed to deal with was the situation in the B&H judiciary. Leading positions in judicial institutions have been taken over by Bosniaks, and an additional problem is the fact that they are under pressure from representatives of some embassies, added the reporter. Dodik claims that he was the target of their acts. According to Dodik, before the previous elections, someone from the US Embassy called everyone in the B&H judiciary to the US Embassy and told them to file a lawsuit against Dodik to put him into custody no matter what. Dodik said: “Why do we need such US here? Now everything is under cover so that Serbs and Croats can be imprisoned in prisons so that they can implement their political ideas.” Dodik also claims that there is pressure on certain members of the B&H High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and that an atmosphere of fear is being created in order to save the Director of B&H Intelligence and Security Agency (OSA) Osman Mehmedagic from being processed. Dodik believes that the crisis in B&H can only be solved by the abolition of the disputed changes and amendments to the B&H Criminal Code. Speaking about legitimacy of HR Schmidt, Dodik concluded that foreigners “are faking it” that he is the High Representative. “It is said that he is appointed by PIC, but this is not true. PIC is reaching decisions by consensus and Russia did not vote. The only procedure is referring to Annex X of Dayton Agreement where it is said that HR is appointed by signatories of the Agreement and he is confirmed by the UN Security Council. They are selling us a story that an informal body appointed someone who is calling himself a High Representative, for whom some have developed sympathies. As for the RS, we have no intention to accept any competence and we deem that B&H does not have a HR,” said Dodik. Stressing that this represents collapse of European politics, Dodik concluded: “Who represents Europe, Sattler or Schmidt? In case any decision of Bonn powers is applied, they will have to face the definite decisions of the RS, because the RS will not accept anti-Dayton behavior.”

EU, OSCE: Allegations involving B&H secret service director must be investigated (N1

Allegations of abuse of power, such as those stemming from a recording which recently emerged, allegedly featuring the Head of OSA who appears to be discussing a court case with the country’s Chief Prosecutor, must be investigated and are detrimental to trust in the country’s judiciary, the EU Delegation and OSCE said. Several days ago, local media reported on an audio recording of a conversation that allegedly took place between OSA Director Osman Mehmedagic and B&H Chief Prosecutor Gordana Tadic. In the recording, which lasts 40 minutes, Mehmedagic and Tadic seem to be discussing the case of the OSA director’s diploma, which he was accused of acquiring illicitly. He also seems to be complaining about prosecutor Oleg Cavka. Another recording emerged a day later, allegedly featuring Mehmedagic speaking about how he kicked a journalist, tasked OSA with monitoring another journalist, and discussing top judicial officials. N1 asked the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) about the recording, but the country’s top judicial institution only said that it did not look into the issue so far. N1 also asked the EU Delegation for a comment. “Strengthening the rule of law and the fight against corruption remain at the core of B&H’s EU integration process. Holders of public office have a responsibility to act in the public interest and as such, they should hold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity” it said. “The fact that this conversation took place raises serious questions about professional integrity. Any allegation of abuse of power or any other instance of improper behavior should be investigated by competent bodies. No one should be above the law, regardless of the position he/she holds,” the response from the EU Delegation spokesperson said. The OSCE Mission to B&H told N1 that it “is not in a position to determine the authenticity of this recording.” “When recordings, involving the highest executive, security or judicial officials, are leaked to the public in unclear circumstances, they tend to severely damage the already fragile trust of the public in the judiciary, and in general in public institutions, in B&H,” the OSCE said, but added that, “Of course, any allegation of misbehavior must be promptly investigated by the responsible authorities.” The OSCE Mission noted that it has “repeatedly warned that there is a considerable lack of public trust in the rule of law in B&H, resulting in widespread public skepticism.” “Overcoming the challenges facing the B&H judiciary requires sincere political commitment, as well as sustained reform efforts. Members of all institutions and public authorities must lead in this effort to increase public trust and improve the overall credibility of the judicial system by fully embodying the highest ethical and professional standards,” it said. “As noted on many occasions and demonstrated through its programming and advocacy, the Mission fully supports the establishment of an effective, responsive, and inclusive justice sector in B&H, one that upholds the rule of law and respects international standards. For the benefit of all B&H citizens, the Mission remains committed to necessary reforms in this direction” the OSCE response concluded. On Friday, the OSA called for an investigation into who “illegally recorded” the official meeting in the Prosecutor's Office of B&H between persons who have access to classified information.


Milanovic: Croatia very safe country, has never been more stable (Hina

In an address to members of the Croat expatriate community in New York, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that Croatia "is a very safe country" and that it had never been more stable as well as that it was responsible for its neighborhood staying safe as well. Milanovic arrived in New York on Sunday to attend the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, during which he is expected to hold several bilateral meetings, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. On the first day of his visit, Milanovic met with representatives of the Croat community at the St. Nikola Tavelic Centre, which is part of the Parish of Saints Cyril and Methodius and St. Raphael, and in his address to them, he said that he was more interested in developments in Croatia and its neighborhood than in topics to be discussed by the UN General Assembly. "I cannot do a lot, but being President, my voice in the region is heard, analyzed, and criticized, and I will go on" Milanovic said as quoted by a statement from his office. He said that he was dissatisfied with developments in the region, describing Croatia as the most rational stakeholder. "Fortunately, this is no longer 1990, there is no danger of a serious conflict erupting. But we must follow what is happening in our neighborhood, and people there have been behaving as if war did not happen and no lessons were learned from what happened in the 1990s. In all of that, Croatia and the incumbent government, I as President, and my predecessor are the calmest, most conciliatory, and most rational. We are responsible for keeping the region peaceful, safe, and for life in Croatia to stay normal and safe. Croatia is a very safe country," he said. Despite disagreements on a daily basis, Croatia has never been more stable, Milanovic said in his address. He also again underlined the importance of Croatia making the most of the benefits of its EU membership and fighting for its own interests and repeated his position on COVID-19, calling for lifting epidemiological restrictions.


Milanovic in New York: Serbia has no strong intention to join EU (Hina/N1)

At a lecture at Columbia University in New York, President Zoran Milanovic slandered Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and criticized the European Union. On the eve of today's session of the Security Council, Milanovic gave a lecture at this university and said for Serbia “the hard thing” is that the current Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic was one of the most prominent and loudest warmongers in the 1990s and “so it is an obstacle,” Zagreb's N1 reported. Milanovic reiterated that he sees that Serbia "has no strong intention" to join the EU, while, as he said, Northern Macedonia and Albania are "working hard and fighting". He added that Serbia started accession negotiations in 2014 and that it has opened 18 chapters so far, and closed two temporarily. He said that the countries of Southeast Europe aspire to EU membership, but that he did not think that not all countries are motivated enough to join the Union. In his opinion, Montenegro is the closest to the EU with 33 open chapters, and Northern Macedonia received the status of an EU candidate in 2005, a year and a half after Croatia, and Croatia has been a member of the EU for eight years. "Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are potential candidates," Milanovic said. Milanovic criticized the European Union, which he called "the most complex political association in the history of mankind, led by bureaucrats. For Croatia, the most important question is "the fate of the European Union over the next 10 years", and that Croatia's success "The EU is probably the most complex political association in human history. It is difficult to manage, it lacks political legitimacy because it is mostly run by bureaucrats," Milanovic said.


Talks on electoral reform resume at the end of September in presence of US, EU officials (Vecernji list


Vecernji list carries that the US and the EU will emphasize their attempts and push the local political representatives to intensify the talks on electoral reforms in the upcoming weeks. According to the daily, a series of meetings at the end of September will be attended by two figures representing the US and EU, most likely European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen and US envoy Matthew Palmer. The author argues that the significance of these events is additionally emphasized by the fact that previous results in the electoral reform, specifically for the City of Mostar, were achieved mostly thanks to the mediation of the US and the EU. Palmer has on several occasions spoke about the reform of the Election Law in B&H, assessing it as “urgent, strategically important for B&H,” reminds the daily, quoting Palmer’s recent statement for Hina. Palmer also stressed as “very important” the necessity to take in consideration the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning the electoral rules in B&H, “to clear the path for B&H to move forward.” He also noted that the 2016 ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H in the Ljubic case, which treats the issue of electing political representatives of one people, is an important one and will require talks. The author notes that the EC President’s attendance in the meetings should be seen in light of increased EU engagement in B&H, reminding that the Head of the EU Delegation in B&H Johann Sattler has stressed the need of changing the electoral legislation on several occasions and was one of the foreign officials who was present at the signing of the Mostar agreement.


Djukanovic’s cabinet: Latest evidence of open Russian interference in Montenegro (CdM

Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, head of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, intervened in the internal affairs of Montenegro in an interview for Russia 24 TV, following who knows how many times lately, secular goals incompatible with the mission of the Church of Christ, says the office of President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic.

“Only a few days after the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, Alfeyev roughly used strawman arguments in the same way and cynically commented on the recent events of the violent enthronement of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Cetinje. Thus, among other things, he additionally confirmed the open recognition of Minister Lavrov that the Russian Church serves the state interests of the Russian Federation abroad. It is confirmed that in relation to our country, they are both anti-Montenegrin and anti-Orthodox” Djukanovic’s cabinet points out. According to the statement, Hilarion is strikingly trying to present himself as a protector of the interests of the branch of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro.

Djukanovic at session of UN General Assembly (CdM

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic is travelling to New York today, where he is to participate in the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly from 21 to 24 September, at the invitation of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Djukanovic’s cabinet has stated.

Djukanovic will hold a speech at the General Debate of the UN General Assembly, whose theme this year is: Building resilience through hope – to recover from Covid-19, rebuild sustainably, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people and revitalize the United Nations. “He will also take part in the High-Level Dialogue on Energy, which will be held in a virtual format at the level of the summit at the United Nations in New York, also at the invitation of Guterres”, the statement says. Djukanovic will also have a separate meeting with Secretary General Guterres. During his stay in New York, President Djukanovic will be a guest at the informal working dinner of the leaders of the Western Balkans hosted by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, and several bilateral meetings with top state officials are planned. Djukanovic will also meet with representatives of the Montenegrin diaspora in New York.


Milanovic: Some again see Montenegro as a geopolitical prey (Vijesti)

Some again see Montenegro as a geopolitical prey, said the President of Croatia, Zoran Milanovic, speaking at the Forum of World Leaders at Columbia University in New York, where the session of the United Nations General Assembly begins today. He pointed out that Washington and Brussels have remained mostly silent on the events in Montenegro in the past two weeks. "It is something that requires more time and concentration and I think we will not deal with it here," Milanovic said.


Pendarovski will represent Macedonia at the UN General Assembly (Republika


President Stevo Pendarovski will represent Macedonia at the United Nations General Assembly that begins in New York, his office informed. Pendarovski will address the Assembly on Thursday. During his stay at the UN, he will also meet with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. Pendarovski will speak at several Covid-19 and UN reform conferences, and will also meet with Macedonian diaspora representatives and the American Jewish Committee.


New York, Xhacka meets Egyptian counterpart: Holding the first session of the Joint Economic Commission is important (Radio Tirana

The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka is in New York, part of the Albanian delegation led by Prime Minister Rama, in the week of the High Level of the 76th Session of the UN General Assembly. On the first day of her stay in New York, Xhacka held a meeting with her Egyptian counterpart Sameh Hassan Shoukry. Xhacka thanked her counterpart for the support of Egypt in the election of Albania as a non-permanent member of the Security Council. The two ministers praised the very good level of relations between the two countries and shared the view that there are opportunities for their further development, mainly in economic terms. In this context, they stressed the importance of holding the First Session of the Joint Economic Commission, as an important forum for discussing and exploring opportunities for increasing economic cooperation and trade exchanges between the two countries.

Nikolla meets Soreca: Integration, at the top of the Assembly agenda (Radio Tirana

Albanian parliament speaker Lindita Nikolla received the EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca. The latter wished Nikolla success in his high office and expressed the will of the EU Delegation in Tirana to continue and expand cooperation with the Albanian parliament. Nikolla expressed her gratitude to Ambassador Soreca for the congratulations and assured him of her willingness to boost the cooperation with the EU Delegation. "I am committed to creating a new climate of cooperation and communication in the Albanian parliament. European integration will be at the top of the agenda of the Albanian parliament during the new legislature. I am confident that for all these great works that await us, we will have the cooperation of the opposition and I will be the facilitator of dialogue and communication in the Assembly," underlined Nikolla. Soreca expressed satisfaction that the Albanian parliament will be chaired by a lady and underlined that the EU Delegation has confidence in her experience, reputation, credibility and political will. Albania has met all the conditions for the start of negotiations, the EU is very determined to start them and the Delegation will contribute to the holding of the First Intergovernmental Roundtable as soon as possible.