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Belgrade Media Report 23 September


Vucic: Independent Kosovo is in their interest, forcing Serbia to participate in it (B92/Tanjug/RTS/N1)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic addressed the public from Hungary and commented on the events of the previous days. He also said that Pristina should return everything to the state of affairs prior to 20 September, and that only after that we can talk. "Because you understand what he is talking about? He is talking about people who are not so familiar with the facts and sells fog. I have seen all kinds of fog sellers and matchmakers in my life and that is why I recognize them as soon as I see them. He says he will withdraw measures when Serbia recognizes independent Kosovo," Vucic pointed out in a statement to the media in Budapest. At the suggestion of the EU to hold a meeting between Vucic and Kurti in Brussels and try to resolve the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Vucic said that they could organize whatever they wanted, and that he would not accept anything. "Go back to what it was prior to 20 September, and then we can talk about everything," he pointed out. He also said that he was astonished by the fact that there are media in Serbia that say that Serbia has taken some measures, and Serbia has not taken any unilateral measures. He reminded what kind of campaign was conducted against Serbia in connection with the train with icons and monasteries, which was stopped near Raska. He also asked what action Serbia carried out in Cetinje, what it had to do with the barricades. "All of them are bothered by a strong Serbia. Because you think that it is possible to have 120 texts in one day in Croatia about me, without saying a single word, we have not done anything," he explained. Vucic said that they did not attack Serbia in 2006 or 2008, when they "loved" us because we were weak and fragile, the economy was collapsing and Serbia was disappearing. These, he says, are the reasons for all the lies coming from Pristina. "The relationship is different and that is why we are talking. If we recognized you, there would be no reason to talk to you, and that is something they know in Europe," he explained. Asked whether there would be a meeting on the sidelines of the gathering in Budapest, due to the current situation, Vucic said that during his stay in the Hungarian capital he would have bilateral meetings with almost everyone, but that in those meetings he always repeats only what they already know. "I will have a meeting with OrbanJansaBabis, I believe I will also meet with the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki. I also believe that the President of Poland, after I do not know how many decades, will come to Serbia by the end of the year, which would be a great thing for us. We will only say what they already know at these meetings," Vucic said. As he said, he does not introduce his interlocutors to anything new, but the thing is that they have their own interests, and the interest of the strongest European countries is an independent Kosovo, and to force Serbia to participate in what we do not want. "They themselves know how hypocritical they are when they talk about double guilt... What did we do? Did we enter Kacanik or Djakovica with special forces?" Vucic asked. As he says, there is no end to the deceptions. "We have fulfilled our obligations, and Pristina is not, that is the most important thing. Saint Peter can call me, I will not change my mind, the only solution is to withdraw ROSU units, otherwise I will not talk about it at all," said Vucic. Asked about the statements from Albania, the president of the assembly of that country, so that the so-called Kosovo and Albania were supposed to stick together and in order for Serbia's crimes to become known around the world, Vucic said that there were "very strange, irresponsible people" in Pristina. "When we talk about crimes, imagine that your father or brother was killed. They reveal to you that they are there and you will not deliver their bones until Veljko Odalovic is replaced," Vucic stated. Vucic together with Milorad Dodik, visited the Church of St. George in Budapest, and he shared his gratitude to Bishop Lukijan at the reception with his followers on his Instagram profile.

No need to explain what everyone knows...

Vucic also said that he could see from the statement of the representative of the European Parliament Vladimir Bilcik, that one part of the opposition in the election conditions was only looking for an excuse not to go to the polls. When asked to comment on Bilcik's statement that there will be no new document on election conditions, as well as whether he would participate in the elections if he was the opposition in Serbia, which "confirmed that there was no agreement with the authorities," Vucic answered that he did not want to explain something, he says, everyone knows. "Well, their ideologue said that it was never a reason for them to boycott. The reason for the boycott was only their weakness, not bad conditions," said Vucic. He added that part of the opposition has television "as much as you want", it has its own newspapers... Earlier today, Bilcik, commenting on the working document on the election conditions in Serbia, said that a "solid document" had been made and stressed that his interlocutors in Serbia had been made clear that MEPs would not return to discuss another document. When asked by N1 whether he would have participated in the elections if he is member of the opposition in Serbia, Bilcik answered in the affirmative. On the accusations that the working document on the election conditions in Serbia had been created in cooperation with the Serbian authorities, to the detriment of the opposition, Bilcik said that he refuses getting involved in the local political confrontations.


Bilcik tells N1 document was not drawn up with Serbian authorities

Bilcik MEP told N1 that the working document on election conditions was not drafted with the Serbian authorities, adding that he refuses to be drawn into internal political arguments.

The working document was put forward by European Parliament officials as a starting point for discussions between the authorities and opposition on election conditions. Some opposition officials claimed that it was drawn up in cooperation with the Serian authorities. Bilcik said that the facilitators engaged on the inter-party dialogue represent the European Parliament, adding that they listened carefully to everyone and worked hard to produce the working document. He added that the MEPs said right from the start they want ot get the best possible agreement prior to next year’s elections. He believes that the opposition has an opportunity to be part of the Central Election Commission and join in the drafting of new rules for the public broadcasters.

Petkovic: State-of-affairs to return to the one prior to 20 September, then we can go to Brussels (RTS)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that we came to this situation with unilateral violent moves by Pristina, while the crisis caused by Albin Kurti “threatens to turn into something much more”. “Belgrade has always insisted on peace, dialogue, all open issues to be resolved in Brussels, to respect the Brussels agreement, freedom of movement, during the last round of technical dialogue Bislimi did not want to hear about the topic of freedom of movement,” Petkovic said.

He said that Belgrade and President Vucic would insist that no one could humiliate Serbia. “We are here to talk, but for someone to bring force, ROSA with long pipes to the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and thus create a completely new reality on the ground, which should be the basis for a conversation that Bislimi and Kurti did not want to lead, is absolutely unacceptable,” he said. He points out that the situation should return to the period prior to 20 September, and only then we will go to Brussels and talk. It is absolutely necessary for ROSU to withdraw and Serbia will not agree to the policy of a finished act, he said.

Pristina exerts violence over bare-handed people in north of province (Tanjug)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that we witnessed today a brutal and frightening use of violence by members of the ROSU special forces, who beat up three Serbian youths near the Brnjak administrative crossing. Petkovic said that Zoran Tomovic, Jovan Takov and Dragisa Vlaskovic were attacked and beaten up without any reason, that they did not provoke anyone, but became targets only for being Serbs. He recalled that since the beginning of the crisis, Belgrade has called for restraint and peace, and the Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, who are only defending their right to freedom, have never given any reason for such use of violence. We will not tolerate physical violence, harassment and attack on the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija and everyone must understand that very well, Petkovic underlined, noting that Albin Kurti is directly responsible for today’s horrific incident.

According to him, since the very start of the crisis, Kurti’s only goal is violence and revenge against bare-handed people in the north of the province, who are only defending their right to life.

Sincere, traditional friendship of peoples of Serbia and Israel (RTV/Tanjug)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic met in New York today with Executive Director of American Jewish Committee David Harris. The two interlocutors agreed that the friendship of the Jewish and Serbian peoples is sincere and traditional. Selakovic underlined that Serbia is the first European country to have adopted the Law on removing consequences of the confiscation of property of the Holocaust victims. He also recalled that Serbia is the first country to have endorsed the Balfour Declaration of 1917. The Minister expressed satisfaction with the fact that the Jewish business community is present in Serbia at an enviable level. He said that the United States of America is one of the most important foreign trade partners of Serbia and that the engagement of Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric made those ties stronger in the year when we are marking 140 years of bilateral relations of our two countries. The Minister underlined that Serbia wants to have the best relations with the US, and to improve them, especially in the field of the economy, and to increase US investments in Serbia. Selakovic briefed his interlocutor on the success of economic reforms in Serbia over the past seven years and underlined that Serbia is a promoter of positive agenda in the region. This refers, for the most part, to the Open Balkans initiative. Selakovic said that the economy can relax political relations and underlined that Serbia is grateful to the US for its support to this initiative. The meeting was also attended by Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric, according to a statement from the Foreign Ministry.

Selakovic thanks Cyprus on firm position regarding Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selakovic spoke in New York with his Cypriot counterpart Nikos Christodoulides. Selakovic said that bilateral relations are traditionally good, based on the historical closeness and friendship of the two states and peoples. He underlined that Cyprus is a very important partner that offers principled and active support to Serbia in its key foreign policy priorities – the question of Kosovo and Metohija and integration into the EU. Selakovic thanked Cyprus on its firm position regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and its continued support in preventing the membership of the so-called Kosovo in international organizations. Selakovic reiterated Serbia’s unconditional support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus. He informed the Cypriot minister on the latest developments and the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and Pristina’s continued refusal to respect and implement the Brussels agreement. Selakovic also pointed to intensive political dialogue and contacts of Serbia and Cyprus at all levels, and the two ministers also discussed the session of the two governments that will be held soon. He declared that it is in Serbia's interest to maintain intensive economic cooperation with Cyprus and added that our country is open to attracting more investments from that country. He thanked Cyprus for offering us active support in the process of European integration and stated that Serbia is interested in additional forms of cooperation in order to get integrated into the EU as soon as possible, reads the statement from the Foreign Ministry.

Selakovic: Principled position of Armenia on issue of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic talked on Wednesday in New York with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, whom he thanked for Armenia's principled position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija and non-recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo. Selakovic informed his interlocutor about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the continuous non-implementation of the Brussels agreement and the application of unilateral measures.

Selakovic to Borrell: Belgrade committed to dialogue (FoNet)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic told EU High Representative Josep Borrell that official Belgrade does not accept statements calling both it and Pristina to ease tensions. A Foreign Ministry statement said that Selakovic told Borrell that Belgrade is committed to the dialogue with Pristina but will not accept unilateral steps, especially what he said are “criminal activities” which render the dialogue meaningless. Selakovic said during the meeting with the EU’s top diplomat at the UN in New York that Belgrade wants to continue the dialogue but that things need to be taken back to the situation prior to the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija.

Borrell: EU calls for immediate de-escalation in Kosovo (N1)

EU High Representative Josep Borrell called for an immediate de-escalation of the situation in northern Kosovo. A statement by Borrell said that the “EU calls for an immediate de-escalation in the north of Kosovo”. “Any provocations or unilateral actions must be avoided as they would go directly against the interest of the people of the region,” the statement said. It urged the political leaders in Belgrade and Pristina to “take a responsible approach and to work through the EU facilitated Dialogue to avoid any further escalation, restore a peaceful atmosphere and to work on viable solutions”. “It is in the interests of all to look for a way forward that enables freedom of movement and which improves people’s daily lives,” it added. “We stress once again that all agreements reached in the process of the EU-facilitated Dialogue since its inception in 2011 remain valid and binding for both Parties. Past agreements form an important element for comprehensive normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia. The EU and its Member States urge Kosovo and Serbia to fully respect and implement all their Dialogue obligations with no further delay,” Borrell said in the statement.

Russia reacted: Provocation on Kosovo and Metohija, immediate withdrawal needed (Tanjug/B92/TASS/Sputnik)

The Russia Foreign Ministry expressed concern over the deterioration of the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. The ministry assessed that the actions of the interim institutions in Pristina were provocations aimed at expelling Serbs from the autonomous province. "We are very upset by the aggravation of the situation in the northern regions of the Serb autonomous province of Kosovo... In essence, it is an attempt by local Albanians to occupy Serb-populated areas of the province and establish their control there. We consider these steps a provocation aimed at continuing ethnic cleansing and expelling Serbs from Kosovo," it is stated in the announcement published on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia. The Russian Ministry also calls on the authorities in Pristina to urgently withdraw police units from the northern parts of the province, stop the sabotage and seriously dedicate themselves to the tasks of resolving the situation. "We expect that the American and European patrons of Pristina will finally have a sobering effect on their protégés in order to avoid a destructive scenario that threatens the entire region," the statement added, reports Sputnik. Russia's Ministry emphasizes that KFOR and EULEX "are again unable or unwilling to fulfill their primary task of maintaining peace and security." It is added that the latest increase in tensions could have been predicted, given the stagnation of the process of resolving the Kosovo issue, reports TASS. "The EU, appointed by the UN General Assembly to mediate the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, has not taken tangible steps to achieve change for the better, while Kosovo's leaders categorically refuse to fulfill their obligations, including the main one regarding the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities," it is said in a statement from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Brnabic at Global COVID-19 summit organized by White House (RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic participated on Wednesday at the Global COVID-19 summit, organized by the White House, which was opened by US President Joseph Biden.

The video messages are attended by a large number of world leaders and officials of international organizations, including UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, British and Canadian Prime Ministers, Boris Johnson and Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and many others. In the message, Brnabic pointed out that Serbia was among the first European countries to procure a covid vaccine, and that she was the first European Prime Minister to receive the vaccine. Thanks to years of investment in digitalization and development of eGovernment, we have managed to organize a complicated and complex vaccination process very efficiently and in a way that it is focused on citizens, she explained. However, as she added, from the very beginning we were aware that this is not just a matter of our citizens and only our struggle. In the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all safe or no one is safe. That is why, in addition to procuring vaccines for our citizens, we donated vaccines to the citizens of the Western Balkans, but also to other countries, she reminded and specified that Serbia donated 230,000 doses of vaccines to the region, we vaccinated foreign citizens in Serbia with approximately 300,000 doses and set aside we have 570,000 doses of vaccines for countries in Africa and Asia. Brnabic mentioned that Serbia has already started the production of covid vaccine from one manufacturer, and that it will start production from another by the end of the year, because in that way we want to help and support all people and countries that need vaccines. This is a pandemic in which we will either win together or lose together, but we must fight together, she repeated. That is why Serbia supports the goals of this global summit, she emphasized, and expressed her gratitude to the US and President Biden for organizing the summit and supporting joint efforts in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccines are the only way out in the fight against the pandemic, concluded Brnabic.

Patriarch warns he won’t allow any manipulation with church (N1)

Serbian Patriarch Porfirije said on Wednesday he would not allow anyone to manipulate the church, adding its canonical boundaries did not necessarily change with those of the states. He said that by no means should the church be identified with a state, let alone with a party. “We don’t want to equate the church with any state, let alone any party. We will do everything with all our spiritual strength, not to allow anyone to manipulate us,” Porfirije, also the administrator of the SPC Zagreb – Ljubljana Diocese, said after a liturgy he served in the Croatian capital. “Those who want to drag the church into various misunderstandings and political games use it as a reality that has nothing to do with the nature of the church, its ambitions or its service,” he said.

There is no solution to current crisis in B&H in sight (Politika


The political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) which emerged after former High Representative Valentin Inzko imposed amendments to B&H Criminal Code prohibiting genocide denial is leading to more and more frequent questioning of the possibility of coexistence, and political leaders have very different views on possible solutions. For the Republika Srpska (RS) representatives, the only way out of the crisis is withdrawal of the imposed amendments. On the other hand, Bosniak representatives demand from High Representative Christian Schmidt to use the Bonn powers and secure undisturbed functioning of state institutions. Some Bosniak representatives even call for removal of B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik, reports Politika. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated that the ruling parties need to solve the problem and that Izetbegovic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic need to offer a solution. Dodik insists that conclusions of the RS parliament rejecting ‘Inzko’s law’ must be implemented. “If the foreigners are pretending to have the High Representative, they should let the Peace Implementation Council, which I do not support, hold a meeting and annul the law, and we will return to the decision-making process,” said Dodik. He underlined that the RS offered dialogue, but it was mocked in return. He underlined that the RS is willing to talk to all, except to Schmidt who he described as “false High Representative”. SDA’s Semsudin Mehmedovic called on Schmidt to react. President of the Croat Christian Democratic Union (HKDU) Ivanka Baric fears that B&H is facing a new period of crisis because Bosniaks refuse changes to the Election Law, as they see them as a defeat. She underlined that the minimum that Croats insist on is legitimate representation, and that if Bosniaks refuse this, they are pushing towards the only remaining solution, which is establishing of the third entity. The daily comments that Inzko’s decision to impose amendments to the Criminal Code is making the job of Schmidt more difficult, as he is expected to primarily lead B&H politicians to an agreement on electoral reform. This will be very difficult unless Serbs stop blocking the work of state institutions. However, if Inzko’s amendments are annulled, Bosniaks might feel under attack, and this will also hinder the electoral reform, concludes Politika.



Dodik calls Sattler’s statement on B&H’s European path ‘tragicomic’, says he is accomplice in degradation of B&H’s European path (Dnevni list)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik called “tragicomic” the statement by Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler who said that “there is no true European path without progress in rule of law in B&H.” Dodik stressed it was arrogant to speak about the rule of law in the country where non-elected foreigners pass laws, dismiss legally elected politicians, influence the developments and appointments in the judiciary which has foreign judges in it, adding that it is hard to listen about this to all those elected in elections, including himself. He said that Sattler is silent when (High Representative) Christian Schmidt says he is here to deal with the European future of the country, while knowing that Schmidt has no right to deal with those matters “even if he were appointed in line with the procedure prescribed by Annex 10, and he was not.” According to Dodik, this speaks in favor of the fact that Sattler is an accomplice in degradation of the European path of B&H, although EU put him in charge of that issue. Dodik delivered the statement in Hungary where he will attend the 4th Demographic Summit at invitation of Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Speaking to reporters in Budapest, Dodik said he would try to explain to Orban the parallel between how some say they do not want an Islamic state in the Balkans but are trying to install one in Kosovo. “They tell us Serbs in B&H: You should be silent and be there. And we should be silent and wait to be seized the competencies we have to prove we are good,” he said. He reiterated that Schmidt is not what he claims to be – the High Representative in B&H.

Dodik speaks with Jansa on B&H during official visit to Hungary (RTRS)

Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik is on an official visit to Hungary. At the invitation of the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, Dodik he will participate in the Budapest Demographic Summit with officials of several countries, church representatives and scientific community. Dodik arrived to Budapest with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with whom visited the Church of St. George in Budapest. After that, Dodik held a meeting with the Prime Minister of Slovenia Janez Jansa and discussed the current political situation in B&H and the region. Before the summit, Dodik stated that he will inform Orban about the fact that the RS does not recognize Christian Schmidt as the High Representative to B&H. Dodik stated: “We will discuss the relations between the RS and Hungary. I think we have something to talk about there. I think that Orban is a very knowledgeable man and understands the situation in B&H well, which is complicated no less than Belgrade-Pristina relations. It will certainly be interesting. We will certainly try to explain some parallels, and that is that some people from Europe are telling us that they do not want an Islamic country in the Balkans and are trying to install that Kosovo. In B&H, we Serbs are told 'you have to shut up and be there'. And the fact that we are still silent, we need to stay and (have them) take away our powers and the rights we had in order to prove themselves as something good”.


Komsic addresses 76th session of UN General Assembly; Complex political system in B&H prefers ethnicity and that based on that ethnicity, citizens of B&H have greater or lesser rights depending on which part of country they live in (Hayat)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic has addressed the United Nations General Assembly (UN GA) at its 76th session. Hayat reports that Komsic talked about climate change, Coronavirus pandemic, violation of human rights, non-implemented decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and collapsing of B&H and its institutions. Komsic stressed the importance of respecting and protecting human rights based on the values determined by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, violated and selectively implemented in B&H, which represents a huge threat for the human rights protection system. Hayat reports Komsic also referred to the denial of genocide and judgements by The Hague Tribunal “Through diplomatic activities of different actors, additional discrimination on ethnic basis is requested, so that within those ethnic communities the atmosphere is created for the process of self-determination with the ultimate goal of dissolution or disintegration of B&H and annexation of parts of its territory to the neighboring countries. This fuels inequality in human rights, completely devaluing and ignoring the provisions of the UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights. The same factors ignore the judgements of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), that, in its judgements found the committed genocide, crimes again humanity, or even the existence joint criminal enterprises, and also found that all those most horrific crimes were committed based on different ethnic affiliation of the citizens of B&H, denying one of fundamental rights from the Universal Declaration, which is the right to life. Without any moral dilemmas, awards are presented and war criminals are glorified, which I think is in direct opposition to another value of the UN, i.e. elimination of impunity for war crimes. It is another question that requires a clear answer, how to deal with factors that negate the courts formed by the UN and how to deal with them in concrete cases of denying the judgements that sentenced the genocide perpetrators, crimes against humanity, war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Can such factors, that deny such judgements by hiding those who committed genocide and war crimes, be the part of the international legal order? It is an issue that directly encroaches the international law and the organization of the UN,” said Komsic. Komsic said that the basic human rights of citizens in B&H have been shaken and that they are applied selectively. Komsic underlined that ethnic policies are strengthening and that they are based on exclusivity and ethno-chauvinist tendencies, noting that imaginary collective rights have completely suppressed individual ones. Komsic stressed the importance of the UN mechanism through the institution of the High Representative whereby the UN took the responsibility to protect the international order and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. "I believe that this is the right place to emphasize the expectation that the new High Representative of the international community in B&H will take into account the need to protect international legal documents and their fundamental values, because this is one of his more important tasks. That is, if the international community itself in B&H wants to abandon the implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, then the question rightly arises as to whether the Universal Declaration is necessary at all if its implementation is selective," Komsic said.

Komsic: This concept that we live in and how our state is organized naturally leads us into constant conflicts and it would be wise to give up on it (N1)


Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic was a guest for N1 via video link from New York. Komsic commented on neighboring countries interfering in B&H affairs, changes to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the Croatian President Zoran Milanovic’s statements about B&H. When asked to comment on interference of neighboring countries in B&H, considering that Milanovic also dedicated a part of his speech to B&H, Komsic said: “Of course, this is one of the top topics of the last five or six years when it comes to the concept of how B&H will be organized. It is a question of whether we will remain in a state of frozen conflict, or we will go back as required by certain neighboring countries and certain political forces in B&H, in terms of nailing that ethnic concept, territorialization of ethnic concept, which would inevitably lead to dissolution of B&H which some actors of these theses do not hide. I will only remind you of what Dodik is saying. The second thing is whether we will go forward in terms of the organization of B&H and B&H society in which everyone is the same no matter who and what they are, which does not mean that they will be less Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats, Jews, Roma. I think the time has come, and this is in line with the standards of democratic states, especially on the European continent, of EU member states, whether we will go in the direction of organizing society and the state as a society of free and equal individuals before the Constitution and the law. The choice is ours”.  Komsic said that it was interesting that in the last month, that offensive coincided with the arrival of the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt. Komsic added: “I think that with a couple of unfortunate statements he actually warmed up the atmosphere or gave the wind in the back to the proponents of that concept, instead of turning to what is required of us, what the Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg is asking for, what the Opinion of the European Commission is asking for, what healthy elementary logic asks for, which dictates that people are all the same no matter who and what they are”. Komsic was asked how to reach an agreement if there is no agreement of the three sides in B&H even when it comes to Komsic’s arrival to New York, which was disputed by Serb member of the Presidency Milorad Dodik. Reporter reminded that Dodik sent a message after Komsic’s speech that Komsic was there without consensus and in a private visit. Komsic commented: “If I had come here privately, I would not have been able to come to the podium, I would not have been able to enter the UN General Assembly. Therefore, the member of the presidency, i.e. the chairman in this case, is always in that position and he always represents his country according to the Constitution. I do not need Mr. Dodik's approval to do my job, or anyone else's. Otherwise, we could end up with Mr. Dodik forbidding us to come to work because he does not like it. This is to be expected perhaps at some next stage”. When it comes to reaching an agreement, Komsic pointed out: “This cannot be achieved on this concept of the organization of the country and society, especially with such severe wounds, which we carry as people, as individuals, and even as collectivities. Simply put, in order for this to happen, a sufficient number of people in B&H must believe that it is right, which is then transformed through support for the policies and political options that represent these theses in the elections. Only when you get enough trust from the citizens of B&H for what you say, you can change that concept, which means changing the Constitution of B&H. It cannot be done without it, it cannot be obtained by force, it cannot be imposed. It must be the product of some democratic processes in the society itself. We will either remain trapped forever in this concept of constituent peoples, collectivities, not as a protection of those collectivities and the rights of peoples in B&H, but as a concept used as an excuse for an ethnic distribution, quarrel, struggle (for) above all goods and privilege in B&H. This concept that we live in and how our state is organized naturally leads us into constant conflicts and it would be wise to give up on it. When this will happen depends on the democratic processes taking place in society”. The reporter pointed out that, to put it colloquially, everyone swears by the DPA, and at the same time they would change the parts of it that do not suit them. Komsic was asked to comment on the fact that Schmidt told HRT that the DPA should not be revised, given the circumstances. Komsic stated: “Schmidt’s function is not to do that or not to do that. It is not up to him whether we will live normally or not. It is in our hands. If we decide to go that route, then no one can stop us and forbid us. Mr. Schmidt, from the aspect of the position he is in, is probably motivated by the desire not to open some new conflicts in B&H, says these things. Although he also has some preferences when it comes to the concept of how-to live-in B&H. I do not agree with that. For me, that is ok as long as I can have any democratic debate, an argumentative debate with him about what and how it should be in B&H. Mr. Schmidt cannot change the B&H Constitution, that is not his mandate. (He) can impose laws, these are the so-called Bonn Powers. He does it with authority, but what he is talking about and what I am talking about should be exclusively the will of the citizens of B&H, realized through the B&H parliament, and only then it will give the right result”.

Dodik: Komsic addresses UN GA without Presidency’s consent (BHT)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik reacted to the speech of Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic at the UN GA on Wednesday. Dodik said that the problem in Komsic’s address before the UN GA lies in the lack of consent from the B&H Presidency to participate in this session. Dodik noted that he informed UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres that Komsic lacks consent to participate in the UN GA session, but that Guterres appears to accept that. Dodik noted that, in this way, Guterres has become involved in possible dissolution of B&H. Dodik said that the message conveyed by those who allowed Komsic to address the UN GA session on behalf of B&H is clear. Dodik underlined that by allowing Komsic to speak on behalf of B&H, the Secretary General of the UN involved in dissolution of B&H “which off course occurs.” According to Dodik, the problem emerges when Komsic speaks on behalf of B&H and when the UN Secretary General accepts him in this capacity. Dodik characterized Komsic’s speech as slander with which Komsic contributes to the dissolution of B&H, in which Guterres is now also involved, according to Dodik. From Budapest, Dodik reiterated that there is no decision for that, so everything that Komsic does in New York is a private story in which, as Dodik said, Guterres is a bigger problem than Komsic. Dodik stated: “Here it is important that the UN Secretary General is involved in the disintegration of B&H, which of course is happening. One day when history is being written, then this event will be said, that the UN Secretary General received in private visit a man who slandered others in B&H and that it contributed to the misunderstanding, non-reconciliation and non-functioning of B&H and that is why it is falling apart. One day I will write that it is so.”

Komsic on Milanovic’s statements on B&H: I used to believe that Milanovic has some serious stances (AJB/Oslobodjenje)


Asked to comment statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic that in some way he is president of Croats in B&H, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic said that he used to believe Milanovic has some serious stances. He stressed that this is not 18th century when people were represented by chiefs of tribes. “I thought he was president and not chief of entire people” explained Komsic, adding that countries are represented in the UN because it is achievement of modern world. Asked whether he will again participate in race for member of B&H Presidency, Komsic stressed that although this is not time or place to talk about this topic, he will be a candidate again. N1 By Nikola Markovic live from studio – Komsic was also a guest for N1 via video link from New York. Komsic commented statements of Milanovic and he said: “Unfortunately, since he became the President of the Republic of Croatia, there is nothing you cannot expect from him. Then the question arises as to what kind of person we are dealing with. Is he just a charlatan looking for more attention, is he a man of dangerous intentions or is he actually a charlatan of dangerous intentions? For everything he utters is not only not appropriate to the place, time and relations of the two states, to his function, but it is not appropriate simply to the century in which we live. He cannot be the President of the Croats. We are not tribes in which we seek our chiefs. These are states, the modern world functions on these principles. We can only be presidents of states, members of the presidency of states as it is in B&H. In B&H, there is no such sentence in the B&H Constitution from which you can conclude that I am a representative of Croats, Mr. Dodik of Serbs or Mr. Dzaferovic of Bosniaks, but we are members of the Presidency of B&H who come from the ranks of these people. I advise anyone who goes in that direction, in terms of commenting on the situation in B&H, to read the Constitution of B&H and then to start commenting on everything. I do not comment on things in the Republic of Croatia and the way in which they should organize Croatia”.

Milanovic’s speech at UN General Assembly sparks reactions in B&H and Serbia (Nezavisne)


The speech by Croatian President Zoran Milanovic at the UN General Assembly sparked strong reactions in B&H and Serbia, including those by B&H MPs Adil Osmanovic and Sasa Magazinovic as well as Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin. Reacting to Milanovic’s words that he is also the President of the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina, MP Osmanovic (SDA) was scandalous. “He is the President of Croatia and I am shocked that such high-ranking official can give such a statement,” said Osmanovic. MP Magazinovic (SDP) noted that Milanovic can be the President to those in B&H who hold the citizenship of Croatia but that there are the many in B&H who have the citizenship of Croatia but are not the Croats. “If he said he was the President to a number of those who live in B&H, the citizens of Croatia, it would be correct. But what he said indicates something bad, I don’t want to use bad words. It is understandable but I don’t support what Milanovic is saying about B&H” said Magazinovic, adding that both the President of Croatia and President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic are interfering more and more day by day in B&H’s internal affairs. Responding to Milanovic’s statement that Vucic was one of the “most prominent warmongers of the 1990s”, Serbian Interior Minister Vulin said Milanovic is proving to be “one of the dumber politicians in Croatia.”  He also wondered why it is not legitimate that the President of Serbia be the President of all Serbs no matter where they live, if Milanovic can say he is the President of the Croats in B&H.

Chinese President Xi Jingping announces that China will no longer finance construction of coal-fired power plants abroad (O Kanal)

O Kanal carries that it seems that the questionable and controversial project of construction of Block 7 of the Tuzla Coal-fired Power Plant has been unsuccessfully completed. Namely, Chinese President Xi Jingping announced at Tuesday's session of the UN General Assembly that China will no longer finance construction of coal-fired power plants abroad. O Kanal recalled that Block 7 was pompously announced as the largest post-war investment in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) worth BAM 1.4 billion and that its construction was supposed to be financed with a loan of the Export–Import Bank of China. "China will step up support for other developing countries in developing green and low-carbon energy, and will not build new coal-fired power projects abroad. Thus, China will work to reduce a key source of pollution that leads to climate change," Xi said in his address at the UN General Assembly. In his address at the UN General Assembly, B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic also spoke about the issue of the imminent need to shut down energy sources from coal. "In my country, B&H, we have about 40 percent of green capacities for electricity production. Nevertheless, the gradual shutdown of coal-fired power plants and thus most mines, which is expected of us in the next 25 to 30 years, will cause a shortage of electricity that we can hardly make up for in time," Komsic said. Representatives of the Center for Ecology and Energy stressed that all those who dealt with the topic of Block 7 in previous years knew that such position of China would follow, adding that how this will affect Block 7 is a question for domestic politics. "It has been clear for the last few months that project of Block 7 has no future, that every future insistence on the continuation of the implementation of the project and certain statements of high-ranking officials from 'Elektroprivreda B&H' who say that one must go into that project at all costs is an extremely frivolous approach," representative of the Center for Ecology and Energy Denis Zisko underlined. O Kanal recalled that the contract on the construction of Block 7 with a consortium of Chinese state-owned companies was signed in 2014. Due to the guarantees provided by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government for this project, B&H found itself under the sanctions of the Energy Community. FB&H Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Nermin Dzindic stressed that if China's decision is really as it is presented in the media, it will be necessary to find a way to terminate this project in a regular, lawful and proper manner. Prior to China, South Korea and Japan also gave up on investing in coal-fired energy.

Dzindic comments on announcement that China will no longer invest in thermal power plants abroad: This will affect construction of Block 7 (N1)


Regarding the announcement of Chinese President Xi Jinping that China will no longer invest in thermal power plants abroad, the FB&H Minister of Energy, Mining and Industry Nermin Dzindic commented on how this will affect the construction of Block 7 of the Tuzla Thermal Power Plant and said that it is necessary to consider the directions for terminating the project in a legal way. Dzindic said he had heard the news from the media and would react when it becomes official. Dzindic stated: “Last week we received official information from the Parliament to propose certain conclusions that will be treated during the debate. This information was sent by the ministry to Elektroprivreda B&H, the supervisory board and the management. We have given a period of seven days for them to comment and provide us with working material through conclusions on what should be discussed in Parliament. Therefore, the parliament gives the final consent, and the signatory of the contract is Elektroprivreda B&H, which is owned by the government of FB&H, with our strategic partner from China”.


Milanovic: I think Vucic is proud of his wartime role (N1/Hina)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, who is currently in New York attending the UN General Assembly, said on Tuesday that Serbia's leader, Aleksandar Vucic, had "incited war" in the 1990s, and that "he was probably proud of that", Croatian state agency Hina reported. This echoed his earlier comments he made in a talk at Columbia University on Monday, when Milanovic said that Vucic “had been a warmonger.” His comments apparently “set off a storm in Serbia,” Hina said. “You can’t ignore the roles some people played in our region over the last 30 years. Blood was spilled, there was arson, killings, and some people incited others to do that,” he told reporters on Tuesday, adding that “Croatia has gentlemanly let this pass, but it won’t bury its head in the sand as many in Serbia are doing.” In the 1990s, Vucic was a prominent member of the far-right nationalist Serbian Radical Party led by Vojislav Seselj who was later convicted for war crimes at the Hague tribunal. The party was briefly in coalition with the late strongman Slobodan Milosevic’s Socialists and during that time Vucic served as Information Minister. “I think Vucic was proud of what he was doing. This is something that should be said from time to time, especially when someone… sends out on a daily basis his political holograms, spokesmen, and agitators to say on his behalf whatever pops into their heads. That’s dirty and cheap,” Milanovic said. Milanovic was probably referring to Serbia’s Interior Minister, Aleksandar Vulin, who had responded to Milanovic’s comments about Vucic on Monday by calling him “one of the dumber politicians in Croatia.” Also, on Monday, Vucic, who is not attending the UN General Assembly, chimed in, saying that Milanovic was spreading “shallow and low insults” out of envy because “Croatia is jealous of Serbia’s economic success.” In a press release, he said that Milanovic was “bothered by the fact that this year Serbia would surpass Croatia” in GDP “by a €300 million to €600 million margin.” According to World Bank, Croatia’s GDP in 2020 was close to $56 billion while Serbia’s was close to $53 billion. Latest estimated from June this year project Croatia’s GDP to grow by 5.5 percent in 2021, and Serbia’s by 5.0 percent. “Serbia has a bigger total GDP even than Luxembourg. But Croatia’s and Serbia’s GDPs per capita are not even close. Serbia is much closer to Albania there” Vucic was quoted as saying by Hina. “In terms of general development, Serbia is not at Croatia’s level. Life in Croatia is better and richer than in Serbia by all parameters,” Vucic added. According to World Bank data, Luxembourg’s GDP in 2020 was about $73.2 billion, or roughly 40 percent larger than Serbia’s.

Friendly talk about Bosnia 

On Tuesday, Milanovic met with President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and later told reporters that “they had a friendly talk on Bosnia and Herzegovina.” “What I say in public, I also say at such meetings,” he said, adding that Turkey’s foreign and defense ministers were also at the “quite open and very pleasant” meeting. Milanovic has been a vocal advocate for election reform in B&H, where ethnic largely Catholic Croat nationalist parties have a hard time getting their candidates into office at the federal level, as the largely Muslim ethnic Bosniak voters outnumber Croats 3 to 1 in the Bosniak-Croat entity that forms half of the country. However, Milanovic is keen to make the distinction that calling for election reform does not equate breaking up B&H, in contrast to B&H Serb leader, Milorad Dodik, who often openly floats the idea of the Serb half of the country seceding to potentially join Serbia proper. The heartland of B&H Croats is in the southern Herzegovina region, with the city of Mostar as its largest city and political center. “What I underlined to Mr Erdogan is that there is no one in Croatia throwing around any ideas that Mostar and Herzegovina might secede, which we hear from some others about some other parts of B&H. And that would not be smart nor necessary. In Croatia, no one advocates such a policy, and such outcomes,” Milanovic said.

Important commitments 

While in New York, Milanovic was supposed to meet with UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutteres. However, the meeting was cancelled by Milanovic, who said he had “more important commitments,” Hina reported. “That wasn’t even supposed to be a meeting but a photo op and a five-minute talk” Hina quoted Milanovic as saying. “At that moment, I assessed that I had something more productive to attend to, an informal meeting concerning the region, state business,” Hina said, without adding any details.

Milanovic addresses UN GA: B&H requires framework that is based on federalism, decentralization and legitimate representation in order to make progress; I am President of Croats in B&H too (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic addressed the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday night. He spoke about the Coronavirus pandemic and said that Croatia is committed to joint efforts in addressing global challenges, including the pandemic and climate change. He also emphasized Croatia’s commitment to peace and stability of the Western Balkans and that Croatia is one of the biggest advocators for the EU enlargement to the Western Balkan region. Milanovic also spoke about B&H and stressed that the Euro-Atlantic perspective of B&H and ensuring equality for all three constituent peoples in this country is one of Croatia’s priorities. “In certain way, B&H is a foundation for peace and security in the wider region. Its territorial integrity, functionality of institutions and coexistence of peoples have always been important for Croatia. However, it is hard to have more complex and more challenging situation in the Western Balkans than the one currently affecting B&H,” Milanovic said, adding that unequal position of constituent peoples in B&H has been unresolved for a long time. According to Milanovic, electoral reforms are supposed to ensure for each of the three constituent peoples in B&H to elect their representatives at all political levels, but Croats in B&H have not been able to use this right and no wonder they feel sidelined and deprived of rights.  Milanovic used his address before the UN General Assembly as an opportunity to offer a solution for B&H's progress. Milanovic pointed out that B&H needs an appropriate institutional framework for distribution of posts, based on the principles of federalism, decentralization and legitimate representation, but also urgent electoral reforms. "Electoral reforms should enable each constituent people to elect their representatives at all appropriate political levels. The Croats of B&H were not able to exercise this right" Milanovic said in his address at the UN General Assembly. O Kanal underlined that Milanovic went a step further, noting that besides challenging Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic's election and his presence at the session of the UN General Assembly, Milanovic also declared himself the president of Croats in B&H. Milanovic noted: “I said that I am the President of Croatia, the President of Croatian citizens, Croats, and also – in a way – of those Croats living in B&H, and that this is my duty and obligation and, ultimately, how I feel.” He added that Croatian authorities need to take care of the status of Croats outside of Croatia, in line with the Constitution and with full respect of the countries they live in.

Milanovic says is also president of B&H citizens with Croatian citizenship (Hina)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said in New York on Tuesday that he was also the president of citizens of B&H of the Croatian nationality who have Croatian citizenship, and this statement was questioned on Wednesday by some media outlets in B&H. Some media outlets in B&H, such as Oslobodjenje daily newspaper or B&H's N1 broadcaster reported that Milanovic had said he was "the president of Croats in B&H". They left out part of the statement in which Milanovic said that Croats in B&H, just like Croats in New York, had Croatian citizenship and the right to vote in the election and that it was "a formal and legal fact that he is also their president". He stressed that this was with "full respect for the countries" in which they live. The statement was made in response to a reporter's question asking him to comment on the situation when Zeljko Komsic, the current chairman of the B&H tripartite Presidency who sits in the presidency as the Croat member, came to the UN General Assembly. "Komsic came here as one of the Presidency members, I don't know... on whose behalf he's speaking, even if he was the representative of Croats because... I said I was the president of Croatia, the president of Croatian citizens, Croats and, in a way, of those Croats living in B&H" as stipulated by the Constitution, said Milanovic. He added that he had often raised the issue of the voting right of Croatian citizens outside Croatia, in a bid to reduce it to a reasonable level, and his argument for that had been also not to undermine the neighboring country where the polling stations for Croatian elections were also set up.


Becic: Agreement on government reshuffling possible, URA not left out (CdM)

Speaker of the parliament of Montenegro Aleksa Becic has stated that an agreement on the government reshuffling is possible and pointed out that URA Civic Movement has in no way been excluded from the negotiations or the agreement. “After the joint statement of the Democrats and the DF, which was the first significant step forward, announcement by PM Zdravko Krivokapic is the second step and step towards this process,” Becic has stated at the press conference organized on the occasion of the new Montenegrin Parliament convocation. He points out that URA hasn’t been left out of those negotiations.

URA: We see Krivokapic’s statement as reaction to Mandic-Becic agreement; things are not solved through press releases (CdM)

URA sees the statement by Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic as a reaction to the Mandic-Becic agreement, and although he previously said that he would decide on the whole situation on the initiative of 41 MPs, the party has stated today in its response to Krivokapic’s statement. “If there was an agreement between the Prime Minister and the DF and the Democrats, we were not informed, so we cannot decide on that. What we notice is that in this whole process, no one is calling for an agreement and a meeting, but the solution to the political crisis is wished to be ended with press releases in the late evening. URA has never run away from dialogue, so this time as well, we believe that such serious issues cannot be discussed through the media, but at the table,” URA’s statement reads. URA notes that it has determined itself precisely according to the events from the previous days.

Djukanovic: Region experiencing global political upheavals having led to awakening of retrograde ideas (CdM)

“We feel strong reflections of certain global political disturbances in the region, and these global political disturbances have led to the re-awakening of some retrograde political ideas, mostly inspired by the re-composition of borders in the Western Balkans, and the creation of conditions for enlarged nationally and religiously homogeneous states,” said President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic after an informal working dinner of the leaders of the Western Balkans hosted by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. This General Assembly, he says, was an inspiration to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to gather the leaders of the Western Balkans and once again discuss the problems and the European perspective. “I took the opportunity to acquaint them with what the most current political and social events in Montenegro are, to recall the efforts that Montenegro has made over the past years and decades to build its civic profile, build and develop multiethnic democracy, trace and win significant strides on its path to European integration,” Djukanovic said. And then he said that he informed his interlocutors about the problems that Montenegro was facing. He stressed that those retrograde and ruinous aspirations were “evidenced by the losses we had in the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990’s, which were a consequence of the then ideas identical to today’s ideas. So, I pointed out that this is something that does not threaten only the civic, secular and pro-European profile of Montenegro, but it threatens the stability of the Balkans, thus jeopardizing European stability and the focus on further prosperity and competitiveness of Europe as our common home,” Djukanovic stressed. He said that all the interlocutors understood those warnings very well. “Together, we called on the EU, with the initiation of the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr. Borrell, to make additional efforts, to help the WB reach its European perspective in the near future, and to close the door to destructive influences, which threaten both European unity and the European value system,” Djukanovic added. He pointed out that the conversation was very useful.

Djukanovic meets Pahor and Pendarovski: Our countries’ integration of into European structures common interest (CdM)

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic met with the presidents of Slovenia and North Macedonia, Borut Pahor and Stevo Pendarovski respectively. “Thanks to President Borut Pahor for the initiative for the meeting, and for the open exchange of views on the situation in the EU and in the Western Balkans. It was, in fact, a continuation of extremely useful talks, with a realistic view of the strong connection between the European perspective and the stability of the region,” Djukanovic pointed out. As he said, a high degree of agreement was expressed with Presidents Pahor and Pendarovski on the common geopolitical interest of the European Union and the Western Balkans, for the soonest possible integration of our countries into European structures.


Pendarovski met with former US Ambassador Baily (Republika)

During his stay in New York, for the UN General Assembly, President Stevo Pendarovski met with former US Ambassador to Macedonia Jess Baily. The heavy-handed diplomat was a constant presence on the Macedonian political scene during the Colored Revolution, the installation of PM Zoran Zaev into power and the imposed name change. He has maintained a low profile since his retirement. In a brief social media comment, Pendarovski said that he discussed events in “North Macedonia” with Baily and expressed his gratitude for the US support.


Karakacanov blasts new US Balkan envoy after he called on Bulgaria to lift its veto against Macedonia (Republika)


Bulgarian nationalist politician and former Defense Minister Krasimir Karakacanov accused the Government of preparing to back down in the dispute with Macedonia, under American pressure. Karakacanov, who frequently campaigns on the issue of being tough against Macedonia, made the comments after newly appointed US diplomat in the Balkans Gabriel Escobar called on Bulgaria to lift its veto, insisting that it’s a strategic imperative for Macedonia and Albania to join the EU. Karakacanov warned that Bulgaria will get nothing from the US out of this demand. “It’s a scandalous statement. This is how the Americans act. They try to gain friends in Skopje, but they will lose their friends in Bulgaria,” Karakacanov said.


License plate reciprocity / Meta: Preserving Kosovo's sovereignty, the basis for building stable relations with Serbia (Radio Tirana


Albanian President Ilir Meta has reacted regarding the reciprocity of car license plates that Kosovo has placed on Serbia. In a Facebook post, Meta writes that preserving Kosovo's state sovereignty and territorial integrity is the basis for building stable relations with Serbia. Meta also calls on both countries to overcome tensions and continue the dialogue. "Preserving the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Kosovo is a key factor in consolidating peace, security, stability and good neighborliness in the region and the basis for building stable relations with Serbia. "In this spirit, the parties must overcome tensions, continue the dialogue and adhere to the obligations arising from the agreements reached by both countries with the mediation of the EU and the US," writes Meta.