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Belgrade Media Report 4 November


Vucic: Open Balkans best way for overcoming problems (RTV/Tanjug/RTS/Beta/FoNet)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday said the Open Balkans initiative was supported by all sides involved but that its implementation was flawed and that it must now be seen where it had failed on the ground. Vucic was speaking after a Belgrade meeting with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and North Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, Atlantic Council representatives and businesspeople from the region. At a joint press conference with Rama and Dimitrov, Vucic said the meeting with representatives of the business communities of the three countries had been very serious and that the Open Balkans initiative enjoyed 100 percent support. "However, what is frustrating for us is the fact that we have not been able to implement in full what we have agreed. We reached an agreement on how to do that in future," Vucic noted. Vucic said the Open Balkans was a major, exceptional initiative that made a difference and one that was not there for politicians, but for the people. He said an agreement had been made to set up an implementation council and hold meetings over the next week with representatives of customs offices, agencies and phytosanitary inspectorates to analyze the situation concerning free movement of goods. He added that free movement of services had been discussed as well. Vucic also said the parties had agreed to cooperate further to enable people in the three countries to travel between Belgrade and Tirana without borders in a year and a half. "We must fight for quicker development and economic growth and we must do all we can to enable our businesspeople to make faster progress. We have incredible shortcomings. We have not made a reciprocal agreement with North Macedonia on real estate purchases. Due to some bureaucratic reasons, we are obstructing such transactions," Vucic said. He said he was confident it would be possible to sign a MoU on work permits by the next meeting in Tirana, to be held after Catholic Christmas. "It must be a real, legally effective agreement so that we can enable everyone to work anywhere in the region because otherwise we will have more and more workers from other parts of the world," Vucic said. He said an agreement on free movement of foreign nationals was needed as well because Serbia was facing a shortage of labor force. "We will resolve our relationship with Pristina in Brussels. The Open Balkans initiative is something that gives freedom to people and a chance to the economy," Vucic said. "We have opened our doors to Pristina and Sarajevo and Podgorica. It seems to me that the three of us got to the heart of the problem. We have plenty of work and worries to be justifying ourselves to someone. Neither to the EU nor to anyone in the region. Everyone got something clean, such is this initiative," added Vucic. The meeting of the three officials was preceded by talks with representatives of companies from three countries and a meeting with representatives of the Atlantic Council. The Open Balkans initiative was attended by representatives of 22 holdings from the region, which brought together 184 companies. Rama said that today, unlike in other meetings, the focus was on people, companies, distributors, workers, students, academic citizens who are the real users of the Open Balkan. “Each of them suffers at the borders – from waiting, and those red lines, agencies, checks,” Rama said, adding that the regional countries’ markets were small, but when integrated, they have some strength in attracting foreign investments. Dimitrov said the Open Balkans initiative was essential and that regional cooperation was European, wise and the right choice. He added there was no doubt about what to do when you need to find solutions and make the future better. “Solidarity is the basis for future integration, and that means that we take care of others as we take care of ourselves,” Dimitrov said. He added that the better the countries of the region cooperate, the more confident the EU will be that they won’t bring their issues into the bloc.

Rama, Dimitrov arrive in Belgrade (Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic welcomed on Wednesday night at the Nikola Tesla Airport Prime Minister of Albania Edi Rama, who will participate in the meeting of the Open Balkans Initiative. Serbian Minister for EU Integration Jadranka Joksimovic welcomed at Nikola Tesla Airport Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia Nikola Dimitrov, who will take parts in today’s talks within the Open Balkans Initiative in Belgrade. In a statement for Tanjug after landing at the Belgrade airport, Dimitrov said that North Macedonia, despite the latest events in that country after the local elections, is fully committed to the Open Balkans initiative. “I am coming at a time when, as you know, the local elections in North Macedonia are over, which have left consequences, and even a political crisis in some way. It is important that we send a signal that we, as a state and government, are fully committed to the initiative established in the Balkans and which aims, above all, at the European Balkans,” Dimitrov said.

He pointed out that regional cooperation is an absolutely European story and stated that cooperation could be further deepened. “I intend to propose that digitalization be included in the initiative as an important segment, and how digitalization can help speed up regional cooperation,” Dimitrov said.

Krivokapic’s visit to Serbia a positive impulse for intensifying cooperation between the two countries (Politika)

The visit of Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic to Serbia represents a positive impulse for intensifying cooperation between the two countries, but also a clear signal to the international community that there is capacity in the region to overcome possible open issues through dialogue and common interests. Krivokapic thanked for the hospitality and warm welcome and emphasized that Montenegro wants the best relations with Serbia and a common future in the EU. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Montenegro is the closest country to Serbia. He expressed the expectation that in the future, meetings between officials of the two countries will be more frequent. The officials discussed the current economic opportunities and challenges in terms of economic recovery in the Western Balkan countries and the region as a whole. Vucic pointed out that both countries are facing energy challenges, and that in that sense it is necessary to prepare a serious strategy for overcoming those challenges. Krivokapic expressed his belief that the relations between Montenegro and Serbia, in terms of economic cooperation, will intensify in the coming period and as such contribute to the post-pandemic economic recovery and stabilization of opportunities. In that sense, investments from Serbia are more than welcome. We are determined to work on raising living standards as a basic precondition for further progress. In that context, we have prepared a plan for economic recovery “Europe Now”, and in parallel we must work on strengthening the infrastructure, in order to ensure the diversification of economic activities, reduce import dependence and create high-quality jobs, said the Prime Minister. The mutual need for the realization of the idea of holding joint sessions of the two governments, in order to intensify economic relations between the two countries, was emphasized. The importance of the construction of the motorway was also emphasized, and Krivokapic expressed the clear intention of Montenegro to continue with the construction of the remaining sections of the motorway, up to the border with Serbia. Vucic said that Serbia will certainly complete the section of the motorway to Duga Poljana, as well as that it will work on the modernization of its part of the Belgrade-Bar railway. The meeting assessed that both countries are committed to European integration, and that the exchange of experience and support of neighboring countries is of key importance for the continuation of the integration process. The meeting ended with the desire to further strengthen cooperation between Montenegro and Serbia in all fields in the interest of the citizens of both countries and our common European future.

Dacic, Krivokapic discuss stronger bilateral ties (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Wednesday met with Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, who is on a two-day visit to Serbia. Dacic noted that Krivokapic's trip to Belgrade was important for strengthening bilateral relations and cooperation in all areas.

"Throughout history, Serbia and Montenegro have never been enemies and have always enjoyed brotherly and friendly relations," said Dacic, stressing that no effort should be spared to bring the relations back to that same level in the future. He underlined that Serbia does not want to interfere in Montenegro’s internal affairs and that it is only interested in good relations and protection of the rights of Serbs in Montenegro. He said he was ready to work on strengthening the cooperation between the two parliaments, both through an exchange of visits between the heads of parliament and closer contacts between the parliamentary friendship groups.

Krivokapic said he was most pleased with his visit to Serbia, stressing that was met with a warm welcome from all the officials here, as well as readiness and openness for cooperation.



UN Security Council unanimously adopts Resolution on B&H extending mandate of EUFOR mission in B&H for another twelve months (FTV/Al Jazeera


The UN Security Council (UN SC) unanimously adopted on Wednesday evening the Resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) extending the mandate of the EUFOR mission in B&H for another twelve months. The Resolution on B&H, which was previously agreed upon, does not mention the OHR or the High Representative (HR) who did not address the members of the UN SC. During the discussion in the UN SC on the situation in B&H, Permanent Representative of France to the UN Nicolas De Riviere stated that significant progress was made in B&H since the end of the war, but that political tensions remain strong. De Riviere stressed that France supports B&H's European path, calling for implementation of electoral reform in B&H. De Riviere stated that the HR has a key role in B&H which, as he said, France supports. "We deeply regret the decisions of certain political representatives to block the work of state-level institutions. We invite them on this occasion to cooperate with the institutions. France wants to confirm its strong support to B&H's unity within the frameworks established by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and we call on witnesses to the agreement to continue to provide a guarantee. France strongly condemns the glorification of war crimes, i.e. war criminals who have been convicted before international courts of justice," de Riviere underlined. Representative of the UK to the UN thanked HR Christian Schmidt for submitting the report on the situation in B&H, expressing concern over the division rhetoric coming from the Republika Srpska (RS) representatives. "In that context, we agree with the assessments of the High Representative that such moves were created to lead to secession, separation of the RS from B&H. This does not only jeopardize peace and stability in the region, it also jeopardizes the Dayton Agreement itself. In light of the political situation in B&H, it is now more important than ever for the Security Council to give its full support to full implementation of the Dayton Agreement," the representative of the UK to the UN stated. US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield provided full support to the HR and the OHR, warning B&H leaders to stop using dangerous rhetoric. "War rhetoric must stop. Milorad Dodik calls for withdrawal of the RS from key state-level institutions and he often, more and more often calls for the complete secession of the RS from B&H. The US agrees with the assessment of the HR. This is a dangerous path both for B&H and the entire region. We are particularly concerned about Dodik's claims that he is leading the drafting of a new draft constitution for the RS. This poses a serious threat to the Dayton Agreement which has so far successfully maintained peace in B&H," Thomas-Greenfield pointed out. Thomas-Greenfield also called for peace and de-escalation. Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya blamed external factors and former HR Valentin Inzko's imposition of changes to the B&H Criminal Code banning the denial of genocide for the current situation in B&H. "Pressure on members of the Serb people and the Serb entity is growing," Nebenzya said, adding that it is not ok to blame exclusively Bosnian Serbs for everything that is happening in B&H. "We believe that this is demonization of one people. Everything that Bosnian Serbs do is demonized. This is almost a central political motive for certain forces. Their goal is clear - revision of the Dayton architecture," Nebenzya emphasized. It was expected that the HR will address the session to present his first report on the situation in B&H since he took office, this did not happen. In his address at the session, B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj read parts of the HR’s report. In his address, Alkalaj presented the most concerning parts that the HR noticed in B&H. In this regard, Alkalaj said that Dodik is trying to remove the RS from the constitutional organization that was established by the Annex Four of the DPA. Alkalaj underlined that B&H needs to continue implementing reforms, particularly the electoral reform, along with the 14 key priorities defined in EC's Opinion on the B&H’s EU Membership Application. Chinese Ambassador to the UN Geng Suang said that all problems in B&H should be resolved by its local politicians and that the system of the HR and Bonn Powers belongs to the past. He called on the international community to have a balanced and unbiased approach on B&H, to respect stances of all sides and avoid imposing solutions from outside. Permanent Representative of China in the UN Zhang Jun stressed that China would want to remind that “based on the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), the UN SC has an indisputable role in the process of appointment of the HR, that is practice that was established long ago and it needs to be respected”. While other permanent representatives in the UN expressed their support to work of HR Schmidt, Russia and China continued disputing his legitimacy. On this occasion, it was reminded that the 5+2 Agenda needs to be fulfilled in order to meet the conditions for closure of the OHR. When asked by Al Jazeera whether Schmidt’s has UN SG Antonio Guterres’ support, the deputy spokesperson for the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq said that Guterres believes that the role of the High Representative in B&H is important, however, Haq pointed out that this is not the stance of the UN. Haq was quoted as saying: “No, what I can say is that we had a very productive relationship with the Office of the High Representative (OHR), as you know, that is not the position of the UN. But it is an office that has worked with the (UN) Security Council and with the parties on the ground, and we have found that the OHR has been very helpful in this process. The (UN) Secretary-General certainly believes that the role of the High Representative has been important for many years.”


US Embassy, OHR comment UN SC session; US supports territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H (Oslobodjenje


US Embassy’s Office of Public Affairs stated that the US without any reserves, support territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H, as one state with two entities and Brcko District. “EUFOR has a key role in support to implementation of Dayton Peace Agreement and in cooperation with local authorities and NATO HQ in Sarajevo, they are keeping B&H safe and secure. We are not able to comment negotiations within the UN”, reads the statement. Statement further adds: “We want to see B&H fulfilling concrete criteria established by Peace Implementation Council, 5+2 Agenda, in order to end the international supervision.” Daily sent a question to the OHR, asking for a comment to decision of the UN Security Council, and the OHR briefly stated “regular report of the High Representative was submitted to the UN and distributed to the members of UN Security Council”.

EC: Escalation of political crisis in B&H causes serious concern, EUFOR Althea has important role for stability and security in B&H (FTV


Representatives of the European Commission (EC) have stated that EUFOR Operation Althea has an important role in the stability and security of B&H. The EC representatives stressed that they expect the mandate of EUFOR in B&H to be extended, but that they do not want to comment on the discussions in the UN SC. The EC representatives pointed out that situation in B&H is of great concern to the EU, especially after separatist rhetoric by SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik which, as they said, has to be stopped. Spokesperson for the EC Peter Stano stated that the EU and the US are working to find a solution for the crisis in B&H. "Our representatives in B&H have held meetings with political leaders in order to send a message. We were clear. Any rhetoric of division should end, as well as a unilateral action that would jeopardize the territorial integrity of B&H. We have to ensure and start a political dialogue between the political leaders. That is the only constructive way to solve the crisis. We remain committed to B&H and providing support to the political leaders in B&H to resolve this crisis," Stano underlined. Stano commented on the fact that the Resolution of the UN SC extends mandate of EUFOR Operation Althea in B&H, saying that Althea mission has an important role in maintaining stability and security in B&H.

EUFOR Commander Platzer: Situation in B&H is stable (Hayat


Commander of EUFOR, Austrian Major General Alexander Platzer stated that from military aspect, it would make no difference to remove from the text of the EUFOR’s mandate the references regarding the Office of the High Representative to extend the EUFOR Mission, but that he cannot assess whether this would affect the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) or not. He added that generally he does not see any classical military threat in B&H despite dangerous announcement by Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, stressing that EUFOR will not send additional troops to Brcko. According to Platzer, the overall security situation in B&H is stable, but reserve forces can arrive in B&H from other countries of the Western Balkans if necessary and there are preparations for certain scenarios. Commenting on the announcement that the RS will withdraw from the Armed Forces (AF) of B&H and create its own special army, Platzer says that “the joint army is not based on the Dayton Peace Agreement”. The commander said he did not see “any classic military threat” in the statements of Serb Presidency member Milorad Dodik, which could mean the secession of the RS. Commenting on the announcement that RS would leave the state army and create its own army, Placer said that “the joint force is not based on the Dayton Peace Agreement”. There were three armies depending on the ethnic groups, and then a joint army was created based on, as he says, national will. He pointed out that, in case the army disintegrates and two armies come out of it, which is primarily political and military consensus. If, as he says, there is no political consensus for such a thing, then “the assessment of the security situation has to be completely different.” We have to watch it carefully” Placer said and added that he noticed a certain tension between the population. He said that the media and politicians are keeping the population in an ongoing state of crisis.

Dzaferovic: Most important thing is that EUFOR’s mandate will be extended and OHR will remain in its capacity (BHT1


BHT1 carries latest reactions of the B&H Presidency members to the news that the Resolution of the UN SC includes extension of the mandate of EUFOR Althea while it does not include the address of HR Christian Schmidt before the UN SC. Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic noted that the most important thing is that EUFOR’s mandate in B&H will be extended and that “the OHR will remain in its capacity”. Dzaferovic pointed out that the OHR has existed since the DPA and it will exist in the future. Dzaferovic stated that the most important thing is that Bonn powers remain. There was silence from Sarajevo on Wednesday about Schmidt being left speechless, commented the reporter. Only Dzaferovic spoke up. Considering that no one will hear Schmidt in New York, Dzaferovic was satisfied that at least EUFOR will remain. Dzaferovic reiterated that he is sorry that in the past ten years, there have been no serious interventions by the High Representative, except for Valentin Inzko's imposed ban on genocide denial.

SNSD submits proposal of documents to RS parliament on behalf of ruling coalition and with regard to restoring RS’ competences (BHT1


Acting on behalf of the RS-level ruling coalition, SNSD submitted the proposal of documents to the RS parliament on Wednesday with regard to the initiative for return of competences from the level of B&H to the level of the RS. The ruling coalition’s proposal reads that the laws on restoring the RS’ competences should enter force six months upon their adoption in the RS parliament. The ruling majority proposed withdrawal of the RS’ consent from agreements in the fields of defense and indirect taxation, as well as from the conclusion on formation of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC). If the RS parliament endorses the proposal, the laws in the field of defense, indirect taxation, and judiciary at state level would cease to be valid in the RS six months after the RS parliament’s conclusions enter force. The ruling coalition demands that the RS government uses the six months following the RS parliament’s adoption of these documents to define new law proposals to regulate the given fields. Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated that the ruling coalition does not interfere with “any competence that belongs to B&H”, but only seeks what belongs to the RS. “There are threats with violence aimed only to preserve the competences that were seized from the RS. That will not work,” Dodik added.


Plenkovic: Milanovic was fierce advocator of Komsic, and now he is best friend with Dodik (Dnevni list


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic replied to Croatian President Zoran Milanovic after the President criticized him for his statements about B&H and position of Croats in B&H (Milanovic criticized Plenkovic’s address at session of EU Council). Plenkovic said that Milanovic was a fierce advocator of Zeljko Komsic and even went to Sarajevo to support Komsic in the election for member of the Presidency of B&H against HDZ B&H’s candidate, arguing that now a transformed Milanovic is “I guess best friend with Milorad Dodik”. The Croatian PM also noted that Croats in B&H know who has been consistent in terms for fighting for the B&H Croats’ rights, stressing it is certainly not Milanovic but his government, HDZ (of Croatia), the Foreign Minister and people on the ground dealing with this issue for years. Plenkovic, who attended UN climate change conference in Glasgow, told the media it is important to complete the electoral reform by end of this year in order to have the elections in 2022 where there would not be election rigging and where Bosniaks would not elect Coat member of the Presidency of B&H, which was the case with Komsic.


Covic meets Plenkovic, Milanovic and Grlic Radman in Zagreb, says rights of constituent peoples must be fully protected (HRT


Speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic held meetings with Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, and Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman in Zagreb on Wednesday. The focus of their meetings was set on the demanding situation in B&H. Covic underlined that the Election Law of B&H should be amended during this year, and that the rights of constituent peoples need to be fully protected. Covic further noted that stability and equality, as well as prevention of discrimination of constituent peoples in B&H is crucial. Plenkovic expressed support to the adoption of a solution for changes to the B&H Election Law by the end of this year. He added that it will be necessary for the new law to respect the right to equality and legitimate representation of people with constituent status in B&H. Milanovic stated that it is necessary to respect the rights of Croats in accordance with the DPA. The Croatian government issued a statement, which reads that Covic informed his hosts about the next steps aimed at reaching final agreement that will allow legitimate political representation in the authorities, as stipulated by the Constitution of B&H and ordered by decisions/judgments of the Constitutional Court of B&H and the European Court of Human Rights. Covic also opposed all political stakeholders in B&H, who advocate maintaining the status quo, which would additionally deepen the current crisis.

PM: Milanovic's statements are primitive and brutal insults (Hina

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Tuesday President Zoran Milanovic's statements about the defense minister were primitive and brutal insults, adding that all problems would be discussed in the National Security Council on 9 November. "I want to hear firsthand what the problems are and try to resolve them," Plenkovic said in Glasgow, where he was attending the UN conference on climate change (COP26). Commenting on Defence Minister Mario Banozic's statement that it was time to remove President Zoran Milanovic from office, Plenkovic said the minister of defense hadn't said that but that it was "derived from a question and put as such in a headline". Plenkovic also said that while Milanovic was prime minister, funds for the armed forces had been reduced, while during his own term as prime minister the armed forces had a bigger budget, a better position, the army had returned to Vukovar, Ploce, Sinj, Varazdin and the decision on the procurement of multi-purpose fighter jets had been made. "This continued unlawful behavior, privatization of the army by Milanovic, his statements in the capacity of head of state, we haven't seen that before. We have seen many creative people in politics, but such primitive, brutal insults against one's interlocutor, in which he practically calls the HDZ a Nazi party... He should cool it a bit until 9 November and then we'll see what this is about," he said. The public should be worried and should strongly condemn the president's unlawful behavior, he said, reiterating that with every attack Banozic's position in the government was firmer and that Milanovic didn't decide who would be in his government.


Krivokapic after dinner with Vucic and Rama: I support all useful regional initiatives (RTCG

It is a pleasure to be a guest at the dinner on the occasion of the regional initiative Open Balkan, wrote the Prime Minister of Montenegro Zdravko Krivokapic on his Twitter account.

"Although I am represented as a guest at the dinner as the Montenegrin Prime Minister, I support all useful regional initiatives, especially when they come from our friends and neighbors from Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, with the goal of integrating the entire region into the EU," Krivokapic wrote. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, hosted the prime ministers of Montenegro and Albania, Krivokapic and Edi Rama, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister of North Macedonia, Nikola Dimitrov, in a Belgrade restaurant. Krivokapic is finishing his official visit to Serbia, while Rama and Dimitrov will talk to the President of Serbia within the Open Balkans initiative.


Krivokapic on DF initiative: I don’t tolerate blackmail, citizens more important than invisible political leaders (CdM


While Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic is on his first official visit to Serbia, the political crisis in Podgorica is intensifying. The Democratic Front (DF) has said it will seek a new government. This is nothing new for the Prime Minister. “The issue of the new government has been going on since December last year and nothing has happened. This means that this government has support until something new happens. In order for this to happen, certain procedures must be initiated to ensure it. There should be the consent of 41 MPs for the new government and the new Prime Minister. Since taking office, there has been an incredible obstruction. If you want to play with the state, let’s play. No politicians can play with the state, regardless of any support. Citizens are more important than any politics, and especially individual political leaders who are trying to show their power in this way due to their invisibility,” Krivokapic has stated while answering questions from journalists.

Mandic: DF’s goal isn’t to overthrow government, but to change Montenegro (RTCG

One of the DF leaders Andrija Mandic has stated that further steps are directed towards resolving the political crisis in Montenegro. “Our goal is not to overthrow the government, but for the parliamentary majority to reach an agreement, to agree on the program and unity in action on how to change Montenegro, i.e. how to fulfill everything we promised the citizens on 30 August,” Mandic has told RTCG. He has said the DF is not turning a blind eye to problems, but is going to solve the problems. Mandic believes that colleagues from the parliamentary majority will see the situation in a similar way.

DF getting back to parliament by end of December for at least two sessions (

Montenegrin Parliament speaker Aleksa Becic has said after the meeting with the heads of the caucuses of the majority that a positive step was made when it comes to the regular work of parliament, reports. “In the next two months, there will be two sessions, one on 12 November and the other in December,” Becic has announced. He has added that the agenda will include amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government, which unites the holding of local elections in one day, at the end of May. As he says, there will be five proposals on the agenda for lifting the immunity of MPs, as well as amendments to the Law on Sports. MPs will also discuss the SNP’s initiative on whether President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic violated the Constitution.

Knezevic: Either new government or elections; whoever wants things to stay as they are, doesn’t have our support (Pobjeda

The DF has decided to insist on the election of a new government. If this proposal is not acceptable to the other constituents of the parliamentary majority, early elections await us as the only remaining solution to the deep crisis. Whoever thinks that everything should remain as it is can find no partner in our alliance or have our support. And whoever thinks that the solution is some kind of coalition with the DPS – good luck, we will take to the streets with the people,” says in an interview for Pobjeda Milan Knezevic, DNP leader and one of the DF leaders and the head of the Security and Defense Committee. “The DF has made a big compromise and sacrifice by accepting to give a chance to the Democrats’ proposal, in order to once again consider the possibility of the government reshuffle as a model for overcoming the crisis,” Knezevic explains. “Since it is obvious that neither Zdravko Krivokapic nor Dritan Abazovic want reshuffle, the DF has decided to insist on the election of a new government. If this proposal is not acceptable to the other constituents of the parliamentary majority, early elections await us as the only remaining solution to the deep socio-political crisis,” he adds. “As the president of the Security and Defense Committee you said that it was untrue that you disclosed secret information at the last session of that body, for which you were accused by the Chief Special Prosecutor Milivoje Katnic. Did you abuse the position of the Committee chair by announcing some details at the press conference,” Pobjeda’s journalist asks. “In the absence of arguments, Milivoje Katnic resorted to the classic abuse of official position and strawman argument. I did not disclose any secret information from the Committee session to the public, I only commented on what was already known to the public. It was Milivoje Katnic who revealed details of the investigation in his public appearances after the tragic case with Luka Bulatovic, and later confirmed this by releasing Dejan Perunicic pending trial,” Knezevic says. “As the chairman of the Committee on Security and Defense, not only have I violated the law so far, but the EC Progress Report on Montenegro indirectly states that this Committee is the only bright spot in the tunnel of European integration,” he stresses. “Gaining access to the ANB documents that referred to the so-called coup d’etat, I did not violate any law, but as a member of the Committee I had the right to request access to classified information in accordance with the Law. And I did that in February this year, and the decision of the Court of Appeals was made at the end of December 2020. (…) I call on the director of the ANB, Dejan Vuksic, to remove the secrecy mark from the “coup d’etat” case for the whole of Montenegro to see, although it has already seen a lot of how the former regime staged an attempted terrorism on election day,” Knezevic points out. “Andrija Mandic and I have been illegally wiretapped by the ANB for years with the approval of Vesna Medenica, allegedly due to extremism. By law, the competent institutions were obliged to inform us when those measures stopped, and they should have stopped after six months. However, according to information that I have obtained, Andrija Mandic and I were under secret surveillance for five years,” he says. Commenting on the relationship between Prime Minister Krivokapic and Interior Minister Sergej Sekulovic, Knezevic says that “recent developments in the government are irresistibly reminiscent of Turkish soap operas with an uncertain ending. And by the time all these loves and hates are settled, whoever doesn’t end up in a madhouse, they may be lucky to play in the sequel to the soap opera,” Knezevic concludes.


Dimitrov in Belgrade: I come at a time of political challenges in our country, but we are fully committed to the “Open Balkans” initiative (Republika


Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov arrived in Belgrade, where he will take part in the talks within the “Open Balkans” initiative. Dimitrov said that Macedonia, despite the recent events in that country after the local elections, is fully committed to the “Open Balkans” initiative. “I come with the message that regional cooperation is absolutely a European story, that we want to deepen it. Tomorrow we add an important segment of how digitalization can help here. I come at a time when the local elections in North Macedonia are over, there are certain political challenges and even a political crisis in some way and it is important to give a signal that as a government, as a country we are fully committed to this initiative born in the Balkans and aimed at “primarily a European Balkan,” Dimitrov said.

SEC releases final results of second round of local elections (Republika

The State Election Commission (SEC) has released the final results of the second round of the 2021 local elections. SEC President Aleksandar Dastevski informed at Wednesday’s press conference, that by voting on the draft conclusion for reporting on the final results for the election of mayors and mayor of the City of Skopje, after a second round of voting on October 31, mayors have been elected in:

Aracinovo – Ridvan Ibraimi from DUI

Bitola – Toni Konjanovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Bogovinje – Besnik Emshi from DUI

Vasilevo – Slave Andonov from VMRO-DPMNE

Vevcani – Spase Kocovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Vrapciste – Isen Shabani from Alliance and Alternative

Gevgelija – Andon Saramandov from VMRO-DPMNE

Gostivar – Arben Taravari from Alliance and Alternative

Debarca – Zoran Nogaceski from VMRO-DPMNE

Demir – Kapija Lazar Petrov from SDSM

Demir – Hisar Nikola Najdovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Dolneni – Urim Ibeski from DUI

Zelenikovo – Kosta Manevski from VMRO-DPMNE

Karpos – Stevco Jakimovski from GROM

Kicevo – Fatmir Dehari from DUI

Kratovo – Todorce Nikolovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Kumanovo – Maksim Dimitrievski – independent

Lozovo – Bosko Cvetkovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Makedonska Kamenica – Dimco Atanasovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Makedonski Brod – Zarko Ristevski from VMRO-DPMNE

Novo Selo – Gjorge Bozinov from VMRO-DPMNE

Ohrid – Kiril Pecakov from VMRO-DPMNE

Pehcevo – Aleksandar Kitanski from VMRO-DPMNE

Radovis – Aco Ristov from VMRO-DPMNE

Rankovce – Borce Spasovski from VMRO-DPMNE

Resen – Jovan Tozievski from VMRO-DPMNE

Rosoman – Stojan Nikolov from SDSM

Struga – Ramiz Merko from DUI

Tearce – Nuhi Neziri from DUI

Tetovo – Bilal Kasami from Besa

Centar – Gerasimovski from SDSM

Cair – Visar Ganiu from DUI

Caska – Goran Stojanovski from SDSM

Cucer – Sandevo – Sasko Komnenovic from SDSM

City of Skopje – Danela Arsovska

The SEC also confirmed the final results of the election of the mayor of the Municipality of Debar, after the voting held on 31 October, following the procedure for re-voting in the first round of elections. The second round of elections will be held on 14 November 2021 and people will vote for Hekuran Duka from DUI and Bekim Pocesta from Alliance and Alternative, informs Dashevski.

Mickoski demands that early elections are held without delay (Republika

VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski called for early general elections to be held quickly, so that Macedonia will have a fully legitimate government. The call comes after VMRO won a great victory over SDSM in the local elections and Zoran Zaev announced that he will resign as Prime Minister and SDSM leader, but that he wants the SDSM led coalition to remain in power. According to Mickoski, forming a new VMRO led coalition in the current parliament will not be a stable solution, and the country needs early elections. Even with Zoran Zaev gone, the government would still have Venko Filipce as the least successful Healthcare Minister, who had one of the highest coronavirus death rates in the world. Ljupco Nikolovski would still be in charge of fighting corruption in one of the most criminal and corrupt administrations in Europe. Mila Carovska will continue to devastate our education. I can go on with all the failures of the government. The fact is that Zoran Zaev himself staked the survival of the government on the local elections, turned them into a referendum on the government, and the citizens severely repudiated him. I will stand on the side of the people and its interest. The legitimate question to ask now is whether we will form a new majority with the current parliament or hold early elections and elect a government with fresh credibility that will respond to the reality on the ground, Mickoski said in his statement. The opposition leader outlined the numerous crises Macedonia faces, which were made worse by the Zaev regime, including the lack of electric supply, the spiraling inflation and the blocked EU integration. “The people clearly said that this government can’t tackle these issues and it’s not only legitimacy that is in question, but its motivation to handle our main problems. That is why I believe that the first option – forming a new ruling majority within the existing parliament will not provide the necessary new energy we need for reforms and for resolving the pile of problems. At the moment, the best solution for Macedonia will be to hold early general elections without delay. There is no alternative to this – we need a stable government to overcome the crises,” Mickoski said.

Foreign Minister Osmani says there should be no early elections (Republika

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani reiterated the DUI party position that the Zoran Zaev government should remain in place. Osmani spoke after VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski called for early elections, in light of the collapse of Zoran Zaev’s political career.

All the coalition partners said that they strongly support this ruling majority and this government, and that they will not support any other majority in parliament. There were issues raise in the event if the Prime Minister resigns, and someone else comes in his place, but we have no disputes over keeping this majority Osmani said.


Kasami says government reconstruction needed – DUI and SDSM coalition partners without concrete answer (Republika

The leader of the Besa Movement believes that a government reconstruction is needed. Bilal Kasami said yesterday on the “Click Plus” show that it is necessary to move the figures in the government. He added that he would now consider twice whether to vote for the same cabinet again. Kasami did not answer which current DUI minister he would not vote for. However, he added that there will be consideration of positions within the coalition partners. In the political parties we have taken responsibility, we have individuals and structures at the local level who have taken responsibility for nominating certain people to head the municipalities and municipal councils. Yes, I maintain my position as president of the Besa Movement that the positions within the political parties but also within the coalition partners should be reconsidered, said Kasami. DUI did not give a specific answer to the idea of government reconstruction, but added that the topics related to the government and what ‘s next were still being discussed. Talks between the coalition partners that started two weeks ago are still ongoing, said Bujar Osmani. SDSM says that as soon as they have information on this matter, they will inform the public.


Nikolla: Cooperation between Albania and Kosovo a model for regional cooperation (Radio Tirana

Albanian parliament speaker Lindita Nikolla received in a meeting the Ambassador of Kosovo, Mr. Skender Durmishi. Durmishi congratulated Nikolla on her election as speaker and thanked her for the new dynamics of parliamentary cooperation with the Assembly and the institutions of Kosovo, an attitude that has been appreciated by the institutions and citizens of Kosovo. Nikolla praised the excellent and fraternal cooperation between the two countries and expressed the will and confidence that this cooperation will enter a new phase, more dynamic and more productive.

"My first visit to Kosovo was not merely symbolic, but with clear objectives and expectations to dynamize the parliamentary cooperation between the Assembly of Albania and the Assembly of Kosovo. The Roundtable of Committee Chairs, which was institutionalized in October, will be followed by the institutionalization of the Roundtable of Heads of Parliamentary Delegations, in order to build a joint parliamentary diplomacy, to meet the current and future challenges of Kosovo. The cooperation between Albania and Kosovo is strategic, stabilizing and orienting for the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the region and a model of encouragement for the regional cooperation," underlined Nikolla.