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Belgrade Media Report 12 November 2021



State officials pay tribute to fallen soldiers in First World War (Politika/Novosti/RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic and Minister of Labor, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs and President of the Committee for Nurturing the Traditions of the Liberation Wars of Serbia Darija Kisic Tepavcevic laid wreaths on Thursday at the Memorial Ossuary of Belgrade Defenders in the First World War at the New Cemetery. Wreaths were also laid by delegations from the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army, deputy Mayor of Belgrade Goran Vesic, representatives of associations committed to nurturing the traditions of the liberation wars of Serbia, descendants of the Karadjordjevic royal family and the diplomatic corps. On this occasion, Dacic said that today is a day of great pride for our people and pointed out that we are obliged to remember their sacrifice not only today, but every day. Dacic said that in the summer days of 1914, it was clear to our ancestors what they had to do and they did not ask why they had to put on a uniform and take a rifle, even though only a year had passed since they left their rifles and took off their uniforms which they had worn in the Balkans wars. There is no house in Serbia that did not make a sacrifice. The whole world admired our country and bowed to our heroes, said Dacic and reminded that at the peace conference in Versailles in 1919, it was said that Serbia lost 1,250,000 of the total population, which represented a third of its population, and 60 percent of its male population of working age. He underlined that few countries could raise from the ashes after that and recover. Who, apart from Serbia, moved on as the winner into renewal? There are few such peoples, he stated and added that we are not the only ones talking about our heroes in this way. He cited the words of French General Franchet d'Esperey who said that these heroes are peasants, free and proud of their race, masters of their fields. Dacic underlined that the price we paid was huge, but it also shows the value of what we defended. Serbia remembers its grandfathers and great-grandfathers, its mothers of a century ago, their desire to be free and live as they want. We may have forgotten that heroism in the past, but today we are here to say that it will never happen again. They had a reason to live, we have something to remember and celebrate, Dacic said, and on behalf of the whole of Serbia, he paid tribute to the heroes who were buried in Belgrade, but also throughout Serbia, the Balkans, Europe and the world. Dacic recalled that on this day in 1931, many people from all over the world came to the New Cemetery in Belgrade to attend the consecration of the Memorial Ossuary to the defenders of Belgrade in the First World War, and stated that even then, the defenders of Belgrade were honored, as well as all those who gave their lives for freedom. Armistice Day in the First World War is marked in memory of 11 November 1918, when a truce was signed in the French city of Compiegne, which put an end to the war.


Brnabic: UNESCO’s role extremely important for preservation of Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that severe examples of endangering the Serbian cultural, historical and spiritual heritage in Kosovo and Metohija are proof of the important role of UNESCO in protecting and preserving heritage. At the 41st session of the General Conference of UNESCO in Paris, Brnabic emphasized that four jewels of the Serbian medieval cultural heritage in Kosovo – Visoki Decani, Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica and Bogorodica Ljeviska, have been preserved thanks to the fact that they are inscribed on the endangered world heritage list. hundreds of other sites and monuments are endangered. The Serbian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is of immeasurable importance, not only for the national identity of Serbia, but also as a part of the esteemed European and world heritage, she underlined. Brnabic stated today in Paris that she expects positive news and support from France for opening one or two clusters at the intergovernmental conference to be held in December. At the press conference, Brnabic stated that she talked with French President Emanuel Macron about the situation in Serbia, primarily in the context of European integration, i.e., whether we can count on the country’s support for opening a cluster at the December intergovernmental conference. We have two clusters ready for opening, so I expect positive news and support from France for one or both clusters, but certainly significant support, she said. She pointed out that Macron told her to convey greetings to President Aleksandar Vucic and the whole of Serbia, as well as that he remembers his visit to Belgrade with great joy. Today, I had good talks with the President of Cyprus, but also with the President of Slovenia, with whom I also talked about European integration, i.e., the country's support, which is clear and unambiguous for opening a cluster and further progress of Serbia towards full EU membership, regional relations and regional cooperation, said Brnabic. She stated that she also talked with EU High Representative Josep Borrell in Paris. There were interesting and good talks, it seems to me that we have done good things for our country and I expect it to continue today, Brnabic concluded.


Brnabic: Kosovo membership in UNESCO would be a catastrophe (FoNet/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said in Paris on Thursday that Kosovo’s possible membership in UNESCO would be a catastrophe with global consequences. Brnabic is in the French capital to attend the UNESCO General Assembly session on the organization’s 75th anniversary. She said that Serbia will oppose attempts to make the organization political, saying that Kosovo’s membership would be “catastrophic, a huge precedent and would raise issue of global proportion which UNESCO does not need”. She said that she was not surprised by Pristina’s demands for membership in UNESCO. “That is what they want … We are dealing with that every day and we want a clear de-politization of UNESCO. We have full support and understanding that the temporary institutions in Pristina can’t become a member and regardless of lobbying,” she said.


Brnabic: World facing five main challenges at same time (Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday at the forum in Paris that the world must be aware that global governance has five main challenges that it must talk about in a multilateral form. At the panel dubbed “Think about the shortcomings: Improving global governance in the times of COVID-19 and beyond”, within the Paris Peace Forum, Brnabic said that the security of citizens in the epidemiological sense, the energy crisis, and the migration crisis as the main challenges. She also pointed out that the changes brought by the pandemic for individual freedoms, as well as technological challenges, cannot be ignored. We have to be fair and honest, the world is in chaos. At least five major challenges are happening at the same time and each government is fighting for itself to keep citizens safe as well as economies stable and there is no time for multilateralism. The only way to succeed is to think strategically about the needs of the citizens, said the Prime Minister. When it comes to the green economy and climate change, she pointed out that we should listen more to the voice of the citizens about what to do, about clean air, water and management. The big question is what world organizations are doing and how to deal with the problems. Poor countries require transition, some leading countries are also the biggest polluters. Transition alone is something extra in the awareness of green transition. That must be taken more seriously, the Prime Minister noted. However, Brnabic pointed out that digitalization and the use of new technologies helped a lot during the coronavirus pandemic, and emphasized that thanks to the digitalization of primary and secondary schools in previous years, Serbia did not lose a single school day. She explained that Serbia has done a lot since 2017 to reform the government in the electronic sense, primarily by digitalizing public services, which was even more successful in Serbia than in some other countries. Since 2017, we have connected all classrooms to the Internet, which has helped us not to lose a day of schooling during the pandemic. We are ready to switch to online classes in full if necessary. We have already done a lot at the presentation of electronic services, if you want to register children in schools or kindergartens, you do not have to come in person, you can do it electronically, said Brnabic at a panel attended by Tunisian Prime Minister Najla Bouden and UN General Assembly Chairman Abdulla Shahid. Brnabic also pointed out that, if we use technology in the right way, children will not only be better, but will also be more interested in various jobs.


Djuric: Serbia a reliable partner (RTS)


Speaking for the RTS morning news about the Washington agreement, Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric said that in Washington they say that it is in force, but in Pristina they say that it is not. “You have an interesting moment here, one question that arises is to what extent the international community will put pressure on the institutions in Pristina,” said Djuric, adding that Pristina did not do what it committed itself to. “It is important for us that Serbia survives as a reliable partner in all relations, Serbia is a serious country,” he points out.


Djuric wrote to all members of US Congress (Tanjug/B92)


In honor of the Armistice Day in the First World War, Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric sent letters to all members of the House of Representatives and the Senate in the US Congress. In a special letter sent to 435 congressmen and 100 senators, on the occasion of one of the most important dates in our history, Djuric emphasized the allied, victorious and liberating role of our country in the Great War, the Serbian Embassy in Washington announced on Thursday. Djuric underlined that in the fight for freedom, Serbia lost almost two thirds of the able-bodied male population, i.e. even one third of the then total population, which, according to the number of victims in relation to the number of inhabitants, is historically marked as the country with the greatest losses. Recalling this year’s jubilee in diplomatic relations and the historical alliance between Serbia and the United States, Djuric also referred in the letter to the great recognition that the then US President Woodrow Wilson showed us by ordering the Serbian flag, as the first foreign flag in history, to fly over the White House on the buildings of all public institutions in Washington on 28 July 1918, in honor of the heroic sacrifice and struggle of our people for the freedom of the whole world. Djuric also pointed out to the members of the Congress the ambiguity of the official symbol of today's holiday, which, in addition to the motif of decorating the Albanian commemorative medal in memory of the Albanian Golgotha, also contains a purple flower Ramonda nathaliae. Apart from being geographically characteristic of our region, the biological uniqueness of this flower, when it is also called the phoenix flower, is complete regeneration, which symbolizes the rebirth and recovery of our country after war losses and suffering. By quoting the words of Nikola Tesla: “Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishment,” Djuric concluded the letter to congressmen and senators with an invitation to joint deepening and strengthening of relations in the future.


Department of State: We do not comment on why some countries were not invited to Summit (VoA/Beta)


The US Department of State has stated in connection with the Summit for Democracy and Human Rights, organized by US President Joseph Biden, that they do not comment on internal considerations as to why some countries were not invited, the Voice of America (VoA) reported on Thursday. "President Biden has committed to host the Summit for Democracy in order to strengthen our dedication to position democracy and human rights at the center of US foreign policy," it was stated in the reply of an unnamed spokesperson of the Department of State to VoA's question ahead of the December summit, which will rally at least 100 participants from around the world. The virtual event, which a part of the world public expects to contribute to stopping the deterioration of democracy, rights and liberties at the global level, is planned for 9 and 10 December. The reply stated that the participants were coming from already established democracies, developing democracies, civil society and the private sector – without elaborating on the exact number of participants. For the time being, except for some hints about the final number of participants, the list of their names is not known. The portal Politico has published the details of a temporary list of participants, which included France and Sweden, as well as countries like the Philippines and Poland – where the degree of democracy seems to be dropping. As for the Western Balkan region, the source said that Albania, Montenegro and North Macedonia were invited, unlike Serbia, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina, VoA reported.


Stano: Petkovic, Bislimi to discuss implementation of agreements on 16 November (Tanjug)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano confirmed to Tanjug a new round of dialogue between the chief negotiators of Belgrade and Pristina Petar Petkovic and Besnik Bislimi would be held in Brussels on 16 November. Stano said the parties would continue discussions about implementation of previously reached agreements, open issues and the way forward. He was unable to confirm when the next top-level meeting in the dialogue would be held. At the same time, sources in the EU declined to be more specific about the agenda of the meeting between the chief negotiators. Belgrade expects the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities to be the next topic on the table in Brussels.




Vucic comments Escobar visit to B&H: Escobar is the one that should be asked about his visit – results and his satisfaction with the visit; Serbia will always support DPA (BN TV


I spoke on several occasions with US President's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, but our talks were brief, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic when asked to comment recent two-day visit of Escobar to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Vucic said he believes Escobar is the one that should be asked about his visit – results and his satisfaction with the visit. The Serbian President emphasized that Serbia believes the Dayton Peace Agreement should be fully respected. He explains that there are no “other Dayton Agreements”, “there is no original, and not original agreement” Vucic says, adding that there is only one Dayton Agreement and all that was stated in this document must be fully respected. Vucic added that the other thing is that this agreement was changed through its implementation – and this was done through imposed decisions of the High Representatives in B&H. Vucic underlined that the High Representatives had different norms by which they operated, and those norms had nothing to do with the Dayton Agreement. “Serbia will always support the Dayton Peace Agreement,” the Serbian President underscored. Regarding the announcements of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that he intends to visit Serbia and to invite Vucic to Ankara in order to discuss the situation in B&H, Vucic said that it is never difficult for him to go to Turkey if he receives an invitation. When it comes to statements from Vjosa Osmani (The President of Kosovo) that Serbia is a weapon in the hands of Russia to destabilize Kosovo and Metohija and the Western Balkans, Vucic pointed out that Serbia is an independent country. “I am proud of the policy I lead. Perhaps we are one of the rare independent countries in this part of Europe and I am additionally proud of that. In our country, no one decides but us what kind of political and economic moves we will make”, claims Vucic. Vucic believes that there is a campaign against Serbia and Serbs and that some are trying to do something against Serbia every day because, as Vucic said, Serbia is doing well.


Schmidt pays visit to Banja Luka, expresses support to state institutions (AJB/Glas Srpske


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt visited Banja Luka on Wednesday. The HR met leadership of the Agency for Identification Documents, Registers and Data Exchange (IDDEEA), the B&H Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices and the B&H Indirect Taxation Authority (ITA). After the meetings, HR Schmidt stated that he came to support state institutions. According to the HR, these are important state institutions that are doing an important work for all citizens of B&H. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) issued a press release which reads:” Attempts to undermine these state institutions not only constitute a serious challenge from a legal and political point of view, but would also result in overwhelming practical problems for citizens. Without these institutions, citizens would be deprived of personal and travel documents. Financial flows to all levels of government would be interrupted. Of particular concern, during this global pandemic, citizens would be deprived of a reliable supply of high-quality medicine. Commenting Schmidt’s visit, SNSD’s Igor Zunic stated that Schmidt’s choice of institutions to visit is interesting. He reiterated that the Republika Srpska (RS)’s efforts to restore its competences are in line with B&H Constitution and they do not undermine B&H. “These institutions will still be very important when we complete what we have started, but only at the RS level,” said Zunic. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic stated that by visiting Banja Luka, Schmidt put new wind under the RS’s wings and proved that he is not the High Representative. Schmidt visited Banja Luka on Wednesday, but none of the RS officials met with him. He requested a meeting with RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, but the meeting did not happen because the RS does not recognize him as the HR.


Schmidt and Baroness Helic tell CNN that dissolution of B&H must be prevented (O Kanal


Christian Schmidt and Baroness Arminka Helic spoke for CNN on Wednesday about the situation in the country. During the interview with Christiane Amanpour, Schmidt and Helic said that any attempt to dissolve B&H must be stopped and that the international community must be united. The High Representative believes that the OHR will not put up with the pressure that has been felt lately. He told Beijing and Moscow that the OHR has its powers. “The inflammatory rhetoric used by (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik can spiral out of control at any time, where no one will have control. I would not call it Dodik's great strategy, but a pathetic tactic by which he tries to cover up corruption scandals and secure votes for the elections to be held next year. We need to be clear. This is not the right path and we are doing everything we can to put an end to it. My Bonn Powers are in the drawer, but I know how I can open it,” Schmidt said. Amanpour questioned whether Dodik was really undermining peace in B&H and whether he was serious about secession. The Baroness replied that this was his role for the last ten years. She believes that Russia in the Balkans, not only in B&H, is trying to test NATO to see how far they can go before NATO and the international community react. “This is the last attempt at dissolution. They have great support from Russia and they have some support from Serbia, and if this does not stop, then what happened 25 years ago can happen again. According to those who have followed various conflicts over the years, this has been the worst and bloodiest since World War II, especially in terms of ethnic cleansing, concentration camps and rape,” Helic emphasized. She claims that Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats want peace and that no one wants to go to war. “I want the citizens to understand that the inflammatory rhetoric that Dodik uses, and which he was not told must stop, can bring big problems. I think this has to do with some corruption cases, but also with next year’s elections, and he has to be told that this is not the way to behave. My Bonn powers are in the drawer and I know how to open it. The international community must work together to prevent this,” Schmidt said. “The secessionists feel especially encouraged, because they have the strong support of Russia and the activities in which they cooperate are coordinated, and of course they have the support of neighboring Serbia,” Helic emphasized.


PIC Steering Board reiterates firm support to authority and mandate of Schmidt (AJB


The Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC) issued a joint statement on Wednesday and reiterated support to the authority and the mandate of the HR Christian Schmidt. The joint statement reads that his role is the key for meeting of the so-called ‘5+2’ conditions for closure of the OHR. The Ambassadors added that domestic politicians play a key role for meeting these conditions and they welcomed the focus of the HR to the issues of state and military property as well as extension of mandate of the EUFOR. The joint statement also reads: “Rhetoric or actions that lead to destabilization or divisions including undermining of state institutions and reforms that offered stability, financial welfare and functionality for everyone in B&H, must stop. This is not in the interest of any citizen of B&H or a company and it distracts the attention from much needed activities and reforms on the European path. We underline our unequivocal support to existence of B&H as an integrated and a sovereign country that is composed of two entities and the Brcko District.” Russia did not join the statement.

PIC commended Christian Schmidt for his commitment to engagement with all parties. “We welcome the High Representative’s focus on the issue of State and Military Property and we urge all political actors to fully cooperate with the OHR in the pursuit of a functional resolution in the interest of B&H and its Entities,” reads the statement.


Zakharova slams PIC SB for issuing press statement in support to ‘so called High Representative’, argues Russia was not informed about it (RTRS


Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Maria Zakharova said that the press statement of the PIC SB “on so called High Representative” is opposite to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “We are embittered with yet another anti-Dayton outburst of PIC SB members. The press statement which they published on November 10 as a sign of support to so called ‘High Representative’ in Bosnia and Herzegovina represents a flagrant violation of the practice of harmonization of this type of documents in the SB, the member of which is Russia as well”, Zakharova noted. Zakharova concluded by saying that partners did not want to inform Russia that the PIC SB is preparing yet another press statement and they “self-willingly added a line in the footnote that Russia has a dissenting opinion”.


Dodik: No political goal is worth sacrificing peace; Dodik reiterates that the RS will withdraw from B&H AF, judiciary and ITA (Reuters/N1


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said in an interview with Reuters on Thursday that no political goals are worth the sacrificing of peace in Bosnia. "I am not ready to sacrifice peace for anything" said Dodik. "I am not ready to sacrifice peace for a fight for the RS," he added. Reuters also said that Dodik, “a staunch supporter of Russia”, reiterated that the RS would pull out of B&H Armed Forces, top judiciary body and tax administration. He says the three institutions - which represent key pillars of the state security, rule of law and the fiscal system - were established based on decisions by international peace envoys, are not enshrined in the constitution and have proven useless. His team will propose these initiatives, as well as the annulment of about 140 laws imposed by peace envoys, to the region's parliament by the end of November, he said. "We shall withdraw our agreement (on the joint army) and leave a six-month deadline for drafting accompanying legislation," Dodik said, “leaving open the possibility of discussion on changes to the force which he said was non-functional and too costly”. Dodik stated that he suggested US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar to replace the threats with the ‘red line’ in the international papers with the following: “Anyone who, through armed or any formations, threatens another or a third party in B&H shall be the subject of international military intervention.” Dodik insists that Bosniaks are not ready to talk and that B&H cannot function. N1 noted that it all resulted in an incredible diplomatic offensive and numerous visits by European and US representatives to B&H. Meanwhile, Dodik is not giving up, insisting that defense, fiscal system and judiciary are not under the jurisdiction of the state of B&H. However, Dodik claims that there is a line that he would not cross. "I am not ready to sacrifice anything for peace, and I am not ready to sacrifice peace for a fight for the RS. Peace means a fight for the RS, and that is its policy, not war or conflicts," Dodik said. However, if SNSD and its partners in the RS parliament officially start the process of withdrawal primarily from the B&H Armed Forces (AF), the other side in B&H says that it will not allow it. In order to prevent the worst-case scenario from happening, many are calling for a more significant engagement of international forces.


Sattler: Plan of RS officials for returning entity competencies will lead nowhere; I fully support Schmidt (FTV


The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H, Ambassador Johann Sattler commented the current political crisis in the country, which many believe to be the biggest crisis in B&H since the war ended. Asked directly who the main culprits of this situation are, the Ambassador said that he knows B&H public wants to hear names of people responsible for the current problems in the country. However, Sattler believes the mindset of leaders in B&H is the biggest issue. “A mindset that does not foresee compromise”, he explains. Sattler said that such mindset leads towards a situation in which leaders do not see citizens and their needs, but they only see their own goals and ways in which they could achieve them. Due to not being open to compromise, B&H leaders offer solutions that always leave someone dissatisfied. It is a solution in which one side gains all, and the other loses everything, the Ambassador pointed out. Sattler said such mindset must be changed, and all sides must be committed to reaching a compromise solution, so that viable solutions would be adopted. “Unilateral action is never a good solution, especially in B&H, so you really need to strive for solutions,” Sattler stressed. Commenting the plan of the RS officials for returning the entity competencies, Sattler said this idea will lead nowhere. He emphasized that the EU officials do not wish to see this initiative implemented, because this further complicates B&H’s development and progress on the path towards the EU. He said the EU path of B&H will most certainly not be accelerated if “some new agencies” are created. Sattler underlines that the biggest price of these political moves and plans will be paid by citizens of B&H. FTV reporter insisted on Sattler revealing names of B&H politicians that could possibly be covered by EU sanctions for their dangerous rhetoric and activities. Sattler did not state any names, but underlined that there is still time for reaching a compromise. “I call on everyone to return to institutions, to talk, to find solutions. This is not something that is impossible to solve,” the Ambassador concluded. That being said, Sattler emphasized that there is no “infinite amount of time” for seeking solutions, and he urged B&H leaders to be reasonable and to find solutions as soon as possible. He emphasized that the EU has had a framework of sanctions prepared ten years ago, and if no solution is found in B&H, these sanctions would be issued – as a last resort solution. Certain media stated that Germany proposed concrete sanctions against several individuals in B&H. Asked if he can comment on that, and whether there is a complete consensus on that matter in the EU, Sattler said: “You never get a 100 percent. So, the one thing that I can tell you is that we have a common foreign and security policy, but we do not always have consensus of all 27 Member States. That is a big number of countries, with different nuances, but in some key matters, main directions, including B&H, we of course turn in the same direction, and all 27 Member States wish to see B&H become a member state.” Asked if he personally believes sanctions would be a solution to the current crisis in B&H, Sattler said that “this would be a long discussion” and that many papers were written about pros and cons of sanctions. He adds that sanctions always have positive and negative effects. Sattler underscored that even if sanctions are issued, they should precisely target individuals that create problems, and these sanctions “should not be a punishment for the entire country”. “That is something that must absolutely be avoided,” Sattler says. Sattler welcomed US’ strong engagement in B&H. The Ambassador sees this as part of a joint engagement of the EU and the US in B&H. “I believe we can find solutions to the existing problems”, Sattler said. FTV noted that Sattler has a clear, but somewhat controversial opinion regarding presence of the OHR in B&H, that says the OHR’s presence should gradually be reduced in this country. Asked if he supports use of Bonn Powers, Sattler said he fully supports HR Christian Schmidt. Sattler believes Schmidt is an experienced politician, that it was a good call to appoint him to this post, and that it will be good to have him in B&H. Sattler said Schmidt came to B&H with all his available powers, and that also includes Bonn Powers.

Commenting the Election Law of B&H, and the need for its amendment, Sattler said the political crisis in the country must be resolved before addressing this issue. That being said, he hopes the Law will be amended by next elections. Confronted with criticism stated against him regarding the process of amending the B&H Election Law, which say he took the side of HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and supports the model Covic proposed, Sattler asked how would someone substantiate those claims. He asks if there was an example of the situation in which he “preferred one side over the other”. Directly asked if he supports Covic’s model of amending the Election Law, the Ambassador said that even this conversation shows that there is “a lot of rumors and speculations”, and he said that this assessment is not acceptable, as the international community never took any sides. Sattler added that he only supports one side – and those are the citizens of B&H. “That is the only group that concerns me, that is why I came to B&H, and my goal is to help this country progress on its EU path,” Sattler concluded.


RS ministers in B&H CoM vote against all items on agenda (N1


The B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) failed to adopt any of decisions at its session on Wednesday, out of 30 items on the agenda. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic and B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic withdrew the proposed items prior to the session and they did not attend the session. Addressing the press conference after the session, B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) stated that items that were on the agenda of the last session were also on the agenda on Wednesday, but there was no necessary majority to adopt them as the ministers in B&H CoM from the RS voted against and had negative opinion on these items. He stressed that SNSD and the ministers from the RS request that the current political crisis in B&H is resolved in a constitutional manner. Kosarac reminded that conduct of the ministers from the RS was in line with conclusions passed by the RS parliament and other institutions of the RS, given the crisis produced by Valentin Inzko by imposing the law banning the genocide denial in B&H and a decision of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on forests in the RS. He stressed that similar conduct of the RS representatives in B&H institutions will continue.


Poirel talks about Election Law with B&H lawmakers (BN TV


The Director of the Council of Europe's (CoE) Human Rights Directorate, Christophe Poirel talked on Wednesday with representatives of both Houses of the B&H parliament, members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for amendments to the Election Law of B&H, and representatives of the opposition. They spoke of the possibility of incorporating several court rulings in the electoral legislation of B&H. This primarily refers to the European Court of Human Right’s (ECHR) ruling in case Sejdic-Finci. Poirel told the lawmakers that the CoE is closely following the process of amending the electoral legislation in B&H. He said they expect B&H, despite the difficult political situation, to find strength for fulfilling its obligations which this country, as a member of the CoE, voluntarily undertook. The leadership of both Houses of the B&H parliament tried to convince Poirel that they will intensify dialogue and that they will reach a compromise solution, so that amendments to the B&H Election Law are adopted by the end of the year. However, during his meeting with opposition MPs, Poirel was told not to trust the promises of the ruling authorities because, as the opposition explains, the ruling authorities want the current Election Law to remain in force. The opposition says that this current law is deeply flawed but still the ruling authorities benefit most from this current situation. SDS representative in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR), Mirko Sarovic believes that Poirel left the meeting feeling quite confused. “He came here; he is an optimist, and he believed that he was amongst serious people,” Sarovic said, adding that ruling authorities always present a false image that shows they are committed to solving issues in B&H. The SDS leader said opposition tried to inform Poirel on how things in B&H work, and Sarovic believes he left B&H with a little more knowledge on how things could be resolved in the future. Sarovic said the opposition told Poirel not to trust the B&H authorities anything, and that he will probably have to come to this country ten or twenty times before actually figuring out what goes on in B&H. “I believe he was quite disappointed with what he saw”, Sarovic concluded. DNS MP in the B&H HoR, Nenad Nesic said the opposition showed Poirel that they are willing to work on a solution that would be acceptable for all. Following this meeting, Poirel expressed concern due to failure of the IAWG to achieve concrete results.


IAWG fails hold session due to lack of quorum (N1


The Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) to Amend the Election Law of B&H did not hold a session on Wednesday due to lack of quorum. Chairwoman of the IAWG to Amend the Election Law of B&H Alma Colo (SDA) told the press that only six members attended the session and conclude that this means that there is no political willingness for participation in the work of this body. She stressed that she does not believe that any progress on amending the Election Law of B&H can be achieved anytime soon as too much time has been wasted since July when blockade of B&H institutions’ work started. Deputy Chair of the IAWG to Amend the Election Law of B&H Barisa Colak (HDZ B&H) stated that it seems that members of this body who do not want to see progress in the process of electoral reform are not aware that they can cause even worse political situation. N1 commented that the last session of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) to Amend the Election Law of B&H was held three months ago and there are no concrete results achieved by this body, concluding that there is no much optimism that amendments to the Election Law of B&H will be adopted by the end of the year.


Maas: Crisis in B&H is concerning (


In an interview for Klix portal, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas stated that the biggest crisis since the end of the war in B&H is at scene in this country. Maas claims that secessionist policy of the RS authorities is responsible for it. He stressed that Germany has been providing the biggest bilateral support to B&H. Maas also said a nationalist policy is at work which is reopening old wounds and jeopardizing a peaceful future for the country. Asked if Germany is willing to take concrete steps and punish the persons responsible for destructive behavior, Maas said the German government would not just stand by and watch what is happening. Endangering peace will have direct consequences, he added. “We neither can nor will direct German taxpayers’ money to an entity which is actively working on the destruction of B&H as a state. And we will also consider individual measures against those bringing this country’s territorial integrity into question”, the Minister stated. Maas called on everyone in B&H to turn to the necessary reforms instead of conflicts.


Germany has started talks in Brussels about sanctions against Dodik and others ( portal published an article, referring to (unnamed) diplomatic sources, that that Germany has started in Brussels a process of talks about sanctions against those who are the most responsible for the political and security crisis in B&H. Reportedly, this foremost refers to Milorad Dodik and all those individuals and companies that financially or in some other way support destructive policy. further wrote that a meeting at the level of Ambassadors took place in Brussels on Tuesday, however there is no information at the moment if Germany has proposed concrete sanctions or it has just launched the talks about the sanctions as an option.’s source further stated that since it is hard to expect a consensus of all EU members, the most likely option is that EU members introduce sanctions individually. In addition, wrote that more details should be known in mid-November when EU Foreign Ministers should discuss the situation in the Western Balkans, including B&H. FTV reports that although initiative to introduce sanctions against those destabilizing situation in B&H has been discussed by the EU, it is hard to expect that a consensus on introduction of sanctions will be achieved within this bloc. However, it is more likely the EU countries will introduce sanctions individually.


Dzaferovic calls for more intensive international engagement in B&H (O Kanal/N1/TRT


In an interview for Turkish TRT member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic called on for more intensive engagement of the international community in B&H due to anti-constitutional acting of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. Dzaferovic warned that situation in B&H is disturbing and that this country is experiencing the biggest crisis since the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed. He added that the current lack of action of the international community might be encouraging Dodik, underlining that it will change. Dzaferovic is paying a two-day visit to Brussels. He held a number of meetings in Brussels at which the current security and political crisis in B&H was discussed. Namely, Dzaferovic met with several representatives of the European Parliament (EP), Secretary General of European External Action Service (EEAS) Stefano Sannino and representatives of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE). Dzaferovic said that he came to Brussels to inform his interlocutors about the current situation in B&H and point to the fact that there is a big crisis in B&H, as well as ask for support for resolving issues in B&H. Dzaferovic stressed that the key thing is to unblock B&H institutions. Dzaferovic stressed that he received support from his interlocutors in Brussels who, according to him, are aware of the ongoing crisis in B&H and the dangers that are lurking. As Dzaferovic stated, his interlocutors in Brussels believe that Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and his associates are the cause of problems in B&H. Dzaferovic claims that his interlocutors told him that the international community will do everything they can to stop Dodik. N1 stressed that officials from Brussels did not tell Dzaferovic how they plan to do this, just like they did not confirm speculations that could be heard in Brussels in previous days that sanctions could be introduced against Dodik and his associates at the upcoming meeting of EU foreign ministers scheduled for Monday, 15 November. N1 stressed that at an ambassadors' meeting, the German ambassador allegedly asked to raise the issue of sanctions against Dodik.


Russian Ambassador: Russia would support more autonomy for B&H's RS entity (BHRT


Russian Ambassador in B&H Igor Kalabukhov told B&H’s public broadcaster that Russia does not see anything wrong with B&H’s RS entity gaining more autonomy and that his country would support it if it would be achieved through dialogue. Kalabukhov spoke to BHRT amid a major political crisis in Bosnia over an initiative by Milorad Dodik to roll back reforms which led to the post-war establishment of numerous state institutions, including the army, indirect taxation authority and judicial institutions. Dodik announced that the RS will unilaterally withdraw from those institutions and form its own, separate ones. Kalabukhov said that he would not comment on whether such a move would be legitimate, but that it should be a matter of the political process and based on an agreement between the bodies of the two semi-autonomous entities in the country. Russia believes that RS raised the issue of returning competencies within a democratic process, he said, noting that in the past, competencies were transferred to the state level due to pressure from the international community. He also reiterated Russia’s position that the appointment of Christian Schmidt, the international official overseeing the civilian implementation of the 1995 Dayton Peace Agreement, was not in line with the procedure and that, as far as Russia is concerned, there is no High Representative in B&H currently. “As a guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, we are a member of the PIC, but we do not work with the OHR while Christian Schmidt is there. We do not support any official contacts with Mr. Schmidt,” Kalabukhov said. He also commented on the decision of Schmidt’s predecessor Valentin Inzko who used his special powers to impose a law banning genocide denial and glorification of war criminals. “It would have been best if that decision was taken in the institutions of B&H, during the discussion, during the dialogue. This dialogue is being conducted. Of course, not everyone may know about this dialogue, but it is being discussed in diplomatic circles,” he said. The Russian Ambassador also argued that there is nothing wrong with the RS rejecting the law as it should be a matter decided by the RS parliament. He stressed that Russia believes that decisions by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), especially those regarding the 1995 Srebrenica Genocide, are questionable.


Mehmedovic demands that Kalabukhov is declared a persona non grata (N1


SDA MP in the B&H parliament Semsudin Mehmedovic reacted to Kalabukhov's statements, demanding that the Russian Ambassador to B&H is declared a persona non grata. Mehmedovic also called for large-scale protests in front of the Russian Embassy in Sarajevo until Kalabukhov leaves B&H.


Krivokapic: I won’t resign, political leaders caused crisis (CdM


Neither Zdravko Krivokapic nor this government has caused the political crisis. The political crisis has been caused by political leaders, PM Zdravko Krivokapic has stated at a press conference he convened on the current political situation in the country. He has said that he will not resign, and that he is sorry that one process was suspended, though it started well. He says that during the conversation with the American envoy Gabriel Escobar, this government, which, as he claims, has delivered visible and provable results, has received the unreserved support of international partners for the continuation of its path. “The same attitude was heard by the ministers who were in Brussels. The work of this government is a refreshment for the previous approaches on the European path. This government has a clear vision, it is future-oriented. We should preserve what we have”, Krivokapic says. According to him, intensive economic development of Montenegro is necessary. “We have offered three programs – Europe Now, Europe Here and Montenegro Now. The position that this government has decided to have zero corruption was praised. During the meeting with Escobar, it was indicated that this is a modern government. We are fighting to turn the biggest focus towards the poor,” he has stated. That is why Europe Now, the Prime Minister adds, has received support from all international institutions.


Escobar: US to continue supporting Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Montenegro and its citizens (CdM


The United States will continue to support the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Montenegro and its citizens, said US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar at a meeting with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic. Escobar thanked for the reception, saying that the purpose of his visit was to further deepen the partnership and alliance between the USA and Montenegro. “The fact that Montenegro has managed to remain independent, multiethnic and open to people of different faiths and nations in times of crisis makes it a reliable strategic partner of the USA in the region. Montenegro, a member of NATO, should be part of the EU and the USA will continue to support the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of Montenegro and its citizens”, Escobar said. According to Djukanovic’s cabinet, the president thanked Escobar for his commitment to Montenegro and the region, and expressed hope that his good knowledge of the situation in the Western Balkans would be beneficial for the development of relations with the USA, as well as the economic and democratic development. “Montenegro is proud of the trust we have built in difficult times, which we have tried to preserve and further deepen in partnership and alliance in NATO,” said Djukanovic. They agreed that the key problem of instability in the region cannot be solved without a clear perspective of integration. Also, as it was announced, they agreed that European and Euro-Atlantic integration and economic development of the region are key elements of the further agenda of relations and cooperation with the USA.


The government has survived, the government is holding on to glass legs (Libertas


The initiative by the opposition for a vote of no-confidence in the government did not pass in the parliament. The session was closed by the President of the Assembly Talat Xhaferi, with the explanation that due to the lack of a quorum, the agenda is not open and a debate on the vote of no-confidence in the government cannot be opened. Earlier, after uncertainty and a stormy day, opposition lawmakers walked out of parliament but said they were not withdrawing the initiative and called for early parliamentary elections to find a way out of the political crisis.  “Due to the fact that the agenda is not open, a debate on no-confidence vote of the government cannot be opened. We conclude that the government has not received a vote of no confidence and based on this, the government continues with its full composition and the duties it has. The session for the vote of confidence in the government is over,” Xhaferi stated. According to the procedures of the Rules of Procedure, Xhaferi clarified that from the moment of the issue of trust in the government, the Assembly has the right to debate on the third day the issue of trust in the government submitted by the opposition with 61 signatures. “Having in mind that they did not have a quorum for the purpose for which this issue was submitted, the agenda was not voted because the agenda is not open, a debate on no-confidence vote of the government cannot be opened. We conclude that the government has not received a vote of no confidence and based on this, the government continues with its full composition and the duties it has. I conclude that the planned matter for this session has been exhausted and I conclude this session and conclude that the session is over. I wish the government success in the coming days that the executive has,” said Xhaferi. Only the representatives of the Government led by Zoran Zaev were present at the session last. After the session was closed, the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi gave a statement to the media and said that the citizens should be calm because the Euro-Atlantic Macedonia won. “Macedonia won with good neighborly relations. Macedonia in good friendly relations with the United States, with the EU, Macedonia in good relations between the communities and I am grateful to all coalition partners,” said Grubi, saying that with this parliamentary majority, integration into the EU remains guaranteed. Earlier, the opposition MPs left the parliament, but as they stated, they do not withdraw the initiative for a vote of confidence in the government. They demand quick early parliamentary elections to get out of the political crisis. VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski, on behalf of the coalition, said that democracy has been trampled on and that the government is trying to stay in power at all costs. “Unfortunately, we have another day that will remain written in the black pages of Macedonian history because today in Macedonia democracy is trampled. Today in Macedonia we saw how the ruling regime is transformed into the most criminal regime ever seen in Europe. There will be a responsibility for that much faster than they think,” said Nikoloski. At the beginning of the session, 61 MPs were present, but the President of the Assembly Talat Xhaferi left the session because, as he said, he does not support the initiative and called on the Vice President of the Assembly Fadil Zendeli to chair the session. During the counting, it was concluded that 60 MPs were present at the session. The MPs from the ruling parties SDSM and DUI were not present in the hall, and without them and without Kastriot Rexhepi from Besa who announced that he will not participate in the parliamentary session, the opposition MPs together with the other two MPs from Besa are 60. According to Article 95 of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure, the Assembly can decide if the majority of the total number of Representatives is present at the session, i.e. 61. After Besa MP Kastriot Rexhepi announced that he would not participate in the session, speculations emerged about his alleged disappearance and kidnapping. Besa leader Bilal Kasami said the government could secure 120 votes with such mechanisms. "This is already delegitimization because criminal acts and mechanisms provide votes so that this criminal government does not fall," Kasami said. Kasami informed that he "reported that a member of the Besa movement is missing" as well as his closest family - mother, wife and son - and called on the authorities to find him where he is and explain why he is not available for 24 hours. He previously said that the Movement stands for the fall of this regime and that the latest developments with MP Kastriot Rexhepi prove that this government is ready to do anything to stay in these positions. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski also said that there is a lot of speculation about the absence of Besa MP Kastriot Rexhepi in parliament and neither the President nor the PM have an opinion on his whereabouts. He said that it was speculated that this would happen and that if it was confirmed that MPs were traded "in this country it is no longer worthwhile for a person to be involved in politics".


Two EU Ambassadors: We are working to hold the Intergovernmental Conference within the Slovenian Presidency (Radio Tirana


The two EU ambassadors to Albania, that of France and Germany, have unanimously stressed that they are working for the first intergovernmental conference to be held as soon as possible and within the Slovenian presidency. French Ambassador Elisabeth Barsacq said that the issue that worries her the most at the moment is to manage to hold the First Intergovernmental Conference for Albania and North Macedonia. "The question or issue that worries me the most at the moment is that we manage to organize the first intergovernmental conference for Albania and North Macedonia, of course with the greatest wish that it be done during the Slovenian presidency, soon, waiting for the end of the elections in Bulgaria, as said the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, who was in Albania yesterday," she said. Even the German Ambassador Peter Zingraf said that everyone is working on this issue. "I would like to underline, as the Chancellor said when she visited Albania, we all work together in partnership so that the first intergovernmental conference on Albania and North Macedonia can be held within the Slovenian presidency and you can be sure that we are all working in this direction and we hope that it will be done," said the German Ambassador.


Xhacka: The inclusion of Kosovo, essential for a more efficient regional cooperation (Radio Tirana


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka participated in the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference, which coincided with the 75th anniversary of the establishment of this organization. Xhacka praised the contribution that Albania gives to the UN system, while confirming that our country supports the reforms undertaken by UNESCO, for its modernization and strategic transformation.  Xhacka once again brought to the attention of all member countries of the organization, the issue of Kosovo's membership, based on the principle of inclusion. "The inclusion of Kosovo, not only would be the right thing, but it is a necessity if the real priority is to address the repeated claims regarding the preservation of cultural and historical heritage in Kosovo. Because the truth is that there is no better and more efficient way to deal with the preservation of cultural heritage than through joint national and international efforts. Therefore, I sincerely hope that reason will prevail and Kosovo will be welcomed here, so that its citizens, Albanians, Serbs, and others, can join this great community and work together with other states in promoting the principles and values ​​that unite us all," said Xhacka in her speech. Welcoming and congratulating the organization on this anniversary, Xhacka expressed confidence in the continuation of the unique role and contribution of the organization in addressing global challenges.


Rama attends Peace Forum in France (ADN


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has travelled to France to participate in the Peace Forum, which takes place from11 to 13 November in Paris. Sources from the Prime Minister's Office inform that after attending the Opening Ceremony, Prime Minister Rama was also part of the digital panel "Stop-and-Walk - How to restore global mobility", which discussed how countries can be better coordinated and which institutions or actors can provide rules and mechanisms to improve mobility in Covid-19 times. The Peace Forum will be attended by 450 people, leaders of different countries. The President of France Emmanuel Macron was also part of it, as well as the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. “Prime Minister Edi Rama is in France where he participated in the Peace Forum, which takes place from 11-13 November in Paris. After attending the Opening Ceremony, Prime Minister Rama was also part of the digital panel Stop-and-Walk - How to restore global mobility, which discussed how countries can be better coordinated and which institutions or actors can provide rules and mechanisms to improve mobility in Covid-19 times,” reads the statement by the Prime Minister's Office.