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Belgrade Media Report 15 November


Vucic says natural gas to be main topic of talks with Putin (Beta/TASS/Solovyev Live)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has announced that he plans to discuss the price of natural gas and increasing its supply to Serbia with Russian President Vladimir Putin at an upcoming meeting. "This time we'll have a lot of concrete things to discuss. Aside from the political agenda, there are some things I can say and the rest I'll leave for the one-on-one. I'd say the issue of all issues here in Serbia is gas," Vucic told the Solovyev Live YouTube channel, TASS news agency reported on 13 November. Vucic said he was confident that solutions would be found to three gas-related issues, namely the price and the amount, as demand and consumption in Serbia were rising, and an agreement on increasing the supply of gas. "If we used to spend 1.1 billion cubic meters of gas and now spend 2.7 billion, we need to make a deal on increasing gas supplies, since we have the fastest-growing economy in Europe," he said. Vucic said Putin had always had understanding for Serbia's straits and voiced the hope that he would show understanding for the question of natural gas prices and the amount needed. He admitted he was apprehensive ahead of the 25 November meeting with Putin, but said he had high hopes. After assuring Putin that Serbia did not plan to join NATO or introduce any sanctions against Russia, Vucic said the two had no more difficult conversations.

Brnabic: Serbia continues to insist on protection of world cultural heritage (Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in Paris on Friday that Serbia is proud of UNESCO heritage and that it will continue to insist on the protection of world cultural and natural heritage through its list of world heritage at risk as this is crucial for the protection of heritage of Serbia itself, especially of Kosovo and Metohija. Speaking at a ceremony marking the 75th anniversary of UNESCO, Brnabic underlined that Serbia is and will remain consistent in the promotion of depolitization of this agency of the UN, and that it remains committed to linking UN member states through engagement of younger generations. We are hoping that by the time we get to celebrate the 100th anniversary of UNESCO, we will have even more to be thankful for as friends and partners, she stated. She voiced hope that Permanent Representative of Serbia to UNESCO Ambassador Tamara Rastovac Siamashvili will be elected chairwoman of the UNESCO Executive Board, so as to be able to continue to advocate improvement of cooperation in the field of education, culture and science over the next two years. I consider our country one of the bravest promoters of the principles of respect for national sovereignty, non-interference in countries’ internal affairs, and especially of promoting solidarity between developed and developing countries, Brnabic pointed out. She said that UNESCO was among the few organizations that quickly found innovative ways to maintain work on improving cooperation, adhering to all principles of international law, contained in the UN Charter and the UNESCO Constitution, to which Serbia is deeply committed. She also referred to the gathering of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Belgrade. She stated that she is glad to see many friends from there at this ceremony in Paris, who attended the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade, which further enhanced multilateralism and mutual understanding and support in difficult circumstances. She also recalled the goals for which UNESCO had been founded and noted that the members of this organization now, more than ever, should dedicate themselves to strengthening dialogue among states and cultures, in order to build a more peaceful and sustainable global society. She added that in the times when COVID-19 changes people’s lives, UNESCO adjusted to such circumstances. The organisation continued its dedicated and important work, connecting UN member states in the field of education, culture and science. Both the direction and the leadership of Director General Audrey Azula gave special contribution to the organization, Brnabic stated.

Brnabic: Serbia does not aspire to NATO membership, but wants to maintain dialogue and cooperation (RTS/Tanjug)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated today that our country does not aspire to NATO membership, but wants to maintain dialogue and cooperation, emphasizing that Serbia especially appreciates the position of that organization on full respect for our military neutrality. At the opening of the 101st Rose-Roth Seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly “Euro-Atlantic Integration, Partnership for Peace and Further Steps in Facing the Remaining Challenges in the Western Balkans” held in the Serbian parliament, Brnabic pointed out that Serbia is building the position of a responsible and reliable partner of NATO. She assessed that the cooperation between our country and that alliance in the past period was good. She stated that Serbia, in cooperation with NATO, has successfully implemented more than 40 projects, emphasizing that she was especially satisfied with the implementation of the project aimed at the new generation of carbon-based batteries, which will not contain lithium. Speaking about regional cooperation, she emphasized that peace and security in the region are a basic condition for the progress of each country, but also for the entire region. Any instability in any part affects the entire region, Brnabic said, adding that Serbia values ​​its neighbors and consistently respects the policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of neighboring countries. She assessed that the Open Balkans Initiative represents a chance for the region in the form of strengthening infrastructure, freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services, but she also noted that this initiative is not a substitute for European integration. She sent an invitation to all those in the Balkans who did not join the Open Balkans, including Pristina, to join, noting that the invitation is constantly open and that the citizens of the countries in the region will benefit incredibly from this initiative. Brnabic emphasized that Serbia provides full support to North Macedonia and Albania for obtaining a date for the start of negotiations with the EU, because they more than deserved it. In talks with EU partners, we always emphasize that it is in the interest of the region's prosperity that these countries get a date for the start of negotiations as soon as possible, but it is also extremely important that the EU works with Bosnia and Herzegovina to ensure that it is not neglected either. Speaking about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, she pointed out that Serbs in the province face security risks on a daily basis, and that since the beginning of this year, 115 ethnically motivated attacks and nine incursions of special police units in northern Kosovo and Metohija have been recorded. She pointed out that the fact that Visoki Decani is ranked among the seven most endangered sites of Europe’s cultural heritage is especially devastating. She emphasized that she did not see readiness for dialogue in Pristina, which is evidenced by the growing number of attacks on Serbs and the fact that Pristina will not fulfil the Brussels agreement. It is unreasonable to expect that we will go to negotiations on another agreement, and that Pristina did not fulfil the Brussels agreement, after so many years since the signing, she estimated. Brnabic stated that Serbia has unresolved issues from the past, but that it is focused on the future and on maintaining peace.

Open Balkans for better flow of goods and single labor market (Beta/Politika)

The President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Marko Cadez said in Nis, on Saturday, that the purpose of a meeting between Albanian, North Macedonian and Serbian representatives within the Open Balkans regional initiative was to accelerate the flow of goods and reduce corporate costs by the next summit in Tirana, scheduled for late in December this year. "As part of the Open Balkans initiative, we want our trucks not to be stopped at border crossings between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia, and to have all of the paperwork completed as soon as possible. We want to trust each other, and to recognize certificates issued by any of the three states, and to have unified work licenses," Cadez was quoted as saying by the Chamber.

Speaking in Nis, where more than 160 representatives of the three countries' governments, administrations, institutions and chambers of commerce gathered, Cadez said that uniform work permits would enable citizens to look for work in all three states after a simple application process. He also said that as for the labor market, "We should not treat each other as foreign states, but rather as parts of the same region, as EU members do."

Drecun: Double warning for Kurti (RTS)

The local elections in Kosovo and Metohija have shown to Albin Kurti that the policy he is conducting is wrong and that he needs to deal with life issues, the Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun told the morning press review of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). He stresses that if he wants to keep power he must continue the dialogue with Belgrade because the Serb List has conditioned participation in the government – of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is not formed soon it will leave the provisional institutions. Drecun estimates that the Albanian voters made it clear that they were not satisfied with what Kurti was doing - he promised a lot, and he did almost nothing. The four municipalities, he says, are small for someone who held all the power. “Instead of life problems, reduction of international tensions, he showed growing intolerance towards the Serbs, disrespect for the will of the Serbs, deteriorated relations with Belgrade, we also had violent moves in the north,” he says. Kurti does not have a strong majority in parliament, but depends on the Serb List. “It is good that the Serb representatives are united because we expect to start talks on the formation of the ZSO. It should not be forgotten that the Serb List has clearly and loudly stated that if the ZSO is not formed soon, it will leave provisional institutions, which will open a political crisis and new elections,” he says. Drecun states that moving forward in the negotiations is possible only if the ZSO is formed, and only after that can it deal with other issues. That is possible only if Pristina is really committed to the dialogue, and not just formally participate, Drecun said. He states that the positions of Brussels and Washington are also clear, which also say that the ZSO must be formed. The problem, Drecun points out, is that with his wrong policy, Kurti put himself in a situation where, if he starts forming the ZSO, he will annul the key part of the policy he advocated.

Popovic: Kosovo and Metohija to remain in preamble of Serbian Constitution (Novosti)

Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic confirmed that there will be no changes to the Constitution of Serbia in the part of the preamble. Popovic assessed as incorrect the claims that Serbia will change its Constitution because of Kosovo and Metohija and speculations that the novelties in the referendum law will be passed in order to harmonize with the Constitution, so that the state could easily “push through” tricky topics such as the status of Kosovo and Metohija or the Jadar case. “These are all incorrect claims aimed at destabilizing and bringing unrest into our socio-political system. This law had to be passed much earlier. The current law on referendum has been outdated and is not in accordance with the provisions of the current Constitution and the recommendations of the Council of Europe,” said Popovic in Sunday’s interview to Novosti. She pointed out that the goal of the new law is not to push through “tricky topics”, but to enable citizens to effectively exercise their right to participate in the exercise of power through a referendum or a people’s initiative.


Dacic: Referendum on constitutional amendments due on 16 January (TV Pink)

Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic on Friday said a referendum on constitutional amendments concerning the judiciary was due to be held on 16 January. Speaking to TV Pink, Dacic said the amendments were due to be debated in the parliament on 30 November. He noted that, under an act signed as early as in 2006, a 50 percent turnout was no longer required for a referendum to be successful.

EU foreign ministers to discuss Belgrade-Pristina dialogue on 15 November (Tanjug)

EU foreign ministers will discuss the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue at a 15 November meeting in Brussels, focusing on implementation of Belgrade's and Pristina's commitments from talks held to date, Tanjug learns. A working document prepared for the ministerial discussion says the focus must return to implementation of outstanding commitments from the dialogue and that the atmosphere must be improved through concrete positive moves. The document, seen by Tanjug, calls for work on progress towards a comprehensive agreement on normalization and, at the same time, the European future of Serbia and Kosovo. The document notes that the overall atmosphere surrounding the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue remains complicated and that there has been no progress in the past months. It also says the resolution of disagreements over vehicle registration plates has demonstrated that dialogue can produce results, in particular when backed by clear messages from top EU officials and international partners, including the EU. The document also calls for support for efforts by Josep Borrell and Miroslav Lajcak - the EU facilitators in the dialogue - urging high-level engagement with Belgrade and Pristina by EU member states. Both sides must be encouraged to engage constructively and achieve positive results, including agreements on a common regional market, and refrain from unilateral moves and divisive rhetoric, in particular regarding north Kosovo, the document concludes.

“Final solution” for Republika Srpska (Politika, by Biljana Mitrinovic Rasevic)

The daily comments the recent statements of German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, noting that German officials are not mincing their words when expressing aggressive German stances. Namely, Kramp-Karrenbauer suggested that nuclear weapons should be used against Russia, and Maas said that Germany would sit still and observe “irresponsible” policy of the Republika Srpska (RS). The author notes that Germany is the last country in Europe which should lecture anyone, and especially Serbs. “Just like Maas is allegedly upset to hear that people in B&H ‘fear violence again’, Serbs are very upset when a German says that he will not sit still. The greatest violence in the last 100 years or so on European soil, and especially the Balkans, was committed by Germany. So, for Serbs, this is like mentioning ‘the final solution’ in a synagogue,” comments Biljana Mitrinovic Rasovic. The author goes on to recall different historical events from the Berlin Congress in 1878 until the involvement of German KFOR units in Kosovo in 1999 which resulted in deaths of several Serb civilians to illustrate different examples of violence and aggression committed by Germany against Serbs. Commenting the role of High Representative Christian Schmidt, the author writes: “Christian Schmidt did not shoot at the Serbs, but he is the main perpetrator of the criminal offense of false representation – because he was not appointed legally. It is a pity that his predecessor Valentin Inzko did not impose a provision stipulating that all who do not recognize Christian Schmidt as High Representative should be punished along with the law on prohibition of genocide denial. Apart of Serbs in the Republika Srpska and parts of Serbia, Russia and China would be immediately punished too because they did not allow this German to speak at the UN Security Council session in the illegal role”. The author reminds of Maas’s words that the High Representative should play the key role in strengthening state institutions and overseeing the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. For the RS, argues Mitrinovic Rasovic, this is like putting a goat in charge of protecting cabbage, because High Representatives imposed 140 “laws” which deprived the RS of its rights guaranteed by the Dayton Agreement. The RS decided to restore only a portion of its rights and competences, and Maas responded by accusing the RS of nationalistic policy which opens old wounds and threatens the peaceful future of the entire country. The author notes that luckily, there are still Serbs who remember outvoting in Sarajevo and passing of decisions which are detrimental to Serbs. They also remember that Serbs were not the ones who organized the referendum on secession, but Muslims (the author refers to the referendum on independence of B&H from 1992). Mitrinovic Rasovic emphasizes that for Serbs, “old wounds” do not mean nationalism but struggle for survival, and being a nationalist is not shameful anyway. The author goes on to criticize US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar who mentioned the possibility of sanctions against individuals and even the entire RS. In conclusion, Mitrinovic Rasovic notes that Germans are indeed not sitting still, and that everything that Germany is doing in the Balkans in regard to Serbs is part of the wide picture of what NATO calls “defense from Russian aggression”. The recent events with migrants at the Belarussian border are part of the same great assault against Russia, just like the recent arrival of US and NATO vessels in the Black Sea. “Still, all of this sounds familiar. They say that history repeats itself, and Germans have already been advised to review some lessons,” concludes Mitrinovic Rasovic.



Collegium of RS parliament fails to schedule special session to discuss transfer of competences (RTRS


Collegium of the RS parliament decided on Friday that special session of the RSNA on restoration of competences transferred from the RS to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level will be held after the regular session scheduled for November 24. Special session will probably be held at beginning of December. Representatives of ruling majority in the RSNA underlined that restoration of competences is a complex process that requires long-term preparation. RS parliament speaker Nedeljko Cubrilovic denied claims on postponing of special session, because its date was not set at all due to obligations of proponents. He explained that this type of session is held upon request of those who have the right to schedule special sessions. Reporter noted that failure of the Collegium to set a precise date of the special session was recognized by the opposition as withdrawal of proponents from entire process. Representatives of ruling coalition underlined that they are not surprised with stances of the opposition, because it is clear the opposition does not support process aimed to restore competences of the RS. They underlined that most important thing is the special session will be held. SNSD’s RS MP Srdjan Mazalica stated that if the RS does not implement items from agenda of special session of the RSNA, the RS will not be capable to function in a few years. The reporter noted that there are five items in proposed agenda of special session. First one is information referring to transfer of all competences, other three information are about transfer of competences in area of indirect taxation, judicial institutions and defense, while fifth item is the Declaration on Constitutional Principles. Proponents of all items are RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and caucuses of SNSD, United Srpska, NPS, DEMOS, SP RS and NDP.

Details of proposed Declaration on Constitutional Principles (Nezavisne

RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and caucuses of SNSD, United Srpska, NPS, DEMOS, SP RS and NDP proposed the text of Declaration on Constitutional Principles which will be discussed at the special session of the RS parliament which is expected to be held in the upcoming period. The Declaration consist of 20 items in total. The Declaration stipulates that all laws imposed by High Representatives will be declared unconstitutional with the explanation that the B&H parliament did not have the right to pass and confirm laws imposed by OHR. The Declaration also stipulates that the RS will restore all competences except the ones which fall under jurisdiction of B&H level in line with the original B&H Constitution as defined by the Dayton Peace Agreement. The Declaration tasks RS government and President to prepare a new Constitution of the RS which will, among other issues, declare Banja Luka the capital of the RS. Regarding the agreements on transfer of RS competences in judiciary, taxation and defense to the state level, the Declaration states that the competences were not permanently transferred to B&H because adequate changes to B&H Constitution reflecting the transfer were never adopted.

Opposition parties claim RS ruling coalition is withdrawing from process of restoration of competences (RTRS


The Collegium of the RS parliament failed to set a fixed date for the special session of the RSNA on restoration of RS’s competences. The opposition parties see this fact as an indication that the ruling coalition is withdrawing from the entire process. Representatives of the opposition parties emphasized that even if special session is held, they will not support any initiatives that can lead to destabilization and isolation of the RS. PDP’s Igor Crnadak stated that the ruling coalition has obviously given up on special session due to some political trade that has already started. RS SDS representative Miladin Stanic said: “However, we have additional encouraging news that proponents of the special session have courageously abandoned the proposed date. It was supposed to be held November 18. Now they told us it will be after the regular session.” Stanic stressed that proponents from the ruling coalition did not keep their word, noting that information from the materials which were submitted for the special session is already known and does not change anything important in either the RS or B&H. "Who transferred the competences? Is there someone to answer for that? All those who transferred (competences) are now officials mainly at the level of the B&H institutions," Stanic underlined. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic stated on Friday that "as we expected, session of the RS parliament which was supposed to be dedicated to the return of competences has been postponed, thus clearly acknowledging the capitulation of Milorad Dodik after the meeting with Gabriel Escobar." "Even then, it was clear that, while portraying himself in public as a 'titan', he turned into an obedient dwarf in the meeting with Escobar," Sarovic stressed.

Dodik: Opposition should not get excited about special session of RS parliament (FTV/RTRS


Milorad Dodik said on Friday that the RS will take all competences that belong to the RS in line with the Constitution of B&H. Dodik compared the opposition in the RS to a mouse that leaves its hole only when he throws them cheese, adding that the opposition should not get excited about the date of a special session of the RS parliament on taking back competences of the RS. Dodik said that no one is giving up on special session of the RS parliament on restoring of competences of the RS. Dodik explained that all materials concerning items of the agenda of special session have been delivered to the RS parliament and will not be withdrawn. Dodik underlined that the opposition is making spins again, adding that he cannot understand why SDS and PDP got excited due to schedule concerning the RS parliament sessions, when as of the very beginning they clearly stated they do not want to participate in activities launched by ruling coalition. He emphasized that after they had telephone conversation with US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, leaders of SDS and PDP got scared. He went on to saying that since leaderships of opposition parties have capitulated before battle, it would be fair for them to remain silent and allow patriotic parties to fight for the RS. Dodik claims that some MPs in the RSNA from opposition parties are prepared to support activities to restore competences of the RS. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Since the leaderships of SDS and PDP capitulated even before the battle, ‘sold their faith for dinner’, now it would be their turn to remain silent and not bother the patriotic parties to defend the RS with pencil and hand, bravely and honorably, as the best had to defend it with their lives 30 years ago.”

Colo says Dodik and RS' goal is secession and possible annexation to Serbia in some future period (Hayat


SDA MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) and member of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) for Changes to the B&H Election Legislation Alma Colo reminded that representatives of the IAWG for Changes to the B&H Election Legislation met on Friday with the MEPs Tineke Strik and Dietmar Koster who launched an initiate to sanction Dodik due to the attack on the constitutional order, incitement to the formation of armed forces in the RS and activities that are being implemented by the RS. "They (MEPs) continue to insist on sanctions and they believe that the European Parliament needs to take more decisive action in that direction," Colo emphasized. Colo stressed that she believes that the opposition parties in the RS pretty much support Dodik's stances, adding that she believes that Dodik's goal is not only to protect himself and people close to him from possible prosecution for corruption. "I believe that those goals are much more serious and go way further. I believe that the goal is secession and possible annexation to the Republic of Serbia in some future period and if nothing else, secession and independence of the RS. That is their long-term goal and they are not giving up on that goal. They would not have mentioned all the laws in the information that is over a hundred pages long. They mentioned the entire legislative activity of B&H in the past 26 years and they wanted to show that all that has been adopted at the level of the state of B&H was actually taken away from the RS and that those are competences of the RS which is completely incorrect," Colo underlined. Asked how she sees the role of HR Christian Schmidt in the entire situation and whether he is doing everything in his power, Colo said that it seemed to her at first that he did not handle things very well. "Now, I believe that he is aware of the situation he is in. He is aware of the responsibility he has because Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) is not revoked and cannot be revoked so easily. The fact that the RS and Milorad Dodik are challenging his legitimacy, saying that he allegedly was not appointed in accordance with a resolution of the Security Council, is legally defensible and I believe that PIC member states should legally defend it," Colo emphasized. Colo stressed that the HR's mandate are not only Bonn powers. "His mandate is Annex 10 which states that he will assist the parties in resolving any difficulties in the manner he deems necessary. This means that he has a wide range of powers," Colo stressed.

MEPs Strik, Koester visit B&H: EU must urgently impose financial sanctions against Dodik (BHT1


Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Tineke Strik and Dietmar Koester met with representatives in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) and delegates in the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP) in Sarajevo on Friday. Topics of the meeting were political crisis and the electoral reform in B&H. Strik and Koester also met with members of B&H HoR and HoP Collegium, members of the Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) to Amend the Election Law of B&H, representatives of the opposition and the NGO sector and representatives of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H. Ahead of their visit to B&H, Strik and Koester stated that the EU should sanction creations of political crisis in B&H, Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik in particular. Strik said that Dodik threatens to withdraw from the state infrastructure, threatens to establish his own army, tax system and judiciary, he behaves provocatively, raises tensions and fear among the people. Strik explained that is why she wanted to come to B&H, look at the situation and talk to the people, to see what they want from the EU in order for B&H to get on the right track. Asked about messages from the people and what they want, Strik pointed out that there were meetings with many people, members of the Parliament, members of the B&H Presidency and other individuals. Strik said that they heard that there is a delay in political decision-making at the moment, that Dodik is blocking the decision-making process and everything was stopped, that people do not know what will happen in the near future. Strik said that she especially heard that people are tired of hearing about ethnic divisions, that they want steps towards an integrated society where it does not matter what someone’s ethnicity is, where they can vote for anyone. On the other hand, the EU and the international community only talk to political leaders who focus on ethnic divisions, who represent the entities in this way, added Strik. Strik pointed out that negotiations are not conducted with people from society but with those who deepen ethnic divisions. When asked what specifically does, she object to the EU and US approach, Strik said that she thinks it is the wrong approach where Dodik, who breaks all the rules and threatens, seems to be rewarded in some way because the international community negotiates with him. Strik said that she doubts that satisfying Dodik’s desires will be effective in the long run and that the right approach would be to tell him his behavior is unacceptable and that he will face consequences. Strik said that there is no reason for Dodik to suddenly start cooperating if he sees that he can succeed with threats. “I think the EU and US must be tougher on Dodik, and take the people who live here more seriously, and insist on the reforms that must be implemented,” said Strik. When asked about her opinion on sanctions as a possible solution, considering that the US said they have prepared sanctions, Strik pointed out that the US sanctions are not going have a big effect on Dodik as he does not deal much with the US. According to Strik, sanctions by the EU would hit Dodik harder which is why it is important that the EU member countries make a joint decision on sanctions. Strik said that sanctions will be discussed in the EU and if there is no joint decision, she hopes there will be enough EU countries who will make an individual decision on sanctions.

Sattler: EU has different measures at its disposal including ‘carrot and stick’, but compromise is better solution (FTV/Dnevni list


The Head of the EU Delegation to B&H and EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Johann Sattler spoke for FTV. He stated that the entire issue of restoration of the RS competences is a road leading nowhere. Speaking about possible sanctions, Sattler said that there is still time to reach compromise, but he also noted that the matter is urgent. Sattler said that the EU has a set of measures at its disposal. “There is a good toolbox containing the ‘stick and carrot’ too, and as for the EU, we have both and that can always be activated. But that is the last measure, the measure to be used if there is no compromise,” said Sattler.

Schmidt says there is risk of B&H’s breakdown if degradation of DPA continues, Inzko agrees (Hayat/FTV


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has said that there is a risk of B&H’s breakdown if the degradation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) continues, and then the international community will need to seriously think about next steps. Former HR in B&H Valentin Inzko said he shared the opinion of Schmidt that B&H could disintegrate if the current crisis would continue. Commenting on the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Inzko said that Dodik had earlier only talked and threatened, whilst now “he is already taking concrete actions”. Inzko also said that forming of the RS Army would have consequences, and reminded that the formation of the joint B&H Armed Forces had been the biggest success of the international community and that Dodik had agreed with that, something he now denies.

Lavrov says western countries have chosen risky path (ATV

ATV carries that it is clear to the politicians in the region, as well as to statesmen in the world that the activities of Milorad Dodik are becoming more and more visible. However, according to ATV, the new balance of power is not clear to politicians in Sarajevo which is why they are loudly seeking the support of anyone in the west. ATV stressed that it seems that politicians in Sarajevo got the support they were looking for. Namely, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) - those closer to political Sarajevo - are hoping for sanctions against Dodik. However, as diplomatic sources claim, their hopes might not come true, because certain EU members will certainly not support sanctions. On the other hand, Russia blames part of Europe and the US for the problems in B&H, and not the Serb member of the B&H Presidency, mostly because they support the illegitimate High Representative. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov stated that we drew the attention of our French colleagues to the fact that this is a very risky path chosen by Western countries, as it poses a threat to the coexistence of Serbs, Croats and Bosniaks within one state. Lavrov stated on Saturday that the West is trying to impose illegitimate solutions, especially when it comes to the appointment of the High Representative. Lavrov met French ministers of defense and foreign affairs on Saturday and stressed that the High Representative was appointed through a violation of procedures defined in the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and it is necessary to have the approval of all three people with constituent status and the decision needs to be adopted within the UN Security Council (UNSC).

Tegeltija and Kosarac react to Mehmedovic’s request for Kalabukhov to be declared persona non grata (ATV

The Advisor to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milan Tegeltija commented on the request of the SDA official Semsudin Mehmedovic to expel the Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov from B&H. Mehmedovic called for Kalabukhov to be declared a persona non grata and called for large protests in front of the Russian Embassy until he leaves B&H. Tegeltija said that Mehmedovic should be reminded that Kalabukhov is the ambassador of Russia, which is the guarantor of the Dayton Agreement, on the basis of which B&H exists, and the Parliament in which he sits as an MP. The B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac said the request was primitive. Kosarac claimed that they in the RS also had disagreements with certain ambassadors but did not make such primitive requests. ‘United Srpska’ deputy leader Sinisa Vidovic stated that Kalabukhov’ statements were realistic, and that demands for his expulsion reflect primitivism and impotence of Bosniak politicians who are pretending to be the victims.


EEAS prepares document which underlines worsening of political situation in B&H and prevailing of inflammatory rhetoric (Jutarnji list


The daily reads that Foreign Ministers of the EU member states will meet on Monday in Brussels and discuss the situation in the Western Balkans, most notably the situation in B&H and normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo. Author noted that no concrete decisions or conclusions are expected from this meeting, but author noted that the discussion alone is a proof how seriously concerned EU is because of worsening of the situation in the region. The daily saw the document that the European External Action Service (EEAS) prepared for this discussion and which proposes stronger EU engagement in the region, increasing of frequency of high level contacts with ‘partners in the region’, but also with the USA, with whom certain joint projects for solving of issues in the region, have already been launched. “In last couple of months, political situation in the Western Balkans became a huge challenge. Political crisis in B&H deepen and inflammatory rhetoric prevails. Tensions and incidents at north of Kosovo occurred. Inter-party divisions continue to destabilize and paralyze political system in Montenegro. Disagreements between Western Balkans’ partners prevent integration of regional integration,” reads the document. EEAS further noted that so far the EU provided “assistance without precedent” to the region, as well as political, financial and technical aid, but underlines that these efforts are under the shadow of disappointment of western Balkans’ partners with enlargement process, because of which support to EU integration is decreasing, creating the space for nationalistic rhetoric. The document especially underlines concern because of B&H: “Political situation in B&H significantly escalated. Certain progress, reached in 2020, for example with holding of local elections in Mostar, but the state institutions are practically blocked now. Inflammatory rhetoric is unacceptable, which questions territorial integrity, sovereignty and unity of the state and this contributed to increase of tensions in the field.” Document further underlines necessity for decisive progress in fulfilling of 14 key criteria for EU accession, most notably regarding the constitutional and electoral reforms on the eve of 2022 elections. The article noted that Croatian representatives in the EU bodies, constantly insist on mentioning of the electoral reform in order to secure equal representation of Croat people in all authority bodies. The daily noted that EU diplomatic circles are already mentioning that certain member states presented ideas about sanctions against politicians in the region who prove to be an obstacle for implementation of reforms, who are questioning fundamental values of the EU. Article reads that without any hesitation the diplomats are mentioning the name of “Bosnian Serbs leader Milorad Dodik” in this regard, but author noted that while this idea is out there, for the time being it will not be mentioned on the paper.


We have huge support of the US administration (RTCG


Montenegro has huge support from the US administration for the work of the security sector, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic wrote on Twitter after a meeting with Gabriel Escobar, the US special envoy for the Western Balkans. "Great recognition for Montenegro. Mr. Escobar's visit is predominantly dedicated to the fight against corruption. We have the huge support of the American administration for the work of the security sector in the most complex operations," Abazovic wrote. It has been proven, as he wrote, what we claim: "I guess it's clear to everyone now. It's started." Gabriel Escobar ended his three-day visit to Montenegro with a meeting with Abazovic. In the previous days, he met with President Milo Djukanovic, President of the Assembly Aleks Becic, as well as with Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic. Escobar had meetings with representatives of the civil sector as well as with young leaders from the entire Montenegrin political spectrum of civic parties, the US Embassy announced.

Djukanovic & Lajcak: Dialogue in region and EU integration a precondition for regional and an important factor in European security (CdM

Dialogue in the region and integration into the European Union are preconditions for regional and an important factor of European security. This was stated during the meeting of Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic with EU Special Representative for Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue and Other Issues in the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak. According to Djukanovic’s cabinet, in an open and friendly conversation, Djukanovic and Lajcak exchanged opinions on the current processes in the region, “with the agreement that more vigorous action of all pro-European forces is necessary to implement reforms, with more determined support from Brussels, for a more probable guarantee of the Western Balkans’ European perspective”. It is also a way to, as they stated, “neutralize the influence of third parties”.

DF announces it will continue to talk to parliamentary majority (CdM

By noon on Saturday, the parliamentary majority members were supposed to answer to the Democratic Front (DF) whether they accept its invitation to form a new government of Montenegro. However, only some of DF’s coalition partners – Demos and SNP, find this proposal acceptable. The URA Civic Movement has announced that, as before, it will participate in all talks aimed at improving the political situation, but that its priority at this moment is to elect the remaining members of the Prosecutorial Council. The Democrats have not said anything yet because they announced earlier that they are waiting for the decision of the DF and URA.


Kiril Petkov announced a new approach and better relations with Northern Macedonia (Nezavisen vesnik

Kiril Petkov, co-chair of the "Change Continues" coalition, which won the parliamentary elections in Bulgaria, commented that his party has a categorical position on what should be done in the relations between Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia. According to Petkov, working groups from both countries - Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia - should be formed, which, according to him, should include not only historians, but also people from business, culture and education. The working groups will not only discuss history, but also everything that can improve good neighborly relations between Bulgaria and Northern Macedonia. Petkov said that it is not normal if someone wants to get to Skopje by plane, to pass through Vienna, nor is it normal not to have a railway connection that connects the two countries. According to him, it is not normal for Bulgarian business to work easier in Australia than in Macedonia, and the same goes for Macedonian business. "We need to start talking about all aspects of good neighborly relations that can benefit from that," Petkov said. He believes that the working groups should have clear goals and meet once a month, not every six months. "Bulgaria must defend its national interest, and they must defend their interest, but under a common denominator that the two countries have something to gain from good neighborly relations," Petkov said. Kiril Petkov did not answer the direct question whether Bulgaria should lift the veto on Northern Macedonia on December 14, saying that it is impossible to talk about final results without a work process and added that this process will be the highest priority of the future leadership of the Ministry. for the foreign affairs of Bulgaria, so as not to waste time. “We cannot say this or that date without seeing how this process takes place. We want to start with good neighborliness, good will and I hope that with a lot of constructiveness we will find a way to achieve much better results than before,” said Petkov. He confirmed that he will be the candidate for Prime Minister of Bulgaria on behalf of the coalition "We continue with the change", and Asen Vassilev is the best candidate for Minister of Finance. Petkov said that "We continue with the change" will not talk to DPS and GERB, but will negotiate a coalition with "Democratic Bulgaria", BSP and "There is such a people". Bulgaria's future government must have a full mandate,” Petkov said.


Rama: Bulgaria is hindering the integration process of Albania (Radio Tirana/France24

In an interview with France24 television, Prime Minister Edi Rama says that neither France nor Germany can change Bulgaria's position. "We are in a very absurd situation to tell you the truth because at the moment Albania is like a collateral damage of a conflict situation between Bulgaria and North Macedonia as it has received the green light not only from the Commission but also from the European Council. Bulgaria has taken out of its pocket the demands of historical and identity character towards North Macedonia and the process remains blocked, because as you know the European Council is easily blocked with only a veto. For several years, France had a less enthusiastic attitude that was not related to Albania, or our problems, but was an attitude that was related to the vision of the French President, a very clear position expressed by him on the need to deepen reforms in Europe. And his vision was pushed through a new method of integration which after had the approval of everyone else. Neither the French presidency nor France, Germany and others today have the strength to push Bulgaria if it itself refuses to move from its position, making it complicated. It makes the process even more complicating, thus setting between us and the EU an issue that is clearly bilateral between Bulgaria and North Macedonia," said Rama. Asked about a fear of waves of emigration to European countries, Rama says that Albanians are not a danger to the union. The head of the Albanian government says that Western countries need labor force. "In my opinion, the problem of waves of immigrants is not related to the advancement of the integration process, but it is especially the opposite, because the opposite creates situations that make illegal immigration flourish and criminal networks make money. Well, I do not see a danger for Albanian citizens for Europe, on the contrary, Europe has been able to absorb millions more to the detriment of countries that have lost a lot of human capital from moving to the West. Western Europe needs labor force from the east. We should not be afraid of this," Rama said.