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Belgrade Media Report 22 November 2021



Brnabic: Kurti’s statement can destabilize entire region (Tanjug/Politika/Novosti/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated on Sunday that the statement of Albin Kurti, that in the future he would vote for the merger of the so-called Kosovo and Albania, can seriously destabilize the entire region. “That statement is just another stone in undermining the foundations of regional stability and regional security. That statement could cause major upheavals throughout the region. Albin Kurti’s policy is clear, which he does not seem to be hiding. What worries much more is the lack of the reactions of the international community,” she told Tanjug.

She says that she would like to hear something from Viola von Cramon, regarding something that is her job, as a European rapporteur for the so-called Kosovo. “The woman deals more with Serbia proper and criticizes all topics here, from workers’ rights, present lies and semi-information about Vietnamese workers working in the Republic of Serbia, with a foreign investor in Serbia, who respects all laws of the Republic of Serbia. She deals with Serbia and all topics, from the rule of law, to workers’ rights, to our investment climate, mining and lithium mining in Serbia, instead of dealing with what is happening on the territory of the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija. She is not speaking about things she is supposed to speak about as a rapporteur for the so - called Kosovo, and that is the statement of Albin Kurti,” the Prime Minister emphasized. Brnabic reminded that this year we witnessed 117 different attacks on Serbs and Serbian property in Kosovo and Metohija, which is 30% more than last year. “Viola von Cramon did not comment on any of those attacks. So I would like to hear what the EU and Viola von Cramon have to say about this. Every silence is a sign of approval,” the Prime Minister said. Asked whether it was possible for such a scenario to occur in the future, Brnabic answered that she doubted it, but that it was necessary for all international actors to say that it was impossible. “It depends on how the international community will react to that, but that would mean much wider consequences for the whole region, but also for other regions in Europe and the world. I hope that they did not declare themselves just because it is a weekend, so they are perhaps not working, although we see that Viola von Cramon likes to criticize Serbia on weekends as well. I still hope that they will respond,” she concluded.


Selakovic: Von Cramon’s task is satanization of Serbia (RTV/Tanjug)


MEP Viola von Cramon once again denounced the sensationalist tirade on Serbia, accusing it of no less than “modern slavery” and “human trafficking for the purpose of labor exploitation”, in a way that once again confirms that her task is not to improve the level of democracy in our country but satanization of Serbia, assessed member of the Presidency of the SNS Nikola Selakovic. “We expect constructive criticism from Ms. Von Cramon and any other MEP, which would be an incentive to change something for the better in Serbia, but her latest attack does not have such a goal, but behind it is an aggressive anti-Serbian and anti-Chinese agenda, which has nothing to do with concern for human rights,” Selakovic said in a statement. He said that the highest state officials and competent authorities reacted urgently after media articles about the position of Vietnamese workers in one of the factories in Serbia, and it turned out that the facts had little to do with the image created in the ordered and coordinated political propaganda attack on Serbia.


Petkovic: International community should react to Kurti’s statement (Beta)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic stated that the international community must react to the allegations of the Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti regarding Greater Albania, because its silence could mean approving and dragging the region into new conflicts and the destabilization of the region. As the media reported earlier, Kurti stated that in the future he would vote for Kosovo’s unification with Albania, but only if such a referendum was conducted peacefully and democratically. “There can be no peaceful and democratic referendum on the creation of a Greater Albania, because those who would vote in that referendum do not have Kosovo at their disposal and they would turn the majority of humanity that supports the international law against them,” Petkovic said in a statement.


Petkovic: Pristina must talk about forming ZSO (Novosti)


There is no sense in Pristina running away from the topic of forming the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), because it will have to talk about that, considering that Belgrade will not give up on that request, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said in an interview with Novosti. After the failure of the last round of the dialogue in Brussels because the Albanian representatives refused to discuss the topic put on the agenda by the EU, Petkovic says that the representatives of Pristina came to the negotiations with the aim of rendering the dialogue completely pointless. “The only negotiating platform of Pristina is an attempt to provoke Belgrade. Not only did they categorically refuse to discuss the formation of the ZSO, but they also went a step further, refusing to talk to Belgrade about the energy issue,” said Petkovic. According to him, instead of directly disparaging the Brussels agreement, it would be better for Kurti to think about why today Djakovica, Pristina, Pec and other cities of the mono-ethnic environment have been ethnically cleansed by the expulsion of Serbs. Asked whether the representatives of the Serb List have given an ultimatum to Pristina to form the ZSO by the beginning of the year or they will leave the institutions, Petkovic said that neither Serbia nor the Serb List speak the language of ultimatums. “That was the message of the Serb people who were in the cross-hairs of ROSU’s rifles for three weeks, of the people who were shot at by Kurti’s special forces and who stood in the rain and cold for two weeks defending their basic right to freedom of movement,” Petkovic stressed. Petkovic noted that the Serb people are “sick and tired” of waiting for almost nine years to exercise their collective rights contained in the ZSO, while at the same time, Pristina tolerates all kinds of violations of the agreements. “The Serb List heard well the message of its people who gave undivided and absolute support to their representatives in the local elections,” Petkovic added. Asked if there is a way for people to be encouraged and return to their homes, Petkovic stressed that the rate of return to Kosovo and Metohija is less than two percent, and that it is the lowest in the world in a post-conflict area.

“That speaks sufficiently about the absence of any political readiness on the part of Pristina to allow the return of Serbs to their centuries-old homes. They are systematically deterred from returning by secret indictments, arrests, usurping of property, physical and legal violence, but also by desecration of Serb graves,” said Petkovic. However, he pointed out that, no matter how great the obstructions coming from Pristina, Belgrade is doing everything to create conditions for a sustainable return of the Serb people. “Like the construction of the returnee settlement Sunny Valley near Zvecan, new apartments and houses, kindergartens and other infrastructure projects into which more is invested today than in the last 40 years, thanks to President Vucic,” said Petkovic.


Dacic: First the should change the name because Kosovo is a Serbian word (RTV/Novosti/Kosovo online)


Reacting to the statement of the head of the cabinet of the President of the Assembly of the provisional institutions of Pristina Gljauk Konjufca, that he would terminate the contract with a private individual who provides services in the Assembly buffet if they still have products from Serbia in their offer, Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic stated that he was not surprised, but that then they should have changed their name, because Kosovo is a Serbian word, which is even on the CIA website. Dacic stated that for Kosovo online on the occasion of the announcement of the head of Konjufca’s cabinet Ilir Krcelji.


Adviser to the UN Secretary-General: Please remove the Mladic mural (N1)


Acknowledging that genocide has taken place does not mean denying that other crimes have taken place, nor does condemning a person for genocide mean that the guilt is collective, said UN Secretary-General's Adviser on Genocide Prevention Alice Wairim Nderitu, who was on a three-day visit to Belgrade. In an interview with N1, Nderitu said that the debate about the mural of the convicted war criminal Ratko Mladic reveals deeper processes and notes that society should talk about that. “I think the mural provides space for such a conversation. It provides space, but it should not exist. My attitude and advice to everyone I spoke to was: ‘Please remove the mural’. That is advice from someone who has seen so much violence and so many wars in the world and that is why I say: ‘Remove the mural.’ And when I say that the mural should be removed, I also mean other murals with people who have been convicted should be removed,” Nderitu said. The mural appeared in July 2021 on the corner of Njegoseva and Aleksa Nenadovica streets. The Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) called for the removal of the mural painted on the side of an apartment building but the gathering was banned by the police citing possible clashes between Mladic supporters and YIHR activists. She added that at the same time, the crisis should be used to start a conversation on how to move the country forward. “A lot of people told me that they were indignant because of all the verdicts against Serbs, and that ‘they perceive us that way because of them.’ I tell people that this is not a narrative that I believe in and that I came here with. I came to Serbia to look for leaders and to look for voices that are different from those who are ‘for’ or ‘against’ it,” said the adviser to the UN Secretary-General on Prevention of Genocide.


CoE officials call Serbian authorities to remove Mladic mural (N1)


Two Council of Europe (CoE) Parliamentary Assembly rapporteurs called the Serbian authorities to remove the mural depicting convicted war criminal General Ratko Mladic in central Belgrade. “Piero Fassino and Ian Liddell-Grainger urged the Serbian authorities to take unequivocal action against the glorification of convicted war criminals and to remove, without delay, a mural in Belgrade glorifying Ratko Mladic, convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity,” a press release said. The rapporteurs for Serbia expressed dismay with the fact that the Serbian authorities failed to remove “the illegally installed mural and that the former Vaclav Havel Prize winner, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR), was banned from holding a demonstration against this mural on 9 November 2021, with the Ministry of the Interior citing ‘security reasons’,” it added. They said that the ensuing event over the mural recalled “the need to fight unambiguously against the glorification of convicted war criminals” because that undermines regional cooperation and hinders the European integration process. “A democratic society cannot live in denial of war crimes and in a culture of hate and impunity. We therefore call on the Serbian authorities to demonstrate, through strong action, their willingness to fight firmly against the glorification of war criminals and to erase, without further delay, the frescoes glorifying war criminals,” Fassino and Liddell-Grainger said.


Case of Mladic’s mural part of well-designed and coordinated strategy aimed against Belgrade and Banjaluka (Novosti)


The action of settling accounts with Ratko Mladic’s mural - which reached the East River from the streets of Belgrade, through Strasbourg, is part of a well-designed and coordinated strategy to declare Republika Srpska (RS) criminal and thus abolish it, and label the Serb people as genocidal. Neither UN officials nor the Council of Europe rapporteurs said a word about other crimes, especially those against Serbs. Thus, there is no condemnation or call to, for example, delete the graffiti “Zagreb hates Serbs”, “Kill a Serb”, which appeared in the Croatian capital a few days ago, along with Ustasha and Nazi symbols. There is no appeal to remove the sign of Acif-Efendi in Novi Pazar, placed in 2012, nor condemn the fact that a man who worked on breaking up the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, creating a Greater Albania and who is responsible for killing thousands of Serbs and Jews during World War II. A memorial to the citizens of Sarajevo who died during the conflict in the 1990s was recently erected in Kazani on Trebevic, but nowhere on the monument does it say that they were Serb victims, nor that they were killed by members of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)Army, under the command of Musan Topalovic Caca. The international community did not comment on this either. Unfortunately, there are many such examples.


Serbian opposition parties expect agreement on elections (Nova/N1)


The deputy leader of the Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) Borko Stefanovic said that he was optimistic and that he expects an agreement with the Democratic Party (DP) and the People's Party (NS) on possible elections and on how to defend people's freedom to vote and the result achieved by the opposition. “We don’t want to deal with percentages and quotas, we are excluded from being interested in victory. Just as citizens are increasingly afraid of this regime, so the international community is increasingly realizing the real image in our country. People have realized that the regime in Serbia is crowded by incompetent robbers,” Stefanovic told Nova television. According to him, everyone in the opposition is fully aware of the responsibility and what the citizens expect from them, having in mind that they are part of the common front for the liberation of Serbia.




Sunday marked 26th anniversary of initialing of Dayton Peace Agreement (FTV


Sunday marked the 26th anniversary of initialing the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The purpose of the DPA was to stop the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and 26 years ago, it did not serve to permanently establish political frameworks. On that day, all of the actors sensed that neither side would later give up what it had gained in the DPA, not even in favor of a longer and more effective agreement even though the message was very clear, noted the presenter. FTV carried footage from 1995 in which the US diplomat Richard Holbrooke commented on the DPA. Holbrooke was quoted as saying: “Each page of this complicated text and annex represents a challenge to both sides, to leave intolerance and differences and still open wounds, and seek to work together. On paper we have peace. The biggest challenge before us now is how to implement it.” Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik gave a statement on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of initialing the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Dodik said that B&H has been an international protectorate since the DPA was signed. Dodik added that DPA was never allowed to come to life and repeated his earlier stance that foreigners have to leave and stop interfering in the life of B&H, that they need to stop threating with sanctions in order to determine political processes. Dodik claims that B&H is the only country in Europe that is a colony. Dodik said that B&H was turned into a place that is not good to live in and a place not good for development “because in these 26 years, those who tried to present themselves as good friends to B&H, have acted and implemented the policy of imposing solutions that did not come to life in the time and space, and who made B&H a country that does not have internal cohesion”. Dodik also stated that domestic politicians have to look for solutions through dialogue. He added that four foreigners, three in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H and High Representative have been imposing solutions in the country where basic principle is internal destruction instead of cohesion. He emphasized that respecting of the DPA is most favorable offer for B&H. Dodik stressed that on this day it is necessary to talk about future, adding that Republika Srpska (RS) believes that it is necessary to return to “the letter of the DPA” as much as possible. He went on to saying that the DPA demonstrated it can be ground for balancing or some waiting. “The DPA is the best balance and I cannot see anything that could be better offer to B&H,” stated Dodik. Dodik stated that foreigners have been threatening with sanctions, adding that the RS officials will resume to fight for rights of the RS regardless of sanctions. Dodik reminded that the RS has been illegally deprived of its rights, adding that it will be looking for solutions in the RS parliament. Dodik underlined that he is prepared for the dialogue within B&H, but also for one with the opposition in the RS. “I am prepared to show they are not ones destroying unity in the RS as well as to remove anathema put on them by US Special Envoy for Balkans Gabriel Escobar” emphasized member of B&H Presidency. Dodik also said the RS had remained committed to the letter of the DPA, even when the others had implemented only the spirit of the DPA. “The RS will always mark the day of the signing of the DPA, not only as a day of peace, but also as a day when it determined its specific positions with the Constitution. I will say that the RS has brought its territory, its land into B&H, its people and its authorities. That DPA is the best balance, and at the moment, I do not see anything that would be better offer for B&H. Foreigners must leave B&H. They need to stop interfering in macro and micro life, political life above all, to call on the telephone different people and threaten them they will impose sanctions or something similar, to determine political decisions. We need to free ourselves from the colonial status, and when I say this, I say it for all peoples in B&H. We need to primarily free ourselves from the colonizer, and do everything to make what is possible in joint agreement, and the DPA must be the basis for that. Every decision we adopt should be ours, and not theirs. When I say theirs, I mean foreigners, because they are the ones who show instability and unsustainability,” said Dodik. Dodik said that the RS is the only one sticking to the DPA and others are trying to massacre it. He added that foreigners in B&H used force to change the agreement through the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and foreign judges of the B&H Constitutional Court. Dodik said that it is questionable what remains of the DPA today. He said that certain B&H institutions that were created are monstrous and they did not give the necessary improvement compared to what was defined in the DPA to preserve the joint country. Dodik announced that he will pay an important official visit to an important place where he will discuss the special session of the RS parliament during which the return of competences to the RS will be discussed. He explained that the visit he will paid is not going to affect whether the session will take place, but it is good to discuss it. He added that he proposed one item on the agenda for this session. Asked about whether there is unity with the opposition regarding this session, Dodik said that he is ready to talk if they want it. He said that he does not understand how parties that formed the RS can sit and watch foreigners try to destroy the unity in the RS and its defense. Dodik confirmed that he will attend he special session. He stressed that the special session will take place and materials are being prepared for it. Dodik did not reveal where he is going and said that it will be known. RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic emphasized that future of peoples in B&H is in respecting of the DPA and its constitution. She stressed that their vision is a stable state where everyone can enjoy their rights in line with the Constitution. Cvijanovic underlined that although there is less of political understanding and respecting of the Constitution present in B&H, the RS remains consistent in fight for preservation of its constitutional competences. She added that the RS has been fighting to preserve constitutional competences and to prevent disempowerment of the RS. “We want this country to function in peace and stability,” emphasized Cvijanovic, adding that the RS is place where its citizens fulfill their rights. Cvijanovic also said that B&H fails to be a country where cooperation and understanding is discussed within a multiethnic community. She said that B&H is in a situation where it is explained to the whole world that it is necessary to stick to the Constitution. Cvijanovic assessed that foreigners would never allow this in their own countries, but promote it in B&H. She explained that this has brought frustrations among people with constituent status in B&H. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that the day of the signing of the DPA was one of the most important dates “in our history, because it is the crown of our liberation struggle, struggle for autonomy, and equality in the whirlpool of disintegration” of former Yugoslavia. “I think it is an international peace agreement that does not have alternative. So, the Dayton architecture, at the moment, regardless of how many there are advocating for it to be changed, to create new Dayton, etc. That architecture has no alternative, and it is a good framework for us in the RS and for our people. It is a compromise, and maximalist requirements or feeling we should have got more are not possible. There are interests of the other, i.e. the third party, so that we are fitting in within the compromise. It is a guarantee of the autonomy of the RS by the biggest powers in the world,” said Sarovic. Sarovic also said that the DPA is important and some are not aware how important it is, since the biggest global powers are guarantors of implementing the DPA. SDA has issued a statement stating the most important legacy of the DPA is that “it has preserved sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H, according to which B&H, as an internationally recognized country, has continued to exist with a modified internal structure”. According to SDA’s statement, especially important part of the DPA is the one referring to additional competencies of the state, i.e. B&H taking over competencies important for preserving sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence, and international subjectivity, and that additional institutions can be established in accordance with the need to perform those competencies. “In regard to that, unilateral actions announced by the authorities of the entity of RS, led by SNSD, constitute violation of the DPA, and are threat to stability and peace,” reads the statement of SDA. SDA reminded that Chair of RBiH Presidency Alija Izetbegovic had said after signing of the DPA that this agreement did not bring just peace to B&H, adding that in the world as it was, better agreement could not have been achieved. The statement reads that the DPA Constitution brought complicated and insufficiently quality system of deciding with possibility of different blockades. SDA underlined that one of key stipulations of the DPA is one from Article 3 of Annex IV that is also Constitution of B&H, that refers to additional competences of state. Above-mentioned statement reads that unilateral abolition of state-level laws adopted by the B&H parliament is not possible.


Dodik writes to Maas, says Maas based his opinion on misinformation and wrong interpretations (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik sent German Minister of Foreign Affairs Heiko Maas a letter due to the fact that he demanded sanctions against the RS. According to ATV, someone who does not come to this area and meets leaders is threatening and calling for sanctions and this is precisely what Maas is doing, he is calling on the EU to introduce sanctions against the RS. Dodik reminded Maas of historic events and what happened to the Serb people in this area. In this regard, Dodik reminded that Serbs survived genocide and ethnic cleansing in two world wars and that they still have not recovered which is why he called on Maas not to look for those who mention and call for conflicts in the RS. Dodik wrote: “By interpreting misinformation, you are doing injustice to the RS. You are also doing injustice to your country.”

The reporter noted that the political Sarajevo advocated for sanctions to the RS for a long period of time and they lobbied via friendly German parties and precisely from these parties, people heard the first calls for sanctions against the political leadership of the RS, while no one heard the other side of the story. Dodik informed Maas that policy that the RS is leading is not causing the crisis in B&H and he argued that disturbing factor are those who violate the Constitution of B&H. Dodik said: "The crisis is the result of the fact that the B&H Constitution has not been respected for full 26 years and that such unconstitutional behavior has brought B&H to a standstill. Imagine that only one day someone tries to disrespect the German Constitution!?"


Dzaferovic, Komsic send letters to heads of states, governments, members of PIC, EC, CoE saying activities of RS jeopardize peace in B&H (ATV


Members of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic sent letters to heads of states and governments, members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC): the US, France, Russia, Turkey, Germany, the UK, Canada, Japan as well as to the European Commission and the Council of Europe. Dzaferovic and Komsic informed them that RS activities jeopardize peace in B&H. ATV reminded of previous statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, Dzaferovic, founder of SBIH Haris Silajdzic and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik that, in ATV’s opinion, prove who speaks about war and who does not. According to ATV, Dodik is the one who said that they do not want war or any kind of a conflict but peace, while among other things, Izetbegovic said that if someone wants peace, he has to be ready for war.


Lukac: Fight for transfer of competencies to entity level, as envisaged by DPA, will be political one; war or conflict are not option (RTRS


RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac, commenting on the marking the RS Ministry of Interior (MoI) Saint Patron’s Day, said it would be an opportunity to remember all police officers who have been killed on duty. Asked how it would be possible to resist increasingly open pressures on the RS, Lukac reminded of the pressures on the RS for years “with structures in B&H, as well as abroad, who do not really like the existence of the RS” noting that despite the pressures, the RS would celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. “I think it is time for everyone in B&H and abroad to understand that the RS is a fact wanted by Serb people, and that we will not give up on the RS,” said Lukac. Asked what the RS would look like, if the police reforms were implemented as desired by individuals in Sarajevo and part of the international community, Lukac said that many competencies transferred to B&H did not bring results and that citizens did not benefit from that, and added that although some of the transferred competencies were successful, the fact remained that they belonged to the RS, due to which the RS insisted on the original DPA. “We see now the fight for competencies to be transferred to entity level, as envisaged by the DPA. It will be the political fight, any other fight in relation to war options or use of force by any side is out of question, and we will not discuss it. I think that all people in the RS are absolutely convinced that the police belongs to the RS and that is simply not only the competence, but broader, because the issue of functioning of the RS MoI is much broader when we talk about security, security of our people, their property, but also security of the RS. If we had lost the MoI, I think that until today, we would have lost a lot more,” said Lukac. Lukac reminded that the RS MoI was the biggest police structure in B&H, allowing it to control half of the territory in the country. Asked to comment on the recent threats directed towards the RS and its officials, and reports by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) media about war and conflicts, and who needed that, taking into account that there had been no such statements from the RS, Lukac said that that none of political officials from the RS talked about the RS being willing to go to war, noting “we simply do not want to think about such options any more. This people, and all peoples in B&H need peace”. Asked to comment on his recent statement on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik being a person under greatest threat in the country, Lukac said there had been threats directed to Dodik via social media and letters “due to disagreeing with his policies and his statements” noting that Dodik’s intention was to protect the RS and Serb people which some did not like “and they go into radical options like threats and similar things”. Lukac added that many of the threats came from B&H nationals who lived abroad, “when we contact Police Administrations in those countries, inform them, and the processes are carried out to identify and sanction those people” noting that it was unacceptable to threaten any political official or their family over their political opinions. Asked if the RS MoI was sufficiently equipped and trained to respond to all challenges, Lukac said that a lot had been done by the RS government to equip the RS MoI, and training of police officers had been “brought to a much higher level” particularly of the Special Unit of the RS MoI. Lukac reminded of the support from the US Embassy to B&H, and a US team “that for years has been with us in work with our Special Anti-Terrorist Unit. And annually, three to four times, we carry out trainings together with them”. Lukac reminded of the helicopter unit within the Special Unit that would be completed with the arrival of the third helicopter in January, and ten ‘Despot’ multi-functional armored vehicles. Lukac added that the RS Gendarmerie underwent regular training, and that a lot had been done on its equipping. He went on to say, that in addition to training of special units, a lot had been done on continuous training of all police officers. “We invest a lot in training and equipping and we will continue with that, with a lot of projects and ideas yet to be implemented, which will require both time and money. But, I can guarantee that the police can respond to all challenges, whether it is disturbance of public order and peace, or protection of our citizens and their property,” said Lukac. Asked if there would be any more police actions in the upcoming period, as was the operation ‘Transporter’ that showed that not even members of the RS MoI were protected, Lukac answered affirmatively. “It is very important that there are no protected members of the MoI, nor there will be any. All MoI members with any contact or relation with criminals will be identified, prosecuted and penalized,” said Lukac.


RS authorities call on opposition to discuss key issues for RS (RTRS


Unity in the RS is again mentioned as a possible defense mechanism and a means of fighting the crisis in B&H, noted the presenter. The consensus of the RS authorities and the RS opposition on the issues of sanctions advocated by Sarajevo and part of the international community is slowly being reached. Possible punishment of the RS representatives was also condemned by its diplomatic partners as Hungary opposed the initiative of Germany, so instead of rigorous measures, Hungary proposed a conversation with officials in Banja Luka and Sarajevo, added the presenter.  Milorad Dodik said that it is SNSD’s proposal to speak with one voice from the RS in order to solve the crisis in B&H. Dodik said that SNSD, as the biggest party in the RS, is interested in dialogue. Dodik welcomed the statement made by leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic in which Sarovic said that he is ready to discuss within the RS how to overcome the problems. Dodik was quoted as saying: “I would like to remind him and the public that the SNSD persistently invited all political actors in the RS to talk, but as the public could see, both SDS and PDP have rejected such a possibility so far. We have no problem with the initiators of that meeting being the parties from the opposition, because the issue that is on the table, and that is the future of the RS, is not an issue that should be the division between the authorities and the opposition in RS.” RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic also said that it is time for Serb unity when it comes to returning competences. Cvijanovic said that the representatives of the RS authorities are open to discussion with opposition parties about the key issues for the future of the RS. “Every time we work to preserve our competences and act in accordance with what the Dayton Agreement has given us, of course it is more than desirable for political parties to take the problem equally seriously,” stated Cvijanovic. Besides the readiness of SDS to discuss the key issues within the RS, Sarovic also stated that he opposes possible sanctions. “SDS opposes the imposition of any sanctions against individuals, against institutions, against companies, against the RS. Because we went through that once already and we know what that means. We hope that the regime or the authorities in the RS will discuss this issue within the RS” stated Sarovic. PDP is also against sanctions but when asked whether they are ready to discuss these issues with SNSD before the session of the RS parliament about the return of competences, PDP did not give a clear answer, noted the reporter. PDP claimed that they will say all they have to say in the RS parliament. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic pointed out that any sanctions that would jeopardize the interests of the RS are completely unacceptable.


Meeting of opposition in RS postponed due to Sarovic's obligations; Dodik says he is ready for talks on RS regardless of who initiator is (ATV


The announced meeting of the opposition parties, which was supposed to be held in Banja Luka on Friday, was not held. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic told DNS leader Nenad Nesic, who sent an invitation to the meeting to all opposition leaders, that he is unable to attend the meeting of the opposition in Banja Luka because he had other obligations. Nesic stressed that the meeting will be held in the coming days. Asked whether he believes in Sarovic's explanation, Nesic said that he believes Sarovic. "I have no reason not to believe him. If what he is saying is not true, that is not my problem. That is Mr. Sarovic's problem," Nesic underlined. ATV stressed that Sarovic had a diplomatic answer when asked whether he refused the invitation because it arrived from DNS' address. ATV noted that Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler managed to bring representatives of SDS, PDP and DNS together. At the same time, SPS was not invited to the meeting with Sattler. SPS leader Goran Selak had an explanation for this, pointing out that SPS has no representatives in the B&H parliament, which is why we did not receive an invitation for that meeting.


Grlic Radman meets with B&H High Representative at Halifax Forum (HRT


The primary objective of the Halifax International Security Forum is to address global security issues. Best known for its annual security summit in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada, the 13th Halifax Forum is a three-day event that will end on Sunday. The annual meeting brings together some 300 delegates from over 70 countries. It is often referred to as "The Davos of international security". It is the only summit of its kind in North America. On the second day of the International Security Forum in Halifax Canada, Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman met with the UN High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt. During the panel discussion on China, Minister Grlic Radman spoke about the influence of third countries on the Western Balkans: "The functionality of the countries of the countries of the Western Balkans is being tested. Democracy, potential conflicts, all of the things we don't want to see, and saw in the early 1990's." The focus of the three-day forum is on the withdrawal from Afghanistan, China, post-pandemic globalization and new terrorist threats. Former Croatian president Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, who is a Security Forum board member, said that she sees the erosion of democracy and the geopolitical shift towards the Indo-Pacific as major threats in the future: "The fact is that in some segments, such as the seas to the south of Korea, we are so close to conflict that we need to think long and hard about relations with countries that do not share our views with regard to democratic systems, and strive to find ways of cooperating." The Halifax International Security Forum is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is a forum and network for international government and military officials, academic experts, authors and entrepreneurs.


Knezevic: DF to offer on Monday its last offer to get out of crisis, Abazovic wants to be PM (CdM


It is not true that the Democratic Front (DF) has given up on the political-expert government reshuffle, that option was rejected by Dritan Abazovic, looking exclusively for a model of minority support according to which he would be the new prime minister, claims one of the DF leaders Milan Knezevic. At the session of the Parliament of Montenegro, he announced that the DF would offer the last platform for overcoming the crisis on Monday, and that it would be a package – the election of a new government and overcoming all social divisions and crises.

“This will be our last offer. We promise that we will no longer tolerate the humiliation of the citizens who gave us victory on 30 August. I do not want to believe that the spirit of Darko Pajovic entered Abazovic. If so, be sure that we in the DF are experts in political exorcism and we will expel the spirit of Darko Pajovic from the parliamentary majority,” states Knezevic.


DPM Abazovic pays working visit to Germany (Gov. Press service


Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic is paying a two-day working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, where he will participate as a keynote speaker in the Salon Diplomatique, which will gather eminent guests and representatives of the political, economic, cultural and scientific community of Baden-Wurttemberg. DPM Abazovic will deliver a lecture on the current political situation in Montenegro, with special reference to the issue of security, the fight against crime and high-level corruption. During his working visit to Germany, Abazovic will have separate meetings with representatives of NATO, the security sector of the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg, as well as a meeting with the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rhein-Neckar.


DF: Djukanovic violated the Constitution; DPS: Attempt to compromise (RTCG


The parliament of Montenegro is discussing the Proposal for initiating the procedure for determining whether the President of Montenegro has violated the Constitution. The final decision on a possible violation of the Constitution is made by the Constitutional Court.

The proposal was submitted by the SNP and supported by 36 deputies. The proposal was supported by the Constitutional Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro. The rapporteur of the Committee Simonida Kordic (DF) said that these were the actions of President Milo Djukanovic related to the events of September 5, that is, the enthronement of Metropolitan Joanikije. Kordic said that the President then violated the principle of the Constitution on the separation of the state from the church, and that he also violated his powers provided by the Constitution. Kordic also said that Djukanovic violated the Criminal Code, calling for the prevention of religious rites. "In this way, the president of the state marked certain citizens of Montenegro as those who are acceptable and tried to determine where and in what way religious rites will be held," Kordic explained. DF MP Dragan Bojovic said that Djukanovic could not face the truth that his political time had expired. "It is clear that Djukanovic violated the Constitution and in many respects violated the basic principle of separation of state and religious communities, violating the basis of human rights and freedoms, causing religious, national and other intolerance," Bojovic said, adding that Djukanovic divided and incited citizens to quarrel, and incited hate speech. "Djukanovic should not only be dismissed, but also be held accountable for illegal actions," Bojovic said.


Dimitrievski: I do not want to elect a puppet leader who will be in the function of the former leadership (TV Sitel


In an interview with TV Sitel, the mayor of Kumanovo Maksim Dimitrievski pointed out that he expects PM Zoran Zaev’s resignation to be realized. “He announced it, I welcome it, because it is a real example of how democracy should develop in our country. But, unfortunately, many people around him who may have been the tutors of the main policies in the party are still silent, and they should go public and assume responsibility, how come SDSM from a good position, came to such a situation. I cannot predict what will happen, I can openly say what I do not want to happen. I do not want it to happen that we choose a puppet leader. I do not want it to happen that we choose a leadership that will be in the function of someone or the former leadership. SDSM needs a serious team of people who will continue to animate serious positive policies for the citizens and the state,” said Dimitrievski. Dimitrievski emphasized that the membership is the one that according to the statute elects a leader and the membership should decide who will be the next leader of SDSM.


Talks with Alternative continue, Zaev will resign next week in SDSM (Nezavisen vesnik


The Prime Minister and leader of SDSM Zoran Zaev, after the meeting with the President of Alternative Afrim Gashi, said that several issues were discussed that remain to be considered during the weekend in SDSM and Alternative, but also with the partners of the government coalition. "Our invitation is for Alternative to be part of the government. The target before us are regular elections, not extraordinary ones. Talks will continue next week. "When we agree on something, we will inform the public," said Zaev. At the meeting, Zaev said he was informed about the conditions of Alternative under which the talks would continue. We will inform them next week whether we are ready to accept their terms or not. We all need to take care of the country's European future, and that is possible if we have a stable government and a stable parliamentary majority. Possible future cooperation will be defined precisely on program principles, said Zaev. We talked, stressed Zaev, about very important things and of course we should consider them in the parties, in SDSM and Alternative, but also with the partners. "Concessions are expected from everyone, not only from SDSM, but also from DUI and all partners in the government. In the end, Alternative's decision may be to enter, and it may be not to enter. That was announced to me at the meeting. But the decisions are made by the party bodies," Zaev said after a several-hour meeting with Gashi at the MPs' Club. According to him, this is understandable because until recently they were practically part of the coalition that launched an initiative for a vote of no confidence in the Government and because the party is divided over whether to remain in opposition or enter power. On Tuesday, according to Gashi, the Central Board of Alternative will decide whether to convene the Assembly to vote on the decision to join the government majority. Zaev's announced that after next Tuesday he will resign in the party, announced move will take place only after securing a stable parliamentary majority. Image and dignity are important things. The word is the word and I will keep it" said Zaev after the announcement that on Tuesday he will open the way to start the procedure for electing a leader of SDSM who, in his opinion, should be the next prime minister-designate of the government, but stressed that it will be the party members who decide in direct elections and not he. As for whether DUI will accept the proposal for prime minister from SDSM, Zaev said that the ruling party has the right to make such a decision, and Gashi added that they as an Alternative will not interfere in it. Both Zaev and Gashi said that they talked about a concept, and not about the distribution of functions and personnel decisions, except what the expectations would be and what the offers would be. "When we invite someone to the ruling majority, it is clear that we need to give them some seats, but the program part is very important because what we will agree on will be a joint obligation," Zaev said. "If we are all in favor of negotiations with the EU, we should all take that pressure and that responsibility," Gashi said.


Negotiations more important than EU membership (MIA


The foreign minister of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani has said that the EU is on its way to losing its credibility in the Western Balkans and, if it wanted to renew it, it should open pre-accession negotiations with Skopje and Tirana. "That is the cheapest investment the EU can do to ensure that the region moves forward in a good direction," Osmani told the media in Brussels on Nov. 19. He said that the "litmus test" for this loss of credibility was North Macedonia which, as he stated, had fulfilled all of the criteria for starting the negotiations, without ever being recognized or rewarded. "Therefore, in the eyes of the people of the region, that means: If they failed, why wouldn't we," Osmani was quoted as saying. Osmani also stated that it was not possible to solve complicated issues like Bosnia and Herzegovina or relations between Kosovo and Serbia, before first solving the European prospects of Albania and North Macedonia. "It is North Macedonia that is the key to solving the crisis in the Western Balkans. When the countries of the region see that it works, that you can have a successful multi-ethnic society, they will follow that road," Osmani stated, adding that he hoped that Bulgaria would retract its veto on the start of pre-accession negotiations between Skopje and Brussels, after the constructive engagement of Skopje and for the sake of the credibility of the EU and the region's stability.


Zaev, Duda: EU enlargement must continue (MIA


The Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev and Polish President Andrzej Duda concurred in Skopje that the EU had to continue enlargement and immediately open pre-accession negotiations with Skopje. Zaev and Duda concurred that, by opening the negotiations, the EU would prove that the European project "is alive and attractive," especially for countries that carry out all of the necessary reforms, like North Macedonia, the government in Skopje has stated. During a working lunch in Skopje, which the Prime Minister of North Macedonia organized in honor of the Polish President, the two leaders agreed that EU enlargement "is especially important" after Brexit, in order to provide new enthusiasm, new possibilities, new development and a new economic market. Duda, who paid an official visit to Skopje, also met with the president of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski.


The Embassy of Peace for the Balkans inaugurated in Tirana (Radio Tirana


The Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj greeted the Balkan Leadership Conference that was held this year in Tirana, where the Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Federation of Universal Peace for Europe and the Middle East and the Podgorica Club. The "Embassy of Peace for the Balkans" of the Universal Peace Federation was also inaugurated, the cornerstone of which was laid two years ago during the Peace Summit in Tirana. Veliaj congratulated the former president of the Republic Alfred Moisiu who is also the chairman of the High Peace Council for the Balkans, as well as a member of the Podgorica Club. "I highly appreciate your mission and work! It means that it is not the office that makes the person useful, but it is the heart and passion that keeps him/her with energy and contributions. So, thank you so much for bringing us all together today. For me you have been a support, you have been a mentor, you have been a counselor, you have been an encouragement in those days when I had to make the right decisions and why not popular and I appreciate this your mission which also serves as an example for anyone whose work does not end when the mandate ends, but in fact has just begun because that mandate is the energy to continue the mission," said among others the mayor Veliaj.  Mosiu has called the Embassy of Peace a precious asset to the capital. "Now we have our building, the Embassy of Peace, which will surely be a valuable asset for our capital and not only, but will also serve for other international activities. I thank the Municipality of Tirana and Mayor Veliaj for the support he has given us. The Embassy of Peace will be the center of peace activities in Albania and the Balkans to promote family values, leadership and good governance, education and training of young people with high values ​​of love for knowledge, people and nation, to contribute as much as possible to increase friendship and cooperation between the peoples of our region, as well as to help strengthen and maintain peace in our region," said Moisiu. Welcoming the friends of peace from all over the world, Veliaj expressed his happiness that an embassy of peace the whole Balkans. "A special hospitality and a special welcome to those who have come from very distant lands, from Korea and our friends from Asia, as well as our neighbors, the President of Croatia, the President of Montenegro, the President of Bosnia, all those brothers. and sisters who came from Kosovo, or from other cities in Albania. I am glad that today we have gathered to inaugurate on this road of embassies perhaps the most important embassy in the Balkans which is the "Embassy of Peace", in a Balkans that has gone through difficult days, has passed extraordinary challenges that has experienced bloody wars and when you see how little we have to be torn apart and to quarrel or to fight, it is probably time for reflection,” declared the mayor of Tirana. The Universal Peace Federation (FPU) is a global network of individuals and organizations committed to building a world at peace based on universal moral and spiritual values. The Ambassadors of Peace initiative originated in January 2001 and was followed by a series of education programs dedicated to peace and reconciliation around the world. To date, there are over 150,000 Ambassadors of Peace in the world. While in Albania and Kosovo, there have been appointed about 2500 Ambassadors of Peace who represent the elite of Albanian society, including leaders in the political, academic, religious spheres, civil society etc.


Meta: Albania should fulfill all obligations of Albania as a member of NATO (Radio Tirana


President Ilir Meta held a meeting with the leaders and participants of the High Security and Defense Course, from Albania and other NATO member countries. The head of state emphasized the need to fulfill all obligations of Albania as a member of NATO. Among other things, Meta added that all strategic efforts should be united to keep the Western Balkans a West-oriented space. "It is a real pleasure to meet the leaders and participants of the High Security and Defense Course, from Albania and other NATO member countries. We had an open conversation about the security challenges and the importance of the Alliance in ensuring peace, security and stability in the region and the world. I stressed the need to fulfill all obligations of Albania as a member of NATO, highlighting our contribution to joint missions and operations. We must join all our strategic efforts to keep the Western Balkans a West-oriented space that lives in peace and shares the common values ​​of the North Atlantic Alliance," writes Meta.