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Belgrade Media Report 21 December


Vucic: I am certain no one can stop Open Balkans initiative (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Tuesday said the Open Balkans initiative was greater than any individual and that it was creating a foundation for better, unstoppable economic development of the three participating countries - Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia. “I believe this is one of the greatest ideas in today's Europe. I am now a hundred percent certain no one can stop this initiative,” Vucic said at a plenary session of the initiative in Tirana. Thanking all who have helped prepare agreements facilitating the movement of people and goods between the three countries, to be signed on Tuesday, Vucic said they were great results that were to the benefit of all. “Franklin Roosevelt said: ‘We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future.’ I really think this initiative is greater than anyone of us and something that will create the foundation for the future of our children,” Vucic said, adding that the initiative lifted barriers between people. “Whatever we may do, connecting the people is the most significant goal,” Vucic said. He said his conversations with Albanian businesspeople late on Monday had revealed a sincere desire to invest in Serbia and North Macedonia, and added that he knew many people in Serbia who were seeking to invest in Albania and North Macedonia. More and more Serbian tourists travel to Albania and North Macedonia, Vucic also said, adding that more people from North Macedonia and Albania would be coming to Serbia as well. The Open Balkans is a real foundation for better economic development of the three countries in the future, he noted.

Agreement signed on free access to W. Balkan labor market

As part of the Open Balkans regional cooperation initiative, Vucic and the PMs of North Macedonia and Albania, Zoran Zaev and Edi Rama, on Tuesday signed an agreement on free access to the labor market in the Western Balkans. The agreement will enable the introduction of a single work permit for all three countries. On the margins of an Open Balkans summit in Tirana, the three leaders also signed an agreement on integrating an electronic system of identification of citizens of the Western Balkan region. An agreement on veterinary and phytosanitary cooperation and cooperation on food and animal feed safety was signed by Serbian Agriculture Minister Branislav Nedimovic, his Albanian counterpart Frida Krifca and North Macedonian Deputy Agriculture Minister Trajan Dimkovski. An agreement between the government of Serbia and the Council of Ministers of Albania on mutual recognition of certificates by authorized economic operators for security and safety (AEOS) was signed by Serbian Finance Minister Sinisa Mali and his Albanian counterpart Delina Ibrahimaj. The same agreement between the North Macedonian government and the Albanian Council of Ministers was signed by the North Macedonian deputy finance minister and the Albanian finance minister.

An agreement on cooperation between accreditation bodies of the three countries was also signed in Tirana.

Vucic: Tirana agreements are basis for this part of Europe to be essentially borderless (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told the morning news of Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) that the Open Balkans is a great idea that will only strengthen and show great strength.

“I know that most people are interested in what I will say about burning of flags, but rationally, we have to look to the future and understand when they get angry when we burn their flags, and that happened before Edi Rama arrived in Serbia. I will not enter their internal party reasons, but of course it is inadmissible to desecrate the symbols and I think that Albania reacted promptly, seriously and responsibly and that is our job, too, to do,” said Vucic. According to him, today’s agreements that will be signed in Tirana are the nucleus of something that will create this part of Europe to be essentially without borders, and much earlier than we thought. “Today we are signing an agreement on work permits. This means that when you have Kromberg Schubert who has a factory in Krusevac, but also in Northern Macedonia, you don’t need to get anymore a permit every two months or a month. If engineers are needed from Northern Macedonia in Krusevac, they can easily get a work permit due to the fact that they are citizens of Northern Macedonia and vice versa. The fact that you have a work permit in Northern Macedonia you have it in Serbia as well,” said Vucic. “People will move a lot more, have the opportunity for business and cooperation,” says Vucic. He points out that this initiative will facilitate the flow of people and labor, but also that there will be many more opportunities for business and mutual cooperation. Vucic added that an agreement on accreditation bodies will be signed, on the basis of which the policies of those bodies from all three countries will be harmonized, and that goods approved by the accreditation body from the country it comes from will be considered good in the country it comes from.

Cadez: Common labor market expected to be in place from early 2022 (RTS)

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (PKS) President Marko Cadez on Monday said a Tirana meeting of the Open Balkans initiative was expected to result in the establishment of a common labor market of Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia early next year. Six agreements will be on the table. “We expect to get a common labor market, border crossings that will be operating round the clock and harmonized phytosanitary certificates to deal with the problem that has cost the economy a lot of money,” Cadez told RTS.

Brnabic: Protest in Tirana had support from Belgrade (TVHappy/FoNet)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that the protests in Tirana prior to a summit of the Open Balkan initiative had support from Belgrade. A crowd of several hundred people protested against the Open Balkans initiative and the presence of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in the capital of Albania. The crowd tore down and burned a Serbian flag flying in a central square, prompting Prime Minister Edi Rama to move the working dinner to the city of Elbasan. The Serbian authorities customarily blame opponents, both explicitly and implicitly, for any opposition to their plans. “The protests certainly had support from Belgrade,” Brnabic said in a live talk show on TV Happy without specifically naming anyone. “There are people dragging up forces from the past and there are people pulling into the future … because some people simply can’t imagine a future different to the past of the region,” she said. According to her, the Open Balkans initiative is opposed by people “stuck in some stereotypes that they can’t get out of” and added that there are people who fear that the initiative will reveal all their weaknesses. Brnabic echoed Vucic’s view that the initiative does not run counter to EU principles. She said that Vucic is a visionary who saw a different future for young people and added that regional cooperation will bring faster economic growth and development.

Petkovic: Pristina is obstructing dialogue (Beta/RTV)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday that Pristina was obstructing dialogue, but that Belgrade remained committed to sustaining it, believing that talks are the most efficient bulwark against escalation of international tension and guarantee for the safety of the Serb people. In a meeting with Slovak Ambassador Fedor Rosocha, he stressed that Pristina constantly generates an atmosphere of mistrust, and had continued to obstruct the dialogue during the last round of talks in Brussels, stubbornly refusing to discuss starting the process of establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities. Petkovic thanked Slovakia for its consistent and principled position on Kosovo and Metohija, the Office said in a statement.

Petkovic: Protest in Tirana staged by Pristina politicians (RTS)

Reacting to the protests in the center of Tirana due to the visit of President Aleksandar Vucic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Monday evening that the event was staged by politicians from Pristina, adding that it is clear that Albin Kurti and Ramush Haradinaj speak through Sali Berisha. “Today’s chaos and savagery in Albania was staged directly by extremists and politicians from Pristina and shows that Albanian voter Albin Kurti always tales the opportunity to provoke violence, just as he did in northern Kosovo and Metohija,” said a statement from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija signed by Petar Petkovic. “While President Aleksandar Vucic advocates regional cooperation, peace and stability through the Open Balkans initiative, extremist groups are trying in every way to stop him on that path,” Petkovic emphasizes. “Not only did the extremists set on fire the Serbian flag today, they wanted to set the region on fire and turn the Western Balkans into a powder keg,” adds the statement.

Mihajlovic: Open Balkans Initiative for a better future of the region (Tanjug)

Serbian Minister for Energy and Mining Zorana Mihajlovic said that the protests that were organized in Tirana over the visit of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Open Balkans Initiative show that there are still powers in the surrounding countries that want to benefit from an attempt at returning the region to the past. In a public statement, Mihajlovic underlined that the goals of the Open Balkans Initiative, which was launched by President Vucic together with Presidents of Albania and North Macedonia – Edi Rama and Zoran Zaev respectively, are making connections, a faster economic growth and a better life for citizens of this region. Opposing this initiative is a direct opposition to the interests of citizens of the entire region, who first and foremost want peace, stability and a better life. That is not achieved by raising tensions, but by solving problems through dialogue and cooperation on the issues where we have the greatest common interest and these are investments and infrastructure connectivity. In that sense, Open Balkans is an initiative for a better future of the region and the extremist reactions to it are an attempt at returning the region to the past, Mihajlovic stated.

Protest held in Tirana against Open Balkans initiative (Tanjug)

Albania's opposition Democratic Party, led by former PM Sali Berisha, on Monday staged a protest in Tirana against the Open Balkans initiative. The protest outside the government building was held ahead of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's arrival in Tirana for an Open Balkans summit with the PMs of Albania and North Macedonia, Edi Rama and Zoran Zaev.

The protesters burned one of the Serbian flags displayed as a sign of welcome along a city street leading to the government building. Previously, the protesters gathered outside the Democratic Party headquarters and then marched to the government building, where a stage was set up, a Tanjug reporter said. The Serbian Embassy in Tirana is not far from the location. Addressing the protesters, Berisha said Open Balkans was a “project aimed at establishing Serbian hegemony in the region”. In the past few days, local media reported Albanians from Kosovo and Metohija as well as from the Presevo Valley in the south of Serbia would also come to the protest. Following announcements of the protest, Rama decided to move the opening part of the Open Balkans summit to the city of Elbasan. Vucic is attending a dinner with Rama and Zaev in Elbasan and working meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, with six agreements due to be signed.

Petkovic: Kurti’s new terror to intimidate Serbs in the province (Tanjug/B92)

The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed today that the incursion of the special Kosovo police into Strpce and the arrest of several people is another attempt to intimidate the Serbs in the province and new terror of Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Under the guise and under the pretext of some kind of fight against corruption, Kurti is again sending ROSU’s special forces, under full war equipment, to Serbian environments, with the sole goal of criminalizing Serbs who remained the bulwark of defending our national interests in the province. It is strange how Kurti fails to see crime in his own ranks, when all international factors know that all flows of dirty money go through Albanian communities,” Petkovic said in a statement. He said that Strpce is an obvious target because it represents a strong Serbian stronghold and the southernmost point of Serbian survival in Kosovo and Metohija. “This action is not accidental, just today, when President Aleksandar Vucic is supposed to sign six important agreements within the Open Balkans initiative, as a step towards a better future, and it is obviously coordinated with last night’s extremist rampage and burning of Serbian flags in Tirana,” Petkovic concluded.

Professor Tomic: Vote against constitutional changes in referendum (Beta)

Professor at Belgrade’s School of Law Zoran R. Tomic said on Monday that Serbian citizens should take part in a new referendum on amendments to the Constitution of Serbia and say ‘no’. Tomic said to Beta that a majority no would not mean that the Serbs were against an independent, reformed judiciary, but rather that the government has finally lost the last modicum of trust by the people. The people need to use their ‘no’ in the referendum to tell the authorities that they have passed their shelf life. Also, that they don’t want the current government to reform the judiciary, or take them to the EU,” Tomic underlined. Even if the partial change to the Constitution was better than other solutions of the kind, it is clearly part of a hectic, nervous and manipulative political package, designed to deceive the people, the Professor has warned. Tomic has underlined that a hypothetical success of the constitutional referendum would be “the wind beneath the wings” of the longstanding yet unsuccessful ruling team. “I believe that it is necessary and wise to vote in the referendum, and to vote ‘no’,” Professor Tomic said.



Selak gives statement at Prosecutor's Office in capacity of witness in case related to attack on B&H constitutional order (FTV

The Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Prosecutor's Office began on Monday hearings in the case related to the attack on the B&H constitutional order. SPS leader Goran Selak was the first to be questioned at the Prosecutor's Office of B&H in the capacity of a witness. After questioning, Selak revealed to media who the suspects in this case are. "I was informed that the suspects are the leaders of all political parties, as well as the proponents of information and conclusions, as well as the declaration. In addition to the leaders of political parties, there is also the President of the RS as a suspect, the Prime Minister and the heads of parliamentary caucuses of parties which are the proponents of the conclusions, and the proponents of the conclusions are certainly the ruling coalition in the RS," Selak underlined. In the coming days, the leaders of SDS, DNS and PDP are expected to come to the Prosecutor's Office of B&H to give statements in the capacity of witnesses. At the same time, SNSD officials who are the authors of the controversial conclusions and laws adopted by the RS parliament, as well as their coalition partners who voted for them in the RS parliament, have not been summoned for questioning yet. Selak claimed that there was no attack on the constitutional order, and that all three peoples in B&H should discuss which competences are costly and not functional. Selak stressed that he does not see the purpose of forming the case, and he also believes that there was no violation of the Constitution. Selak pointed out that he gave a statement that he is in favor of strengthening the RS institutions within the Dayton B&H. Selak added that SPS did not participate in creating and proposing decisions regarding the transfer of competencies. Selak stated: “We are of the opinion that we need to talk in B&H, all three peoples, to see which competencies have been transferred in an unconstitutional way and which competencies and with what procedure can be returned to the RS.”

SDP Presidency adopts document calling for suspension of anti-Dayton and anti-Constitutional acts of RS institutions; Reactions from RS (Glas Srpske

SDP Presidency adopted a document calling for suspension and annulment of all “anti-Dayton and anti-Constitutional acts of the RS institutions within 60 days”. If this does not happen, SDP will form a “Crisis Headquarters for acting under extraordinary political circumstances” and initiate formation of a “movement for defense of B&H state”. Reacting to the conclusions of the SDP Presidency, B&H House of Representatives member Snjezana Novakovic Burrsac (SNSD) stated that SDP is doing everything it can to become a significant factor on the Bosniak political scene. According to her, SDP is trying to be the mouthpiece of something they call the pro-Bosnian bloc, but in fact it is SDA. She noted that the group of the so-called civic parties attempted to put the debate on current political crisis on the agenda of last B&H HoR session, but they failed due to lack of support of the RS parties. She underlined that SNSD is against sessions which serve as a stage for grand words. Instead, said Novakovic Bursac, it is necessary to seek agreement on sustainable solutions to the existing problems. She also noted that Bosiak politicians who call on B&H Prosecutor’s Office to sanction the alleged anti-Constitutional actions always fail to state which article of the Constitution is being violated. PDP’s Mira Pekic stated that SDP Presidency’s conclusions are very similar to political stances of SDA, and it seems like SDP has been following along the lines of SDA lately. She noted that SDP is calling for High Representative Christian Schmidt to annul decisions of the RS National Assembly, but they fail to mention the amendments to B&H Criminal Code imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko, and it seems like the so-called “pro-Bosnian” parties have abandoned political dialogue. Instead, they seem to rely on foreign interventionism which is just as devastating as outvoting.

Schmidt: Dodik crossed line of rhetorical fueling of flames by annulling HR's decisions and not recognizing B&H CC (FTV

High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt stated on Monday that B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik crossed the line of rhetorical fueling of the flames by annulling the HR's decisions and not recognizing the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. In an interview for a German paper, Schmidt said that his task as the High Representative is to ensure the implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Schmidt added that the international community is only now starting to deal with B&H and that it will not allow its dissolution. He stressed that he has the Bonn powers at his disposal, which include the removal of politicians who violate the DPA. "But we must not fire from the deadliest cannon as long as there are other instruments" Schmidt was quoted as saying. Schmidt emphasized that he knows that Dodik urgently needs money. "I am successfully working with the IMF (International Monetary Fund), the World Bank and the EBRD (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) to ensure that Mr. Dodik receives money only under strict conditions" Schmidt was quoted as saying. The High Representative reminded that at its session held on 7 and 8 December, the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) in B&H confirmed that every violation of the DPA will face consequences and that at this moment talks are still held with Dodik.

Reactions to Hungary’s announcement about vetoing sanctions against Dodik (ATV

Reactions started arriving regarding the announcement of the Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto, who wrote on social media on Sunday that Hungary will veto possible proposal to introduce sanctions against the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. He reminded on Facebook that new German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock recently requested introduction of sanctions against Dodik. The analysts said that Hungary’s support to the RS is enormous, friendly and strategic. Szijjarto clearly confirmed that the sanctions against Dodik will not happen, Sarajevo lost their favorite recipe to reach the goal by whining and Germans received a lesson from diplomacy, commented the reporter. Szijjarto was quoted as saying: “Talk to Bosnian Serbs. With them, not about them. Maybe that would help you understand the situation. EU sanctions on individuals can only be imposed unanimously. Hungary will not support any sanctions against leader of Bosnian Serbs Milorad Dodik. If such a proposal arises, we will veto it.” SNSD Spokesman Radovan Kovacevic said that the direct confirmation from Hungary that it will veto sanctions is in fact a consequence of numerous meetings of Dodik and the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic with Hungarian officials. Kovacevic claims that Hungary is not alone in this but he thinks that Szijjarto’s messages are more important, which is that introducing sanctions to someone is a bad approach without even listening to those people. Historian Aleksandar Rakovic claims that Bosniak leaders are exacerbating the political crisis so that they can eventually order a NATO aggression against the RS. Rakovic stated that a time has come to talk to Serbs in a different way and said that Szijjarto is right in that aspect. B&H Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutic Bjelica said that Hungary’s announcement that they will veto any proposal for introducing sanctions is an indication that Hungarian officials know what Dodik is talking about from personal contacts with Dodik and they do not allow anyone else to give them explanations of any kind.  Croatia and Slovenia, both EU and NATO members, are showing a significant change of course towards B&H. All this confirms that relations on the international scene have changed, commented the reporter. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said that everything that can be heard lately is mentioning of sanctions and he wondered “what happened with the support from abroad to restoring of competencies which Dodik had been announcing”.

HDZ B&H Presidency convenes in Mostar; Cavara says it is not easy for HDZ B&H to be cohesion factor in B&H because on other side are separatist and Unitarian structures that feed on each other (FTV

The Presidency of HDZ B&H convened in Mostar on Monday. HDZ B&H representatives stressed that B&H is faced with the biggest political crisis since Dayton, calling on the political parties to take responsibility, i.e. to resume the negotiations on changes to the B&H Election Law because, according to them, this is the necessary condition for stabilization. HDZ B&H representatives pointed out that Unitarian and separatist policies only dismantle political dialogue, i.e. the state. HDZ B&H Vice President Marinko Cavara said that HDZ B&H is a cohesion factor, noting that being a cohesion factor in today's B&H is not easy because on the other side are separatist and Unitarian structures that feed on each other. "These who are Unitarians do not want any agreement, but they retreat into position of a victim - someone is blocking the state, someone is blocking the Federation of B&H (FB&H), and we are victims, we are only taking over the institutions and seeking an intervention of the international community and the repressive apparatus of B&H. I believe that this will not lead to a solution" Cavara underlined. HDZ B&H representatives believe that Bosniak parties are blocking the reform of electoral legislation in B&H and legitimate representation of constituent peoples, which is why they are calling on the international partners, the EU and the US, to proactively prevent further blockades. Otherwise, according to HDZ B&H officials, B&H is one step away from another compromised elections. Cavara thanked all international representatives, primarily the administration of the US and the EU, which are trying to facilitate political dialogue in B&H. "I hope that they will be even more engaged in the future in terms of removing the blockades we have both by the unitary and separatist forces in B&H," Cavara underlined. Cavara also said that continuation of negotiations on Election Law was announced after the New Year. Cavara pointed out that it is important that the international representatives see that solving the election legislation is the foundation of democracy. “If we have illegally appointed members of the (B&H Central) Election Commission, which we can already assume will compromise the election process. We have announcements that the model of (the Croat member and Chairperson of B&H Presidency) Zeljko Komsic, i.e. election engineering, will go down to lower levels, then it is clear that there are no conditions for elections, in addition to lack of Election Law. If we have no conditions for elections, how will we function as a state? Which means we have to solve this?” Cavara concluded that if the B&H Election Law is not changed, then there would be no conditions for holding elections next year. He explains the tradition is not to change electoral legislation during election year. If that would happen in 2022, then complications would arise, Cavara says. He said if election call is announced, and then the Election Law is amended, then the election call would be annulled and everything would have to be done from scratch. “You cannot start a match under certain rules, and then continue the match under different rules”, Cavara said. Cavara believes that those who accuse HDZ B&H of obstructions are actually the biggest obstructers showing that they are not ready to talk about key issues in B&H. He added that refusing the dialogue with all political representatives of the constituent peoples in B&H is what obstructs the state of B&H the most. Cavara reiterated that HDZ B&H opts for a dialogue on the electoral reform and the implementation of all rulings of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg and the courts in B&H to remove discrimination, insisting on the need to ensure for the constituent peoples in B&H to have legitimate representation. Cavara pointed out that the Croat people are the ones most interested in election reform and that many meetings in the FB&H have gone into the direction to make nothing happen and to only negotiate and buy time. Cavara said that SDA announced withdrawal from negotiations and that he may have information they asked the same from the international representatives which fits in with the thesis that SDA and the pro-Bosnian parties, or pro-Bosniak parties, as Cavara said, are actually Unitarian forces and they do not want to agree on the implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court’s decision on legitimate representation. Cavara stressed that SDA and all other pro-Bosnian, pro-Bosniak forces “which are actually unitary B&H forces” do not want to reach agreement on implementation of decision of the Constitutional Court on legitimate representation. Cavara underlined that they will resume to insist on it, adding that he believes that with assistance of the international community it will be understood there is no alternative to dialogue about key issues in B&H.

Representatives of SDP B&H, DF and NS fail to attend negotiations on unblocking FB&H (O Kanal

Media reports on the failure of the meeting of representatives of political parties on unblocking the FB&H, which was supposed to take place in Sarajevo on Monday. Namely, only delegations of SDA, HDZ B&H and SBB B&H came to the meeting which was supposed to be held in the FB&H parliament building in Sarajevo. In accordance with the previously stated views, representatives of SDP B&H, DF and Our Party (NS) failed to attend the negotiations on unblocking the FB&H. The services of the FB&H parliament have forwarded proposals of amendments to the Constitution of the FB&H to unblock the FB&H institutions to the address of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H. Instead of one, there are four proposals. SDA, DF and SDP B&H prepared their proposals last week, while HDZ B&H put forward its own proposal at Monday's meeting of caucuses. They did not reach a joint solution, because representatives of SDP B&H, DF, Our Party (NS) and People and Justice (NIP) did not come to the meeting. Thus, four individual proposals were forwarded. This was confirmed for FTV by speaker of the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Mirsad Zaimovic.

Covic, Plenkovic discuss electoral reform in B&H (Dnevni avaz

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met on Monday with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, on which occasion they discussed the issue of electoral reform in B&H. “Equality and legitimate representation of three constituent peoples has to be secured, as well as non-discrimination. Election Law is crucial for functioning and progress, it is a key for urgent stabilization. I have supported and I am grateful for his work as a Prime Minister,” said Covic.


Milanovic: Malicious and rotten distortion of what I said certainly contributed to cancelation of my visit to B&H; Dodik has been dealing with professional liars who are prepared to steal entire political community – B&H Croats (HRT1

After sudden cancellation of Sunday’s visit to B&H, which happened due to security reasons, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic did not wish to explain on Monday which security threats were identified ahead of that visit. He said that he will surely travel to B&H again, and that no one will prevent him in that. Once again, Milanovic did not choose his words when he spoke about, as he calls them, “the Unitarians from Sarajevo”. The Croatian President confirmed he made the decision not to travel to B&H on his own. “Security reasons are a serious thing. You know, when you deal with unprofessional and ill-intentioned people, then you do not wish to put even the people you are visiting to an awkward situation,” Milanovic told reporters on Monday. Milanovic said that is the entire explanation, and he emphasized that he visited B&H this year and he will do that again soon. Milanovic criticized, as he called them, the “Unitarian clique” from Sarajevo. He said that if he needs to quarrel with those people, then he is more than willing to do that. I will not be able to cheerfully stroll down the Bascarsija district, but I will live, Milanovic added. He believes the Unitarianism of this kind is actually destroying B&H. Milanovic emphasized that B&H does not exist without Croats. Milanovic also commented behavior of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. He said he understands Dodik. Milanovic says Dodik is provoking other B&H politicians as they have been “stepping on his toes” this whole time. Milanovic said he understands such behavior, he does not support it, and he would often tell Dodik to “chill”, but nonetheless, he understands the reasons behind Dodik’s moves. “Realistically, what can Dodik do? Nothing. The man does not have two long barrels. That is a good thing in all this. So, he is provoking them, and he deals with people who are professional liars, and which do not deem anything as sacred” Milanovic underlined. The Croatian President also believes HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic was fooled. Milanovic assessed that Covic was made a fool due to omissions of the Croatian authorities and diplomacy. Milanovic holds Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic responsible for not making political and diplomatic measures in fight for Croats in B&H. Plenkovic should have used the mechanism, available to Croatia in Brussels, and that is blockade, Milanovic underscored. “Blockade of a rude declaration, i.e. the conclusions, which were adopted against Croatia’s initial stances,” Milanovic explains. Milanovic emphasized that a military attaché of B&H was supposed to be there (Not stated where) on Monday, adding that he actually fled. The Croatian President wondered to whom this attaché reports to: Sarajevo, second Sarajevo, third Sarajevo, Banja Luka or Mostar. Milanovic went on to saying this is evidence state of B&H is not functional. Asked whether Plenkovic made a mistake by deciding to visit Sarajevo, Milanovic replied negatively. He stressed that Plenkovic made mistake by intentionally failing to use instrument Croatia has in Brussels – blockade. Milanovic called the Venice Commission, that suggested that the Election Law does not change in the election year, nonsense. Milanovic assessed that he is helping Croat people in B&H with his statements. Milanovic stated: “I think that otherwise they will be left to the elements, which is already happening. I think that the Croatian government and some people in that government are rudely ignoring their work, and what is available to them, and these are all diplomatic and political measures in the fight for something that is primarily in the interest of Croatia and only then Croats in B&H. And whoever is leading them now and that is Dragan Covic, we are cooperating with him. I think that the attitude of those who can do it at the moment, and that is the Unitarian clique from Sarajevo, because Unitarism of this kind is destroying B&H.” Milanovic stressed that B&H does not exist without Croats. Milanovic explained that Croats make survival of B&H – he has been advocating for 20 years – certain. "Malicious and rotten distortion of what I said certainly contributed to cancelling of my visit. Unfortunately, I cannot be friends with everyone," Milanovic said. Milanovic said the current situation was created as his words were twisted and taken out of context. He said that this was done deliberately.

Plenkovic: Milanovic is the only one that knows why he did not go to B&H, and he will have to explain this to Croatian public (HRT1

On Monday afternoon, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic were both in the same place – at the ‘Lisinski’ Hall where 145 years of the Croatian Fire Brigade was marked. Plenkovic commented Milanovic’s statement in which the Croatian President blamed the PM for not blocking conclusions of the Council of the European Union regarding B&H. Plenkovic emphasized that those conclusions included all important things – from the Dayton Peace Agreement to the principle on legitimate representation. Plenkovic assessed that Milanovic’s statements show the President is not aware of all the details, and that he receives his data from “informers”. Plenkovic reminds that Milanovic lobbied in 2010 for DF leader Zeljko Komsic to enter the B&H Presidency, even though HDZ B&H candidates were on the list. Today, Milanovic is playing the role of a protector of Croats in B&H, Plenkovic said. The Croatian PM said it was not smart to ruin relations between Croatia and B&H at this moment, but that the best solution is to protect national interests and also to help Croats with achieving their rights in B&H. “Now, that pestilence that he is doing has gained international proportions. So, I do not know why he did not go to Nova Bila. If something, security worthy, important, dramatic, warning, has been, then I am sure that I would be informed of this as well, as the Croatian PM, by the Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) or the (Croatian) Ministry of Interior (MoI), and I did not receive a thing,” Plenkovic elaborates. The PM said Milanovic is the only one that knows why he did not go to B&H, and he will have to explain this to Croatian public. When it comes to Plenkovic’s visit to Sarajevo, the Croatian PM said Milanovic should not have commented this, as he was not asked to comment, and Plenkovic does not have to ask for his permission. Plenkovic said he had to protect Croatia and explain some of negative statements of President Milanovic. After these new statements, it would have been better if I did not justify his actions, Plenkovic said. Plenkovic noted that arguing with everyone leads Croatia nowhere. “It is not the point to advocate for the rights of Croatia and Croats in B&H in a way that relations with many other actors are basically antagonized. That is not the skill that leads to a solution. That skill is advocating national interests, which also includes for Croats in B&H, in a smart, intelligent manner that will enable Croatia to achieve its goals and protect rights of Croats,” the Prime Minister concluded.


Djeljosaj on PM: We’re dealing with a strange person, parliament should deny him support (CdM


The leader of the Albanian Alternative and the mayor of Tuzi Nik Djeljosaj says in a conversation with CdM that the government of Zdravko Krivokapic has ended its mandate when the Democratic Front canceled its support. He clearly points out that in developed democracies, this is a sign that the Prime Minister should resign immediately. “As we are dealing with a strange person at the head of the government, no confidence will have to be expressed in Parliament. Seventy MPs do not support this government, and I expect that they will decide in favor of the state and development and deny support to Krivokapic. After that, we can agree on a new government, a transitional government or elections, while respecting what will be the majority position in the parliament of Montenegro,” says Djeljosaj. Answering the question, how the recently signed Memorandum will contribute to resolving the political crisis in the country, and what the role of minority parties is, Djeljosaj says that minority parties have always been a factor of stability.

Harasani: URA is leading efforts to create a minority government, the prime minister could be Albanian (CdM/Euronews

URA functionary Ilir Harasani said in an interview with Euronews that the party is leading efforts to create a new minority government backed by pro-Western parties. He claims that the strategy is supported by the American envoy Gabriel Escobar. Harasani said that in the agreement for the formation of a new government of four political representatives, four are Albanians, and in these circumstances, he did not rule out the possibility that the Prime Minister of Montenegro will be Albanian for the first time. "With the agreement we made a week ago, I think it is a good step towards the future and the formation of a new government of which all nationalities are a part. Out of seven, we have Serbs, Montenegrins, Bosniaks and Albanians as signatories. From that agreement, four are Albanians. In this case, Albanians are given the opportunity to have at least two ministries, and the prime minister will probably be Albanian, which is a great achievement," Harasani said. He assesses that there is confusion and disagreement within the majority. According to him, that was expected because the coalition allies have different ideologies.


Zaev, Rama and Vucic call on the new German government to support their Open Balkans initiative (Republika

The leaders of Macedonia, Serbia and Albania called on the new social-democrat led government of Germany to support their new initiative, which was borne out of frustration with the delays in the integration of the Balkan countries in the EU. Zoran Zaev, Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama wrote a joint editorial in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung calling out the new German Chancellor Scholz. We hope that the new government in Germany will accept and support the Open Balkans initiative as a contribution to fully implement the Berlin process. The wish of our citizens to be accepted by the EU member states was obstructed several times – because of domestic politics in the member-states, failure to keep the promises and fear from what the future brings. It led to disappointment, instability, emigration and lack of meaningful investments. As political leaders of these countries, we could complain about this, or do something about it. We decided to do the latter, the letter says. The initiative is meant to reduce the remaining obstructions to free trade and movement between Macedonia, Albania and Serbia. Its meager replacement for the loss of EU perspective, but seems to enjoy the support of the US administration and billionaire George Soros.

Zaev brought his successor Dimitar Kovacevski to the Open Balkans summit in Albania (Republika

PM Zoran Zaev brought his successor Dimitar Kovacevski to the Open Balkans summit in Albania. Zaev relinquished his party leadership post to Kovacevski and is trying to have the little-known former telecom executive installed as Prime Minister next month. Kovacevski praised the initiative to bring Macedonia, Albania and Serbia in a closer economic union, that was put in place as the countries face a blockade of their EU accession prospects. This initiative is very important for regional development of the economy and will enable easier movement of people, good and services in the region. I’m happy to give my personal contribution to it and get better acquainted with it, said Kovacevski, who sat next to Zaev during his meeting with Aleksandar Vucic and Edi Rama. Another, regular guest at the summit was Alexander Soros, son of left-wing activist billionaire George Soros. He always attends the Open Balkans summits and, along with his father, has strongly promoted the initiative which continues to be rejected by Kosovo, Bosnia and Montenegro, who fear being dominated by Serbia and/or Albania.


Agreements expected to be signed today in the Open Balkans Summit (Radio Tirana

Today will be the second day of the Open Balkans summit in Tirana! After the official dinner held the night before in Elbasan, Prime Minister Edi Rama, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the Prime Minister of North Macedonia Zoran Zaev, today will sign 5 agreements within the Open Balkans initiative. The first agreement expected to be signed is on the conditions for free access to the labor market in the Western Balkans. Another agreement that is expected to be signed is for the interconnection of electronic identification schemes of the citizens of the Western Balkans. The third agreement to be signed is between the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania and the government of the Republic of Serbia and the government of the Republic of North Macedonia for cooperation in the field of veterinary, food and animal safety and phytosanitary in the Western Balkans. Another agreement that will be signed is between the government of the Republic of Serbia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania for the mutual recognition of the authorizations of the authorized economic operator - security and safety (AEOS). And the fifth agreement is between the government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania on mutual recognition of the authorizations of the authorized economic operator - security and safety (AEOS).

Berisha: Open Balkans violates the national interests of Albanians (Radio Tirana

Democratic supporters of former prime minister Sali Berisha held a protest in front of the DP headquarter, attacking the Open Balkans initiative. During his speech Berisha called it an attempt to extend Serbian hegemony in the region, thus violating the national interests of Albanians. "We stand strongly for the vital interests of the Albanian nation, of the Albanian society. We have gathered against the ghost project of the trilateral Belgrade-Tirana-Skopje alliance, or against the Vucic trio and his vassals Rama and Zaev. First of all, I want to guarantee the Albanians that this is not a protest against regional cooperation, we have been and remain for a sincere and fruitful regional cooperation in the framework of European projects. This is a protest that goes against a project, which has been categorically rejected by Bosnia, Montenegro and Kosovo, has been declared a threat by Croatia. A project that creates nothing but the establishment of Serbian hegemony in the region. We are against this project because it flagrantly conflicts with our national interest. In the beginning, this project reformulated the maps of the Balkans by deleting Kosovo. "Later the project was renamed the Open Balkans to honor the author and propagandist of the Open Society," said Berisha.

Crowd burns Serbian flag in Albanian capital (ADN

A crowd burned the Serbian flag in downtown Tirana on Monday to protest the visit to the Albanian capital by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic; local media reported Monday after the episode. Media underlined that Vucic is in Tirana for a summit with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and North Macedonia Prime Minister Zoran Zaev as part of their Open Balkan initiative. The crowd of several hundred people gathered after Rama’s predecessor Sali Berisha called for the protest against the initiative and Vucic. Rama moved the summit to the city of Elbasan where the three political leaders met for a working dinner on Monday night. Tirana Police has arrested 2 people and for 6 others has started criminal proceedings, as it is suspected that they burned 4 Serbian flags, in yesterday's protest in front of the Prime Minister, as announced on Tuesday. Rama has made the first reaction after the end of the protest of former prime minister Sali Berisha and the attack on the Open Balkans as well as the arrival of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in Tirana. Rama responded to a commentator on social media, regarding the presence of Serbian flags on 'Deshmoret e Kombit' Boulevard, as part of the diplomatic protocol of President Vucic's visit to Tirana. The Prime Minister in his response states that he was not a hero even when he demanded the recognition of Kosovo in the middle of Belgrade and he is not a traitor now. The truth is that the day I visited Belgrade, the capital of Serbia was full of Albanian flags and the hooligans who burned a flag were arrested by the police; the truth is that in Belgrade I speak Albanian and defend the interests of all Albanians and of course Albania; the truth is that in Belgrade I asked in Albanian for the recognition of Kosovo by Serbia, right in the Presidential Palace of Serbia and then you made me a hero, but I was not a hero then and I am not a traitor now, I was simply the Prime Minister of Albania. The truth is that the Open Balkans is not only the future of the children of the whole region, but also the strategic interest of Albania and the whole Albanian nation; the truth is that the truth delays but does not forget and tomorrow you will think like me today, while the shame will be held by those who have it, not me and my government, that we have the support of Albanians to work, develop and endure even the mud of the old shovels of Albanian politics.

Berisha: Open Balkans opposes Berlin's process (ADN)  

Former prime minister Sali Berisha in his speech before the Democrats present in the square, said that the initiative of the Open Balkans, opposes that of Berlin, supported by the European Union. Berisha described the initiative as an open attempt to establish Serbian hegemony in the Balkan Region. The former head of government stressed that even in the letter that the three leaders of Open Balkans sent to Brussels, there was no talk of independent states, and according to him, this initiative isolates Kosovo. "Albanian citizens, democrats, on this boulevard in Albania and wherever you are tonight, the most fraternal greetings in this protest with which we rise strongly in defence of the vital interests of the Albanian nation, of the Albanian society. We are gathered here today to protest against the 'ghost' project of the Belgrade-Tirana-Skopje trilateral alliance, or the Vucic trio and his vassals, Rama and Zaev. This is not a protest against regional cooperation, the opposite is true. We are, have been and will remain committed to a fruitful regional cooperation, in the framework of European and Euro-Atlantic integration. This is a protest against a project which goes to the expense of all Balkan nations. This protest is against a project which has been categorically rejected by Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Kosovo. It has been declared a threat by Croatia. This project aims at nothing but Serbian influence in this region. We are in this project because history has proven that one of the great failures in the Balkans and Europe has been the idea of ??Serbian hegemony on our peninsula. In its beginnings, this project reconstructed the map of the region, erasing Kosovo as an independent state. Later, the project was renamed the Open Balkans, to honour the author or propagandist of the open society who did not hesitate to promote the partition of Kosovo on the basis of pure ethnic lines. My friends, today we protest as Albanians in this square, because the mini-Open Balkans is the project with which Vucic and Rama have surrounded Kosovo in a hostile manner. In the diabolical project in the Open Balkans project, it is an adventurous attempt to oppose the Berlin initiative. I read their letter today that these adventurers addressed to Brussels, in no line and place do they speak of Independent, equal countries. Nowhere in a row are we talking about sovereign peoples but peoples in the old Yugoslav concept," Berisha said.

Ex-LDK leader sees Open Balkans as New Yugoslavia (ADN)  

Former Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP in Kosovo Melihate Termkolli present at the protest of former prime minister Sali Berisha in Tirana, called a knife behind the back for Kosovo, the Open Balkans project. To Termkolli, this pact means the creation of a new Yugoslavia and the Serbian President, Aleksandar Vucic is making every attempt to make this happen. "A knife behind the back of Kosovo and Albanians. Today we will oppose it with all our might, and it is not small. The power of the people is great. We will oppose this pact, which means a new Yugoslavia, Vucic's last attempt to carry out his plans. This will not happen; it is the fortress of Kosovo and there are Albanians here and everywhere. Do you know... Vucic is one of the biggest critics of Milosevic, because he did not finish the job, he did not exterminate the Albanians to take Kosovo. It will not happen! I have heard them say that if Serbia recognizes Kosovo, we will accept the Open Balkans. Never! Edi Rama does well to declare this pact null and void. Kosovo does not tolerate this pact. We have only one pact, of a direct connection with the US and Europe and the West. This is our connection. Those politicians, leaders who are national, cannot be pro-American. Albania has two leaders of historical leadership, the great President Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, and the historical and current leader, the great Sali Berisha. Thank you for this protest, we are here and we will always be here whenever our nation is violated, we will always be together," said Termkolli.

Ex-foreign minister warns of more protests to overthrow Rama's regime (ADN

The protest in front of the Prime Minister's Office, called by former prime minister Berisha, started with the speech of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aldo Bumci, who warned of more protests in the near future to overthrow Edi Rama's regime. He said that Albanians are in protest against the Serbian project Open Balkan, which aims to isolate Kosovo. "We have come today to protest against the Open Balkans, a project that will cement authoritarian regimes. Those who allied themselves with the crime created by the narco-state are now pretending to be the guarantors of peace in the Balkans. In 2013, the Brussels agreement was reached, where American investment was a final recognition by Serbia. When a major agreement was expected, the Rama-Vucic alliance presented the project of partitioning Kosovo. This is the biggest damage that Edi Rama has done to Albanians, Kosovo and stability in the region. This project failed, but after the project for the partition of Kosovo they continued with the mini-Schengen that is now called Open Balkan, aiming to isolate Kosovo with this project. Former Milosevic minister who is talking about Greater Serbia, is threatening Bosnia, is cleaning up the image of Edi Rama by presenting him as a European. There is only one democratic way and today the opposition is in this square and I will not stop this momentum that we have started until we overthrow this regime," said Bumci.