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Belgrade Media Report 22 July 2022



Vucic: There will be big changes in the government (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President and SNS leader Aleksandar Vucic repeated today that there will be many changes in the new government and that no one has to be in it for 10 or 20 years just because they think they do. Vucic in that way replied when asked whether there is fear and panic in the SNS, as some media are reporting, because the party is not revealing the names of (future) cabinet ministers, and that Zorana Mihajlovic is behind it. Vucic said that he has not problem with how somebody feels. “There will certainly be big changes in the government, we will be careful who we give the mandate to form it. I will present my position and opinion to the party,” he stressed. Vucic said that no one has to be in the government for 10 or 20 years just because they think so. “There will be many changes. It seems to me that there must be some new energy, new enthusiasm, but I believe that the new government will do a good job,” said Vucic.


Vucic: Serbia will to continue to sell arms to other countries (Beta)


Serbia will continue to sell arms to other countries, regardless of the recent crash of a Ukrainian airplane in Greece which was carrying Serbian munitions to Bangladesh, President Aleksandar Vucic said in Belgrade on Thursday. During a presentation of Serbian Armed Forces' armaments manufactured by the domestic military industry, with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, Vucic told reporters, "I do not understand the question about why Serbia sells arms." "We sell [arms] in order to have bigger salaries and pensions. And we will continue to sell, to Bangladesh, and Cyprus, and Togo, and Senegal, to anyone who is a permitted end user," Vucic said at the Guard House in Belgrade's Topcider quarter, where Serbian Defense Ministry officials showed armored vehicles, missiles and other weapons to President El-Sisi.


Vucic says Antonov crash was traffic accident (FoNet)


President Aleksandar Vucic said on Thursday that Serbia will continue selling weapons where possible in line with international regulations just like every other country. The crash of the Ukrainian An-12 with a cargo of Serbian-made weapons was “a traffic accident”, Vucic said following a statement by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendas that Belgrade should have informed Athens about the shipment. Vucic’s comments were made at the Nikinci military proving grounds following a presentation of Serbian-made weapons systems to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and his delegation.


Dacic receives Italian Ambassador (Politika)


Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic received the newly-appointed Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luca Gori and wished him a successful mandate, adding that Serbia and Italy are bound by sincere friendship, best illustrated by the 143 years of diplomatic relations. He pointed out that the political relations between the two countries are traditionally good and friendly, with no outstanding issues and with mutual interest in improving high-level political and parliamentary dialogue. Commenting on the traditionally good relations between the two countries, Ambassador Luca Gori said that he would like us to continue to improve them by strengthening cooperation in areas of common interest. He noted that during his mandate, he would advocate for the improvement of all forms of cooperation between our two friendly countries.


Ukrainian Ambassador hopes Serbia will join sanctions against Russia when new cabinet is voted in (Demostat/Beta)


Ukrainian Ambassador Volodymyr Tolkach said on Thursday that his country was counting on more support from Serbia and that the country would introduce sanctions against Russia, and added that he hoped this would happen when the new cabinet was formed. "We are grateful to the political support that Serbia is offering Ukraine in the UN and other international organizations... Hence we count on everyone who wants to live in a free world, especially Serbia, to ramp up their support. Support implies imposing sanctions against the Russian conquerors, murderers and rapists," Tolkach said in an interview with Demostat. Tolkach added that Russia posed a threat not just to Ukraine but to all of Europe, which was why the EU's response, as well as that of candidate states, which included Serbia, needed to be unified and strong. "Our citizens, especially those who were forced to seek refuge from the horrors of war in Serbia, do not understand how fascist inscriptions can appear in the streets of a European country and a candidate for membership in the EU, a new swastika used by the aggressor country's army. We are sure that we will prevail, which is why we are already asking for help in renewing our cities and infrastructure facilities. It is with gratitude that I stress that President Aleksandar Vucic has already voiced his readiness to participate in the renewal of Ukraine," he said.


General urban plan for Novi Sad adopted, protests in front of city assembly (Beta)


The City Assembly of Novi Sad adopted on Thursday the Draft General Urban Plan. Activists staged a protest in front of the building before the session and clashed with the Assembly's security and the police, but calmly dispersed afterwards. Sixty-three deputies were in favor, four were against and there were no abstentions. The deputies of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina, who are part of the ruling coalition, did not attend the session. The activists who have organized the protest stated that some of them were injured and raised the issue of the identity of plainclothes individuals who were arresting the protesters. According to reporters from the scene, unknown men in civilian clothes performed the arrests. The incidents were condemned by a number of opposition parties and organizations, while the Interior Ministry stated that two men had been arrested.




Reactions to OHR’s proposed amendments to B&H Election Law to ensure FB&H’s functionality continue (O Kanal)


Reactions to the proposal of the Office of the High Representative (OHR) in B&H regarding amendments to the B&H Election Law continue. O Kanal reports the focus of amendments is on introducing threshold for delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) and the manner of the FB&H President’s election. The reporter notes that increasing number of political parties are unified in the position this represents further ethnic divisions and handing the FB&H over to the HDZ B&H, without whom it will be impossible to form the FB&H government if the said amendments enter in force, and the FB&H HoP will continue to discuss decisions and laws. O Kanal reports that, according to High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt’s draft amendments published by the media, institutional functionality in the FB&H must be reestablished to avoid a scenario in which one or more political parties block the institutions. However pro-Bosnian political parties are of view it is another ethnic division of the state. O Kanal reports that it has been announced that Schmidt will impose measures for the FB&H’s functioning by 1 August and they will enter in force on the day they are published in the B&H Official Gazette.


Niksic criticizes alleged proposal of OHR about changes to B&H Election Law (Nova BH)


SDP leader Nermin Niksic reacted to the alleged proposal of the OHR for changes to the B&H Election Law. Addressing the special press conference, Niksic commented the alleged plans of the High Representative Christian Schmidt, regarding the functioning of the FB&H, that leaked to the public. Niksic said that, if this decision passes, then this convocation of OHR will go down in history as the one who finalized the aggression and ethnically divided B&H. “OHR says that you, who refused to leave your homes upon the order of ethno-national leaders, in period from 1992 to 1995 – are wrong, you were fools and you should do that now. OHR says that all you who believed in Annex 7 and returned to your homes- are wrong, return to the places where your majority is, if you plan to be in politics. OHR states that people in Gorazde need to be punished because they will not be able to elect even Bosniaks to the House of Peoples, let alone members of other peoples”, said Niksic. Niksic warned that if the OHR’s decision is imposed that will not represent unblocking the FB&H, but undermining the B&H Constitution. Addressing a press conference on Thursday, Niksic said: “We will not remain silent in regard to this. We will fight against such decision with all available democratic means. We will fight in the institutions of B&H, we will fight with our friends in the European Parliament, in parliaments of friendly countries, as well as in the institutions of B&H and on the streets, if necessary, with the citizens. This is the red line we will not cross.”


HNS claims they are exposed to persecution for achieving their rights (FTV)


FTV reports that, according to the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS), the whole situation represents public persecution, orchestrated propaganda activities aimed at achieving one goal, i.e. keeping the possibility to continue the “implementation of the project aimed at turning the FB&H into a mini Bosniak state”. “Pressures are used in an attempt to discourage the international administration engaged in B&H in their intention to stabilize relations and prevent escalation. We expect all solutions to be just, in accordance with the spirit and the letter of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) with the role of constituent peoples and all others defined under the (B&H) Constitution, who must be able to elect their legitimate political representatives at all levels and have a role in the distribution of power,” reads the statement by the HNS. The reporter notes that the German diplomat seems to be doing his job very well, without any reaction, without denying or confirming anything, and goes on to say that Schmidt and his legal team are witnessing political entities’ reactions daily, that in the end may be or already is a guide to Schmidt if he is seriously considering to impose the law; in the meantime, one of the proposals is to define the HoP’s competencies and eliminate a provision related to any other issue treated as a vital national interest, something that will cause new reactions among political entities.


Dodik comments announced changes of Election Law (O Kanal/N1)


O Kanal reports that, in an interview, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik also reacted to the alleged proposal of the OHR for changes to the B&H Election Law, calling High Representative Christian Schmidt out over decisions he adopted and is currently adopting. “Foreigners must understand that only agreement between us, the three constituent people, can give a stable and sustainable system, that every imposition by them does not mean that. You will remember everything (former HR in B&H) Paddy Ashdown did – what has come to life from all that? Simply, that is not possible, it is not compatible with the life here and political system we have,” said Dodik. Dodik expressed surprise over certain provisions in the draft document and said that they are completely opposite to the Resolution on B&H adopted recently by Bundestag. “Lying Schmidt has a plan to impose something regarding the Election Law of BiH, and what media published about his plan is opposite to the Bundestag Resolution on B&H. I wonder what is this and who is a liar here, and how come that Schmidt as a German does not implement such resolutions,” Dodik stated.


Dodik comments his visit to Israel (RTRS)


In an interview for RTRS, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that he wishes for the RS to be independent and developed, and that it is important for this idea is kept alive among the people. Dodik assessed that his visit to Israel was the best visit to that country so far and that he had an opportunity to hold a series of important meetings with people from Israeli’s state and social life. According to Dodik, the RS is well-known in Israel and Israel remembers the RS’ role when it comes to B&H’s neutrality towards the vote in the UN on recognition of Palestine. The Serb member of the Presidency underlined that most of the people he met in Israel understands the situation in B&H and he added that he informed their officials that B&H is in a stalemate position, where he used the stalemate term in the context of chess, and that the large-scale international intervention from the past failed. The Serb member added that he also informed Israeli officials that B&H has “a fake High Representative (HR)” and foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H. According to Dodik, relations with the US are important but the current official visit of RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic to Washington makes possible for the RS’ stance on the situation in B&H to be visible and presented as well. He also said that the document adopted by the RS parliament which refers to the return of competences to the level of the RS was not abandoned, but it is the most important document in the recent political history of the RS.


Cvijanovic meets with US Special Envoy Escobar and US Congressman Khanna (ATV)


During her working visit to the US, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic held meetings in Washington on Thursday with US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar as well as with US Congressman Ro Khanna. During her meeting with Escobar, Cvijanovic emphasized that the preservation of peace and stability are permanent priorities of the RS. When it comes to her meeting with Congressman Khanna, Cvijanovic pointed out the need for a balanced approach by international officials towards the legitimate interests of all three constituent peoples in B&H. On that occasion, the RS President pointed out that in B&H it is necessary to preserve the achievements of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The RS President and Khanna discussed the relations between the RS and the US and how to improve cooperation in different fields. “We also discussed the relations between the RS and the US, current security challenges in the world, as well as ways to overcome the negative consequences on the economy,” posted Cvijanovic on her social media.


Plenkovic: Schmidt is trying to correct mistakes of his predecessors (HRT1)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic commented the information that the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt will use Bonn powers to change the B&H Election Law. Plenkovic pointed out that he hopes these changes will ensure functioning of B&H and equal status of Croats in B&H. Plenkovic stated: “It is important that at this moment, before the elections that were called for 2 October, according to the information you see in the media, High Representative Christian Schmidt is trying to correct certain, I would say, wrong decisions of his predecessors from about 20 years ago and in this way to ensure a fair, effective formation of representative government institutions in B&H, especially at the FB&H level, after the October elections. The reactions of the political parties are quite indicative. I think that this direction, according to the information we have all seen together, is the right direction, and I believe that Mr. Schmidt will do what was unfortunately missed in the negotiation process, that has been going on since the agreement to achieve elections in Mostar, so it has been more than two years now.”


Gorjanc Prelevic refuses invitation to commission to analyze Agreement with SPC (CdM)


The executive director of the Human Rights Action (HRA) Tea Gorjanc Prelevic has refused the invitation to participate in the work of the expert team, which would examine the conformity of the provisions of the Fundamental Agreement to be signed with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC), with the legal order of Montenegro. She has thus expressed protest over the inclusion of lawyer Velibor Markovic to the work of this team, HRA has stated. “In a letter to the President of the state Milo Djukanovic, Gorjanc Prelevic has thanked for the invitation and explained that Markovic is known to the public for promoting homophobia and sexism, i.e. intolerance towards the LGBTIQ community and women, specifically – judges, and that HRA does not want to cooperate with a person who promotes discrimination and hatred,” the statement reads.


Who are candidates for one judge of Constitutional Court? (MINA)


The Constitutional Committee has determined a list of registered candidates for the election of one judge of the Constitutional Court through public call dated 27 May 2022. The Constitutional Committee president Simonida Kordic has said at the session of that parliamentary body that Alija Beganovic, Tatjana Bulatovic, Elvis Durakovic, Dragana Djuranovic, Jovan Kojicic, Zdenka Perovic, Branislav Radulovic and Momirka Tesic have applied for the public call. The candidacy has been withdrawn by the labor inspector at the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare Lidija Kovacevic.


Mickoski: Sovereignty comes from the citizens, the government should show democratic capacity and accept a referendum (Republika)


Yesterday, we had a long and several-hour meeting of the Executive Committee of the party, we discussed all possible scenarios, we anticipated the possible behavior of the government and we made a decision that the initiative for a referendum of the citizens should be a priority above all priorities. We believe that if the government is wise and if it really values ​​the opinion of the citizens because they are sovereign, sovereignty comes from the citizens, they will respect their request to hold such a referendum, said the president of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski during Friday’s visit to St. Nikole answering a journalist’s question about the EC’s decision on a referendum on the negotiating framework. Mickoski emphasized that the issue will be further known to the public, and because in the coming period, consultation processes will be conducted with experts on referendum, constitutional and international law in order to reach a solution. I hope that it will be as a procedure first accepted by speaker Xhaferi in the parliament and then we will collect 150 thousand signatures and come out with such a declaration. But I will repeat once again what I have been saying for the past few days that we need to focus on the problem, these are three separate processes, Mickoski said. Mickoski pointed out that the first process is the bilateral dispute together with the protocol which is the source of the problem, the second is the amendment of the Constitution, and here the citizens should be sure to have full confidence in the word given by the parliamentary group of the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE , and in addition, the word of practically several free-thinking deputies in the parliament, and the third process, which depends on the second, and that is the final presentation or public adoption of the negotiating framework.


Milososki: Instead of opening negotiating framework, guidelines were given for opening of Constitution, that’s why there is no celebration in Macedonia (Republika)


Antonijo Milososki, member of the EC of VMRO-DPMNE and member of parliament, in an interview with the “Samo intervju” show talked about the intergovernmental conference that took place in Brussels and emphasized that Macedonia actually held the first photo session of a proforma intergovernmental conference where instead of opening the negotiating framework, guidelines were given for the opening of the Constitution and that is why in Macedonia there is no celebration, no rejoicing, but there is a bitter feeling. To be honest, first of all, in my opinion, this is not the first intergovernmental conference, because the first intergovernmental conference according to European rules is the one at which the negotiating framework is adopted, and such an intergovernmental conference was held with Albania, such an intergovernmental conference was held with Croatia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania when negotiations for EU membership began. Macedonia held the first photo session at a proforma intergovernmental conference, where instead of opening the negotiation framework, guidelines were given for the opening of the Constitution, and that is why in Macedonia there is no celebration, no rejoicing, but there is a bitter feeling. And that’s why the delegation that went to Brussels, when it returned, if this was a historic moment for celebration, they should have gone to the square, previously they organized EU festivals, when they had the referendum and so on, pointed out Milososki. Milososki emphasized that if this was a historical moment, the people would have recognized it.


President of Kosovo Osmani press conference with President Ilir Meta (Radio Tirana)


President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani gave a press conference with Albanian President Ilir Meta highlighting that Ilir Meta was a strong voice against the tendencies to divide Kosovo and change borders. "I want to congratulate Albania that a few days ago, together with North Macedonia, took an important step in the process of European integration, in the European family, where Kosovo also has its place", said Osmani. "Mr. President, you were our voice where we were not represented. In particular, you have a strong voice against the tendencies to divide Kosovo and change borders, dangerous ideas and adventures, the consequences of which are still being felt today, but which we have put an end to together," said Osmani. "Our clear objective remains EU and NATO membership. Kosovo is preparing its application for the status of a candidate country in the EU. Many things unite Kosovo and Albania, but what unites us the most is the Euro-Atlantic future. On behalf of all citizens, thank you for the help you have given to Kosovo. Today is the 12th anniversary of the International Court of Justice regarding the independence of Kosovo, which sealed independence and territorial integrity. Thank you for being by our side in all these ways", Osmani was quoted as saying. President Ilir Meta has pledged that from 25 July, after leaving the presidency, he will do more for Kosovo and the relations between the two countries. He stated that he would have made more efforts if there had not been so many problems in the country he led in these 5 years. "The only regret I have is that I could have done more in supporting Kosovo if I had less internal problems in my country during these 5 years. From Monday I will do many times more for Kosovo as well. What I want today is to thank you for the excellent cooperation that we have had with you and the institutions of Kosovo and that we will continue in the future. I am convinced that the newly elected president will continue this very positive tradition. It is important to emphasize this decision of the international court of justice because it cemented Kosovo's independence and the path to freedom. Coming to Pristina yesterday, I was thinking about the first four weeks of the situation in Kukes after NATO's intervention and I do remember them", said Meta.


People involved in corruption in Albania sanctioned by Great Britain; Kim: No one is above the law (Radio Tirana)


The US Ambassador Yuri Kim has welcomed the decision of Great Britain not to support and declare "non grata" the politicians who have been involved in corruption in the Western Balkans. Kim writes that no one is above the law and whoever violated it must face justice. "We welcome this important action by the UK. Those who have abused the public trust to enrich themselves and pervert the rule of law, in other words, those who have engaged in corruption and undermined democracy, must face justice. No one is above the law," writes Kim. Great Britain announced that politicians who are involved in corruption will not be welcome in their country and that there will be consequences. In this way, Great Britain joins the USA regarding the attitude they will take to politicians who are involved in corruption and undermining democracy. In its announcement, Great Britain also wrote that during this week sanctions were taken against some Albanian individuals involved in corruption, but without mentioning names.