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Belgrade Media Report 25 July 2022



Vucic: Citizens voted the government, I do not fulfill anybody’s wishes (RTV/Tanjug)


The government of Serbia will be tailored to the people, i.e. as chosen by the citizens of Serbia, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today and pointed out that he is not here to fulfill anyone’s wishes. Commenting on US Ambassador Christopher Hill’s statement that he expects a pro-Western government, and asked if he would fulfill his wish, Vucic replied: “I am not here to fulfill wishes. Citizens choose, and they chose that Serbia has a Serbian government, which will take care of its interests.” He also stated that he was glad that Hill said that he would not interfere in the selection of ministers, which he says is normal, adding ironically that he is sure that the ambassadors had not interfered in this before, especially in 2008, but also before. Vucic said that the government of Serbia will certainly be tailored to the needs of the people. “How did the citizens trust the political parties. America is a great power, it is important to show respect for that country, but it is even more important to be guided by our own interests,” Vucic said.


Ambassador Hill: I would like to see a pro-West government (Blic)


US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill said that he would like to see a Western-oriented government in Serbia and ministers who believe in strategic directions which, he believes, the citizens voted for. Hill added that Serbia must turn to the West and that there are no other options left. This is what I would like to see, and I understand that putting together a government is complicated, Hill said in an interview with Blic, adding that when asked in the past to give suggestions regarding positions in the government, he was often wrong. I don’t tell governments who to appoint and to what position, said Hill. The Ambassador said that we live in important and critical times that call for many important decisions to be made, like those on energy. I would like to see a government capable of overcoming these challenges and which wants to go towards the West. It is very clear that this is what people in Serbia chose, Hill said. Commenting the statement that “the US is one of the more powerful kitchens” in which the selection of new ministers “is cooked”, that the US influences the future make-up of the government, Hill said it is “difficult to cook in someone else’s kitchen”. The Ambassador said he tries to stay away from other people’s kitchens, that he does not interfere in the election of governments, that he speaks his mind if asked for his opinion but that the last time he checked, his passport clearly said that he is from the USA. Asked to what extent the crisis in Ukraine is affecting relations between Serbia and the US, Hill said that he thinks it both opens challenges and possibilities, like all crises. When it comes to challenges, I know many Serbs feel they are in a tight spot, but I also think that, when many of them are concerned, this has been decided and they think that Serbia has to turn to the West. Serbia does have to turn to the West, there are no other options left, Hill said.


Consulate of Serbia opened in Ohrid (Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic opened the Consulate of Serbia on Saturday in Ohrid, headed by Honorary Consul Mihajlo Filev. On that occasion, Selakovic pointed out that the opening of the Consulate in Ohrid will provide an additional boost to the improvement of all-round cooperation between Serbia and Northern Macedonia. Selakovic reminded that this is the 86th honorary consulate of Serbia abroad, as well as that Serbia had its consulates in Skopje and Bitola. The Minister stated that the bilateral relations of the two countries are traditionally good in many segments, and that they are not only friendly, but also fraternal, and that they are based on the common history and close ties of the two peoples, but also on the common determination for the future. Minister of Culture of Northern Macedonia Bisera Kostadinovska, who spoke on behalf of the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of that country, welcomed the opening of the Consulate and assessed that it is another confirmation of the improvement of relations between the two countries. She pointed out that the two countries cooperate very well in the field of culture and announced that a new agreement on cultural cooperation will be signed soon. The official opening of the Consulate of Serbia in Ohrid was attended by representatives of the government of Northern Macedonia, representatives of the Serbs in that country, the diplomatic corps and distinguished representatives of the cultural and business community.


Presevo-Tabanovce border crossing confirmation of importance of Open Balkans Initiative (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic stated on Friday during a visit to the integrated border crossing Presevo-Tabanovce that the best border is the one that people can cross freely and fast. Momirovic visited the crossing together with Minister of Transport and Communications of North Macedonia Blagoj Bocvarski and presented the data that 133,000 passenger vehicles passed this crossing last month. He underlined that this border crossing is the best proof of how much we need the Open Balkans Initiative, adding that that is the biggest regional project in past thirty years and that it is necessary to develop it. The ministers also held a meeting related to the functioning of the border crossing, the future steps that should lead to an additional acceleration of the passage of people and goods between Serbia and North Macedonia and the Open Balkans Initiative. Bocvarski stated that this border crossing is a place that confirms good relations between the two states, noting that Serbia and North Macedonia are an example of good regional cooperation.


Cooperation with Hungary in field of renewable hydrogen (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic and Hungarian Minister of Technology and Industry Laszlo Palkovics signed today a Memorandum of understanding in the field of renewable hydrogen between the two ministries. After the signing of the Memorandum at the Serbian government, Mihajlovic said that Serbia and Hungary have excellent political and bilateral relations and added that Hungary is an important trade partner of Serbia, the third largest of all EU states and the sixth of all countries in the world. That is a good basis for the improvement of cooperation in the field of energy too, where we haven't stopped on the gas supply only, but we want to cooperate in the process of energy transition too. We believe Hungary can help us become even more efficient in that process. Regardless of all that is happening, and regardless of the energy crisis in Europe and the world, we cannot avoid energy transition because that is a step towards greater energy security, Mihajlovic underlined. She pointed out that in new energy laws, green hydrogen is recognized as a renewable source of energy and that the Hydrogen Strategy will be an integral part of a new strategy of development of the energy sector in Serbia. The Memorandum we have just signed is a basis for exchanging documents and talking about potential joint projects. We are proud that we in Serbia have already created legal conditions for the use of hydrogen and I hope that we will be able to present more concretely the advantages of using hydrogen, she said. Palkovics said that the issues of energy availability, access and costs are the crucial questions in the world today, to which the question of energy independence has been added. He said that the field for which the Memorandum was signed today includes important issues such as production, storage and transport of hydrogen, and that Hungary, which already has certain experiences, is ready to share its strategies and regulations with Serbia, as well as investment plans and projects. The two Ministers recalled good cooperation achieved in the transportation sector  and agreed that they expect the successful cooperation to continue in the field of energy too. The signing of the Memorandum was preceded by a meeting of delegations of the two ministries, which was attended by Hungarian Ambassador to Serbia Attila Pinter.


Dacic: Wider context (RTS)


At the end of the week, the Albanian parliament adopted a resolution requesting a review of the decision by which the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PSSE) adopted the report on organ trafficking during the war in Kosovo and Metohija. So far it hasn’t resonated that far. The delegation of Serbia in the PSSE announces that it will monitor further moves and react if necessary, while the speaker of the Serbian parliament is encouraged by the earlier moves of the international body. “That is important for their political scene. The Council of Europe has never adopted the revision of some of the decisions it adopted before. But it is another proof that anything is possible against Serbia,” said Dacic. Serbian parliament speaker Ivica Dacic is not the only one who thinks that Tirana’s request should be placed in a wider context. The resolution was proposed by the party of the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama, and he does not hide the fact that he respects Hashim Thaci as a brother, even visiting him in detention in The Hague. It was Thaci’s Drenica group that Marti labeled responsible for organ trafficking and other crimes. At the same time, relations between Rama and the current Prime Minister of Kosovo have been strained for years. “The real goal of this resolution is to undermine the government of Albin Kurti in Kosovo, i.e. to motivate the supporters of Hashim Thaci to organize and start overthrowing the government. And during the last visit that Edi Rama had to Kosovo, he made all his movements for this purpose - he met with Kurti’s opponents in order to mobilize against him,” says Pristina-based political analyst Nejmedin Spahiu.


Dacic: New parliament late this or early next week (RTS)


The speaker of the Serbian parliament Ivica Dacic said on Sunday that he would call parliament's inaugural session late this week or early next week - ahead of the 4 August deadline. "According to the rules of procedure, the oldest MP Vladeta Jankovic will preside, or, if he can't or won't, Veroljub Stevanovic," Dacic told RTS. He recalled that the parliament is considered to be inaugurated if the mandates of at least two-thirds of MPs are verified, and that it would depend on the majority if the speaker would be elected in the same sitting. Asked whether the Socialist Party of Serbia, which he leads, would be part of that majority, Dacic replied that he and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had talked and "both expressed satisfaction over the results achieved during ten years of cooperation". According to him, the agreement is to discuss "modalities" of cooperation in the coming period. Dacic said he was "absolutely" pro EU integration, but that the actions of the West toward Serbia were pushing Serbia toward Russia, and that Western partners needed to be honest and fair.


Schieb: Normalization process expected to end with two sides’ mutual recognition (FoNet)


When Serbia meets all the set conditions I fail to see anything that would stand in the way of its membership with the EU, German Ambassador to Serbia Thomas Schieb said in an interview with FoNet. Schieb said that Berlin’s position on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue remains unchanged, and that the normalization process is expected to end with the two sides’ mutual recognition. At the end of his four-year term in office in Serbia Schieb said the framework for negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo has been clearly defined, that the negotiations are supported by the EU and its envoy Miroslav Lajcak and that they enjoy Germany’s unlimited support, FoNet reported. At the moment the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue is slow but it is important for us to reach a legally binding agreement on the normalization of relations in the foreseeable future because that will also speed up the process of the two countries’ accession to the EU, Schieb said. He said there is lack of political will to achieve progress and results faster, adding that some progress was made recently regarding cooperation in the energy sector, but that it remains to be seen how this agreement will be implemented. Serbia and Kosovo need to normalize relations and mutual recognition comes at the end, as Chancellor Olaf Scholz said, explained Schieb, adding that there is much work to be done before this happens. Commenting Serbia’s position on Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Schieb said that, as an EU candidate country, Serbia should join all sanctions and measures taken by the EU. It is up to Serbia to decide whether and when it will do this, but we have clearly said that it is what we expect of it, said Schieb. The Ambassador said he regrets the narrative in Serbia that is critical of the EU, adding that, having in mind everything the EU does for Serbia, it should be more positive. Some media are very critical of the EU and it is important to us for this kind of reporting to change, said Schieb. He explained that the speed of Serbia’s accession to the EU depends mostly on Belgrade, and that, once Serbia meets all the set conditions, he fails to see anything that would stand in the way of its membership with the EU. Schieb said relations between Serbia and Germany are very good and that they further improved during his term in office. He said he was leaving Serbia with positive impressions and plans to in future come to Serbia on the weekends, as a tourist, especially since the flight between Berlin and Belgrade is only an hour and thirty minutes.




Parties gathered around HNS send letter to public: We are witnessing very aggressive rhetoric of Bosniak political leadership (BHT1)


Representatives of all 12 parties gathered around the Croat Peoples’ Assembly (HNS) sent a letter to the public and to representatives of the international community. Representatives of all 12 parties gathered around the HNS said that these days, they witnessed very aggressive and deeply-concerning rhetoric of the Bosniak political leadership due to the announcement coming from the Office of the High Representative (OHR) on changes to the Constitution of the FB&H and the B&H Election Law. The letter reads: “We are worried due to alarming amount of extremism and hate speech that certain Bosniak political leaders are spreading, well organized groups on social networks but unfortunately, even from representatives of certain media. Calls for violent protests and conflicts cannot be tolerated. We express concern due to possible violent incidents especially knowing the growing attacks on Croat returnees and their symbols in the central Bosnia and in other mixed areas. Namely, hate speech and the existing threats are explicit and public and they are directed towards the IC whose activities (they) obviously want to discourage with the aim to continue political domination of representatives of the majority Bosniak constituent people at expense of minority communities in B&H. We are especially concerned about parties and individuals who only declaratively protect civil rights in the loudest possible way, via open call for violence and unconstitutional behavior on a daily basis. The expression that we get is already seen as true; their intention is to take away constitutionally-guaranteed seats that belong to the Croat constituent people and to the Others in the FB&H House of Peoples. The model is being done modeled on usurpation in the BIH Presidency that threaten us this time as well. As opposed to that, we believe that all political systems should take into account political requests of all peoples and be an expression of general consensus in divided societies like B&H.”


Islamic Community shares concerns of its members about announcements of HR’s changes to B&H Election Law (Hayat)


The Islamic community in B&H (IZ) shared the concerns of a large number of its members about the announcements of the imposition of the Election Law and other changes to the political system, which are aimed at the collapse of the equality of all citizens and peoples, and introducing new ethnic divisions and blockades, the Office for Public Relations of the IZ B&H announced. The IZ stated that if it is proven that the proposals for imposed solutions that have appeared in the public are correct, as a religious community they will appeal to the High Representative Christian Schmidt and those who gave in under the pressure of blackmail policies from the neighborhood to think about the far-reaching consequences of their decisions.


Komsic calls on Schmidt to return to B&H and explain alleged changes to B&H Election Law (O Kanal)


The leader of DF and Croat member of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic called on the High Representative to B&H Christian Schmidt to urgently return from Germany to B&H, because, as Komsic said, B&H citizens deserve an explanation regarding the alleged changes to B&H Election Law. The DF opposes the announced possibility of imposing the proposal for changes to B&H Election Law that refer to the limiting the representation of people’s representatives in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). DF stated that they will fight in courts, institutions and in the streets, if it is necessary, for a civic B&H. Komsic called on Schmidt, and those who push him into this, not to do this. Komsic asked Schmidt, if he sees these alleged changes as the way out of the situation, why did Schmidt not make them immediately instead of putting them as a country and a society in a situation where they are arguing among themselves, not only on political grounds but on ethnic grounds as well, only for Schmidt to do something that they have said that they do not want. Komsic asked why and whom Schmidt is meeting halfway. Komsic added that Schmidt is meeting the demands of a neighboring country that has no right to interfere with these things in B&H. According to Komsic, Schmidt is also meeting halfway all those that Schmidt himself marked as one of the main culprits for the standstill in B&H’s path to the EU, and B&H’s path in general.


Dodik: Imposing Election Law changes would contribute to even greater confusion (ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik has said that the possible imposition of changes to the Election Law in B&H would contribute to even greater confusion and that what Christian Schmidt is doing, obviously lobbied by Croatia, is contrary to the Bundestag Resolution. Dodik has said that the fact that the Resolution was initiated by Adis Ahmetovic, whose parents are from Kotor Varos, “says more about Bundestag than about him”. He has said that Ahmetovic copied the resolution of SDA which says that there are no entities and proposed it to the Bundestag, and that it is surprising that the German parliament accepted this swindle. When it comes to Schmidt, Dodik reminded that Croatia awarded him with a great recognition. When asked whether DF leader Zeljko Komsic will win the election for the fourth time, Dodik said that it is now a little more complicated, because with the proposal by the united Muslim opposition, “(SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic is a little threatened”. “According to polls, he lacks 80,000 to 90,000 votes and he must not risk his mosque transferring those people to Komsic. So, it will be interesting. In any case, it is uncertain for both Komsic and Izetbegovic”, Dodik assessed. Regarding allegations of sanctions against Russia, Dodik said that B&H has not formally - legally introduced sanctions and that Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom he recently spoke, understands this and appreciates his role and the role of the RS in this. “There is no such formal framework and that is why Russia did not put B&H on the list of unfriendly countries and that is why B&H could get gas for 400 or so US dollars and does not have to pay 2,000 dollars”, explained Dodik. Dodik reminded that he is the one who says that B&H is a failed concept, that he believes that it is unsustainable and has no chance and that he does not know whether it will get its EU candidate status. “I gave a chance and everyone knows that. We have to respect each other, our rights and our powers, but the Muslims want revenge. They want to allegedly take some revenge on the Serbs”, said Dodik. When asked whether Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan could be a “bridge of reconciliation”, Dodik said that Erdogan is very pragmatic and that he said at a meeting in Sarajevo – “you will not succeed with the country if you do not come to an agreement within, let the foreigners go”, and noted that he invited Erdogan to visit Banja Luka, although he understands where his emotions lie.


Izetbegovic: OHR’s new plan is obviously trial balloon (Hayat)


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic commented on Friday on the announcement that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt might impose the solution for the Election Law of B&H that could favor HDZ B&H’s proposal and said that this new plan of the OHR is obviously a trial balloon. Izetbegovic confirmed that the legal team of SDA has thoroughly analyzed the document, which appeared in the public and that is not official, and concluded that the threshold for the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) of three percent in each canton is the most problematic part. Izetbegovic added that the people in minority in some cantons will be deprived of having their representatives in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP). The SDA leader warned that such solution would enable HDZ B&H to dominate in the FB&H HoP and to block the decision-making with the support of SNSD. He announced that SDA will provide resistance to such solution.


Dodik meets with Beyer, states that by supporting unconfirmed HR, Germany has sided with Muslims, or Bosniaks (ATV/RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik met on Friday with Representative of CDU/CSU coalition in the Bundestag and the coalition’s rapporteur for Western Balkans Peter Beyer. They discussed the role of High Representative Christian Schmidt who is not recognized by the RS and the speculation that he might impose changes to B&H Election Law. Dodik stated that the situation in B&H is very difficult, that the strong influence of foreigners is noticeable, that B&H is a “country with a protectorate” and that it has distanced itself from the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) to great extent, because many DPA’s provisions have been violated. The reporter notes that Dodik did not hesitate to say that by supporting the unconfirmed High Representative, Germany is hurting B&H as well as that Germany “sided with Muslims, or Bosniaks”, by adopting resolutions that “do not contribute to the truth, nor to the reconciliation of the peoples’’. ATV reports that Dodik also had the opportunity to tell Beyer it is not true he is the one dealing with secession, as Beyer recently stated. Addressing media after the meeting with Beyer, Dodik said: “I just spoke with that German representative who, imagine that, is a lawyer. A lawyer. And I ask him: 'Why did you never mention the word rule of law at this meeting? Are you even familiar with the term rule of law?’. Of course, he just blushed. But he did not miss the story to talk about how Schmidt is supposedly a good man. I do not know, maybe he is. But that is not enough to be a High Representative.” Beyer was quoted as saying: “We do not know at all what the High Representative will decide, whether he will apply the Bonn powers. I think what is needed is to really drop the ball here. I do not even expect that there will be a too big package that will be made.”


Beyer: Schmidt will act in the interest of the people of B&H (O Kanal)


Member of the Bundestag from the CDU and Coordinator of Transatlantic Cooperation in the German Federal Foreign Office Peter Beyer met with members of the B&H Presidency, B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Bisera Turkovic, as well as SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Beyer also held talks in the Office of the High Representative (OHR), and with the EUFOR General. Topics of these meetings were political and security situation, the general elections and the EU path of B&H. In light of recent information, Beyer said that he does not know if High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s proposals are contrary to the Bundestag resolution, but emphasized that he fully trusts Schmidt. “We do not know at all what the High Representative will decide, whether he will use the Bonn Powers”, Beyer said. He pointed out that he has full confidence in the function of the High Representative, and he also has full confidence in the personality of Christian Schmidt, who was his colleague in the Bundestag for many years. “I know that he will, above all, take into account the interests of the people in this country and that will be the focus of his decision. I also know that he too is exposed to many forces and pressure, all that tears him in all directions. However, he will not allow himself to fall under anyone's pressure, but will act in the interest of the people of B&H”, Beyer concluded.


Klix learns that outline of OHR’s proposal for changes to Election Law came from office of Croatian Foreign Minister Grlic Radman (


According to unnamed sources of Klix, the proposal for changes to B&H Election Law which High Representative Christian Schmidt plans to impose came from the office of Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman. Grlic Radman sent the document to OHR at the beginning of July. After that, OHR’s legal team worked on it and came up with a draft of proposal for amendments to B&H Election Law, which was completed on 19 July. After the proposal was leaked to the media, Schmidt faced a fierce backlash and criticism not only in B&H, but also in Germany. According to the sources of Klix, Schmidt received greatest support for his proposal from former US special envoy for Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew Palmer and US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. Klix notes that this development of events is not surprising, considering the fact that Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Grlic Radman have been saying since March and April, when the talks on electoral reform failed, that Schmidt should be put under strong pressure to impose the changes.


Session of the B&H Presidency held on Friday several agreements and strategies adopted (BHT1/ATV)


At its session held on Friday, B&H Presidency passed decision to accept agreement on loan from the EBRD for projects of improvement of healthcare systems, competitiveness and agriculture. Members of B&H Presidency expressed support to draft strategy on legal protection of interests of B&H in regards to issues of deposition of nuclear waste at Trgovska Gora location. The Presidency also passed decision to launch procedure to lead talks on agreement between B&H and Croatia on border crossings. B&H Presidency members supported ratification of agreement between B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) and Serbian government on cross-border traffic. They also supported decision on participation of B&H in civil protection mechanism of the EU.

ATV reports that, reacting to Dzaferovic and Komsic rejecting discussion on construction of the gas pipeline from Serbia to Banja Luka and the Trebinje Airport, Dodik said such practice leads to the situation where B&H is impossible community and it is the best indicator of “who pathologically obstructs and what they obstruct’’. Addressing the media after the session, Dodik said: “Why should we need B&H in such circumstances? To obstruct us on every step of the way, and then they travel around the world and lie that someone else is dealing with secession, or I do not know what else. We want constitutional B&H and I say it clearly: either it will be constitutional or it will not be.” The reporter comments that although it was a matter of a memorandum and not the final decision, it showed how much Dzaferovic and Komsic care about other two peoples. ATV reports that there are two options for gas pipeline, one from Croatia to Posusje and the other from Serbia to Banja Luka, and Dodik earlier requested both to be equal. “It was realized that things in the FB&H do not function, and because they cannot agree in the FB&H, I of course withdrew that, because it is not my place to propose anything from the FB&H. Then, they said it needs to be together which is a form of a subtle obstruction and intention to prevent the RS once again after ten years to develop the project of great importance, and that is the gas project,” said Dodik. ATV reports that, at the session held on Friday, Dodik also proposed initiative agreed in Israel that B&H adopts definition of ‘anti-Semitism’ term, and the definition was adopted.


Cvijanovic reacts to request from Congress of Bosniaks of North America to US to ban Cvijanovic from entering US (ATV)


The executive director of the Congress of Bosniaks of North America Selma Porco sent a letter to US officials in which Porco requests that the RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic is banned to enter the US and that they put her on the blacklist and cancel all scheduled meetings with her. Cvijanovic said that this letter serves to divert attention from the dark image of B&H. Cvijanovic suggested to Porco to write to the US institutions to ban the entry of, as Cvijanovic said, Porco's political wingmen who in their political or diplomatic careers distributed passports to radical extremists who cut off heads in B&H and were connected to every terrorist act in the world. Cvijanovic was quoted as saying: “Unfortunately, such people still work in the institutions of B&H. And they still cruise around the world and hang around the institutions of many countries with only one goal - to speak against the RS and its officials.”


Milanovic: Schmidt’s proposal deserves every second of our attention (HRT1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented the speculations about High Representative Christian Schmidt’s intention to change B&H Election Law, as well as the recently adopted resolution of the Bundestag which dismisses the concept of constituent peoples. According to Milanovic, the Bundestag adopted the resolution which is not balanced. Milanovic said that the Croatian parliament is silent instead of passing the same declaration, but with the opposite content. Commenting the speculations about possible changes which will be imposed by Schmidt, Milanovic said: "A certain Schwarz has now taken matters into his own hands. How many months have I been inviting him to do it? And now the guy is really doing it. The last proposal that deserves every second of our attention, every calorie of energy, to see what's going on trying to get in. Because it's done at the last minute," he said.


Abazovic receives threats over Lazovic’s arrest, wants them to be investigated (Vijesti)


Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic informed heads of the public and undercover police that crime gangs close to the arrested employee of the National Security Agency, ANB, Petar Lazovic, and his father, Zoran, target him as the main culprit for his arrest and plan a kind of revenge, Vijesti writes. Abazovic informed the Interior Minister Filip Adzic, the Head of the National Police Zoran Brdjanin, and the Head of the ANB Savo Kentera, about this. The PM told Vijesti that he urged the three to collect data about the afore-mentioned allegations and find out what’s true, noting that he hadn’t made pressure on prosecutors or judges, as people close to Lazovic claimed. He confirmed to have informed both Adzic and Kentera about the threats and information he received from various sources.


Boskovic: It’s obvious Miljanic cooperates with PM Abazovic (Pobjeda)


The Minister without Portfolio Zoran Miljanic doesn’t think that the appointment of Artan Kurti, who had been convicted of several criminal offences, for the ANB General Inspector, is an issue, because, as he said, “Kurti’s biography shouldn’t be damaged by an offence committed during his boyhood” and he can do any job in the government. In a statement for Pobjeda, a member of parliament’s Security and Defense Committee Predrag Boskovic says that Miljanic’s statement proves that he “obviously closely cooperates with Dritan Abazovic”. According to Boskovic, one should not waste energy on commenting the afore-mentioned statements of Minister Miljanic.


Zivkovic on Kurti’s appointment: It seems that “liberators” are above all freed from shame (CdM)


“During its decades of political activity, DPS has never thought of proposing a person convicted of the most serious crimes to perform important state functions, and this government has”, says the head of the DPS caucus Danijel Zivkovic. “Since when have final verdicts for attempted murders become recommendations for work in the security sector?”, he asks after the government appointed Artan Kurti, who was convicted of several crimes, as inspector general at the National Security Agency (ANB). Zivkovic says that if something like this had happened during the DPS government, Vijesti would not have taken it off the front pages, the non-governmental scene would have boiled over. The Law on the National Security Agency stipulates that no one who has been convicted of a criminal offense can be employed in that state institution.


Sehovic: Overthrow government that functions according to principle – a kilo of betrayal for half a kilo of positions (Pobjeda)


It can’t be expected that the Prime Minister, who subordinated the entire country to the current authorities in Belgrade and Aleksandar Vucic, will accept essential changes in the so-called Fundamental Agreement because it will not be accepted by his principals, according to whose dictates he works, says SD leader and MP Damir Sehovic in an interview for Pobjeda. Sehovic adds that “after the servile politics to which he bound himself and his party”, Abazovic’s “new, desired natural partner for a potential majority for the judiciary is – DF”. “Knowing that SD will not support any personnel solution that goes beyond state interests, he naturally turned to those who are close to him – the extreme right, which is his natural environment, offering them, as in the market, a Fundamental Agreement in exchange for raising three hands in parliament,” Sehovic points out. “The government that functions according to the principle – a kilo of betrayal for half a kilo of positions should be overthrown,” he stresses.


Mickoski meets Orban: EU integrations are necessary, but with dignity and with the preservation of the identity features of the people (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, together with the party’s vice-president Aleksandar Nikoloski, paid Monday a visit to Budapest and met with Hungarian Prime Minister and the leader of the sister party Fidesz Viktor Orban. The EU integration of Macedonia was discussed at the meeting. Mickoski emphasized the position of VMRO-DPMNE and the Macedonian people that integration is necessary, but that it should be dignified and with the preservation of the identity features of the people. During the meeting, it was noted that Macedonia and the EU are expected to face one of the toughest winters ever, with great difficulties in terms of energy supply. Mickoski noted that the government in Macedonia is not taking the necessary steps in dealing with the energy crisis, coal, fuel oil, gas and oil derivatives are not provided in time, but when the peak of the crisis comes, large sums of money are given several times over what could have been spent if those same resources were provided in time. The challenges of the migrant crisis, which is a problem for both Macedonia and the EU were also discussed.


Mickoski: DUI entered into a pact with Bulgaria and betrayed the Macedonian people (Vecer)


The change of the Constitution will not happen, because it is the last defense of the Macedonian identity. Because if the Constitution falls, if the negotiating framework passes, the Macedonian identity ends, says the president of the largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski, in an interview with Vecer. In the interview, Mickoski reveals why they left the hall at the moment when the conclusions on the French proposal were voted and details of a referendum that was announced on the negotiating framework. The leader of VMRO-DPMNE also speaks about the red lines with Bulgaria, the expectations from the process of Macedonia’s approach to the European Union, but also about the expected hardest winter so far.

When asked why instead of voting against, VMRO-DPMNE MPs decided to leave the session on the French proposal, he said that the conclusions did not refer to the French proposal because the last modified proposal was not before the deputies so that they could make a judgment based on it and be able to say whether it was good, because it was not complete, because they did not have the protocol on the table at that time.

There were speculations, there were assumptions, but at no point did we have the protocol on the table, which in itself is a scandal, because you force the people’s elected officials to make a decision based on some document, said Mickoski. He says that they did not take part in the vote, but they took part in the debate so that the public could hear their position related to that last proposal which has nothing to do with the conclusions. The pamphlet which was voted by 68 MPs, is unacceptable for VMRO – DPMNE, and the fact that we were not at the moment of voting is only because we did not want to give legitimacy with our presence to something voted by the deputies, Mickoski added.

Asked about the expected pressure on Macedonian-Bulgarian historical commission now that the protocol is signed and whether it will have the capacity to negotiate important topics without political pressure, Mickoski say he expects pressure as it was before.

Yes – I expect from Bujar Osmani pressure on the commission’s work, even though it is no longer related to the European path of Macedonia, because the European path currently depends on only one thing, and that is the change of the Constitution, the matter now does not depend only on the work of the commission and here is this moment where I just say that nothing is lost, because the change of the Constitution is the last defender of the Macedonian identity.

According to Mickoski, DUI’s leadership is making a historical mistake. They are practically looking Albania’s interest, entered into a coalition and pact with Bulgaria and the Bulgarians, and sold the interests of the Macedonian people and their fellow citizens in Macedonia, and thus left a permanent wound in our collective memory and we will not forget that, he said.

After the Prespa Agreement and the name change, we are now under strong pressure to change history, textbooks, etc… Isn’t the price of entry into the EU too high and from this aspect today, can we bring something back?

Well, Bujar Osmani himself said, and so did Stevo Pendarovski before, that it was better to be at the table together with the other 26 member countries and negotiate, than to be outside the table. At the same time, they forgot to say that we are still at the table, only now we are opposite the isolated Bulgaria, and now we will be at the table where Bulgaria will be together with those 26 other member countries. And they themselves said that if there is no quick change to the textbooks after Bulgaria’s wishes, then we can expect a veto. The Middle Ages is important for Bulgaria because it is the basis of the thesis that we were practically Bulgarians before we were created as an artificial people by the Comintern and Tito, Mickoski answered. He says that statesman who has basic knowledge of the anthropology of the Macedonian gene and identity would even think of negotiating on this topic, let alone sitting there at the table, laughing and signing contracts. Now they are not aware, they have security, privileges and so on, but when they lose power and leave the offices, they will face the anger of the people in the street, if they stay here, if they do not escape, and they will be aware and say – Oh, if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t make that mistake, but it will be too late, Mickoski added.

What kind of reciprocity are we talking about in the protocol when Bulgaria sent us a document that does not recognize the Macedonian language even the evening before the intergovernmental session?

No reciprocity, Bulgaria itself says that it does not recognize the language, and we recognize the Bulgarian language. Bulgaria makes statements that for them the Macedonian language is a kind of dialect of Bulgarian and they justify it in a hegemonic way I would say, but that is their policy and that should not surprise us, they have their own strategy, they have their own plan and we see that that they fulfill it, said Mickoski.

When asked about a plan B if the referendum initiative fails, Mickoski says that the consultations on the matter are ongoing and will continue whether the referendum will be consultative, mandatory, when it will be held, whether with this government or with another democratic government, and he adds that they will have to analyze this idea in order to realize it together with the citizens. The negotiating framework cannot be adopted without the constitutional amendments, and if the constitutional amendments do not happen, then Bulgaria has nothing, we do not negotiate, we do not open chapters, but Bulgaria also has nothing, and therefore the defenders of the Constitution are the MPs from the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE and other opposition MPs. And here the citizens should be sure, he said.

When asked why do the government and the opposition function as bitter enemies and fail to build a position of constructive political opponents, at least on national issues, Mickoski says he offered working teams and withdrew from the request for early elections, only for them to say NO, and that’s is why he think it is better for the government to answer this question.

Do you accuse DUI of causing permanent damage to the relations between Macedonians and Albanians. If you win the elections tomorrow, and in the Albanian block DUI wins the most deputies, will you form a coalition with Ahmeti on the principle of a winner with a winner?

We are now talking about whether we will have the Badinter condition or not. If conditionally, DUI is the winning political party, and there are no other possibilities to meet the Badinter condition, then we will sit down and talk and here we have no dilemma, and in this way we will preserve the identity, but we will ask DUI to correct its actions because I am convinced that in the next elections VMRO-DPMNE will have more than 61 deputies, that is, we will have a majority ourselves. But if we have another possibility, a scenario that I wish for, with the Albanian opposition parties and other political parties, then it is time for DUI to go into opposition after many years in power, answered Mickoski. Regarding the energy and fuel price hike and measures to cushion the blow, Mickoski explained that a few months ago he offered the government to talk urgently with Hungary or Austria and enter into some internal portfolio for the production of gas and electricity and heat, and that gas be stored regardless of whether in Austria or in Hungary. But his proposal was meet with silence, and now we see today that neighboring Serbia is doing it.

I also proposed to lease facilities, even a few months ago for the production of electricity, we could lease 10-15% from the PAKS nuclear power plant – we are energetically super connected with neighboring Serbia, and they are connected with Hungary, and we could obtain energy in a simpler way. We could have leased corn and wheat facilities, but that was not done either and now we see that we need them to survive the winter, stressed Mickoski, adding that he is not optimistic, because they offered a way out, several options and they were all rejected. As regards the first IGC in Brussels, Mickoski says it was an ordinary photo shoot, and, unfortunately, after that photo shoot, the only loser will be Macedonia, the Macedonian people and the citizens of Macedonia. Even the Albanians in Macedonia will not go forward, the Albanians in Albania will go forward because they will negotiate, they will open chapters, and now it depends on them at what speed they will progress. But the Albanians in Macedonia, the Macedonian people, we will again be in the hall waiting for some new condition to be fulfilled, and that is the condition of changing the Constitution.

When asked how will the notarized declarations be a guarantee that someone will not change their mind, or be blackmailed and vote in favor?

I am simply sure, I have full confidence in those people that the change of the Constitution will not happen, because the time of pressure and blackmail has passed, and I am convinced of the capacity of these people that they will persevere and persist in their position not to vote for changing the Constitution because it is the last defense of the Macedonian identity. Because if the Constitution falls, if the negotiating framework passes, the Macedonian identity ends.


President Begaj addresses to the nation (Radio Tirana)


After swearing that he will faithfully execute the office of President, Bajram Begaj addressed a speech to the Albanian people, emphasizing national unity, putting aside the clashes of the political class, at a time when Albania has opened negotiations towards membership in the European Union. According to the President, today he swore an oath of loyalty to the Constitution and the laws of the country, to protect the independence of the Republic. "I would like to thank President Meta, for the fulfillment of the task, the communication we had during my time in office. I will be a servant of our people, a staunch collaborator of national unity. I will be a contributor and supporter of communication and initiatives and ideas that move our society forward. Dialogue and cooperation between political forces, attentive listening to the voice of the free media, respect and acceptance of the debate, enable its strength to be embodied in well-being, development and progress for the country. Our common interest remains the consolidation of institutions that have the responsibility to protect and promote the interests of Albanians wherever they are. Today, more than ever, unity and cooperation of the political class is required to achieve national objectives. I will support any action to achieve healthy relations between the constitutional institutions. Let's continue on the path of justice reform. Not just that it is an essential condition for EU membership, but also that the construction of an independent judicial system guarantees the fight against organized crime and corruption. The Justice Reform, with the help of our strategic allies, is bearing its fruits. I find it appropriate to reiterate that our friends in Albania and the Albanians will always find their trusted partner. Holding the first intergovernmental conference with the EU is a great achievement, well deserved by Albania and the Albanians. This event marks only the beginning of a new chapter, where we must all be together, side by side. Albania proves that even small nations contribute to national, regional and international security. The unanimity of the Albanian people for the protection of the Ukrainian people shows that we are together for great causes. Our commitment to NATO makes Albania stronger and safer. But the war in Ukraine makes it clear that security and peace are not guaranteed, but won," stated the President in his speech addressed to the Albanian people.


Borrell congratulates Begaj/We look forward to continuing to move forward on our common path in the EU (Radio Tirana)


Immediately after the swearing in, the congratulations from the European Union came for the new President of Albania Bajram Begaj. The congratulatory message came from the head of the EU's foreign policy Josep Borrell. Through a post on Twitter, he says that he is looking forward to working together in the European direction of the country, which has already officially opened membership negotiations. "Congratulations to Bajram Begaj for being sworn in as the president of Albania. Your mandate begins as the country has reached a milestone on its path to the EU. We look forward to continuing to move forward on our common path in the EU. Together we are stronger", he writes.


Mazi: Becoming a full member of the EU, depends on the pace of work and preparation of Albania (Report TV/Radio Tirana)


On 19 July, Albania marked a historic step towards the integration of the country into the EU, that of the opening of negotiations, after several years of waiting. Chief negotiator Zef Mazi talked about the negotiations in an interview for Report TV. Mazi said that the opening of negotiations was a crowning of a work started in 1992. "This has been expected for a long time, but it has not been a wait without work. From this moment Albania is part of the table for full membership. This is a culmination of work that began in 1992." Mazi said that Albania was ready, just waiting for an announcement about the date. "There was no hesitation this time as we received clear messages from the Union. Thanks to the great interventions made by France, it was achieved. We were ready, we were just waiting for the announcement of the date.” Furthermore, the chief negotiator stated that in order to become a full member of the EU, it depends on the pace of work and preparation of Albania. "In fact, how long it will take for Albania to become a full member of the EU has to do with the pace at which we will move. The speed of this process will be determined by our preparation. We have a group of negotiators who are at a high level to take care of two fundamental aspects, accountability and taking responsibility. This is the minimum. From the Union, a tentative deadline has been given, practically we have to be in Brussels once every two weeks. We're going to have some kind of proper analysis on that because it's going to take an army of people to be dealt with." Mazi added that the change that will come to Albania will be great for society and the country. "Today, entering the Union is more difficult than 15 years ago. It is not easy for a common table to make decisions, since things are seen differently from different capitals. When Albania becomes a member, the whole society will benefit, but not only us, the Union also benefits. The whole social pack will rise up. Since the Second World War, this is the most historic event in our country. The change is huge," Mazi said. One day after the opening of negotiations with the European Union, the EU flag was raised in the prime minister's building. Present at this ceremony were Prime Minister Edi Rama, foreign diplomats, heads of religious communities, as well as ministers and deputies of the SP, while the opposition was absent. On July 19, Albania marked a historic step towards the integration of the country into the EU, that of the opening of negotiations, after several years of waiting.


Reshuffles in the govt/Balluku appointed Deputy Prime Minister! Chief negotiator Mazi replaced by Majlinda Dhuka (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has requested the discharge of Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj from this post as well as from that of the Minister of State for Reconstruction after the earthquake. Ahmetaj will be replaced by Belinda Balluku, the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy. "Now that the priority of Reconstruction gives way to the priority of Negotiations with the EU, the profile of the Minister of State changes. Majlinda Dhuka, a high technical profile replaces a diplomatic profile, the chief negotiator Ambassador Mazi. Dhuka becomes Chief Negotiator & Minister of State under the Prime Minister. Energy as the most colossal challenge of this period and infrastructure as an uninterrupted national challenge, have today also become intensive relations with governments and international institutions. Time for the role of the Deputy Prime Minister to focus on these areas. Belinda Balluku becomes Deputy Prime Minister. I thank Arben Ahmetaj for the contribution to our mission accomplished with a spectacular success for the Reconstruction. I thank Zef Mazi for the contribution to the great historical achievement of the opening of the negotiations; two valuable collaborators in a path of challenges that continues", writes Rama.


Meta in the Assembly of Kosovo: The only way for Albanians is the EU and NATO! Proud of KLA (Radio Tirana)


Ilir Meta addressed a speech at the Assembly of Kosovo. Meta appreciated the strengthening of relations that the two countries have achieved over the years. While evaluating Kosovo as a new country with an accountable democracy, Meta emphasized that Albanians should be pro-EU and NATO. "The new state of Kosovo is an example for other countries in the region, including Albania. I continue to believe that our fraternal relations need more stability and inclusiveness, rather than protagonism or appropriation. Everything connects Albania with Kosovo: identity, history, language, faith, culture, traditions, customs, interests, European and Euro-Atlantic perspective. This inseparable connection between Albania and Kosovo has its roots in the blood shed and the sublime sacrifices of the fathers of the nation and our most glorious heroes from Gjergj Kastrioti to Adem Jashari, from Ismail Qemali to Ibrahim Rugova. The renewing force of our relations always lies in the people, across the border. Therefore, this inalienable will requires an even greater political devotion to cooperate more successfully at all levels," said Meta. Meta has also evaluated the projects that will soon connect Kosovo and Albania through the Durres-Prishtina railway and the ports from Porto Romano to the Dry Port of Pristina. "We are rightly proud of the connection of the road infrastructure through the National Road, for the increase in the exchange of people, goods, capital, for the energy connection, but let's speed up the steps to expand this connection through the railway and port infrastructure as well," said Meta. During the President's speech, there was no lack of honoring the former fighters of the KLA, saying that Albanians should be proud of the history of the war and that today some of the leaders of the KLA are unjustly in The Hague. "History gives us every right to be proud of the liberation war of the KLA, but to take care that this war continues to remain unstained, as it deserves. To strongly and unanimously support the just cause and the heroic efforts made by the freedom fighters to protect and liberate themselves from the genocide. The innocence of the leaders who are unjustly found in The Hague today will triumph over any hopeless attempt that aims to turn the aggressors into victims, and the victims into aggressors," said President Meta.


Albanian parliament resolution rejects organ trafficking charges (RFE/N1)


Albania’s parliament adopted a resolution on Friday rejecting a Council of Europe (CoE) report which documented organ trafficking during the Kosovo war. The resolution was adopted late on the night of Thursday-Friday at the initiative of Prime Minister Edi Rama’s Socialist Party. “Albania’s voice on this issue will be heard to Strasbourg (the seat of the European Court of Human Rights),” Rama told the parliament session. Radio Free Europe quoted him as saying that the author of the report former Swiss Senator Dick Marty was no longer a member of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly, adding that the resolution was not directed at him. “This is about the reputation and dignity of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly which voted to adopt the report because they thought it should be investigated. The investigation did not bring justice to the supposed victims but it did make victims of the leaders of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) because that was its goal to make the KLA a global victim at one of the important moments for Albanian national pride,” Rama said. Marty investigated claims of organ trafficking by the KLA during the Kosovo war in 1998-99. His report said that Kosovo Serbs and non-Albanians were abducted and their organs harvested inside Albania. The claims in the report were also investigated by the Hague Tribunal but no indictments were made. The leaders of the KLA are now facing trial at the specially-formed court for KLA war crimes but not on charges of organ trafficking. The claims in the report were also investigated by American prosecutor in Kosovo Clint Williamson whose report did not cover organ trafficking but did cover war crimes. The Albanian parliament’s resolution said that Marty’s claims “that people were killed to harvest and sell their organs and on the illegal trade in human organs in Albania and Kosovo were unsubstantiated and groundless”.