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Belgrade Media Report 8 August 2022



Brnabic: Serbia cherishes remembrance of its victims (RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated that what was heard at Friday’s celebration of the Croatian Day of Victory and Homeland Gratitude in Knin is shameful. In a televised appearance on Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), Brnabic underlined that it was shameful to say that Serbs expelled themselves from Croatia and that Belgrade is to blame for that. It is also shameful that we saw the Ustasha salute and Ustasha symbols and flag and these are messages to the Serbs who were expelled back then that they cannot return there, she said. She added that deafening silence is heard from the EU, which is not reacting to Nazi salutes in one of its member states. Our duty is to remember our victims and we are working now on the Staro Sajmiste Memorial Centre. Greater attention is being paid to the Museum of Victims of Genocide, we also have a memorial to the victims of Jasenovac, as well as the Coast of Jasenovac Victims, Brnabic pointed out. Regarding the situation in Kosovo and Metohija in the light of recent events in the southern Serbian province, the Brussels talks that are expected on 18 August and the statement of US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar that the Community of Serb Municipalities must be established, but in line with the Kosovo Constitution, she said that this statement does not inspire optimism. Escobar says that all needs to be done in line with the Constitution of the so-called Kosovo and Pristina’s Constitutional Court has already said that the Brussels agreement is not line with the so-called Kosovo Constitution, Brnabic said and added that she does not see space for talks with Albin Kurti because he is not showing any will to engage in talks. Belgrade expects the Community of Serb Municipalities as it was agreed in Brussels, we have been waiting for that for full 10 years, Brnabic stated.


US strongly supports Belgrade-Pristina dialogue with EU mediation (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic spoke on Friday with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill about bilateral relations between the two countries, the situation in the region, dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, as well as cooperation in the field of energy. Brnabic emphasized that the preservation of peace and stability in the region is one of the key priorities and that Serbia remains committed to investing additional efforts in order to develop regional ties in all areas. Serbia also provides strong support for regional cooperation through the Open Balkans initiative, which has proven to be an effective framework for solving issues important to our citizens. Speaking about the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic expressed her belief that the meeting on the occasion of the new round of dialogue on 18 August in Brussels will be constructive, especially in light of the current situation and Pristina's unilateral moves. Hill noted that the continuation of talks is the only way to resolve open issues, and pointed out that the USA strongly supports the dialogue with the EU mediation. The interlocutors pointed out that there is great potential for cooperation in the field of energy, especially when it comes to projects of renewable energy sources. Accordingly, Brnabic assessed that energy security is a topic of extreme importance for Serbia and that it is necessary to make a new step towards the energy transition and the construction of new energy capacities, and added that in this sense we see the potential for cooperation with the USA.


Serbia committed to stronger cooperation with Colombia (Politika/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Saturday in Bogota with the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs of Colombia Alvaro Lejva Duran. Selakovic said that Serbia is clearly determined to develop even more strongly the overall relations and cooperation with Colombia. Pointing out that 11 years have passed since the last visit to Colombia at the ministerial level, he said that it is necessary to work on intensifying the political dialogue, which means more frequent meetings between the officials of the two countries. Also, Selakovic said that holding political consultations between the ministries of foreign affairs of the two countries would be an excellent opportunity to consider the possibilities and see the potential for improving bilateral cooperation. Selakovic emphasized that there are significant potentials for cooperation in many areas, especially in agriculture, food industry, mining, but also tourism, education, culture and sports. He informed his Colombian counterpart about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and efforts to find a compromise solution to this issue, which is of key importance for our country, stressing that Serbia is committed to peace and stability in the region.


Selakovic: Principled position of Paraguay, Brasil and Salvador regarding Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met in Bogota with his Paraguayan colleague Julio Cesar Ariola, with whom he discussed the strengthening of political dialogue and economic cooperation and thanked him for Paraguay’s principled position on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Selakovic spoke in Bogota with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Carlos Alberto Franco Franco, and with the Vice President of El Salvador Felix Ula about strengthening cooperation. Selakovic and Ariola also discussed the celebration of the 140th anniversary of bilateral ties next year, it was announced on the Serbian Foreign Ministry’s Twitter. In Bogota, Selakovic also spoke with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil Carlos Alberto Franco Franco about strengthening bilateral cooperation between the two countries. In his conversation with Franko, Selakovic thanked Brazil for respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. Selakovic also met in Bogota with the Vice President of Salvador Felix Ulo who he informed about the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and Serbia’s commitment to peace and stability in the region and solving open issues through dialogue.


Selakovic attends inauguration of Colombian President (Tanjug)


As a special envoy of the president of Serbia, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic has attended the inauguration of new Colombian President Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego in Bogota. Selakovic conveyed to the new Colombian President the personal congratulations of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Petro Urrego expressed a desire to meet with Vucic as soon as possible. Selakovic said Colombia was Latin America's fourth most powerful country, both in terms of population and in terms of economic parameters, as well as a country with which Serbia could develop numerous potentials of comprehensive cooperation, the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement. He said the inauguration had also provided an opportunity for discussions with several FMs and other senior officials of Latin American states on the fringes of the event. "The stay in Bogota and the inauguration of the President of Colombia were an opportunity for us to affirm with those who support us the stance on the issue that is the top national and political interest for us, the Kosovo issue, as well as to familiarize those who are recognizers with our arguments and to express a readiness for development of cooperation in all other areas," Selakovic said.


Petkovic: Serbs want ZSO, not documents of false state of Kosovo (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Saturday that the Serbs want the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, and not the documents of the false state of Kosovo, and assessed that the chief negotiator from Pristina Besnik Bislimi has lost all credibility to speak about the dialogue process and the agreements reached. “With each of his addresses, he presents a new series of falsehoods, misinformation and arbitrary interpretations that directly collapse the talks in Brussels, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said. “In the campaign of misinformation and fear, Bislimi has now gone the furthest, claiming that the Serbs from north of Kosovo and Metohija actually want to give up Serbian identity cards and license plates, but that they are being defended by official Belgrade and President Aleksandar Vucic, who are allegedly pushing them into some kind of protests because of this, and the real truth is that official Belgrade is exclusively fighting for peace and stability,” Petkovic said in the announcement. He assessed that it was the “most heinous lie”, the most ordinary substitution of theses and a fake news campaign that even Bislimi does not believe when he is alone, because he knows very well that no Serb in the north of Kosovo wants documents or plates of the false state of Kosovo. “What the Serbs want is the ZSO with all executive powers and competencies as agreed by the First Brussels Agreement (2013) and the Agreement on General Principles (2015), and not as Bislimi would like, comparing the ZSO to a non-governmental organization,” Petkovic pointed out. He points out that after the agreement on energy, which was agreed after 10 years, and which ensured the independent supply of electricity to the north through the Serbian company Elektrosever, Kurti and Bislimi went in the direction of unilateral moves and violent actions, collapsing the dialogue. “Instead of personally talking with our people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija during this period about the implementation of the energy agreement that would enable a stable supply of electricity, Pristina repeatedly banned me from entering Kosovo at the personal request of Bislimi. Then Pristina started to trample on the agreement, exerting pressure on the energy sector in Kosovo and Metohija, in order to prevent the implementation of the Road Map and the independent operation of Elektrosever,” said Petkovic. He also points out that the agreement on energy ensures independence for Elektrosever in supply and distribution, and therefore we have no reason to question that agreement, as Bislimi claims. Only at the negotiating table and compromise solutions can we put an end to the problems, and this is what Pristina must understand, as well as the attitude of Brussels that the implementation of the agreement should be left to experts in the field of energy, instead of Bislimi putting open pressure on numerous factors that should enable the realization of the Roadmap in the field of energy,” concluded Petkovic, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced.


Petkovic: I hope Pristina will take following dialogue seriously (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic expressed on Friday hope that the upcoming dialogue in Brussels will be taken seriously by Pristina - as a space for diplomatic solutions to problems on the ground, and not as a “ground for blackmail and arms sabering”.

Petkovic spoke with the deputy head of the Department for the Western Balkans in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Jergens Frederik, whom he informed about the unilateral and illegal actions of Pristina, which violently and in violation of all the agreements reached, wanted to cancel the identity cards and license plates of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. He said that the fact that Pristina refuses to form the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) indicates that they are not interested in the security or rights of Serbs, but conflicts and crises. “That’s why Belgrade remains firmly committed to dialogue as the only framework for solving crises and problems on the ground, and in the next month we will face a significant diplomatic struggle to preserve peace and stability,” Petkovic said. Also, Petkovic informed his interlocutor about the recently reached agreement in the field of energy through the agreed Roadmap. He pointed out that the agreement instilled hope that the relations between Belgrade and Pristina are moving in the direction of normalizing relations and solving the everyday problems of citizens, but that the latest actions of Pristina, unfortunately, set the dialogue back three steps. When it comes to the missing, Petkovic emphasized that Pristina is also using this for politicization and blackmail, even though it is a deeply humanitarian topic. “Belgrade complied with all Pristina’s requests to search locations suspected of hiding the bodies of the missing, while on the other hand there is a complete lack of will to search all nine locations in Kosovo and Metohija,” he said. The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that the demand and need of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija is to form the ZSO as soon as possible, because this is the only framework that would guarantee the Serbs collective rights and ensure peace and stability in the region of Kosovo and Metohija.


Brnabic: SNS consultations on PM designate, government to begin on Monday (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Monday the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) would begin consultations on the new Serbian government and PM designate in the afternoon. The consultations within the SNS will last for two days and will be followed by consultations with other parties, Brnabic told reporters in Lapovo, central Serbia. "I expect the name of the new Serbian PM designate to become known in the next seven to eight days," said Brnabic, who is also an SNS deputy president.


Escobar: Talks on formation of Community of Serb Municipalities must begin (Tanjug)


US special representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said on Friday in an online conference for the media in the region that the US expects implementation of all previously signed agreements between Belgrade and Pristina and that during the upcoming meeting between Belgrade and Pristina on 18 August in Brussels, the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) should be a topic. “Talks on its formation must start, as US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken told Albin Kurti during his recent visit to Washington,” Escobar said, according to Tanjug. He reiterated that the US position is that the previously reached agreements should be implemented, including the formation of the ZSO. “So we want to see a discussion on that topic when the two sides meet,” Escobar said in response to a Serbian journalist who asked whether the US has a mechanism that could force Pristina to implement the agreement on the formation of the ZSO.


Mojsilovic visits Mrce Base in Ground Safety Zone (RTS)


Chief of the Serbian Armed Forces General Staff General Milan Mojsilovic visited on Saturday SAF members performing their tasks along the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija in the Mrce Base. Mojsilovic inspected the organization of life and work in the base, challenges faced by members of the security forces of the Republic of Serbia in this part of the country and this unit’s capabilities. On this occasion, he confirmed that the soldiers and officers serving in the 2nd Army Brigade, responsible for Mrce Base, were perfectly skilled in controlling the Ground Safety Zone and securing the administrative line with Kosovo and Metohija. At the end of the visit, Chief of the General Staff praised the unit members who had been completing all their assignments in the complex conditions of the Ground Safety Zone in a professional manner, making a major contribution to the Serbian Armed Forces’ combat readiness and providing security in this part of the Republic of Serbia.


People’s Party requests extraordinary parliament session on Kosovo (FoNet)


The People’s Party (NS) submitted to the parliament speaker a request for an urgent calling of an extraordinary session to discuss the issue of Kosovo to which the Serbian President would be invited, FoNet reported. President Aleksandar Vucic would be asked to submit to the MPs a report on the current situation in Kosovo as well as on the relevant international circumstances, FoNet said. The NS said that the implementation of Pristina’s decision on ID cards and license plates issued by Serbia has been postponed to 1 September, and that a meeting between Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti has been announced for 18 August. “The People’s Party believes it would be of utmost importance for the parliament to adopt relevant acts following a comprehensive discussion in order to formulate Serbia’s negotiating framework regarding the issues of the protection of Serbia’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, the rights and interests of Serbia and of citizens of Serbian nationality in Kosovo,” said the NS. The NS MP caucus noted that the Serbian parliament last discussed the issue of Kosovo in May 2019.


Russian journalist detained in Kosovo for espionage released from custody (N1)


Daria Aslamova, a journalist for the Russian Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid newspaper was released from detention in Kosovo on the night between Saturday and Sunday, where she was held for espionage when she tried to cross an administrative crossing on Saturday. Aslamova was declared persona non grata in Kosovo. On Sunday morning, Aslamova contacted her newsroom, telling them that the Kosovo authorities had released her, after which she took a bus to travel to the border. “I reached the border by four in the morning. Serbian border guards also questioned me. They asked why there was no deportation mark,” Aslamova said. The Komsomoljskaja Pravda daily previously said that the Russian Embassy in Belgrade has no information about the detention in Kosovo or about the location of the journalist. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Kosovo Xhelal Svecla said on Saturday evening that Aslamova was “detained” at the administrative crossing in the north of Kosovo because she “deals with espionage”.


Detention of Russian journalist Aslamova in Kosovo and Metohija is a provocation (Sputnik/Tanjug/RTV)


The detention of Russian journalist Daria Aslamova by the police in Kosovo is another provocation by the unrecognized state of Kosovo, the Russian Embassy in Belgrade announced on Sunday. “The unfounded detention of Daria Aslamova represents another provocation of the provisional institutions in Kosovo, with Pristina completely ignoring basic democratic principles, including freedom of the media. We invite the UN Secretariat, UNMIK, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the EU Law Enforcement Mission and expert international organizations to immediately come out with a public assessment of that event,” the Russian Embassy said in a statement, reports Sputnik.


Shots fired towards Zubin Potok (N1/KoSSev)


Unknown persons fired shots on Saturday around 11:25 a.m. towards the direction of the unit of the border control station in Zubin Potok, the Kosovo Police said, adding that no injuries have been reported. According to the police press report, as carried by the Kossev news website, the incident occurred at the moment the patrol boat was deployed on Lake Gazivode. Referring to the reporting of this unit, the Kosovo Police stated that ten consecutive shots were heard from the other side of the lake and that the bullet hit a spot near the police boat. It was specified that there were no injuries.




Escobar briefs press about relations between Kosovo and Serbia; Escobar says US will support B&H government formed after free elections; Escobar says US supports OHR and changes to Election Law imposed by Schmidt (AJB


The US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar held an online briefing for the media regarding the situation in the Western Balkans and stated that the formation of communities of municipalities with a Serb majority should not contradict the constitution of Kosovo and create, as he said, a state within a state. The main topic were the relations between Belgrade and Pristina. Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are supposed to talk on 18 August in Brussels. Escobar said that he expects them to come to an agreement when it comes to open issues. The reporter noted that nothing especially new could be heard from Escobar, who referred to some old US stances, that Western Balkans remains an important part of the US foreign policy. Escobar said that the US sees Kosovo and Serbia as members of the EU, and that Kosovo is not an open issue for the US.  When it comes to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Escobar said that he hopes that there will be free elections and that the US will support the B&H government formed after such elections. Escobar said that the Office of the High Representative (OHR) is an important part of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), and that the US supports the High Representative and that his mandate gives him the opportunity to offer and impose solutions regarding the Election Law. Escobar said that the US supports the technical changes to Election Law imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt. Escobar also said he does not agree with the inciting and war-mongering rhetoric of certain political parties, but he did not mention any specific party or name. Escobar announced that he will soon visit the countries of the Western Balkans. Escobar has said that there will be no war in B&H and that one should refrain from comments that raise tensions. In his address to the press, Escobar referred to the war in Ukraine and reminded that all the countries of the Western Balkans are resistant to the effects of Russian aggression. Escobar said that the Western Balkans is still a place of great opportunities and, "with its dynamics, is an important part of the world that can and should be counted on". Asked if he supports the OHR, led by Schmidt and his intention to impose changes to Election Law, Escobar said that HR is important part of Dayton Agreement, meaning that they, as well as Quint countries, support him. Stressing that HR’s mandate allows him to impose solutions when necessary, Escobar said: “We are constantly working with him in attempt to implement some of the decisions he reached in order to be sure that they create bigger stability and create more possibilities for integration. As for recent decision imposing the changes in election process, we support them. These changes will eliminate hate speech, regulate use of public resources for benefit of the parties, and we will create certain transparency in the process. However, what I do not agree with, is the rhetoric some of the parties used. As a result, we should use the elections as opportunity to strengthen democracy and to create peaceful transition of authorities between those who are elected and those who are not. Hence, we reject every mention of conflicts, war. I have to repeat once again, there will be no war in B&H. International Community is united in securing of Dayton protection.”


Six US senators suggest adoption of law to enable NATO to deploy military mission to B&H in case Russia blocks extension of EUFOR’s mandate in November this year (O Kanal


A group of US senators suggested that a law should be adopted to enable the NATO to deploy its military mission to B&H in case Russia blocks the continuation of EUFOR mandate in November this year. The six senators behind this proposal also requested for a set of anti-corruption mechanisms as well as for tools to prevent expansion of Russian and Chinese influence in the Balkans. They expressed full support to B&H on its path to the EU candidate status and necessary reforms which the authorities have to implement. They also said that continuation of peace, stability and prosperity in the Western Balkans is directly connected with chances for the democratic and economic progress of citizens of those six countries. The senators who presented this initiative were Jeanne Shaheen, Roger Wicker, Thom Tillis, Dick Durbin, Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen. In the context of the situation in the Western Balkans, the senators noted: “Maintaining of the full mandate of EUFOR in B&H as part of national security is in the interest of USA. The NATO and EUFOR are encouraged to renew mandates for the sake of safety situation in B&H and to get proactively engaged in securing a safe environment, especially in the field of defense.” According to the press release published on Senator Shaheen’s website the law would support the economic development in the region, through initiatives on infrastructure, trade and fight against corruption, including codification of sanctions to deter destabilizing activities in the Western Balkans. the draft of the bill reads that maintaining of full mandate of EUFOR is in the best interest of the US national security. US are called on to use their influence to call on the NATO and the European Union to re-evaluate their missions in B&H and take over the proactive role in establishing of the safe environment, especially in terms of the defense. Senators stressed that the US should advocate strengthening of NATO HQ in Sarajevo. Beside deploying of NATO troops, Senators are also asking for set of anti-corruption mechanisms and tools for preventing of spreading of Russian and Chinese influence. “The six countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, B&H, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia) form a pluralistic, multi-ethnic region in the heart of Europe that is critical to Europe’s peace, stability, and prosperity,” reads the proposal of the bill.


Dodik: Initiative of US senators to ensure that NATO deploys military mission in B&H is occupation and unnecessary escalation of tensions (ATV


The Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the initiative of a group of US senators to pass a law that would ensure that NATO deploys a military mission in B&H if Russia blocks the continuation of the EUFOR deployment in November 2022, is an occupation and unnecessary escalation of tensions. Commenting on the senators’ initiative for the US to use its influence in NATO to encourage the planning and support of international military forces to maintain a secure environment in B&H, especially if Russia blocks the continuation of the EUFOR mission at the UN Security Council session, and to strengthen the headquarters of NATO in Sarajevo, Dodik said that no one challenged EUFOR's mandate and that this initiative represents a classic example of the occupation of a sovereign country.


2022 General Elections (BHT1/Oslobodjenje


The Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H published the completed election lists for general elections taking place on 2 October. Citizens will be able to elect officials on the B&H, entity and cantonal levels. The printing of the ballots will begin on Monday. There are 10 candidates for position of member of B&H Presidency, while there are 31 candidates for position of the Republika Srpska (RS) President. The B&H CEC has established that 69,872 voters will be in the Central Voters Register’s section for voting outside B&H in the October general elections in B&H. The registration of 10,749 voters was rejected and they have the right to file complaint with the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H through B&H CEC until Saturday. All voters who vote from abroad can check on B&H CEC’s website if their names are in the Central Voters Register. The daily reported that in 2018 general elections 77, 584 voters from abroad were eligible for voting. B&H CEC also reached a decision on Thursday to remove Consul General of B&H in Stuttgart Began Muhic from the list of SDA candidates for B&H House of Representatives (HoR) due to violation of the B&H Election Law. President of B&H CEC Suad Arnautovic stated that the Election Law is clear who are the persons who cannot run for the elected office, unless they earlier resign their posts and this includes consular and diplomatic representatives. Arnautovic stated that election lists have been verified and they will go to print on August 8th. B&H CEC member Zeljko Bakalar noted that candidate lists will be available to public soon and he called on citizens to report possible violations. The Communications Regulatory Agency (RAK) announced that the campaign for the general elections in B&H begins on 2 September, when the 30-day period begins, during which it is allowed to broadcast paid political advertising as well as direct communications. RAK stated that election silence starts 24 hours before opening of polling stations and ban of publishing of public opinion polls is in force as of September 30th. RAK also warned that providers of audio-visual media services and radio have obligation to submit RAK with their price lists 15 days before start of the campaign at the latest.


Kristo meets Plenkovic, general elections in B&H was one of special topics of the meeting (Dnevni list


Candidate for Croat member of the Presidency of B&H Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H) and Croatian Prime Minister and President of HDZ Croatia Andrej Plenkovic met in Sibenik on Friday, together with presidents and members of Coordination of HDZs from abroad. The meeting was introduction to marking of the Day of Victory and Homeland Gratitude, which marks the anniversary of operation Oluja (Storm). According to a statement issued by HDZ B&H, Croats from B&H are still waging political battles for their survival as a constituent people. According to the statement, the general elections in October have special importance, which was one of special topics of the meeting with the political leadership led by President Plenkovic. HDZ B&H’s statement added by saying that there are efforts to create a framework that would contribute to better success of HDZ B&H and HNS and legitimacy of the will of the Croat voters.


Covic congratulates Oluja anniversary (Dnevni avaz


Leader of HDZ B&H and Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic congratulated on Friday that anniversary of Oluja operation and Croatia Victory Day. “Today, on the day of victory and homeland gratitude, day of Croatian veterans and anniversary of military operation Oluja, we remember the honorable victory and unity of Croat people,” Covic wrote on his Twitter.


Croatia marks Day of Victory and Patriotic Gratitude, Day of Croatian Veterans and 27th anniversary of Operation Oluja (HRT1


The 27th anniversary of the Croatian police-military operation Oluja (Storm) was marked with an official ceremony in Knin on Friday. August 5 is marked in Croatia as the Day of the Victory, the Homeland Gratitude, and the Veterans of Croatia. The operation started on August 4, 1995, and led to liberation of northern Dalmatia, Lika, Banovina and Kordun by tackling the Serb rebels. Over 200 members of Croatian Army were killed and 1,100 were wounded during the operation. On 5 August 1995, the Croatian flag was displayed at the Knin fortress. Croatian leadership who addressed the Knin ceremony were united in the message to Serbia and B&H that no one will blackmail Croatia ever again and that Croatia will fight for interests of its citizens, but not at the expense of anyone else. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that Croatia is no longer hostage to anyone and he noted that “Croatia had to send its best people to The Hague, complying with the most insolent indictment.” Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic noted that Oluja was “the crown of the battle for freedom” and added that Croatia achieved its right to freedom and its state thanks to Croatian veterans and vision of first Croatian President Franjo Tudjman. Plenkovic underlined that Oluja enabled Croatian victory in its homeland war as well as reaching of peace in the war in B&H. Plenkovic accused “’Greater Serbia’ regime led by (first Serbian President Slobodan) Milosevic” of attacking Croatia in the 1990s. Croatian Minister of Veterans Tomo Medved stressed that ‘Oluja’ helped Croatia to preserve unity and it represented its biggest force. Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Gordan Jandrokovic said that courage and unity of Croatian veterans “should serve as an example in the future”. Plenkovic pointed out that the Operation Oluja enabled peace in B&H and the liberation of part of its territory. "What happened in Srebrenica was prevented in Bihac. And genocide happened in Srebrenica," Plenkovic said. Milanovic said "the Croatian army did not make Dayton possible, but without the Croatian army it would never have happened". Milanovic said in Knin on Friday that Croats in B&H are deprived of rights and that Croatia is viewed from B&H as the cradle of a joint criminal enterprise. Plenkovic referred to the B&H Election Law in the context of the European path of B&H. "We will persist in protecting the constitutional rights of Croats in B&H as an equal, constituent people because there is no European B&H, whose European path we of course support, until all its citizens, and especially the Croats, who are often outvoted and deprived of rights, are legitimately and democratically represented in the representative and executive bodies of the country. A prerequisite for this is a fair Election Law," Plenkovic said in Knin on Friday. The Croatian state leadership conveyed joint messages some of which also related to the situation in B&H. Croatian officials stated that Croats in B&H have been deprived of rights and that it is necessary to continue the struggle to amend the B&H Election Law. Milanovic said that the Croat people in B&H are not only deprived of rights, "they are also being insulted". "The people who led this country are also being insulted, and Croatia is denounced as the cradle of a joint criminal enterprise. This is done by the same people who received from Croatia and its presidents the highest decorations of the state of Croatia for cooperation in the war. That has been forgotten," Milanovic said. Plenkovic said that Croatia will persist in protecting the constitutional rights of Croats in B&H as an equal, constituent people, noting that there is no European B&H "until all its citizens, especially Croats, are legitimately and democratically represented in the representative and executive bodies".


Prime Minister and President dismiss Serbian insults after 5 August celebrations (HRT1


August 5th in Croatia is a national holiday. It marks Victory Day, Homeland Thanksgiving Day and Croatian Veterans' Day, and the anniversary of Operation Storm, a 1995 offensive that liberated almost one fifth of Croatian territory occupied by rebel Serbs. The offensive also played a major role in the outcome of the war in neighboring B&H. The operation came after an unsuccessful United Nations peacekeeping mission and failed diplomatic efforts to settle the conflict. Ahead of the 307th running of the Alka tilting tournament in Sinj, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and President Zoran Milanovic were asked to comment on a slew of accusations and insults from Serbian leaders following the August 5th celebrations for Operation Storm. "Simply put they act like it is thirty or more years ago. So, without responding to some of the brutal insults from their cabinet members, I call on them to grow up. That would be good for them and for everyone around Serbia," Plenkovic said. President Milanovic added: "I've already said that I won't comment on Serbia because there's no point. These aren't insignificant slurs, but there's no point. Obviously, facts don't matter to them and our good intentions are useless."


Izetbegovic: We will not succumb before pressures and blackmails (Jutarnji list


SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that they will not succumb before the “pressures and blackmails” regarding the Election Law of B&H. He called on Croatia to act in different manner than they have by now. Izetbegovic added that he wants to improve relations with Croats, even through changes of the election Law, but without “pressures and blackmails”, which is how he sees requests of the parties gathered around the Croat People’s Assembly. SDA leader said that Croats in B&H already have too much power, considering the number of them living in B&H and he accused Croatia of participating in joint criminal enterprise during the war in B&H. Izetbegovic has stated that he will persist in preventing efforts to change the Election Law of B&H, which would be discriminatory towards members of constituent people who are minority in some parts of B&H. The SDA leader cited the example of Canton 10 and the position of Bosniaks in it, underlining that the Bosniaks will have to be represented in the authorities regardless of their numbers and despite the fact they are in minority when compared to the Croats. “We will persist in the efforts to protect you and will not back down a millimeter in that,” said Izetbegovic, reiterating that introduction of three percent census in the cantons for election of delegates to the Federation of B&H House of Peoples is unacceptable to SDA.


Noah Gal Gendler: State of Israel supports proposals of Croat side regarding electoral legislation changes (Vecernji list


Israeli Ambassador to B&H (with the seat in Tirana, Albania) Noah Gal Gendler has issued a letter in which he, among other issues, commended adoption of working definition of anti-Semitism in the B&H House of Peoples and change of offensive names of streets in Mostar, adding that the latter could be a positive example used by other cities in B&H. The letter further reads that the state of Israel thinks that when it comes to searching for solutions to the Election Law (of B&H), there are two key principles that must be secured: equality and non-discrimination. “One of ways to uphold these key principles is the legitimate representation, which has been confirmed by the Constitutional Court of B&H. We welcome the readiness and proposals made by the Croat side in B&H during the negotiations on changes to the electoral legislation,” concluded Ambassador Gender’s letter.


Agreement with the Church of Serbia legally void, says Vujanovic (Gradska RTV


The Fundamental Agreement signed on 3 August between Montenegrin Prime Minster and Patriarch Porfirije is unacceptable for three reasons: concerning the relation between the country and church, its position in the public system and concerning other religious communities in Montenegro, assessed the former president of Montenegro Filip Vujanovic for Gradska RTV. From the position of the state, the agreement is totally unacceptable, Vujanovic said, adding that Metropolitan Amfilohije would never ever sign it. “The agreement completely annulled the history of the Montenegrin autocephalous church. Therefore, a big and important period of its history which Montenegro must be proud of, and the Serbian Orthodox Church should be as well.” The former President pointed out that he was mostly surprised with the preamble and that he couldn’t understand the need to rush and sign the agreement secretly, as it happened.


EU Delegation in Montenegro: Every act of broad public interest should be the subject of adequate consultations (Antena M/Pobjeda


We hope that the current political events will not further delay the implementation of the upcoming EU reforms, stated the EU Delegation in Montenegro, commenting on the shameful act of signing a contract with the Church of Serbia, which hands Montenegrin cultural and historical heritage into the hands of another state. The contract was signed by Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic and SPC Patriarch Porfirije Peric on Wednesday, far from the public eye, unannounced and with heavy police security in Villa Gorica. Thirty-six MPs from DPS, SDP and LP, SD, DUA, after signing the contract with the Church of Serbia, on the same day submitted a proposal to the parliamentary procedure for a vote of no confidence in Abazovic's government, and this will happen at an extraordinary Assembly session on 19 August. The EU says that every act of broad public interest should be the subject of adequate consultations. "As the high representative of the EU and vice-president of the European Commission Josep Borrell announced during his recent visit to Montenegro, the regulation of religious communities and their property is a matter of national competence. It is not for the EU to comment on that. Every act of broad public interest should be subject to adequate consultation. We hope that the current political events will not further delay the implementation of the upcoming EU reforms," the EU delegation announced. They point out that the tasks of the authorities in Montenegro are clear. "As the high representative of the EU and vice-president of the EC Borrell clearly emphasized during his visit, Montenegro needs to implement key reforms in the area of the rule of law. In particular, the lack of long-awaited judicial appointments has a worrying impact on the overall functioning of the judiciary in Montenegro and, ultimately, on its ability to deliver justice. The tasks of the authorities in Montenegro are clear, and the EU will continue to do everything in its power to help Montenegro in the accession process, in the interest of Montenegrin citizens and the European future of the country," the EU concludes.


Nikolic: Government has to fall in order to unblock EU integration process (RTCG


The Democratic Party of Socialists’ MP Andrija Nikolic hopes that the current government is going to fall on 19 August, underlining that, having in mind the current situation, early elections are the fairest solution. Speaking in a TV show aired on TVCG, he said he expected that the DPS’ non-confidence initiative would be backed. On the Fundamental Agreement signed with the SPC, Nikolic said the DPS found in unacceptable, adding that it wasn’t a fundamental agreement, just an agreement. According to him, PM Dritan Abazovic accepted to set up the commission which would check on the content of the agreement, but it was clear that the aim was not to reach the agreement. “This agreement has to be aligned with the Constitution and laws of Montenegro.” The DPS MP further noted that the government had to fall in order to get some chances for unblocking the EU integration process.


Montenegro supported the new package of EU sanctions against Russia (RTCG


Montenegro supported the new package of EU sanctions against Russia due to its aggression in Ukraine. The announcement was made by the EU High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security. On 21 July 2022, the Council adopted the decision CFSP 2022/1271. "The Council has decided to introduce further restrictive measures, as well as clarifications of existing measures," the announcement reads. It is stated that the candidate countries North Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Ukraine, the potential candidate country Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, comply with this decision of the Council. "They will ensure that their national policies are in accordance with this decision of the Council. The European Union takes note of this commitment and welcomes it," the statement reads. According to the decision of the Council, the Russian economic entities Federal Center for Dual-Use Technology (FTsDT) Soyuz, Turayev Machine Building Design Bureau Soyuz, Zhukovskiy Central Aerohydrodynamics Institute (TsAGI) and Rosatomflot are under the sanctions supported by Montenegro.


Escobar: North Macedonians are Europeans, historically they are Europeans, culturally they are Europeans (MIA


The United States will support North Macedonia and Albania in their reform efforts for the European integration process, which they have started, to move quickly, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Gabriel Escobar said on Friday, MIA’s Washington correspondent reports. At the briefing dedicated to the situation in the Western Balkans, answering reporter’s questions, Escobar pointed out that North Macedonia is a great bilateral partner and an outstanding ally in NATO. He again highlighted the message from the Strategic Dialogue, which the US held with North Macedonia in June in Washington. Our position from the experience with North Macedonia is that it is an excellent partner, a loyal friend and a strong supporter of the transatlantic community. North Macedonia deservedly started the movement in their process towards Europe. They made difficult reforms and continue to make difficult reforms, he said. He pointed out that for the United States, the issue of the language and cultural identity of North Macedonia is not an issue, and called on the country to continue the constructive dialogue with its neighbors and to move as quickly as possible in the accession process. The US remains a strong partner in encouraging and supporting Macedonia in that process. And finally, the country will certainly be successful in that process, said Escobar.

Speaking at the briefing about the historical, cultural and economic affiliation of the Macedonians, he used the adjective “North Macedonians”. The North Macedonians are Europeans, historically they are Europeans, culturally they are Europeans and economically Macedonia is part of Europe and is and will be an important participant in the transport sector, the IT sector, even the energy sector, Escobar said, reported MIA.


Work for citizens of countries of Open Balkans without visas and work permits (MIA


The citizens of Serbia, North Macedonia and Albania, thanks to the connection of the national electronic systems of these countries within the framework of the Open Balkans initiative, will be able to freely access the single labor market for the first time, said the director of the Office of the government of Serbia for IT and e-Government Mihailo Jovanovic. As the MIA correspondent from Belgrade reported, Jovanovic explained that citizens will have the opportunity to get a job in one of those three countries without any additional documents, work visas and special permits. He added that today all information about the public administration in Serbia is available online and is available to citizens seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Speaking about the information and communication technologies (ICT) market in Serbia, Jovanovic said that currently 92,000 people are employed in that field, but that the market is still "hungry", that is, there is a "huge deficit in that sector". “We expect that the export of the ICT sector will exceed 2.5 billion euros this year and is greater than the export of agriculture,” said Jovanovic.


IPSOS poll: VMRO-DPMNE will win early elections by a margin of nearly 200 thousand votes compared to SDSM (Republika


For the needs of VMRO-DPMNE, the IPSOS agency conducted a poll on 1,014 respondents for the period from 1 to 18 July 2022. The poll addresses several current issues. According to the analysis of the numbers, 870 to 875 thousand citizens would turn out for the next parliamentary elections. Derived from the measured percentage trust, the distribution of votes in decimals would be as follows: VMRO-DPMNE 355-360 thousand votes, SDSM 170-175 thousand votes, DUI 110-115 thousand votes, Levica 100-105 thousand votes, Alliance for Albanians 50-55 thousand votes, Other 75-80 thousand votes. When asked if only parties and not coalitions would run in the next elections, which party would you vote for? (*of the entire population) VMRO-DPMNE 19.7%, SDSM 9.5%, DUI 6.2%, Levica 5.9%, Alliance for Albanians 2.8%, Others 4.2%, Undecided 22.5%, Refused to respond 17%, Would not vote 12.2%. When asked if only parties and not coalitions would run in the next elections, which party would you vote for? (* with push to 48% of the determined population) VMRO-DPMNE 40,8%, SDSM 19,6%, DUI 12,8%, Levica 12,2%, Alliance for Albanians 5,9%, Others 8,7%.


Begaj meets China's Ambassador to Albania Zhou Ding, exchanging views on Chinese-Albanian relations and bilateral cooperation in various fields (Radio Tirana


Albanian President Bajram Begaj had a meeting with China's ambassador to Albania Zhou Ding. Both interlocutors exchanged views on Chinese-Albanian relations and bilateral cooperation in various fields. President Begaj said that he felt honoured when he received the congratulatory message from Chinese President Xi Jinping on the first day of his election as president of Albania. The sincere friendship between the two countries and the two peoples is very precious. Now bilateral relations are developing well and bilateral economic-commercial cooperation has had fruitful results. Albania expects that the two countries will continue to develop cooperation in the framework of the "Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries" mechanism, to promote the sustainable development of bilateral relations. Now Albania is a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and wants to strengthen cooperation with China in various fields to face global challenges together. Meanwhile, ambassador Zhou Ding congratulated Mr. Bajram Begaj on his election as president of Albania and said that there is deep traditional friendship between China and Albania. In the 60s and 70s of the last century, China and Albania established close bilateral relations. China gave Albania a lot of help to promote economic and social development, while Albania made a significant contribution to restoring the status of New China in the UN. In recent years, based on the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the "Cooperation between China and Central and Eastern European Countries" mechanism, the two countries have continuously strengthened mutual political trust and concrete cooperation. As a result, bilateral relations have seen new developments. Last October, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the return of China's legal status to the UN, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Albania, further promoting Chinese-Albanian relations. China wants to strengthen cooperation with Albania in the UN and other international organizations based on the development and global security initiatives presented by Chinese President Xi Jinping, to jointly create a community of shared destiny for mankind.


EU Ambassador in Tirana: Albania has started a new chapter towards the EU! The opening of negotiations offers great opportunities (Radio Tirana


The new Ambassador of the EU Delegation in our country, Christiane Hohmann who will start her mission this week, addressed the Albanians with a message on the Twitter social network. Hohmann says that Albania has just started a new chapter on its path towards EU membership and that he is looking forward to working with the Albanian institutions to make our country a part of it. During the message, she emphasizes that the opening of negotiations offers great opportunities for consolidating the progress achieved and boosting the transformation of Albania. "Albania has just started a new chapter on its path to EU membership. The opening of negotiations brings us closer and makes us stronger. It offers us excellent opportunities to consolidate the progress achieved and deepen the transformation of your country. I am looking forward to working with you, the Albanian institutions, political forces, civil society and citizens to make Albania a member of the European Union," emphasizes Hohmann in her message to the Albanians.


Analyst Richard Kremer: Albania and North Macedonia part of the European family in 2030 (Radio Tirana


After the start of the membership talks, analysts have assessed the possibility of their completion for Albania and North Macedonia. "Albania and North Macedonia can see themselves within 2030 as part of the European family." Richard Kremer, well acquainted with the developments in the Western Balkans from the US-Europe Alliance organization in Washington in the interview for the Voice of America in the Macedonian language, assessed as realistic this assessment of some analysts for the conclusion of the membership talks for the two countries that just held the first intergovernmental conferences. In the American view, while expressing satisfaction that Albania is a package with North Macedonia that has been a candidate for the EU in the last 17 years, Kramer's assessment is that both countries are oriented towards Western democracies, not authoritarian regimes. In this context of the orientation of the two countries, according to him, the predictions of some analysts are feasible, that by 2030 North Macedonia and Albania will become part of the European family. At the same time, the American analyst also warns that the region is vulnerable to the spread of Russian propaganda only if citizens believe in various disinformation, unverified and dubious sources of information. "As long as the US continues to help the countries of the Western Balkans to become consolidated democracies in a free and open market, it will help them get integrated more easily into the EU," he assures.

But while in Albania, the holding of the First Intergovernmental Conference reduced public attention to the process, in North Macedonia the discussions now focus on the decisions that will be taken to affect the preamble of the Constitution when, in addition to the Bulgarian minority, other parts of the population consisting of citizens of North Macedonia such as Albanians, Serbs. etc. The country's highest authorities have continued to publicly assure that the started process is irreversible and that it depends on the country to quickly move forward and achieve EU membership.