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Belgrade Media Report 31 August



Vucic with Peach: Determined for intensification of Serbian-British cooperation (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the United Kingdom's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Sir Stuart Peach. Recalling that this year marks the 185th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and the United Kingdom, Vucic pointed out that our country is determined to intensify Serbian-British cooperation, especially economic, in which there are many unused opportunities. Speaking about the current energy crisis, as a result of the war in Ukraine, Special Envoy Peach said that the UK is ready for cooperation with Serbia in the field of energy security and its improvement, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the Serbian President announced. Regarding the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Vucic once again emphasized that Serbia insists on preserving peace, full stability and security, especially for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and that it is making great efforts to reach a sustainable agreement through dialogue and compromise, without imposed solutions. Peach thanked Vucic for his commitment to dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


Serbia making efforts to reach sustainable deal with Pristina, Vucic tells Turner (RTV/Tanjug)


At a meeting with US Congressman Michael Turner, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic noted that Serbia was investing huge efforts in the EU-facilitated dialogue with Pristina as the only right path to a sustainable agreement and a resolution of crisis situations caused by unilateral moves by Pristina authorities. Vucic noted that this was in line with Serbia's policy of peace and stability in the region and that Belgrade was contributing to that also by respecting the Dayton Agreement and the integrity of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the integrity of Republika Srpska within Bosnia and Herzegovina, the presidential press office said in a statement. Turner said he very much appreciated Vucic's leadership and role in maintaining peace and stability in the region and added that he was impressed with Serbia's economic results. The US congressman said that every time he visited Serbia the country was visibly closer to the EU. He also commended the Open Balkan as an initiative that was important for regional cooperation. Vucic noted that Serbia was committed to the most substantial cooperation possible with the US administration and that advancement of Serbia-US relations was of the utmost significance, in particular in the economy. He also said the level of bilateral goods trade was record-high and set to exceed 1.2 billion dollars for the first time in history. Vucic expressed gratitude for Washington's continued support on Serbia's path to full EU membership and said the country was working on that diligently and implementing the necessary reforms. Vucic and Turner said Serbia's cooperation with the Ohio National Guard provided a strong impetus to overall Serbia-US ties.


Albanians didn't corner us, we didn't even have a corner, but Vucic came and created a corner (TV Pink/Tanjug


Prime Minister elect Ana Brnabic said that what is published in the media about the composition of the future government is "pure speculation" and that she can only laugh at it. "I can only laugh at the fact that they themselves draw the contours of the future government. It is important that there are brave and dedicated people in the government, for whom Serbia comes first. Neither Anglophiles, nor Americanophiles, nor Russophiles, nor Europhiles, but Serbophiles", she said. She added that there will certainly be new people in the future government. "New energy and ideas are always needed. And people who don't carry a burden like us for years on their backs, and maybe have a little naivety that some things are easy to do," Brnabic told TV Pink. She said that the idea of the government of Serbia is to use all potentials, and added that there are many unused potentials in Serbia. She called for a little more unity in society and among political actors, at least around basic national issues, and asked to focus on important things. "And let's not allow ourselves to be distracted by imposed topics, neither from the east nor from the west. That way we would be able to deal with any crisis," said Brnabic and appealed for unity and understanding of the state's interests. Brnabic urged everyone to focus on important things, especially in September, which she said will be a difficult month, adding that holding the Pride parade is not such an important thing, because it comes and goes. "September is extremely difficult for us, and some in the opposition and the tycoon media want to lead us to the point where people no longer know what is true and what is happening. They are deliberately spreading lies and misinformation, without shame" and added that this is how conditions are created for the destabilization of Serbia. As an example, she stated that Vucic was first accused of organizing Europride, and then of organizing rallies against that gathering. "Vucic is the only one who says that there are more important things than Pride. He says let's talk about Kosovo and Metohija and other bigger challenges for Serbia. And they accuse him of organizing all this, to divert attention from more important things," she said. Brnabic assessed that Albin Kurti is nervous, and that instability is an alibi for him. "Kurti wants instability, we want stability. We have something to offer our citizens. We have a perspective," she said. Brnabic assessed that the verbal agreement reached by Vucic regarding identity cards with EU guarantees was "unbelievable", and that it ensures the presence of Serbia in Kosovo and Metohija, but no recognition of Kosovo. She said that the Albanians from Kosovo are now insisting on the agreement from 2011, which was signed during the time of Boris Tadic, and they do not want to apply the agreement from 2013, which, she says, best describes which agreement is in Serbia's interest. "Albanians didn't corner us, we didn't even have a corner, but Vucic came and created a corner. He came and put Kosovo and Metohija on the agenda of the major powers, for whom the issue was ad act," she said. Brnabic announced a "hot September" and assessed that many in Serbia and outside the country, intentionally or not, want to make it even hotter. Speaking about Europride, she reminded that since 2014, Vucic and the SNS government have never banned gatherings, although some protests were not even reported. She assessed that people do not sufficiently understand how specific and difficult the month of September will be for Serbia, nor how fragile peace is in Kosovo and Metohija. "No one wants a whirlwind of war in Serbia. We need all our capacities to preserve peace and stability. The situation is not the same now, as in 2019, 2020 or 2021. We have reached extraordinary unpredictability with Albin Kurti, who has a series of unilateral moves, which are worse and worse," she said and added that Serbia is the only one that preserves peace and stability. She appealed to people to understand this and to try to make it easier for the country. "It is our country, and the event will be held when the conditions are right," she said. She added that there is a lot of burden on the back of the state from many sides, and that under any normal circumstances, Europride should not be a topic. "Someone imposed on us this topic of Europride, which is meaningless, everyone who wants destabilization in Serbia has taken hold of it," she said. She said that the Pride has been held for eight years in a row, and that it was not a theme. It's not easy for me either, it doesn't matter. My role is as a mandate holder and prime minister, and the security of Serbia is my first priority. I'm sorry if someone can't walk, but it's somehow responsible to come to an agreement and to show responsibility towards the state. There are moments when the state should be in the first place, I am not saying that only to the organizers of the Pride, but to everyone," she said.


Petkovic: Pristina is using the fate of the missing for a political showdown with Belgrade (RTS


Today's statement by the representatives of the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government in Pristina, on the International Day of the Missing, shows that they do not care about the fate of the missing, nor about solving this issue, but only about the attacks on official Belgrade, says the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. At the very least, the attempts to politicize this profoundly humane issue by Aljbin Kurti and Vjosa Osmani, for whom the showdown with official Belgrade and the anti-Serbian agenda are above every other motive and goal, and those who went missing during the conflict in Kosovo and Metohija are for them only a tool for failed political propaganda, it is stated in the statement of the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. "Unlike Pristina, Belgrade is unwaveringly committed to raising the search for the missing above daily politics and shedding light on the fate of the 1,620 missing persons, because we believe that the families and the deceased deserve peace, and that is why we raised this issue within the dialogue in Brussels" says Petkovic. So far, Belgrade has searched all, a total of 23 locations, as requested by Pristina as part of the search for missing persons, including the last one - the Stavalj mine, while the authorities in Pristina still refuse to enable the search of 9 locations, with Serbian and international expert teams, for which we have information that they hide the bodies of murdered Serbs. He recalls that Belgrade demanded to search Kosare, Lapusnik near Glogovac, Dojnice near Prizren, Javor near Suva Reka, Jugovo near Istok, Budisavci and Baljevac near Klina, Livacko lake near Gnjilan and Meja near Djakovica, but to this day, Pristina does not allow it. "Belgrade will continue to insist that the fate of every individual missing during the conflict on Kosovo and Metohija be clarified, and to make maximum efforts to reach an agreement within the dialogue in Brussels, which should provide a significant framework and basis for solving this civilizational issue. "Unfortunately, it has also been shown in this field that Pristina does not want to shed light on the fate of the missing, but that it is trying to blackmail and pressure Belgrade with this issue, setting impossible conditions and formulations with which it wants to criminalize all Serbs," concludes the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in a statement.


France welcomed the agreement on the freedom of movement of Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug


France welcomes the agreement on freedom of movement reached by Belgrade and Pristina, the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs announced on Twitter. "France welcomes the agreement on freedom of movement that Serbia and Kosovo reached on 27 August, as part of the dialogue mediated by the EU in consultation with the US," stated the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs. It is also stated that France encourages both sides to fully normalize relations in the same spirit of compromise.


Lajcak: We have two months to find a solution for the plates (Tanjug


The European Union's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that there are still two months left to find a solution to the license plate issue.

Miroslav Lajcak stated that he believes that a solution will be found as it was found for ID cards, adding that they proposed some ideas to the partners. When asked if Pristina also confirmed the two-month deadline, the EU special envoy said: "Yes, of course." "The registration campaign starts on September 1 and should last for two months. I don't expect any drama on September 1. There is no reason for that. We have that two-month period to find a solution, as we found with regard to identity cards," he stated. Lajcak added that he must be an optimist. Lajcak said that he does not think that a solution should be sought by 1 September. "The decision of the government in Kosovo is that the process should be completed by the end of October. So, we have two months to find a solution. And we are already in that process. We have already had talks with President Aleksandar Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti on that topic. We were in trouble regarding identity cards and entry-exit documents. As for license plates, we have at least two months to solve it, I believe we will find a solution," said Lajcak, who is attending the strategic forum in Bled.


Borrell: Prevent Russia's attempt to destabilize the Western Balkan region (Beta


The defense ministers of the European Union member states agreed in Prague at an informal meeting that Russia's efforts to destabilize the Western Balkan region should be prevented and that for the stability of Europe, the region must have a European perspective. "We are cooperating in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the ALTHEA operation plays a key role for stability. We need to offer a European perspective to the Western Balkans. We want to help solve crises in relations between Serbia and Kosovo. We notice efforts from the outside to interfere in the internal affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina," said the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, at a press conference during the meeting. The Western Balkans and Africa were on the agenda of the meeting of defense ministers when they discussed the global consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine with new crisis hotspots around the world as regions that Russia is trying to destabilize. "Partners in the south are exposed to being held hostage by Russia, especially when it comes to grain exports. We are pleased that the export agreement is in place and the first shipments have already arrived in Djibouti. We closely cooperate with the UN, which plays a key diplomatic role in this," Borrell said.


KFOR: We are closely monitoring the situation, we are staying in Jarinje and Brnjak (RTS/Kosovo Online


The KFOR mission announced that there are no changes, that they remain in reinforced formation near the administrative crossings of Jarinje and Brnjak and that they will continue to closely monitor the situation, the mission announced. This is how KFOR responded to the Kosovo Online portal, to the question of whether they remain in a reinforced composition in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. "There is no change in KFOR's visible and agile posture throughout Kosovo. NATO's lead mission continues to closely monitor the situation, KFOR East Regional Command maintains a presence near the Jarinje and Brnjak crossings, with established traffic control points and ongoing patrols in the area together with the Multinational Carabinieri Unit and EULEX," stated KFOR's answer to the question of the Kosovo Online portal. They also state that KFOR continues to play a fundamental and neutral role in ensuring security throughout Kosovo and Metohija and stability throughout the Western Balkans region.


Disclaimers on IDs placed at administrative checkpoints in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


As of this morning, disclaimers have been placed at all checkpoints at the administrative crossings towards Kosovo and Metohija with the notification that the use of identity cards issued by the authorities in Pristina is only possible for practical reasons, for the sake of freedom of movement, and that this cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. The disclaimers also state that the use of identity cards issued by Pristina cannot be interpreted as Belgrade’s consent to deviate from UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


Vulin denies preparing extradition of former Ukrainian secret service chief to Russia (Nova/Beta)


Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin rejected on 30 August as "lies" allegations by certain media outlets that he was preparing the extradition of Andriy Naumov, the ex-head of Ukraine's security service, who was arrested in Serbia in early June. The Nova website previously reported that, during a recent visit to Moscow, Vulin talked with Russian national security secretary Nikolai Patrushev about the possibility of extraditing intelligence officer Andriy Naumov to Moscow. "As I announced, as the formation of the cabinet draws closer, the campaign of lies and attacks on me will increase. This stupid lie is part of that battle to eliminate me from the Serbian cabinet, but also an attempt to criminalize everyone who favors not introducing sanctions against Russia and preserving the policy of military neutrality," the Interior Ministry quoted Vulin as saying. He recalled that decisions on "anyone's" extradition were made by the Ministry of Justice and that "the minister who helms the police does not even have the smallest ability to extradite or not extradite someone to someone else". He added that Naumov was "offered" the consular assistance of the Ukrainian embassy as a Ukrainian citizen, but that "he refused this for reasons that only he know".


Lavrov dismisses Minister Mihajlovic’s claims about abusing Serbia’s friendship (Beta)


Russian Foreign Ministry has criticized Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic over her statement about Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and dismissed claims about Moscow attempting to abuse its friendly relations with Serbia. Commenting on a recent statement by Zorana Mihajlovic, about Lavrov abusing the fact that Belgrade had not imposed sanctions against Russia and attempting to show that Serbia was supporting Russia’s attack on Ukraine, although it had voted in favor of a UN resolution condemning the invasion, the Russian ministry stated that Mihajlovic was “obviously poorly informed” about the reality of the two countries’ relations. “The assessments and statements of Russian officials provide neither a cause nor the right to anyone to blame us for insinuation, or attempts to ‘abuse’ the traditionally friendly and true relations with Serbia, which are undoubtedly built on equality, respect and mutual understanding,” Lavrov’s ministry has stated. Russia and Serbia have absolute mutual understanding of the current topics on the international agenda and, in its contacts with Serbian partners, Russia openly presents its views of the situation in Ukraine, the Russian ministry has stated. “We respect Belgrade’s wish to maintain a balanced and, more importantly, independent line in these difficult times. Such a balanced approach is reflected in the Serbian leadership’s reserved stance regarding the western sanctions (against Moscow). Naturally, this is a sovereign choice that the West cannot accept and, unlike us, is attempting to exert pressure on the Serbs,” adds the Russian Foreign Ministry.


Mihajlovic: Lavrov making Serbia's position even more difficult (Beta)


Serbian Minister for Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said today that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's statement, that by not having imposed sanctions against Russia Serbia was supporting the country's attack on Ukraine, was not friendly and made Serbia's position even more difficult. In an interview with Beta, she said that the Russian official's attempt to show that Serbia supported the attack on Ukraine, even though it had voted for a UN resolution condemning the invasion, put Serbia in an even more uncomfortable position. "Serbia is under pressure and a friend should really be a friend and not make its position even more difficult," said Mihajlovic, who is also the minister of mining and energy. During Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin's visit to Russia last week, Lavrov said that Moscow and Belgrade were consistently committed to the principles of indivisibility and equal security of all states, "both in the Balkans and in the situation the West has provoked in Ukraine". Reacting to a statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry, Mihajlovic said that "in altered geopolitical circumstances, everyone would like Serbia to be on their side, but Serbia has its own side". Serbia's independent position, as he put it, is reflected in making decisions that are not independent relative to one side but to all sides.


Jovanovic to head parliamentary Defense Committee (Tanjug/RTS)


Milos Jovanovic from the Hope-New Democratic Party of Serbia-Movement for Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia group in the Serbian parliament was elected president of the parliamentary Committee on Defense and Interior Affairs on Wednesday. Aleksandar Markovic from the Serbian Progressive Party, who headed the body in its previous term, was elected deputy president. Sixteen members of the committee backed Jovanovic's candidacy, while 15 voted for Markovic. "This committee is important per se and, unfortunately, with the geopolitical situation we are in, it is getting more significant and, considering the period ahead, I believe it will be even more significant," Jovanovic said. MP Borko Puskic from the Serbian Dveri Movement-Patriotic Bloc group proposed that the committee initiate a reinstatement of compulsory military service due to the situation Serbia was in, especially in Kosovo and Metohija. "That is really much needed. We should take pride in a strong army because that is the equivalent of a strong country and security for our future generations, especially for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija," Puskic said. Jovanovic responded that parliamentary committees were not in charge of policy-making but that he would "promote some things" within the scope of his competences. Speaking to reporters afterwards, Jovanovic said he would initiate a joint session with the Committee on Kosovo and Metohija. "I think that is appropriate considering the situation we have and the situation we might have in as early as two months if there is no compromise on vehicle license plates, although I do not see how there can be compromise considering our position and the position of the secessionists in Pristina," he said.


Becic to head parliamentary Security Services Control Committee (Tanjug/RTS)


Igor Becic from the Aleksandar Vucic - Together We Can Do It All group in the Serbian parliament was on Wednesday re-elected president of the parliamentary Security Services Control Committee. At a session of the Committee, all nine members of the body voted for Becic. "I thank the committee for electing me to this important and responsible duty. As president of the committee, I will be striving for us to be constructive and to have good cooperation in our future work. I hope you will all support me in that," Becic said. Vladan Zagradjanin from the Ivica Dacic - Socialist Party of Serbia group was unanimously elected deputy president.


Slovenia appoints Anzej Franges as Special Representative for Western Balkans (Tanjug)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia Tanja Fajon on Tuesday stated that Slovenia appointed Anzej Franges as the Special Representative for the Western Balkans. Fajon and Franges met in Bled to discuss possible ways in which Slovenia could assist the Western Balkans on its path to the EU.




HR Schmidt, Escobar participate in panel discussion on Western Balkans within 17th Bled Strategic Forum (N1


The reporter notes that during the panel discussion on the Western Balkans, ‘EU and the Western Balkans: Who is Prepared?’, within the 17th Bled Strategic Forum, High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt made an observation that the blaming game is played in B&H, due to which it is necessary to work on the political culture in the country, and noted that changes in the B&H Constitution should imply a system with fewer blockades. Schmidt also said sometimes it is necessary to intervene, however, he believes changes must come from the people. “We need people in B&H, as in other countries of the Western Balkans, to take matters into their own hands and decide what to do. I would really make a distinction between political parties, those who are in power, and those who want to get closer to the European Union (EU). We need help and the people need our help, but the crucial thing is up to the people, the citizens of B&H. Accordingly, it is not healthy that one generation after the conflict in the Western Balkans is over, we just sit and do nothing. We must have European integration”, said Schmidt. Schmidt also said that larger part of the international community should understand that the Western Balkans should not be governed, but assisted. During the panel discussion, US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar said: “We must create an atmosphere where minorities feel represented, valued, integrated. That is a task not only for governments on the ground but for civil societies, political parties, the IC”. Escobar went on to say he is of view the “success of our work in Kosovo” with EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialog Miroslav Lajcak, and all successes in the Western Balkans “from the Dayton to the last Saturday, are the result of the US and the EU’s unity”. Regarding the progress of the countries of the Western Balkans on the way to the European Union, B&H received the greatest criticism from Escobar, who clearly explained his allegations. “Perhaps the European Union needs to adapt a little, but there is still a lot of work to be done by the authorities that need to do what is necessary. For B&H, I am afraid that three party leaders have really failed in this process”, Escobar assessed. He points to corruption as the main problem in B&H due to which many people have already left the country. Escobar said all people and all political parties must fight against corruption. If they do not do this, he says, then “that is the worst-case scenario for B&H”. Escobar stressed that it is important to secure the right to Croats in B&H and Serbs in Kosovo, and that less numerical (peoples) must feel represented, valued and integrated. He added by saying there is no alternative to the Western Balkans joining the EU. Slovenian Minister of Foreign Affairs Tanja Fajon warned of the spread of ‘Euroscepticism’ due to the standstill in the process of EU enlargement in the region. The Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob said he hopes for a step forward by the end of 2022. Golob believes that B&H's European path should be considered after the upcoming elections scheduled for October. Golob was quoted as saying: “I remain a moderate optimist when it comes to B&H's candidate status for EU membership, but I believe that it makes sense to first wait for the results of the elections and not to set conditions for B&H today in the pre-election fever. I hope that the European Commission will take this into account and prepare a report after the elections. The right time for changes in B&H is therefore after the announcement of the election results. Maybe we can find a way forward by the December EU summit”. Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer commented on calls to grant the candidate status for B&H, which was discussed at the Bled Strategic Forum, and said that safety and stability of Austria are connected with the Western Balkans. “Therefore, it was very important for me to focus on B&H at the latest (session of the) European Council in Brussels. Austria will continue to support B&H in the process of accession to the EU and it is looking forward to the candidate status which is connected with the progress of B&H. One thing is clear: the EU is not complete without the Western Balkans”, Nehammer said.


Turkovic addresses 17th Bled Strategic Forum: Many things are slowing down B&H on European path, such as recent blockade of institutions, pro-Russian influence and fact that country did not receive candidate status (BHT1


The 17th Bled Strategic Forum, which is being held under the slogan 'The Rule of Power or the Power of Rules', resumed on Tuesday. Addressing the panel titled 'The European Union and the Western Balkans - Who is Ready?’, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic said that many things are slowing B&H down on the European path, such as the recent blockade of institutions, pro-Russian influence and the fact that the country did not receive candidate status. "It has been said that we have failed to meet the conditions, fourteen of them. It is possible, but the question is whether Ukraine and Moldova have (met the conditions). I think they are far behind us. No one is trying to explain in detail what this has to do with. I will mention a few things - the Election Law which has not been amended in accordance with the verdicts of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), functionality of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) is questionable, our neighbors are openly interfering in domestic policy," Turkovic pointed out.  Turkovic reminded that 22 years ago, when she was the B&H Minister for European Integration, B&H was “very much interested in becoming the EU member”, noting the situation in that regard has not changed, however, B&H is now facing numerous challenges. “It seems that we have not made much progress, and that the situation is much worse today compared to 2000 or 2015. We have not, or others have not acted too quickly or thought about what position they will take. We have had blockade of state institutions for eight months. Things are only now starting to move, but we will see how long it will last. We have Russia’s influence that is threatening to undermine all other hard-won achievements and B&H’s direction towards becoming a functional state”, said Turkovic. Turkovic also expressed regret over B&H not being granted the EU candidate status because the country’s authorities failed to fulfil the 14 requirements, and added that the issue is raised if Moldova and Ukraine fulfilled some of their requirements, noting she is of view the two countries are “far behind B&H”. Asked whether the EU is ready for expansion and whether the region is ready to join the EU, Turkovic said that the situation now is worse than in 2000 when the EU gave them hope and the citizens are desperate. She criticized the EU for giving priorities to countries and waiting to give them the green light to move forward. “They say they want the three constituent peoples to be equal, fine, but what about the rest? Why cannot I declare myself as a citizen of B&H in order to be elected, what about Jews, Roma and numerous other peoples? Implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights and domestic courts must be a priority. Fulfilling the wishes of one party cannot be a priority”, Turkovic underscored during a panel discussion.


Turkovic openly advocates civic B&H, accuses Serbia and Croatia of interfering with B&H Election Law at 17th Bled Strategic Forum (RTRS


The reporter notes that only one day after the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) launched the initiative for her removal, B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic once again, instead of harmonized positions of the joint institutions, publicly advocated SDA’s positions. During the panel discussion on the Western Balkans countries’ EU path within the Bled Strategic Forum, Turkovic said B&H’s problem is the “so-called pro-Russia influence”, blockade of the institutions of B&H; Turkovic openly advocated civic B&H and accused Serbia and Croatia of interfering with B&H Election Law. “Our neighbors are openly interfering with local policies and (B&H) Election Law. They say all three constituent peoples must be equal. What about the rest of us? My mother is Croat; my father is Bosniak. Who am I? I am forced to be either Bosniak or Croat to be elected. Why cannot I be a citizen of B&H?”, said Trukovic during the panel discussion. Commenting on this, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said Turkovic cannot and did not spoke on behalf of B&H, especially after launching procedure for her removal. “Those who are listening her at the Bled (Strategic) Forum are worse, they are undermining B&H by accepting such lying individuals that falsely represent themselves. But that suits them; I see there is also that Schmidt there, who is not the HR, but he is also talking about something”, said Dodik for the media on Tuesday. Referring to Turkovic accusing Serbia and Croatia interfering with internal affairs of B&H, Dodik said: “What Serbia’s interference? The Islamic Community is implementing all elections for them, it decides who is a political factor in B&H; they have assistance from different sides, from Arab countries, Islamic countries. The woman that absolutely does not shy from lying and slandering Serbs and Croats instead of representing their interests. It only showed that B&H is worth nothing.”


Dodik: I will declare independence if certain constellation of relationships coincides in world, Europe and America (ATV


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that he will continue to defend Serb interests regardless of all pressures from the international community. During his guest appearance for Una television, Dodik claimed that he still believes in the independence of Republika Srpska (RS) because B&H constantly shows incompetence. Dodik stated: “I only have one fear in politics, and that is that, when the conditions for our independence are created, I might sleep through that moment, or that I might not take advantage of it. That is why I am constantly searching. I am an eternal watchman on this issue. I know exactly now a constellation of relations that might coincide in the world, Europe and America. In that very moment, I will declare independence, if that happens”.


Sarrazin, Peach: B&H in most serious crisis since 1995 (Dnevni list


German Special Representative for Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin and UK Special Representative for Western Balkans Stuart Peach commented on the political situation in B&H in their text titled ‘Reconciliation and remembrance for better future’. The text reads that on the International Day of the Disappeared, B&H needs intensified attention from the international community and that the current political situation represents the most serious crisis in the country since 1995. The authors explain that some politicians in RS openly implement the policy of secession, others threaten with “territorial reorganization”, thus endangering the territorial integrity of the country. The text further reads that political elites prevent reforms at all levels thus undermining a more peaceful and prosperous life, as well as the future in the EU. Sarrazin and Peach further note that especially alarming is the fact that divisions along the ethnic lines are getting deeper, instead of overcoming them. They conclude that political and security foundations of peace in B&H must be preserved, adding that the OHR continues to have an important role in terms of this, just as EUFOR’s operation ALTHEA and NATO. The text also reads that Russia is trying to cause instability in Europe and with regard to this it is crucial that the Western Balkans strengthens its resilience in order to progress on the EU path. The authors note that as years long friends of the region, the UK and Germany together with the USA and other international partners are dedicated to providing support to peace and prosperity of the Western Balkans, offering of chances and hopes to generations that come. The authors added: “However, we must be clear that brighter future for all means resolving the legacy of the past. This includes reconciliation, securing justice to victims and the end to impunity for war crimes… It is especially important to call to account those who committed war crimes. Remembrance is very important. Looking at the past and learning from mistakes is foundation for moving forwards. For this reason, we believe that projects in this area are very important…”. Sarrazin and Peach further wrote: “The cooperation of the Western Balkan countries remains crucial and this cannot and must not be politicized. As friends and supporters of the Western Balkans, we commit ourselves to support the efforts of reconciliation all over the region and at an international level, including the Berlin Process. It is our collective responsibility to do all in our power to bring to victims of the conflicts justice, peace to their families and permanent reconciliation all over the region.”


Covic: HR Schmidt will have to impose a decision (Nova BH


After it was announced that the consultations between party representatives and High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt on changes to the Election Law of B&H and the Constitution of FB&H should continue, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said that Schmidt will have to impose a decision. "I expect that the High Representative in B&H, as he has already started to impose solutions, will finish the story and bring to the end the verdict of the Constitutional Court of B&H on the legitimate representation of the constituent nations when it comes to the House of People. He will have to make that decision," said Covic.


Komsic: Schmidt is under pressure and he will impose changes to B&H Election Law that benefit HDZ B&H (Hayat


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, asked about the invite of High Representative Christian Schmidt for consultations on changes to the B&H Election Law, said that the meeting takes place on Wednesday and members of DF Dzenan Djonlagic and Zlatan Begic will attend the consultations. Asked about the differences between the previous proposal of the 3% census and the possibility of increasing the number of delegates needed to appoint the Federation of B&H (FB&H) President, Komsic said that this is a tactic to satisfy the demands of HDZ B&H. He said that Schmidt is trying to affirm the position of HDZ B&H in any political constellation in the future. Asked about the statement of President of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic that Schmidt needs to impose changes to the B&H Election Law, Komsic said that Schmidt does not have to do this but one will see what he decides. Asked about the claims of Schmidt that he is under pressure, Komsic said that meetings of Schmidt with officials from neighbouring countries about the B&H Election Law represent meddling into the internal affairs of B&H. Asked about the statement of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic that Croats and Serbs in B&H need each other and that President of SNSD Milorad Dodik is an ally in this situation, Komsic said that he was not surprised by this statement and the axis between Dodik and Covic is present in B&H for a while, and this was now transferred to the relation Dodik and Croatian leadership. Asked whether he believes the ethnic and civic principles can be reconciled in B&H, Komsic said that he believes these two principles do not clash and B&H can be organized the same way that modern democracies are organized, where no one represents a majority. He said that the concept of ethnic organization of the state and society does not bring results and ends in conflict. Asked about the statement of President of ‘Justice and People’ (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic that he understands the preservation of the ethnic concept in the election system, Komsic said that Konakovic chose the ethnic side of the story in B&H and this is his right, but such a principle will continue to maintain conflict and paralyze the country. Asked whether B&H will ever become an EU member country, Komsic said that the EU demands everything that is the opposite of what Schmidt is trying to impose and what certain political leaders in B&H demand. He added that B&H cannot function within NATO with the current ethnically based leadership. Komsic said that the question is whether we will choose the old principle or changes to ensure the membership in these organizations. Asked whether the day will come when B&H citizens will elect one president, Komsic said that he believes this will happen and this is the only way that B&H will become a stable and secure country. Asked about the decision of Covic not to run as candidate for the B&H Presidency and whether he aims for the post of Chairman of Council of Ministers (CoM), Komsic said that he called on all candidates for the B&H Presidency to vow that they will not give the mandate to Covic. Asked about the decision of Dodik to blockade processes in B&H, Komsic said that Dodik continuously tries to convince Republika Srpska (RS) citizens that people from Sarajevo are their enemies, which is untrue. He fails to explain how certain decisions in Sarajevo are made and omits the fact that he blocks B&H projects, while claiming that Sarajevo blocks the development of the RS. Asked what the goal of Dodik is behind the decision not to run for B&H Presidency, Komsic said that he tells his goals very openly and his decision should not be taken lightly. He said that Dodik means it when he announces major political goals and his plan is to claim full control over the RS. Komsic assessed that things slipped out of his control while he was in the B&H Presidency and this is why he wants to return. Asked about the demand of the international community for politicians to reach an agreement, Komsic said that the issue is not the agreement, but what they need to agree on. He said that if an agreement needs to be reached regarding NATO, it is obsolete because it was already done. Komsic said that if the agreement needs to be the fulfilment of demands of HDZ B&H, then the question is why they would participate in this and the bottom line are the verdicts of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) and it is necessary to stick to this. Asked about the goals of Dodik and Covic, Komsic said that Dodik thinks he can declare independence but this will fail like it did 30 years ago. He added that Covic wants to keep B&H hostage with his blockades. Asked whether Schmidt should react to this, Komsic said that he does not believe Schmidt will react and it seems like the principles that apply in his country do not apply to B&H. Asked how important it was that Komsic and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic were in the B&H Presidency to preserve B&H, Komsic said that it is enough to imagine how it would look like if there were two members who are against B&H and who control the diplomatic network of B&H. He said that the relations in the B&H Presidency will remain in favor of B&H and this needs to be ensured in future election cycles.


Magazinovic: Schmidt should not impose any decisions at this moment (O Kanal


SDP B&H MP in the B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Sasa Magazinovic, spoke of possible changes to the Election Law of B&H and consultations that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt is expected to continue in the coming days. Magazinovic said he hopes Schmidt will “rise above the situation” and not allow himself to impose changes to the Election Law that will create further problems and divisions within B&H. Schmidt should let us complete our election campaign, Magazinovic points out, and adds that voters should be allowed to choose their leaders. Later on, if those leaders do not adopt changes to the Election Law – six months after the elections, as agreed, then Schmidt could react in some way, Magazinovic says. There are some political parties in B&H that would like to see Schmidt impose changes to the B&H Election Law and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) Constitution, so that they do not have to do anything, and for them to also collect a few cheap political points ahead of the elections. Magazinovic stated that some international community (IC) claims speak of Schmidt’s current behaviour being part of the continued implementation of the Mostar Agreement – signed by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic. If that is the case, then why would Izetbegovic say he is against imposed changes? Magazinovic believes this is all a part of a ‘show’ for the B&H’s public, when in fact, Izetbegovic wants the HR to impose the changes.


Forto and Cudic arrive in official visit to Ukraine as part of ALDE Party delegation (N1


Sarajevo Canton Prime Minister (SC PM) Edin Forto and representative in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sabina Cudic arrived in Kyiv on Tuesday as the first officials from B&H to pay an official visit to Ukraine since the start of Russia’s aggression against that country. N1 reports that Forto and Cudic are in Ukraine as members of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party delegation. During their multi-day visit, the delegation will hold a series of meetings, including the meetings in the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, and will visit war-affected regions in the country. Forto and Cudic stated they wanted to express their support to the country’s defense against Russia’s invasion. Cudic, emphasizing that she regrets that B&H officials did not visit Ukraine earlier, said: “If there is a city that understands Kyiv, what Ukraine is fighting against today, then that is Sarajevo, that is B&H”. Forto added that “if there is one thing that is completely clear, it is that the Ukrainian people already know that their struggle represents a struggle for democracy, a struggle for improving the lives of citizens, a struggle for everything that totalitarian nationalist regimes are fighting against”. “The moment they turned to their people, at that moment they were attacked. I think that this is a lesson that we in B&H should have learned earlier”, Forto concluded. Forto and Cudic via video link from Kyiv, comment on their first impressions of the situation in Ukraine. Cudic said that, immediately upon their arrival they attended meetings at the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense and the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, and are currently at the working dinner organized by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s political party. She went on to say the impression is that Kyiv “is a sad, but the city determined in its resistance”, and she and Forto stressed during the meetings that Sarajevo understands Kyiv’s specific position, including denial war crimes committed in Ukraine and the difficult path ahead Kyiv and the country. Cudic also said that Ukrainian senior officials stated “they were inspired by Sarajevo in their defense, and they also analyzed Sarajevo’s system of resistance and they expressed their satisfaction over us being the first officials to come, because, somehow, a logical question is raised, i.e. why no one from B&H and from Sarajevo came earlier”. Asked to what extent B&H’s experience during the aggression can help to Ukrainians, Cudic said a message “clearly conveyed by us” and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) Party was “to avoid mistakes B&H made in terms of lack of clear vision of its development after the war and to avoid mistakes related to corruption and abuse of the international financial assistance”, noting that one of the most important battles Ukraine is yet to face is to prove war crimes. “We talked about our experience with the Tribunal, proving the Srebrenica genocide. It is important to document those things and call them as they are. I would like to note that we are here with delegation of European senior officials and I use this opportunity to convey a clear message to them also - solutions cannot be imposed in B&H, B&H can export solutions, not only problems, and we certainly have something to offer at the table, in Brussels as well as in the capitals of Europe and the world. What NS want to do is to position B&H as the place of solutions, not conflicts, and we hope that one of those steps is cooperation with our partners from Ukraine”, said Cudic. Asked what other meetings are scheduled during their visit, Cudic said that due to security reasons “we were asked not to announce meeting or to disclose information”, however, after the meetings on Tuesday “we will inform you about conclusions”. Sabanovic reminded of Forto saying B&H leaders should have visited Ukraine and fate of the Western Balkans and relations in B&H are linked to the developments in Ukraine. Forto said it is very clear that developments in Ukraine are directly connected to everything happening in the Western Balkans, “especially in B&H, where Russia’s influence is among the strongest in Europe”. Forto stressed the importance of their visit to Ukraine “to convey a clear message that this is a fight between totalitarian and democratic regimes”. He went on to say that B&H is a small country that fought for its independence 30 years ago, however being with Ukrainian senior officials who know well what happened in B&H and understand the link between the two countries, “I think it is good we have come”. Asked what other meetings are scheduled during their visit, Forto said the delegation’s schedule is packed and a number of meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, however, given the situation “that can be changed at any moment, however we will gladly inform you about all meetings that take place tomorrow”.


Grlic Radman, Plenkovic wants HR Schmidt to use Bonn powers to secure equality of peoples in B&H (Dnevni list


Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman stated that Croatia expects from High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to use his Bonn powers in order to change the Election Law of B&H in order to secure equality of three constituent peoples. Grlic Radman made the statement on Monday after he and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic met with HR Schmidt to talk about the situation in B&H prior to the general election. Meeting took place on sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. Plenkovic, who wrote on Twitter: “We support his efforts to make B&H a more functional and stable country, in which Croatia wants that all three constituent peoples are equal.”


War Veterans Minister says Serbia not cooperating in search for war missing (Hina


War Veterans Minister Tomo Medved said in Vukovar on Tuesday, at a commemoration marking the National Day of Remembrance for people gone missing in the country's 1991-95 Homeland War and the International Day of the Disappeared, that there was no cooperation on Serbia's part in the search for the missing. Medved said that Serbia was not submitting information on the fate of persons gone missing in the Homeland War although it was completely clear that data on the whereabouts of the missing persons' remains could be found in Serbian archives. "I therefore again call on Serbia to face the fact that it carried out military aggression against Croatia and committed horrible crimes, and to open its archives and provide information on the whereabouts of the missing persons' remains so that we can speed up the process," Medved said. Asked by a reporter if the Croatian government was prepared to block Serbia's EU accession talks if its non-cooperation continued, the minister said that at the time when talks on policy chapters 23 and 24 were opened in Serbia's EU entry talks, Croatia made its conditions clear and that those conditions were still the same. "Those are cooperation in the search for missing persons, payment of compensation to former inmates of Serb-run concentration camps, and the withdrawal of the law on the so-called regional or universal jurisdiction... Those are not only Croatia's conditions but the EU's conditions as well," said Medved. He recalled that Croatia was still looking for 1,832 persons gone missing in the 1990s war. In the past six and a half years Croatia has made significant progress in that process, having established the fate of 221 missing persons, with exploratory exhumations being carried out on a daily basis, he said.


DPS: Two years since our country started to collapse, elections to be organized ASAP to change the worst govt ever in Montenegro (CdM


Two years have passed since the parliamentary elections and change of power in Montenegro and it’s the period of total darkness and decline of our country. Those who had been losers for many decades, after craving for state positions and finally getting them, proved that they knew nothing but to ruin and destroy what had been created for decades, the Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, states. We’ve witnessed, they add, the worst leadership of our country, which, since 30 August 2020, has become a political reflection of incapability, arrogance, ignorance and corrupt so-called “liberators”. “Until recently, Montenegro was an example of a functional Balkan country. Today, its institutions have been blocked.”


Mandic: DF ready to take responsibility for Montenegro and comply with undertaken international obligations (CdM


One of the leaders of the Democratic Front, DF, Andrija Mandic, stated earlier today that an interim cabinet, which would prepare elections, should be formed. He also noted that the DF was ready to take responsibility for Montenegro and comply with all undertaken international obligations. “I sent an invitation to all representatives of the parties which won in the elections in 2020 to meet on 2 September before the parliament’s session and make an agreement to execute power, as citizens expect us to do,” he told at the news conference. Mandic assesses that it’s time for talks, that they should find a solution so that citizens of Montenegro can be satisfied. On speculations and other proposals, such as the one suggesting that the Leader of the Bosniak Party, Ervin Ibrahimovic, might set up the minority government, he clearly says he wouldn’t back such a move.


Medojevic: In order to reset the winning majority, it is necessary for Abazovic and Djurovic to resign (CdM


In order to reset the political relations between the winners of the 30.08, in 2020, it is necessary for Dritan Abazovic and Danijela Djurovic to resign as holders of state positions that they acquired with the votes of the criminal organization DPS, announced the president of the Movement for Change and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front, Nebojsa Medojevic. "Dritan and Djurovic perform their functions based on the votes of the DPS. This is contrary to the electoral will of the citizens as of August 30, 2020. Their resignations would reset political relations and create the necessary preconditions for an agreement on the winner of the 2020 elections. These resignations would relax mutual relations of fear that someone could abuse power for a more favourable position in the campaign for the imminent elections," Medojevic believes. According to him, Abazovic and Djurovic should condition their resignations by reaching an agreement of at least 41 MPs on the mandate of a technical government that should prepare extraordinary elections, in which there will be no DPS and, as he says, satellites on which drug cartels have direct political influence. "Dritan and Danijela should use their example to show that the URA and the SNP value the interests of the citizens and the state of Montenegro more than their armchairs and that they are ready to contribute to the rehabilitation of the political system and the consolidation of democracy," Medojevic concluded.


Krivokapic: It is naive to expect that only the European Union has a policy of expansion into the Western Balkans (CdM


On the second day of the Bled Strategic Forum, which this year brought together 160 panelists from high politics, think tanks, free media and the civil sector, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ranko Krivokapic had a working breakfast with the heads of diplomacy of the Western Balkans, where they exchanged opinions on current developments in the region and the necessity of accelerating the dynamics of negotiations with the EU, it was announced from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The head of Montenegrin diplomacy also spoke on the panel entitled "The EU and the Western Balkans: Who is ready?". "The topic of our panel is the process of expansion to the Western Balkans. We have to wonder how many “types” of expansions are active in the region. Apart from the one whose gravity, fortunately, is the strongest – the European Union, we have at least two more. The war in Ukraine, unfortunately, strengthened two more types of so-called enlargement. "Third powers are using the war to use some countries of the Western Balkans to be a knife in the stomach of the European Union and NATO," said Krivokapic. According to him, the great Yugoslav writer Ivo Andric, while he was an ambassador in the League of Nations, asserted that Mussolini's, Hitler's and Stalin's systems were direct, aggressive and efficient, while democracies hesitated and made decisions with difficulty. "We can find ourselves in a similar problem now if we don't understand the dangers. The third type that wakes up in the shadow of the war in Ukraine are large-state projects that use instability, uncertainty and the influence of third powers for their repeatedly failed ill-fated intentions of redrawing the borders of the Serbian and Russian worlds," Krivokapic stated in his presentation. Together with Minister Krivokapic, the panel included the special envoy of the European Union for the Western Balkans Miroslav Lajcak, the special envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, the heads of diplomacy of the Republic of North Macedonia Bujar Osmani, B&H Bisera Turkovic and the Republic of Kosovo Donika Gervala Svarc participated in the panel, as well as the High Representative for B&H Christian Schmidt. At a separate meeting with the US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, the importance of the US presence in the Region and its contribution to solving outstanding problems, as well as new threats looming over the Balkans, was discussed together. The special envoy expressed the strong friendship and alliance of the United States of America with Montenegro with full commitment to preserving its leadership in European integration and ensuring the security guaranteed by the Euro-Atlantic alliance. Minister Krivokapic had a separate meeting with the special envoy of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom for the Western Balkans, Sir Stuart Peach. Krivokapic emphasized that the engagement of Sir Stuart Peach is highly appreciated in Montenegro and the countries of the region, and that it represents a statement of the United Kingdom's permanent commitment to preserving the stability and security of the Western Balkans. Minister Krivokapic also met in Bled with the head of diplomacy of Portugal, Joao Gomes Cravinho. On that occasion, the need for intensifying political contacts and exchange of visits at the highest level, with the aim of further improving friendly relations between Montenegro and Portugal, was jointly highlighted.


Lajcak: The EU is watching how Montenegro will find the compass lost two years ago; Escobar: There is no alternative to EU integration (CdM


The American special envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, said that there is no "alternative to European integration" and that EU helping the process is the only answer to the coming economic crisis. Escobar said on the panel of the Bled Strategic Forum, which brings together leaders of the region and other European countries, that the EU must do a lot to simplify the process. "But much more work must be done by the state governments on their side to make the integration process possible, while some states fail to fulfil their obligations at all," he said. Escobar said that the only answer to the coming economic crisis is the economic integration of the region and that he supports every initiative of that type, including the "Open Balkans" initiative. "We don't need a new integration strategy. We need to invest twice as much energy in the implementation of the strategy we have now", said the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State on the panel "The European Union and the Western Balkans: Who is ready". The EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and other regional issues of the Western Balkans, Miroslav Lajcak, said that the EU is definitely ready for the countries of that region. "The momentum is there and the states know exactly what is expected of them. It is very important for Serbia that the EU sees progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," said Lajcak. He said that the EU is watching how the elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) will go and how the institutions will be formed, and that Montenegro will "find the compass that it lost two years ago." "B&H has the worst migration in the region. But people are not leaving because of the multi-ethnic composition of the country. People are leaving because of corruption, which is widespread in the region," said Lajcak. The High Representative for B&H, Christian Schmidt, said that now that the Western Balkans is in a situation of strategic conflict, the EU must do a lot of institutional work on its side to facilitate integration. “I would like to see a change in the political culture in the states. Integration must come from the people and not only from the law. This is the key to creating peace," he said. Schmidt said that the region does not need another Dayton Agreement, but that people in B&H love each other and take the initiative by deciding what needs to be done. "All six countries of the Western Balkans should focus on their relationship with the EU. In the second plan is regional exchange, where it is necessary to reduce the number of problems that slow it down", said Schmidt. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora of Kosovo, Donika Gervala, stated that the main question for the Balkans is whether the EU is really ready to defend its values and fight for its principles. "There are more well-prepared countries in the Balkans that are ready to fully identify with European values and those that are not. The EU should immediately open its doors to the prepared ones," said Gervala. B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic started her presentation at the opening of the panel with the proverb "we will do it, we will do it easily" and added that if the EU does not want something, it will always look for preconditions to keep the country in front of the entrance. "We did not get candidate status, we did not meet the requirements. My question is whether Ukraine or Moldova has fulfilled the conditions," said Turkovic.


VMRO-DPMNE confirms that active blockade continues, they will not go to coordination with Xhaferi (MIA


VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary group will continue its active blockade of parliament, but will not block legislation of interest to the citizens, the party whip or other representatives of the party will not attend parliamentary coordination meetings with speaker Talat Xhaferi, VMRO-DPMNE’s parliamentary whip, Nikola Micevski, told MIA on Tuesday. The opposition in the parliament will request information about the spending of money by the institutions related to the crisis situation. Micevski did not even attend yesterday’s first coordination with Xhaferi and his colleagues from other parliamentary groups after the collective vacation, and he explained his absence by accusing that the speaker of the parliament did not adhere to what was agreed and changed the decisions based on the agreements with representatives from the ruling majority.


Mickoski meets Felix Schreiner, member of the German Bundestag (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE leader, Hristijan Mickoski, together with the vice-president of VMRO-DPMNE, Aleksandar Nikoloski, met Tuesday with the member of the German Bundestag, Felix Schreiner from CDU, which is a sister party of VMRO-DPMNE within the EPP. Felix Schreiner is also the chairman of the Committee on Economy and Sustainable Development of the German Bundestag. At the meeting they discussed the economic and energy crisis in Macedonia. The VMRO-DPMNE leader pointed out that the government, through the occupied institutions, betrayed the economy, business and directly the citizens of Macedonia. Instead of a plan, support and strategy to help the economy and business, the government offered a new energy crisis. Unfortunately, the government does not make any efforts to find solutions to help the citizens and the business sector to overcome the current crises in the country, explained Mickoski at the meeting. Mickoski also pointed out during the meeting that Macedonia is moving in a bad direction with this government. Macedonia will start moving in the right direction only with early parliamentary elections, which should take place as soon as possible, he said.


Szijjarto: Europe will have new strategic problems if it does not integrate the Western Balkan countries (Republika


New problems await us if the EU does not integrate the Western Balkans, says Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Szijjarto. Europe will experience new strategic problems if it does not succeed in the integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, said Szijjarto. He said that the Western narrative about the conflict in Ukraine is not the same in countries outside of Europe and North America. The Hungarian minister says that it is a kind of strategic defeat for Europe and points out that it is therefore crucial that Europe achieve peace in its environment as soon as possible. Regarding the EU, he says that the bigger it is, the stronger it is.


Rama meets his Slovenian counterpart, Golob (Radio Tirana


Prime Minister Edi Rama is in Slovenia, where he participated in the Bled Strategic Forum, a project of the Slovenian government, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia and the Center for European Perspective. Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting today with the Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia, Robert Golob. Rama shared on social networks footage from the meeting with Golob in Bled, Slovenia. Prime Minister Rama was part of the Leaders' Panel, which this year had as its discussion topic "The rule of power or the power of rule." The future of the EU and the multilateral system of international relations" - where European leaders, such as the president of the Republic of Slovenia, Borut Pahor, the Prime Minister of Croatia, Andrej Plenkovic, the president of the European Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, etc., will discuss on the topic, moderated by Ali Aslan, journalist and TV presenter in Germany. The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, also addressed the forum online. The forum takes place every year at the end of summer, as an inclusive platform with a diverse participation of personalities from the fields of politics, diplomacy, economy, private and public sector and academics, who come together to discuss the main challenges in the 21st century. The purpose of the Forum is to encourage participating actors to discuss and exchange ideas and find innovative solutions to regional and global challenges.