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Belgrade Media Report 12 October 2022



Vucic speaks with Blinken (RTS/Politika/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday about three key topics - the Kosovo and Metohija issue and the US administration's desire for its soonest possible resolution, Belgrade's relationship with Russia and diversification of Serbia's energy sources. Blinken informed Vucic of a necessity of an agreement with Pristina being reached quickly, and Vucic presented Serbia's positions, the presidential press office said in a statement.


Improving bilateral cooperation, political dialogue with Slovenia (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic talked on Tuesday with Special Envoy of Slovenia to the Western Balkans Anzej Franges about the situation in the region, process of European integration and political dialogue between the two countries at all levels. Brnabic stated that even despite all the challenges that we are facing, the EU remains our strategic priority, and underlined that in terms of values, the partnership with the EU is of exceptional importance. She emphasized that Serbia deeply believes in the continuation of reform processes that are crucial for building a better society for our citizens. She underlined that in the last two mandates of the Serbian government, significant progress was achieved in the area of the rule of law, in which reforms will be continued in the future mandate. When it comes to the economic situation, she assessed that the field of energy is, at the moment, the biggest global challenge and that the further growth of the economy is conditioned by the energy situation, so, accordingly, energy projects will be at the very top of the priorities for the future Serbian government. Franges said that Slovenia's position is that the European path of Serbia and the Western Balkans has no alternative and that this country will provide all the necessary help and support on that path.

When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Brnabic pointed out that Belgrade remains committed to finding a solution and continuing the talks, but that even after almost ten years since the signing of the Brussels agreement, there has been no progress in the implementation of what was agreed on from the Pristina side, especially when it comes to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. At the meeting, it was assessed that the current level of bilateral relations between our countries is extremely good and that there is a willingness on both sides to maintain the current dynamics of cooperation.


Orlic with Escobar, Donfried in Washington (N1)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met in Washington with US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Karen Donfried and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. “Enhancing relations between the two countries was discussed during a meaningful and constructive talk,” said a press release issued by the Serbian parliament. Orlic and the US officials agreed that it is in the common interest to intensify bilateral cooperation in all areas.


Orlic: Serbia-US relations improving (VoA/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbia-US relations are very good and getting better over time, Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlic, who is visiting Washington, has told the Voice of America in an interview.

Orlic said further advancement of relations with the US across the broadest spectrum of subjects and areas was a strategic commitment and a foreign policy priority for Serbia. He said progress in the areas of the economy and bilateral trade, as well as improved political dialogue and the fact his trip to Washington was his first visit abroad since the formation of Serbia's current parliament, demonstrated the firmness of that commitment. He said efforts in that regard included plans to establish a strategic dialogue as a new framework for Serbia-US ties, which he said he expected to become even more substantial in the future. He noted that Serbia's position on the Ukraine crisis had been aligned with international law and the principle of respect of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states since the very outset. "We have been fully consistent and clear on that issue as well. That said, the Republic of Serbia, of course, asks the following question: What about the sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country? Because, as is known, not everyone respects it. Those who have decided to recognize the so-called Kosovo violated those principles in the case of Serbia, and completely rightly, Serbia is entitled to ask such a question because it has a clear and principled position and respects it consistently whatever country in the world may be concerned," Orlic said. He said Serbia's pro-European commitment was undeniable and that it was its "number one strategic commitment". Speaking about potential Serbian sanctions on Russia, Orlic said Serbia would "always be governed by its vital, state and national interests, enshrined in the conclusions of the National Security Council of the Republic of Serbia". "And those interests do not include participation in a sanctions regime, and an explanation as to why this is the case has been provided as well. Therefore, that is just our attitude towards someone who is supporting our territorial sovereignty and territorial integrity by not recognizing the so-called Kosovo, and that support is also reflected at UN Security Council level. That is also our attitude towards very specific practical reasons and needs of our people," Orlic said. Serbia is no exception in that regard, Orlic said, noting that EU member states had exempted themselves from the bloc's sanctions on Russia on several occasions, citing specific needs and vital interests. He also said a Serbia-Russia agreement on consultations between foreign ministries, signed on the sidelines of a recent UN General Assembly session in New York, was a technical document without political relevance.

Commenting on an alleged offer to Serbia to accept the so-called Kosovo's admission to the UN and allow it to join international institutions in exchange for EU membership and economic incentives, Orlic said a recognition of the so-called Kosovo by Serbia was out of the question.


Petkovic again banned from visiting province (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija stated that Office Head Petar Petkovic was prohibited today by the authorities of the interim institutions of authority in Pristina from visiting the province and attending the enthronement of Serbian Patriarch Porfirije in the Patriarchate of Pec. The statement reads that this is the tenth time that the authorities in Pristina, led by Albin Kurti, demonstrate force and self-will and prohibit Petkovic from visiting the southern Serbian province. The Office Head respected all the official agreements and announced his visit and the attendance of the Patron Saint’s Day celebration of the Patriarchate of Pec Monastery. For Thursday, he was scheduled to attend the event “Moravian Days” in Gornje Kusce. However, Pristina authorities did not let Petkovic enter Kosovo and Metohija this morning and thus broke all the agreements and showed that no European values, agreements reached, or the process of normalization of relations have any meaning to them whatsoever and that they only want to create crises and tension. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija will inform Brussels, as the guarantor of respect of the Brussels agreement, of this brutal violation of the agreement, as well as of the violation of religious freedom. The Office will also inform other international actors who are trying with all their might to present the so-called Kosovo as an oasis of democracy, whereas in reality there is the violation of official agreements, demonstration of force and the violation of basic human rights of Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija.


Popovic: Serbia acting in accordance with law in case of war crimes on Petrovacka Cesta road (Beta/Politika)


Serbia will remain committed to processing war crimes regardless of ethnicity, religion or status of the perpetrator or the victim, Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic has said. Speaking at the opening of a Regional conference of public prosecutors on cooperation in processing war crimes, Popovic stressed that Serbia’s position was that every war crime had to be punished adequately regardless of who had committed it, adding that therefore the countries in the region had to undertake the same steps. Popovic noted that representatives of the Croatian State Attorney’s Office had been invited, but did not show up at the conference, which was attended by representatives of judicial bodies from across the region. She also mentioned the statements by Croatian top officials implying that the accused for bombing a column of refugees on the Petrovacka Cesta road in 1995 would not be held accountable for this war crime. “Such statements are at odds with all standards of international humanitarian law... In this case, Serbian bodies have been acting in accordance with competences defined by law. I am sure that the indictment brought in this case is based on solid evidence which provides reasonable grounds that the accused committed the crimes they are charged with,” the Minister specified.


Popovic meets with Brammertz (Tanjug)


Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic met with the Chief Prosecutor of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Serge Brammertz in Belgrade on Tuesday. Brammertz is in Belgrade for a regional conference of public prosecutors on cooperation in war crimes prosecution. Popovic and Brammertz discussed further cooperation between the IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor and the relevant Serbian judicial authorities, as well as regional cooperation in war crimes prosecution, the Serbian Ministry of Justice said in a statement.


PACE adopts resolution calling for more support to EU future of Western Balkans (Beta)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday adopted a resolution calling on the EU to give new impetus to the enlargement process to the Western Balkans, and also calling on the Western Balkan countries “to address without delay the outstanding challenges.” The resolution was adopted at a plenary session in Strasbourg, with 134 votes for and three against, while three MEPs abstained from voting. The Resolution says that strengthening democratic resilience and respecting the rule of law and human rights, promoting reconciliation and good neighborly ties, as well as creating conditions for strong economic and social growth represent geostrategic investment in peace, stability and democratic security for the whole of Europe. PACE, according to the document, firmly believes that support to Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, and Kosovo in meeting their aspirations of closer EU integration is important not only for these countries, but also for Europe, and will be beneficial to all European citizens. The Resolution also says “it is imperative not to lose focus of the Western Balkans,” and calls on the Western Balkan countries to address without delay the challenges, such as a polarized political climate, serious problems in the rule of law and good governance which have unfavorable impacts on independence and impartiality of the judiciary and functioning of public administration, issues relating to rights of national minorities and minority communities, and problems with freedom of the media and ownership of media outlets. For the first time, a Kosovo delegation was granted the right to take part in a debate in PACE on Tuesdau. A member of the Kosovo parliament, Saranda Bogujevci, expressed hope that Kosovo would soon obtain the right to fully participate in the Council of Europe, stressing that Kosovo had no other future but in the EU.


Milivojevic: Introducing sanctions to Russia means loss of Kosovo (N1)


The eventual decision of the authorities in Serbia to join the EU sanctions against Russia would not only represent the introduction of sanctions but would also mean the loss of Kosovo since without Russia’s vote in the UN Security Council, there cannot be the preservation of Kosovo as part of Serbia, estimated political analysts Cvijetin Milivojevic on Tuesday, N1 reports. The increasing political pressures from the West and the announcements of “punishing” Serbia because of its relation towards Moscow, primarily through the departure of investors and the blockade of the pre-accession negotiations with the EU are not, according to Milivojevic, sufficient reason for Serbia to renounce 17 percent of its territory and formally recognize the independence of Kosovo. “If Serbia is militarily neutral, it must not take the side of either the Russians or the side of NATO. The introduction of sanctions is a direct entering into war since NATO is also in Ukraine,” Milivojevic said for N1 TV. “The greatest damage would be to lose 17 percent of the territory. According to the data of the World Bank, there are on Kosovo available ore deposits in the value of several hundred billion euros. About 51 percent of the land belongs to the state of Serbia, the Serbian Orthodox Church. If you were to turn this into money, it would be worth hundreds of billions of euros,” Milivojevic said.




B&H CEC orders control recount of votes at 45 polling stations (BNTV)


The Central Election Commission of B&H (B&H CEC) decided on Tuesday that ballots will be recounted at 45 regular polling stations. The recount will take place in the main center for counting in Sarajevo. The counting will be done for the B&H parliament at 11 polling stations, for the FB&H parliament at 14 polling stations, for the RS parliament at three polling stations and cantonal assemblies at 17 polling stations. The irregularities registered on these polling stations were cases where individual candidates received more votes than the party they represented, which is not possible. The recount will begin on Thursday at 15:30. The B&H CEC stated that they need to give an answer to the high number of reported irregularities in order to return trust into the public. Member of the B&H CEC Irena Hadziabdic said that this is necessary to either confirm doubts about irregular counting or to determine the actual result. She stressed that if the polling station committees and local election commissions do not do their job according to the law, the B&H CEC cannot determine the results of elections. Member of the B&H CEC Zeljko Bakalar said that they are carrying a stigma since elections in Mostar in 2020. He stressed that back then they were unable to order the recount of ballots, but now they can and must do this.


Dodik says SNSD will not accept repeated elections for RS President because that would represent undermining of RS (RTRS)


SNSD leader Milorad Dodik stated after a session of the SNSD Executive Committee in Banja Luka on Tuesday that the B&H CEC has undermined the right of legal proceeding, i.e. the appeal, by its decision to order recount of the ballots for the RS President, which is why SNSD has filed individual lawsuits against B&H CEC members. He stressed that SNSD will not accept the repeated elections for the RS President because that would represent undermining of the RS. Dodik told the press conference after the session that B&H CEC member Vanja Bjelica-Prutina met with SDS leader Mirko Sarovic over the past days and she was instructed how to work, adding that it is well-know that B&H CEC President Suad Arnautovic is “an anti-Serb who works against the RS as he believes that the RS is a genocidal formation”. He warned that Arnautovic will do his best to inflict damage to the RS. Dodik concluded that the main goal is to destabilize the RS, which is a decades-long aspiration of political Sarajevo and foreigners. He stressed that a brutal attack on the RS is on stage and SNSD only defends the RS – not the party itself or its leader Milorad Dodik. Dodik stated that the RS opposition's main argument for their complaint is the alleged election theft at 34 polling stations where PDP's candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic won zero votes in the elections, but they did not count 51 polling stations in the RS where Dodik won zero votes. Dodik asked what one should think about preliminary results of the elections published on the official page of the B&H CEC. Dodik said that data on the website was the same as the one they received. He said that the recount serves to bring in new bags with ballots, for which they have indications, and to claim that something was done wrongly in the RS. Dodik said that this will be used as an argument to redo elections, but the Executive Committee agreed that this will not happen and their institutions will not conduct elections. He said that the B&H CEC does not have the right to do this and they violated every law. Dodik said that they will do everything for the RS to protect it and what is important for it. He called all people to inform themselves about the events and to learn the truth. Dodik said that the decision of B&H CEC to move the recount to the central headquarters in Sarajevo means that they indicate something was not done right in the RS and they took away their sovereignty. Dodik underlined that SNSD and its coalition partners remain united in their stance that the elections were fair and that the CEC’s decision on the recount is illegal.


Cvijanovic: B&H CEC has corrected itself by modifying Monday’s illegal order for recount of votes (ATV/RTRS)


Outgoing RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic stated on Tuesday that the B&H CEC has corrected itself by modifying Monday’s “illegal order” for a recount of votes for elections for RS President. Cvijanovic wrote on her Instagram account: "What kind of amateurs are sitting in an institution that is supposed to be a mirror of professionalism! Elected without a vacancy, they came from the party benches, they said that they cannot do what the opposition is asking of them because it is illegal, and then after three days they still passed an illegal order.” Cvijanovic pointed out that SDS leader Mirko Sarovic told his opposition colleagues at the protests on Sunday, 9 October, what the illegal order passed by the CEC on Monday would be like. "Did someone arrange this with Sarovic in advance or was he ‘just’ informed in advance?" asked Cvijanovic. Cvijanovic told the press that SNSD is not afraid of the ballot recount, but B&H CEC’s manipulations are disputable because the decision to order recount of the ballots for the RS President was passed contrary to the law.  She warned that such a decision was passed through the cooperation between the RS opposition and foreigners and based on media headlines, which cannot be relevant. Cvijanovic reminded that the election of B&H CEC members was illegitimated in the first place because they have not met the vacancy procedure, noting that SNSD has been warning of that for two years now. She said that all the latest developments are part of a plan prepared in advance by the RS opposition because they knew from the start that they will lose the elections.


Representatives of opposition in RS hold press conference in Belgrade in relation to irregularities in electoral process, state their goal is repeating elections and prosecuting all involved in electoral fraud (FTV/RTRS)


After SNSD leader Milorad Dodik held a press conference in Belgrade on Monday, the opposition in the RS addressed the public in Belgrade on Tuesday, conveying a message their goal is not PDP Vice President and candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic’s victory, but repeating elections due to numerous irregularities in the electoral process and prosecution of persons responsible for vote rigging. Addressing the press conference, PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said: “Today, we have come to our Serbia to say the RS is not Milorad Dodik and that the RS today is the least Milorad Dodik, and to openly say to all of you here that is a man who comes here primarily to brutally lie to you.” PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic said that the public in Serbia is interested in developments in the RS “which is absolutely natural and normal, it would not be normal if it was different. That is why we are here today, there is no other motive for that”. SDS Vice President Milan Radovic said the reason for the opposition addressing the public in Serbia is Dodik presenting lies at the press conference on Monday. “He presented his opinion he is the RS President. We have come here today to say that is not true until final election results are determined’’. The reporter comments that now that we have determined why a press conference should be held in Belgrade, we can turn to the essence of the press conference. Borenovic said that the data obtained by the opposition show retailoring citizens’ will “over 65,000 votes, i.e. over ten per cent of those who voted in elections”. Trivic said: “Vote rigging was not done to me; it was done to the citizens of the RS. And the vote rigging was not only at the level of the RS President, but at all levels, but it was key for the RS President given the fact who my opponent was and that it was attempt to save his political career there’’. She went on to say the issue is not who will be the RS President, but if the RS will continue to be “a mafia state’’ or it will finally be a legal state, reminding of vote rigging in the 2014 and 2018 elections, and noting that “we are perhaps more determined than ever to persevere in this, to get to the bottom of this’’. The reporter notes that Trivic, i.e. “ill-fated RS President”, said getting to the bottom of the situation means repeating elections, but more importantly, prosecuting and sanctioning all involved in electoral fraud. Borenovic stated that the ultimate goal of the opposition in the RS is to repeat the elections for the RS President. He stressed that B&H CEC has made an important institutional step through its decision, based on which further steps will be made and could lead to recount of the ballots for all levels of authority in the RS or possibly to new elections. RTRS reminded that Borenovic, Trivic and Radovic did not offer concrete answer to reporters’ questions about the opposition’s ties with (High Representative) Christian Schmidt and B&H CEC staff, noting that they also failed to explain how come that the election theft happened only to Trivic or to comment on the fact that Dodik won zero votes at 51 polling stations. Representatives of the RS opposition opened the press conference by showing video footages published by BNTV which they used as a basis and proof to file with B&H CEC the ballot recount request, including a video footage showing how ballots were set on fire in Doboj. Borenovic commented on the claims of Dodik that there were polling stations where he received 0 votes and he does not understand why Trivic is complaining about receiving 0 votes. He said that the 51 polling stations where Dodik received 0 votes are ones with a Bosniak majority and Both him and Trivic received mostly zero votes, while three candidates for RS Vice President from the Bosniak people received all of the votes. Borenovic added that this cannot be compared with the case of Trivic, who received 137 votes in the village where her mother originates from, but the official record says she received 0. He stressed that Dodik is using these statistics to create a false image and deceive voters. Addressing the press conference, Trivic admitted that she wants annulling of the elections and said: “I cannot ask for annulling if I do not have any evidence for that. In order to get evidence, it is necessary to open the bags (with ballots).” Trivic noted that the final goal is to annul the elections. Asked if they will ask for repeating of elections if the recount ends up in her favor, Trivic replied that this is only hypothetical at the moment but she added: “I honestly do not believe that the recount will confirm me as the President. I believe that a large number of irregularities will be confirmed and that it will result in qualifying the whole election process as making no sense.” With regard to the journalists’ comments that the B&H CEC violated the Election Law of B&H when passing the order on the recount of votes for RS President and that political pressure was exerted on CEC members, Trivic noted that it is the opposition’s right to exert pressure to recount the votes.


Embassies of US and UK, EUD and OSCE Mission welcome CEC’s decision (Al Jazeera Balkans)


The Embassies of the US and the UK, the EU Delegation (EUD) and the OSCE Mission in B&H welcomed on Tuesday the decision of the B&H CEC to investigate possible electoral irregularities in the elections for the President of the RS and quickly conduct a recount of votes. “Electoral fraud is a direct attack on the structure of a democratic society. We fully support the CEC and their authority to take any additional accountability measures to ensure the integrity and transparency of elections. We call on all parties to respect the legal procedure until the CEC completes the recount," states the joint statement of these institutions.


Krivic calls on B&H CEC to order recount for all authority levels (Avaz)


SBB B&H’s candidate for B&H parliament Anes Krivic posted on his Facebook a statement concerning decision of B&H CEC for recounting of votes for RS President. “Why is CEC instructing recounting of votes for the post of RS President if the fact is that the percentage of invalid ballots for B&H parliament in the FB&H is 9.57%, for FB&H parliament 7.78% and for cantonal assemblies in the FB&H 6.67%?! Only for the cantonal assemblies in the FB&H the percentage of invalid i.e. stolen votes amounts to 62,310 which is almost twice as high when compared to invalid votes for RS President, because of which B&H CEC reached a decision about recounting,” wrote Krivic. He noted that current numbers show that stealing of votes was at much higher level, adding that they are aware that the regime on two occasions stole the votes for election of Bosniak member of B&H Presidency.


HRS to demand recount of votes in HNC, WHC and Canton 10 (FTV)


The Croat Republican Party (HRS) representatives expressed their satisfaction over their election results, but not over electoral process, claiming “their votes were stolen’’ in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton (HNC), the Western Herzegovina Canton (WHC) and the Canton 10. FTV reports that addressing a press conference, HRS representatives have stated that despite obstacles and attacks from all sides, including from Croatia, they are satisfied with their election results that show they have achieved their goal. Head of HRS City Board in Mostar Silvio Bubalo said HRS will be in the Posavina Canton, Canton 10, WHC assemblies and the HNC assembly “where we, based on the current situation, have the third mandate, but we will probably lose it by some miracle”. FTV reports that HRS representatives stated that only in Mostar 900 their votes “were stolen’’, directly accusing OSCE Mission to B&H over poor observation mission and the Office of the High Representative (OHR) for imposing changes in electoral process without effective mechanism for verification of voters’ signatures. “Whether by finger print scanning or ballot scanning, because this way, the whole electoral process was handed over to the ruling political parties that abused it, probably to the greatest extent so far,” said HRS leader Slaven Raguz. FTV reports that due to well-founded suspicion on electoral fraud, HRS announced they will request from the B&H CEC to order recount of ballot from individual polling stations that may potentially influence the final election results. HRS Vice President Slaven Bevanda said if the ballot recount and control of signatures show “voters’ signatures were forged, under Article 2.10 of the B&H Election Law, the B&H CEC is obliged to annul elections on that polling station. This has been done before”.


Leaders of FB&H opposition parties agree that they will start negotiations on formation of authorities (BHT1)


The meeting of the leaders of the opposition parties in the FB&H, led by SDP B&H, resulted in an agreement in principle that they will start negotiations on the formation of the authorities after the program principles are established and presented. The majority supports the idea that the authorities will not be formed with SDA, and that HDZ B&H is an “unavoidable factor”. Negotiations and agreements on the formation of the authorities after the elections have officially begun. The first to sit down were the leaders of the opposition parties who jointly supported the candidacy of Denis Becirovic as a member of the B&H Presidency. There were no parties at the table that did not cross the electoral threshold – SBB B&H, BPS, ‘Stranka penzionera’ and ‘Prva mostarska partija’, but they provide support. Leaders said on Tuesday that they will act in a united way, and they also revealed their first demands. “We are asking for an urgent, precise clarification of the High Representative's decision when the House of Peoples is in question. We agree and join the requests that the B&H CEC does not assign mandates until the decision of the High Representative is defined. After the preliminary results are announced, the process of recounting the ballots for all levels of authorities will begin”, said SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic during a press conference. They are asking for the counting of ballots, as they stated, due to significant abuses of the election process, and they are also asking for an analysis of invalid ballots, which are almost 500,000. An inevitable topic was the formation of the authorities and the verification of possible capacities for this. The bloc of opposition parties will act as a single entity in the negotiations, with clear program principles and measures, and the positions are already known - cooperation with SDA is unacceptable for the majority, HDZ B&H is an inevitable factor in the formation of the authorities, while DF is not a necessary partner, but there is room for negotiations.


Covic calls on international community to help in formation of authorities in B&H as soon as possible (BHT1/Nova BH)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic sent letters to several international officials, thanking them for their support for B&H and the processes connected to holding of elections. He added that, while he is waiting for the final election results, he is ready for political and program cooperation with all political parties and representatives that received the support of their people, with the goal of forming authorities on all levels as soon as possible. Covic stated that once again, retrograde politics and destructive election strategies have once again out shadowed the processes which are changing B&H and leading the country towards EU and NATO membership. He underlined that such retrograde policies which have been obvious for the past two decades have brought nothing but stalemate, frustration and disappointment of citizens. he also underlined that the fact that Bosniaks have elected the Croat member of B&H Presidency for the fourth time and thus outvoted the political will of the Croat people undermines the trust between Bosniaks and Croats in the FB&H.


Komsic requests constitutionality review of amendments to FB&H Constitution imposed by HR Schmidt (FTV)


B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic has submitted request to the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) for constitutionality review of the amendments to the FB&H Constitution imposed by High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt. “With his imposed decisions, on the night the citizens of B&H voted, the HR directly attacked the integrity of the electoral process by defrauding the voters, who would have voted differently if they had known about the new electoral rules, and political parties and other election participants, who would certainly offer different election lists, adapted to these new rules. Additionally, the HR directly attacked democracy in B&H in such a way that he misled all the voters in their intention to elect their representatives to the legislative authorities, especially to the houses of the peoples who are elected indirectly through the cantonal assemblies,” reads Komsic’s request. FTV reports that in his request, Komsic also stated that with the decision to use two censuses for formation of legislative and executive authorities in the FB&H, HR Schmidt “set a precedent and brought all the citizens of B&H into a state of legal uncertainty”, especially  for the reason that by introducing the last census, i.e. the 2013 Census, HR Schmidt  informally declared the end of Annex 7 to the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) or the return of all displaced persons to their pre-war homes, thereby entering a very dangerous and delicate area of possible acceptance of the results of ethnic cleansing. “With his decision, the HR reduced the previously achieved level of BH citizens’ rights, that is also unacceptable and legally impossible. Finally, with its formula 1, 3, 5, 7, 9… (that is actually the method for allocating mandates and cannot be used for other purposes) the HR formalized discrimination in the worst possible way, because in this new system, the citizens of BiH as individuals would have greater or lesser value, depending on their place of residence,” reads Komsic’s request. Komsic also wrote to the B&H CEC not to assign mandates based on HR Schmidt’s decision until the B&H CC finalizes the procedure and decides on constitutionality of HR Schmidt’s decisions.


Covic and Plenkovic discuss formation of government (Al Jazeera Balkans)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic met with HDZ Croatia leader and Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic on Tuesday. Covic and Plenkovic discussed the importance of a fast formation of authorities, following the general elections in B&H. Covic and Plenkovic warned that Bosniaks committed electoral engineering and re-elected Zeljko Komsic as the Croat member of the B&H Presidency. The two officials assessed that this is not good for functionality of B&H. They welcomed High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt’s decision to amend the Election Law and the Constitution of the FB&H as a decision that contributes to stability and improvements in the state as well as to legitimate representation in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP).


Stoltenberg: EUFOR's mandate in B&H should be extended (BHT1)


“We are following the situation in the Western Balkans very carefully”, said Jens Stoltenberg, NATO Secretary General in Brussels on Tuesday, ahead of the two-day meeting of defense ministers of NATO member countries. Given that a UN decision on extending the mandate of the ALTHEA mission is expected in November, Stoltenberg did not want to say in advance what their reaction would be if Russia vetoed the extension of that mandate. “I will not guess whether the mandate of the ALTHEA mission will be extended or not, but I must say that it is not in anyone’s interest that the mandate is not renewed because the presence of the EU and the support of NATO helps to solve the challenges that B&H is facing. There are many concerns and many challenges that we all face, but if you reduce the international presence or ALTHEA in B&H, then it can only make the existing difficult situation even more difficult”, the Secretary General of NATO pointed out at the press conference.


Abazovic meets Parolin and Gallagher (


Pope Francis received in audience, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic, who subsequently met with Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, accompanied by Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with States and International Organizations. PM Abazovic stressed that he was pleased that Montenegro and the Holy See mark the 945th anniversary of diplomatic correspondence and cooperation, which speaks not only of tradition, but also of the importance that Montenegro attaches to relations with the Holy See. He reminded that our country signed the first Concordat back in the time of King Nikola, emphasizing that Catholic believers are respected citizens of Montenegro. He pointed out that he is proud of the fact that Montenegro is truly multi-confessional and multi-ethnic country, in which all religious communities enjoy equal rights. He stressed that Montenegro is an example of promoting good neighborly relations, regional stability and civilizational achievements.

During the cordial discussions in the Secretariat of State, appreciation was expressed for the good existing bilateral relations and the intention to develop further collaboration in sectors of mutual interest. Furthermore, the positive contribution of the Catholic community to Montenegrin society was highlighted. Attention then turned to the domestic situation of the country, emphasizing the need for inclusive dialogue between all political actors for the common good of Montenegro. Finally, some regional issues were considered, including the situation of the Western Balkan countries and their accession to the European Union.


Djukanovic and 10 other Presidents: Russia to stop attacks on Ukraine, the nuclear threat unacceptable (CdM)


Presidents of Montenegro, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania and Slovakia condemn Russian bombardment on the Ukrainian cities, which are war crimes according to international law. “On behalf of our countries, we demand Russia to immediately withdraw from all the occupied territories. We won’t stop with our efforts to bring those responsible for today’s crimes to justice. We consider Russia’s nuclear threat unacceptable. In this context, we reiterate our commitment to protecting our countries and Allies,” the Presidents said in a statement.


IMF upgrades economic forecast for Montenegro (MINA)


In its October report, the International Monetary Fund, IMF, has envisaged the Montenegrin economy is going to rise by 7.2% this year. In April this year, it said the Montenegrin gross domestic product was going to increase by 3.8% for this year. In the latest October report, primarily focusing on the fight against the crisis caused by the costs of living, it’s suggested that the Montenegrin GDP would go up by 2.5% next year. It’s somewhat lower compared to the April forecast envisaging a 4.2% rise of GDP. IMF experts stick to their estimation when it comes to the growth of Montenegrin economy in 2027, that is, according to them, it’d go up by 3%, just like they said back in April.


EU membership a historic chance that mustn’t be missed, says Kovachevski on National Uprising Day (All media)


We need to join the EU so as to ensure that our country is developing according to the democratic principles and standards. But, the European Union also needs us as a stabilizing factor in the Western Balkans. This historic chance shouldn’t and mustn’t be missed, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said at a ceremony in Kumanovo on Tuesday marking National Uprising Day. It is vital, according to him, the country to accelerate the EU integration process because full-fledged membership into the Union is being on the right side. “Present generations and this progressive political leadership of the country are faced with this choice. The government and myself as prime minister are prepared to lead the way to becoming full-fledged member of the EU all the while protecting the national and state interests,” stressed Kovachevski addressing the central event, held this year under the motto “Always on the Right Side”. According to him, to be on the right side today in the midst of the global context of developments is to help provide safe and economic progress and living standards. “European progress of the country is the right side,” the PM underlined. “I’m aware of the concern caused by attempts for occasional and irritating provocation purposely stimulated in the country by sides whose interest is to provoke reactions contrary to our strategic goals, or with deeper motives. However, we are fully dedicated to protecting state interests and to finding institutional solutions according to the laws and European principles. This is the way that we’re dealing with these challenges,” Kovachevski said. He said he is confident that wisdom is the key for all challenges and that the citizens will support the right side of uniting. “All of the decisions made so far and the ones to be made by our country and by the EU will show and prove that the Macedonian language is recognized, that the national identity is recognized, and that our country is equal with all European countries. There may be many skeptics, the ones in politics for their own personal gains and the ones similar to them. They will exist now, they existed in the past and will exist in the future, but I assure you, they are not on the right side,” stressed Kovachevski. He said that many institutional, political, economic and security agreements with the EU will be signed soon, including the Frontex agreement, which is to be signed in Macedonian as an equal language with all other languages in the EU. “It is the best way and clear facts that make us equal citizens in the EU. Since the start of our negotiations with the Union, we are fully convinced, the same as our predecessors, that our centuries-long Macedonian historical, national, linguistic and cultural identity is unique, preserved and improved, now and in the future,” PM Kovachevski told the central event in Kumanovo marking National Uprising Day.


Pendarovski calls for unity on National Uprising Day (All media)


President Stevo Pendarovski in a National Uprising Day greeting says the whole of humanity is facing new temptations after 81 years since the beginning of the anti-fascist struggle, which “brought us freedom and Macedonian state.” In addition to all health, economic, security and energy challenges, he says the country is also facing deep polarization of the society. “As the left-wing and the right-wing stood below the flag of freedom, also uniting Macedonians and the members of other nationalities, villagers, workers, artisans and the rich ones, we should follow their example now and unite to tackle the problems together,” says Pendarovski’s greeting. He adds that October 11 and the anti-fascist struggle should serve as an inspiration of how to overcome division and achieve national reconciliation. “Let us leave personal interests and vanity aside and work for the common good, blessed with the prospect of living in freedom and peace in our own country,” Pendarovski concludes.


Speaker Xhaferi urges people to fight for dignified life while on the right side (All media)


Amid these turbulent times of the war in Ukraine and the overall uncertainty of the apparent world peace, we are convinced where our institutional, political, material and moral support as a state 2 and as citizens should be directed at, parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi says in a greeting on the National Uprising Day. This historic day, he notes, marks the beginning of the decisive fight against the biggest evil in history – fascism. According to Xhaferi, as the struggle is under way in several dimensions, the challenge is by far greater with the economic, energy and health crisis “looming over as a dark cloud.” “United, we must never forget to be on the right side and fight for a dignified and equally quality life for everyone. Let us build a stable and safe future for the coming generations,” urges Xhaferi.


Mickoski: Bulgaria was fascist country during the World War II (Alsat-M/Sitel)


Opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski marked the National Uprising Day in the city of Prilep. As he said, one should not look at the struggle for liberation from the point of view imposed by the government, implying that Bulgaria was not a fascist country. "The truth is that during the World War II, the Bulgarian fascists committed crimes in the territory of today's Republic of Macedonia, while the Macedonian people united and won over the crime. The Macedonian people at that time were on the true side of history. It is the same today, it will be the same in the future, we will fight against the fascists, while Macedonia has been and will remain an anti-fascist state,” said Mickoski. On October 11, 1941, a group of 16 partisans from Prilep detachment attacked the Bulgarian fascist army station and the prison. Clashes between partisans and Bulgarian fascists spread for a few days to Kumanovo and Skopje.


PACE calls for new impetus to EU enlargement with Western Balkan countries (MIA/TV Sitel)


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in its resolutions passed Tuesday called on the European Union to give new impetus to the enlargement process to the Western Balkans, all the while urging the region without delay to address outstanding challenges. The European vision had lost its shine, giving way to ethno-nationalism, and an increasing number of people in the Western Balkans, especially the youth, now believe their countries will never join the European Union, according to the PACE conclusions. “The Parliamentary Assembly, therefore, firmly believes that helping Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo meet their aspirations for closer European integration is important not only for the countries concerned but for the European continent, and will benefit all European citizens,” it is noted. The EU is handing over space to China, Russia and Iran, warned parliamentarian Dora Bakoyannis, former Greek foreign minister, who was one of the 60 parliamentarians who were due to address the session. “The time of the Western Balkans is up. There is China, there is Russia and Iran as well. The EU must do something now,” she stressed. PACE parliamentarian George Papandreou, who served as Greek premier, is the rapporteur for the Western Balkans. The PACE conclusions noted that surveys show an increasing number of people in the Western Balkans, especially amongst the youth, are pessimistic about the prospects of EU accession. “The 4 European vision is losing its shine. In its place, ethno-nationalism has resurfaced, a very worrying development in a region in which the spectrum of violence still looms large,” the document stressed. SDSM MP, who is also the head of the North Macedonia parliamentary delegation, at the session said that his country is proud that the EU considers it a true partner. “North Macedonia is a stronger country since 19 July 2022, the day we opened negotiations with the EU,” he said. VMRO-DPMNE MP Aleksandar Nikolovski and DUI MP Arta Bilali Zendeli also attended the session. Speaking to Macedonian reporters, Nikolovski said he criticized Bulgaria and the EU accession process in his speech, which he didn’t had the chance to read out. “The rule of unanimity is brutally being abused by Bulgaria, which is why a lot of young people lose trust and are leaving the country or seeking other alternatives. Bulgaria is using the same inflammatory discourse as Vladimir Putin, who claims that Ukrainian language and nation do not exist because they are Russian. Bulgarian politicians have been saying that there is no Macedonian nation and language because they are Bulgarian and that Macedonia has to accept that if it wants to make progress on the EU path,” he stated. The Council of Europe, the opposition lawmaker stated, must urge Bulgaria to stop pressing ahead with constitutional changes in Macedonia and to allow the accession negotiations to go ahead. Speaking to MIA, DUI MP Zendeli said that the Agreement with Bulgaria, according to the Papandreou report, is considered as something final and it remains for the country to implement it. In the resolution, the Assembly calls for a new impetus to be given to the European Union enlargement process. “In this context, it welcomes the opening of accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia on 19 July 2022. It also commends the diplomatic efforts which have yielded positive results in addressing bilateral disputes including the Prespa agreement between Greece and North Macedonia in 2018, the agreement which led to Bulgaria waiving its opposition to the opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia in July 2022, and the agreement on freedom of movement reached on 27 August 2022 by Pristina and Belgrade in the context of the EU-facilitated dialogue,” it says. Bulgarian parliamentarians didn’t attend the PACE debate on the Western Balkans because the new Bulgarian parliament is yet to be formed after the latest parliamentary elections in the country.


Albania-Russia debate at the UN, Ambassador Ferit Hoxha: At every moment we take into account our national interests (Euronews Albania/Radio Tirana)


Albania's Ambassador to the UN Ferit Hoxha, in an exclusive interview for Euronews Albania, commented on the debate between Albania and Russia at the UN, a few weeks ago. Hoxha said that in every circumstance and in every position they will take national interests into account, while adding that the reaction he made in the defense of Kosovo was right, as they left no room for misunderstandings. "We are very clear in every circumstance, in every position we will take, we will take into account our interests of Albania and the national interests. We have a bell in our mind that is Kosovo. We must bear in mind that at every moment we had to react properly in defense of its position and say what is right. The reaction was appropriate in order not to leave a space for misunderstanding," he said. The issue of Kosovo on September 28 brought clashes between the ambassador of Russia and that of Albania in the United Nations Organization.


Rama pays official visit to Turkey (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama was received today in a meeting in Turkey by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a meeting that lasted about 3 hours. Rama shared on social networks moments from the meeting with Turkish President Erdogan. Prime Minister Rama's last visit to Turkey was on August of this year.


Accusations against the KLA/ Rama addresses EC tomorrow at 15:00; Cancellation of Dick Marty's report requested (Radio Tirana)


12th of October will be an important day for Albania and Kosovo at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. Around 3 pm tomorrow, Prime Minister Edi Rama will address the Council of Europe for nearly an hour with a speech in which he will request the revision of Resolution 1782 (2011) and that the accusations of illegal trafficking of human organs during the Kosovo Liberation War be declared unfounded. At the meeting, Albania will report on this request, while a delegation from Tirana will be present. Rama himself had warned of such a request in CoE when Albania approved in the Assembly the Resolution against Dick Marty's report, since the accusations made by him are totally baseless and have not been proven in all these years and tarnish a just struggle of the people of Kosovo. Rama requested such a request in the General Assembly of Nations. Rama asked the UN to accept Albania's request to submit a new report, which opposes Dick Marty's report with evidence and facts, which according to him has deliberately tarnished the KLA, but also the history of Kosovo itself. Rama said that this report is a fiction and fantasy, but assessed as even more serious the fact that, based on what the Swiss politician wrote in 2011, today the leaders of the KLA are unjustly imprisoned. We recall that in August, Albania officially asked the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to review Resolution 1782 (2011) and declare unfounded the accusations of illegal trafficking of human organs during the Kosovo Liberation War. Prime Minister Edi Rama has published the document that was sent to the KiE and says that Dick Marty's infamous report cannot enjoy the supporting resolution, so he demands justice for this matter. Albania asks the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to make a follow-up report and therefore a fundamental revision of Resolution 1782 (2011). Albania reaffirms its steadfast will to help justice and to support any effort aimed at discovering the truth and considers this initiative a meaningful expression of this will.


Balla: We support Kosovo on the way to membership in the Council of Europe (Radio Tirana)


The Chairman of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party, Taulant Balla, stated today that Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe is a step that will serve the consolidation of human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Kosovo. Balla stressed out that today, for the first time, the Kosovo delegation speaks alongside other delegations in a plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. "Kosovo submitted this year a request for membership in the Council of Europe, after so many years of holding the status of a participant. The Parliamentary Assembly decided that from this session onwards, the delegation from the Assembly of Kosovo will have dedicated seats in the plenary session hall as well as the right to speak in every committee or plenary meeting", he said. According to Balla, "Kosovo will have the right to vote in the Assembly as soon as the membership process is finished, bearing its own challenges". Balla assured that the delegation of the Assembly of Albania in the Parliamentary Assembly supports and is by Kosovo's side on its way to membership in the Council of Europe.


EC draft report on Albania revealed: More cooperation with the opposition and civil society (Radio Tirana)


The European Commission has drawn up the text of the enlargement package and the progress reports for the countries of the Western Balkans, which are expected to be approved on 12 October. For Albania and North Macedonia, the fact is mentioned that these two countries have started membership negotiations, after intensive work, and this marks a historical moment in the relations of these two countries with the EU. In the case of Albania, the progress in strengthening the structures for EU integration is appreciated, but it is requested that there must be more cooperation with the opposition and civil society in this direction. The report underlines that the major internal conflict with the largest opposition party, the Democratic Party (PD) has affected parliamentary life in Albania. The commission admits that Albania has continued the fight against corruption at a high level, and as an example the convictions of some former high-ranking officials are mentioned. Albania is requested to make more efforts in the prevention of money laundering. An issue that the European Commission is specifically looking for in Albania is the commitment to prevent illegal immigration, especially of unaccompanied minors.