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Belgrade Media Report 3 November



Vucic: Do you want someone to spy on our Army (RTS/Tanjug)


Members of Serbian Army (VS) Third Brigade of the Land Army and reserve forces are practicing the use of various weapons and combat equipment and shooting from the ground today at the Pasuljanske Livade military training ranges, as part of the joint exercise of dubbed, "Manevri 2022" ("Maneuvers 2022"). The drill was attended by President of the Republic and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Army Aleksandar Vucic. The President was met at the training ground by Minister of Defense Milos Vucevic and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army Milan Mojsilovic, and a report was delivered to him by Captain Ilija Joksimovic. While touring the complex, the President asked which brigade was better, the 3rd or the 4th, to which he received the reply that both were good. "This is what sustains and protects our Army. The best (soldiers come) from the south, southeast and southwest, soldiers from the south guard Belgrade and Novi Sad," said the President. Vucic also touched on the downing of a drone, which happened yesterday near Raska. "Some people's mindset is that from 20 and 30 years ago, Serbia is much stronger, not to think we are that strong we could grapple with the greatest powers, but we are much stronger than we used to be. Our priority task is to preserve the peace. It wasn't the first time yesterday that we noticed the aircraft above the barracks. Then when we warned them, you immediately see this togetherness against Serbia," said Vucic. "It started with, 'who are we in conflict with', no one, but do you want someone to spy on our Army? They weren't there to collect trading cards. They use commercial drones because they think that this way the owner will not be found out. It's a kind of aggression against a sovereign country. We also know whose drones those are and what their mission was, but let us now pretend to be naive for a while," said the President. He also said that NATO drones were "circling around" Brnjak and Jarinje all day yesterday. "We were paying attention, they were 200, 500 meters from the administrative line, on the other side. NATO respects all procedures, but we have seen them, too, however we have no right to destroy them according to UNSCR 1244 and the Kumanovo Agreement. But they were not there to collect trading cards or play marbles, but for different reasons," said Vucic. The problem, according to him, is when someone comes to Raska or Novi Pazar, adding that commercial drones are used, because those who use them think that the owner will not be identified, because if they were not commercial, we would establish who they belong to based on military elements. "It's the same like with the sabotage against Nord Stream in the Baltic... It seems to me that everyone knows, that the whole world knows everything about it, but everyone pretends to be naive. Let us also pretend to be a little naive," said Vucic. As part of the exercise of the 31st Infantry Battalion, which trains reserve units, a demonstration of Lazar armored vehicles, long-range rifles, automatic grenade launchers, MRAPs - armored infantry vehicles, a demonstration of firing from machine guns mounted on tanks, self-propelled howitzers, and mortars will all be shown.


Serbian Armed Forces down drone in wider Mt Kopaonik area (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


After timely detection and tracking, Serbian Armed Forces units neutralised on Wednesday afternoon a commercial drone flying towards Raska, southwestern Serbia, from the direction of Mt Kopaonik. In a statement, the Serbian Defence Ministry said the drone had been downed by electronic jamming in the immediate vicinity of military facilities in the Raska garrison. It said that, following an order by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, who is also commander-in-chief, the Serbian Armed Forces had stepped up measures aimed at detecting, tracking and neutralising unmanned aerial vehicles in the vicinity of military facilities. The Ministry also said that, pursuant to the order, the Serbian Armed Forces would continue to shoot down all UAVs detected in no-fly zones or in the vicinity of military facilities.


Vucevic: The drone came from the direction of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


According to Defense Minister Milos Vucevic, the Serbian Army, acting on the order of the president of Serbia, applied measures against an unmanned object coming from the direction of Jarinje (administrative crossing), which was spotted above military facilities of the Raska Garrison. He congratulated members of the Serbian Army. "The direction of movement clearly indicates which area the drone was coming from, the investigation will determine the type of drone," said the Minister. "We will see who was the owner and manufacturer of the drone, and we will have a clear picture in the coming days or hours. This shows that we are not joking, that we are not making threats against anyone, we are not playing war games, but we are very determined to protect Serbia. Serbia is no longer a punching bag," the Minister said late on Wednesday. According to Vucevic, everyone can conclude for themselves what kind of information those behind the drone wanted to get. "They are always somewhere near military facilities. I have faith in all our security forces, I am also talking about members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the agencies... We are not at war, no one is saber-rattling, we suffered in the 20th century both when we had and when we didn't have to. But that does not mean that we are weak and that we are cowards. Do not underestimate Serbia," said Vucevic.


We have nine Kosovo derecognition notifications (Tanjug/B92)


Serbia has notes of nine countries that have changed their decision to recognize the so-called Kosovo, said the Head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic. According to him, Serbia is ready to disclose them as soon as the other party violates its obligations from the Washington agreement. "We adhered to the Washington agreement and the moratorium, but Pristina violated it. Of the 193 UN members, Pristina can count on a maximum of 83 votes, which means that we have a majority in the General Assembly," he said. "We will continue with such a policy. If Kosovo's request for membership in the Council of Europe enters the procedure, you heard that President Vucic also announced that we will publish notes on the withdrawal of recognition," said the Foreign Minister.


CoE Bureau didn’t proposes Pristina request for admission (Novosti)


The CoE Bureau did not propose that Pristina's request for admission to this organization be included in the agenda of the Committee of Ministers meeting, the media learned. Thus, another attempt by the Prime Minister of the temporary institutions, Albin Kurti, to secure the seat of a fake state in the Council of Europe, has practically failed, writes Novosti. Also, for such a major issue as the beginning of the procedure for the admission of a new member, serious lobbying before the meeting of ministers must be included, which this time, as the newspaper has learned, was not there.


Dacic with Irish Ambassador: Serbia opposes membership of Pristina in CoE (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met with the Ambassador of Ireland Iseult Fitzgerald, who covers Serbia from Athens on a non-residential basis. The topic was also the current situation in the Council of Europe, because Ireland currently chairs the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Dacic used the opportunity to inform the Ambassador of Ireland about our positions on this issue, as well as to repeat “that the Republic of Serbia strongly opposes the membership of the so-called state of Kosovo in international organizations”. It is added that in the conversation the Irish side reiterated its support for the European integration process of Serbia.


Petkovic: Harsh violation of agreement (RTS)


The presence of patrols of the Albanian traffic police represents the grossest violation of the Brussels agreement and a new move by the authorities in Pristina in order to raise tensions, assessed the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic. “There is no doubt that Albin Kurti sent his patrols to the north of Kosovo and Metohija with the aim of causing a new crisis, because he is nervous that his plan to subjugate the Serbs and force them to give up their KM plates has failed. This is evidenced not only by the minor number of re-registered vehicles, but also the decision of our police officers from the North Regional Police Directorate not to issue any warnings to their fellow citizens, because they were not formed to fulfil political orders from Pristina, but to preserve order and peace,” said Petkovic.

He points out that we fully understand and support the conclusions reached from today’s meeting of the institutional representatives of the Serbs in the north of the province, the Regional Police Directorate North, four mayors from the north and the Serb List, who uniquely expressed a clear position regarding the illegal decisions of Pristina in connection with the process of the so-called re-registration. “That’s why we fully support the stated position that the police in the north are not there to punish Serbs without any basis and prevent freedom of movement,” Petkovic said in the statement.


Serb policemen will not take part in action in northern Kosovo and Metohija (Kosovo Online/RTS)


The patrols from Pristina were sent without the knowledge and approval of the Regional Director of Police North. “This action directly undermines and marginalizes the role of our regional directorate, which here is primarily to protect and serve the people who live and work in the north of Kosovo, regardless of national and religious affiliation. We stand for full compliance with the Brussels agreement, according to which our jurisdiction is clearly determined,” said the Director of the Regional Police Directorate for the North region Nenad Djuric. Djuric said that the decisions of the government in Pristina on the re-registration of vehicles were also sent to the North regional directorate for execution and emphasized that in the previous period they informed the General Police Directorate in Pristina and all relevant international political and security officials in Kosovo that policemen from the North region cannot implement that decision because it is political and aimed primarily against the Serb community to which they themselves belong and share concerns about all unilateral actions. The Vice President of the Serb List Igor Simic stated after the meeting with the police representatives of the Northern Regional Directorate that the Serb List provides full support to the honorable policemen from the Northern Regional Directorate who refused to “give warnings to their neighbors, brothers and sisters, doctors and professors because of the legal license plates that they own and which are issued by official bodies of Serbia”. “I will repeat what we clearly said a few days ago - the imposition of the first fine on any of our citizens for possessing the license plates of the authorities of the Republic of Serbia in these areas will be a reason for a sharp response and strong resistance by all democratic means. What will come of it next we cannot predict at this moment, but what I know is that we will be united, and once again show our determination to stay and survive on our centuries-old hearths,” said Simic.


Drecun: Dangerous that the drone recorded critical military and civil infrastructure (RTS)


The Chair of the parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun says that the commercial drone that was shot down yesterday in the wider area of Kopaonik was used to collect information from the security, i.e. of military importance. “It was shot down in such a way that our electronic operations unit detected both the drone and its trajectory, and that the signal between the guidance station and the drone was cut. And the drone went down. When it is found, basic information about the drone and the video, what it was recording,” Drecun said. He notes that these are not military drones and that they should not be associated with KFOR. “KFOR uses military drones at least once a month, to scout the situation,” Drecun says and reminds that KFOR knows what is happening on both sides, since ground as well as the air safety zone is in force. “It can be used by Pristina itself, whether by the so-called Kosovo security forces, whether by the Kosovo police. Everything is possible. But the question is the purpose of why this information is collected. It is not realistic to think that Pristina is now collecting this information, because it is afraid some kind of military intervention by Belgrade in Kosovo and Metohija, because Vjosa Osmani herself said that between them and Serbia proper there is KFOR guarding, that is, NATO,” Drecun said. However, he warns that the fact that the drone was recording critical military and civilian infrastructure is dangerous. “The military - when it comes to the position and arrangement of our units, what weapons and equipment they have at their disposal. Civil infrastructure - there are warehouses where food and fuel are stored, these are all critical facilities and this indicates that maybe someone wants to plan some diversion, some terrorist action on those objects or on people,” Drecun said. He points out that much more detail is needed about what exactly the drone was recording in order to understand the intent. He reminds that Pristina plans to acquire more unmanned aerial vehicles, both military and reconnaissance, and that, he adds, the acquisition of eight Turkish “bayraktars” has been agreed upon. “These are combat drones produced by a Turkish company and they successfully proved themselves in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, at the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine. The information indicates that since May in the north of Albania, in the area of ​​Bajram Curi, where in 1998 and 1999 they were terrorist KLA barracks, that those buildings have been renovated and that Turkish instructors are training operators from the so-called Kosovo Security Forces there,” said Drecun. He points out that the security situation regarding Kosovo and Metohija is very complex “with the potential to cause incidents and conflicts”. “The activities of special parapolice units in the north are of particular concern because new bases have been built,” Drecun said.


Western Balkan leaders sign three mobility agreements (Tanjug)


At Thursday’s Berlin Process summit, the leaders of the Western Balkans Six signed three mobility agreements enabling travel in the region with ID cards only and mutual recognition of academic and vocational qualifications. The agreements were signed by Serbian PM Ana Brnabic, the PMs of North Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania - Dimitar Kovacevski, Dritan Abazovic and Edi Rama - Bosnia and Herzegovina Council of Ministers Chairman Zoran Tegeltija and the PM of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti. The signing of the agreements was also attended by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Regional Cooperation Council Secretary-General Majlinda Bregu.


Council of EU to call on Serbia to align with bloc's foreign policy (Tanjug)


In draft conclusions prepared for a December summit, the Council of the EU regrets that Serbia is not demonstrating sufficient commitment to its proclaimed strategic goal of EU integration, and expresses deep regret over Belgrade's regression on alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy, especially when it comes to sanctions on Russia and Belarus. In the conclusions, seen by Tanjug, Brussels urges Serbia to deliver on its commitment as part of the negotiation framework and boost its alignment with the EU's common foreign and security policy positions and restrictive measures as a matter of the highest priority. The document also calls on Belgrade to align its visa policy with the EU and welcomes the progress made in Serbia's EU accession talks.




HR Schmidt submits 62nd Report to UN Security Council (Avaz)


The daily reads that the High Representative Christian Schmidt submitted 62nd Report to the UN Security Council and carried summary of the Report. “The reporting period was dominated by the general elections on 2 October 2022. Pursuant to the Election Law of B&H, the responsible authorities were obliged to secure the funds needed for the conduct of the general elections within 15 days after the day of their announcement on 4 May 2022 by the Central Election Commission of B&H. However, by early June, no agreement on funding for the elections had been found. A belated decision by the Council of Ministers of B&H of 6 June did not allocate sufficient funding to the Central Election Commission. I therefore enacted on 7 June a package of decisions enabling the financing of the general elections of 2022, as well as future elections. Without this intervention, it would not have been possible to prepare for and conduct the general elections on 2 October. In the exercise of the powers vested in the High Representative by annex 10 of the General Framework Agreement for Peace and bearing in mind the prominent role that elections play for the future of B&H, I enacted amendments to the Election Law of B&H on 27 July to bring it more in line with international standards and good practices. My intervention was guided by the need to prevent election fraud and to improve election transparency and relied extensively on a pending legislative proposal before the Parliamentary Assembly of B&H. I gave the Central Election Commission the means to sanction violations of the rules of conduct in the election campaign. As a result, the Commission was reinforced and the new rules were applied during the general elections,” wrote HR Schmidt.


UN SC discusses situation in B&H, unanimously adopts decision to extend mandate of EUFOR (AJB)


Al Jazeera Balkans reports that the UN Security Council (SC) discussed the political situation in B&H and a report that High Representative Christian Schmidt submitted to the UN SC. Representatives of some western countries commented the speech that a B&H representative was supposed to deliver and stressed that it is rather too harsh towards High Representative Schmidt. They underlined that B&H needs the OHR and should not be standing in the same line with Russia and China, countries that have been demanding abolition of the Office of High Representative (OHR). It was added that this is not about Schmidt but about the OHR as an institution. The reporter noted that representatives of Russia demanded that Schmidt does not address the UN SC session. The reporter noted that this is similar situation as one year ago, adding that back then this cession was granted to Russia so that it does not oppose extension of mandate of EUFOR mission in B&H. Republic of Ireland proposed a draft of a resolution on extension of mandate of the EUFOR mission Althea in B&H. The reporter noted that the text of this resolution is absolutely similar to the text of the resolution adopted last year. All 15 member countries of the UN SC voted in favor of the resolution to extend EUFOR’s mandate.


Alkalaj addresses UN Security Council, harshly criticizing actions of HR (FTV)


B&H Ambassador with the UN Sven Alkalaj also addressed the UN Security Council on Wednesday evening, harshly criticizing the actions of High Representative Christian Schmidt. Alkalaj accused Schmidt of taking actions contrary to the Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution of B&H. "B&H is established by its Constitution as a democratic state that operates under the rule of law and free and democratic elections. This principle was violated by the High Representative by imposing election rules after the elections," Alkalaj pointed out. Alkalaj deemed as controversial the fact that Schmidt imposed changes to the B&H Election Law whose evaluation is carried out through a mathematical formula and the coefficient for participation in the electoral process is determined in accordance with the ethnicity of the electorate. Alkalaj also deemed as controversial the High Representative's decision with which, as he stated, Schmidt shows the intention to ensure the unlimited participation of HDZ B&H in the authorities in cooperation with neighboring Croatia. Alkalaj also accused Schmidt of selective implementation of verdicts of the B&H Constitutional Court. Alkalaj emphasized that Schmidt's intention to enable fairer elections with his decisions was not realized, noting that he only introduced confusing elements and made the election process more difficult. "BiH supports the institution of the High Representative, in accordance with the mandate given by the Dayton Peace Agreement, but the activity of the current acting High Representative has become a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible," Alkalaj underlined. Alkalaj concluded that someone who performs the duties of the High Representative cannot do unconstitutional things or work outside of the given powers "which is unfortunately the case now".


Dodik: Delegation from B&H that will attend UN SC’s session was not approved by B&H or authorized by relevant institutions (RTRS)


In his letter to President of the UN Security Council (UN SC) Harold Agyeman, member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the delegation from B&H that will take part in the UN SC’s session scheduled for Wednesday was not approved by B&H or authorized by relevant institutions, so it should be considered a private expedition of self-selected members. In the letter, Dodik stressed that not one person from B&H, regardless of rank and function, had the permission provided by the Constitution to speak at any international event. He reminded Agyeman of B&H's complex structure and that such attempts only worsened the internal political situation, which by itself, was already very complex. “Therefore, I inform you that, due to the internal rules and procedures that regulate duties and obligations of the collective Presidency of B&H, no representative from B&H is currently authorized to make statements in front of any international body or forum on behalf of B&H, including the above-mentioned session”, Dodik pointed out. He underlined that the B&H Presidency did not make any decision by which any B&H official would be present at the UN Security Council’s session on behalf of the Presidency. “Unfortunately, we are witnessing the attempts of some B&H officials to abuse international forums, events and meetings of various bodies by presenting their personal, inconsistent and unapproved statements that do not reflect the position of all relevant participants in B&H”, said Dodik. “A malicious political mantra, which is expected in the speech of Mister Sven Alkalaj or Madam Bisera Turkovic, considering that these are the two persons who signed up for statements at this meeting, and that persistently call attention to the fact that the RS, together with its institutions and leaders, is the initiator of all problems in B&H - it is simply not true and reflects the constant practice of false allegations about the situation in B&H and the classic theses replacement”, Dodik emphasized.


Media carry final results of General Elections 2022 (Nova BH)


The B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) published on Wednesday final results of the general elections exactly a month after the day of the elections. Nova BH brings the results in details. According to results, there are no changes in the BIH Presidency and new members of the B&H Presidency are Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) from the rank of Serbs, Denis Becirovic (Ujedinjeni za slobodnu B&H) from the rank of Bosniaks and Zeljko Komsic (DF) from the rank of Croats. The inaugural session of the B&H Presidency is scheduled to take 15 days after Wednesday, i.e. 15 days after the B&H CEC confirms the final results of the elections. SDA won the majority of mandates in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), i.e. nine mandates, HDZ B&H won four seats, SNSD won six seats, SDP B&H won five seats, DF won three, the NiP won three, NS, NES, SDS and PDP won two mandates each while the ‘BH Inicijativa Kasumovic Fuad’, the list ‘Za pravdu i pravdu’ led by Nebojsa Vukanovic, DEMOS and the United Srpska won one mandate each. The deadline for holding the inaugural session of the B&H HoR is 30 days since Wednesday, i.e. the B&H CEC confirms the final results of the elections. Candidate of SNSD Milorad Dodik won the race for a new President of the RS, while Camil Durakovic (independent candidate) from the Bosniak ranks and Davor Pranjic (HNS) from the Croat ranks are new Vice Presidents of the RS and they are supposed to assume their functions in 15 days. They are supposed to assume their mandates in 15 days. When it comes to the RS pariaent, SNSD won the majority of seats, i.e. 29, SDS won 13 seats, PDP won eight seats, SP won five seats, ‘Pokret za drzavu’, the DEMOS and the United Srpska won five mandates each. Besides, the list ‘Za pravdu i pravdu’ led by Nebojsa Vukanovic and DNS won four seats each, while NPS and SPS won three seats each. The deadline for the RSNA to hold the first session is 15 days. When it comes to the FB&H House of Representatives, SDA won 26 seats, SDP B&H won 15 seats, the coalition led by HDZ B&H won 15 seats, DF won 12 seats, in the coalition with ‘Stranka penzionera/umirovljenika B&H’ the NIP won seven mandates, NS won six mandates, the NES won five mandates, SBIH won four mandates, while HDZ 1990 won three mandates. ‘BH Inicijativa Kasumovic Fuad’, PDA, ‘Pomak-za modernu i aktivnu krajinu’, Croat Republican Party and HNP won one mandate each. The deadline for holding the inaugural session of the FB&H HoR is 20 days while the deadline for inaugural sessions of cantonal assemblies is 30 days.


Borenovic: Court’s decision to reject appeal of RS opposition parties is unjust (Glas Srpske)


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic commented the decision of the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H to reject the appeal of the RS opposition parties and their demand for annulment of election of RS President and Vice Presidents. Borenovic said that the decision of the Court is unjust. Borenovic said that everybody hoped that the first important step towards the truth and fair elections had been made when the recount of ballots was ordered, the institutions suddenly stopped doing their job. According to him, it was obvious from the last session of B&H CEC that something politically motivated has happened.


Schmidt: Action must be undertaken to further improve integrity of election process (FTV)


Acknowledging Wednesday's decision of the B&H CEC’s to verify the final results of the 2022 general elections, High Representative Christian Schmidt emphasized that action must be undertaken to further improve the integrity of the election process. “The citizens should be able to trust the reliability of the election system. They have to be sure that their vote will be counted and that their choice will be respected,” the High Representative said, adding that, in order to achieve this goal, the top priority should be to suppress electoral fraud. Schmidt pointed out that the introduction of electronic means in the elections process is the next proper step on this path. “The time has passed for studies and recommendations.  We well know what needs to be done to ensure the integrity of elections, and I call on the members of the next parliament to implement the necessary measures in one of their early sessions.  Quick action to improve the financing and staffing of the B&H CEC is also urgently needed.  There is no need to wait any longer to make the necessary changes,” added the High Representative.


RS opposition holds another protest in Banja Luka in front of RTRS (BNTV)


Representatives of the RS opposition held a protest outside the building of the RTRS public broadcaster in Banja Luka on Wednesday evening. They warned that there is no doubt about severe election fraud organized by the SNSD-led ruling structures, conveying a message that PDP’s candidate for the RS President Jelena Trivic is the winner. They demanded change of the RTRS’ editorial policy and resignation of the RTRS management. Protesters were shouting “Mile, the thief!” referring to SNSD leader and newly-elected RS President Milorad Dodik. Addressing the protesters, ‘For Justice and Order’ leader Nebojsa Vukanovic stated that the RS opposition will not give up on its fight despite negative events that marked 2 November, reminding of the decision of the Appellate Chamber of the Court of B&H to reject the complaint and request of the RS opposition for new elections for the RS President, as well as of the fact that the RS parliament adopted on Wednesday the 2023 budget proposal that includes lower allocations for the RS veterans by BAM 75 million. PDP leader Branislav Borenovic said that the RTRS management needs to know that its current reporting is shameful and biased, noting that the RS citizens need just, free and normal RS in which laws will be equal for everyone and in which the elections will be fair. Bijeljina Mayor Ljubisa Petrovic (SDS) stated that it is time to say no to RTRS as a factory of lies and the current editorial policy. Trivic told the protesters that she won the elections for the RS President owing to the RS citizens, but that the SNSD-led ruling structures stole her victory because “they are bandits”, reminding that they used public money to buy votes, made secret deals with part of the international community and denied the election will of the RS people and the RS itself. She stressed that the RS opposition is ready for all forms of a long, democratic and constitutional fight to prove its claims.


FB&H HoP appoints Taletovic as ninth judge in FB&H CC (FTV)


Delegates of the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) appointed Alen Taletovic on Wednesday as the fourth missing judge of the Constitutional Court (CC) of the FB&H. Of the 40 delegates present at the session of the FB&H HoP, 33 delegates supported Taletovic's appointment. In this way, the FB&H CC, which now has nine judges, was filled. Delegate of the FB&H HoP Elmedin Konakovic (People and Justice - NiP) said "we chose in accordance with our principles from the list of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) one of the people who were rated the best, taking ethnic representation into account, at the request of SDA, some colleagues and us, to be a Bosniak." "It seems to me that we met all the criteria," Konakovic said.


DPS: Give up on President Law, we’re ready for agreement on Constitutional Court otherwise, we’ll be forced to apply democratic methods of extra-institutional action (CdM)


The Presidency of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), at the session chaired by its leader Milo Djukanovic, stated that by passing the Law on the President at the session of the parliament of Montenegro, the parliamentary majority grossly violated the Constitution and threatened the constitutional order in the country. They call for the disputed law to be abandoned, and say that they are ready for an agreement on the Constitutional Court. “Such an act of brutal legal violence is a continuation of the policy of destruction, which aims at the institutional destruction of Montenegro in order to make the state dysfunctional, thus gaining an alibi for the finale of the project, which means the abolition of sovereignty, and then the independence restored in the 2006 referendum. The protagonist of this scenario is the pro-Russian contractor of Great Serbian nationalism in Montenegro – the Democratic Front. Unfortunately, parties that at least declaratively stand for the European path of Montenegro have joined their plan”, DPS says. DPS, as a state-making party, has always contributed to the building of institutions and their training to contribute to the development of society and the progress of the state with their independence and quality of work. “If this, the last call, does not bear fruit, and if the process of electing judges of the Constitutional Court does not start by the end of the week, and the intention to carry out a constitutional coup by installing the Law on the President in the legal system is not abandoned, it will be completely clear that all institutional action is meaningless, and that in that situation the only thing left is to move the struggle for institutions outside the institutional framework, because they obviously no longer exist. The further DPS moves will depend on the response we expect by the end of the working week”, states DPS.


Constitutional Court the only relevant body to assess constitutionality of the law, says Spajic (MINA)


The institutional and political crisis that has been slowing down the development of Montenegro and diverting the attention from citizens’ everyday problems is a reflection of the fact that the current composition of parliament doesn’t have capacity to unblock institutions and doesn’t represent the current will of citizens, the Europe Now Movement assessed. On the adoption of the President Law, their leader Milojko Spajic said that the only conclusion was that judges of the Constitutional Court must be elected first. Spajic told the MINA news agency that the Constitutional Court was the only relevant institution to assess constitutionality of the law. “And if there is no political willingness and qualified majority for that, snap elections are the only logical and fair solution.” As he said, it’s not a party interest, but the state’s one, so that we finish with this legal and institutional chaos and continue with the process of EU integrations. “Citizens are tired of irresponsible actions of many politicians who spend most of their time taking care of their party or personal interests, instead of taking care about the general one.”


Milatovic: Podgorica residents to get new administration on 19 December (CdM)


The leader of the Europe Now Movement in Podgorica Jakov Milatovic said that today’s meeting over the formation of local government in Podgorica was constructive, adding that citizens would get a new city administration on 19 December. He announced that the negotiations would continue on Monday. “Podgorica residents will most likely get the new administration,” he told reporters following the meeting with the leader of the bloc ‘For the Future of Podgorica’ Jelena Borovinic Bojovic, the leader of the ‘Let’s Go People’ bloc Danilo Saranovic, and the leader of the bloc ‘Podgorica Can Do It – This Is Our City’ Luka Rakcevic. “We discussed the dynamics of negotiations. We wish to send a strong message – that citizens are going to celebrate the Podgorica Liberation Day with a new administration. We discussed and exchanged our program goals,” he stressed. In line with the agreement, they’re going to determine the manner of functioning of the city’s administration. “We also talked about principles. One of the first steps would be to revise the things done over the previous period. We’re going to take care about all development priorities. We believe that all electoral roles invested in these elections thus giving it legitimacy. I expect that the Municipal Election Commission would officially announce the election results.” Milatovic also noted that at today’s meeting they didn’t discuss the delegation of positions.


Czech Embassy worried about violation of the Constitution: It could provoke destabilization of constitutional and legal order of MNE (CdM)


The Czech Embassy to Montenegro has been worried about the voting in parliament and the adoption of the amendments to the President Law thus violating clear constitutional provisions. “For the EU, all laws must be in line with the Constitution. It could provoke a destabilisation of the constitutional and legal order of Montenegro,” the Embassy tweeted. They call on all political actors to continue applying European values and standards based on the democratic legal and constitutional mechanisms, both in the parliament and in the government. “Montenegro needs functional institutions and legitimacy of power. Division among legislation, executive and judicial power must be respected. We encourage all political actors to act responsibly to stop escalating the atmosphere in the country for the sake of all citizens.” The Czech Republic has been presiding over the EU since 1 July.


Parliament adopts amendments to laws on associations and political parties (Alsat-M/Sitel/Telma/TV21/Fokus/Makpress)


Parliament on Wednesday passed amendments to the Law on Associations and Foundations, proposed by VMRO-DPMNE, and to the Law on Political Parties, proposed by SDSM, in a fast-tracked procedure. A total of 67 lawmakers in the 120-seat parliament voted in favor of the changes to both laws with no one against or in abstention. Explaining the changes to the Law on Association and Foundations, VMRO-DPMNE MP Rashela Mizrahi said the country in the past eight months witnessed attempt for fabricating and revising historical truths in the country. “Humanity is still bearing the scars from genocide and ethnic cleansing, racism, antisemitism and xenophobia and the international community, including us, bear a major responsibility to prevent this evil. We have to strengthen the moral and political commitment of our government and the institutions to enable future generation to understand the reasons behind the pandemic of hatred and insanity in WWII, during which Macedonia had lost more than 25,000 people, including over 7,100 Jews,” she said. According to her, the legislation adopted today will “protect the anti-fascist past and the historical truth of our country.” The ruling majority fully supports the opposition’s proposed changes to the law, said NSDP MP Sonja Mirkovska. Both laws share the same goal, said SDSM MP Snezana Kalevska Vancheva explaining the changes to the Law on Political Parties. “The goal of the bill is increasing transparency and distancing from fascism, Nazism, national-socialism and guaranteeing the legal security of the citizens, which is a characteristic of a democratic, civilized and legal state,” stated Kalevska Vancheva. The amendments were proposed by the two parties after the opening of two Bulgarian clubs – the Vanco Mihajlov club in Bitola in April and the Tsar Boris III club in Ohrid earlier this month. On 17 October, the MPs endorsed the adoption of the bill on amending the Law on Associations and Foundations, put forward by the opposition party VMRO-DPMNE. The amended Law on Associations and Foundations bans the establishment of organizations if their program and activities are aimed at “overthrowing the constitutional order of the Republic of Macedonia, inciting and calling for military aggression and stirring national, racial, religious hatred or any other intolerance, fascism, Nazism, national-socialism and the Third Reich, organizing activities related to terrorism, taking activities against the Constitution and those that harm the liberties and rights of other people.” The use of names, last names, pseudonyms or initials of people who had been in any way associated with “racial, religious, national, ethnic or other intolerance, hatred, genocide, extermination, spreading of or support of fascism, Nazism, national-socialism and the Third Reich” is also banned. Organizations, associations and foundations registered in line with the Law on Associations within three months from its enforcement should to align their names, goals and programs according to the law’s provisions, otherwise they will be removed from the Central Registry. Under the amendments to the Law on Political Parties, increased transparency of existing and future political parties is ensured. Also, it envisages that a party’s statute must not contain provisions that cause racial, religious, national, ethnic and any other intolerance, hatred, genocide, extermination, spreading of or support of fascism, Nazism, national-socialism and the Third Reich. The political parties have three months to align their names in line with the law.


Sunak reacts to Rama's comments: We thank Albania for the fight against traffickers (Radio Tirana)


After Prime Minister Edi Rama's statements that Great Britain should not discriminate against Albanians, but work to strengthen its borders against illegal immigration, the British Prime Minister's office, Rishi Sunak, reacted. The spokeswoman of Sunak said that Britain has a strong relationship with Albania and is grateful to our country for the work done to combat human trafficking. "We want to continue doing everything we can with international partners to break the business model of human traffickers, and we are grateful to Albania for the work it does with us in this direction," the reaction says. The new British government seems to be looking to seriously address the issue of illegal immigration to the country, which has become a serious problem, with thousands of migrants entering the island by sea, most of them Albanians. In this way, the ministers are drawing up a plan, which foresees the immediate return of Albanian immigrants, most of whom, after entering Great Britain, seek asylum. According to this plan, Albanian emigrants will return within a few days to their country so that they do not have time to seek asylum, as Albania is considered a safe country and emigrants from this country cannot benefit from the status of asylum seeker, only in very special cases.


Nikolla: Albanians an important factor for the Europeanization of North Macedonia (Radio Tirana)


Parliament speaker Lindita Nikolla received the delegation of the "Alliance for Albanians" Party from North Macedonia. Nikolla appreciated the role of the Albanian factor not only in strengthening the friendship between the two countries, but also in the Europeanization of North Macedonia. Nikolla said, “Albanians are an important factor of development, democratization and Europeanization and a bridge of friendship between the two countries. Albanian parties have made a significant contribution to accelerating North Macedonia's EU integration. The increase in the political representation of Albanians in the neighboring country serves not only their aspirations and future, but also the development and Europeanization of North Macedonia.” Party Chairman Arben Taravari and members of the delegation noted the progress made in the political representation of Albanians in North Macedonia, the progressive and constructive contribution of the Albanian community and Albanian political forces to the development, promotion and support of the European agenda.