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Belgrade Media Report 12 December



Vucic: The most difficult day (RTS)


Serbian President and Commander-in-Chief Aleksandar Vucic addressed the nation after the session of the National Security Council. Vucic pointed out that what was announced yesterday and in the previous days and weeks is happening right now. "First of all, from the international aspect, in which you have direct falsifications, faked news about the situation on the ground. On the ground, we have a difficult struggle of Serb people for mere survival on their hearths," said Vucic. He repeated that the "Kosovo police" has no right to be in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, but it must be the North Directorate. "Today they invaded the north with special units. The international community is pretending they didn't see it," he said. As he stated, it is about "ending the Serbian issue in Kosovo and Metohija" and accused part of the international community of participating in it. "It is about an attempt to end the Serbian issue in Kosovo, in which Kurti, the Pristina authorities and a good part of the international community participate. Mr. Pantic is the best example. Video surveillance confirmed that he did nothing in front of his house, then they said that he did it in Leposavic, and that was a year ago. The man is a cardiovascular patient, who recently had an operation, and his family was not informed of his whereabouts or of his health condition". As he said, they were considering what to do. "It is important for us to invite both Albanians and Serbs to preserve peace," he said. As he stated, the Americans are asking for the removal of the roadblocks. "I understood that message very well and I expected it, although I am disappointed. Kosovo is their child and they are protecting it. They created the Albanian child 20 years ago and finished it 14 years ago. They say that the barricades are a problem. They do not limit the movement of any Albanian. It's a protest." He said that for him this is the most difficult day since he has been president or prime minister, and that the most difficult night is ahead of us. "I have a question for our American partners: Which agreements does Pristina respect and which do the Americans respect?" He pointed out that it is our duty to call for peace and that no one accidentally touches KFOR and EULEX, but also to call for the release of innocent people. "Now they must not release him because it is clear that they arrested him completely innocent. What were they doing in the north? According to which legal act?" asked Vucic. He said that we have information from KFOR that the Albanians will not take violent actions against the protesters. "I issued the most important orders and the National Security Council accepted them. I am proud of our soldiers and policemen. We have never had such a spirit of people to make themselves available to their motherland. I am proud of all soldiers and policemen. Before they act on any specific order, we will try a million times before that to preserve peace and security for all our citizens," he said. The President added that the Serbs at the so-called Kosovo must trust KFOR. "We hope that they will guarantee the safety of the Serbs. If this is not the case, everything will be clear to us immediately," said Vucic. He emphasized once again that for us these are dramatic days for which we have no fault. "Our conscience is clear. Our hands are tied, but even when we are forced into a corner like that, you have to fight. My message to the people is to respect EULEX and KFOR and not to allow to be provoked," said Vucic. The President also informed that international partners are coming on 17 December, and until then we must try in every way to preserve peace. As he said, he is not sure that in the West they are happy about Kurti's attitude, but that they can make him behave decently and in accordance with the norms of international law. "I call on people to trust their leadership. We know very well what we are doing and we care about our people in Kosovo and Metohija, but also about every citizen of this country. My message to the people of Kosovo is that there is no surrender and we are with you," said Vucic.


Vucic: We are sending KFOR request to ensure presence of Serbian forces in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


Serbian President addressed the public due to the latest events in Kosovo and Metohija, and pointed to international partners on the recklessness of Pristina on the occasion of the arrest of policeman Dejan Pantic with whose wife Suzana he spoke. Vucic pointed that he expects fierce foreign pressures on Serbia from 17 December. The representatives of Germany, France, the US and EU will be in Belgrade at that time to explain how we need to behave and what will be the consequences if we don’t behave that way.


We will request KFOR return of our forces

We have harmonized a text that we will send to KFOR commander, in which we will request the return of our security forces to Kosovo and Metohija, said Vucic. “The government decision, in line with what we agreed today with the Prime Minister, will be passed on Monday or Tuesday,” said Vucic. “With UNSCR 1244 it is confirmed that it will be allowed to an agreed number of Serbian limitary and police staff to return to Kosovo and Metohija in order to perform functions, as noted in annex 2. To this date no talks with KFOR had been conducted on the return of the Army and Police of Republic of Serbia,” Vucic read part of the harmonized text. He pointed out that “there is no illusion and that he knows that they will refuse this request”. “The legal language is very precise here, then we will see further steps, but it is good, so that one day they would not tell us that we never asked this and that no government and no one didn’t date to ask this, because they held an axe above our head and said ‘if you ask this, you’re done’ ad that you know that a hybrid war follows against you and your government,” said Vucic.


I send a letter to EU members that didn’t recognize Kosovo

Pristina trampled on the Washington agreement totally, since it is will submit a request for EU membership on 15 December. “That is a very unpleasant event four us and a violation of the Washington agreement,” said Vucic. He said that he sent a letter to the presidents and prime ministers of the five countries that didn’t recognize the self-declared independence of Kosovo because accession can be requested only by states, and Kosovo is not a state. “These are our friends, I believe that the letter will mean something,” said the President.


Brnabic on Borrell’s statement: Barricades in northern Kosovo and Metohija not only show dissatisfaction and despair of Serbs, but they protect the Brussels agreement that you signed (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said, reacting to the statement of the EU High Representative Josep Borrell that groups of Kosovo Serbs must immediately remove the barricades, that the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija do not only show the dissatisfaction and despair of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. “They are there not only because their basic human rights are threatened, but also to protect the Brussels agreement that you signed and whose implementation should be guaranteed by the EU,” she wrote on Twitter. According to her, the barricades are a call to peace and, also, a call to action by the international community to start doing its job! “So, yes, help Kurti to remove the barricades and together with him you will remove everything that is left of your authority and credibility,” she pointed out. Brnabic pointed out that apparently, the Quint, together with Borrell, states that the barricades in the north of Kosovo and Metohija must be removed because they are illegal. “Interestingly, they are not so vocal about the illegality of the arrest of Serbs, for example Dejan Pantic, who was arrested yesterday without any evidence, or when the Kosovo police violate the Brussels agreement by entering municipalities with a majority Serb population in the north, armed with long pipes,” she wrote. Ana Brnabic emphasized that those people at the barricades clearly express their protest and do so peacefully, and that the only way to hear them, unfortunately, is at the barricades. “Did you hear them when their right to vote was taken away in January of this year? Not really. Did you hear them three months ago when Pristina confiscated their property for the construction of illegal military stations? Absolutely not,” wrote the Prime Minister of Serbia. She asked herself: “Did you hear them 136 times when different Serb families were attacked this year alone (50 percent more than when Kurti came to power in Pristina)? No.” “You only pay attention when they are at the barricades,’ the Prime Minister pointed out.


They want UN resolutions to be respected, except when it's about Kosovo (Tanjug)


n the last Foreign Ministers' Communique of G7 countries (May 14, 2022), in addressing each and every problem or crisis in the world (Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, etc.) they've asked for a strict implementation of the respective UN Security Council Resolution (UNSCR), Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic recalled on Twitter over the weekend. Now, surprisingly, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany is explicitly saying that UNSCR 1244 - which stipulates that Serbia has the right to ask for the return of certain number of its security forces to Kosovo* - should be ignored, because it is "unacceptable," she continued. "In terms of international law and stability, based on which criteria do you decide which UNSCR must be respected, and which must be ignored," she asked. "E.g., in case of Libya, UNSCR 2571 must be respected, but in case of Serbia, UNSCR 1244 must be ignored? Stunning level of absurdity. What Serbs in Kosovo* long for, is peace and stability," Brnabic continued, and concluded: "We, also, wouldn't mind seeing some respect for international law, UN Charter, UNSCR... One last thing: there wouldn't be tensions that needed to be reduced if Kurti respected agreements and didn't breach them unilaterally."


Brnabic: Kosovo and Metohija the last ghetto on European continent for Serbs and other non-Albanians (RTS/Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Saturday that the fight for human rights never ends and that an example of their violation can be seen in Kosovo and Metohija, where Serbs are denied basic rights. At an event marking the International Human Rights Day in the Serbian parliament, Brnabic said that the issue of human rights is always current and important, and that the fight for them never ends, even in those countries that have reached the highest level of respect for them. She emphasised that the celebration of the International Human Rights Day would not be complete without looking at the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, where she warned of the fact that in the 21st century, on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, in the heart of Europe, we are faced with the violation of basic human rights. She pointed out that our people in Kosovo and Metohija, especially during 2022, were denied basic human rights – the right to vote, to participate in elections, the right to be represented by democratically elected representatives and the right to a dignified, safe and safe life. According to her, the representatives of the provisional institutions in Pristina, headed by Albin Kurti, made Kosovo and Metohija the last ghetto on the European continent for Serbs and other non-Albanians. And that is why today it is important for me to appeal from this place, once again, to all our partners in the international community not to turn their heads from the facts, to see what is clearly and obviously visible, and to show by action that they are fighting for the protection of rights and everyone's freedom, Brnabic said. She pointed out that human rights should be constantly thought about, constantly questioned, always defended, and constantly talked about in this area. She reminded that Serbia, as a member of the United Nations, is deeply committed to the fulfilment of all obligations, according to the ratified conventions, and that the principle of leaving no one behind is one of the basic principles of all our policies. She noted that Serbia is the first UN member state to develop an Instrument for the implementation of the mentioned principle in all legal and strategic documents, reminding that in December, eight years of work of the Government Council for monitoring the implementation of UN human rights recommendations will be completed. According to her, Serbia has two remaining tasks on the way to complete the system of international protection of human rights, and the goal is to fulfil them in 2023. Those two tasks are the ratification of the Third Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the Prime Minister explained. She reminded that we adopted the Law on Gender Equality and improved the Law on Prohibition of Discrimination, which are in line with the EU law and international standards in the field of human rights. According to her, we adopted the Strategy for prevention and protection against discrimination, the Strategy for gender equality, the Strategy for creating an encouraging environment for the development of civil society and the Strategy for the social inclusion of Roma men and women in Serbia. She said that the government of Serbia remains committed to creating an inclusive society, a society that respects diversity, all minority groups and communities and the basic rights of every person. These are values and principles that we all have to protect, but let's show together that for all of us, humanity and respect for the dignity and rights of every human being are values that we will defend and protect at all costs, she concluded. Minister for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue Tomislav Zigmanov assessed that human rights are a fragile creation and must be constantly improved. He said that it is necessary to develop the culture of human rights and improve dialogue with different social groups. The mentioned gathering was organised by the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and Social Dialogue, in cooperation with the United Nations Team and the OSCE Mission in Serbia and under the auspices of Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. The ceremony marking the International Human Rights Day was also attended by Permanent Coordinator of the UN in Serbia Francoise Jacob and Head of the OSCE Mission in Belgrade Jan Braathu.


We are ready to send armed forces to Kosovo (TV Pink)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said that Serbia will protect the sovereignty and security of all its citizens, as well as that it is committed to dialogue. But, as he added, for the dialogue, the will of both parties is necessary. Vucevic told TV Pink that Serbia will do more to preserve peace and find a political agreement to avoid escalation. "For that, the will of several parties is needed. The moderators of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina are often on the side of Pristina. The situation is tense, very tense, there is an incendiary atmosphere in Kosovo," he said. The Minister believes that the Serbs will be wise and responsible, and that they will not fall for provocations, in order to avoid conflict. "We are not afraid, but we are looking for an end to the terror against Serbs, through political dialogue. Albin Kurti wants to create conditions that make it impossible for Serbs to survive in Kosovo and Metohija," Vucevic said, adding that Kurti is therefore constantly opening new crises. He explained that Kurti is creating an environment for the Serbs to say that they can no longer survive there, because neither EULEX nor KFOR protect them. "KFOR is neutral, but its neutrality is such that it considers how to remove the barricades. Everyone deals with the consequences, and they should deal with the causes. Where does Serbs' fear and desperation to go to the barricades come from? Let Borrell come and address them, so that they could inform him why they took to the streets, they were forced to do so," Vucevic said.  He expects the arrested Dejan Pantic to be brought before the prosecutor today and to see what crimes are charged against him, since Pristina has changed the reasons for his arrest three times so far. "Yesterday, a security guard at Gazivode Kostic was harassed. They tore Serbian flags. It is a festival of hypocrisy that KFOR claims that there was no raid on Gazivode," he said. Commenting on the statement of the head of German diplomacy that Serbia's request to send part of the forces to Kosovo and Metohija according to resolution 1244 will be rejected, Vucevic noted that Germany gives itself the right to prejudge the decision, before Serbia sent the request. "We are absolutely ready to send forces. Due to the situation on the ground, Serbia requests that this clause of the UN Security Council resolution be activated and thus preserve the safety of Serbs, and Serbian property, churches and monasteries," said the Minister of Defense. He assessed that due to the reality on the ground, Serbia has the right to request the activation of that clause. "We will see if they will allow it. It is up to us to do everything that is in accordance with international law, not to show a desire for conflict, but for calm and continuation of dialogue," he said. Vucevic pointed out that Serbia's message is that international community should specify which agreement is in force, whether it is Kumanovo, Resolution 1244, Brussels or Washington. "Pristina does not respect any of its obligations, and partly neither does the international community," he said. Vucevic hopes that there will be wisdom and determination in EULEX and KFOR not to allow the removal of the barricades by force. "It's a road they wouldn't like us to take. No one knows where it can take us. The Serb community is almost exclusively moving along those blocked roads," he said. Vucevic assessed that every arrival of the Pristina police in the Serbian municipalities in the north, without the consent of the Serbian mayors, is a violation of the Brussels Agreement, as well as of what was guaranteed by the EU. He assessed that Rada Trajkovic's actions endanger the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and that she is not a victim, and condemned the opposition in Serbia propoer, which agrees to the narrative that Serbs from the north are criminals. "We received intelligence information that there is a plan, that extremist Albanians change into civilian clothes, attack EULEX or KFOR and that it will be presented as an attack by Serbs. That is why it is important that our people be as calm as possible, not to fall for provocations, to defend democratically their rights. To do everything they can to avoid conflict," said Vucevic. He said that Kurti wants to create an atmosphere to expel the Serbs, or that the Serbs provoked the conflicts. Speaking about the statements of the Western powers, he assessed that US Ambassador Christopher Hill made correct statements, against the background of American politics, while according to the German head of diplomacy and European Commissioner Borrell, it turns out that the Serbs are to blame for not leaving the places where they live. Vucevic said that Serbia is not playing games, and that it is not without moves and strategies for what to do in all situations. "We know what we are doing in every moment and situation, we just see that it leads to a political resolution, not to a conflict," said Vucevic. He said that this does not mean that Serbia is weak and indecisive, and that it would not react, in accordance with the UN Resolution and all valid agreements.


Dacic: We are bringing things to head on Resolution 1244 (RTS)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Sunday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the government would attempt to "bring things to a head" before the international community with a demand to KFOR to have members of the Army of Serbia return to Kosovo and see if UN Security Council Resolution 1244 is being fully implemented. "We know these are rhetorical questions, that is, we know the answer in advance. Just like they are now trying to present things as if the Brussels Agreement did not exist, so they are acting with regard to Resolution 1244, too," Dacic told RTS. He said the international community would neither follow nor implement Resolution 1244 fully, but that it could not abolish it because that required a majority in the Security Council, while Pristina, he added, has sought its abolition multiple times and the abolition of UNMIK and KFOR. Dacic said the demand to return the Serbian military and police to northern Kosovo was Serbia pointing out the international community's obligation to protect all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija. Asked about the biggest pressures on Serbia so far, which, according to Vucic, will follow when Kosovo applies for EU membership on 15 December, Dacic said that it will probably be a “condensation of different types of pressures”, to accept the situation on the ground, some final agreement that would imply the recognition of Kosovo and the approval of Kosovo’s membership in the EU and the Council of Europe.


Drecun: Pristina eavesdropping communication, Serbs in northern Kosovo and Metohija to be carefull (RTS)


There is no rest in the campaign of violence provoked by Pristina, the destabilization raised so high by Albin Kurti can only escalate into a conflict after which Belgrade would have to intervene and protect the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun, the Chair of the Serbian parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, told RTS. “Of course Kurti did not do that because the US delegation came and as long as they are there he will not take such measures, but he keeps his special forces on standby,” said Kurti. Drecun says that it is not in the interest of the Serbs to cause any conflicts, especially with the international security forces EULEX and KFOR. “Serbs want peace and dialogue, but provocations are possible in mixed areas such as Brdjane, Tri Solitera settlement and Bosnjacka Mahala. An atmosphere is being created to show that war is raging and that Serbs are causing it. Barricades are not the cause, barricades are the consequence of everyday terrorism of the Serb people,” emphasized Drecun. He also states that there was news that KFOR members accidentally entered the yard of a kindergarten in Leposavic. “As if they went astray with the most modern equipment they have, and then the members of the special parapolice units came the next day. It’s about scouting the terrain, because probably if there is an attempt to attack Leposavic and capture Leposavic, they want that to be the place where they will place their units,” says Drecun. He also pointed out that when the American reinforcements of the KFOR contingent arrived, they used special equipment to block all communications on a couple of occasions. “You saw the information that yesterday the internet and mobile telephony were briefly blocked in the north of Kosovo, only the US can do that. In addition, Pristina has a listening center in the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica through which they listen in on the communication of the Serbs from the north of Kosovo and the Serbs should be very careful in that communication,” said Drecun.


Petkovic: Situation brought to boiling, Serbs at barricades sending a cry to international community (RTS)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic told RTS morning news that another sleepless night is behind us, especially for the Serbs who spent it at the barricades.

“It is relatively calm, but the situation is tense to the flashpoint, primarily because of the intention of Albin Kurti to deal with the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija with his armed actions, the incursion of the Kosovo police,’" says Petkovic. He pointed out that we could hear the announcements that came from both the Americans and the English in which they say that the arrest of Dejan Pantic was an occasion used by the Serbs to erect barricades.

Well, it’s not just about that, people. It'’ not just the arrest of Dejan Pantic, of course, because they arrested an innocent man and they’re holding him who knows where, and they don’t know what they’re holding him for, because he’s not guilty of anything. But dozens of reasons in recent months and years that Belgrade and Serbs from the north of Kosovo and Metohija have been warning about. It is about violations of the human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija on a daily basis,” emphasizes Petkovic. He stated that there were over 136 incidents this year. “The Serbs on the barricades want to preserve the peace, the Serbs on the barricades want to defend the Brussels process, the Serbs on the barricades send their cry to the international community, which cannot hear them about what is happening in Kosovo and Metohija, which cannot see what is actually happening, which cannot see what Kurti is actually doing in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, that he is invading the north with the police,” Petkovic points out.


Which agreement does Kurti respect?

He points out that at first they said that they were patrol police officers with light weapons, but that we see every day that in the north there are ROSU units, special forces with long pipes and armored vehicles. “They have no right to be in the north of Kosovo and Metohija according to any agreement, at issue is a violation of all agreements. So let the Americans and the English and the Europeans and everyone else explain to us - which agreement does Albin Kurti respect today, which agreement does anyone in the West respect today and when it comes to the UN Charter and Resolution 1244 and the Brussels and the Washington agreement,” adds Petkovic. He states that Pristina does not respect any of those agreements. “You saw when they made the decision to postpone the elections that it was all just a show. If they already knew that they were going to postpone the elections, why did they send policemen to break into municipal buildings, to raid the offices of municipal election commissions there? What kind of actions are these should the commissions have done that if there will be no elections? It was clear that they wanted to provoke incidents, to force the Serb people to respond to all those provocations, so they would be accused of the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” says Petkovic.


Serbs at barricades because nobody wanted to hear their voice

When asked if barricades are the only way of peaceful protest, Petkovic says that he is hearing from Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that they themselves made the decision to set up barricades. “In this way, they express their democratic right in a peaceful way, they defend their right to survive and stay in the region of Kosovo and Metohija, because no one else wanted to hear their voice. After all, who are these barricades bothering? Whose freedom of movement are the Serbs threatening with these barricades? Well, there are no Albanians in the north of Kosovo and Metohija who pass through those roads, so to say that in this way the Serbs prevented the freedom of movement of the Albanians,” says Petkovic.


Why would Serbs attack KFOR and EULEX – at issue is Pristina’s propaganda

Answering the question whether this state of emergency in Kosovo and Metohija is the beginning of a war, Petkovic says “God forbid that there should be a war”, and that we are doing everything to preserve peace and stability. “That is why we call and say that it is necessary for everyone to come to their senses, all the time and in communication with the Serbs, and from the message of President Aleksandar Vucic, we also tell our people in Kosovo and Metohija not to fall for provocations, because we have information from intelligence sources that Pristina planned to use some members of the Kosovo police, who would be disguised in civilian clothes, and who would stage an attack on KFOR and EULEX, to then use it and say that the Serbs attacked KFOR and EULEX,’ explains Petkovic. He points out that this would be an occasion to accuse the Serb people and to invade the north of Kosovo and Metohija.  “That is why was reinforced this kind of message and to tell our people in Kosovo and Metohija not to fall for provocations, that KFOR and EULE must be respected and we want their presence in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, because they are obliged to protect the Serb people, not to deal with the issue of barricades,” says Petkovic. He explains that the moment when the Serb policemen left the institutions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, we have been saying all the time that KFOR and EULEX must be present in that security vacuum. “Why would the Serbs attack KFOR and EULEX? We are talking, of course, about the propaganda of Albin Kurti and Pristina, which many in the West immediately took advantage of and have talk about barricades all the time, and nobody to talk why this happened, why the Community of Serb Municipalities is still not formed - that is the key issue,” says Petkovic.


The Serbian flag was and will remain at Gazivode

He points out that Gazivode was raided by ROSU police, as well as that they harassed the porter. “They put a torn flag on him, pointed a gun at his chest and told him to declare himself and say what country he lives in,” adds Petkovic. “The Serbian flag was and will remain at Gazivode. We don’t want any provocations and any incidents, we always insist on peace and stability – that’s a message to Serbs, and that’s a message to the international community,” says Petkovic. Speaking about the statement of the German Minister Analenne Berbock, who said that it was unacceptable to send Serbian forces to Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic asks if this means that the Germans have taken over the role of KFOR commander, who is the only one authorized to speak about it. “The proposal is sent to the commander of KFOR in accordance with Resolution 1244, where we request that in accordance with that Resolution which is in force, what is written there should happen, which is the return of our security forces, up to 1,000 of them, to the territory of Kosovo and Metohija,” Petkovic said. We will evaluate everything and in due course we will inform you when the government will formally send that request, he adds. “We are talking to everyone, we are trying to preserve peace and stability in this impossible situation, it is also important to talk with our international partners. Of course, those who can put pressure on Albin Kurti should do so, but day by day we are entering into new and new crises, and it’s simply unbelievable to me that Kurti is doing it himself,” says Petkovic. He points out that it is important for everyone who can to put pressure on Kurti. “That’s why we’re talking to international partners, that’s why we’re talking to KFOR, from whom we have a promise that there will be no such attacks, but many times we’ve been burned by these various promises, and that’s why we have to be very careful,” says Petkovic. “I repeat once again - we are asking for peace to be preserved, and the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija want that peace, they do not want to attack anyone, they are only defending their right to bare life,” concluded the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.


Gunfire is heard near Zvecan, detonations in Mitrovica (Novosti)


Tensions in Kosovo and Metohija are growing day by day. On the barricade in Rudare near Zvecan, it is currently tense and growing number of citizens are gathering, and as the media reports, gunshots are also heard. Novosti unofficially learned that detonations were heard in Mitrovica. Around 9:00 p.m., a gunfire was heard from the direction of Zvecan, which caused additional fear among the residents of this municipality in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, reports Novosti. The tension is growing after the threats of Albin Kurti, who announced that he will remove the barricades by force. A kilometer-long column of vehicles was parked next to the road, and the people who gathered at the Rudare roadblock came to express their protest against Kurti’s terror.


US Embassies in Belgrade, Pristina: Dismantle the roadblocks immediately (N1)


The US Embassies in Belgrade and Pristina issued a joint statement requesting the immediate dismantling of roadblocks in north Kosovo and “an end to all threats of violence and intimidation”. “Those who erected illegal roadblocks should dismantle them immediately. We expect an end to all threats of violence and intimidation,” reads the joint statement.

The United States expressed its deep concern about the current situation in the north of Kosovo. “We understand that Kosovan authorities have detained an individual suspected of involvement in a violent attack on Kosovan law enforcement and electoral commission authorities. This arrest is being used as a justification for illegal roadblocks as well as threats and intimidation against the Kosovan authorities and the local population,” says the statement. The Embassies expressed their full support for KFOR and EULEX and condemned as unacceptable all attacks on Kosovo and international security agencies. “We call on everyone to exercise maximum restraint, to take immediate action to achieve a de-escalation of the situation, and to refrain from provocative acts. We urge the parties to work within the EU-facilitated Dialogue to resolve issues of concern,” said the Embassies. The Embassies of the United Kingdom in Belgrade and Pristina also requested the removal of roadblocks, stressing that an arrest is no excuse for the barricades.


EU will not tolerate attacks (B92)


EU High Representative Josep Borrell spoke about the attack on EULEX. "EU will not tolerate attacks on EULEX Kosovo or use of violent, criminal acts in the north. Barricades must be removed immediately by groups of Kosovo Serbs. Calm must be restored. EULEX will continue to coordinate w/Kosovo authorities & KFOR. All actors must avoid escalation", Borrell stated.




Delegations of SNSD and The Eight meet in Banja Luka, agree on forming state-level authorities in B&H (O Kanal)


Representatives of SNSD and The Eight met in Banja Luka on Saturday and agreed to form the state-level authorities together, along with HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). They announced that teams of the political parties will meet next week to reach an agreement on details of issues pertaining to economy and institutional activity. SNSD leader Milorad Dodik had previously said that SNSD will insist that the B&H authorities are formed with partners that will unblock the processes in Republika Srpska (RS), primarily the projects of the Hydropower Plant Buk Bijela, the Trebinje Airport and the gasification. After the meeting, Dodik stated: “We will keep seeking to agree on establishing, for the first time in B&H, a special procedure for a quick passing of decisions on development projects, regardless of authority levels.” Dodik added that all of the collocutors are committed towards establishing such a procedure. SDP B&H leader Nermin Niksic stated that they came to agreement with SNSD “really fast” and he pointed out the need to show B&H citizens that the future authority structures are ready to cooperate. People and Justice (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic said that, despite what some may have expected, Dodik did not set any ultimatums before The Eight. Konakovic noted that the field of energy should be a field where agreements will be reached relatively easily. “We should also work on resolving the relations with our neighbours, in a serious and committed manner”, Konakovic specified. Addressing the press conference after the meeting, Dodik said: “We are here in the capacity of full partners, without any intention of anyone fulfilling anyone’s desires. We want to sit with the partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and open issues we think should be resolved in a new way. The issues resolved 20 years ago, perhaps should have been resolved that way – like the issue of the Central Bank of B&H is – but in the world where the economy is collapsing to the point that it could go into chaos, it is necessary to find new measures, and we will seek them together. Only the measures we agree on together will be possible to implemented efficiently”. SDP B&H representatives said they will do everything they can so that ‘The Eight’, HDZ B&H and SNSD with its partners form the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), and their goal is that the FB&H and the RS governments cooperate in full capacity. Addressing the press conference, Niksic said: “I think it is much better when we work, reach agreements and resolve issues instead of making populist statements that bring no solution in the end. It is better to talk in silence for as long as it is necessary in order to reach a solution instead to use populism to draw people away and divide B&H”. Vice President of SNSD Zeljka Cvijanovic said: “We did not address distribution of offices or personnel solutions. Those are issues that will be seriously addressed by all participants in the formation of the B&H CoM at one of our next meetings, which we believe will take place at the end of next week”. SNSD Presidency member Zoran Tegeltija said the participants in the meeting agreed that the new convocation of the B&H CoM will base its work “on agreed policies and will have support of people in the Parliament. That is the basic requirement for work and progress”.


NS to participate in talks on state-level authority formation but it insists on its own conditions and principles (FTV)


The Main Board of Our Party (NS) held a session in Sarajevo on Saturday. At a press conference held after the Main Board’s, session, NS leadership confirmed that NS, as part of The Eight, will participate in the talks on formation of authorities at the state level, which should begin next week, but that it will have its own conditions and principles that it will insist on. NS leadership explained that this does not mean they already agreed to form the authorities, and expect that their conditions and principles will be fulfilled so that they would partake in the authority formation. The NS leadership expressed content with the manner in which officials are discussing the post-election authority formation, and emphasized that it is crucial to define principles and a joint program of work of the authorities in order to function. The conditions and principles they insist on include dealing with issues concerning the acceleration of the EU integration path of B&H and securing adequate organizing and financing of state institutions, improving the election process, and fulfilling the conditions to draw down the EU pre-accession funds. NS leader Edin Forto emphasized that for the formation of authorities at the FB&H level, a program on participation in that authority is being written for the first time, together with the other parties of The Eight and the HDZ B&H. Forto expressed hope that this program will be something that will be a measurement of the success of a government. Forto welcomed the fact that principles are being discussed before the personnel solutions and noted: “We are very proud that this process is taking place in such manner. We are satisfied with how things have been going with HDZ B&H so far.” He noted that it is necessary to refrain from “mathematical coalition calculations, and to focus on program”. Chairwoman of the NS Main Board Sabina Cudic said that the key condition for NS to participate in the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is primarily signing of a coalition program. “NS’ participation depends on the program commitment and the document that the coalition at state level will sign”, she concluded. The Main Board of NS did not discuss distribution of positions during the session. According to announcements, program negotiations of The Eight, HDZ B&H and SNSD will begin this week. Cudic underlined that they will insist on unblocking and speeding up processes leading to the EU integration, commitment of all political actors to opening of negotiations with the EU after obtaining the status of the EU candidate in line with eight recommendations of the European Commission. Cudic also mentioned adequate organization and financing of state institutions especially the ones that are carriers of the European integration, improvement of the election process, its integrity and transparency.


Izetbegovic: Only solution is SDA-SDP B&H-DF triangle (Hayat)


A regular session of the Association of Independent Intellectuals ‘Krug 99’ was held on Sunday. Keynote speaker at this session was leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, who talked about formation of authorities in B&H after General Elections 2022. Among other things, Izetbegovic said that the alliance of state-building forces in B&H is necessary for the process of formation of new authorities. He also stressed that recently held elections confirmed that pro-Bosnian political bloc, i.e. political forces that have interests of state of B&H as their priority, represents dominant political structure in B&H. He wondered what statement of leaders of 'The Eight' that they will not talk with SNSD and HDZ B&H about issues they disagree about mean and whether it refers to blockades of state institutions. He asked what 'The Eight' will do about NATO path of B&H and why they are silent about it. According to Izetbegovic, there is combat in BiH between those advocating a pro-European, pro-NATO and civilized country and those installing murals honouring Ratko Mladic and those who named streets in Mostar in honour of Ustasha fascistic movement members. The leader of SDA emphasized that it is not a proper solution to divide a pro-Bosnian bloc and form a bloc led by SDP and gathering local parties, while experienced SDA and DF are left out of it. “Accepting such dictate from HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic is not good thing. It represents fight for positions at any cost”, explained Izetbegovic. He also reminded that SDA and DF will have 13 or 14 delegates in a Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), while HDZ B&H will have same strength in Croat Caucus. “What is the difference? Is HDZ B&H better than this pro-Bosnian bloc for pro-Bosnian parties at helm with SDP”, wondered the leader of SDA. “This combination of SNSD and HDZ B&H has already achieved psychological dominance. I think it is a completely obvious thing. Going to meet the leader of HDZ, SNSD, pretending that they have suddenly become much more cooperative, that this is some (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik we have known since 15 years ago. Enduring that multi-ethnic, civic parties are called Bosniak parties, that they are called Muslim parties, that they are ordered that DF cannot be part of the coalition, that they keep silent about it, that they have forgotten everything that they have been saying for years and what they were criticizing us for. For example, the blockades ordered by the RS parliament were not mentioned in the papers at all”. Izetbegovic noted that the influence of pro-Bosnian parties, although they have dominant representation in the legislative authorities in the FB&H and at the level of B&H, has been reduced. Izetbegovic added that destructive practice continued after the general elections in B&H. Izetbegovic also said that the polarization of the pro-Bosnian political scene opens up space for the realization of the interests of political forces that attack the constitutional and legal order of B&H. Izetbegovic sees a solution in a strong coalition of pro-Bosnian parties, i.e. in a coalition between SDA, SDP B&H and DF, along with smaller partner parties. "Therefore, it is unquestionable that the formation of a strong patriotic bloc has no alternative and should be the zero priority of the political activity of all subjects who consider themselves state-building, completely subordinating to this particular party interests, mutual ideological differences, and personal disagreements and ambitions. I believe that the only solution is SDA- SDP B&H-DF triangle with all the accompanying smaller parties, which will achieve the capacity of 60 percent of hands in the state parliament and 80 percent of hands in the FB&H," Izetbegovic pointed out. Izetbegovic noted that he has already talked to DF leader Zeljko Komsic and received information that DF remains with SDA. Izetbegovic also unofficially talked to certain representatives of 'The Eight', but he is not thrilled with their meetings and coalition with SNSD and HDZ B&H. Izetbegovic claims that this leads to deeper divisions and that SNSD and HDZ B&H have already achieved psychological dominance over 'The Eight'. "Such a position is best illustrated by the statement of the leader of SNSD (Milorad Dodik), who announced that the Serb-Croat bloc will decide who will be in power, and that it will not be, as he says, Muslims. Yesterday (Saturday) we saw a meeting in his alcoholic wine distillery to which these Muslims responded," Izetbegovic said.


SDP’s Niksic: It is time for SDA to accept reality and give up blockades (Dnevni avaz)


Speaking for the daily, SDA leader Nermin Niksic stated that SDP and parties composing ‘The Eight’ decided to form the authorities at all authority levels, based on clear programs that will be available to the public, adding that their agreement with HDZ B&H has been available to the public for a long time. Commenting the accusations of ‘regime media’ labelling ‘The Eight’ representatives as traitors because they are forming authorities with HDZ B&H and SNSD, Niksic said: “It would seem that the thing because of which media inclined to SDA, resent us the most is the fact that there is no single coma they could refer to and say that it is contrary to interests of state and people. I find the tactics of these ‘megaphones’ cute, who are presenting their assumptions that the fine print in the agreement allegedly hides some kind of high treason and then they present their false construction as the fact and ‘analyse’ it in the public. We will not betray the state.” Niksic said that ‘The Eight’ will not give up the talks, calming down of tensions and transparency in agreeing of precise steps for improving of quality of lives of the people. Niksic also stressed that there was no analysis about coalition agreements in 2014 or 2018, simply because they signed no agreements, but the parties entered the agreement where they merely divided the posts: “Everything but the agreement is betrayal of citizens’ trust. We do not care that ‘megaphones’ of departing SDA structure are bothered by this.” Commenting the latest invitation of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic to SDP for authority formation, Niksic said that he understands their position and desire to be part of authorities, adding that SDA tried to impose itself on the others and even force necessity of their participation in the authority, adding that the majority composed of HDZ B&H and ‘The Eight’  at Federation of B&H (FB&H) level and together with the SNSD at state level, openly told SDA that they will not be forming coalition with them. “It is time for SDA to accept reality and finally make a single, true state-building step, which is giving up blockades in authority formation process which are doomed in advance,” said Niksic. Commenting Izetbegovic’s accusations that “Muslims agreed to a meeting in wine distillery with (SNSD leader Milorad) Dodik”, Niksic said that this statement is a proof that Izetbegovic, just as SDA bots, is using one last desperate strategy, which is abuse of religion for political promotion or undermining of the others. “My friends, SDP representatives, have already reminded Izetbegovic of some of his bar and winery agreements. To underline, I absolutely do not resent Izetbegovic about places where he made agreements. I resent him for what he agreed to,” said Niksic. Niksic stressed that every form of blockade by SDA’s side, would harm the citizens, adding that he hopes that SDA and DF will do the right thing and not stand in the way to authority formation.


Cudic: SDA needs to admit it was defeated and stop blocking formation of new FB&H authorities (Face TV)


Chairwoman of the Main Board of ‘Our Party’ (NS) Sabina Cudic, speaking about the formation of the new FB&H authorities, said that SDA is not elegant in what it is doing but there are times when it is necessary to admit to being defeated because acting as the opposition is completely legitimate and dignifying while desperately fighting for participation in the authorities is unnecessary. She argued that the decision of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt to enact the amendments to the Law on Elections of B&H and the FB&H Constitution is beneficial for HDZ B&H but perhaps even more to SDA as HDZ B&H would have been in similar position regardless of Schmidt’s decision while SDA is clearly benefiting from new rules for the creation of lists of candidates. She warned that Schmidt’s decision increases possibility of corruption because the election process and procedures became far too complicated to explain to common people. She deemed that Schmidt’s decision was essentially an attempt to address certain complications by additionally complicating the whole system and this was wrong thing to do. She condemned SDA for jumping at every opportunity to incite deflections and described this as a hunting season for Bosniak delegates in the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP), adding that SDA’s claims about the will of Bosniak voters being denied if SDA does not have the majority in Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP is groundless when certain Bosniak delegates were elected by drawing of the lots. She pointed out that SDA is literally doing what it was warning other parties not to do, mainly blocking the formation of the authorities because of its own interest, and NS would never resort to using such vulgar and antidemocratic means in order to stay in power. She stated that it is common democratic practice for the leadership of the state, in this case entity, to give consent for the appointment of the Prime Minister-designate upon the proposal of parliamentary majority and not to block the formation of the authorities. She assessed Schmidt’s decision is not good and he is playing a dangerous game with his intervention into the Law on Elections but since he already decided to do so in order to unblock processes, he should not stop half way and he should continue until all blockades are eliminated. She argued that Schmidt needs to plan more than one step in advance but the whole approach where complications are resolved with additional complications of the system is plain wrong. She said that NS has yet to adopt its official stance about the election of the FB&H leadership but she personally sees no problem if SDA’s candidate is elected as one of FB&H Vice Presidents because the FB&H President and two Vice Presidents have moral and political obligation to give consent for the appointment of the FB&H Prime Minister-designate and the formation of the FB&H Government upon the proposal of parliamentary majority, Cudic added in case SDA is prepared to block the formation of the authorities for no other reason that being excluded from the whole process, SDA must also be prepared to accept responsibility for wasted opportunities and all the consequences, including inability to access EUR hundreds of millions from the EU funds.


PIC SB two-day session in Sarajevo ends; HR Schmidt: B&H has historic opportunity to achieve progress on its path towards European integration (Nova BH)


The Steering Board of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC SB) completed its two-day session in Sarajevo on Friday. During the session, PIC ambassadors discussed the process of post-election formation of authorities and the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). PIC ambassadors concluded that, after a years-long lethargy, the situation has started changing.  Addressing a press conference after the PIC SB session, High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt expressed optimism with regard to improvement of the situation in B&H in the near future and underlined that all goals can be achieved with positive thinking. Schmidt said that B&H now has a historic opportunity to achieve progress on the path towards the EU, and it is encouraging that the process of formation of authorities after the elections has started. According to Schmidt, the first step on the EU path would be obtaining the candidate status, but that would only be the beginning of the real work that the authorities will have to fulfil. The HR emphasized that the candidate status does not mean a full-fledged membership in the EU, due to which he expects all institutions to do their part of work in adopting laws and forming the authorities. The HR noted that this country has waited a long time to see concrete steps for a more prosperous future. In addition, Schmidt said he feels encouraged by the fact that certain politicians in B&H have shown they are willing to work for the benefit of B&H. “I hope that the time of constant blockades is behind us and you can be assured that, together with the international community (IC), I will contribute to the dialogue that should continue. I expect that formation of institutions will be completed in due course and that there is no room for blockades in that”, Schmidt added. Schmidt also noted that the time for the unconvincing political manoeuvres has passed and that B&H is required to show that it is capable of functioning politically and economically as well as that it is capable of implementing reforms. With regard to the process of formation of the FB&H executive authorities, Schmidt announced that the IC will monitor closely follow the political situation. He sent a clear message to politicians that they should not deceive the citizens and the electorate. We agreed that we give support to BiH and its European path. Things are now starting to change. We must use this momentum, because for a long time, we waited for this country to make steps towards a stable and prosperous future”, the HR emphasized.


Russian Embassy: Communiqué of PIC is manipulative (FTV)


The Russian Embassy to B&H has issued a statement in relation to the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB) session and adopted communiqué, emphasizing that the communiqué reflects opinion of only one part of the international community. “We once again note the manipulative behaviour of the so-called partners, who ignore Russia’s membership in the PIC with unflinching impudence. They did not even try to put the notorious footnote on our disagreement with the text of the communiqué”, reads the statement by the Russian Embassy to B&H. Russian Embassy also criticized High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt, reaffirming their position that HR Schmidt is illegitimate. The Russian Embassy underlined that Russia retains the right to act as one of the witnesses of the DPA, saying that western diplomats are not the right ones to talk about respecting B&H sovereignty when they cannot give up on the instrument of their own protectorate, the OHR.


Dodik criticizes PIC: They are main culprit for violation of international agreement (O Kanal)


SNSD leader and RS President Milorad Dodik reacted to the conclusions and the communiqué of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board (PIC SB). Dodik criticized PIC and once again threatened with secession. Addressing the press conference on Friday, Dodik said: “They are the main culprit for the violation of the international agreement, for false approach and false hope they gave here. Everything they did were failed policies that led towards collapse of B&H. I say it clearly once again that the RS, SNSD and I personally support the constitutional B&H, the one in accordance with the (B&H) Constitution and that I am against B&H created by the British and Americans”. Dodik was visibly upset by the PIC for insisting on the adoption of the law on state property. He also said the RS is not satisfied with the implementation of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and that the PIC contributed the most to B&H being “a failed country’’, noting that the PIC is “committing political violence”, being responsible for problems with the state property, although the issue was resolved by the DPA. Dodik categorically emphasized that, in case someone touches the property of the RS, “we will take it out of B&H”. “Champions of destroying B&H are the PIC member countries that are pumping their muscles even today, trying to convey a message that someone else is to blame, and they are the main culprit for the violation of the international agreement, for false approach and false hope they gave here. Everything they did were failed policies”, said Dodik and continued that the PIC SB “heard we have agreement to try to adopt the Budget as soon as possible. And to make themselves important they tell us: adopt the Budget as soon as possible. Now I say, because of the PIC we will not adopt the Budget. I am fed up with them and their suggestions what we need to do here”.


Commemoration held for 42 Serb civilians killed in east Croatia in 1991 (Hina)


A commemoration for innocent Serb civilians killed in the villages of Cecavac, Cecavacki Vucjak, Jeminovac, Rusevac and Snjegavic in December 1991 was held by a memorial outside Jeminovac in Pozega-Slavonia County on Saturday, on the occasion of Human Rights Day. Forty-two Serb villagers – 24 women and 18 men, mostly elderly people, were killed in one day and a bedridden old man was set on fire, deputy county head Nikola Ivanovic, a representative of the Serb community, said at the commemoration. The Pozega-Slavonia County Serb National Minority Council and local residents erected a memorial in the vicinity of Jeminovac in tribute to the civilian victims whose remains were mostly not found. They were honoured with a wreath-laying ceremony and a memorial service. Also attending the commemoration was the deputy head of Virovitica-Podravina County, Igor Pavkovic. Wreaths were also laid by Serbian Ambassador Jelena Milic, Pakrac Deputy Mayor Mirsada Popovic-Damjanovic, delegations of the Council of Serb National Minority from several counties, and representatives of local antifascist associations. “We, representatives of the Serb community in Pozega-Slavonia County, call on all citizens with information on missing people from this and other parts of the country, to help Croatian state institutions with the information they have,” Ivanovic said, among other things. He also addressed his appeal to Serbs who may be in possession of information on missing Croats. “We want our fellow citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, to know about the crime that we commemorated today. On this occasion we also express regret at the suffering of Croats in our county and elsewhere in Croatia,” Ivanovic said.


No agreement reached: DPS won’t vote for any of the judges of the Constitutional Court; DF and Democrats to vote for the President Law (CdM)


Representatives of the caucuses finished the third round of consultations on the election of judges of the Constitutional Court and reached no agreement. Today, the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) won’t vote for any of the candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. After the meeting, both the Democratic Front (DF) and the Democrats noted that they would vote for the adoption of the President Law, because, according to them, it’s the only way out of the crisis. “The meeting was held on the initiative of the DPS. We said that voting over the election of judges of the Constitutional Court should be postponed. We’ve been advocating for early parliamentary elections in order to form a stable government from the start. Our proposal was the parliamentary majority to declare tomorrow on the President Law but to not vote for it and see whether there would be extraordinary parliamentary elections after that and finally, the election of judges of the Constitutional Court. They didn’t accept it and we may conclude that the talks weren’t fruitful. We definitely won’t vote for judges of the Constitutional Court tomorrow,” the Head of the DPS caucus, Danijel Zivkovic, said.


Radunovic: We’ll adopt the President Law on Monday 

“Based on the state of play, the 41-MPs majority will do the things on their own. We’ll start implementing some plans. We’ll adopt the President Law, as it’s the only way out of the crisis,” the Head of the DF’s caucus, Slaven Radunovic, said.


Brajovic: Extraordinary elections the only way out of the crisis 

Ivan Brajovic of the Social Democrats (SD) warned that the crisis had become deeper. “It’s impossible to get out of it without the extraordinary parliamentary election.”


Radulovic: We went backwards because of Djukanovic 

Branko Radulovic of the Movement for Changes (PzP) noted: “He wants elections without having judges of the Constitutional Court. The Venice Commission says we should reach agreement and have dialogue, and Milo doesn’t want it. We’ll do things our own way: first the election of judges of the Constitutional Court on Monday, for which we won’t get support. Then comes voting on the amendments to the President Law. After that, the initiative against (Montenegro President Milo) Djukanovic will be launched because of everything that’s happening to us. Finally, to have a new prime minister-designate who would set up a new government. If we don’t stay consistent in this, we’ll launch the initiative for cutting short the mandate.”


Vuksanovic Stankovic: Voting over judges of the Constitutional Court to be postponed 

MP of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic, urged all the colleagues to postpone the voting over judges of the Constitutional Court on Monday.

“Following the session, the SDP is willing to discuss the matter. Let’s postpone the voting, but the most important issue must be solved and that’s the unconstitutional President Law.


Nimanbegu: The situation is getting more complicated   

The Leader of FORCA, Genci Nimanbegu, assessed that the negotiations were unsuccessful. Head of the Democrats caucus, Boris Bogdanovic, stated that they had an open discussion today, noting that the Constitutional Court would solve everything. “Obstruction and losing time are not the solution, as they additionally block both the country and institutions. No one questions the candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court. The election of all four of them is the only solution. We can’t block the institutions of the system any more. Obstruction of a handover of power in certain municipalities is out of the question. It’s a destruction. Dialogue didn’t work because of the strong views of a part of the opposition. We’ll vote for the President Law,” he said. After the meeting, the representative of the Black on White bloc, Srdjan Pavicevic, didn’t give a statement. The meeting was attended by: Danijel Zivkovic (DPS), Genci Nimanbegu (Forca), Draginja Vuksanovic Stankovic (SDP), Ivan Brajovic (SD), Damir Gutic (BS), Srdjan Pavicevic (Black on White), Dragan Ivanovic (SNP), Slaven Radunovic (DF), Boris Bogdanovic (Democrats) and Branko Radulovic (PzP). The DPS initiated the meeting and the Head of their caucus, Danijel Zivkovic, earlier said that the agreement should create preconditions for solving the institutional crisis.


Special prosecutor Sasa Cadjenovic arrested (CdM)


On the order of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office, the Special Police Department has arrested special prosecutor Sasa Cadjenovic. The state prosecutor and spokesman of the Special State Prosecutor’s Office Vukas Radonjic says that Cadjenovic was arrested on the grounds of suspicion that, in the period from mid-2020 to 2022, he committed the criminal offense of creating a criminal organization, as well as several criminal offenses of abuse official position. “The Special State Prosecutor’s Office will inform the public in a timely manner about its further actions and the state of the proceedings, and I especially emphasize that state authorities, the media, citizens’ associations, public figures and other persons are obliged to adhere to the presumption of innocence and to make public statements about the proceedings that is in progress that do not offend other rules of the procedure and the rights of the person against whom the procedure is being conducted”, says Radonjic. The outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic welcomed the arrest of special state prosecutor Sasa Cadjenovic. Answering questions from journalists, he pointed out that it was not that just an irrelevant person had been arrested, but Milivoje Katnic’s right-hand man. “I don’t know how to comment without being fair to everyone. Perhaps there is still some mild scepticism among the citizens of Montenegro, but everything that was said and everything that was promised is being confirmed day by day. (…). So far, there have been no arrests by the special prosecutor. (…). After Vesna Medenica, we reached Cadjenovic. As for those whose hopes are that the hand of justice will bypass them, their hopes are getting less and less every day”, said Abazovic. As he pointed out, we would either have a rule of law or nothing. “I am sure of the victory of the rule of law. I believe that Montenegro is on the right track to demonstrate this by delivering concrete results and convince the domestic and international community that we are on the legal path”, said Abazovic.


Abazovic on Open Balkans: That’s the best thing, I don’t know how anyone could be against queuing at borders (Pobjeda)


After the opening of the Pljevlja-Mihajlovica road, the outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic responded to the journalist’s statement that “if the Open Balkans happens, there will be no border crossings” and that he didn’t know how anyone could be against queuing at the borders. Commenting on the Open Balkans (OB), Abazovic wanted to stress only one thing about this regional initiative – “people within the European Union travel, and there are no borders between countries”. “I really can’t understand how someone in Montenegro supports us being part of the European community, but has a problem supporting something that turned out to be a good, functional model there that could be applied here”, said Abazovic.


Bujar Osmani in defense of the Kosovo police (Republika)


We are following the situation in northern Kosovo with great concern. The attack on the police of Kosovo and EULEX, as well as all the acts that lead to the escalation of the situation, are unacceptable, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani wrote on Facebook. Removing all barricades and establishing the rule of law are imperative. We encourage a comprehensive solution in accordance with European and American mediation, reads Osmani’s post.


Decision on constitutional amendments will not be easy, but I expect MPs to show statesmanlike behaviour, says Kovacevski (MIA)


The screening with the European Union is proceeding as it was planned, and before us now are the constitutional amendments, which will be put before the Macedonian Parliament and before our 120 MPs It is clear to me that their decision will not be easy, but I expect that they will show statesmanlike behaviour, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski in an interview with MIA. What is clear is that they have a choice to leave things as they are and leave the country in stagnation and uncertainty, but I sincerely believe and am confident that they will be up to the task and make a decision to enable a better future for us and our children. MPs are still and above all representatives of citizens, and citizens want to live in an EU member state. They want us to be a full-fledged member. Not only for the sake of membership per se, but for the sake of a better standard of living, for the sake of a better rule of law, better infrastructure, better services for citizens, for the sake of economic progress, social justice, and the rule of democracy. Citizens want a better life according to European standards because they want their children to stay at home and build their future here, he said. Kovacevski repeated that we have no alternative to EU membership and that path will not be easy, but it must be taken. Look at all the member states that were in our situation many years ago, and that experienced serious growth and development after joining the EU. And their path was not easy, and their transformation was gradual and difficult, but today their citizens have a chance to live in countries with a better standard, to become richer, and to live European and free. Whether we will be there now depends only on us. The hands of support from our friends, this chance we have, we must not miss it, says Kovacevski in an interview with MIA.


British Ambassador Lawson demands steps to fight corruption in Macedonia, says the problem is “getting worse, not better” (Republika)


British Ambassador to Macedonia Matthew Lawson joined in the call of the US Ambassador Angela Aggeler that the country finally gets serious about fighting corruption. In a message he tweeted out on the Anti-Corruption Day, Lawson blamed the country of going in the wrong direction in this crucial issue. Recent troubling reports suggest that corruption in N. Macedonia is getting worse, not better. Corruption undermines the rule of law, creates distrust in the judiciary and weakens public institutions. Absolutely crucial to tackle this, the Ambassador said. Earlier, Ambassador Aggeler said that sanction experts from Washington are in Skopje and are drawing up a list of past and current officials who may be put on a black list due to their corruption.


The situation in Kosovo/Rama condemns attacks on EULEX. The EU should call the dialogue table immediately! (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has condemned the attacks on EULEX in the North of Kosovo. In a post on Twitter regarding the situation in the north of Kosovo, Rama writes that the placement of barricades by Serbian groups not only does not solve anything, but on the contrary, complicates things even further. The head of the Albanian government calls on Belgrade to exert its influence on the Serbs of the North of Kosovo, without justifying their actions. Likewise, Rama asks the EU to "urgently" convene the dialogue table between Kosovo and Serbia. "Attacks against EULEX are reprehensible without any equivocation, just as every act of violence against the Kosovo police is reprehensible. The reappearance of the barricades in the North of Kosovo, contradicts every law and every spirit of dialogue and not only does not solve anything, but on the contrary, it further complicates everything! The postponement of the elections by the President of the Republic of Kosovo is a meaningful signal, to which the high authorities of Belgrade must respond with the same spirit and sense of responsibility, for not allowing further escalation of destabilizing acts! Belgrade must exert its influence on the Serbs of the North of Kosovo, without justifying their actions, whatever the reasons! The reasons are discussed, they are not used as a weapon against the police or as a barricade against the legal order. The EU should urgently call the dialogue table", writes Rama. An observation patrol of the European Union Mission for the Rule of Law in Kosovo, EULEX, was attacked with a cluster bomb (disorienting bomb) on Saturday evening, near Rudara, in the municipality of Zvecan. The news was reported by EULEX, who confirmed that fortunately no Police Unit official was injured, as they considered the attacks unacceptable. The EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, reacted strongly to the event, considering it intolerable, as he called for the removal of the barricades by the Serbian groups.


Situation in the north of Kosovo/Xhacka: We strongly condemn the attacks on EULEX, the barricades of the Serbian groups should be removed immediately (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, reacted to the recent grave situation created in the north of Kosovo as she wrote on Twitter that Albania strongly condemns the attacks against EULEX and the Kosovo police in the north. "Albania strongly condemns the attacks on EULEX and the Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo. We join the calls of our international partners for the immediate removal of the barricades by the Kosovo Serb groups. It is important to restore peace and the rule of law," writes Xhacka.