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Belgrade Media Report 22 February 2023



Vucic: West wants Kosovo card out of Putin’s hands (TV Pink/FoNet)


Speaking live from Abu Dhabi for TV Pink, Vucic said that Serbia will face increasing difficulties as the global situation grows more complicated. He said the Ukraine conflict will escalate because neither US President Joe Biden nor Russian President Vladimir Putin mentioned peace in today’s speeches, only victory. Commenting criticism over his handling of the Kosovo issue, Vucic asked: “Do you want peace … or to send your children to war”. “You want peace? Don’t moan about everything being treason,” he said. Vucic said that contrary to what Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said earlier, the Community of Serb Municipalities would be discussed in Brussels, adding that Kurti would demand recognition by Serbia before agreeing to everything. “I will always go to talk, but there is no talking with Kurti. He starts talking about Slobodan Milosevic, about his own suffering, about Adem Demaci, and you realize that he is stuck in those times and that’s it,” Vucic told TV Pink from Abu Dhabi, where he attended the IDEX 2023 defense exhibition. The Serbian President said he believes Kurti will attend the talks “with the attitude ‘I will accept everything but first Serbia needs to recognize us’.” “There is nothing they can surprise me with. I am prepared for everything, I attended all those talks so many times so it is not difficult for me to know what he is going to come out with,” said Vucic.


Vucic speaks with Sanchez (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke on the phone with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Tuesday about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and advancement of Serbia-Spain bilateral cooperation. "A very good and significant conversation with Pedro Sanchez. I informed the sincere friend of Serbia of the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and thanked him for his support for the dialogue itself as well as for respect of the norms of international public law. We also discussed advancement of economic cooperation between Serbia and the Kingdom of Spain," Vucic wrote in a post on the Instagram profile.


Vucevic meets with Egyptian, Cypriot military officials in Abu Dhabi (Beta/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic talked with Egyptian military officials about cooperation at the Abu Dhabi International Defense Exhibition, the Serbian Ministry of Defense has said. At a meeting with the Egyptian chief of general staff Osama Askar, and Egyptian Defense Industry Minister Mohamed Mustafa, "it was confirmed that bilateral cooperation in the area of defense is good and there is room to improve it." The two officials also said that cooperation in the military economic and military technical domains was especially well developed. Vucevic also met with Cypriot National Guard commander Gen. Dimokritos Zervakis to discuss cooperation in the area of defense. They agreed that cooperation "is very good and developed, as well as that there is room for further improvement".


Improving cooperation of Serbia, NATO in order to preserve peace, stability in region (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic talked yesterday with NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations Burcu San about the current cooperation between Serbia and NATO, the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the role of the NATO-led KFOR mission. Dacic informed San about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, particularly emphasising the importance and role of the impartial and status-neutral engagement of KFOR, whose main goals are the preservation of peace and security and the protection of the Serbian and other non-Albanian population in the province. The NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General underlined that the Alliance respects Serbia’s policy of military neutrality and that KFOR continues to perform the entrusted mandate in a status-neutral way, in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. The two officials assessed that progress has been made in political dialogue and the possibilities for further improvement of cooperation between Serbia and NATO were examined, in order to preserve peace and improve the stability of the region.


Judicial conference: Judicial reform in Serbia should include changes to legal and political culture (Beta)


A high-level conference on judicial reform organized by the Serbian Justice Ministry and the joint EU/Council of Europe project titled “Support to Implementation of Judicial Reform in Serbia” was held in Belgrade on Tuesday. The conference participants said that Serbia had made an important step forward with the adoption of a set of judicial laws, which would strengthen independence and efficiency of courts and prosecutors’ offices. EU Delegation to Serbia Head Emanuele Giaufret said that the change to the Constitution and adoption of judicial laws “have introduced important changes which will contribute to strengthening independence and accountability of the judicial system,” but added that changes to political and legal culture in Serbia were also needed for tangible effects of the reform. “The law is effective as much as its implementation is effective,” Giaufret said, adding that legislative changes had to be supported by adequate staffing and communication equipment and infrastructure. Christophe Poirel, director of Human Rights at the Council of Europe (CoE) Directorate General Human Rights and Rule of Law, said that an independent, impartial and effective judiciary was crucial for ensuring a truly democratic environment, based on the rule of law. He added that a judicial system should serve the interests of people and ensure that their rights were respected. “Amendments to laws must be accompanied by changes to legal and political culture. For me, it primarily means the culture of compromise and restraint with political factors to ensure they do not interfere in the independence of the judiciary,” said Poirel. Swedish Ambassador Annika Ben David said that “it is important to note that it is not only about adopting new laws and policies. It is about social dialogue. It is about participation, inclusiveness and transparency and setting off the Serbian judicial system to a good start for future efficiency in upholding the fundamental rights of its citizens,” the press release said. Aside from Giaufret and Poirel, the conference was addressed by Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Annika Ben David, the head of the CoE Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper, Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic, Jasmina Vasovic, the president of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the High Judicial Council, and others.


Popovic says judiciary free of political influence (N1)


Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic said on Tuesday that the recent constitutional amendments bring a judiciary free from political influence. “The changes taking place in the judiciary, which aim to strengthen the rule of law and legal certainty in the Republic of Serbia, through the establishment of an independent judiciary and an autonomous public prosecutor’s office, will enable a legal environment in which each citizen will be able to protect his/her rights in a swift, easy manner and within a reasonable time before the judiciary that is free from political influence,” she is quoted as telling a conference on judiciary reform in a Council of Europe (CoE) press release. The Minister said that the legal environment will be created through the establishment of an improved system of nomination, election, transfer and termination of office of judges, court presidents, public prosecutors and chief public prosecutors based on objective evaluation criteria, fair election procedures, openness to all candidates with appropriate qualifications and transparency from the point of view of the general public.


Zubin Potok residents demand removal of special police bases (RTS/Politika/Novosti)


Residents of Brnjak, Banja, Gornji Jasenovik and Zubin Potok requested the suspension and removal of the special police bases built on the territory of their municipality and the termination of the expropriation of the properties belonging to them, which the government in Pristina had determined for the extension of the existing ones and the continuation of the construction of new facilities from, as they called, public interest. This unique request for the annulment of the decision on expropriation and the removal of the existing bases was presented during the discussion in Zubin Potok, after the government approved in Pristina on 2 February the decision on further consideration of the request for the expropriation of real estate for the implementation of “infrastructural projects of public interest”. In some of the mentioned locations, police bases have already been built, while in others construction has started or construction is still planned to start. The representative of the government office for expropriation Driton Murati refused to say exactly what they are planning to build, but he said that the goal is to hold public hearings to get all the proposals, comments and opinions of property owners.


Vulovic: Pristina violated its own laws with its decisions

The resigned president of the Municipality of Zubin Potok Srdjan Vulovic told the representatives of the government in Pristina that they violated their own laws with their decisions and that they are scheduling the expropriation discussion several months after they have already built police bases on private properties. “The decision of the government was made much later and it is clear to everyone that you have broken all the laws. You should have come before all this to talk, but you have created a base, you are harassing the people, and your goal is to expel us, which, unfortunately for you, you will not succeed because we will stay here,” Vulovic said. He conveyed to the representatives of the authorities in Pristina that the Serbs in Zubin Potok do not need anyone’s concern for economic development, but protection.


Lawyers about Pristina’s decision 

Lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic, one of the legal representatives of the property owner, said that it is unfortunate that those who have to enforce the law, namely the police, the prosecution and the court, are the first to break the law and give the citizens a clear message that this is a territory where there is no law. Lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic estimated that the goal of the government in Pristina is to integrate the north of Kosovo by building police bases. “What are you going to build and why a public debate when the buildings have already been built or are in the final stage. Mr. Murati, you mentioned the aspect of security. I know the Kosovo government’s project to integrate the north into Kosovo, but let me just tell you, after this debate, go to the Zubin Potok police station to see the condition of that building. It is a private house that does not meet basic requirements, so invest in that building or let us build a new police station that will meet the requirements, but something is being built that will evidently very quickly become a military base,” said Pantovic. Lawyer Srdjan Mitrovic said that the government can only build intercity roads, not local ones, because the local authority is responsible for that. “What kind of public interest are we talking about and that is the question of all questions, there is a police station in Zubin Potok, if it is necessary to improve the security and conditions of the police, let us build a police station. What do we get with this, dissatisfied people like everyone else because the people here do not want a police base. Anything can be done by force, but also with the abuse of the service and state authorities,” said Mitrovic, demanding the cancellation of the decisions of the government in Pristina.




RS parliament delegation pays visit to Moscow; Stevandic: RS will continue to cherish its neutrality (RTRS/FTV/Srna)


A delegation of the Republika Srpska (RS) parliament led by speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic met in Moscow on Tuesday Deputy Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Konstantin Kosachev. Following the meeting, Stevandic said that relations of the Russian Federation and the RS are way older than the Ukrainian conflict and the RS will remain neutral about this conflict. Stevandic also met speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matviyenko. On this occasion, he informed her that the RS will continue to cherish its neutrality. In a statement for Srna, Stevandic said that the Russian Federation has never done anything that would hurt Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). He added: “The fact that it preserved the Dayton Agreement and the fact that it took the RS side not allowing adoption of resolutions that do not originally come from B&H but from third countries, is something that should refer to the future of B&H; not to deal with differences (…) I believe that we, from the RS, have very-well balanced stances both towards the East and towards the West. The same thing that I said in Moscow at meetings with Matviyenko and Kosachev, I said in Europe, in Salzburg and in institutions of the EU regions. I hope that the RS will, step by step, come into the position of having its policy verified and get understanding both in the East and in the West. “ Stevandic underlined that they find it important to preserve peace and constitutional capacities of the RS. “The RS cannot command B&H with its decisions, but on the basis of consensus it can preserve the balance between the EU and other countries whose relations with Russia are currently deteriorating”, reads a statement issued from the Cabinet of Stevandic. The topics of the meeting, as stated in the announcement, were the relations between the RS, B&H and the Russian Federation, as well as ways to strengthen bilateral and parliamentary relations. The EU delegation to B&H said that this visit shows non-compliance with EU policy and the values of the democratic world, which condemned the Russian war in Ukraine. B&H Foreign Minister and NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic assessed that Stevandic’s visit is a wrong decision, but that he is not surprised by this visit given the current political reality. SDP B&H’s Sasa Magazinovic stated that Stevandic’s visit represents continuation of support to aggressor, noting that it is detrimental to everyone in B&H that someone from B&H openly takes side of aggressor. He also warned that the visit confirms Russian influence in B&H. SDA’s Muamer Zukic said that the visit is not surprising given Stevandic’s statements and his policy, adding that the visit can be seen as continuation of pro-Russian policy in B&H which is why the reaction of the High Representative is needed.


Becirovic submits request for assessment of constitutionality of law on immovable property used for functioning of public authorities of RS (RTRS)


Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic filed with the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H on Tuesday a motion for constitutional review of the law on immovable property that is used for functioning of public authorities in RS. Thus, Becirovic requested from the CC of B&H to impose a temporary measure that puts the law out of force until reaching of the final decision of the CC on the motion. RTRS reminded that the RS National Assembly adopted the aforementioned law last year and that the Council for Protection of the Vital National Interest (VNI) of the CC of the RS did not accept a motion of Bosniaks to establish violation of the VNI.


HR Schmidt has passed decision amending law on Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center (O Kanal)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt has passed a decision amending the Law on the Center for the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery for the Victims of the 1995 Genocide, which means that unspent sum of BAM 6 million will be redirected for other purposes for the functioning of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center. The statement published by the Office of the High Representative reads that the HR thus facilitated the work of the Memorial Center and the amendments will allow for unspent funds originally assigned for burials to be used for other purposes with prior consent of the donors. “This technical amendment therefore allows the Memorial Center, in consultations with the donors, to reallocate the remaining funds for other purposes, such as construction and maintenance, as well as for cooperation with other commemoration centers, foundations, and associations worldwide”, the OHR stated. HR Schmidt also commented that the OHR has always been committed to the work and legacy of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Centre and that the centre needs continuous care and attention from domestic and international actors.  The HR made the decision based on the Memorial Center’s initiative, and it enables that surplus of donated funds – that are used for funerals and tombstones of the genocide victims - to now be used for other purposes, primarily the functioning of the Center.


Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center: Decision of HR to amend Law on Center for Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery for Victims of 1995 Genocide is historic (N1)


N1 reported that High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt made a new move and amended the Law on the Center for the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery for the Victims of the 1995 Genocide. Representatives of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center characterized this as a historic day for the institution that cherishes remembrance on victims of the genocide. N1 reported that thus, this will allow for unspent funds originally assigned for burials to be used for other purposes with prior consent of the donors. According to N1, this will enable the institution to have at disposal BAM six million. Director of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center Emir Suljagic said: “I am happy because in some way, this means a return of the center to us. This is the money that was initially ours, intended for us but we could not have an access it. We could not decide on spending of the money. Now, we literally have full sovereignty, including the financial one, over the Memorial Center and over the institution of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center.” N1 added that the sovereignty means the option to launch new projects. Spokeswoman for the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center Almasa Salihovic said that thanks to this, they will be in a situation to bring more young people to work in Potocari. Member of the Steering Board of the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center Sefket Hafizovic said that their main goal is to bring as much as possible young and educated people to work in Potocari.


Dodik: There was no genocide in Srebrenica (AJB/N1)


High Representative Christian Schmidt amended the Law on the Centre for the Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial and Cemetery for the Victims of the 1995 Genocide. The amendment will allow for unspent funds originally assigned for burials to be used for other purposes with prior consent of the donors. In response to the amendment RS President Milorad Dodik commented that there was no genocide in Srebrenica, which is a criminal offence added the presenter, and that he does not support the decision of the High Representative. Dodik also said that this decision of the HR will not be published in the Official Gazette and that it is not legitimate. Dodik said that the genocide did not happen and that there are constant attempts to insist on this in a violent way. Dodik also stated that the High Representative is a non-existent role in B&H, that any of HR’s actions have no impact on the RS and that he should leave the country. Dodik stated that Schmidt’s decision serves the purpose of covering up embezzlements and crime committed by the Memorial Center. He also said that “the descendent of those who committed the most horrible genocide in World War II” should not have a say in setting the values related to genocide issue. SDP B&H, the NIP and the NS issued a joint statement and condemned public denial of the genocide. The parties called on competent institutions to strictly stick to the law in this and in other similar cases and to prosecute these kinds of crimes.


Kristo, Covic meet Dodik in Banja Luka, discuss CoM, EU path of B&H, ways to unblock projects (RTRS)


Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo (HDZ B&H), leader of HDZ B&H and deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dragan Covic and leader of SNSD and RS President Milorad Dodik met in Banja Luka on Tuesday. The officials discussed functioning of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM), ways to unblock projects and the EU path of B&H. The officials underlined the need for the CoM to find solutions to unblock projects like the project of the Eastern gas interconnection. During the meeting, the officials also confirmed previously harmonized standpoints on the EU path of B&H, while Dodik reiterated that the RS supports the EU but not the NATO path of B&H. Addressing media, Dodik stated: “We should point the fact that B&H is a negotiating party in the process of the European path with the EU and not a vassal party as the Ambassador (Head of the EU Delegation Johann) Sattler and others in Sarajevo want to make it.” Speaking about the future work of the CoM, Dodik said that blocked projects are top priority. According to Dodik, blockade of gasification of the RS coming from the political Sarajevo is unacceptable. In this regard, Dodik warned that if the project stays blocked, the RS will respond in the same way. Dodik said that they expect this to be finalized in the upcoming period, adding that they try to act in a rational way, to give a chance to form a new Federation of B&H (FB&H) government. Dodik added: “To use this moment as an environment for an agreement on all this.” According to Dodik, if a German or some other bank blocks funds for the RS, they are not willing to support projects of the banks in the FB&H. Dodik added: “These are not donations, but loans.” Commenting on demands from Bosniaks to sign an agreement on demarcation of the border between B&H and Serbia, Dodik said that the RS supports solving of this issue for already a while. He reminded that leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic previously reached an agreement in Belgrade on signing of the agreement, but he suddenly gave up on this upon his return to Sarajevo. Addressing media, Covic said that they will discuss all disputable issues. In this regard, he announced that both of them will have talks with the third partner already on Wednesday so that they can jointly work and put all harmonized issues on agenda of the CoM and discuss all disputable issues. Among other things, Covic expressed optimism about formation of the FB&H government.


Kosarac calls for affirming of ‘New Eastern Interconnection’ project, claims Izetbegovic is regional problem (Dnevni avaz)


In a statement to the daily, Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac said that he is surprised each time by Sarajevo because it tends to interpret political messages in its own way. The daily reminded that Kosarac already announced that he will not give his consent to projects of the FB&H unless the eastern gas interconnection between B&H and Serbia is included in the agenda of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, which will hold a session on Thursday. “We do not want to block, blockades are not our policy, but we support advocating of policies that are important for RS and FB&H. However, I say clearly that it is very important to affirm the project of ‘New Eastern Interconnection’,” Kosarac added and noted that this project represents both energy and economic stability for all citizens of B&H. Kosarac assessed that this project has been blocked for a while because of political prejudice “but we must legitimately and openly say that we are not blocking the ‘Southern Interconnection’ which is important for the FB&H”. Kosarac added that there is enough possibilities in B&H “to affirm values of both” and he warned that obstructions and derogation of someone’s constitutional capacity is something that needs to be put behind everyone. “We witnessed such policies continuously while SDA was a part of the structure, but it did nothing by obstructing the RS, it did nothing for citizens of the FB&H”, Kosarac said and wondered why anyone would want to produce crises. “I can understand that there are still radical options of SDA that are carefully analysing everything the current structure of the FB&H in B&H institutions is doing and I can understand that there is a fight for political points as well as the need to get affirmed, at least in this case among Bosniaks. But do not let this obstruct important projects for development of both the RS and B&H. Many, specifically those in Sarajevo, can hardly wait for a failure of B&H CoM because it would represent a success of opposition in Sarajevo”, Kosarac concluded. Kosarac said that he believes in the political strength and orientation of the structure coming from the FB&H and he also understands their need to get affirmed before their voters: “This is a new impulse and message that this is good for everything and it is much stronger than the path of destruction and fight in a virtual, political world when it comes to radicalization of B&H, whose promoter was certainly (SDA leader) Bakir Izetbegovic during a past period of time. I often said that he is a problem not only in B&H, but he is also a regional problem. I still claim the same”.


Kosarac threatens that RS will block projects in FB&H if RS is not allowed to connect to gas pipeline from Serbia; Comments of politicians (Nova BH)


B&H Minister for Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) sparked reactions after saying on Monday that he will block the projects in the FB&H unless RS gets approval for the construction of the eastern gas interconnection with Serbia from the Council of Ministers of B&H (B&H CoM). RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik explained on Tuesday that the RS is not looking to block anything in the FB&H, but political Sarajevo has been blocking this particular project for years. Dodik stated the B&H CoM’s approval should be a formality and Kosarac’s statement should not be taken as a threat, but the RS will not be willing to approve the projects in the FB&H if the RS’ projects continue to be blocked. Dodik expressed expectations that the CoM will approve the project in question in the coming days, adding that the RS acts rationally and clearly it will take some time to finish the formation of the FB&H Government, but the RS is not giving up whatsoever. This topic was discussed at the latest meeting between Dodik and HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic on Tuesday and Covic called for a dialogue over unresolved issues. Covic revealed that both he and Dodik will engage in talks with partners from ‘The Eight’ as soon as possible in an effort to resolve all open issues. Meanwhile, the construction of the southern gas interconnection was discussed by Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic and Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gordan Grlic-Radman during Konakovic’s visit to Croatia on Tuesday. Konakovic emphasized the importance of this project and said that he supports it because it is a good economic opportunity which can turn B&H into a place where the energy sector of the East and the West meets but it can also make B&H completely independent in terms of energy supply. To remind, Konakovic and Dodik confirmed after their recent meeting that legal teams of their parties will focus on infrastructural projects, including both eastern and southern gas interconnection.


Keso slams Konakovic’s announcement on B&H CoM and Croatian government talking about reform to Constitution, Election Law of B&H (Dnevni list)


Dnevni list reads that representative in the B&H House of Representatives Safet Keso (SDA) promptly reacted to the visit of B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic to Zagreb, assessing as scandalous Konakovic’s announcement that a joint session of the B&H Council of Ministers and the Croatian government, which is scheduled for June this year, will discuss the issue of reform to the Constitution of B&H and the Election Law of B&H. Namely, Keso stated it is only institutions of B&H that can decide about changes to the Constitution and the Election Law, and not institutions of Croatia or any other state. Keso went on to say that Konakovic can agree to servile attitude only in capacity of a party leader, stressing that he cannot deliver B&H’s sovereignty to Croatia in the capacity of member of the B&H Council of Ministers and the Foreign Minister of B&H.


Konakovic meets Croatian officials; Importance of bilateral and economic cooperation, readiness for addressing open issues underlined (HRT1)


B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic pays an official visit to Zagreb, where he met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic and Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman. They discussed the cooperation between the two countries, support to B&H on the EU path, the construction of the southern gas interconnection, Adriatic-Ionian highway, Trebinje airport and a number of problems that need to be resolved, including the electoral reform in B&H. The officials stressed the importance of bilateral and economic cooperation between B&H and Croatia, and expressed readiness for addressing a number of open issues. Grlic-Radman stated that new convocation of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) is seen as a pro-European partner with which the cooperation can be strengthened in bilateral relations, multilateral forums and in the field of EU integration Croatia truly advocates for. He stressed that the issue of electoral reform and partial reform of the Constitution are of special importance, expressing hope that B&H will adopt the necessary reforms within the deadline agreed in line with the coalition agreement. Konakovic stressed that the goal of his visit is to strengthen and improve relations in all fields between the two countries. He also stressed the importance of electoral reform in B&H, adding that this issue will be discussed in details at a joint session of the Croatian Government and B&H CoM scheduled for June. Konakovic stated in his address to the media that he is aware that it is not fair that Croats in B&H have their legitimate representative chosen by others, and that he is not the first to bring this issue to light. This was done previously by Haris Silajdzic, Bakir Izetbegovic, Fahrudin Radoncic and reis Kavazovic, he added, also adding that it is interesting that this position has already caused controversy in B&H. Konakovic also commented on the election law in B&H stating that there is obvious discrimination on a large scale. He further clarified the residence restrictions regarding legitimate representation, under the current election law and pointed out its flaws. Konakovic also met with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Konakovic said that he expected that the topic of electoral legislation is very important both for the Croatian authorities and for B&H and that it is part of the program and agreement of the new coalition. Addressing the joint press conference after the meeting, Konakovic said that activities to return B&H to its natural position where the East and West get together – a bridge country where the East and West meet, are underway. He reminded that there is no dilemma that B&H's priorities are Brussels, Washington, Berlin and the West, while on the other side B&H's strong ties with countries of the East represent a chance for the development of B&H. At the meeting with Grlic Radman, Konakovic said that he is aware of the complexity of important topics that need to be discussed, adding that - without disputing the importance of relations between the two states - institutions of B&H should lead internal and foreign policy. Addressing media, Konakovic stated that verdicts of international courts mention discrimination in B&H unknown in Europe. In this regard, he mentioned that some citizens of B&H are disabled to run for a member of the B&H Presidency in elections. He underlined: “We need a comprehensive solution in order to solve the issue of ethnic representation in the right way as well as the issue of solving of this discriminatory process that disabled a big number of people to run as candidates.”


Strujic Harbic: Most important thing is that Constitutional Court starts working from Monday (Portal Analitika)


I acknowledge the readiness of political entities and that we’ve finally come to the consensus over judges of the Constitutional Court, as it will finally become operational. It was unacceptable that the highest judicial body in the state didn’t have the quorum for decision-making, the Bosniak Party MP Kenana Strujic Harbic told the Analitika portal.

She also noted she was disappointed with the fact that no representative of Bosniaks would be a part the afore-mentioned court. “It’s not a good message. Despite repeated pleas of our international partners, I’m not sure that they respected it in practice. We discuss the session scheduled for Monday at our party meetings and I believe we’re soon to have the position over it,” Strujic Harbic said. In the beginning of February, the Constitutional Committee determined the list of four judges of the Constitutional Court – Snezana Armenko, Dragana Djuranovic, Momirka Tesic and Faruk Resulbegovic. MPs are going to declare on them on 27 February.


Rama meeting with the speaker of the Assembly of Japan, Hosoda (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama and the delegation that accompanies him, following the visit to Japan, held a meeting with the speaker of the Assembly of Japan Hiroyuki Hosoda and the Japan-Albania friendship parliamentary group. Prime Minister Rama shared photos from this meeting on social networks. Earlier, Rama met with leaders of the Japan International Cooperation Agency, where a number of important projects were discussed, as well as with the chairman of the Japanese Business Federation and a representative from various economic sectors. Rama started an official visit to Tokyo, Japan, in the framework of the 42nd anniversary of the official establishment of diplomatic relations between Albania and Japan. Rama is accompanied on this official visit (February 21-25) by the Minister of Finance and Economy, Delina Ibrahimaj, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Frida Krifca and the Minister of Tourism and Environment, Mirela Kumbaro. In the framework of this visit, a series of meetings aimed at strengthening the cooperation between the two countries are planned. Also, Rama will hold a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan, Fumio Kishida, and will participate together with the accompanying delegation in the dinner hosted by him. The year 2022 marked the 100th anniversary of friendly relations between Albania and Japan.


Balla: Assembly, a special role in the process of European integration (Radio Tirana)


The co-chairmen of the special parliamentary committee for the role of the Assembly in the integration process, Taulant Balla and Jorida Tabaku, held a meeting at the headquarters of the Presidency of the Assembly with representatives of the diplomatic body accredited in Tirana. The focus of the meeting was information provision on the changes in the law on the "Role of the Assembly in the process of membership in the European Union". The chairman of the parliamentary group of the SP, Taulant Balla, highlighted that, "The Assembly takes on an even more important role in the process of Albania's membership in the European Union with the start of negotiations." "In this perspective, there are also changes in the law on the role of the Assembly in this process, where it will be proposed to add as a function of the Commission for European Affairs (currently the Commission for European Integration) the review of the negotiating positions of the Government", informed Balla. He underlined that "the government will present to the Assembly (KCE) the proposed negotiating position, before determining/approving the negotiating position for each chapter". According to Balla, "The Commission for European Affairs will give recommendations for the negotiating positions". This, according to him, is a real involvement of the Assembly, of course also of the opposition, in the negotiation process. "Thank you to the honourable Ambassadors Christiane Hohmann, Elsa Hastad, Reinout Vos, Christian Steiner, Peter Zingraf, Fabrizio Bucci, Konstantina Kamitsi, Peter Japelj, Elisabeth Barsacq, Ivaylo Kirov, Octavian Serban, Zlatko Kramaric, deputy ambassador Adam Lovassy for the thoughts we shared together. It is very important to support the Assembly with expertise throughout this process", stressed Balla.


Albania and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, cooperation in the fight against cybercrime (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of the Interior Bledi Cuci is on an official visit to Riyadh, at the invitation of Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz. Cuci announced in a post on social networks that the first agreement in the field of security between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Albania was signed within the framework of this visit. The minister emphasizes that this agreement enables a more direct cooperation in the fight against organized crime, the fight against cybercrime, terrorism and all other forms of illegality that destabilize security in the respective regions. Cuci reiterated that the agreement contributes to the increase of bilateral cooperation in the development of the capacities of the State Police for dealing with transnational crime. "Working together, we build a safe and stable ecosystem to guarantee the prosperity of our countries", the Minister underlines.