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Belgrade Media Report 15 March



Lajcak: Normalization, not capitulation - the ZSO must follow the model agreed upon 10 years ago (RTS)


The EU's special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said in an interview for RTS's Oko show that the European proposal is about the normalization of relations, not about capitulation. “I believe that our proposal is fair and useful for Serbia and the region, I am not here to change history but to change the future” Lajcak noted. He says that the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) agreement has not been fulfilled for ten years but points out that it will be this time. “We will not have an agreement without the ZSO”, the EU's special envoy for dialogue points out.


The EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak, said that his mandate says that he should help in the normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina. "I would like us to establish relations where people could move freely, do business, study, and I think that is in everyone's interest," Lajcak said.


Lajcak spoke with President Aleksandar Vucic ahead of the meeting in Ohrid. It could be heard that the conversations being held are difficult and meaningful. "We had a meeting on February 27 in Brussels, and there it was agreed that there is no longer any need to discuss the text of our proposal, which became public on the EU website. However, in order for that text to be implemented, we have to agree on the rules - which is the sequence of steps, who should do what and when. The level of trust between the two sides is low and both sides are looking for guarantees. That is the goal of my conversation with President Vucic," noted Lajcak. He added that he was in Pristina last week with the same goal, to get the opinion of both sides regarding the annex for the implementation of the agreement.


Fifteen models of the ZSO 


Answering the question that he offered 15 models of the ZSO in Pristina, Lajcak said that one important part of the agreement is the establishment of the ZSO. "We know that it was agreed in 2013, but it didn't happen. This time it has to happen on the basis of what was agreed in 2013, that is, in 2015. We proposed 15 existing European models as inspiration. Not as an alternative "Perhaps the agreements from 2013 or 2015 will not provide answers to all questions. I want us to seek inspiration from functional European models," said the EU's special envoy for dialogue. Lajcak emphasized that the Brussels Agreement, which was signed 10 years ago, has not been abandoned. "The ZSO must be built according to the model that was agreed in 2013 - 2015. And the models are there to show that no one should be afraid. There are models of self-government for minority people in Europe and that is nothing dangerous, no one should be afraid. It is normal that we have legal guarantees that the minority community feels safe," he explained.


Asked if the ZSO has executive powers and what it means when it is said that they do not want another Republika Srpska in Kosovo, Lajcak explains that the ZSO does not yet exist, and what it will have should be agreed between Belgrade and Pristina within the dialogue, but of course on the basis of what was agreed in 2013 and 2015. "A number of details need to be agreed upon, a statute needs to be proposed and both parties have to agree on the statute. An agreement has not been fulfilled for ten years, but this time it will be, because we will not have an agreement without the ZSO," Lajcak said. He says that many in Kosovo are afraid that the ZSO will harm its functioning, that's why inspiration is needed. "We want to show them that they should not be afraid, that there are a lot of these models in Europe, and they work well," underlined Lajcak.


When it comes to the mechanisms by which the EU would persuade Pristina to agree to the ZSO, Lajcak says that in February the European Council made its conclusions, and in them there are three articles which are committed to dialogue.


ZSO must be established 


"One of the articles says that the ZSO must be established. The highest authority of the EU says that the ZSO must be established. The USA says that the ZSO must be established. So, the ZSO must be established, and it will be established," he emphasized. He added that in relation to this issue, the EU has never been as united, so is the Great Britain and the USA and, as he says, everyone must respect that. He pointed out that it is in Serbia's interest that the President of Serbia goes to Ohrid and that the talks continue. "The goal of my visit to Belgrade and Pristina is to bring the positions of both sides closer together and to prepare a proposal that would serve as a basis for talks in Ohrid," Lajcak said.


Asked whether, when talking about the European proposal for Kosovo, one side can accept some points from that proposal and not accept others, Lajcak underlined that the proposal was accepted as a whole, but an agreement on implementation is needed. "Our goal is to agree on the full implementation of the proposal," says Lajcak. If Pristina says we don't want the ZSO, and Belgrade says it doesn't want Kosovo's admission to the UN, then, as Lajcak explains, we wouldn't have an agreement. "The ZSO has become a key issue and it has become clear to everyone that if there is no ZSO, there is no agreement and no normalization. But I do not believe that this can happen," said the EU's special envoy for dialogue.


"Big Five" and the ultimatum 


Commenting on the statement of Gabriel Escobar, who said that if this government does not want to do it, we will look for new partners, Lajcak says that they (EU) do not choose partners, but they are looking for partners to fulfil all obligations from previous talks. "I have been doing this job for three years and for three years I have heard in Serbia that I support Kosovo, and in Kosovo that I support Serbia. This shows that I am neutral, and my mission and my personality is such that I want to help and solve the problem, not to help someone against someone," said Lajcak, answering the question of whether the "big five" brought an ultimatum to Belgrade. He points out that the EU does not use the word ultimatum, but that the alternatives were discussed.


Lajcak comes from a country that has not recognized Kosovo's independence. Until 2020, he advocated the position that Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia under international law. When asked if Kosovo is independent for him, Lajcak replies that he has been dealing with this area for more than 20 years and sees how many people want to become a part of the EU, but, as he says, he also sees that the past hinders progress towards the future. "I offer my experience to solve the problem, but not so that someone wins, and someone loses, but to open European doors. That is the philosophy of my actions," Lajcak said.


The Balkans are safe only in the EU 


Lajcak is aware that citizens here have lost confidence in future EU membership. "However, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, the EU has changed its position and the European doors have been opened again," he noted and added that the Balkans will only be safe when they are members of the EU. Answering the question why international law is binding in the case of Ukraine and not binding in the case of Serbia, and why Serbia is expected to renounce its territorial integrity, Lajcak explains that the European proposal does not say that. "The European proposal talks about the normalization of relations, not capitulation. I believe that our proposal is fair and useful for Serbia and the region. I am not here to change history, but to change the future. I know how much the European perspective meant for me and my country. And I know how many good things it will bring to Serbia," noted Lajcak.


When asked directly whether the normalization of relations means recognition, Lajcak emphasizes that "Serbia and Kosovo should agree on this". He believes that the decade-long problem of Kosovo must be ended once and for all. "I advocate that we look for an acceptable solution for both sides. The past cannot stop us on our way to the future. The citizens of Serbia can believe that their European future is not a question of decades, it is a question of the next few years. The meeting in Ohrid aims to agree on the fulfilment of an agreement that has a high degree of support from the EU, which I do not remember seeing in the past. Everyone wants this area not to become a ground for destabilization," he explained.


About the mandate in Bosnia and Herzegovina 


He referred to the period when he was a High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). He commented that Republika Srpska was decided in Dayton, where the main goal was to stop the war. "That should be respected. We succeeded in that, but we are not at war today. We should not look for war solutions, but functional solutions. B&H is not a model of state functionality. Today we are looking for solutions that will speed up the European path of this region. That is the main difference. That's why we shouldn't look for inspiration from war models," says Lajcak. He notes that he is proud because B&H signed the Stabilization and Association Agreement with the EU during his service. "There is a permanent discussion about jurisdictions," he said.


Lajcak has received numerous awards in the past period, and asked if he expect that after the dialogue Belgrade and Pristina will have something to reward him for, Lajcak notes that he is here to help the fair process and offers his knowledge from the region and knowledge from the EU to help Serbia and the entire region on the European road. "I believe in the European path, European solutions. History will judge that my way of acting is fair," concluded the EU's special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Miroslav Lajcak.


Borrell: Effective cooperation between the EU and the US on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina (Tanjug)


The head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, said at the plenary session of the European Parliament that the cooperation between the EU and the US is very good in solving the problems between Belgrade and Pristina. Answering the MP's questions about transatlantic relations, Borrell said that the work of Brussels and the USA in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is "very effective".


The European MP from Croatia, Tonino Picula, asked Borrell if the EU is considering being a mediator in the political crisis that Montenegro has been going through for three years and to play a mediator role similar to the one it had during the political crisis in North Macedonia.


"Our determination in Montenegro is to support the democratic structures in the country so that they function better, and that Montenegro could do more on the European path, that it would be more engaged on that path and that it would be able to implement reforms", stated Borrell. He added that it goes without saying that some political problems in Montenegro should be solved through institutions in that country. He pointed out that the EU tries to help and support wherever possible in Montenegro, but that this is all that the EU, as he stated, "can do and should do".


"We work very well with the USA in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. I must say that the work is very efficient. We also worked in the context of Macedonia. Why not with Montenegro, said Borrell. As he emphasized, the two sides are coordinating among other things, dealing with disinformation, but that they have not entered into "joint mediation".

"At least not for now. I would like to use this opportunity to emphasize how important our cooperation is in trying to solve the problem between Belgrade and Pristina," replied Borrell.


Escobar is coming to Belgrade: the USA supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the help of the EU (RTS)


The US fully supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the help of the European Union, and the Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, is traveling to the region to support that process, the State Department says ahead of the visit of the American official to Belgrade, with whom President Aleksandar Vucic will speak on Wednesday. President Vucic will talk in Belgrade with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and Special Envoy of the United States of America for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. Gabriel Escobar is coming to Belgrade a day after the two-day visit to Serbia by the EU's Special Envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, announced by the Presidency of Serbia.

The State Department says that the US fully supports the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the help of the European Union. The Special Envoy for the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, is traveling to the region to support that process, the State Department notes.


Starovic: There is no division of blame into two parts, it is clear who is obstructing the agreement (RTS)


State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic says that it is very important that Belgrade is not recognized as the culprit in case of failure of negotiations with Pristina. It is important for things to be as they really are, for it to be clearly announced to the international public that the institutions in Pristina are to blame for the absence of an agreement due to the rigid political stance by which they refuse to establish the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), said Starovic.


Before the meeting between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and Aljbin Kurti, the Prime Minister of the temporary institutions of Pristina, in Ohrid on March 18, Belgrade was visited by Miroslav Lajcak. The European Union's Special Envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina emphasized in an interview with RTS that an important part of the future agreement is the formation of the ZSO, which he sees as the key to the success of the agreement. He also stated that the ZSO should be formed in the manner agreed upon 10 years ago. State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Nemanja Starovic said that although we heard good and important messages from Lajcak last night, we do not hear such messages from him when he is in Pristina or in other locations. The shuttle diplomacy of Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar is at work, says Starovic and adds that every opportunity should be used to clarify that we have a different approach when it comes to the way the Brussels process unfolds. "The main problem is the lack of mechanisms for implementation, that plan should be an integral part of the negotiation framework," said Starovic. Implementation, he repeats, cannot take place without the formation of the ZSO, which would represent the zero step in the implementation of anything else. "It is about the integrity of the process, which would be meaningless if the ZSO is not formed as a necessary precondition for working on a framework agreement," said Starovic. He adds that from Aljbin Kurti and other Pristina officials, we hear "an old song – parroting that they have no intention of establishing the ZSO". "If it is so, and there is no reason for it to be otherwise, there is nothing wrong with the agreement, but much more important than the negative outcome is which side will be marked as the culprit. It is important that it is not us, but how the things are in reality, to be clearly announced to the international public, that the institutions in Pristina, primarily Kurti, are to blame for the absence of an agreement due to the rigid political stance by which they refuse to establish the ZSO. There is no dividing the blame into two parts, it is clear who is obstructing," said Starovic.


Penal measures in the case of "recognition of the guilty party" 


He also believes that the representatives of the international community have shown a willingness to raise the stakes - recognizing the culprit would bring with it punitive measures. "If our side rejects the plan, according to them we have an alternative path ahead that would not be good, which is a diplomatic phrase that speaks of the pressures, threats and ultimatums that await us around the corner. If we were recognized as an obstructing party, we would be faced with harsh consequences, whether we are talking about the suspension of direct public investments, the withdrawal of investments, the closing of plants, people would lose their jobs - we must avoid that at all costs," Starovic pointed out. We should, he says, be wise and not even allow sharing of blame, let alone be recognized as the exclusively guilty party.


German Embassy in Serbia confident of agreement between Belgrade, Pristina (Beta)


The German Embassy to Serbia has said that it is confident that the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo will reach an agreement at a meeting in Ohrid on March 18, where the implementation of the European proposal for normalizing relations will be discussed with the EU's support. The European proposal has the goal of establishing stable and reliable foundations for relations between Serbia and Kosovo. For this to succeed, both sides need to agree on applying the agreement, the embassy said in a written response to Radio Free Europe on March 14. The embassy said that the upcoming meeting in North Macedonia was important to Serbia for overcoming obstacles on its European path. "The unresolved relationship between Serbia and Kosovo remains an obstacle (to the process of Serbia joining the EU). The upcoming high-level meeting in Ohrid poses an important step to overcoming these obstacles and progressing on the European path. All citizens of Serbia will benefit from it in the end," the embassy said. The embassy stressed that Germany "is one of the countries whose support for Serbia's road is the strongest."


Vucic asked the ministers who was in favor of sanctions against Russia, three raised their hands (


Economy Minister Radet Basta's position that sanctions should be imposed on Russia is not the first time ministers have spoken out on this issue. As reported by the portal, last time it was at the request of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, who requested it from members of the previous government. Three of them raised their hands, but one soon lowered it, writes


The statement of the Minister of Economy, Radet Basta, in which he calls on the Government of Serbia to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation, caused a storm in the ruling majority. Portal writes that the first conflicts on this topic began at the beginning of the war in Ukraine and took place at a meeting in the Palace of Serbia. At the aforementioned meeting, in addition to the President of Serbia and representatives of the Government, the military top was also present, and Vucic began his address by talking about the difficult position in which the country is and the pressures it is exposed to, to align with the policy of the European Union. He spoke extremely quietly. This is a serious problem in those meetings, because whenever he wants to portray something as tragic, he whispers as he speaks. Then it is literally impossible to hear what he is saying and only people in his immediate vicinity understand him. Then Vucic spoke about how Serbia is in a very difficult position, that Ukraine will not win and that huge pressures will follow. Then he told the audience that he knows that 'some people here would really like him to impose sanctions on Russia', but that he does not want to do that and that he will tell everyone," said a interlocutor close to the top of the government.


On that occasion, according to a source, the previous Minister for European Integration, Jadranka Joksimovic, suggested to Vucic that Serbia "perhaps does not have to introduce sanctions, but that it has to make a decision regarding the attack on a sovereign state". "In the middle of the sentence, Vucic interrupted her with the statement: 'Yes, we all have to.' Then he became completely enraged and demanded that everyone make a statement. He literally said: 'Let me see you, who's up for it'. Zorana Mihajlovic, Jadranka Joksimovic and Branko Ruzic raised their hands. However, Ruzic lowered his hand within a few seconds. "After the vote, Vucic grabbed his head and said that 'maybe we will condemn the attack' and that all this is very difficult for us," the source said. The interlocutor adds that the session of the Government of Serbia ended without any agreement and that the Government did not even know its position on the issue of Russian aggression against Ukraine until the session of the National Security Council. Everyone distanced themselves from the current public statement of Minister Basta - including his parent party United Serbia, as well as the coalition partner SPS.


Dveri leader demands of government to dismiss Economy Minister due to his advocating of imposing sanctions to Russia (Danas)


The only way for the Serbian government to prove that the request of Economy Minister Rade Basta for the imposing of sanctions to Russia is not the standpoint of the entire government is for him to be replaced, said the leader of the conservative movement Dveri, Bosko Obradovic, on Tuesday. “Before this, however, it needs to be established whether this is his personal view, of which we are suspicious, or the preparation of the public for imposing sanctions to Russia which will ensue in the package with the recognition of the false state of Kosovo”, stated Obradovic in a written statement. “Since Basta, in his address, invoked President Aleksandar Vucic, we pose the justified question of whether he made this statement on Vucic’s behalf and whether this is a new ultimatum which has been posed before Serbia”, he added. Serbia “does not have a single reason” to impose sanctions to Russia, he said. “This would endanger our inter-state relations in every way, and particularly in the area of energy and economy, not to mention the fact that Russia is a reliable protector of Serbian national and state interests in the UN Security Council, especially concerning the respect of Resolution 1244 and the preservation of Kosovo within Serbia”, stated Obradovic.


Vulin’s party demands Basta’s resignation (Danas)


Economy Minister Rade Basta’s resignation was on Tuesday requested by the minor Movement of Socialists (PS), a member of the ruling coalition headed by the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). “The PS is a reliable and brave comrade of the SNS, but it will never stay silent, nor support the new Zorana Mihajlovic [the former minister who also advocated the imposing of sanctions to Russia], even if [the minister’s name now] is Rade Basta”, states the announcement of the party which was until recently headed by the former defense minister, and then interior minister Aleksandar Vulin.  Is SNS Minister of Economy a “sleeper agent”: Basta is a member of United Serbia (JS), which has been in a long-term alliance with Ivica Dacic’s Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), and both parties have been a permanent part of the SNS-led ruling coalition for 11 years.


Political analyst Cvijetin Milivojevic, however, in a statement for Danas, presented the thesis that Basta was actually “one of the many SNS sleeper agents”, distributed among other parties, who was now activated since the SPS-JS bloc was not ready to provide unconditional support for every Vucic’s decision. In the short history of modern multi-partyism in Serbia, there have been many cases of activation of sleeper agents who were in one party and worked for the interests of others, he reminded. “SPS is a specific coalition partner in the government because this government could not have been formed without them,unlike the previous one. This time, SPS took off on the pro-Russian narrative and Vucic did not forgive them for that. However, SPS is not ready to give unconditional support to Vucic in such important matters as the issue of Kosovo. This is the point that separates them from Vucic, while in everything else they are more than loyal to Vucic”, Milivojevic said. In such circumstances, Vucic, as someone who keeps everything under control, knows that he can activate sleepers distributed in other parties, whether they are coalition partners or belong to the opposition, he said. This is also the case with the transfer of former members of the monarchist POKS to SNS, Milivojevic said.


“Sleepers are constantly waking up who are obviously controlled by SNS and who say that they are dissatisfied [in that case] with the leadership of POKS and its politics. [But] since SPS is a much bigger party and in a coalition [with SNS], it started with a smaller partner, JS”, he continued. “Basta is obviously a man who in his previous life was closer to SNS than to his first party. It is also unusual that JS, which got one minister, chose him for that position. There are local politicians in JS who have been with the JS leader Dragan Markovic “Palma” for years”, Milivojevic pointed out. He also referred to Basta’s bizarre reasoning of advocating for the introduction of sanctions, and it is, according to him, that Vucic was constantly “exposed to pressure” to introduce them. “My God, the president can no longer bear the pressure. That is the only argument. It is not that we would join EU faster or that we would save Kosovo. No, but that the SNS leader cannot withstand the pressure. Then two senior [SPS] officials immediately like the post. Though one cancels his like, but the other does not. When I think about it a bit, these two officials [Djordje Milicevic and Aleksandar Antic] seem to me closer to Vucic than to Dacic. It is obvious that this love is mutual, i.e. that Vucic does not dislike them either”. “So what Dacic and Markovic did [distanced themselves from Basta’s statement] seems logical to me, because they are actually defending themselves and their positions”, Milivojevic said.


Mihajlovic: If there is only one person in the government for sanctions against Russia, then we are in a problem (N1)


Former minister Zorana Mihajlovic wrote on Instagram that if only one person in the government believes that Serbia should impose sanctions on Russia, "then we are in a much bigger problem than we think." "If in the SNS, SPS and other parties in power, in the entire Government of Serbia, there is only one person who loudly thinks that Serbia must be part of the EU and impose sanctions on Russia, his name is Rade Basta, then we are in a much bigger problem than we can imagine. If there is only one voice in the Government and the ruling coalition that Serbia's place is in the EU, then that means that there is no difference between these right-wingers who call them "keyboard warriors" and those "traitors of Kosovo" as they are called by right-wingers who would like to hide behind names of the state," wrote Mihajlovic.




Bosnia and Herzegovina 


RSNA to discuss changes to RS Criminal Code; Journalists, activists protest against adoption of these changes (AJB)


A regular session of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) began in Banja Luka on Tuesday. One of the items on the agenda of the RSNA’s session are controversial draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code which stipulate introduction of defamation and insult as criminal offenses. Al Jazeera stressed that despite the numerous appeals of journalist associations from Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and domestic and international non-governmental organizations, the ruling coalition in the RS refused to withdraw the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code from the parliamentary procedure.


SNSD representatives pointed out that they are aware that the proposal has flaws, but that they will support it and solve issues during the public discussion. Al Jazeera recalled that MPs of the ruling coalition in the RS led by Milorad Dodik’s SNSD announced that they will support the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code because they believe that all the shortcomings can be eliminated during public discussion. Meanwhile, journalists who have opposed criminalization of defamation gathered in front of the RSNA building in Banja Luka on Tuesday.


With a symbolic performance with pencils and adhesive tape, the journalists sent a message to the MPs in the RSNA that if they adopt the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code, it will mean the end of freedom of media and speech. Representative of the Club of Journalists of Banja Luka Sinisa Vukelic said that journalists sent a clear message. “Writing the news will be an impossible mission. Investigative journalism will no longer exist and every citizen will feel it on their skin,” Vukelic said. Journalist Vladimir Susak said that all the details are known and that everything has been said about the changes to the Criminal Code of the RS. “I will only say that the aspiration of every society is to develop and progress, and with this draft law we are taking a step back, which is a defeat for the entire society,” Susak underlined. Protest of the Association ‘Radnicki pokret’ (Workers’ Movement) was held Tuesday on Trg Krajine in Banja Luka on the same occasion. Members of the Association ‘Radnicki pokret’ said that the current proposal on defamation will not only threaten journalistic freedoms, but it will also stifle citizens' freedom of speech. Members of the Association ‘Radnicki pokret’ said that the citizens do not know all things that fall under the category of defamation and insult, as well as that they will pay fines for comments on social networks. Representative of the Association ‘Radnicki pokret’ Drazen Pejakovic said that this law will mostly affect workers in the real sector.


Head of EUD Sattler urges RSNA leadership to withdraw proposed changes of RS Criminal Code from parliamentary procedure; EUD representatives hold meetings with representatives of Caucuses before the start of RSNA session on Tuesday (BN TV)


Head of the EU Delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Johann Sattler wrote a letter to the leadership of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) on Tuesday and urged them to withdraw proposed changes of the RS Criminal Code from a parliamentary procedure. Sattler wrote that defamation was decriminalized in B&H in 2002 but pressure on journalists continued and he used the opportunity during his recent visit to Banja Luka to express concerns regarding irresponsible conduct of politicians and elected officials who are using lawsuits as an instrument to intimidate journalists and force them to self-censorship. Sattler noted that criminalization of defamation in the RS would only further deteriorate the already bad situation. Sattler stated: "Such possible amendments to the Criminal Code would have long-term and harmful consequences, from limiting access to information to creating a climate of fear and repression, and unfortunately represents a big step back in the protection of basic freedoms, and thus a step back on the European path."


Al Jazeera Balkans learned from certain MPs in the RSNA that a representative of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H from the Banja Luka office came to the RSNA building on Tuesday. The representatives of the EUD to B&H came to talk to the MPs precisely about the controversial draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code. The representative of the EUD to B&H told the MPs that the EUD to B&H has also contacted the RS Government in connection with that and asked that the RS Government withdraws the draft amendments to the RS Criminal Code from the parliamentary procedure. The MPs, on the other hand, explained that in this phase of adoption of the draft amendments, they cannot do much except vote in favor or against.


Head of OSCE Mission Aggeler urges RSNA leadership to withdraw proposed changes of RS Criminal Code from parliamentary procedure (BN TV)


Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Brian Aggeler also urged the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities to withdraw changes of the RS Criminal Code from a parliamentary procedure. Aggeler argued that criminalization of defamation would be a step back, especially considering already bad situation concerning freedom of the press and the fact there is a very small number of free and independent news agencies in the RS.


Dodik: I accept that media community creates Media Act (RTRS)


The position of journalists in the editorial offices of a significant number of media outlets is humiliating, said Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik in an interview for the ‘UNA’ news portal. “In this way, the media do not contribute to the affirmation of journalists, but rather, they are most often looking for subjects who are much more exposed to pressure from the editorial offices and individuals in them than from the state. I think that in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), as well as in the RS, media freedom is absolute, but freedom is always limited by the freedom of others”, Dodik assessed. Speaking about announced changes to the RS Criminal Code, Dodik said “this law is not directed against any journalist, it is a law for the truth and does not promote lies and inaccuracies”. He pointed out that many countries in Europe and the US have laws that are similar to this one that is being proposed in the RS. When asked if the Media Act should be adopted in the RS, Dodik said that it should and that he would accept the media community to draft and propose such an act. “Let the journalist community make that proposal and harmonize it with the constitutional and legal system, and I agree and will not dispute them”, Dodik said, adding that ruling authorities would not work on this proposal of the law as many would probably criticize the offered legislative solution.


Regarding the demands of the international community to withdraw the amendments to the RS Criminal Code, i.e. the provisions concerning defamation, as well as the fact that Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H and EU Special Representative (EUSR) Johann Sattler reacted on Monday night, Dodik explained that “the reasons are their structure that rebelled.” “Those journalists there who are now celebrating this alleged conflict with us, ‘quasi journalists’ who will now receive more money from their bosses, as expected, they have become one of the richest people in Banja Luka. If you entered their real state, you would see what the real reason is,” Dodik was quoted as saying. Dodik announced that he will not give up on changes to the criminal law, and that he has the support of his coalition partners. He said that in the public space there are people who present falsehoods and defamations and that they should be prevented from doing so.


EU plans to pass legislation similar to US foreign agents act forcing NGOs to disclose non-EU funding (Glas Srpske)


According to an article published by ‘Politico’, the EU is working on a law that would force nongovernmental groups, consultancies and academic institutions to disclose any non-EU funding as part of a crackdown on foreign influence in the bloc. The planned legislation, which is in very early stages, echoes similar laws in Australia and the United States. An unnamed source of 'Politico' stated that the EU’s version is unlikely to target individuals, but would make both commercial and non-profit organizations around the bloc reveal non-EU funding pertaining to transactions such as paying for academic study. The law is due to be finalized in late May. Europe has been grappling with an array of foreign influence operations over recent years — from what 'Politico' describes as Russian hack-and-leak campaigns designed to change election outcomes, to Chinese grants for universities aiming to shape rhetoric on human rights, to — most recently — the Qatar corruption scandal that has rocked the European Parliament. European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen announced a "defense of democracy” package during her State of the Union speech last September, which kicked off work on the foreign influence bill led by Commission Vice President for Justice Vera Jourova.


FB&H Vice President Stojanovic: HR Schmidt needs to react and make decision that will unblock formation of FB&H authorities, his decision needs to be permanent and not one-off solution (Dnevni avaz)


Vice President Igor Stojanovic (SDP) commented the blockade in formation of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government caused by the fact that FB&H Vice President Refik Lendo announced that he will not approve the new Government if SDA is not part of it. This will probably require a decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt in order to overcome the impasse. However, Stojanovic underlined, Schmidt’s decision should provide a lasting solution that will be valid for all future election cycles, and not just a one-off solution for the current situation. Stojanovic noted that the international community must untie the knot it tied in the election night when Schmidt imposed changes to the Election Law. Otherwise, he warned, the international community will be responsible for the blockade of the process of formation of FB&H authorities because changes imposed by Schmidt allowed SDA the control in FB&H House of Peoples. Asked of the coalition of ‘The Eight’ is undermined by the fact that SBiH and NES decided to join SDA and DF in Una-Sana Canton and form the new cantonal government, Stojanovic said that this has caused some mistrust. “Whether this will have an impact on the FB&H level, we need to wait and see. It is very strange that we have a signed agreement with NES and SBiH about program of work and distribution of posts describing what things should look like at the FB&H level, but there is now definitely doubt and caution which can lead to collapse of that construction”, said Stojanovic. He confirmed that there are fractions within SDP which advocate coalition with SDA. However, he explained, he believes that SDA needs to be removed from power in the FB&H. “We need ideological and economic reform within this patriotic bloc in order to take a stance towards HDZ B&H and SNSD”, said Stojanovic.


FTV investigates if changes at FB&H level are possible in light of agreement on new USC government reached by SDA, DF, NES and SBiH; Comments of officials (FTV)


The reporter comments that instead of solution and agreement, the process of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Government formation only raises new questions after SDA, DF, NES and SBiH reached agreement on new USC government on Monday. The reporter goes on to say that the agreement on new government was signed, however without signature of SBiH representative, who despite that claim their participation is certain. However, the question whether that coalition capacity will be translated to the FB&H level has sparked numerous reactions, with SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) being the most vocal in its criticism.


In an interview for FTV, SDP BiH leader Nermin Niksic said: “This is a new reality. We had a signed agreement, which has been clearly violated. The door is now ajar for other options, because if a signatory to the agreement can talk with other political parties, I do not see any reason for The Troika not to do the same”.


The reporter notes that absence of SBiH leadership from the meeting on Monday has caused the most controversy, and goes on to say that, according to SBiH, their representative did not sign the agreement for technical reasons only, however they support the new coalition. Addressing the press conference on Tuesday, SBiH representative in the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) Admir Cavalic said the reason for SBiH leadership not attending the meeting was of technical nature, i.e. at the time they were not in Sarajevo. The reporter comments this situation raises a question if SBiH is maybe calculating and waiting for the outcome in the Brcko District.


FTV reports that the Brcko District Assembly session is scheduled for Wednesday, at which incumbent Mayor of the Brcko District Esed Kadric (SDA) may be replaced by SBiH’s Zijad Nisic. It is also speculated whether someone within ‘The Troika’ conditions their support for SBiH in the Brcko District with rejection of coalition in the USC. The reporter notes that even if SBiH does not sign the agreement for the USC government, SDA, DF and NES will still have the necessary majority, however that may pose a new challenge for the formation of the FB&H Government, although the opinions on whether the new coalition in the USC will influence the formation of the FB&H Government are divided.


Addressing the press conference on Tuesday, DF representative in the FB&H HoR Dennis Gratz said it is not logical that the situation is translated to the FB&H level, because DF’s principle is “that cantonal organizations talk and participate in negotiations at the cantonal level”. SDA representative in the FB&H HoR Eldar Comor said there is a possibility that a new majority is formed at the FB&H level composed of SDA, DF, NES and SBiH, “and it is highly likely that we reach 50 representatives”. The reporter notes that if NES and SBiH leave ‘The Eight’ that still does not mean that the opposition can become the ruling majority, and the next step is nomination of new FB&H Government by FB&H President Lidija Bradara, and the deadline for that is 30 days.


Dodik points out that RS will not be in B&H where its property is being stolen; NPS leader Banjac says property belongs exclusively to entities and that it is basis of survival of RS (ATV)


Representatives of Republika Srpska (RS) have stated that increasingly frequent attacks from political Sarajevo on the RS and its constitutional order only confirm the perseverance of the institutions of the RS to protect its rights. According to the RS officials, the latest attack on the property of the RS is just one in a series of attacks by Sarajevo, primarily Bosniak politics. RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out that the RS will not be in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) where its property is being stolen. According to Dodik, the seizure of the property of the RS would mean both its end and the end of the Serb people in these areas. Dodik stressed that this will not happen because, according to him, the decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H are unconstitutional. "Their decisions make no sense. Their decisions cannot be based on the succession agreement because no international agreement destroys the internal order. They here want that succession agreement to destroy the constitutional order in B&H. And that is why I will say again, let them talk about secession as much as they want, the RS will not to be in B&H where its property is being stolen," Dodik pointed out. Dodik said that he understands that Bosniaks have the right not to like the RS. That is why, as Dodik said, it is not clear to him “why they think that we should love B&H.” Dodik pointed out that in any case, the minimum for the further normal functioning of B&H is respect for the Constitution.


Representatives of the RS Government emphasized that the decisions of the B&H CC which undermine the competences of the RS and collapse the existential foundations of its existence are unacceptable. Representatives of the RS Government announced that the analysis of the Law on Forests and the Law on Agricultural Land will be done by the relevant ministry. "Here we must note that we will deal exclusively with the interests of the RS, the protection of all rights, including the property rights of the RS, respecting the conclusion of the National Assembly on the anti-constitutional and anti-Dayton action of the Constitutional Court of B&H," RS Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Savo Minic underlined. NPS leader Darko Banjac stressed that the property belongs exclusively to the entities and that it is the basis of the survival of the RS. Banjac noted that the RS will remain in B&H as long as it functions according to the concept of the Dayton Agreement. “If this kind of pressure from guests who call themselves ambassadors or ambassadors of PIC or one guest like (High Representative Christian) Schmidt continues, then in that case the RS must go its own way,” Banjac underlined.




Political crisis: Macedonian scenario for Montenegro? (RTCG)


Joint mediation between the EU and the USA, similar to the joint mediation of the Przin Process in North Macedonia, could be an option for Montenegro, but it is not entirely clear what its results would be. Portal RTCG’s interviewee, analyst and professor of philosophy Stefan Djukic, says that there was no initiative for mediation while the “balance of power” differed by one MP, and DPS had all the power in its hands.


During the session of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, the EP rapporteur for Montenegro, Tonino Picula, asked the head of European diplomacy, Joseph Borrell, how the USA was involved in resolving the political instability in Montenegro, the fight against disinformation and external influence, and attempts to get Montenegro back to reforms. Picula asked the High Representative whether joint mediation between the EU and the USA, similar to the joint mediation of the Przin Process in North Macedonia, could be an option for Montenegro.


As Djukic pointed out, any mediation from the outside could possibly, in a short period of time, temporarily unblock certain institutions and start some processes, but it would be a bad thing for Montenegrin citizens in the long run.


“The reason for this is the following – for many years, and especially after the changes on 30 August 2020, the representatives of our party class have not even been pretending that they care about the holders of sovereignty, the citizens, but seek their sovereignty from outside, from external representative. That is why this is bad news for the citizens of Montenegro, even with a potential short-term benefit, it would only increase the gap between the two classes. At the same time, previous experience teaches us that talks with mediation very often do not represent a search for consensus, nor a middle way between the opposing parties, but rather mutual accusations and lobbying in the hope that a foreign factor will push out the interest of one of those parties. That way we cannot achieve a better and more balanced society”, Djukic said.


It’s recalled that the Przin agreement was a political agreement between the main political parties in North Macedonia with the mediation of the European Union, which ended the political and institutional crisis in the first half of 2015.


North Macedonia 


Ahmeti on Vucic-Kurti meeting in Ohrid: Last steps towards reconciliation are being taken, we encourage Kosovo authorities (MIA)


DUI leader Ali Ahmeti addressing an event in the village of Selce, Tetovo region, referred to the upcoming meeting in Ohrid on Saturday where Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are expected to sign an agreement, evaluating it as a final reconciliation procedure. Ahmeti believes that the international community must not repeat the case with Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The last steps towards reconciliation are being taken, we encourage the Kosovo authorities, the Prime Minister, the Parliament Speaker, the President, the MPs and the opposition on March 18 in Ohrid to make a stable and fair decision for Kosovo and to integrate in the international institutions and organisation as the UN, NATO and the EU. We encourage the authorities to decide without hesitation on the future of Kosovo. But we also appeal to the international community, to the mediators for this reconciliation agreement, so that the case with Bosnia does not happen, where Bosnia is a dysfunctional state and a bad example, therefore any solution that will be reached on March 18 in Ohrid should be in service of the solution, lasting peace and in full compliance with the authority of Kosovo as a legitimate representative of thousands and thousands of victims,” Ahmeti said.


Kovachevski and Borrell to chair 16th EU-North Macedonia Stabilisation and Association Council (MIA)


The government at its session on Tuesday adopted a report on the 16th EU-North Macedonia Stabilisation and Association Council meeting, which is to take place on 17 March in Skopje.

Moreover, the platform for the presentation of the country’s delegation at the meeting was also endorsed. The Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA), which entered into force on 1 April, 2004, represents the framework for the implementation of contractual relations, until the country's accession to the European Union. “In view of the rotating presidency of the Stabilisation and Association Council, this year's meeting, which is scheduled to take place this week, on March 17 (Friday) 2023, will be chaired by the Republic of North Macedonia, that is, the Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, and co-chaired by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell,” reads the government's press release. The delegation of the Republic of North Macedonia will be represented by the Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, while the European Commission will be represented by Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi as well as representatives of the EU member states and European institutions.


Osmani announced - in a few months there will be an Albanian Prime Minister (Telma TV)


Only a few months till the first Albanian prime minister. This was the statement of minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani given on a party gathering of DUI in Chair that provoked the media to analyse when the elections are going to happen - in their regular term or earlier. Media asked for a statement from the Macedonian partner in the Government, SDSM, to comment on the calculations of their government partner DUI for the next elections. The answer was that they won’t comment on statements given at party rallies. VMRO-DPMNE says that DUI is counting Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski's months and considers him a temporary prime minister. VMRO-DPMNE daily demands early elections, even without a technical Government. But DUI is preparing to take over the leadership of the Government 100 days before the elections, and an Albanian Prime Minister was their election promise in 2020, reminds Telma TV. Regardless of when elections will be held, the other part of DUI, the so-called fiery group, is also campaigning and holds meetings with people around the country.


Lloga calls on political parties to adopt Electoral Code by consensus (MIA)


Justice Minister Krenar Lloga called on all political parties to give their contribution and adopt the new Electoral Code by consensus. He expressed readiness that the president of the working group on the Electoral Code be at the proposal of the largest opposition party VMRO-DPMNE. "My clearly defined goal is for the Electoral Code to be drafted ahead of the next elections and guarantee legal certainty through an inclusive process by hearing the opinions of all political parties. Therefore, I call on all political parties to adopt the Electoral Code by consensus and establish the electoral rules. I urge VMRO-DPMNE as the largest opposition party to make its contribution and nominate its own member in the working group. I'm ready for the president of the working group to be nominated at their proposal," Lloga told a conference on Electoral Reforms in North Macedonia. According to Lloga, the Electoral Code should be revised comprehensively and come into force at least six months before the elections.


"Do we need this reform? The answer is yes. The Electoral Code should come into force at least six months before the elections, so that institutions can prepare to smoothly implement the changes. In the latest report on the early parliamentary elections, the OSCE/ODIHR Special Election Assessment Mission made it clear that there are still a number of issues in the legal framework for elections that need to be addressed. The Electoral Code should be revised comprehensively in order to align it with other relevant laws, to be in accordance with the objectives of the OSCE, the international obligations and good practices," said Lloga. Lloga thanked NDI and all civil society organizations for their active participation in the reform processes that contribute to moving the country forward to the European Union, said the Justice Ministry.


North Macedonian Gov't confirms laws on ratification of Berlin Process Agreement (MIA)


The government of North Macedonia confirmed on March 14 bills for ratifying an agreement on freedom of movement with ID cards and recognizing the diplomas and titles of Western Balkan countries, signed as part of the Berlin Process. A statement from the 135th session of Dimitar Kovacevski's cabinet said that the agreement on freedom of movement with ID cards in the Western Balkans was signed in Berlin on Nov. 3, 2022 by the six countries of the region: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Serbia. The document regulates the recognition of higher education credentials, the continuation of studies and access to the unregulated labor market in each of the aforementioned countries. A bill on confirming a contract on recognizing the expertise of medical doctors, dentists and architects in the context of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) was also confirmed at the session.




Borrell visits Tirana this Wednesday (Radio Tirana)


The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borell is expected to hold an official visit in Tirana today. Focus of Borrell’s visit to the Albanian capital will be the detailed EU recommendations for Albania that he is going to deliver to high Albanian officials in the frame of the country's EU membership talks.