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Belgrade Media Report 18 May



Tense situation in north of Kosovo and Metohija, they will try to elect fake mayors (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the situation is very difficult and tense, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and that it is expected that the representatives of Pristina will try tomorrow in the building in Mitrovica to hold constitutive sessions for the three municipalities and to elect fake mayors, and that because of this he is very worried. They were elected, as he said, in the most fraudulent and shameful elections in the world with a low turnout of 3.4 percent, and they were supported by the Quint countries. “I am asking the Serbs to keep peace, and they will not be accepted as mayors. This is an attempt against the Serbs and an attempt to create an atmosphere in which the Serbs would leave their hearths,” Vucic said in Novi Sad in response to a journalist’s question that the deadline for assuming the duties of those who won two or three percent in the elections and whether this will bring a deeper radicalization of the political situation in Kosovo and Metohija, bearing in mind the new attack with firearms on children from the Serb enclave. Vucic said that yesterday he spoke with the US representatives Derek Chollet, Gabriel Escobar and Christopher Hill. “The situation is very difficult and tense, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” Vucic pointed out. He thanked the people who were walking from Kosovo and Metohija to the rally in Belgrade, stating that they know how difficult the situation is.


Vucic, Serbian Patriarch discuss fateful matters (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic hosted a lunch for Serbian Patriarch Porfirije and the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Wednesday to discuss all fateful matters for the Serbs and Serbia, as well as looming difficulties in the international political arena, especially with regards to the Kosovo and Metohija issue. "As always, I listened attentively to the opinion of the patriarch and the esteemed bishops, with whom I agreed that unity of the people, especially in times of great challenges, is the pillar for preserving the state and Serbia's national interests, and that the Church, as one of the most significant institutions in our country, has an exceptional role in maintaining that unity," Vucic wrote in an Instagram post. In a statement, the press service of the Serbian Orthodox Church said the patriarch and the bishops had discussed with Vucic several matters that were very important to the Serbs, in particular the ongoing and upcoming pressure regarding dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija. Patriarch Porfirije thanked Vucic for his understanding for the needs of his people, which are also the needs of the Church, the statement also said.


Vucic speaks with Chollet (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke with US State Department Counsellor Derek Chollet by phone on Wednesday about bilateral cooperation, Kosovo and Metohija and the situation in the region. Vucic and Chollet agreed that US-Serbia relations were developing in a good direction, especially in the field of economic cooperation, as also indicated by a growing trade volume, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic noted that Air Serbia flights between Belgrade and Chicago, launched earlier in the day, would boost Serbia-US ties further. The parties also discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. Chollet said it was necessary to avert provocations and conflicts and that it was important to continue to work on normalisation. He also expressed support for the Brussels dialogue. Vucic noted that Serbia remained committed to a policy of peace and cooperation in the region.


Serbia focused on attracting new investments (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met yesterday with representatives of the World Bank for the Western Balkans. At the meeting, it was pointed out that Serbia is scoring great economic successes and that in the last four years it has recorded a GDP growth of nine percent, which is three times higher than the GDP growth of the EU, and above regional growth. Brnabic underlined that Serbia's focus is on attracting new investments, investing in human capital and education, and emphasised that throughout Serbia there is a large number of small companies that are doing business very successfully and that special attention should be paid to them. Representatives of the delegation, led by World Bank Country Director for the Western Balkans Xiaoqing Yu, pointed out that our country performed particularly well during the coronavirus pandemic and that we recorded economic progress during that period.

The Prime Minister said that the recommendations presented by World Bank representatives are very useful and thanked them for their suggestions.


Intensification of political dialogue with Gabon (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic held a meeting yesterday with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Gabon, during which good bilateral relations and readiness to improve cooperation in all areas, primarily in the field of economy, were confirmed. The participants in the talks particularly emphasised that bilateral relations should be strengthened by improving political dialogue at the high and highest level, noting that the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations is marked this year. Dacic expressed his gratitude for the support that Gabon provides to the territorial integrity of Serbia. The delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Gabon included Ambassador and Director General for International Cooperation Maximin Mangolamangoye, Ambassador and Director for International Cultural, Scientific and Technical Cooperation Vivian Ngoni, as well as Ambassador and Director for Institutional and Humanitarian Cooperation and Decentralization Bernice Ovono.


Improving cooperation with US strategic commitment of Serbia (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today with US Ambassador to Serbia Christopher Hill. Dacic pointed out that the strategic commitment of Serbia is to improve cooperation with the USA in areas of mutual importance. Both sides expressed their determination to intensify the political dialogue and exchange visits of high and highest state officials of Serbia and the US. Opinions were exchanged on the continuation of activities, which are aimed at further building partnership relations on the political and economic levels. Both sides welcomed yesterday's inauguration of the direct Belgrade-Chicago flight, which will contribute to a better connection between the two countries, according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Djurovic: Serbia forced to consider purpose and modalities of membership in CoE (Beta)


The Serbian Ambassador to the Council of Europe (CoE) Aleksandra Djurovic stated yesterday at the summit in Reykjavik that, by the decision on starting the procedure for the admission of Kosovo as member, Serbia was brought into the position in which it has to consider the further purpose and modalities of its membership in the organization. During the summit of the heads of state and government of CoE members, which the Serbian top officials boycotted, Djurovic said that, “with the recent decision of the Committee of Ministers about the start of procedure of admission of so-called Kosovo, a certain number of countries sacrificed the unity and neglected the fundamental principles of the Council of Europe, for the purpose of fulfilling their own political interests and goals”. “This act, which directly violates the vital interests of Serbia in the CoE, raises a legitimate question about what is the future of Serbia in the organization, and what sort of damage it can expect to sustain further down the road,” Djurovic stated. She said that Serbia had decided to abstain during the vote on the “United Around Our Values” declaration at the summit because of “the majority of members’ lack of readiness to protect the inviolability of the borders of all members of the CoE”, in the document, which is the reason why the Serbian top officials had boycotted the summit.


Molina: Necessity to form ZSO in order to have normalization of relations (RTV/Tanjug)


The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Borko Stefanovic met yesterday at the Serbian parliament with Spanish Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Raul Bartolome Molina to discuss the bilateral relations between the two countries. The officials opined that the bilateral relations between the two countries are becoming ever stronger, a situation greatly helped by the growing number of Spanish investments, direct flights from Serbia to different Spanish towns and the Serbian people’s love of the Spanish language and culture. Stefanovic used the opportunity to thank Spain for its active support, alluding to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, and the Ambassador confirmed that this practice would continue and that Spain would carry on supporting Serbia on this issue. The Ambassador sent the message that if there is to be a normalisation of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) has to be established in Kosovo and Metohija, adding that the EU supports this proposal for the continued dialogue. On the other hand, Molina said that it would be useful for Serbia to align its foreign policy with the EU’s and impose sanctions against the Russian Federation which would mitigate its foreign policy position. Stefanovic said that he shares that opinion, but the government has hot show that it does as well. The Committee Chairman informed the Ambassador about the possible topics of the upcoming plenary session of the parliament, stressing that the recent tragedies that shook the nation must be topics of parliamentary discussion, and the officials also spoke about the potential parliamentary elections in Serbia. The officials went on to discuss the possible meeting of the Spanish Foreign Minister and the Chairman of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee in Madrid in late June and the importance of the meeting of the two countries’ high dignitaries other than the heads of state.


Kosovo Serbs set off to Belgrade on foot for Vucic’s counter rally (Tanjug)


A group of Serbs from northern Kosovo set off Wednesday morning to Belgrade on foot to attend the gathering to be organized by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) on 26 May. The group includes Kosovo Serbs from Leposavic, Mitrovica North and Kosovo Pomoravllje, Tanjug reported. They are wearing t-shirts with messages “For Serbia, for Vucic, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija,” and carrying Serbian flags and banners reading “Serbs for Kosovo and Metohija, for Vucic,” reported Tanjug. They are determined to walk 500 kilometres in nine days, stressing this is nothing compared to their “determination to show unity and harmony in these difficult times,” Tanjug reported.


Serbian government says security situation stable (FoNet/N1)


The government handed the Serbian parliament its report on the security situation in the country following the two mass shootings which says that the public security situation is stable. According to the report, the most wide-spread crimes committed by minors after the shooting at a Belgrade school were threats to students and school staff. “Every third crime was one of those activities in direct communication or on social networks and Viber groups. Importantly, none of the threats were realized and the police acted immediately and efficiently in cooperation with prosecutors,” the report says. It will be presented in parliament by Internal Affairs Minister Bratislav Gasic. The report says that the Internal Affairs Ministry (MUP) has introduced a number of measures to improve security in schools and among the general public. Those include the engagement of a maximum number of police officers to patrol school areas and operations to find weapons and other items that can be used to attack students and school staff. It says that more illegal weapons were turned in since the two shootings than in four previous attempts to collect illegal weapons. It specified that 11,500 firearms were turned in since 8 May compared to 10,600 between 2016 and 2020. The report says that the police launched operation Salus in the Belgrade area to stabilize the security situation with officers patrolling areas around schools. The goal of the operation is to prevent crimes against minors and crimes by minors. N1 was told unofficially that the report will be debated by MPs on Thursday. According to N1 sources, MPs will debate the report, a report from the electronic media regulator (REM) and demands to dismiss its members and an opposition demand for the dismissal of Gasic.




Participants of EU-B&H High-Level Political Forum adopt set of conclusions (Nezavisne)


The first EU-Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) High-Level Political Forum of representatives of all levels of authorities in B&H was held on Wednesday in Sarajevo, in presence of EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. The Forum was co-chaired by Varhelyi and B&H Council of Ministers Chair Borjana Kristo. The purpose of the Forum was to accelerate reforms after B&H was granted the status of EU candidate. The Forum was attended by representatives of entity Government, members of the Joint Collegium of B&H Parliament, Heads of Caucuses, Prime Ministers of ten Cantons of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and Mayor of Brcko District. According to a statement issued after the Forum meeting, the participants underlined the importance of the decision of the European Council to grant B&H the EU candidate status and they consider this decision a new impetus to undertake the necessary reforms. Accordingly, the participants discussed the adoption and prioritization of reforms required for B&H to make progress on the European path, in particular with view to meeting the conditions for opening of accession negotiations as soon as possible. The daily reports that participants of the High-Level Political Forum discussed the ‘Guidelines, Principles and Goals in the Executive and Legislative Authorities at the level of B&H for the period of 2022-2026’, as well as the 12 June ‘Political Agreement on Principles for ensuring a functional B&H that advances on the European path’. The participants reaffirmed that they will be guided by the EC’s Opinion on B&H’s Membership Application and the Analytical Report, as well as subsequent country reports. The participants unequivocally underlined the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H. A set of immediate deliverables in line with the 14 Key Priorities of the EC Opinion have been agreed. The participants agreed to reconvene in six months, when some results of implemented reforms and ongoing reforms should be demonstrated.


Varhelyi attends High- Level Political Forum in Sarajevo: Conditions for EU accession need to be met; Varhelyi; Our allies do not go to Moscow; Kristo: B&H belongs to the EU family (Hayat)


The High-Level Political Forum on the European integration of B&H was held in Sarajevo on Wednesday and representatives of all authority levels in B&H participated in it. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi attended the Forum and said he is satisfied with the progress B&H has made on its EU path. It was confirmed to him by the B&H authorities on Wednesday that the fact that the country received its candidate status for a membership in the EU was “a strong stimulus” for achieving results on this path. The Forum was attended by representatives of the B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM), both Houses of the B&H parliament, as well as representatives of the entity and the cantonal governments. B&H CoM Chairwoman Borjana Kristo said the EU has also expressed, through these talks, its readiness for helping B&H in any way so that the country could implement the reforms and get closer to the EU. Hayat noted that Varhelyi is from Hungary and a member of the political party whose leader is Viktor Orban. On many occasions, Orban said that (SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik is his great friend. On the other hand, Dodik is close to Russia, and he plans to meet the Russian President (Vladimir Putin) soon. Asked to comment this, Varhelyi clearly emphasized: “Our allies do not go to Russia. That is my message”. He added that whoever wishes to be a partner of the EU, will not go to Russia. Many analysts believe that Varhelyi’s visit comes at a time of strong lobbying of HDZ B&H for changing the B&H Election Law. By making the changes, the so-called ‘legitimate Croats’ would be unavoidable when forming the authorities. Also, Hungary, through Orban, supports Republika Srpska (RS) entity. And the RS is getting louder and louder when it comes to the state property matter, often speaking about RS’ secession from B&H, notes the reporter. Varhelyi stated following the forum: “After our talks today, we confirmed that the candidate status was an important factor of the progress that we have already seen. That is why I am confident that what we discussed today will lead to fulfilling the 14 priorities, but more importantly the eight priorities of the candidate status. Eight reforms, eight plus one, which are the most difficult for this country.” In October 2022, the EU Commission agreed to organize the High-Level Pollical Forum which would support B&H on its EU path, by monitoring the implementation of reforms and developments in B&H. Since then, the budget was adopted, the B&H CoM formed, and the FB&H government was appointed. However, Varhelyi stated that more concrete steps need to be taken without which B&H will not become a member of the EU. Varhelyi also stated that he expects more active approach of new authorities by October, when he will complete report on progress of B&H. He also expects reforms to replace deadlocks, so that B&H can get positive assessment in this regard. Commissioner Varhelyi underlined that Brussels supports the EU path of B&H.


Viskovic: I openly told Varhelyi that solutions should be negotiated within B&H and that is why I did not accept the action plan (RTRS)


The European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi arrived to visit B&H on Wednesday. Varhelyi said B&H has a place in the EU, but there will be no shortcuts on that path. The position of RS was repeated that it is possible to move forward only if the Constitution of B&H and the Coordination Mechanism are respected with mutual respect of the constituent peoples and entities. The RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic pointed out that he openly told Varhelyi that the solutions should be negotiated within B&H and that is why he did not accept the action plan. Viskovic commented: “Where exactly it was said that this is done in July, this in June, this in September, etc... I said that I cannot accept such an action plan until we within B&H determine our own priorities and then based on it we will adopt the action plan”. In this regard, at Viskovic’s request, a joint session of the governments of the RS and the FB&H should be held at the beginning of June. Viskovic emphasized the need for reciprocity in presiding over ministerial conferences and that no one should expect to achieve the goals of a unitary B&H through the resolution of the European path, nor to impose the will of the majority over the will of the other two peoples. He also referred to the information that the eastern gas interconnection project, which was adopted by the B&H CoM, will be stopped in the B&H Presidency: “Today I repeated to Mr. Varhelyi, if that happens, you can forget about the priorities and the European path of B&H”. A lot is expected from B&H this year. How much will be done depends on internal agreement and mutual respect, without the interference and imposition of foreigners, concluded the reporter.


Varhelyi meets HR Schmidt; Schmidt: B&H needs to use benefits of EU candidate country status (Nova BH)


EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi met with High Representative Christian Schmidt in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Among other things, Schmidt stated that B&H needs to use benefits of EU candidate country status and start with fulfilling of pre-conditions to open accession talks with the EU as soon as possible.


Dodik: Property is red line that the RS will not cross (ATV)


According to ATV, RS President Milorad Dodik warned the public that B&H is doing everything in its power to reduce RS in its international plan. Dodik stated that RS will respect the Dayton Peace Agreement and the B&H Constitution, but wondered what benefit does that bring to RS.  When asked about the possible implementation of decisions by High Representative Christian Schmidt regarding B&H property, he stated: “Some Schmidt, who was not appointed by the UN Security Council as the High Representative imposed laws in the FB&H. Perhaps, if he gets an idea to impose something in the RS or impose something regarding property, that could be the day we pass the decision on the independence of the Republic. Because if they take your property, there is no reason to continue existing.” Dodik stressed that war is not any kind of option. “We are not making preparations for that kind of the story. Give us a chance to live in a country in which the Constitution, the way it is, is respected. If you do not want, then one day we will really have to adopt a decision we are no longer in B&H”, said Dodik. He reiterated that the RS’ position regarding NATO is clear and that the RS does not take part in the work, nor on issues pertaining to cooperation with NATO within the B&H Council of Ministers and commissions. Dodik added by saying that NATO “bombarded this people, threw depleted Uranium on two occasions, killed our children and declared it a collateral damage”.


Dodik and Kalabukhov discuss upcoming energy projects, potential investments from Russia and Dodik’s planned meeting with Putin (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik met with Russian Ambassador in B&H Igor Kalabukhov in Istocno Sarajevo on Wednesday to discuss his planned visit to Moscow. Dodik posted on his official Twitter that during the meeting they discussed upcoming energy projects, potential investments from Russia and Dodik’s planned meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during his visit to Moscow. Head of the RS Representation Office in Russia Dusko Perovic confirmed that Dodik will meet with Putin on Tuesday, May 23. Perovic noted that Dodik and Putin will discuss continuation and development of economic cooperation, the Dayton Peace Agreement and pressures that are being exerted on the RS.


B&H supports declaration on recognition of territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova at Council of Europe summit (RTRS)


In Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, the two-day Summit of the heads of state and government of 46-member states of the Council of Europe ended. In the center of attention of the summit was the declaration on the recognition of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. B&H supported the declaration, but according to the instructions of the Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, the Ambassador of the Mission of B&H Ivan Orlic conveyed to the members of the Council of Europe that the Presidency does not have an agreed position on support for Kyiv, that is, condemnation of Moscow. A few days ago, Cvijanovic said that she refused to speak on behalf of B&H in Reykjavik because it is, as she said, a mockery of international law. On behalf of B&H, Orlic supported the declaration on the recognition of the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. Orlic was quoted as saying: “The Presidency of B&H does not have a complete consensus on this issue, but we follow the policy of the EU, as a result of obtaining the candidate status. We support the Summit declaration with its annexes, in which a lot of effort was invested”. With this support, the representatives of B&H at the Council of Europe have once again shown their commitment to the Western centers of power, commented the reporter. RTRS reminded that less than a month ago B&H abstained from voting on the issue of admitting Kosovo to the Council of Europe. Tanja Milasinovic Martinovic, PDP personnel, took such a position during the voting. In doing so, she contested the territorial integrity of Serbia, despite Cvijanovic’s instructions to vote against it, added the reporter. Cvijanovic emphasized that everything supported or adopted in Iceland is not binding for RS, because it is not an international act. The participants of the summit in Iceland also discussed the establishment of a damage register, which would record the damage that Moscow inflicted on Kyiv. B&H, among others, did not sign the resolution on this register, whose headquarters should be in The Hague.


Bakir reveals his dangerous Islamist face (Dnevni avaz)


On occasion of 40 years since formation of ‘Young Muslims’ organization, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic gave an interview “for Turkish journal in Bosnian language” (the author refers to Stav magazine). The author comments that while ten years ago Izetbegovic without success tried to act as “a modern European conservative”, strengthening of his position in the authority and then losing the authority made Izetbegovic to “come out of the closet” and to reveal his true ideological face. The daily noted that after repeating general things about ‘Young Muslims’ as a political movement inspired by religion (therefore the Islamist movement, the author comments), Izetbegovic was asked to comment accusations that SDA is an Islamist party connected to ‘Muslim Brotherhood’, to which he gave an answer, which according to daily probably surprised the author of the interview himself. “We should not be apologizing because we are Muslims, claim that we are not Islamists, etc. because with that we legalize the claim that Islam is an issue. Islam is not an issue, dedication to God, i.e. Islam is the foundation of every religion and every positive ideology”, said Izetbegovic and he continued with presenting numerous criticisms regarding the general situation in the world, stressing that “returning to true religion” is the only solution. The daily noted that Izetbegovic did not miss the chance to put a target on the back of the new authority in B&H, whose members he labeled as “Bosniak atheists who persecute Muslims”, adding that just as they once served the Communists, today they serve the Western embassies. The daily comments that this is only part of scandalous claims that Izetbegovic presented in this interview, and this fully uncovered political goals and ideological aspirations, which are unacceptable in every aspect of secular, democratic society. The author noted that religion and the state have to be separated and while religious freedoms must not be questioned and must be guaranteed, religion has to be separated from the state. However, the author noted, ideology of Islamism wants to erase the line between religion and the state and while different Islamist movements are using different methods and interpret Islam differently, they all strive to establish the state on religious laws and rules. The author noted that Izetbegovic explained this in words: “God created the world which functions perfectly, he determined the measures and laws”. Wondering what happens with those who do not want to follow these rules, the author noted that the answer can be found in in regimes, such is the one in Iran, where the laws will be defined by religious teachers and where everyone who oppose such laws will end up as victims of repression regime. In this regard, the author also reminded that Izetbegovic’s foreign minister (i.e. Bisera Turkovic) recently hosted Iranian leadership in Sarajevo. Daily further noted that by claiming that ‘Young Muslims’ are future of this country, Izetbegovic is conveying a discriminatory message, where instead of the state which is equal and fair toward all its citizens and which enables all citizens equal chances regardless of religious affiliation or social standing, Izetbegovic argues that the state should function on the principles where members of this group are secured a special place because of “affiliation with the sect”, providing them with various privileges and lead posts in all sectors. “In this interview, Izetbegovic directly revealed his Islamist political views and showed that it is dangerous for Bosniak people ad its European future for Izetbegovic to be not only part of authority, but also to hold any position of power in the society”, ends daily.


SEC determined the list of the coalition around DPS, the Democrats and URE, BS and HGI, and returned the list of SDP and "Yes, we can" for revision (CdM)


The State Election Commission (SEC) determined and announced the list gathered around the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), the list of the coalition of Democrats and GP URA, the Croatian Civic Initiative (HGI) and the list of the Bosniak Party (BS). At the session of the SEC, the validity of several lists submitted for the 11 June elections was considered. The SEC returned the list "Yes, we can, for a civil Montenegro" and the list of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) for revision. The list of SDP, whose holder is Nikola Djuraskovic, lacks, among other things, 360 valid signatures. The list "Yes, we can, for a civil Montenegro", whose holder is Dr. Dragica Perovic Ivanovic, lacks 170 valid signatures, and among every four candidates there is not at least one member of the less represented gender. A total of 17 lists were submitted to the SEC. Previously, the list of the People's Movement "Justice for All" headed by Vladimir Leposavic was confirmed, while the lists of the Movement for Change and Urekoreta were returned for revision. Extraordinary parliamentary elections are scheduled for 11 June.


Medojevic: The Church must stop interfering in politics, Spajic cleared Milatovic from the list (


The citizens of Montenegro are facing an atypical campaign and they will hardly be able to distinguish all the messages that are being sent to them, said the leader of the Movement for Change Nebojsa Medojevic for Gradska TV. "There are a lot of limiting elements - a short campaign, chaos and turbulence in all political parties, almost unanimity when you look at the messages of the parties. "Almost all of them are the same, general, blanket messages - except for (Milojko) Spajic, who continues with very dangerous populism and demagoguery," Medojevic believes. It reminds the citizens of the old proverb "Where you are promised a lot, take a small bag with you". "When you have a Government that is not backed by the electoral will of the citizens, the image is created in the public that it is easy to enter the parliament and become a minister, that it is important to serve some center of power - domestic or international, and that they will put you at the head of the Government", states Medojevic and adds that he warned of dangerous deviations and the destruction of the political system. "This is exactly what is happening. We have 17 election lists, and practically none of them talk about reforms and what needs to be done to save this country," Medojevic adds. He notes that there is still a possibility that the newly elected President Jakov Milatovic will postpone the elections in order to form a new list. "Milatovic lost his position in Europe now, (Milojko) Spajic cleared him from all positions and formed a private list. Spajic did not come by accident, he was not brought by some invisible hand. "He came to Zdravko Krivokapic's government to protect the drug business and cigarette smuggling, so Milatovic failed to fight in his party and break away from the reformist, healthy wing that wants to engage in politics honestly," assesses Medojevic. According to him, every vote for Spajic and Europe is now a vote for drug cartels, cigarette smuggling and corruption. "In the debate, if Spajic has the courage to come out, I will say exactly which drug cartels and which people are behind him and with whom he has long-term cooperation even as a young man," Medojevic points out, stating that he makes such claims with full responsibility. "Everything I claimed, which seemed impossible, now it turns out that I was even mild in my assessment that the degree of criminalization of society in Montenegro is so great that it requires radical reforms," says Medojevic, adding that PzP knows how to stand in the way of that. "Our message is that we must not smuggle cocaine and cigarettes. Montenegro must return to the paths of an honest country and a legal state, much more to be done, much less people in the administration, much more in the real sector...", says Medojevic. The events of the last two years, he says, have had consequences for the credibility of the political system. “Everyone has become the same. That's a dangerous message," emphasizes Medojevic. He says that politicians get into religious issues very easily, trying to use the Church for their own interests. "On the other hand, the Church easily and willingly enters politics and wants to use its political influence. This has proven to be dangerous and harmful, and the practice must be stopped. All religious organizations should be given complete freedom to perform their functions in accordance with the Constitution and the law, but not to interfere in the politics of running the state," states Medojevic. He points out that a priest cannot have more rights than an ordinary citizen. "There are solutions, all that is needed is the political and will of people in religious organizations to cooperate with the Government and the state, but also with each other, in order to establish minimum standards that will regulate and prevent abuses," says Medojevic.


Kovachevski from Reykjavik: Western Balkans' joining EU is investment in Europe's security (MIA)


The integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union is an investment into the security of Europe, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said at a closed-door panel discussing ways to safeguard and develop democracy in times of crisis, held as part of the Council of Europe's Reykjavik summit. According to an official press release, PM Kovachevski said countries needed to strongly condemn any aggression against the fundamental principles of international law and order as well as show solidarity and unity in defending moral values. He also highlighted that the Western Balkan countries' faster EU integration would be an important investment in strengthening the security of Europe. The panel was co-chaired by Romania's President Klaus Iohannis and Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel. Panelists included European Council President Charles Michel; Slovakia's President Zuzana Caputova; Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Garibashvili; Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Store; and Prime Minister of Italy Georgia Meloni.


Osmani: OSCE and Council of Europe to safeguard shared values and principles (MIA)


OSCE and the Council of Europe share values and principles that they have been building for decades – defense of democracy and the achievements of multilateral system which have been undermined by Russia’s military aggression on Ukraine. “United for Europe”, as the name of the session, should be the goal for further action of these two significant organizations guaranteeing the European security architecture, said OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani in his address Wednesday at the closing session of the fourth Summit of the Council of Europe, being held in Reykjavík, Iceland. "The consequences and costs of this war are unbearable for the whole of Europe, the OSCE region and beyond. However, our choice is to safeguard our shared democratic values and commitments through our indispensable net of principles and achievements, precisely created to defend our future," said Osmani. The top priority of our work, added Osmani, will be alleviating the suffering of people directly affected by war and conflicts who fear for their lives and livelihoods. “I am convinced that the OSCE has a lot to offer to all regions within the OSCE space and we will continue to spare no efforts in supporting a functional and flexible OSCE, offering a versatile toolbox to help restore peace and security, prevent conflict and promote cooperation across the OSCE region, as well as upholding human rights and non-discrimination in coordination with the Council of Europe partners on the ground,” said Osmani. In his address, Osmani touched upon North Macedonia’s benefits from its membership within OSCE and the Council of Europe. The Foreign Minister said that Chairing OSCE at a time of great challenges means that the country has the capacity to contribute in the promotion of basic freedoms, human rights, democracy and the rule of law. On the sidelines of the Summit in Reykjavík, Osmani held bilateral meetings with the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billstrom, and the UK Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and United Nations, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon. The topic of discussion were the issues related to North Macedonia’s OSCE Chairpersonship and other topics related to the functioning of the Organization, said the Ministry.


Pendarovski: If we weren't in NATO and didn't share information in that system, we wouldn't be able to deal with Russian propaganda (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski participated on Wednesday at a leaders meeting discussion organized by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP), under the title "Russian Aggression Against Ukraine: New Momentum for the EU Enlargement?", during which he focused on the significance of NATO membership and the influence of Russian propaganda in the Balkans. "If we weren't in NATO and we didn't share all the information in that system, we wouldn't be able to deal with all the other propaganda and fake news. If we compare the penetration of Russian services in the region, especially in Macedonia, now it is not as high compared to 2018, when we organized the referendum on NATO membership, and especially before that campaign, when foreign entities established 35 web portals overnight in the country, 2/3 of which had similar names to already existing ones," the President said during the discussion. As regards the bilateral dispute with Bulgaria, as an obstacle in the country's EU integration, President Pendarovski said that two and a half years ago, Bulgaria began to present demands that have nothing to do with the EU criteria. "They started talking about the Macedonian ethnic identity, that the Macedonian language is a dialect of Bulgarian, that in the period from 1941 to 1944 they were administrators, not occupiers, and all this was disseminated in written form to all the ambassadors. Such type of historical revisionism is absolutely inadmissible in any serious discussion," said President Pendarovski, adding that such dialogue doesn't befit an EU member state. Deputy PM for good governance policies Slavica Grkovska, Director of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy Igor Bandovic, Deputy Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations Vessela Tcherneva, Director of Programs for Open Society–Europe and Central Asia Goran Buldioski and President of the International Advisory Committee of the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy Srdjan Cvijic also participated in the discussion.  The BSC Leaders Meetings aim to gather policymakers and experts who will discuss significant foreign and security challenges facing the region, geopolitical events and trends affecting it and to assess the future of democratic reforms, regional cooperation and the place of the Western Balkans in global politics.


Country to be isolated without constitutional changes, says FM Osmani (TV Klan/MIA)


If the constitutional changes are not adopted, this would lead the country to isolation and could mean that North Macedonia won’t become an EU member for many decades, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani in an interview for TV Klan. “Plan B is to not adopt the constitutional changes. This would lead the country to a long period of isolation because it would mean that our negotiations would be broken off in November, while resuming for Albania. In the meantime, a faster track for EU membership has emerged mainly due to Ukraine, but also in order to encourage the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue,” said Osmani. According to the Foreign Minister, the opposition will not be able to explain to the citizens why it is blocking the country’s European future, because, he said, “you need to have serious arguments in order to make such a decision.” Regarding the international representatives in the process, Osmani said the decisions that are important for the future of the country should not be done under international pressure, because, according to the FM, the country and domestic politicians are mature enough to grasp the importance of the decisions they make. “Of course, the international community has aided communication during the process, in the presentation of various scenarios based on our decisions, but after the beginning of the public discussion, the citizens too will be able to fully understand what these constitutional changes are about,” said Osmani.


Miloshoski after meeting Sarrazin: This parliament will not vote for constitutional changes (MIA)


Lawmakers from VMRO-DPMNE and its coalition partners will not vote for any constitutional changes without this solution being backed by citizens in an election, VMRO-DPMNE MP Antonijo Miloshoski told a press conference Wednesday after meeting with Germany's special envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin.  At his meeting with Sarrazin, Miloshoski had also raised the issue of the Committee on European Affairs reviewing EU-flagged laws on the Corridors 8 and 10d construction, he said. The VMRO-DPMNE MP claimed that "the EU flag is being used to hide perhaps the highest level of corruption so far, the secret document signed by Artan Grubi and Dimitar Kovachevski." He had also told Sarrazin that the majority of Macedonian citizens were against changing the Constitution. Miloshoski also claimed that civil society organizations had said Bulgaria would keep imposing conditions and making demands so "this thoughtless decision should be approached carefully so that we don't face a second, third or fourth blockade".


Rama asks to the CoE to pave the way for the withdrawal of the infamous report (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama asks the Council of Europe to pave the way for the withdrawal of the infamous report on organ trafficking, sponsored by Putin to smear Albania and Kosovo, and to make a new report in respect. During the "United around Europe" session at the Summit of the leaders of the Council of Europe that is being held today in Reykjavik, Rama started his speech by drawing a parallel between Ukraine and Kosovo, President Zelensky and Hashim Thaci. 10 years ago, it was Russia and Putin who sponsored the report that is unjustly imprisoning Hashim Thaci and the former leaders of the KLA. "Today, at this summit of the Council of Europe, I cannot sit without remembering that the injustice against KLA and Hashim Thaci started precisely in the Council of Europe under the malicious influence of the former member of this Council at that time, the Russian Federation. The president is judged by a court set up and established by the democratic world but supported by a 2011 report of the CoE that was diabolically sponsored by Putin's representatives. Totally unfounded accusations of human organ trafficking were raised as the starting point of a criminal campaign to smear Kosovo and Albania. Rama said that the Assembly of the Council of Europe should pave the way for the withdrawal of this report in order not to repeat such historical mistakes in the future. "When I heard the Kremlin propaganda talk about the trafficking of human organs by neo-Nazis in Dombas, it seemed to me that I saw President Zelensky 10 years later tried by a special court on absurd charges. Therefore, the Assembly of the Council of Europe has a moral obligation to correct any mistake, and in this case the withdrawal of the report that falsely labeled Albania as a base for suspected organ trafficking by the KLA. Refusal to face the truth today would be worse than the grave mistake that was done 12 years ago when many voted with their eyes closed for that shameful report,” said Rama. In October 2022, Albania asked the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to reconsider the resolution based on Dick Marty's report presented to the Council of Europe in 2011, which contained accusations against former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army for kidnapping, ill-treatment, murder without trial and in some cases forcibly taking human organs and trafficking them from Albania during and after the war in Kosovo.


Albania-Kosovo increase cooperation between the cabinets of the speakers (Radio Tirana)


Councilors of the cabinet of the speaker of the Assembly of Kosovo, Agime Gashaj, Reshat Nurboja, Feim Tahirsylaj, Naim Ibrahimaj were received in a meeting in the cabinet of the Speaker of the Assembly of Albania, Lindita Nikolla. The Director of the Cabinet, Kosta Barjaba introduced his Kosovar colleagues to some of the priorities of the current legislature of the Assembly of Albania, the achievements in the coordination of work between the Assembly of Albania and the Assembly of Kosovo and some aspects and priorities of the Cabinet of the President of the Assembly of Albania in cooperation with parliamentary services. Councilors of the Assembly of Kosovo highlighted some experiences of the Cabinet of the President of the Assembly of Kosovo and underlined the practical usefulness of increasing the cooperation between the Cabinets of the Presidents, in the context of the cooperation between the Assembly of Albania and the Assembly of Kosovo.