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Belgrade Media Report 6 June



Vucic: Situation escalating unnecessarily due to constant unilateral moves and provocations by Pristina (Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday received Peter Beyer, an MP of the German Bundestag and a member of the house's foreign affairs committee, and thanked him for his efforts to familiarise himself in more detail with the latest developments in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic said the situation was escalating unnecessarily due to constant unilateral moves and provocations by Pristina, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic also noted that Pristina's PM Albin Kurti was doggedly avoiding meeting commitments under the Brussels agreement, above all, the establishment of a Community of Serb Municipalities, which would give Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija a sense of security. He pointed out that Serbia remained committed to a policy of peace, stability and regional cooperation and added that Germany was a very important partner to Serbia economically as well as politically. The parties also discussed Serbia-Germany cooperation and agreed that it had advanced to a great extent in recent years and that the arrival of German companies confirmed the good business opportunities offered by Serbia. "An open conversation with Peter Beyer about current developments in Kosovo and Metohija, the geopolitical situation in the region and worldwide, as well as about bilateral and economic cooperation with Germany and the strengthening of political dialogue between the two countries," Vucic wrote in an Instagram.


Vucic thanks UK Ambassador for contribution to strengthening of bilateral ties (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received a farewell visit from the UK Ambassador to Serbia Sian MacLeod on Tuesday, thanking her for having contributed to advancement of bilateral ties through her committed work and diplomatic experience. MacLeod expressed gratitude for the support she had received during her tenure in Belgrade. The parties agreed there was a common interest in stepping up the ties further in all areas and said they were confident there was space for an increase of British investments in Serbia and bilateral trade cooperation, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic noted that several joint economic and infrastructure projects including the Morava Corridor had been launched during MacLeod's term in Belgrade. Vucic and MacLeod also discussed other significant regional and international political affairs.


Vucic: Good conversation with Dacic, tomorrow we will present what we have been working on for weeks (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he had a good conversation with Serbian Foreign Minister and SPS leader Ivica Dacic and announced that tomorrow evening he will present a part of what they have been working hard on for weeks. "A good conversation with Ivica Dacic about the future of Serbia, joint plans, programs and measures. Tomorrow evening we will present a part of what we have been working hard on for weeks," Vucic announced on Instagram.


Dynamic development of economic cooperation between Serbia, UK (Tanjug)


Yesterday, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic received outgoing Ambassador of Great Britain to Serbia Sian MacLeod, stressing that the areas of science, digitalisation, artificial intelligence, innovation and biotechnology are the focus of the government of Serbia and that intensive work is also being done on the construction of science parks throughout the country. Brnabic emphasised that the mentioned areas represent the future and directly affect the economic growth and stability of the country. Ambassador MacLeod added that the economic cooperation between Serbia and Great Britain have been developing dynamically during the previous few years, and that, during her four-year mandate, she personally witnessed the accelerated economic development of Serbia. The Prime Minister specified that Great Britain is the third largest partner in the exchange of services with Serbia in 2022 and expressed her belief that the exchange in sophisticated branches of the economy will have a safe growth in the coming period. Brnabic and MacLeod also discussed the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and assessed that peace and stability in the region are key to economic growth and development.


Visible results achieved in field of military cooperation with China (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic held a lecture today on “Relations between Serbia and China - continuity of understanding and cooperation”, which was attended by the participants of the Strategic Command Course of the National Defence University, People's Republic of China. Vucevic reminded that the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our two countries will be marked in two years, adding that in the last fifteen or twenty years, overall relations between China and Serbia have been progressing and are at a high level. There are several reasons for this, but the fundamental fact is that what China has defined with its partners through the five principles of peaceful coexistence is absolutely acceptable for Serbia, and it is a condition of all conditions of international relations, stressed Vucevic. Vucevic also pointed out the importance of economic cooperation between Serbia and China, highlighting the initiated initiatives and investments that are very important for our country. Speaking about military-to-military cooperation, he underlined that this cooperation stems from friendship of steel and that in the decade behind us it is recording an upward trend, expressing confidence and optimism in the persistence of that friendship.


Milivojevic: Parliamentary elections after Belgrade local vote (Beta)


The political scientist Cvijetin Milivojevic said on Monday that the opposition should not participate in a snap parliamentary election most likely to be called on June 8, according to announcements. Milivojevic told Beta that the regime should first meet the demands of the Serbia Against Violence protesters and call an extraordinary election in Belgrade, which Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic promised to Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas last year. "Vucic has not met the demands of the people's protests. MPs from the ruling majority are using the Serbian parliament, which is discussing how to stop violence, to promote violence with their rhetoric. It's all looking like a prelude to disbanding the parliament and calling an early election," Milivojevic said. He added that the readiness of Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic to resign and the calling of a "historic session" of the Serbian government for 8 June herald a snap parliamentary vote. "Not one serious party in the opposition is calling for extraordinary parliamentary elections. The opposition is demanding the fulfillment of citizens' demands before any dialogue with the regime, while Vucic aggressively calls for a dialogue no-one is asking for," Milivojevic said. Asked why it was important to call only a Belgrade election, Milivojevic said the opposition was certain to win that vote and that it would pave the way for a dialogue between the regime and opposition on creating a level playing field for all who run in the parliamentary election.


UN rapporteur urges Serbian authorities to probe, punish intimidation (Beta)


A representative of the United Nations voiced concern on Monday over a rise in hate speech in Serbia after two mass murders that shook the country early in May and called on the authorities to take immediate action. Irene Khan, UN special rapporteur on freedom of opinion and expression, said it was "unconscionable to use this tragedy as yet another occasion to stir up hatred, demonizing and vilifying independent media, human rights defenders, political opponents and others critical of the government." "The government of Serbia must immediately investigate and sanction intimidation, threats and incitement to violence, especially by government officials, and ensure that all institutions and organs of the State follow the United Nations guidelines on combating hate speech while upholding freedom of expression," a statement published by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights quoted her as saying. "Rather than promoting justice and accountability, recent speeches – including by members of the government – appear to have encouraged harassment and even physical attacks against opposition politicians, journalists and activists," Khan noted.


Serb List to run for office only after police withdraw from Kosovo’s north, ZSO is formed (RFE/Beta)


The Serb List, the largest Serb party in Kosovo, stated on Monday that it would participate in elections in the north of Kosovo only when two conditions were met. “Kosovo’s special police units need to be withdrawn from the north of Kosovo, and the Community of Serb Municipalities formed,” a vice-president of the party Igor Simic told Radio Free Europe (RFE). Speaking about tensions in the north of Kosovo, Simic said that the key to reducing them was to withdraw the Kosovo Police special forces and the newly-elected mayors from the municipal buildings, and that the two citizens of Zvecan who were arrested during clashes between the Serbs, the Kosovo Force and the police in the town on 28 May, should be released. In Kosovo’s three northern municipalities, Leposavic, Zvecan and Zubin Potok, the local Serbs have continued their protests as local municipal buildings were taken over by Kosovo Albanian staff elected in a vote they had boycotted.


Bilcik, Nemec see deep polarization between opposition, regime in Belgrade (Blic/Beta)


European Parliament members Vladimir Bilcik and Matjaz Nemec have said they saw deep polarization and mistrust between the opposition and regime while on a visit to Belgrade. The two officials the Blic that the people were taking to the streets to express their dissatisfaction peacefully and that it was crucial for decision makers, elected officials and all interested individuals to listen to the people, make the effort to understand them and act accordingly. According to the article in Blic, Bilcik and Nemec said that this was a time when political differences and divisions should be set aside and that now more than ever politicians had to act together for the people. The two MEPs said violence had to be prevented and hate speech stopped. On the issue of Kosovo, Bilcik and Nemec stressed that peaceful dialogue was the only way forward. The EU is now politically united and is sending a very clear message to Pristina, too, that stakeholders in the region will face consequences if violence is not stopped and dialogue on all issue resumed, including on the Community of Serb Municipalities, they added.


Stano: EU prepared to call Vucic-Kurti meeting if tensions stop in Kosovo (Beta/Tanjug)


The EU is prepared to call a meeting between the Serbian and Kosovo leaders, provided tangible steps had been made to reduce tensions in Kosovo, a spokesman for the EU Peter Stano said in Brussels, on Monday. Stano said that the EU and US special envoys, Miroslav Lajcak and Gabriel Escobar, were travelling to Pristina on Monday, after which they would be visiting Belgrade “to see for themselves if the request by the EU and the U.S. for urgent de-escalation have been met, and if steps have been made towards a durable solution within the EU-mediated Dialogue.” “The EU is prepared to call a high-level meeting between President Vucic and Prime Minister Albin Kurti, as soon as conditions for the meeting have been met, and they consent to it,” Stano explained. According to the lead spokesperson for foreign affairs and security policy, “it is most important to reduce tensions and make tangible steps in that direction on the ground, which is precisely why the special representative Lajcak, together with the US representative Escobar, were travelling to Pristina and Belgrade.” “Borrell will then brief EU members, and a decision will be made on further steps,” the EU spokesman concluded.




OHR Working Group for issue of state property of B&H starts its work (Nova BH)


A Working Group formed by the Office of the High Representative (OHR) to facilitate the work of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) parliament in resolving the issue of state property management has started its work. It is expected that recommendations on legal solutions will be forwarded to the B&H parliament at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. The OHR stated that resolving the issue of state property of B&H provides legal security and forms favorable environment for domestic and foreign investors, which leads to economic growth and creation of new jobs, adding that this contributes to higher public revenues.


OHR reminds mandate of High Representative and his authority to impose decisions is based on Annex 10 of DPA and PIC declarations (Nezavisne)


The daily noted that the Office of the High Representative (OHR), with Christian Schmidt at the helm, insists on imposing of certain laws: “The Law on Property of B&H and changes to the Election Law of B&H, that were either adopted or will be adopted, have one thing in common – these regulations deprive Republika Srpska (RS) of its competencies and those are transferred onto the level of B&H”. Although the RS already announced it will not implement these changes, the OHR told the daily that the mandate of the High Representative and his authority to impose decisions are based directly on the Annex 10 of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and declarations of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), as well as all resolutions of the UN Security Council (UN SC) that were supported. Therefore, as the OHR stated, the failure to implement decisions of the High Representative is not only violating the DPA but it also brings in question more than 25 years of efforts related to building of permanent peace and safety in B&H. The information that the OHR is preparing changes to the Criminal Code of B&H, which would introduce punishments in case decisions of the OHR are not respected, especially sparked reactions in the RS. “As for the claims on possible amendments to the Criminal Code of B&H, the OHR does not comment on media speculations”, the OHR noted. RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the RS will not respect imposing of laws and he added: “The OHR will impose a law so that one has to respect it? Well, we say we will not do it. They can prepare criminal reports as soon as they impose this law. They are pushing us against a wall to the place from which there is no return and we will make our decisions on the status”. Political analyst Drago Vukovic said that B&H has problems with laws which it adopts, in terms of whether it is possible to implement those, and it especially has problems with laws imposed by the international community through the OHR. “I do not know what the goal is of this entire fuss related to property. Property has its owner, title-holder and user. Everything is very clear. Who can take away anyone’s property? There is a campaign nowadays that the property of the RS, which is internationally recognized entity in scope of BiH, is not its own but it is of some kind of a joint state consisted of two entities, so it turns out that such state rents this property to someone. This has nothing to do with Dayton solutions”, Vukovic argued. As for the imposing of a law to punish those who fail to respect laws imposed by the OHR, Vukovic said that this is a new “rigid ideologization of legal matter worse than the one that existed in communism” and he concluded by saying: “The OHR has to leave and allow domestic political elite to reach an agreement on future and vision of B&H”.


Kosarac pushing for decision that would secure advantage to import of fuel produced by Russian oil refinery in Serbia (RFE/Dnevni list)


Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H has proposed a decision according to which petrol and diesel from a Russian oil refinery in Serbia would have an advantage over fuels imported from the EU. According to the daily Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac (SNSD) proposed introduction of standards at gas stations that are in place only in Russia, at the same time annulling standards that are in force in Europe. Reportedly, importers and distributors from the Federation of B&H (FB&H), which import 2/3 of fuel from Croatia and Italy, are against the decision, as well as private importers from RS, which also prefer fuel from the EU. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H did not answer questions from the Radio Free Europe (RFE) about the issue and Minister Kosarac did not answer RFE’s calls. His deputy, Ljiljana Lovric (HDZ), said she “does not want to comment on the political issues” with a request “you should understand me”. Article further reads that the proposal of decision on quality of liquid fuels was supposed to be discussed by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) on 11 May, but the proposal was temporarily withdrawn. The decision stipulates, among other issues, ‘marking’ of petrol and diesel fuel i.e. adding dye. “Marking is not done anywhere n the EU, not in the neighbourhood – only in Serbia. Such a decision would mean preference for one refinery and one importer”, President of Group of Oil and Oil Derivatives of the RS Jovica Vuckovic told RFE. Article further explains that the ‘Serbian Oil Industry’ is owned by Russian ‘Gazprom Neft’ and ‘Gazprom’, which is owned by the Russian state. Daily also reads, among other issues, that the oil importers and distributors in B&H believe that marking fuel would be new parafiscal duty, which would not end up in the budget but in pocket of companies selected by the Ministry.


Ambassador Sattler assesses that B&H achieved modest improvement in terms of rule of law, but that significant steps forward have been observed when it comes to fight against organized crime and corruption at high level (FTV)


The fourth public debate ‘Right to Justice’, organized by the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H in cooperation with the EC’s Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement, was held in Sarajevo on Monday. The goal was to highlight the importance of the rule of law and freedoms for citizens. The topics that were discussed during the debate in Sarajevo, which brought together experts in the field of rule of law, judicial office holders and activists from the civil society, included strengthening the integrity of the judicial system, the fight against corruption and ensuring the protection of fundamental freedoms. Head of the EUD to B&H Johann Sattler said that the topic related to the rule of law is of exceptional importance not only for the citizens, but also in the context of the EU integration. Sattler assessed that BiH achieved a modest improvement in terms of the rule of law, but that significant steps forward have been observed when it comes to the fight against organized crime and corruption at a high level. “Another topic where we see progress is all these cases related to organized crime and corruption at a high level, where after a long time we have progress. These are mostly results thanks to the Sky application, which is expected in the continuation of the work of the competent authorities,” Ambassador Sattler underlined. Ambassador Sattler reminded that the amendments to the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H have been drafted, and that there is certain progress when it comes to the adoption of the Law on Conflict of Interest. However, as Ambassador Sattler pointed out, now all these legislative solutions need to be adopted in the parliamentary procedure. “In the past years, there was limited progress in the field of justice, but there were certain developments. Last year, we had adoption of the Law on Public Procurements, there were certainly some positive personnel changes at leading posts in judiciary institutions, but I am talking about really limited progress, as stated in the evaluations of the report on B&H by the European Commission,” Ambassador Sattler said. Ambassador of Sweden to B&H Johanna Stromquist reminded that the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden, during his visit to B&H in April, emphasized that B&H belongs to the EU, but that there are no shortcuts, i.e. that it is necessary to fulfil all the criteria for joining the EU, which include obligations that the country must fulfil in areas of democracy, rule of law and human rights. Ambassador Stromquist stressed that Sweden wishes to continue working with B&H, especially now that it has a candidate status.


Brkic attends SEECP ministerial meetings in Podgorica (Glas Srpske)


B&H Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Josip Brkic attended the meetings of European affairs ministers and foreign ministers of the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) member states held in Podgorica, Montenegro. Brkic stated that the South-East European region is facing many challenges which exceed the borders of individual countries. He underlined the importance of EU integration process and reminded that B&H was granted the status of EU candidate in December last year. Brkic also announced that B&H will host the Western Balkans digital summit in October. Brkic thanked Montenegro for the efforts made during Montenegrin Chairmanship of SEECP in 2022 and 2023, and underlined that B&H is fully committed to regional cooperation.


Abazovic: We are proud to be part of the Euro-Atlantic family; Adzic: Montenegro confirmed the status of a credible ally (CdM)


In the organization of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense, a reception was organized on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Montenegro's membership in the NATO Alliance, in Villa Milocer in Budva. The hosts of the reception were Prime Minister and coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dritan Abazovic and Minister of the Interior and head of the Ministry of Defense Filip Adzic. On that occasion, Abazovic emphasized the importance of our membership in the Alliance, in the context of the unity and solidarity of the Euro-Atlantic community. "Today, more than ever, we witness the importance of stability and security, and we are proud to be part of the Euro-Atlantic family," said Abazovic. The Prime Minister reminded of the strategic commitment of Montenegro when it comes to the open-door policy, and against this background expressed the hope that the Alliance will become richer for one more member. Minister of the Interior and head of the Ministry of Defense Filip Adzic said that this date is a confirmation of the maturity of the modern Montenegrin democratic society and at the same time the best guarantee of preserving all the values on which today's Montenegro rests. He pointed out that this year, 5 June is being celebrated at a critical moment for international stability, in the circumstances, as he said, of drastically damaged security conditions in Europe, due to Russia's brutal aggression against democratic Ukraine. The Minister emphasized that even in these unprecedented circumstances for the North Atlantic Alliance, Montenegro confirmed the status of a credible, responsible and solidary ally. "And in the way that, on the one hand, we provided significant political, military and humanitarian support to Ukraine, and on the other hand, side by side with our allies, we participated in decision-making that resulted in the strengthening of collective defense and the additional improvement of NATO's deterrence and defense," he pointed out. The Chief of the General Staff of the Army of Montenegro, Brigadier General Zoran Lazarevic, also addressed those present. "By guarding the borders of the Alliance, we are guarding the borders of Montenegro in the best possible way," he said. He pointed out that in the past six years we have made numerous strides in expanding the knowledge and abilities of our members, enriched their experiences and significantly improved their awareness of community. "That's why we are present today on an equal footing, according to all issues and standards, on the eastern borders of the Alliance, in Latvia and Bulgaria, but also in Kosovo and Iraq, as well as in the Western Sahara, practically in many places where peace and stability are threatened," said the general. Lazarevic.


Milatovic and Djurovic attended the reception on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Montenegro joining NATO (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic and the President of the parliament of Montenegro Danijela Djurovic attended the reception on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of Montenegro's accession to NATO. The hosts of the reception were the Prime Minister and coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dritan Abazovic, and the head of the Ministry of Defense Minister Filip Adzic. Milatovic stated on Twitter that the celebration of the sixth anniversary of Montenegro's accession to NATO is an opportunity to repeat important messages once again. "Montenegro is a stable and credible partner that makes a full contribution to collective security. At the same time, we are grateful to our Euro-Atlantic friends and allies for the unreserved support and assistance they provide us in reaching important standards in the field of security and defense," he said.


Novakovic Djurovic: It is time to further strengthen the ties of the Western Balkans with the EU (CdM)


Today is the sixth anniversary of Montenegro's membership in NATO, and the next big goal is membership in the EU. There are internal challenges, but we have shown that we have the capacity to reach a political consensus when it comes to important political issues, and I expect that this consensus will be even easier to reach after the parliamentary elections, Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said. In Budva, he hosted delegations from the Ministries of European Affairs of the countries participating in the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), as part of the end of Montenegro's presidency of this initiative. The ministerial meeting would be an opportunity to exchange opinions regarding the challenges the wider region is facing on the way to the EU, as well as opportunities for improving cooperation and partnership, with the support of colleagues and partners from the EU. Abazovic said that Montenegro is fully aligned with the EU's foreign and security policy and that it is recognized as a partner that is ready to show solidarity both with the countries of the Union and with those aspiring to become members. "After the war that happened in Ukraine, the EU should be more understanding of the aspirations of some countries and lead a more open policy. It must take into account the influence of third parties and the negative influence that is possible in this region. Politics with a lack of vision and slow decisions are not useful, and the countries of the region should do their best and fulfil all obligations," said Abazovic. "We see no other option for Montenegro. We have only one road Podgorica-Brussels, and it is a one-way street. In order to enable it, we need to remove all barriers from that path," said the Prime Minister. "It is time to further strengthen the ties of the Western Balkans with the EU. I am convinced that our pro-European future will be ensured with the strong political support of the EU and the international community, and that the New Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, announced last Sunday by the President of the European Commission, will be a new impulse for the citizens of the Western Balkans and an incentive for their governments to take new steps ”, said the coordinator of the work of the Ministry of European Affairs, Minister Ana Novakovic Djurovic. She said that although the dynamics of the negotiations are mostly stable, she is not satisfied with the pace of European integration in the last few years and that the government wants to intensify activities on that front, for which it has the strong support of the citizens. "We remain fully committed to the implementation of European standards and structural reforms of our society, with the primary goal of making public services better, more efficient and adapted to the needs of citizens, tourists, investors and entrepreneurs. We will focus on digital transformation to quickly respond to the growing demands for efficiency, transparency and increased access to public services. The government will show its openness to citizens, not only through the transparency of work, but also through dialogue with civil society organizations as important partners in the implementation of the remaining reforms," said Novakovic Djurovic. Speaking about the consequences of climate change, she emphasized that all of us in the region should strive to become recognized as green destinations and to know that our future lies in ecologically sustainable projects. In this context, she pointed out that she is looking forward to the Economic and Investment Plan of the European Commission, which will encourage long-term recovery, supported by a green and digital transition, which will lead to sustainable economic growth, the implementation of the reforms necessary to advance on the path to the EU and bring the Western Balkans closer to a single EU market. Novakovic Djurovic expressed her belief that the application of the new methodology will enable other candidate countries to demonstrate the visibility of reforms and political commitment and allow the EU to maintain a credible merit-based approach in the enlargement process. "The Government of Montenegro appreciates the overall commitment and cooperation of all countries of the region on the way to EU membership. It is our joint commitment to work together and maintain the momentum of expansion. Bearing in mind that our goals are fundamentally dedicated to the constant improvement of the quality of life of all citizens, we want to develop a stronger society and create a constructive atmosphere for the European perspective of the region with our joint efforts", concluded Novakovic Djurovic. The next chairmanship of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) will be taken over from Montenegro by North Macedonia.


MoJ sends draft-initiative on constitutional amendments to government (MIA)


The initiative on constitutional amendments drafted by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) working group has been sent to the government, which is set to review and forward it to the parliament. Over the last week, the MoJ edited the text from the nomothetic aspect and translated it in Albanian. The amendments relate to the Preamble by adding several peoples. Namely, the Bosniak people is to be followed by the words 'Bulgarian people, Croatian people, Montenegrin people, Slovenian people, Jewish people, Egyptian (Ashkali) people,' said working group chairwoman Margarita Caca Nikolovska after the meeting. The second change, she added, is in the part of the diaspora and the Amendment 34 that is replaced by Article 49 and Amendment 2. It now adds after the Bosniak people 'Bulgarian people, Croatian people, Montenegrin people, Slovenian people, Jewish people, Egyptian (Ashkali) people.' VMRO-DPMNE has said it would not support the constitutional revision, which requires a two-thirds majority in Parliament. Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski are scheduled to meet over the issue on Wednesday. The government said the meeting will focus on the decisions to be adopted in the Parliament aimed at resuming North Macedonia's European integration, and the approach of the state, institutions and political stakeholders in building and maintaining good-neighborly relations with all neighbours. Last week, parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi said the procedure of constitutional amendments could begin in parallel with the political talks, considering that 30 days would pass from the submission of the draft-initiative to the session dedicated to it.


Government to review draft-initiative on constitutional amendments at a later session (MIA)


The government has received the draft-initiative for constitutional amendments from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) and will review it at some of the coming sessions, the government's PR service told MIA. It adds that the public will be duly informed about the decision. Earlier, the MoJ said the draft-initiative has been sent to the government after the text was edited from a nomothetic aspect and translated in Albanian. The MoJ working group on constitutional amendments adopted the draft-initiative on 26 May. The amendments relate to the Preamble by adding several peoples. Namely, the Bosniak people is to be followed by the words 'Bulgarian people, Croatian people, Montenegrin people, Slovenian people, Jewish people, Egyptian (Ashkali) people,' said working group chairwoman Margarita Caca Nikolovska after the meeting.


Marichikj-Bregu: EU is our goal, important to work on regional cooperation in parallel (MIA)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj met Monday with Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretary General Majlinda Bregu on the sidelines of the ministerial meeting of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Becici, Montenegro. Marichikj and Bregu discussed the status of regional agreements within the Berlin Process, their implementation and the future activities of the Regional Cooperation Council, which the Deputy PM said represent a positive step towards preparing the Western Balkans for the EU Single Market, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release. Marichikj said regional cooperation is an integral part of the European integration and a key aspect that leads to EU membership. In this context, he said regional cooperation one of the North Macedonia's foreign policy priorities and the country would continue to serve as RCC's constructive partner. "We will continue to contribute to the improvement of regional cooperation and be active within the Berlin Process and Open Balkans, which are beneficial for the Macedonian citizens and the country's economy," said Marichikj.  RCC's Bregu reaffirmed North Macedonia's commitment to regional cooperation and recognition of the importance of agreements signed at last year's Berlin Process summit. Bregu thanked the Macedonian government for the support provided to RCC and the swift ratification of the agreements in the Parliament, hoping for their full implementation by the next Berlin Process Summit in Tirana this October, reads the press release.


Marichikj: Reforms and difficult decisions to be delivered, EU to deliver membership in foreseeable future (MIA)


Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj said Monday that North Macedonia would deliver results and urged the EU to deliver membership in the foreseeable future. "The region is already making positive shifts and now is the time for the EU integration to go into full swing. The time has come for a serious enlargement plan by the EU. A concrete plan by which the Union will demonstrate its focus on the region's Euro-integration not only in words but also in deeds. We will deliver reforms and difficult decisions but the EU should deliver membership in the foreseeable future," Deputy PM Marichikj says in a video-address during the ministerial meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) in Becici, Montenegro. Marichikj said today's SEECP meeting sent a clear message that the Western Balkans has waited for too long for its European perspective, including a clear timeline for the next EU enlargement. North Macedonia is set to assume the SEECP Chairmanship on 1 July, representing an added value to the country's commitment in building a society based on democratic values and economic prosperity, a clear vision over the region's future as a fully integrated area in the EU. "During the Chairmanship, North Macedonia will remain fully committed to the enhancement of our regional economic cooperation and infrastructure networking, rule of law, human rights and functioning of democratic institutions. We need political will and responsibility from all political stakeholders to resume the EU accession negotiations, so that we deliver better standard of life for Macedonian citizens and economic growth for the country. EU membership is, without a doubt, an investment in European peace and security. Let's make it attainable and real together," says Marichikj.


Osmani: Let's open up to opportunities offered by reconciliation, dialogue and dispute resolution (MIA)


As the new Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) chair-country and its motto "Bridging Divisions, Building Trust", North Macedonia is aware that bilateral disputes and political blockades represent the biggest threat to the region, preventing European integration, bilateral and regional cooperation, and can easily be abused by foreign actors, said Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani on Monday. "It is my firm belief that we should avoid these attempts and open up to the opportunities offered by reconciliation, dialogue and dispute resolution through understanding, respect and mutually acceptable solutions. North Macedonia is taking this path, with the Ohrid Framework Agreement, the Bulgaria Friendship Treaty, the Prespa Agreement, and last year's compromise over our European path serving as testimonies of our commitment to this true European cause," FM Osmani told a joint press conference with Montenegro Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic after the SEECP ministerial meeting in Budva. Osmani expressed hope that sustainable solutions for the remaining open issues would be reached through compromise in the near future, leading to EU membership and economic growth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. "This arises from our joint interest, and we should not hesitate but use strategic resolve in our actions," said Osmani. North Macedonia's yearlong SEECP Chairmanship, which begins on 1 July, will also focus on strengthening of democracy, fundamental rights and values, rule of law and fight against corruption, energy security and acceleration of decarbonization, joint efforts in building trans-European transport corridors, implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and digital transformation, reads the press release.


Xhaferi - Tabaku: Good neighborly relations ensure regional progress (MIA)


Parliament speaker Talat Xhaferi met Monday with the members of the Albanian Parliamentary Committee for European Integration, consisting of Chairwoman Jorida Tabaku, and members Eltida Gjonaj, Flutura Acka, Orlando Rakipi, Kreshnik Collaku, and Lavdrim Krash, as well as Parliament’s Committee on European Affairs chairman Arber Ademi. Xhaferi positively assessed the bilateral relations, with no open questions, and intensive cooperation in areas of mutual interest. He stressed that North Macedonia and Albania are in the screening phase with the European Union and expressed hope that North Macedonia, unlike Albania, has additional requirements which will manage to fulfil by the end of 2023, in order to continue negotiations on the clusters, announced the Parliament press office. "In terms of regional cooperation, Xhaferi referred to the results of the last Berlin Process Summit and the progress achieved in the free movement of citizens from the six countries of the region, while on the realization of infrastructural projects, he noted that construction of roads, energy, and railway connections with Corridor 8, with the aim of greater exchange of people, goods, and services, is of great importance for the two countries," the press release reads. Tabaku thanked for the cordial reception and hailed the meeting between the members of related commissions as very useful. "Tabaku praised North Macedonia's chairmanship of the largest regional security organization - OSCE, and regarding the agreements signed within the Berlin Process expressed confidence that sooner they are implemented the sooner they will yield benefits to citizens in the region. Regarding the European integration process, she expressed hope that the obstacles will be overcome, and both countries will move to the next phrase of negotiations by the end of the year. For the cooperation between the two countries in the field of culture, education, media, Tabaku said that she expects them to intensify, and hopes that the Corridor 8 will be completed soon," the press release adds. Interlocutors agreed that good neighbourly relations move the region forward, and that there is potential for border municipalities from both countries to work on joint projects to receive EU financial support.


Britain-Albania/Sunak Agreement: The number of Albanian immigrants has decreased by 90% (Radio Tirana)


The number of Albanian immigrants going to England through the crossing of the English Channel in small boats has decreased by 90% since the agreement between Albania and Britain on illegal immigrants was reached. This is what the British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, said, who declared that 1,800 Albanians were deported. "The UK has been working on this issue with other countries, he says. As a result of the agreement with Albania, 1800 Albanians have returned to that country, he says. He says he has doubled funding for the National Crime Agency to tackle people smuggling. He says that the rejection rate for people who claim to be victims of modern slavery has tripled since the requirements became stricter," Sunak stated. Prime Minister Edi Rama and his counterpart, Rishi Sunak, agreed in December 2022 to increase cooperation in three areas, one of which covered the fight against organized crime and illegal immigration. The agreement included the establishment of a joint task force to "manage the illegal migration of Albanian nationals to the United Kingdom".


Albanian PM lashes out at Rishi Sunak for ‘bad taste’ over small boats (Radio Tirana)


Edi Rama, Prime Minister of Albania, accused the UK government of ‘spinning the drama’ over migrants from his country. Albanian prime minister has criticised Rishi Sunak for “bad taste” tactics over his crackdown on small boat migrants. Edi Rama accused the UK government of “spinning the drama” over Albanian migrants when they now only made up 2 per cent of Channel small boat arrivals. His comments come as the Prime Minister is expected to claim in a speech that his plan to stop the boats crossing the Channel in starting to work. In an update on the progress of his pledge to stop the boats, Mr Sunak is expected to cite a sharp decline in the number of Albanians crossing the Channel as evidence that a tough stance on deportations will deter illegal migrants. The numbers are down from around 30 per cent of Channel arrivals last year to 1 or 2 per cent in the first four months of this year. However, Mr Rama said: “The British Government cannot detach from the propaganda. It’s miserable and bad taste to spin a drama for political gains. “Less than 2 per cent of total arrivals to the UK were from Albania. To continue to talk about Albanians is low life.” The Albanian prime minister has not hesitated to criticise ministers when they speak out against Albanians. He previously accusing Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, of “disgraceful” comments for singling out Albanians. He suggested her comments last year about “Albanian criminal” crossing the Channel in small boats could themselves be considered a crime. It is understood that thousands of Albanians are being tracked down and targeted by Home Office immigration enforcement officers for deportation. A 400-strong team of case workers has been set up to fast-track a backlog of 17,000 asylum applications by Albanians, most of which are expected to result in their deportation. Ministers believe that the new “assertive” approach and new deportation agreements with Albania has permeated back to potential migrants from the Balkan state. “The reason that we are returning Albanians is to deter people from coming in the first place, and that is succeeding,” Robert Jenrick, the immigration minister, told Sky on Sunday.


Xhacka: The countries of the region have the responsibility to engage to dialogue and strengthen cooperation (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka called on the countries of the South East Europe region to be committed to dialogue and to strengthen cooperation, while saying that it is necessary for the EU to preserve the new momentum of the enlargement process through concrete actions. Xhacka made her statement at the meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP), which was held in Budva, Montenegro. Minister Xhacka emphasizes that Albania remains committed as an active participant and a significant contributor to the SEECP. "There is a need for a reliable and predictable path to the EU. The countries of the region have a responsibility to be committed to dialogue and to strengthen cooperation. We also need the EU to maintain the new momentum of the enlargement process through concrete actions," she said. The head of Albanian diplomacy recalled that this year Albania leads the Berlin Process, expressing the belief that "the upcoming Summit in Tirana will bring tangible results in creating a more effective economic cohesion in the region". North Macedonia will be the next chairman of the SEECP, while Albania is expected to take the chairmanship of the SEECP for the period 2024-2025. The SEECP presidency is considered important given that this is the most important political forum in South-Eastern Europe that includes countries of strategic importance for Albania.


Albania restored visa regime for Russian citizens, EC: The right decision, positive steps for EU objectives (Radio Tirana)


The European Commission has appreciated Albania's decision not to renew the seasonal visa exemption for Russian citizens. In the EC report of May 30, it is mentioned that this decision taken by the Albanian government is key for our country's path towards the EU. Along with the Russian Federation, visa-free entry of citizens from India and Egypt will also be prohibited. Now, Russians will have to apply for a visa at the Albanian Embassy. Meanwhile, the EC emphasizes that these decisions are important for reducing irregular arrivals to EU countries. "The Commission also welcomes the decision taken by Albania not to renew the seasonal visa exemption for citizens of Egypt, India and Russia, as well as the decision by North Macedonia to reintroduce a visa requirement for citizens of Botswana, Cuba and Azerbaijan. These decisions are important and welcome steps towards the objective of reducing irregular arrivals to the EU along the Western Balkan route, although significant challenges remain," the report reads. Excerpts from the report: "We remember a year ago, when Russia launched an unprecedented aggression in Ukraine, Albania was one of the first countries that sanctioned and condemned this attack. At that time, the local news debated whether Russian citizens would be deprived of the possibility of visa-free travel, but the head of the government Rama insisted that this would not happen as long as the EU countries had not done it either. As a result, to visit Albania, Russian citizens must apply for a visa in accordance with the purpose of the trip, the Albanian diplomatic mission emphasizes.


Kosovo government takes the initiative for an agreement with Albania (Radio Tirana)


The government of Kosovo held a meeting, in which it approved the initiative for the conclusion of the agreement for the recognition of the right to exercise the professions of lawyer and mediator in disputes resolutions between the government of the Republic of Kosovo and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania, it is announced in the press release. It states that the decision obliges the Ministry of Justice of Kosovo to handle negotiations with the government of Albania in order to finalize a final text of the agreement in accordance with the legislation in force. Object of the agreement is to determine the applicable rules in enabling the recognition of the right to exercise the professions of lawyer and mediator in the resolution of disputes in both countries, as well as the rights and obligations that the parties undertake to achieve the goal, according to this agreement.