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Belgrade Media Report 11 July 2023



After talks, they reiterated: We do not have the same views on Kosovo (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic held a series of meetings with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. After the meetings, the presidents addressed the media. Vucic said that he was very pleased to have the opportunity to host the Milatovic. "We share the opinion that strengthening bilateral ties is of enormous mutual benefit. For us, Montenegro is an extremely important partner, due to the traditional closeness and connection of our citizens," said Vucic. e also added that they are trying to improve mutual relations. "We discussed a number of issues," said Vucic and added that he promised Milatović that Montenegro would get an important position at the Belgrade EXPO. Vucic also spoke about the construction of roads and better connectivity between the two countries. "We discussed the construction of roads that would allow us to reach Montenegro in four hours, maybe less. Today we analyzed the technical disagreements in order to resolve them as soon as possible. They want to build a terminal for liquefied gas in Bar, and Serbia is interested in buying part of the gas," said Vucic and added: "I know that there are people in Montenegro who want to refer to Serbia as a threat to Montenegro. We agree on some issues, not on others, but we have a civilized relationship." As he said, he wants to believe that it is possible for us to talk and gradually reach better relations. Milatovic said that he is pleased to be in Belgrade today, but also that these are important steps towards the political revitalization of relations between our two countries. "The visit to Serbia comes as a natural continuation in the context of our regional policy. The presence of the president at the inauguration, my visit to Belgrade, represent important steps in our development. In the economic sense, Serbia is perhaps the most important partner of Montenegro," said Milatovic. He said that Montenegro exported the most to Serbia. "We are bound by common history and traditional closeness, as a European goal," he said and added: "I am glad that President Vucic expressed interest in building a liquid bar terminal in the Port of Bar. There is also room for improvement in the field of energy and IT," noted Milatovic, congratulating Serbia on hosting the EXPO 2027. Milatovic also sent a public invitation to President Vucic to visit Podgorica and show that they have turned over a new leaf in political relations. Answering the journalists' questions, Vucic reminded whether anyone asked the question when the illegal secession of Montenegro was, or whether they only see things from their point of view. "I brought that up in our conversation. I believe that everyone who is punished in Montenegro should serve that sentence. I received an assurance from President Vucic that Serbia will approach it responsibly," said Milatovic. "President Milatovic mentioned the case of Marovic. I said that as a responsible country we will take it into consideration and as a responsible country we will provide a thorough answer. Have you thought about whether we were hurt by the illegal secession of part of our territory, the expulsion of our ambassador... We bring it in 10 - 12 days to decide who will be the new ambassador to Montenegro. Marovic is not a taboo topic and it shouldn't be. I just ask you to sometimes put yourself in our shoes, as I try to put myself in the shoes of the President of Montenegro," said Vucic.


The issue of Kosovo and Metohija

"It is very important that from the biggest state addresses we focus on topics that bring us closer together. There are also those where we do not have the same views, of course the issue of Kosovo is one of those. You know that Montenegro recognized Kosovo in 2008, but we have to be politically literate enough to understand Serbia's position. What is important to me is that the tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are brought under control and de-escalation occurs. All of this affects all of us. We really sincerely support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina," said Milatovic and added: "I am not happy about the tensions, I welcome efforts of Belgrade to de-escalate, Vucic has done a lot to de-escalate, but it takes two to tango."


Orlic meets with President of Montenegro (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic met yesterday with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. Orlic opined that Milatovic's visit, as well as the participation of the President Aleksandar Vucic in the inauguration of the President of Montenegro, represent the turning of a new leaf in the relations between the two countries, which the Serbian parliament is ready to contribute to. "Our Parliamentary Friendship Group with Montenegro, in the spirit of strengthening cooperation and improving relations, is traditionally among the largest and popular ones in the Serbian parliament," said Orlic. The meeting with the President of Montenegro was also attended by parliament deputy speaker Sandra Bozic as well as the Head of the PFG with Montenegro Igor Becic, who confirmed their willingness to personally contribute to the strengthening of relations between the two countries. Milatovic emphasised the importance of further infrastructural, investment and economic connection, pointing to all the successes that Serbia and Montenegro have been recording in these areas. He expressed a strong willingness to make sure that, based on their partnership, mutual understanding and respect, the two countries resolve the basic issues that affect the daily lives of their citizens, as well as to intensify cooperation in all areas of mutual benefit, which would in turn contribute to the revitalisation of good neighbourly relations. Orlic said that Serbia, led by President Aleksandar Vucic, pursues at all levels a state policy dedicated to comprehensive development, as well as the preservation of peace and stability, as the fundamental prerequisites for any progress. "Unfortunately, peace and stability have been threatened in the most drastic way by Albin Kurti in Kosovo and Metohija. We must not and will not allow one man to cause catastrophic damage, not only to Serbia and the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, but to everyone in the region. We continue to advocate for dialogue, a better future for everyone, but we expect everyone else to support peace and clearly condemn Kurti's anti-European and anti-civilizational behaviour," said Orlic, adding that Serbia remains committed to the further development of economic cooperation with Montenegro, achieving new records in the trade exchange, as well as continuation of joint work on new investments and infrastructure – construction of new highways, power lines, gas infrastructure, modernisation of the railway. Milatovic thanked Orlic for the opportunity for an open conversation, expressing his understanding for the positions of the Republic of Serbia and his support for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. He stressed that one of the goals of the Montenegrin state policy is the strengthening of bilateral ties with the countries in the region. "We clearly share a common future, which is why we remain persistent on the path of improving relations between our two countries, which are, both economically and geographically, at the centre of the Western Balkans," concluded Milatovic.


British MPs distance themselves from accusations against SPC (N1)


A UK parliament delegation distanced itself from claims by Foreign Affairs Select Committee chair Alicia Kearns MP that the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) was involved in arms smuggling, a Serbian Parliament press release said on Monday. It said that the delegation, made up of Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Serbia Jackie Doyle-Price, Group co-chair Lord Rennard and right honourable Matthew Offord, Tan Dhesi and Ben David, met with Serbian parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic to discuss bilateral relations and parliamentary cooperation. “Orlic spoke of the sharp reactions and justified indignation of the public in Serbia to the serious accusations levelled by Alicia Kearns against the SPC,” the press release said. “It is important that there are no such flagrant examples of irresponsibility and that, when they occur, they receive a clear condemnation,” it quoted him as saying. “The members of the UK parliament said that Alicia Kearns’ statement reflects only her personal position and is in no way the official position of the UK parliament or the UK government,” it said. In the course of the conversation, Orlic also touched on the difficult situation in the southern Serbian province, as well as to the open terror carried out by Albin Kurti against the Serb people. He reminded the guests that the regime in Pristina prevents Serbs from getting food and medicine and every day takes dangerous steps with the intention of provoking an open conflict. "The President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic has announced that he will request a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and an urgent session of the UN Security Council. It is important that everyone understands the gravity of the situation, clearly condemn Kurti's behaviour and do everything to de-escalate the situation in Kosovo and Metohija," said Orlic. The British parliamentarians said that they are following the events in the region and that the United Kingdom will remain committed to preserving peace and stability in this part of Europe.


Dacic receives farewell visit from Norwegian Ambassador (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received a farewell visit from Norwegian Ambassador Jorn Eugene Gjelstad on Monday. According to a statement released by his Ministry, Dacic thanked Gjelstad for his personal contribution to advancement of political dialogue and cooperation between Serbia and Norway. The parties agreed that the relations between the two countries were extremely good, and reaffirmed mutual readiness to further strengthen mutual dialogue, exchanges of visits at all levels and forging of further ties between the two countries in many areas, especially in energy. Gjelstad thanked Dacic for his exceptional cooperation and noted that he had many beautiful memories of Serbia and its people, the statement also said.


Sandzak Party of Democratic Action wants Serbia parliament to pass resolution on genocide in Srebrenica (Beta)


MPs from the Party of Democratic Action of Sandzak on 10 July re-entered a proposed Resolution on the Genocide in Srebrenica, envisaging the strongest condemnation of genocide and ban on glorifying convicted war criminals, while individualizing responsibility for genocide, into parliamentary procedure. Party MP Enis Imamovic said the proposal stated that the accountability for genocide and other war crimes is individual and that no nation can be labelled genocidal. According to him, this requires collective condemnation and collective distancing from war criminals. He said violence in society was the consequence of the glorification of genocide and war criminals. "You can't eradicate violence in society where the police, instead of keeping public order and morals, protects the mural depicting a convicted war criminal... while police officers glorify genocide at parties," he said. He stated that this was why children were growing up with genocide being celebrated as victory and war criminals celebrated as heroes, and declared it was time for a much more responsible state order. Party MP Selma Kucevic said the proposed resolution had the support of independent MPs Saip Kamberi and Aleksandar Olenik. According to her, the proposal includes lectures on Srebrenica being delivered in schools.


Pasalic: Serb protestors, detainees being terrorized in Kosovo (Novosti/Beta)


In a statement for Novosti, Serbian Ombudsman Zoran Pasalic said that the Serbs protesting in Kosovo and those who had been arrested were being tortured as defined by Article 1 of the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Explaining that the mentioned document prohibited inflicting physical and/or mental or emotional suffering – which Kosovo Serbs are being subject to – Pasalic told the paper that he wrote to the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT) and its European counterpart, the ESPT, and is “hoping they will do their job,” but promised to continue pressuring them until they act. So far, he said, the SPT stated it would notify its membership of the complaint. Pasalic also contacted the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), but failed to receive a concrete response. “We are dissatisfied. . . We want tangible action,” he said, adding: “On [June 10] we will contact individually the other bodies that deal with the protection of human rights. We’ve also written to the global and European associations of ombudsmen.” Asked whether he or someone from his office can somehow visit Kosovo and Metohija, Pasalic responded that they had been trying to. Their latest attempt, he explained, was a request submitted by Belgrade’s liaison officer in Pristina, who asked to visit the Serbs detained in Kosovo. “We’re still waiting for an answer. I’ll [put in a request] as well and, if we succeed, we’ll go together to see the state of their health and how the prisoners are being treated,” Pasalic added.


House of Jozic family in Veric village near Istok set on fire (Tanjug)


The Office for Kosovo and Metohija stated today that last night the house of the returnee family Jozic was set on fire in the village of Veric near Istok, where such attacks are, unfortunately, a frequent occurrence. The statement reads that this confirms the inability, and first and foremost the lack of desire and goodwill of Pristina to prevent such events and create conditions for coexistence in Kosovo and Metohija. Serbs in the province are faced with obviously organised attempts by extremists to make the return of the displaced persons as difficult as possible or prevent it, and such practice is most common in Metohija, where Serbian people were forced to flee in greatest numbers. Both the international community and the responsible side in Kosovo and Metohija are obliged to finally make more serious efforts to rein in the brutal campaign of preventing the displaced persons from returning to their homeland, according to the statement.




Schmidt announces working on regulations that would allow criminal prosecuting of those who deny genocide (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt is attending Conference of Memorial Center Potocari and World Jewish Congress that is taking place in Potocari. On this occasion Schmidt announced that nobody who wants a better future should not deny genocide and the events that took place in Srebrenica. “We are holding a conference for joint remembrance. This conference is truly a great signal and sigh to all who want better future, that they must not deny genocide and ignore the event that took place”, said Schmidt. He said that it is shocking that even after so many years there is no acceptance about the events in Srebrenica: “Not only that it is surprising, but it is also shocking that after so many years we cannot get to the joint stance on the past. This that happened here is horrible. I will already today and tomorrow start to work on having all those who denied genocide and who continue to do so, to have legal actions undertook against them and to have them criminally prosecuted”. Schmidt said that tomorrow, he will be accompanied by Chief Prosecutor of Bavaria and his colleagues, and as they are working on cases of Holocaust denial, Schmidt will research the best actions that can be undertaken against persons who deny genocide, against all persons who promote lies and the only way to speak about this (Srebrenica) is the truth. He said in the end that he has two important considerations: “First, we have to strengthen the work and possibilities of the Memorial Center in Potocari to work on commemoration, but also education. I want to thank Director (Emir) Suljagic and members of Steering Board who were ready to work together so this would never repeat again.  Secondly, all those who reside here have to feel good, especially families of victims, who are often insulted in an unacceptable way”. Schmidt encouraged young generations to pose questions to their parents but also to politicians about the genocide, and not to give up on conveying confirmed information. Addressing the present, Schmidt said: “In my country, successive generation had to address the heritage of the war and genocide. We had moments of denial and justification, we also had controversies. Unfortunately, I see that it is again the case”.


Ambassador Murphy sends video message ahead of Srebrenica anniversary: B&H officials have responsibility to acknowledge Srebrenica events (Dnevni avaz)


US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Michael Murphy will attend Tuesday’s marking of 18th anniversary of Srebrenica genocide and on this occasion, he published a video message. “On Tuesday I will attend the commemoration of the 28th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, a dark moment in history, not just for B&H, but for all of humanity. On this anniversary, and always, the people of the United States stand in solidarity with the victims, survivors and families who grieve for their loved ones. We grieve with you. United States are committed to supporting the survivals and enabling those working to preserve the memory of the victims beyond the solemn date July 11th. That is why we are proud to support Srebrenica Memorial Center in preserving and displaying personal affects of the Srebrenica genocide victims and exploring digitalization of the survivors’ accounts so that the story of the Srebrenica genocide can be easily accessible worldwide. I am honored that the United States, State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice and Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedoms will join the US delegation at the Potocari Memorial tomorrow. Participation of these envoys demonstrates that Srebrenica remains the focus of the US policy. They are visiting B&H to confront and pushback against genocide denial and inflammatory rhetoric. The facts about the Srebrenica genocide have been established, beyond the shadow of the doubt, by the ICTY and ICJ and they are underpinned by the indisputable forensic evidence. B&H officials at every level have an institutional and legal responsibility to acknowledge what occurred in Srebrenica 28 years ago and an enduring obligation to address it, by teaching the truth to future generations, honoring the victims, supporting the survivors – including through the memorialization, searching for the missing and perusing justice by investigating and prosecuting the perpetrators, some of whom still walk free among us. The United States calls on B&H’s political leaders to demonstrate respect for the truth, for the memory of the Srebrenica genocide victims and for the future of B&H, which depends on their ability to acknowledge that genocide occurred in Srebrenica and to take the necessary steps to right this and many other wrongs of the 1992- 1995 war. All those who lost loves ones in Srebrenica and elsewhere in this country a quarter of century ago, deserve no less. The United States remains committed to supporting all in B&H who strive for reconciliation, peace, justice”, said Ambassador Murphy.


Borrell and Varhelyi issue joint statement commemorating Srebrenica genocide anniversary; Reconciliation can only be built upon truth, peace, and upon justice (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borrell and European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi issued a joint statement regarding the 28th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica. “Twenty-eight years ago, one of the darkest pages of European history was written. We share the grief and pain of the families and friends of the victims and of the survivors of the genocide in Srebrenica. Europe remembers its responsibility and failure to protect. Today, while war rages again on the European continent, we vow to do better to defend peace and protect life. In commemorating the consequences of armed conflict, the European Union reiterates its commitment to B&H’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. As a candidate country, B&H’s future lies within the EU. Reconciliation can only be built upon truth, peace, and upon justice. There can be no tolerance for genocide denial, historical revisionism, and glorification of war criminals. All civil and political leaders in B&H have the responsibility to work together to build a better future based on dialogue and mutual understanding to strengthen and defend peace and human dignity for the benefit of all generations,” reads the statement.


Attorney Jokic says it will be impossible to legally protect people who refuse to implement B&H CC’s decision in RS, notes he will continue to file motions with B&H CC on behalf of his clients (EuroBlic)


Following the decision of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to form a case file after decisions of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik were published in the RS Official Gazette, attorney Aleksandar Jokic explained that the announcement on formation of the case file means nothing in terms of existence of someone’s responsibility, but it only means that the Prosecutor’s Office is checking reports it received. Jokic said that he thinks the RS Official Gazette, which has the obligation to publish whatever the RS President signs, cannot be held criminally liable because it has no alternative: “It is not in a position to make decisions at all”. Asked to explain how to protect people who refuse to implement decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H (B&H CC), Jokic said that this will not be possible in the existing state organization. “I see no legal possibility to protect or exempt, as they said, any of the RS citizens. Perhaps it is only possible to establish some kind of a solidarity fund that will be used to pay defense for those people, but it is legally impossible to prevent their processing”, Jokic stated. Commenting on motions which citizens file with B&H CC, Jokic warned that many are now in a dilemma on what to do next having in mind the decision not to implement decisions of B&H CC in the territory of the RS. Jokic added that he, on behalf of his clients, will continue to file motions with B&H CC and expect B&H CC to render decisions in those cases: “I do not see any possibility to stop filing motions because we have no alternative procedure of protection of citizens’ rights which must stay intact in each individual case. I think all of my colleagues who are attorneys, or at least most of them, will act in the same or similar way”. The daily noted that it contacted several other attorneys who all said that the decision on non-implementation of B&H CC’s decisions in the RS can result in legal uncertainty for citizens and they warned that this decision also makes the work of judges in the RS more difficult because they are unsure whether they should apply laws of the RS or B&H Constitution.


Political experts on what it means that Russia raised issue of B&H CC’s work before UN Security Council (Glas Srpske)


The official announcement that Russia is preparing to initiate at the UN Security Council (UN SC), the most important body of the United Nations in charge of keeping the peace and stability in the world, a discussion on the way in which the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H operates clearly shows that this is a serious situation, but also that Russia, with all the issues it has in its backyard, is not giving up on RS and the Serb people. Fedor Strzhizhovsky, spokesperson of the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, said that making decisions in the Constitutional Court of B&H without the participation of Serbs or any other state-forming people of B&H is a path that leads to the destruction of the Dayton structure, and what is especially dangerous, to a potential conflict. According to him, the continuation of the work of three foreign judges in the B&H CC is an anachronism. “All these steps fit into the policy of Western countries to maintain the protectorate status in B&H, among other things through the illegitimate Christian Schmidt, who did not receive the approval of the UN Security Council. However, we are convinced that the peoples of B&H have the right to negotiate the future vector of their country's development on their own, without external control, based on mutual respect and seeking compromises”, said Strzhizhovsky. Professor and advised to the Chairwoman of the B&H Presidency, Milan Blagojevic, says Russia’s move says a lot. He says this is proof, the biggest one yet, that the B&H CC is also calling into question the world peace with its moves and actions. The situation is so serious, he says, that the UN SC is thinking about holding a session on this topic, and even by only thinking about this, that means that someone is worried this might affect world peace. Blagojevic said this has not happened in the entire history of the United Nations. He assessed that the B&H CC’s work is damaging B&H’s reputation on the international scene. Blagojevic said if such a session of the UN SC is held, then not only unconstitutional work of the Constitutional Court of B&H should be considered but also illegal behavior of Christian Schmidt, who is falsely representing himself as a High Representative. Geopolitical analyst Aleksandar Pavic said that this proves that Russia stands with the RS and the Serb people even in times when it is leading a “global fight” of its own. Pavic emphasized that Russia might raise this issue in the UN SC, but since three of five permanent members of the Council back the work of the B&H CC, that is the US, the UK and France, then the discussion will probably not be held. However, he concludes that it is important that Russia raised this issue before the UN Security Council.


Djokic in Russia: Russia appreciates the position of the RS and its leadership, and is ready to provide all necessary support (RTRS)


RS Minister of Energy and Mining Petar Djokic was in Russia, where, in the conversation with the representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod and Sverdlovsk regions it was said that Russia appreciates the position of the RS and its leadership and is ready to provide all necessary support. Djokic said that there is a mutual interest in improving economic cooperation, and he also visited the company ‘Svel’, which produces transformers and other high-voltage and low-voltage equipment. Djokic will also talk with the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Djokic said that they concluded that the RS did not allow B&H to impose sanctions on Russia, and that policy will continue to exist.


Cvijanovic meets French Ambassador and Head of OSCE Mission in B&H; She stresses commitment to European path and implementation of 14 priorities from EC Opinion (RTRS)


The Serb member and Chairperson of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic received French Ambassador Christine Toudic on a farewell visit, whom she introduced to the priorities of the RS and its representatives in, as the presenter said, joint institutions. Cvijanovic emphasized the importance of the internal dialogue of all political representatives in B&H. At the meeting with the Head of the OSCE Mission, Brian Aggeler, Cvijanovic emphasized her commitment to the European path and implementation of 14 priorities from the Opinion of the European Commission, with respect for the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the constitutional competences of all levels of authorities.


Eichhorst in B&H; She meets Konakovic and Izetbegovic (Dnevni avaz)


Managing Director at European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst arrived to B&H on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, she will pay respect to the victims of Srebrenica genocide. “During her visit, she will also meet key stakeholders to discuss political and security situation. Today she met with Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic”, reads statement issued by the EU Delegation to B&H. Article notes that meetings with Konakovic and Izetbegovic were separate. Konakovic expressed gratitude to the European Commission for the decision to grant EUR 303 million for financing of 8 key infrastructure projects in B&H. He expressed hope that in the next two months, B&H will adopt some of the laws from 14 priorities in order to finally open the chapter of final talks with the EU. Eichhorst noted that the Investment Package is another proof that future of B&H and of the western Balkans is in the EU. She added that B&H is expected to fulfil 14 priorities from the EC’s Opinion and to continue reform process and progress in overcoming of existing difference in economic development. She noted that the latest anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional activities in RS derogate from these obligations and expectations that followed awarding of status of EU candidate to B&H. During the meeting, the officials discussed preparations for EU- B&H Stabilization and Association Council session, which will take place on 19 July. Eichhorst will be meeting members of the Presidency of B&H, the Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers, the B&H Foreign Minister and leaders of political parties of the ruling coalition and the opposition parties at the state level. According to the daily, the meetings will be dedicated to the current political crisis in B&H and on redirecting political energy onto concrete reforms that will improve quality of life and enable progress on the EU path of B&H.


Milatovic: Appointment of ambassadors necessary; Vucic: Serbia to decide who it will be in next 10-12 days (CdM)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has said at a press conference with his Montenegrin President Jakov Milatovic that Montenegro is an important partner for that country, not only for economic reasons but also because of the traditional closeness of the two nations. Milatovic, who is on an official visit to Belgrade, has pointed out that with this visit a new leaf is being turned in the relations between the two countries. Vucic has stated that Milatovic requested the most favorable position for Montenegro at EXPO 2027, which the President of Serbia promised him. Vucic says he knows that there are many in Montenegro who are trying to raise the fear of Serbia. “I told Milatovic that what you want us to participate in, we will participate in, what you don’t want us to participate in, we will not, we will not stand in your shadow. It never crosses our mind to ask anyone for anything that someone else doesn’t want. I am satisfied that I openly discussed some issues with Milatovic. On some issues we agree, on some we disagree”, says Vucic. Milatovic has said that the visit to Belgrade is the first official visit to one of the countries of the region and that it comes as a natural continuation, bearing in mind that good neighbourly relations, along with the country’s commitment to the Euro-Atlantic future, are Montenegro’s foreign policy priorities. “Montenegro and Serbia are bound by a common history and traditional closeness. But our countries also share a common European goal. These are all reasons that oblige us to have the best possible, friendly and substantive relations, with full mutual respect, even when we do not think the same about certain topics. We, the statesmen of the two countries, have a special responsibility not to disturb these relations, but to improve them. We agreed that it is necessary to appoint an ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Montenegro in the near future, as well as an ambassador of Montenegro to the Republic of Serbia,” says Milatovic. He has announced that, through the prism of economy, Serbia is one of the most important economic partners of Montenegro. He has discussed with Vucic the necessity of stronger cooperation on joint infrastructure projects – such as the continuation of the construction of the Bar-Belgrade highway, the completion of the overhaul of the Belgrade-Bar railway, as well as projects in the field of energy and the IT sector. Milatovic has pointed out that, within the framework of political relations, the two countries share common European goals and that as the President of Montenegro, which has progressed the farthest in negotiations with the EU, he firmly believes that the integration of the Western Balkan countries into the European Union has no alternative.


PM Kovachevski, government delegation at NATO Summit in Vilnius (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski will head 11-12 July the North Macedonia delegation to the NATO Summit in Vilnius, Lithuania. The delegation includes Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani and Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska. PM Kovachevski will take part at the meetings of heads of state and government of members of the North-Atlantic Council and partners Australia, Georgia, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, as well as presidents of the European Council and the European Commission. President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, is also expected to take part, the Government said in a press release. The NATO Summit will tackle the most urgent security challenges, with a focus on enhanced support for Ukraine and strengthening of the NATO-Ukraine ties by setting up the NATO-Ukraine Council. Leaders will also discuss the enhancement of defense capacities, new regional defense plans and strengthening of partnerships. At the summit sidelines, Kovachevski is set to meet with Estonian and Greek counterparts, Kaja Kallas and Kyriakos Mitsotakis respectively. Ministers Osmani and Petrovska are also scheduled to hold informal meetings. PM's wife Elena Kovachevska will also attend events within the Summit, including a visit to the center for children and women-refugees from the war in Ukraine and a meeting with Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenska, reads the press release. Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Melanie Joly ahead of NATO's 2023. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a press release, Minister Osmani welcomed the development of bilateral relations, highlighting the importance of the Declaration of Strategic Partnership between the two countries as a solid basis for deepening cooperation. Osmani and Joly also welcomed the close cooperation between North Macedonia and Canada as part of NATO and their contributions to the strengthening of the Alliance's Eastern flank at a crucial time, the MFA says. "Our cooperation with Canada within NATO, and especially in multinational battlegroups, speaks of our active contribution to safeguarding transatlantic security, which is particularly important in the new geopolitical context," Osmani is quoted as saying in the release. Meeting participants discussed challenges arising from the Russian military aggression against Ukraine as well as the latest developments in the Western Balkans. In that context, the release adds, Joly reaffirmed Canada's support for the European integration of North Macedonia. Osmani briefed Canada's foreign minister on his activities as OSCE Chairperson-in-Office. Joly responded with expressing Canada's support for North Macedonia's political leadership and the country's OSCE Chairpersonship, the release adds.


Draft law on Lustration to observe EU standards (Radio Tirana)


The Ambassador of the EU in Albania Christiane Hohmann in a letter addressed to the chairperson of the Albania’s Assembly Laws Committee Klotilda Bushka states that the SP's draft law on Lustration must observe European standards on human rights and the rule of law. Meanwhile, in her letter, Hohmann suggests that the Committee on Legal Affairs, Public Administration and Human Rights ensure that current legal initiatives are fully in line with the main principles and criteria outlined by the Venice Commission and contain all necessary protection measures.