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Belgrade Media Report 27 June



Protest of Serbs in the north of KiM to continue today; No traditional gathering for St Vitus day (RTS)


Due to the crisis and security risks, in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) there is no traditional gathering of Serbs for Vidovdan (St. Vitus day) in Gazimestan. Gathering at the gate of the Gracanica monastery. Serbs continue peaceful protests. Carriers with Serbian license plates are still waiting at administrative crossings.


A month has passed since the violent intrusion of the Pristina special forces into the municipal buildings in Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok. The custody of three Kosovo special forces, arrested in central Serbia, was terminated after the High Court in Kraljevo confirmed the indictment against them and they were handed over to the Pristina authorities yesterday at the Merdare administrative crossing. Serbs continue peaceful protests. Carriers with Serbian license plates are still waiting at administrative crossings.


New elections in the north of KiM are the only way to solve the current crisis, EU High Representative Josep Borrell said, adding that the EU will take new political and financial measures if the situation does not calm down.


A group of US senators has sent a letter to President Joseph Biden urging him to exert diplomatic pressure to end the current crisis in Kosovo and continue dialogue. They point out that Pristina did not respond to US efforts to de-escalate the situation, which is why, as stated, the Congress will review the past support to Pristina and Belgrade.


Due to the crisis and security risks in the north of KiM, there will not be a traditional gathering of Serbs for Vidovdan in Gazimestan, but at the gate of the Gracanica monastery. The Diocese of Rasko-Prizren says that the Serbian people in KiM are currently living in security uncertainty and a complete sense of the absence of basic rights and freedoms - especially after the latest series of arrests and abuse of arrested Serbs.


The Directorate of Police in Pristina announced that last night an explosive device was thrown near the municipal building in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, the detonation of which caused material damage. "In the late evening hours, the suspect attacked the municipality in the north of Mitrovica with an explosive device. According to official information, it is suspected that an explosive device, which is suspected to be a hand grenade, was thrown into the yard of the municipal facility in Mitrovica, near the entrance to the facility, which caused material damage to official vehicles," the police statement said. The case was initiated by the competent police authorities. "Fortunately, there were no human injuries, except for the material damage caused to two official police vehicles. After consultation with the competent prosecutor, the case of 'terrorist attack' was opened," the statement said.


“The Vidovdan Declaration”


In the Vidovdan declaration, Serbs from KiM state that they will be united in the fight for survival and survival. "On the eve of Vidovdan, when everything is seen, and when every given word becomes a promise, we Serbs from the north of KiM say that, if the cruelty against our people continues, we will be forced to respond to all those who wish us harm, who dream of war instead of peace, and we will be united in our just fight to stay and survive in these areas and to defend our homes and families," stated one of the five points of the Declaration.


In the Declaration, it is stated that Serbs from KiM, from Strpce to Leposavic, for more than two decades, and especially in the past few months, have been faced with unprecedented violence, which, because of the motive and the way in which it is carried out, cannot be called different than fascist.


"Since the beginning of the year, six of our compatriots, including two children, have been wounded in a fit of ethnic hatred with firearms. Milun, Dusan, Nemanja, Dalibor, Uros, Nenad are dying in the Pristina casemates, innocent, only because they do not agree that the Serbian name in KiM disappears quietly and without resistance. The Serbian ancestral land is being confiscated so that our jailers can build their bases on it," the text states.


It is added that Serbian holy places are being desecrated in order to destroy every trace of Serbian existence in these areas. "Our municipalities and cities are occupied by force and with long pipes, those who, even according to the agreements reached with international mediation and guarantees, have nothing to demand here. We call on the international community to take decisive steps in order to calm tensions, because we cannot tolerate this cruelty any longer" it is stated in one of the points of the Declaration.


The Declaration also states that the Serbs from the north hoped for "better tomorrow" with the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO), which was guaranteed to us by the international community. They say that they have been waiting for 10 years for the right to a life worthy of a human being in the 21st century, to stay and survive in these areas.


The Serbs state that they oblige themselves to continue their just struggle for survival in KiM wisely and responsibly, always leaving a reasonable space for dialogue and compromise.

"That's why we say from this place to the whole world that we want to live in peace with our Albanian neighbours and to build a common future on humane and democratic foundations, because no one's future has ever been built on someone else's misfortune. Living here and thinking no harm to anyone, we demand the right to life and the future, and we will not allow anyone to deny us that right," states the Declaration. As it is emphasized, the Serbs will never, at any cost, leave what is by human and divine right "our land" and adds that they are ready to make the greatest sacrifices, "such as can be made only by someone who is fighting for bare survival".


Defense Minister: Security situation complex, we will protect Serbs in Kosovo (Novosti)


Serbia’s Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti’s only political goal is to lead an exodus of the Serbs, but that this is a red line that Serbia will never cross. “No matter how difficult the situation, we will do all in our power to protect our people (in Kosovo),” Vucevic told the daily Vecernje Novosti. He said the security situation in the country “is very complex due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM).”


“Kurti does what the West tells him to do, because the so-called independent Kosovo is that very West’s child,” said Vucevic. He said Serbia continues its “politics of friendship with both the East and the West, it is not rushing into conflicts with anyone,” or imposing sanctions on Russia, or selling ammunition to either side in the conflict.


Borrell: New measures if the situation does not calm down (RTS)


New elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) are the only way to solve the current crisis, EU High Representative Josep Borrell said after the meeting of European heads of diplomacy, where the situation in KiM was one of the main topics. Borrell said that the EU will take new political and financial measures if the situation in the north of KiM does not calm down.


Foreign ministers welcomed the release of members of the Kosovo police and supported the European proposal for de-escalation based on the withdrawal of the Kosovo police from the vicinity of municipal buildings in the north, the transfer of the mayor to alternative locations and the holding of elections with the participation of the Serbian community.


Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia, said that the situation in relations between Belgrade and Pristina is very worrying. "De-escalation is needed to ensure security and provide perspective to citizens," Fajon said.


Josep Borrell says that holding new local elections with the participation of the Serbian population is key to getting out of the crisis. Otherwise, member states are ready to take further measures. "I emphasize that elections must be organized in all four municipalities in the north, with the unconditional participation of Serbs. The current mayors have no legitimacy, and this is unsustainable. Already from tomorrow, the Political and Security Committee of the EU will start considering the measures that we will apply in the event that there is no agreement on the holding of elections," Borrell said.


In principle, the proposed measures can apply to both sides, but for now they are aimed at Pristina. The High Representative says that it is a matter of limiting political contacts and financial support, but that they will not be needed if there are elections and the situation calms down.


Blinken to Vucic: US supports European plan (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was told by US State Secretary Antony Blinken that Washington fully supports the European plan to de-escalate the situation in the north of Kosovo. A press release from the president’s cabinet said that Blinken insisted in the phone call that the situation has to be calmed.


“President Vucic told State Secretary Blinken that Serbia is behaving seriously and responsibly but that the Kosovo Police special forces are arbitrarily arresting members of the Serb people every day and requested the release of all arrested Serbs,” the press release said.


Vucic also said that the “false mayors” have to withdraw from the local administration buildings in the four majority-Serb municipalities in north Kosovo as do the Kosovo Police special forces since that is crucial to easing tensions. The press release said that Blinken congratulated Vucic on Belgrade being awarded the Specialized Expo 2027, “beating out Minnesota among others”. The Serbian authorities insist on saying that Belgrade was awarded Expo 2027, omitting the word specialized.


Lajcak: EU’S expectations of Pristina, Belgrade clear (Beta)


European Union Special Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajcak said on June 26 that the Union’s expectations of the two sides were clear: de-escalation, new local elections in northern Kosovo and the return to the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement. On June 22, Lajcak and EU High Representative Josep Borrell held two separate meetings in Brussels with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti. The goal, Lajcak wrote on Facebook, “was to find a way out of the situation in the north of Kosovo, which continues to be very tense.”


“We presented on behalf of the EU our clear expectations to both Parties, focused on 3 elements: 1/ de-escalation 2/ new elections in the north 3/ return to the implementation of the Ohrid agreement. In the following days, we will remain in close touch with both parties, while also closely monitoring the developments on the ground,” the envoy said in a post summarizing his past week. The latest intensification of tensions between Belgrade and Pristina will be discussed again on June 26, at the scheduled Luxembourg session of the EU’s Foreign Affairs Council, which will consider how to urgently resolve the crisis in Kosovo’s north and steer the situation back to negotiations and implementing the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia, informally known as the Ohrid Agreement.


On June 25 in Brussels, Borrell told Beta that “unless Pristina and Belgrade implement the agreed upon steps for halting conflict and escalation, new measures by the European Union will be forthcoming,” adding that “the trigger for the crisis was pulled by the authorities in Pristina.” According to Borrell, the EU expects the Kosovo government to stage new local elections in the Serb majority municipalities of Kosovo’s north, while Belgrade is required to free the three Kosovo police officers arrested on June 14. Belgrade claims that the trio was apprehended in central Serbia, whilePristina maintains that they were abducted from Kosovo.

The north Kosovo crisis will further be discussed at the June 27 meeting between Lajcak, Director General of Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations Gert Jan Koopman and members of the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and is also on the agenda for the European Summit in Brussels on June 29 and 30.


U.S. Senators expressed concern about the worsening situation in the north of KiM (Tanjug)


In a letter to US President Joseph Biden, a group of American senators expressed concern about the worsening situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). As senators pointed out, Pristina did not respond to US efforts to de-escalate the situation, which is why Congress will review the levels of support to Pristina and Belgrade.


We appreciate the diplomatic efforts of the US to de-escalate the crisis, but these efforts were ignored especially by the so-called Kosovo government. Consequently, we are ready to consider changing the support of Congress, as emphasized in the letter to Biden, which Tanjug had access to. The senators point out that they are shocked by the recent actions taken by the governments of Belgrade and Pristina, by making provocative decisions that threaten to undermine the prospects for improving bilateral relations and normalizing the situation. This includes the recent arrests of three Kosovo police officers by Serbian authorities on June 14. The refusal of Kosovo Serbs to participate in local municipal elections and the actions of the Kosovo government in violent access to municipal buildings resulted in a dramatic escalation of tensions and violence that threatens the fragile peace in the region, the senators said.


Senators called on Biden to exert diplomatic pressure to end the current crisis and continue progress in implementing the Ohrid Agreement. We support the proposal of the European Union to Serbia and so-called Kosovo, which includes the withdrawal of the remaining mayors from the municipal buildings in the north of so-called Kosovo, the suspension of police operations near municipal buildings, the calling of new municipal elections with the participation of Kosovo Serbs and a return to the dialogue on the implementation of the Ohrid Agreement, including the Association of Municipalities with a Serbian majority (ZSO) in the north, so-called Kosovo", the letter says.


The senators called on the US president to "postpone the sale of military equipment" and to continue security cooperation with Belgrade and Pristina, as well as to submit a report to the Senate confirming that "both governments are exercising restraint to avoid any actions that undermine the security of American forces." who participate in KFOR". As stated, the recent violence by Serbs against KFOR in the north of Kosovo, as well as the decisions of both the Kosovo and Serbian governments continue to escalate instead of de-escalating tensions.


UK calls on Kosovo to stabilize situation in the north (FoNet)


UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly called on Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti to take de-escalatory steps to reduce tensions in northern Kosovo, reported FoNet. Cleverly met in London with Kurti and informed him about the concrete steps the Kosovo Government is expected to take to reduce tensions – ensuring that the mayors of four northern municipalities can work from alternative locations, removing special police units from the municipal buildings, and taking steps towards new, inclusive elections, reported Radio Free Europe.

“As I made clear to Prime Minister Kurti, continued tensions put at risk the hard-won gains achieved in Kosovo over the years together with the UK and international partners,” said the press release. The UK Foreign Secretary stressed that Serbia and Kosovo have to avoid any further inflammatory actions or rhetoric.


OSCE Chairman welcomes release of Kosovo police officers, calling for implementation of OSCE roadmap (Beta)


The chairman of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), North Macedonia’s Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, welcomed a decision by Serbia’s court to grant a release pending trial to three Kosovo police officers arrested earlier in the month.

“As the OSCE chairman, I welcome the decision to release the three Kosovo police officers and urge the parties to implement the roadmap for de-escalation and normalization I have presented. The OSCE is there to support the process,” Osmani said. On June 4 Osmani presented the OSCE Roadmap outlining nine steps for de-escalation and normalization of the situation in the north of Kosovo. The plan, Osmani explained, was designed to “achieve durable peace and stability in the north of Kosovo and ensure the return of Kosovo Serbs to the institutions and democratic processes.”


Orban: Decision to release Kosovo police officers clear evidence of strategic cooperation between Serbia and Hungary (Beta)


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said that Budapest appreciated very much a decision to release from custody three Kosovo police officers arrested earlier this month by the authorities in Serbia, adding that it was clear evidence of strategic cooperation between the two countries, as well as of their shared commitment to peace and stability in the

Balkans. Prime Minister Orban, who asked President Aleksandar Vucic during his visit to Serbia last week to release the Kosovo policemen arrested on June 14, said on Twitter that the Serbian leader had informed him that they would be released soon. “We appreciate very much the step President Vucic made in a period of serious challenges. The decision is clear evidence of cooperation between our states,” Orban said.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


RSNA will discuss law on non-application of decisions of CC of B&H in urgent procedure on Tuesday; Stevandic: If Proposal Law is adopted under urgent procedures, then will not be able to abolish decisions we adopt in RSNA, especially decisions on property (O kanal)


The Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) will discuss on Tuesday the law on non-application of decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) (B&H CC) in urgent procedure. Speaker of the RSNA Nenad Stevandic said that the law will enter into force two days after its adoption. Representatives of SDS and the list ‘Za pravdu i red’ failed to attend a session of the RSNA Collegium. Stevandic underlined that they believe that they have the right to preventively fight against someone taking away their property and all decisions that would be unconstitutional and that would undermine the Dayton Agreement that is in his opinion, gave the property to the entities. He added: “Now they try to make a problem out of it (the property) via decisions of the CC. We find the right to defense the most natural right (…) and this is why MPs will discuss the law tomorrow.” Stevandic announced that after end of the 8th special session of the RSNA, the 9th special session of the RSNA will begin at a request of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic. He argued: “The cause of this session are tricks that Mr. (member of the B&H Presidency Denis) Becirovic tried to make at sessions of the B&H Presidency, i.e. to try to (…) organize joint voting with a third document that did not pass a procedure of the B&H Council of Ministers (…) In this regard, we will support the veto of Mrs. Cvijanovic and I hope all MPs will support this.” Stevandic believes that this will be important for future RSNA decisions. Stevandic stated that if law on B&H CC is adopted in urgent procedure, B&H CC will no longer be capable to annul decisions of the RSNA, especially those related to property.


Addressing the press conference Monday, Stevandic said: “A synchronized action by OHR and the (B&H) CC in an attempt to forcibly take property has been stopped with our decision from the last session not to publish B&H CC decisions in the Official Gazette (of the RS). We believe we have the right to pre-emptively fight against forcibly taking the property and all decisions that would be unconstitutional and would disturb the Dayton Peace Agreement that gave the property to entities which the B&H CC decisions are now trying to problematize it. We are of view that the right to defend is the most natural right and that it arises from United Nations Charter and the European conventions and that is why this law tomorrow will be before RSNA representatives”.


Media carry details of proposal of Law on Non-Application of B&H CC's Decisions in RS (Nezavisne)


On Tuesday, representatives of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) will discuss, through an urgent procedure, the Law on Non-Application of Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Reason for holding this session lies in the B&H CC’s decision to change its Rules of Procedure, by which Article 39 was erased. By erasing this article, the B&H CC created a situation in which sessions of this judicial institution can be held without plenum, i.e. without at least three judges chosen by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives (FB&H HoR) and at least one judge chosen by the RSNA being present at the session. This is why the RS authorities gave a deadline to the B&H CC to withdraw this decision by June 23. The Court did not respond to this call. That is the reason why the RSNA special session will be held, and why the MPs plan to adopt laws that would mean non-application of B&H CC’s decisions on the territory of the RS. Daily learns that all this is explained in Article 1 of the proposed Law. In Article 2 of the Law on non-application of decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H, it is defined that decisions from the Article 1 will not be applied in the RS until the BiH Parliament adopts a law on the B&H CC. As announced by the proponents of the Law, the new law will protect those that respect the RSNA’s decisions, and this is explained in the Article 3. It is said that the RS authorities will protect those people and they will not be criminally prosecuted by the B&H judicial institutions. Article 4 says that the mentioned law will come into force one day after its publication in the Official Gazette of the RS.


RS Government: Law on non-application of B&H CC’s decisions in accordance with RS Constitution and RS legal system (Vecernji list)


The Republika Srpska (RS) Government defined an opinion on Monday according to which the proposal of the law on non-application of decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is in accordance with the RS Constitution, the RS legal system and rules for drafting of laws and other regulations of the RS. The daily added that it was concluded that there is legal ground for adoption of this law in an Amendment to Article 68 of the Constitution and Article 70 of the RS Constitution. The Government concluded in its opinion that in order to protect the RS rights guaranteed by the Constitution and in order to protect the RS from decisions which would be possibly passed without judges appointed from the RS, that it is prescribed that the B&H CC’s decisions will not be applied and implemented on the RS territory until the B&H Parliament passes the Law on B&H CC. The Government explained that this measure is a result of the fact that at its session held on June 19, the B&H CC passed a decision changing the rules of the B&H CC and deleted a provision of Article 39 which reads that a plenary session will be postponed if at least three judges elected by the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Representatives and at least one judge elected by the RSNA re no not present. However, it was also decided that the next session will take place in case that this situation repeats without justified reasons.


RS President Dodik says legislation can last for a month, a year, or it can be permanent, and it will stay in force until B&H Parliament adopts law on B&H CC (N1)


Another extraordinary session of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) will be held on Tuesday. The proposal on non-implementation of the Constitutional Court (CC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H)’s decisions in the RS will be discussed.  The RS President Milorad Dodik said that this can last for a month, a year, or it can be permanent. It will last until a law on B&H CC is passed in B&H Parliament, added the reporter. Dodik stated: “The RS chooses three, the Federation of B&H (FB&H) chooses six, there will be nine, therefore, the law will stipulate that quorums must include the participation of everyone, depending on the majority. And the decision must have one vote of Serbs, one vote of Croats, one vote of Bosniaks in order for it to be valid. If there is no such thing, what is the point? To outvote you?”.


Dodik stated that the RSNA will pass decisions that will be respected this time, “unlike previous decisions that have been postponed due to given circumstances and political wisdom.” Dodik said that unity of Serb parties would be good, but it is not a deciding factor. He said that it is more important what the majority of RSNA representatives think rather than one part of opposition or the FB&H. Dodik said that the RS will have its response and those who think they are making rash moves are naïve. “Bosnia will have to return to the Dayton framework, with a small modification that we will all accept, or of course it will not exist”, said Dodik.

In an interview for RTRS, Dodik stated that interruption of applying of decisions of the CC of B&H in territory of the RS that will be introduced by decision the RSNA will adopt on Tuesday is something he advocates and aspires. “This can last for month, year or permanently. If they attempt to do something after that, we will move forwards in this regard”, underlined Dodik. RS President stressed that the RS has created proposal of law on B&H CC. He explained that it stipulates removing of foreign judges from B&H CC, adding that according to this proposal, the FB&H will appoint six and the RS three judges to B&H CC. “The law will stipulate that quorum implies participation of all of them. No decision can be passed without at least one vote of Serb, Croat or Bosnia judge”, stated RS President.


Dodik: US attempts to transform political system in B&H, Schmidt has not been appointed by any international institution (ATV)


The Republika Srpska (RS) is committed to the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), stated RS President Milorad Dodik. He assessed that address of the US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy to B&H-American Academy of Arts and Sciences demonstrated arrogant disrespect of sovereignty and self-government of B&H as well as of integrity of the DPA.


ATV reports that in the abovementioned address, Ambassador Murphy stated that the US sees the DPA as starting point and ground that should be upgraded, while some in the RS see it as goal. RS President emphasized that this is admission the US has been attempting to transform political system established by the DPA, and to treat it as temporary measure and not as binding agreement. Dodik also stated that Christian Schmidt’s statement that he performs duty of High Representative represents making of fun with the international law. He stressed that Schmidt has not been appointed by document or act of any international institution, adding that there is no ground for Schmidt’s claims he has right to rule in B&H as autocrat.


Dodik also said that the RS does not treat the DPA as “a goal itself” but it treats the constitutional order established by the DPA as what it is – an established right and proven tool for preservation of peace, stability and democratic rule in a country with three deeply divided ethnic groups burdened with centuries of conflicts. “The progress of B&H was not jeopardized by Dayton constitutional system, but by careless attempts to undermine it”, Dodik said. Dodik also disagreed with Murphy’s claims and pointed out that the constitutional system created by the DPA is a huge success, noting that B&H citizens enjoy all freedoms. “There has been no significant inter-ethnic violence in B&H ever since the DPA was signed until the present day”, Dodik said. Dodik added that although there is devastating rhetoric in politics in B&H, all differences are being solved in a peaceful manner and in line with laws, B&H was reconstructed and recovered from the war, it joined the Council of Europe, and it officially became the candidate for the EU membership last year.


Dodik argued that the GDP per capita quadrupled in the period of time from 2000 to 2018 and it continued to grow. Dodik commented on Murphy’s statement that “interventions are never the first measure but, honestly, the international community is often too patient and too tolerant toward political leaders who strive to achieve narrow political interests to the expense of people”. Dodik said that Murphy, when it comes to certain political leaders, is bothered with the fact that they refuse to carry out his orders. Dodik argued that leaders at all levels of authorities in B&H have been democratically elected for the past 27 years and he noted “neither Murphy nor any other foreigner has the right to decide who will or will not be at the top positions in B&H. To insinuate otherwise is the peak of neo-imperialism”.


Heated debate on agenda of FB&H House of Peoples’ session, FB&H Government requests postponing item on set of laws on energy (BHT1)


Delegates in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP) held a heated discussion on the proposed agenda, at a session in Sarajevo on Monday. The FB&H Government requested postponing of the debate on a set of laws in the field of energy, explaining that the laws should be discussed by the FB&H House of Representatives (HoR) first. The request caused divided stances between the delegates. SDA delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP, Haris Zahiragic stated that the delegates in the Bosniak Caucus voted at the session differently from their stance previously defined within the Caucus, which once again confirms that HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) rules in the current ruling structures, i.e. HDZ B&H’s Speaker of the FB&H HoP Tomislav Martinovic in this particular case. NiP delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP, Nezim Alagic confirmed that the Bosniak Caucus passed unanimous conclusion on Monday morning to support the set of laws on energy, but that they did not timely have an insight in the rules of procedure that stipulates that the FB&H HoR is the one that discussed the laws first. SDP B&H delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the FB&H HoP, Irfan Cengic stated that the FB&H HoP leadership or FBiH Prime Minister Nermin Niksic (SDP BiH) are not responsible for the current situation, stressing that the main culprit is NS' Mirjana Marinkovic-Lepic, the Speaker of the FB&H HoR who has not find it necessary to convene a session of the FB&H HoR in the past seven months. According to Cengic, laws proposed by current FB&H Prime Minister Niksic and former FB&H Prime Minister Fadil Novalic (SDA) are identical and all the parties support the three laws. Head of the Croat Caucus in the FB&H HoP, Damir Dzeba (HDZ B&H) said that accusations against HDZ B&H are unfounded.




EU foreign ministers meet in Luxembourg to discuss the war in Ukraine (HRT)


Croatian Foreign and European Affairs Minister Gordan Grlic Radman is in Luxembourg where he is participating in a meeting of the EU's Foreign Affairs Council. The focus of the meeting is on the war in Ukraine.


Following recent turbulent events in Moscow, European foreign ministers were reserved in their commentary on Monday, saying only that the recent events in Russia, were an internal Russian matter. Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billstrom, whose country is currently chairing the EU's six-month rotating presidency, also toed that line when talking to reporters: “I don't have much to say, except that this is an internal affair of Russia.” He added however, that Sweden is keeping a watchful eye on developments in Russia, as this could directly affect the security situation.


However, speaking ahead of the meeting the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that it is now vital to strengthening support for Ukraine, claiming that recent events show that Kiev's resistance is destroying Russia, whose political system is showing weaknesses. In this vein he announced a new aid package to Ukraine in the amount of €3.5 billion.


Meanwhile, a conference of the European People's Party club of deputy's with a focus on the security and defense of the European Union and the Western Balkans, was held in Split today. The Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the European Parliament, David McAllister, said that the Union is closely following the developments in Russia, and that it is obvious that there are fractures in Moscow. He added that for this reason it is important to closely monitor the events in the Western Balkans, noting that in recent months important decisions for the region have been adopted, including the opening of negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia, the liberalization of the visa regime with Kosovo, and the awarding of candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Croatian Defense Minister Mario Banozic was also on hand at the conference: “Everyone has once again taken an interest in what's happening in the Western Balkans, and what we need to do as an EU member state and a member of the NATO alliance, is to be that factor that will help these countries on the Euro-Atlantic path, and in that way contribute to ensuring that the political situation in those countries is stabilized as soon as possible.”


However, the stability of the wider region is once again being challenged by the Serb entity in neighboring B&H, as the parliament of the Republika Srpska, which is one of the two entities of B&H, is planning to pass a law tomorrow that will prohibit the implementation of the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H on its territory. This would directly violate the provisions of the state constitution and the Dayton Agreement and further exacerbate the political crisis in the country. For years Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has been locking horns with the Constitutional Court. Last week, the parliament in the Serb entity passed a law prohibiting the publication and implementation of the decisions of High Representative Christian Schmidt. The West strongly condemned that move and warned of the consequences of violating the Dayton Agreement. However, as to be expected, nothing has come of their warnings.




DIK: No conditions for announcing final parliamentary elections results (MINA)


The State Election Commission (DIK) has announced that the legal conditions for declaring the final results of the parliamentary elections held on 11 June have not been met, because the deadlines for submitting objections to DIK and appeals to the Constitutional Court are still pending.


DIK has recalled that the deadline for publishing the final election results expires tonight at midnight. DIK has said that from the holding of the elections on 11 June 2023 until today, it has received a total of 24 complaints, which this body acted on in a timely manner and within the legal deadline of 24 hours. DIK has emphasized that the delay in determining and publishing the final results of the elections was not due to an error by the election administration, since DIK decided on every objection within 24 hours.


Mugosa explains why the final election results cannot be announced (RTCG)


The State Election Commission (DIK) announced that the legal conditions for announcing the final results of the parliamentary elections have not been met. Certain appeals are still without an epilogue, explains the president of the DIK, Nikola Mugosa, which is why, he says, it is impossible to announce the results.


Although the deadline for the final results of the parliamentary elections, held on June 11, expired last night at midnight, they will not be published, confirmed TVCG from the State Election Commission, because, as they state, the deadlines for submitting objections to the DIK ended and appeals to the Constitutional Court have not been met. "No objections to the decisions of individual MECs have yet been submitted to the State Election Commission, so the deadlines for objections are still running. Also, the Constitutional Court has only ruled on one objection in this election process to date, so the procedure before the Constitutional Court has not yet been completed," explains SEC President Nikola Mugosa.


Mugosa emphasizes that the delay in determining and publishing the final results of the election is not due to the error of the election administration, since the State Election Commission decided on every objection within 24 hours.


"There is a certain inconsistency between, on the one hand, the obligation of the election administration body to determine and publish the final results within 15 days and, on the other hand, the right of the applicants of electoral lists to use those rights that are indisputably provided to them by law," says Mugosa.


And when is the deadline for the election results to be determined? "I cannot say what the deadline is, because it depends on several factors, that is, when the applicants will submit complaints to the DIK and what will be the dynamics of the Constitutional Court's decision-making", he points out.  Let's remind you that 24 objections have been submitted to date, among which the most are from the SDP and the "Justice for All" coalition led by Vladimir Leposavic.


Leposavic claims that the DIK could not reject the objection of this coalition, because, he says, more than 24 hours have passed since the objection was submitted. According to the law, an objection that has not been resolved within that period is considered adopted. On the other hand, due to the decisions of the SEC, SDP filed a constitutional appeal.


In the European Parliament on Montenegro: A stable pro-European government and an EU-oriented majority are necessary (RTCG)


We expect Montenegro to continue fully aligning with the EU's foreign and security policy and to continue to apply European sanctions, said Elsa Bennett, representative of the European Service for External Affairs. She said this during the discussion on the report on Montenegro at the session of the foreign policy committee of the European Parliament. Bennett emphasized that Montenegro has shown a clear attitude towards Russian aggression in Ukraine and that it is expected to continue in this way. She expressed her satisfaction that the president of the country, Jakov Milatovic, said that it is necessary to speed up the European integration of Montenegro. "We believe that a pro-European government will be formed," said Bennett.


The representative of the European Commission, Cindy Van der Boogert, emphasized the need for electoral reform and a fundamental revision of the electoral rules, in order to improve the process. She stated that the recommendations of the OSCE for the improvement of election rules should be applied. "A stable pro-European government and a stable EU-oriented majority, ready for a genuine political dialogue, are necessary," underlined Van der Boogert. As she warned, it is discrediting that the inability to reach a political consensus on appointments in the judiciary was seen in Montenegro. “But those 18 months of instability are now behind us. The upcoming period will be important, and we will see how things will develop," said the representative of the European Commission.


The report's author, Tonino Picula, welcomed tougher penalties for attacks on journalists, but said enforcement was necessary. He emphasized that it is necessary to fight against misinformation and to cooperate with actors to improve the country's European perspective.


North Macedonia


SDSM executive board decides to resume dialogue with VMRO-DPMNE over constitutional amendments (MIA)

The SDSM Executive Board decided late Monday to resume the dialogue with the oppositionVMRO-DPMNE over the constitutional amendments, for the purpose of reaching societal consensus. "The Executive Board notes that the dialogue on the constitutional amendments with VMRO-DPMNE should continue. Since VMRO-DPMNE is not against the revision and agreed to take part in a joint government, there is no reason for dialogue not to resume and the parliamentary procedure not to begin. We give room and a chance to VMRO-DPMNE to remain on their publicly presented position and engage in the process," the party said in a press release. It added that SDSM and its coalition partners would do everything to seize the opportunity for the country to move forward in meeting its strategic objective - full-fledged EU membership.


Grubi - Terlecki: North Macedonia should use momentum for EU membership (MIA)


North Macedonia should speed up the process of integration and constitutional amendments in order to continue EU accession negotiations, Polish Sejm Deputy Marshal Ryszard Terlecki told Monday's meeting with First Deputy PM and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations, Artan Grubi. Talks focused, among other, on the cooperation between the two countries, the process of constitutional amendments and the European integrations path, Grubi's office said in a press release. Interlocutors agreed that bilateral cooperation is excellent, and there is room to further intensify it. Grubi welcomed Poland's support to the country's integration path, and Terlecki reaffirmed support for North Macedonia's full-fledged EU membership.


Polish support for a quicker EU accession of North Macedonia (MIA)


North Macedonia should become a member of the EU as soon as possible. Even though the process is moving smoothly, it should be accelerated. It is important to be inside the Union and to fulfil the criteria, said the Polish Sejm Deputy Marshal Ryszard Terlecki, at Monday’s meeting between the Poland – North Macedonia parliamentary groups for cooperation. According to the Macedonian Parliament, the Polish commitment for a quicker EU accession of North Macedonia was reaffirmed at the meeting.


According to the Chair of the Polish side of the group, Anita Czerwinska, Poland is unanimous over the Euro-integration processes of the Western Balkans, especially North Macedonia, and believes the country should become an EU member. According to Czerwinska, the region’s Euro-integration processes must be accelerated.


The meeting focused on the deepening of bilateral and economic cooperation, full-fledged NATO membership, North Macedonia’s EU accession, the constitutional amendments, EU enlargement as well as the Three Seas Initiative.


The Chair of the Macedonian side of the group, Fanica Nikoloska, said the meeting is proof that the countries have been building friendly relations for years. Nikoloska noted that she especially values the support provided by Poland on the country’s Euro-integration path, as well as the promotion of cooperation in areas of mutual interest.


Borrell: No obstacles for N. Macedonia’s EU integration, bilateral issues will not be binding (MIA)


There are no obstacles for North Macedonia’s accession to the European Union, said the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, in answer to a question from the Bulgarian National Radio. “North Macedonia is progressing well and from a European side there is nothing that would block its accession to the EU. The European principles and standards will be strictly respected in this approach. Good cooperation is definitely necessary for this. Regional cooperation remains an essential element, as well as the stabilization so that the accession process can be implemented. But the bilateral issues will not be binding and will not determine the accession process,” said Borrell in answer to a question over the EU’s next steps if North Macedonia fails to include the Bulgarians within its Constitution by November, as foreseen by the so-called French proposal for the beginning of EU accession negotiations.



Rama: Kosovo and Serbia should return to dialogue, they cannot hold in hostage the entire region (Radio Tirana)


After the meeting with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama has stated that de-escalation of the situation in the north of Kosovo is the right way to return to the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. He emphasizes that it must be clearly understood that both Serbia and Kosovo have a great obligation to the region, which cannot be taken hostage by anyone.


Referring to the release of three Kosovo officers, Rama writes that even the president of the European Council, Charles Michel, agreed with him that their release was good news but delayed. "With the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, we were of the same opinion that the release of the three Kosovo policemen today was very good news, although delayed!


The necessity of immediate de-escalation, which is the right way towards the final stage of the Dialogue for the Normalization Agreement between Kosovo and Serbia. This must be clearly understood by both sides as a major obligation to the entire region, which cannot be taken hostage from no one," writes Rama on Twitter.


The President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj also welcomed the release of three Kosova policemen. Through a reaction on social networks, President Begaj wished for a quick and effective return of the parties to the dialogue table and the implementation of the agreement agreed in Brussels and Ohrid.


Pristina and Belgrade have been confronting with each other over the reestablishment of functionality in the municipalities in the north of Kosovo and the exercise of duty by the new mayors coming from the elections held in May.


The installation of new mayors in these municipalities was accompanied by violent protests by Serbian protesters who attacked KFOR soldiers, Kosovo police and did not spare the media and journalists of Albania and Kosovo. While on June 15, the situation reached the peak of tension between Pristina and Belgrade, after the kidnapping by Serbian forces of three police officers inside the territory of Kosovo, who were released today.


Rama in Brussels, meeting with the President of the European Council, Michel (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting in Brussels with the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. The Prime Minister informed earlier, in a post on social networks, that the topic of the talks would also be the critical situation in the region. "I will convey to our friend the great concerns about the critical situation in the region and my conviction on the necessity of a conference without a time limit, where, closed within the walls of a welcoming structure under the auspices of the Euro-Atlantic community, the leaders of Kosovo and Serbia must conclude all the points of the normalization agreement",  Rama's statement reads.


Peleshi in Israel, the Memorandum of Understanding in the field of defense and security is signed (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Defense, Niko Peleshi, is conducting an official visit to Israel. Peleshi was received with an official ceremony at the Ministry of Defense of Israel by his counterpart, Yoav Gallant. The Ministers of Defense signed the new Memorandum of Understanding in the field of security and defense, a high-level agreement that creates a solid legal basis for cooperation in the field of security, defense, military technology, training and information exchange.


According to the Ministry of Defense, the expansion and intensification of cooperation, which is framed in every provision of the new agreement, will reflect the excellent historical and diplomatic relations as well as the mutual appreciation that the Jewish and Albanian people have for each other. "It is a matter of a draft negotiated for several months by the respective staffs with the intention and good desire to start, now, a new era of cooperation in the field of defense and security", the ministry's announcement reads.


The two ministers talked about the latest developments in the field of defense and security in the Western Balkans, the Middle East and Ukraine. Peleshi reconfirmed the willingness of the Ministry of Defense and the Albanian government to intensify cooperation with Israel in the field of defense, particularly in cyber security, the defense industry and information exchange. The Minister of Defense emphasized that Albania's attitude towards the Middle East continues to be that of a region in peace and stability, with a stable dialogue between the factors, but emphasized that there is no tolerance for terrorist acts against the State of Israel and its people, since terror and violence against a people cannot be tolerated and justified. The situation in the Western Balkans received special attention during the discussions. Peleshi appreciated the support that Israel gives to the Republic of Kosovo, the recognition of its independence and invited Gallant for a stronger lobbying for increasing recognition between countries that are still sceptical. The Defense Minister's visit to Israel will continue with high-level meetings.