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Belgrade Media Report 3 August 2023



Vucic: No open issues between Serbia North Macedonia (Beta/RTV/RTS/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Wednesday that there were no unresolved issues between Serbia and North Macedonia and that the two nations had brotherly relations. Vucic said after a meeting with the President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski in the Prohor Pcinjski monastery, that Serbia asked nothing of North Macedonia except for further advancement of cooperation. “Relations between our countries are exceptional. In Serbia, we love North Macedonia and the Macedonian language and understand it perfectly. I have no problem in saying that we are not just friends, but also brotherly nations,” Vucic stated at a joint news conference with Pendarovski. He recollected that annual trade between the two countries had reached EUR1.5 billion. “I believe our cooperation will develop further. We are working on improving our peoples’ living standards and we talked about further connecting via the railways,” stated the Serbian President. Vucic thanked the Serbian Orthodox Church and Patriarch Porfirije for, in his words, historical decision to the benefit of the two peoples, in connection with the status of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. “You are always welcome anywhere in the territory of Serbia, just as we feel at home when visiting you,” Vucic said and congratulated the national holiday of Ilinden to the citizens of North Macedonia.


Pendaroviski at marking of North Macedonia’s holiday in Proor Pcinjski Monastery (Beta/RTS)


The President of North Macedonia Stevo Pendarovski stated on Wednesday that he was pleased to be able to celebrate the country’s most important national holiday in the place where his state was formed, and that he hoped this good tradition would not be interrupted by any political or religious issue. “I thank Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic who has personally contributed to Macedonia being able to celebrate its statehood day in the place where the modern state was formed, in the Prohor Pcinjski monastery, on 2 August 1944,” he stated. The President of North Macedonia added that the fact that this monastery was located in another state was not a reason for this important date not to be marked there. Pendarovski and Vucic have visited the Prohor Pcinjski monastery, where the first session of the Anti-fascist Assembly of the People’s Liberation of Macedonia was held on 2 August 1944.


Vucevic: No de-escalation in Kosovo and Metohija because Pristina lacks will for it (TV Pink)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic said on Thursday there was no de-escalation in Kosovo and Metohija because Pristina lacked the will for it. Speaking to TV Pink, Vucevic said Serbia had done nothing to escalate the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and that it had sent messages about demonstrating good will. "If anyone has been tolerant more than it is normal, it is the Kosovo Serbs and Serbia. If anyone has been sending messages aimed at calming the situation, demonstrating good will and seeking compromise, it is the Serbian side," Vucevic said. Meanwhile, Pristina PM Albin Kurti's regime continues to stick to its agenda - ethnic cleansing of Serbs and constant intimidation, arrests and expulsion aimed at creating an atmosphere in which Serbs would no longer be able to survive in the territory, Vucevic said. Commenting on Pristina's ban on deliveries of medicines to Kosovo and Metohija from Serbia proper, Vucevic said it was the first such case in 31 years as 12 newborn babies had died in Banja Luka in 1992 due to a lack of medical oxygen supplies.


Momirovic: Goal of ban of import of Serbian goods is expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister of Internal and Foreign Trade Tomislav Momirovic said yesterday that the goal of the ban on the arrival of goods from Serbia proper to Kosovo and Metohija, which was introduced by Pristina, is to expel Serbs from their centuries-old hearths in Kosovo and Metohija and to make it impossible for Serbian goods to be sold in the southern province. In a statement for Tanjug, Momirovic called on the international community, above all the US and the EU, to react, and said that the government of Serbia will not allow the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija to be threatened, but that its goal is to preserve peace. “We have two sides of the problem. The first is humanitarian, because it is obvious that the main and probably the only goal of the Prime Minister of Pristina’s provisional institutions Albin Kurti is to expel the Serb people and extinguish the existence of our church and language in Kosovo and Metohija. The pressure refers to prevent medicines and goods, basic foodstuffs. Another aspect is that they destroy our market chances for our products south of the Ibar River,” said Momirovic. He pointed out that this is completely unacceptable and that he has written to the EU several times, but that he is surprised at how little effect the EU authority has on Kosovo and Metohija. “Commissioner (for enlargement Oliver) Varhelyi clearly stated his position, he said that this is the position of the European Commission, they do not agree with it, they condemn it, but we do not have any effects of it on the ground, we do not have any reaction. Is it possible that their authority is so small?”, asked the Minister. He added that this situation must be stopped, because, as he says, Albin Kurti is dangerous. “He is creating chaos in the southeast of Europe in conditions where we have chaos in the east of Europe, a war between the two largest countries. We have a constant threat of conflict in our southern province, in the middle of the Balkans. As a government, we will not allow our people to be endangered, but our goal is to preserve peace,” Momirovic pointed out. How long the situation will be like that, he says, mostly depends on the US and the EU. “According to Resolution 1244, they are responsible for the management of Kosovo and Metohija, not the provisional institutions. The KFOR commander has supreme authority in Kosovo. They must stop the expulsion of our people and establish normal market competition, not only for products from Serbia proper, but for everything,” Momirovic opines.


Further comprehensive improvement of cooperation between Serbia, Japan (Tanjug/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic yesterday received the newly appointed Ambassador of Japan to our country Akira Imamura, expressing satisfaction with the very good bilateral relations and the upward trend in cooperation between the two countries. Expressing satisfaction on the occasion of the exceptionally long tradition of cooperation between our two countries, which in 2022 marked the 140th anniversary of friendship, they jointly assessed that the modern bilateral relations between Serbia and Japan are constantly on the rise, as well as that they are connected by a common interest in further strengthening the comprehensive cooperation with substantive and intensive mutual contacts on bilateral and multilateral level. Dacic and Imamura underlined their interest in further connecting the economies of the two countries with the strengthening of economic and other forms of cooperation, with a special emphasis on increasing Japanese investments in Serbia, according to a statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


KFOR, EULEX, Kosovo police discuss situation in Kosovo’s north (Beta)


The general director of the Kosovo police Gazmend Hoxha, KFOR Commander Major-General Angelo Michele Ristuccia, EULEX Chief Giovanni Pietro Barbano and representatives of the EU Office had talks on Wednesday about the current situation in the north of Kosovo. The meeting marks the start of implementation of the agreement between Kosovo Deputy Premier Besnik Bislimi and EU envoy Miroslav Lajcak, envisaging that the three institutions meet every 15 days to consider the security situation in the north and bring conclusions on measures needed for the de-escalation of the situation and securing peace and order in that part of Kosovo. KFOR has stated that they extensively discussed the de-escalation measures that would be implemented in the short term by the institutions in Kosovo, the security situation in Kosovo and in its north. KFOR described the meeting as positive and constructive, after which other meetings will follow. Barbano stated that, in the forthcoming days, they expected to have meetings with the Kosovo police and KFOR in order to carry out the joint biweekly assessments.


Dacic: Those who attack RS are in fact destroying B&H, because they think that B&H should be Muslim and no longer be based on equality of peoples and entities (TV Pink)


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Dacic said that those who attack Republika Srpska (RS) are in fact destroying Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), because they think that B&H should be Muslim and no longer be based on the equality of peoples and entities. Dacic pointed out the demands that lead to the unitarization of B&H and the destruction of the institutions and ways in which B&H was created by the Dayton Peace Agreement and assessed that when the RS tries to resist this, it is accused of making anti-Dayton moves. “Wait, why did not they put on the list of sanctions the Muslims who have been destroying B&H from the very beginning? Well, are they saying and writing books that B&H should be an Islamic state? Is not that the destruction of the Dayton Agreement,” Dacic said told TV Pink. Dacic pointed out that the taking away of the competences of the RS represents the destruction of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and assessed that, in fact, an attempt is being made to create a new Dayton, which would remake the old one, with the aim of unitarization. Dacic stressed that “now someone in B&H is going to create a unitary B&H, and the war started because the rights of all three peoples in B&H were not respected”. “And stories about how the Serbs are now going to give up the RS or Kosovo - these are ridiculous stories. No one will accept that,” Dacic underlined. Dacic assessed that the statements "that all the problems in B&H originate from the RS" represent a blurring of the problems and added that the problems in B&H stem from the interpretation of the Dayton Peace Agreement in the way that suits someone, which is to not take the letter of Dayton but the spirit, that is what would be meant by that. “And what was meant was what it says, and nothing more. The Dayton Agreement is not our child, it was written by the Americans, they created the RS. But why? Well, because they had to verify the situation on the ground, which is that B&H can survive only if it is a state of equal peoples and entities, and that is the essence,” Dacic concluded.




Becirovic’s call to EU countries to impose sanctions against RS officials continues to spark reactions in RS (Nezavisne)


Bosniak member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic asked the EU countries to follow the example of USA and United Kingdom and, just like them, impose sanctions against politicians from Republika Srpska (RS). Becirovic also praised the decision of USA to impose the latest sanctions and said that “this is an important message to everyone in the region that developed western democracies support preservation of peace and stability in B&H”. Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stated that the political work of Becirovic came down to calling others to impose sanctions and she added that the best response to attacks of Bosniak politicians are those coming from the RS parliament and are based on the Constitution. DNS leader and Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic said that the right solutions can be reached only through an internal agreement, and he added that “desired sanctions of EU will remain wishful thinking of a small provincial politician (Becirovic) who is not fit for the position he stumbled upon”. Member of SNSD Presidency and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H Stasa Kosarac posted a comment on Becirovic’s statement on Instagram and said: “A war is in his impassioned head and heads of his political role models who undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement and threaten to jeopardize peace”. Kosarac also said that “there will be as much of B&H as the RS, Serb people and their election will are respected”.


Sattler: What I can confirm is that the US is a strategic partner of the EU and we agree on all issues concerning Western Balkans (RTRS)


The US introduced sanctions against officials in RS for undermining the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). The sanctions were imposed on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic, speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic, and RS Minister of Justice Milos Bukejlovic. The sanctions caused a series of reactions and, according to RTRS, they send a clear message from the official Washington, that they are against Dayton and in favour of a unitary B&H. RTRS reported that RS officials raise a question of whether someone in the US deliberately wants to maintain tensions in B&H, especially at a time when political partners from both entities are taking a step forward towards the European path, and why does official Brussels look favourably on sanctions and such practices by the US. RTRS further carries that although apparently such moves by the US slow down the progress of B&H and the path to the EU, the representatives of the official Brussels in B&H publicly say that they support Washington. They even announce that a united Europe has its own framework for sanctions. EU Special Representative and Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler stated: “What I can confirm is that the US is a strategic partner of the EU, and we agree on all issues concerning the Western Balkans.” The sanctions of the US against the RS officials come immediately after the political partners at the B&H level agreed on a set of laws that are the path to the EU, but also when RS clearly says that it is against confiscation of its property and for respecting the Dayton agreement. “The US is a strategic partner of the EU and there is mutual consent on the issue of policy towards the Western Balkans and preservation of territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of B&H. Moves from Banja Luka represents a direct attack on the constitutional-legal order in B&H.” Sattler said that as the representative of the EU in B&H he cannot comment on the US sanctions, but he condemned all the activities that are against the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), as well as attacks on constitutional-legal order of B&H. He reminded that the policy of the 27 EU member states coincides with the policy of the US as a partner when it comes to independence, territorial integrity and multiethnicity of B&H.


Starai: Sanctions against democratically elected leaders of RS entail only instability and deepening of conflicts, and instead, dialogue based on mutual respect should be built (Glas Srpske/MTI)


State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Starai stated that Hungary supports democratically elected leaders and calls for the establishment of a real dialogue. Starai told the MTI news agency that sanctions against the democratically elected leaders of Republika Srpska (RS) entail only instability and deepening of conflicts, and that instead, dialogue based on mutual respect should be built. Starai stressed that sanctions against democratically elected leaders are a step against stability.


Mazalica, Vulic: First adopt new Law on Constitutional Court of B&H, then appoint judges from RS (Vecernji list/


Vecernji list daily reads that political representatives of RS are resolute in saying that the RS will not nominate new judges to the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H until a new Law on Constitutional Court of B&H is passed. RS SNSD representative Srdjan Mazalica told that “only when new law is adopted, we can nominate judges”. Mazalica also said it is unacceptable to nominate judges from the RS and that the CC of B&H passes decisions without new law getting adopted. Head of the SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Sanja Vulic said it is the RSNA that has the final say when it comes to the appointment of judges to the CC of B&H and that, in her personal opinion, nothing should be done until new law is adopted.


EU publishes Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy with review of situation in B&H (Dnevni avaz)


The EU published the Annual Report on Human Rights and Democracy in the World which includes a review of situation in B&H. According to the report, the legislative and institutional framework on fundamental rights and democracy is largely in place and overall, in line with the relevant international and European standards. Limited efforts were made in 2022 to address the Key Priorities from the European Commission’s Opinion on B&H's Membership Application related to fundamental rights, notably by adopting action plans for the social inclusion of the Roma in April and on the rights of LGBTI persons in July. B&H has yet to adopt a comprehensive strategic framework and the protection of human rights continues to be uneven across the country. Significant reforms are needed to bring the B&H Constitution in line with the European Convention on Human Rights, ensuring that all citizens are able to exercise their political rights, and to overcome the practice of ‘two schools under one roof’ thus guaranteeing non-discriminatory, inclusive and quality education for all children. On freedom of expression and of the media, no progress was made on ensuring the appropriate judicial follow-up to cases of threats and violence against journalists. Challenges persist as regards the freedom of assembly, particularly in RS. Gender-based violence, ill treatment of detainees and the protection of minorities, including Roma, continued to be issues of concern, and the social inclusion of LGBTI persons remains to be improved. No progress was made in ensuring an enabling environment for civil society. The report emphasizes that the political blockage by the RS -based political parties led to an almost complete standstill in reforms until spring 2022. The report also notes that the RS pursued efforts to unilaterally take over state competences and dismantle state institutions. Regarding the situation in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), the report notes that since the 2018 elections, the FB&H government acted in a caretaker role. The 2022 General Elections took place on 2 October and according to the findings of OSCE/ODIHR, they were overall competitive and well organised but marked by mistrust in public institutions and ethnically divisive rhetoric. The report reminds that the High Representative imposed significant election reforms, including on the evening of election day. It concludes that the EU continues to closely monitor the respect for human rights, including freedom of assembly and association and freedom of expression, the rights of persons in vulnerable situations including persons belonging to minorities, as well as gender equality, as part of the EU integration process. It also reminds that six out of the 15 Key Priorities set out in the Opinion on the EU membership application of B&H focus on fundamental rights. The report reminds that following a recommendation of the EC, the European Council granted B&H the status of EU candidate in December 2022. Since the outbreak of the political crisis, the EU has engaged in intense advocacy and facilitation efforts, as well as in high-level visits to engage with political actors with the aim to ease tensions and find solutions to the political crisis. Despite an intense facilitation of talks by the EU and the USA, parliamentary parties could not agree on a solution for constitutional and electoral reforms to end ethnic- and residence-based discrimination, thus complying with the Sejdic-Finci ruling of the European Court for Human Rights.


Sehovic: It is logical that Spajic should be PM-designate (CdM)


“Democratic practice dictates that the PM-designate be the leader of the list that won the most votes in the elections, which is why it would be logical for Milojko Spajic to receive the mandate to form the new government. But that by no means that Social Democrats (SD) are ready to give blank support to him or anyone else”, said SD leader Damir Sehovic after the consultation with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. According to him, if someone doesn’t want a European path, but an anti-European government at odds with the EU, the same one that that government should supposedly bring us into, good luck to them, because SD is not ready to throw under the feet the values it stands for just for the sake of a position, Sehovic stated.


Jokovic: Support in principle for Spajic to be PM-Designate, we don’t give blank support until a full agreement is reached (CdM)


“We accept in principle that PM-designate is from Europe Now Movement (PES). We have not finished the talks. We would by no means like the government to have the support of only 41 MPs, but we would like it to have the support of more than 49 MPs”, SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic said after the consultations on the PM-designate for the composition of the government with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. “We would like a government that would last for 4 years, that would have stable support and whose decisions would not depend on any single individual. We support Milojko Spajic in principle for the PM-designate, but that does not mean that we support the formation of the government before the final agreement on who will form it and if it will be stable”, Jokovic told reporters after the consultation. Jokovic pointed out that President Milatovic told them at the meeting that PES nominated its leader Milojko Spajic for the PM-designate.


Abazovic after consultation with Milatovic: I’ll propose model if they fail to form government (CdM)


The leader of the URA Civil Movement and Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic, after consulting with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic about the PM-designate, said that time would tell who has or does not have support for the government, and that he would propose a model for the government if the potential PM-designate Milojko Spajic fails to form it. “We will see. Time will tell. We expected this to end as soon as possible, we thought that everything would go faster, but we should not lose hope yet”, PM Abazovic has told reporters after the meeting with President Milatovic. Speaking about the message from DPS that he is working with Milatovic to ensure that Spajic does not get a mandate, he says that it is frivolous to comment on it. Answering journalists’ questions about the minority government, PM Abazovic asked why they would have a minority government if there can be a majority government.


Kovachevski: Ilinden and ASNOM resolve, and spirit of togetherness guide us into the future (MIA)


The resolve and the spirit of togetherness of the 1903 Ilinden and ASNOM in 1944, as well as the unwavering faith and perseverance that created the hearth of our homeland, today are our roadmap to the future, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said at a ceremony marking the Day of the Republic at the Kale fortress in Skopje. "Our efforts for an autonomous state, which began with establishing the Krushevo Republic, were realized by our National Liberation War heroes. The Ilinden rebels in 1903 raised their voices for freedom and justice. After the National Liberation War and the First Session of ASNOM in 1944, the Macedonian people won their national freedom and founded their own state, with an official Macedonian language. This shows how important is to be aware of one's strategic goals and how important is to persevere in achieving them," PM Kovachevski said. The profound democratic values the Republic of Krushevo was founded on, promoting social, national and religious equality in the Krushevo Manifesto, are what the modern Republic of North Macedonia is also founded on, Kovachevski stressed. "The Krushevo Republic existed only 10 days, but it was, is, and will be a symbol of the state-building aspirations of the Macedonian people and Macedonian statehood," he said. No matter the challenges the country faced in the three decades of independence, Kovachevski said, the state had made pivotal decisions inspired by the courageous people of Ilinden and ASNOM. "Electing the first government. Deciding to hold the historic referendum in 1991, after which independent and sovereign Republic of Macedonia was declared. Adopting the Constitution as the highest law that completed the long historical process of constitution of the state. Deciding on the country's membership in the United Nations. Announcing the first parliamentary elections after our independence. Deciding to strengthen the internal integration of ethnic communities through the Ohrid Agreement. And finally deciding on our joining NATO, with which, after many years of waiting and isolation, we achieved one of our country's two strategic goals set since our first day of independence," Kovachevski said. He added that North Macedonia now had the chance to become a member of the European Union by 2030. "As an equal member of NATO, we ensured our territorial integrity," he said, noting that the country had also "opened the negotiation process [with the EU], placing the Macedonian language at the same level as other official European languages." "The Frontex agreement we signed with the European Commission in Macedonian is proof of this. As is the translation of all European legislation into the Macedonian language, which is ongoing," Kovachevski said. According to him, his government has acted on the Ilinden and ASNOM bequest, which should also guide future decisions important for the nation. "Whether we follow the vision and courage of the people of Ilinden and ASNOM and build a European state, integrated into the great European family, or whether we remain alone and isolated, is only up to us," the prime minister said. "Anyone calling for patriotism in making future decisions that ensure the continuity of our progress that began with Ilinden and ASNOM should look deep within," he said. "Ilinden and ASNOM are distinguished by resolve, not giving up. Because only giving up is defeat. Resolve is victory, because it is based on faith," he added. The hearth of the homeland, he continued, meant full homes, smiling children, motivated young people, and happy people. "If our citizens' and especially our young people's dream is to live in a European country, then let it be here, in their native country," he said. "The hearth of our homeland, which was created in flames and blood, let's preserve it! Don't let it become empty! Let there be people writing, creating, speaking in the Macedonian language. Because, as Blazhe Koneski said, 'Language is our only homeland.' As long as we protect it, cherish it, nurture it, safeguard our Macedonian language, we will be sure we also have our homeland. Our house, our home, our hearth," Kovachevski noted. He recalled that the country had been an isolated state for a decade before making some wise and brave decisions that garnered wide international support and recognition for it as a functional multi-ethnic democracy. He said North Macedonia was now an example for the region and Europe by promoting the Macedonian language and identity and by respecting the rights of all other ethnic communities — Albanians, Turks, Vlachs, Serbs, Roma, Bosniaks and all others living in the country together for centuries. "And we have nothing to worry about, because Europe needs this Macedonian state of ours, our successful multi-ethnic story, just as much as we need the EU," Kovachevski said. "Guided by the togetherness and resolve of Ilinden and ASNOM," he added, "we have a duty to make decisions that pave the way forward for future generations." PM Kovachevski attended the Ilinden ceremony joined by a government delegation led by First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi, Deputy Prime Minister Fatmir Bytyqi, and Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska. Earlier in the day, a delegation consisting of Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, Minister of Transport and Communications Blagoj Bochvarski, and Deputy Minister of Justice Viktorija Avramovska Madikj laid flowers at the ASNOM Memorial in the Woman Warrior Park, at the Nikola Karev Memorial in front of Parliament, and at the Metodija Andonov Chento Memorial at the City Square. Flowers were laid also by other government representatives, members of the diplomatic corps, political parties, and civil associations. The celebration also included music performances.


The Albanian army will continue to be part of the NATO mission in Bulgaria (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian Armed Forces will continue to be part of the NATO monitoring mission in Bulgaria. In the government's decisions taken this Tuesday, it is reported that there are two decisions related to the mission of the Armed Forces in the monitoring mission in Bulgaria. The first decision is related to the note of accession for the Ministry of Defense in the technical agreement, between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Italy, for the activity of NATO's enhanced vigilance in Bulgaria and ensuring the support of host state and other responsibilities. The mission of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania is to perform tasks in support of the multinational battalion group for the security of the eastern border of the Alliance, in the designated area of ​​responsibility. The location of the platoon of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania is in Novoselo, Bulgaria.