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Belgrade Media Report 28 August



Brnabic to attend Strategic Forum in Bled (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will attend today the Strategic Forum in Bled, which is organised this year under the slogan “Solidarity for Global Security”. Last night Brnabic attended a dinner hosted by Prime Minister of Slovenia Robet Golob, on the eve of the forum in Bled.


Petkovic: Maqedonci's message is an open threat (Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said on Friday that, at a time when Prime Minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti incites conflicts and causes tension and provocations in the north of Kosovo and Metohija on a daily basis, the message of Minister of Defense of the provisional institutions Ejup Maqedonci that the so-called KBS will soon operate in the area of North of Kosovo cannot be understood as anything other than an open threat. A statement issued by the Office cites Petkovic as saying that such dangerous messages, war cries and saber-rattling aimed at the Serb people in the north of Kosovo and Metohija neither go in the direction of the much-needed de-escalation, nor in the direction of a peaceful and sustainable solution, but rather raise tensions, bring unrest among the Serb people and threaten to destabilize the entire region. "We remind the so-called minister of the war past to carefully study all the guarantees that exist based on which no Kosovo security forces can ever enter the north of the province. These are not only the guarantees from 2013, by (then) NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, but also the guarantees given by NATO on 28 December of last year, that the KBS cannot go to the north without their consent," said Petkovic. He points out that Maqedonci has clearly declared himself as "warmonger and war minister" which is proved by the message that the KBS is the successor of the criminal KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army"), which had been designated as a terrorist organization by international representatives. According to Petkovic, such a formation (KBS, "Kosovo Security Force") has no business in the Serb communities of Kosovo and Metohija, because the Serb people have not, nor will they ever forget all the "atrocities and sufferings at the hands of the KLA terrorists who are also on trial in The Hague for committing monstrous war crimes". "Such a dangerous statement comes after Kurti's message that the Kosovo police is also the successor of the so-called KLA, which clearly shows what criminal methods Kurti and his followers would like to use to conquer the north of our southern province. That is why they are imagining seeing Serbian bases close to the administrative line, they would like to try to justify their own militant moves and dreams in that way," Petkovic concluded.


Bilateral relations with Germany good in all aspects (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and German Ambassador to Serbia Anke Konrad stated on Friday that bilateral relations are very good in all aspects, especially in the economic sphere. During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on numerous aspects of bilateral cooperation, and upcoming activities on a multilateral and regional level were also discussed. The officials agreed that progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is of key importance for preserving stability in our region. Dacic pointed out that Serbia is taking all necessary steps in order to stabilise the situation and avoid further escalation in Kosovo and Metohija. On the German side, it was announced that the meeting will be held at a high and highest level in the format of the Berlin Process, during October of this year.


At Serbia’s initiative, UN General Assembly adopts Resolution on International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development (Politika/RTS/RTV)


The Serbian Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation announced Friday that, at the initiative of Serbia, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Resolution on the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development, which will be implemented from 2024 until 2033. The announcement states that this represents another exceptional success of the government of Serbia at the international level, since at the initiative of the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the United Nations, the UN General Assembly adopted the mentioned document. Minister of Science, Technological Development and Innovation Jelena Begovic expressed her satisfaction with the achieved result and assessed that this is an extremely important moment for Serbia and the international community. Begovic pointed out that with this initiative, our country showed its commitment to the development of science, technology and innovation for the purpose of sustainable development. She praised the teamwork and dedication of all actors who contributed to the adoption of this resolution. The resolution on the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development is a confirmation of our determination that science plays a key role in solving global challenges and achieving sustainable development, the Minister explained. According to her, through cooperation with other members of the United Nations, we want to use all the potential that science provides in order to achieve the goals of a sustainable future. This is the first thematic resolution whose adoption was initiated and coordinated by Serbia since gaining membership in this international organisation in 2000.


Lutovac: People want unbiased reporting from RTS (Beta)


Democratic Party president Zoran Lutovac said on Saturday that the citizens were demanding unbiased and timely reporting from Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS), which is why that was the focus of the evening's Serbia against Violence protest, along with education. At the protest, Lutovac told Beta that RTS was operating as a propaganda tool for a single political option, rather than meeting its legal obligations. "People want RTS to be given back to the citizens. We are not asking for a redistribution of time [among parties], but for it to be a broadcasting service for all citizens and that it award air time to all realistic political options," he said. He said that RTS was responsible for no more attention being paid to educational programs, adding that this was why the Serbia Against Violence protests had linked these two subjects -- education and media. According to him, a public broadcasting service should contribute to promoting dialogue, not monologue and also broach various topics of public interest and allow opinions that were different from those in power to be heard.


Obradovic: Orthodox alliance one of solutions to Kosovo issue (FoNet)


One of the solutions to the Kosovo issue is the creation of an Orthodox alliance that would include Montenegro, North Macedonia, Greece and Serbia – the countries that have a problem with Greater Albanian separatism and expansionism, said the leader of the opposition Dveri movement Bosko Obradovic, adding that uniting these Orthodox nations against Greater Albania would reduce the risk of conflict. Speaking about the solutions to the Kosovo problem, he said that “we are dealing with aggressive Greater Albanian behaviour and rhetoric” and that “obviously their goal is the creation of a Greater Albania and separatism in a number of Balkan states, where they would separate territories for that Greater Albania”. According to him, with the French-German agreement the current government and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic continue “the handing over of key state institutions to the separatist government in Pristina”, which began with the Brussels agreement in 2013 and continued with the Washington agreement. Obradovic pointed out that “the dialogue between the Serbian authorities and the separatist authorities in Pristina needs to be returned to its place”, that is in the United Nations Security Council based on the current Resolution 1244. As he assessed, there is no frozen conflict but the problem that Serbia has “with Albanian separatism and terrorism” on the territory of its southern province. “All those who think that a frozen conflict is bad are actually advocates of Kosovo’s independence, and when they say that we have to solve a frozen conflict, it would be fair for them to say that we have to solve it by recognising the fake state of Kosovo as independent and sovereign,” Obradovic said.


Jovanovic: Invite other parliamentary, non-parliamentary parties to join protest (N1)


People's Party MP Stefan Jovanovic told N1 that it is necessary to expand the opposition front in the upcoming protests and invite other parliamentary opposition parties to join the rallies as well as non-parliamentarians who can help achieve the goals. He listed the Novi DSS, Zavetnike and Dveri parties as examples but also the Srbija Centar, SDS or It was enough (Dosta je bilo) as non-parliamentary parties. Jovanovic expressed his satisfaction with the number of citizens who attended the protests. “The summer is still not over and considering that this is August, that the temperature is this high, and that people are still on vacation, there was a sufficient number of people in the protest. Of course, you can see the difference compared to the months when the protest started, and that’s why the opposition and the organisers are discussing how to proceed. What to do as of September and what is expected from the opposition in the next few months,” said Jovanovic. He expects that the organisers will agree on what the new phase of the protest will look like from September, because it was seen in the previous period that there were fewer people on the street. As for the People’s Party, he reiterated that they will insist on the fulfilment of all the demands that were formulated at the beginning of the protest. “This refers to the fight against violence and the regulation of the media sphere, because violence is promoted with a lot of media. Regarding the organisation of protests, in order to motivate people to take to the streets, and to put additional pressure on the government, we think it is necessary to expand the front of political organisations. This means that other political parliamentary political organisations such as Novi DSS, Zavetnici, Dveri should be invited to this common front of ours, as well as non-parliamentary organisations that are reluctant to help achieve the goals, such as Srbija Centar, SDS or It was enough,” said Jovanovic.


Signatures collected for registering People’s Movement of Serbia (Beta)


Founder of the People’s Movement of Serbia Miroslav Aleksic said on Friday that the signatures required to register the Movement had been collected in under two weeks. Aleksic said on Instagram that the signatures had been collected across Serbia, and that he “owes a debt of gratitude to citizens”. “It is an honor for me, but also a responsibility and a duty to win together” with my supporters, Aleksic wrote in a post. The former vice-president of the People’s Party left the party early in August to establish the People’s Movement of Serbia first, followed by a new caucus, The People’s Movement of Serbia – The New Face of Serbia. Some of the People’s Party MPs left the party to join Aleksic, together with independent MP Milos Parandilovic, founder of the New Face of Serbia movement.


Lajcak: Challenges in Western Balkans didn't disappear, situation in north Kosovo high on agenda (Tanjug/RTS)


The EU special representative for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak stated on Sunday, after a meeting with US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar, that the challenges in the Western Balkans did not disappear, and that the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is high on his agenda. "While the pace in Brussels slowed down over summer, the challenges in Western Balkans did not disappear. One particular area that remained high on my agenda is the situation in the north of Kosovo," Lajcak wrote on Facebook, reports Tanjug. He added that he invited Escobar to Brussels for in-depth discussions and meetings to prepare for the coming months and further strengthen joint efforts. "Together with our teams we discussed dialogue matters in detail, shared assessments of the current situation, developments of the last months and expectations for the coming period. And we also made sure to align necessary next steps and priorities," said Lajcak. He added that he will visit Alpbach, Bled and Belgrade, where he will meet with President Aleksandar Vucic, the prime minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti "but also a number of partners, friends and experts on the Western Balkans and global political developments".


Tolkach: We understand that Serbia depends of Russia, yet hope Serbia will introduce sanction (Beta)


Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Volodymyr Tolkach said on Friday that Ukraine was aware that Serbia depended on Russia for natural gas and Kosovo, and that this made it impossible for the country to join the European Union’s sanctions against Moscow, but that Ukraine still hoped that Belgrade would reconsider its position in time. When asked by Beta if Kiyev expected Belgrade to alter its policy on international sanctions against Russia in the wake of a meeting between the Ukrainian and Serbian presidents in Athens, he said that the hope was that Serbia would choose a pro-European policy in the future, with respect to Russia as well. “Globally, we all depend on each other. Using energy to carry on with the aggression and mass murder of Ukraine’s women and children, too, cannot be an excuse. Instead, this demands that the murderer be castigated more severely, and their abilities restricted. Hence, we will welcome Serbia’s decision to introduce sanctions against the Russian Federation,” he said. Tolkach underlined that Ukraine was grateful to Serbia for condemning the Russian aggression, and supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine by voting for resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly and other organizations. The Ambassador reiterated that Ukraine’s position on Kosovo remained unchanged, and that his country supported and respected the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.


Who is preparing Pristina for a conflict in 2027? (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic)


Even the deadlock in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which is a consequence of the unilateral actions of the extremist Albin Kurti, is not an obstacle for the political West to continue training and arming members of the Kosovo Security Forces (KBS). The dangerous ideas of the prime minister of the provisional institutions, who does not hide that he wants to implement his intentions violently, if they are not stopped in time, could set this part of Europe on fire and threaten the safety and survival of the Serb people, above all in Kosovo and Metohija. 2027 is mentioned as a key year in intelligence circles in the West, when the already well-trained and technically modernized army of Pristina would become a serious threat to peace in the region. Milovan Drecun, the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, stated that Serbia needs to raise the alarm due to the intense arming of the future Kosovo army supported by the West. He also emphasized that the 'Greater Albania' project cannot be realized without the support of Western countries that are doing nothing to prevent it. "The West is attempting to politically marginalize and discredit the idea of 'Greater Albania,' but at the same time, it provides full support for the creation of such a formation. Look at what's happening in Kosovo and Metohija, where Kurti, with Western support, is fully militarizing Albanian society. These are preparations for a serious conflict and militarization, as they're creating mobile teams with both civilian and military experts who will go around Kosovo and Metohija, train young people, and raise awareness to defend the 'land' (Kosovo) and become part of the KSF," Drecun concluded for Politika. The US, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and Germany are using significant armament of Pristina to use Kosovo Albanians as a tool for NATO to discipline Belgrade. The emergence of the Kosovo army also points to potential instability in the region, according to Srdjan Graovac, an analyst at the Center for Social Stability. Additionally, as he mentions, when discussing the arming of Kosovo Albanians, specifically the equipping of the so-called Kosovo army, we must focus on the political interests of the states involved in this illegal process. The fact that Kosovo, according to international law, cannot form an army speaks of clear international legal violence. "Countries of the Western Collective, primarily the US and the UK, are arming Pristina to exert additional pressure on Belgrade. Knowing that all countries around the southern Serbian province are NATO members and that NATO forces are stationed in Kosovo, it becomes clear against whom this potential weaponry should be directed. In this way, NATO sends a clear message to Belgrade that its strategic goal is to encompass the entire region under its flag, and as long as Serbia does not stand under that banner, it will be treated as a potential threat, while Kosovo Albanians will be nothing more than a tool of NATO to discipline Belgrade," Graovac emphasized to Politika. He added that Turkey's position should not be overlooked, as it plays perhaps the most significant role in the arming of Kosovo Albanians. Considering the value and quantity of weapons delivered to Pristina, it's evident that Ankara is counting on a partnership with the Albanian factor in the Balkans. "It's no secret that Turkey pursues a neo-Ottoman policy and clearly intends to include the Balkans in its sphere of dominant influence. The Muslim factor, whether it's Bosnians or Albanians, represents a crucial support for this Turkish expansion," Graovac noted, adding that this development inevitably leads the whole region toward conflicts and instability. Potential instability is also mentioned by military commentator Vlade Radulovic, who states that fundamentally, it's about the transformation process of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF) into the Kosovo Army, and the second phase of that process is currently underway - specific weapon procurement along with training of officer and non-commissioned officer personnel. "Could they pose a problem in a potential conflict? Certainly, they could, even though Resolution 1244 prohibits them from having an army. The Albanian factor in the Balkans could be problematic to the extent that there is talk in certain circles of a potential 'Third Balkan War', where regional countries would unite against the Albanian factor," Radulovic believes.


New approach of EU to Western Balkans (Politika, by M. Djurcic)


Politika carries that the message was sent form the recent summit in Athens that the countries which aspire to join the EU are welcome to join it after they meet certain conditions. Professor Slobodan Zecevic from Institute for European Studies stated that the anniversary of adoption of Thessaloniki Declaration was marked as some big event, while this is actually about a big failure of the EU since only Croatia has managed to do something. He also argues that the EU did not carry out an internal reform and it  has not shown the ability to receive new members. He added: “It does not have a concrete program for any candidate country. There is no information if they will be admitted in three or four years and if they will ever be admitted to the EU.” He believes that the European future might be including in an internal market which would imply bigger donations and investments for the candidate countries. He added that this would imply that “we” receive funds as the members countries, but “we” would be without a right of vote in the institutions. Suzana Grubjesic from Center for Foreign Policy stated that the EU is looking for a new approach again and it is being intensively discussed at the moment. She believes that  it can be concluded that the EU announced the return to the enlargement policy, but not the way it has been so far. She noted that it likely that joining of new members will go in phases and that an accent will be on bigger economic integration. She added that this is the essence of the plan that EC President Ursula von der Leyen presented in June.


17th Serbia Against Violence protests held in Belgrade (Beta)


During the 17th iteration of the Serbia Against Violence protests in Belgrade, protesters marched to the headquarters of the RTS and Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media on Saturday. The protests in Belgrade, and later across Serbia, were sparked by two mass shootings - the first in the Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school in Belgrade on 3 May immediately followed by another shooting in villages near Smederevo and Mladenovac on 4 May. The demands voiced at the protests, which are being technically organized by parties of the pro-European opposition, include revoking national coverage for the Pink and Happy TV stations and shutting down tabloids that promote hate speech and violence. The protesters also want Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic and Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin to be dismissed, along with the managements of the RTS and the Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media. The protests are being called for by the opposition caucuses Heading for Europe, the People's Party, the Democratic Party, the Together-We Must and the Green-Left Front-Don't Let Belgrade Drown. The organizers stress that the protests are not political. At the same time, on Saturday, activists from the League of Environmental Organizations of Serbia held a protest on Belgrade's Gazela bridge against a recently adopted Law on planning and building. They carried several Serbian flags, a banner reading, "We Won't Give Jadar Up," and a sign reading "Farmers' Survival Initiative".




Dodik: The main fight today is the one for the property of the RS (ATV/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik said the main fight today is the one for the property of the RS, and that this must be a number one priority for RS authorities at all times. He emphasized that that this topic is more important than the opposition, their opinions and their work. If they have formal conditions for calling the special session of the RS parliament, they should schedule it, Dodik told reporters. He believes that the opposition lacks topics, which is why they discuss things that are pointless, and they refuse to focus on the most important topic – the protection of property of the RS. Dodik says they have the right to their opposition work, but he assessed that the opposition does not possess the necessary strength to make any type of changes that would be good for the RS. Dodik stressed that the RS opposition must realize that unity is the main priority at the time, adding that once Schmidt takes all RS property, the RS opposition will do nothing except demand more emergency RS parliament sessions.


Dodik: Serb people are still fighting for their freedom (RTRS)


The 58th Kocic’s Assembly was held in Banja Luka on Sunday. The commemoration was attended by numerous RS officials and politicians from the RS, including Hereditary Prince of Yugoslavia Filip Karadjordjevic. During the commemoration RS President Milorad Dodik stated that the Serb people are still fighting for the freedom they deserve, as they fought during the lifetime of writer Petar Kocic. Dodik further stated that others do not allow the Serb people to have their freedom, their land and their rights. During his address, Dodik stressed the significance of the fight for the homeland, referring to the RS and Serbia, specifying that B&H is not their homeland and will never be. He concluded by stating that either this or some future generation will have to fight in order to achieve their freedom. Dodik made parallels between the German oppressors of Kocic’s time and the oppression of the RS at the hands of Christian Schmidt. Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic said, during the commemoration, that if Kocic was alive now he would have the position of the speaker of RS parliament, he would not support the Office of the High Representative in B&H and he would support everything that the ruling majority in the RS is doing. Recipient of the Kocic Award Djordje Sladoje stressed that Kocic’s Choir has become a part of the national identity of the people that live in the RS. Banja Luka Major Drasko Stanivukovic announced that there are plans to create a refurbished site, featuring an arena and gathering spot, where all future Choir’s will be held.


Court of B&H to decide on indictment against Dodik and Lukic after decision on request to disqualify judge Cosic Dedovic, filed by Dodik’s lawyer Bubic (BHT1)


The Court of B&H confirmed to have received the revised indictment against RS President Milorad Dodik and RS Official Gazette Acting Director Milos Lukic. BHT1 reports that before its decision on whether to uphold the indictment or not, the Court of B&H should first provide its opinion on a motion for disqualification of a judge filed by Dodik's defense lawyer Goran Bubic. “On 24 August 2023, the Court of B&H received revised indictments against accused Milorad Dodik and Milos Lukic. However, the decision on it cannot be made until the decision on the request for disqualification is reached. The decision on disqualification, pursuant to provisions of the B&H Criminal Procedure Law, is made at the Court of B&H plenary session,” reads the statement by the Court of B&H. BHT1 reminds that Bubic filed the motion for disqualification of judge Jasmina Cosic Dedovic because three years ago as the B&H Presidency member, Dodik opposed her appointment as the judge of the International Criminal Court (IJC) in The Hague, referring to the B&H Criminal Procedure Law which provides that a judge’s disqualification may be requested if circumstances exist that raise a reasonable suspicion as to their impartiality. In a telephone statement for BHT1, Bubic said that Cosic Dedovic was not appointed as the IJC judge, because Dodik opposed it. “We are of view that no person in such situation, not only judge (Cosic) Dedovic, can be impartial,” said Bubic.


ECHR renders verdict on ‘Kovacevic’ motion: Asking for one constituency for Presidency and for House of Peoples of B&H (Avaz)


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rendered a verdict upon the motion, filed by Slaven Kovacevic, advisor to Presidency member Zeljko Komsic, establishing that Kovacevic’s rights in the context of voting for a candidate for the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and B&H Presidency are violated. The ECHR established that his rights were violated because he is not able to vote for the candidates who are not representatives of constituent peoples and who do not live in a certain entity. learns that this verdict should be formally published in the following days. Article reminded that Kovacevic addressed the ECHR stating that his rights have been jeopardized, because he, as a Serb from Sarajevo, cannot decide about the election of a member of the B&H Presidency from the rank of Serb people, nor as a Serb from the FB&H he is allowed to be a delegate in the B&H HoP. The ECHR established that the current political system in B&H has made ethnic representation more important than the political, economic- social and other issues, thus strengthening ethnic divisions in the state and undermining the democratic character of the elections, as well as that “constituent peoples are privileged”. The Court established that such conditions are discriminatory and contradictory to Article 1 of Protocol No. 12 in the context of the right to participation in elections for the B&H HoP. The Court also established existence of discrimination in the case of inability of voting for members of the B&H Presidency in case they do not come from certain constituent people or they live in a certain entity. Court Council, composed of seven judges, adopted Kovacevic’s arguments with six votes, stating that nobody should be forced to vote only in line with prescribed ethnic lines, regardless of their political stances.


OSCE Mission to B&H: Amendments to Law on HJPC must be fully harmonized with the version which was positively evaluated by Venice Commission in March 2021 (N1)


The OSCE Mission to B&H issued a statement on Saturday, noting that amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, which regulate the integrity of judicial office holders, must be fully harmonized with the version that was positively evaluated by the Venice Commission in March 2021 in order to increase the overall responsibility and independence of the domestic judiciary. “Unfortunately, the amendments adopted on 22 August do not deal with these issues. Regressive changes to provisions related to conflict of interest and asset verification, two mechanisms that are an integral part of preserving the integrity of the judiciary, weaken the text of the law and pose challenges in terms of proper, effective implementation”, the OSCE said. At the last session, the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) endorsed the amendments to the Law on the HJPC proposed by the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H, and it remains for the adopted amendments to be supported by the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H at the session which should be held by the end month. The OSCE calls on the HoP to use every opportunity to resolve these issues by returning the text of the law to the version that was positively evaluated by the Venice Commission.


Spajic: ZBCG won’t be part of government, we expect to get support of 44 MPs in parliament (CdM)


The Main Board of the Europe Now Movement (PES) decided to back the proposal of the Prime Minister-designate Milojko Spajic regarding the formation of the 44th government, that is, to include in the government those who supported his nomination as prime minister-designate during consultations with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. After the meeting, Spajic stated that the For the Future of Montenegro bloc would not be part of the government, and that he expected support of 44 MPs in parliament. “The majority of members of the Main Board was for this proposal. Just a couple of them were against or abstained. We expect to get support of 44 MPs in the parliament of Montenegro,” the PM-designate told after the meeting. The meeting lasted almost seven and a half hours, whereas the deputy leader of PES and the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic didn’t attend it.


Spajic: Becic will be new parliament speaker (CdM)


Prime Minister-designate and Leader of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Milojko Spajic stated that the Leader of the Democrats Aleksa Becic would be the new parliament speaker.

Spajic told this to reporters following tonight’s hour-long session of the PES Main Board. The board made a decision tonight to back Spajic’s proposal regarding the formation of a new government – it will comprise those who backed his nomination as prime minister-designate during consultations with the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic.


Mandic: Spajic doesn’t trust ZBCG, but trusts in sincerity of DPS closest associates (CdM)


As many efforts are being made these days to brutally reshape the will of the majority of people who cast their ballot in the elections, it’s very important that the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic clarifies many topics, including how he nominated Milojko Spajic as prime minister-designate after he stated last night that For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) won’t be a part of the new government, stated one of the leaders of ZBCG Andrija Mandic. Mandic’s statement sent to the media says, among other things, that according to the conclusion from last night’s session of the PES Main Board the “ZBCG can’t enter the government due to the lack of sincerity; they doubt our sincerity, but they don’t doubt the sincerity of Mehmed Zenka who was on the DPS list”. Accordong to him, PM-designate Spajic particularly likes sincerity of the Bosniak Party that was wholeheartedly trying to help Milo Djukanovic to win in the presidential election instead of Jakov Milatovic. Mandic is now wondering whether they (PES) ask that ZBCG should neglect the election will of the people, turn them their back and suppprt these new/old divisions, to say what they don’t mean and support what they don’t believe in. “However, there are rules in politics and our bloc and the parties comprising it were not set up for only one election cycle but to meet their political goals,” he concludes.


Pejovic and Cincur against govt. with minorities after consultation with Milatovic (CdM)


Europe Now Movement (PES) MPs Jevrosima Pejovic and Radinka Cincur consulted with Jakov Milatovic before the vote and on his advice were against the government with minorities and for the government with the For the Future of Montenegro (ZBCG) coalition, CdM learns. Pejovic is a close associate of Milatovic and was the head of the directorate at the Ministry of Economy led by Milatovic during the government of Zdravko Krivokapic. CdM has learned that Cincur is privately on friendly terms with Milatovic, and at his insistence she was appointed head of the Bar PES committee.


Former Serbian ambassador Bozovic banned entry in Montenegro again (RTCG)


Former ambassador of Serbia to Montenegro Vladimir Bozovic was returned on Saturday from the Rance border crossing and was not allowed to enter Montenegro, despite the decision of the Administrative Court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to allow him to enter Montenegro, RTCG reported. In a telephone statement to RTCG, after he was banned from entering the country, Bozovic said that he was shocked by the decision of the Montenegrin state authorities. “This is a first-class scandal. You have seen the ruling of the Administrative Court and the decision of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs of Montenegro on allowing me to enter Montenegro. That’s why I decided to come again today, but at the Rance border crossing I was handed a decision banning me the entry again,” said Bozovic. Last year Bozovic was banned from entering the country, at a decision of the National Security Agency director Savo Kantera, under the explanation that Bozovic posed a threat to Montenegro’s national security.


Kovachevski: I believe there's European capacity in VMRO-DPMNE (TV21)


There is enough time to adopt the constitutional changes and VMRO-DPMNE has "the European capacity" to support them, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski said in a TV21 interview on Friday evening. "It is important to carry out this process through discussion and for the opposition to understand that it should participate in the process. It is important for the party to be part of the process. I believe that there is a European capacity within the VMRO-DPMNE that can do this, and I think we have enough time ahead of us for this to happen. The alternative outcome is a blockade and isolation," Kovachevski said. Regarding his expectations from the meeting between US special envoy Gabriel Escobar and opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski, the prime minister said he refrained from commenting on meetings he had not attended. As for his own meeting with Escobar on Friday, Kovachevski said the USA wanted to see North Macedonia as part of the EU. "The government's commitments and what we are doing as a pro-European government absolutely coincide with the strategic interests of the USA," he said, noting that support was voiced at the meeting for the countries' partnership in NATO as well on matters related to European integration and the rule of law. Dismissing the opposition's claims that the country was threatened by "Bulgarization and assimilation" through the EU's Negotiating Framework, he said this would not happen. "As we have all seen over the previous year, I have remained Macedonian, you Albanian, and everyone is what they already were, what their ancestors were, and what their children will be," the prime minister said.


Osmani to Escobar: Blockade costs us billions of euros in EU support (MIA)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani met with US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, who is visiting the country. According to an official press release, Osmani and Escobar exchanged opinions on the latest political developments, and especially on North Macedonia's need to continue the process of EU negotiations through amending the Constitution. "The USA has had a crucial role in the most important internal and external political moments of the recent history of North Macedonia, providing firm support for our successful establishment as an independent state deeply integrated in the transatlantic family of modern and functional democracies," Osmani said at the meeting, adding that the blockade of the European integration process cost the country one billion euros a year in financial support from the EU. Osmani thanked the US for its long-term support for the country's reform processes. He noted that the state was strongly committed to implementing reforms in the area of good governance, the rule of law and the fight against corruption. Meeting participants also spoke about the two countries' cooperation as part of the Strategic Dialogue as well as within NATO, voicing support for Ukraine as a priority of North Macedonia's OSCE Chairpersonship-in-Office, as well.


Grubi: Talks with Escobar were on successful constitutional changes only (MIA)


Top state officials at their meetings with Escobar did not discuss snap elections at all, only the country's adopting the required constitutional changes and continuing its European path, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi said Saturday in response to reporters' questions. He said the special envoy conveyed the USA's great support for the country's accession to the EU as well as for the constitutional updates. "I hope VMRO-DPMNE, which has its own commitment to the country's membership [to the EU], will finally find the strength to get over itself, vote and drop this issue from the daily political agenda. Because this is in the interest of all citizens," Grubi said. He lamented that the content of the proposed amendments had not found its way into the public discourse. "There has been absolutely no debate regarding the content of those amendments in society, neither by the academic community nor by non-governmental organizations or the media," he said. Instead of snap elections and potential government formation, he said, the public debate should have focused on the constitutional changes and whether they were beneficial for the country. As regards elections, he said, the same day the constitutional amendments were adopted, the current parliament would be dissolved and the country would go to the polls. Referring to the VMRO-DPMNE's demand for ousting the DUI from the governing coalition, Grubi said all DUI members had already submitted their resignations from their government posts. Their resignations are to become effective the moment the opposition votes for the constitutional changes in parliament. "We also gave up the idea of having the first Albanian Prime Minister of the government of the Republic of Macedonia just to see it join the EU," Grubi said.


VMRO-DPMNE: Mickoski reaffirmed coalition’s position at meeting with Escobar (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski reaffirmed the position of the coalition led by VMRO-DPMNE at a meeting Friday with the US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar. At the meeting at the US Embassy in Skopje, according to VMRO-DPMNE, Mickoski stressed that the current government is misinforming the international community, including the United States, over many internal political issues. “Once again it was reaffirmed that VMRO-DPMNE’s essential commitment and priority is the EU and the Euro-Atlantic values. At the same time, Mickoski noted that the sole solution for a way out of such an exceptionally difficult situation is the holding of early parliamentary elections that will enable the citizens to elect a government with legitimacy,” said VMRO-DPMNE in a press release. At the meeting, which was also attended by VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Aleksandar Nikoloski and US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, both sides underscored the need to strengthen and deepen the strategic friendship between the two countries.


Mickoski: Meeting with Escobar was friendly, but we needed to 'debrief' false information (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE's leader Hristijan Mickoski said the meeting with the US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar on Friday was "a constructive and friendly meeting between strategic partners", adding that while cooperating with the international community was important, his party's utmost priority was "our fellow citizens' quality of life". "This government, despite having zero credibility, is abusing representatives of the international community, of which the USA is a part, with false information," Mickoski said. "And it is some of that false information we had to debrief during the meeting with Mr. Escobar and Ambassador Angela Aggeler so now I should say VMRO-DPMNE's positions have been made more clear to Mr. Escobar himself." "We are just as concerned as they are about the current situation in Macedonia, although our concern is greater because we are the ones living in this country," the VMRO-DPMNE head said. He reiterated his party's demand for a snap election as soon as possible, because, as he said, the current government was pushing only for "constitutional amendments under Bulgarian dictation and they have hit a wall".


Miloshoski: VMRO-DPMNE MPs will not change position on constitutional updates (Sitel TV)


VMRO-DPMNE representatives told US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar at their meeting Friday that its members of parliament will not support constitutional amendments "under a dictate by official Sofia", the party's Antonijo Miloshoski said in a Sitel TV interview on Friday. "The current government wanted pressure, but on the contrary, it was a friendly meeting," Miloshoski said commenting on the talks with Escobar earlier in the day. "We agree on some things, on some we have different opinions with Mr. Escobar, but essentially we share the same goal – for Macedonia to prosper," the VMRO-DPMNE MP said. Miloshoski said Escobar had been told that VMRO-DPMNE MPs had clearly stated their position during the 18 August parliamentary session and that their position would remain unchanged. "There was no meeting with individual MPs, but we would not have a problem for there to be a meeting with an entire group of MPs at some point," he said. Miloshoski also claimed VMRO-DPMNE would win the next parliamentary elections and form the next government. "We want to cooperate with opposition parties, because a change of government implies changing the entire government, not just a part of it," he said. "But we will also ask all political parties and MPs, in line with the Constitution, to sign a pledge and take an oath that they respect the Constitution of Macedonia and its territorial integrity," Miloshoski said.


Escobar: Not asking people to support the government but to support European path (360 stepeni)


I didn't come here to tell people how to vote; we don't do that for NATO allies. What we do is we set expectations, US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar told 360 stepeni in an interview done after his meeting with the opposition leader on Friday. "I wasn't here to tell him what to do and I wasn't here to dictate any terms. But I also wanted to make it clear that the US picks its partners in the Balkans based on those who are moving the region closer to Europe, who are showing their commitment to NATO, and continuing the fight against corruption. And that's our expectation." According to the special envoy, the opportunities being presented through the constitutional updates required to move the country's candidacy forward in its EU accession were part of this process of choosing reliable partners. "I'm not asking people to support the government. I'm asking people to please work with us to support the European path. Because it's going to benefit us, too," Escobar pointed out. Asked about VMRO-DPMNE's official statement released after the meeting that they were in favor of EU integration but against the constitutional changes required for continuing the negotiations, Escobar said he would like to see the party 'explain that dilemma to the public'. "We don't know what happens tomorrow. But we know that today we have an opportunity to move North Macedonia's candidacy further and faster than anyone else in the Western Balkans," he said. "So from a perspective of a close friend, we'd like to see North Macedonia get past this hurdle and start defining itself by its relationship with the transatlantic community, by its relationship to the rest of the world based on its values, and not defined by Bulgaria." Escobar reiterated the international community's support for the Macedonian identity and language. He also said he had personally talked to Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Mariya Gabriel and she had assured him that if North Macedonia did what was outlined in the current agreement, there would be no other conditions set by Bulgaria. After this, what will define your accession process is not the bilateral issues but the closing of chapters and the convergence of your economy with the greatest economy in the world. Earlier in the interview, Escobar said he wanted to convey the same level of enthusiasm that he wanted to convey to the people of North Macedonia" that the country's future was in the EU. "There are huge opportunities for North Macedonia to join the EU," he said. "It is the largest trading bloc in the world and also America's largest trading partner. There are four billion dollars a day that are crossing the Atlantic and we want you to be part of that. So it's that enthusiasm for what North Macedonia can contribute to Europe that I wanted to convey to everyone in my meetings," he said. Besides with VMRO-DPMNE's Hristijan Mickoski, the US Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs during his two-day visit to the country met with President Stevo Pendarovski, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, and Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. In response to a question on whether a snap election would solve the current political deadlock, Escobar said it was not for the US to determine this but for the people of North Macedonia to determine. "I do hope that the people understand what a tremendous opportunity they have in front of them and to take advantage of that. I do hope they send a signal to the leaders of North Macedonia that they want that quickly and they want that now so that we can begin building that structure so that North Macedonia is fully and formally part of every Euro-Atlantic structure. Because that's where we want you," he said.


I don't take a political issue personally, though I wouldn't do what Mitsotakis did, says Rama (Kathimerini/Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama gave an interview to the Greek newspaper Kathimerini with the Greek journalist Pavlos Papadopoulos. Speaking of his absence in the meeting in Athens, Rama said that he does not take it personally when it comes to politics, while emphasizing his position that he would not comport himself as Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. While expressing appreciation to the Greek Prime Minister, Rama emphasizes that friends should talk when there are differences between them. "He just shouldn't have done what he did. I don't even imagine that in the same situation I would do the same thing. Friends should face each other, try to understand each other, talk. Kyriakos was a friend I liked and he is still a friend I like," said Rama. The Greek Prime Minister invited the leaders of the region and the EU to an informal dinner on Monday, but in the case of Albania, the invitation went to President Bajram Begaj, who elegantly refused, and not to Prime Minister Rama. By consequence, at the informal meeting on 21 August, Albania was not represented. The relations between the two countries have been getting a bit tense lately, in appearance because of the arrest of the elected head of the Municipality of Himara Fredi Beleri, who, at the moment, is under Justice Accusation for buying votes.


Bulgarian MEP: Albania, progress on the road to the EU. You should seek separation from North Macedonia (Radio Tirana/RTSH)


Bulgarian MEP Andrei Novakov gave an interview for RTSH highlighting that he strongly believes that the future of Albania is in the EU. According to the MEP, who is part of the group of European People's Parties, the progress that Albania has made in recent years, but specifically during the last year, is very great. "I see a great progress made by Albania during the last year and this makes me happy, but I have the impression that unfortunately, since you are in a pact with North Macedonia, it is slowing down your EU integration process", says the MEP . For Novakov, our country should reconsider this situation. "I believe that at a certain point, the Albanian government should reconsider this situation and maybe it should seek to be evaluated as a separate state when it comes to integration into the EU," he said. Bulgarian MEP Andrei Novakov is also part of the EU-Albania Association Stabilization Parliamentary Committee.