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Belgrade Media Report 29 August



Vucic: Months ahead will not be easy, I expect a lot of pressure and threats over Kosovo (RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today in Petrovac-na-Mlavi that the months ahead will not be easy and that he expects a lot of pressure and threats and the implementation of those threats in Kosovo and Metohija. "It seems to me that the months ahead will not be easy, and I expect a lot of pressure and threats and the implementation of those threats on Kosovo and Metohija by those who are insufficiently responsible and do not understand that peace is not only in the interest of the Serbs, but also of the Albanians," Vucic said during a tour of the finishing works on the complete reconstruction of a bridge over the Mlava River in Petrovac, which is part of a regional road. "But when you see how many other problems there are in the world, it's good when you can build and work and ensure such a future for our children," said Vucic. Answering journalists' questions about the forming of the government in Montenegro, he said that he would first wait for the Montenegrin government to be formed and see how things unfold, and only then comment on it. Asked by a journalist what kind of message is sent by the fact there will be no representatives of Serbs in the new government of Montenegro, but that there will be those from Milo Djukanovic's party, he said that he does not want to interfere in the internal affairs of Montenegro. "We will deal with the issue of our people and political activity, but first a government should be formed. We respect Montenegro and we will wait to see the way things go, then we will comment," said Vucic.


Michel: EU should be ready to accept new members by 2030 (Beta)


European Council president Charles Michel said in Slovenia on Monday that the EU should be ready to accept new members by the year 2030. Speaking at the opening of the Bled Strategic Forum, Michel said that if the EU wanted to be credible, deadlines had to be discussed, and that the preparation for the next EU strategic agenda must include setting a clear goal -- being ready to expand by 2030. A European Commission enlargement package anticipated in October, he added, is a good opportunity to underline the specific details of accelerated integration. In addition to the necessary reforms, he said, candidate countries must resolve issues from their pasts so as not to "import" them into the EU and allow them to be used as a way to bar the accession of neighbors and future members. Slovenian President Borut Pahor said at the opening of the conference that the mere presence of all nations of the Western Balkans was a success, and that the war in Ukraine changed the dynamics of EU enlargement. "Things are changing fast. Over the next 12 months there will be a new outlook to the enlargement process and I urge you all to continue with reforms, but also to be aware of transformations within the EU itself. We will have to reform our processes in the Union and that is why I say that it must happen in the next 12 months or it won't happen for a long time," he said.


Brnabic: Full EU membership best for Serbia (Tanjug/RTS/RTV/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated yesterday that our country has fulfilled all that is necessary to open Cluster 3 in the negotiations with the EU, and at the same time assessed that full membership in the EU is the best for Serbia, but that it is in the interest of the Union too. After a panel on the Western Balkans, held as part of the Bled Strategic Forum, Brnabic pointed out in her address to journalists that there are several reasons why the interest of citizens in EU membership is waning, the first of which being that the membership process takes a very long time and there is no end in sight. The second reason is that the criteria for making progress on the path towards EU membership are constantly changing. We have fulfilled everything necessary to open Cluster 3 in our negotiations with the EU, which concerns competitiveness and inclusive growth, she reiterated. According to her, in the last two annual reports on Serbia’s progress, the European Commission makes a recommendation to all EU member states to agree to open Cluster 3, which is extremely important, but that is still not happening. When we fulfilled everything that was necessary for the opening of Cluster 3, there was no war on the European continent. In the meantime, the war in Ukraine started and the demands have changed, she stated. Brnabic said that now it can be heard that one of the demands is the harmonisation of Serbia's foreign policy with that of the EU, which has nothing to do with Cluster 3, which would be retroactive and contrary to the framework of our negotiation process. Within that framework, a country should align itself with the EU's foreign and security policy at the moment it becomes a member of the EU, said the Prime Minister and added that these goals are constantly changing, which is something that certainly frustrates people and that all our citizens see. She recalled the case of North Macedonia, which, even after changing its name, did not get a date for the start of negotiations and assessed that all this contributes to Euroscepticism. The Prime Minister said that EU membership must remain Serbia's priority and that she believes that it is necessary to work with Brussels in order to speed up the process of Serbia's European integration. Answering a journalists’ question about the European integration of the countries of the Western Balkans, she pointed out that at today's gathering one could see a huge amount of frustration of all the leaders of countries of the Western Balkans with that process. Brnabic reiterated that President of the European Council Charles Michel said at the Strategic Forum that the EU must be ready for expansion by 2030, pointing out that earlier, in the development strategies, 2025 was mentioned as the year of Serbia's accession to the EU, and that it has now been moved to 2030. We have to do our best to find a way to make it happen sooner or to work with the EU in order to achieve more concrete developments, she underlined and added that 65 to 70 percent of investments in Serbia are from the EU, we export the same amount to the Union, while we export 18 percent to the Western Balkan region. I believe that European integration is important for our country and our priorities must remain the EU and the Western Balkans, the Prime Minister repeated and noted that European integration brings with it numerous values, such as the rule of law, peace, prosperity.


Quarrel with Kurti (RTS/RTV)


The Bled Strategic Forum was the scene of verbal clash between Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Prime Minister of provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti. They quarrelled over the crisis in Kosovo. Brnabic told the panel of Western Balkan leaders that Kosovo and Serbia are one country, not two, adding that Kosovo is not a member of the UN and that she doubts it will be a member of the European Union, at least as long as two countries do not recognize it. According to the Serbian Prime Minister, normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina, Serbs and Albanians and the entire region is high on Serbia’s list of priorities. She said that the only thing that Pristina had to do under the Brussels agreement which was signed in 2013 was to form the Community of Serb Municipalities which has not been done yet. Kurti responded saying that for him the Brussels Agreement does not exist. He did not say anything about the implementation of that agreement. Normalization with Serbia is hard but possible, he said. Normalization means a lack of confusion over reality and fantasy and I cannot help with that, Kurti said.


Vucic, Russian Ambassador re-afform intention to maintain harmonious relations (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Monday that he had discussed regional and global issues and bilateral subjects with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. We "re-affirmed our intention to continue to maintain harmonious relations with the Russian Federation", Vucic said in a post on Instagram. The Serbian President said he and the ambassador had examined "all regional and global current issues" and "discussed a broad array of bilateral subjects, too".


Dacic: Pristina’s unilateral moves obstructing further flow of talks (Tanjug/NSPM)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic spoke today on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum with the Special Envoy of British Prime Minister for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach and British Minister of State for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and United Nations at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon. They talked about bilateral relations, cooperation in the field of economy and energy, the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, the war in Ukraine, as well as other current international issues. When it comes to Kosovo and Metohija, Dacic pointed out that Serbia appreciates the understanding of our position, as well as the objective assessment of the newly emerging situation, and noted that Pristina’s unilateral moves are obstructing the further flow of talks, but that Serbia remains determined in its policy of preserving peace and stability in the region, despite the provocations. During the meeting, interest was expressed in improving the political dialogue at a high and highest level in the coming period. The officials assessed that there are additional opportunities for strengthening cooperation between Serbia and Great Britain.


Petkovic with Italian Ambassador on political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic met yesterday with the Italian Ambassador to Serbia Luka Gori with whom he discussed the current political and security situation in Kosovo and Metohija, stressing that Pristina has threatened, through a series of unilateral and violent acts, stability on the ground and the rights of the Serbian population in the province. Petkovic said that they are concerned about the open threats of Pristina officials, such as the so-called Minister of Defense Ejup Maqedonci, that the so-called KBS will soon operate in the northern part of our province as well, which is the grossest violation of all NATO agreements and guarantees, which clearly state that the so-called KBS cannot be present in the north, according to the press release of the Office. “Open threats and provocations also come from fake mayors from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, who act contrary to the clear EU guidelines on de-escalation. Such is the dangerous decision of the fake mayor Erden Atic to occupy the building in the Bosnjacka Mahala neighborhood in Kosovska Mitrovica, where the premises are located Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Service of the Directorate of PIO Fund, Kosovo-Mitrovica Administrative District and the Center for Social Work Vucitrn.” Petkovic emphasized that Albin Kurti is behind every such violent move by Pristina representatives. He also reminded of the fact that Pristina’s decision to ban the entry of goods and medicines produced in Serbia proper into the territory of the province is still in force, which leads to causing economic and humanitarian problems for the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija. “Such unilateral, illegitimate and illegal moves by the Pristina regime can lead to a new rise in tensions and cause a crisis on the ground and do not go in the direction of any de-escalation,” emphasized Petkovic. As Petkovic pointed out, Belgrade is committed to dialogue and peaceful resolution of disagreements with Pristina, but on the other hand, it does not find a credible interlocutor ready to build lasting peace and coexistence, but only to cause new crises and violate agreements. Also, Petkovic conveyed to his interlocutor his gratitude to Italy for its contribution to preserving peace in the province, both through the deployment of a contingent of soldiers in the KFOR mission, and through the efforts of the Italian government to preserve peace in the Western Balkans.


Dacic: I’ll visit Moscow before the year is out (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday that he would be visiting Moscow before the end of the year and meeting with his Russian counterpart, Sergey Lavrov. “Of course I’ll meet with my colleague Sergey Lavrov. We won’t discuss anything but our bilateral relations. If Szijjarto can go to Moscow, why couldn’t we?” Dacic told TV Happy. According to Dacic, Serbia “owes” Lavrov a sit-down given that he was prevented from attending a scheduled meeting in Serbia in June 2022. At the time, Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro, all three NATO members, denied his plane’s overflight. A year and a half into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Serbia still refuses to join the EU’s sanctions against Moscow, despite continual calls to do so by European officials. The Serbian Foreign Minister also said that he would be travelling to Indonesia on 4 September to sign the agreement on Serbia’s accession to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).


Macron: If Belgrade, Pristina do not behave responsibly, there will be measures (RTS/Beta/Politika)


French President Emmanuel Macron warned Belgrade and Pristina on Monday that further measures would be taken against both sides if they did not behave responsibly. Macron told reporters that the Agreement on the Path to Normalization of Relations between Kosovo and Serbia from February this year, also known as the French-German plan, was "the right way forward" and that the two sides must be committed to it, RTS reported. Macron said a new roadmap had been drafted together with Germany to navigate the differences between Belgrade and Pristina, adding that he believed it to be a good one, supported by European negotiators and France's representative, and that France expected clear engagement from both sides when it came to elections in northern Kosovo municipalities and the return of Serbs to institutions there. He said France and Germany were committed to the process and had made headway on visa policy and economics, but would "reconsider" if the two sides did not behave responsibly.


Movement of Socialists, whose founder is Aleksandar Vulin, submits resolution on Serbia joining BRICS (Tanjug)


Members of the Serbian parliament from the Movement of Socialists, a party founded by (current BIA chief) Aleksandar Vulin, submitted on Monday a draft resolution to the Assembly, regarding Serbia's accession to BRICS. "Aware of the fact that the world we live in is changing irreversibly, we express the need to open a broad social dialogue before the public of the Republic of Serbia about the indisputable fact that Serbia's EU path has a clear alternative embodied in the process of joining the BRICS organization, as the most current global economic-political integrative process. After three decades, the world has become multipolar again, with the increasingly obvious end of the political hegemony of the collective West. The lack of open social dialogue, the imposition of EU integration as a ready-made solution and the only path, along with the hypocrisy of the Brussels administration, the constant political blackmail and the request to renounce a part of the state's territory (Kosovo and Metohija), have led to the fact that citizens of Serbia finally realize en masse that they are the victim of a well-thought-out manipulation of the collective West. The result of all this is the fact that close to two thirds of citizens perceive Serbia's membership in BRICS as a better and more acceptable integration option, which offers better prospects for faster and better economic development in the long term. That citizens of Serbia are on the right track is evident in the interest of a large number of countries in joining this organization."




Kristo participates in Bled Strategic Forum, says B&H expects accession negotiation to start soon (Nova BH)


The Bled Strategic Forum 2023 that focuses on solidarity for global security began on Monday. Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo took part in the panel discussion, together with prime ministers from the Western Balkans and European Council President Charles Michel. Nova BH reports that, on the occasion, Kristo conveyed that there is full institutional and political consensus in B&H on the European integration. Addressing the forum, Kristo said that the B&H CoM in this mandate “has made a significant move forward, aligned a large portion of its legislation with the EU acquis, in terms of strengthening of democracy, the rule of law and combating corruption. I would like to state it clearly here; as B&H, we expect negotiations to join the EU to begin very soon, and we are of view that the EU should decide more clearly on enlargement process and the membership of B&H and all countries in the region”. Michel reminded that the Western Balkans’ EU path began over 20 years ago, the region that was also emerging from conflict after the break-up of Yugoslavia., “but the slow pace of this European journey has disappointed many, both in the region and in the EU. That is why agree that Europe must keep its promises. We must set ourselves a clear goal and I believe we must be ready — on both sides — to enlarge by 2030. This means that the EU’s next long-term budget will need to include our common goals. We should talk about opening of negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. And I also expect B&H and Georgia to be back on the table”.


Kristo with Golob, discuss bilateral cooperation and EU integration (BHRT)


BHRT reports that Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H Borjana Kristo met Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob on Monday, prior to today’s Bled Strategic Forum. Two officials talked about improving bilateral cooperation and the EU integration. Chairwoman Kristo thanked Golob for the strong support regarding granting status of EU candidate to B&H, stressing that Slovenia has always been B&H’s friend and one of most important economic partners. Golob said Slovenia will continue to provide support to B&H and help it on its European path. Golob also thanked for B&H’s help after storm had hit Slovenia recently. Kristo informed Golob about the current political situation in B&H saying, among other issues, that the CoM adopted and to the parliament of B&H five laws for adoption. According to Kristo, all the reform laws take B&H closer to the EU and are evidence of dedicated work on meeting conditions to join the European family. Kristo stressed importance of changes to the election legislation when stabilization of the political situation in B&H is in question, adding that activities with regard to finding a solution to this issue have already started.


B&H House of Representatives adopts proposals of two laws that are part of 14 priorities from Opinion of European Commission on B&H's request for EU membership (Avaz)


B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) held an urgent session on Monday and adopted Amendments to Law on Foreigners and Proposal Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H. Council of Ministers stated that these laws confirm adequate harmonization with EU Acquis communautaire. When it comes to Law on Foreigners, it is taking over four regulations of the EU, enacted in period from 2016 to 2021 in the process of continued harmonization of B&H regulations with EU Acquis. Amendments aim to facilitate staying of digital nomads in B&H and CoM’s intention is to additionally extend their stay in B&H, which is why possibility of amending the legislation in this direction has been announced. The Law is being harmonized with EU regulations with regards the sector of visa issuing, permanent and temporary stay, education, research, participation in exchange program, internship, volunteering, employment of high-qualified workers and work based on ‘blue card’, as well as based on humanitarian reasons. As for the Proposal Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H, it is stated that considering the importance that wine sector has in agriculture and rural development the legislation aims to secure high level of competitiveness and better access of B&H producers to European and international markets, with better conditions for wine production. The legislation precisely determines regulation on production of wine and grapes. MPs started the discussion on Proposal Resolution on Prevention of All Forms of Violence against Women and Harassment of Women in B&H, proposed by SDP MPs. Considering the high number of proposed amendments to the Resolution, some of which would completely change the text of the resolution, the SDP Caucus, as proponent, asked for postponing of voting on the Resolution for the next session in order to harmonize the text. After this the B&H HoR’s urgent session ended.


Draft Law on Courts in B&H not included in agenda of B&H HoR (Nova BH)


B&H House of Representatives (HoR) held an urgent session on Monday and discussed the Proposal Law on amendments to the Law on Foreigners, the Proposal Law on Organization of Wine Market in B&H and the Proposal Resolution on prevention of all forms of violence against women and harassment of women in B&H. The Draft Law on Courts in B&H, which adoption was agreed by the state-level ruling coalition, was not on the B&H HoR agenda, because the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) failed to reach an agreement on it at its most recent session. The reporter reminds that the Draft Law sparked many reactions over the past days, that High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council President Halil Lagumdzija also commented on it, saying that its adoption in the current form would limit jurisdiction of the Court of B&H, and that the state-level coalition partners also presented opposing opinions on the Draft Law. Addressing the press conference on Monday, ‘Our Party’ representative in the B&H HoR Sabina Cudic said that the Law on Courts still requires harmonization. “I have always underscored in my statements that we are fighting for every letter and a comma we think should be in that law, harmonization at several addresses. Those laws are not harmonized only among the coalition partners, those laws are also being aligned with Brussels. We had the opportunity to have on the agenda today a version of the law we do not think is good enough and adequate enough (…). Therefore, we should not put the law (on the agenda) at any costs. Once specific terms are harmonized, the law will be on the agenda,” said Cudic. SDP B&H representative in the B&H HoR Albin Muslic said he expected the issue of the Draft Law would be resolved over the past week and discussed by the B&H HoR on Monday. “To be honest, I am somewhat disappointed with the said law not being on the agenda today, because that would be a clear message. After the laws we had at the last session and these three today – only two remained – we would make a significant step forward on B&H’s path toward the EU,” said Muslic.


Stevandic responds to opposition's request to hold special session of RS parliament (ATV)


Speaker of the RS parliament Nenad Stevandic responded to the opposition's request to hold a special session of the RS parliament, pointing out that the conclusions of the RS parliament are respected and applied and that the reputation of the RS parliament is preserved. Stevandic said that no changes, corrections or discussion to achieve political points are necessary. "Given that the Serb ministers presented the texts of the proposed laws on the Constitutional Court (CoM) of B&H and on the termination of the mandate of foreign judges, and that the representatives of the RS in the joint institutions of B&H and the institutions of the RS are actively working to close the OHR, we believe that in this way the conclusions of the RS parliament have been respected," Stevandic stated in his response to the opposition’s request. At the same time, as ATV noted, this kind of response is not to the liking of the opposition in the RS, which is not giving up on the request for a special session of the RS parliament. ATV stressed that most of them apparently forget that they did not even vote for the conclusions that they consider to have been allegedly trampled over. "I do not want to comment on this at all. I just think that reading this text speaks for itself. Who voted how for which conclusion or law is not important," Head of RS PDP Caucus Igor Crnadak said. SNSD representatives pointed out that today the conclusions of the RS parliament are important to the opposition and they defend them, which is a complete paradox. SNSD representatives noted that the policy of Crnadak and others like him is a policy of destruction. RS SNSD MP Mladen Ilic stressed that the RS parliament’s conclusions remain in force and are respected. “This entire story is a form of populism that tries to reach a certain number of people, that is, their membership, to justify what they are essentially not doing,” Ilic said.


Zvizdic answers Stevandic: Reform of Constitutional Court of B&H and closing down of the OHR were not agreed in principle (Avaz)


Speaker of B&H House of Representatives Denis Zvizdic posted on his Facebook that the statement of RS parliament speaker Nenad Stevandic is not true, as he stated that reform of Constitutional Court of B&H and closing down of the OHR, were agreed in principle at the political level. “Any kind of talks on B&H CC (at which the idea on ‘expelling’ of foreign judges will not be supported, or the idea on parity composition or ethnic veto and vote) can only be part of total package of reform of justice system of B&H, which includes establishing of Supreme Court of B&H, as judicial body that would be tasked to secure consistent interpretation of law in B&H, as well as adoption of the Law on Courts in B&H, which will establish special appellate mechanism, which all together, are obligations from the spectre of 14 priorities from the European agenda of B&H. In regard to closing down of the OHR, the conditions are clear (5+2) with special focus on adoption of law on state property whose owner remains to be state of B&H,” write Zvizdic.


Kovacevic explains his lawsuit before European Court of Human Rights (Hayat)


Ahead of the official confirmation of the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), whose message is that legitimate representation is discriminatory, that members of the B&H Presidency are elected on the territory of the entire B&H and equally, as well as delegates of the B&H House of Peoples (B&H HoP), many reactions have come. B&H should be one constituency with equal election rights for all citizens. Concretely, in the case of Slaven Kovacevic, who submitted an appeal, a judgement was rendered that his rights, in the context of voting for candidates for the B&H HoP and the B&H Presidency were violated because he cannot vote for candidates that do not belong to the constituent peoples and do not live in a particular entity. The ECHR said Kovacevic’s rights were violated and most of his appeal was accepted. Many believe the judgment will change the paradigm in B&H, and many relations that have existed in this country will no longer be the same. Kovacevic explained for Hayat’s show Istraga sedmice what his lawsuit said and what the rendered judgement brings. He asked for the phenomenon of ‘legitimate representation of peoples’ to be confuted, saying that something like that should not exist in B&H. Kovacevic underlines that European standards treat a citizen as an individual, and representing peoples as a phenomenon will not exist. Kovacevic asked for active suffrage to be protected. “I asked, problematized to be exact, the way in which members of the Presidency are elected, the way of election of the B&H House of Representatives as the second level, and the third level is the B&H House of Peoples. There you are appealing to the state Constitution. The state is on the other side. And then I said that in elections for members of the Presidency my active right is endangered, in a way that it is limited, and narrowed, without a reasonable explanation, in a way that we, who live in the territory of the FB&H, can only vote for Bosniaks and Croats. You know that is completely inconceivable in democratic systems. While, they in the RS, they can only vote for a Serb. There is a reasonable explanation”, Kovacevic said for Hayat. When speaking about the B&H HoP, Kovacevic said political parties elect the convocations of the B&H HoP. He underlined that B&H citizens never voted for anyone that would sit in the B&H HoP. It seems that the B&H HoP is a place where party leaders place themselves, or those that failed in the elections and they are loyal to the party, or someone that did not even partake in the elections, but they reward him with a seat in the House of Peoples, Kovacevic said. He adds that the B&H HoP adopts laws that are for the benefit of all citizens of B&H, which is why they should have a say in who sits there.


Komsic on ECHR’s judgment in Kovacevic case (NAP)


The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rendered a judgment upon the motion, filed by Slaven Kovacevic, advisor to Presidency member Zeljko Komsic, establishing that Kovacevic’s rights in the context of voting for a candidate for the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) and B&H Presidency are violated. The ECHR established that his rights were violated because he is not able to vote for the candidates who are not representatives of constituent peoples and who do not live in a certain entity. Commenting on the judgment, DF stated that it is strong encouragement to the stances that DF has been advocating for years. In DF’s opinion, this is the most important judgment when B&H is in question. DF added that in some way it symbolizes decades long struggle for equality of B&H citizens and it is a sort of continuation of the judgment in Zornic case. DF announced that new judgments can be expected in the future on the motions filed by DF officials and the party itself. They also called on interested actors to take part in their struggle for equality of B&H citizens since the possibility of implementation of these judgments and the possibility of building the civic B&H depends on the relation of political forces in B&H in the next ten years. Chair and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that the decision of the ECHR is logical and that the election process was discriminatory, stressing that the people of B&H need to realize that B&H will not become an EU member if all decisions of ECHR are not implemented.


Covic on ECHR’s judgment in Kovacevic case (Hayat)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic commented on the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Kovacevic case. He said many such judgments were unimplementable in B&H due to complexity of the situation in the country, and he is of belief that this judgment will have the same fate. Hayat reminds that Covic advocates to the principle of ‘legitimate representation’ of the constituent peoples in B&H. “Legitimacy of the Croat people, as well as of the other peoples, will be more emphasized in our requests regarding changes to the Constitution, all laws including the Election Law, in places where collective rights are protected, (…), the Croat people will choose their legitimate representatives. This B&H can be organized in various ways; those that call for a civic state, or see space for such a thing through some judgment, we clearly say to them – as long as we have in the Constitution the Croat member of the (B&H) Presidency, as long as we have in the Constitution a Croat Caucus in the House of Peoples, on entity and the level of B&H, that will very clearly speak of the need for constitutional equality of Croat people with other two peoples, and the legitimate representation of that people,” Covic told reporters.


Escobar arrives to Sarajevo, meets Helez, Ambassador Murphy (Avaz/Oslobodjenje)


US Deputy Assistant Secretary and US Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar arrived in Sarajevo. US Ambassador Michael Murphy wrote on the US Embassy to B&H’s twitter: “Deputy Assistant Secretary Escobar and I had a great meeting today with B&H Minister of Defense Zukan Helez, at which we discussed the United States’ commitment to the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multi-ethnic character of BiH, our steadfast support of the Armed Forces of B&H, and the need to advance concrete defense reforms”. Helez thanked guest for the visit, expressing gratitude to the US, as proven friend and strategic partner of B&H. “We exceptionally appreciate strong and continued presence of the ZS in our entire region, as well as dedication to stability and prosperity,” said Helez. Minister informed the guests about the activities in defense sector, appointing of General Corps, modernization of military personnel and process of solving of surplus of non-prospective movable and immovable military property. Collocutors exchanges stances on war in Ukraine and its consequences. They discussed important issues, which are of joint interests for both countries and which concern bilateral- defensive cooperation, Euro-Atlantic path of B&H, participation of B&H Armed Forces in international activities.


Milatovic: Winning energy is quite dispersed; I believe in democratic capacities of PES (Vijesti)


The energy that existed after the great victory in the presidential election, when the citizens clearly said which way they wanted Montenegro to go, has pretty much dispersed, said President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic, answering journalists’ questions about whether he feared that we might get a politically unstable future government. “In that sense, the greatest responsibility lies with those who have led the process so far”, said Milatovic in Kolasin, where he attended the Kolasin Day celebration, Vijesti reports. Milatovic urged PM-designate Milojko Spajic and everyone participating in the consultations on the formation of the government “to make the process more transparent and in accordance with the electoral will”. He recalled that, after the presidential election, he did not participate in the campaign for the parliamentary elections, nor did he decide on the PES national candidates list. Milatovic emphasized he showed “principledness and a new level of political culture”. This, he explained, was the reason why he did not attend the session of the PES executive committee. He pointed out that “as citizens can see, the consultation process on the formation of the government has been insufficiently transparent, and, on several occasions, insufficiently inclusive”. “We heard worrying messages that someone from the outside is interfering in that process, which is against democratic practice and the Constitution of Montenegro. I want to believe that this information is not correct, because if it were correct, it would not be good for Montenegro’s independence. I urge PM-designate and other political entities participating in the negotiations to make the negotiation process more transparent and inclusive for the benefit of the citizens who elected them, so that the outcome would be more stable. What I see from the media is that the situation is quite worrying”, he said. Answering the question of whether there is a split in PES, Milatovic said he believed in the democratic capacity of that political entity, as well as the entire public.


Abazovic: Govt. isn’t formed by those negotiating, but by other power centers; Nothing can destabilize Montenegro (Pobjeda)


Caretaker PM Dritan Abazovic said that his expectations were that Montenegro would get a government even earlier, but that things got complicated. However, he emphasized that he did not lose hope that it would happen. Asked if he was surprised by the latest events in the government negotiations, he said he was not. “I’m not surprised, believe me. I will not tell my predictions, I am very sure of what I am saying, so far time has shown that I was right about everything and I will be right about this”, Abazovic told reporters at the Bled Forum, Pobjeda reports. According to him, the government of Montenegro is not made up of those who negotiate, but other power centers whose aim is to prevent an active fight against organized crime and corruption. He did not want to answer who he was referring to, but said that he let them work and bring the process to an end. Answering the question of how much all that could destabilize Montenegro in the next few months, Abazovic said that nothing could destabilize Montenegro.


Kovachevski: EU membership by 2030 is achievable, Union to find strength to put enlargement in priority position (MIA)


Membership in the EU by 2030 is achievable. We have to do our best in terms of reforms, and the EU has to find the strength to put enlargement in a priority position, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski at the Leaders’ Panel held as part of the Bled Strategic Forum in Slovenia. “North Macedonia has shown that it can make tough and brave decision and after every each and one of them we have come out as a stronger country and that’s why we are at this moment I would say out of all the candidate countries, the best, by many aspects. In terms of the Acquis implementation, micro-financial stability, [which has been] proved by EU reports and instruments. And that's why I'm saying the 2030 goal is achievable,” said Kovachevski. The PM noted that the country became an EU candidate member even before the 2003 Thessaloniki process. “At that time we were not even North Macedonia, we were Macedonia, Montenegro was not independent and Kosovo was not independent, so that’s how long the process took. And when you say 50 percent are pro-EU, then I would say this is great optimism after 20 years. You mentioned the frustration, yes there is a great deal of frustration. There is other public opinion research which says that 80 percent of the citizens are for Euro integration and pro-European, but at the same time 80 percent of the citizens are against blockades which are coming one after another. These blockades are coming from member countries in waves, which are used mainly for their domestic politics, and not the international scene,” said the Prime Minister. EU membership, he said, is the only alternative for the Western Balkan countries because their economies are connected. “Our people live and work in the EU when they live abroad. I had a chance to see my Macedonians who work and live in Koper, but also I noticed that when you're going on the riviera it's like you are in Bosnia and Herzegovina because all the waiters are coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Why? For higher salaries… And I saw a few Macedonian students who work in the cafés, and you know what they told me, please do everything to put our country in the EU, we want to go back home and work in an EU country but at home, not here in Slovenia,” said Kovachevski.


Kovachevski – Plenkovic: European integration - best mechanism for country’s progress (MIA)


The current developments related to the country’s Euro-integration process were in the focus of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski’s meeting Monday with his Croatian counterpart Andrej Plenkovic in Bled, on the sidelines of the Bled Strategic Forum. According to a government press release, at the meeting, which was also attended by the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs Bojan Marichikj, it was assessed that the European integration is the best mechanism for the country’s progress, enabling a stable economy, higher living standard and more investments. Kovachevski and Plenkovic exchanged opinions over the EU enlargement process with the Western Balkan countries, which, apart from economic benefits, will provide stability and security to the Balkans. At the meeting, it was confirmed that North Macedonia will continue to receive institutional assistance from Croatia in the preparation process for EU accession talks.


Osmani: Constitutional amendments process will end successfully (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani said Monday he is convinced that the constitutional amendments process will end successfully in the coming weeks or months. “The process has already begun, as you can see the entire world, both the United States and the EU, have welcomed the decision to begin the process. I am convinced that this process will end successfully in the coming weeks and months,” Osmani told MIA during his participation in the Bled Strategic Forum. The Foreign Minister said the Forum is one more platform to be used to send a message that more meaningful steps forward should be made for the Western Balkans’ integration into the EU by 2030. “This is yet another platform where we, and the Western Balkan countries, can meet with the European Union to send the message that more meaningful steps forward must be made in the process in this new geopolitical context in which Europe finds itself, and that this decade must be the decade of the Western Balkans. I think these are the messages of both sides, that the Western Balkans should be a part of the EU by 2030,” said Osmani. In Bled, the Foreign Minister met with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea, Park Jin, and he said he expects greater cooperation in the coming period, especially concerning the economy and investments. “We established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea in 2018, we are still building trust and bilateral relations. This was the first meeting with the Minister and we agreed to continue political consultations and bilateral meetings in Seoul and in Skopje, so we can expand the contractual framework as the basis for larger investments and economic cooperation. We expect big companies from the Republic of Korea to come to Skopje in order to see the investment opportunities,” said Osmani.


Rama at the Bled Forum talks on the financial support and access of the Western Balkans to the common market (Radio Tirana)


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama yesterday underlined the necessity of the consistent support of the EU to the Western Balkans, not only from a financial point of view but also from the point of view of access of these countries to the common market. In the speech held at the leaders' panel at the Bled Strategic Forum, Prime Minister Edi Rama said that he is "tragically very optimistic" about the future of the Western Balkans. At the beginning of his speech, Prime Minister Rama thanked his Slovenian counterpart Robert Golob and the President of the European Council Charles Michel for their hospitality at this forum. "I want to thank Robert and Charles not because I know how to be a good diplomat, because I am not, but because we had a very warm hospitality, very open, I would say with heart-to-heart conversations last evening. And I am very happy a leader, a politician speaks equally at a dinner party and at a forum. Thank you Charles at the end because this was fantastic," said Rama. Albanian Prime Minister emphasized that it would be very good if some progressive steps were taken in the direction of the new financing plan for the Western Balkans. "It is the moment to say that if what Charles said today would materialize, in terms of some progressive steps, not because I believe that in 2030 we will be in the EU to be honest, but at least in some of the steps [towards it], that would be great. Because as we are talking about the convergence with the EU, everyone should understand that the gap in the per capita contributions of the EU towards this region and the Western Balkans is something like 130 or so euros for the 6 of us [Western Balkans countries] here and more than 4 thousand euros for two of us here and others," said Rama. The Prime Minister emphasized that this must be understood and solved with some concrete steps. "This must be understood and must be resolved with some concrete steps, considering that this should not be nothing or all, from the moment that all these countries enter the path to the EU until the moment they become members, it must be exactly these things in the middle of the process. Not only principles, values ​​and lessons learned that are absolutely necessary, not just reforms and criticisms that are absolutely necessary, but also the most consistent support. I'm not speaking not only from the financial point of view, but also from the point of view of access of our countries to the common market and of bigger space for our companies too," said Rama. "Everyone should keep in mind that what has been happening for all these years in these countries. On the one hand, through the Berlin Process, we talked about connectivity and infrastructure and about projects and how to finance them. On the other hand guess who is building the infrastructure, the Americans, the Chinese, the Arabs, who I know [they] do not have the Acquis to comply with when they come, but that should be taken into account," he added. The Bled Strategic Forum is a comprehensive global platform for generating ideas and exchanging views on contemporary society and its future, offering strategic insights and solutions to the most pressing issues of the present and the future, which are promoted through events various, discussions, round tables, projects, analyzes and publications. The international conference of the Bled Strategic Forum is the main conference in Central and South-Eastern Europe, which this year has as its theme "Solidarity for Global Security". Prime Minister Rama participated today in the Panel of Leaders, together with the Prime Minister of Kosova, the Prime Minister of Montenegro, the Prime Minister of Serbia, the Prime Minister of Bulgaria, the Prime Minister of North Macedonia, the President of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Prime Minister of Croatia.