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Belgrade Media Report 4 September



Vucic: Kurti intends to arrest all Serbs capable of defending north Kosovo (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday Pristina's PM Albin Kurti intended to arrest all Serbs capable of defending the north of Kosovo and Metohija but that things would not go according to his plan. "Kurti's intention is to arrest all those who he thinks are physically and intellectually capable of defending the north so that he can either expel people or occupy the north of Kosovo," Vucic told reporters after a tour of the construction site of a soon-to-be-finished water park at Palic, near Subotica, northern Serbia. He added that more arrests of Kosovo Serbs would follow. "A difficult period is ahead of us, but that will not go quite according to his plan," Vucic said


Brnabic: EU, US worried over Kosovo (TV Pink)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Saturday that it was "completely clear" to the EU and US that Kosovo Premier Albin Kurti was not honoring any agreements and that the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija were in "an extremely difficult position." "Even the German envoy for the Western Balkans and the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue Manuel Sarrazin said in July that the Serb people were suffering dearly in Kosovo and Metohija," Brnabic told TV Pink. She said the number of people from the EU and US concerned "over what will happen in the coming period" had increased noticeably. "I think they are fully aware that Albin Kurti will not only continue his provocations, but will raise them to a new level because his time is slowly running out. It is clear to everyone that he hasn't done anything and that nothing has come of the Brussels agreement, he never mentions it," she said. Asked about the Bled Strategic Forum, where she took part in a panel which included Kurti, Brnabic said it was "a horrible feeling to be sitting with someone who mistreats your people and doesn't honor any agreements", recalling that six Serbs had been killed in Kosovo and Metohija since the start of the year.


Serbia officially friend of ASEAN, Dacic signed treaty in Jakarta (RTS)


Serbia signed the Treaty on Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia during the 43rd ASEAN Summit in Jakarta. Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that for Serbia this is an exceptional event for improving cooperation with friendly countries in Southeast Asia. Before the signing, Dacic said that it was a great honor for him to sign the instrument on friendship and cooperation on behalf of the government of Serbia. “For my country, this is an exceptional event for improving cooperation with friendly countries in Southeast Asia. Thank you for your help in bringing Serbia’s accession process to the desired goal. Serbia, as you know, is the heir of the former Yugoslavia. We are proud of decades of friendship and strong ties with the countries of Southeast Asia dating back to the fifties of the last century, from the founding period of the Non-Aligned Movement,” Dacic pointed out. “We share extremely friendly feelings towards Indonesia and other ASEAN members. The principles we have adhered to all these years are also the principles of ASEAN. Mutual respect for independence, sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity, national identity, non-interference in the internal relations of other countries, settling disputes by peaceful means. That is why I am signing the Instrument on Friendship and Cooperation in Southeast Asia with great pleasure today,” said Dacic. Regarding the war in Ukraine, ASEAN members have a similar attitude as Serbia - they condemn the aggression, but do not impose sanctions on Russia. Six out of ten member states do not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo. Apart from Serbia, Kuwait and Panama signed the instrument of accession today.


Armed to the teeth, they stormed Gazivode for "inspection" purposes (Mitropol Media/Tanjug/B92)


At Lake Gazivode, representatives of the so-called Kosovo's Fishermen's Association, accompanied by armed KPS members, suddenly "carried out a control action". This was published by the Albanian portal Mitropol Media. "After 24 years, for the first time, the Kosovo Fishermen's Association is conducting control on Lake Gazivode," Mitropol Media announced on Facebook yesterday. As can be seen in the photos published by the Albanian media on Facebook, there were several members of the alliance in the boat, as well as two policemen. One of the photos shows that one of the members of the Kosovo police, who are riding in a boat on the lake, is armed with a rifle. Members of the Kosovo Police "patrolled" the streets of North Mitrovica armed with long barrels a few nights ago, for no reason.


Lajcak says he expressed concern about north of Kosovo in conversations with Vucic and Kurti (Tanjug/NSPM)


The EU special envoy for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak pointed out on Sunday that during talks with both sides during the past week, he expressed his concern about the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Summing up the past working week in a post on Facebook, he said that before the high-level meeting in Brussels on September 14, he told both sides that all agreements from the dialogue remain valid and binding, and that they should be fully implemented without any conditions or delays. Lajcak stated that he met with the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti at the Bled Strategic Forum, and that he then travelled to Belgrade, where he spoke with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. Lajcak noted that with Kurti he discussed preparations for the next high-level meeting within the dialogue with a focus on normalization of relations and the implementation of the EU statement from 3 June. He added that he had a detailed discussion with Vucic about the efforts to reduce tensions and hold new local elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, as well as about the implementation of all agreements reached within the dialogue. "Our discussions will continue and we are getting ready for the leaders meeting in Brussels on September 14 for another round of talks on the highest level," Lajcak wrote. He recalled that he started his week at the Europa Forum Alpbach, "where I discussed with experts, colleagues, friends, and above all young people the need for Europe to be 'bold'". Speaking about the Bled Strategic Forum, Lajcak reminded that the traditional panel about the Western Balkans focused on the question of whether the EU is ready for enlargement. "I stressed that the EU is ready for the Western Balkans, but that the region needs to do its part," wrote Lajcak.


KFOR: Military exercise near Visoki Decani and Krusevo monasteries (Kosovo Online/Tanjug)


The KFOR mission in Kosovo will conduct a routine military exercise near the Visoki Decani and Krusevo monasteries from 5 to 7 September. The training activity will be conducted by the Regional Command-Multinational Contingent West and will be focused on operational readiness procedures and unit training, KFOR announced. "Training activities will include both day and night movements on the ground. There will also be convoys of military vehicles consisting of heavy engineering equipment that will move on both primary and secondary roads within the area," a statement said, reports Kosovo Online. KFOR conducts routine rehearsal and training exercises "to provide a timely and safe response whenever necessary," stating that it strives to ensure minimal impact on the civilian population at all times and seeks cooperation from the local community during the activities. "KFOR continues to carry out its mandate in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1244 of 1999, to provide a safe and secure environment for all communities," the statement added.


Janjic: Vucic has no strategy for Kosovo (Beta)


Director of the Forum for Ethnic Relations Dusan Janjic said on Friday that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had no strategy for Kosovo, and that his only goals were “to buy time,” and protect the influence of the Serb Ticket party. Janjic said to Beta that he did not expect any tangible agreement to be reached during the next meeting between Vucic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti, scheduled to take place in Brussels, on 14 September. “Both Vucic and Kurti are buying time. Everyone insists on de-escalation, but essentially everything boils down to two issues – when new local elections will take place, and when the Kosovo police will withdraw from the north of Kosovo. Both politicians are far from solutions to those two issues,” Janjic said, adding that the return of Serbs to all institutions in Kosovo was not being discussed. According to him the security crisis has overshadowed political solutions. “And that is what makes the Quint and the international community very nervous. Belgrade has failed to make any suggestion as to when and under what terms the Serbs might return to Kosovo’s institutions. Vucic and Kurti are playing on the verge of security risks,” he said.


Serbia Against Violence protest held in Belgrade (Beta)


Another Serbia against Violence protest took place in Belgrade on Saturday with moderator Smiljan Banjac saying in front of the Ministry of Education that "all of society needs to stand" by inspectors Slobodan Milenkovic and Dusan Mitic, who he said "did their jobs honorably". Banjac read a press release from the Tomanovic law office which included a statement by inspector Milenkovic that his life was threatened after being fired from his post in the Belgrade police narcotics department on orders of Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic, and called on the protesters for their "unreserved support" when he testified in the Jovanjica case before the Special Court on 6 September. The protesters left stickers reading, "Next year in prison" depicting Aleksandar Vucic, Ana Brnabic, Zeljko Mitrovic, Dragan Vucicevic and Aleksandar Sapic in striped suits near the entrance to the building of the education and justice ministries. While speakers spoke, protesters occassionally chanted, "Resignations, then prison." The protest concluded with a reading of demands. Citizens' protests in Belgrade, and later throughout the country were sparked after two mass shootings -- at the Vladislav Ribnikar elementary school in Belgrade on 3 May and in villages near Smederevo and Mladenovac. The demands voiced at the protests, which are being technical organized by part of the pro-European opposition, include revoking national coverage for the TV Pink and Happy stations and shutting down tabloids that promote hate speech and violence. The protesters also want the dismissal of Serbian Interior Minister Bratislav Gasic, Security and Information Agency director Aleksandar Vulin, and the managements of RTS and the Council of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media.




Dodik: I am proud of those who decided to defend institution of RS President (RTRS)


RTRS noted that more than 12,000 people took part in gatherings held at four locations near inter-entity line on Friday in order to express in peaceful manner discontent with work of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) judiciary, as well as to clearly say they will not allow devastation of Republika Srpska (RS) and its institutions. RS President Milorad Dodik stressed that this is evidence there is will to defend “Republic.” Dodik added he is proud of people who decided to defend institution of the RS President. He went on to saying that abovementioned gatherings conveyed strong message that borders exist. “Not only territorial border – border between us and them, but also border of patience, tolerance, border of inability to accept some stances. All of it talks about atmosphere that is completely irrational here”, stressed RS President Dodik. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic attended gathering held in Doboj and underlined that the RS will resume with fight to defend its constitutional rights in all available democratic ways. She added that people gathered, because they know that it is necessary to defend the RS institutions. “This is general rehearsal for what can follow if they resume to harass us. They harass us when they do not allow the RS parliament to perform its duty and the RS President to perform his duty”, said Cvijanovic.  The RS President and Acting Director of the RS Official Gazette are legally persecuted only because they have been doing their jobs in line with the Constitution, stressed RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. He emphasized that what Christian Schmidt has been doing by imposing his decisions does not only represent attack on the RS, but also attack on B&H.  “We are defending the RS institutions here. You cannot ignore one third of B&H and it is Serb people, you cannot ignore 49 percent of territory of B&H”, explained the RS Prime Minister. Spokesperson for SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that through peaceful gathering the RS and Serb people once again demonstrated they are democratic and civilized society, unlike capital of other entity where even 30 Serbs were not allowed to express discontent. “We say that border exists, and we will never allow anyone to put the RS on trial and to persecute it”, said Kovacevic.


Trivic: There is border between those who truly care about RS and those who love it because they get millions out of it (BN TV)


Leader of the People’s Front Jelena Trivic said Saturday that “there is a border between those who Friday went to defend the figure and work of the leader and those who think about the consequences for the society of the long-term rule of the leader and his elite.” “Yes, there is a border. Between those who have been deprived of rights, those who have moved around the world, those who are not in the government system and those privileged, who have everything and who love RS to the last BAM. There is a border between those who truly care about the RS and those who love it because they get millions out of it. The border exists between those who know and deeply believe that the RS is its people, that its only and real power is in the people, and who know that it can only disappear if there are no people, and those who think that the RS is its leader, his elite and party, that it will not exist if some leader is not there… There is a border between those who see politics as serving the people and those who see it as serving the leader and the party,” Trivic was quoted as saying.


SDA criticizes gatherings at IEBL, reminds of EUFOR’s obligations in cases of violation of DPA (FTV)


Session of Main Board of SDA was held on Friday. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic harshly condemned policies of RS President Milorad Dodik. Izetbegovic claims that it seems rule of law is not applied to Dodik. He added that everyone should be equal before law, and obviously it is not case with Dodik. Leader of SDA emphasized that “today we have problem” with gathering at the IEBL, adding that he hopes interruption of traffic will not occur, because it would be anti-Dayton activity and EUFOR would need to react. He added that this would also represent violation of the Criminal Code of B&H. Izetbegovic deems that it is high time to strengthen B&H judiciary. SDA representatives recalled the obligation of EUFOR and the preservation of the Dayton Peace Agreement. “I do not think one should add fuel to the fire. I think the institutions should do their job, from domestic to international ones. Traffic must not be interrupted, it is an anti-Dayton activity, it is an illegal activity,” Izetbegovic underlined. However, Izetbegovic had a different opinion about breaking the law and Friday’s gathering without permission in front of the King Fahd Mosque in Sarajevo. “Why not. If one side can gather, why would not the other side express itself, which is factually against such gatherings, and especially against the interruption of traffic,” Izetbegovic said. The SDA commented on this issue and condemned such organization of protests. SDA stated that such protests worsen the security situation, that they are creating inter-ethnic tensions, and on this occasion, SDA called on EUFOR to respond and stop this type of protest. In the meantime, reaction arrived from EUFOR, and they said that they were not contacted by the B&H authorities.


HR Schmidt: There is no border between FB&H and RS, line is strictly administrative; EUFOR says no authorities contacted them regarding deploying additional personnel (BHT1)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt warned prior to the Friday’s protests that it is not good to organize protests on the inter-entity boundary line. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) reacted and warned that there are no borders, and that the line between RS and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) is exclusively an administrative line. Schmidt strongly criticized and called the rally in support of RS President Milorad Dodik irresponsible. “Freedom of movement between the two entities must be ensured at all times. All attempts to present the inter-entity boundary line as the dividing line of B&H represent a cheap manipulation of the citizens,” Schmidt pointed out. EUFOR, whose reaction the politicians from FB&H were looking for, said that it has received no requests from the authorities of B&H regarding this matter and has not deployed any additional personnel. “As per the press advisory on August 30, any temporary increase of EUFOR personnel is as a result of the annual and routine exercise EUFOR Quick Response 23,” EUFOR said in a statement.


Dodik: Schmidt’s task is to declass the RS; I am proud of everyone who showed support to me (O Kanal)


RS President Milorad Dodik stated on Sunday that the task of High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt is to declass the RS. Dodik also stated that statements of Schmidt that borders among the entities do not exist are untrue. According to Dodik, the RS will not succumb under pressures. Dodik said that Schmidt’s imposing of laws represents an attack on the RS, and he warned that imposing of a law sanctioning disrespect for his decisions is just a preparation for future imposing. Dodik stated: “How can they in Sarajevo accept that this is O.K.? This is terrible. And you want us to live with you, how can we live with you, man? Are you normal? No. This is a basic thing. I want the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) – the way it is and no matter how hard it is – to be the only one that adopts laws, no matter what law, sometimes under pressure of these or those. However, someone coming to you and writing a law and says, here is the law, and if you do not respect me, my deeds and wrongdoing, then you go to prison. This is something that is totally unacceptable. I cannot believe that we...This returns us 500 years backwards.” Dodik criticized the opposition for openly talking about everything except whether or not it is wrong to have a foreigner come to B&H and impose laws. Dodik stressed that he is proud of everyone who showed support to him and all RS citizens who showed will and power to defend the RS at the gathering. Dodik stated that he is also proud of his international friend who cannot comprehend how a foreigner can come to B&H and impose laws and the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H act in line with those laws. Dodik accused Schmidt of coming to B&H with a job to do, namely to push the RS to the point where it will become meaningless, to take away the RS’ property and to imprison him as the RS President. Dodik noted that Schmidt must be acting upon fascistic tendencies of his backers there is no other explanation as to why Schmidt came to B&H and why is he speaking about certain topics. The RS President explained that according to Annex 2 of the DPA there is border line of demarcation. “Even if it was only demarcation line. Demarcation is key thing here. Someone considered it is completely normal to make demarcation”, explained Dodik. Dodik went on to saying that now some “maces” as Schmidt are attempting to unite it at cost of destroying everything that belongs to one people.

RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic also said that the borders between the two entities are clearly defined by the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and that competences of each of the entities are well-known. He stressed that the issue of borders should not be insisted on but there should be mutual respect based on agreements, adding that “those who insist on borders will get the borders”.


Niksic: Citizens will soon feel benefits of adopted reform laws (FTV)


Ahead of protests held on Friday in RS, FB&H Prime Minister Nermin Niksic issued statement. Among other things, Niksic conveyed message to citizens that they should be fighting for their rights and not rights of politicians. He reminded that B&H started moving forward after years of stagnation, adding that very soon citizens will feel benefits of adopted reform laws. FB&H Prime Minister emphasized that positive changes cannot be jeopardized due to populism and protection of few politicians. He added that there cannot be negotiations on security of state, its institutions and safety of citizens. Niksic stressed that competent institutions will be prepared to prevent anyone attempting to jeopardize freedoms and rights of others. He called on citizens to freely and publicly present their stance towards authorities, to organize gatherings where they will be looking for their rights, but also to think whether it is smart to take part in protests to defend rights of politicians. “You ask us to combat corruption and fight for equality for everyone and then you attend protests to protect politicians from judiciary”, concluded Niksic.


Borrell underlines importance of preparations for new enlargement (Dnevni avaz)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell on Friday underlined importance of preparations for new EU enlargement, which would include accession of 10 countries. Borrell called on for swift negotiation on the timeframe for their accession in order to accelerate their preparations for the membership and Borrell noted that the list of potential new members should include countries of the Western Balkans and Ukraine. According to daily’s unnamed sources, the European Union officials already are considering the possibility to allow accession of Western Balkans’ countries and Ukraine. This process, daily reads, would be preceded by set of major reforms and all countries would be demanded to implement these reforms. Article reads that in this regard, just as B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs, Elmedin Konakovic announced, the negotiations between EU and B&H should start soon after B&H Parliament adopted set of five reform, pro-European laws. The daily reminds that last country that was granted EU membership was Croatia and since then the interest of EU member states toward enlargement, decreased, most notably when it comes to France and The Netherlands. This fatigue, daily reads, resulted in reducing of enthusiasm, as well as strengthening of influence of other countries in the Western Balkans, but the alarm sounded in Brussels after the aggression of Ukraine, making European centers of power aware of the fact that leaving of the candidates and potential candidates in front of the EU doors, could mean the loss of European influence. Daily noted that in the light of recent events, especially when it comes to issue of Ukraine, Borrell himself stated that this conflict accelerated enlargement process and he called on EU member states to work together to define clear political goals in order to additionally accelerate enlargement process. Addressing the informal meeting of EU foreign ministers in Toledo, Borrell stated: “In these conditions, defining of certain horizon, certain timeframe will enable EU member states and membership candidates to direct their efforts.” Daily concluded that this statement is a turning point, because this is the first time that such high EU official directly proposes defining of concrete timeframe for accession of new members and it puts great responsibility on B&H officials and entire Western Balkans to use this unique and historic chance.


Plenkovic: Croatia will continue to advocate the legitimate political representation (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list daily reads that Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has announced that Croatia will continue to advocate the legitimate political representation. By doing so, adds the daily, he has sent a diplomatic message two days after Croatian President Zoran Milanovic called new the judgment (of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the ‘Kovacevic’ case) ‘insane’. Plenkovic said that ‘we’ took note of the judgment “but at the same time we repeat very clearly that we will advocate the legitimate political representation and equality of constituent peoples and everyone else who live in B&H”. “We are against the policy and practice of imposition of representatives to Croats into top bodies. It is getting repeated by election of members of the Presidency, and it happened four times in the last 16 years”, said Plenkovic, adding that it does not create trust among peoples in B&H. “And especially having in mind that we are a country that strongly advocates the new phase of institutional relation between B&H and the EU, opening of the negotiations that is. I talked about it with Chairwoman of the Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo in Bled”, stressed Plenkovic, who also called on all political stakeholders to continue working on changing the Election Law of B&H.


Ambassador Murphy and Congressman Turner with HR Schmidt: USA supports HR Schmidt and his use of Bonn Powers (Vecernji list)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy and US Congressman Mike Turner met High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt (on Friday). According to a statement issued by the US Embassy to B&H on X (former Twitter), “Ambassador Murphy and Congressman Turner met with High Representative Schmidt to talk about the escalating attacks on the Dayton Peace Agreement and B&H’s constitutional order. We underlined the United States’ full support for the High Representative and his use of Bonn Powers”. According to the daily, in the context of the US’ support, one has to remind of this week’s visit to B&H by Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar, which came during the period of new political turmoil that threatens to jeopardize the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H. Meanwhile, US Ambassador Murphy and US Congressman Turner met with Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic (on Friday). “Congressman Turner and I met with two members of the B&H Presidency to discuss the urgency of keeping B&H on its Euro-Atlantic path and underscore the United States’ enduring support to the territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multi-ethnic character of B&H”, Ambassador Murphy wrote on X.


Marovic: No govt that would lead Montenegro to EU in sight (MINA)


In the context of enlargement, the EU has no clear vision for the Western Balkans, assesses the former European affairs minister Jovana Marovic, noting that the previous approach didn’t motivate candidate countries to accelerate reforms. In a statement for the MINA news agency, she says that she considers the message of the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, that 2030 should be the year when the EU should be ready for new member states, as a need to define the certain dynamics for enlargement. Marovic also recalls that Montenegro needs to meet certain criteria in order to increase its chances for EU membership. “As long as we’re far from meeting these criteria, we can’t blame anyone, unless ourselves, for the way the EU treats us.”


Former head of BIA and career diplomat Nebojsa Rodic to be new ambassador of Serbia to Montenegro (Vijesti)


Former director of the Serbian Security Information Agency (BIA), and career diplomat, Nebojsa Rodic, will be new ambassador of Serbia to Montenegro. Vijesti announced this news, whereas the diplomatic services of Serbia and Montenegro haven’t conformed it yet. Rodic is to replace Vladimir Bozovic, who was declared persona non grata in November 2020 and later on, in July this year, stripped of the status of ambassador of Serbia to Montenegro. Rodic was born in 1953, in Sabac. He’s the former defense minister of the Republic of Serbia, in the government run by Ivica Dacic and current Serbia’s ambassador in Vienna. From 2014 to 2018, he performed affairs of the Serbian ambassador to Azerbaijan.


Opposition should conceive its policy towards country’s EU integration, says PM (MIA)


Currently we face a blockade of the country from inside. If we had blockades from outside previously, this is the first time that we have a blockade from inside. Our opposition must not remain a coalition of isolationism as was the case until now and I think we have enough time ahead of us for them to change their opinion, and, for the first time in the country’s history, to support a decision for North Macedonia’s integration, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski. Considering the weight of the issue, according to Kovachevski, the debate will last as long as it is necessary to adopt a decision which would mean North Macedonia’s progress in the European integrations. “If this was an easy decision, then we probably would dedicate less time to it. However, when it comes to a strategic decision that will have a generational impact on the state, then everyone should think hard, have good discussions and then, in the end, adopt the right decision,” said Kovachevski, in answer to a journalist’s question. “That’s why,” stressed Kovachevski, “they should think hard about their policy, and conceive it in the direction of the country’s EU integration, and not towards isolation as we saw for 11 years.”


Marichikj: Opposition should reconsider and support Euro-integrations process, we must move forward quickly (TV21)


The opposition has to stop looking for excuses to wait longer, we need to move forward quickly and become a member of the European Union by 2030, Deputy Prime Minister in charge of European affairs Bojan Marichikj said in an interview with TV21 on Friday. "The opposition has to stop looking for excuses to wait longer for us to receive a better proposal or for Bulgaria to do something they have not done in 20 years. We should not be bound by the decisions of others. We do not need that. We need to move forward as fast as possible, in 2030 we want to be standing next to the other countries who will join the EU," Marichikj said. According to the Deputy PM "the opposition wants us to just wait” and doing that will empty the country of young people and destroy all hopes for EU. Marichikj noted that the country has so far gotten crushed by waiting and even became a NATO member 10 years later than expected and lost the chance to join the EU alongside Croatia. "Croatia has been an EU member for 10 years now, young people from our country now go there for work. We do not want to be crushed again. We are trying to explain to VMRO-DPMNE that their political positions have present and future consequences. We have learned enough these past 30 years to know what we should, and should not do," Marichikj stressed. The Deputy PM asked how they will manage to explain to young people that if North Macedonia fails to join the EU in 2030, and the rest of the countries do, it will be due to VMRO-DPMNE's political impulses not to include several communities into the preamble. "The opposition cannot become a party of isolation," he added. "We are currently facing an internal blockade. If by now we had external blockades that were not appropriate to our country, now we have one from within. No political party in the country can allow itself to be a party of isolationism, as opposed to a political party who wants to integrate the country, like the one I belong to. I believe that there is enough time for them to reconsider and for the first time in the history of the country support the decision for integration. I believe that they should think hard and support the European integration process," Marichikj explained.


Pendarovski: No one has said Western Balkans won’t join EU until the Union implements internal reforms (MIA)


Not a single official representative of the EU has said that the Western Balkans will not join the EU until the Union reforms itself internally, said President Stevo Pendarovski in answer to journalist’s questions Friday. “This is nothing new for those of us who have been following the Euro-integration processes for a longer time. Macron, at the beginning of his speech, specifically in the part where he talks about the EU’s internal reforms said: five years ago, I told you what I am telling you know. That’s his old idea for deepening, ahead of enlargement, or deepening with enlargement,” said Pendarovski. Pendarovski further stressed that the French President hasn’t made a single statement in which he says that the Western Balkans could not join the EU until the Union implements the reforms that he was talking about five years ago. “France was the sponsor of the European negotiating framework that we adopted last year. Ms. Boone confirmed that this was the case as well, and she is a minister for Europe in Macron’s Administration. The words of the President of the EU Council, Charles Michel, are a confirmation of this as well. If, because of domestic political reasons, you are looking for excuses about why you aren’t voting to continue Macedonia’s path to the EU, and you say you are ready to vote for Europe, but Macron doesn’t want us, then that is a separate issue. Let’s be accurate, realistic and fair towards our European friends, not a single European official has made a statement saying that the Western Balkans won’t be able to join, until the Union finishes its internal reforms,” said Pendarovski. Pendarovski said that without internal obstructions, like those by the opposition, it would be possible for EU enlargement to happen even before 2030, adding that the French Secretary of European Affairs has said this. “Every rational person knows the arguments in favor and against. It’s a completely clear dilemma. We have seven peoples and parts of peoples in the Constitution, would it be an issue to add six more parts of people to that same Constitution. How would that endanger Macedonia? Or, secondly, if you have political reasons to wait for the next elections, to win power, and only then to think about Europe, then that’s a different issue. This isn’t strategic thinking, this is narrow, partisan thinking which certainly clashes with Macedonia’s strategic interests,” said President Pendarovski.


Albanian Presidency of the Security Council/ Hoxha: Open debate on Ukraine to be led by Rama (Radio Tirana)


September is expected to be a month full of events in the Security Council of the United Nations, where Albania holds the next presidency. In a press conference, the Albanian ambassador to the UN, Ferit Hoxha, announced that an open debate on Ukraine will be held in the Council this month, which will be led by Prime Minister Edi Rama. "On 20 September, we will hold a meeting with a special focus on peace and security in Ukraine. We all know that since February 2022, the ongoing war in Ukraine has not only shaken the lives of the citizens of that country, but has had consequences not only in that country, Russia and the countries of the region, but also for food security, trade and sustainability in the world. The meeting will analyse the situation in Ukraine and the prospects of what can be done in the future. This meeting will be chaired by the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama," said Hoxha. Hoxha also said that he "could almost confirm" that the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, will participate in the debate, and this will be the first time that he will be present at the Security Council. According to Hoxha, another important debate will be the one on September 14. "In the September 14 debate on the advancement of public-private partnership, which will be led by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania, the creation of a humanitarian alliance of the private sector will also be announced, which will serve as a platform for major collaborations,” Hoxha said. Other meetings to be held in the Council during this month will be related to the Middle East, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, UN peacekeeping operations as well as missions in countries such as Sudan. The Council will also approve resolutions related to the investigation of crimes committed by ISIS in Iraq, or even the Mediterranean operation of the EU naval force.


Rama receives Joly (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister Edi Rama received the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Melanie Joly. Through a post on Facebook, Rama writes that it was "a pleasure to host the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Melanie Joly". The Canadian minister also held meetings with her counterpart Olta Xhacka, the Minister of Justice Ulsi Manja, as well as the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi. The Canadian foreign minister's office said the trip was part of a plan she announced in May that called for Global Affairs Canada to engage more with the United Nations. Albania is holding a temporary seat on the UN Security Council, which will be transferred to Slovenia next year. In a joint statement to the media, Xhacka said that the meeting discussed the deepening of bilateral relations and their further strengthening in areas of common interest. "The visit of the Canadian minister of Foreign Affairs is an expression of the will to intensively develop our cooperation,” Xhacka underscored. The minister underlined that in 35 years of diplomatic relations, relations between Albania and Canada have experienced continuous growth. Xhacka also stressed that the role and contribution of Canada in the international arena has increased significantly. "Minister Joly has made a first-hand contribution to the intensification of relations between the two countries," said Xhacka, while adding that the meeting discussed the possibilities to increase Canadian presence and investments in Albania. "I appreciated the importance of reactivating the Canadian Fund for Local Initiatives to support various programs," added the Albanian minister. Xhacka said that the Social Security Agreement between Albania and Canada was part of the discussions too. "Albania welcomes a greater and more intense involvement of Canadian businesses in the country’s economy," stated Xhacka, while hoping for a new page of the ever intensive Albanian-Canadian relations, based on common values. Xhacka also said that both ministers expressed their unwavering support for the sovereignty of Ukraine, while noting the need to strengthen bilateral coordination with the concurring countries and the NATO partners.Minister Joly affirmed Canada's support for Albania's EU integration. According to her, Albania deserves to be in the EU. "Your accession to the EU. We are friends with both Albania and the EU. Albania's future is in the EU and Albania is on the right path," she said.

Intensification of relations between the two countries, investment protection and double taxation were also the focus of the conversation between the two ministers. "Great pleasure and I am happy that I came to Albania. We had this opportunity, we worked together through this forum of women ministers. The work Olta [Xhacka] and Prime Minister Rama are already doing in the Security Council, an important month at the international level because it will be a high-level week, is also Albania's month, stated Joly. “Congratulations and good luck. The relationship between our two countries is strong and based on respect. We celebrated the 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations although our relations are supported by tens of thousands of Albanians who live in Canada. This visit is a great opportunity for increasing cooperation,” Canadian Foreign minister stated among others, during the joint statement with the Albanian minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs.