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Belgrade Media Report 19 September 2023



Vucic: I invited Scholz (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic attended the reception organized by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Germany's membership in the UN. He invited Scholz to visit Serbia in order to discuss in detail all issues of importance for the improvement of cooperation between the two countries. Vucic stated on Instagram that he had a cordial meeting with Chancellor Scholz. Vucic also announced on Instagram that in New York, at numerous meetings with leaders of the region and beyond, he exchanged opinions on the most important issues and possible solutions for some of the current pressing problems, and that the session of the United Nations General Assembly is an exceptional opportunity for the voice of the "Western Balkans to be heard louder and clearer". "With friends Katalin Novak, Rumen Radev, Natasa Pirc Musar, Jakov Milatovic and Leo Varadkar and other leaders of the region and beyond. We gathered in New York to exchange opinions on the most important issues of today and possible solutions for the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly on some of the burning issues," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Dacic at UN at opening of Summit on Sustainable Development Goals (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic attended, as a member of the delegation of Serbia, the opening of the Summit on Sustainable Development Goals. The summit was opened by United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and United Nations General Assembly President Dennis Francis, ahead of the opening of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. Dacic will be in New York this week, where, on the sidelines of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, he will participate and speak at events that will bring together numerous world leaders, with the aim of presenting Serbia's views on key issues of international importance. He will also participate in the preparatory ministerial meeting for the Summit on the Future, as well as the Summit on Climate Ambitions. On the sidelines of the general debate, a series of accompanying events and meetings of regional initiatives will be held, in which the participation of Dacic is also planned. The most important among them are the ministerial meetings of the Central European Initiative and the Cooperation Process in Southeast Europe. Participation in the general debate and a number of other accompanying gatherings at the UN will be an opportunity for the implementation of numerous bilateral meetings between the head of Serbian diplomacy and senior officials of the UN member states. They will be used to improve overall bilateral relations and promote our key foreign policy interests, especially in the context of the Kosovo and Metohija issue. Meetings with officials and representatives of the UN are planned as an opportunity to emphasize once again the importance that Serbia attaches to this world's largest international organization, especially when it comes to the protection of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.


Dacic holds bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of several countries (Tanjug)


During the first day on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic had bilateral meetings with the foreign ministers of Cyprus and Nepal, Armenia, Burkina Faso and the United Arab Emirates. During the meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus Constantinos Kombos, Dacic discussed the further improvement of bilateral relations between the two friendly countries. The head of Serbian diplomacy pointed out that the Republic of Serbia attaches special importance to the intensification and deepening of ties and cooperation with the Republic of Cyprus, which are based on firm friendship, mutual trust, the historically confirmed closeness and solidarity of our peoples. The Ministers reiterated their firm positions regarding support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cyprus, as well as mutual satisfaction with the level of cooperation achieved in multilateral forums, especially in terms of key foreign policy priorities of the two countries. The officials expressed the expectation that the political dialogue will further intensify in the coming period, through the exchange of bilateral visits at the highest and highest level. Kombos said that Cyprus supports Serbia's European path and that they are ready to provide technical and practical assistance in EU accession. During the conversation between the head of Serbian diplomacy and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nepal Narayan Prakash Saud, the ministers agreed that the bilateral relations of the two countries are characterized by traditionally good relations and cooperation based on UN principles, as well as long-standing friendly ties from the Non-Aligned Movement. Dacic expressed his gratitude to Nepal for its support on issues that are of the greatest importance for Serbia, above all on the principled position on non-recognition of the independence of "Kosovo". They agreed to organise bilateral visits soon and that the possibilities of improving cooperation in the fields of agriculture, economy and investments, as well as cooperation between chambers of commerce, will be considered. Also, Dacic had a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan, and the interlocutors discussed issues of bilateral relations. Both sides noted the importance of high-level mutual visits, the continuation of discussions on issues of common interest with the aim of strengthening political dialogue and developing mutually beneficial ties. Dacic and Mirzoyan also discussed issues of regional stability. The head of Serbian diplomacy met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso Olivia Ragnagevende Rouamba, on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. The officials emphasised that the two countries are bound by traditional friendship and expressed their readiness to work on improving cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The Ministers confirmed their interest in intensifying the political dialogue in the coming period, including through exchanges of high-level visits. They also agreed that there is significant room for improving cooperation in the fields of economy, industry, agriculture, education and culture, as well as for continuing cooperation on a multilateral level. Dacic also met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdul bin Zayed Al Nahyan on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly. The interlocutors agreed that the friendly and strategic ties between the two countries are developing very well, and expressed the hope that this positive momentum in relations will continue, especially through the exchange of visits at the highest and highest level. They also underlined that it is significant that the improvement of bilateral relations at the political level follows the trend of intensifying economic and investment cooperation, which will be given additional impetus by the start of negotiations on the conclusion of the Free Trade Agreement. The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the UAE expressed their satisfaction with the successful cooperation on the multilateral level, through the exchange of support in international organisations, and in this context the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the UAE congratulated Serbia on its selection as the host of the specialized exhibition EXPO 2027. Dacic, on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly in New York, also met with the foreign ministers of Hungary, Luxembourg, Palestine, Venezuela and Nicaragua. Earlier, the head of Serbian diplomacy attended a working breakfast with the heads of diplomacy of the countries of the Western Balkans, which was hosted by Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Antonio Tajani. In addition to Dacic, the working breakfast was attended by the heads of diplomacy of Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Croatia and Slovenia. At the end of the first day in New York, the head of Serbian diplomacy attended the receptions organized by the US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken and the head of German diplomacy Annalena Baerbock, which was a good opportunity for constructive discussions.


Milivojevic: If all elections take place the same day by year’s end, opposition has no chance (Beta)


Cvijetin Milivojevic, a political analyst, said on Monday that the only opportunity to come out of the political deadlock was to hold an early vote in Belgrade by the end of the year, and regular local, provincial and early parliamentary elections next spring. Milivojevic told Beta’s journalist that, if Belgrade’s and parliamentary polls were held the same day, by the end of the year, “the opposition stands no chance”, even in the Belgrade vote. Yet, if a local election was held in Belgrade only, “the opposition might be given an opportunity to capitalize on what it should have capitalized on last year.” Milivojevic said that, in every state in Europe, including the candidate countries in the neighborhood, local and parliamentary elections were held separately, but the authorities in Serbia preferred to hold them together to “kill as many birds as possible with one stone,” and the opposition, “knowingly or unknowingly, takes part in the conspiracy against its fellow citizens.” The Green-Left Front’s MP Radomir Lazovic told Beta that the opposition refused to play a guessing game regarding the election day, following Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s announcement that the new elections might be called by the end of the year, and held on 4 March 2024, explaining that the opposition had made a very clear request, that early polls in Belgrade and an early parliamentary vote should take place before the end of the year. The People’s Party whip Stefan Jovanovic said that Vucic responded to a fabricated request that the elections should take place on 4 March 2024, which no one had asked for, and that what his party believed was more important than the actual date was “what kind of a platform it can offer to the people, how to protect national interests and improve living standards”.


US Embassy denies inviting Vulin to public event (Nova)


The US Embassy in Serbia denied claims that it had invited security agency (BIA) chief Aleksandar Vulin to an anniversary ceremony of an operation to rescue downed allied fliers in World War 2. Opposition MP Djordje Miketic published a picture of Vulin at the 16 September ceremony on his X profile. Vulin had not been seen in public for several months before the event. “The anniversary of the Halyard Mission is an annual event that brings together Americans and Serbs to mark an unbelievable act of heroism at a time when our nations were allies in the fight to free the world form the fascist terror,” quoted the Embassy as saying. It added that US Ambassador Christopher Hill told the ceremony that everyone should draw inspiration from the Halyard Mission and oppose the forces of terror and aggression which brought the horrors of war back to the European continent. “That message of support to peace in Europe was heard by everyone present, including Vulin even if the Embassy did not invite him to attend,” the Embassy is reported to have said.


EU calls on Belgrade, Pristina to meet commitments and work to establish Community (Tanjug/Beta/RTS/RTV)


The EU on Tuesday called on Belgrade and Pristina to meet their commitments from an agreement on normalisation of relations and noted that work to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities needs to start "without any further delay or pre-condition". "The EU recalls the importance of swiftly holding early local elections in the north of Kosovo to help defuse the tensions. The quickest solution to enable the calling of the elections is necessary. We encourage Kosovo Serbs to fully engage in the electoral process and publicly state their unconditional participation," the Council of the EU said in a statement. It also expressed concern over a lack of progress at last week's Brussels meeting between the two parties. "Following the High-Level meeting of the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue on September 14 in Brussels, the EU expresses its concern over the lack of implementation by the Parties of their commitments under the Agreement on the Path to Normalisation and its Implementation Annex, which both Parties agreed to earlier this year, and which are binding on them and play a role in the European path of the Parties. The EU urges the Parties to engage constructively and in good faith. This means starting the implementation based on the EU Proposal without further delay, which also includes the obligation on both parties to fully implement all past Dialogue Agreements. The work to establish the Association/Community of Serb Majority Municipalities needs to start without any further delay or pre-condition." The statement said the EU remained "equally concerned over the lack of progress from both Parties in de-escalating the tensions in the north of Kosovo, several months after the latest flare up of violence which left citizens, KFOR troops, law enforcement and media representatives wounded, some with severe and permanent consequences". "Despite repeated calls by the EU and other international partners, the steps taken so far remain insufficient and the security situation in the north remains tense. In this context, moves by Kosovo – including on expropriations of land in the north of Kosovo, eviction orders, on telecommunication, and on the use of Special Police forces for community policing duties – are not in accordance with the Rule of Law and risk contributing to further increase of tensions. The continuous small-scale attacks by criminal groups and intimidation of newly recruited Kosovo Serb police cadets/the local population are unacceptable and must stop immediately. Serbia’s blocking of the Energy roadmap, as well as other attempts inconsistent with the Agreement on the path to Normalisation and its Annex, run counter to the spirit of the Dialogue process," it said. "The requests made in the Statement on behalf of the EU of 3 June remain fully valid. The reversible measures that the EU has taken remain in place, including the suspension of high-level meetings with Kosovo. The EU stands ready to lift these measures in case of progress in fulfilling the existing requests, or assess further measures towards both parties, if needed," it also said.


Szijjarto: Kosovo issue should be condition for Serbia’s EU membership (Kosovo Online/B92)


Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto stated that the Kosovo issue should not be a condition for Serbia's European integration. "We are keeping our fingers crossed for the success of the dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo and we believe that this situation can only be resolved through negotiations. However, we do not accept raising the issue of Kosovo as a condition for Serbia's European integration," said Szijjarto. According to Kosovo Online, he promised that during the Hungarian presidency of the EU, in the second half of 2024, there will be greater progress on Serbia's path to the EU. He stated that the EU is currently, unfortunately, in a very bad state. "We, the Hungarians, are in favor of strengthening the EU. To the question of how we can strengthen the Union, we offer an answer, and that is enlargement. The more we are able to expand, the stronger we will be," Szijjarto is confident. In this sense, he points out that Europe needs the Western Balkans to join as soon as possible. "The most important country in the Western Balkans is Serbia. It is in the interest of Europe that Serbia joins as soon as possible. We cannot accept the behavior of Brussels and some Western countries towards Serbia, because we truly believe that the EU needs Western Balkan more than the region needs EU," Szijjarto said. That is why he hopes that already this year, progress will be noted regarding the accession process of Serbia to the EU. "If that doesn't happen, then next year, during Hungary's presidency, we will take huge steps. I can promise you that," Szijjarto pointed out.




Schmidt: RS is not separate state, but entity in B&H; Schmidt said that he will hold on to his promise and defend DPA in every part of B&H (O Kanal/Oslobodjenje)


High Representative Christian Schmidt was a guest in a podcast broadcast by O Kanal, on which occasion Schmidt clearly stated that he will hold on to his promise that he will defend Dayton Peace Agreement in every part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Daily reads that despite the “ban” imposed by Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, Schmidt visited Banja Luka on Sunday and when asked by host, how was it, Schmidt first jokingly said it was cloudy. “I have heard that Dodik will allegedly lay-off Interior Minister, Sinisa Karan, because he is not able to establish where the High Representative is. I have to say that I moved on the streets, drove through the RS, greeted the people who stood on the side of the road. I have not encountered dozens of thousands of protesters that were announced. Maybe Minister Karan thought that people will be hired, who are asking for money to come to protest gathering,” said Schmidt. He further continued by saying that this man is obligated to handle his security. “In order to do this, he has to work honestly and fairly. I can guarantee that I am following what he is doing. God forbid, I do not wish to do anything to him, but he needs to do his job in democratic way. It is him who needs to handle my security. However, I have not felt that my security was endangered in Banja Luka. I have talked not only with Bishop (Franjo Komarica) who was very kind, but also with other people. However, if someone does not agree with some of my decision, we do not clash each other’s heads,” said Schmidt, noting that those who have issues with his decisions should come out and say that. Commenting the objections coming from the RS, questioning his diplomatic status Schmidt wonders what kind of show this is, like monkeys in the circus. “I am an accredited diplomat. Maybe some people in Banja Luka do not see that this way, but I do not care at all. European Union is very irritated,” said Schmidt, noting that such nonsense do not lead toward the EU. Schmidt said that it is necessary to talk about things and noted that Dodik is deceiving people, because the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres answered the question about appointment in July: “Has not Dodik read this answer? Or he does not like it? Will Guterres also not be protected when he comes here? You see on how slippery ground he is now,” said Schmidt and noted that he will continue to come to the RS and meet the people there if not politicians. “Politicians obviously lost the thread. They do not know how much support I receive from the RS, because people in the RS, like all others, want to follow reasonable path and not the circus show,” said Schmidt. Commenting requests to implement judgements of the European Court of Human Rights, Schmidt said that this is not his mandate, adding that these judgements have to be implemented and he cooperates on that. Asked if insults coming from Dodik are reaction to indictment because of failure to implement decisions of the High Representative, Schmidt said that this constitutes as anti-Dayton behaviour, adding that Dodik is obviously trying to attack two institutions that bother him, one being the OHR and the other, “even more important in the long-term” is Constitutional Court of B&H. Schmidt said that Dodik is trying to reorganize the B&H CC so it would reach decisions in a way that suit Dodik: “This is that poison for democratic future of B&H”. HR underlined that EU will not relent when it comes to conditions for accession and underlined that B&H CC decisions are implemented. Schmidt said that RS is an important region, but not crucial for the EU and they need to accept that they are part of B&H and accept European values. Commenting announcements of referendum on independence, Schmidt said that Dodik should not underestimate him: “This will not happen. It will cause energetic reaction. These ideas are in contradiction with Dayton, not acceptable. Not only that I will fight this, but the EU or the international community, or Americans or anyone will accept this.” Commenting the issue of state property, Schmidt said that decisions have to be reached in best interest of citizens and reminded that distribution of state property on the territory of former Yugoslavia was completed long time ago. Asked why everyone expect him to remove Dodik, Schmidt said that Dodik is not the only one whom people asked him to remove form the post. He noted that he is still trying to work with the people, but the moment things can no longer go on, he has a mandate to carry out all measures. However, he said that he is not Paddy Ashdown and that was a different time, but they have the same competencies.


Karan: Schmidt’s “incognito” visit to Banja Luka again confirms the stance of RS officials that Schmidt is not a diplomat at all, but an ordinary tourist, who wants to provoke incident (Srna)


RS Minister of Interior Sinisa Karan stated for Srna on Sunday that Christian Schmidt’s “incognito” visit to Banja Luka again confirms the stance of RS officials that he is not a diplomat at all, but an ordinary tourist. Karan added that Schmidt’s coming to Banja Luka without any official announcement to competent law enforcement institutions, at the moment when he was warned that there is a danger for his security and at the moment when many various events take place in Banja Luka, shows that he is wants to provoke an incident in which he would be some sort of victim. Karan also said: “In this way, we warn that every citizen, even a foreigner, no matter how he represents himself, is supposed to respect laws of this country and with his behaviour he is also responsible for the security situation. This move of Schmidt is not OK and we warn him to show a dose of responsibility towards all in the future and that he does not do this.” Karan added that close to the place that Schmidt visited was a huge gathering marking the ‘Day of Serb Unity and Flag’, which was attended by over 10, 000 citizens and they accidentally received the information about Schmidt’s coming. Karan concluded: “There could have been far-reaching consequences for Schmidt and RS citizens since the RS citizens are not inclined to him at all.”


OHR: There is no state border between entities (Dnevni avaz)


The OHR issued a press statement commenting the claims that internal borders exist in B&H. “The Constitutional Court of B&H discussed ruled on the constitutionality of the use of the term “border” in the RS Constitution in January 2000, concluding that the term “border” is unconstitutional. This disputed article of the RS Constitution was amended to replace the term “border” with the term “inter-entity boundary line”. There is no state border between the entities. The B&H Constitution provides: “There shall be freedom of movement throughout B&H. B&H and the Entities shall not impede full freedom of movements of persons, goods, services, and capital throughout B&H. Neither Entity shall establish controls at the boundary line between the Entities,” reads the OHR’s statement posted on platform X.


Schmidt sends letter to Cvijanovic, says her statement on 1 September protest being ‘trial run’ is threat of confrontation and violence (Nezavisne)


High Representative Christian Schmidt sent a letter to Serb member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic on Monday, in which he warned her that her statement saying the protest held at the inter-entity boundary line (IEBL) on 1 September dubbed ‘The Border Exists’ was just “a trial run” represents an implicit threat of confrontation and violence, and as such is in itself dangerous. “The protests that were staged in the meantime already represent an unacceptable development of events following your statement”, Schmidt stated in his letter, which was published on the official webpage of the OHR. Schmidt also assessed that it is “irresponsible to support, with one’s presence, divisive political events staged at the IEBL” and he pointed out that the IEBL is not a state border, but a boundary line between RS and Federation of B&H (FB&H). Among other things, Schmidt also reminded that Cvijanovic as a member of B&H Presidency took a solemn oath to respect the Constitution of B&H. “Associating the term ‘border’ to the RS as a ‘country’, clearly means you are publicly creating the wrong impression that there are state borders within B&H, which is directly violating of the General Framework Agreement for Peace”, the letter noted.


Delegate Smajic announces Bosniak delegates will block B&H HoP session to prevent departure of foreign judges from B&H CC (Dnevni list)


Delegate in the Bosniak Caucus in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Dzemal Smajic said that the Law on Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, the aim of which is to expel foreign judges from the CC, will certainly not be adopted in the B&H HoP. “There is no other solution but for three delegates from the Bosniak Caucus not to arrive or leave the session. Then there would be no quorum. I think it will be that way. Although it would be a blockade of work of the House of Peoples, adoption of the Law on Constitutional Court of B&H the way SNSD wants would be detrimental to the state”, said Smajic. Daily also reminds that delegate (from Serb Caucus) Zelimir Neskovic requested during penultimate session of the B&H HoP that the HoP discusses in urgent procedure his Proposal of Law on Constitutional Court of B&H. According to Smajic, it has been proposed that there are no foreign judges, that there must be one judge from line of each constituent people, which means the court would follow ethnic principle, which is unconceivable. Daily also reads that HDZ B&H leader and B&H HoP Deputy Speaker Dragan Covic said the plan is that the Law of Constitutional Court of B&H is discussed by the B&H Council of Ministers during September and then sent to the parliamentary procedure.


B&H Presidency Chairman Komsic, B&H FM Konakovic in New York (O Kanal)


B&H Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic and B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic will attend a session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Monday night. This year's topic of the UNGA is the rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity. The session will be attended by leaders from more than 150 countries, including US President Joseph Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Konakovic announced dozens of bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York. He attended on Monday a working breakfast of the Foreign Ministers of the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia hosted by Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, at which strong support was expressed to the EU integration of the Western Balkan countries. Participants adopted a conclusion on the formation of a friendship group at the United Nations, which is tasked with the coordinated monitoring and support to the EU accession process, as well as with lobbying for the geographical area of the region.


Grlic Radman calls for opening of negotiations between B&H and EU soon (HRT1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic addressed the SDG Summit 2023, held in New York on Monday ahead the UN General Assembly session that will take place on Tuesday, reaffirming Croatia’s commitment to fulfilling its priorities set within the SDGs (sustainable developments goals), and reminding of Croatia achieving significant results in that regard. Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman, who is also in New York, participated in the meeting with the Western Balkans leaders hosted by Italy, Slovenia, and Croatia. Addressing the media after the meeting, Grlic Radman said: “In my intervention, I strongly advocated the Western Balkans countries’ EU membership as soon as possible, but of course based on the achievements they make, based on the enlargement criteria. I also gave the example of Croatia that worked hard on reforms and acquired the (EU) acquis. All the Western Balkans countries must join the common security and foreign policy”. Grlic Radman met with Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani and Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. Grlic Radman said that he urged his colleagues to strongly advocate opening of negotiations on EU accession with Bosnia and Herzegovina soon.


Bogdanovic: Democrats wouldn’t support formation of a govt if the DPS were to give a decisive vote (CdM)


To all members of the DPS – it’s not just words we’re telling. They’re part of our integrity, said the Secretary General of the Democrats Boris Bogdanovic. He noted that the Democrats wouldn’t support the 44th government if the DPS were to give a decisive vote. Bogdanovic considers that it’s impossible to earn reputation and respect without preserving the honour and integrity of their officials. “First and foremost, I want to point out that I look forward to the future cabinet of Milojko Spajic with impatience and high expectations, not only as a good chance for our country, but also as a necessary step for the European future of Montenegro. This means that I expect unquestionable support from by all MPs and high-ranking PES officials, who are not MPs, especially those who currently hold the ‘key’ to the formation of a new government and who, by all accounts, have a different vision for Milojko Spajic’s 44th cabinet,” Bogdanovic said. According to him, if the new government is not formed, those who are not willing to follow the directions and decisions of their own political party will be responsible.


Abazovic is in New York, he has about thirty meetings, and dinner with Blinken is also planned (CdM)


Prime Minister in technical mandate and coordinator of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dritan Abazovic will be in New York from today, where during Sunday he will have about thirty bilateral and multilateral meetings during and on the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly. "It is planned that Abazovic will be a participant in the working dinner organized by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken for the heads of diplomacy of the transatlantic partners. Also, he will participate in the Annual Summit of the Concordia organization, as well as the Ministerial Meeting on the Summit on the Future", the government announced. Abazovic will participate in the high-level meeting on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPPR), the meeting of the Group of Friends of the Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), the ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends for Mediation, as well as the working breakfast of the ministers of foreign affairs of the American-Adriatic Charter (A5). "He will participate in the high-level briefing of the UN Security Council on the preservation of peace and security in Ukraine, the working breakfast of foreign ministers of the Southeast European Cooperation Process (SEECP) and RCC and the ministerial meeting of the Group of Friends for Accountability in Ukraine (GoFAAU) and others. Also, he will have bilateral meetings with high officials of countries participating in the UN and other organizations. It is planned that Abazovic will meet with representatives of the executive authorities of numerous countries, but also with numerous emigrants at a central event in the USA", the announcement concludes.


Osmani in New York to establish diplomatic ties with South Africa (MIA)


On the sidelines of the high-level general debate at the United Nations' 78th General Assembly, Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani will sign Monday with Minister of International Relations and Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa Grace Naledi Mandisa Pandor a communiqué on establishing diplomatic ties with South Africa. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this will open opportunities for various kinds of cooperation between the two countries. Foreign Minister Osmani will also take part in a working meeting with representatives of the Western Balkans. The goal of the meeting is to encourage regional cooperation toward accelerating the European integration of the Western Balkans. The meeting was organized by the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Antonio Tajani. Later in the day, Osmani will attend a meeting of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats at the invitation of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Together with President Stevo Pendarovski, the foreign minister will also attend the 50th anniversary of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic joining the United Nations.


Osmani meets Western Balkan ministers in New York meeting organized by Italy (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani participated Monday in a meeting of Western Balkan foreign ministers in New York, organized by Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani, as part of the United Nations (UN) General Debate. According to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the meeting was held in the context of Italy’s strengthened focus to accelerate the Euro-integration process of the Western Balkan countries, as well as to encourage regional cooperation. Minister Osmani stressed that North Macedonia is committedly working on a more general acceptance of the concept for “more integration” of the Western Balkan countries before their full-fledged EU membership. “The citizens should feel the concrete benefits of EU membership while the negotiations are ongoing, and not only after the formal EU accession. Through the concept of ‘Integration before Membership’, the credibility of the EU enlargement will be restored, and the citizens will regain their trust in the success of the negotiating process and the challenges we face during integration,” said Osmani. According to the Foreign Ministry, the meeting also focused on regional cooperation.  “The Berlin Process continues to be a comprehensive regional initiative with the biggest political and economic weight, a driving force of regional cooperation on the highest level and an initiator of the Common Regional Market of the Western Balkans and the Green Agenda,” highlighted the Ministry in a press release after the meeting. Foreign Minister Osmani stressed the importance of Initiative 8 between Italy, Albania, Bulgaria and North Macedonia, adding that it represents an excellent opportunity for promoting cooperation and support in the implementation of the pan-European Corridor VIII. “The completion of the rail and road connection will significantly contribute to the economic growth of the region and the integration of the Western Balkans within the EU,” said Osmani.


President Pendarovski meets German Chancellor Scholz in New York (MIA)


On the sidelines of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President Stevo Pendarovski met the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday in New York. According to Pendarovski's Office, they discussed the bilateral cooperation between North Macedonia and Germany, the country's European perspective and current developments in the region. President Pendarovski briefed Scholz on the progress of country’s EU accession negotiations. Pendarovski expressed gratitude for the principled support and commitment from Germany, as one of our closest allies, and voiced expectation for further strong support from the German authorities in the process of accession negotiations, pointing out that the acceleration of the EU integration processes is in the interest of the political, security and economic stability of the entire region.


President Bajram Begaj participates in the High Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development (Radio Tirana)


On 18 and 19 September, the High-Level Political Forum for Sustainable Development, known as the Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, is being held in New York, where the heads of state/government of the member countries of the Organization of Nations participate. United. At the invitation of the Secretary General of the UN, the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj participated in this high-level meeting, which preceded the start of the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly. This summit, the second since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, is considered a key moment to bring back to the center of attention of states and governments the need for priority treatment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the advancement of the 2030 Agenda, after the impact of the pandemic, the Russian aggression against Ukraine and a number of other factors, which influenced the slowing down of this process. Begaj delivered a speech on behalf of Albania, on the first day of the summit, during the Leaders' Dialogue Segment on the topic "Strengthening of integrated policies and public institutions for the achievement of the SDGs". Begaj highlighted that "Sustainable development is our strongest guarantee for a world characterized by peace and stability". "I would like to emphasize, continued the President of the Republic, that Albania is on an accelerated development path, embracing a comprehensive and transformative approach that includes economic, social and environmental development. Implementation of the SDGs agenda is not only a priority; it is a collective national effort in which all state institutions are engaged, including civil society," said Begaj in his speech. Begaj focused on the steps taken by our country in the context of the implementation of the SDGs, where he singled out the approval by the Assembly of Albania of the resolution that outlines our commitments to promote, finance and monitor the realization of the SDGs, as part of the journey towards EU integration, the creation of the SDG Acceleration Fund, financed mainly by the government, but also by non-governmental actors and partners. Begaj reiterated that efforts must be intensified to give an impetus to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.


Ambassador Soreca participates at the OSCE Media Development Conference in Tirana (Radio Tirana)


The Chargé d'Affaires of the EU in Tirana, Ambassador Luigi Soreca, took part in the OSCE Media Development Conference held in Tirana. During the event, Soreca reaffirmed that media freedom remains at the center of the EU's enlargement policy. Ambassador Luigi Soreca encouraged the Albanian government and public authorities to engage with the media community and stakeholders to address remaining challenges: improving working conditions for journalists, threats against journalists and address systemic media ownership issues. Moreover, Soreca emphasized that Albania's EU accession negotiations are an opportunity to make bold progress on media freedom in Albania. Established in 2015, the Forum for Media Development serves as a platform for discussions on media freedom and development in Albania, bringing together journalists, experts, and relevant institutions. This year's discussions cantered on topics such as the safety of journalists, media-related legislation, and the influence of artificial intelligence on the media landscape in Albania.