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Belgrade Media Report 21 September 2023



Vucic: We will request urgent UNSC session over situation in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Wednesday Belgrade would request that an urgent UN Security Council session be called over the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

"We are working on that. We are assessing all possibilities and we will definitely request a session. We will see what the date of the session on the report on UNMIK is and we will make a request at some other time," Vucic told reporters in New York, where he is attending a UN General Assembly session. He said a refusal to hold an urgent UNSC session would be "some kind of a signal". "We have had enough of both sides being blamed because it is clear who is to blame here. It is also clear to those who support such behaviour by Kurti. They can no longer hide behind that by saying the Serbs are equally to blame," Vucic said. He said he had discussed a request for an urgent UNSC session with Defence Minister Milos Vucevic and Serbian Armed Forces Chief of General Staff Gen Milan Mojsilovic and that a final decision on this was due after more discussions next weekend.


Vucic: I will speak the facts and the truth before the UN (RTS/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the principles of international law and Kosovo and Metohija will be the main topics of the speech he'll deliver at UN tomorrow. He also pointed out that he is not sure that anyone will like his speech. "As someone who has been in this business for a long time and as a political veteran, I want to leave a mark with that speech and ask the citizens to listen to it. It will be after 5 p.m. CET," Vucic told reporters in New York on Wednesday, at the session of the UN General Assembly. He said he would speak the facts and the truth. "I believe many people will not like it," he added. He also pointed out that when choosing facts and truth on the one hand and whether someone will like it, he chooses the latter. He said that he might speak longer than the scheduled 15 minutes and that he would not allow himself to be interrupted. "I'm not sure that anyone will like it, because of the general hypocrisy in the world. And that's what I'm going to talk about. Everyone refers to the principles that exist if you adopt them and apply them in every situation, and not when it suits you because, if you do that, then they are no longer principles, then you use them according to your needs," said Vucic. He said that if it is said that territorial integrity is the highest principle in international law, then how is the UN Charter and Resolution 1244 being violated? "There are no principles here. We demand that what is respected in Ukraine also applies here, and that is the territorial integrity of Serbia," said Vucic and noted that only for Serbia the opposite principles are valid. He added that he analysed the speeches of statesmen at the UN General Assembly, such as US President Joseph Biden, who, as he said, had a very good speech, with which he would agree if he hadn't applied different practice when it comes to Serbia. "When we're guilty, say 'you're guilty', but when we're not, don't say we are. I have no problem with how many texts someone will pay against me, or articles to publish. That's one fight they can't get out of as the winners. The fight will be long, not easy, but I am sure that the world of freedom will win," Vucic said. "We are intensively conducting talks with international representatives for Kosovo and Metohija. We are doing everything in our power. We know very well what our job is and what kind of job it is to protect the interests of our people. I invite everyone to react, to do everything in their power so that the Serbs can survive in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. I informed the Spanish Prime Minister, who is otherwise a sincere and great friend of Serbia, about this, about everything that is happening. I spoke again with Charles Michel and many representatives of the EU. I hope that he will understand our messages well", Vucic said. He says that efforts are being made to convene an extraordinary session of the UN Security Council. "We are fed up with more of that both sides narrative, it is obvious who is to blame here, it is also clear to those who support Kurti's behavior. We will discuss this on Saturday and Sunday and make a final decision." "It is clear that after Albin Kurti's threats that the Serbs would suffer and pay, he started a wider campaign of ethnic cleansing. We are doing everything in our power, we want to use all political means. We call on the international community to react. In the early hours of the morning we will have very important meetings." "The main topic of my speech will be the principles of international public law, as a political veteran, I want to leave a mark with that speech and I ask the citizens of Serbia to listen to it, it will be after 5 p.m., I will speak the facts, the truth, and I believe that many will not like it. Maybe I will I speak a bit longer, maybe they will interrupt me, some spoke longer, they were not interrupted." "We are coordinating dates with the Korean president, the Chinese president, important meetings. We can expect wider support from the People's Republic of China. We are now counting the members of the Security Council, we need nine on our side," said Vucic.


Vucic informs Sheikh Al Nahyan in detail about violence perpetrated against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke in New York with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan about the most important issues on the agenda of the UN General Assembly session and announced that he had informed him in detail about the violence perpetrated against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Vucic attended a reception organized by Sheikh Abdulla bin Zayed al Nahyan on the occasion of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, and as he posted on Instagram, he called on "the friendly UAE to use its influence and engagement to help with the protection and survival our people in their centuries-old homes". Vucic asked Sheikh Al Nahyan to convey to President of the UAE Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan his "heartfelt greetings and expressions of deep appreciation, with the expectation that, as soon as his obligations allow, he will visit the friendly Serbia, which is also his home". "I reiterated that I am particularly proud of our friendship, as well as the fact that one of the most influential leaders in the world considers our country an important partner and that he personally pays great attention to further strengthening relations with Serbia," wrote Vucic.


Continuation of Dacic's diplomatic activity on sidelines of UN General Assembly in New York (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic held bilateral meetings with foreign ministers of several countries on the sidelines of the general debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, during the third day. Dacic spoke with the foreign ministers of Equatorial Guinea, Mongolia, Panama, Azerbaijan, Somalia, East Timor and Greece, as well as with the executive director of the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS). He discussed with the interlocutors the possibilities for further strengthening of bilateral cooperation both on the political level and in other areas, such as economy, culture, education and agriculture. In addition to these meetings, Dacic also had the opportunity for short meetings and talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt Sameh Shoukry and Prime Minister of Montenegro Dritan Abazovic. The head of Serbian diplomacy also attended the working lunch of the members of the Central European Initiative organized by the chairing country of Moldova. Dacic pointed out that Serbia attaches special importance to the improvement of regional cooperation, especially through participation in regional initiatives, as well as due to their contribution to building mutual trust, the process of reconciliation and encouraging overall development.


Brnabic: Kurti acts as if Brussels agreement does not exist (TV Happy/Beta)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti acted if the Brussels agreement did not exist, and that it had been clear before that he was not going to honor it. She said in an interview with TV Happy that the EU was the guarantor of implementation of the agreement signed in Brussels by Serbian and Kosovo officials. “Kurti pretends there’s no Brussels agreement…it was already clear two or three years ago that he was not going to respect it,” Brnabic said. She said that Belgrade fulfilled the obligations arising from the document, and that Pristina did not. “What I find very difficult to accept is that they let him act that way,” Brnabic said. In the same interview, Brnabic said that her Serbian Progressive Party, the ruling party in Serbia, was not trying to avoid new elections. She highlighted that part of the opposition had changed its mind, clearly, as they didn’t want elections at all, and then they did.


Serbia determined to further improve cooperation with China (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed yesterday in a meeting with first-ranking vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China Li Hongzhong that Serbia and China are bound by steely friendship and good political cooperation, as well as a comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries.

Brnabic pointed out that the bilateral relations between Serbia and China are constantly on the rise, thanks primarily to the friendly relations between the officials of the two countries.

Assessing that cooperation has experienced a historic rise in recent years, she also pointed to the fact that China is the second largest foreign trade partner and investor in Serbia. Serbia is determined to further improve cooperation with China, said the Prime Minister and highlighted the importance of the most important Chinese investments and the implementation of large projects, primarily railway and traffic infrastructure. According to her, Serbia will continue to provide active and strong support to the global "Belt and Road" initiative, as well as the China-CEEC cooperation mechanism. Hongzhong conveyed the greetings of Chinese Premier Li Qiang, and added that high political cooperation is the result of steely friendship between the two countries, but also practical cooperation for which Serbia and China are strongly committed. Emphasising that the Chinese government will continue to encourage new investments in Serbia, he praised the stable climate for cooperation and attracting foreign companies. Hongzhong pointed out that China will persist in its consistent stance and support for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country. Brnabic expressed the expectation that the two countries will improve cooperation in the fields of technological innovation and biotechnology, as well as the IT sector, which has already become the largest exporter and the fastest growing sector in Serbia.


China's unreserved support for Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic spoke yesterday with First-ranking vice chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China Li Hongzhong. During the meeting, Vucevic expressed his gratitude for the unreserved support that the People's Republic of China provides for the preservation of Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, stressing that the country's position on Kosovo and Metohija has always been principled and consistent. Vucevic assessed that this is proof of sincere friendship between Serbia and China, and added that the long-term strategic commitment of our country is to lead an autonomous and independent foreign policy. He pointed out that, despite all the challenges, the government of Serbia will continue to lead a responsible policy of peace and cooperation and that it remains committed to respecting international law and fully implementing the agreements reached so far. Hongzhong emphasised that the mutual support in matters of sovereignty and territorial integrity and the excellent relations between the presidents of Serbia and China are confirmation of the traditional steel friendship of the two countries. He assessed that bilateral cooperation is well developed, as well as that there is room for its further improvement.


Petkovic's address after arrests in Kosovo: Kurti started to implement threats (B92)


As many as three Serbs were arrested today on the territory of Kosovo. First, in the morning hours, I.E was arrested in North Mitrovica, and D.M, who is a former member of the Kosovo Police, was arrested in Zvecan. Z. K. was arrested today in Priluzje, and after his arrest, the Kosovo police took him to Pristina. Petar Petkovic, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, addresses the public. "Obviously, Kurti started to implement the threats after Brussels, when he said that "Serbs will pay" - began Petkovic. "In North Mitrovica, an oncology patient was arrested this morning. In Zvecan, the police blocked off the whole of Zvecan, and then arrested the father of three children, the householder, and took him in the direction of Pristina. They also arrested a third Serb, a 73-year-old man. They literally kidnapped him. Employees of the Pristina Elektrodistribucija also took part in this. They called him, he opened the door for them to allegedly check the meter. And at that moment, when he got out, a jeep with civilian plates came and three policemen literally ran him over and took him in the direction of Pristina. He added that Kurti's goal is to expel the Serbs from their centuries-old hearths and start a war. "In the last two and a half months, the Serbs have literally done nothing to harm anyone. They have not attacked anyone. They live their lives the way they know how. Before leaving for Brussels, Kurti himself said that it is peaceful in the north," noted Petkovic, wondering if we know how the Serbs in Kosovo feel now, when they see the Kosovo formations arresting Serbs with long barrels. He also said he had spoken with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic about calling a UN Security Council session on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija as soon as possible.


One of the Serbs arrested in Kosovo yesterday transferred to hospital in Pristina: He is in serious condition (Tanjug)


Ilija Elezovic, who was arrested on Monday by members of the so-called Kosovo police in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, has been transferred to a hospital in Pristina and his health condition is very poor, his defense attorney Ljubomir Pantovic told Tanjug. Elezovic is a cancer patient, whose health was jeopardized even before yesterday's arrest. "His health deteriorated even more today (Monday), because of that whole situation. So the doctor who came to examine him at the police station in Pristina was very specific, he instructed the police that Elezovic could not be held there any more and that in his opinion, he must be taken to the hospital," said Pantovic, adding that Elezovic was then transferred to a hospital in Pristina. The Special Prosecutor's Office in Pristina filed an indictment against Elezovic accusing him of an alleged war crime against civilian population. "On Tuesday, we expect that court to meet in Pristina, because the prosecution will certainly propose that judicial custody be ordered against him, and I believe also against the other two (three Serbs were arrested in Kosovo on Monday). But it is a really big problem for Elezovic, what if the court detains him? I doubt he will be able to have even nearly adequate elementary medical care in any prison in Kosovo, even in that prison in Grdovac near Podujevo, where the conditions are the best," said Pantovic. The lawyer added that Elezovic is simply not fit for prison, because he is a very sick man. "Without even going into the criminal aspect, I am convinced that there is nothing there. Although it is still very early to talk about the case, this is just the beginning," Pantovic pointed out. He added that it remains to be seen what, if any evidence the prosecution has at its disposal. "However, when it comes to accusations of war crimes in Kosovo, evidence is absolutely not of any importance, something else is at stake. Of course, it is judged according to some other criteria, and not according to evidence, which should be the only thing determining a court's decision," concluded Pantovic. Ilija Elezovic was arrested on Monday morning in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica. In addition to Elezovic, the so-called Kosovo police arrested two more Serbs, Dragan Milovic from Zvecan, a former Kosovo police officer, and Zoran Kostic from the village of Priluzje near Obilic. The Prosecutor's Office in Pristina charges all three with alleged war crimes and has detained them for up to 48 hours.


Three months without Serbian press in Kosovo (Beta)


The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) cautioned on Wednesday that three months after a decision by the government of Kosovo to ban products made in central Serbia from entering Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian-language newspapers had not reached Kosovo either, “threatening the right of citizens to information in their mother tongue again”. The Association said in a release that the distribution of Serbian papers had been blocked several times over the past ten years, and that the citizens could not miss the empty space where the papers used to be. The UNS president Zivojin Rakocevic said that all relevant international organizations had been asked to provide for a free flow of the press and information. Rakocevic explained that a civilizational process had been stopped, in complete disregard for one of the basic needs and customs the world had fostered since Gutenberg. The president of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo and Metohija Ivana Vanovac said for the UNS that the act was considered the most direct blow to the freedom of press, and to the right of Serbs to receive information in their mother language.


Protest organizers sign Agreement for Victory (N1)


The technical organizers of the Serbia Against Violence protests signed the “Agreement for Victory” on Thursday in the Serbian parliament. Green-Left Club MP Radomir Lazovic told a media conference following the signing of the Agreement that Serbia faces a grave crisis and that elections are the only way out of it. He also read out an excerpt from the Agreement. “We are witnessing an increasingly difficult situation the citizens are in, huge price increases, corruption and crime linked with the ruling clique. We demand the urgent holding of early parliamentary and Belgrade local elections by the end of the year, so that, as the first step after the change of regime, the opposition could stop the further collapse of society,” said Lazovic. In order for the opposition to achieve victory in the elections “we need an agreement of all opposition participants and the turning of the blade of criticism toward the criminal regime.” “I would like to thank everyone for our work together, patience, cooperation and joint efforts to reach the Agreement for Victory. The organizers of the Serbia Against Violence protests have reached an agreement and have invited all opposition tickets to cooperation,” said Lazovic. He stressed that the agreement signed implies “mutual respect, a non-aggression pact within the opposition, coordinated activities and focus on replacing the criminal regime, control of elections, everything that is needed for victory.” “We have not come together to achieve the best result, but to win. This is why we are not asking for support from the people, we are asking them to participate, so all of us together give as much as we can to fight for and secure life in a normal state,” said Lazovic. Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) deputy leader Marinika Tepic said the opposition will insist on electoral conditions. “You know that we have been asking for them for years and now that we have united, we are certain that we can achieve at least something, so that they are fairer, more equal, because, let’s be fair, we have not had free, democratic and fair elections since 2012,” said Tepic. She said their demands remain the same: These include “the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media (REM), which is not doing its job, the Serbian state TV (RTS), whose reporting in not in line with the law except in the 45 days of the election campaign when they have to include all the competitors. We are not asking for anything more than what we are entitled to under the law, they just need to act in accordance with the law,” said Tepic.


Opposition party: Early polls by year’s end essential for Serbia’s survival (TV N1/Beta)


A vice-president of the Freedom and Justice Party Borko Stefanovic said on Wednesday that having early parliamentary polls and an early vote in Belgrade by the end of the year was of essence for the survival of Serbia as a state. Stefanovic said in an interview with the TV N1 that the authorities had done nothing about the violence which, as he put it, suffocated Serbian society, the party quoted Stefanovic as saying in a press release. “The authorities are laughing at the citizens of Serbia, who took to the streets because of the murdered children. And to all that the government says, we don’t care, the system has not failed,” Stefanovic said. According to Stefanovic, the elections should take place in December. The authorities “want again” to push Serbia back to the 1990s, while most of the Serbian citizens want to live in a normal state, the opposition party’s official said.




Komsic addresses UN General Assembly session (N1)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic addressed the UN General Assembly’s (UNGA) session in New York on Wednesday. He conveyed a message that the international community should support B&H to preserve peace in the Western Balkans. He accused Croatia and Serbia that they control B&H through ethnic communities, with a goal to divide it and make it valueless as a state. “Even twenty-seven years after the aggression they had carried out over B&H, they are still attacking the sovereignty of our country, which makes it almost completely impossible to have any democratic development”, Komsic emphasized. He added that it is in the interest of the United Nations if peace is to be preserved in the Western Balkans, to support the state of B&H and its institutions. Komsic criticized High Representative Christian Schmidt and said that his decisions have deepened the ethnic principle that has been a problem for years. He reminded of the latest ruling of the European Court of Human Rights in the ‘Kovacevic’ case, and that the Government and the Prime Minister of Croatia have rejected it and stood up for the very principles that were rejected in mentioned judgment, like the political principle of legitimate representation based on ethnicity that is a generator of inequality among the citizens of B&H. He assessed that disrespect for the rulings of international courts by Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic reminds of the attitude to the international law Russian President Vladimir Putin has built in the case of Ukraine.  Komsic also touched upon the migration issue, stressing that the powerful countries for the sake of big interests chose the most quality and the most educated staff in B&H who leave the country due to financial reasons and political instability, stressing that B&H neighbors in the East and West supported by some of the international factors, take advantage of this the most. He said that this is the reason why only ethnically and politically eligible staff who can hardly make some progress remains in B&H. Komsic assessed that B&H has given support to the 2023 Agenda, especially its goals, that, to the greatest extent, concern the creation of the world and the environment in the United Nations member countries, “in a way that we as states and their societies are prepared and specially trained to implement all the steps that will lead us to self-sustainable development.” “However, in today's world, often dominated by war and various geopolitical goals, it will be very difficult to achieve this, at least in the way as it was planned in the 2030 Agenda”, Komsic concluded.


Brkic: Without agreement within B&H Presidency on foreign policy issues, B&H Presidency members only express their personal opinion (Nova BH)


B&H Presidency Chairperson Zeljko Komsic addressed the UN General Assembly session on Wednesday and during his speech he strongly criticized Croatia and Serbia. The reporter notes that even before Komsic addressed the UN General Assembly session, it was known his speech would cause divided reactions in B&H given the fact that the B&H Presidency members often cannot agree on the joint position, and different standpoints can be heard depending on who has the opportunity to speak. Commenting on this, Deputy B&H Foreign Minister Josip Brkic said: “Without consensus on B&H’s positions within the B&H Presidency, we open ourselves to different interpretations and whether those are personal opinions of the position of the (B&H) Presidency. Therefore, everything agreed in the (B&H) Presidency in the context of foreign policy can be considered B&H’s position. Everything else is a personal opinion, including opinion of Mr. Komsic’’. The reporter reminds that all attempts to adopt the Law on Foreign Affairs to ensure a joint position is presented on behalf of the state have failed because there is no political agreement on that although almost everyone agrees that is necessary. Commenting on this, ‘United Srpska’ representative in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Milan Petkovic said: “We often have positions of the (B&H) Presidency members that are not harmonized, then we there are different speeches and we represent BiH in different light with regard to the same facts, but we represent them using – I can freely say – different evidence or methods’’. The reporter reminds that B&H Presidency member Zeljka Cvijanovic, during her mandate of the B&H Presidency Chairwoman, addressed the United Nations Security Council (UN SC) and said at the time that the threat to B&H’s stability “does not come from harsh political statements, but primarily from the inconsistent implementation of the Dayton Peace Agreement’’ and presented positions “from the standpoint of the policy she represents’’.


Konakovic meets representatives of American—Adriatic Charter and Central-European Initiative on the margins of UN GA session, discusses EU integration processes (Oslobodjenje)


During the third day of UN General Assembly’s session, B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Elmedin Konakovic met on Wednesday with Ministers of member states of American- Adriatic Charter (A5). In his address, Konakovic commented the security circumstances that the world is currently facing, stating that this meeting is confirmation of will and readiness of the western Balkans region to intensify further cooperation and reaffirm partnership. He used quote of Nelson Mandela “It always seems impossible until it's done”, to illustrate his stance and hope on brighter future of the EU and Western Balkans. Konakovic reminded that the Western Balkans region in the last two decades achieved significant progress, despite of dark post-war reality when it seemed impossible to bring the countries of Western Balkans into the alliance. “Now Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and North Macedonia are NATO members. Croatia is member of NATO and of the EU. B&H is a candidate state for the EU, and it is making progress on this path and B&H’s cooperation with NATO is also greatly contributing creating of more prosperous and peaceful space in the region,” said Konakovic. He reminded that situation in B&H seemed especially impossible, but recently adopted reform laws undoubtedly get B&H closer to the EU. “Currently it is crucial for EU partners to recognize and admit this fact, establish our success and for the upcoming report of the European Commission move B&H toward the enlargement. We need understanding and mutual assisting in joint assisting in mutual and also individual goals, which lead B&H to EU family,” said Konakovic. He deems that Russian invasion of Ukraine, encouraged EU to understand strategic importance of Western Balkans. Konakovic also met with ministers of member-states of Central- European Initiative (CEI). Konakovic underlined importance of accelerating of process of European integration for countries of the Western Balkans, taking in consideration all geostrategic changes in Europe. He noted that B&H carefully monitors the messages coming from Brussels and EU member states.


Ambassador Reilly welcomes Schmidt decision on MCSP (Dnevni avaz)


UK Ambassador to B&H Julian Relly posted on platform X stating that the United Kingdom for series of years, has been supporting positive and increasing influence of Memorial Center Srebrenica Potocari on global genocide prevention. Ambassador Reilly welcomed the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt, “which will help the Center to adapt and expand its work in B&H and outside of it”.


UN’s Nderitu: Insisting on genocide denial and changing of historic facts is a reason for serious concern (Oslobodjenje)


UN Secretary General’s Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Nderitu sent a video message on occasion of 20th anniversary of Memorial Center Srebrenica Potocari, stating that the Center has special significance because it honors more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys murdered in genocide. “This is a place that makes sure that this horrible crime is never forgotten and that something similar never happens again,” said Nderitu. She added that ICTY proved that genocide happened in Srebrenica, and this is indisputable. Nderitu stressed that insisting on genocide denial and changing of historic facts is a reason for serious concern. “Memorial Center Potocari is an example of promotion of responsibility and remembrance of the crimes, and it can continue to count on mine and support of our office,” said Nderitu.


US Embassy and EU Delegation urge RS authorities to withdraw Draft Law on Special Register and Publicity of Work of Non-Profit Organizations from legislative procedure (Nezavisne)


The US Embassy and EU Delegation called on the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities to withdraw the Draft Law on Special Register and Publicity of Work of Non-Profit Organizations from legislative procedure. The daily notes that most journalists and NGO activists have warned that this law would significantly limit the existing human rights in B&H. The EU Delegation told the daily that if adopted, this law would represent a clear step back on the path to EU integration, and a serious threat to democratic values. The Delegation warned that the law is in direct collision with the declared dedication of RS authorities to the European path. According to the Delegation, the law proposal contains a series of excessive limitations, its provisions are unclear, and they leave a lot of room for non-democratic application of the law. “Excessive reporting obligations, including heightened inspection control, liability and financial fines will impose limitations of the ability of civil society organizations to work freely”, the Delegation warned. Also, stigmatization and delegitimization of civil society agents as “foreign agents” would result in suppression and intimidation of civil society organizations, seriously limiting their rights to freedom of association, peaceful gathering and expression, thus inciting a climate of fear. The EU Delegation reminded that OSCE’s ODIHR and the Venice Commission have also established that the draft law contains inherent flaws, and they urged the RS authorities to reexamine its adoption and to engage in consultations with all stakeholders. The EU urged the RS authorities to withdraw the proposal and urged the members of the RS National Assembly to vote against it. The US Embassy also condemned the Draft Law, warning that it threatens to further reduce civic space in the RS and undermine the basic rights and freedoms of citizens. “This and other legislation initiatives will push the RS even more towards autocracy which is not in line with the democratic, prosperous and safe future which the citizens want and deserve”, the US Embassy stated. The Embassy further warned that if adopted, this law will allow the ruling coalition even more power and evasion of accountability for its work. The Embassy noted that the Draft Law on NGOs reminds of the restrictive laws used by Russia to eliminate opposing opinions and destroy the civil society. President of the Banja Luka Journalists’ Club Sinisa Vukelic stated that the new law would allow banning of certain NGOs on a whim. Lawyer and activist Jovana Kisin Zagajac stated that the drafted law is discriminatory because it treats different organizations in different ways.


Milanovic: The most important issue for Croatia is situation in its neighborhood in Southeast Europe: He expressed support to B&H on its EU path, but also expressed concern over escalation of situation between Serbia and Kosovo (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic addressed the UN General Assembly session on Wednesday, on which occasion he advocated joint solutions for global crises, maintaining the role of the United Nations (UN), and expressed support to the reform of the UN Security Council (UN SC). HRT1 reports that Milanovic also said that the most important issue for Croatia is situation in its “neighborhood’’ in the Southeast Europe and in that context, he expressed support to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on its EU path, but also expressed concern over escalation of situation between Serbia and Kosovo, calling on all countries that have not yet done it, to recognize Kosovo independence. Addressing the session, Milanovic said: “Peace is not maintained by itself. Investing in conflict prevention is far more cost effective than investing in conflict resolution and recovery after the conflict. This is why conflict prevention and maintaining peace should be at the center of the new agenda. Croatia continues to pay utmost attention to its immediate neighborhood in the Southeast Europe. Fully tackling issues of the past and war legacy is needed, like resolving the remaining cases of missing persons. It is in our interest to promote stability and further development of the Southeasts Europe, as well as the European integration process that we believe remains crucial for the wellbeing of our neighbors in the future’’. Milanovic emphasized the importance of electoral reforms in B&H so that “all constituent peoples are represented at all levels of authority, which is crucial for the future stability of B&H”.


Croatian Foreign Minister asks Italian and Slovenian colleagues to advocate opening of negotiations between B&H and EU (Oslobodjenje)


Trilateral meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Italy, Slovenia and Croatia was held in the margins of the UN General Assembly on Wednesday. The three Foreign Ministers also met with their colleagues form the Western Balkan states. Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman said that he asked his colleagues, Italian Minister Antonio Tajani and Slovenian Minister Tanja Fajon to strongly advocate opening of accession negotiations between Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the EU by the end of this or beginning of the next year. Secretary General of the European Movement of B&H Haris Plakalo stated that any lobbying is welcome. He noted that if B&H could be granted the status of candidate without fulfilling the 14 Key Priorities defined by the European Commission, then it is possible to expect opening of negotiations as well. However, Plakalo warned, accession negotiations are a long, serious and technically very demanding process. He added that considering the current political situation dominated by disagreements, inflammatory rhetoric and political conflicts, B&H should not be too optimistic. In his opinion, B&H did not technically meet the requirements for start of negotiations, but due to the geopolitical situation, the EU might decide to open the negotiations with BiH as a message of good will. Political analyst Adnan Cerimagic stated that it is no secret that EU member states which consider themselves friends of B&H are advocating the establishing of a coalition which would raise the issue of negotiations with B&H within the talks on opening of negotiations with Moldavia and Ukraine. Although B&H is not very well prepared for EU integration, said Cerimagic, if the EU opens negotiations with Moldavia, and if it becomes clear that B&H is at a similar level, it will be very difficult to say that it is fair to open the negotiations with Moldavia but not with B&H. Secondly, EU High Representative Josep Borrell and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg warned after the Russian attack against Ukraine that a wider attack on European security and political system might continue in Moldavia and B&H. Cerimagic underlined that the real work on EU integration begins with opening of negotiations.


Milatovic: Spajic has the greatest responsibility to create the kind of government that citizens expect, which is reformist and pro-European (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic said that the prime minister Milojko Spajic has the greatest responsibility to create the government that the citizens of Montenegro expect. When asked whether during the talks in New York there was a discussion about the Government of Montenegro, and whether anyone put pressure on him or gave him suggestions regarding that topic, Milatovic replied that Montenegro is a democratic country, just like the USA. "It was a conversation between friends, allies and partners who want to further strengthen the strategic partnership. I firmly stand, believe and promote three key foreign policy priorities of Montenegro - credible membership in NATO, acceleration of the European path and good neighborly relations that we must further improve. I asked for support for the European path," said Milatovic. He points out that in every democratic country, the government is elected by citizens in elections. "We had elections on June 11 and the citizens of Montenegro voted. I gave the mandate to Spajic, who won the largest number of votes. Now the greatest responsibility rests on him to create the government that Montenegrin citizens expect, which is a strong reformist and pro-European government," said Milatovic.


Spajic: There’s still time to form govt, there’s no pressure from foreign ambassadors, we’re acting frivolously (MINA)


PM-designate and the leader of the Europe Now Movement (PES) Milojko Spajic has announced today that there is still a lot of time to form a new government and emphasized that his goal is for it to receive the support of 44 PMs. After talking with the ambassadors of the member states of the European Union (EU), he said that the current political situation was discussed at the meeting. We received a strong message of optimism that Montenegro has a great chance to be the next member of the EU”, Spajic told reporters. Asked what he said at the meeting – whether he has the support of 41 MPs, Spajic replied that there is still a lot of time, about 50 days, and that he is talking intensively with all partners. “As you know, 44 MPs supported our candidacy for this position and 44 MPs are the ones adopted by the Executive Committee with 95% of the votes in favor of moving forward. We are working on that majority, we are talking intensively with the political groups to which those 44 MPs belong”, said Spajic. He pointed out he hopes that everything will be agreed as soon as possible so that the citizens can feel concrete changes, both in terms of EU membership and inflation. “There are huge problems, inflation is a big problem for ordinary citizens. We hope precisely because of this that the government will be formed as soon as possible so that we can work concretely”, Spajic said. Asked if there is pressure from foreign embassies to form the government, Spajic answered in the negative.


Abazovic: Montenegro calls for peace and extends a hand to everyone in order to promote universal values and protect human rights and freedoms (CdM)


The idea of the United Nations is to unite the citizens and countries of the world, not divide them, pointed out Prime Minister in technical mandate Dritan Abazovic during his presentation at the UN Security Council's high-level briefing on preserving peace and security in Ukraine. Abazovic said that the UN was created after the greatest social disaster in history - the Second World War, adding that we should not wait for a new disaster to produce such a noble idea again. "Go back to the original idea and let's make a reform as soon as possible", stressed Abazovic, appealing that he supports the fundamental reform of the UN with an emphasis on a different configuration of the Security Council. He stated, in the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, that violence as a means to achieve political goals is not acceptable in the 21st century. "Montenegro is here to call for peace and extend a hand to all the countries of the world in order to promote universal values and protect human rights and freedoms," indicated Abazovic.


Milatovic: Montenegro has made significant progress in achieving the goals of sustainable development, almost a third of the budget has been spent (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic was one of the main participants in the United Nations high-level dialogue on development financing. In his opening address, Milatovic pointed out that financing plays an obvious and perhaps the most important role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). "If we imagine the Sustainable Development Goals as a train consisting of 17 cars, the framework we jointly outlined in 2015, and our institutions and regulations as the track along which that train moves, our joint mission is to ensure that that train leaves no one behind room. In this metaphor, funding is the electric current that flows from the overhead line, thus moving the train forward. Therefore, it is imperative that we establish stable and predictable financing mechanisms from both national and international sources that would ensure the efficient achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals," Milatovic said. He assessed that the creation of solid and efficient management structures is a basic condition for achieving stable financing, as well as that the financing system should be simplified and accessible to all interested parties. "Small businesses, creative individuals, civil societies and women entrepreneurs should be well informed about the available programs and empowered to use them, just as large corporations and multinational companies do," announced Milatovic. He emphasized that Montenegro has made significant progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. "The second Voluntary National Report of Montenegro showed that despite challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the country has made significant steps forward on its path to sustainable development. And the key driver of this was stable and predictable financing, implemented through well-structured management mechanisms. We spent almost a third of our budget on the Sustainable Development Goals, thus demonstrating a high level of government commitment to public financing of sustainable development. However, what we have noticed is that although spending has increased over the years, it has not fully led to the desired results. For this reason, in the last two years, significant efforts have been made to align funding more carefully with the goals of sustainable development through the full implementation of program budgeting and the establishment of the Eco Fund," says Mialtovic. Further progress on this front, he adds, was achieved through the restructuring of the National Council for Sustainable Development and its positioning in the direction of better policy coordination. "The government also closely cooperates with partners from abroad, including the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Bank and many others, thereby optimizing the use of international support and financing," said Milatovic. He pointed out that the country is proud of the establishment of the Fund for Accelerated Development of Montenegro, established with the strong support of the UN Office and designed to be the main tool for accelerating the implementation of COR in the country. "Furthermore, the fund will also support strategic initiatives at the crossroads between the country's accession to the EU and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, while mobilizing traditional and non-traditional donors, as well as the private sector, to invest in the sustainable development of Montenegro. As can be seen, our primary goal is to create an efficient management and financing system for sustainable development in Montenegro. And I believe that we have made great progress, which can serve as a good example for other nations. Let's bring this train of Sustainable Development Goals from the beginning of my speech to the desired destination - a place without poverty and hunger, characterized by inclusive economic growth, environmental protection and social inclusiveness. This is first of all an obligation towards future generations, but also a promise we owe to the international community in contributing to the sustainable development of our planet," concluded Milatovic.


Escobar: Milatovic agrees with the American position on the government, we are convinced that he understood what we conveyed to him (VoA/CdM)


Deputy Assistant US Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar said that American diplomats, at meeting with the Montenegrin delegation in New York, specifically President Jakov Milatovic, saw an understanding regarding the need for pro-European parties to form the government. "President Milatovic had important and productive meetings with Councilor Derek Chollet, the State Secretary and representatives of the White House. The United States has been very clear that we want the government to be made up exclusively of parties focused on European integration and committed to NATO, who share our position on Russia. I think we were very clear about that, and he signaled that he agreed with that. We want the government to be formed and the parties to gather. He, as head of state, has a very important role to convey the right message to the people. So, we are convinced that he understood what we conveyed to him", specified Escobar for the Voice of America.


Pendarovski: UN Security Council needs to be urgently proactive in ending war in Ukraine (MIA)


The most urgent task of the United Nations Security Council is to be proactively engaged in putting an end to the war in Ukraine, President Stevo Pendarovski said in his remarks to the UN Security Council open debate on “Upholding the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter through Effective Multilateralism: Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine” in New York on Wednesday. According to Pendarovski, the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine dealt a strong blow to international peace and security, to the fundamental principles of international law and to the international order. "This war challenged multilateralism, as the basis of the international order, on an unprecedented level. And, as we all know, the international and security architecture, the most important expression of which are the United Nations, is centered on multilateralism," he said. He added that the current situation was the result of ignoring the obligations enshrined in the UN Charter of 1945. "Without respect for the sovereign equality and territorial integrity of each member state, we cannot talk about effective multilateralism. "So far, we have seen several attempts to redefine the foundations of international order, but none of those ever received such wide support as the principles that the civilized world established after the horrors of World War II," Pendarovski said. "In that sense," he continued, "the deadlock in which the Security Council finds itself as the main body of the UN, entitled to preserve and promote international peace and security, was instigated precisely by the noncompliance and, I would say, even the conscious bypassing of the basic principles of the international order." "It is clear that this impasse diminishes the credibility and confidence of the people that the UN can effectively achieve the key goal for which it was established almost eight decades ago. "Without a credible alternative on the horizon to the current international order, which will harbor the majority support of the nations, it is understandable why the frustration of the people with the United Nations' inactivity is getting stronger." Pendarovski also pointed out that the modern world was vastly different from the world in 1945 and the UN Security Council should face and reflect this new reality. "Within the ongoing debates about the eventual reform of the prime UN body, the question of the veto of the permanent members has to be thoroughly assessed, especially when one of them is involved in a conflict," the President said. According to him, the most urgent task of the Security Council is to be proactively engaged in putting an end to the war in Ukraine. The only way to achieve this goal is through diplomacy and negotiations, based on respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, the head of state said. "To that end, the first step should be an immediate and unconditional truce, in order to create an ambience for the start of negotiations. During the entire process, the United Nations should establish a peacekeeping mission with the main task of monitoring the truce and humanitarian assistance to civilians," Pendarovski said. He noted that the key components of the future peace agreement should be: "First, fully respecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine, meaning full withdrawal of all Russian forces; securing all the refugees and internally displaced persons' return to their homes; massive support for the post-conflict reconstruction of a devastated country; and international guarantees for the rights of all ethnic and religious communities that have been living in Ukraine for centuries." "The war in Ukraine has seriously undermined the credibility of the world organization," Pendarovski said. "But it offers, also, an extraordinary opportunity for the Security Council to act in line with the principles of the UN Charter and help restore the people's confidence in the United Nations as an indispensable global organization," he added.


Threat of multilateralism becoming victim of Russian aggression, Osmani tells UN Security Council (MIA)


In the capacity of OSCE Chairman-in-Office, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani addressed the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, in the framework of the 78th UN General Assembly. Osmani thanked the Albanian Presidency with the UN Security Council for the month of September, saying the combined presence of North Macedonia and Albania during the observance of the 30 years of UN-OSCE cooperation represents a strong sign of commitment and responsibility by two Balkan states, neighbors and partners that preside over two key multilateral platforms, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release. Referring to current security challenges, Osmani discussed the aggressive war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, while highlighting that the joint search for peace depended on a collective engagement. "War represents the largest violation and challenging of international rules and obligations, written and signed by Russia, the country that is now trampling them. It ruins not only lives, homes and hopes of people, but also affects people's lives far beyond Russia," said Osmani. The impact of the war, he added, is felt within OSCE, primarily among people, but also policy among regions and institutions created as a platform for dialogue and maintenance of peace. "There is a threat that multilateralism itself becomes a victim of this aggression, with international fora such as this one being replaced with the battlefield, while arguments with brutal force, at the benefit of no one. Therefore, tell me: who gains from this war? As OSCE CiO, he said the organization has continually provided its support in various fields, such as humanitarian demining, promotion of rule of law, and mitigation of environmental and economic impacts. "No one is yet to come up with a better idea or practice than multilateralism. Ultimately, wars make and break people. And people go back to the table of diplomacy, dialogue, platforms and comprehensive security concepts as offered by OSCE and UN," said Osmani. He underlined that by working together and without compromises to the agreed principles, "we must do everything to continue with our joint efforts for peace, stability and security".


Kovachevski - Escobar: One more statehood decision to ensure Euro-integration (MIA)


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and Deputy PM for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj met Wednesday in New York with US Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Representative to the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, discussing current issues significant for the strategic partnership between the two countries, as well as developments in a regional and geopolitical context. Kovachevski and Escobar highlighted the sincere friendship between the two countries since North Macedonia's independence, reflected through the active cooperation that has turned into a strategic partnership, and results in the fields of democracy, economy and integration, the government said in a press release. The United States values North Macedonia's participation in peacekeeping missions, responsible partnership within NATO and the country's contribution to the stability of the Western Balkans and Europe in general. North Macedonia is perceived as credible partner of the United States and it is therefore expected that all political stakeholders in the country take into consideration the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for an efficient EU accession process, strongly supported by Washington. Kovachevski thanked Escobar for US enormous and continued support in the realization of North Macedonia's strategic objectives over the past three decades, as well as his personal engagement amid this important period of ensuring the country's European future. "US support is also of enormous importance for a better life of Macedonian citizens, the prosperity and stability of the country and the entire region. It is necessary that we pass one more statehood decision that will ensure our Euro-integration. The government and I personally are fully committed to this goal," said Kovachevski. Discussions also focused on implementation of reforms, with a focus on the rule of law and fight against crime and corruption, and the importance of the U.S. support in this regard, reads the press release.


Escobar: US grateful to North Macedonia for regional and pro-European leadership (MIA/VoA)


North Macedonia plays a very important role in the regional processes, says US Deputy Assistant Secretary and Special Representative to the Western Balkans, Gabriel Escobar. In an interview with Voice of America, Escobar expresses concern over the fact that the Western Balkans is progressing "at two speeds". "We have on one hand, the NATO members who are very much committed to their NATO and European path, and then we have the other three which are struggling. In my meetings, I have consistently said that the United States supports the Euro-Atlantic path of all of them, and we would like them to resolve the internal and the regional differences that are keeping them from moving forward," says Escobar. Specifying his response, he points to the important role of North Macedonia in the ongoing processes. "We are grateful for their regional and pro-European leadership. As chair-country of OSCE, I think that North Macedonia is continually proving itself as an excellent partner. In this regard, we would like to see the country in the European Union as well," explains Escobar.


Edi Rama is chairing the High Level Open Debate at the UNSC, Zelensky and 50 heads of states present (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama is chairing the High Level Open Debate at the UN Headquarters in New York, where the Albanian Presidency of the Security Council is leading one of the most important open debates in connection with "Upholding the purposes and principles of the UN Charter through effective multilateralism: maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine" under the agenda item "Maintenance of international peace and security". The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and 50 heads of states are participating in this High Level Open Debate. The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, delivered his speech at the Security Council meeting, where he condemned Russia's invasion of his country, while ratcheting up criticism of the UN Security Coucnil. Zelensky called the Russian invasion a criminal and unprovoked aggression, while saying the UN could have done more to help Kiev. Zelensky said that the United Nations is in a deadlock because of Russia's veto. He called for the reform of the United Nations Organization, so that Russia's right of veto is removed. Right afterwards, Prime Minister Edi Rama delivered his speech at the UN Security Council meeting, where he said that despite the fact that Albania is a small country, it will always support peace and will not allow the aggressor to be rewarded. "Everyone has to play their part. Albania is a small country, our continued support for Ukraine may not change the dynamics on the battlefield because it contributes to not rewarding aggression, not accepting annexation and not letting what is clear turn into something dubious. We can have different views on how we will go towards peace, but how can we have different opinions on who is the aggressor and who is the aggressed", said Prime Minister Rama. Meanwhile, continued Rama, the world today needs a strong sense of responsibility from all of us to face the multiple challenges and threats that our planet faces, conflicts, unconstitutional directions of power, climate change, devastating floods and droughts including, massive unpredictable wildfires. What they witness are more and more divisive attitudes, destructive acts and conflicts between and within states. "Who could have imagined not long ago, that in the third decade of the XXI century, a devastating war, started by a permanent member of this Council, that would put Europe in danger. Who could have imagined just a few years ago that an unjustified, unjust, unprovoked military aggression of a big country against a young democracy would not be immediately universally condemned by all the nations that gather here and share the same objectives and principles", emphasized Rama. Prime Minister of Albania added that "An aggression in the heart of Europe cannot be only Europe's problem, as some think, say or whisper. Cynics may think that It's up to the democratic West to fix it".  "This war of aggression should be a job for everyone, we have the duty to help those in need, in this regard, Ukraine and Ukrainians", underlined Rama. "Ukraine's war is a war of everyone who aspires to live in a world where nations are free and equal, where territorial integrity is inalienable, and the right to live in peace is indisputable. The opposite is extremely dangerous for everyone who is under this roof. For this reason, everyone must play their role", said Rama. While leading the meeting of the Security Council at the UN, Prime Minister Rama focused even on the issue of Kosovo. He said that despite the fact that Kosovo is under sanctions by the International Criminal Court, there can be no territorial abduction or illegal annexations. He said that history has shown that the only way to move forward is to overcome the problems of the past and try to create a common future through cooperation and not through division. "History has shown that those who have seen war as a shortcut to achieve their goals have ended up regretting it themselves. Russia and others have tried to misuse the reality in the Western Balkans, especially in the birth of the Republic of Kosovo, to justify their neo-imperial dreams or their nightmares. If peace in our region is tangible, it has to do with lessons learned from the past. By moving through cooperation rather than creating barriers. The Charter of the United Nations calls us to live in peace. Albania has made its choice, to stand up for peace, to stand by the side of the defender and not the aggressor, thank you", said PM Rama.


UNO/ Zelensky: Grateful to Albania for supporting Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


Shortly before the start of the Security Council meeting, Prime Minister Rama and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held a separate meeting during their stay in New York. The news is announced through a post on X (Twitter) Zelenski, who thanks Albania for the support it has given to Ukraine. "I met with Prime Minister Edi Rama to thank Albania for supporting Ukraine, including the Security Council. I am especially grateful to Albania for joining the G7 Declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine. We also signed a joint statement on support for Ukraine's integration into NATO", Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky writes on X.


Begaj meets with Escobar (Radio Tirana)


During the visit in New York, USA, heading the official delegation of Albania to the 78th Session of the UN General Assembly, the President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj also met with the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Gabriel Escobar. The President of the Republic expressed Albania's determination to strengthen the strategic partnership relations with the USA and to explore all the opportunities offered by the strategic partnership and the strong ties between the two countries. The situation in the region and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans, as well as the integration processes of this region in the European Union, occupied an important place in the conversation between President Begaj and the high American official. He conveyed his thanks for the dedication of President Biden and the US administration for their continuous engagement in the region, appreciating as essential the role of the US for our region. In the meeting, special significance was attached to the necessity of reducing tensions in Kosovo-Serbia relations and starting the implementation of the Agreement agreed with the mediation of the EU and the support of the USA. President Begaj emphasized that Albania will continue to be a close partner of the USA for peace and security in the Western Balkans.


Rama bilateral meeting with chancellor Scholz (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama held a bilateral meeting with Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany in New York. The official meeting between Rama and Scholz took place at the UN headquarters. In his capacity as the Albanian presidency, Prime Minister Rama led the High-Level Debate at the United Nations Security Council. The Council's discussion centered on the topic of 'Respecting the goals and principles of the UN Charter through multilateralism: Maintaining the peace and security of Ukraine,' with the participation of President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine and 50 heads of state.