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Belgrade Media Report 5 October



Vucic: I thanked Spain for its understanding for our positions on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit in Granada on Thursday. "I reiterated my gratitude to Spain for its understanding for Serbia's positions on the Kosovo and Metohija issue and for its consistent support to our territorial integrity," Vucic wrote on Instagram.

Vucic also spoke with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and North Macedonian Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. "A brief encounter with friends Viktor Orban and Dimitar Kovacevski before the start of the EU2023ES summit, at which numerous significant topics for today's Europe and, hopefully, the Western Balkans as well, will be discussed," Vucic wrote in a separate Instagram post. He also met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.


Vucic, Sunak discuss situation in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in Granada on Thursday to discuss the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. "Excellent discussion with PM Sunak. We discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, the Western Balkan region and the current geopolitical circumstances," Vucic wrote on Instagram. The meeting was held on the sidelines of the European Political Community summit in Granada.


Ziadeh urges restraint, return to dialogue (Tanjug/Politika)


During regular consultations in Belgrade, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh urged restraint "in messages and actions", de-escalation of tensions and a return to political dialogue by Belgrade and Pristina. "She also called for transparency in investigations and accountability regarding the 24 September events," UNMIK said in a statement. "During her meetings, SRSG Ziadeh underlined the urgency to de-escalate tensions and emphasised the need for both sides to return to political dialogue in good faith." "SRSG Ziadeh is meeting with Serbian political leaders and various representatives of the diplomatic community over two days, in advance of the upcoming UN Security Council meeting on Kosovo," the statement also said.


Serbia committed to de-escalation of situation, preserving peace in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/Politika)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met today with Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Head of UNMIK Caroline Ziadeh. At the meeting, which was held in the context of the upcoming session of the UN Security Council on the work of UNMIK, the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the atmosphere of heightened tensions were discussed. Dacic expressed his concern regarding the recent tragic events and the very sensitive security and political situation in the province, where he reiterated that, as before, Serbia stands for de-escalation, preservation of peace and respect for previously reached agreements. He pointed out that there is still no progress in the implementation of the obligations assumed by the other side, which leads to the strengthening of tensions on the ground. He emphasised that the upcoming session of the UN Security Council is of great importance for Serbia, bearing in mind the continuous unilateral moves of Pristina, which have the effect of increasing instability in the province and further endangering the basic human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. Ziadeh pointed out the importance of holding consultations before the UN Security Council session, adding that the United Nations fully supports the dialogue conducted under the auspices of the EU.


Brnabic: Kurti wants ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic has said that the only thing prime minister of Pristina's provisional institutions Albin Kurti wants is ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and Metohija. "He doesn't want Serbs in Kosovo, he doesn't want any others, he doesn't want Romani either," Brnabic told reporters during a start-of-construction ceremony on Wednesday of an observation deck on Mt. Kablar. She pointed out to the numerous complaints lodged by the Romani people living in Kosovo and Metohija, who turn to the international community stating that they feel like second-class citizens. "Unfortunately, we have come to the point when Kurti's police are allowed to shoot at an 11-year-old child and no one is held accountable, not only is nobody imprisoned, but no one is in custody either. Not to mention how Kurti, in the middle of Berlin, in front of the Bundestag, fires the director of the police for the northern region, which is not his jurisdiction and is contrary to the Brussels agreement. Not to mention the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), Kurti from Brussels fired a man who was appointed by four mayors from the north of Kosovo and Metohija. And the international community did not stand up and tell Kurti that he must not do that," said Brnabic. Speaking about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the videos published by Pristina, Brnabic said that, "we have seen all kinds of things, both what was and what was not". "But we didn't see how the Serbs were killed, the three Serbs from Kosovo, we didn't see that video only, did they kill them from a distance, did they kill them in a clash? Or did they kill them, like they did Bojan, while he was lying wounded and had already surrendered, so they carried out a classic execution. Which is against any rule of war or anything else, we didn't see that video, I'm somehow convinced that that video exists somewhere, because obviously there are various videos and either they   or the foreigners filmed everything," said Brnabic. The prime minister said that Serbia can only do what President Aleksandar Vucic is doing, which is to speak the truth boldly in every place. "Because what protects us is the truth, because if these others were protected by the truth, then they would not be resorting to a campaign of lies and disinformation," concluded Brnabic.


Vucevic: Number of troops decreased in Ground Safety Zone (TV Prva)


Serbian Defense Minister Milos Vucevic stated on Wednesday that in the Ground Safety Zone, stretching along the administrative line between Kosovo and Serbia, slightly under 4,500 troops were stationed currently, whereas two days after a shooting in the village of Banjska 8,350 soldiers were engaged in the area. “It’s the disengagement of troops, not a withdrawal. The soldiers are returning to their garrisons and barracks, to their regular duties. It goes without saying that the Army of Serbia and the Ministry of Defense, together with the Military Intelligence Agency and the Military Security Agency, are carefully monitoring all developments in Kosovo and Metohija,” Vucevic said in an interview with the TV Prva. The defense minister underlined that under international agreements there were no restrictions to troop numbers in the Ground Safety Zone. In a comment on the allegations that Serbia’s “military build-up” was a mechanism to prepare the country to do something, and that Serbia had trained the group of armed attackers involved in the shootout in Banjska, the minister said “it’s all nonsense, aimed at discrediting Serbia politically”. Minister Vucevic also said that the international community preferred to “remain silent” about the fact that 11 percent of the Serbs living in Kosovo were displaced since Albin Kurti had been named the prime minister of Kosovo.


Elek: Kosovska Mitrovica hospital running out of medicines (Tanjug)


The Director of the Clinical Hospital Centre in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica said on Wednesday the institution was in a catastrophic position as it was slowly running out of critical medicines. In a statement to Tanjug, Zlatan Elek said the hospital had had no continuous supplies of necessary medicines since the rejection of its last public procurement order in 2021. "We are slowly running out of everything. Like us, the Kosovska Mitrovica Public Health Institute is unable to obtain vaccines. We are working with stocks from 2021, since which time we have constantly been warning international factors of this problem," said Elek, expressing fear over a possible repeat of the "Banja Luka scenario" from 1992, when 12 newborn babies died in the city due to a lack of medical oxygen. "We, too, are running out of oxygen. You know that 12 newborn babies died at the time. Also, oxygen is critical for other patients and for complicated operations we perform," Elek said, noting that supplies of medicines for oncological patients were declining, too.


Zelenovic: Radojicic’s releases proves Vucic responsbile for situation in Serbia (Beta)


The co-president of the Together party Nebojsa Zelenovic assessed on Wednesday that a court decision to reject the prosecution’s request for keeping former vice-president of the Serb List Milan Radojicic in detention pending the trial for participation in the armed clash in the village of Banjska, was “one more proof that Aleksandar Vucic is directly responsible for the difficult political situation in the country”. Zelenovic assessed that Vucic was “prepared to sacrifice the nation and the state in order to protect his personal position and the privileges of his interest group”. “Vucic and his people control the police, the military and the security services, and these could and have to have known about what was being prepared in Kosovo. They did not know only because the man released today is a member of the group, the leader of which is Vucic,” Zelenovic stated, as conveyed by the Together party. He said that Serbian citizens “now live in fear of whether they would be under sanctions again after 20 years, or stand in lines for visas, or if there would be enough fuel or food”. “The EU officials who are now advocating the imposing of sanctions have supported the autocrat for years, who has lied to them and promised wonders, when all he was doing was to wear out his own people, who have never lived worse and who have protested for years and warned about the crimes of this regime,” the statement reads.


Michel: Diplomatic efforts underway with regional leaders (RTS)


EU Council President Charles Michel told RTS on Wednesday that diplomatic efforts are underway to convince the leaders of the Western Balkans that they should be working on dialogue and stability. He voiced hope that the meetings on the margins of the European Political Community summit in Spain would help resolve problems, adding that the EU is working closely with the US and NATO to send the message that there is no time for new crises. Now is the time to use the opportunity to advance towards the EU, he said. According to him, Belgrade and Pristina should resolve their disputes and benefit from the opportunity to advance the region towards the EU.


Twenty-three years have passed since the 5 October changes in Serbia (Tanjug/B92/Politika)


Twenty-three years ago, on 5 October 2000, mass gatherings of supporters of the then Democratic Opposition of Serbia took place in Belgrade. This led to the resignation of the former president of the FRY Slobodan Milosevic and major political changes. The protest in the center of Belgrade, in front of the federal parliament building, was organized after the Federal Election Commission contested the victory of the candidate of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS) Vojislav Kostunica in the elections for the President of the FRY, held on 24 September 2000. The mass demonstration was preceded by a general strike called by the leaders of the then DOS. The Federal Election Commission announced that the DOS candidate won 49 percent of the vote and announced a new round of voting. DOS representatives claimed that Kostunica won 52.54 percent of the votes and refused to hold a second round of elections. Estimates of the number of participants in the protest in the center of Belgrade differ, but it is probably the largest gathering ever against the government of Slobodan Milosevic. The massiveness was directly caused by the widespread belief that electoral manipulation had taken place, as well as by the mass discontent accumulated during the nineties. Tens of thousands of citizens from the interior flocked to Belgrade then, mostly in the organization of DOS. Convoys of buses and other vehicles moved from various parts of Serbia to Belgrade. For some time, the police forces tried to stop the convoys on local and regional routes as well as on the approaches to Belgrade. For the most part, the impression was that the police acted listlessly, routinely. Some demonstrators broke into the building of the federal parliament, which was secured by a small number of police forces. The police station in Majke Jevrosime Street was also occupied. An intrusion took place in the nearby RTS building in Takovska. As in the parliament and RTS, a part of the space was demolished and a fire broke out. The next day, Slobodan Milosevic admitted his electoral defeat. After the meeting with Vojislav Kostunica, the DOS presidential candidate, on 6 October around 10:00 p.m., he addressed the public and announced his withdrawal via a private television station in Belgrade. Milosevic then congratulated his opponent on his victory, and announced for himself that he would continue to devote himself to his family. Despite the guarantees given, Milosevic was arrested on 1 April of the following year, and in June he was extradited to the Hague Tribunal, where he died during the trial in March 2006. On 7 October 2000, Vojislav Kostunica took the oath before the members of the Federal Assembly. According to official data, in the elections of September 2000, Kostunica received 2,470,304, or 50.24 percent of votes, while Milosevic had 1,826,799, or 37.15 percent of votes. There were casualties on 5 October protest - activist of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) Jasmina Jovanovic died when she fell under an excavator, and protest participant Momcilo Stakic died of a heart attack. Dozens of people were injured, both citizens and members of the police. The leaders of the broad coalition of parties that made up the then DOS, 23 years later are on different and even opposite sides when it comes to political commitment. The key figures of those events are no longer present. Zoran Djindjic and Slobodan Milosevic are not among the living. Vojislav Kostunica retired from active politics.




Seven EU countries have sent letter to EUHR Borrell asking for opening of EU pre-accession talks with B&H in December (BHT1)


Within their official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the General Affairs Council (GAC) delegation met with numerous B&H’s officials in Sarajevo on Wednesday. BHT1 reports that the delegation members informed that the Foreign Ministers from Slovenia, Croatia, Italy, Austria, Greece, Czechia and Slovakia sent a letter to EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell requesting a decision on opening accession negotiations with B&H in December, and conveyed they expect the key EU institutions to make such a decision. Addressing the press conference on Wednesday, Croatian State Secretary Andreja Metelko-Zgombic said: “We recognize significant progress B&H has made over the past nine months after the formation of authority. We are aware how big move forward it is for B&H that was after elections able to quickly, almost in record time, form authorities at different levels. And what we are particularly happy to see is that the political parties gathered in the ruling coalition have a clear European program also dedicated to reforms that will continue to guide B&H on the European path.”


HR Schmidt meets ‘Salzburg Format’ delegation; Candidate status is opportunity for B&H (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with ‘Salzburg Format’ delegation of representatives of EU member states to the General Affairs Council on Wednesday. The OHR’s statement posted on platform X reads that this was good exchange of opinions about B&H’s EU aspirations and current political and security situation in the country and the region. “EU candidate country status to B&H is an opportunity for the country to align with EU standards and policies. As a candidate country, B&H should focus on strengthening democratic institutions and the rule of law, and enhancing the business environment,” said HR Schmidt.


Kristo meets ‘Salzburg Format’ delegation, stresses importance of EU integration, election reform (


Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo has met in Sarajevo on Wednesday with female high representatives of EU members countries in General Affairs Council (so-called Salzburg Format) and she informed them about reform processes and the EU path of B&H. She stressed the need to open the negotiating process of B&H with the EU aa soon as possible, and by the end of 2023 at the latest. Kristo stressed that everyone in B&H is aware that the EU membership depends on “our own” pace, consistency in implementation of reforms and strengthening of democratic institutions. She added that it is necessary that the EU defines its stance on the EU enlargement process and EU membership of the countries in the region in a clearer and more resolute way. Kristo also said: “Also, we must be aware that that the EU enlargement of the regional countries exactly is crucial for preserving of long-lasting peace, stability and prosperity in the region and whole EU, which is a pre-requisite for economic growth and regional connecting.” Kristo stressed that completing of the election reform is the most important pre-requisite for further democratization and progress of B&H. According to Kristo, progress depends on strengthening and improving of mutual trust, internal dialogue and consensus of primarily legitimate political representatives of constituent peoples, especially on the most important internal, political goals with regard implementation of B&H Constitutional Court’s decisions and ECHR’s judgments, which requires limited changes to the B&H Constitution and election legislation. She expressed hope that the necessary, limited constitutional reform as well as the complete reform of the election legislation will be implanted soon. Kristo reminded that at its session held on Tuesday, the B&H Council of Ministers decided to display a flag of the EU in all Ministries, administration units and other bodies of the CoM and that in this way as well B&H wants to symbolically express it unambiguous membership to the European civilizational circle. noted that the female high representatives from Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Romania have made the EU delegation at this meeting. The Salzburg Format (SF) is a Central European security partnership of Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Member states cooperate in areas of police cooperation, illegal immigration, witness protection, fight against drugs, traffic safety and other areas of internal security.


EP President Metsola: EU is incomplete without Western Balkans (Fena/Dnevni avaz)


In a statement to Fena, President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola stated that European future of the Western Balkans is imperative as geostrategic investment into stable, strong and reunited Europe, founded on joint values. Metsola deems that the European Union is incomplete without the region of the Western Balkans and that the enlargement is the most powerful geopolitical tool of the EU. She noted that the enlargement is strategic, long-term geopolitical investment into the European peace, security, stability and prosperity, which is a situation where everyone wins. “Transformative effect of the enlargement is indisputable. Potential of the EU membership gives significant encouragement for the changes that are necessary for improvement of the management, strengthening of the rule of the law, promoting of freedom of media and creating of adequate climate for flourishing of civil society,” said Metsola.


B&H HoP fails to adopt any law on agenda (FTV)


At its session held on Wednesday, the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) did not adopt proposals of amendments to three laws due to lack of entity majority from Republika Srpska (RS). SNSD delegates voted against the proposal of amendments to the law on traffic safety, the proposal of amendments to the law on value added tax and the proposal of amendments to the law on civil service in B&H institutions. SNSD confirmed that without the law on the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, no other laws will be discussed. SNSD delegate in the B&H HoP Radovan Kovacevic stated that everyone knows that moving forward is impossible as long as foreign judges work at the B&H CC. Opposition in the B&H Parliament warned that new blockade of state institutions in B&H is on officially on stage with SNSD’s setting conditions for normal work of the B&H Parliament. SDS delegate in B&H HoP Zelimir Neskovic stated that SNSD supported the reform laws on the EU path of B&H nearly a month ago, but they rejected the law that is important for more than 50,000 in the RS. ‘Together for New Generations’ delegate in B&H HoP Zlatko Miletic said that SNSD did not want to support the employers in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), RS and Brcko District, stressing that this once again proves that political interests are more important than citizens’ needs. DF delegate in B&H HoP Dzenan Djonlagic stated that the state-level coalition is faced with breakdown. HDZ 1990 delegate in B&H HoP Ilija Cvitanovic warned that a new form of blockade of B&H institutions will completely slow down the EU path of B&H. B&H HoP speaker Nikola Spiric (SNSD) denied that SNSD blocks the work of the B&H institutions.


Kosarac: Attack on RS property is dangerous adventure with serious consequences (RTRS)


Deputy Chair of Council of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Stasa Kosarac, stated that political structures in the FB&H model the concept of B&H, which is not in line with Dayton Agreement and Constitution. Kosarac stated that RS recognized such intentions, but will never agree with that, nor will ever agree with concept of unitarization of B&H. Commenting the proposal “on so-called state property” legislation, submitted by members of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic, Kosarac said that this is a populistic initiative, doomed in advance. “They are aware that the law on so-called state property, will never receive support of the RS. The issue of state property is solved by Dayton Agreement, and this is a fact that is not a subject to debate or negotiations,” said Kosarac. He reminded that Serb representatives are of the stance that the RS property is the red line, which cannot be touched.  “Every attempt of Bosniak politicians, western ambassadors and other foreign speculators to charge at the RS property, represent seriously dangerous adventurism with serious consequences,” said Kosarac. He stressed that concepts which are not in line with Dayton Agreement, lead B&H into the abyss and promotors of such policies have to be aware of the consequences. “If the goal of various Becirovics and Komsic is to dissolute Dayton B&H, they should be aware that the RS has a response and that they will be responsible for serious consequences,” said Kosarac. He noted that it is unclear why individual like Becirovic and Komsic propose solutions, for which they know that are doomed. “What is with the fake enthusiasm? Why the insane need to deceive their voters with cheap political populism, proposing legislation which neither have constitutional foundation or political support of the RS,” wonders Kosarac. He reminded that Becirovic also submitted an initiative for adoption of the law on gas at B&H level, adding that this law will never pass as energy is under constitutional competence of the entities. He added that it would be better for FB&H officials to direct their energy toward regulating of the energy sector in the FB&H, being that their regulations are not harmonized with European standards.


Minister Nesic: Becirovic and Komsic are playing perfidious game with their proposal of law on property (Slobodna Bosna) carried statement issues by DNS, which reads that DNS President and Minister of Security of B&H Nenad Nesic has stated that the proposal of law on state property, which has been prepared by Bosniak and Croat members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic respectively, will not pass and that the issue of property has been regulated by the Dayton agreement. Nesic said that Komsic and Becirovic know very well the B&H Presidency has no competence to propose laws, except when it comes to the Law on Budget of Institutions of B&H, and that this is about a populist attempt to increase personal ego and rating, even at the cost of causing a new crisis. Nesic further said if they wanted the law in the parliament of B&H, irrespective of knowing it will not pass because nobody from RS will support it, their only way was to propose it via SDP and DF representatives. However, added Nesic, their goal was not that, but to show that they personally are “fighters for the state property”. In addition, Nesic said that Komsic and Becirovic are playing a perfidious game by sending into the procedure a law that is not under competence of the B&H Presidency.


Kovacevic on Komsic and Becirovic’s proposal of law on state property: B&H Presidency does not have authority for that type of law (ATV)


B&H Presidency members Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic submitted the proposal of “the so-called state property law” of B&H in official procedure and this caused a series of reactions in RS on Wednesday. SNSD’s delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Radovan Kovacevic said that the B&H Presidency does not have the authority for that type of law. According to him, it is completely clear that this is not being done with the intention of solving the problem, but to attract attention and deepen the problems in B&H. "This is about people who are used to being political extremes and who act politically in this way. We are still ready to sit down with the representatives of the FB&H and to agree to cede certain property to the joint bodies, that is, the bodies of B&H, for use. Yet, when it comes to us, there is no problem, but entering into what was resolved by the Dayton Agreement is very dangerous and certainly not going in the right direction”, Kovacevic added.


Viskovic: Property was incorporated into RS Constitution 30 years ago (RTRS)


RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic stated on Wednesday that with signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, the property was incorporated into RS Constitution and Constitution of B&H and members of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic have nothing to ask for with their proposal of the law on state property. He said that assisted and created in synergy with the OHR and Christian Schmidt, it is clear that this is the law created in the OHR, and Becirovic and Komsic only appear now as proponents of the legislation. “As for the RS, nobody in the RS either wants to, or has a mandate to talk about the issue of property,” said Viskovic. He underscored that the issue of property in B&H was solved 30 years ago and there are no negotiations at any level and this issue will not be discussed in the B&H Council of Ministers or in the B&H parliament. “This is yet another pressure on the RS and it would be better for mentioned two members of the B&H Presidency to pay attention how and in which way to improve economic lives of citizens in this country and not to impose issues which provoke unnecessary tensions in B&H. It would be high time for Komsic and Becirovic to say whose orders they are following and what is the end goal- increase of ethnic tensions or something else for which they do not have the mandate,” said Viskovic. He noted that it would be fair for all three peoples in B&H that Komsic and Becirovic explain their intentions with this law and idea. “If they want to build future of B&H in this way, then it is more than clear they are on the wrong path. It is obvious after these initiatives, who is the disturbing factor and how this is presented with assistance of foreign mentors,” said Viskovic.


Petkovic: With proposing of state property law, Komsic and Becirovic call for conflicts in B&H (Srna)


Representative in the B&H House of Representatives Milan Petkovic told Srna that with submitting into the procedure the proposal of law on state property, members of B&H President Zeljko Komsic and Denis Becirovic “do not wish well for the people in B&H, as they represent themselves, but they call for conflicts. They only want political points with ethnically orientated voters, which is majority among Bosniaks. Such proposing of the law on so-called state property is not only unconstitutional, but this is also an open call for conflicts in B&H”. Petkovic stressed that Serbs and most likely Croats, will not support such law “because it does not have constitutional ground and it does not have political support either”. “Not a single article in the B&H Constitution gives right to property to B&H, but this is exclusively entity right and competence. Such law will not even reach the discussion before the House of Representatives because it will be rejected before a Constitutional-Legal Commission,” said Petkovic.


Croatian MEPs advocate measures against Serbia because of Kosovo (Hina)


During a debate on the situation in the north of Kosovo in the European Parliament on Tuesday, several Croatian MEPs on called for the introduction of measures against Serbia due to the attack of the Serbian paramilitary squad on the Kosovo police. “We have seen restrictive measures in Kosovo. At least the same or more extensive ones should be applied in Serbia after recent events,” said Picula at a plenary session of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Due to non-compliance with the EU’s demands, the EC took measures against Kosovo, suspending work in the working bodies within the framework of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, withdrawing invitations to high-level meetings and suspending Kosovo from its €7.5 billion program. “Our policy must be coherent. We cannot have divergent policies among member states,” he added. Picula told Hina that the events in Kosovo are not a local incident, “but it is an event that can represent a kind of turning point not only in the relations between Belgrade and Pristina but will certainly affect the positioning of the EU as well”. Picula, who on Tuesday participated in separate group meetings with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo Donika Gervall-Schwarz and the EU envoy for the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade Miroslav Lajcak notes that he proposed on Tuesday, on behalf of his club Socialists and Democrats, that the resolution about the mentioned topic be included in the agenda of the next plenary session, which was accepted. Zeljana Zovko (HDZ/EPP) said that Serbia must immediately take “decisive steps to reduce political and ethnic tensions”, including the withdrawal of military forces from the area near the border with Kosovo. Serbian actions “cannot remain unanswered and require a clear and strong response”, she added at the plenary session of the European Parliament. Zovko told Hina that “one red line was crossed”. “This has set Serbia back (in the eyes of European officials) and turned out to be an extremely reckless move,” she added.


Croatian representatives looking for clear answer from EU

Ladislav Ilcic (Croatian Sovereignists/ECR) said that recent events show that Serbia is “the main cause of instability in Kosovo”. “Serbian aggression against Croatia began in the same way 30 years ago, with the attack of Serbian militants on the Croatian police, and that is why we must by no means belittle the events in Kosovo,” he said. HDZ representative Suncana Glavak said that the situation in Kosovo “requires our concrete action” and “concrete measures”. “We have mechanisms for that, we have used them for many other countries. Therefore, let’s be brave, let’s do it now. We don’t want the war-mongering rhetoric that takes place here in front of our doors. Blockades, tensions and threats, that’s the current situation,” said Glavak. “The EU is based on peace, cooperation and mutual respect. If Serbia wants to become part of our family, then let it accept these principles,” she added. Tomislav Sokol (HDZ) said that “Serbian attack methods, which include blockades and armed attacks on the police, irresistibly remind us of the bloody raids carried out by Chetnik groups at the beginning of the Serbian aggression against Croatia.” A similar message was sent by numerous MEPs from ideologically diverse parliamentary groups. Only Jean-Lin Lacapelle, a member of the French National Rally Marine Le Pen’s party and of the Identity and Democracy group, blamed Kosovo’s leader Albin Kurti for the crisis. “It is clear that the Kosovo prime minister should be sanctioned,” he said, expressing support for “the Serbian people in Kosovo”.


Bogdanovic: Govt. more important than platform with generally acceptable principles (Dan)


The general secretary of the Democrats and its MP Boris Bogdanovic says that the formation of the government is more important than the platform with generally acceptable principles presented by the President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic. In response to the question of whether the Democrats will sign the joint platform For Montenegro in the EU, offered to the parliamentary parties by the President Milatovic, Bogdanovic says that the signature on the EU agenda is in the party’s works and congressional documents and numerous agreements they have signed. According to him, much more important than a declaratory act and the generally acceptable principles enumerated in the platform is the issue of electing a new government and the leadership of the parliament, because without solid and operational institutions, “our vision of joining the EU remains just that”.


What is hidden behind Milatovic’s platform? Djukanovic: It looks like inter-PES competition (CdM)


What does President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic want to say or achieve with the platform For Montenegro in the EU? One of the key questions is whether Milatovic is usurping and abusing his position in this way, given that he is proposing political platforms from the position of president, and is this a “shortcut” for the entry of anti-NATO and pro-Russian forces into a future government? Also, the question is whether the platform competes with Europe Now Movement (PES) leader Milojko Spajic for supremacy in the party, considering that at the press conference two days ago, he “accused Spajic of confusion in government formation, with the message that if the president’s deadlines specified during the consultations had been followed, the government would have already been formed”. As Nikoleta Djukanovic, PhD, assistant professor at the University of Donja Gorica, says for CdM, parts of this platform are reminiscent of the principles of PES regarding the formation of the government, so it is not clear what Milatovic wants to achieve with such a platform, if he does not want to absolve himself of responsibility for failures in the process of European integration, and clearly distance himself from the ranks of his party wishing to potentially fail to form the government. “This looks more like an intra-party competition than a meaningful attempt to try to contribute to European integration from the position he is holding”, says Djukanovic. President Milatovic sent the joint platform to all parliamentary parties. The platform is full of commonplaces, and everything resembles the principles and agreements that the public has witnessed on several occasions in the last three years.


Dukaj: Whoever excludes DUA from political cooperation, excludes Albanian Forum as well (CdM)


Politics is a living process, cooperation expands but also decreases – it is important to remain worthy! The only political entity in Montenegro that expanded cooperation, without exclusion, with all parties in Montenegro is the Albanian Forum (AF), announced the political director of the Albanian Alternative Maras Dukaj. He says that the party built its policy on respecting everyone, without any differences, but always knowing that it is implementing its policy. He also adds that the Albanian Forum is glad that it continued the cooperation with DUA. Dukaj says that they agreed on that immediately after the parliamentary elections, but that they were waiting for other Albanian parties to join them, because that is the only way to progress! “From now on, formally, all of us from the caucus are one, and we will continue like that, so whoever thinks of politically excluding DUA from political cooperation will also exclude AF”, says Dukaj.


Osmani: If proven that Serbia is involved in northern Kosovo attack, North Macedonia should reconsider Open Balkans participation (Telma)


If it is proven that Serbia was in any way involved in the recent attack in northern Kosovo, I believe we should reconsider our participation in the Open Balkan initiative, says Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani. "After the September 24 events in Kosovo, I think that Serbia should make efforts to prove it was not involved in the incident, because if there had been some state involvement, it makes our participation and the participation of other countries in Open Balkans impossible, since the idea of Open Balkans was reconciliation. I hope that such involvement is not the case, but if it is, then I really think we should reconsider our participation in the initiative," Osmani told Telma. Nothing can diminish the importance and urgency of the constitutional amendments. We must use EU's open door because of the geopolitical developments on the European continent. Otherwise, Macedonia could wait for a similar opportunity for decades, says Osmani. Osmani told Telma that the country is facing a serious historic moment. "Such a geopolitical moment has not been upon us since World War II and the creation of the EU. I often say that the EU is enlarging on two principles - merit and geopolitics. What does this mean? That the big iron door opens amid occasional geopolitical triggers and moments, and those who are ready enter," says Osmani. According to him, North Macedonia must not miss out on the opportunity. Despite the opposition's stance against the constitutional amendments, he is an optimist and says "we will make a breakthrough". On the deadline for the constitutional changes, the FM says the door will start to close after December "because Ukraine will again be in the focus". "December should be our target. But if not, the end of the parliament's term is the final day, because I believe it will be very difficult to do this after the elections," says Osmani and added that the EU negotiating process should not be linked to the protocols arising from the Bulgaria agreement. Referring to the presidential and parliamentary elections, Osmani says they will probably be held in their regular slot.


Mickoski urges Kovachevski to hold meeting on elections (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski urged Prime Minister and SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski to hold a leaders’ meeting during which, he said, they would discuss the election process. “Unfortunately, I have to admit, we are less than six months away from the elections, but the things that are happening today have never happened before. We neither have dialogue with the Government, nor are we discussing a date for elections or the final version of the Electoral Code. And the ODIHR recommendations are clear – the Electoral Code should be finalized six months before elections. There hasn’t even been an invitation for an OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission,” Mickoski said. The opposition leader called for responsibility from the government, because, he said, “they aren’t in charge of just one issue, there are other important issues that we must discuss as well.” “As a Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovachevski must hold a meeting with the leader of the opposition. At any moment I am prepared to talk about a date for the presidential elections, for the parliamentary elections, and what will happen with the Electoral Code. You know, there are smaller parties that are asking for a single electoral unit,” said Mickoski.


The Berlin Process: Albania will host the Western Balkans meeting with the EU within a few days (Radio Tirana)


As part of the Summit of the Berlin Process, which is held for the first time in Albania, on Friday, 6 October, in Tirana, the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Berlin Process is organized. This meeting will bring together the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Western Balkans, other states participating in the Berlin Process, representatives of the EU, and regional organizations. The Berlin Process is an initiative aimed at increasing regional cooperation in the Western Balkans and providing assistance for the integration of the countries of this region into the EU. It was presented on 28 August 2014 by the German chancellor Angela Merkel. At a time when the EU was facing numerous challenges and its enlargement was on hold, the Berlin Process was launched to preserve the stability of the Western Balkans, support ongoing reforms and advance cooperation between the countries of the region.