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Belgrade Media Report 5 January 2024



Cameron says what happened in Banjska must not happen again (B92)


Following his meetings with senior Kosovo officials, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron toured the British troops deployed to NATO's Kosovo Force (KFOR). Commenting at the Camp Film City in Pristina on the September 24 events in Banjska, Cameron said a repeat of these events must be prevented.


“I think what happened in September here was extremely worrying and we need to do everything we can to deter that from happening again and to combat it if it does happen again,” said the British official. He repeatedly said that Kosovo is an “independent, sovereign country,” noting that Pristina wants stability, security, prosperity and that Britain is helping with all those things. He emphasized that stability and security in the Balkans, and stopping those who want to create instability and problems, “is a direct British national interest.” He thanked the UK troops deployed to KFOR for “their service and dedication in support of Kosovan and regional security.”


“KFOR plays an essential role in helping maintain a safe and secure environment for all in Kosovo, bolstering security and stability across the Western Balkans,” Cameron wrote in a post on the X social media platform. KFOR said its Commander welcomed Cameron and expressed his appreciation for the steadfast contribution of the United Kingdom to the KFOR mission.


Drecun on Cameron's visit: Great Britain's key goal is to help Pristina militarily (RTS)


The President of the Parliamentary Committee for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Milovan Drecun, said that the Serbian people in KiM are particularly concerned that Pristina is significantly moving forward the planned deadline for the introduction of mandatory military service, which was in 2028, and this year they are planning a pilot project with mandatory military service. Commenting on the visit of British Foreign Minister David Cameron, Drecun says that the key goal of Great Britain is to help the so-called Kosovo on the military front.


British Foreign Minister David Cameron visited Pristina yesterday and, after a meeting with the head of diplomacy of the so-called state of Kosovo, openly promised help. He said that Great Britain will help Kosovo to be recognized by countries that have not done so far, as well as to be recognized by international institutions.


The President of the Parliamentary Committee for KiM, Milovan Drecun, said that London is trying to demonstrate its presence in the region through KiM. "They don't want to be a peripheral geopolitical player in this region where their intelligence service is extremely active. Great Britain has very intensive activities in this region," says Drecun. According to him, the first visit in the capacity of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain wants to show that Great Britain stands firmly with the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo and that it provides them with some support. However, as he says, Great Britain's potential to provide some new recognitions to Pristina has been exhausted. "It can be seen from this visit that the key goal of Great Britain is actually to help the so-called Kosovo on the military front. And that is what is the essence of all those talks, although we have very few details about it, except for some general statements," said Drecun.


As he said, what is very important is that during the three years of Kurti's rule, 290 million euros were invested in equipping, developing armaments, training, the KBS, for this year the budget for the so-called defense of Kosovo increased from 150 to 204 million.


"What, in my opinion, causes special concern for the Serbian people in KiM, is that the planned deadline for the introduction of mandatory military service, which was in 2028, has been significantly moved forward and that this year they are planning a pilot project with mandatory military service "They still don't know if it will be a total of three months or three months of summer service, three months of winter service," says Drecun. He emphasized that this could create a big problem for the Serbian people and put additional pressure on Serbs to emigrate or to serve the so-called the Kosovo army, which is the main factor endangering the security of the Serbian people.


"As for Great Britain, it has one of the key roles. The former so-called Minister of Defense in Kosovo, Mehaj, said that with the help of Great Britain, in three years, all members of the KBS will undergo advanced training in accordance with NATO standards. And Great Britain is doing this to a great extent," said Drecun.


Pristina adopted a decision to remove stickers for vehicles with Serbian license plates (RTS)


The government in Pristina adopted a Decision approving the termination of the regime of placing stickers on cars with Serbian license plates. The decision made at the electronic meeting enters into force on the day of its publication in the Official Gazette.


Previously, on December 25 of last year, the Government of Serbia made a decision to allow freedom of movement for all vehicles from Kosovo and Metohija from January 1 of this year.

As previously explained by the Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovic, enabling all vehicles registered by the temporary institutions of self-government in Prishtina to participate in traffic on the roads is done exclusively for practical reasons, to facilitate the position of individuals and enable their freedom of movement. He pointed out that this decision cannot be interpreted as recognition of the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called Kosovo, does not prejudge the determination of the final status and cannot be interpreted as Belgrade's consent to deviate from the rights guaranteed by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244.


DefMin says conscription not preparation for war (Beta)


Defense Minister Milos Vucevic said on Friday that the initiative to reinstate conscription does not mean Serbia is preparing for war. Speaking live on TV Pink, Vucevic said that the Defense Ministry wants to open a public debate on the issue to hear from both experts and the general public.


The Serbian government suspended mandatory military and civilian service in 2010 but never abolished conscription. There has been mention of reinstating conscription for years but nothing specific was done until this week when the General Staff sent a proposal to President Aleksandar Vucic to reinstate conscription.


Vucevic said the General Staff has compiled documentation to justify the reintroduction of conscription. “There will be no overnight solution. We have to get a time frame to prepare barracks for recruits if mandatory military service is reinstated. We will also come up with a financial plan and what that entails for the Serbian budget,” he said. He added that the military, Defense Ministry and government won’t give revoke the request to reinstate conscription. “They are constantly trying to impose the view that the Army of Serbia is unnecessary and that we should join the NATO alliance,” The defense minister said without specifying who he meant. Vucevic said that Serbia is winning the peace but has to follow the situation in the region and in Kosovo to maintain peace and stability.


Dacic: Opposition's attempt to violently overthrow Gov't lacks sufficient mobilizing energy (Beta)


Socialist Party of Serbia President and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Jan. 4 that the opposition had miscalculated the situation starting when it asked for a snap election and that its attempt to "violently seize power" lacked the energy to galvanize people. In an appearance on Pink TV, he said that the demands of the opposition gathered around the Serbia Against Violence ticket lacked the support of citizens and especially after a violent break-in into Belgrade City Hall. He said that "their approach" was to present themselves as the victims of election fraud and the use of force, which was why they were taking steps to provoke a reaction by police. Speaking of the security situation in the country, he said that it was stable, regardless of the attempted break-in into the city assembly, as well as that the state authorities would tolerate even unreported rallies "until there is violence toward the state and institutions and the property and lives of people."




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Dodik announces adoption of RS Election Law (O kanal)


The presenter commented that the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik is wasting no time in creating complete legal chaos by announcing the new RS Election Law. The new law would imply that the RS Election Commission implements local elections and elections at the RS level. Dodik pointed out that it is unacceptable to live in a country where someone imposes election rules, which are normally negotiated by political entities. Dodik said that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Central Election Commission (CEC) previously unconstitutionally took over certain powers over implementation of the elections, which belong to the RS completely. As Dodik said, the issue of the Election Law is one of the most important issues and the adoption of that law must be the result of the agreement of internal political factors. Dodik stated on Wednesday: “We are here determined to create a new law, which is in accordance with the Constitution of B&H and the Constitution of the RS, which would be called the RS Election Law, to present it to our partners in the Assembly, first of all, the opposition political parties, which implies the constitutional positioning of the RS in the implementation of these elections that I mentioned, with the fact that it does not interfere with the issue of elections at the level of members of the (B&H) Presidency, therefore, that would still be done by the B&H CEC, and the representatives in the (B&H) House of Representatives, which would again be done by that Central Election Commission”. B&H CEC did not want to comment on Dodik's announcements, and they did not want to clarify whether and how much Dodik can do when it comes to passing the new Election Law.


US Embassy to B&H on Dodik’s announcement on adoption of RS Election Law: Any attempt to usurp state competences would be violation of DPA and laws of B&H (N1)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has commented on Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik’s (SNSD) announcement that the RS National Assembly (RSNA) will pass an election law that will conduct the RS-level and local elections in the RS without interference of the BiH Central Election Commission (CEC). The US Embassy to B&H stated that any attempt to usurp state competences would be a violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and the laws of B&H. “Mr. Dodik's statement regarding the electoral integrity package emphasizes that he and his party are not interested in protecting the rights of voters in B&H, including voters in the RS, to free and fair elections. On one hand, this is not surprising given the pervasive fraud in connection with the 2022 elections for the President of the RS, which in some circles raised questions about the legitimacy of the confirmed outcome. The United States has made it clear that it is ready to respond to anti-Dayton and unconstitutional actions by domestic actors, and that it will support the High Representative's actions with the same goal. We hope that other international friends of B&H will do the same. We will not speculate on what actions we might take in response to such threats. The United States, as always, will respond at a time and in a manner of its own choosing,” the US Embassy in B&H stated.


Kovacevic answers US Embassy: We are not endangering BiH’s rights, but defend rights of the RS (RTRS)


In a statement to RTRS, delegate of Serb People in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD) stated that acting upon the order of US Embassy to B&H, B&H has endangered rights and competencies of Republika Srpska (RS) in the sector of the election legislation and “we are now rectifying it”. Commenting the US Embassy’s statement, which reads that any attempt of illegal usurpation of any “state competence” by the RS or other lower authority, would represent violation of the Dayton Peace Agreement and B&H laws, Kovacevic said: “The USA acts like a bully here. And now they expect us to endure this bullying. They obviously do not know the character of Serb people.” He noted that the RS will enact its election law, which will be in line with B&H and RS Constitutions: “We are not endangering rights of B&H but protect RS’ rights. According to the B&H Constitution, B&H is competent for election of representatives to the B&H House of Representatives and members of the B&H Presidency and the competence ends here.” He stressed that entity and local elections are under sole competence of the RS. “The US Embassy allows itself to comment why we are against the proposal of the election law by SDA, which unfortunately was accepted by the RS opposition. They want to determine our will. This proposal even violates human rights,” said Kovacevic. He stressed that the RS will have the most modern election law: “America only demonstrates is powerlessness. We are used to such threats. We will not back down.”


Kosarac: Adoption of Election Law of RS and formation of Election Commission of RS is clear policy of RS President Dodik and institutions of the RS (Srna)


Member of the SNSD Presidency Stasa Kosarac told Srna news agency that adoption of the Republika Srpska (RS) Election Law and formation of the Election Commission of the RS is a clear policy of RS President Milorad Dodik and institutions of the RS in defending sovereignty of the RS and preserving the election will of its citizens. Kosarac called on the opposition to adopt the Election Law of RS together with representatives of the ruling coalition, which will be implemented by the Election Commission of the RS at the local and the RS level. “Institutions of the RS will not allow anyone, especially illegitimate (Christian) Schmidt and certain Western Ambassadors to shape the election will of citizens of RS”, said Kosarac. He added that a responsible policy is an answer to a trend aimed at retailoring the election will of citizens of the RS, starting with adoption of changes to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the B&H House of Representatives, which give the Central Election Commission of B&H bigger authority. According to Kosarac, it is illegitimate Schmidt and malignant foreigners, who are directing everything. He went on to say, among other issues, nobody has anything against fair elections, but not by means of foreigners and their programs and scanners, stressing it is an option supported by the opposition “because they need scanners and programs to bring them to power”. In his words, SNSD and its policy is reflection of the people’s will, whilst on the other hand, the opposition draws its power from the OHR and the Western powers that be. He added by saying it was confirmed by a fact they (opposition) voted in favor of Schmidt’s proposal of changes to the electoral legislation of B&H.


PDP’s Borenovic: It is obvious SNSD will be against fair elections and introduction of new technologies into the election process (Dnevni avaz)


Commenting announcements of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik that the RSNA will soon adopt the Election Law of RS, PDP President Branislav Borenovic said on Thursday it is an attempt to divert attention from voting in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) about changes and amendments to the Election Law of B&H. According to Borenovic, it is obvious that SNSD will be against fair elections and introduction of new technologies into the election process. “We have seen it before, something we have seen many times, the RSNA’s conclusions and laws that are not implemented or that abruptly disappear”, said Borenovic. The PDP President reminded of “stories, even adopted laws and conclusions about property, the Constitutional Court of B&H, the VRS (RS Army), the medicines, the RS ITA, the RS HJPC, (Valentin) Inzko, (Christian) Schmidt, peaceful separation, return of competences, a dozen time about independence and in the end – nothing”. He stressed this country needs electronic identification of voters, fingerprint, scanning of ballots and full transparency of elections in order to restore the citizens’ trust in the elections. Borenovic said: “For us, the most important thing is to ensure fair and honest elections in the RS, the Federation of B&H, and throughout B&H”.


Milicevic: Although SDS opposes imposing of any law, it demands adoption of amendments to B&H Election Law that will stipulate introduction of modern technologies in election process (ATV)


Commenting the announcement of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik that the RSNA will adopt the RS Election Law, SDS said that they do not support controlled elections, but they have nothing against the new election law. "We need fair and honest elections at all levels, and we will not make any compromises. We will support any democratically passed electoral law that will immediately from the next local elections enable the protection of every vote and prevent electoral corruption, which is the basis of every other corruption in society," SDS said. “Everything we as the SDS Caucus want to say about the election law and the RS election commission, we will say at the session of the RSNA,” SDS leader Milan Milicevic underlined. Milicevic said that although SDS opposes imposing of any law, it demands adoption of amendments to the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) that will stipulate introduction of modern technologies in election process. “We need fair elections from all levels, and we will not make any compromises in this regard”, stressed Milicevic. He added that SDS will support any democratically adopted election law that will enable protection of ever vote and prevent election corruption that is ground for every corruption in society.


SDA: Dodik’s announcement is new attack on the constitutional-legal order of B&H (Slobodna Bosna)


Slobodna Bosna carries a statement issued by SDA issued on Thursday, which reads that the announcement of Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik that the RSNA will adopt a law, which will take away the competence of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the RS, is a new attack on the constitutional-legal order of B&H. SDA stressed that continuous attacks on the state and its competences, especially against the Constitutional Court of B&H, are Dodik’s attempts of crawling secession. “One must put an end to it. There is no justification for the Peace Implementation Council and the Office of the High Representative to be indulgent”, reads SDA’s statement, adding that the silence of the international officials and ‘The Troika’ parties, who are unable to stand against Dodik’s policy, is worrying. SDA also said: “… It is no alibi for international officials that Dodik will cause problems if his blackmail ‘log’ policy is not complied with. The problems will be much bigger if Dodik is not stopped from collapsing the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Everyone must be aware of that…”


OHR reminds that Schmidt gave deadline of three to four weeks for legislators to vote on amendments to B&H Election Law (O kanal)


The High Representative to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt announced that he will impose changes to the B&H Election Law concerning election integrity, if the legislators do not vote for them. In the meantime, the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) adopted a proposal to amend the Election Law, which, among other things, provides for the introduction of new technologies in the voting process and greater powers for B&H CEC. It needs to be adopted by the B&H House of Peoples (HoP). The session has not been scheduled and it is not known when it will be and judging by the votes against from the SNSD and HDZ B&H in the B&H HoR, the fate of the amendments to the law in the B&H HoP is not the best, commented the reporter. The OHR reminded that Schmidt clearly emphasized in his speech and gave a deadline of three to four weeks for legislators to vote on amendments to the B&H Election Law.


Radmanovic: Completely new B&H Election Law is needed, amendments proposed by SDA are not acceptable (Glas Srpske)


The daily carried an interview with Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Nebojsa Radmanovic (SNSD). Asked to comment SDA’s proposal for amendments to B&H Election Law which was adopted by B&H HoR in the last week of December, Radmanovic said that SNSD all other parties from Republika Srpska (RS) believe that a new law is needed for several reasons. He argued that amendments and changes to the law cannot be larger than the law itself. “This law has been changed so many times that it cannot undergo any more changes. We are now at the stage when the opposition party SDA is proposing a huge text of amendments and changes which does not tackle the essential issues, and everybody except the Serb Caucus, SNSD and HDZ B&H accepts it, which is ridiculous. I assume that there is an agreement between the forces from Sarajevo and some of the foreigners to propose changes so that OHR does not intervene. Everybody knows this will not be passed by the House of Peoples, and the question is – what are we doing”, said Radmanovic. He also argued that SDA’s proposal stipulates granting B&H Central Election Commission the right to pass permanent decisions, while the Commission itself is illegal. According to Radmanovic, there could be many motives behind the issue of amendments to Election Law, such as an attempt to provide an alibi for the OHR to react, or an attempt to change the ruling coalition. He dismissed the speculations that SNSD is against introduction of modern technologies and improvement of the integrity and transparency of the election process. However, he underlined technical changes must be comprehensive and controlled by B&H.


OSCE Mission to B&H: ‘Day of Republika Srpska’ directly contravenes the constitutions of both B&H and of RS itself (Slobodna Bosnia)


The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement, emphasizing that the official sponsorship and support by the government of Republika Srpska (RS) of the celebration of the so-called “Day of RS” on 9 January not only constitutes an act of discrimination. The 26 November 2015 ruling of the Constitutional Court of B&H determine this is clearly unconstitutional, as it directly contravenes the constitutions of both B&H and of RS itself. According to the Constitutional Court’s ruling, the designation of 9 January as the “Day of RS” violates the Constitution of B&H by privileging one ethnic group while discriminating against others. It should be recalled that the Constitutional Court also determined that such a practice violates the equality and non-discrimination protections provided by the Constitution of RS. In the same ruling, the Constitutional Court further found that the official and institutional marking of 9 January as the Serbian Orthodox Patron Saint’s Day of RS prioritizes the cultural heritage, traditions and customs of one ethnic group while neglecting others and is thus discriminatory. The Mission calls upon the government of RS to fully uphold the rule of law, which must include respect for the decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H as final and binding. Any failure to comply with and implement the decisions of the Constitutional Court constitutes a criminal offence. The Mission remains committed to supporting all authorities throughout B&H in fulfilling their legal obligations to ensure equality, non-discrimination and the rule of law. Doing so, thereby fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and appreciation, would create a brighter future for all people of B&H.


Kovacevic: OSCE statement on RS Day is completely inaccurate (RTRS)


Delegate of Serb people in the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples, Radovan Kovacevic (SNSD,) stated that the statement of OSCE Mission to B&H that Republika Srpska (RS) violates both the Constitution of the RS and the Constitution of B&H by marking of the RS Day- January 9, is completely inaccurate. “The RS Day is secular holiday, determined by the RS Law on Holidays and later, after the held referendum, also by the Law on the RS Day, when it was confirmed that it is marked on January 9. It is marked on the day when the Republic was founded and this is a holiday that belong to all RS citizens, regardless of their ethnic and religious affiliation.” Kovacevic stressed that the Constitutional Court of B&H, as a part of its manipulation, tried to establish that this is the holiday, which “is felt by” only one people, members of only one religion, because the St. Stephen’s Day is marked on this day. “This is utter nonsense because certain religious holidays are marked every day and this has nothing to do with the RS Day, which is marked like a secular holiday, holiday of all RS citizens. We have heard from those who claim that we cannot celebrate January 9 that we should celebrate November 21 when the Dayton Agreement was signed because everyone accepted the RS on that day. However, they forgot that the major religious holiday is marked on this day as well, St. Archangel Michael, St. Patron-s Day celebrated by many citizens. It is completely clear that behind all of this is a fact, a fraud, which aims to annul the historic fact that the RS was created on January 9, 1992, through will of its own people, represented by people’s representatives,” said Kovacevic. He concludes that regardless of all frauds the RS will mark the RS Day with dignity: “The RS is self-aware autochthone, it conducts its policy in an authentic manner, and it will know how to protect its key identity pillars, certainly including January 9.”


Becirovic and Murphy discuss the political situation in B&H; Murphy: USA will not calmly observe anti-Dayton activities of authorities in the RS (Nova BH)


Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic and US Ambassador in B&H Michael Murphy met in Sarajevo on Thursday and spoke about the current political situation in B&H. Becirovic told Murphy that dangerous anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional policy must not be ignored and that the competent authorities must act. Ambassador Murphy pointed out that the USA will not calmly observe the anti-Dayton activities of the authorities in Republika Srpska (RS). Murphy said that the US will act if there are attempts to break up B&H, and that the US will defend the Dayton Peace Agreement. Murphy emphasized that the entities the RS and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) are integral parts of the state of B&H and that they do not exist outside the state of B&H. Murphy said that independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H are guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Petronijevic: Schmidt carries out coup d'état in B&H (ATV)


Lawyer Goran Petronijevic stated on Thursday that Christian Schmidt has carried out a coup d'état in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bi&H) with his imposed decisions, because his actions violate the laws and destroy democracy. Petronijevic pointed out that this can be clearly seen from the trial of the Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik, before the Court of B&H, which is political and has nothing to do with law, as well as Schmidt’s decision to change the Criminal Code of B&H. He reminded that Schmidt also amended that part of the Criminal Code in which the powers and the possibility of imposing so-called security measures and banning calls were expanded if a person is convicted of an offense under Article 203 a. Petronijevic believes that everything that is happening now in B&H starts from the moment when Schmidt appears as a self-proclaimed High Representative, who has the support of the international community, but does not have the strength and diplomatic immunity of the UN, which can only be transferred to him by the Security Council.


EUFOR Commander Major General Laszlo Sticz says EUFOR forces will intervene only if B&H police are not able to secure peace (N1)


EUFOR Commander Major General Laszlo Sticz told the Hungarian media that EUFOR forces will intervene only if the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) police are not able to secure peace. Sticz stated that the military risk is secondary, but the situation can escalate at any time, as happened in Kosovo last May. “That is why an international military force is important, which must be impartial and credible, with a deterrent if necessary,” Sticz told the Hungarian media. Sticz stressed that the Hungarian Defense Forces have already proven that they are capable of leading a major NATO operation. “There will be the possibility of using new military equipment, such as new helicopters, which indicates that the reform of the development of the Hungarian forces launched in 2018 is taking great steps forward,” Sticz told the Hungarian media. Sticz also said that peace and stability in the Balkans have always been Hungary's priority, which is why this country applied for the post of EUFOR Commander. Sticz stated that the priorities in the year ahead are clear. “Unity, impartiality, credibility, integrity, peace and security, security development, progress both for B&H and for the entire EUFOR staff. The goal is to maintain stability in circumstances where the security situation is fragile,” Sticz told the Hungarian media. Sticz underlined that A final goal is to integrate areas in B&H where Serbs and Croats live, to be capable for cooperation and prepared to join the EU, adding that it requires economic, political and military assistance of NATO and the EU.


Helez: B&H is most stable country in the Western Balkans; Main focus of B&H Ministry of Defense will be NATO integration of B&H (Hayat)


Guest of Hayat was Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Defense Zukan Helez. Asked to summarize 2023, Minister Helez said that a new convocation of B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) was formed faster than in a previous period and that the budget of B&H institutions was adopted at the beginning of 2023. Helez added that authorities at the state level were very functional at the beginning, adding that gradually a conflict started developing between “us who love B&H” and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik. He underlined that regardless of all problems and obstacles, he worked hard, adding that probably his ministry and the B&H Armed Forces (AF) achieved the most in 2023.


The B&H Minister of Defense stressed that they did a lot at international scene in regards to restoring dignity of B&H and the B&H AF. Helez reminded that he met with the highest officials of the EU, NATO and the US, as well as with ministers of defense of regional countries. Helez emphasized that he had three meetings with a Croatian Minister of Defense in 2023. “This was a very strong diplomatic offensive and I engaged in it as a Deputy Chair of the B&H CoM. I wanted to present ambient in B&H is positive around the world and to restore attention of world officials to B&H”, said the B&H Minister of Defense. Minister Helez added that the visits that heads of the EU and NATO paid to B&H are partially result of this engagement. He went on to saying that when it comes to the situation within B&H, they did some things for the first time since the B&H Armed Forces (AF) have been established. “For the first time, we have control over our sky, and we have been procuring most modern uniforms for the B&H AF”, stated Helez. He added that for the first time, B&H got DCB assistance from NATO. Minister Helez explained that total worth of it is around EUR 54 million, adding that it refers to non-combat and some combat equipment. Asked about the initiative to remove him that was launched in 2023, Helez said that he was convinced it will not happen, because he did not deserve it.


The B&H Minister of Defense reminded that several years ago he performed duty of the FBiH Minister of Veterans that had highest budget among all ministries at the Federation of B&H (FB&H) level, the same as the Ministry of Defense has among ministries in the B&H CoM. “I have moral satisfaction that I have never been suspected or accused of misusing a single BAM. If problem with me was the fact I love B&H and work for it, I was convinced there is a sufficient number of patriots in this country who will stand behind me”, said Helez. He thanked to MPs in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) who stated that they will oppose the initiative for his removal, especially those from SDA. Helez emphasized that since they found a formula that enables a reshuffling of the B&H CoM, it might have contributed to giving up on the initiative for his removal. Asked whether reshuffling of the B&H CoM is a realistic scenario, namely to remove SNSD from authorities at the state level, Helez said that he was only one within SDP that opposed formation of state-level authorities with Dodik.


Commenting cooperation with Serb ministers in B&H CoM, Helez said that although cooperation with them is good, they are people who are not independent, namely they listen to all Dodik’s orders. He added that Dodik creates negative energy in B&H CoM. Helez emphasized that Serbia is “ahead of civil war”, adding that situation in this country has been escalating and Dodik is one of those who contribute to additional escalation of this situation. Minister Helez stressed that Dodik is becoming regional problem. B&H Minister of Defense underlined that despite to all negative things, B&H is the most stable country of the Western Balkans. He underlined that inflation in B&H is 1.7 percent at annual level, which is better than in half of the EU countries. “B&H has real sector much stronger than Serbia and Croatia”, underlined Helez. He went on to saying that B&H currency is stable. “We managed to adopt several laws from 14 key priorities set by the European Commission”, stated Minister Helez. He added that several other laws could, be adopted soon if there is political will for it. “We promised to the EU officials to do it by March 2024”, said Helez. He added that if that happens, EU accession negotiations could, be opened for B&H.


Asked whether he is content with progress B&H made in regards to NATO integration and whether those from the RS were successful in slowing down this path, the B&H Minister of Defense said that despite of obstructions, his visits to Brussels and NATO contributed to the fact that high-ranking officials of NATO paid a visit to B&H. “It is a sign that NATO is close to B&H and B&H will soon become a NATO member”, explained Helez. He went on to saying that three important NATO-related events will be held in B&H in 2024. He stressed that only 10-15 percent of B&H population, namely mostly voters of SNSD, are against B&H’s membership in NATO.


Asked about pro-Russian influence in B&H and his statements of paramilitary camps in the RS, Minister Helez reminded that information about camps are information he got from other people. “It is up to prosecution now and I proposed these people as witnesses”, stated Helez. He added that everyone agrees about existence of Russian influence in B&H. Asked whether B&H is prepared for possible problems that this influence can cause in B&H, Helez replied affirmatively. “We and our allies will not allow anyone to disassemble B&H. These non-sense Dodik talks about is more entertainment for the public. However, we take them seriously, but we have a response to it. If he starts with implementation of what he announced, it will represent the end of the RS. We will return to the Constitution of Republic of B&H and the RS will not be established ever again”, said Minister Helez. He emphasized that secession of the RS will never be allowed.


Asked about projects and cooperation the B&H AF participate in, Minister Helez said that B&H AF participated in several complex missions, including one in Afghanistan. He added that the same as armed forces of NATO countries, the B&H AF have been making progress every year. Helez underlined that they will resume to work on development of the B&H AF in an upcoming period. He concluded that the main focus of the Ministry of Defense will be NATO integration of B&H.




Russian attacks strengthen Croatia’s support to Ukraine, says Plenkovic (Hina)


The Russian attacks on Ukraine's civilian infrastructure additionally strengthen Croatia's support to the war-torn country, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Thursday.

Russia recently intensified air raids on, launching at the end of last week the biggest bombing since the start of the war. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said yesterday Russia used 300 missiles and 200 drones in five days. Speaking at the cabinet session, Plenkovic condemned the air raids, notably on Kyiv and Kharkiv, and Russia’s “continuous violation of international humanitarian law.” “The attacks on the civilian infrastructure additionally strengthen our support to Ukraine in the struggle against Russia’s aggression,” he said. He pointed out that Russia’s attacks on civilian infrastructure “strengthen Croatia’s support to





Gjeloshaj: On 19 January 2024, MPs to vote on laws returned by Milatovic, we are to preserve functionality of institutions (CDM)


The session of the Parliament of Montenegro, where a vote will be taken again on the laws that President Jakov Milatovic did not sign, will be held on 19 January 2023. This information was confirmed to CDM by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development Nik Gjeloshaj. Milatovic returned the Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Companies, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Financing Local Self-Government and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications to the Parliament for reconsideration. The postponement of the implementation of the approved laws, which are in accordance with the Constitution, leaves room for doubt about the political motive of President Milatovic, aimed at sabotaging the new parliamentary majority, which will cause damage that the public will have the opportunity to learn about, says Europe Now Movement (PES). In order for the public to be informed, PES recalls that the amendment of the Law on Business Companies aims to put an end to political boards of directors, whose goal was to appoint politically-colored management for a full term.


Milatovic explains why he refused to sign three laws (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic delivered a statement to the media in which he explained why he had submitted three laws to the Parliament for reconsideration. He returned the Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Companies, the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government Financing and the Law on Amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications to the Parliament for reconsideration.


In explaining the decision to return the Law on Amendments to the Law on Business Companies to the Assembly for reconsideration, the President stated that prescribing the retroactive application of certain solutions contained in the said Law is in contradiction with the constitutional prohibition of the retroactive effect of laws and other regulations.


Stating the reasons for returning the Law on Amendments to the Law on Local Self-Government Financing to the Parliament of Montenegro for reconsideration, President Milatovic stressed that the adopted Law, among other things, ceded the revenues of municipalities, based on part of the income from the income tax of natural persons according to the person’s place of residence that generates income, reduced for the municipalities of the coastal and central regions from the previous 50% to 40%.


In the decision to return the Law on Amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications to the Parliament for reconsideration, President Milatovic stated that the solutions contained in the adopted Law, among other things, imply a different way of supervision and control when it comes to the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services, where the key supervisory role, which according to the current legislation in relation to the Agency is performed by the Parliament, will be performed by the Government according to the adopted decision. He noted that in the past period, the European Commission emphasized that the issue of the independence of the Agency, as a regulator, was treated as one of the most important aspects in the context of the criteria for closing the negotiation Chapter 10.


PES: By not signing laws, Milatovic protects Abazovic’s EPCG BoD and prevents further reforms (CDM)


Acknowledging the fact that the President of Montenegro enters into the merits of the laws recently adopted by the Parliament of Montenegro, we must point out that they are not problematic from the point of view of constitutionality, and that they absolutely reflect the public interest, thus fulfilling all the prerequisites to be signed by the President, as the Constitution prescribes, says the Europe Now Movement (PES).


In order for the public to be informed, PES recalls that the amendment of the Law on Business Companies aims to put an end to political boards of directors, whose goal was to appoint politically-coloured management for a full term.  Also, failure to adopt the Law on Local Self-Government Financing means that municipalities will not be able to collect real estate sales tax that is under their jurisdiction as of 1 January 2024, PES stresses. Furthermore, the amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications aims to unblock the work of the Agency, which already does not have a Council, without which key decisions for the Agency’s operations cannot be made, PES points out.


North Macedonia


Marichikj – Aggeler: Partnership with USA to provide support for prosperous, well-governed, stable state (MIA)


Strengthening cooperation with the United States on the country's European reforms and its national strategic priorities was the focus of the first meeting in 2024 between Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Bojan Marichikj and United States Ambassador Angela Aggeler on Thursday. Deputy PM Marichikj expressed gratitude for the continuous political and economic support from the United States as a strategic partner and strong ally on the country's European path, the Secretariat for European Affairs said in a press release.


Marichikj and Aggeler agreed that joint commitment to realizing North Macedonia's EU agenda was in the interest of all citizens of the country, the Western Balkans, Europe and the world, and that global events required paying attention and maintaining a stable region and strong partnership in the Western Balkans. They also discussed next steps regarding political responsibility and investment in reforms in line with guidelines on the rule of law and public administration reforms according to the negotiating framework for North Macedonia adopted by the European Council on July 18, 2022.


The meeting highlighted the importance of using the current momentum to bring the country closer to the EU, including the partnership with the United States focused on ensuring support for promoting a prosperous, well-governed, and stable North Macedonia and its Euro-Atlantic integration. According to the release, Marichikj and Aggeler agreed that in a time of strong support from the United States and the EU for the country and the Western Balkan region, it was extremely important to take all necessary measures to use the momentum and implement the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans. With the help of all of North Macedonia's geostrategic partners, they agreed, the Growth Plan would ensure greater cooperation between the countries in the region toward stability and economic growth particularly important for the region as well as providing conditions for the smooth implementation of the outlined reforms.