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Belgrade Media Report 4 April



UN session on Kosovo on 22 April (RTS/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that on 22 April, the UN Security Council will hold a regular session on Kosovo and Metohija, and that he will discuss the situation in our southern province with French President Emmanuel Macron and at least 10 other European leaders. “Then on 22 (April) we have a session of the Security Council on Kosovo, which is a regular session of the Security Council on Kosovo. At UNMIK’s proposal, the report is very bad, because it does not reflect the actual situation on the ground, Vucic pointed out at the meeting of the Serbian government. He said he had no problem staying in New York until that session was over. If I have work to do, if I have someone to talk to, if not, I’ll come back and you send someone else. I don’t like to be out of the country for a long time,” said Vucic. Vucic referred to the resolution on Srebrenica, saying that it was unfair. “Imagine that, for example, there is no such act in the United Nations that would say that Germany committed genocide in the World War II. It does not exist. It was never voted on,” said Vucic. He asked the members of the government to be more involved in foreign policy and added that he will do everything in his power, including talks with the leaders of African countries. Vucic demanded that the government set up a special team to thwart an initiative for the so-called Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe (CoE), to be debated by the organisation's Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on 16 April. Vucic told the cabinet members there was no election campaign for them until 16 or 17 May, when the CoE Committee of Ministers is due to make a final decision on the so-called Kosovo's membership bid. “Despite the strong supporters of Pristina’s independence, I still think we have a small chance and that is why I am asking you to fight stronger than ever. I don’t want to be unpleasant in front of cameras, just please focus on that,” Vucic said, adding that this is of vital importance for Serbia. He said there is a possibility that even some countries that have recognized Kosovo’s independence won’t feel positively about Kosovo’s membership in the CoE.


No election campaign for you until 17 May

Vucic said Brnabic should continue to work on implementing the ODIHR recommendations and talks on electoral conditions, and keep offering a compromise, while those who believe they can achieve goals through ultimatums can “just keep doing that”. “Hold the elections in a democratic atmosphere, but there is no election campaign for you until 17 May, until this thing with the Council of Europe and Kosovo’s admission is over,” said Vucic.


Today resumption of talks in Brussels, we cannot expect anything good

Vucic stated, on the occasion of today’s continuation of talks between Belgrade and Pristina in Brussels, that the Serbian side is well prepared for dialogue, but that we cannot expect anything good. “We have nothing personally to take anything against the people who conduct the dialogue, but all that in Brussels turned into a matter of putting a bow on the criminal acts of Albin Kurti, and that in the end it is necessary to legalize it, to obtain Serbian consent for his misdeeds. We in all that will not participate in any way,” said Vucic. We thought that reasonable and rational behavior was something that would change the relations of the EU and Western powers towards Pristina in the future, but we realized that this did not happen, that it will not happen and we will act accordingly, added Vucic. Vucic mentioned that the position of the Serbian people will be increasingly difficult. “Those problems will continue and you can count them as constant, as problems that we will face in the coming months, because Kurti will continue his aggression against the Serbian people, especially in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Europe and America will continue their loud silence, and all the others have no influence on the Pristina authorities, nor are they currently in a position to help us much,” said Vucic. We will always be with our people and we will see how to solve these problems, the President said.


Difficult tasks ahead of us, formation of teams for cooperation of all our forces

Vucic said at the government session that difficult and important tasks lie ahead and asked all members of the government, regardless of the functions they will perform, to perform their work seriously and responsibly, and called for the formation of teams for the cooperation of all our forces. “We have several important things that we have to agree on today. Regardless of the fact that a new government will be formed in a short period of time, we have difficult and important tasks ahead of us, and I would ask all members of the government, regardless of which functions they perform in the following period, to work dedicatedly, seriously and responsibly on the execution of all tasks,” said Vucic. Because it is something that is of essential importance for us, of the greatest importance, as well as the survival of our country, Vucic added. “First of all, I would ask and I will now show you the calendar, how it is going, and I will ask you to form the teams necessary for the cooperation of all our forces, including the parliament, and the government of Serbia, and me, the President of Serbia, so both parts of the executive power as much as possible and all factors from the parliamentary and public life of Serbia,” said Vucic.


Brnabic calls Belgrade City Assembly elections (N1/Tanjug/B92)


Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic on Wednesday called elections for the Belgrade City Assembly for 2 June despite an opposition demand for all local elections to be held on the same date. She told reporters that she chose the last day under the law to call the elections. “I decided, at the request of the opposition and the express demand of President Aleksandar Vucic, that the elections should be held at the final deadline in line with the Constitution,” she said. Brnabic said she tried to start a dialogue with all political players to make sure the coming and future elections would be in order, in line with democratic standards and “to show the seriousness and responsibility we all the citizens of Serbia”. “My door remains open for dialogue, she said. She called all political parties and coalitions to make sure the elections are fair and called Belgrade residents to turn out to vote and decide the direction the city should develop in. The opposition is demanding concurrent local elections in 88 cities and municipalities including Belgrade’s 17 municipalities along with the City Assembly elections. Under the law, those local elections can be held on 9 June at the earliest. In order for them to held a week earlier, as the opposition demanded, the law on local elections needs to be amended. Under that law, elections can be called 120 days before the vote at the earliest but no later than 45 days after the local council’s term in office expires. The Serbia Against Violence (SPN) and NADA coalitions want the law changed to allow elections to be called no more than 150 days before the vote which would mean that local elections could be called on 2 June. The final deadline to change the law is 18 April.


Petkovic: We reiterated our proposal, no solution reached (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said in Brussels on Thursday Belgrade's delegation had tabled a balanced, compromise proposal for solving the issue of cash operations in Kosovo and Metohija but that Pristina had shown no willingness for that. Petkovic was speaking to reporters after a new round of the EU-facilitated dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. "We reiterated our balanced proposal that implies a compromise solution. Another meeting on this is ahead of us, we will see how things are developing," he said, adding that he expected a new invitation to Brussels from EU special envoy Miroslav Lajcak in about ten days to discuss cash operations and the use of the Serbian Dinar in Kosovo and Metohija. Petkovic said he had taken the opportunity to again point out the difficult position of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija - especially due to their inability to receive wages, pensions and other incomes - and Serbian institutions in the province, whose work has been put in question by Pristina's moves. He said he had also called for the soonest possible formation of a Community of Serb Municipalities - Pristina's commitment that was now over 4,000 days old. "Everything that has happened until today and all the problems we are facing would not even exist if we had an established Community of Serb Municipalities," he said. Petkovic also said Belgrade was the committed party looking for solutions through dialogue and that Pristina PM Albin Kurti's moves could be no foundation for normalisation of relations.


Kurti additionally raises tensions by visiting north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic assessed yesterday that just one day before the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels, Albin Kurti decided to raise new tensions in the north of Kosovo and Metohija by going to the municipality of Leposavic, and then to Zubin Potok. Petkovic assessed that this is a new threat to the Serbs in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, a move by which Kurti directly wants to cause new tensions in the north and by which he has shown that he is not interested in any normalisation of relations and de-escalation of the situation. The fact that the entire Leposavic was blocked when he went to the municipality building is the best evidence of what kind of demonstration of force was that, he said and added that all the streets were empty, which clearly shows that the Serbian people show contempt for this provocation by Kurti.


Kurti’s visit demonstration of force to Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV)


The State Secretary in the Serbian Defense Ministry Nemanja Starovic said yesterday that the arrival of the prime minister of the provisional institutions of Pristina Albin Kurti in the north of Kosovo and Metohija is a demonstration of force and hostility towards the Serbs who live there. “Imagine living in a city somewhere in Europe, ruled by a mayor elected by less than three percent of the people, and ruled by police ninjas who do not speak the language of the local population. All of a sudden, a guy who calls himself prime minister, surrounded by 100 soldiers armed to the teeth, comes and declares that you will no longer be able to receive your salary, pension or child care allowance, just because you are of the wrong nationality,” Starovic wrote on his X network, alluding to Kurti’s visit to northern Kosovo and Metohija. He added that the streets are “eerily empty” and that “people are just waiting for him to leave and return to the last remnants of normality”. “Well, that was today’s reality of the local population in the north of Kosovo, since the provisional prime minister Kurti decided for another demonstration of force and hostility towards the Serb people who remained in the province,” said Starovic.


Armenia thanked for support of Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Paruyr Hovhannisyan discussed yesterday the further development of bilateral relations, based on traditional friendship and cultural and historical closeness of the two countries and peoples. The interlocutors assessed that this year is particularly important for the relations between Serbia and Armenia, considering that the two countries are celebrating 30 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, and they expressed their readiness to work together on appropriate marking of this significant anniversary. At the meeting, the Armenian side was thanked for its support in preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia.


Very good cooperation with UN team to Serbia (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic received yesterday UN Resident Coordinator to Serbia Francoise Jacob on a farewell visit. Dacic assessed very positively the cooperation to date with the United Nations team, led by Jacob, especially through the provision of support and assistance in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which, among other things, contributed to increasing the visibility of Serbia in the UN, as well as the UN in Serbia. Jacob emphasised that Serbia has made great progress in implementing the 2030 Agenda, and she expressed the expectation that the new government will continue activities in that direction.


Kreni-Promeni: Yet to decide whether to run for election (N1)


The campaign director of the Kreni-Promeni (Move for Change) movement Savo Manojlovic said yesterday that his organization had yet to make a final decision as to whether it would run in Serbia’s upcoming elections, which was why he didn’t want to join speculation surrounding his candidacy for the post of Belgrade mayor. Manojlovic said in an interview with TV N1 that it would be “unfair” to start a guessing game as to whether his organization would take part in the upcoming local polls while talks were underway in the parliament of Serbia on electoral conditions. “We have yet to reach a final decision whether to take part in the elections, and I’d rather not speculate at this point. I always make my views clear, and when the time comes, I’ll do it again. It would be unfair to engage in speculation while the government and the opposition are still debating over election conditions. After all, it is unclear whether we’ll have the elections at all,” he explained.


Andjelkovic: Opposition to boycott elections, spark massive protests (Beta)


A political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic said yesterday that the opposition should not run in the upcoming local and city elections on the Serbian Progressive Party’s terms, and that after the parliamentary negotiations supposed to improve the electoral conditions had failed, the opposition should organize massive protests. Andjelkovic said to Beta that the government was in a rather complicated situation, as it’s just a step away from a European investigation into election irregularities reported after Serbia’s last polls in December. The European Commission will have to accept a recommendation to that end by the European Parliament, and start a probe into election rigging in Serbia last December. The authorities are bluffing right now, planning to test the opposition to the last minute if it’s ready to compromise or not. The political analyst says that the Progressives are prepared to implement just some of the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations. “The authorities are aware that Aleksandar Vucic will lose a fair vote, which is why they are trying to reach a compromise with the opposition between a fair election and an unfair one,” Andjelkovic explained. When asked by Beta if after the failed talks with the speaker Ana Brnabic, the opposition should run for election, Andjelkovic said that the opposition should confront the authoritarian regime by initiating civil disobedience.


KFOR Bronze Sabre 2024 exercise ends (N1)


KFOR said on Wednesday that its Regional Command West completed an exercise to assess operational readiness and rapid deployment procedures. A press release said that the exercise was held at Camp Villaggio Italia under the name Bronze Sabre 2024. “It featured a series of joint activities to manage crises and uphold public safety carried out by various national contingents assigned to KFOR. These included crowd riot control, road obstacle removal, helicopter medical evacuations, buildings evacuations, and the deployment of troop-reinforcements,” it said. It quoted the commander of the NATO-led Kosovo Force Major General Ozkan Ulutas as saying that the dedication and professionalism displayed by the exercising forces “reflects our steadfast commitment to contribute to lasting security across Kosovo”.




B&H CEC Chairwoman Hadziabdic: Funds for local elections in B&H secured (FTV)


President of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Irena Hadziabdic told media in Sarajevo on Wednesday that issue of financing the elections was solved on Tuesday afternoon owing to the decision of the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury and the decision on temporary financing. “With this decision, the B&H CEC received more than BAM seven million, which is how much we asked for carrying out of the elections. However, besides this, considering that amendments to the B&H Election Law put many new activities under the competence of the B&H CEC, including the testing and implementation of certain pilot-projects in regards to election technologies, we will have to ask for additional funds,” said Hadziabdic. She noted that preparation for upcoming local elections are going well and that the B&H CEC plans to announce elections by 9 May at the latest. “This is the last day because elections have to be announced 150 days before the elections take place,” noted Hadziabdic, adding they will do everything to enable elections on 6 October.  Hadziabdic reminded that Amendments to the B&H Election Law, imposed by High Representative Christian Schmidt, come in force on Wednesday. FTV asked Hadziabdic if sanctioned officials, those on the US State Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) blacklist, be able to participate in the local elections in October, at the CEC educational program held in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Hadziabdic said that the principle of equality is one of the most important European standards and the CEC will guide itself with those standards and principles for all political subjects. However, everyone will be obliged to fulfil the requirements prescribed by law for application and verification in local elections, added Hadziabdic.


Amidzic: B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury did not comply with request of CEC resulting from imposition of changes to Election Law (ATV)


SNSD Secretary General Srdjan Amidzic said that the public should know that the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury did not comply with the request of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of B&H, resulting from the imposition of changes to the Election Law on the Law on the Financing of B&H Institutions. "Namely, with the imposed changes, the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury is obliged to fully comply with the budget request of the CEC, which for the year 2024 was BAM 33,658,000. That much is needed if those who would implement Christian Schmidt’s decisions are to be satisfied," said Amidzic. He noted that as a person and as the B&H Minister of Finance and Treasury, he proudly stands behind every decision and position of the institutions of Republika Srpska (RS). "At the same time, we must respect the fact that people in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) have different stances and are ready to unquestioningly accept the will of the individual, and in this way, it is only possible that the CEC can conduct elections in the FB&H. I do not want, and I do not think I have the right to deny people in the FB&H their right to vote and be elected. Finally, for those who want to read, the President of the Central Election Commission of B&H, Irena Hadziabdic herself, stated that the imposed amendments to the Election Law brought a lot of new activities under the jurisdiction of the Central Election Commission of B&H, including the testing and implementation of certain pilot projects related to the election technologies, and that they will have to seek additional funds. As we stated, the B&H Ministry of Finance and Treasury did not respond positively to the mentioned budget request of the CEC of B&H in the amount of BAM 33,658,000, but approved funds sufficient for the election process to be carried out according to the rules as before," says Amidzic.


Pandurevic: SNSD officials in Sarajevo implement Schmidt’s decisions; Crnadak: This is hypocritical policy of SNSD (BNTV)


Member of SDS Presidency Aleksandar Pandurevic commented a decision of SNSD’s Minister of Finance in B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Srdjan Amidzic who acted in line with law on financing of B&H institutions imposed by Christian Schmidt and approved allocation of BAM 7.4 million to B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) for implementation of local elections in October. Pandurevic said that while SNSD “performs theatre plays and tricks people” in Banja Luka, their officials eagerly implement imposed decisions of Schmidt. “In Banja Luka they say they are establishing Republika Srpska (RS) election commission and then in Sarajevo they give money to the B&H CEC to implement elections. Why do you act in line with Schmidt’s law and give money to the B&H CEC if the RS election commission will implement elections? In Banja Luka they reject Schmidt’s laws and then in Sarajevo they act in line with these laws. In Banja Luka they give ultimatum to parties from Sarajevo to reject Schmidt’s laws and then they run to Sarajevo to implement them”, stressed Pandurevic. Vice President of PDP Igor Crnadak stated that while in Banja Luka RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik claims they will apprehend Schmidt, SNSD officials in Sarajevo implement laws of this very German tourist. “Lie after lie, fraud after fraud, this is the only way to describe hypocritical policy of SNSD”, underlined Crnadak. He assessed that Amidzic’s acting in line with Schmidt’s imposed law is another evidence SNSD has been manipulating and tricking its own people. “When translated to Serbian language, it becomes clear that in Sarajevo SNSD and Dodik peacefully implement everything Schmidt imposes. At the same time, they constantly talk to people in the RS they do not recognize and respect him. They were servants of High Representatives when they were removing RS President Nikola Poplasen, SDS and PDP officials”, explained Crnadak. He concluded that SNSD officials remained servants.


Dodik says RS will not implement decisions imposed by Schmidt, announces adoption of RS Election Law (Oslobodjenje/BNTV)


At the opening of economic fair ‘Expo’ in Banja Luka on Wednesday, RS President Milorad Dodik stated: “The RS has organized this manifestation by which it has shown its stability. We are grateful to Serbia for everything, and the RS will continue to work with other countries, which want to work with us. A delegation from Hungary is coming in two days, the country, which, unlike Germany, says that it wants to invest here. Germany said that it would suspend their projects here and they did it for some three projects. However, German companies do not want to suspend contracts which they have here, and this lasts until May, and we shall resolve this after May.” Dodik added: “Until recently we had the same number of pensioners and workers and despite of this, we show our capability and that is the main problem for the countries from the West since they do not want us to succeed. They want us to be handicapped and to beg. The way they are acting will influence us in a way that we shall distance from what is interest of B&H.” He also said: “B&H is a problem since the RS is more capable on its own. We would have been leaders of joining the EU if there had not been B&H. The EU wants a centralized B&H. However, they should be aware that we shall not make distance from the story that Schmidt is illegitimate. I have said that there is a seven-day deadline to annul it (HR’s changes to B&H Election Law). The EU has presented its stance. If it does not happen by the end of this or the beginning of the next week, then we shall launch an initiative that the B&H Parliament does it, and if this does not pass either then we shall adopt our election law. The West does should not recognize our elections, they do not have to. We shall recognize them and our other friends.” Dodik further noted: “I believe that I am not crazy, but I am proud of sanctions imposed against me and that I do not have to communicate with them. I am proud of Aleksandar Vucic, Viktor Orban and Vladimir Putin and of our friendship. I am proud of people from China, Slovenia and Croatia which are here to invest. The RS is turned towards Serbia in every case, it is our center and our capital. Sarajevo is not our capital, I would never go there if I do not have to. He said that the existence of B&H is endangering the survival of Serbs in the region. BNTV carries that Dodik threatened with secession of the RS again. He announced continuation of the process of adoption of the RS election law. “We will wait for as long as it is necessary. In the end, we will leave B&H. We do not want to be part of it, because it is problem for our survival here. If there was not B&H, the RS would be much more developed, capable and powerful. If it was possible hypothetically, we would probably be leaders concerning the EU integration if there were not these blockades at B&H level”, explained Dodik. He went on to saying that the EU wants to centralize B&H through the EU path, adding that it will not happen. “The same as we will not move further from this story of illegal Schmidt, lying, arrogant Schmidt who has been attempting to make our life more difficult. Muslims in Sarajevo are eager to be pa art of that scenario of imposing by foreigners. We said that we give seven days to foreigners to say: this is not good. The EU already said it. We believed it is possible to complete it faster. If this does not happen, at the end of this week or beginning of next week, we will launch initiative to discuss this situation in the Parliamentary Assembly. If this does not happen, the RS will go its way in regard to the election law”, stressed the RS President.


UN’s Nderitu on changes to Election Law: Everyone in B&H deserves a future in which there is no space for denial of genocide (Slobodna Bosna)


United Nations Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Alice Wairimu Nderitu has acknowledged the amendment to the Election Law of B&H, introduced on 26 March, which stipulates that ‘no person who has been convicted by any international or domestic court of the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes may stand as candidate for elections or hold any elective, appointive or other office.’ The Special Adviser recognized the importance of this step as contributing to strengthen trust-building in the country both in institutions and among communities impacted by the denial of genocide and related crimes, and to advance inter-communal healing. The Special Adviser also noted the recent Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Justice and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, enabling that criminal records of B&H and people born on the territory of B&H who have been convicted by the international tribunals of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide are registered in the country’s criminal records. The Special Adviser considers this as an important step to affirm the recognition of the rulings of the international tribunals and counter revisionism, denial, and the glorification of war criminals. “Everyone in B&H deserves a future in which there is no space for denial of genocide, war crimes or crimes against humanity, and the glorification of those who have committed such crimes. Countering these patterns requires active efforts and determination from a range of actors across the country, from the top political leadership to the community level. The voice of those who acknowledge the crimes committed in the past and the suffering they caused must be stronger than the voice of those who deny them. Many civil society actors have for decades undertaken remarkable work in that regard, but this is primarily the responsibility of authorities and institutions, at all levels, to build a peaceful and inclusive society,” stated the Special Adviser.


Gutic Bjelica: Orban's upcoming visit to RS will bring significant developments in economic cooperation between Budapest and Banja Luka (ATV/RTRS)


B&H Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutic Bjelica said to ATV that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's upcoming visit to RS will bring significant developments in the economic cooperation between Budapest and Banja Luka, which will also affect other processes of interest. She points out that the significance of the visit should be seen in a much wider spectrum, because it not only confirms the friendly relations between the leaders and governments of the two countries, but also confirms significant cooperation in the political, economic, social and cultural aspects. "The Hungarian presidency of the EU begins on July 1 this year and lasts until the end of 2024. The two main goals of the presidency are the entry into the EU of the countries of the Western Balkans and the stopping of illegal immigration and the management of the migration process. Given that these two goals coincide more or less with policies of the countries of the Western Balkans, and in this context, it is necessary to see the significance of the visit," says Gutic Bjelica. She noted that Hungary has positioned itself as a leader in the region of Central Europe on many issues and is certainly one of the most important actors in the current processes in the countries of our region. "Without any doubt, the visit will bring significant developments in the economic cooperation between RS and Hungary, which will be reflected in other forms of cooperation and processes that are of interest to us," said Gutic Bjelica. On Friday, 5 April, the RS government in Banja Luka will host an Economic Forum, in which businessmen from the RS and Hungary will participate. This is just one of the events that will take place on the occasion of the visit of the Hungarian delegation to the RS. Slobodanka Dubravac, RS Assistant Minister of Economy and Entrepreneurship, said that the arrival of 22 companies from Hungary had been announced. “There are different areas, as well as the sizes of business entities. We also have large corporations, especially in the field of energy. Companies from the fields of construction, agriculture, mechanical industry will be present, and one company is from the field of finance,” Dubravac told RTRS. She pointed out that between 60 and 70 business entities from the RS will be present. She stated that the highest officials of the RS and Hungary will attend the forum. RS President Milorad Dodik said they will discuss cooperation between the RS and Hungary at the forum, and also potential investments and projects in the future. Dodik spoke about the cooperation between the RS, Serbia and Hungary, and said they would form a sort of “economic union” and be a good connection between the East and the West. Dodik said they are ready to make big steps forward and to achieve significant progress.


Milanovic: As long as US Embassy oppresses B&H Croats, they will be getting the middle finger from me (Vijesti)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Wednesday his earlier statement in which he accused the US Embassy to B&H of behaving in a hostile manner towards B&H Croats. Milanovic said that he carefully chose the words of his statement noting that the US Embassy is “doing much worse things”. According to Milanovic, the US Embassy is oppressing Croats for the sake of petty interests of some gas distributors, who claim that their goal is to eliminate the dependence on Russian gas. Milanovic said that he can accept that, but not at the cost of interests of B&H Croats. He argued that transport of US gas cannot go through Croat territory without the approval of Croats. Milanovic also said that as long as the US Embassy oppresses B&H Croats, it “will be getting a middle finger” from him.


Plenkovic: Only those who run in the election can aspire to the office of prime minister (Hina)


The Prime Minister and leader of the ruling HDZ party, Andrej Plenkovic, said on Tuesday that no one can aspire to the office of prime minister without running and participating in the parliamentary election. He again called out President Zoran Milanovic, without mentioning him, but labelled him a constitutional offender. “What we want is that we never get into a situation where someone aspires to the office of prime minister and holds it without an election. I personally reject such a democratic deformation on principle,” Plenkovic told the press after a meeting of the HDZ party leadership. Anyone who wants to become Croatian prime minister must engage in the political game, must expose themselves, must engage in an exchange of opinions, in arguments and must not violate all democratic principles, our constitutional order, said Plenkovic. When a journalist pointed out that in mid-2016, the HDZ, in cooperation with the Most party, brought a person to the head of the government who had not participated in the election – the short-lived Croatian Prime Minister Tihomir Oreskovic – Plenkovic recalled that this combination failed precisely because he had not been a candidate in the election. The journalists were also interested in the comment on Milanovic’s statement that he would not allow Rafale flights over Zagreb in his capacity as prime minister. Plenkovic said: “Well, we do not buy them to keep them in the hangar” and noted, among other things, that Milanovic would not be president for much longer. “I do not think anyone wants to see such a constitution-breaker in this position again, where he has done nothing, just as he did nothing when he was prime minister,” he said, adding that Milanovic’s record “is not miserable, but non-existent.” He emphasised that Croatia had strengthened its (defence) capabilities by purchasing the Rafale fighter jets. “This kind of capability, for which our government is responsible… raises Croatia to a level where there is no other country that has a stronger air force in this area, between Germany and Greece,” he said. Journalists repeatedly asked Plenkovic why the HDZ had not denounced those who had violated the constitution during the election campaign. Alluding to the blatant campaign manoeuvre of President Zoran Milanovic, who was banned from participating in the election campaign if he did not resign, Plenkovic replied that this was a matter for the State Electoral Commission and the Constitutional Court. Let those who are responsible for it according to the law deal with it, he said.


Montenegro to vote for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe (CdM)


In New York yesterday, a meeting between the President and Vice President of the Bosniak Union of Montenegro in New York, Esad Rastoder and Ramiz Ljesnanin, was held with the Vice President of the Government of Kosovo, Emilia Redzepi. "At the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the current situation in Montenegro, and the position of the representative of Montenegro in the Council of Europe and the unchanged trip of the representative of Montenegro in the Council, who voted against Kosovo's entry into the Council of Europe," the statement said. They both agreed and believe that Montenegro will act correctly in April and vote for the admission of Kosovo to the Council of Europe.


Bosniak party will support the Resolution on the condemnation of Israel's crimes in Palestine (CdM)


Bosniak Party MP Amer Smailovic announced the Bosniak Party's position on the Resolution condemning Israel's crimes in Palestine. He announced that the Bosniak Party will support the Resolution in the Assembly of Montenegro. Smailovic, as stated in the statement of the Movement of Solidarity with Palestine, said that every day we witness the suffering of the innocent population in Gaza and "aggression that we do not see when it will stop. "It is difficult to watch all the suffering, which so far numbers over 30,000 innocent civilians whose murders cannot be justified," said Amer Smailovic. He said that he expects the world to stand on the right side and stop the destruction of the war and the killing of the innocent population in Gaza. "This situation represents the defeat of civilization," declared Bosniak Party MP Amer Smailovic.


Osmani: Commitment to Euro-integrations to boost resilience to potential Russian influences (MIA)


The threat from Russia is serious and we aren’t saying this only as part of our political narratives, but the structures responsible for the assessment of the risk of Russian aggression and the effects caused by Russia’s ambitions are saying this as well, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani told MIA on Wednesday after the first day of NATO’s ministerial meeting in Brussels. According to Osmani, with a potential victory in Ukraine, Russia would establish a direct corridor to Transnistria and Moldova, making Transnistria its “second stop” alongside Georgia, which would then be followed by the Western Balkans. “The Western Balkans is already a serious target for Russia’s hybrid threats. Russia has established its proxy centers, proxy politicians, proxy political parties in the Western Balkans, including in North Macedonia, so I can confirm that the Western Balkans is on the list of Russia’s imperial ambitions,” Osmani said, adding that the country must continue supporting Ukraine and maintain strategic predictability in response. According to the FM, the statements of opposition politicians regarding a potential renegotiation of the EU Negotiating Framework and a withdrawal from the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness with Bulgaria are a cause for “serious concern”. “Firstly, they’re manipulating the public with the potential of renegotiating the Negotiating Framework. This is impossible. The EU doesn’t work like that. Decisions are made by consensus of 27 member states, and there is no chance to renegotiate if a single country opposes it. Secondly, if the country’s European process is blocked, not only does it become vulnerable in terms of possible Russian influence, but all processes in the country that are stabilized and harmonized on the basis of the European idea will begin to implode,” Osmani stated. According to Osmani, such an approach would affect the country’s economic progress, reforms, inter-ethnic and good-neighborly relations and the EU’s positive influence in terms of boosting the country’s resilience. “The country will become vulnerable and this will be the greatest gift for Vladimir Putin and his imperial ambitions,” he said. Touching upon the NATO ministerial meeting, Osmani said the main topics were the defining of priorities and conclusions for July’s NATO Summit in Washington, as well as the strengthening of the Alliance’s unity in terms of its support for Ukraine. “Of course, I had the chance to state that North Macedonia has achieved the target of spending 2 percent of GDP on defense, even exceeding it with 2.05 percent in the 2024 Budget, with the commitment of reaching 2.15 percent in 2025,” Osmani said. The Foreign Minister said at the meeting North Macedonia supported the proposals for increased coordination of various initiatives in support for Ukraine with the goal of increasing the efficiency of that assistance.


Osmani: NATO's open-door policy, EU enlargement key to dealing with Russian security threats (MIA)


Addressing Wednesday's NATO ministerial meeting in Brussels, Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani said it was time for new dynamics in the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkan countries, noting that speeding up these processes is key to countering Russian intentions and consolidating overall stability. "Our region is increasingly becoming a field for geopolitical competition, and the Western Balkans is in the line of fire in the clash of civilizations between the West and the East. Russia's military aggression against Ukraine has shown that the security architecture in Europe is broken, and as I have pointed out on other occasions, Ukraine is only the first stop of Russian imperialist ambitions. After Ukraine, Russian aggression is expected to continue and Western Balkan countries will be the next stop," said Osmani. He underscored that Wednesday's ministerial is significant because all NATO allies are celebrating its landmark 75th anniversary together at the headquarters in Brussels. "This landmark anniversary coincides with Sweden joining our transatlantic family. This is a proof that NATO's open-door policy is not only alive, but it is stronger and has a strong focus on all allied countries," Osmani pointed out. The ministerial discussed ways and mechanisms to further strengthen Ukraine support and deepen cooperation with Indo-Pacific partners, as well as strengthening deterrence and defence of the NATO Alliance. In that context, Osmani stressed that North Macedonia has reached the 2 percent of GDP target on defense spending. Wednesday's ministerial also looked into decisions in the run-up to the July NATO Summit in Washington.


Osmani – Peach: Country's NATO membership strengthens Alliance's Southern Flank (MIA)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani met Wednesday with Lord Stuart Peach, the UK Prime Minister's Special Envoy to the Western Balkans, according to an official press release.

Their talks focused on bilateral relations and the possibilities for intensifying security cooperation, the release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. "We highly appreciate the long-term British support to projects for implementing reforms in various areas of key importance for the country's European integration process and of course we should consider any possibilities of promoting cooperation in the field of security," the release quoted FM Osmani as saying at the meeting. In light of North Macedonia's fourth anniversary of becoming a NATO member, meeting participants also spoke about the country's noticeable contribution to the Alliance by raising the security of its Southern Flank and improving the stability in the region and across the European continent in general, according to the release.


Xhaferi - Peach: North Macedonia and UK partners and allies committed to security through unity (MIA)


Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi met on Wednesday with the UK Special Envoy to the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach. Xhaferi and Peach welcomed excellent bilateral relations, expressing the expectation that the established active dynamics of cooperation, meetings and visits at a high level will continue with undiminished intensity, the Government said in a press release. Xhaferi expressed satisfaction that Peach's visit is taking place as North Macedonia celebrates four years of NATO membership, and the Alliance marks its 75th anniversary. Thanking Lord Peach for his support to the country's Euro-Atlantic path, Xhaferi stressed North Macedonia's commitment to being an active and credible member of the Alliance, commitment to security through unity, as well as the country's strong relations with the United Kingdom. "Extending congratulations on the anniversary of NATO membership, Lord Stuart Peach highlighted the UK's commitment to continue to actively cooperate with North Macedonia as a NATO ally and to continue to support modernization of the defence," reads the press release. Participants in the meeting, the press release adds, discussed current issues in the Western Balkans region, the challenges, opportunities and importance of moving the region forward, security in Europe in light of the war in Ukraine, and cooperation between the two countries as partners and allies.


Petrovska – Peach discuss security, defense cooperation in NATO (MIA)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska met Wednesday with the Special Envoy of the United Kingdom to the Western Balkans, Lord Stuart Peach for talks on the security situation in Europe and the Western Balkan region and on the development of defense relations between North Macedonia and the United Kingdom as NATO allies. British Ambassador Matthew Lawson was also in the meeting, the Defense Ministry said. North Macedonia, said Petrovska, considers the United Kingdom an ally fostering strong friendly relations and a developed defense cooperation that has helped the country implement NATO standards. “Our joint commitment to strengthening security and stability is more than evident. With British support, we continue to develop our largest training ground in a modern training center that offers excellent conditions for developing interoperability within NATO,” stated the Minister. Lord Peach in the meeting said North Macedonia and the United Kingdom have strong defense cooperation, evident through his country’s continuous support in the field of military education, different types of donations and joint exercises of members of the two-armed forces at Krivolak training center, said the press release.  The United Kingdom is an ally with which North Macedonia has developed an overall defense cooperation, it added. In 2023, ten joint trainings and exercises took place and army members have continued their education in military academies in the country.  With financial support of around one million British pounds, 14 complex mobile units for training of army members in an urban environment have been set up at Krivolak, electronic targeting systems have been donated and the construction of a shooting tower is in final stages. Also, British soldiers have been part of many trainings of the members of the light infantry battalion of the Macedonian army, said the press release.


Xhaferi - Strik: Strong support for North Macedonia to resume EU integration efforts (MIA)


North Macedonia’s further progress in the EU integration process, deemed as being vital for the perspectives of the citizens in the country and also in regional and geopolitical context, was the focal point of Wednesday’s meeting of caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi with Dutch MEP Tineke Strik.  This is Xhaferi’s second meeting with Strik in his capacity as prime minister following his first visit to the European institutions in Brussels on February 14, the government said in a press release. MEP Strik is part of the Greens/European Free Alliance Group and a member of the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and the EU-North Macedonia Joint Parliamentary Committee. Strong support for the European path of the country to resume after the elections was stressed in the meeting. North Macedonia, Xhaferi said, is in a key moment in the democratic development and the presidential and parliamentary elections will determine the direction of the country, which is being followed with interest in the region and in Europe. He noted the government has been taking all the steps in line with its responsibilities to make sure all relevant institutions can organize fair and democratic elections with full legitimacy. Welcoming the progress of North Macedonia and the successfully completed screening process, MEP Strik stressed the urgency and importance of resuming the path from a geopolitical aspect and of using the positive momentum and the wide support for the EU enlargement.  “At the same time, she called on North Macedonia after completing the elections and the formation of the Parliament and the government to accelerate efforts to adopt the constitutional changes and fulfil the reform agenda and to conclude the accession to the EU together with the neighbors,” said the press release. They also discussed the importance of the Western Balkans Growth Plan and its passage in the European Parliament as well as ways for strengthening the country’s overall cooperation with the European Parliament.


Albania 15 years in NATO, US Embassy to Tirana: Proud to work in regional and global security efforts (Radio Tirana)


In the framework of the 15th anniversary of Albania's membership in NATO, the US Embassy to Tirana has expressed its pride for the joint work in regional and global security efforts. The Embassy writes that NATO has the military capacity to undertake preventive and crisis management operations alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organizations. “As Albania marks 15 years as a NATO Ally this week, we are proud to work together on regional and global security efforts. NATO is active and leading contributor to peace and security in the world. One of NATO's core tasks is security crisis prevention and management, which can come in the form of NATO missions. NATO promotes democratic values and is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. However, if diplomatic efforts fail, NATO has the military capacity to undertake crisis prevention and management operations alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organizations," writes the Embassy on the Facebook social network. US Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken has congratulated Albania on the 15th anniversary of Albania's accession to NATO. In his message, Blinken writes that they are proud to be allies with Albania, emphasizing that the alliance continues to grow and adapt to address future development challenges. "On behalf of the United States, I congratulate Albania and Croatia on the 15th anniversary of their NATO membership. Fifteen years ago, we celebrated the commitment your democracies made not only to the defense of our Alliance but also to peace and prosperity throughout the region. Today, we honour your continued commitment to deter and defend every inch of NATO territory, just as we uphold our shared democratic values. On this anniversary, we remain proud to stand with you as allies. As our Alliance continues to grow and adapt to address future development challenges, NATO is stronger and more united than ever," Blinken writes in his message. Prime Minister Edi Rama, through a post on platform X, thanked US Secretary Antony Blinken on the 15th anniversary of Albania's accession to NATO. Rama emphasizes that "it is not only a celebration of our past achievements, but also a reaffirmation of our unwavering commitment to the principles and values ​​that underpin our Alliance." "Over the past 15 years, Albania has proudly contributed to NATO's collective defense and security, and we remain steadfast in our commitment to supporting peace and democratic values ​​in our region and beyond." Rama writes that "we are honoured to stand shoulder to shoulder with our allies, primarily the United States, as we continue to adapt and strengthen our cooperation in the face of global development challenges."


Election Commission and OSCE, a greater engagement of voters (Radio Tirana)


The Central Election Commission, in cooperation with the OSCE Presence in Albania, held today a discussion table on the experience of extending election education of the 2023 local elections and the programs for the 2025 general elections. During his discussion in the table, the State Elections head Commissioner, Ilirjan Celibashi emphasized the necessity of guaranteeing an even greater engagement of voters at all levels. "Together with civil society organizations, experts from Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights of the OSCE (ODIHR), the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, international organizations and representatives of the diplomatic corps, we agreed that it is necessary that campaigns for the engagement of voters improve even more in quality and expand in quantity, in order to ensure an even greater engagement of voters at all levels," said Celibashi. According to Celibashi, it is even more necessary when it comes to the underrepresented categories of voters, including national minorities, voters with different abilities, women and young people, especially in rural areas.


Establishment of the Assembly Committee against Disinformation, Nikolla letter to State Department official: We welcome your assistance and experience (Radio Tirana)


With the establishment of the parliamentary commission against disinformation, the Speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla has sent a letter to US State Department official, James Rubin, welcoming his experience and assistance to prevent foreign influences in Albania. Nikolla's letter addressed to the US State Department official, states that as Albania tries to address malignant foreign influences, the committee would greatly benefit from your experience and knowledge". Nikolla has also asked that the State Department official give a speech to the Assembly, precisely on the importance of joint efforts to fight foreign malignant influences. The governing majority passed with its votes at the group-chairpersons conference, the establishment of the Special Committee against Disinformation. The focus of this committee will be the coordination and supervision of all institutional efforts to combat disinformation and other forms of foreign interference in democratic processes in Albania.