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Belgrade Media Report 8 April 2024



Vucic: I believe in great things we can do today in Paris (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said today that he believes in great things that Serbia can do today in Paris. "I have great trepidation, responsibility, but I know that when you fight for your country, there must be results. I believe in great things that we can do here in Paris today, and I thank the people for believing in and standing by their leadership," Vucic posted on Instagram. The President added that despite all the difficulties and despite all the problems, we will prevail. "Despite all the problems, we will win and save Serbia in times that are difficult for the whole world, those difficult times are coming, they will not be easy for us, together and united we can do anything," the President said in a short video address. He added that he is happy to represent Serbia in France. "It's wonderful to be in Paris today, the welcome given to us by the French host, President Macron, is something that makes one proud to be a Serb in the capital of France," said Vucic and added that he is preparing for all the meetings he will have there, including in the Senate and the Elysee Palace. After singing the national anthem, Vucic entered the Les Invalides, (House of Invalids), where he laid a wreath under the plaque to the Serbian soldiers. On the plaque "Loyalty for Loyalty" it says in French: "In honor of the Serbian army, the heroic ally of France in the Great War, and for the Serbian fighters who died for France in the joint fight against the Nazi occupation. Vucic said on Monday his visit to Paris had begun with important meetings that were substantial for Serbia. Speaking to reporters, Vucic said a Serbian delegation had had a discussion with Dassault Aviation representatives about all forms of cooperation. "Those were talks that were not easy, we want to complete them by the evening and sign an agreement and start implementing it within the next 15 days. We are not done with one to two issues, I hope we will finish that before the Senate meeting. That would be important for defence and our country's strength and for greater security for us all," Vucic said.


Dirty game in the United Nations (TV Informer/Politika)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic gave an interview for TV Informer on Saturday night, and he also commented the issue of announced Srebrenica Resolution, noting that he will talk to everyone and see what can be done. “Chances are small in the United Nations because they played dirty and chose the UN GA, but we will fight,” said Vucic. He noted that those who say that this Resolution is not important have no good intentions toward Serbia. He noted that this is not matter of the trial, because the verdict exists and Serbia cannot be tried two times for the same thing, but this is the issue of morality and the fact that every textbook will read that “this has been done”. “They will not be able to say that Serbia did that, but they will instead say that Serbs have done that. And that now we have to forsake our brothers. Ever since the time of Türkiye, everything was done to separate Muslims from Serbs. Do you really think that after this, you will be able to bring Serbs from Republika Srpska (RS) to your side,” said Vucic. He underlined that nobody can abolish the RS, as it is a part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), but according to the Dayton Agreement it has its own people and competencies. He underlined that this will be one of the issues discussed at the “Easter Assembly”. He noted that the current authority did the most for Bosniaks and will do even more. Vucic referred to his visit to Srebrenica “when he was almost executed” and said that nobody has ever been arrested for this and this represents a precedent. “Have you heard that these foreigners asked for arrest of the attackers? No, but instead they found some pathetic people here who said they were there in an illegal manner. And they do not know that there is agreement between RS and Serbian Interior Ministries. Do you know any other country in the world, where execution attempt was made against President of other state and that nobody answered for this? For decades I have been listening that Vucic was with sniper above Sarajevo, and I say that this is tripod or umbrella. And they continue to lie. I did not have a sniper even in the Army, have they no shame? And they will continue to lie, and everyone here will be silent. This suits their narrative. Serbs have to be villains and be guilty,” said Vucic. He said that he asked Germans whether they were convicted of genocide and that representative of Germany showed a paper saying they were convicted of holocaust. Vucic said that one of the issues he will talk about with French President Emmanuel Macron will be the issue of Srebrenica Resolution and believes that France will show friendly intention to help as much as it is possible. Vucic also said that he always respected Bosniak victims. Vucic says that he "understands the anger of the Bosniak people because of Srebrenica", where he was attacked a few years ago when he was the Prime Minister of Serbia, but not the leadership of the Bosniak people who had been calling him for days, and when he came to pay homage to the Bosniak victims, as he said, they looked at him as "stinky cheese". Vucic stated that according to the Dayton Peace Agreement, the RS is an integral part of B&H, but also according to the Dayton, it has its own territory, its own people and its own powers. "There will be no abolition of the RS, no matter what some say and no matter what many dream about," said Vucic. Commenting on the American sanctions against the leadership of the RS, Vucic said that the sanctions that someone imposes on someone are not a shame of the one against who the sanctions were imposed, but of those who imposed those sanctions. Vucic said that he would travel to France and discuss 14 topics with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron on 8 April, including artificial intelligence, the military industry and nuclear energy. "We are going to have 14 topics. Three are about artificial intelligence. We will also discuss nuclear energy. I will be talking with Macron about the military industry, too. He has questions for me, too. I know what he will ask me," the President of Serbia said. In the same statement, Vucic said he believed it was not the right time for Serbia to join BRICS, an organization comprised of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. He added that the reason was that Serbia "is on the European path".


Vucic sent a clear message from the SNS Presidency session: Don't worry, especially you from N1, we will win (B92)


At the headquarters of the Serbian Progressive Party in Belgrade, a session of the Presidency of the Party was held today, which was attended by a member of the Presidency of the SNS and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Ana Brnabic said that two basic topics were discussed at the session. "President Vučić informed the members of SNS about all the challenges that our country is currently facing. Another topic is the Belgrade elections. We plan to start collecting signatures with all the coalition partners with whom we are on the same list on 2 June, as quickly as possible." said Brnabic. She thanked all the citizens of Belgrade who supported this list with their signatures and invited them to come in large numbers to the municipal committees tomorrow at noon and to finish the job quickly and efficiently. "This time we are going in the widest possible block. Tomorrow at 10 am we will sign the coalition agreement, we are going with all those parties that believe that Belgrade developed well under the leadership of the SNS," says Brnabic. She added that the campaign starts immediately. She points out that, as Vucic said, because of what all of Serbia is facing, the campaign will be different. "Through talking to people, visiting households and local councils, we will hear what people think and what they have to complain about, how things can be better and what their priorities are. We engage in politics precisely because of those things and then together with them, as a party that believes in the potential of all people in Serbia, and which cares about the citizens first, and if we get the trust of the citizens, we will fulfill that trust," she said.


Questions from journalists

"As for whether the representatives of the EU or international organizations are against the boycott or for the boycott, it seems to me that they have clearly said that they cannot support the boycott. What will be their position now, I cannot speak for them. I am interested in what the citizens of Serbia think, and how we got into this situation, and how those who demanded early elections are now boycotting those elections. Nothing has changed, only the transparency of the ballot list is better. We have adopted the recommendations of the ODIHR. Now we want to work together on that, they said 'no'", revealed Brnabic. She added that she still does not believe that the opposition will boycott the elections. "Then, why did you ask for them? Why didn't you let the city government do its job? Why did you ask for elections, why did you waste time for all the citizens of Belgrade?" Brnabic asked. "As for the fact that they will prevent the elections by force, I advise them not to try. They call their group "Serbia against violence", and they want to prevent the elections by force? I don't understand that. Are they going to the elections? Great. They are not going, it's a shame, but we will respect such a decision. But if someone prevents citizens from voting, that will not happen in Serbia," Brnabic said decisively. Aleksandar Sapic also mentioned that Dragan Djilas said that even now the election date does not suit them. "I also told the president a few months ago, when 15 or 20 of them stopped the whole city before the holidays. I said then that I would apologize to the people of Belgrade once again and that I would not do it again. They crossed the line. I will not stand behind the minority bullying the majority. Vucic also spoke about that. No one will break the law anymore," Sapic said. He points out that he would like to see Milos Jovanovic come and stop him from voting. "We keep hearing some threats. I've never touched anyone first in my life, but come on, do it!" said Sapic. Vladimir Orlic said that SNS will lead a "winning campaign". "We can say that the list of reasons why the campaign will be victorious is only getting longer. Otherwise, you can classify all the reasons, which are numerous, into two groups. There are many reasons for which all the parties of the former regime, from Djilas and false rightists, will be punished by their voters. And on the other hand, there are good reasons why people support the policy set by President Vucic," Orlic pointed out. He says that the people who voted for the opposition are certainly not enthusiastic about the theft of toilet paper. "Everything is clear to everyone. Why are they not allowed to vote? Well, they know what awaits them and what the result will be! Everyone knows it very well, they have seen the research. It is a two-digit difference and that is why they are not allowed to vote. It will not affect the result, you just gave additional reasons why the people don't want you," said Orlic. When asked what the state will do if the opposition tries to block the elections, Ana Brnabic asked what the government in Germany or France would do. "It would have stopped the violence! After the lynching of Miladin Kovacevic, the demolition of the Old Palace, the mistreatment of women from the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government, now all that is needed is for 'Serbia against violence' to physically try to prevent citizens from fulfilling their civic duty to vote in elections. And in elections which they asked for. We wouldn't even have elections if they didn't ask for it in the form of ultimatum," said Brnabic. She also says that the government will be formed within the legal deadline, as well as that personnel solutions have been discussed, but that she cannot make anything public yet. As reported by the media, due to previously undertaken obligations, the President of Serbia ended his attendance at the SNS Presidency session. He briefly greeted the journalists and pointed out that he had to go because he had meetings with foreigners. Regarding question of N1 about the government of Serbia, Vucic answered: "There was talk about the government, we are getting ready, but don't worry, especially you from N1, we will win!" We remind you that among the first to arrive at today's session were SNS party president Milos Vucevic, members of the Presidency Nikola Selakovic, Jorgovanka Tabakovic, and Vice President of the Main Board Vladimir Orlic. In addition to the other members of the Presidency, the meeting is attended by the Vice President of the SNS Main Board Ana Brnabic, SNS candidate for mayor of Belgrade and Vice President of the Main Board Aleksandar Sapic, Vice Presidents of the Main Board Irena Vujovic, Sinisa Mali, Nevena Djuric, as well as the president of the SNS Executive Board Darko Glisic.


Brnabic: The opposition wants to internationalize the crisis (TV Pink)


The speaker of the parliament of Serbia Ana Brnabic said on Sunday evening that starting tomorrow, she will again invite representatives of the opposition to talks about the election conditions and recommendations of the ODIHR. When asked whether the legitimacy of the elections will be threatened if the two or three strongest opposition groups boycott the elections, Brnabić replied that only the legitimacy of the opposition will be undermined. "Their legitimacy is now becoming questionable. Their frivolity is becoming completely unquestionable. We have these elections because they asked for them and now they will boycott them," said Brnabic, being hosted on TV Pink. She pointed out that before the announcement of the Belgrade elections, she herself invited the opposition for a discussion for the third time and reminded that on 4 March they did not respond to the invitation of President Aleksandar Vucic for consultations, which was their legal obligation. "On Monday, they only had a correct, but extremely difficult conversation. The opposition did not want to discuss the ODIHR recommendations, but only its three demands: to form an independent commission to control the ballot paper, to be equally represented on the public service and to have local and the Belgrade elections on the same day. We immediately replied that the first request was accepted, we cannot do the second, because we do not control the work of public services, but that we will talk to them about it, while we cannot do the third because it is illegal," explained Brnabic. She said that she met with the opposition on Wednesday when she offered them an alternative proposal - that they should discuss the date of all other local elections, maybe in the fall and create temporary bodies, but that the opposition refused. "I asked them twice to continue working together on ODIHR recommendations, on the formation of a commission for ballot papers, but they refused all of that," said Brnabic. She added that even while the DS and DOS were in power, there were a large number of ODIHR recommendations, primarily regarding the unified ballot paper, but that the government was not interested then. Brnabic thanked all Belgraders who supported the SNS list, reminding that this morning they submitted a list with 20,000 citizens' signatures, which was accepted under the name "Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade tomorrow".


The opposition wants to internationalize the crisis

Brnabic stated that the opposition's announcements that they will prevent the holding of the Belgrade elections are in fact an attempt to internationalize the crisis. "I told them quite frankly at the meeting on Wednesday that I think it's a completely wrong path. Where you started is a dead end and you need to think, because there is no other way than to go back and have a dialogue and let's decide what to do in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Serbia," Brnabic told TV Pink. She told the opposition that if they don't like the laws, the National Assembly is the right place to discuss the laws and if they want to change the laws on the protection of personal data or some electoral law in the Assembly. She pointed out that it is not democratic to shorten the mandate of someone who does not want to resign. "Because tomorrow that will happen to you, because tomorrow you may get some local self-government, and the majority in the parliament will say, for goodness sake, now we will shorten the mandate by one 300 days, so let's see," Brnabic said. To the remark that before the December elections, some mayors resigned, Brnabic replied that some did and some did not. "And those who didn't want to, don't want to make cuts even now. And nobody has the right, nobody has the right to cut them. If there is a political agreement, within a party or coalition, it's fine, you respect that party, so be ready to resign. But if there is no such agreement and those people do not want to resign, no one can take that mandate from them, because that would be the opening of Pandora's box," said Brnabic. When asked if it would change anything if the opposition proposed a draft lex specialis for postponing the Belgrade elections, Brnabic replied that it would allow the opposition to change the dates of the elections as it pleases. "Since they first mentioned lex specialis, since then they have changed their opinion one or three times about what that lex specialis is and how it should be regulated. Should it shorten the mandate, extend the mandate, postpone the elections in Belgrade or be all together," said Brnabic. She asked the opposition exactly what it wanted, whether it wanted Belgrade to be under temporary funding for two years. "What exactly do you want for the citizens of Belgrade? That we don't know how kindergartens are financed? That we don't know how some other things in Belgrade are financed? City traffic, city greenery, anything else, heating plants? What do you really want?", Ana Brnabic wondered. "It occurred to Djilas that he has an election, since this is ultimately up to him," said Brnabic. She added that the "Serbia against Violence" list tonight on "Impression of the Week" is threatening violence and that they said that "the Serbian Progressive Party is a gang, an organized criminal group and that they do not know how it will end and that they will physically prevent elections''. "These are the biggest bullies and the biggest abusers. Surely there is someone there who is serious and responsible enough to say: it can't be like this. People gave us a hand for dialogue. Out of three requests, we accepted two in five minutes. And the two most important ones. Well let's sit down and talk. Don't just threaten, don't just harass citizens, don't keep changing your minds, let's show responsibility and seriousness. And that's what I'm playing for and what I'm hoping for," said Brnabic.


Vucic signs electoral list ‘Aleksandar Vucic – Belgrade tomorrow’ (Tanjug)


The Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) started to collect signatures in support of the electoral list, which will be called 'Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade tomorrow', with the names of the coalition partners with whom they will participate in the Belgrade elections on 2 June, Tanjug reported. The President of Serbia and member of the SNS Presidency, Aleksandar Vucic, gave his signature at the SNS municipal committee in Zemun. Asked why they decided to join the together, Vucic said that “they need unity, to be as strong as possible”. “There are not so easy days ahead of us regarding Pristina in the Council of Europe and the UN, but the country must move forward. Belgrade is an important part of our country, it must be on the right track. There we have fantastic projects from the EXPO, the metro, the ring road, Belgrade on the water, the largest hospitals in the country. I came as an ordinary citizen to support them to win,” he said. SPS president Ivica Dacic will also provide his support. According to Vucic, Dacic’s following after his own on the list. “We will fulfill all the recommendations of the ODIHR, even that commission. I have been doing this job for many years and I don’t believe that there is anyone who knows these election processes better than me. You cannot blame the electoral roll. Tell me what a dead man sounds like? I see that there are supporters of the former regime among the journalists, so let them tell me how. Does someone come out in his place? But when you can’t justify your defeat, it’s always someone else’s fault,” said Vucic.


Commission approves Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade Tomorrow electoral list (Tanjug)


The Belgrade city electoral commission approved the Aleksandar Vucic - Belgrade Tomorrow electoral list on Sunday. It became the first list to be approved for the 2 June polls for the city assembly and will appear under number one in the ballot. A decision published on the website of the national electoral commission said the city commission had concluded the list met all the legal requirements for approval. Earlier in the day, the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) submitted the list to the city electoral commission. The list was supported by around 20,000 signatures. The SNS-led coalition behind the list also includes the Socialist Party of Serbia, the Social Democratic Party of Serbia, the Party of United Pensioners of Serbia, Greens of Serbia, the Serbian Radical Party, Healthy Serbia, United Serbia, the Movement of Socialists, the Serbian People's Party, the Serbian Oathkeepers Party, the Independent Serbian Party and the Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians.


Vucevic, Brnabic meet with Peach (Tanjug)


Serbian Defence Minister Milos Vucevic met with UK special Western Balkans envoy Stuart Peach on Monday. They discussed defence cooperation and Vucevic looked back on the most important past activities in that domain, the MoD said in a statement. Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic met today with Peach. Peach congratulated Brnabic on being appointed parliament speaker. She stressed that she would continue to work on advancing parliamentary cooperation with the UK for the duration her mandate, with a special focus on economic cooperation, as well as cooperation in the fields of energy, science and technology. Brnabic informed Peach about the meeting she had concerning the implementation of the ODIHR recommendations aimed at advancing the election process and strengthening democracy in Serbia. Although no agreement was reached, she expressed her intention to continue, during her chairmanship of the parliament, trying to establish dialogue with the opposition. Speaking of the normalisation of relations with Pristina, she emphasised Serbia’s commitment to a peaceful resolution of all open issues and expressed readiness for constructive dialogue. Peach restated that he supported the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, emphasising the importance of continuing the efforts to normalise the relations and reach a lasting peace because that is significant for the entire region. Both sides agreed that the dynamics of cooperation and high-level visits should be continued with an undiminished intensity and expressed readiness to intensify bilateral relations.


Apostolovic: CoE membership for Pristina unacceptable (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of Serbia's Mission to the EU Danijel Apostolovic noted on Friday that Serbia had made evident progress on meeting EU accession criteria and that the country was long ready to open Cluster 3 on competition and inclusive growth in its accession talks, which he said were "held hostage by unfortunate and grave geopolitical circumstances". At a session of a Serbia-EU consultative committee, Apostolovic also said the international community and many EU member states should be ashamed of their actions in their advocacy of CoE membership for the so-called Kosovo. "That is unacceptable, to say the least. It is a dangerous precedent that will have serious consequences. The entire international community is aware that, as I have already noted, Pristina has been failing to establish a Community of Serb Municipalities for 11 years now. That is hypocrisy, double standards and disrespect of its own signature on the Brussels agreement," Apostolovic said. Speaking about the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, he said the situation remained alarming as Pristina "continues with provocations and unilateral actions, jeopardising overall peace and stability in the entire region". "For 11 years now, we have been waiting for the establishment of the Community of Serb Municipalities. For now, I do not see a light at the end of this tunnel, or an adequate reaction or adequate pressure on Pristina to do so," Apostolovic said, noting that, on the other hand, Serbia had remained constructive, meeting all its commitments. "The abolition of Serbian payment transactions and the Dinar as the legal tender has made life even more unbearable for Serbs in the province, expelling the Serb population from Kosovo and Metohija," he also said.


EU: Failure to fulfil obligations will have serious consequences for Serbia, Kosovo on teir EU path (Beta)


A spokesperson for the EU Peter Stano stated on 5 April that Serbia and Kosovo would face serious consequences on their path to the Union if they failed to fulfill the obligations defined in the Agreement on the path to normalization between Kosovo and Serbia and its Implementation Annex signed in Ohrid. "I can only reiterate what the EU expects from Kosovo and Serbia, which is to begin fulfilling the agreements signed in Ohrid and Brussels without delay. If they fail to do so, or refuse to implement what they agreed to carry out, there will be serious consequences with regard to their path in the EU integration process," Stano told reporters in Brussels. When asked if an initiative by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to create a team to fight against Kosovo's membership in the Council of Europe was in line with Article 4 of the Agreement on the path to normalization, Stano declined to comment on the Serbian leader’s statements, or the intentions of Serbian institutions, and merely repeated Brussels' expectations. Article 4 of the Agreement, which in Serbia is often referred to as the Franco-German plan, stipulates that Serbia will not oppose Kosovo's membership in any international organization.


CeSID: Election boycott cold cost both government, opposition dearly (Blic)


The executive director of the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID) Bojan Klacar said on Friday that an election boycott "could cost both the government and the opposition dearly" and that for that reason "the door for compromise has been slightly opened". Kacar said in an interview with Blic that a boycott of the Belgrade polls would tarnish the government's reputation in the eyes of its international partners, who expected tensions to be eased, and in that case the opposition should boycott all local elections, which would have multiple negative consequences. "First, the opposition would encounter the dissatisfaction of local leaders, because a decision to boycott the local polls would mean giving up on at least ten municipalities across Serbia, including districts in Belgrade, where the opposition could win or at least achieve good results. Second, skipping two election cycles would mean the breaking down of infrastructure. Third, this could fracture the existing cohesion, because local leaders could ignore the decision to boycott the vote and run for office anyway," Klacar said.


Population census in Kosovo starts, fines for refusing to provide information up to 2,000 Euro (N1)


The population census kicked off in Kosovo on Saturday. According to the last census from 2011, about 1.7 million citizens live in Kosovo. But in that record there were no citizens from municipalities in the north the territory, who refused to participate. The question remains whether they will take part this year or not. For the enumeration, which will last six weeks, the Agency for Statistics of Kosovo has foreseen the engagement of around 3,500 active and passive enumerators. “Our enumerators are obliged to visit the household three times in order to collect their data. If they are not at home the first time, then the enumerator is obliged to leave a letter of notification, then the second time also leaves a letter of notification, their name and personal phone number, so that the same family can contact him and schedule a time that is most convenient for the family economy to conduct the interview,” said Hasbije Cerici from the Kosovo Statistics Agency. “When we make our plans for subsidies, investments, works, education, the health of citizens, the health system, we need to have the state of the population scanned as well as possible,” said Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti. The citizens that were interviewed by N1 are still not sure if they will respond to the call for the list. Announcements of penalties for those who will boycott this process have disturbed the citizens, bearing in mind that the Law on the Census foresees sanctions such as fines for persons who refuse to provide their information. The fine provided by law ranges between 30 to 2,000 Euros.




Orban meets with RS officials; Dodik and Orban discuss EU path of B&H (ATV)


Hungarian government delegation led by Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in a two-day visit to Republika Srpska (RS) on Thursday evening. Orban held a meeting with RS President Milorad Dodik in Banja Luka on Friday. Addressing a joint press conference after the meeting, Orban stated that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) cannot take the EU path as long as foreigners interfere in internal issues in B&H and that he supports all agreements reached by B&H politicians alone within their country. He condemned the recent decision of Christian Schmidt who imposed the amendments to the Election Law of B&H as “it is not good neither for the EU, Serbs nor for B&H”, noting that a country must not be destabilized for the sake of some foreign interests, but B&H politicians should be let agree on their own about things important for their future. Orban stressed that he understands position of Serbs in B&H and that the international community has an unfair attitude towards Serbs in B&H. He also assessed that B&H is a de-centralized country and therefore it is clear who owns the property. Orban assessed that he sees the RS as an area with great future prospects, adding that he does not refer to what current statistical data show, but he believes that the RS is part of Europe that can show the fastest growth in the future. “We believe that you have offered us a chance to take part in fast development that will come within the next few decades”, Orban emphasized. Dodk said that the visit of Hungarian officials represents an important day for the RS, and it marks the arrival of friends who want to cooperate. He thanked Orban for understanding and support he offers for the RS and all agreements within B&H, stressing that the RS does not want to be part of the EU under request that the RS gives up on its autonomy. Dodik underlined that the EU path in impossible if there is setting of any kind of conditions and requests for any kind of transfer of competences from the level of the RS to the level of B&H. “We in the RS want to preserve our autonomy. We do not want to undermine the Constitution of B&H or anything the Constitution stipulates for B&H, but we only want what belongs to the RS. We believe that this is a legitimate political request, and that only balanced relations within B&H and an agreement reached within B&H instead of being imposed by anyone represent a guarantee for Europe so it can accept a stable area under its roof”, Dodik stated. As for the property issue, Dodik warned that there are attempts to usurp the RS property and added that it is clear which activities the RS will take in case that this the RS property is usurped. The two officials jointly concluded that the RS and Hungary have successful cooperation, especially in the field of agriculture and energy and that cooperation of the RS and Hungary in other fields should be realized as well. They announced the improvement of cooperation in the field of education, sports and tourism. A ceremony at which Dodik presented Orban with the Order of the RS on a necklace, the highest decoration given to deserving institutions and individuals on the occasion of marking the RS Day on January 9, was also held in Banja Luka on Friday. Dodik stated at the ceremony that Orbán’s role in the development of the RS-Hungarian friendship is immeasurable, stressing that the RS and Hungary have development good friendship in all fields. Orbán said that the Order he was presented with means more than just respect to him as it represents friendship and friend’s love. Orban stressed that Dodik and the RS can always count on support of Hungary. Hungarian Prime Minister added that he did not receive this award for what he did so far, but for what he will do. Reporter commented that during his address in the Palace of Republic Orban used rather harsh words, adding that he is well-known for it as one of strongest European leaders. Orban claims that Dodik is constructive leader, and this is why the Europe should recognize his work. Reporter noted that Hungarian Prime Minister criticized foreigners who want to organize relations within B&H, to impose decisions and to amend the Election Law of B&H. He deems that any interference in internal agreements in B&H – that need to be achieved exclusively by domestic politicians – is unacceptable. “If one community is deprived of its property, it leads to big problems and it cannot be done. This is destabilization and it undermines everything you have achieved so far. My task is to say there is injustice and that policy towards you is unjust”, explained Orban. RS President said that if this entity is deprived of its property, the RS will pass decision on its independent status. Reporter noted that this was first meeting between Dodik and Orban after the EU gave green light for opening of EU accession negotiations with B&H. Consequently, the EU path of B&H was one of topics discussed by two leaders. Dodik stated that “we do not want to move towards the EU if we lose our autonomy.” He added that the RS wants to strengthen its autonomy by moving towards the EU. He went on to saying that only balanced relations within B&H and agreement within framework for B&H - and not imposing by anyone – is only guarantee that the EU can accept one balanced area as its part. Hungarian Prime Minister underlined that he has a team that will deal with the Western Balkans, adding that part of this team will deal with B&H. Orban stressed that he will be paying visit to B&H frequently, because he wants agreements to be reached in Banja Luka and Sarajevo. Also, commenting the fact the EU will give EUR 50 billion to Ukraine, Orban wondered what would have happened if some EUR 30 billion was allocated for B&H to prepare for the EU membership. Reporter commented that loudest message Orban conveyed, was one directed to the Office of High Representative (OHR). Among other things, he stressed that imposing of amendments to the Election Law of B&H by High Representative represents provocation. “It undermines all results we achieved in the EU. One country cannot be destabilized for some external interests, but people in B&H should be allowed to reach agreement on what is important for their future”, explained Hungarian Prime Minister. He also stated that the RS has right to property and that the Europe should commend Dodik for his work. “If one community is deprived of its property, it leads to big problems. This cannot be done, and it represents complete destabilization”, said Orban.  Dodik emphasized that if decision to deprive the RS of its property is passed, the RS will pass decision on its independent status.


Dodik: RS and Hungary have developed good friendship in all spheres of life and we want to continue and deepen it (RTRS)


RS and Hungary have developed a good friendship in all spheres of life and we want to continue and deepen it, said the RS President Milorad Dodik. In his weekly review, Dodik said that the award was given to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban with a “pure heart”. “To strengthen the friendship between our peoples, to be full of understanding. Serbs and Hungarians should understand each other and cooperate at the highest level. And it is not directed against the third party, but it is only for our interests,” said Dodik. The RS President stated that last week he visited the Air Force and Air Defense unit of the Serbian Army in Batajnica with the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Dodik also said that the visit of Orban is a proof that the RS is understood and accepted, and that Orban himself said there are people who support the entity’s status “but dare not say it out loud”. In this context, Dodik said these people are not prepared to advocate publicly the right cause, namely the position of the RS, because it can endanger their comfort. “I do not hold it against them”, added Dodik. “The visit of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to Banja Luka and the meeting with the RS President Milorad Dodik, showed Hungary's deep understanding of the situation in RS and the current processes,” said B&H Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutic Bjelica. “These are historical moments that show Budapest's understanding of everything that is happening in RS,” stated Gutic Bjelica. She adds that this is a major turning point in Hungary's policy, this country's intention to implement projects with RS, and that, as she says, agreements have been reached that lead to further improvement of economic cooperation between the two governments. “At this moment, there is no bigger and stronger friend in the EU. Apart from the declarative story, Hungary clearly shows its intentions to help. It is in their interest that peace, stability and prosperity reign in the region,” emphasized Bjelica. She said that at this moment Hungary is our (RS) voice in international relations. “We should not forget that Hungary also suffers from certain pressures from Brussels,” pointed out Gutic Bjelica. RTRS reminded that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban led a delegation of the Government of Hungary and businessmen during their visit to RS. Orban received from the RS President Milorad Dodik, the highest award of the RS - the Order of the RS, which was awarded to him on the occasion of RS Day - January 9. As part of this visit, the RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic and the Minister of Economic Development of Hungary Marton Nagy agreed to cooperate on the realization and financing of three projects worth EUR 140 million. It is about wastewater treatment projects in Gradiska, the construction of the wind power plant "Hrgud" and the solar park "Trebinje". “We witness the situation that most often was not on the side of Serbs throughout history. This is the situation where a leader of one people we do not share many identity elements with, accepted a task to be our voice at international events we do not attend. In this way they even risk rage of their collocutors”, explained Gutic Bjelica. She reminded of Orban’s statement that without Serbs there cannot be security and stability, in the region and Europe.


Becirovic calls on Vucic to stop with genocide denial (O Kanal)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic commented on Saturday current issue of the Resolution on Srebrenica, which is being worked on in the UN, said that there are those in the region who spread deception and lies, and that one of them is Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Becirovic called on Vucic to stop denying genocide and to respect UN courts’ rulings, which he emphasized as important for the future of the whole region. Becirovic stated that regardless of a number of court rulings - there are still officials in the region who do not treasure the truth but they spread lies and deception. He reminded that Vucic is one of them and called on him to accept the rulings of the UN courts and to deliver 16 minutes of the Supreme Defense Council of the Federative Republic of Yugoslavia, in order for the domestic and world public to finally find out the truth. Becirovic assessed that the Resolution on Srebrenica has a purpose to strengthen the process of trust and reconciliation both in B&H and the region as a whole, adding that Ruanda and Germany are at the helm of a group of B&H friends who advocates for the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN and the group itself includes countries from all continents. “It is in the interest of entire humanity to prevent evil and to teach new generations through educational systems in order for genocide not to happen anyone ever again”, Becirovic stressed. Becirovic pointed out that the goal of the resolution on Srebrenica is the strengthening of the process of trust and reconciliation. “In recent weeks, he (Vucic) has lowered himself to a level below civilized values when he again denies the genocide committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica,” Becirovic underlined. Becirovic stressed that the resolution on the genocide committed in Srebrenica is being worked on for a long time and seriously. “The purpose of this resolution is to strengthen the process of trust and reconciliation both in B&H and in the entire region,” Becirovic said.


Becirovic accuses Vucic of spreading untruths about events of war in B&H; Cvijanovic says Becirovic is clearly hurt by truth, so he would prefer to deny President of Serbia and RS officials right to speak and think (RTRS)


RTRS reported that in an attempt to prevent the adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, within the framework of diplomatic action in the UN, will talk with the leaders of 50 countries, with a special emphasis on African countries. RTRS stressed that the position and the intention of official Belgrade obviously bothered Bosniak member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Denis Becirovic who, along with a series of accusations, in Sarajevo on Saturday called on Vucic to accept the verdicts related to Srebrenica. Becirovic accused Vucic of spreading untruths about the events of the war in B&H. “In recent weeks, he (Vucic) has lowered himself to a level below civilizational values when he again denies the genocide committed against Bosniaks in Srebrenica,” Becirovic underlined. Reacting to Becirovic’s statement, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic said that Becirovic is clearly hurt by the truth, so he would prefer to deny the President of Serbia and RS officials the right to speak and think. Cvijanovic pointed out that Becirovic has anti-civilization heritage in his yard, and his Serbophobia is below all civilizational values. “It is hypocritical to lecture about civilizational values from a city from which 150,000 Serbs were expelled. In the same Sarajevo in the 1990s, even the names of many streets bearing the names of national heroes and meritorious anti-fascists were abolished, and only because they were Serbs. At the same time, the streets were named after notorious Nazi collaborators, anti-Semites and Hitler sympathizers, after whom they are still named today,” Cvijanovic was quoted as saying. RS President Milorad Dodik said that it is up to the Serbs not to fall for provocations because historians and eminent scientific workers will give the right definition for Srebrenica, as well as the answer as to whether it is a project of the former US President Bill Clinton and Alija Izetbegovic, for which he claims there is serious evidence. “We have the names of the people who attacked Vucic when he was in Srebrenica, and nothing happened. There will be more talk about it, but Becirovic is not the one who could object anything to Vucic,” Dodik said.


Cvijanovic’s Cabinet denies allegations that it ignored Permanent Mission of B&H to UN (Oslobodjenje)


The article notes that member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, through the Permanent Ambassador of Serbia to the UN, sent a letter in which she tries to lobby the members of the United Nations not to support the Resolution on the Genocide in Srebrenica. However, Cvijanovic’s Cabinet stated that it is not true that it ignored the Permanent Mission of B&H to the UN. “The letter was sent through regular diplomatic channels, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Mission of B&H to the UN, but they did not fulfil their legal obligation and forwarded it to the addresses. Knowing about the possible manipulations, which unfortunately happened before, the letter was sent directly to the UN bodies and the missions of all member countries, not just one” Cvijanovic’s Cabinet said in a statement.


Interview with Ambassador Sattler; Threats, escalations, rhetoric and actions that lead toward divisions, serve nobody’s interests; We would like for B&H to join SEPA (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz carries an interview with Head of EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler underlining that Ambassador Sattler played a very important role when it comes to B&H’s path toward the EU, which resulted in a positive decision of the European Council for opening of accession negotiations with B&H. At the beginning of the interview, Sattler explained what the EU “green light” entails, noting that this was a great turning point for B&H, and it is equally important that this was a moment of unity, as the EU accession is a joint goal of B&H citizens. The Ambassador noted that “green light” was given after the period when state authorities managed to adopt key reforms through dialogue and negotiations, and he repeats the part of his video message: “We believe in this country. We are friends, we are partners. And we will be together in the EU.” However, Sattler noted, in order for this to happen decision-makers in B&H have to continue to work on achieving of necessary results. The Ambassador stressed that threats, escalations, rhetoric and actions that lead toward divisions, serve nobody’s interests. “Every time when there is a threat of blockades, or they actually happen, incentives for investments are prevented, and frustration strengthens among common citizens which motivates brain-drain. Now, when B&H has true opportunity to make progress on its EU path and improve quality of life in the country, it would be irresponsible from decision-makers to again turn toward a policy of conflicts,” said Sattler. Asked about EU investments in B&H, Sattler noted that that the EU is the biggest investor, partner and provider of assistance in B&H. “When include bilateral investments of EU member states, this amount even increases,” said Sattler, noting that in the last decade the EU invested more than two billion euros. Speaking about the funds that EU invests, Sattler noted that EU should not be observed as a donor, adding that EU support is in fact investment into future, where peace and stability rule in the entire continent. “In the end, the EU is an axis and huge amounts that state all over Europe receive from the EU budget are the tool that supports this,” said Sattler. Asked if opening of the accession negotiations will open access to new financial funds, Sattler noted that funds awarded to partners in the Western Balkans are not dependent on the negotiating status, noting that all countries are treated as possible future members, with everything this entails in regard to financial aid. He noted that past experiences showed that opening of the negotiations attracts additional foreign, direct investments and strengthens trust in country’s institutions. Sattler noted that the EU is searching for ways to integrate countries of the Western Balkans into the EU single market, noting that they would like B&H to access Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA), which would drastically reduce expenses of cross-border economic transactions for individuals and companies. Sattler explained what lays ahead of BiH after approval of opening of the accession talks, noting that the European Council has clearly indicated eight steps that the European Commission defined in October 2022. He concluded that following steps will demand engagement and dedicated work, but this is possible to achieve if the political will exists.  Asked to comment a decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt to impose changes to B&H Election Law in this particular moment, Sattler said that EU’s stance about use of High Representative’s executive powers is well known. “We consider this last resort which needs to be used exclusively in cases of irreparable illegal activities. There was still time for domestic authorities to harmonize changes to the Election Law. Leaders of state-level coalition obligated themselves to timely harmonize local solution, which will be implemented before October municipal elections. Progress was made on this issue, and we believe there was a chance for harmonization,” The Ambassador also said and noted that the state-level coalition demonstrated capability of reaching a compromise, even about complex issues such as Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest. “However, following the decision of High Representative Schmidt, we were also clear that we expect all actors to act responsibly and to demonstrate restraint in the following period. Threats of the RS leadership to constitutional order of B&H are unacceptable, including elections in this entity in their own production, contrary to B&H Election Law,” said Sattler. He noted that “green light” showed that dialogue brings results and noted that the EU opened its door to B&H and remains to be fully dedicated to support to B&H on its EU path, including existing financial support such as IPA funds, but also new instruments such as Growth Plan. “Domestic political leaders must not miss this chance,” concluded Sattler.


Dodik: Local elections 2024 will be the first ones implemented in line with RS Election Law (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik said that local elections 2024 will be the first elections that will be implemented in line with the RS Election Law.  Dodik stressed that the RS parliament will very adopt the RS Election Law soon. He commented conclusions of the RS government calling on members of bodies for implementation of elections in the RS to submit resignation. Dodik underlined that it is necessary to prepare for appointment of new municipal and city election commissions as well as for appointment of a new convocation of the RS Election Commission. “We need to prepare because the law will be adopted by 20th. After that, we need to act swiftly and form a new structure. No one says there will not be the new structure. However, decisions on appointment from Sarajevo are useless. As far as it concerns new decisions, only those issued by the RS Election Commission will be valid”, concluded Dodik. Dodik also said that the RS will enter the new elections with a new structure of municipal and city election commissions, as well as a new structure of the Republic Election Commission. He said that their formation will take place after the Election Law of the RS is adopted. "No one is saying that the existing members will not be part of the new structure, but the solutions they get from Sarajevo can be crumpled. As for the new solutions, only those issued by the Republican Electoral Commission, which will be elected and which will choose the new structure, will be valid," said Dodik.


RS government assesses imposition of amendments to B&H Election Law as unacceptable; calls on all members of bodies for implementation of elections from RS to submit their resignations (BNTV)


RS government adopted on Friday a conclusion calling on all members of the bodies for implementation of the elections in B&H from the RS to submit their resignations. The RS Government assessed that laws can be changed only in the parliamentary procedure and that latest decision of “self-declared High Representative” Christian Schmidt to impose the amendments to the Election Law of B&H is inacceptable. The RS government tasked the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government to deliver this conclusion to the Association of Municipalities and Cities of the RS and to the local self-government organizational units. BNTV reminded that on 28 March, the RS parliament adopted the draft election law of the RS and rejected the technical amendments imposed by the High Representative, stressing that the RS government does not have any authorizations in terms of the appointment or removal of members of the municipal election commissions of polling stations' commissions, so they cannot request from them to resign. Ministers underlined that the RS is faced with pressures, while the conclusion was adopted in order to protect interests of the RS and the Serb people. President of Association of Municipalities and Cities of the RS Ljubisa Cosic stated that this organization will implement the aforementioned conclusion, adding that this is nothing but a preparation for implementation of election law of the RS.


President of RS Election Commission prepared to resign in line with conclusions of RS government (ATV)


ATV commented that technical changes of the Election Law of B&) imposed by Christian Schmidt were welcomed in Sarajevo, while Mostar and Banja Luka expressed discontent with this decision. According to imposed amendments to the Election Law, the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) would be appointing presidents of polling station committees as well as their deputies. Reporter commented that it means some 10,000 people in polling station committees would be under direct control of those who were advisors in some political parties, adding that this creates room for new electoral frauds. ATV reminds that the RS government adopted a conclusion calling on members of bodies to implement elections in the RS to submit resignations to these positions. President of the RS Election Commission Oliver Blagojevic said that he is prepared to submit resignation to this position in line with conclusions of the RS government if necessary. Blagojevic added that he believes conclusions of the RS government refer to members of city and municipal election commissions. He explained that the deadline to call local elections is approaching, while a procedure to appoint new members of the RS Election Commission would last for more than one month. In a statement for ATV, number of presidents of city and municipal election commissions expressed preparedness to submit resignations. Member of the RS parliament Committee for Local Self-Administration Borivoj Obradovic stated that the only method to provide response to illegal acts of Schmidt is adoption of the RS Election Law, adding that this law restores competences of the RS Election Commission. Obradovic underlined that the RSNA will soon discuss a proposal of the RS Election Law that is in line with the RS Constitution, as well as in line with rights granted to the RS by the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). “Consequently, I expect all people in elections-related bodies to act in line with conclusions of the RS government”, stated Obradovic. Reporter reminded that the RS Government adopted the conclusion on Friday calling on all bodies to implement elections in the RS to submit resignations.


Official Gazette of B&H publishes Schmidt’s decision on changes to Election Law of B&H (EuroBlic)


Christian Schmidt’s Decision on Changes and Addenda to the Election Law of B&H was published in the Official Gazette of B&H on Friday. The daily reminded that the RS government officially rejected the imposed changes to the Election Law of B&H and called all representatives of the RS in bodies for implementation of elections to resign, while the RS parliament adopted the Draft Election Law of the RS which is currently in the phase of public discussions. “At the same time, the deadlines which the RS parliament’s conclusions set for the ‘colonial administration’ to annul Schmidt’s decisions expired. Now, Serb MPs are expected to ask the same from B&H Parliament, as well as to ask the Official Gazette of B&H not to publish Schmidt’s decisions anymore and to declare the OHR’s webpage as unacceptable place for publishing of Schmidt’s decisions,” the daily noted. An unnamed source told the daily that MPs from the RS in Sarajevo are facing a difficult situation now because they are expected to act although nobody told them how. “What does it mean that B&H parliament should declare all of Schmidt’s decisions null and void? Should it be asked through conclusions, laws…? The RSNA conclusions were officially delivered to them, but they asked for additional clarification, while the US’ sanctions are looming over them,” the source concluded.


HDZ acts contrary to US stances; Submits proposal law on ‘Southern Interconnection’ which completely eliminated ‘BH-Gas’ from the project (


Despite the warning coming from US Department of State, HDZ B&H prepared and submitted in parliamentary procedure the new Draft Law on gas-pipeline ‘Southern Interconnection’, and once again the proposal eliminated ‘BH-Gas’ from managing process over the pipeline. Draft was submitted to FB&H House of Peoples on 7 March by HDZ B&H delegate Damir Dzeba, but the document was handed over to other delegates only last week i.e. on 27 March. Article carried details of HDZ’s proposal arguing that Article 5 is crucial, and the proposal clearly reads that carrier of project ‘Southern Interconnection’ will be Company for Production and Transport of Gas ‘Southern Interconnection’ d.o.o. Mostar. The mentioned company, proposal reads, would be founded by FB&H government and ‘Plinacro d.o.o.’ from Croatia, meaning that HDZ proposes FB&H government to establish the company, whose HQ would be in Mostar. ‘BH-Gas’ is nowhere mentioned in the proposal. According to the proposal three cantonal government would be introduced into this project- Governments of Herzegovina- Neretva Canton, Zenica Doboj Canton and Central Bosnia Canton. Article comments that these three Governments, which are all under HDZ B&H control, “will carry out necessary procedure for implementation of project ‘Southern Interconnection’ and will cooperate with the investor” i.e. the newly formed company. Article reminded that on 17 January, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken sent a letter to B&H Foreign Minister Elmedin Konakovic asking him to influence Dragan Covic in order to solve the issue of ‘Southern Interconnection’. Article reminded of details of the letter and noted that Covic reacted and stated that he is not giving up his intention and he received open support from Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Article noted that the U.S. Embassy to B&H on several occasions reacted to Covic’s statements and while media spoke about introducing of sanctions against Covic nothing happened to this day.


Milanovic awards decorations to HVO units from B&H; Say that ‘Herzeg-Bosnia’ was necessary for the Croats and because without it they would not survive (HMS)


President Zoran Milanovic attended marking of 32nd anniversary of establishing of Croat Defense Council (HVO) in Kinin, on which occasion he awarded Orden of Nikola Subic Zrinski Order for heroism of HVO members during the homeland war to 102nd HVO Brigade Odzak, 108th HVO Brigade Ravne Brcko, 111th HVO Brigade Zepce and 115th HVO Brigade Zrinski. “Croatia defended itself in Kupres, defended itself in Livno, that's how Dalmatia was defended. When I say that, I have no greed, ambition nor I am reaching for what B&H is, which is a state of three peoples, three constituent peoples," Milanovic pointed out, adding that HVO members, in addition to defending B&H, their home and homeland, also defended Croatia. "Many of you are suspected of various offenses by second and third parties. 30 years have passed, and no one has been charged or imprisoned. I think it's time to stop blaming and provoking. The war is over, these people spent the war time honourably and now, 30 years after the war, not only that there is no single reason to be ashamed of them, but we must be proud of them", said Milanovic. He pointed out that today, even though we live in Croatia, which is a member of the EU, it is necessary to look around and ask how Croats live in B&H. “Croats who remained to live in B&H have their rights as a constituent people, and these rights have been systematically ignored and trampled on in recent years. Because of this, as Croats, we must be more united, more determined and, if you will, more insolent and demand our own. At least it was about something symbolic, such as the election of a member of the B&H Presidency. It is symbolic, but it is also a matter of honour and pride, a matter of integrity and the right to be respected, regardless of the fact that there is no real authority and power," said Milanovic. He said this is about principles, that Bosniaks cannot elect a Croat member of the Presidency. There are Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks in B&H who must understand that even though they are the mathematical majority, it does not give them or anyone else more rights. "The Croatian state must fight for that. He must fight for the honour of his people," he said. He also commented the existence of ‘Herzeg- Bosnia’ and noted that such organization "was necessary for the Croats and because without it they would not survive". In view of the fact that “Herzeg-Bosnia is still in the documentation of our allies referred to as a criminal organization and that people are treated as enemies”, Milanovic pointed out that the job of the Croatian service, diplomacy and politics is “to hold these accounts, this debt of honour toward Croats and the Croatian army and all the Croat units in B&H, rectify it and put it where it belongs, which is in an honourable and visible place”. He also said that without the HV brigades that were liberating the territory of B&H, Dayton B&H would not exist.


Survival of the Committee on Comprehensive Election Reform uncertain (CdM)


As soon as the Committee on Comprehensive Election Reform was reestablished, with four sessions held so far, its survival has become uncertain. The Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) says it’s going to leave the committee if they don’t get the answer from the government whether it (govt) is going to withdraw its decision on forced administration in the town of Savnik. The Civic Movement URA also announces they’re soon to have their official position over the participation in the committee, because, as they say, they don’t want a simulation of reforms. The optimism that followed the start of work of the Committee on Comprehensive Election Reform seems to be disappearing with the DPS’ announcement. They claim they’re not going to wait for PM Spajic’s response for long. “If we don’t get the answer in the coming days, we will leave the committee and address the public to tell them about other actions we plan to carry out. For many legal solutions a two-thirds majority is needed, so future activities of the committee would be questionable,” the DPS MP, Mihailo Andjusic, has said. The Civic Movement URA believes that the DPS’ position is legitimate, but that it would definitely block the election reform process. “It’s the legitimate position of political actors. I don’t think forced administration would be a solution, while the solution to this issue, in my opinion, would be to find a compromise,” Ana Novakovic Djurisic of URA has noted. “You have the situation that the term of office of councillors lasts longer than envisaged by the law, but, on the other hand, we have an uncompleted election process, so it’s a total mess from the legal point of view,” the DNP MP, Maja Vukicevic, has said. URA is also going to voice its decision on the participation in the committee in the coming days. The Europe Now Movement hasn’t taken its position on this matter yet.


Mandic said to be in favour of Montenegro leaving NATO (CdM)


Parliament speaker Andrija Mandic said that he was in favour of Montenegro leaving NATO. The leader of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Danijel Zivkovic, announced during the PMQs that Mandic claimed that he advocated for Montenegro’s membership in NATO, and that NSD program states that it advocates for the exit of our countries from the Alliance. Zivkovic added that the NSD statute specifies that anyone will be expelled from the party if they act contrary to the principles of the party. Mandic also spoke out and said that he was in favour of leaving NATO.


Knezevic: We won’t recognize Kosovo; Zivkovic: You recognized it when you signed agreement (CdM)


In the parliament of Montenegro, during the PMQ, there was a debate about the recognition of Kosovo between the MPs and leaders of DPS and DNP, Danijel Zivkovic and Milan Knezevic, respectively. Knezevic said that they did not recognize Kosovo and would not recognize it, while Zivkovic said that he fully respected such a position and that they were principled. “But you signed an agreement in which you renounced that, in that agreement it is written that you remain on the same foreign policy course, including the issue of Kosovo. You recognized Kosovo with that agreement, you deserved to be in the government more than anyone – you renounced both Kosovo and Russia”, said Zivkovic.


Pendarovski: Opposition de facto blocked its own country on EU path (MIA)


We promised that we will make Macedonia a NATO member, and we did so after 25 years as a candidate state. We also made a huge step forward in the negotiations with the EU, after 17 years in the waiting room we finally launched negotiations. Unfortunately, when we least expected it, our eastern neighbor acted in a completely anti-European way and blocked us on that path, SDSM-endorsed presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski said at a rally Sunday in Ohrid. Pendarovski said the country could have overcome the challenge of that blockade easily as well, if it didn’t have an opposition “which de facto has the same anti-Macedonian positions and supports all obstructions coming from that side.” “Maybe their reasons, their motives are different, but the effect is the same. By not agreeing to continue forward with a fairly well-balanced negotiating framework they de facto blocked their own country, and now, during this campaign, they shamelessly stand in front of you and say we have a plan, but we will tell you after the elections. First elect us, so that we can come in power, and then we will tell you what we will do so that Macedonia can continue on the path to the EU,” Pendarovski said. According to the presidential candidate, the country can continue its EU path only with the current political structure. “Unlike them, we have friends abroad, and we know how far we can go in those negotiations because we learned to protect the Macedonian national interests like no other government before. VMRO-DPMNE kept talking about how it protects our national interests, but they didn’t move a finger for 11 years to do something in those negotiations,” Pendarovski said. He voiced hope that on 24 April and 8 May a great majority of Macedonian citizens will say no to “the adventurous concepts” that offer nothing. “When they aren’t telling you what they will work towards and how we can move forward, when they say they will renegotiate all agreements that made Macedonia what it is today – a stable country respected in Europe and in the world, then those people should not receive your trust and vote. These people here, I’ve been a part of this structure for more than 15 years, and we showed that we know how to fight for Macedonia, and how Macedonia can progress,” Pendarovski said.


Siljanovska-Davkova says will highlight citizens’ issues and interests, veto parliament’s legislation if necessary (MIA)


I know the Constitution is ripe for changes, and I think it’s high time for a responsible government to create a broad team of experts that will identify the issues it contains. There are things that need to be changed so that we can have a stable and functional country, strong institutions and weak individuals, otherwise democracy is under threat. I should be one of those who will change things, VMRO-DPMNE’s presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova said at a rally in Kochani on Sunday. “I won’t alienate myself from you, I won’t run away from you, but I will be among you and I will re-establish the people’s offices so that we can be in constant communication. Not so that I can be a lawyer or your judge, but so that I can address Parliament, highlighting your issues and interests and requesting legal solutions and decisions that will make your life better. I will ask MPs to reconsider several times, I will remind them of the Constitution and the laws, and if necessary I will veto legislation that is contrary to the Constitution and the law,” Siljanovska-Davkova said. Talking about the separation of powers, Siljanovska-Davkova stressed that the judiciary must be independent in order to defend freedoms and rights, equality and equity, as established by the Constitution. She also said she would re-examine the status of the country’s ambassadors abroad. “Among them there are people with dignity who responsibly protect the prestige and pride of Macedonia, but there are also those who embarrass us. It is high time that only the best ones are sent abroad, but it is also high time for the president not to go abroad without first agreeing on a statesmanlike policy that will protect Macedonia and its national interests,” Siljanovska-Davkova said. The rally in Kochani was also addressed by VMRO-DPMNE’s leader Hristijan Mickoski who stressed that Siljanovska-Davkova, in her role as MP, has demonstrated how the national interests should be protected. He noted that in the past she was a part of the European institutions, such as the Council of Europe and the Venice Commission, “where she served as inspiration for politicians and professors coming from more developed democracies.”


Osmani: Tackling Russian influence and corruption by certifying public officials (MIA)


European Front’s presidential candidate Bujar Osmani at a press conference Sunday said that one of his top priorities would be the establishment of an international board composed of representatives from the US, the EU, and NATO, which, in coordination with domestic institutions, would be tasked with certifying all public officials in the country on the basis of two aspects – whether they have any ties to Russian interests and whether they’re involved in any form of corruption. “The idea behind this board is to make use of the instruments which already exist but function separately, to integrate them into an international board in which our institutions would participate, as well as the US instrument for designations, then the EU’s restrictive instruments and the NATO certification process. In this way, anyone proposed or running for a certain public office will first have to receive this certificate from the international board, and if they pass the filters of these institutions then they will be allowed to become minister, director, judge, or prosecutor,” Osmani stressed. The presidential candidate said such a concept would also represent a credible process of vetting, excluding those who are involved in corruption or represent Russian interests “with the goal of destabilizing the country, disrupting interethnic harmony and blocking the country’s Euro-integrations". Additionally, according to Osmani, such a board would also fight corruption. “In this way we will root out high level corruption and this ‘witch-hunt’ that the political parties have imposed in their struggle for power. Afterwards, the government will be able to focus on rooting out corruption on all other levels,” Osmani said, adding that sometimes “we forget that corruption is present on all levels, in all institutions, including healthcare, education, and the citizens face low-level corruption which makes their life more difficult and limits their opportunities.” Osmani said this initiative and commitment is one of the pillars of his election program.