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Belgrade Media Report 15 April 2024



Vucic: World powers will lobby for a resolution on Srebrenica, we will oppose it more strongly than they think (RTS)


Serbian President Alekandar Vucic said that Pristina’s initiative will pass tomorrow at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and that the main battle will most likely take place on 16 May. “They have now created a new trick, and I want to acquaint the citizens to it - that is, on 10 May, they will say that they will refer the act that the Europeans passed to the Constitutional Court for an evaluation of the constitutionality, would some of them not find Leibniz’s sufficient reason to say that a process has been initiated regarding the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), but in fact nothing has been initiated, and that they say this is the reason for us to vote for Kosovo in the Council of Europe. So, that is something that will happen,” explained Vucic.


In 3-4 months there will be the worst situation in the world since the World War II

Speaking about the geopolitical situation, Vucic says that there are many hotspots, and that the big powers look at it according to the principle “it’s good while it’s happening somewhere else”. “In the long term, I do not see that things will change. There are numerous violations of international acts, and some are now paying a lot of attention to international law, and they were not 25 years ago. But we are a small country and we have to adhere to international law. The big ones will be fighting, and they will fight more and more, and I expect that in 3-4 months it will be the worst situation in the world since the World War II,” he said.


UNMIK report does not reflect the situation in Kosovo and Metohija

Vucic is going to New York on Saturday. They will have their first meetings on 21 April already, and on 22 April is the regular session of the Security Council on Kosovo and Metohija. “We have an unbalanced and bad report from UNMIK, we often had decent and good reports, this time it does not reflect the situation in Kosovo and Metohija,” said Vucic.


The resolution on Srebrenica will open Pandora’s box

Speaking about the vote in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Pristina’s request for admission to that organization, the Serbian President says that it is presented as a normal sequence.  “As far as the Council of Europe is concerned, they are now telling us that it is a normal process and that it says so, and it also says that the ZSO should be formed, and you forgot that,” says Vucic. He says that many papers and many explanations have been sent to various addresses, and that they will continue to do so. “I received a lot of calls because of that, now they want to change their approach, they want a compromise, but there is no compromise on some things,” said Vucic. When it comes to the Resolution on Srebrenica, Vucic says that it will open Pandora’s box. “They opened Pandora’s box. So every year they will only have proposals for a resolution on the genocide committed against our people, against the Soviet people and so on. So how are you going to explain that it is not genocide? You kill over 20 million Soviet citizens. They say even up to 27. It doesn’t even matter if it’s 22, 25, 27 or 28 million people. When I say it doesn’t matter, of course it does, but how are you going to say that it’s not genocide, and you’re going to say what you’re talking about eight thousand people? How will you explain that.? How are you going to explain that it’s not a genocide against the Armenians, who were killed by the Turks? But it’s not against us, it is civilizational value. There will be many civilizational values in the future,” emphasized the Serbian President. Vucic says that NATO countries could never defeat us in the United Nations until they unite with Islamic countries. “A good part of Islamic countries, which otherwise would not vote against us, will now vote. And don’t forget, that small freedom-loving country spoke openly about the crimes that happened in Srebrenica. Don’t forget that we never hid it. In contrast of all the others, we laid the flower, and no one has ever come to Bratunac,” said Vucic. Vucic said that it is of crucial importance for the people of Serbia that the government does its job, that they do what they can, that they fight. He indicates that our prospects are not great, and that we have the most dominant world powers from the West against us. Speaking about the resolution on Srebrenica, Vucic said that the USA, Italy, and France are co-sponsors of the resolution. “We received an official position that they will lobby and fight for that resolution, I replied in the same conversation that I did not expect otherwise. What kind of hero do you have against yourself and you will have to fight, since we also think we are fighting,” Vucic said, but also added that he metaphorically said “hero”, but that he also considers Serbia a hero. We will oppose more strongly than they think, Vucic pointed out.


Vucic writes to 14 European leaders on process of admitting Kosovo into CoE (Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Sunday that he had sent letters to 14 European leaders about the procedure for admitting Kosovo into the Council of Europe (CoE), urging them to reconsider the CoE Parliamentary Assembly's decision. "In these letters I ask that they reconsider their decision and the decision of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CoE which will ensue in two days, that the decision of the Committee of Ministers be different, because even when they talk of the rule of law it is clear that there is anything but the rule of law in Kosovo, that pure terror is being exacted upon the Serb people there, that after 11 years the Community of Serb Municipalities has not been formed and that there is no process to create it," Vucic told reporters. PACE, which brings together members from 46 member states, is scheduled to discuss and vote on an adopted outline Opinion on Kosovo's petition for membership, at a plenary session on April 18. If the Opinion passes, the Committee of Ministers of the CoE will make the final decision on Kosovo's membership in mid-May.


Dacic: Adoption of resolution on Srebrenica in UN would open Pandora's box (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said that adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the United Nations (UN) would open Pandora's box. “The idea was to take this topic out of the Security Council and bring it to the General Assembly, which, by the way, is against the UN Charter, and we pointed that out,” Dacic was quoted as saying. Dacic stated that Serbia is in favor of condemning all crimes and that the goal should be mutual reconciliation and respect, and not to cause divisions now, pointing out that this is why such resolutions were always adopted by consensus. Dacic emphasized that Serbia wants all crimes to be condemned. However, he says this resolution does not have such a goal. Dacic reminded that only two resolutions on genocide were adopted in history, while Germany was never condemned for genocide, only for Holocaust over Jewish people. Dacic explained that Jews fought to get this due to the large number of their people that were killed. That was a special case, even by its name, since Holocaust is a crime committed over Jews, Dacic said. He pointed out that Germany was never condemned for genocide committed over other nations. Dacic said resolution on Rwanda was adopted before the proposal of Armenia to mark 9 December as the commemoration day of all genocides of the world. After that was adopted, the entire story on genocide was generalized, Dacic explained, and no individual resolution on genocide was adopted since. If the Resolution on Srebrenica is adopted, Dacic believes that will “open Pandora’s box” and then many countries will seek similar things. He primarily believes that Arab countries will use the example of this resolution and seek the same condemnation for Gaza.


Serbia stands for de-escalation, compliance with agreements on Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met on Friday with Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and UNMIK Head Caroline Ziadeh. The meeting was held in the context of the upcoming regular session of the UN Security Council on UNMIK, planned for 22 April, and the report on UNMIK’s work for the last six-month period. The two officials discussed the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the atmosphere of increased tension, which is continuously created by Pristina with the aim of further expelling the Serb population. Dacic expressed his concern regarding Pristina’s recent unilateral moves, especially after the abolition of the Dinar, and the very sensitive security and political situation in the province. The head of the Serbian diplomacy reiterated that, as until now, Serbia stands for de-escalation, preservation of peace and the compliance with the agreements reached to date, of which the Brussels agreement of 2013, mediated by the EU, which envisages the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, is still waiting to be implemented by Pristina. Ziadeh highlighted the importance of holding consultations before the Security Council session and underlined that the UN fully supports the dialogue conducted under the EU auspices. She called on the actors in the dialogue to get involved in a constructive way in the fulfilment of the obligations assumed.


Brnabic: Belgrade elections will certainly be held on 2 June (TV Happy/Beta)


Speaker of the Serbian parliament Ana Brnabic said today that Belgrade elections will certainly be held on 2 June. She said that the date of elections for other local governments can still be discussed with the opposition, until the deadline to announce them comes. She added that Belgrade has been in a kind of "temporary status" for months, which is not fair to the citizens of Belgrade and the whole of Serbia. Brnabic also said that today she will respond to the opposition's proposals regarding the election conditions that were submitted to her on Friday. Speaking about the reaction of the opposition to the presence of foreigners at the collegium of the parliament on the implementation of ODIHR recommendations, she said that she was surprised that their presence bothered them so much "given that they run to Brussels and Berlin every now and then". As she stated, the only thing that bothers the opposition is "that transparency", as well as the fact that on the day when the meeting was held, part of the opposition was in Berlin to seek the support of the President of the German Bundestag Committee for Foreign Affairs Michael Roth.


Petkovic: Beatings and arrests of Serbs "recommend" so-called Kosovo for CoE membership (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said last evening regarding a new case of assault on a Serb in Kosovo and Metohija, that the beating and arrest of Serbs are obviously the values that "recommend" so-called Kosovo for the Council of Europe (CoE). "After they arrested Srecko Sofronijevic, presumably to punish him because he did not succumb to the wounds when they shot him, Kurti's falangists (police) savagely beat up Vladan Stevanovic for no reason. Beatings and arrests of Serbs are obviously that the values that "recommend" so-called Kosovo for the Council of Europe!," Petkovic posted on X. On Saturday, members of a special unit of the so-called Kosovo police attacked Serb Vladan Stevanovic, known as Babudovac, from the village of Bube near Zubin Potok, and inflicted injuries on his head and body, as a result of which he has 15 stitches. Stevanovic said that he now fears that the so-called Kosovo police will harass his family as well.


Milicevic prohibited from visiting Jasenovac (Tanjug/RTV)


Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora Djordje Milicevic was prohibited yesterday from laying flowers and lighting a candle to the victims of the Ustase concentration camp Jasenovac. Minister Milicevic paid a working visit to the Serbs in the vicinity of Novska, at their invitation. After the meetings with representatives of the Serbs from the local cultural and artistic society and rural local communities, the Minister and his associates headed to the memorial park in Jasenovac, in order to pay respect to the Serbs killed in the infamous camp of the Independent State of Croatia. However, at the very entrance to the memorial complex, the van carrying the minister was stopped by Croatian police officers who surrounded the minister's vehicle with three police cars, according to a statement from the Office of Minister Milicevic.


Harshest protest to Croatia for banning Milicevic from visiting Jasenovac (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic stated that the move by the Croatian authorities to ban Minister Djordje Milicevic from laying flowers and bowing to the victims of the Ustase concentration camp Jasenovac is shameful and scandalous. "Today's move by the Croatian authorities, who prohibited Minister Djordje Milicevic from laying flowers and bowing to the victims of the Ustase concentration camp Jasenovac, is shameful and scandalous. This is their attitude towards the genocide of the Serbian people in Jasenovac and the entire fascist Independent State of Croatia. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia will send the harshest protest to Croatia because of this shameful event, aware that it will not affect the policy of Croatia, because this is not an incident, this is the official policy of Croatia, the policy of denying crimes and genocide against the Serbian people," Dacic stated.


Cochard: Resolution o genocide in Srebrenica not directed against any country (RTS)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said on Friday that the resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica being drafted by the UN was not directed against any country or people. Cochard told the Serbian Broadcasting Corporation that the resolution was not directed against any country or people. He went on to say that it recalled the painful events of 30 years ago, and that its purpose was not to point a finger, but to restate the desire to avoid war and violence in the region. He added that France understood the sensitivity of the topic in the region. According to him, the presidents of Serbia and France, Aleksandar Vucic and Emmanuel Macron, have decided to continue to work together on this subject and on avoiding war and violence in the region so that dialogue may triumph and so that Western Balkan countries may continue "integration in the direction of Europe" in peace. The Srebrenica Memorial Center said in a press release on 12 April that France will be a co-sponsor of the resolution on the genocide which UN members will vote on in a General Assembly session.


Opposition proposes electoral activities stop (Beta)


In a document submitted to the Serbian speaker Ana Brnabic on Friday, the Serbia Against Violence coalition demanded that election activities launched after a 3 April decision to call new elections be suspended, because the legal framework for conducting the polls had yet to be agreed on, due to the failure to implement the ODIHR's recommendations. The document, which Beta was able to examine, suggests further work on implementing ODIHR recommendations, with clear priorities specified first. The opposition coalition also proposed that the necessary legislative amendments be prepared to effectively implement the ODIHR's recommendations through an inclusive and transparent process, in accordance with the ODIHR's Priority Recommendation No. 1, as stated in the organization’s report of 28 February, 2024. "The establishment of a parliamentary working group comprising MPs nominated by the government and the opposition, as well as representatives of civil society. To ensure inclusivity, each parliamentary group should appoint one member, a graduate of law (unless there are none in a parliamentary group), and civil society organizations (CRTA, CeSID, and Transparency Serbia) should also appoint one representative each," the coalition suggests in the document. The task of the working group is to draft legislative proposals to fulfill all ODIHR recommendations. The working group will bring decisions based on a majority vote within each of the three groupings – government MPs, opposition MPs and civil society organizations.


N1 learns: Serbian govt close to deciding to hold all local elections on 2 June (N1)


The ruling coalition in Serbia is seriously considering the option of regular local elections being held on 2 June, when the Belgrade elections are held, and the calling of elections would be preceded by an amendment to the Law on Local Elections, N1 learns from a source close to the top of the government. According to N1’s source, the top of the government is one step away from accepting the opposition’s request made on 3 April that all local elections be held on the same day. This, he added, would be made possible by amending Article 35, so that the elections could be announced no earlier than 150 days instead of the current 120 days. This would allow regular local elections in 88 cities and municipalities, including 17 Belgrade municipalities, to be held on 2 June, at the same time as voting for councillors of the Belgrade City Assembly. Local elections in Serbia must be announced no later than 45 days before the day of holding, in this case by 18 April, and the condition for this is that the members of the National Assembly have previously voted on the changes to the law. One of the leaders of the coalition “Serbia against violence” Miroslav Aleksic pointed out after the second meeting with representatives of the authorities in the Serbian Parliament that all local elections can be held on the same day by amending Article 35 of the Law on Local Elections. This, according to Aleksic, would create the conditions for other local elections to be held on 2 June, when the elections for councillors of the Belgrade parliament have already been announced.


ODIHR Director: Full support of election process in line with international standards (Beta)


The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is highlighting the importance of a genuine and result-oriented dialogue on all key aspects of the election process among stakeholders, supported by citizen observers, to increase transparency and trust in the run-up to the local elections in Belgrade, ODIHR Director Matteo Mecacci said ahead of a two-day visit to Serbia this week. “While the post-election environment in Serbia has been tense and we have heard much harsh rhetoric, over the last weeks I have also seen the focus shifting to the importance of making sure that key recommendations made by ODIHR at the end of February are fully implemented, which is welcomed,” Mecacci said in an op-ed forwarded to Beta. During his forthcoming visit to Belgrade Mecacci will hold meetings with the authorities, political parties, and civil society to express ODIHR’s support for work on improving the election process but also to hear their concerns. ODIHR has observed elections in Serbia 17 times, most recently in December 2023, said Mecacci, adding that the assessment is always based on a comprehensive analysis of all key aspects of the election process by ODIHR experts and hundreds of long- and short-term observers. “Progress is now possible in Serbia as solutions are within reach even in areas such as ensuring better transparency around voter lists, or improving the independence and oversight of the media, as well as others,” said Mecacci.




Dodik: Srebrenica resolution and Kosovo’s attempts to become a member of Council of Europe will mark Serb relations with other nations in region (Srna/RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik said that the resolution on Srebrenica and the attempts for self-proclaimed Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe, which are happening at almost the same time, will mark and trace the relations of Serbs with other nations in the region. Dodik said, in a telephone statement to Srna from Athens, that Serbs will use their upcoming activities to show that they do not see a way to live in the same country as Bosniaks, because it is clear that the other side is trying to deal with Serbs, via Bosniak representatives in joint institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Dodik reiterated that Bosniaks are doing this despite knowing that there was no genocide in Srebrenica, per the definition of genocide as a deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular or ethnic group with the goal of destroying that nation or group. He assessed that the pushing of the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN clearly shows that the Bosniaks, with the insidious intention of abusing the institutional framework of B&H, went through their own people in the UN to once again harshly characterize the Serbs as a genocidal people and to impose on them the weight of historical responsibility for the Srebrenica genocide. “And, after all this and the abuses they commit, using joint institutions as their own, ignoring the procedures in the Presidency of B&H and other places - it is absolutely clear that their real intention is to make the possibility of B&H functioning hopeless and that they blame someone else for that,” assessed Dodik. Dodik noted that no Serb has any reason to believe in the good intentions of the Bosniak political elite, not even the Islamic Community in B&H, because they only want to deepen that gap and succeed in doing so that they can rule B&H. “We want to get rid of the restraints they impose in an attempt to subjugate our people and punish us by abolishing the RS, and then emigrating from those areas so that they, allegedly, rule over the whole of B&H,” said Dodik. He repeated that Serbs do not want any conflicts with Bosniaks, despite what members of the Islamic Community claim. Dodik added that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was right to say that the resolution on Srebrenica and the attempts for self-proclaimed Kosovo to become a member of the Council of Europe will shape the relations of the Serb people with other nations in the region. Dodik also called for a joint adoption of the International Commission for Srebrenica’s report in the RS parliament, and for the people of the RS to gather in the afternoon at a large public meeting on Krajina Square, in Banja Luka on Thursday, at 18:00, called “Sprska te zove” (“Srpska is calling you”). He explained the goal of the meeting is to show their displeasure at the possible adoption of the resolution on the Srebrenica genocide. Dodik also stated that Bosniaks permanently destroy any possibility to live together with Serbs in B&H by advocating the adoption of the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly (UNGA). He said that it is absurd if someone persistently try to put the blame on the Serb people and want them to live together at the same time, stressing that the RS will know how to respond to the conduct of Bosniak politicians and their sponsors from the West. Dodik added that insisting on the Resolution on Srebrenica shows that Bosniaks use their people in the UN with intention to abuse institutional framework in B&H and a goal to once again characterize Serbs in a rough way and to impose burden of historical responsibility on them. He noted that the story about the Resolution on Srebrenica is a part of attacks on Serbs that have been prepared long time ago. According to Dodik, at their recent meeting in Belgrade the RS officials informed Serbian President Vucic that all the procedures at the level of B&H for launching an initiative for the Resolution on Srebrenica before the UN GA have been violated. He stressed that genocide in Srebrenica did not happen otherwise the need to keep insisting on this topic would not have existed at all. Dodik assessed that the fact that the Islamic Community in B&H has a political stance on this issue shows how much they actually do not want B&H in which peace, coexistence and peace would be built, but they want B&H in which they would be only settling accounts. He concluded that Serbs do not want any conflicts with Bosniaks as the Islamic Community in B&H advocates for, but they only want to free themselves of repression they impose in an attempt to enslave the Serb people and punish them by abolition of the RS.


Komsic: There is nothing problematic in text of UN resolution on Srebrenica (Hayat)


Commenting the announced UN resolution on Srebrenica, the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic stated: “As someone who has seen that resolution, I must tell you that there is nothing problematic in it, from the aspect of what it says and what is requested there. The resolution is primarily dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, which is next year. Therefore, there is nothing in it, nothing against anyone, not only in the surroundings, nor against anyone in the whole world. So, what they are doing is, I think, even a kind of propaganda action. Because everything that Vucic announces as difficult days for Serbia, the Serb people, a danger for Serbia and the Serb people, referring to the possible adoption of that resolution, is the most ordinary spin, the most ordinary political game”.


Dodik: The RS knows its path, and will have an answer to behaviour of Bosniak politicians and their Western sponsors (N1)


N1 carries comments made by RS President Milorad Dodik in a post on X. “The RS knows its path and will have an answer to this behaviour of Bosniak politicians and their sponsors from the West…Therefore, I call for us to jointly adopt the report of the International Commission for Srebrenica on Thursday in the National Assembly of the RS, and to gather in the afternoon at a large public meeting on Krajina Square at 18:00. It will be a big rally of the freedom-loving Serbian people," wrote Dodik. Dodik said it will be stated during the rally in Banja Luka on Thursday that “we cannot live with the Muslims, in other words with the Bosniaks, who constantly slander us and impose responsibility on us where responsibility does not exist”.


Murphy meets Becirovic, warns any attempt by entity to secede will not be tolerated by US (BHT1)


US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy met with B&H Presidency Chairman Denis Becirovic, in Sarajevo on Friday. On this occasion, Murphy stated that it would be big mistake to take path of endangering the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. He stressed that any attempt by an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede is an anti-Dayton action that will not be tolerated by the US. Speaking about the security and political situation in B&H, Becirovic stated that the RS government bodies continuously and systematically attack fundamental provisions of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and the Constitution of B&H. He stressed that dangerous anti-Dayton and anti-constitutional policy must not be ignored and that everyone must be aware of this danger. Murphy especially pointed out the importance of continuation of reforms of the Armed Forces of B&H.


US Embassy in B&H: Creation of a parallel electoral system in the RS would be unconstitutional and anti-Dayton; USA will not stand by while Dodik implements his secessionist agenda (BNTV)


The US Embassy in B&H issued a statement saying that the creation of a parallel electoral system in RS would be unconstitutional and anti-Dayton, but would also deprive voters in the RS of their basic democratic rights guaranteed by the Constitution of B&H. “Any election conducted under an unconstitutional, parallel electoral system would have no legitimacy, and those involved in its organization would be engaging in anti-democratic, unconstitutional, and anti-Dayton activities.  The United States has been clear that it is prepared to respond to anti-Dayton actions by local actors, and that it supports actions by the High Representative to do the same,” reads the US Embassy’s statement. They also say Milorad Dodik is wrong if he thinks that the United States will stand aside while he pursues his secessionist agenda and pushes B&H toward conflict. “Any attempt by an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede is an anti-Dayton action that will not be tolerated.  The RS is an entity within the state of B&H.  It is an integral part of the country but neither the RS, nor the Federation of B&H (FB&H) exist outside of B&H. The B&H Constitution does not provide the right for an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede,” the US Embassy underlined.


OHR’s reacts to RS authorities’ efforts to create parallel election system (Nova BH)


Office of the High Representative (OHR) condemned the efforts of RS authorities to create a parallel election system. OHR pointed out that this would represent a clear violation of the B&H Election Law and the Dayton Peace Agreement. "The implementation of free, fair and democratic elections is one of the key foundations of the civilian aspects of the Dayton Peace Agreement. OHR strongly supports the position of the Central Election Commission (CEC) expressed on 8 March that all election commissions as well as polling boards are obliged to act independently and impartially, to respect the Constitution and laws of B&H, and to carry out their duties devotedly and consciously", OHR stated.


Political representatives of Bosniaks from region meet in Sarajevo to discuss topic ‘Position and status of Bosniaks in the region’ (N1)


Political representatives of Bosniaks from B&H, Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Kosovo gathered Friday in Sarajevo at a meeting on the topic ‘Position and status of Bosniaks in the region’, which was organized by leader of People and Justice (NiP) and Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic. Participants of the meeting discussed the issue of the unity of Bosniaks, that is, equal representation in institutions. It was said that the gathering of a people is everyone's right, and that agreements and mutual cooperation will be born from such meetings. Participants of the meeting in Sarajevo agreed that this meeting is not directed against anyone, and that their topics are nobody's assemblies. Konakovic denied claims that the meeting of Bosniak representatives in Sarajevo was organized in response to the announced all-Serb assembly that RS and Serbia will hold on 5, 6 May. Konakovic stressed that this meeting was announced much earlier and that it focused on the position and status of Bosniaks in the region, the issue of EU integration and the current political situation. Konakovic noted that participants of the meeting in Sarajevo did not discuss the resolution on Srebrenica which should be discussed by the UN General Assembly. However, Konakovic sent a message to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, saying that he should come to terms with it and that the resolution on Srebrenica should be adopted in order to remove collective responsibility from the Serb people. Leader of the Justice and Reconciliation Party from Serbia Usame Zukorlic said “we welcomed the fact that for the first time political Sarajevo had some kind of investment in Sandzak, which was not the case for the last 30 years.” “Some other political parties and movements had the opportunity to hold such gatherings in the last 30 years, but they missed that opportunity for reasons we cannot explain. But thank God, now a step has been taken and various political parties have sat down at the same table to negotiate. It is not directed towards any community, towards any people, we are directed towards ourselves,” Zukorlic pointed out. Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Emilija Redzepi said that “at the time when we came to the situation of abolishing the visa regime with all European countries, we still have a process of stagnation with B&H.” “We cannot open up, we cannot exchange various cultural events, we cannot connect economically and develop, which I consider the stagnation of society as a whole,” Redzepi emphasized. Bosniak RS Vice-President Camil Durakovic said that this was no assembly. “It is enough that we got to know each other a little, to feel the problems of others and hear their stories. No one can forbid us to get closer culturally, to strengthen each other and to use this as our advantage in the future and to offer ourselves as an ethnic group in the richness of B&H’s multiculturalism,” Durakovic underlined. The leaders conveyed a joint message that peace, unity and identity of Bosniaks must be preserved. Konakovic told the press after the meeting that the meeting was very useful and expressed satisfaction with the number of participants in the meeting and the topics discussed, as well as with the fact that all participants actively discussed all the topics at the meeting. He stressed that large number of participants from the region who attended the meeting proves that there is interest for B&H as a country they consider as their mother country. Konakovic added that B&H as Bosniaks’ mother country has an obligation to meet demands of Bosniaks from the region and address some of their problems, as well as to use opportunities the region has such as the European integration. He added that they agreed to hold similar meetings at least twice a year. B&H Minister of Human Fights and Refugees Sevlid Hurtic (B&H Greens) said that the Bosnian Language that is recognized in Serbia but not in the RS was one of the topics and announced talks to try to resolve this problem, adding that there are also efforts to resolve the problem of Serbs or Croats who are deprived of the right to use their languages in some of the Federation of B&H cantons.


Plenkovic: We will not stop until Croats in B&H are guaranteed legitimate representation in terms of election of Croat member of Presidency (Vecernji list)


Vecernji list carried an interview with Croatian Prime Minister (PM) and leader of HDZ of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic prior to this week’s (Wednesday) parliamentary elections in Croatia. Asked what he expects in the 11th constituency (Croats living outside Croatia), Plenkovic replied by saying “we” expect strong support of Croats outside Croatia, especially Croats in B&H. In this context, Plenkovic expressed gratitude to leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic on the excellent cooperation to the benefit of Croats in B&H and relations between B&H and Croatia. According to the Croatian PM, the Croatian government has been supporting many projects of Croats in B&H and will continue to do so. Asked to comment on the opening of the accession negotiations between B&H and the EU, Plenkovic says the decision to open the negotiation has historic importance for B&H and is one of biggest foreign policy achievement of Croatia. He thanked Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo and entire CoM on what they have done. “However, it is important to continue working on reforms, and especially on the electoral reform in order to achieve equality of the three constituent peoples”, added PM Plenkovic. Asked how he managed to convince his European colleagues to give B&H “the green light” for opening of the negotiations and what was crucial, Plenkovic said, among other issues, that this process foremost required consistent political and diplomatic work at all levels. According to PM Plenkovic, the key moment was a joint visit to Sarajevo with EC President Ursula Von der Leyen and Dutch PM Mark Rutte. “That is when we clearly outlined concrete and achievable goals until the European Council meeting in March”, added the PM. Asked to comment on the daily’s remark that High Representative Christian Schmidt imposed technical changes to the Election Law, whilst Croats want essential changes, foremost regarding the election of (Croat) member of the B&H Presidency, and how Croatia and the EU can help resolve this issue, PM Plenkovic said Croatia has continuously advocated electoral reform that would solve the issue of legitimate representation of Croats in B&H. “Our goal is equality of Croats in B&H, not their isolation. We will not stop until Croats are guaranteed the legitimate representation in terms of election of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H, in cooperation, and not in conflict with the international community”, said Plenkovic. Asked what is the position of Croatia regarding the Southern Interconnection project, the Croatian PM said Croatia laces special accent on the energy security and that the current geopolitical situation requires energy diversification. He further noted that “we” are prepared to continue activities and investments in building Croatia’s part of the interconnection. “It is clear that in finding a suitable solution one must take into account views and interests of everyone, including the Croat people in B&H”, added Plenkovic.


Election officials and volunteers make big push ahead of Election Day (HRT)


Croatia's general election fast approaching. Election Day is Wednesday, 17 April and political parties and candidates only have two more days to campaign before the campaign black-out takes effect on Tuesday. The nearly four million ballots have been printed and are ready to be distributed on polling stations around the country on Monday and Tuesday. Election workers and volunteers are working around the clock, said the head of the Zagreb City election commission, Vjeran Blazekovic. Croatian Radio spoke to him on Saturday morning. "There are about 12 people here just working to get all the materials in order. They've been working on this for about four weeks already. Keep in mind that the City of Zagreb covers 3 electoral districts - the 1st, 2nd, and 6th constituencies - and that is around 750 thousand voters, 606 regular polling stations, and 35 special polling locations,” said Blazekovic. The head of the Zagreb City Assembly's special services office, Mirjana Lihner, describes what kind of materials elections workers are putting together. "The ballots come in a box but along with that, we have to have pens and graphite pencils and all of the other materials the Electoral Commission requires in its rules. This all goes into a large bag that weighs between 25 and 35 kilos. We have around 80 thousand tons of materials here in total," says Lihner. These materials will be delivered from election centers to polling places on Tuesday afternoon, where neighborhood voting boards will then set up their stations, most of which are located in schools, community centers and similar institutions. The ballots will be under special supervision the entire time, election officials say. Furthermore, each ballot is has a unique serial number and other markings to prevent voter fraud.


Plenkovic condemns Iranian attack on Israel, Milanovic says he won’t take sides (HRT)


Iran launched an attack on Israel last night in retaliation for the Israeli attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1st that killed 16 people. The five-hour attack of more than three hundred drones and rockets at Israeli military targets, marks the first time in history that Iran has attacked Israel. The attack comes in response to Israel’s unprovoked attack on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus, which killed 16 people, including several diplomats and generals Mohammad Reza Zahedi and Haji Rahimi. Iran's Revolutionary Guard has launched more than 300 drones and rockets at military targets in Israel. Israel claims that with its allies it managed to shoot down almost all the rockets and drones and that no major damage was caused. "We intercepted 99 percent of the threats directed at Israeli territory. This is a big strategic success," said the spokesman for the Israeli Defense Force, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari. The five-hour Iranian retaliation began with a massive attack by drones that were intended to overwhelm Israel's air defenses and open space for cruise and ballistic missiles. After two waves of 100 drones each, dozens of cruises and ballistic missiles followed, totalling more than 300 drones and missiles. The drones were met by a multi-layered Israeli air defense. The interception began over Jordan, which opened its airspace to Israeli aircraft. Iranian drones and missiles were also shot down by Jordanian, American and British planes. Israel claims that only a small number of ballistic missiles managed to hit their targets. The attack was welcomed in Iran with tens of thousands of people celebrated the response to the assassination of generals Zahedi and Rahimi in the Damascus consulate. "Nowhere in any country have I seen an attack on another country and a war make people happy. But instead of sleeping tonight people have come here and show how important this war is to us and how happy we are about this attack on Israel," said one Iranian. In Croatia, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic condemned the attack: "I condemn yesterday's attack on Israel by Iran. As with other partners within the EU, we are trying to ensure a de-escalation and a peaceful solution to the conflict. We are also advising, as our Foreign and European Affairs Ministry has already done, that Croatian nationals do not travel to Israel under these circumstances following the Iranian attack last night." However, President Zoran Milanovic made it clear he did not want to involve Croatia in third party disputes: "I will not take any side here, because no one is asking us for our opinion. The only thing that would do is to attract the anger of a third party onto ourselves. And we don't need that. Croatian flags and those of cities and counties fly in Croatia, not American, Israeli or Russian." And while it appears that Tehran is not in favor of any further escalation, Iranian leaders have warned that should Israel attack Iranian citizens again, the response would be even fiercer. For his part Pope Francis issued an "urgent appeal" for an end to the "spiral of violence that threatens to plunge the Middle East into an even greater conflict" following Iran's attack on Israel: "In prayer and with concern, even pain, I follow the news that has arrived in recent hours about the deterioration of the situation in Israel due to the Iranian intervention. From the bottom of my heart, I call to stop any action that could start a spiral of violence that risks dragging the Middle East into an even greater conflict. No one should threaten the existence of others. All nations should stand for peace and help the Israelis and Palestinians live in peace with each other, side by side in two states. That is their legitimate wish and that is their right."


After meeting in Sarajevo, a joint statement of political representatives of the Bosniaks issued (CdM)


A working meeting gathering political representatives of the Bosniaks from the region was held in Sarajevo. Apart from numerous representatives of the Bosniaks from B&H, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Bosniaks from Montenegro, Serbia, Croatia, North Macedonia and Kosovo. Following the meeting, they issued a joint statement noting that “it was an extremely important step toward the improvement of communication, strengthening of ties and establishment of better cooperation among the Bosniaks residing in the Western Balkans”. They all backed the draft Declaration on Equal Approach that was adopted at a similar meeting in North Macedonia last year. As they note, after the meetings in Skopje and Podgorica, it was particularly important that Bosnia and Herzegovina and political representatives of the Bosniaks from B&H are the hosts of such a work meeting. With this meeting, they add, it has been confirmed that all Bosniaks who see B&H as their home country can count on it, its institutions and Bosniak political representatives. They especially indicate their respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all the countries of the Bosniak representatives who attended the meeting, adding that they’ve been committed to cooperating and good neighbourly relations with all the countries, as well as the cooperation with the existing institutional framework. The attendees also reflected on the ratification of the agreement that guarantees the free movement on the territory of the WB, which was agreed as part of the Berlin Process. The visa regime between B&H and Kosovo particularly affects the Bosniaks who live in these two countries, and as they conclude, it’s necessary to do everything possible to ensure their free movement.


Atlantic Alliance: Ambassador Maslennikov confirms mechanisms of Russia’s hybrid action in Montenegro (CdM)


The Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Podgorica Vladislav Maslennikov has confirmed with his performance and statements in an interview published on Sunday, 7 April 2024, on the Borba portal, the mechanisms of malignant Russian influence in Montenegro, described and analysed on several occasions in various texts of the Digital Forensic Center (DFC), the Atlantic Alliance has announced. DFC has written about Ambassador Maslennikov’s actions in Montenegro on several occasions, among other things in the studies of Russia’s Role in the Balkans: The Case of Montenegro and Russian Hybrid Activities in the Western Balkans: Shadow Game and the analysis of Population Census: Between Statistics and Politics. “Describing Montenegro in an interview as a ‘location ready for new construction’ of Russian presence and influence, Ambassador Maslennikov once again repeated his earlier thesis that ‘the expansion of the EU into the Balkans means drawing the countries of the region into a confrontation with Russia’”, according to the statement. In addition, it is added that he presented a series of arbitrary assessments, starting with the manipulation of the number of casualties and wounded in the NATO intervention in the FRY (the DFC reacted on the same occasion when those figures were manipulated in the TVCG news programme), through unsubstantiated estimates about the scope of Russian investments in Montenegro, to the results of an also unsubstantiated survey according to which allegedly “only 23% of citizens believe in the objectivity of the Montenegrin media”, with which Ambassador Maslennikov tries to justify his absence from the largest number of domestic media. By his own admission, Ambassador Maslennikov compensates for this absence with the support of Russian proxies in Montenegro, despite the fact that our country has aligned its foreign policy on this issue with the EU’s foreign policy: “And if now instead of government offices and diplomatic receptions in Podgorica we attend events more often in many municipalities in the country, it is better. In this way, we learn firsthand how Montenegro lives and breathes”.


Camouflage nets and stretchers for use in the war in Ukraine can’t be sent through Serbia anymore (RFE/CdM)


A total of 200 stretchers and more than 4.100 square metres of camouflage nets were sent to Ukraine for both its army and citizens from Montenegro over the past year, Radio Free Europe has published. About 40 Ukrainian women – volunteers – who have been living in Montenegro, have weaved textiles into camouflage nets for use in the war in Ukraine. “They use these nets to cover the wounded while waiting for the evacuation, but soldiers as well, while they’re taking some rest. The nets make them invisible for Russian drones, because, when you’re covered with it, they aren’t able to make difference between a person and an object,” Head of the Ukrainian Centre in Podgorica, Oksana Kyiashko, explains to Radio Free Europe. So far, they have been sending this equipment through Serbia and Romania. However, the official Belgrade recently banned its transportation over Serbia’s territory. Although the Customs Administration of Serbia says there are no limitations when it comes to the flow of goods over their territory to Ukraine, they’ve confirmed for Radio Free Europe that the items were returned. “On 18 February this year, a physical person tried to transport military equipment in a passenger car, while according to valid rules, the military transportation can be done only in commercial traffic, that is, it can’t be treated as goods for personal use.” As they add, the parcel was returned in line with the law, “just like any other country would return it from their border”. Neither the government of Serbia nor the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia have commented on the matter.


Montenegrin soldiers will train members of the Ukrainian armed forces (RFE/CdM)


Montenegro intends to join the EU mission to provide military assistance to Ukraine (EUMAM) by hiring up to three members of the Army, who would participate in the training of Ukrainian soldiers, Radio Free Europe (RFE) was informed by the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro. As they stated, the Ministry was recently approved to participate in this mission, after Montenegro expressed its intention to provide another type of support to Ukraine and contribute to the Common Security and Defense Policy of the EU. EUMAM was founded by the European Council in 2022 after Russia's military aggression against Ukraine with the aim of providing assistance to that country, through strengthening the military capability to defend territorial integrity and sovereignty. The mission is mandated to provide individual, collective and specialist training for members of the Ukrainian armed forces in EU member locations. "We are currently in the phase of implementing national procedures, which should result in the adoption of a parliamentary decision on the participation of members of the Croatian Armed Forces in this mission," the Ministry of Defense stated. The decision on the use of Army units in international forces is made by the parliament of Montenegro, on the proposal of the Council for Defense and Security. After the Council determines the proposed decision, which will precisely define the participation of Montenegrin soldiers in this mission, it will be sent to the Assembly for further procedure, according to the Ministry: Members of the Montenegrin army would train Ukrainian soldiers on the territory of Germany. That Montenegro will join the EU's military aid to Ukraine, State Secretary in the Ministry of Defense Marko Markovic confirmed on April 10 at a meeting with Ambassador of Ukraine Oleg Gerasimenko. "Montenegro strongly stands by Ukraine in its struggle to preserve territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the freedom of the Ukrainian people. It expresses its support and solidarity not only rhetorically, but also through concrete political engagement, as well as financial and humanitarian contributions," the Ministry of Defense stated. That Montenegro is a reliable NATO partner in the Western Balkans, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Intelligence and Security Affairs Scott Bray said a day later in a conversation with Prime Minister Milojko Spajic in Podgorica. Montenegro has been a member of NATO since 2017 and follows European foreign policy, including its attitude towards Russian military aggression against Ukraine. So far, 24 EU member states have offered training and staff to Ukraine under EUMAM. The equipment is provided by member states and financed by the European Peace Fund.


Pendarovski vows to remain the same, President of all (MIA)


Kumanovo is a city that has always been a winner, a city where the modern Macedonian state was forged, where the progressive forces have not lost for 30 years, said SDSM presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski at a rally on Sunday. Pendarovski expressed assurance over a double win, resulting from the achievements that no other political group had made in the country's history before. "We solved the dispute with Greece after 25 years of negotiations and we joined the most powerful military-political alliance, NATO. This is the deed for our independence, our borders, our sovereignty and the personal security of each and every one of you," said Pendarovski. The second thing we did, he added, is the opening of EU accession negotiations after almost 20 years. "At the moment we finished the first intergovernmental conference we got an unexpected hit from inside. We did not believe that the leading opposition party would block Macedonia's European path only because of one reason - the wish for power," said Pendarovski. Pendarovski said he has never discriminated anyone during his term, promising that he would remain the same, president of all. He urged the citizens of Kumanovo to not believe their opponents, because "they think about their interests not the people". "If we mobilize on 24 April, I assure you that the execution will come on 8 May. Let's go out in masses on 24 April and win the match two weeks later," noted Pendarovski.


Osmani says can complete most important integration processes for country (MIA)


As Foreign Minister I managed to unstick the most important integration processes for the country, as president I can complete them, said DUI presidential candidate Bujar Osmani during campaign stops in populated places in the Krivogashtani and Dolneni region on Sunday. "As foreign minister, I succeeded in getting the country into NATO, open the EU accession negotiations, start the strategic dialogue with the United States. As President, I can finalize the most important integration processes for the country so it can lead a European way of life," said Osmani. According to him, the country is facing a big dilemma at these elections - integration or isolation, coexistence or ethnic tensions, progress or regression. "Unfortunately, these are the two offers, and I am pleased, on behalf of the European Front, to offer integration in five years, coexistence among ethnic communities, justice and equality, and an opportunity for every citizen to achieve his dream, regardless of the family he comes from, ethnicity, social group, village or city. Every child can dream and make that dream a reality, whereas the state must help not create obstacles," said Osmani.


Vankovska: President of all citizens, no more divisions (MIA)


My lady opponent is continuously favored as the future president and then comes Stevo. The things they offer is completely different from my programme. We have to sweep them because they are siamese twins, said Levica presidential candidate Biljana Vankovska at a rally in Kavadarci on Sunday. She also referred to Maksim Dimitrievski as the Trojan horse, a candidate to steal some of SDSM's voters, while adding that Jakimovski was the type of person "do not see what I do but listen to what I say". Vankovska said Osmani's trick was to say that criticism directed at DUI is albanophobia, while Taravari was not worth mentioning because he would campaign in the diaspora. "I promise you that I will welcome April 24 with dignity and calm. I have an idea and ideology but the battle will be long. We will win for sure. Levica is unstoppable. The red wave, the tsunami is coming," said Vankovska. Levica leader Dimitar Apasiev said the Europe as it is having no values. "Western societies declare themselves as the most democratic but they are currently societies of homeless people, societies with the most prisons and inmates, societies with no health protection. Are these the societies we aspire to? Are these the values we want? Only the one who cannot see beyond his nose has no alternative," said Apasiev.


Rama in Paris/ Macron: You have our support to guide you through negotiations swiftly (Radio Tirana)


French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking at a joint press conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama during his official visit, underscored France's support for Albania's path towards the EU. Macron commended Albania's progress, expressing being "impressed" by the comprehensive nature of the reforms undertaken. He also highlighted Albania's significant role both regionally and internationally, considering it "a strong voice." Additionally, Macron referenced the Ukraine-South-East Europe Summit held in Tirana on 27 February, where President Volodymyr Zelensky was in attendance. "We must work towards European unity to strengthen it and ensure sovereignty against common threats and challenges. Since the first Intergovernmental Conference, Albania has steadfastly pursued its European path. You have our support to guide you through these negotiations swiftly. We are impressed by the breadth of reforms and the capacity for progress. I also commend Albania's influential presence in the region and on the global stage. This was evident during the past two years in the UN Security Council. Lastly, you hosted a Regional Summit in Tirana where President Zelensky participated. The normalization of relations between Serbia and Kosovo is crucial in all regional matters, and your voice is invaluable," stated Macron. The French President also highlighted the agreements signed between the two nations, noting a loan of 120 million Euros for environmental reform. "Inter-governmental agreements will provide fresh impetus to our cooperation in water management, sustainable tourism, and innovation. The French Development Agency is supporting Albania in economic reforms and energy transition. The signing of a 120-million-euro loan for environmental reform and a memorandum of cooperation with the Ministry of Environment will assist us in overcoming these challenges," Macron emphasized. Rama thanked French President Macron for the vision and determination with which he has encouraged this new wave of rapprochement between the Balkan countries and the EU. In a joint press statement with President Macron at the Elysee Palace, Prime Minister Rama appreciated the military ceremony of welcome at the "Les Invalides" courtyard in Paris, stating that it was the first time in the history of our diplomatic relations that a representative of the Albanian state was received in this way. "This means a lot for Albania and the Albanians. Today, I am truly very proud not for myself, but for Albania, for this friendship between Albania and France," said Rama. The Prime Minister emphasized that there are many French entrepreneurs coming to Albania to invest and expand their businesses, and this is truly a revolution. "I thank you for two things. For the vision and determination with which you have encouraged and pushed forward this new wave of rapprochement between the Balkan countries and the EU, putting on the table the need to accompany this integration process with a process of approximation beyond the bureaucratic hurdles of each country," said Rama. The Prime Minister stressed that "today we are witnesses to the results for Albania and for all the Balkan countries, and the Growth Plan approved by the European Parliament is moving in this direction. A strong, united Europe that does not remain hostage to old ways, old traditional methods of integration", said Rama.


Nikolla: Lobbying for Kosova to become an official member of the CoE (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla held a meeting with the delegation of the Assembly to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the delegation chair Blerina Gjylameti, the members Etilda Gjonaj and Klotilda Bushka, and with the Ambassador of Kosova to Albania, Skender Dyrmishi. Nikolla congratulated the members of the delegation for their so far excellent work and for the lobbying in favor of Kosova's adhering to the Council of Europe and urged them to continue this mission with maximum commitment until Kosova officially becomes a member of the Council of Europe. Nikolla pointed out that the Assembly of Albania welcomes this well-deserved success of Kosova and reaffirms its commitment to continue supporting Kosova until its full membership in the Council of Europe and other international organizations, increasing recognition and increasing Kosova's contribution to international relations and developments.


Rama condemns Iran's attack against Israel: Unprecedented, it poses a risk of irreversibly destabilizing the region (Radio Tirana)


Prime Minister Edi Rama strongly condemned Iran's attack on Israel, emphasizing that this attack poses a risk to destabilizing the Middle East. "Albania strongly condemns the unprecedented attack carried out by Iran against Israel, which poses a risk of irreversibly destabilizing the region," wrote Rama on the social network X. "We stand in solidarity with the people of Israel and support our partners' efforts towards de-escalation," writes Rama. "Albania calls for restraint from all parties and emphasizes the critical need for a ceasefire in Gaza, ensuring that all hostages are safely returned home," Rama's message reads.


Iran's attack on Israel/ Begaj: Any escalation, danger to peace and security in the Middle East (Radio Tirana)


Albania strongly condemns Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel. President Bajram Begaj, in a post on social media, expressed hope that there will be no further escalation. "Any further escalation could jeopardize peace and security in the Middle East and have irreversible effects on a wider scale," emphasized Begaj. Iran launched a “massive swarm” of about 300 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles toward Israel overnight. Iran's attack was the promised retaliation for an April 1 strike by Israel on an Iranian consulate in Damascus, Syria, which killed seven officers from its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.


Peleshi: Albania, a proud and reliable ally of NATO (Radio Tirana)


On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Albania and Croatia's membership in the NATO Alliance, a special ceremony was organized in Brussels, attended by Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi. During his welcoming speech on this anniversary, Minister Peleshi praised that this alliance stands today, as it did 75 years ago, as a beacon for the principles of democracy, individual freedom, and the rule of law. The Minister of Defense emphasized, in his speech, our country's clear support for this alliance, highlighting the efforts that Albania has made over the years to rank among its allies in NATO, where it now plays a highly positive role. "Today, we remain unwavering as a proud, reliable, and committed ally to NATO's political, institutional, and military agenda. We will continue to fulfil all three essential duties of NATO, as we have always done whenever it was necessary to stand side by side with our Allies and Partners," said Peleshi. Albania, added Peleshi, will spare no effort to continue its contribution to the Alliance, as countries face an increasingly insecure and dangerous security environment since the end of the Cold War. Minister Peleshi reiterated support for Ukraine but said that this is also a moment to keep an eye on the Western Balkans. "If the region now enjoys greater stability and prosperity, it is also because of NATO's role in stopping the massacres and ethnic cleansing of the 1990s, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. We must not allow the gains we have made to be eroded and lose our vigilance," emphasized Peleshi. The Minister of Defense of Albania concluded his speech by highlighting the work being done to modernize and transform defense and security, also noting the increase in the defense budget for this year.