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Belgrade Media Report 19 April



Vucic: After 11 years of brutal lies, Community of Serb Municipalities still not established (Tanjug)


Today marks 11 years since the adoption of the Brussels agreement, as well as 11 years of brutal lies and 11 years of Pristina's failure to meet the commitment to form a Community of Serb Municipalities, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday. Vucic said 11 years was not a small amount of time and that the period had been marked by "daily absurdities, made-up stories and excuses, and a failure to deliver on what was signed by both Belgrade and Pristina as well as the EU".


Petkovic from Brussels: The other side does not want to negotiate, Kurti does not want a solution (B92/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic spoke from Brussels after another round of talks within the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. "The other side does not want to negotiate and does not want to find a solution about the Dinar," said Petkovic. He added that these are the fifth talks and that there is still no solution for the situation in Kosovo and Metohija. "Another round of talks in Brussels has been completed, where Belgrade did everything to find a solution regarding Pristina’s violent decision to cancel the Serbian dinar and payment transactions in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija. This is the fifth meeting in a row. We came out with a constructive proposal and that proposal was evaluated by Lajcak as constructive," Petkovic stated at the beginning of his address. He said that Pristina and Albin Kurti do not want a solution and do not want to reach an agreement. "You come out with one proposal, Pristina is not satisfied and it doesn't suit it. You come out with another proposal, it doesn't suit Pristina again," he points out. "Now let all those who voted for it ask themselves how it is possible that today Pristina rejected all the proposals concerning human rights, receiving pensions, salaries, that people can be deprived of some of the most basic things. No, it cannot, if it's Belgrade, Serbia, what can be done? If the Serbs are expelled, arrested," Petkovic added. He added that there will be a new round of dialogue next week and that Serbia will show constructiveness again. "We will show again that we are constructive, and tomorrow, upon my return to Belgrade, I will schedule a meeting with Quint countries. When you attend campaigns of lies every day, it doesn't matter what it is, the only thing that matters is that Serbia and president Vučić are attacked over and over again. They lied that we kept people in the buses for 13 hours without water. They say that the agreement on freedom of movement was violated. So, in what way? They have the right to move freely as we agreed and what was determined in the dialogue?", Petkovic pointed out.


Stano: Pristina to face consequences if it fails to form Serb municipalities (Tanjug)


Commenting on the 11th anniversary of the Brussels agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Friday all commitments from that agreement as a valid document must be implemented, and noted that Pristina would face consequences in case it failed to form a Community of Serb Municipalities. Asked by Tanjug how the EU could influence Pristina to meet that commitment from the agreement and whether the deal was still a valid document for Brussels, Stano responded: "Of course, it is a valid document. All the agreements reached within the EU-facilitated dialogue are valid documents, are a valid commitment, and they need to be implemented. They need to be honoured, and this is something we keep repeating to the partners." "We were very clear in stressing that the implementation is the key, and the same goes for all the previous agreements, they need to be fulfilled, they need to be implemented. The issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities is one of the crucial and most urgent issues," he said. "We were very clear and we remain very clear with the Kosovo counterpart that they need to implement it because failure to do so will lead to consequences. The same goes for the Ohrid agreement, the (EU) High Representative and the member states of the EU were very clear that implementation progress on these agreements is inevitably linked to the progress of both Serbia and Kosovo on their EU accession paths, so if the partners do not deliver on their commitments, on the agreements they made, there will be very serious consequences," Stano noted. "The only people who will be paying for this will be the people in Serbia and Kosovo if there is no movement on delivery on the commitments taken in the framework of the dialogue," he added.


Vucic, PM of Commonwealth of Dominica discuss development of bilateral ties (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the PM of the Commonwealth of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit in Belgrade on Thursday to discuss development of bilateral relations in all areas of mutual interest, economic cooperation and geopolitical and regional affairs. "I thanked them for respecting the territorial integrity of the Republic of Serbia as well as the principles of international law, in the hope that they will be with us on all matters of state and national interest for Serbia," Vucic wrote on Instagram. He invited the Commonwealth of Dominica to EXPO 2027 and thanked the country for supporting Serbia's successful bid to host the prestigious event. "We will continue to develop overall cooperation in all areas of mutual interest, both with the Commonwealth of Dominica and within regional organizations in the Western hemisphere in which Serbia has observer status," Vucic added.


Intensification of cooperation with Dominica in areas of mutual interest (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Prime Minister of Commonwealth of Dominica Roosevelt Skerrit expressed yesterday expressed their willingness to intensify political dialogue at all levels and mutual cooperation in areas of common interest. Dacic expressed his gratitude for the principled position, as well as Dominica's commitment to respecting the basic principles of international law and the UN Charter. Skerrit, who is on an official visit to Belgrade, emphasized that Serbia can still count on Dominica's full support for territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as in other matters of vital interest to our side.


Serbia thankful to Palestine for supporting its vital interests (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and Ambassador of the State of Palestine Mohamed al-Namur confirmed in yesterday's meeting the friendship between the two countries, based on mutual understanding and solidarity. Dacic expressed his gratitude for the principled support for Serbia's vital interests, above all when it comes to its territorial integrity. He informed the Ambassador about the decision of the government of Serbia to send humanitarian aid to Gaza, expressing regret and condemnation for the suffering of the civilian population and the difficult humanitarian situation.


Ramdin confirmed that Suriname's position on not recognizing so-called "Kosovo" remains unchanged (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic yesterday received Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Business and International Cooperation of the Republic of Suriname Albert Ramchand Ramdin, who is on an official visit to Belgrade. The interlocutors expressed satisfaction with the high level of development of traditionally friendly relations between Serbia and Suriname, based on mutual respect, understanding and solidarity. Ramdin said that he was particularly pleased for having the opportunity to visit Serbia again and to exchange opinions with his Serbian counterpart on the further strengthening of cooperation between the two countries, while he confirmed that Suriname's position on not recognizing the independence of so-called "Kosovo" remains unchanged. During a news conference with the foreign minister of Suriname, Albert Ramdin, he said that Pristina maintained that it had no intention of forming the Community and that the Brussels agreement, of which the forming of the Community was one of the obligations, was “but a sad reminder of the highly questionable credibility of the EU as a mediator and guarantor of implementation of the agreement.” Dacic noted that there was no consensus in the United Nations about the Srebrenica genocide resolution. “We believe that this subject should not be discussed at this time, it’s not even the anniversary. This is selective justice. You cannot just label the Houthis (Yemeni rebels) and the Serbs as genocidal peoples. There is no genocide that has not been committed by the countries signing this resolution, and yet they are lecturing us about it. Might is right, however, and we shall fight as best we can,” Dacic told reporters after the meeting with his Surinamese counterpart. During the talks, numerous opportunities for further improvement of overall bilateral cooperation, as well as cooperation on a global level and within international organizations, were discussed. In this context, mutual willingness to strengthen political dialogue was expressed, including the exchange of high-level visits, strengthening of economic ties, as well as cooperation in the fields of agriculture, tourism, education, youth, sports and information technologies.


Dacic: UN General Assembly debate on resolution is attempt to avoid Russia's veto (TV Prva)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic has said that proposing a resolution on Srebrenica before the United Nations General Assembly is an attempt to avoid Russia's veto, but also that there is the question of legality because the topics that are discussed by the UN Security Council cannot be debated before the UN General Assembly. Dacic told TV Prva that a meeting presented the so-called zero draft resolution and that all UN missions could attend the meeting. "It is interesting that many missions have asked the question of why this is being discussed now and how the issue has suddenly arisen. When it comes to things like this, the UN generally tries to adopt (resolutions) by consensus. After all, there was only one case when a decision was made about that and that was about Rwanda. But that was before the adoption of the general resolution, the universal resolution on genocide, and when December 9 was introduced. After that, it never happened that any individual example was the subject of a resolution in the General Assembly," said Dacic. He stressed that in addition to the lack of consensus in the UN and in B&H itself, there is no consensus on this issue. "A large number of delegations referred to the fact that there is no consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina itself, that the presidency did not make a decision and that it was an independent action by the Muslims and Croats and the head of the mission," said Dacic. He added that there is also the question of legality, because according to the UN Charter, topics discussed by the UN Security Council (UNSC) cannot be discussed before the General Assembly without the permission of the UNSC. "The Security Council did not give permission, on the contrary, they refused it because Russia vetoed it. This is an attempt to avoid the veto, going to the UN General Assembly. Add to that that the resolution is proposed under the item of the agenda that refers to the culture of peace, memory, and which requires a simple majority, not a two-thirds majority," Dacic said. Dacic explained that decisions in the UN General Assembly on important issues are always made by a two-thirds majority.


Simic: Dead letter on paper (RTS)


The Vice President of the Serb List Igor Simic stated that what was written in the Brussels agreement 11 years ago remained a dead letter. On the occasion of the 11th anniversary of the signing of this agreement, he told RTS that it was the decision of those who needed to guarantee the Serbs that an umbrella institution for the protection of individual and collective rights of the Serbian people would be created through the Community of Serb Municipalities. Answering the question of where the Serbs are 11 years later, Simic said that it is difficult to give an answer to that question, but that the majority are still in Kosovo and Metohija, although a part of the people left, primarily under the pressure of the regime in Pristina led by the Prime Minister Albin Kurti of the provisional institutions of Pristina. "I believe and we all hope that they only temporarily left the area of Kosovo and Metohija and we expect them to return, but the fact is that under the repression of that regime, the Serbs had to leave the area of Kosovo and Metohija and I must emphasize that," said Simic. He added that the Serbs are not leaving Kosovo and Metohija for economic reasons, as the Albanians do, but exclusively for security reasons because they cannot guarantee the children's safety or future in that area. He pointed out that the expectations of the Serbs from the Brussels agreement were disappointed, and not from the Albanian leadership, which the Serbs did not trust even 11 years ago, just as they do not trust now, but they believed that the time had come for the EU and the Western world to accept the Serbs as equals.   "Unfortunately, it all came to nothing. And as I said, we were not surprised or disappointed by the Albanians. We were disappointed by the representatives of the EU and the Western world who told us at the time that the Serbs in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija would be protected, but they were not. Nor then, not now," he stressed. Commenting on the acceptance of the proposal by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe that the so-called Kosovo is joining that organization, he said that this kind of Kosovo with the current regime as a member of the Council of Europe seems paradoxical. "A regime that steals the property of Serbs without any legal acts and legal processes. A regime that keeps Serbs in its casemates for many years without indictments, without any legal process to prove guilt. And such a regime gets visa liberalization and now potential membership for the Council of Europe," he said. He assessed that it seems paradoxical, that it is a shame and a disgrace, a stain on the face of Europe. Speaking about how Serbs live in Kosovo after the abolition of the dinar as a means of payment, Simic pointed out that Pristina does not allow goods from Serbia proper to enter Kosovo and Metohija, as well as medicine. According to him, salaries, pensions and social benefits are paid in amounts up to 10,000 Dinars in Kosovo and Metohija, and for everything above that, citizens, both the elderly and those who receive social assistance and people with disabilities, must come to the nearest places in Serbia proper. "It is the only way to provide food for their children, so that they can buy the basic means of living with that money. That is how Serbs live in Kosovo and Metohija today," Simic pointed out.


Opposition movements says demands for fair elections cannot be met before elections on 2 June (Beta)


Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia leader Vojislav Mihailovic said yesterday that parliament speaker Ana Brnabic's announced scheduling of local elections at the same time as elections in Belgrade on 2 June was logical, because, he stressed, it allowed the government to "eat up" the time needed to meet the opposition's most important demand - deleting migrant voters with fake places of residences from the voter roll. "The opposition should accept participating in elections only when this job is completed and not take Vucic's and his Western mentors' bait with this date," Mihailovic told Beta. He said that "technically and legally the opposition's legitimate demands for the minimum conditions for free, fair and democratic elections cannot be met by 2 June".


Paunovic calls on opposition to accept on more meeting with authorities (Beta)


Serbian parliament deputy speaker Snezana Paunovic called on opposition MPs yesterday to accept another meeting on the implementation of ODIHR's recommendations for improving electoral conditions, before reaching a final decision on whether or not to run in elections in Belgrade. "We plead with our MP colleagues from the opposition bloc to honor the trust that the citizens of Serbia gave us and sit at the table one more time, aware, above all, that elections for the city of Belgrade will be held on 2 June, and that we can and must discuss the date of holding local elections in other cities and municipalities," said Paunovic, an MP from the Socialist Party of Serbia. She said that representatives of the government hoped "for another round of talks," as the "Serbian parliament speaker Ana Brnabic's tolerance" is the "perfect platform for this" along with "her resolve to reconcile the differences between the ruling majority and opposition representatives at all costs".


Opposition MP: I call on all to participate in elections, Vucic trying to disunite us (N1)


Following the government’s decision to merge the Belgrade and local elections, the opposition must come together and participate in the elections because there is no other option, said the leader of the opposition Ecological Uprising, Aleksandar Cuta Jovanovic. Addressing a media conference at the Serbian Parliament, Jovanovic said the Serbia Against Violence (SPN) opposition coalition, which the Ecological Uprising is a member of, will meet on Friday evening and take a decision on this matter, stressing that, “whatever the decision, it must be a joint one.”

That is all we ask of our colleagues in the coalition, of the organizations and individuals who can exert influence in the country, for us to come to our senses and reach our goal, which is to free the country after 12 years of agony, said Jovanovic, stressing that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is trying to disunite the opposition. He called on everyone to prepare for the election campaign, and on New Democratic Party of Serbia (New DSS) leader Milos Jovanovic to join the SPN decision which must be in favor of participating in the elections. Milos Jovanovic has said that it is too late to fulfill the basic conditions for “at least some kind of” fair elections on 2 June. “Only together can we bring about change,” said the Ecological Uprising leader.

KFOR Commander invited to Serbian armed forces exercise (N1)


KFOR said on Thursday that its commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas was invited to the Whirlwind 2024 exercise by Serbian Chief of Staff General Milan Mojsilovic. It said that General Ulutas will be at the Distinguished Visitors’ Day on Friday, 19 April at the training grounds in Pester. “Whirlwind 2024 is an annual exercise conducted by the Serbian Armed Forces. It has been announced by the Serbian authorities and KFOR has been informed about its preparations,” the press release said. KFOR spokesman Colonel Salvatore Mascoli said that the invitation to General Ulutas “reflects the effective relationship developed between KFOR and the Serbian Armed Forces throughout the years – including through regular contacts between the KFOR leadership and the Chief of Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilovic, as well as through KFOR’s observations of past exercises of the Serbian Armed Forces”.




Early on Friday morning RS parliament adopts RS Election Law, RS Law on Immunity, Law on Referendum and Civic Initiative and Amendments to RS Labor Law (RTRS)


During the 13th special session, Republika Srpska (RS) parliament early on Friday morning (around 2:00 hrs) adopted RS Election Law. 51 representatives voted in favor of the Law, 11 voted against it and four abstained from voting. The RS parliament also adopted RS Law on Immunity, Law on Referendum and Civic Initiative and Amendments to RS Labor Law.

After the adoption of RS Election Law in RS parliament, the Law has to pass the RS Council of Peoples, where ruling parties also have the majority, and the Law cannot be published in RS Official Gazette if any of the Caucuses in RS CoP invoke the veto. Article also reads that RS opposition did not want to support the Election Law, criticizing the articles of the law as well as necessity to adopt the entity law. PDP Caucus underlined that local elections could not take place in October, in case Election Law is adopted now, especially because of the fact the law stipulates introducing of electronic equipment in election process. PDP Caucus also raised the issue of appointment of members of municipal and city committees, while SDS’ Ognjen Bodiroga asked who will recognize results of elections in RS, if the elections are carried out in line with parallel entity law. “Who will give us legitimacy of elections? We are surrounded by NATO, we are playing with fire here, people. I do not know how to fight in a war, I do not know how to clean a gun, nor does my entire generation,” said Bodiroga. Amendments to RS Labor Law enable payment salaries in cash. The Amendment is adopted to allow payment of salaries for persons under U.S. sanctions.


RS parliament adopts ‘Final report of Independent International Commission for Investigation of Suffering of All Peoples in Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995’ denying Srebrenica genocide (BHT1/Avaz)


The 13th special session of the RS parliament started on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, around 5 p.m., the MPs voted and adopted the ‘Final report of the Independent International Commission for Investigation of the Suffering of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995’. All 13 conclusions of this report were unanimously adopted in the RS parliament. BHT1 explained that this final report says that the term ‘genocide’ cannot be accepted, i.e. that genocide in Srebrenica did not happen. The report states that “neither an individual crime of genocide nor genocide in general took place in Srebrenica.” According to the conclusions, the RSNA notes that the Commission's report “will contribute to an objective and impartial assessment of the suffering of all peoples in the Srebrenica region.” RS President Milorad Dodik said on Thursday that the RS always treated Srebrenica as a place where a crime was committed, but not genocide. Dodik believes rulings of The Hague Tribunal are constantly being misused by some people, and the goal is to place collective guilty onto all Serbs. At the RS parliament session, Dodik said those same people want to “trap entire generations of Serbs in such a narrative.” “There is no genocide that happened in history, and which was not generally accepted as such. And you are trying to, by using force, to impose the story that it did happen. That cannot pass. It did not (happen),” Dodik stressed. “There was no genocide in sense as defined in the international law or written by the UN. Relevant experts dealing with the matter speak about this. There are people who think that genocide was not committed in Srebrenica. On the other side, there are constant intentions from Bosniak and part of the international community to impose this as normal and to ban speaking about this. There is no genocide in the world that cannot be talked about,” said Dodik. He said that it is not true that Serbia was convicted of crime of genocide and that it did not prevented genocide: “It was precisely established that Serbia did not create and did not organize genocide and that is true. What is true, is that atmosphere of this story was created used strong lobbying.” Dodik repeated that the main elements of crime of genocide have not been met in Srebrenica and underlined that the most prominent experts in this matter, said that genocide did not happen. “We have a right to think in which way you have lobbied and abused international mechanisms for this to happen. If we had been smart, then we should have agreed, before any judicial verdicts, to Independent international commission, composed of most prominent experts who were to establish the truth,” Dodik said. He noted that the RS never disputed the possibility that all those who participated in events in Srebrenica appear before the courts and answer for their crimes: “Everyone who were searched for, went before the court.” Dodik noted that this is the reaction to the reports that were drafted earlier within RS Government under the pressure from OHR and the atmosphere: “We cannot get into the matter of verdicts from The Hague, but the thing is that Bosniak side is trying to abuse this”. Dodik said: “Can you find me a single person from Srebrenica who died in the very Srebrenica. Soldiers who were breaking through got hurt, that is a soldier’s job. Of course, there were also civilians who were there with them, so they got hurt as well. Undoubtedly, the Serb side committed crimes there. I renounce everyone who committed crimes. We do not need them. But what you do is to wish to label an entire people. I reject that as well”. According to, Dodik repeated a claim that “more Serbs got killed in Sarajevo than Bosniaks in Srebrenica” and went on to talk about suffering of Serbs in the WWII. Dodik also stated that Bosniak wartime leaders brought up the story about genocide at the beginning of the war, even before any war crimes happened. “No one can commit a crime and claim that they did it in the name of the entire Serb people. The Serb people reject that. We do not want to keep all those criminals and scoundrels, but you brought this into politics. You have brought the entire political and military leadership of the RS to court, in order to show exactly what you want, to attach the label that Serbs are a genocidal people using hidden methods”, added Dodik. Dodik noted that the RS will not implement the Resolution on Srebrenica, if it ends up adopted in the UN General Assembly, and he expressed belief that the RS parliament will decide that Zlatko Lagumdzija cannot be the B&H Ambassador in the UN.


RS parliament representatives comment on ‘Final report of Independent International Commission for Investigation of Suffering of All Peoples in Srebrenica Region from 1992 to 1995’ (ATV)


The RS parliament held a special session in Banja Luka on Thursday. The session was interrupted during the rally ‘Srpska te zove’, held at Krajina Square in Banja Luka, and it resumed after the rally. In the first part of the session, the RS parliament adopted the report of the Independent International Commission for Researching the Killing of All Peoples in the Srebrenica Region since 1992 until 1995. The RS parliament also adopted conclusions regarding the report of the Independent International Commission. In the conclusions, the RS parliament expresses its reverence for the victims and their families from the tragic conflict in B&H and condemns the war crimes committed on all sides. The RS parliament also rejected the report of the commission for Srebrenica, from 2004, assessing that it was imposed through former High Representative (HR) Paddy Ashdown’s political pressures. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic presented an opinion that the initiative to adopt the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly aims to declare Serbs genocidal in order to abolish the RS. “You will not succeed in that”, Viskovic added. According to Viskovic, such story is madness and leads the world into a cataclysm. Viskovic added that Serbs killed in the area of Srebrenica were all killed before 1995. SNSD’s representative in the RS parliament Srdjan Mazalica warned that the Resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly undermines the process of reconciliation in B&H. SNSD’s representative in the RS parliament Nenad Lalovic referred to the term genocide in Srebrenica as fabrication of facts. SNSD’s representative in the RS parliament Ognjen Vukojevic claimed that the elements of genocide were not even partly met in the case of Srebrenica. “The RS has been unfairly accused. Here we fight for justice and peace, and by no means for a conflict”, said Vukojevic. Leader of the List for Justice and Peace and representative in the RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic presented an opinion that first B&H President, Alija Izetbegovic, whom he referred to as “a religious fanatic”, is the most responsible for Srebrenica. PDP’s representative in the RS parliament Milanko Mihajlica called on Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic to initiate removal of Zlatko Lagumdzija from the post of Ambassador in the UN. Acting Director of the RS Center for Investigation of War and War Crimes and Search for Missing Persons Viktor Nuzdic said that the report of the independent international commission clearly defined that neither individual crime of genocide nor genocide at all happened in Srebrenica. On the other hand, SDA’s representative in the RS parliament Ramiz Salkic harshly reacted to the report on Srebrenica, referring to it as revision of history.


‘Srpska is calling you’ rally held in Banja Luka as reaction to resolution on Srebrenica (N1)


Rally ‘Srpska te zove’ (Srpska is calling you’) that is organized by ruling coalition in RS commenced in Banja Luka on Thursday afternoon. Citizens from all parts of the RS arrived at the rally. Transportation for them was organized. Organizers stated that the rally is reaction to announced adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN General Assembly (UN GA). Reporter noted that according to some assessments, around 20,000 people have gathered at the rally, adding that media supporting the RS authorities claim that a total number of people is between 40,000 and 50,000. Besides the RS officials, representatives of Serbian authorities will attend ‘Srpska te zove’. Reporter noted that opposition parties in the RS refused to attend abovementioned the rally. However, PDP’s Mayor of Banja Luka Drasko Stanivukovic did attend it. Speaker of Serbian parliament Ana Brnabic addressed gathered citizens and said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic expressed sorrow towards Bosniak victims in Srebrenica by visiting Potocari Memorial Center. She added that Serbia condemned committed atrocities, underlining that it does not accept qualifications and labelling of one people. Leader of Serbian party ‘Zavetnici’ Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski stated that the RS is not result of genocide but fight against genocide against Serb people. Speaker of RS parliament Nenad Stevandic talked about families of Serb victims from Srebrenica region who addressed participants of ‘Srpska te zove’ before him. He underlined that if they had other ethnic affiliation, movies would have been made about these people. Reporter noted that this rally is reaction to announced adoption of resolution on Srebrenica in the UN GA, adding that politicians and citizens in Banja Luka are concerned that it is an attempt to label entire people as well as to abolish institutions and reduce competences of the RS. Member of B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic stressed that even if 100 of sanctions are imposed, they will resume to protect the RS. She added that although the RS does not hate, it is capable to reckon with everything that is bad. Cvijanovic emphasized that the RS does not want to carry burden that does not belong to it. RS President Milorad Dodik addressed participants of the rally as well. Among other things, Dodik said that operation the RS Army carried out in Srebrenica in 1995 was a mistake, one that resulted in huge crime. “This is the moment when on behalf of the RS I want to express special piety to all victims and to express condolences to their families”, stated Dodik, adding that terrible atrocity was committed in Srebrenica at the end of the war. He emphasized that it was not genocide. He added that there is an attempt to disqualify Serb people and label it by declaring atrocity in Srebrenica as genocide. Dodik went on to saying that some 3,500 Serbs were killed in Srebrenica region during the war in B&H, adding that no one but Serbs notices these victims. The RS President underlined that “disgusting” western world pushes Srebrenica to a political field, adding that by adoption of the resolution on Srebrenica in the UN, they want to qualify Serbs as only people in history that committed genocide. According to the RS President, the goal of this document is to erase all atrocities Germany and other western countries committed and ones they are yet to commit. “It was important for us to gather here and to appeal not to do that, because it does not contribute to life in B&H”, said Dodik. He also stated that Serbs do not want to live with those who say that Serb people is genocidal. “We do not want to be in the same state with you and we will not be”, stated Dodik. The RS President added that Vucic as well as the RS authorities have been investing efforts to motivate friends around the world to understand Serbs. He stressed that when compared to the period some 10 years ago, Serbs now have much more friends around the world who understand them. “That is why they started with this, to qualify one people as soon as possible and to demand different things from us later”, emphasized the RS President. He added that this will not happen. Dodik also said that people who gathered in Banja Luka are concerned because some want to label them as genocidal. The RS President stressed that he will never allow such labelling of Serb people. “This is good people; we are only ones in B&H which know how to create state and those in Sarajevo do not know it. That is why they rely on Schmidt and others”, he explained. Dodik underlined that B&H is mistake, that after multiethnic Yugoslavia fell apart, B&H should have fallen apart as well. He stressed that the RS does not have any intention to cause or participate in any war. The RS President emphasized that on the day when the UN GA discusses the resolution on Srebrenica, entire RS leadership will spend that entire day in Srebrenica to show Srebrenica belongs to the RS. Dodik stressed that although Serbs will be demanded to do it, claims from the resolution will not be in schoolbooks in the RS. Dodik also stated that he believes that the RS will once become part of Serbia.


Presentation of draft resolution on International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica held; Serbia, Russia, North Korea and Nicaragua are against it (N1)


Draft of the resolution on Srebrenica that declares 11 July the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica was presented at a closed meeting in the UN in New York on Thursday. Premises where the draft of resolution was presented was rather full and representatives of most countries expressed support to this document. However, Serbia, Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and North Korea opposed it. Text of the resolution was presented by Germany and Rwanda as well as by B&H. Representatives of sponsor countries also attended presentation of the draft of the resolution. N1 reminds that so far 17 countries became co-sponsors of the resolution. Croatia should join them, while Montenegro mission in the UN still waits for directions from Podgorica. The resolution will be discussed at a plenary session of the UN General Assembly at session set to be held on 2 May. Reporter commented that the fact premises where the draft of the resolution was presented was full is evidence of support to and interest in the resolution on Srebrenica. Proponents stated that the resolution points out importance of global prevention of genocide. The text of the resolution was presented by Germany, Rwanda and B&H, and that is why the members of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic and Zeljko Komsic arrived in New York. It was emphasized that there is no consensus on this issue in the B&H Presidency, as Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic denies that what happened in Srebrenica was genocide. China’s stance is that the resolution is controversial, but its representatives did not say that China would not support it. Reporter concludes that that the Resolution will be adopted judging by the current positions and added that this is a great victory for those who proposed and those who presented this draft resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica.


Izetbegovic on Srebrenica resolution: RS, Serbia should accept truth (Hayat)


Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic, commenting on the International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, stated that RS and Serbia know the truth, but they do not want to accept it. He added that these were ethnic cleansings that culminated with the genocide committed in Srebrenica. In his opinion, Serbs paid to draft the report contrary to serious and professional work of international courts that established the truth about the genocide. He underlined: “We do not expect anything, not even economic consequences. All we want is to recognize the truth.” Commenting on the latest messages coming from Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Izetbegovic stated that Vucic seemed to be changed but he really did not, and this is the old Vucic who is aggressive and acts in a chauvinistic way. According to Izetbegovic, Bosniaks in Srebrenica should organize themselves in a better way because they are missing unity.


B&H HoR rejects all conclusions proposed by SNSD, including one on annulment of all decisions of High Representative (N1)


A special session of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) with only one item on agenda, namely a discussion on the current political situation in B&H institutions, was held on Thursday. Reporter commented that SNSD attempted to use this session to get rid of High Representative Christian Schmidt through conclusions it proposed. Representatives of the ‘The Troika’ coalition stated that two out of 10 conclusions proposed by SNSD are related to what was agreed on Wednesday at a meeting of coalition partners at B&H level, adding that all remaining conclusions are in opposition to the Constitution of B&H and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). One of the conclusions proposed by SNSD reads that the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) should declare a decision of Christian Schmidt void, illicit and legally non-binding. Other conclusion reads that system of foreign policy of B&H has been completely undermined and that competences need to be respected. MP Predrag Kojovic (Our Party) stressed that the proposed conclusions are unacceptable because they are unconstitutional and violate the DPA. Kojovic believes that abovementioned conclusions were submitted almost with a goal to have them rejected and to spark discussions that will lead to violation of some red lines. HDZ B&H representatives stated that proposed conclusions have not been prepared properly. This is why HDZ B&H MPs abstained from voting. NiP’s Denis Zvizdic stressed that decisions of the High Representative are part of legal system and order of B&H, adding that there is no constitutional-legal ground for the B&H Parliamentary Assembly to annul such decisions. Reporter noted that the conclusions proposed by MP Jasmin Emric (NES) did not get entity majority. The conclusions proposed by this MP call on the B&H Prosecutor’s Office to react due to denial of genocide and due to attempts not to implement decisions of the High Representative. The conclusion proposed by HDZ B&H’s Predrag Kozul demanding the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to submit urgently to parliamentary procedure amendments to the Election Law of B&H also did not get entity majority.


HR Schmidt: Do not play tactical games, changes to B&H Election law that I reached stay in force (Oslobodjenje)


High Representative (HR) Christian Schmidt delivered a lecture at the University of Sarajevo on Thursday. One of the topics that he talked about was a role of international representatives in building of peace and stability in B&H. The HR noted ahead of the lecture: “I do not have a special motto for this lecture that I have prepared, but if I would summarize the essence in one sentence, I would say that we should start and continue to use both positive and negative examples from the past and that based on it we move towards the future. The international community has responsibility to prepare and help B&H on the path to a better future and we shall be focused in this direction in the coming years. For those who wonder what the academic community here is like, I can convince them that this is a heart of Europe.” Speaking about changes to the B&H Election Law, which he has recently imposed, the HR said that a famous German thinker stated that it is the best when you do something alone. He added: “If the elected leaders do not reach an agreement, the changes remain in force, and I still stick to changes and amendments that I have passed. I appeal that tactic games should not be played, but they should work on implementation of changes that I passed so that votes can be counted the way that voters decided. There is not much time left.”


Stano: Any action against sovereignty and territorial integrity, will lead to serious consequences (O Kanal)


EEAS lead spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano issued a statement on Thursday, saying that the RS parliament is discussing the adoption of legislative initiatives that would undermine the constitutional order of the country, the functionality of its institutions and fundamental freedoms, and go against B&H’s commitments on its EU path. “We expect the entity’s leadership to cease these legislative initiatives, including notably the RS draft laws on elections, on referenda, on immunity and on “foreign agents”. The EU emphasizes that the sovereignty, territorial integrity, constitutional order, including Constitutional Court decisions, and international personality of B&H must be respected. Any action against these principles will lead to serious consequences, as the European Union has made already clear. Following the European Council decision last month, on opening EU accession negotiations, the EU expects B&H, including the RS entity, to make steps forward instead of taking actions that are at odds with its European path. The European Council’s decision proved that dialogue instead of escalation delivers results. We call on all leaders in B&H to live up to their commitments and to the expectations of the citizens and to return to the negotiating table for the benefit of the people in the country and its future in the EU,” reads Stano’s statement.


US Embassy: Political crisis has not been produced by the international community, but by local leaders, most notably Milorad Dodik (O Kanal)


The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement reacting to current political crisis in B&H, stating that it has not been produced by the international community, but by local leaders, most notably RS President Milorad Dodik. Statement posted on X, reads: “It is quite clear to anyone paying attention to events in B&H who is the cause of B&H’s current political crisis and who is exacerbating tensions in the country.  It is not the international community.  It is local political leaders, particularly Mr. Dodik, who is devoting a lot of time and energy to deflecting blame onto others for his own failings.  We doubt anyone who has paid close attention to the politics of this country for the last 15 years would be so naive as to believe him. The United States has for over 30 years worked on behalf of the people of B&H, and we have consistently and vigorously pressed political leaders to adopt the reforms required to advance the country’s NATO and EU aspirations.  We have held firm to those standards, and when the party leaders have proposed outcomes inconsistent with them, we have raised our concerns both privately and publicly.  We have not lowered our standards or expectations to make a particular party leader happy.  We know that this makes some people unhappy, including some party leaders, but we are not here to appease them.  We here to promote, protect, and defend America’s interests.  We have been quite clear about what they are:  We support the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and multiethnic character of B&H, and we support its integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions. These are goals we share with the people of B&H.”


Escobar meets Forto: B&H’s membership in the EU and NATO is strategic interest (


US Special Representative Gabriel Escobar and B&H Minister of Traffic and Communications Edin Forto held a meeting in State Department in Washington, at which it was concluded that the B&H’s membership in the EU and NATO is a strategic interest, that is, a guarantor of stability, and thus of the economic progress. Forto stressed that crucial investment and infrastructural projects demand political and economic stability, while constant producing of political crises, apart from cheap populism, only brings damage to all B&H citizens. Escobar stressed that the US remains to be a strong friend and partner of B&H, ready to protect the DPA, B&H’s territorial integrity and its institutions. He stressed that the USA will continue intensive cooperation with B&H institutions in order to implement reforms necessary for continuation of the Euro-Atlantic integration. He also said that the problem of B&H is not of ethnic nature, but it is reflected in systematic corruption and for years there has been an attempt to cover it up with fabricating of the crises. Escobar stressed that for this reason, reforms in the area of the rule of law play a crucial role for all Western Balkans countries, whose implementation on the path to the EU membership is mandatory. Escobar concluded that new generations of leaders are necessary for such processes, “that we already see among you, who will focus on development and strengthening of economy of the whole region, in which you will have support of the USA”.


Minister Helez meets Brig-Gen McGaha: Cooperation between B&H and NATO will get stronger (Dnevni avaz)


Minister of Defense of B&H Zukan Helez met on Thursday with Commander of NATO HQ Sarajevo Brigadier General Pamela McGaha. On behalf of the Joint HQ of the Armed Forces of B&H (B&H AF), Brigadier General Mirsad Ahmic also attended the meeting. Topics of the meeting included adoption of annexes to the Doboj agreement related to resolving of movable non-prospective military property, decentralization of the public procurement process in the B&H Ministry of Defense (MoD) and the B&H AF and solving of non-prospective military locations. Minister Helez stressed the importance of meeting of the North Atlantic Council (NAC), which took place in Sarajevo in February 2024 and NATO partnership symposium, which will be hosted by B&H in October of 2024. Commander McGaha expressed satisfaction with a fact representatives of defense sector in B&H had opportunity to directly take part in recent NATO conference, to exchange views with the allies, who sent a clear message that cooperation between B&H and NATO will get stronger. It was ascertained that cooperation with local authorities, where non-prospective locations are situated, will become more active in the future in order to accelerate the handover process.


Plenkovic: You will find out very soon with whom we will form a new majority (HRT)


The State Election Commission has processed almost all polling stations - the unofficial results of the parliamentary elections show that the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) is the relative winner with 61 mandates won. The Rivers of Justice gathered around the Social Democratic Party (SDP) have 42. The Homeland Movement is third with 14 mandates won, MOST won 11, and Mozemo 10. The Istrian Democratic Assembly (IDS) and Independent Platform North won two mandates each, and the Fokus-Republika coalition won one. Negotiations on the composition of the future government after the parliamentary elections will begin today, announced HDZ president Andrej Plenkovic last night in a speech from the election headquarters. HDZ President Andrej Plenkovic said on Facebook that it will soon be known with whom the HDZ will form a majority. “The feeling is great, the 3rd victory in a row, and convincing, no one before us managed to do that. We are very satisfied, the "myth" that high turnout does not suit the HDZ has been destroyed,” said party president Andrej Plenkovic, announced the HDZ on its official website. “Very soon you will find out with whom we will form the new majority in parliament. We spoke with some of our colleagues already on election night, and we are continuing our talks today. Everything is going well, the winners will lead the government in the 3rd mandate as well,” said Plenkovic.


Escobar to Vukovic: This government succeeded in building Montenegro’s reputation as a credible partner (CdM)


Minister of Finance Novica Vukovic and Deputy Assistant Secretary Gabriel Escobar met at the State Department, the Ministry of Finance has announced. They discussed the economic dialogue between the USA and Montenegro and the potential for bilateral strategic dialogue, which would stimulate interest in key development sectors of Montenegro such as trade, energy, IT and the academic sector, the Ministry adds. “All doors are open for the partnership between Montenegro and the USA. The 44th government managed to build Montenegro’s reputation as a credible partner, pointing out the importance of continuing such efforts”, said Escobar. He stressed that the USA would continue to support Montenegro’s commitment to EU integration. Vukovic thanked the USA for its open support and partnership, pointing out that full membership in the EU was the absolute foreign policy priority of the government, and that, with the full commitment of the department he manages, he would contribute to its achievement.


Milatovic: Erect a memorial to the victims of Kaludjerski laz (CdM)


The crime in Kaludjerski Laz, which happened 25 years ago, represents a dark chapter in our history, marked by the loss of innocent lives, of those who in our country were only looking for. According to him, the victims deserve justice, and that is why he appeals to the competent authorities not to give up on establishing the complete truth and the responsibility of the perpetrators. "Also, I call for the erection of a dignified memorial that will permanently honour the victims, but also serve as a place of instruction for future generations," Milatovic wrote on the X network.


Djukanovic: It is important to pay respect to Kaludjerski Laz victims, but it is even more important to shed light on causes of that tragedy (CdM)


It is good to remember Kaludjerski Laz, pay our respects to the innocent victims and feel a pang of conscience, so as to never forget that it happened in Montenegro. It is also noble to launch an initiative to erect a memorial to those killed in that senseless operation. But it is even more important to shed light on the causes of that tragedy, because that will lead us to those responsible and their motives. However, not all of us in Montenegro had the same attitude towards the challenges of that time, including the events at Kaludjerski Laz, said former President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic. According to him, faced with such determined resistance in Belgrade to the planned scenario of the mass death of our citizens, the regime took a logical step for it – it abused the Yugoslav Army. He emphasizes that this attempt to restore order in Montenegro had the whole-hearted support of the pro-Serbian political parties, led by the then most powerful of them – SNP. Essentially, Djukanovic has added, it was a paramilitary formation made up of political activists of SNP and other Serbian parties. Even today, Djukanovic warns, there are people on the political scene of Montenegro who organized that paramilitary formation and recruited suitable people for its composition. “The exemplary inter-ethnic relations in Montenegro were supposed to violated then; our friendship with our neighbors disrupted – in this case with Kosovo, from which around 100,000 people found refuge in Montenegro in those days; Montenegro was supposed to be destroyed with bombs so that the consequences of the tragically wrong policy of the official Belgrade would be less noticeable. Just like today, Montenegro is supposed to be stopped on its way to the EU. So that it would not be seen that Serbia is not moving in that direction – because it will not. It is easier to hide it if no one is moving towards the EU, and it is especially not good if Montenegro is progressing”, said Djukanovic for CdM. He stresses – let’s stop wondering about the obvious.


DPS supported the initiative for Montenegro to sponsor the UN Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica (CdM)


The Democratic Party of Socialists supported the initiative for Montenegro to sponsor the UN Resolution on the genocide in Srebrenica, which was sent by representatives of non-governmental organizations and individuals to the Prime Minister of the government Milojko Spajic. "DPS is a party that strongly advocates for the preservation of the memory of the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica and the party that has been repeating the loudest for years that such an unremembered crime must not be repeated. And in the future, we will support every initiative of this type, regardless of who they come from, because clearly stating the position on genocide is not a matter of political duty. B&H will have in us, as before, a sincere friend, and the families of the victims an eternal ally in the fight for justice", the statement of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro states.


Ivanovic in Riyadh: Montenegro is committed to strengthening bilateral ties, the focus of the talks is economic cooperation (CdM)


Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanovic paid an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, at the invitation of the head of diplomacy of that country, Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud. As announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ivanovic informed his Saudi colleague about the foreign policy priorities of the current government and the main goal - membership in the EU. He said that Montenegro is committed to strengthening bilateral ties, and that, in this sense, intensified contacts with Saudi Arabia are a confirmation of interest in improving cooperation, primarily in the fields of tourism, energy, investments and culture. "I am glad that with this visit we are confirming our commitment to strengthening the political dialogue and overall relations, as well as intensifying the cooperation between the two ministries of foreign affairs, as the bearers and coordinators of further interstate cooperation," Ivanovic said. During the visit, cooperation in multilateral frameworks was discussed, and the minister specifically referred to Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period 2026-2027. Minister Al Saud expressed interest in further strengthening of bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of economy, assessing that the business community plays a particularly important role in that context, as a key factor in connecting and strengthening relations between countries, but also in establishing ties between two peoples. He thanked Montenegro for its support to Riyadh as the host of Expo 2030, pointing out that this is another framework in which the two countries will achieve closer cooperation in the coming period. It was agreed to intensify contacts in the direction of strengthening the contractual basis as a precondition for further development of cooperation, primarily between the two ministries of foreign affairs, but also in other areas, such as the Memorandum on cooperation in the field of tourism, signed last July. During the meeting, there was also talk about the resident representation of Montenegro in Saudi Arabia, bearing in mind that the opening of the embassy in Riyadh is part of the medium-term expansion plan of our diplomatic-consular network and that the Saudi side expressed its readiness to provide the necessary support in this regard. The interlocutors exchanged opinions on current regional situations and conflicts on the global level, with a special focus on the Middle East. They both assessed that finding a solution to end conflicts and establishing lasting peace is a priority for all partners and the international community, and that in that process, every voice that contributes to de-escalation is important. Minister Ivanovic's visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the first high-level outgoing visit since 2010 and represents an important step for the further development of overall interstate relations.


Pendarovski: Internal blockade of country's EU path is more painful (MIA)


After 17 years of being an EU candidate country, all of us, this political leadership with your support, opened the negotiations, but we came across two blockades: the external one by neighboring Bulgaria and the internal blockade, the more painful one, by the largest opposition party, President Stevo Pendarovski said at a re-election rally in Kochani. "They say they do not recognize those agreements and if they come to power, they will revoke them. Instead of opening them to see what is written there: that Macedonians exist, that the Macedonian language exists and no one in the world can deny this," Pendarovski said.  "They tell us we would only enter the EU as Bulgarians, but that is not true. The agreements are available on the Internet, read them. It is a big lie they use to deceive the people so they can come to power without taking into account the citizens' interests. "They offer to revoke all agreements, restore divisions and govern the same way as they did before, without solving a single strategic problem. We will not allow them to do this. In a democratic way, through elections," the President said. Seeking re-election, Pendarovski also held a rally in Vinica earlier on Thursday. Speaking to the locals, he said the opposition leader Hristijan Mickoski a while ago had told the then Bulgarian Prime Minister that he supported the Friendship Treaty.  "He probably forgets that the internet doesn't forget. He can lie to us, saying he didn't say it. But, clearly speaking Bulgarian, he said, "We will support this agreement."


Kovachevski: Only SDSM makes progress on European road (MIA)


SDSM and the European Future coalition are the only option with a clear plan for the country's integration into the EU, SDSM leader Dimitar Kovachevski said at an election rally in Gevgelija. According to Kovachevski, the opposition only knows how to give up, to spread ethnic divisions, to quarrel with the neighbors, to isolate the state, yet in the end, say that it is everyone else's fault but theirs. "We saw this in Macedonia for 11 years. That's why your support matters the most now. Every vote helps our children have a better future, have a safer future, have a future in an EU member state. The choice before us is crystal clear. On 8 May, you are deciding between hope, a better European future with SDSM and the European Future coalition – or hopelessness, going back to the dark regime past with VMRO-DPMNE," Kovachevski said. He added that SDSM and their presidential candidate Stevo Pendarovski had progressive ideas and a clear vision for the country's future. The opposition, he said, had no plan or decisiveness. "When Kiro Gligorov made the decision to enter the UN, they were not there. When Zoran Zaev made the decision to join NATO, they were not there. When protests were held in Skopje for the start of EU negotiations, they were not there when they needed to vote. Even when we signed the Frontex agreement, which for the first time clearly secured the Macedonian language within the EU, even then they were not there," Kovachevski said. "That's why the only ones standing at the bulwark of this country's future are SDSM, our coalition partners, and you, the citizens, because you, the citizens, make political parties strong," Kovachevski said. SDSM Venko Filipce pointed out that the party's policies were "the definition of leadership and patriotism." "What did VMRO-DPMNE do in these times of crisis? What was their role in society, what did they do for regular people? They blocked. They blocked laws for financial support of citizens. They blocked anti-crisis measures. They scared citizens amid the covid crisis with fake news. They blocked projects, and of course their main policy is blocking European integration," Filipche said. SDSM's Jovanka Trenchevska said she was proud that "we showed how to create a society of equal opportunities for all." "We showed how to create a society with the opportunity of equal social protection and social justice for all. We showed how systemic reforms are created to protect citizens," Trenchevska said.


Mickoski in Ohrid asks citizens to unite around better tomorrow (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in Ohrid called on voters to stand united regardless of their political, national and religious affiliation; strive for a better common future, coexistence, accountability; and to stand together against poverty. Mickoski said people were coming to these elections to take back Macedonia into their hands. He said life was bad in the country, the institutions were broken, and the state had been hijacked by a few people from DUI and SDSM. "But we are defiant. We will not give them Macedonia. We will not give them the future. We will not allow them to toy with us and gamble with our children's lives. "There's no going back. The tsunami is coming, and it will take them away from the political scene," Mickoski said. VMRO-DPMNE's election platform, according to him, includes "a GDP growth of up to five percent per year, a low inflation rate of no more than 2-2.5 percent, reducing the unemployment rate by 7.5 percent, and opening 55,000 new jobs." Mickoski called for national unity. "Our differences will certainly persist, but we have to find a common language. Macedonia has to unite on all grounds," he said. VMRO-DPMNE's presidential candidate Gordana Siljanovska-Davkova also spoke at the Ohrid rally.


Osmani: Your vote is not one-time choice but investment in future (MIA)


Voters will soon decide between integration or isolation, European Front coalition presidential candidate Bujar Osmani told an election rally in Kumanovo. "I see so many people ready to open a new chapter in our citizens' glorious history in our common country," Osmani said. "In a few days, you will decide whether we choose integration or isolation. This is a decision you have to make with your own hands. But your vote isn't just a one-time choice. It is an investment in the future. An investment that will build a wall against this vindictive nationalism," Osmani said. If elected President, he promised he would devote himself to building a country in which every child would be able to dream without borders.


Begaj with US State Department official: Albania, protector and promoter of human rights (Radio Tirana)


Albanian President of the Republic, Bajram Begaj received in a meeting the official of the US State Department, Rina Amiri, the US Special Envoy for Afghan Women, Girls and Human Rights. President Begaj thanked the State Department official for her and the United States' commitment to protecting the human rights of women and girls not only in Afghanistan, but also for advancing a global agenda for the inclusion of women in the peace processes. Albania's opening of doors to welcome Afghans left the country and treating them with dignity was appreciated during the conversation. "We do not only offer shelter, but also opportunities for those who want to build a future here," stated President Begaj, while emphasizing that as a member of the UN Human Rights Council, Albania will be protector and promoter of human rights.